Moscow State Civil Engineering University (MGSU). National Research Moscow State Civil Engineering University MSSU Master's degree admissions committee

The university's departments are located in buildings with a total area of ​​269.5 thousand m² on an area of ​​117.9 hectares. In September 2008, classes began in a new educational and laboratory complex with an area of ​​more than 11.5 thousand m².

MGSU has implemented a certified education quality system in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2000 and IWA2:2007, and a rating system for additional incentives for teaching staff.

The professional competence of the scientific and teaching staff of MGSU in the field of practical construction is confirmed by a certificate of compliance of the MGSU quality management system in relation to engineering surveys in the field of construction and design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2000.

In its current composition, MGSU has 7 institutes, 62 departments (43 graduating), 30 scientific laboratories, 10 specialized and expert centers, 2 research institutes.

MGSU trains engineers of all forms of education in 21 specialties, bachelors and masters in 7 areas, candidates and doctors of science in 40 specialties.

State accreditation

Certificate of state accreditation No. 1624 dated January 19, 2016. Validity period: February 17, 2021.

We congratulate school graduates on graduating and successfully passing the Unified State Exam. Unforgettable years of adult, independent student life lie ahead: getting an education, conquering scientific, creative and sports peaks.

The benefits of working in the construction industry are obvious to many. At the National Research University MGSU, everyone can get a modern, prestigious, in-demand and well-paid profession. Each area of ​​training, each profile and specialization is unique in its own way, and together they form a huge area of ​​our professional responsibility for construction - the locomotive of the domestic economy in all respects - as a whole.

We have tried to make the process of accepting documents as easy as possible. At each stage, admissions officers will provide all the necessary assistance and advise on admission to the university. A number of services are also available on the NRU MGSU website in the “Applicants” section.

Any questions you may have, you can ask:

  • by phone: +7-495-781-99-88 (call center)
  • by e-mail: [email protected]
  • The admissions committee works in the foyer of the University Assembly Hall. An electronic queue has been organized, which allows you to submit all the necessary documents as quickly as possible.

    We will be glad to welcome you within the walls of our university and help you in choosing your future profession!

    Information NRU MGSU Admissions Committee

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    schedule Operating mode:

    Mon., Wed. from 10:00 to 13:00

    Tue., Thu. from 15:00 to 18:00

    Latest reviews from NRU MGSU

    Stepan Vladimirov 23:03 12/10/2018

    When I finished school, I didn’t want to go anywhere at all; I was very annoyed that students in most universities are given only theory, and all practical classes are pure formality. I found information about MGSU by accident, then I found students and graduates through social media. network and decided to try to enroll. It was captivating that all the students and graduates (from different backgrounds at that) claimed that there was really a lot of practice here and even the theory was presented in the most accessible and understandable way. I'm a full-time student and even I...

    Anonymous review 02:08 07/10/2015

    Graduated from the Department of Integrated Safety in Construction, and by and large lost the years spent in vain. The educational process at this department is reminiscent of love in the lowlands, “there is movement but no progress.” What is taught, by and large, has no value from a practical point of view; what is, is not taught, or is taught, but not at a sufficient level to easily get a job in any place in the specialty. Therefore, if you want to deal with fire safety, then...

    Gallery of National Research University MGSU

    general information

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering"

    Branches of NRU MGSU


    No. 01629 valid indefinitely from 02.09.2015


    No. 01624 is valid from 01/19/2016 to 02/17/2021

    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the National Research University MGSU

    Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
    Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 7 7 5 3
    Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study66.81 66.43 64.53 59.72 66.34
    Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget72.25 71.27 69.82 64.43 69.56
    Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis57.69 56.79 54.98 52.87 60.46
    Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled43.26 48.34 44.41 38.65 44.68
    Number of students11205 10191 11502 14491 19970
    Full-time department9082 8918 8693 9300 9466
    Part-time department125 238 526 733 1228
    Extramural1998 1035 2283 4458 9276
    All data Report Report Report Report Report

    About NRU MGSU

    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering is a research and educational complex whose goal is to train highly qualified specialists who will be able to use their talent and modern technologies in some of the most important areas for humanity - architecture and construction.

    Education at MGSU

    MGSU has received a license to teach 24 specialties for the training of future engineers, 21 specialties that meet state educational standards, 3 specialties that meet federal standards. There are also 12 areas of training for young bachelors and 5 areas of master’s. Education and training of future specialists is carried out in all possible branches of construction and architecture.

    Currently, 17,000 students are studying at the university, and 110,000 students who have graduated from the university have now become highly qualified civil engineers, as well as specialists and managers at various levels in the field of architecture and construction.

    Also at the university you can get additional education or take advanced training courses in order to increase your competitiveness in the labor market. After all, new trends in the field of both construction and architecture appear every day, and in order to be a sought-after specialist, you must always keep your finger on the pulse of the current situation in the country and the world.

    Structure of MGSU

    On the basis of the university there are:

    • 8 institutes - construction and architecture; hydraulic and electrical engineering; engineering construction and mechanization; economics, management and information systems in construction; housing and communal complex; fundamental education in the areas of applied mathematics and applied mechanics; distance education and international education and language communication;
    • 55 departments that educate students in a huge number of different specializations;
    • 30 scientific laboratories, where students, together with teachers, put the knowledge gained in lectures into practice;
    • 50 innovative structures that are engaged in scientific developments, thanks to which the most comfortable and safe buildings and structures will be erected;
    • a scientific and technical library, which contains about 2 million different textbooks and periodicals, it includes 5 reading rooms and 3 computer rooms, where students can prepare for classes, write essays and term papers, as well as simply self-education;
    • the modern canteen “Rake”, where 3,000 students and 900 teachers eat every day, while 1,000 students can dine there completely free of charge;
    • a large sports complex where children engage in physical training and also attend various sports sections and clubs.

    All MGSU buildings are connected to a single local network and have high-speed Internet access. The university's scientific laboratories are equipped with the latest technology; students and university staff have more than 2,000 computers at their disposal. Also at MGSU there are 14 multimedia classrooms where presentations of slides prepared by students are held. All this allows us to achieve high quality education, as in the best educational institutions in Russia.

    Teaching staff of MGSU

    The professorial and teaching staff of the university not only lectures to students, they are the authors of many textbooks, monographs, methodological literature and teaching aids. Their knowledge base is constantly growing and MGSU teachers strive to pass on all their experience to their students, so that after graduation they can easily enter adult life and fruitfully do what they love.

    The university has 10 dissertation councils, which include the most highly qualified teachers from MGSU. They help their undergraduate and graduate students write and defend research projects, guide them, and advise them on how to make their work the best of the best. And the teaching staff of the university itself numbers more than 1,200 people, among whom there are 170 doctors and 550 candidates of science.

    International cooperation MGSU

    MGSU has earned greater authority among other construction universities thanks to close international cooperation. For many years now, the university has established contacts with 80 different universities and research centers in more than 30 countries from around the world. These business contacts allow domestic students to travel to conferences and study at foreign universities, as well as participate in student exchange programs.

    The university itself also trains foreign students. Over the entire period of operation of the university, more than 3,000 highly qualified specialists in construction and architecture from 103 countries of the world have graduated from there.

    MGSU cooperates with various international organizations, where the best students can undergo an internship. Among them are the American Society of Builders, the European Association of Technical Universities, and the International Society for Computer Technologies in Construction. Thanks to practice in such organizations, students can not only significantly improve their knowledge of foreign languages, but also keep abreast of new trends in the field of construction and architecture abroad, in order to then introduce them into domestic production.

    Official information

    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering has the opportunity to provide students with places in student dormitories. Today, MGSU student dormitories are a large complex consisting of multi-storey, well-appointed ten buildings, united into three campuses located in Mytishchi, the North-Eastern, Central and Southern administrative districts of Moscow.

    The complexes are located at the following addresses:
    Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, no. 26 (buildings OS-1, OS-2, OS-3, OS-4). Buildings No. 1 and No. 2 are of corridor type, No. 3 and No. 4 are of block type. The dormitories were put into operation in the mid-70s and 80s. International students from near and far abroad live on campus.

    Moscow, st. Golyanovskaya, 3a (buildings No. 1, 2). Corridor-type dormitories were put into operation in the 1930s. A major overhaul of two buildings was carried out in 1998-2002. In one of the dormitory buildings there is a small grocery store, a cafe and a medical diagnostic center where you can receive first aid, diagnosis and treatment.

    Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 19. 16-storey building of block type. The block has a separate bathroom (bathtub, washbasin, toilet). Shared kitchen on each floor.

    Moscow Region, Mytishchi, Olimpiysky Prospekt, 50 (buildings M-1, M-2, M-3). Dormitories No. 1 and 2 are corridor-type, put into operation in the mid-70s, dormitory No. 3 is a block type - in the early 80s. On the campus located in the city of Mytishchi there is a first aid post that allows you to provide first aid.

    Dorm rooms are designed to accommodate two or three people. The kitchens are equipped with all necessary equipment and are located on the floor. For temporary accommodation of parents and relatives who come to visit, there are special “guest rooms”, which have a refrigerator, TV, and electric kettle.

    Student dormitories have a developed area of ​​improvement, washing machines, storage lockers, several shops, buffets, cafes and canteens. In order to create modern learning conditions on campuses, an Internet connection program is being implemented.

    Certificate of provision of hostel accommodation in 2016

    Places are provided on a competitive basis (based on the amount of points scored). For nonresident students in need of a dormitory, the following is allocated:
    - bachelor's degree: 700 places (575 places within the admission quotas, 125 places for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services),
    - specialty: 149 places (129 places within the admission quotas, 20 places for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services),

    Cost of living (as of 09/01/2016).
    for students of budget education:

    Dormitory address


    Rubles per month

    Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 12 (OS-1)

    Corridor type

    Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 13 (OS-2)

    Corridor type

    Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 14 (OS-3)

    Block type

    Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 15 (OS-4)

    Block type

    Mytishchi, Olympic Avenue, 50, building 21, (building M-1)

    Corridor type

    Mytishchi, Olimpiysky Prospekt, 50, building 22, (building M-2)

    Corridor type

    Mytishchi, Olympic Avenue, 50, building 23, (building M-3)

    Block type

    Moscow, st. Golyanovskaya, d.Za, building 1, 2

    Corridor type

    Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 19

    Block type

    for students of paid education:
    - Yaroslavskoe highway, 26 (buildings OS-1, OS-2, OS-3, OS-4) - 1100 rubles/month.
    - Olimpiysky Prospekt, 50, building 23, buildings M-1, M-2 - 1050 rubles/month, building M-3 - 1100 rubles/month.
    - st. Golyanovskaya, d.Za, building 1, 2 - 1100 rub./month.
    - Borisovsky proezd, 19 - 1150 rub./month.

    Moscow State Civil Engineering University (MGSU) has been successfully preparing highly qualified engineers and managers for all areas of construction for more than 90 years. University graduates work in the field of facility automation, construction production planning, economics, information technology, building design, etc. The university today has five institutes and fourteen faculties. MGSU has specialized scientific laboratories and a program of continuous construction education, which involves business structures and employers' associations.

    general information

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering"


    No. 01629 valid indefinitely from 02.09.2015


    No. 01624 is valid from 01/19/2016 to 02/17/2021

    Selection committee

    129337, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, scientific and technical library, room. 47-1

    The admissions committee works from 10/01/2017 to 06/19/2017


    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MGSU

    Index14 year15 year16 year17 year
    Performance indicator (out of 7 points)3 5 7 7
    Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study66.34 59.72 64.53 66.43
    Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget69.56 64.43 69.82 71.27
    Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis60.46 52.87 54.98 56.79
    Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled44.68 38.65 44.41 48.34
    Number of students19970 14491 11502 10191
    Full-time department9466 9300 8693 8918
    Part-time department1228 733 526 238
    Extramural9276 4458 2283 1035
    Full report


    About the university

    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering is a research and educational complex whose goal is to train highly qualified specialists who will be able to use their talent and modern technologies in some of the most important areas for humanity - architecture and construction.

    Education at MGSU

    MGSU has received a license to teach 24 specialties for the training of future engineers, 21 specialties that meet state educational standards, 3 specialties that meet federal standards. There are also 12 areas of training for young bachelors and 5 areas of master’s. Education and training of future specialists is carried out in all possible branches of construction and architecture.

    Currently, 17,000 students are studying at the university, and 110,000 students who have graduated from the university have now become highly qualified civil engineers, as well as specialists and managers at various levels in the field of architecture and construction.

    Also at the university you can get additional education or take advanced training courses in order to increase your competitiveness in the labor market. After all, new trends in the field of both construction and architecture appear every day, and in order to be a sought-after specialist, you must always keep your finger on the pulse of the current situation in the country and the world.

    Structure of MGSU

    On the basis of the university there are:

    • 8 institutes - construction and architecture; hydraulic and electrical engineering; engineering construction and mechanization; economics, management and information systems in construction; housing and communal complex; fundamental education in the areas of applied mathematics and applied mechanics; distance education and international education and language communication;
    • 55 departments that educate students in a huge number of different specializations;
    • 30 scientific laboratories, where students, together with teachers, put the knowledge gained in lectures into practice;
    • 50 innovative structures that are engaged in scientific developments, thanks to which the most comfortable and safe buildings and structures will be erected;
    • a scientific and technical library, which contains about 2 million different textbooks and periodicals, it includes 5 reading rooms and 3 computer rooms, where students can prepare for classes, write essays and term papers, as well as simply self-education;
    • the modern canteen “Rake”, where 3,000 students and 900 teachers eat every day, while 1,000 students can dine there completely free of charge;
    • a large sports complex where children engage in physical training and also attend various sports sections and clubs.

    All MGSU buildings are connected to a single local network and have high-speed Internet access. The university's scientific laboratories are equipped with the latest technology; students and university staff have more than 2,000 computers at their disposal. Also at MGSU there are 14 multimedia classrooms where presentations of slides prepared by students are held. All this allows us to achieve high quality education, as in the best educational institutions in Russia.

    Teaching staff of MGSU

    The professorial and teaching staff of the university not only lectures to students, they are the authors of many textbooks, monographs, methodological literature and teaching aids. Their knowledge base is constantly growing and MGSU teachers strive to pass on all their experience to their students, so that after graduation they can easily enter adult life and fruitfully do what they love.

    The university has 10 dissertation councils, which include the most highly qualified teachers from MGSU. They help their undergraduate and graduate students write and defend research projects, guide them, and advise them on how to make their work the best of the best. And the teaching staff of the university itself numbers more than 1,200 people, among whom there are 170 doctors and 550 candidates of science.

    International cooperation MGSU

    MGSU has earned greater authority among other construction universities thanks to close international cooperation. For many years now, the university has established contacts with 80 different universities and research centers in more than 30 countries from around the world. These business contacts allow domestic students to travel to conferences and study at foreign universities, as well as participate in student exchange programs.

    The university itself also trains foreign students. Over the entire period of operation of the university, more than 3,000 highly qualified specialists in construction and architecture from 103 countries of the world have graduated from there.

    MGSU cooperates with various international organizations, where the best students can undergo an internship. Among them are the American Society of Builders, the European Association of Technical Universities, and the International Society for Computer Technologies in Construction. Thanks to practice in such organizations, students can not only significantly improve their knowledge of foreign languages, but also keep abreast of new trends in the field of construction and architecture abroad, in order to then introduce them into domestic production.


    Institute of Hydraulic and Energy Construction

    Educational programs:


    Profile: Architectural and construction materials science; Water supply and sanitation; Energy efficiency and energy saving

    • Budget places: 125
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 4 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 114 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Profile: Construction of hydraulic structures of increased responsibility; Construction of underground structures; Construction of thermal and nuclear energy facilities

    • Budget places: 90
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 6 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 124 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Institute of Engineering and Environmental Construction and Mechanization

    Educational programs:

    Automation of technological processes and production (03/15/04 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    Profile: Automation of engineering and construction technologies

    • Budget places: 19
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 4 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 114 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Ground transport and technological means (23.05.01 – full-time, specialty, accredited)

    Profile: Lifting and transport, construction, road vehicles and equipment

    • Budget places: 25
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 5 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 124 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Construction (03/08/01 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    Profile: Water supply and sanitation; Urban construction and housing and communal services; Heat and gas supply ventilation

    • Budget places: 250
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 4 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 114 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Management in technical systems (27.03.04 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    Profile: Intelligent systems and automation in construction

    • Budget places: 25
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 4 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 114 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Institute of Construction and Architecture

    Educational programs:

    Architecture (03/07/01 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    • Budget places: 20
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 5 years

    Professional entrance test (architectural graphics); creative entrance test (drawing)

    Passing Unified State Exam: 78 (Russian language, Math)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Urban planning (03/07/04 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    • Budget places: 20
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 5 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 75 (Russian language, Math)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage (03/07/02 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    • Budget places: 30
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 5 years

    Architectural graphics-35 points

    Passing Unified State Exam: 78 (Russian language, Math)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Standardization and metrology (27.03.01 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    • Budget places: 25
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 4 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 114 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Construction (03/08/01 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

    Profile: Industrial and civil construction; Expertise of real estate objects

    • Budget places: 250
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 4 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 114 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Construction of unique buildings and structures (05/08/01 – full-time, specialty, accredited)

    Profile: Construction of high-rise and long-span buildings and structures

    • Budget places: 30
    • 192,000 rubles per year
    • 6 years

    Passing Unified State Exam: 124 (Russian, Math, Physics)

    Information updated 12/12/2017

    Technosphere safety (20.03.01 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

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