Why do you dream about relatives at the table? Did you dream about your deceased relatives being alive? What does it mean? Why do relatives dream according to the modern dream book?

Relatives are the closest people to us, and therefore their participation in our lives is enormous. It’s no wonder that we often think about them, and even see them in our dreams. Dreams about close relatives are a reflection of our thoughts about them, while dreams about distant relatives reflect our longing for a person who has not been seen for a long time. But what if the dream is “prophetic”? What, in this case, is the dream trying to convey to us and why do we dream about relatives? Let's look into the dream book.

So, seeing a joyful meeting with relatives in a dream is a warning that very soon you will receive news from your relatives. On the contrary, if you see in a dream how you are visiting relatives, then in real life you should prepare for unforeseen expenses. If the owner of the dream sees happy and well-dressed relatives, happiness and wealth await him. A dream in which you see all your relatives gathered at one table with dishes is interpreted similarly. Moreover, the more treats on the table, the greater your happiness will be.

Losing relatives in a dream means that on the path to success, overcoming obstacles, you will have to show all your will and patience. But doing business with relatives in a dream is not good and is fraught with troubles in reality.

Deceased relatives dream of great joy. In addition, some dream books explain that such a dream comes on the eve of a sudden change in weather. Talking with a deceased relative in a dream means success in developing your own business. When a deceased relative kisses you in a dream, he persistently calls you to follow him. A bad dream that speaks of a danger to life would also be a dream in which you give something to a deceased relative.

Dying relatives come in a dream to get rich and receive an inheritance. If in a dream you visit a sick relative, in real life you cannot avoid expenses. And if, when meeting, you hug a relative in a dream, you should be prepared for a serious illness and a major quarrel with close relatives. A dream in which one had a chance to see living relatives dead also warns of great danger.

If we talk about specific relatives, then if you dream about your own sister, in reality the owner of the dream will be irritated and angry because of his own indiscretion. Seeing your father in a dream means unexpected profits. If in a dream the father is sick or died, in real life the owner of the dream may suffer from an illness associated with the head or brain. A dream in which you are talking to your father is also a warning about losing your own face. On the contrary, a fight with your father in a dream suggests that you love your family very much and miss them.

Mom appears in a dream for some happy event. Losing a mother in a dream means experiencing pangs of conscience in reality. If your mother is sick in a dream, you cannot avoid illness associated with the respiratory system or heart. When you dream of parents together, you can hope for unexpected help. And talking to parents in a dream means that in order to solve problems that have arisen you will have to seek outside help. If in a dream you pester relatives, in reality you may suffer from your gullibility. To experience a feeling of anxiety and excitement at the sight of relatives is a dream reminiscent of your strong preoccupation with your affairs.

A dream in which you saw a cousin promises uncertainty in business and relationships, a dream with an uncle promises unexpected success. The unexpected departure of these relatives in a dream is a harbinger of a happy event that will happen very soon.

In a general sense, distant relatives dream of minor troubles, and relatives lying on the hump warn the owner of the dream about mortal danger. If in a dream a relative gives you money, you need to think about it, perhaps your dissatisfaction with what you have is growing stronger. The same dream means that you treat your family frivolously and without due attention. When in a dream you saw a fight between relatives, you will have to forget about a calm and carefree life for a while.

It’s up to you to believe or not to believe these transcripts of dreams about relatives, but it’s still worth listening to the interpretations that have been proven over the years, because forewarned is forearmed!

Alexander Reply

Brother, sister - in the dreams of adults, they most often symbolize the dreamer himself (it’s different for children). Hostility in such dreams towards a brother/sister is interpreted as dissatisfaction with one’s own self, denial of oneself as one is and the desire to become different, or a conflict between two components of personality, two opposing tendencies or desires...

Here is a friend/girlfriend.

The father is a symbol of power, authority, law. It tends to be replaced by other typical characters: a school teacher, a doctor, a boss... It is important to understand whether we are talking about the father himself (memory of childhood impressions) or what this image symbolizes.

Mother (school teacher, bear, she-wolf, Mother of God...) - often appears in the dreams of adults in cases where the child’s umbilical cord (in the psychological sense) with the parent is not severed. Then the unconscious may represent the mother in a negative aspect, wanting to overthrow her from her pedestal and break this infantile dependence.

In children's dreams, conflict with their mother signals trouble in the relationship.

In adolescents, it is interpreted rather in a positive way, as the will to free oneself from maternal care and the desire for independence.

Grandparents - symbolize family, related support. Interpretation depends on the context - positive or negative.

Lena_strelyaeva Reply

Hello, Yaroslav! And here is another story that I dreamed about that same night: I am with my relatives in the village house of my grandparents (which actually exists). It’s interesting that there are my grandfather and great-grandmother (his mother, whom I remember well), who are still alive and have long since passed into another world, and so they discuss among themselves what next book to read and where to get it, while naming some then a now fashionable author, such as Akunin. They look vigorous and younger than the age at which each of them died. Here my living grandmother (the last of the Mohicans :-)) spread a newspaper on the floor and laid out everything necessary for painting the floor. I see a slightly shabby baseboard and part of the floor, scraped down to light wood, which need to be painted. I'm going to help her and even take it upon myself, since I enjoy this activity. Here in the house is my cousin, whom I always liked more than my brother. I try in every possible way to attract his attention with a word or some kind of movement, as teenagers do - just to look at something, turn to him, invite him to do something together, but he just goes about his business, although I perceive his every movement - now it’ll do . Despite all this, my husband is also present in the house, but I don’t see him clearly, I just know that he is there. Everyone is moving, doing something, everything is like in a big family. The dream is calm, but the question arises: why do relatives who have already passed away appear with living ones, what does this mean? Or can such calm dreams in their details say a lot!? At least they stopped dreaming about cars and started dreaming about houses. Thank you for your clarifications, which I really count on, as they really help.

Alexander Reply

From solving the problem of ways to achieve a goal [you stopped dreaming about cars] you moved on to the issue of creating meaning in life [you started dreaming about houses]. A dream about renovation is good, as it speaks of updating some ideas and ideas [I see a slightly shabby baseboard and part of the floor, scraped down to light wood, which need to be painted]. There is no bad message in the fact that both living and long-departed relatives appeared - but the point is that in your reasoning you are relying on the life experience that you received from them [my grandmother, now living, spread a newspaper on the floor and laid out everything needed to paint the floor]. That is, the impulse comes from the image of the grandmother (Parent), and the direct reformative work is performed by the ego-image, consciousness [I’m even going to take this on myself, since I like this activity].
In the changes currently taking place, the polygamous aspect of your personality is also important [my cousin, whom I have always liked more than my brother, I am trying in every possible way to attract his attention, while my husband is also present in the house].

Flerdelis7 Reply

We are on the bus going to the hospital to visit some distant relative, something like a great-aunt. She is terminally ill. And we are all one family, for some reason a criminal one. Some men, women, all my relatives, although I don’t know any of them in real life. We were eating and suddenly I saw that a cockchafer was sitting behind the window of the bus on the outside. I’m surprised and show it to the girl I’m sitting next to. Then we arrive. We have to wait for something in the yard. I'm standing at the curb. Asphalt and that May beetle crawling on it. All kind of dusty. A man stands nearby, a mafioso. He saw a beetle and suddenly I became worried that he would crush this beetle. I explain to him that there is no need to push him, it’s a pity, the beetle rode with us all the way, etc. He agrees. And then other beetles appear on the asphalt. There are many of them, but they are not May, but rather unusual. There is a big black one, like a stag, others are also some rare ones. And suddenly this man starts squashing bugs. I didn’t see how he crushed the others, but he stepped on that black stag and the beetle seemed to be cut in half. I want to tell him not to crush them, but then I think that if I tell him, he will crush my May one too. Then we're going to go into the hospital. I glance at the Namaisky and see that he is also crushed. The mafioso crushed him when I wasn't looking. We enter the hospital, some corridors, wards. Let's go into one. There are no patients. There are two beds, sloppily tidied up, and another one perpendicular to them. But she is behind bars from floor to ceiling. They explain to me that the patient on this bed is mentally ill, violent, and so that he would not harm anyone, he was fenced off with bars. Then “grandmother” comes. She is not being treated in this ward. She is wearing a white robe. She sits down on a chair...

Alexander Reply

The mafioso and the violent madman are one and the same character. First, the Unconscious tests you to see if you will overcome fear and stand up for what is valuable to you [the mafioso saw a beetle and suddenly I became worried that he would crush this beetle; he begins to crush the beetles, I want to tell him not to crush them, but then I think that if I tell him, he will crush my May too]. But your ego [I] is afraid to come into contact with him, and vice versa, distances himself. Therefore, the next episode - the mafioso becomes more obsessed, and you move away, build a system of defenses [the bed is behind bars, on this bed there is a mentally ill, violent person, and so that he does not harm anyone, he is fenced off with bars].
The trick of the dream is that this violent one symbolizes some quality of yours, one of your other selves. You are increasingly at odds with yourself (the mafioso with whom you could initially communicate becomes a psycho behind bars).

Tavi Reply

Hello! My situation is this: I fell in love with a young man, we spent only 4 days together, and we had to break up. Now I can’t find a place for myself, I want to be close to him, and I had the following dream: I am in my aunt’s former apartment and am very worried that HIM is not around. Suddenly my and his grandmothers come up to me and say: well, what are you worrying about, he will be your husband anyway, the wedding is coming soon, and this calms me down. Perhaps I am dreaming about what I really want, I am 23 years old.

Lumara Reply

I dreamed that I found myself in a city where all my relatives lived. The street where my grandmother lived. A guy lives in the house opposite her house, my first real love.) And now I see that this house has been demolished and in its place is a huge dirty ditch filled with water. I know I’m not alone, but I don’t see or feel anyone with me. I go into the water and swim. I clean the water, but I feel dirty. I see someone, I know that this person is very significant for me, swimming after me to bring me back... and with that I wake up

Deyanira Reply

I’m in the forest - a beautiful summer day, smells, gentle breeze, everything is beautiful and I’m enjoying it. Feeling like paradise. Suddenly I remember that this will all end and winter will come again. At the same time, I experience an incredible sense of bitterness, pain and loss. Out of nowhere, my relatives from the seventh generation appear and begin to console me, saying that there will be another summer and there is no need to kill yourself like that. But for some reason I don’t believe them, and I know for sure that this summer is the last. I woke up confused. What does this mean?


I dream about our house - in the country. For some reason the first floor is decorated with blue patterned tiles. There is a large table in the room; I don’t remember it ever being there. The table is set - apparently we are celebrating something. All the relatives are at the table, including the late grandfather, grandmother, and brother. Everyone is in a good mood, cheerful. Grandfather is sitting in the center of the table, with his back to me, someone is hugging him. On the other side of the table, to my right, my grandmother is sitting in the corner. I stand in the doorway of the room and watch what is happening. My cousin, alive, passes by me. He was the brother of his deceased brother. I tell him that this cannot happen - my grandparents are dead, and Dimka (brother) too... He says, “relax, this is how it should be.” But I understand that “this is not necessary,” this cannot happen to be…… All these thoughts arose in my dream, everything was like in reality……. What could this mean?

Moiseenkova Reply

I dreamed that I went to my parents and had to get there on foot. But then along the way I meet people who were caught in a natural disaster - a flood. I make my way through swamps, destroyed paths, and encounter squalid dwellings. And then, halfway there, my relatives picked me up, put me in the car, helped me with money, fed me and gave me water.

Alexander Reply


Nastyaddd222-yahoo-com Reply

I come to my parents for a family evening - close relatives have gathered, and in a dream my parents live in the apartment of my deceased grandmother. Everyone starts eating, I take out a package of soup that I bought in advance at the supermarket - it’s kind of oriental, non-traditional. I smoke it and start eating it, and its color is mysterious - something between pea soup and the color of a child’s surprise. It's disgusting, but I continue to eat, bravely. Suddenly I notice that everything in this soup is moving, and a live turtle is swimming at the bottom. I feel unwell, and under the guise of going to show my sister the turtle, I go to the toilet. I’m vomiting in the bathtub, my sister is also vomiting at the sight, and I see that a lot of all kinds of living creatures are coming out of me, incl. big maggots. I want to wash my face with water, but the same liquid (soup) comes out of the tap. An army of fat worms is swarming at the bottom of the bathroom, and we continue to vomit. We go out into the room, the guests have left, and the churning in our stomach continues. What a nightmare!

AnaLitik Reply

Pay attention to your relationships with men. We are talking about negativity, which is activated through men. Worms are an obedient and “kind” man who is capable of ruining everything with his obedience. The turtle is an attractive partner that accelerates our aging process. Of course, images of parents in a dream always indicate that we are regressing and living off the programs learned in childhood, but still, you bought your soup yourself.

Men69-mail-ru Reply


Epolaykova-mail-ru Reply


Nezemnoenastroenie-narod-ru Reply

I recently dreamed that my mother and several other relatives were burned in a fire. I cried for a long time and cried in my sleep. Then it turned out that I competed with my friend, who in reality lives in another city and we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Even in a dream it was difficult for me and I didn’t want to put up with it for a long time, but because of the fire I had to (her mother and she worked as doctors). Moreover, when my mother was in the building that burned down, she was sick and even pregnant!!! Then suddenly everything calmed down and I found myself in the sea, almost on the shore, around the rock, the sun was shining and I almost calmed down, but the pain of loss had not yet subsided... Suddenly dolphins appeared. I started swimming with them like a fish, kissing them, talking... Then I woke up and still thought that my mother had died...

Skaflok-pisem-net Reply

recently my mother had a dream that she was sitting at home, suddenly the doorbell rang, she opened it and a whole crowd of our relatives came into the apartment (all of them died long ago), and I followed them in like ice. With one hand I am hugging an older woman with brown hair, and with the other hand I am holding the hand of a little girl. mother says that the girl had my eyes. I bring the girl to her mother and say, pointing to the girl, this is Vitsina Nadezhda Ivanovna (that’s my mother’s name). After this, the mother wakes up screaming. The strangest thing about all this is that I really have a girl older than me with brown hair, she is pregnant, but her mother definitely knows nothing about her existence. my name is Ivan and if I name my daughter (if a girl is born) I hope she turns out to be an exact copy of her mother

Alexander Reply

In a dream, all my relatives - grandfather, grandmother, parents and a bunch of others with music - some have a button accordion in their hands, some have a guitar, some with a beater - get on a huge cart and a horse takes them away and they sing and rejoice. I remain holding the hand of my beloved and her daughter from a previous marriage. We wave our hands and go home. She tells me that I need to collect the chess - the chess pieces are scattered in a pile on the floor and the boards are lying nearby. We sit down on the floor with her and collect them. Then I fall asleep in the toilet, she comes in and smiles. And I want her very much and at that moment I wake up.

AnaLitik Reply

Actually, your dream is built on contrasts. A village festival with music, of course, reflects a favorable situation. Relatives leave, and scattered chess pieces are left behind. Chess is what prevented the free expression of instincts. And sleeping in the toilet indicates empty eroticism, that is, psycho-mechanical sex that can exhaust a person.

Vlada_-pisem-net Reply

Prehistory: Mom died on January 4. Dad died 4 years ago. Everyone was young. Left alone. Mom’s death was a huge shock, especially since we communicated very closely and lived together. I blame myself all the time and it’s very difficult to acclimatize to new conditions. Dream from January 19 to 20. I dream about granny, grandfather, mom and dad in turn (all deceased). The atmosphere is good, they are doing something as if they were alive, they are saying something, I don’t remember what. My husband tried to calm me down twice and to bring me out of sleep, because I was moaning in my sleep, and seemed to be talking in moans, for some reason he immediately decided that I was talking to my parents, began to reassure me that he was with me and would protect me, asked what I was dreaming about, and I said I didn’t dream of anything and continued to sleep again, I wanted to go back to sleep and continue “it” worked. The feeling from the dream was interesting, it seemed that through moans we communicated and the pain and bitterness came out of me. It seemed to me that everything was the other way around, in the dream my mother was alive and I decided that this is life, and a dream is what is in reality (i.e. she is dead) and I was glad that she was actually alive! I experienced great calm, I wanted to continue communicating with them. I woke up with a good feeling, it became My soul was much lighter and I was left with a pleasant impression from the dream, as if they were asking me not to be nervous, calm down, stop blaming myself and move on with my life, they forgave me for everything. I'm 32 years old, Vlada

743 Reply

On the night of May 17, I dreamed about this: a dark-haired man came into my apartment. He says that he is Vlad the Impaler (that is, Dracula). I asked what he wanted. He says that I am his very distant relative, but no one knows about it. Then he offered to have lunch with him. He took out some black human figurine about 20 centimeters high, said something to her, she came to life and went to set the table. “This,” says Vlad, “is very simple! Just say what you want." He gave me the same black figurine of a dolphin. I ordered him to move, and the dolphin crawled along the floor. “Okay,” I say, “This is voodoo, black magic, I don’t want to get involved in this.” Then I was, as it were, somewhere in his country. He showed a stage, there were some hangers on it, and people (alive and healthy), like enemy prisoners, were hanging on them by belts. I asked: “You were very cruel, why don’t you torture them?” He says: “They did very little wrong. So they hang alive and intact in the square and everyone sees their shame, everyone laughs at them because they do not resist.” Soon one prisoner somehow escaped, untied the others, they grabbed some sticks and attacked the guards. Tepes' warriors took out their swords and the battle began. I thought that the prisoners would lose anyway, and everything disappeared. And I’m standing in front of my house and suddenly I see Comrade Stalin walking down the street. Suddenly some people started shooting at him with pistols. T. Stalin somehow dodged, took out a pistol and killed them all, and then said: “They think I’m old, I can’t do anything! And I will still live!” Suddenly another man approached from behind, it turned out that it was V.I. Lenin, but in reality he was not like that at all. I went to my home and saw a white GAZelle (meaning car) in front of the house. Someone told me that they gave it to me. At first I wanted to sell it, because I have my own car - a VAZ 2108 (as in reality), but then I decided to keep it just in case. I got into the GAZelle and drove off. Suddenly I see some pretty girls. They get into my car and ask me to take me somewhere. One of them hugged me along the way. We arrived at some building, then I walked away somewhere, telling them to wait. But suddenly I got lost and couldn’t find the car. And he ended up in an old cemetery, or rather about 10 meters from it above the road. And wherever I go, I still end up on the same road. Then he seemed to find a way out and stood next to him. And I woke up... And the feeling was very similar to that it was in reality!

Marusha Reply

I am 27 years old. On the night of August 24-25, I had a terrible dream. It's like I'm in the house of my recently deceased grandparents. My sister, my beloved, my uncle are in this house. my cousin, my beloved's wife and my beloved's son. We are sleeping. It's about 4 o'clock in the morning. My beloved son wakes up and starts solving a math problem. The lights are on. I sleep in the same room with his beloved son and my sister. My sister starts swearing and turns off the light. I get up, turn on the light and let the child finish the task. At this time, my beloved goes somewhere, then returns and quietly lies down next to me. I become suspicious of his quiet behavior and feel some kind of deception. I kind of subconsciously know that there are two of him. I throw off the blanket and discover that my beloved second one has come to me - i.e. It's just him without legs. I think, yeah, that means he stayed with his wife with legs, and slipped me without legs. OK. I fall asleep and suddenly all the electrical appliances in the room turn on at the same time. I'm very scared and so is everyone else. I quickly turn everything off. We go to bed again. Suddenly I hear a knock. I get up and see my uncle and my cousin running to the door to open it. I tell them that they are knocking on the window. I go to the window and see that under the window there are 2 children, a boy and a girl, small 4-6 years old. Let me remind you that this is about 4 o'clock in the morning. They are very pale, almost greenish and somehow strange. They are silent. Suddenly a boy seeps through the wall and I start screaming that it’s the devil. I shout to my uncle to give me the icon (it’s on the closet). The boy smiles evilly and looks at the icon and it disappears. I begin to frantically remember our Father and read it. I begin to baptize the boy and he is twisted and turned inside out, as if he is slowly dissolving. And then I woke up. It was really about 4 o'clock in the morning. I was terribly scared, I crossed myself 3 times. For a long time I was afraid to fall asleep. I tried to think about something good.

Dolores Reply

Oh my God!!! For me, Marusha, after reading your dream, a whole herd of “goosebumps” raced down my spine. Truly a nightmare vision. Maybe you should pray for your loved one and his wife and child? In a word, if I were you, I would go to church. Maybe this dream is a sign that you are doing something wrong, and through this relationship with a legless man you are attracting “demons”?

Dolores Reply

Yesterday I told your nightmare to a friend and we discussed the topic of “leglessness.” That's what we've been arguing about. Legs are, as it were, a symbol of movement, action, and if someone does not have them, then perhaps THIS “Someone” manifests itself passively and inertly. How do you like this option?

Liudmila-khimochkina Reply

I dreamed that I was at my grandmother's house. I just arrived from far away and haven’t seen everyone for a long time. I saw all my relatives, I really missed everyone, they hugged and kissed. I gave gifts to everyone. But at the same time, I was again packing my bags to leave.

Guzhelia Reply

I came to visit distant relatives (whom I hadn’t seen or thought about for 15 years) and they were building a church. That is, it didn’t look like a church, but I knew that it was one. Wooden, not yet built. Only the upper floors look like rooms, they are already decorated - everything is made of wood. They put me in such a room - there is nothing there - just like in a cell. My relatives are calling me, but I’m scared to go down because the lower floors are not built - only wooden beams. And I’m high from them and from the ground - floor 7 where - That. but I go down and start arguing with my relatives - a lot. They don’t understand me. then the priest comes and tries to reconcile us - I yell at him too, but gradually cool down. I complain that my relatives don’t understand me - he tries to tell me something from the Bible, but I constantly interrupt him and find inaccuracies in his stories and arguments. So we didn’t come to an agreement with him. I’m 23 years old, I’m a woman, and I don’t know what to associate the dream with since I’m not a believer, I’ve never even seen the Bible or priests. but I haven’t met these relatives and I don’t know anything about them and don’t even remember them

Mara-rita Reply

I very often see my deceased relatives, especially my grandmother’s sister, who raised me as a child. I don’t feel any threat emanating from her, just when I see her in a dream, the thought comes to me: she’s already died (half a year ago). And I start to cry. I wake up in tears. Sometimes I try to talk to her, ask how it is “there”, but I don’t remember what she answers. But even more often I dream of her house and my grandmother’s house, and in my dreams I am always afraid of my grandmother’s house. It is very dark and scary, and in my dreams some spirits and evil spirits live there, I try in every way to escape from there or destroy it. And I dream of my aunt’s house either with sunshine in the windows, a lot of relatives around, or with a warm stove. Today I had a dream that I was in this house with my parents, we were talking, and suddenly in the window I noticed the silhouette of a woman in a black robe and hood (as death is usually depicted in pictures), she looks out the window and I understand that she will try login and I have very little time. I rush to the door and manage to lock myself with the hook. And I’m still trying to hold the door handle, feeling pushes and attempts to open the door, I wake up... what could this mean?

Shmagda Reply

A relative came to see me, whom I had not seen for many years. I really want to understand the reason for his visit. And he calmly, as if communicating every breath, says: “I brought you fabrics, choose what you like.” I'm amazed, he was always stingy in life. I go out to the threshold of the house and see in front of the door fabrics neatly folded, like in a store, multi-colored and different. I start feeling the fabrics, but I don't like anything.

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

We live in a long, spacious, gloomy apartment, more like a corridor, located in a house on the shore of a large body of water. Relatives come to visit us. We are not very happy about them. Among them is the father. This is what causes our greatest indignation. Mom is preparing food for him, she is tired in the kitchen. I’m angry because I don’t understand why a person she doesn’t love or respect would cook something, especially without any request on his part. But mom is only angry with me. The father gets completely drunk and grabs a large sheet of plywood, rushes around the room with it, saying who knows what. Mom decided to fry him fish eggs, which were spawned by our aquarium fish. Then it turns out that among those eggs there is also a frog (we have a frog in our aquarium). I feel sorry for the caviar, but he didn’t even eat it, he fell asleep right in the room on the plywood. And then I start hitting him, silently surprised that he doesn’t defend himself. What struck me most (unpleasantly) was my father’s too white body, somehow loose, like dough. I passionately wanted to get him away from us somehow.

Michael Reply

I had a very long and, in my opinion, completely empty dream. It’s like I’m in St. Petersburg, it’s already spring, but the snow hasn’t melted yet, everyone is wearing warm fur coats. I tell my grandmother, or my aunt, or some other relative. “I found a shorter road to the Embankment, but it’s still dangerous to walk here, you could fall.” - Oh, thank you, honey. And then I make such a detour there. And the square is paved with stone and covered with ice. It is very slippery to walk on it. Then I, with this grandmother and my friend, to whom I can’t breathe, walk along the highway along the snowy part. We went to a couple of eateries, but didn’t buy anything to eat, the food there was disgusting. I think it’s better for us to cross to the other side of the road, although everything there has melted and there is terrible dirt. While crossing the wide road, my smart trousers and shoes were smeared in mud. Then we all walk together along the thawed side of the road, carefully stepping on the soil so as not to fall into the mud. I say. — There is such dirt in St. Petersburg that if you drive around, you won’t be able to get through. We go out to the snowy station. I already know my daughter. It's on the railway tracks. I quickly pick it up and take it to the side. At the station we say goodbye. This is where our paths diverge. I give her detailed instructions on what to do to get settled here. We bought four large bags of salt. But they forgot to grab them in a hurry, they remained lying on the bench. I bought myself a transit ticket. I need to take the metro to the bus station in five minutes (one station, the clock says 6:30 in the morning, and at the bus station the bus leaves at 6:35). Well, of course I’m late for the bus (I arrive at the bus station at 6:38). I'm going to the information desk. There a girl and a guy look at the diagram and discuss some kind of game. I ask how to get there, I don’t remember where. She says. — Buses 15,19,21,29,31 go there. You will get to the center, and then change to Express. I thanked her. I go out to the stop from which all these numbers depart. There are already people there and the 15th bus is arriving. By the way, the clothes and decor are reminiscent of Soviet times. But I don’t remember the 15th - is it my number or not. While I'm rummaging in my pockets to get a note with bus numbers, the bus is already moving. But I still manage to check that it is my bus and at the last minute I jump inside. The bus is dirty, shabby, and stinks of urine. There seem to be a lot of empty seats, but either the seats are torn or there are drops of some unknown liquid. I try to sit down next to the black man, but I also see drops of something there. Finally, he squeezed into the torn seat and continued on his way.

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

The dream is not empty. They CAN offer a job or a profitable business in the current one. Don't agree!!! (or really, really, really think about it). In another version: attempts to self-realize adequately to one’s abilities and talents, as well as spiritual qualities, have so far been unsuccessful. It seems to me because there is no clear idea of ​​one’s own abilities (low or blurred (no clear image of oneself?) self-esteem?).

Oksana-osipova Reply

Hello everyone. I had a dream that seemed ordinary, but for some reason it stuck in my head (I usually forget them). I’m at home, but the environment is different, not like home, but it doesn’t bother me at all. My sister-in-law collects my things, puts them in a box, smiles, but I know that she is kicking me out. He throws some kind of rag at me (something small in general), but it doesn’t hit me. I'm leaving. I walk down the street and find myself in the subway, but the carriage is terribly crowded, not in the sense that there are a lot of people, but simply that the carriages themselves are small. And with me there is a young man, a tall brunette, but I don’t know him. That's basically all that could mean?

Lia24051 Reply

Me and some other relatives are in some spacious room, a hall, very high ceilings, it looks like a train station, there are not many people. We're at the table. Three men sat at the next table. I see my grandfather among them. I look at him, but for some reason I can’t approach him. And he also looks at me, and as soon as his eyes meet, he averts his own. When his eyes meet, I see that his eyes are bright blue, the kind they see in children’s drawings. In reality, they were brown. Grandfather is calm, detached, as I remember him (he died in 1982), but he constantly looks at me, looking greedily, as if he wants to see enough or say something. There is a desire to hug him and talk to him. I get up and want to approach him, but at this time my mother, she was sitting next to me (but I had not seen her before) says: “Introduce your grandfather to your granddaughter.” The granddaughter seemed to be running around the hall. I’m afraid that my grandfather will leave now, there was a feeling that he would not be here for long, but I obeyed my mother and called my granddaughter. She's wearing a beautiful white dress, but for some reason she's barefoot. I tell her that she shouldn’t run barefoot, she might catch a cold, and that now let’s go, I’ll introduce her to my grandfather. I start putting on her knee socks and shoes. The knee socks don't fit well, the shoes don't fasten well. But I can cope. While I’m doing this, grandfather gets up from the table and leaves. I'm in a hurry, I want to catch up with him. But he goes fast. At first I saw him, then I lost him. I run after, along with my granddaughter. I'm nervous that I won't make it in time. I run to the exit, I see a glass door, next to a checkpoint. I understand that I need to go through control, like at the airport. The people are crowding. With a hesitation, but still I pass the control and go out into the street. The street is unfamiliar, and you can feel that this is a big city, the street is similar to Kiev Khreshchatyk, and it seems that this is no longer a station, but a restaurant, and at the porch, it seemed to me, there was a motorcycle (I was surprised, it was strange), one long stroller, for three people, without wheels In this cradle sits the grandfather and the two who were with him. One seemed familiar, a friend of my father. (father died in 1975) I stopped. Grandfather turned and looked at me. I tell him: “I didn’t have time earlier,” He is silent, just looks. The eyes are blue-blue. I say, “This is my granddaughter.” He is silent. I say: “I’ll come to you, then I’ll tell you everything” Leah

AnaLitik Reply

To clarify the influential connections between the living and the dead, Bert Hellinger (method of systemic family constellations) introduced the concept of systemic conscience. There is “a lot of things” in this concept, but one can single out a moment that describes the split within the subject, which appeals to conscience. The child feels through the cells of his body that he received life through his mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc. But his consciousness was formed in a completely different way: his dad was a drunk, his grandfather was a freak, his grandmother was a bitch. The work of systemic conscience is that the child will unconsciously develop in himself the qualities of the family member who enjoyed the least honor and respect. From this we can extract the following: if I dreamed of a deceased relative, it means I have a connection with him. If I introduce the deceased to my granddaughter, it means she also has a connection with him. Communication is a neutral concept. The main thing is with whom we are connected. From a positive partner we receive positivity, but more often we receive a specific pathology associated with the deceased (we make the same mistakes, die in the same way, etc.). The requirement of systemic conscience is that we repeat his fate in the name of binding unconscious love. These requirements lose relevance when love becomes explicit and conscious: “Through you I received life, you will always be in my heart. You died, I am still alive. I’ll live a little longer, and then we’ll meet.” And you can show your child a photo of his grandfather and say something warm about him.

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

Along the forest road, all my maternal relatives, even the dead, are driving to our dacha in cars. Each family has its own car, all of them are old and in poor condition. My dad is driving our car, but we are quarreling. he comes out, and his grandfather, who died 16 years ago, sits in his place. There is still a grandmother in the car (she is alive), but she disappears somewhere. I don’t want to go further, but grandpa insists. The road, although narrow, is smooth and free, and I’m afraid because we are going to the blue Zaropozhets. A shiny red car flies into the oncoming lane and rushes towards us. I push my grandfather away from the steering wheel and miraculously avoid a head-on collision. True, the oncoming car demolished the entire left side of our car (doors, glass, bumper, everything), there was nothing left, and I didn’t want to go further in this car. Mom and I went out, grandfather drove on. Mom began to scold me because we were left alone in the middle of the forest, my mother’s brother, who died on July 1 of this year, drove past us in a patched-up black car, mom asked him to give us a lift, and he rudely replied that this was not our road. We went into the forest, came across a bus station (three houses), there we waited for transport and saw our father (my mother’s husband, my father). He stood at the food stall and ate half a roast pig. He was very cheerful and daring, and he only grinned at all our attempts to somehow organize and go somewhere. My mother and I miraculously ended up at home without him. Immediately I find myself on a remote island in the polar latitudes, it is unclear in what capacity, seemingly as a reporter. The island is interesting. Is it home to an important and secret research institute? and I flew to the island to report on it. I was met by the director of the institute and immediately led to a dazzling white building at the far end of the island. I visited there, but not for long, and, accompanied by the director, I actually went for a walk around the island, because the beautiful flowers caught my attention. When I left the building, I saw that the island was small and round, slightly concave towards the center, all covered with thick and lush dark green grass, in some places you could see stones similar to the remains of Stonehenge, and everywhere there were many, many flowers, namely wildflowers. meadow In fact, I left the institute to the smell of pink flowers, fresh and intoxicating at the same time. I felt so good on the island, among the grass and these flowers! There were white ones, and a few yellow ones, but mostly pink ones. fragrant. I told the man who accompanied me that I was surprised, and he replied that the northern summer is short but powerful. We walked to the edge of the island, lay down on our stomachs and began to look into the ocean. The island had no beaches or bays; it rose very high out of the water, like a pillar, a tall and steep cliff, and below it foamed the blue, blue ocean water. Beautiful. When I returned to the center of the island, I saw small houses on the side, I looked there, and there were cottages and outbuildings. They tried to persuade me to stay on the island, but I refused. Then I got home, stood in front of the mirror for a long time and picked out a sweater for myself; I was wearing a mustard-colored sweater and a bright scarf around my neck. I was reflected in the mirror as fat, I didn’t like myself. Suddenly I found myself on the same island, only it was covered with snow, and in the center there was a blue spot, also snow. For some reason, I started shoveling the snow so that it imitated huge waves, but did not touch the blue center of the island. When I finished, I saw that the male director of the institute was doing the same thing. I didn’t see the man’s face, I remember that he was elegantly, discreetly and expensively dressed. I fly away from the island, which suddenly turns into a huge rectangular cake, covered with white cream with a “frame” and with a green cream bow on the corner, and the bow is slightly smeared, and I know that this is because of my snow removal business.

Omela31c Reply

Good afternoon I had a very vivid dream. I’m in an apartment where all my husband’s relatives (he has many relatives) and my husband have gathered. But his relatives pointedly reject me - no one wants to talk to me, they look past me, as if I don’t exist. everyone shows that they treat me so badly that they don’t even want to communicate with me. This really hurts and upsets me. suddenly I decide that I need to take a bath. There is a bathroom next to the wall right in the corridor, it is blocked off on the sides, but open on one side. the curtain is almost transparent. I climb in there completely naked. and I want to hide somehow - I can’t wash in front of everyone. but I'm not good at it. although I somehow hide behind this curtain a little, squat down, turn on the water and start lathering my hands with soap. and I think: think what you want about me, but I need to wash myself and I will do it. I don't care if you see it. although in reality, I feel uncomfortable. in a real situation - my husband and I recently separated. It was the youngest child's birthday. and none of my husband’s numerous relatives even called to congratulate him! I was terribly upset. It hurt me. I would like to know what my dream means.

Kir Reply

I am in a 2-story cottage with my grandparents. there are a lot of people, but all are relatives. and then my childhood friend appears. She and I and my uncle are running away from the witch and the crocodile. in the middle of the hall there is a bed under which we hide. then my friend and uncle go somewhere and I’m left alone. I don’t know how much strength I had, but I lift this bed and go to the kitchen. in the dream I had a feeling that this bed would save me, that if something happened, I could hide under it. A friend is standing in the kitchen and suddenly the door begins to open quietly, I grab the door handle but it breaks off and my grandfather is standing behind the door. in my dream I was very scared. the witch was beautiful. and the crocodile had little crocodiles and they were all so angry... I don’t know what this dream can be associated with. I'm a girl, I'm 18 years old

Relatives are an integral part of every person's life. They have a direct impact on life, education, development, implementation, etc. You can always turn to relatives for help, but in return they often require an investment of time and effort. Dreams about relatives will tell you a lot of interesting information about the present and future; the main thing is to correctly interpret what you see.

Why do you dream about relatives?

If in a dream you saw relatives from your close circle upset, this is an unfavorable sign; for example, a crying mother foreshadows a domestic conflict or even a divorce. If you saw a grandmother or grandfather in a dream, this is a kind of reminder that old debts are hanging over you.

A dream in which you quarreled with relatives warns of a possible loss of respect from others and you will have to cope with your problems on your own without the help of your relatives.

Why do you dream about a sick relative?

In this case, an unforeseen event awaits you, and the dream may also warn of possible deception. A dream in which sick relatives appear foreshadows an unpleasant situation that will negatively affect the well-being of your family. Another dream about illness warns that you will soon have to solve the problems of your close relatives.

Why do you dream about the arrival of relatives?

If unexpected relatives visited you, this is a symbol of receiving news, both good and bad. To more accurately decipher the dream, it is worth looking at their appearance; if they are beautifully dressed and joyful, it means the news will be good, and if they are tired, then it will be bad. If the arrival of relatives is unpleasant for you, this is a sign that minor losses await you.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a relative?

A dream in which you see a funeral is a good sign that promises a long life. The dark streak will finally end, and you can start a new stage of life. If you bury a grave in a dream, it means that the difficult situation in life will soon end. A dream about the funeral of relatives who are still alive foretells them a long and happy life in reality.

Why do you dream about many relatives?

In this case, the dream foreshadows great grief from heard gossip. A large gathering of relatives is a symbol of family discord and deterioration of family relationships. If you see many relatives in one place, you may be involved in a serious conflict that will lead to serious discord.

Why do you dream of Relatives, dream book of Relatives, what does it mean to see Relatives in a dream?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you see relatives in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Relative - Dealing with relatives means trouble. Deceased relatives are a joy. Talking with them is happiness in an enterprise. Losing relatives is comfort and help. Dressed up relatives - you will soon get rich. Dying relatives are a rich inheritance. Talking to relatives means big trouble awaits you. Visiting a sick relative is an extra expense. Hugging relatives means illness and quarrels with loved ones. Receiving a letter from relatives means a long and tiring trip

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Relatives in your dreams?

Seeing Relatives in a dream means Nephew. If it is neat and beautiful - it means prosperity, if it is sloppy and dirty - it means disappointment, anxiety, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Relatives, what does a dream mean?

Seeing a Nephew in a Dream - If you saw your nephew in health and contentment in a dream, then prosperity will come to your home. They found their nephew pale and thin - to concern and disappointment. A woman who sees her niece in a dream must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream of Relatives in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Ancestors are the previous stages of spiritual growth.

Summer dream book

Interpretation of the dream: Daughter-in-law - Seeing your daughter-in-law in a dream means separation, departure.

Mother-in-law - Seeing your mother-in-law in a dream means a decision made against your will.

Father-in-law - To the feast.

Brother-in-law - To news from relatives.

Autumn dream book

Why see Relatives in a dream?

Why do you dream about your daughter-in-law? - Seeing your daughter-in-law in a dream means jealousy.

Mother-in-law - For a pleasant conversation at the family table.

Father-in-law - For a pleasant conversation.

Brother-in-law - Seeing your wife's brother means the arrival of guests.

Spring dream book

Why see Relatives in a dream?

According to the dream book, Dreaming of a daughter-in-law means ingratitude. Hugging your daughter-in-law in a dream means a quarrel.

Mother-in-law - to quibble.

Father-in-law - to improve family relationships.

Brother-in-law - seeing your wife's brother means a feast.

The oldest dream book

Why do you dream of Relatives in a dream:

As the dream book interprets - Seeing your wife, children, and relatives dancing is also good, because all this speaks of fun and abundance. But for the sick person and for the one who has a sick person in the house, this is not good - the first one may have a seizure, and the second one will start rushing around the house, mourning the deceased.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream of Relatives according to the dream book?

To see your relatives in a dream - a dream foreshadows you harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. Pleasant changes are expected.

Seeing someone's relatives in a dream means you are threatened with serious disappointments. Life may change dramatically, not giving you a chance to build the previous order of being. Patience will help you get through difficult times. It is in vain to wait for relatives to arrive - the dream symbolizes spiritual loneliness. You have a test ahead of you. Be patient: you have to break down the wall of misunderstanding between you and your loved ones. Don't try to impose your opinion. The dreamer should remember that there is nothing more important than finding oneself. Don't lose your spirit!

Everyday dream book

Seeing Relatives in a dream:

Seeing relatives in a dream means receiving some unexpected news. If you dreamed of relatives with whom you avoid meeting in a dream, hiding from them, then in real life it is possible to receive an unexpected inheritance.

Also, such a dream can be interpreted in the opposite sense - your relatives have evil plans against you - it is worth taking a closer look at your immediate environment to find those people who take advantage of your relationship for their own benefit.

If you had a dream in which all your relatives are gathered together, for example, we are talking about a festive family feast, then in reality you may be involved in a big family conflict. In this situation, try not to take any active actions, you just need to wait it out, otherwise they will make you guilty.

If you dreamed of relatives quarreling and arguing in a dream, then in real life you can expect some kind of surprise from your relatives. In this case, the surprise can be both pleasant and, on the contrary, it will give you several unpleasant hours.

Dream Interpretation Living relatives, why do you dream about seeing living relatives in a dream

An ancient dream book Why do you dream about living relatives according to the dream book?

Seeing in a dream Why do you dream of Living relatives - Seeing living relatives in a dream in a dream - your thoughts, thoughts and ideas about them.

Why do you dream of seeing a distant relative in a dream - peace, living far from you - news from him; longing for him.

Why do you dream about seeing parents in a dream - getting help. Talking to them is good friendship. To lose them is to be forced to rely on someone else's help.

Why do you dream about seeing a Mother in a dream - a happy event. Losing her is a torment of conscience, seeing a mother’s breast is expensive, seeing a sick mother in a dream means illnesses associated with the breast.

Why do you dream about seeing the Father in a dream - profit. To see him sick or dead in a dream means illness (of the head). Arguing with him is a mess.

Why do you dream about seeing your brother - health; experience dissatisfaction with life; news. To argue with him is a warning against loss through one’s own fault; to fight with him is to experience a feeling of kindred love; yearn for him; you will be grateful to him. Seeing him in water in a dream is a joy. For the dead - longevity.

Why do you dream about seeing your Sister in a dream - irritation, anger due to your own fault; change. Putting her in a trough is a shameless act; to give in marriage. The death or departure of a brother or sister is always fortunate; their illnesses may mean illnesses in the arms or legs. Seeing your uncle in a dream is an unexpected success.

Why do you dream of seeing cousins ​​or sisters - an uncertain relationship with a certain person. Seeing your adult children in a dream - if it is “good”: fortunately, “bad”: secretly worrying about them, suspecting something evil, the daughter of a dying woman. To see in a dream is a big expense; to see your little children “big” in a dream is help, hope.

Dreams in which relatives appear have many interpretations. This is due to the significant role they play in our lives. Dreams about relatives are not uncommon, because in the lives of many people the family occupies a dominant position. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to use knowledge of what each of them symbolizes. It also matters whether they are alive. For example, one of the most unfavorable dreams is the one in which you see your deceased relatives in a coffin. He says that mortal danger looms over you. And dying relatives in your dream promise a large inheritance.

Relatives who are alive in reality can warn you about family conflicts in a dream. If they are smartly dressed, success in business and profit awaits you. Your younger children, who suddenly became adults in a dream, symbolize hope and support. A happy occasion will bring you a dream in which you say goodbye or part with your brother. And if in a dream you came to visit relatives, be prepared for large expenses.

Dream Interpretation deceased Relative

Why do you dream about a deceased Relative in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of deceased relatives, listen to their message. Often they are trying to convey some important information to you or warn you about something. Such signs cannot be ignored. After all, if the people who loved you during your lifetime appeared in your subconscious, then the matter is really serious.

Recently deceased relatives may warn of serious health problems. Do not delay your visit to the doctor if it was your close relatives. More distant family members indicate danger that may affect those closest to you.

How did you dream about dead relatives? When did the relative you dreamed about die? What did you do about the dream about a deceased relative? How often do you dream about deceased relatives?

How did you dream about dead relatives?

If you saw dead relatives alive in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, if a deceased relative is alive, he is trying in this way to warn you from committing the act that you are about to do. He warns that these actions can bring disaster and trouble upon oneself.

When a deceased mother appears to you alive, she portends happiness and good luck in everything. You can count on such unique help; its signs will never let you down.

To see a deceased father alive - you will receive much-needed support and help at the moment, which you no longer hoped for.

If a deceased relative dreamed of being drunk

To see a deceased relative in a dream who appeared to you drunk - it’s time to look inside yourself, understand what you really want to get from life, what to achieve. The lifestyle you lead is not conducive to development and progress towards success. It is necessary to radically change your thinking and then life will gain true meaning.

When did the relative you dreamed about die?

What does it mean if you dream about long-dead relatives?

Long-dead relatives are dreamed of when some serious family celebration or event is planned that concerns all family members. You will be incredibly happy to see your loved ones after a long separation. Emotions will overwhelm you, feel the power of family unity.

If relatives who died long ago were in a good mood in the dream, it means you have nothing to worry about. Troubles will be avoided, all plans will be successfully implemented, fate will be favorable and generous.

Seeing a recently deceased relative in a dream

According to the dream book, recently deceased relatives appear if someone needs your help. Soon they will turn to you for advice or with a request for financial support. In this case, you cannot refuse the person asking; be sure to lend a helping hand.

What did you do about the dream about a deceased relative?

The meaning of a dream in which you had a chance to talk with a deceased relative

If in a dream you talked to a deceased relative, try to remember what he said. This is a hint on what to do in a situation you are worried about.

If you don’t remember the conversation, pay attention to the behavior and condition of the deceased relative. If he was affectionate and cheerful with you, everything will be fine, there is nothing to worry about, but if he was sad about something or scolded you, be careful. Perhaps this is a warning that you are doing wrong, and this can lead to tragic consequences.

How often do you dream about deceased relatives?

Why do you often dream about dead relatives?

If you often dream about deceased relatives, it means that you are not doing what they want to convey to you. Perhaps this is a reminder of some promise or oath that you made to them during your lifetime and still have not fulfilled. Also, their appearance may be with the aim of protecting you from impending troubles, and in a dream they are trying to make it clear what needs to be done to avoid problems.

When one of your closest relatives constantly appears to you, this is a warning of approaching trouble. It can be circumvented if you take security measures in advance. Which ones exactly, your family is trying to tell you. The mother always warns about dangers related to health and well-being. Father - about problems in the financial and business spheres.

Why do you dream about Relatives?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Relatives?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than Relatives in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about Relatives?


Seeing Relatives in a dream

Dealing with them means trouble; seeing the dead is joy; talking with them is happiness in an enterprise; to lose - comfort and help in patience; seeing the sick is a case; smart - you will get rich soon; dying - a rich inheritance; visiting them is an expense

What does the dream mean? Relatives

(See interpretation: ancestors and by name)

A meeting or conversation with relatives in a dream foreshadows the receipt of news. If you dream that you are visiting them, then you will face large expenses that you did not plan for. Losing relatives in a dream means that you will need all your patience and willpower to overcome obstacles on the path to success. Doing business with relatives in a dream foretells trouble.

A dream in which you saw your relatives (still alive) dead and lying in a coffin warns you of great danger. Seeing dead relatives in a dream means a change in the weather. If you dream that your relatives are sick, then you will experience an unusual incident. See interpretation: dead.

Talking about relatives in a dream can often mean that you will find like-minded people.

Seeing Relatives in a dream

If you dream of all your relatives gathered together at one table, then in reality you will receive good news from one of your distant relatives. Perhaps one of your relatives will have a child or you will find a new relative. If someone in your family was sick, such a dream promises him a speedy recovery.

If in a dream you witnessed a quarrel between relatives, this means that you were once guilty of something in front of your relatives and now you are tormented by remorse. The dream also promises you a meeting that will become a turning point in your destiny. Perhaps you will have a good and profitable acquaintance.

A dream in which relatives gathered together are seated at the table according to age means that you should be more attentive to your own children or your nephews. Perhaps a pleasant surprise awaits you.

A dream in which one of your relatives gave you a large sum of money is evidence of frivolity and inattention to your family and dissatisfaction with what you have. The dream warns against excessive excitement and seeking adventures that can harm not only you, but also those around you.

A dream in which you witnessed a fight between younger relatives means that you will not have to wait for a quiet life, but excitement and anger are unlikely to help. You have to work a lot and hard on your character.

By the way, when Dante died, his relatives and friends discovered that the full text of the famous “Divine Comedy” was missing: Canto XIII was missing. Months of searching led nowhere. Perhaps readers would have had to see an incomplete text of the great comedy if one of Dante’s sons had not seen his deceased father in a dream, who, with the words “what you were looking for is here,” pointed to a niche in the wall. Immediately waking up, the son and his father's friend went into the house and in the indicated place (in the niche of the window) found a stack of scribbled sheets of paper, the lines of which had already begun to blur with age. This was the missing chapter.

What do dreams mean? Relatives

Seeing yourself in a dream as being in a family relationship with strangers foreshadows the appearance of a rich uncle whose existence you had no idea of ​​before.

Talking in a dream with your real relatives - beware of tricks from your colleagues.

A dream in which you visit a sick relative foreshadows unnecessary expenses.

Seeing a relative on his deathbed means you will receive a rich inheritance. Funeral of relatives - you will forget about something important, because of which you will have to start over from scratch the work that has already been partially done.

If in a dream you are saddened by the loss of relatives, in reality you will soon commit an act that will greatly please your relatives. Hugging relatives is a dream that foretells illness and quarrels with loved ones.

Receiving letters from relatives means that you will rush to condemn a person who acted completely disinterestedly and in your own interests. Misfortune with relatives means a big win.

Dream about Relatives

In general, disagreements, quarrels, contradictions, disputes, division; moral and spiritual support. Distant oblivion, memory, indifference; an event or feelings that are associated with a dreamed relative.

What does Relatives mean in a dream?

If you dreamed that all your relatives, both near and distant, had gathered in your house, and you set the table for them, you are expecting an addition to the family or good news from one of your relatives. The dream is also favorable if someone in your family is seriously ill: he will soon recover.

If you saw how your closest relatives were arguing with each other, this is a dream in reverse: peace and harmony will reign in your family.

To dream of distant relatives with whom you very rarely see (or do not see at all) - you will receive unexpected support from an unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar person.

If you dreamed of older relatives (grandparents, uncles, aunts) - an experienced person will teach you the necessary things.

Seeing deceased relatives is a sign of joy. If you spoke with deceased relatives in a dream, expect good news about a matter that seemed hopeless to you.

The best way to work through such a dream is to call all your relatives and ask about their lives. If you dreamed of a deceased relative, remember him in church.

The meaning of dreams Relatives

A dream in which your relatives take part warns you of failures in business and all sorts of troubles.

If in a dream strangers mistook you for their relative, you will unexpectedly meet a person with whom you will later be connected by love or lasting friendship.

What does Relatives mean in a dream?

A man sees a male relative - respect from the outside.

If you saw a relative, it means that close people will soon get married.

A woman sees a male relative - to unexpected troubles.

If a woman saw a relative in a dream, this means well-being or the birth of a boy.

A criminal sees relatives in a dream - an amnesty.

A tourist sees relatives - a safe return.

Arguing with relatives means wealth.

Seeing a suddenly deceased relative means your children will soon live on their own.



For several days I have been dreaming about my grandmother with whom I do not communicate. She caused a lot of harm in life. In my dreams she helps me


I have a dream repeatedly: my grandmother kicks my parents out of their house, they run away, and I run after them, I can’t catch up and I get lost.


Hello! Please interpret my dream from Monday to Tuesday. I walk into the dining room in a strict black suit and a white shirt, everything new... All my relatives and friends are sitting there at round tables. I pass by them, and they were all waiting for my appearance. They sit and discuss my appearance. I feel that I am dressed well. I reach the table where my mother is sitting and she tells me that I I dressed very sloppily, my shirt wasn’t tucked in and my trousers rode up. That’s it. Thanks in advance!


I had a very strange dream today. It’s as if they buy me a ticket on a bus somewhere for some reason and my son and I get on it and it’s so unpleasant and dirty, I ask where he’s going and they tell me to Tashkent, but I don’t want to go to Tashkent, I’m indignant! I’ve been a citizen of Kazakhstan for many years (I used to live in Tashkent), so I grab my son, he’s pretty tired and run out into the street.. and it’s night and snow and somehow it’s stormy.. And here I find myself for some unknown reason. near my boyfriend’s car (his life is different) and he says that there is something inside that needs to be taken... and then I understand that this is my car, in the car there is a bag with photographs and a huge scarf and I think that I need something give him from me... There is a large wooden house behind me. There is no one there, I turn on the music, the hostess opens the door and offers to come in, I refuse. At that moment I see the car being flogged... and my ex-father-in-law gets out of it and heads towards me. When he saw me, he was a little stunned, then he hugged me and looked very sad... and said, “Sunshine, you’ve always been like a daughter to me.” darling, I was so embarrassed by this because once he didn’t treat himself very well... for some reason I had a ladle in my hand and I was cooking something. He asked about my car, I said that it was mine. Then a lot of cars began to drive up and what I see is that the ex-husband’s brother and his wife are coming out of there, and other relatives and the ex-husband himself... and everyone is in black and mourning... and his grandmother... and everyone is crying so loudly and I don’t understand what happened, no one tells me, everyone went into the house, I followed him in to turn the music down, but I can’t find the source of the sound, some guys, seeing me, quickly grab me and take me away from there, they know me and smile at me, but I I see it for the first time. Afterwards I went out and couldn’t find my son, there was a lot of snow outside, and for some reason the cars were all blown away by the blizzard on the ice and covered with snow. I see my son, but my voice is muffled, I grabbed him by the hand and began to hit him on the cheeks for going so far from me, I ran down the stairs to the house, the new wife of my ex-husband was coming down past me (because of whom we broke up )I deliberately pushed her with my shoulder. I ran into the house to ask my ex for something, but he and his relatives looked at me silently and even with awkwardness. He left the house without acknowledging me, I followed, my car was buried in the snow and asked for help to get it out, saying that I couldn’t stay alone on the street with my son, but he and his relatives got on a scooter and rushed off somewhere, I cried and shouted to them followed to help, but they never heard, in the end I started trying to pull the car out myself, I had the strength to do it, it was just painful and scary.


In the dream, my uncle was angry with me, but didn’t show it, I overheard the conversation, and he gave me a dirty trick, replaced my weak narcotic pills with strong ones, but it didn’t work, it turned out that my brother took them and my brother and I went out to smoke, brother I lit a cigarette and at that moment my uncle came out and lit three cigarettes: for himself, my brother and me, despite the fact that none of us smoke or use drugs. And at the very end of the dream, I don’t even know how it happened, my brother and I and some girl were hiding from the police in a three-story house and we decided to make repairs in it because we thought that we would stay hiding in this house forever, and in the house itself there was one little thing - there was a hole in the floor from the third to the first floor, there was a swimming pool on the first floor and I said that I would live on the third floor because I would jump into this pool every day.


In a dream, I came to my aunt’s birthday party, all my relatives gathered there, even whom I saw for the first time, and my aunt’s daughter refused to communicate with me, and in general they ignored me in the dream, I left and got lost...

Irina Yanovna:

Meeting with my brother's wife. I offer her a glass of wine, she refuses, says she can’t have it, her metabolism doesn’t work, she says I can feel the gasoline in my mouth. I am getting up. The dream is not colorful, but clearly prophetic. Thanks in advance.


If you constantly dream that you drink alcohol and smoke in front of your parents. And they perceive it normally, but in real life they are against all this. The place of sleep changes, but the essence of the dream remains the same. Those. sometimes it’s an apartment, sometimes it’s an abandoned building, always different. Why do I keep having this dream and what does it mean?


I dreamed of the house of my loved one and his relatives, his mother was very sorry that we separated and did not know how to persuade him. I really wanted us to be together again. We actually separated 1.5 years ago and I really want him back


With my father, with whom I had a fight for a long time over the apartment, I suddenly dreamed of my grandmother, and they talked to me about the apartment and were surprised about it, I don’t remember the entire conversation.


Good day Tatyana. I dreamed about relatives, the main meeting of relatives was that my aunt came to us from Togliatti, we ourselves live in another city. It was very strange that among all the living there was a deceased aunt (Zalifa), and my father was not among all of us. As far as I remember, when everyone started to leave, the deceased aunt (Zalifa) left first, then the rest. I'm afraid of this dream. Since there was once such a dream: Relatives gathered, I don’t remember for what reason, among all the living there was a deceased uncle, but Zalifa was not among us (she was still alive then). I also had a dream from Thursday to Friday, after 2 weeks I find out that Aunt Zalifa has left our world... Now I’m afraid that this dream will come true.


I saw my aunt, a friend, my photographs, as a teenager, as if someone was taking pictures of me, because I don’t have these photos in my life, I saw a small, beautiful girl who loves me very much and who worries about me, in in a dream she constantly hugged me, a little boy, also cheerful, he also loves me in a dream and two pigeons that flew over my head [email protected]


I was standing at the bus stop, I’m 18 years old, my father is 35 years old and my uncle is 28 years old, so we were standing and a minibus pulled up to the bus stop, me and my uncle somehow walked through the minibus and saw my close peer, Uncle Seryozha I don’t know how old he is, well, so I tell him, SIDE is his nickname, side tells me it’s not me, and after a while some guy runs into the minibus and steals side’s bag, we all run after him, and so We didn’t catch up with him, we go to the stop where my father was waiting for us, he says fuck side, is that you? oooooh budulai, well, dad asks how you are, etc., and after that I woke up….


My mother and aunt leave the hospital (away from me) and head towards the bus stop to go home. And suddenly she is hit by a car (white minibus No. 102). Personally, I didn’t stand at the bus stop and didn’t really see how it happened, only my aunt was there, and a man was driving. I didn’t see any blood, but I cried both in my dreams and in reality. A few days later I was driving somewhere on a marshutka (a completely different one) and suddenly I got out of it (it was a spontaneous decision) and got on that same marshutka whose driver was the same person who hit my mother. And then we eat, eat and again the marshutka turns over with me. There wasn’t a scratch on me, I got out of there (in shock, naturally) and just walked forward. Dogs (4-5 large dogs) pestered me; they walked with me all the time. On the way I meet people (mother and daughter) and they ask: “Why are you crying?” And I tell them everything in spirit. At this moment, a scooter passes by with the same driver sitting behind it. I saw part of the scooter license plate “DEE 33”. This is where I wake up crying.


I dreamed that I had new relatives who were acquaintances in real life.
Such a dream. It’s as if my mother was kidnapped when she was still an infant and given to be raised by another family. And just recently my grandmother saw me and somehow realized that I was her granddaughter. My classmate's mother turned out to be my mother's sister. The grandmother talked with her mother for a long time, she told how she tried to find her stolen daughter and how her family lived. I was surprised at first, I thought it was a dream, but it was very real. At the end of the dream, she approached her new brother, who was sitting on the porch, sat down next to him, put her head on his shoulder and took his arm. It became so calm and I woke up. In my dream I saw sunglasses with broken glass, I wanted to take them, but then I changed my mind and avoided them.




Hello!!! Help me interpret the dream. From Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that my mother-in-law was in the room with her paralyzed sister and with her deceased relatives. She wanted to help her sick sister get up, but she said that she could handle it herself. She got up and walked. Although in reality her sister is really paralyzed!!!


I recently started communicating with my stepbrother, but far away I had two dreams with him. but I don’t remember almost anything except that I was there to take it.


I had some kind of holiday, everyone surrounded me and congratulated me, I washed my car in the street (I don’t know whose) then I went into the house and there at the table all my relatives were sitting with sad faces and as if they didn’t see me... I didn’t see myself, that’s all It's like I'm filming on camera...


I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend among my relatives and they thought that I was husband and wife with him. And at the same time, I wanted to renew our relationship, but he avoided meeting me


I dreamed of a brother who lives in another city. He was wearing black clothes (raincoat, suit). He looked very good, young, but he had several wounds (shallow) on his head, from which blood came.


Winter, I (I’m 23) with my cousin sister (she’s 19) and her son (1 year old, but in a dream it’s like 3-4 years old) are walking, winter, my nephew (her son) is sledding, my sister and I are doing something... Then we discuss, some excitement begins, the nephew slides down the hill and disappears from sight as if in a fog, my sister runs down to look for him, I peer into the fog to try to make out them. Our grandmother and cousin and someone else pass by, talking about something, I turn to them to report the loss, but she does not react, they walk smiling and talking.


I dreamed that I was sitting in the company of living relatives and among them was a recently deceased grandmother. we discussed some problems that recently happened to me in the same dream... (I assume it was a fight) and she offered me help, which I refused, saying that she would help me another time.


I dreamed of a missing relative, we looked for him on the beach, then I met him in the maternity hospital in the ward among pregnant women and women who gave birth. One by one, the women were taken away to give birth. and someone forbade me to get close to him and even sit next to him.


Hello, Tatyana) I had such a dream. My brother's wife and I were crossing the road. And the road was terribly slippery. My brother's wife went first. In the middle of the road she fell and could not get up because it was slippery. A white gazelle was driving on the left side and the car ran over it. I started screaming wildly and called an ambulance. And my brother’s wife stood up and started looking at me, but I didn’t understand whether she felt bad or not.


My aunt is in the hospital, she had a hemorrhage... and I dreamed that she was at home and everything was fine, that she was already on her feet


My aunt, with whom we have not spoken for 11 years, calls me on the phone, we talk about something for a short time and I wake up.


At first I run through familiar terrain, away from someone. then I run to an aunt I know and for some reason she has changed a lot and she now lives in a different house. then I climb through the door. and then I see the door is normal. then we talk with this aunt and guys I don’t know come and they turn out to be my brothers. They hug me, smile and tell me that everything is fine with them, and one told me that he would come from the army and buy me everything I want and help with all my problems. and whoever ran after me was looking for me!! but they hid me in their house (relatives in a dream)


I dreamed that I was standing near my parents’ house. And I was waiting for someone or something. My dad came out from around the corner, very tall, all in black clothes. Even half of his face was covered. He came up to me and I asked him: “Where are you from?” He says that he was at the post office. That a letter arrived, but since it was lying at the post office, it was sent back. I asked, what was in the letter? He said spruce needles. And immediately he smelled of spruce. Then he turned away from me and went home. When I came home, I saw him from the back in the room only through the mirror. My youngest son was sitting opposite him. Then he jumped off the table and I I lost sight of her. And as I walked through the apartment, I came across cats and kittens on the way and meowed. Maybe this is a crazy dream and it doesn’t mean anything?


Good afternoon, I dreamed that my relatives, who live far from me, all came to visit, I see a big feast, all my brothers, I have never had such dreams.


I dreamed about my sick relatives! My maternal grandmother and mother. I dreamed that I walked into the room but everyone was lying down. I asked mom, is your disease contagious? She replied that there was something wrong with the tonsils. And my grandmother has some kind of implant for the place of the hand on her arm. And a wound that she can’t heal with anything and won’t heal! Mom also had a new husband there. Mom told me that I have a little brother and he goes to drama school and that he will come soon. But when I saw him, for some reason I ran away and shouted: no no. Although he looked human. And then I had a 2nd dream! That they show me heaven. My husband’s grandmother... I ask her, and there are doors there, even though there are rooms, and she shows me and everything is white. Well, I remember that there was supposed to be a wedding where everything was white. I don’t remember anything anymore.

[email protected]:

Hello. My name is Sasha. My email: [email protected]. 1) Today I dreamed that a relative (cousin) became ill and we put him in the car to take him to the hospital. There are other relatives standing nearby. 2) The strangest thing is that a week ago I dreamed about this same cousin again. I dreamed that a man killed him with a pistol, right in front of my eyes. And they killed him in the village at his grandmother’s, and then I dreamed of his own grave, like they buried him in the yard in the same place where he was killed. In the same dream, some relatives dreamed, and even my late father, as if everyone began to look for the killer.

Margarita Oleksandrivna Khotsevich:

I dreamed that I was walking with my boyfriend hand in hand. and my relatives were sitting on the street and saw us. after which my relatives said, where do you want the guy, all that. in general - they were against him. although I’m 17 years old and we were just walking hand in hand. terrible dream..


I study in another city. My relatives live in this city, whom I often go to visit. Today I dreamed that they would kick me out of the room.


I dreamed that I came to visit my relatives, they had a renovation done, bright pleasant colors were present in the design


I had a dream at 4 o’clock in the morning, many guests (relatives) came, and my mother and I set the table, and my mother said why they came at 5 o’clock in the morning, and we looked at the door, it shows that a broken car is going along a cliff. When we arrived in the living room, there were no guests there, and their scarves remained on the sofa.


I dreamed that my grandmother had died and was trying to get into our apartment, and I was trying in every possible way to kick her out, crossing all the windows, doors, and her.


I dreamed of relatives who did not love me, who wished me everything bad. I dreamed that they gave me a new house. The house was large, but dilapidated, made of wood


Yesterday I dreamed about my mother and sister, my ex-husband’s nephew, and the ex-husband himself also dreamed that we were vacationing with our ex-husband in a vacation home and his relatives came to visit us, but they treated me somehow coldly


My husband and I were driving in a car, he was driving. He hit a woman, but she jumped back, everything seemed fine. They ran up, there were no stairs, up the flat floor to get tickets somewhere, they were with relatives. Everyone came in and sat down at the table, but the husband disappeared somewhere. I started calling him from a new phone (which I actually don’t have) but his phone number was not there, I asked my mother-in-law for his phone number, she opened his contact, but there were all the wrong numbers. Then I remembered that I had his number in my old phone, I started looking, but it seemed like there was no need to call. He appeared on the horizon with a woman (in life, a work partner, about whom I think he’s a mistress), everyone went to sit at tables, sort of like a restaurant, I sat down with all my relatives at a large table - everyone was having fun in a good mood, my mother was laughing - and I'm crying. My husband and this woman are sitting at another table, they are talking and eating.


good evening! I dreamed that I was sitting at my boyfriend’s house, with his relatives, through whom I found out that my martyr and I were related by blood... what could this mean?




Hello! This is the second time I have been dreaming that I have relatives whom I did not know before. the first time it was dad, but not my own, and he is a millionaire. The second time it was the family to whom I turned for help and they had to help me. The sensations from sleep are strange and I still remember them).


I dreamed of my dead father's sister. I haven't seen her for 10 years. In a dream, she lifted me from her knees and hugged me, I had tears. we talked about forgiving each other. As soon as I asked about my grandfather, I woke up. This is not the first time this has happened. I dream about her in different situations, but I can’t customize the dream. This is not the first time that dreams end as soon as I become interested in my grandfather.


I dreamed of my husband’s brother’s white room, in the middle of the room there was a white bed, a white bedside table with a mirror. Near the bed there is a bouquet of red roses. I turn to my mother-in-law, who is standing outside the room (in the corridor) and ask: where is the child’s bed. I turn around and see a children’s empty bed of the same white color, empty, and I wake up


Good day!! My wife dreamed of a cemetery and dead relatives: grandparents!! In the dream, my grandmother asked me to leave and close the gate, but my grandfather wouldn’t let me go!!! please explain the interpretation of the dream!!! Thanks in advance!


good afternoon, I dreamed about my sister 3 years ago. and son-in-law. my sister and nephew. how we were sitting at their house. na devani. and then talked about something. It happened that they didn’t want to let me go and started to hold me tightly. I somehow escaped from them and started to run, they started to follow me, but some other girl and guy were chasing me. I was very scared, the guy caught me. and my sister and her husband stood and looked at it all and took pictures


I sat in the kitchen, first with my grandfather (he is still alive in real life) and drank tea with cookies. Then with my mother. And then I ended up at my dad’s work


hello, I dreamed of an office building, we have an office there, and this building is captured by people with weapons in their hands, my husband and I find ourselves hostages, then I have an AKM (Kalashnikov assault rifle) in my hands, but for some reason it is disassembled, I just can’t collect it, then I still collect it and shoot a burst at someone, but I don’t see whom. Then we find ourselves on the street, subconsciously, I kind of freed this building from bandits, and on the street my husband suddenly meets 3 -their young people, rushes to them with tears of joy on his face, hugs them, I ask who he is and does not say that these are his brothers, and tells me that supposedly his father had a second family and there he had 3 sons and one daughter. I’m just in shock, but despite everything around me, everything is in light warm colors and there’s such an aura of joy and delight all around. I had this dream on Saturday morning from 8.00 to 10.00 am. I will be very grateful to you if you can help me explain it. My name is Nat Alya and I am 38 years old. Thank you in advance.


Hello. I had a dream in which it was my birthday. My friends were sitting at the table, among whom was my paternal grandmother. Currently, I do not communicate with her, since my parents divorced more than 20 years ago and we do not maintain a relationship. she looked strange, she was thin, in a black jacket and with dark hair, despite the fact that as far as I know she has always been a fairly plump woman. in a dream she gave me 1 paper dollar and 50 cents. The dream was black and white. One of my friends, in a dream, gave me a bunch of crumpled up dollars in small bills, there was about $100. But I didn’t want to take them because for him it was a large sum with his small salary and I asked all the time to take them back. I would like to know why I had such a strange dream.
Thank you.


I caught a dead fish in a dream, stood on the shore and a dead fish swam past and I caught it together with my niece


Hello, in a dream I saw my distant relatives, so to speak, my cousin and his father, and in this dream I also saw the sea, or rather the rocky coast and the water receded from the shore, like during a tsunami, after which an old large wooden ship appeared, like from a movie about pirates and with it big water came and we were flooded, after that I woke up


I saw a deceased cousin in a dream. He was cheerful and gave me a white, wet piece of paper and asked me to read it. I opened the paper; there was no note. His classmate was also present there. He also died.


The husband's brother arrived with whom his wife is currently in a quarrel. His wife is her husband's sister. I help her fasten her boots. Her husband and she are inspecting the house.


I had a dream last night. In my village where I haven’t lived for a long time. I dreamed of a large number of guests, like we had before. Many of them were already dead. I went looking for a bed somewhere to lie down, everything was occupied.


In a dream, I was on some desert island with my family. We walked for a very long time along a straight path. All my relatives began to disappear, as if someone had stolen them. When everyone disappeared and I was left alone, I started crying and black people heard me. They took me last. While they were dragging me somewhere... then they talked about my aunt, that they ate her first. They threw me into a huge fire and I woke up


I dreamed of my husband’s father, who had been missing for three years, I remember that they were sitting somewhere together and were happy and everyone seemed to think that it wasn’t him, but the husband was proving that it was his father, I don’t remember anything else


I dreamed that I was looking for my grandmother with her son, who left for some reason and did not return for a very long time. I was looking for her in the field, I saw a river in the distance, then I just began to wait, then I dreamed that my dead grandfather was alive, he was sitting, smiling, calm and happy, I asked him where you were? And I kind of understand that he died, but I kind of don’t, I doubt it! He says I worked! He says everything is fine. Then he asked something else related to work, but not from mine, but from a woman whom I knew in a dream but not in reality, I said that I saw her, but I don’t know how she’s doing. He said that he needed to see her. We went and saw her and both of them disappeared from my dream. Then grandma returned. And then through the window I saw some fun on the street.


I dreamed about the guy’s parent and friends. They were all cheerful, laughing, what was this for. This is the first time I’ve dreamed about this


Hello, Tatyana Miller. I dreamed of a kitten in my house, I found it by chance, Gray - white. I decided to feed and warm up the milk with buckwheat, and when I turned on the music, my relatives came. But first, 2 women we don’t know, then an aunt and other relatives, then a mother. A stranger from my classmate supposedly lives at my house. But I live with my parents and he is short. Then someone's gray, medium-sized, thin dog with fleas said something to me. I saw the fleas and told the owner to wash him and remove the fleas, but he came up and yelled and pulled half of the fleas to the ground. Then that kitten turned out to be very skinny. And next to him is a chubby red kitten. Thanks in advance.


hello. I dreamed of my stepfather in my first dream, he came with some guy, I really don’t know him, I told you it’s not a shame, my mother is looking for you and has already called the police and you don’t come home, he was silent and I started telling him again and he was silent and nodded his head like where did she go, I told the police to meet me and he went to her. This dream was on the fourth day when he disappeared. And the second was five days later I dreamed like my aunt disappeared and we are looking for her, she comes to my house all tortured and a little beaten, I begin to close the door and ask me what are you doing, I tell them now I will call the police and with whom the aunt came, he took and knocked down the door and began to clean up, at that moment a relative appeared who had disappeared and he ran with his brother and caught that guy


I dream: I’m sitting in the car, waiting for my brother (step-brother) to come out, we’re going to go to my dad who’s waiting for us (he died 3.5 years ago). As a result, I didn’t wait for my brother and went alone, while I know that the car has a flat tire (rear left), I’m driving along the road, and on the right there is a mirror wall, in which I watched how the wheel behaves, but when I saw that everything was fine, I calmed down and then I went to the meeting place, but couldn’t get there. And then the car disappeared and I found myself on a bicycle and after driving 50-100 meters I found myself next to a group of people who turned out to be my relatives, but I don’t know them. And they were happy about my appearance and one of the girls, who was my sister (red-haired, but I don’t know what kind of Sister) hugged me with the words “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, I miss you so much.” And then I woke up. And I seemed to see my dad briefly, but he didn’t come close, but in the dream there was a strong feeling that he was somewhere nearby.


I dreamed of a brother who disappeared in 2014, he was sitting in the kitchen eating at the table and I told my husband I still don’t believe that he came, I need to call my mother and say that he is at home, then he cried and said that there was nowhere to live and I told him let’s go to the job where he worked before and he agreed


I dreamed that a deceased relative wanted. Take my money and place my money. She offered. Gold I cried so much. And I asked the Lord. For what but another. Deceased. Relative. Said. Don't waste too much gold either. Money.


She ran away from the killer and wanted to hide at home. All relatives and acquaintances began to arrive with hearty treats, there were more and more guests to save, protect and support. But they didn’t do this at all and I was defenseless. I soon calmed down and forgot myself and suddenly among the guests I saw a murderer who also noticed me. and he came to me


My relatives and friends (whom I love very much) and I were sitting at a table in a cafe and celebrating something.


Hello, I dreamed that my husband’s sister called me on the phone and offered to help. I asked how much money was needed to pay off the loan. I told her the amount. She told me that this was a large amount. I told her, thank you for your help, but we can handle it ourselves.


I and my relatives were getting ready to go to my grandmother, I was already getting into the car and woke up


Hello My name is Gulzira last night I had a strange dream without my knowledge, my mother gave me in marriage to the son of a distant relative, they wanted to kidnap me and I ran away and walked somewhere near huge buildings, but everyone was looking for me and found me and I returned and seemed to resign myself and kind of give up consent and went home and they were preparing for betashar / betashar is a Kazakh custom before a Muslim wedding / and I didn’t talk to anyone


I dreamed of some people and they beat me, like my relatives, but I don’t know them. It’s very rare for me to dream about them. I took pictures of them, but I don’t remember their faces. They seemed to be in some kind of album (their photographs). And then I don’t remember


I was visiting my niece in another city with my youngest daughter. My niece was concerned that we had a little girl, but where was she, with whom?


I came to visit relatives, this is a mother and daughter living there, and the mother has been dead for 13 years, and the daughter is alive, and they kicked me out, that is, they didn’t let me into the house, and others came and took me in and I woke up


When everyone was sitting at the table and next to my cousin’s father, my cousin’s father, whose birthday was all my relatives except my dad and mom, it was my cousin’s birthday and everyone was sitting eating and my uncle started telling jokes, shaking the bench they were sitting on and suddenly my brother all fell We laughed, it was fun, and my brother’s birthday will be on December 28th, and I dreamed about this in the summer


cousin is Baptist, he is in Israel. dream: he did something wrong and was “deprived” of his faith... a group of people looking like terrorists entered the room, including my cousin, where there were people I knew... my brother was bleeding from his finger. dark. Everyone's things are clean. There was a ladle with my brother’s blood on the table. he was taken to a room where they read something (like a priest) in an incomprehensible language, his brother hummed something and cried. this is the brightest part of the dream, the ending, the dream is long


GOOD MORNING! since I’m breaking up with my boyfriend, and we haven’t talked for a long time. You could even say they broke up. We quarreled... for the second day now I have been dreaming that his relatives are planning to come, and even came. I can't understand why this is happening. I would like to have a dream in my hand. I have a very difficult situation. But the second day I dreamed that they had arrived. What is this for??


The second day to film the relatives of the ex-boyfriend. Somehow they came to us. I can’t understand why?? There would be a dream in hand

Why do you dream about cake in a dream?

Should a person worry if close or distant relatives appear in his dreams from time to time or constantly? The dream book will help you find the correct answer to this question if the dreamer recalls the details of what he saw in his night dreams. Are dreams of loved ones good, what events do such dreams predict?

Why do relatives dream: parents

Much depends on who exactly he sees in his dreams. Why do you dream about relatives if they are parents? The appearance of a mother in a dream in most cases foreshadows a joyful event in real life. However, there are also exceptions, say, dreams in which a person loses his mother and cannot find her. Such a plot rather indicates what is causing concern in reality. In addition, a dream in which the mother suffers from an illness is considered bad. It is possible that the dreamer will soon have or have already developed problems with the heart and respiratory system.

It’s great if the father appears in the dream. In this case, in real life, the owner of the dream will soon receive a profit, which will come from an unexpected source. A conversation with a father in night dreams warns of danger; it is likely that in reality a person will soon expose himself in an unfavorable light to others. Finding out about your dad's illness in a dream means that in reality you will face a serious illness. A dream in which the sleeper fights with his father only reflects longing for loved ones.

Why If parents appear together in night dreams, in real life the dreamer can safely count on support in a difficult situation. It can be provided not only by the mother and father, but also by other people. Talking with parents in a dream means needing their help or advice in reality.

Sisters, brothers

What other subjects does the dream book consider? A sister appearing in night dreams can warn of both positive and negative changes in the near future. For example, if she is silent in a dream, minor troubles await a person in reality. waving your hand means facing serious problems in real life that you will have to solve on your own. Kissing your sister means waiting for changes for the better.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? A sister and brother appearing together in a dream is a good dream if they are having fun and are in an excellent mood. Such a dream indicates that in real life a streak of luck has come. A dream in which a brother or sister is sick is also considered good; it predicts a quick recovery from a serious illness. If the sleeper communicates peacefully with them, a long life awaits him. Conflict with sister or troubles that can affect various areas of life.

Grandfathers, grandmothers

Why does grandmother appear in a dream? You should definitely recall her words in your memory; it is possible that they contained some kind of warning or advice. A conversation with your grandmother in your night dreams promises trouble in reality. Watching her cook means welcoming guests in the near future. The death of a grandmother is mainly dreamed of as a warning; it is likely that in real life a person will become a victim of other people's machinations.

Possible reasons why a grandmother appears in a dream are discussed above. Should I worry if my grandfather dreams at night? Perhaps the dreamer has not visited his loved one in reality for a long time, so he is tormented by remorse. Also, the appearance of a grandfather in a dream can be perceived as a kind of warning that the dreamer lacks wisdom and makes the wrong decisions.

Deceased relatives

It is obvious that a person may include not only living relatives, but also relatives who have already left this world. Miller's dream book states that you should not be afraid of such dreams. Close people who are no longer alive appear in night dreams to warn of changes that will soon happen in the dreamer’s life.

The exception is dreams in which the dead invite the sleeping person to come with them, calling them with them. Such a dream predicts imminent death, and not only the one who sees it, but also someone from his family can die. It is also likely that the sleeping person or someone dear to him will develop a serious illness.

In addition, it is worth remembering what character traits he had during his lifetime. For example, if you see in your night dreams a person who had a reputation as a cunning or a liar, you should beware of deception in real life.

Wake, funeral

The above describes the possible reasons why deceased relatives appear in dreams. The dream book also considers other subjects, for example, funerals. If in a person’s night dreams he buried one of his relatives, he needs to remember what the weather was like during the burial ceremony. If it rained, you should mentally prepare for difficult times. If the sun was shining, you can safely count on changes for the better.

A dream in which the same relative is constantly buried hints at mistakes the dreamer has made in the past. It is possible that the time has come to think about the possibility of correcting them. A funeral seen in a dream warns that in reality a person will face a difficult test. Having endured it, you can safely count on rewards from fate.

Coffins in which deceased relatives lie mainly dream of trouble. In real life, the dreamer should be extremely careful and avoid risky transactions and contacts. If a person who is alive in reality is buried in a dream, great luck awaits this character.

Resurrection from the Dead

Why else do you dream about relatives who have left this world? The dream book also describes such an unusual plot as the resurrection of a dead person. To understand its meaning, it is necessary to remember in what mood the revived person was. If it was good, a streak of good fortune will soon come in real life. The bad mood of a resurrected relative promises serious problems in reality.

Some guides to the world of dreams suggest that such a dream indicates that its owner is receiving the blessing of the deceased. There will be changes in the near future that are most likely to be positive.

Visit of relatives

Seeing close relatives coming to visit in a dream means making a profit in reality. However, this is only true if the dreamer in his night dreams was happy about the unexpected visit and gladly received the guests. Conflicts that occur during a visit are considered a bad omen; quarrels in real life are very likely.

There are reasons for concern if you dream of relatives coming to visit, whose visit is accompanied by unpleasant troubles and causes inconvenience to the owners of the house. It is possible that in reality someone is spreading gossip about the dreamer, and he may also become a victim of deception.

Holidays, feasts

Why do relatives dream if in their night dreams they gather together at the table? Such a dream promises a family holiday in real life. Also, a dream can predict interesting acquaintances in reality, meetings with people who are not related to the dreamer by family ties. If the owner of the dream is not married, he may soon meet a couple.

Drunk relatives rarely dream of good things. Such a plot suggests that deep down the dreamer dreams of escaping into his fantasies, hiding from the real world. Watching one of your relatives get married in a dream means successfully resolving all family conflicts in reality.

Husband's relatives

What might your husband's relatives dream about? It is necessary to remember the mood in which the dreamed relatives of the spouse were. If these people were friendly and cheerful, in real life there is no need to be afraid of family conflicts, the marriage will be successful. Other people's relatives quarreling with each other or with the dreamer - such night dreams promise conflicts with household members.

Don’t be afraid if you see your mother-in-law in a dream; such a dream promises a truce with enemies and good family relationships. However, the father-in-law appearing in night dreams is not at all good. It is very likely that in real life a storm will soon break out, which could ruin the wife’s relationship with her husband.

Relatives of an ex-husband may appear in the dreams of a woman who is unable to forget the ended relationship. It is possible that she is jealous of her ex-husband’s new girlfriend.

Quarrels, conflicts

Why do you dream about relatives if the dreamer sees himself quarreling with them? The guide written by Freud claims that this is a reflection of problems that appeared in childhood. It is possible that the owner of the dream cannot part with some childhood complexes or forgive the insults inflicted on him many years ago by his relatives.

Loff's dream book states that a person who dreams of conflicts with relatives is a self-sufficient person. He is able to cope with all problems on his own and does not tolerate any restrictions on his own freedom. A fight with relatives in a dream can warn that in real life a person is tired of their misunderstanding and unwillingness to compromise. The blood of someone close is a promise of news that can be both good and bad.

A crying relative may also appear in night dreams. The noble dream book claims that such a plot speaks of problems that exist in relationships with this person in reality. It is very likely that he is offended by the dreamer’s behavior. It is also possible that the owner of the dream is about to commit an act that will cause suffering to someone close to him.

Intimate connections

People are traditionally frightened by dreams in which they have sexual intercourse with someone from their family. Dream interpretation will help you get rid of such fears. The relatives with whom a person has sex in his night dreams are just the closest people to him. He trusts them completely, relies entirely on them.

Relatives in a dream symbolize the dreamer’s relationship with the people around him. By the way he communicated with his family in the dream, one can assume what awaits him in real life. For example, hugging someone close to you may mean, on the contrary, your distance, misunderstanding, or a breakdown in communication. Conversing with relatives means quarreling with your colleagues or immediate superior.

What relatives did you dream about? What events did you see in your dreams about relatives? How many relatives did you dream about?

What relatives did you dream about?

Deceased relatives Deceased relatives alive

What does it mean if you dream about dead relatives?

The meaning of a dream in which relatives of the dead were seen is extremely favorable. In life you will not have to be in poverty and know need. What you have dreamed about for so long will come true. Perhaps great wealth is not expected, but there will always be enough money for everything necessary for a calm and measured life.

Deceased relatives Husband's relatives

What does it mean if there were relatives of an ex-boyfriend in a dream?

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's relatives in a dream means that you miss him or your past relationship. Now this is missing in your life, and therefore the attacks of nostalgia have begun. If you saw his parents, especially his mother, it means that everything will work out in his personal life, the relationship will be happy and harmonious.

What does it mean according to the dream book to see relatives drunk?

According to the dream book, seeing one of your relatives drunk means that this person has troubles that he does not want to talk about. However, he simply needs help; he will not get out of a difficult situation on his own. Perhaps this vision means serious health problems in the person you saw.

Why do you dream about distant relatives?

Distant relatives are dreamed of when the dreamer is in a state of complete despair. He had already looked through all the options for getting out of this situation, but he still couldn’t find the right one. All the people he turned to for help refused it. And now he is left alone with his problems and does not know what to do next.

If you see a relative hanged in a dream

If you saw your relative hanged in a dream, one of your close people or good friends will be in trouble and will need your help. Most likely, the situation will be so serious that you will not be able to cope with it, but be that as it may, you cannot refuse support.

What does a dream in which there were close relatives mean?

If you dream of close relatives, it means you hope to meet them soon. Perhaps you need to enlist their support, advice or blessing before embarking on any grandiose plans. Or you doubt your abilities and want to know the unbiased opinion of those closest to you.

Seeing that close relatives are dissatisfied or quarreling means that mutual understanding will not be achieved. Your actions will not be approved and you will have to make adjustments to your plans.

What do pregnant relatives symbolize in a dream?

Seeing your relative pregnant in a dream means that some significant family event will happen soon. This may be due to the opening of a large family business, which will be inherited by one of the family members, or with the arrival of a very distant relative who has never been seen and is completely unexpectedly found.

If you dream about naked relatives

A dream in which one of your relatives was naked means that this person is in danger. He will have to go through a difficult period of life, in which suffering and deprivation are foreseen. He may be at risk of serious illness or injury. Try to take care of it and, if possible, prevent adverse consequences.

What events did you see in your dreams about relatives?

Death of a relative

The meaning of a dream in which relatives were observed arriving

If you saw the arrival of relatives in a dream, there will be success in business, prosperity in business, and an increase in income. Perhaps you will have to greet in reality guests who have arrived from afar or relatives who have come to visit you. If the reception in the dream was warm, expect gifts from fate and luck in everything.

The presence of quarrels during the arrival of relatives indicates that not everything will be smooth in business and some difficulties are possible. You can easily cope with them, but it will take a little longer than planned.

Seeing a meeting with relatives in a dream

A meeting with relatives is dreamed of as an omen of happy changes in life. You stand firmly on your feet and know where to move next and what to do to achieve what you want. This is true if in the dream the relatives were happy and beautiful.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you yourself went to visit your relatives and saw them in rags and dejected, expect large expenses that will lead to a deterioration in your financial situation. To restore gaps in finances, you will have to work hard, and this process will take a long time.

Why do you dream about illness of relatives?

According to Felomena’s dream book, seeing one of your relatives ill means that the financial situation will be deplorable in the near future. Unforeseen major expenses are coming that will cause a significant blow to your budget. This situation will cause anxiety and despair. You will have to seek help from your relatives.

Relatives in a coffin

How many relatives did you dream about?

Why see many relatives in a dream?

A dream in which you saw many relatives in one place means that one of them really misses all his relatives and wants to bring everyone together. Perhaps you will soon receive an invitation to a family celebration where you will see almost all your loved ones.

If you have seen all the relatives you know at once, expect news from distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. Most likely, there will be an addition to your large family and you will have a new family member.

Such a dream could mean a noisy event with a large number of guests, each of whom you know personally and will feel like one of your own in this company.


Why do you dream about relatives?

In a large number of cases, both close and distant relatives can appear in a dream. Firstly, this may mean that you have not communicated with people who love you for a long time, and the first thing you need to do is call or write to them. One way or another, such dreams may mean your distance from them. In order to prevent repetition of visions, you need to communicate with them in the near future and make yourself known.

Seeing relatives in a dream who have long left this world means experiencing unexpected joy. Despite the fact that the plot of the dream may be somewhat frightening in its essence, in fact you should not be afraid or worry, since the meaning of what you see does not promise negative consequences. This dream, on the contrary, foreshadows the appearance of very pleasant events on the path of life.

If, according to the plot of the dream, the loss of one or another relative occurs, then in reality this means receiving consolation and help from the outside, as well as a significant reserve of strength to wait and endure something.

Why do you dream about relatives? In most cases, it depends on their external and internal state. So, dreaming of relatives, dressed in elegant attire and present at some event, promises events with numerous squabbles and quarrels in which you can become a direct participant.

Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely careful when expressing your opinion and performing any actions in order to prevent a similar outcome of meetings with relatives. If the dreamed relative is in poor health, then this may mean receiving a possible inheritance and, as a result, enriching one’s financial well-being through such a benefit.

If you dreamed of relatives whom you are visiting in a dream, be prepared for the possibility of situations involving thoughtless spending of financial resources and, as a result, a possible loss of your usual stable state.

Such dreams can protect you from imprudent purchases, for which you need to pay very impressive sums, and which, by their nature, are not needed by a person or are of very dubious and inappropriate quality.

Relatives, whose appearance in a dream promises the occurrence of various events in life related to material well-being, can warn against rash actions or, on the contrary, help to wisely take advantage of a very suitable period of life and receive material benefits.


Let's find out why relatives dream! What if you dreamed that a relative who was alive died

A dream in which death unexpectedly comes is always perceived by the sleeping person as especially tragic and emotional, considered a nightmare. But what to do if you dreamed that a relative died, how to interpret such a nightly adventure?

If a relative has died, do not despair, because in real life such a dream only means a change in weather conditions, a sharp cold snap and, most often, rain. Many sleeping people simply do not perceive any other interpretation, therefore, after waking up, they do not arrange a tragedy about the “deceased”.

There is another opinion: I dreamed of a dead person who was alive in reality, which means that this person will live and be healthy for a long period of time. The sign is favorable, and you should not worry about the health of your loved ones. However, not all dreamers approach the interpretation of this night image with optimism - there is also a panic reaction.

This is not surprising, since many dream books interpret this night image as an omen of a tragedy in the family. For example, Miller's publication reports that a sleeping person after meeting such a night image may be in danger, and the death of relatives and friends is possible. Of course, all the details of the dream provide a true interpretation, but the sign for the future is clearly unfavorable.

If in a dream the death of a loved one is not shown, but the fact remains a fact, and a voice from beyond the grave sounds everywhere, then this is another warning for the future, which promises increased trauma, danger, death and family tragedies on a grand scale.

Some astrological publications interpret unexpected death as rebirth, for example, a psychological dream book. It is possible that a person deceased in a dream will in reality take the right path and live according to the rules and laws of God.

If you dream of a deceased relative, it is possible that he came to the dreamer for a warning. Perhaps the sleeping person is in serious danger, so the deceased must warn him. Such a dream can only be taken literally if the dreamer clearly understands what is being said. If a deceased relative speaks in riddles, you will need the help of a proven dream book.

When a relative dies in the arms of a sleeping person in a dream, it means that radical changes are coming in his life, capable of completely upending his usual routine. These can be favorable or unfavorable events, and their nature again depends on the details of the night's adventure.

If in a dream you dreamed of relatives who have long been resting in another world, then such a night image promises radical changes in family life. It is possible that such events will turn out to be fatal, and their consequences will be the most unpredictable.

When a sleeping person sees himself in a cemetery at the grave of a relative, then there are problems in his life that he cannot deal with for a long period of time. The sign says that changes in real life are not expected in the near future, and you will have to extricate yourself from an unpleasant situation, without outside help.

If a sleeping person, after waking up, remembers how a relative died unexpectedly in a dream, then the first thing he must do is restore the chronology of events. If the deceased suffered for a long time in a dream, then this indicates that the decision of an important matter will confuse for a long time, cause doubts and indecision. So the important event will be delayed somewhat, which will undermine the dreamer’s peace of mind.

If a relative died quickly and did not suffer, then the decision will be quick and sudden. The sign is clearly favorable, and changes in life will begin immediately and will delight you with their final outcome.

You also need to pay attention to your emotions during such an overnight adventure. If a sleeping person did not take the death of a relative to heart, then he will soon have to demonstrate indifference to a person in need. Such an act obviously doesn’t look good, but it certainly won’t cause mental anguish. But pain from loss characterizes the dreamer as an emotional and sensitive nature; It’s just that you can suffer significantly from these personal qualities in the near future.

All other details are determined by the dream book, to which the sleeping person is accustomed to trusting his unexpected nightly adventures. You should also pay attention to what day of the week the dream occurred, which also determines its truth and realism.

In general, this night image is very controversial, since it can have positive and negative meanings. To give an objective assessment of the death of a relative at night, you should remember everything, and after waking up, you should succinctly recall the events experienced in the dream. Only in this way will the solution be found and future events determined.


Many people experience fear when a deceased relative appears in a dream. It is believed that such dreams are very important, so they should definitely be interpreted. To do this, you should remember important details of the plot, for example, which relative came in the dream, what he did and what your role was.

Seeing dead relatives who have been resurrected in a dream is a signal that some person close to them is exerting a bad influence on the dreamer. A dream where a deceased relative was sick warns of the injustice that will be encountered in reality. Let's figure out why we dream of deceased relatives hugging. In most cases, such a dream symbolizes change. If you kissed a relative, you will soon be able to get rid of existing fears.

Let's figure out why deceased relatives dream of being alive and in tears - this is a warning about conflicts with relatives. A dream in which you had to carry a coffin with a deceased relative means that problems will soon arise at work, and it could all end in dismissal. If you often dream about deceased relatives, then you should pay attention to the state of your own nervous system. Perhaps there are many situations in life that make you worry. A night vision in which a recently deceased relative appears indicates that you will soon have to face numerous trials.

If in a dream you had to lie next to a deceased relative, this is a good sign that promises success. A dream where one of your dead relatives gives money can be taken as a recommendation that in the near future you should not spend money on buying unnecessary things.

To understand why deceased relatives dream, you need to consider who exactly it was:

  1. Mother. Such a dream advises you to devote more time to your family in order to improve relationships.
  2. Dad. Such a plot means that soon you will have to work harder.
  3. Grandfather. Such a dream promises changes and new things.
  4. Grandmother. Such a dream is a symbol of help, so you can count on a quick solution to existing problems.

Why do you dream of deceased relatives in a coffin?

If you see such a picture in a dream, you should not worry, since this is a harbinger of the imminent arrival of guests from afar. If a relative in his grave rebelled, it means that you should not count on the help of friends in difficult situations.


Why do you dream about deceased relatives? Opinions and guesses

When loved ones and relatives leave us forever, we are very worried and mourn. It’s hard for us to realize that in this life we ​​won’t see their happy smile, won’t hear a familiar voice, won’t feel the warmth of this person’s embrace. How much was not said to them! I so want to meet them, at least in a dream, and talk, find out how they are doing there in heaven, and ask for forgiveness for everything. And they sometimes come to us in dreams. What is it for? What can be associated with their arrival? How to explain such a dream?

Everything is obvious

Psychologists, academicians who study human consciousness, and doctors give a clear explanation of why a person sees a dead person in a dream, and why dead relatives dream. This is the work of the brain and our memory. The brain works tirelessly. He jealously stores all emotions, thoughts and experiences in his memory. In reality, a person is very worried about the death of his loved one. He wants to see him again alive and well. The brain continues to work during sleep. And it is obvious that through dreams he shows human thoughts, like a movie.

Magicians have a different opinion

Mages and sorcerers, healers and witches have a completely different opinion. They clearly explain why deceased relatives dream: people who have left us “from there” want to bring some information into this world. You can glean a lot of information from what the dead man says or shows in a dream. Representatives of the magical world advise remembering exactly how events develop in a dream, what is said, what the participants in the dream are dressed. Having collected all the information, you can answer why dead relatives dream. For example, if the deceased calls for him, or the sleeping person follows him, then this is an unkind sign, symbolizing imminent death. It is also bad if the sleeping person takes something from the hands of the deceased. If a departed relative is dressed in light, clean clothes, then this indicates that he feels good and calm there. Dirty rags symbolize that the deceased was forgotten, poorly remembered and not seen off on his final journey as expected.

When telling what deceased relatives dream about, one should emphasize that often the arrival of the deceased in a dream is associated with good events. They say that they sometimes come to their close relatives in a dream to tell them how to avoid problems, to congratulate them, or to ask for something. Perhaps the deceased person did not finish some work during his lifetime, and now it haunts him. The living must help him with this.

How does the church explain the dream?

Church ministers are convinced that such a dream is a message from heaven, from the Kingdom of Heaven. They give a clear explanation of why deceased relatives dream. This means that you need to order a service, go to the cemetery, remember and be sure to light a candle for the repose. They say that such simple actions on the part of the living will ease the fate of those who have completed their earthly existence and gone to God.

Folk sign

There are many legends and signs among the people that explain why deceased relatives dream. Popular wisdom says that the deceased often dream of a change in weather, of rain. And it’s hard not to believe in this belief. After all, the weather on the planet is very changeable.

Brief conclusions

You can not believe in the other world and the continuation of the life of the soul in heaven, not pay attention to signs and not pay attention to how the church advises to remember the dead. On the other hand, no one knows what happens to us after death. Perhaps there really is another world in another dimension. Yes, it is unreal, it is difficult to believe in it and verify its existence. But just imagine for a moment that life continues after death. Perhaps our departed relatives really continue to keep in touch with us and through dreams they help, warn, suggest...


Let's figure out what a dead relative dreams about

When trouble comes to the house, it’s hard and painful for everyone. We mourn that a loved one has left the world of the living and left us. We are sad that we are no longer destined to see this person, hear his voice, or touch his hand. And now you can meet the deceased only in dreams. Why is this happening? Why do they come to us in our dreams? They say something, show something, give something. Is this some kind of information from there? Or can a family connection not be interrupted even by death?

Message from the other world

People have several explanations for why they dream of a deceased relative. There is a belief that this is a kind of message from the other world. After his death, the deceased has a connection with the world he left for 40 days. His soul will not rest if during his lifetime a person did not manage to fulfill his mission. Perhaps the deceased person wants to convey some information to the world of the living. Explaining why a deceased relative dreams is not so difficult. They want to say something, warn or support. In a dream, you should not be afraid of meeting them. Listen to them carefully and remember everything they say. Believe me, in reality everything you hear will come true. But going after the deceased is a bad sign, it means imminent death. If a dead person calls you, but you do not follow him, expect illness and failure.

Need to remember

People explain why they dream of dead relatives this way: they need to be remembered. Most likely, in the world of the living they forgot about him, they don’t go to the cemetery, they don’t visit church to order a service for the deceased, they don’t remember him. If you saw in a dream the image of a deceased loved one, pay attention to what he looks like. If he is in white, clean clothes, young, and his body seems to glow from within, you know that the deceased is well in the next world. If his body has a bluish-gray tint, as if transparent and there are rags on it, this is a sign that the relative was forgotten or was not buried according to all the rules. After such a dream, you must definitely go to church and, after talking with the priest, order a service.

Towards a change in weather

Speaking about what a deceased relative dreams about, we should also remember this folk sign. It is believed that after such a dream one should expect a change in the weather. If it was hot, it means there are rainy days ahead. If you dreamed about the deceased and the cold season, expect a thaw and sudden warming.

What does the dream book say?

Dream books offer slightly different information regarding what a deceased relative dreams about. If you dreamed of a father who has long passed into another world, expect failure. This is a warning that in the near future you should not start new businesses, make deals, change jobs, or make acquaintances. It is also likely that gossip and angry conversations await you behind your back. Have you met your deceased brother in a dream? In reality, take a closer look at your surroundings. Someone needs your attention and care. Did you dream of a mother who has been buried in a cemetery for a long time? Also a warning. She takes care of you in the next world, trying to protect you from illnesses. After such a meeting in a dream, go to the hospital for an examination. It is possible that you will get sick in the near future. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier the treatment will be. If you dreamed about grandparents, you shouldn’t worry and think about why the dead person is dreaming. A relative has come to visit you and wants to inform you about the upcoming pleasant changes in life.

See yourself dead

Agree, seeing yourself dead in a dream is terrible. But don't worry. This dream has a very good interpretation. You will live long and happily, you will not be afraid of illness. But you still shouldn’t tempt fate. Just live and enjoy every day of your stay in the world of people.




Good day! I very often dream about the relatives of my beloved, and precisely those with whom I am not personally acquainted, some I have not even seen in a photo, and some of them are no longer alive. And yet, in my dreams I visit them, talk to them, they try to teach me about life and make me promise to take care of my loved one. The question is: should such dreams be taken literally or may they have some other meaning?..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Alyona, most likely a dream in which you see the relatives of your loved one, suggests that on a subconscious level you feel some kind of pressure from them, that is, you may believe that you do not meet some of their parameters.


Hello! Help me understand my dream, I dreamed that we, I am my husband, at the moment we do not live together, he lives with someone else, his older aunt is in the kitchen of his younger aunt, she is standing washing the dishes and the two of them scold him that he did the wrong thing by leaving me and they say go ask for forgiveness, we don’t need anyone except her.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Svetlana, the fact that your husband’s relatives scold him in a dream promises you that he may realize his mistakes.


I dreamed that I was quarreling with my cousins

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tatyana, the fact that you quarreled with relatives in a dream may indicate subconscious tension in relation to family relationships.


Hello. Please tell me, I’ve been dreaming twice about a woman I know, and in the dream she’s our relative. I see how she communicates with my parents, they are planning some common holidays... In general, why see a person who is not related to the relationship as your relative in a dream?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalya, the fact that you dreamed that you were relatives probably means that you are moving away.


Hello! I dream about relatives with whom I am in a quarrel and do not communicate. what does it mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

OLYA, what you see in a dream of these relatives probably indicates that you feel a longing to communicate with them.


Hello, today I had a strange dream. In the dream, my relatives, my mother, stepfather and brother, were getting ready to move to America, my boyfriend was also there. As a result, they all left and my boyfriend was also with them. I cried very much in my dream .But they said they would come. As a result, the actors 2 twin brothers from the series Clone-Lucas and Diego came to me for a while. For some reason, one of them turned out to be my boyfriend, one guy was leaving, and another one arrived. I’m still with him kissed in a dream. Why such an incomprehensible dream?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that relatives moved far away from you in this dream probably indicates that these people may be moving away from you.


Hello! I can’t get my dream out of my head! I dreamed of a cousin who had been dead for half a year already! And what struck me most of all was that he made love to me, and I received pleasure and shame at the same time!! In general, I never have erotic dreams! After such a dream I feel very creepy! What was this dream for?


Hello. Today I had a strange dream.. Me, my mother and my aunt were lying on the bed, watching TV/computer. And I kept asking for help with my homework. Mom said, “Well then...” Then, when I asked for help again, my aunt yelled at me that I had to do my homework myself and that no one should help me. I was very upset and cried. Then I don’t remember what happened.. But it was very difficult for me to breathe (in my sleep), when I woke up it was also a little difficult to breathe. Why such a dream? I went to England, live with my aunt, and my mother stayed in our country. I'll come see her soon.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which such events occurred most likely indicates that you lack the participation of family members in your affairs.


Hello. Today I dreamed that in the back pocket of my jeans I found a folded piece of paper, I unfolded it and people with my last name and the whole list were written there, I don’t know them, but how did I understand that these were my distant relatives. So after that, I had a dream that I’m falling asleep and I’m tired of these people from the list, they’re in old dresses telling me something, telling me and saying constantly - “you should” and I don’t remember what exactly.
In a dream, I wake up and go to my grandmother (to my father’s mother) and supposedly ask who these people are and show them a list and say that I saw these people in a dream. She looked at me in fear and said this cannot be, where is this piece of paper from, etc. d. In general, from the dream I understand that something was wrong with these relatives, they were somehow abnormal. And after that in the dream I begin to behave strangely, like an abnormal person. I did something and I don’t remember what people said to me - “what is happening to you?! “What’s wrong with you”!?!? In general, I woke up today and realized that of all these people (relatives), I only remember the names of Maria and Anna, but I don’t remember the names of the rest. I called my grandmother and asked if we had any of them relatives named Anna and Maria, she said Maria was my grandfather’s mother, and Anna was my grandmother’s mother. What could this dream mean?? I realized that my grandmothers and someone else came to me in a dream. I just I don’t understand what they wanted from me:(?!??!??!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was such a list, most likely indicates that you may miss close people in communication.


I dream about my aunt and my mother who died a long time ago. Dreaming about being in a coffin. First, I dream about my mother in this coffin. She gives me some coins. And then I dream about my aunt in the same coffin, and she barely fits into the coffin.

Ksenia 16 years old:

Hello. I had this dream:
All my relatives and I are sitting at the festive table, we are happily discussing something and talking. And then my grandfather comes in (he died 2 years ago) and says I’m alive, everything is fine, I throw myself into his arms and start crying, and he laughs and calms me down. What could this mean??


Hello! Please tell me why I dream of a deceased uncle who has been gone for 1.5 years. It’s as if I’m in his kitchen and his son brings me and in my dream I don’t believe that he’s alive, and it’s like we hugged each other in greeting.


hello, I dreamed of a distant brother. I, my grandmother and little sister, walk through MY city and meet it with a bunch of people. I said hi and so did he. I wanted to talk to him, but he turned away. and he said hello when he turned away. but then when I was leaving, he shouted: are you offended? I didn’t answer anything (it seemed to us that he would come now, but he didn’t).


My wife’s son dreamed that a relative, my mother-in-law’s sister, came to our house from far away and was dressed in black. She went into the kitchen, sat on a stool and scolded him for not listening to his mother.
That same night, my mother-in-law’s other sister had a dream, as if she (the one who came from far away) was all in black and covered in some kind of dirt.
My wife says that something bad is going to happen to her. This is true?
Thank you!


I dreamed that I had a twin sister, and she was like my best friend, very dear, and it felt like I was not talking to her, but to myself.


Hello! Please help me figure it out, I saw myself in a dream in a coffin, as if I had died, and I saw my relatives (alive)


The coffin means that you will build a new house, and lying in a dream means difficult life situations, maybe moral, maybe material.


dear day! I dreamed of my father in a coffin... I just stood and looked at him... I still don’t feel very calm.


I dreamed that my mother and I went shopping and accidentally met relatives there. Moreover, they were all women and all on my mother’s side.
puzzled by the dream.


All my relatives came to congratulate me on my birthday and among them was my late grandmother whom I loved very much. I hugged her tightly and couldn’t let go and cried a lot because I hadn’t seen her for a long time.


I dreamed about my ex-husband's relatives. Tell me what this is for?


Hello! I dreamed of relatives, they were chasing me in a dead state, the chase took place at a meat processing plant, the relatives had huge meat knives in their hands. I ran around the factory for a long time, hiding behind boxes and buckets where the minced meat was, when I had nowhere to run, I woke up sweating and my heart was beating fast. Tell me what this dream is about, I really began to believe in dream books and horoscopes.


You want to achieve something, you try, but it’s very difficult for you, and fear in a dream is joy in life. In general, you cannot believe dreams; you must pray to the One and Only Almighty Lord and ask Him for help and forgiveness.


I wanted to hug my aunt, but she seemed to turn away from me, and there were many guests celebrating a birthday, but everyone was in black, I was offended by her, took the child, began to leave, she tried to stop me, but I pretended that I didn’t hear


I came to visit my grandparents, they live far away from us, and in the kitchen near the stove I began to remove the garbage and move the firewood to another place, my uncle was sitting next to me and offered me a drink, but I refuse and I then begin to clean up, something like this


First, I walked along a rocky road and knocked down my legs and arms, they were bleeding heavily, then I came to my grandmother’s former apartment (the apartment had been sold a long time ago) and there were deceased relatives sitting at the table: grandfather, father and aunt. And my grandmother was sitting on the edge next to them; she is alive now. They just sat and calmly watched.


I dreamed of a meeting with the relatives of my ex-husband in some abandoned village, there were mountains in the distance. We met on the street, were even happy with each other, then sat at the table and talked, but with hostility. Why see this?


Good day. I’m dreaming that I’m walking or driving, then I pick up a black scarf and a sweater and go home with it, and there I see flowers and wreaths instead of a fence and gates. I come closer and there are two coffins in one, my brother is lying, and there’s a photo on the cover, and in I didn’t look at my friend because they had already covered the lid. I ran away in tears.


I dreamed that my long-dead grandmother was trying to enter the house by cunning, but I didn’t want to let her in. When I crossed the threshold, I spat over my left shoulder, then she came in and she felt bad, she started shaking, and in the dream I thought that either she was an evil spirit, or there is an evil spirit living in the house that won’t let her in and I don’t understand how to behave.. But I didn’t trust my grandmother at first.. what could this mean? She died in this house.


Hello. I had a strange dream today. as if my mother called a computer technician and it turned out to be the brother of a guy I really like. this brother is married, he has a child, and in life we ​​know him purely symbolically, we corresponded a couple of times, and that was 3-4 years ago. then his brother invited me to dance, at my house, and in my opinion it was something like a waltz or tango, I didn’t understand. when we hugged, I felt warmth and calmness from him and told him that it was better with him than with K. (this is the guy I like). he replied that he knew about it, and we stood hugging for a long time. what is it for???


I dream that my ex-husband’s relatives - his eldest daughter-in-law, older brother and their older son - came to me. We talk, I show them old children's bedding, dishes, everything that is not new. His brother is silent, his daughter-in-law says, and their son came up and hugged me, but somehow without feeling, indifferently, with a stretch. But we separated a long time ago and hardly maintain a relationship. And I’m nervous in front of them as if


Last night I dreamed about my mother-in-law and said that she would have a child, and this night I dreamed about my mother and father (my father died three years ago) and also said that they would have a child, already 12 days pregnant.


Why do you dream about your wife's brother and her sister?


I had a dream. that I'm trying to sell a car to my guys. what is it for? By the way, I'm selling the car in reality


Hello! I dreamed that I was in the village where I grew up, where I met relatives from my father’s and mother’s side. Relatives on my father’s side suggested that I go into business; I also saw my late grandfather, he was carrying a bucket of water in his hands and poured water into the washstand. They offered me something, I ran away from them, I was wearing white sneakers, the weather was sunny outside.


Today, from Thursday to Friday, I had such a beautiful dream: My husband and I are walking in an embrace along the street next to the park, there is white fluffy snow all around and from the side of the park through the fence three horses in beautiful red blankets are galloping towards us in a friendly manner, and grandfathers are on sleighs Frosts were also in beautiful bright red robes; those who did not have horses harnessed large dogs and threw red blankets on them. And opposite the sports palace (on the round square) a bunch of people are smiling and we were asked to guess what is in a jar of sour cream - I see a white mass (looks like sour cream) and there are pieces of pickled cucumbers in it and I say - this is probably a frozen salad . Everyone is surprised and says that I won. Then my husband and I go into a large room where all my female relatives are sitting and in this room there are a lot of cookies, pies, buns (there is practically no free space). And I went up to my mother and sister.


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was making the bed and cockroaches were running out of it and I was crushing every single one of them. There were also small white ones and they exploded into even more cockroaches when you crushed them. Please tell me what this could mean.
Then I dreamed that I saw my relatives, they all gathered together in one house, even those who live abroad.
Thank you!


I ended up staying with relatives, looked at the skating rink from the balcony, then went up the stairs to the kitchen. Some of my brother's friends were cooking food there. We ate. My brother gave me patterns for a dress to make - a dog costume. There were only half of the patterns


Hello! husband and parents, sister, son-in-law, brother, that is, everyone, are cleaning their house (a lot of trash). Then I came to them with my child, and there I saw that my husband didn’t have a ring, he was afraid to tell me about it.


Mom sent a parcel via bus (a bag of groceries). And it turned out that she died that same night (day), with the words “Now you can die in peace.”


In the last 2-3 weeks, my daughter and I (9 months pregnant) have been very often dreaming about relatives both on my side and on my husband’s side. This never happened before. I also dreamed about a deceased friend, she came to visit me (and she was pregnant ) and called me to her.


First, my friend and I took a car, first he was driving, and then I got behind the wheel, we drove slowly at first, but quickly accelerated, when we got to the houses, we braked sharply. And then I ended up with relatives, but without a friend


My uncle’s wife, who died a year ago, stands together next to another of my uncles, and tells me in a dream that my little brother will soon die. I had a dream 4 weeks ago. Why do you dream about this? Thank you in advance!




For almost 4 days in a row I have been dreaming about relatives from my husband’s side. And most importantly, not all at once, but different every night. In all my dreams, I came to visit them in the first days, and today I already met them at home. And everywhere I look after them, today I also made their bed with a clean sheet. In my dreams, no one scolds me or criticizes me, but they don’t seem to notice me either. In my dreams, what a fuss, I’m always looking for something and can’t find it.
Tell me what this is for


I’m dreaming of a huge room, I’m standing and looking at it, and in the distance my sister-in-law, the wife of my husband’s brother, is standing and seeing me. In reality, we are in a quarrel, she saw that I had come, and I quickly looked at a huge strange room with steps down, like it happens in theaters, but I know that this is a residential building, then I look into another empty room, in which there is another room further and there is a lesson going on like at school with the door ajar and I dream of her mother talking to her, I dream of my husband’s little nephew there, I hug him and then walk around the rooms


Today I dreamed of my dead father, as if he had come home and brought a living relative with him. She followed him into the door.


Hello. I dreamed that I was at my wife’s corporate party. All the girls have undressed and are walking around naked... the wife too. what could this mean? The wife is currently in the village with her son.


Hello! I dreamed about the husband of my second cousin. In a dream, he has feelings for me, he wrote me a love letter.


I dreamed of my husband’s parents and my sister, what my sister’s daughter was doing in surgery. They were in no mood that her husband had money in his hand and was going to help her daughter. My husband and I have not lived together for a year


Relatives whom we have not seen for a long time and do not communicate (we communicate very, very rarely); a friend with whom we were friends in childhood, we have not communicated for a long time. A pit of garbage (ash from garbage), after passing through which you find yourself in the apartment in which the friend lives. they treated me to some tasteless stew,


I dreamed of the relatives of my girlfriend, with whom we broke up: Her Mom and her little sister.
I was (as I thought) in their house and waited for her, thinking that there was no one at home, I sat in the kitchen and ate. Then he decided to go to another part of the house, where his sister was, unnoticed. But on the way back (something like a hallway with stairs going up) the girl’s Mom caught me and told me to go with her. It was like being arrested for trespassing on someone else's property. I never saw the girl.


Relatives came to us from another country (my uncle, his wife, son and daughter). and at the same time I discover two dead bodies in my yard (I didn’t see their faces and I don’t know their gender either). Then I asked my mother to hide them somehow. I don't remember anything else


I dreamed of my grandmother, with whom I have not communicated for many years. In the dream, I walked past her, entered the entrance, went into the apartment and my grandmother found herself there. She started hugging me and asking me how I was doing...
although in real life she hates both me and my mother. And even cursed


I stood near someone else’s house in front of an open iron door with a threshold and my husband and his mother stood on it, she was wearing a multi-colored scarf and it felt like they were begging me for something but didn’t say anything at all. Please tell me what it could be.


Hello, I dreamed about my second cousin, as well as her and my parents. We were visiting relatives. When relatives and parents went somewhere, they told me to meet them in a car. That is, I was left alone at home with my second cousin. The time was approaching and I was supposed to meet them, but my sister did not let me go and began to kiss me. I didn't kiss her, but I never left her house. When my relatives and parents returned, they were terribly offended by me. I'd like to know what it means.


In more than 10 years, I have never dreamed of close relatives/brothers and sisters/of both my ex-spouses. Today, at 1 half of the night, I dreamed about the relatives of my 2nd husband, they seemed offended, they did not communicate, at 2 half of the night I dreamed about the relatives of my 1st husband, we communicated very warmly, as if we were still one family.


Hello, my name is Sergey and I dreamed that my relatives, my grandparents, died, it was from Tuesday to Wednesday, now May 20 and Wednesday


I dreamed about my birthday, I was turning 19 years old, I was waiting for my friends, and then they come, and more people come for them, I leave the house, and there is my uncle (we haven’t communicated with him for 3-4 years) and just a stranger's Aunt, but I know her. They gave me a bicycle for my birthday. they asked how old I was, I answered 19 and they thought I was 18 and I woke up


We gathered in a cozy group with relatives, we all relaxed together, joked, talked, and then they left to bring something and I was left with one person, but the dream ended


At first, my beloved and I sat talking with some people who had served time! Then we went for a walk and his mother arrived, we talked to her and there were friends nearby, although we had gone far from these jailers, it seemed as if they were nearby ((((please tell me what this is for ?


I dreamed that in the middle of a field there was a big house on a huge stump, it was evening, everything was gray and it was empty and I knew for sure that this was my cousin’s house, my brother had a very strong fight with his mother over money, his mother drank him out of grief became very drunk and went to bed


I dreamed of all my relatives on my father’s side, there was some kind of holiday, we celebrated in a huge restaurant, everyone was having fun, in the dream I had a guy whom I loved very much, and he loved me too, everything was so wonderful, what does this mean ???


I’m sitting at the table and my boyfriend, his grandmother and aunt are sitting with me, we are talking about something and then I start to feel suffocated, I don’t see myself but I know that it’s me


I dreamed about my dad’s aunt, who died a long time ago, for some reason I don’t remember her at all. I never dreamed about her, but in the summer of 2012 I dreamed about her, and for some reason I cried and asked her to stay with me and she nodded, today, almost two years later, she again I dreamed again in the summer. She worked as a nurse and came in a white coat looking for something in my bag, when I asked what you were looking for, she told stories, I asked her: “How is it there? (that is, in the world of the dead),” she said normal. Mom was sitting next to her and it was as if she, too, had died (in reality she was alive), Baba Natasha (that’s the name of the deceased) asked mom: “You live in the middle of the room, right? (That is, in the world of the dead).” Mom seemed okay did not answer, after which Natasha was already standing dressed and was about to leave, but I again, without controlling myself, hugged her and began to sob and share my problems and she also hugged me and listened, she said something but I don’t remember what, and then she left. Later, dad appeared (he is also alive in reality), I fell on my knees next to him and began to cry, saying: “Dad, you won’t leave me, will you? (As if mom had died).” Dad was silent and I woke up. Clarification: b. Natasha died in the summer on my dad’s birthday, in August. I’m sort of named after her. Soon I’ll go to my dad’s relatives.


We came to visit relatives. My brother was there. In life we ​​don’t communicate so well, but in the dream everything was different. We communicated very well. At the end of the dream, he asked me to marry.


I dreamed that I let my son, with whom I have not communicated for a very long time, touch the baby in my stomach - legs, even fists. Then I see through the window how my son is sleeping in the yard on a cot and hiding his face under the blanket from the rays of the sun.


Hello. The day before yesterday I dreamed about my dead grandmother, after which a tornado started in central Russia, my relatives and I ran to the basement. Today I had two dreams, I woke up at night, fell asleep again and saw the continuation of this dream (this is the first dream). I had a second dream and also woke up and fell asleep again and saw its continuation. Every day I have dreams with relatives and I remember them. How can you interpret this?


Hello! I had a dream about a friend and girlfriend. beginning: I was riding a bike, then I saw my friend. and she and I went to the city center. we arrived and saw the chef preparing food we decided to eat. then my friend arrived in a Mercedes car. and suddenly my friend left somewhere. and my friend and I were left alone. While we were waiting for food, he was talking to someone on the phone. and I went somewhere into the bushes and he looked for me, then found me and led me by the hand. the food was ready we sat down to eat. and we talked. after we ate. he took me home. we enter the yard and see that the neighbors on our side are digging. I made a remark to them. and my friend said I’ll wait in the car. I went to the car. I sat down, we drove a little bit and I remembered that I forgot my phone, keys and headphones at home. I ran home. phone keys headphones everything with me and went to the car.


I have never had such dreams, all my family and friends, acquaintances, with children and animals. Among them were people who are no longer alive. The atmosphere is very calm, everyone is laughing and smiling. For some reason everyone got to the meeting place by water, on boats and ships. And we met at the house of our ex-wife. Sleep was in the morning from 05.30 to 07.00. Woke up in a great mood. Among them was my Aunt Lucy, she loved me very much. Today is her birthday, but she is no longer alive.


I dreamed about my godmother (she is alive) ... She sits on a bench, on the veranda with a stick, which she rests on throughout her life ... All gray hair (she has very little gray hair in her life) ... I approach her and ask, why come to us won't you come in? I don’t remember what she answered... but she got up and left.


I saw my own grandmother in a coffin, I cried a lot... But then after a while on that day she was resurrected.


The dream is that I, my relatives (except for my parents) and my grandfather, whom I did not recognize in the dream (my grandfather died), are in my grandmother’s apartment, and the whole gathering is about going to the cemetery, but most people behave and dress like for a wedding, everyone is having fun and I watched it from the 3rd floor balcony. There were a lot of people, many of whom I didn’t know, but we couldn’t leave because we couldn’t wait for the car, the fun continued.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was with my husband’s relatives (i.e., my mother-in-law and his sister). They talked about my mother as if she was crazy. And I kicked them out of our house for this. My husband was worried about this. I followed them and then returned home. Why did you dream about this?


I dreamed of my dad’s sister, with whom they don’t communicate, they were in a quarrel for 5-6 years, supposedly they had a child and they invited a lot of people and somehow we ended up there


I dreamed of my home where I lived my entire adult life with my father and his mother (my grandmother)... they were both already dead... I lived with them without my mother (my mother is alive)... I dreamed that my grandmother, as always, was preparing all sorts of goodies in the kitchen, then I dream that I’m already at the table and eating the first course and the second, I like everything as before and everything is very tasty... when dad comes home from work and also sits down to eat with us at the table... and he said that he brought fresh sausage and hung it out to dry in the yard...(I understand that sausage is not dried in the yard, but in the dream we seemed to be happy about this occasion and it should have been so) I felt all the taste qualities of the food as in reality, everything was delicious and I felt peace in this dream, so my family is nearby...What is this for? aren't they calling me to their place?


I dream about my grandmother’s house, I spent my childhood there. And I dreamed of my cousin with a child and it was as if she had bewitched my uncle so that he would kill me. I began to run away from him, and while running away I told him what he was doing, that it was me and that he had been bewitched. but his eyes were whitish and he didn’t hear me. I dreamed in the dead of night. I ran away from him, but it was very unpleasant.


I dreamed of the arrival of my loved one’s relatives, although in the dream I only communicated with his mother and brother. I was washing the dishes, and his brother (presumably Sasha) asked me for throat aerosol; his girlfriend had a sore throat. While I was going to get the medicine, his mother started crying. I approached and began to calm her down, saying that everything would be fine. Immediately my beloved’s brother (Vasya) came up to us and told us not to let the dampness spread, since Vasya called him and said that I should definitely come to him on Tuesday! Mom immediately calmed down and began to smile. I started washing the dishes again when Sasha suddenly came up to me and scattered a lot of seeds on the floor. I was horrified and, looking under the table, I saw a lot, a lot of greenery (dill, parsley, carrots, etc.) Everyone giggled and said that they would immediately remove everything, wash it and eat it.


I dreamed about how we were celebrating the birthday of my deceased grandmother. as if she were alive. all her children are my uncles and aunts, my parents are there. my mother is running around helping to set the table. and a girl who looks like my ex-girlfriend, whom I call by her name in a dream, sits and does nothing. but she only complains that my mother overloads her with work. then I scold her and she goes to help her and cries.


I have relatives from Kyiv) They want to leave, but they don’t know where yet.
SO I dreamed that they arrived. We are happy to meet you. I dream about the gifts they give)


I dreamed that I was walking with a friend, seemingly across a field, then I turned around and saw my former classmate, then he suddenly became an actor from the series that I was watching now. Then I take my friend home, in the car, which is present in my dream for the second time in a row. I don’t remember what happened next, but then I suddenly went on a motorcycle to pick up my relatives, who supposedly live in St. Petersburg. They come to some kind of rehabilitation center, where I meet more of my friends. I don’t remember what happened next.


Hello! I dreamed of my ex-husband, with his mother and sister. I don't communicate with them. It was as if my husband and I came to their house, but I didn’t want to go in, I was about to leave, his mother came out and invited me. A husband and his sister were standing at the entrance. To whom I complimented, she replied that she was expecting twins - boys. I entered the house, his sister started to be rude to me, I left. because I have a plane in an hour. My husband went with me. On the way we hugged and kissed. I felt it as if everything was real. Then I started having a nightmare about something pulling me up by both legs, with terrible crutches.


I dreamed about my husband’s relatives and parents, but my husband and I are getting a divorce
as if I were in the kitchen with his relatives, setting the table for them, they were sitting, I baked cookies and were just talking, what could this mean? but I can definitely say that his parents don’t like me


hello! the day before I dreamed of my husband’s relative, with whom we now do not communicate and are not in contact. She asked for my dress for her daughter, which she often did in reality before, I politely refused her. And then the next day I saw a dream as if she she came to us with her husband, so I was standing in the kitchen preparing fried meat, and she said hello and began to wash the floor of the apartment. And the apartment in the dream didn’t look like mine at all. I shared it with the girls at work, they said it was a very bad dream... here I am sitting I’m worried. Please tell me the interpretation of my dream. Thanks in advance


Mom invited all her friends and relatives to the house. but we don’t live there. And I tell my mother why did you call them? Mom is silent. I leave everyone. I take my son by the hand and go to an unknown destination. I have fear and anxiety in my soul in a dream.


I dreamed of 2 relatives: a godmother and a cousin. They were getting married. But no one was invited, only my 2 friends. I noticed them and decided to go to the wedding. When they got into the car, they drove to the bridge that led to my house. But the bridge was in a vertical position. I was barefoot and when I climbed onto the bridge I fell. Then I met my good friend Sergei, he gave me a motorcycle and I got to the wedding. Why do I dream about this?


I dreamed of my dead grandfather, it was some kind of eatery, he didn’t call me anywhere with him, we didn’t even talk, he stood at the counter and looked at me smiling, he was dressed all in white like a chef, he himself was the natural shade of his skin , which was during life...


Hello, I dreamed of a relative and in his dream he said that he still had to live until September 1 (before that he said for many days that he had a little time left to live), tell me, is this a coincidence or what?


Currently I don’t communicate with my relatives and suddenly I had a dream that my mother-in-law, who is now deceased, and her daughter, who is now living, called and said they want to come, I agreed and so they ring the doorbell, I open it, but very slowly they squeeze through, also slowly and dressed in white, seemingly angelic outfits but without wings Of course, both of them also have very beautiful large duffel bags in their hands, and I understand that it’s not easy for me to come, they didn’t come empty-handed, but behind them there are also two women, their own relatives, in the same white clothes, very much like theirs, I’m a little surprised at my soul is peaceful, I think I need to treat myself with something, but there aren’t any special treats, I leave the house for treats and during the process of sleep I buy something better and more expensive, then in a dream I lose these treats, when I come, I begin to remember that I found them, but where are they, and suddenly I don’t see anyone except one of them, a relative who takes out my treats and puts them on the table, I see that this is a large box about 50 meters in size, supposedly very expensive candies and the chest is also not small and I wake up


I dream about relatives, namely my paternal grandmother, my grandfather, about whom I don’t know whether he’s dead or alive, the last information was about him that he was dying and in this dream I dreamed about my dad’s second wife, with whom I also don’t communicate. In a dream, my grandmother said that my grandfather had died, and at that time I was pregnant with a girl and had to give birth and was looking for a birth home.


I dreamed of my ex-fiancé's parents, whom I had never met. I didn’t understand who was visiting whom, but I was worried and tried to please. They looked quite presentable. I remembered my father - a tall, gray-haired man with a very pleasant face. At the same time, my ex was somehow “behind the scenes” and I understood that he was assessing my behavior in this situation.


husband's pregnant sister in her last month. The belly has stretched out and become transparent, the girl lies there, you can clearly see it and the sensations are terrible


I dreamed of two of my cousins, whom I accidentally ran into as if at school and as if at the university, we hugged, left the university (when we met it was a school corridor, and when we left it was the porch of the university), I gave them a flower on a rose, and I don’t remember where I got them from. the elder faith then left somewhere, and Olya and I walked and talked, I also remember that I left during a big break and stayed for about 20 minutes, while we were walking I was a couple late, we also walked like in winter


In a dream, relatives of my ex-husband (grandfather, grandmother, father-in-law) came to see me; the husband himself was not there. we sat at 1 table and ate. Besides them, there were also my relatives at home. my father-in-law complained about his son (my ex-husband) that he had treated me and them badly.


I saw my husband, his sister-in-law, their sister-in-law, their eldest daughter-in-law, I was at their house, my husband’s sister and husband were nearby, I was shaving my legs, then my mother-in-law came and left and said that you should live separately, I found an apartment for you across the road, the old grandmother told my mother-in-law and left, then I heard that someone was crying in a dream, it was their eldest daughter-in-law, I went up and kissed her, she said why didn’t they tell me that you would come, my husband’s sister was always nearby and my husband called me to sleep


I dreamed about my father. Currently he lives in another city. In my dream, he came home and said that he had earned money. That's why I came home. He gave me part of this money. I was surprised by the bills themselves: all the main elements: signs, denominations, faces, were cut out with scissors. I said that no one would accept such bills and began to argue with my father. That's when I woke up.


I seemed to be sleeping, and someone pounced on me, sleepy, and I began to fight him. Then, from somewhere, my aunt, my mother’s sister, and her husband appeared. I ran into the next room and there my son was sleeping on the bed in clothes (a shirt) and me awoke


I dreamed that I called my father’s uncle. they came to me and said that it was he who saved my dad from the accident and said that my dad would live a long time. I didn’t know my uncle himself; he died when I was not alive.


I dreamed about my husband’s relatives, I was washing something in the kitchen at my husband’s aunt’s, they were talking... there was also an uncle, the brothers then appeared and at the very end the husband came.


Hello! I wanted to tell you about a dream I had today. 1.5 months ago they buried their godmother. And today I dreamed about her. There was a very beautiful forest. and there stood a very beautiful tree, large and with large roots, and a river flowed near it. I go up to this tree, and there the godmother is sitting on the root of the tree. such a beautiful godmother and happy and let her feet go to the river. But there were other people there who were not familiar, BUT THE GODMOTHER DID NOT TOLD ME ANYTHING, then she woke up, Please tell me what this dream means? I look forward to your letter,


my dead aunt fell to the floor in her sleep, she felt bad, I helped her and put her in the bed, she wanted to lie next to her, I didn’t have time, my cousin was lying with her


At first the dream started like this: I ended up in the hospital and lost a lot of blood. Friends came to the hospital. And at one point my mother came to me and said that she loved me. And soon my dad and step-mother came. The one he lives with. And the mother left. And my dad gave me a big camera, which I wanted for a very long time. What's the matter! That my mother also dreamed of my father and the same stepmother. What could this mean?


I dreamed that my aunt came to me, I became very attached to her in the summer and now I think about her very often, and today I dreamed about her, that she came to visit us, well, we hugged, kissed, well, in general, as if in reality


I was walking with my mom and brother! We were walking to the bus stop and then I saw familiar faces, I saw my paternal aunt and my dad lying on the couch and some other relatives, I started waving and then some boy got out, I said hi to him, then I don’t remember and I ended up I’m sitting in the kitchen in my dad’s house, like someone called and he left and didn’t show up!\


Hello, I saw dirty dishes in the sink, And I saw my mother-in-law, I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled


In general, my whole family and my aunt scolded me for the fact that I didn’t respect this aunt, she personally scolded me very much, especially because her granddaughter was born and I didn’t congratulate her. In fact, I haven’t congratulated her on her granddaughter yet, because... I was told this late, after 3 months most likely. Maybe she's really mad at me? I respect her and there have never been conflicts between us.


Hello, my husband and I are divorced, our children are still living with him. Last night I dreamed that his mother, father, brother and brother’s wife came to see me for the New Year, he himself and my daughter, she is 5 years old, I ask my former mother-in-law where is my His son is 9 years old, and we didn’t want to tell you, he died, I cried for a long time, blamed him for not saving him, then I asked her why he died, he says that at school some object fell on him and pricked him in the heel, that my leg was swollen and then I woke up


We recently moved to a new house and can’t arrange a housewarming party.
So, today in a dream my distant relatives, my husband’s relatives, came to our house.


I dreamed about my dad and he said that God had forgiven him and sent him to Earth with one condition: that he would no longer drink! He promised and asked that no one know about this that he was alive


winter, my brother’s wife left the house and went into the house where her father was lying on the bed with pills at the head of the bed with a yellow patch of hair on the side of his head. My two nieces, 5 and 7 years old, were playing in the room. there was a third man in the fog who was talking to his brother’s wife. she told me that my father was sick




I had a dream today that my uncle and aunt arrived, who left to live in Russia not long ago (literally 4 months) ... In this dream, they slept on their sofa, which I left behind from them, and for some reason my grandmother climbed into their bags and told me to quickly go through them and maybe take something for ourselves... Some strange dream.....
I had a second dream immediately after this.. About the evacuation (war) in my city.. When this mess started, the whole family was in the park.. For some reason I ended up on the side of the enemy of the war (that is, not for my own people)... After we quickly went home to get ready to leave.. Grandfather left the fastest (leaving everyone behind).. I started getting ready and collecting my younger brother, but my parents refused to leave... Then I woke up!


I dreamed of my late godfather. I told him that I was expecting a child (my husband and I are working on this), and my godfather told me thank you and gave me two baby suits, pink and blue.


hello! today I dreamed about the husband of my former shop. He was in a suit and sat down to drink tea. I put a handful of caramels on the table. Separately, finely chopped onion, noodles, quickly cooked soup. Why? My son’s birthday is coming soon. I don’t communicate with my husband.


I dreamed that I was sitting alone among the living pf gecnsv cnjkjv and the rest were all my dead who had died and they were sitting and all whispering something


I dreamed of 2 dead aunts (they were sisters) and a grandmother, they were happy that they had finally found me, I was in my aunt’s apartment, she hugged me, talked to me


Mom was late for the bus, I went to the store to then accompany her to another. On the way to the store, I saw a man whom I love but who is very far away, I approached him and we went to look for a place for him to stay. Then my husband appeared from somewhere and he and We went to the store at 2, I returned home with the thought that there was no one there and started cleaning. There was a ringing at the door, I opened it and my beloved was standing on the threshold, no longer sober and half-naked from above. Then my mother came from somewhere and started screaming at him. I her mother told her it was him. And she woke up


I dream that my boyfriend and I are going to the cathouses, we go lower and lower and come out at the back of the house, and he tells me that his parents have arrived, I run ahead of the house and they are sitting at the table with friends of our family, I hugged the guy’s parents tightly... then they began to leave one by one, I was very sad and then I took the guy’s sister and we went to take pictures, so during the photo shoot she disappeared and I ran everywhere and looked for her, why this dream?


I dreamed about my cousin. We don’t communicate much, but in a dream he hugged me and said that he loved me very much and that I was his best sister. I don’t understand what this dream is for


I'm riding down in the elevator, there are animals there, we think they're rats, but they look like arctic foxes, there are two of them. They grab my father’s clothes with their teeth, but do not cause him any damage, my sister and her son are in the elevator, I haven’t communicated with my sister for almost a year. Rarely email with her son, and only for work reasons. My granddaughter and student are there (I’m a teacher). The student is also grabbed by these rats - arctic foxes, and one of them smears blood on the girl, but no one is hurt. The elevator opens, I try to get out with my granddaughter so that these animals remain in the elevator and I kick them, this wakes me up. I haven’t had dreams so clearly for a long time. The dream was from Tuesday to Monday.


I want to see my husband, but my relatives don’t let me in, and my classmate dreamed that I gave birth and she came up to me and wanted to look, but my husband was with me and he said it was too early


He came home and said that he was our relative, that would be Zherinovsky. Then we drank wine together and that was the end of the dream.


Hello, help me understand the dream, first I dreamed that my sister dropped my child, and then it all turned into relatives coming to my husband and me and asking me to live for a while, at first I agreed but then I regretted it, my brother had a birthday soon and he my sister decided to invite friends to my apartment, I said that I was against it because there was a small child in the house and this was not the place to hang out, let them hang out somewhere else, he was offended


I dreamed of my stepfather who died a year ago, and he scolded me and drove me away somewhere all the time (in a dream), literally two years before his death we established a relationship, but before that we simply did not have one.


I haven’t seen my mother and grandmother for a long time, about two years, and I had a dream that I was with a friend near her house, he put me on his neck and I saw my grandmother and she was happy and that’s all


conversation with my sister-in-law, sitting on the floor of the bedroom in three:
she - “your wife will never return to you”
I silently look at my wife (sitting next to us on the floor, I understand that she is my wife), but pretend that this is not my wife, but a double. At that time
she - “the phone is ringing, there’s a conversation. My sister-in-law says that my wife will be staying somewhere, taking a walk.”
I can not understand. My wife is next to me, but I don’t feel like a wife or a close person. I only think about when my wife is and where she is now, what will happen now.


In a dream, I married two young girls at once, but I didn’t divorce my first wife, she also took part in the wedding, then I was driving with my deceased grandfather in a white field, he was driving, we were driving along a broken road, we turned first along the road to the left, then on the right it appeared behind with some large buildings that filled the sky with bright domes of a mosque or church, while the rest of the surroundings were dim in the haze, my grandfather pointed it out to me with his hand, then we then turned off the road to the right towards a wooden fence and drove inside, there was a warehouse where we bought bran in bags and I helped load them, when they were loading the guards ran up and thought that we were stealing, but then the seller girl said that we were taking everything legally, I don’t remember further.


From January 30 to January 31, 2015, I dreamed of what I think was an uncle who died about a year ago, or rather his silhouette, he was sitting on a chair in the dark opposite my bed and just looked, and even seemed to smile, he was the same as before about 30 years ago , young and he had curly curls on his head that were light for some reason, although it was dark. And then the next day from February 31 to February 1, 2015, I had a dream that I didn’t have enough air and I managed to think that I didn’t have enough time to even scream or raise my voice.


I want to film relatives with whom I am in a quarrel after the death of my father, and I would not be surprised that they did damage and all that. In my dreams, I constantly quarrel with them, sometimes I even fight. In my dreams I hate them so much. But in real life I don’t think about them at all.


I dreamed of relatives who were all alive, a brother with whom he was in a quarrel, and sisters who were all relatives, sitting and eating at the same table, the colors were cold, I very rarely have dreams, why is this


I dreamed of the relatives of my ex-husband, we haven’t lived with him for 3 years, they invited me to their place in Germany, I went with my daughter and mother to them, and now it was night, we began to talk quietly with his cousin, and my mother began to talk to us make comments that we are disturbing everyone’s sleep, I answered her in a rude manner, like leave me alone... and that’s all


Hello. I dreamed that my aunt and sister came to visit. when we met, I hugged them. they had sad eyes. and my sister was the size of a child


I wake up in the morning in a room where there was a window, a mirror and a bed, I heard that my husband’s aunt came to visit our house with a small white dog (in my life I have never seen her, only in a photo) she was at first in the kitchen and talking with my husband and mother, I just didn’t understand mine or his. Hearing their conversation, I got up and started combing my hair because... The hair on my head was all tangled, but I combed my hair very quickly. a dog came running into my room and I started petting it, then my aunt came, sat down next to me, smiled and took my hand, I didn’t feel so good about it, I immediately pulled it away and went into another room, it was bright with a window, my husband was lying on on the bare floor in an empty room and he had 2 small cuts on his right wrist. Then I returned to the room where my aunt remained sitting, took a blanket to lay on the floor where my husband was lying and a sheet to bandage his hand, and my aunt just sat and watched, I returned to my husband, sat down on top of him, was covered with a blanket, and a little boy appeared from somewhere nearby. about 2.5 years old and a big brown and black dog, I looked at them and woke up. That same night my husband also dreamed about this particular aunt, although he has 4 of them


I dreamed of my grandmother (on my father’s side), with whom I do not communicate. Also there was my dad’s uncle and my very old friends, with whom I also don’t communicate. they were all together, smiling, although they didn’t know each other at all.


I dreamed that my dad became a clone and there were 2 of them, but soon I learned to distinguish between them, one was disabled and the other was my real dad


We stood on a cliff, me and my sister, we were little, and there was also some little boy who was constantly being sworn at, there was my mother


My mother told me to go to bed and I went to bed and I dreamed about [how I was sleeping and my sister was on the laptop, she told me to take it and you have yours, I told me my mom doesn’t allow it, but I grabbed the laptop] my sister went to Minsk and she has family there


I had a dream that all my relatives turned away from me, it was as if they didn’t want to see me, as if I was a stranger to them, they were mocking me.


Hello! I dreamed of my grandmother (she died a long time ago), she was waiting for us, relatives, to visit, she cleaned the apartment as best she could. But only from below, from above it was dirty. I was so happy about her, and so was she. I wanted to wash everything for her, but she didn’t allow it. Many relatives came.


Today is my birthday and I dreamed about my deceased relatives, how we were sitting at the table and celebrating and they congratulated me on my birthday.


I dreamed of relatives with whom I had been in a quarrel for about 10 years over the division of my grandfather’s inheritance, after his death his sister applied to belong to the inheritance, they greatly offended my family, it was two aunts, the young daughters of my grandfather’s sister, who came with gifts, smiled, what does that mean? Following this, I dreamed of bears attacking me.


Meeting of relatives before sister's wedding. Everyone was smiling and it was fun. No one was sad or quarreled. But for some reason her father was without legs. And there are a lot of soldiers around without legs. But he is not military. Among the guests there was only one military man. In the dream, he and I were together, but in real life we ​​separated, but sometimes we communicate.


I dreamed about my living relatives. They came to visit me, and I married 2 times, not a Russian, but a Korean. And I buried my husband 15 years ago. I myself am Russian and my first husband is Russian. And the sisters did not approve of my choice in a dream


Hello. I dreamed of a newly built 2-story house. I know for sure that we built it ourselves. We are renovating this house. I'm also on the 2nd floor waiting for the tiler. Who should come and lay the tiles. I look him out the window. It's sunny outside. Then the dream moves to the 1st floor. Relatives came to see me there. And distant ones. And everyone is surprised to see that we live in this house. I began to explain that we weren’t living yet, we were just doing renovations. Everyone asked why I needed such a big house. After all, my mother left us a 3-story house. I somehow answered (I don’t think so, they say there are children there) And these relatives came supposedly to visit their mother’s grave. And they stay with me overnight. The house has gray walls and no floors. I know that there were windows, a roof for sure. The house is completed, only the interior work remains. And I placed all these relatives in this unfinished house on the ground floor on beds, with clean linen.


Good morning! I dreamed of a little girl, and I told everyone that this was my daughter, my cousin was constantly fussing next to her. The girl was very energetic, cheerful, with blond hair. (I had an abortion about 3 months ago)




Hello. Well, let’s start with the fact that I dream of relatives with whom I haven’t communicated for a long time, and I don’t want to. Because I’m in a quarrel with them. And I don’t want to communicate myself. We haven’t communicated for a year. And after that for some reason they started dreaming.


Hello, I dreamed that my 2nd foolish uncle had some kind of family hiding... Then my uncle’s wife went out to look around the yard, when suddenly a minibus-type car appeared; the driver was a man.


I dreamed about the guy’s relatives and I had this dream before, we were all getting together and preparing for the holiday, but in the dream the guy’s parents were angry as if I had done something bad


I am living in America. This afternoon I went to sleep a little in my room and fell asleep, and I dreamed about all my semen, they suddenly appeared in my room, then I asked my dad why you came here and he said that I couldn’t come to visit you and I said it was far away, then I went to the toilet and saw that my mother was standing there and asked me did you want something, I walked into the room, lay down on the bed and suddenly woke up because the alarm clock rang!! What does this all mean?


Well, I came to my grandmother, who stayed at home, and we were 4000 km away from her, and I arrived and saw, in addition to my grandmother, various people from different countries, and it was still late in the evening


I dreamed about the young man’s relatives and my relatives, they were at my house, hugging, his mother was always smiling, they took a lot of pictures. We saw them off somewhere, and the young man stayed with me.


I enter my cousin’s house, just to visit, and I see two of his friends lying on the bed, I haven’t met them, but for some reason I’m sure that these are his friends. They were lying on the bed under a blanket, as if they were going to bed, and they were Caucasian in appearance. I came in scared, and they, together with my brother, began to discuss whose I was, who would get it, my brother was angry, because he didn’t like that they were sharing me like that, and lied that I was his and that they wouldn’t bother me. Taking advantage of these, I ran outside. First I wanted to go to a stop near my brother’s house, but then these friends would be able to catch up with me, so I ran to another one. I saw this other stop briefly in an old dream. I still couldn’t find my way to her, and decided to go back to my brother’s house, because... I ran for a long time and maybe they left. Something happened that I don't remember. Then I saw a girl on a chair in my brother’s house, slender and dark-haired. She stood next to me, looked at my face and said: “Then I’ll take her and correct her eyebrows.” " End.


I dreamed about my mother-in-law and all the relatives of my ex-husband (divorced) and he dreamed that we were at the dacha, I closed the dacha gate with the key from the inside where we were all together. then I put galoshes on my feet. Then a big red dog came skipping towards me with joy, please
, explain


I dreamed of an ex-husband who wants to improve the relationship despite the fact that I am married, and he is married, but does not live with his wife!!! and his relatives, his sister who blames me for all the problems, her husband who drives me out of their common home!!!


so) I dreamed of the relatives of a guy who I really like) in the dream there were his cousin (and her wife) and cousin)) I don’t have a serious relationship with this guy) but I feel that he loves me, but he doesn’t admit it)) and to me I like him)


I came to my grandmother’s house, she was sitting and counting money, grandfather was sitting on his chair in a clean shirt, then dad appeared, they congratulated me on my birthday, and then my aunt came, I told her not to offend my grandparents and woke up


Hello Tatiana! Why dream about your sister’s wedding, even though she had a wedding a long time ago and has children, but I appeared and disappeared at this wedding


At first it all started with a path in the snow, I was following my aunt (colleague), she moved away very quickly, then I got distracted and saw her very far away. Then a small hole was discovered at the turning point. And there was a young man who said we needed to get down and go around (it turned out that we were walking on the roof), when I got down I saw the cows, they had horns, I walked around them and walked to the gate, but the gate was strange, if the top opened then the bottom disappeared, if the bottom then disappeared from the top. Finally, I walked further and saw many of my husband’s relatives in his grandfather’s house, they were taking out the bed and rugs and hanging them on the fence. Then I went to the garage where his aunt was baking sweet roses. Then I went into the house and started making out the bed with everyone


I dreamed of a cousin with whom I had not communicated for a long time, I just didn’t recognize him, my wife, my sister, I saw her and I talked, then she ran away, I ran after her, I saw the market, I saw a relative and I went to buy groceries, I don’t remember who exactly, someone tried to open a stall first to sell the meat didn’t work out, then there was a cafe with a small cinema for watching cartoons and selling buns, there were children there and there were other relatives who did what, I don’t remember everything


I dreamed that I was walking along a path in the city of Ust-Ilimsk (the last time I was there was at the end of May and until June 10, with Uncle Yura), then two of my uncles Yura and Denis appeared on the path, they walked parallel to me, not reaching 4-5 meters stopped and one of them moved to the left, then returned and they walked past me. It seemed to me that they were very similar (in life they are not similar). Then it was as if everything had started all over again and this time they just walked by and Yura looked at me. Then I ended up in my grandparents' apartment. I felt that my grandmother was there, but I didn’t see her since I was in the same room (Denis used to live there, he is that grandmother’s son. But he hasn’t lived there for a long time since he moved into a separate apartment and the woman renovated it and filled it with boxes and clothes. ) in this room there was a table and all the utensils, and the fan was turned on and was blowing on me. I was waiting for Denis, but then I remembered that he doesn’t live here. End


This was the house of my deceased great-grandmother, my mother and I went into the yard, there were a lot of relatives there - it was a dinner for 40 days (but in life it is yet to come), I was next to my grandmother’s sister (she is alive in reality), then I went into the room great-grandmothers, it was empty, I cried, then some girl appeared next to me and began to calm me down.


Good afternoon. I’ve never used dream interpretation services before, but recently I’ve started having very strange dreams. In general, yesterday I had a dream with the following content, my uncle, for some unknown reason, took out a weapon and seemed to even kill someone (the dream was very chaotic, it’s impossible to say for sure). He called me to go somewhere, but I refused, after that he gives me his weapon (hands it over as an inheritance) and with a smile on his face leaves with his family. This is where the dream ended.


I dreamed of an unexpected visit from my maternal relatives (my aunt, her daughter (my cousin) and her daughter (my cousin) to my mother-in-law’s house, where I live now. Everything is somehow fussy, it seems like the aunt is about to leave, but the mother-in-law’s reaction surprisingly positive.


In a dream, my husband’s grandmother came to me, who in reality lives very far away. I opened the apartment door for her, she was all in black: a scarf on her head, a dress, shoes. When she entered the apartment, I began to look for her slippers (for some reason they were all dark), and she said that these were not her slippers. I told her that now my husband (her grandson) will go and buy her the ones she wants…. and then the dream was interrupted


a flock of white geese and chickens that are being chased by hornets fly where my son is mowing the grass, he begins to brush them off with a mower. At this moment my dad comes out and I stand and look in surprise at everything as the birds obediently run where the hornets are chasing them


My husband's brother and his wife arrived from another country. We don’t communicate with them for about 8 years now. My husband and brother are twins and had a big fight 10 years ago. In a dream, they came to us, we were sitting, like on the street, on a bench, and they stood next to us and wet everything.


I arrived at the girl’s house (but the house is not the one where she lives), met her uncle, found out that the girl had gone for a walk with some guy, and I had an unpleasant conversation with her parents. But I never talked to them, I woke up.


I dreamed of a cousin in a wedding dress, a white veil, but the color of the dress was constantly changing, she couldn’t show her legs many times in this dress, then she opened her legs and lifted her dress, there were bony legs, I felt scared, very creepy, then I dreamed of my daughters-in-law with her brothers and her mother, they were sitting behind one table and they were discussing me and blaming me for everything, that it was all my fault


I have many relatives (brothers, sisters, aunts and grandfathers) on my mother's side. We are scattered across Russia and see each other very rarely. Grandma brings us together. In the dream, everyone gathered at the grandmother’s to help her clean the house for the Intercession. In real life, my mother and I do this every year. Everyone gathered and for some reason sat in outerwear, and I cleaned up. The wall I washed changed its color to winter patterns. Then we tried to choose a color to repaint it back, orange-brown. Beautiful colour


Over the last week, I have dreamed about relatives on my father’s side with whom I have virtually no contact and whom I have never dreamed of before. The first time I dreamed of a distant relative in the hospital who was supposedly seriously ill. The second time, I dreamed of a feast with relatives on my father’s side, some of whom I didn’t even know (it’s like relatives of relatives). Why did I pay attention to these dreams, although I had never bothered with dreams before? I’ve never dreamed of people with whom I practically don’t communicate, if not to say that I haven’t communicated at all, for a long time.


Hello, today I dreamed about the wedding of one of my ex-husband’s relatives, but I never saw the bride, groom or table, there were only a lot of relatives, they all walked and walked, these were all relatives of my ex-husband


I dreamed of my brothers, my father, my mother, my sister, there was some kind of holiday in my parents’ house, my brothers and I left the table and went to smoke, and at the same moment I was at some kind of holiday, but I had a quarrel with a girl in a dream, I love her very much and I’m afraid of losing her and at some point I pull her out to dance, she resists, but still goes, it’s like we won a dance competition, but for some reason I have a prize, one of them has men’s and women’s cosmetics, and I’m already at home talking to my mother, holding this prize in my hands on a tray and entering my sister


the day before yesterday, yesterday, today I dreamed of relatives, the first was my dream of my grandfather, then the second I dreamed of my mother’s daughter and stepmother herself, and the third I dreamed of my uncle, aunt, mother, grandfather, my mother’s stepmother, my mother’s granddaughter, and my younger cousin On Sunday the 11th he turned 4 months old. Helped


hello, I dreamed of a telephone conversation, a relative called me and said that let’s meet at the bus station. They say everyone will gather there, aunt, uncle, cousins, and cousins, I did so, arrived at the bus station, but we all met in a small house, you can say in the room where I stood in the center, and relatives came into the room one by one, we greeted each other, hugged and they sat down... then my daughter came in, I introduced her to them, she approached each of them and introduced herself, greeted each other hand, then one of the brothers suggested going outside, everyone was happy and satisfied, and I woke up...
why such a dream?


I dreamed that relatives on my mother’s side, in full family composition, came to my mother to do repairs.


I have a polorized father. And I dreamed that he and I were in an old house where we had lived for 25 years and he was lying on the old sofa and talking to me. And then he told me to leave him alone and moved to a chair that was in the new apartment where we live. I tell him, you know how to walk. To which he replies yes and gets up and leaves.


In the dream, there were many relatives in one place, everyone ate in turns; I didn’t have any room.


I had a dream in which relatives from my father’s side unexpectedly came to me. At first I had a reaction that I was not prepared and therefore I was not very happy, but then it seemed like we sat and talked, in general, there was tension only at the very beginning.


I was traveling with my uncle, aunt, and brother by car. I found a small black puppy near a dam.


I dreamed of a second cousin who died more than 10 years ago, I dreamed that everyone considered her missing, but she showed up (during her life, my grandmother loved to visit relatives)


Good afternoon. The guy left me almost 2 years ago, borrowing a fairly large amount of money from me. His sister swore that she would pay him back, but literally a month later they just blocked me everywhere, and then he left a few days later and began to live with another girl. And I dreamed that it was as if I was in a cemetery, but I didn’t see the graves. I saw that they were standing like he was at the grave. his own sister. And his niece comes up to me and she and I go for a walk, just like shopping, then we come and are already at their house, so she and I left and returned several times. and then she asks me a question: they won’t be together anyway. I ask who and she tells me they are. And I woke up


I see young relatives I don’t know well in a dream, I worry about them, that they are not rich, I took them home with my sister and friend, my friend and sister wanted to go to the toilet with them, I didn’t allow them because of their poverty. Then I see that I went into a one-room apartment where water was flowing onto the floor in the middle of the ceiling, not finding that the neighbors were flooding, I went into the attic and saw a heavy downpour, then I saw two women with cardioneurosis who were fiddling with chestnuts and there was a whole bowl of chestnuts that were taken away a minute later I woke up to the fact that I asked them to sell chestnuts


I dreamed of an uncle who had recently passed away and gave me a pendant around my neck with two hearts, and in the same dream I dreamed of a mother who had been gone for several years and was talking about the cold and something about the boots, what was this for?


I dreamed of a cousin that he had arrived, but he actually lives far away, there was a heart-to-heart talk with him, reconciliation, he said that his mother had died but she was actually alive


I dreamed of an uncle about whom I have known nothing for many years; alive.died,where is he?! And he was naked. He didn’t come up to me and didn’t call me anywhere. But I had the feeling that he was alive..


My boss and I accepted a lot of excellent fish for sale. My common-law husband’s sister and her husband come into the store. My sister comes up to me and talks about something. And her husband stands on the threshold with his bare legs in a basin of water. I understand what’s going on. someone is walking with their backs, I open the curtain and an unfamiliar middle-aged woman stands there and silently looks at me. I feel fear and shout to her to get out of here

Anastasia Glushkova:

I dreamed that my great-aunt was washing dishes, and a former classmate was being deceived by a girl that she was pregnant specifically so that he would marry her, and I told him the truth, he didn’t believe me, I offered to buy her a pregnancy test, take her to a gynecologist, he refused, then she started to stop, I took the condoms from her, then I sat on the edge of the chair next to my classmate, so the classmate became sad and lowered his head


i dreamed that I came with my sister (I often dream about her, she is 8 years old, I always worry about her) to the city where my relatives live. We are standing at a bus stop and there is a store nearby and I tell her that she needs to buy food, since there is no one at home, for some reason I imagined the house in the dream as gloomy and somehow uninhabited, old, I knew that my relatives had left somewhere, We also met a friend, but I don’t remember anything about her. For some reason I was scared, I woke up in fear


hello, I dreamed of renovations in my multi-apartment house, many residents replaced the balcony and for some reason blocked it with a log, and some even had a window blocked with a log, then I bought a pair of black boots for 2500 thousand, at first glance similar to each other, but then I noticed that one had a round sock and the other had a pointed one, I went and returned them, took the money, then on the bench I met an acquaintance with whom I had not spoken for a long time, a man, I once felt sympathy for him and he also liked me, but with us The relationship didn’t work out, he was married and I didn’t get involved in the family, I don’t remember exactly what our conversation was about, but in my opinion it was a heart-to-heart about my current relationship, he asked if I was happy, if I loved my boyfriend? Then I saw I saw my sister, with whom I haven’t spoken for a long time, when she was young, although now she looks completely different, she came to visit my grandmother’s house, who is no longer alive, and I also saw my grandmother young and cheerful. That’s all I remember


I dreamed of all my relatives at a big table, I invited them to my daughter’s birthday. The table was big, long, a lot of food... I dreamed of everyone except my father, he is sick in reality and we don’t communicate


Good afternoon, today I dreamed that the relatives of my ex-fiance came to visit us, his mother, father and sister


I was in my parents' apartment. My dad and my nephews (my brother’s two sons) went for a walk. didn't return in the evening. we went looking.


The apartment is in terrible condition, not mine, my mother’s. A deceased aunt came to visit with gifts, supposedly for her birthday. There is a lot of boiled pork and ham on the table


I am 11 years old. I dreamed that I was on a yacht with all my distant relatives, I was very seasick (not vomiting), it was a cloudy day, and a beautiful blue sea. I held on to short pale yellow curtains (so as not to fall). I have a brother, he is 16 years old (he is not entirely healthy), for some reason he was furious, there was my mother, many relatives, and one woman who was not exactly a relative (my uncle’s wife’s sister, my uncle’s wife has many sisters) Her name is Nadya she has a twin sister, Sveta, she recently divorced her husband, she had grief (this was not really in a dream). In a dream, she gave me a small gift on the yacht, which she took out of a beautiful translucent bag, a small pineapple. What is this for?

I also often have a dream that there is a fire in my home school. I study in the 6th grade, I often dream that I am running out of the school through the emergency exit, the front exit was clogged with black smoke and schoolchildren. This was really scary. And one day I dreamed that I knew that there would be a fire, and there was a fire, a sensor from the ceiling went off and began to lightly spray with water, and for some reason I enjoyed these drops of water, but I had to run. What is this for?

I also had a dream about my classmate, he walked with me, lightly hugging me, and showed me tricks. What is this for?

I dreamed that I had a toy machine at home and I won plush toys many times.
What is this for?


Hello! I have a lot of relatives who used to have 11 children with my grandmother, but now there are 9 of them. I dreamed about some of them living in the Krasnodar region. They were all in the house of their late aunt, who was the eldest in their family and died a couple of years ago. By the way, she was also present in the dream. In general, they all came to her village to look after one of her brothers, since he supposedly had an operation and he couldn’t do anything himself, he lives in Krasnodar, but he also lived before in the village, in Krasnodar he moved a couple of years ago. Also in this dream was my cousin, who is in prison and attempted on the life of my father. The brother is the son of an aunt who died 2 years ago and in whose house (in the dream) there were relatives and the above mentioned ones. So that did that mean?


Hello, I dreamed that my father died, but not directly in the dream. There was a feeling in the dream. that he died some time ago, although in reality he is alive and well. in fact, that is, in reality, my stepfather died some time ago (3 years). By the way, the date of birth of my father and stepfather is the same. How can I understand my dream?


Good afternoon Tatyana. The dream was long, but all I remember was that my close relative was calling in tears, saying that I’ll tell you everything later and hanging up. what is it for? Good for you! [email protected]


dream sisters, brother and children ex-wife's relatives were jumping, side view, heading towards me


I dreamed about my grandfather. Who died about 3 months ago. When I met him, he gave me green onions and dill. What is this for?


I’m with my boys in my relative’s (second cousin’s) apartment, I’m talking to her, she’s in no mood and says she’s tired of homework, I ask why and say they do everything together with her husband. Then she took a broom and started sweeping, collected the sand and threw her hair into the trash can.


Hello! Please help me understand this dream correctly... I dreamed about my own sister, with whom we don’t communicate in real life... I looked at her as if in a mirror and didn’t see her face, but she and I were wearing exactly the same dresses.


I dreamed of the house of my man with whom I live, and in it were his relatives and daughter.


I am the adopted son of a family, I dreamed of my living brother from the previous family, in general: I am my brother in the foster family, his friend, my brother who is from the previous family and his friend went to Moscow for me to do something with my teeth, after all that was done we were at stop, but not a single minibus could take us, either there were no seats or did not stop, in the end, my brother’s friend who from his previous family caught a yellow trolleybus and this friend and I began to leave, but my brother from the previous family was not there, he was somewhere left the stop and I left with his friend.


Good afternoon, I dreamed about the relatives of my beloved. Who came to visit me. They occupied the entire kitchen, which was very cramped. I remember my man’s brother especially clearly. My boyfriend was also in a dream.


I dreamed about the family of my ex-boyfriend, his sister, dad, mom and niece, they are happy to see me, what they say to me, and in my heart I think you didn’t want us to be together and went to the balcony, I saw the laundry being dried and then they got ready for the concert, but they sat in the bottom row and I’m in the middle and looking behind me, the one with whom he now lives is sitting above and I woke up.


I dreamed that my family and my boyfriend and I were moving into a huge house with his parents and were going to all live together. I can’t say what I felt from what I saw, mixed feelings, and in the dream there wasn’t much joy, but no one had bad feelings either. The guy was the most fun of all :) and my mother was slightly dissatisfied.


I was apparently visiting my boyfriend, and for some reason I called him and a little girl answered the phone (although they don’t have small children in the family at the moment), but I was in the same room where his sister and her were standing husband and some woman and this girl said to my eyes: “He’s sick of you.” For some reason this made me smile, but it also surprised me very much, I started asking why she decided, she replied that all his thoughts were about you. And my sleep was interrupted, I woke up and I felt something incredible inside, my heartbeat was very fast and at that moment it seemed to me that I loved him.


I dream of brothers and father, sometimes mother. if you dream about men, but all of them are not alive. All sorts of troubles happen, I try to be careful, but it doesn’t work. Half a year may pass. but it will...maybe I myself associate it with a dream...it turns out rarely, but aptly. The last dream was fighting with my father in front of my brothers. I haven’t been to the graves for almost two years. And before that, when I dreamed about the three of them, wait for a binge. I don’t understand why I dream about them and what to do to avoid them.


I dreamed about how I was traveling to Kalmykia with my boyfriend and aunt, and there my aunt said that relatives were chewing here and the little ones were going to kindergarten, I told her that they had moved and the little ones were already going to school. We went into this kindergarten, there was an aunt sitting there and two nephews, she kissed everyone, but somehow she didn’t treat me so easily, she hugged me and seemed to be talking on the phone and that’s it.


I dreamed of my father and my children with their deceased mother, they came to the Moscow region to visit their father’s brother, who moved a large house and a bathhouse from my dacha from another city, so that relatives would be nearby


I dreamed that my ex-husband’s uncle and someone else (I’m guessing my uncle’s wife and his close entourage) were holding me, my ex-husband and my ex-husband’s cousin hostage in some attic where there was no way out, this attic was surrounded by some kind of abyss below there was water in the abyss. I can assume that before us there were also some people there, there were corpses. and someone even jumped into this abyss without seeing a way out of this situation... we were kept for some kind of subordination, or to fulfill some kind of demands of a terrible nature, my uncle was inhumane, brutally cruel... my ex-husband and I tried to find a way out of this situation, somehow we had a working phone number, it seemed like I had time to write an SMS about helping my parents... then I woke up


Cousin's wedding...all relatives on the side of the deceased aunt. There are strangers at the table. I was passing by. The groom himself is not happy with this wedding, because they have been living together for many years and he does not understand why this is happening. The clothes are casual. I saw that everyone was dressed in black and white. The table is half empty. I was surprised that I wasn't invited.


I dreamed about my ex-husband's older sister. I applied her eyeshadow at her house.


A dream in which everyone, all relatives, right down to grandparents, were there, even the dead.


I dreamed that my stepfather, with whom we do not communicate, came to us to pick up old things (a fur coat, women's deodorant for his use and some other things) to sell them and give a loan, about 30 thousand rubles. He was poorly dressed, like a homeless person. We didn’t bring him into the house; we gave him everything on the stairs.


Why does my wife’s sister dream about her little son? She was kind to me and affectionate.


In general it was like that. At first I dreamed that, as in reality, I was in some apartment and I could see some city from the window, then my dad called and said that he was at home, but I didn’t know where. I go out and see bad weather, it will rain. I walk further and see in the center some people with staffs standing, saying something, singing some songs, it looked like they were shamans. They stood opposite some VERY high doors, looking for where evil would break out. I don't know why, but I knew what they were looking for. I ask the monk where my father lives, he says that such and such a street, such and such a house and apartment, the intercom does not work. I go out into the street and see the city as if in a quarantine zone, special forces are evacuating people and taking them away. I found that street, found everything, found my father, he was alive and well, but my mother and two younger sisters were missing, I knew that they were with my grandmother in the village. After some time I look out the window, there are zombies walking on the street. And from that moment on, there was no father. For some reason I ran outside, I’m running from zombies, there are a lot of them. I try to run away from them and every time I find a way out they catch up with me, bite me, and everything starts all over again. Then nothing. Then I find a group of people my age and we are all angels, but they look like in anime, beautiful. we had some kind of mission. We were flying around the city and saw these zombies. And then we see Another angel with a nose of black wings and long hair who wants to kill us. He could do anything, he had some kind of power, like a god. We ran away from him, but he caught up with us and killed us one by one. played cat and mouse with us. He left us some messages. In the end, he killed everyone, I was left alone, I realized that I also need to get such power. I went to meditate in an empty room. Find this power. Then I go out, we meet, laugh and go for tea. This is the end.


I dreamed that my aunt and her family, whom I had not seen for more than a year, came to see me. She decided to make a surprise and it was a success. I was very happy, I hugged her, and kissed her, and cried with joy. But she approached me somehow coldly. I decided that she was not happy that I was here and I just left. This is where my dream ended...


in my dream I called my grandmother all the time. I usually rarely call her and that’s why my grandmother started saying “Are you sick? are you feeling good? "


Hello! I dreamed of my late grandparents and they said hello to my aunt, or their daughter. Thank you in advance for your interpretation.

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