Ekaterinburg Polytechnic, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region. Ekaterinburg Polytechnic in Ekaterinburg. Project to create an information environment for the technical school

Pages of history

Technical school No. 6. Building on Griboedova, 9

The date of birth of our educational institution can rightly be considered September 1, 1954, and the place of birth is the city of Sverdlovsk, st. Griboyedov 9 and then it was called Technical School No. 6.

The school was opened to train personnel for the chemical industry of the city of Sverdlovsk and the Sverdlovsk region. The first director was Grigory Kuzmich Zamedyansky

Since 1965, students and masters of our lyceum began close cooperation with the collective farm named after Ya.M. Sverdlov. If you calculate the area of ​​potato fields, it will be equal to 3 equators.

View of the main building, Korotkiy lane, 1

In 1967, our educational institution moved to a new building, at the address Sverdlovsk, lane. Korotkiy, 1, where it is currently located, only the trees have become much taller...

Several large enterprises in the city are helping to build this building: Tire Factory, Rubber Products, Medicinal Products, and an Ebonite Products Factory. 1 million 300 thousand rubles were spent on the construction of this building.

And in 1972, our educational institution again changed its name and was called Technical School No. 2.

The next milestone in the history of the development of our lyceum was 1984-1993. At this period of time, we are changing our name again: from a technical school we are renaming ourselves to a secondary vocational technical school.

The main building of the polytechnic. Our days

At this time, preparations for the graduation of students with secondary education begin, and a new specialty is opened - welding. And all these innovations occur thanks to the director, who worked with the team from 1990 to 2000, Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov

In 1994, the secondary vocational technical school was given the status of a Vocational Lyceum. Our students are reaching a new level - the level of research professional activity.

In 2006, our educational institution was given the status of a technical school and the name was changed again - Ekaterinburg Polytechnic.

Currently, the full name of our educational institution sounds long and proud: state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Sverdlovsk region "Ekaterinburg Polytechnic"

Modernity: successes and achievements

GBOU SPO SO "Ekaterinburg Polytechnic" is an educational institution operating in development mode.

The innovative activities of teachers and students are embodied in a variety of project activities. Projects are systematically implemented, both at the level of educational institutions and at the level of individual teachers.

Projects implemented by the technical school have different directions: improving the quality of training of specialists, improving the management system, optimizing the educational process, etc.

2004 Project to create an information environment for a technical school

Since 2002, the technical school (then still a vocational lyceum) has been working on the project “Creating an information environment for PL No. 68 as a condition for the successful functioning of the educational institution at the present stage,” which received 1st place at the scientific and practical conference “Information technologies in the education system of the Sverdlovsk region” in 2003- 2004, within the framework of this project, teachers of the lyceum also received prizes at conferences in 2001-2002, 2002-2003.

The goal of this project is the use of information technology in Vocational Lyceum No. 68 to optimize the lyceum management process, improve the quality of education and social adaptation of students.

The tasks were set - informatization of the management process, automation of lyceum services, information support of the educational process.

Within the framework of the project, electronic databases have been created and are successfully used: Name book, Tariffication and accounting of debtors, Certification and monitoring, Industrial practice, Automated system for recording and monitoring hours according to a schedule.

The results of the project were the creation of a modern information educational environment at the technical school and the improvement of the qualifications of teachers in the field of information and communication technologies.

2005 IT as a means of ensuring graduate competitiveness

The project “Information technologies as a means of developing a competitive graduate” received second place in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region in 2005 and a grant in the amount of 300 thousand. rubles

The project presents technologies and work methods that create conditions for the development of an independent, thinking, creative personality, professional specialist. The project describes specific results of work in the form of computer support for various subjects, programs, tests, as well as the qualities that are planned to be obtained from lyceum graduates. An automated educational process monitoring program helps track project results.

Tasks set for the implementation of the project:

  • creating conditions for the formation of professional competence of students, the development of information and communication culture of teachers and students;
  • information support for the educational process, including educational, industrial, and extracurricular activities;
  • development of the material and technical base that ensures the use of IT in the educational process of the educational institution (Creation of classes with computer equipment, connection to the Internet).

During the implementation of the project, the software and educational and methodological support for subjects and professions became significantly more diverse, and the forms and methods of work using multimedia technology began to be used more widely:

  • educational and methodological projects
  • electronic textbooks
  • electronic teaching aids for students
  • computer tests
  • electronic teaching units
  • computer simulators
  • automated rating system
  • automated monitoring of the educational process

The implementation of this project contributed to improving the quality of education of lyceum graduates, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market, and increasing the prestige of the educational institution.

There has been a development of the material and technical base of the educational institution.

Internet connection.

Installation of desktop computers in the methodological center, library, masters' room, history classrooms, special disciplines of the Accountant profession.

A room for humanities was also created, equipped with a multimedia complex, in which teachers of the lyceum began to conduct lessons and homeroom hours.

2006 Integration of NPO and SPO levels. Obtaining technical school status

Project “Implementation of integrated educational programs of primary and secondary vocational education as a condition for the effective functioning of an educational institution in modern socio-economic conditions”

The project outlines approaches to the reorganization of the lyceum into a multi-level institution of secondary vocational education. The results of the work are described that contribute to the fulfillment of the main mission of the educational institution - to provide affordable quality education, creating conditions for the formation of a competitive specialist.

An analysis of the situation in the labor market and the educational services market allows us to conclude that there is a need for specialists who combine good professional skills and are capable of working with complex equipment. In addition, enterprises need specialists with qualifications that are in demand in a specific production, trained in a short time. Such specialists can be trained by an educational institution built on the basis of a multi-level training structure on the principles of integrating primary and secondary vocational education. The implementation of integrated educational programs of NGOs and SVEs will allow:

  • increase the prestige of the NGO professions;
  • ensure the opportunity for students to receive continuous education within one educational institution;
  • expand the range of educational services and access to multi-level education;
  • increase social security and their competitiveness in the labor market;
  • increase the attractiveness of the educational institution among school graduates. It is advisable to build a continuous chain of education so that students have the opportunity to graduate and enroll at any level of professional education;
  • create optimal conditions to meet the educational needs of the adult population.

The goal of the project: to create conditions for the effective operation of educational institutions in the modern socio-economic situation, namely, to create a multi-level, diversified educational institution capable of implementing multi-level educational programs in order to meet the requirements of employers, overcome the negative demographic situation, increase the competitiveness of educational institutions in the market of educational services, increasing the demand for graduates in the labor market and their best adaptation in society.

Problems that the project aims to solve:

  • creating conditions to ensure an increased level of professional education, the formation of competitive graduates in the labor market, and increasing their social security; fulfilling budget obligations taking into account the needs of the regional labor market;
  • development of the material and technical base of the lyceum;
  • meeting the requirements of social partners for the formation of a specialist capable of analyzing and designing his activities, independent actions in conditions of uncertainty, solving problems in the field of professional activity, ready for constant professional growth, capable of lifelong learning;
  • providing a choice of educational trajectory to applicants (schoolchildren and adults) to meet the demand for educational services.

Integration of primary and secondary vocational education within the walls of one educational institution is one of the promising directions in restructuring the network of educational institutions in the region. Such a multidisciplinary, multi-level educational institution is a new form of continuous professional education, built on the interaction of educational and professional spaces. The project presents a comprehensive model of a multi-level, multidisciplinary educational institution, which consists of a model of the educational space, management structure, conditions for mastering educational programs, structures for the preparation and implementation of NPO-SVE programs.

The OS is integrated with the production sector

The educational institution is built on the basis of a competency-based approach

The educational institution is open to all groups of the city population

This training structure provides the opportunity to build a variety of individual learning trajectories and helps to combine the best from the systems of primary and secondary vocational education.

2007 Innovative educational program "Modular training of specialists"

Innovative educational program “Modular training of specialists in maintenance, adjustment and repair of high-performance automated equipment in mechanical engineering”

The Innovative Educational Program (hereinafter referred to as IEP) was presented in 2007 within the framework of the national project “Education” for a competition for the selection of state educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education that are introducing innovative educational programs for state support for the training of workers and specialists for high-tech industries, and the Ekaterinburg Polytechnic became one of the winners, receiving total funding in the amount of 40 million rubles.

IEP “Modular training of specialists in the maintenance, adjustment and repair of high-performance automated equipment in mechanical engineering” covers the profiles of Optical production and Metalworking, educational programs for professional training “Operator of computer-controlled machines”, initial vocational education for the professions “Instrumentation mechanic”, “Optician” are involved. mechanic”, “Fitter-repairman”, secondary vocational education specialty “Automation of technological processes and production”.

The co-investors of the project were the Ural Machine-Building Corporation “Pumori-Sverdlovsk Tool Plant” and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant”.

Modernization of production at enterprises leads to the emergence of complex multi-operational equipment (hereinafter referred to as the “center”), performing several technological operations. For example, at the UMK "PUMORI - SIZ" modern high-performance automated equipment makes up more than 20% of the machine park, at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PA "UOMZ" - 5%

The employer creates qualitatively different requirements for the professional qualifications of employees, including competencies of different qualifications at the modern level.

For example, for the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PA "UOMZ" these are the competencies of an optics-mechanicist, since the equipment is used for the production of optical-electronic devices; for the UMK "Pumori-SIZ" these are the competencies of a metalworking specialist.

Traditional educational programs do not provide for the training of specialists with competencies in various profiles. Therefore, based on the requests of employers, it is necessary to change the structure of specialist training. A model for implementing the educational program was developed

The main idea of ​​the IEP is to create modular programs based on competencies required by a specific employer, implemented within the framework of the main educational program of initial vocational education (hereinafter referred to as NPE), secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) or complementing them.

Modular programs include both uniform requirements for the study of automation, drives, control systems, etc., and special competencies necessary for working with equipment used at a specific enterprise. The study of each module ends with the issuance of a certificate signed by the employer. The decision to assign qualifications is made based on the totality of certificates.

Due to the complexity and variety of equipment used in high-tech industries, key and multi-professional competencies are given in the 1st-2nd year, and special competencies focused on the enterprise where the student will undergo practical training and subsequently work in the 3rd year. The formation of the required competencies in students at the NPO level is carried out through the study of the necessary modules within the framework of the main program and professional training “Operator of machine tools with PU”, “Optician-mechanic”, which complement the main program.

A modular program based on competencies allows you to quickly update or replace specific modules when employer requirements for a specialist change, train individually, and allow you to use the same modules in several training programs.

The advantage of competency-based modular programs is that modules can be quickly adjusted as employer requirements change. Depending on the task, various combinations of modules are possible for training specialists in a short time, taking into account the initial level of education of students. Such programs can be successfully used in training the adult population and improving the skills of enterprise employees.

The implementation of the IEP was carried out in several directions:

  • development of new content of vocational education, namely, the identification of new competencies in demand by employers, based on functional maps;
  • development of specific modules aimed at developing specific competencies. The advantage of competency-based modular programs is that modules can be quickly adjusted as employer requirements change. Depending on the task, various combinations of modules are possible for training specialists in a short time, taking into account the initial level of education of students. Such programs can be successfully used in training adults and improving the skills of enterprise employees;
  • providing on-the-job training and practice for students using modern equipment according to integrated programs;
  • ensuring advanced training of teaching staff to carry out training in the presented areas;
  • creation of a modern educational and laboratory base, adequate training in the presented areas: stands - simulators, modern industrial machines, located in six new rooms and workshops equipped at the most modern level.
  • creation of optimal educational software and methodological support for training specialists. New educational materials include modular programs, computer support for each module (from lecture material to control): educational videos, computer tests.

The IEP is based on modern educational technologies. The organization of the educational process is based on the principle of intensity, which promotes the effective acquisition of special competencies and adaptation to changing production conditions.

2010 Joint project with Robert BOSCH LLC

In 2010, the Ekaterinburg Polytechnic began a new project with Robert BOSCH LLC - training in professional work with power tools. BOSCH tools are quality, reliability, convenience and durability, but improper handling of them leads to breakdowns and shortens their service life. Today, not a single educational institution in Yekaterinburg or the region conducts such courses.

The project provides training to different categories of citizens:

  • students and technical school students;
  • specialists working with power tools by occupation;
  • the population purchasing this instrument for personal use.

A meeting has already been held with the chief engineers of construction organizations at the Beloyarsk HPP facility under construction. A need was identified for the quality of work, and therefore for staff training.

Specialists of various levels are already undergoing training at the Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin.

And our students picked up hammer drills and drills.

2011 Intel Learning for the Future Learning Site

The college has become a training platform for Intel's Teach for the Future program. During the year of work, teachers and industrial training specialists are trained in various courses of the program; the content of the program is included in the preparation for the implementation of project activities of students and students of the technical school.

A model is being developed for including the content of the program in professional training for various educational programs of the technical school in the form of a variable part of the Federal State Educational Standard-03.

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