Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College timetable. We are all athletes and creators

Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College named after. A. M. Gorky- a state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education, implementing teacher education on the basis of accessibility and improving the quality of training of specialists. Founded in 2002 on the basis of the Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical School. The task of the college is to ensure a high professional level and the formation of civil and moral qualities of the individual. Teachers are trained here who can work not only in schools, but also in additional education institutions.

Currently, LPK provides training in 6 specialties. The college has 564 full-time students, 79% of whom are students from rural areas of the region. The educational process is carried out by a teaching staff of 64 teachers. Of these, 23 are teachers of the highest pedagogical category, 18 are of the first category. Since 2010, Alexander Ivanovich Saigin has been the director of the LPK.

Short story

On February 1, 1929, the Nizhny Novgorod GubONO decided to transfer the Mordovian branch of the Pochinkovsky Pedagogical College to the city of Lukoyanov and create an independent educational institution here - the Lukoyanovsky Mordovian Pedagogical College.

Classes began on January 1, 1930, when 20 2nd year students and 4 teachers arrived from Pochinki to Lukoyanov.

The first head of the pedagogical technical school is V.P. Kiushov.

In 1938, the Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College was renamed the Lukoyanovsky Mordovian Pedagogical College.

Since February 1941, A. A. Kumanev became the director. Soon he went to the front and was replaced by N.D. Andronova. During the war years, the school continued its work.

In 1944, a basic school was organized at the pedagogical college.

In 1945, A. A. Kumanev returned from the war.

In 1949, students at the pedagogical school switched to a four-year course.

In the mid-50s, the question of closing the teacher training school arose, as in the post-war years the number of primary school students decreased.

1956 The school began to bear the name “Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical School named after. M. Gorky" (without indicating Mordovian).

In 1966, for its achievements in training primary school teachers, the Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical School was one of the first in Russia to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1968, a physical education department was opened.

In 1969, a pioneer branch was opened.

1970 A.V. Kashin was appointed to the position of director.

1990 A branch of the pedagogical school was opened in Urazovka.

In 1991, departments of Russian language and literature and preschool were opened, and in 1992 - mathematics.

In 1992, V. A. Davydov was elected director.

year 2000. The department of correctional pedagogy was opened.

In 2002, the Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College was renamed the “Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College named after A. M. Gorky.”

In 2002, a foreign language department was opened, and in 2003 - computer science.

In 2008, a new modern extension to the pedagogical college building was put into operation.

In 2010, A.I. Saigin was appointed to the position of director.

In 2011, the college opened a specialty - “Applied Informatics”, in 2013 - “Preschool Education”.


Saigin Alexander Ivanovich - director.

Silina Marina Aleksandrovna - deputy. Director of Academic Affairs.

Serikova Olga Yurievna - deputy. director for educational and industrial work.

Afanasyev Vladislav Yurievich - deputy. director for administrative and economic work.

Antipov Dmitry Alexandrovich - deputy. director of educational work.

Shumidub Natalya Sergeevna - head. department.

Golubyatnikova Galina Anatolyevna - head. department.

Karpov Mikhail Aleksandrovich - head. department.

Egorova Antonina Georgievna - deputy. director for scientific and methodological work.

Monakhova Anna Vitalievna - head. methodological office.

Ulanova Natalya Vladimirovna - head. educational part.


Specialty 050709 “Teaching in primary school”

The largest series of traditions is associated with the specialty “Teaching in primary grades”. The first teacher, a primary school teacher, is a kind of standard for almost every person and plays a big role in the further development of personality. That is why the greatest attention is paid to the training of teachers for primary schoolchildren. Already from the first year of study, students are introduced to their future profession through various types of practice. The volume of practice exceeds by an order of magnitude the number of hours allocated to it in any higher educational institution. And thus, by the end of the training, our students are able and ready to meet children on their first day at school, and organize their education using various modern technologies, as well as collaborate with parents, conduct non-standard lessons and extracurricular activities.

In schools where our students study to become teachers, their mentors are mainly graduates of our educational institution. Many of them received higher education, achieved the highest results in their work, and have honorary titles. They are very enthusiastic about helping their future colleagues.

The specialty “Teaching in Primary Schools” is one of the most in demand in schools in the region and Russia, as are the graduates of this department of the Lukoyanov Pedagogical College.

Specialty 050720 “Physical Education”

For more than forty years, our educational institution has had the specialty “Physical Education”, the capabilities of which allow us to train not only professional athletes, coaches of sports schools and sports and recreation complexes, fitness center instructors, physical education teachers, but also active, healthy, fit young men and women. girls, which is also important. Our students master a wide variety of sports during their studies: volleyball, basketball, football, swimming, speed skating, gymnastics, arm wrestling and powerlifting, skiing and tourism. The opening of the physical education department at the college is associated with many high-profile sports victories and achievements in all sports, which have become the hallmark of our educational institution. Volleyball, basketball, athletics, skiing, gymnastics, football... and the list goes on, as the emergence of new popular sports is immediately reflected in the training program for physical education teachers. The knowledge gained, the ability to skillfully organize not only physical education lessons, but also public sports events, coaching skills and excellent sports training allow our graduates to build a career far beyond the boundaries of a regular school. So, many guys are valuable military personnel, combat commanders; successfully work as instructors in sports centers and clubs, and are engaged in productive coaching work in all physical education and health complexes in our region. And some continue their careers as professional athletes. They are excellent role models for the younger generation. For this purpose, the college has a gym and a sports and recreation complex “Kolos”, which is always happy to host classes.

Specialty 050202 “Informatics”

The most relevant area is the training of technicians in programming. The relatively recently opened computer science department, which was focused on training computer science teachers, led to the need to expand the training program by increasing the level of technical professionalism. After all, many graduates continued their careers as programmers, in demand in all spheres of life. Now the computer science department has been repurposed into the specialty “Applied Informatics”, while the quality of training of software engineers is growing every day. Among students and graduates there are a large number of winners of various competitions, olympiads, and conferences. This becomes possible not only thanks to modern learning conditions, but also to the high professional level of teachers working in this department. Over the many years of existence of our educational institution, a tradition of comprehensive development of students has been formed. Thanks to a variety of studios, clubs, sections, and circles, the college has long created the image of a bright, original cultural center of the city and region. An eventful student life is the most vivid life memories in a person’s life. Every extracurricular event, competition, concert, game, play, theatrical performance allows us to reveal the rich creative potential and, often, the remarkable talent of our children.

Specialty 050303 “Foreign language”

For 10 years now, the college has had a “Foreign Language” specialty. An active life position, optimism and inexhaustible creativity have become the hallmark of all his students and teachers. The difficult task of training teachers of English and German requires the use of productive educational technologies both for conducting training sessions for students and for assisting in conducting and planning student lessons in practice in schools in the city and region. That is why the Department of Foreign Languages ​​actively uses interactive intensive learning technologies, health-saving technologies and information and communication technologies. Perhaps that is why this department always has the highest level of academic performance and attendance, and most importantly, further employment. Future teachers are trained in a new modern building, which contains comfortable, cozy classrooms, a computer lab, and multimedia equipment.

Extracurricular activities

Every year the college organizes a large number of events:

  • Hello, we are looking for talents.
  • Freshman's Day.
  • Teacher's Day.
  • Student KVNs.
  • New Year's performances.
  • Competitions of pedagogical excellence.
  • Latest calls.
  • Leader concerts.
  • Reporting concerts of creative groups, etc.

Volunteer movement

The volunteer association “For a Healthy Lifestyle” was founded in 2010. Leaders of the association: Yulia Alekseevna Perevozova, social teacher, Irina Mikhailovna Beshenova, educational psychologist.

Direction of activity: formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people. Over the years, volunteers have implemented the following projects:

  • “I choose life” - drug addiction prevention: development and screening of a presentation on the topic, viewing and discussion of the film, theatrical performance.
  • “Five Questions about Smoking” (script developed, film on smoking prevention filmed)
  • “Hour of Courage” is an event in memory of the Second World War. This event was organized by a volunteer association together with the military-patriotic club “Vityaz”. WWII veteran Pavel Ivanovich Kuvaldin was invited to the celebration. In a warm, friendly atmosphere, he talked about how he fought.
  • “Rainbow of Fairy Tales” is a long-term project. Visiting and holding events in the children's department of a district hospital for children undergoing treatment:
  • “Visiting a fairy tale” with an origami master class for children undergoing treatment.
  • The "Give Children Joy" campaign - collection and donation of children's toys and books for the children's department of the regional hospital.
  • New Year's performance for children undergoing treatment at the Central District Hospital “And Baba Yaga is against it!”
  • New Year's performance for children of college employees
  • “Circus” is a sports and entertainment program for disabled children of the Lukoyanovsky district (a joint project with the social protection authorities of the Lukoyanovsky municipal district and the “Door to the World” club).
  • “A fairy tale comes to the house” - New Year's congratulations from Father Frost and Snow Maiden for disabled children of the Lukoyanovsky district (together with social protection authorities).
  • Youth forum “Volunteer of the Future” of volunteer associations of the Lukoyanovsky municipal district.
  • “Anniversary Bouquet” campaign for the 85th anniversary of Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College.
  • Action "Memory" - work to improve the burial places of WWII participants

Methodical work

  • Organization of scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, methodological councils, among them the most famous are the “Kumanev Readings”.
  • Participation of teachers and students in regional, regional, international conferences, Olympiads, competitions.

Sports achivments

According to the results of the Spartakiad of students of educational institutions implementing programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, in the 2013-2014 academic year, our students (boys and girls) took first place in the overall standings. The following sports were represented at the Spartakiad:

  • Athletics relay race
  • Chess
  • Table tennis
  • Weight-lifting
  • Basketball
  • Ski race
  • Swimming
  • Mini football
  • Volleyball
  • Athletics
  • Athletics run

GBOU SPO "Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College

them. A.M. Gorky"

Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College dates back to 1929.

In 1966, for success in training teachers for elementary schools, the Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College named after A.M. Gorky was one of the first in Russia to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. On May 17, 2002, the school received college status.

The college employs a highly qualified teaching staff. The spirit of creative search, knowledge, striving for ideals, simplicity and cordiality, responsibility, hard work, constant movement towards the new have become moral guidelines for the teaching staff.

Today, the college is an educational organization with a wide range of training areas, since, along with educational programs for the enlarged group of specialties 44.00.00 Education and Pedagogical Sciences, it implements educational programs for the enlarged groups of specialties 49.00.00 Physical culture and sports, 09.00.00 Informatics and computer technology.
We train mid-level specialists in the following specialties:

    02/44/02 Teaching in primary classes (qualification - primary school teacher);

    49.02.01 Physical education (qualification - physical education teacher);

    44.02.01 Preschool education (qualification - teacher of preschool children);

    02/09/05 Applied computer science (qualification - programmer technician).

Keeping up with the times, the college is expanding the boundaries of its activities, opening new directions in education - since 2014, the implementation of programs for correspondence education has begun (specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education).

The strategic goal of the college is the professional training of a competitive, practice-oriented, mid-level specialist in demand in the modern labor market for educational organizations, the education of a patriotic citizen of his Fatherland, an educated, cultural and active person.

To obtain positive results in the organization of professional training of specialists, several aspects are used: the organization of training sessions using effective innovative technologies, and industrial practice, providing practice-oriented training, the formation of a respectful and emotional attitude towards the future profession.

The educational process of the college is interesting because, on the one hand, there is an emphasis on the study of special disciplines, and on the other hand, much attention is paid to the additional education of students. The college implements 22 additional programs for children and adults in various areas.

Students conduct active research work, take part in regional and Russian research and design competitions, interregional scientific and practical conferences, regional poetry and local history competitions. Over the past 3 years, college students have been prize-winners of the regional sports contest of the Nizhny Novgorod region, held among secondary vocational education institutions and NGOs.

The main advantage of the college is that, along with a diploma, students receive high-quality knowledge and invaluable experience, which they gain through practical training in educational institutions of our city and the Nizhny Novgorod region, with which, as part of a social partnership, the college has contractual relations for internships and employment .

College graduates are in demand not only in general education and sports schools, but also in institutions of additional education and physical culture and health complexes that are actively being built within the framework of the presidential program.

State budgetary professional educational institution "Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College named after A.M. Gorky" announces admissions in 2019 for basic professional educational programs – training programs for mid-level specialists:

02/44/01 Preschool education: 50 people (full-time education), 20-25 people (correspondence education)

02/44/02 Teaching in primary classes: 50 people (full-time education)

02/49/01 Physical education: 50 people (full-time education)

02/09/07 Information systems and programming (TOP 50): 25 people (full-time study)

02/51/03 Library science: 20-25 people (correspondence course)



    02/44/01 Preschool education (full-time education; level of education required for admission basic general) number of places for admission at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Nizhny Novgorod region budget - 50, duration of study 3 years 10 months. Qualification teacher of preschool children.

    44.02.01 Preschool education (correspondence course; level of education required for admission general secondary, or secondary vocational, or higher) number of places for admission under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 20 - 25, duration of study 3 years 9 months . Qualification teacher of preschool children.

    02/44/02 Teaching in primary classes (full-time education; level of education required for admission basic general) number of places for admission at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Nizhny Novgorod region budget - 50, duration of study 3 years 10 months. Qualification primary school teacher.

    02/49/01 Physical education (full-time education; level of education required for admission basic general) number of places for admission at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Nizhny Novgorod region budget - 50, duration of study 3 years 10 months. Qualification physical education teacher.

    02/09/07 Information systems and programming (full-time education; level of education required for admission basic general) number of places for admission at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Nizhny Novgorod region budget - 25, duration of study 3 years 10 months. Qualification programmer.

    02/51/03 Library science (correspondence course; level of education required for admission general secondary, or secondary vocational, or higher) number of places for admission under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 20 - 25, duration of study 3 years 9 months. Qualification librarian.


  • from June 13 to August 14, 2019 – in the specialty of full-time education: 02.44.01 Preschool education, 02.44.02 Teaching in primary grades, 02.09.07 Information systems and programming;
  • from June 13 to August 9, 2019 – for specialty 49.02.01 Physical education, full-time study;
  • from June 13 to September 29, 2019 – in specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education, 51.02.03 Library science by correspondence course.

* If there are available places, the acceptance of documents is extended for full-time education until November 25, 2019, for part-time education - until November 30, 2019, enrollment in the college, if there are available places, is carried out until December 1, 2019.

The admissions committee has been open since June 13, 2019:
Monday – Friday from 8:00 to 16:00, Saturday from 8:00 to 11:30, Sunday – closed.
Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee Lidiya Viktorovna Petrushevskaya.
Phones: 8-831-96-4-17-38, 8-831-96-4-17-31, 8-831-96-4-19-49 (from June 13, 2019)

Documents to be submitted when submitting an application:
passport (original and photocopy)
document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications (original and photocopy)
photographs 3x4 – 4 pcs.
The applicant makes all copies of documents independently; documents are certified by the admissions committee.

Applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations upon admission to training in the following specialties:
44.02.01 Preschool education
44.02.02 Teaching in primary school
49.02.01 Physical education

The list of medical specialists, laboratory and functional tests, lists of general and additional contraindications can be viewed

  • list of medical specialists:
    • Dermatovenerologist
    • Otorhinolaryngologist
    • Dentist
    • Therapist
    • Psychiatrist
    • Expert in narcology
  • laboratory and functional studies:
    • Blood test for syphilis
    • Gonorrhea smears upon entry to work
    • Tests for helminthiasis
    • Clinical blood test
    • Clinical urine analysis
    • Digital fluorography or radiography in 2 projections of the lungs
    • Biochemical screening: serum glucose, cholesterol levels
  • list of general and additional medical contraindications:
    Diseases and bacterial carriage:
    • 1) typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery;
    • 2) helminthiases;
    • 3) syphilis in the infectious period;
    • 4) leprosy;
    • 5) contagious skin diseases: scabies, trichophytosis, microsporia, scab, actinomycosis with ulcerations or fistulas on exposed parts of the body;
    • 6) infectious and destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis with the presence of fistulas, bacteriouria, tuberculous lupus of the face and hands;
    • 7) gonorrhea (all forms) - only for employees of medical and preschool institutions directly related to serving children - for the period of antibiotic treatment and receipt of negative results of the first control;
    • 8) ozena

The application for admission and package of documents can be sent to:
through postal operators: to the admissions committee at the following address: 607800, Nizhny Novgorod region, Lukoyanov, sq. Mira, 4. Admissions committee.


  • in physical education in the form of practical tasks in gymnastics and athletics from August 12 to 14, 2019 (physical education program)


  • for full-time study until 11.30 August 17, 2019
  • for distance learning until 16.00 October 1, 2019

Conditions for studying for disabled students:

  • Features of admissions tests for persons with disabilities

Admission conditions:

Admission to educational programs in specialties 44.02.01 Preschool education, 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades, 09.02.07 Information systems and programming is publicly available and is carried out without entrance examinations upon personal application of citizens.

Upon admission to training in a specialty 49.02.01 Physical culture, which requires applicants to have certain physical qualities, an entrance test in physical education is carried out in the form of performing practical tasks in gymnastics and athletics.

If the number of applicants, including applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examination, exceeds the number of places, admission is carried out on the basis (in the specified sequence):

1. The results of the applicants’ mastery of the educational program of basic or secondary general education, indicated in the documents of education and (or) the document on education and qualifications submitted by the applicants (average score accurate to the third decimal place, rounded according to the rules of mathematics).

2. Agreements on targeted training with organizations.

3. The results of individual achievements, information about which the applicant has the right to provide upon admission.

4. Higher scores in certain general education subjects:

  • in the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education, 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades, preference is given to applicants who have a higher score in a subject, taken separately in order of priority: Russian language, mathematics, literature, foreign language, biology;
  • for specialty 49.02.01 Physical education, preference is given to applicants who have a higher score in a subject taken separately in order of priority: Russian language, physical education, mathematics, biology, foreign language;
  • for the specialty 02/09/07 Information systems and programming, preference is given to applicants who have a higher score in a subject taken separately in order of priority: mathematics, computer science, physics, foreign language, Russian language;
  • for the specialty 51.02.03 Library Science, preference is given to applicants who have a higher score in a subject taken separately in order of priority: literature, Russian language, foreign language, history, mathematics.

    Conditions of education:

    All students with grades “4” and “5” receive a state academic scholarship. The college has a canteen and a medical office.

    The college implements more than 20 different directions.

  • Conditions for admission under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in 2019:

    • Sample contract for training in specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education (correspondence course);
    • Order on approval of the cost of training in specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education (correspondence course);

    State budgetary professional
    educational institution
    "Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College named after A.M. Gorky"
    WE – 222
    GROUP! History of our
    See you soon!

    Group business card

    Specialty: 02/44/02. Teaching in primary
    In the group: 24 people;
    Class teacher: Shumidub Natalya Sergeevna;
    Academic performance: the best academic performance among the groups
    the entire college;
    Headman: Martynova Kristina;
    Symbol: Corn.

    History of our group

    The history of our group began in September 2015
    of the year. We came to college to study and get a profession.
    primary school teacher. And you know, no one
    I regretted the choice I made. But first things first…

    History of our group

    Once upon a time in the world, at about the same time
    time (in 1998-2000), exactly 24 were born
    wonderful girls. Not one more!
    We grew, developed and dreamed... We dreamed that
    Someday in the future we will become teachers. We will
    examples for children and we will be able to guide them through life, as
    our first teachers! Many thanks to them for this!

    History of our group

    This is what we were and have become!

    History of our group

    Time passed, months gave way to years. In 2015 we are all successful
    passed the State Examination Test and entered the LPK, where, undoubtedly, joyful
    the news was that our new cool
    became the leader
    We can't even imagine life in
    college with another class teacher.
    Thank you very much for this love and warmth,
    which she has shown to us over the course of
    2 years old. She loves us all like her own children,
    any time of day or night she is undoubtedly
    will help us in a difficult situation, which
    happen to us, will support and give advice.

    History of our group

    History of our group

    We are all athletes and creators!

    Group 222 boasts not only excellent
    academic performance, but also creative abilities,
    success in sports.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    One of our first performances was participation in
    competition "Hello, we are looking for talents."

    We are all athletes and creators!

    We took part in “Cross 2015” and took the prize

    We are all athletes and creators!
    We also took an active part in the disco,
    dedicated to the New Year 2016, and in 2017 the same
    We organized the disco ourselves!

    We are all athletes and creators!
    We took part in the quadathlon.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    But in such war paints we took part in
    fitball. It was fun and we will definitely be remembered.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    More than half of our group took part in
    conference “Constellation of Talents”, which is incomparable
    a lot of! Most of them took prizes.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    Playing 12 notes in college.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    During classes and breaks we master the interactive whiteboard.
    After all, a modern primary school teacher without her
    no way.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    Well, don’t forget about good deeds - feed the birds
    in winter!

    We are all athletes and creators!
    Practice days are the most wonderful days! After all, it is
    then we can practice communicating with
    children, and not just in theory.

    We are all athletes and creators!
    The most important event for the group was a trip to
    Malomamleevskaya school with an event for the Year of Cinema -
    "Magic Film". While we were waiting for the car, we
    We even had time to go on a short excursion.
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