Why do you dream of walking across a bridge? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about bridges? Bridges according to the Dream Book for women

Find out from the online dream book what the Bridge means in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

What does a bridge mean in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Bridge and what does it mean:

Sitting on a bridge in a dream means getting a promotion; climbing a bridge holding hands with someone means your wife’s pregnancy; a bridge collapses in a dream - to a squabble; bridge supports break - this means trouble for children or grandchildren.

Seeing a broken bridge means losing money; crossing a bridge means avoiding danger. If the bridge under you is shaking, it means that there may be a fragile relationship, an obsessive fear of losing your mind.

Walking along an unusually long bridge and not having the strength to reach its end means fear of illness, of thoughts of death. Running quickly across a bridge means separation, loss, fear of losing someone close to you.

Falling or jumping from a bridge means that you may lose the attention or respect of people, support, or enter into some kind of relationship that is disgusting to you.

If you see a fence in the middle of the bridge, it means that you are being haunted by social obstacles in your relationships with society and people.

Trying to build a bridge means feeling isolated, being dissatisfied with the isolation of your life. Destroying a bridge means going into conflict with someone, breaking with bad people. Seeing workers building a bridge is a sign of happiness and general prosperity.

If a girl is transported across a bridge, it means that she will soon get married.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Bridge in a dream?

Seeing in a dream a long, dilapidated bridge that mysteriously and bizarrely curved in the darkness means that deep melancholy from the loss of what is most dear to you and dark thoughts will torment you. For young people and lovers, this promises disappointment in the most cherished hopes of the heart, since the one they love will not live up to their ideal. Getting across the bridge safely is the ultimate overcoming of difficulties, although not by entirely safe means. Any obstacle or delay in this matter means disaster. If you see a bridge suddenly appearing on your way, beware of betrayal and imaginary admirers. Abundance and prosperity come with clean waters: if in a dream you look down at dirty, muddy water, then expect the sad results of your most significant efforts, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Bridge - You can achieve your goals, radically change your life with someone's help. Moreover, the person who comes to your aid will be reliable if the bridge is made of stone. If you dreamed of a slightly rotten wooden or fragile suspension bridge, it means you don’t quite trust your friend and patron. In this case, you better rely on your own strength, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Bridge?

A bridge in a dream symbolizes hope, a promise, an oath. If in a dream you are driving or walking along a bridge and suddenly it collapses under you, it is possible that you will soon be betrayed by a person whom you are accustomed to trust. You will have a hard time worrying about this, but in the end you will justify and forgive the traitor. Safely crossing the bridge means finally overcoming difficulties, although not by entirely safe means. If you see a bridge suddenly appearing in front of you, beware of betrayal and hypocritical friends. Clear water under the bridge portends abundance and prosperity, dirty muddy water - unexpectedly sad results of very important matters. Walking along the bridge for a long time means shame and remorse due to an unfulfilled promise. Building a bridge in a dream foreshadows a difficult period in life, an unbearable burden of obligations to other people that you will take upon yourself.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Bridge, what does it mean?

The bridge symbolizes the connection between two situations, the relationship between people. Seeing a bridge: a change or separation from a loved one awaits you. Walking along a narrow, shaky bridge means unpreparedness for change.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Bridge was dreamed

Since a bridge is a structure that connects two opposite banks, the image of a bridge can symbolize the need to resolve problems by moving from one situation to another. The ability to solve a problem situation can be represented as moving across a bridge and reaching the other bank. If the image of a bridge repeatedly pops up, which a person cannot cross and is forced for some reason to remain on the nearest shore, this indicates neurotic indecision or the presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The image of a destroyed bridge indicates the presence of psychosomatic problems (diseases) or irreversible regressive forms of behavior, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the Bridge, how to unravel the symbolism

To dream from Thursday to Friday that you are walking across a destroyed or unstable bridge means that in reality you will experience fear and panic. If from Wednesday to Thursday you had a dream in which you cross a bridge with great caution, this means that in the near future you will have to do difficult, responsible work. A dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday in which you jump from a bridge means that decisive action will soon be required of you. A burning bridge from Saturday to Sunday means an unjustified risk to which you will expose yourself. A dream in which a bridge collapses right under your feet warns of the machinations of imaginary friends.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Move - avoid danger, change; to see is failure.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Bridge?

See the bridge - be careful. Cross the bridge - avoid danger. The bridge is dismantled - a great, terrible grief; death. If a girl is taken across a bridge, she will get married soon. Build: happiness and glory. The bridge and the water are noisy - you will move somewhere.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream about a Bridge

Transition. The transition period between two periods of an individual's life. The path through, using the conscious (as opposed to the path through the unconscious, which is indicated by a tunnel). Phallus: connection of two bodies. Connecting or communicating with someone. Under the bridge. Path avoidance and obstacles in the transition between phases of individuation. The individual does not dare to cross the bridge. Neurotic indecision, obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Destroyed, burned bridge. Psychosomatic problems, a symbol of conversion destruction, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

See Bridge:

Bridge - This is the connection of two poles, i.e. Opposite worlds. Usually these are the spiritual and material worlds. Two points may be important here: 1. The color of the bridge, 2. The color of what the bridge is laid to. Another option is to shift consciousness from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right or vice versa.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Bridge from your dream

It symbolizes the connection between people, as well as the transition (from one period of existence to another, from material life to the otherworldly). Bridge - danger; change; death; separation or intimacy. Crossing safely means achieving the goal. A broken bridge means a loss of opportunity, a breakdown in relationships.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about the Bridge according to spiritual sources?

Difficulty, difficult journey, obstacle.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Bridge?

Seeing a Bridge in a dream means hope, a promise, an oath. If in a dream you are driving or walking along a bridge and suddenly it falls under you, this means that soon you will be betrayed by a person whom you are accustomed to trust. You will experience this meanness hard, but in the end you will justify and forgive the traitor. A dream in which you are building a bridge foreshadows a difficult period for you due to the fact that you will take on a huge burden of obligations to other people. Walking across a bridge for a long time - such a dream predicts shame and remorse for you, since you will not fulfill your promise.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Bridge - Happiness in business; to go through it - drop your intentions; stumbling and falling on it is an obstacle in business; concave - endure through infidelity; pass under the bridge - to achieve the goal by removing many obstacles; adjustable - you can put an end to your plans.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Seeing, going - a transition through difficulties, a period of testing. It's collapsed, it's dilapidated, you have to be careful, you can't go ahead. Be patient while building. What you want to happen, but not soon, is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Bridge in the ancient sense

Building a bridge in a dream promises good luck. Crossing a bridge in a dream means getting a high, well-paid position. Preparing the foundation for the construction of a bridge means acquiring a huge fortune. Sometimes this dream can be interpreted slightly differently: then the bridge points to the leader of the country or, in general, to a person capable of inspiring the masses of people to good deeds.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Bridge on Chinese ancient books:

Repairing the bridge - portends the harmonious development of all situations. You see how they are crossing the bridge - portends the emergence of an official situation. Sitting on a bridge - portends getting a promotion. You see how the bridge collapsed - foreshadows a situation related to official structures. Holding hands with someone and climbing onto a bridge - portends your wife’s pregnancy. You call out, call someone, standing on the bridge - You will win the lawsuit. A newly built bridge, a new bridge - portends a big coincidence. The bridge breaks - portends a verbal quarrel, altercation. Bridge supports break - portends trouble with children or grandchildren, offspring. On the road, a cart stops on a bridge - portends misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Bridge - Obstacles, difficult journey, difficulties; to go through it - drop your intentions; stumble and fall on it - obstacles in business; concave - endure through infidelity; pass under the bridge - to achieve the goal by removing many obstacles; adjustable - you can give up on your plans.

Broken bridge - Loss of money; cross the bridge - avoid danger.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a bridge?

Be careful, failure, hard road, obstacle; broke underfoot - a great misfortune; broken - fear, grief, death; cross the destroyed bridge - get rid of trouble; walking on a bridge means death, serious illness, labor; to walk on a new bridge - to news, to goodness; If you walk across a bridge and don’t cross it in any way, you will die; to fall is an unexpected loss; build - happiness, glory; transferred across the bridge - avoid danger, marriage (for a girl) // death.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about the Bridge according to gypsy traditions?

Walking across a bridge means work; seeing a red or collapsed bridge signifies great fear; falling from a bridge portends an unexpected loss of something.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about the Bridge?

This is a very interesting symbol related to interpersonal relationships. Crossing and burning bridges symbolizes life's opportunities and obstacles. What does it cost you to cross the bridge? Are you crossing a safe or a dilapidated bridge? Does this bridge lead to a specific place or, on the contrary, to the unknown? Do you have any feelings towards yourself when or after crossing the bridge? The answers to these questions may indicate that you are at a crossroads in your life and therefore have mixed feelings about it. If you are building a bridge, then for what purpose: to gain new opportunities or to escape from problems? Did you dream about the destruction of a bridge? Then it is important what you are trying to isolate yourself from in this way and what feelings are associated with it. Do you participate in the destruction of the bridge or, on the contrary, become a victim of this destruction?

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

To difficulty, misunderstanding.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a bridge and traffic flowing across it in a dream means a fast-paced life.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To dream of a bridge over which cars are driving in an endless stream means a funeral procession.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream a long, dilapidated bridge that mysteriously and bizarrely curved in the darkness means that deep melancholy from the loss of what is most dear to you and dark thoughts will torment you. For young people and lovers, this promises disappointment in the most cherished hopes of the heart, since the one they love will not live up to their ideal. Getting across the bridge safely is the ultimate overcoming of difficulties, although not by entirely safe means. Any obstacle or delay in this matter means disaster. If you see a bridge suddenly appearing on your way, beware of betrayal and imaginary admirers. Abundance and prosperity come with clean waters: if in a dream you look down at dirty, muddy water, then expect sad results from your greatest efforts.

Why do you dream about a bridge?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

move - avoid danger, change; repair - to success; standing - getting a job; see - failure; curved bridge - infidelity; new is an incredible case.

Why do you dream about a bridge?

according to Vanga's dream book

A bridge in a dream means hope, a promise, an oath. If in a dream you are driving or walking along a bridge and suddenly it falls under you, this means that soon you will be betrayed by a person whom you are accustomed to trust. You will experience this meanness hard, but in the end you will justify and forgive the traitor. A dream in which you are building a bridge foreshadows a difficult period for you due to the fact that you will take on a huge burden of obligations to other people. Walking along a bridge for a long time - such a dream predicts shame and remorse for you, since you will not fulfill your promise.

Why do you dream about boards?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sawing - to death; to process in the room - for the wedding.

Why do you dream about bridges?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

love relationship; to cross - hope in the personal; help transition - to pregnancy; destroyed - to litigation.

I dreamed about a board

according to Miller's dream book

If a girl sees herself in a dream crossing a muddy stream on rotten rotten boards, this means that she will be acutely worried about the indifference towards herself of those she loves, or other troubles and sorrows; in addition, her honor may be at the point of ruin. Walking on a good, strong floor is a good sign, but a person who has such a dream must be extremely careful in his behavior.

The bridge is one of the most ancient architectural structures, existing in the form of a log even during the period of the tribal way of society.

Like the structures connecting the banks of rivers, our ancestors imagined the connection between Earth and Heaven, human and divine. These ideas about the bridge as a transition between worlds are reflected not only in myths, but also in the interpretation of dreams.

Since in reality there are a great many changes from one state or situation to another, you can find out what a bridge means in a dream using a dream book.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreamers very often turn to Miller’s dream book for interpretation of a dream, which is distinguished by a rather modern view of the world, accuracy and a large number of analyzed symbols.

According to this dream book:

  • A long bridge, hiding its curves and dilapidated railings in the darkness, foreshadows an attack of melancholy and depressive thoughts as a result of the loss of someone dear to you. For young people, this dream threatens disappointment in the subject of their feelings.
  • Crossing from one side to the other means overcoming obstacles, constantly taking risks. At the same time, the presence of obstacles or delays in the transition process means defeat, and successful completion of the path means victory.
  • A bridge that suddenly appears in a dream warns you about possible betrayal by your admirers.
  • Admiring the clear water of a river or lake from a crossing means abundance and various blessings of life.
  • Watching a river carrying dirt and garbage is a fruitless end to your labors and efforts.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

From Hasse's point of view, the Dream Interpretation considers the bridge as a generally positive symbol and indicates that:

  • Seeing any bridge means successful development of business.
  • Walking along it means you have to give up your intentions.
  • Stumbling, losing balance and falling while making your way to the other side is an obstacle in the business sphere.
  • Moving under the bridge means achieving the goal by eliminating the obstacles encountered.

A concave bridge promises suffering due to betrayal, while a drawbridge symbolizes the impracticability of carefully thought-out plans.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud also studied the question of why a bridge is dreamed of.

He considered it a complex symbol, capable of foreshadowing to the dreamer both a change in state and imminent death.

According to Freud's dream book:

  • Crossing the bridge with your companions means a rich intimate life.
  • Crossing a bridge using a vehicle means significant changes in fate.
  • For a man, a bridge breaking off near the shore symbolizes problems in the sexual sphere, while for a woman it is evidence of dissatisfaction with her own fate.
  • A crossing that collapses under you means future problems in the intimate and personal sphere.
  • Seeing from the outside how a strong bridge is collapsing is a sign of obsessive memories of negative experiences.
  • Admiring a structure from the side for men means dissatisfaction with the intimate side of life and envy of rivals who are more successful in this regard, and for women it means a desire to change (or find) a sexual partner.

Other dream interpreters

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, contemplating a bridge over water in a dream means failure, and crossing it means change. Crossing safely means that the danger has passed you by.

Shuvalova noted in her dream book that a bridge as a connection between opposite banks is a signal of the need to solve the problems that the dreamer has encountered by changing the situation to the opposite.

The seer Vanga interpreted dreams about crossings as promise and hope. She indicated that:

  • Walking or crossing a bridge that unexpectedly collapses under you means betrayal awaits you from a person who enjoys your complete trust. It will not be easy for you to survive this betrayal, but you will be able to forgive the offender.
  • You are engaged in construction - a difficult life period awaits you, because you have taken on too many obligations.
  • Crossing a bridge for a long time means your conscience will torment you because of broken obligations.

Meneghetti in his dream book interprets a bridge as a need to deal with the current situation, since this structure serves as a link between opposites that personify two situations. A successful way out of this situation is to move forward and cross the crossing.

Peculiarities of dream interpretation among different nations

Among the Mayan people, almost all dreams have positive and negative meanings, depending on the circumstances surrounding the symbol.

This dream book interprets the bridge as:

  • A good sign if you just follow it. In the near future, you will find a compromise solution with a superior person. This solution will benefit you more if the action takes place at night.
  • It’s a bad sign if in your dream you were building a crossing. Your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your environment will not be successful. This situation will continue until the weather changes.

In the English dream book, a bridge that you cross during daylight hours is a harbinger of change. The dream book indicates that if:

  • There is an obstacle on the way across the bridge; misfortunes await you on the love front.
  • You were able to cross the river without any difficulties, good luck will accompany you.
  • You were about to cross the bridge, but saw that it was damaged - in reality, do not try to change existing circumstances, this will cause you damage.

Among the gypsies, the dream book interprets bridges as a symbol of the struggle against difficulties. A dream in which the bridge is decrepit indicates the need to make significant efforts to achieve the goal. And the new one guarantees quick overcoming of obstacles on the way to the goal.

Eastern interpretations

The women's dream book of the East claims that crossing a reliable bridge in a dream means actually achieving success in any area, while a shaky one is a warning to postpone new beginnings.

The question of why the bridge is dreamed of was also of interest to the Chinese. Zhou-gong in his dream book calls for paying attention to the circumstances under which you saw a bridge in a dream:

  • Repairing it means the successful development of all situations existing in your reality.
  • Sit in the middle - to a new position.
  • Watching others cross the crossing means participating in a ceremonial event.
  • Seeing the ruins of a bridge means a negative situation for you related to government agencies.
  • Entering the bridge holding the hand of a person you like is a sign of procreation.
  • Standing on the bridge and calling someone means winning in court proceedings.
  • A broken wooden or rope bridge means a quarrel.
  • Seeing how water destroys supports means trouble for your heirs.

The Yellow Emperor's dream book traces the connection between sleep and diseases of internal organs. This dream book considers the bridge as a means to continue the journey. If you:

  • Cross the bridge, you will overcome your own fear and find the right solution for the given situation, leaving behind doubts, illnesses and various troubles.
  • By crossing a bridge located over a stormy river or abyss, you avoid the danger of heart, spleen or kidney disease.
  • You see how the crossing collapses or you fall from it, you do not have the opportunity to deal with objective and subjective reality at the same time. As a result, serious miscalculations in business, illness and various troubles await you.

How dreamed circumstances influence the meaning of a dream

To determine exactly what a bridge is in a dream about, you need to remember all the details of the dream. The most complete possible options are considered by Grishina in the noble dream book, which considers the bridge to be a connecting link between opposites.

Seeing a bridge that leaves a good impression means harmony in the soul and support that you did not expect. And you dream of ruins as evidence of your total distrust of people, a feeling of loneliness and fear of the outside world.

A wooden or carved bridge in a park symbolizes a new love affair, and a fancy design symbolizes love pleasures. At the same time, a simple rural crossing symbolizes strong family ties.

Crossing an inconvenient river crossing means timidity in relationships with people. Meeting a person on a bridge means a successful marriage. By the look and words of this person you can learn something about your future or past.

Seeing an animal on a bridge is a sign of passions that interfere with normal relationships. Meeting evil spirits or a freak means cataclysms and social disasters.

Walking along a winding long passage over water and feeling tired means loneliness and fear of getting sick. Crossing railway tracks on a bridge means the difficulty of making new contacts with people due to their old connections.

Running across the bridge means separation from your loved one. Jumping or falling from it means loss of respect or attention from others. Sleeping over the river in the middle of the crossing means losing friends, since you are trying to be on good terms with everyone.

If you dreamed of a bridge in a room, you walk along it, and it begins to collapse - you have a mental discord that you are trying to overcome.

Swimming under a bridge means the need to return to the society of people with whom you have strong ties, and living there means in reality being an intermediary between other people.

This dream book interprets a bridge with statues as the presence of patrons in your life. And the shaky one is like the fear of losing sanity and the fragility of existing relationships.

The influence of nuances on the meaning of sleep

If the road across the bridge ends at home, you are prevented from establishing new connections with others. Stumbling upon a fence means encountering social interference in reality during communication.

If you are standing at a raised bridge in a dream, you will experience a temporary loss of support. A bridge collapsing before your eyes foreshadows conflict situations, and destroying it yourself is provoking this conflict.

Attempting to build a bridge symbolizes your isolation, and watching the construction promises happiness in the future. A dream about a storm that caught you at a crossing has a mystical character - a meeting with the otherworldly awaits you.

The day of the week also influences the meaning of sleep. The family dream book states that an unstable or damaged bridge, dreamed of on Friday, promises a panic attack in reality.

On Thursday, caution in a dream during a transition is interpreted as responsible work in the near future, and a dream about jumping down any day of the week promises the need for decisive action. Author: Marina Nosova

Having seen a bridge in a dream, you need to remember all the details of what is happening. Every detail will influence the interpretation; the type of bridge, its color, and the banks it connects are of particular importance. The sensations that a person experiences and experiences at the moment of a dream are no less important.

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Miller's Dream Book

In Miller’s dream book, a bridge seen in a dream has an ambiguous meaning and foreshadows the course of the near future. If it has an attractive appearance, the water underneath is clean or not visible, but there is a favorable atmosphere around, then this promises well-being and financial or emotional abundance.

Seeing dirty water under a bridge means troubles, often related to work (study). The business that has received all the attention lately may end in failure.

Walking across the bridge means moving towards your intended goals. The presence of obstacles on the way reflects a difficult situation in life; you will have to try hard to get the desired result.

When teenagers, young men and young adults who are looking for a soul mate or have recently fallen in love see a bridge in a dream, this is not a very good sign. Relationships will not bring happiness; your loved one will disappoint you. A dilapidated bridge or one disappearing into the distance speaks of the need to renounce sympathy in order to avoid suffering.

Walking along the road and seeing a bridge that has just appeared is a sign of betrayal. It is necessary to take a close look at your partner; this could be a betrayal of a spouse or fraud behind the back on the part of a colleague. Businessmen should also take a closer look at their employees and business partners; friendship can be imaginary, and mutual understanding and trusting relationships an illusion.

IMPORTANT! A long, winding, destroyed bridge may indicate the presence of psychological discomfort or psycho-emotional stress. The reasons for such a dream are often self-flagellation and melancholy.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga, a bridge seen in a dream foreshadows nobility, the receipt of promises and oaths. Engaging in the construction or reconstruction of a crossing means being aware of insurmountable difficulties. Perhaps recently you have had to take on a lot of obligations and work. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to what is happening and try to free yourself from part of the load by setting aside time for rest.

It takes a long time to walk or drive across the bridge, unfortunately about unfulfilled promises. You will have to go through a wave of shame and admit that your loved ones will be disappointed. To see the end of this path and stand on the opposite bank means to overcome all difficulties and gain psycho-emotional stability.

If the bridge begins to collapse under the feet or wheels of the car the dreamer is driving, then this foreshadows betrayal. A loved one or loved one will probably disappoint you. The path to example and forgiveness will be long and not easy. Vows and requests for forgiveness can be sincere; they should not be neglected. You can cope with the situation only through complicity and mutual understanding.

Islamic dream book

The bridge symbolizes support and hope for salvation. Promises liberation from problems in the afterlife. In the near future, you may meet an influential or wealthy person who will become an assistant in current affairs.

ATTENTION! If there is a boat or boat near the bridge, this is a good sign. Salvation is approaching, the solution to difficulties and the opportunity to avoid problems.

Where the bridge leads is important. If the opposite bank is light and radiant, be kind, if you can see a cemetery there, then it’s time to take stock of life. Build a bridge to the fulfillment of desires and plans.

Who dreamed of the bridge?

The interpretation of a dream depends not only on its visual features, but also on who dreamed it:

  1. For a girl- a suddenly emerging bridge to the appearance of a patron, disappointment in love affairs, betrayal. Walking across a bridge means overcoming difficulties and following a goal.
  2. For single and young girls- cross the bridge to marriage, matchmaking. If you encounter difficulties along the way, then you should pay more attention to your chosen one, perhaps you should postpone getting married and refuse to enter into a serious relationship.
  3. During pregnancy- see a beautiful bridge with clear water under it and/or feel the desire to cross to the opposite bank for a successful birth. If the dream is negative, the bridge is not attractive, is destroyed or has no ending (stretches into the distance), then the woman should stop worrying. The reason is internal anxiety about the upcoming birth.
  4. For a woman - to personal dissatisfaction, a desire to change her lifestyle, to find a new sexual partner. Jumping from a bridge or hesitating to step on it means being betrayed, fearing deception, experiencing difficulties and overwork.
  5. To a man- a suddenly interrupted or destroyed bridge dreams of problems in the intimate sphere; you should pay close attention to men’s health. Build a bridge to changes in life and achievement of goals.

Interpretation of sleep based on actions with a bridge

Interpretation of actions with the bridge suggests the following:

  1. Move on. Cross the bridge to overcome difficulties without hindrance. To experience fear is to worry, worry about something. Seeing yourself on the opposite bank means achieving your goals and changing your life for the better.
  2. Fall. Falling off a bridge means being overthrown, experiencing betrayal, struggling with difficulties. There may be problems in current affairs and obstacles may arise. There may be a great betrayal on the part of loved ones who will disappoint you with their actions or attitude.
  3. Stand. Experience confusion, struggle with internal contradictions. You may have to lose support or you may not have the usual stability.
  4. Drive. Moving across the bridge without obstacles to quickly achieve prosperity and success in business. If the car slips or fails, it means you will have to overcome difficulties, experience betrayal, lose something or someone dear and close to your heart.
  5. Jump. Jumping from a bridge into muddy, dirty water or an abyss - avoiding problems, making a mistake and losing stability. Troubles can lurk both at home and at work. To see suicide, as a stranger or even an acquaintance passes away, means not to provide assistance to those in need of help.
  6. Build. Taking part in construction is always a good sign, which foreshadows the implementation of plans. Restoring a destroyed structure means striving to restore relationships with others and regain trust. If someone is building a bridge, and the dreamer is watching from the side, then there is a person in life who wants to establish mutual understanding, you need to make a decision whether to help him with this or not.
  7. Railway. Men should beware of intrigue and hurry up in making decisions. Women will be tormented by doubts, leading to inconsistency. Seeing two trains rapidly approaching each other is a warning that you need to make a decision with lightning speed, to dare to take any step.

What was the bridge like in the dream?

The appearance of the bridge, its design, color and other nuances are of key importance in interpretation. After waking up, the dreamer remembers only the image of the crossing, which he watched from the side. This is also enough to interpret what we saw.

The following options are possible:

  • in water (flooded) - to a quarrel and scandal; trouble awaits loved ones; there is a risk of losing your dream;
  • large - gain stability; become a significant person; find support from a new friend;
  • high - to falling in love and receiving elevated relationships that will inspire; impossibility of achieving goals and setting the bar too high (increased demands on oneself);
  • above water - avoid danger, overcome difficulties;
  • wooden - find explanations for long-standing troubling situations and questions; solve problems; find a way out and free yourself from the burden;
  • fallen - collapse of plans and hopes; standing on a falling bridge leads to shame and trouble;
  • bridge and river - clean water means abundance, dirty water means betrayal;
  • car on the bridge - soon there will be a chance to change your life for the better;
  • destroyed or broken - unrealized hopes, resentment towards loved ones; need for rest;
  • to the sea - portends a romantic relationship, an imminent vacation; if the sea is restless, then you need to be wary of the upcoming changes;
  • long - experience a lack of strength, devastation; promises health problems, so you should visit a doctor;
  • new - receiving an interesting and tempting offer; career advancement; strengthening life positions and gaining stability;
  • hanging - unsteady prospects; lack of self-confidence, doubts; the risk of losing the recognition and trust of others;
  • old - you need to give up bad habits; high risk of financial problems; the need to change lifestyle.


Psychologists believe that seeing a bridge in a dream means subconsciously striving to improve relationships and establish mutual understanding. Cloudy weather and gloominess speak of one's own insecurity and depression. You can interpret a dream in which a bridge was present based on your feelings, comparing it with what is happening in life.

walk across a bridge in a dream

Walking across a bridge means overcoming life's obstacles. The more difficulties there are with the transition, the more dangerous they are, the worse the troubles will be in reality. Sometimes an extreme walk across a bridge can warn you that you will witness some kind of disaster from which you may suffer. The main thing is how your journey ends: if you get to the shore, then, despite losses and injuries (mental or physical), you will still be able to overcome all difficulties.

interpretation of sleep walking across a bridge

A bridge is a symbol of hope in dreams, formal and informal agreements (oaths, associations, promises). If you walk across a bridge in a dream and feel its destruction, then this means the collapse of dreams and expectations, the betrayal of a person with whom you had an agreement, or just a friend whom you will eventually forgive. Walking along an endless bridge or seeing its endings, but not getting there in any way - being captive of remorse, shame, the burden of unfulfilled promises.

walk across a bridge in a dream

Walking across a bridge, expecting to see what is on the other side, means making important changes in your life.

dreamed of walking across a bridge

If you walk across the bridge and reach the other side, then your endeavors promise success. If, while walking, you feel the structure swaying or beginning to collapse, then do not do anything serious yet. Obstacles while crossing a bridge in a dream represent troubles and disappointments in real life, including love ones.

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