Why do you dream of tits in the snow? Why do you dream about a tit according to the dream book? What does the dream mean - Tit

Popular wisdom says: “Better is a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky,” that is, having at least something small is better than dreaming about the unattainable.

Seeing a flock of tits flying away from you in a dream means difficulties in your work; you are unlikely to be able to carry out your plans, because circumstances are not in your favor.

If you dreamed that a tit was sitting on the eaves outside your window, then expect good news or receiving a gift, perhaps a small inheritance from a distant relative.

Catching a tit means achieving a goal. If you managed to catch her, it means that in reality you will get what you want without much stress, without making any effort. If you did not catch a tit in a dream, then in reality do not count on luck; you will have to work and think a lot to get what you are striving for.

In a dream, to see a wounded or dead tit - you fantasize too much, pay insufficient attention to real life circumstances, so you often break into open doors.

A dream in which you see a tit in a cage suggests that you are not satisfied with what you have, you do not intend to stop there, but be careful: in the pursuit of something new, it is easy to lose what you have, but do not keep.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - House

A house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.

However, a wooden house can symbolize a coffin.

A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.

Renovating a house means having sexual intercourse.

If you renovate your house with pleasure, then your personal life is in complete order.

If you experience unpleasant sensations while renovating a house, then you don’t love your sexual partner, maybe even hate them, but hide your feelings.

If a man climbs or descends a smooth wall of a house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.

If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feelings for a woman are quite serious.

If a woman climbs the smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unrequited.

If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.

Climbing onto the roof of a house means striving to complicate and clarify relationships, a desire for scandals and showdowns.

Seeing a destroyed house means you have health problems, including in the sexual sphere.

Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner were in vain.

Interpretation of dreams from

What a titmouse dreams about is interestingly described in many dream books. In general, this bird is very symbolic. And her appearance in dreams, according to interpreters, is never accidental.

Aesop's Dream Book

The first step is to turn to this source. He assures that if a person in a dream saw a flock of tits flying into the distance, then one should be prepared for difficulties in work. All due to complicated circumstances. They do not work out in his favor, so if everything falls out of his hands, there is no need to be upset. It's better to be patient.

Something else is said about why a tit on a cornice dreams. Such a vision is usually a harbinger of good news. And even receiving a gift or inheritance.

If a person tried to catch a bird for a long time and eventually caught it, in reality he will achieve what he wants, despite the obstacles. The pursuit of the bird was not crowned with success? Then to achieve what you want you will have to work long and hard. And it will be difficult.

If the bird was sitting in a cage, it means that in reality the person is dissatisfied with his life. And, wanting to change everything, he should be careful. When chasing something new, there is a risk of losing what you already have. A wounded titmouse also does not bode well.

Modern interpreter

This book can also tell you why a titmouse dreams. The dream book assures that a person should not participate in matters related to trade and make any important decisions in the near future.

Did you manage to catch the bird? This means that any troubles, whatever they may be, will not bother the dreamer for a long time. If a bird flies into the house, then this is good news. But if in a vision a person killed her, no good should be expected. A chirping titmouse is a harbinger of news that will require the dreamer to take immediate action. If several birds were sitting on the ledge and persistently knocking on the window with their beaks, some troubles will most likely happen.

According to Miller

This book can also tell you why a titmouse dreams. If a person catches it, it means that he will be able to defeat a person hostile to him. Did you even manage to put the bird in a cage? Then a person will protect himself from adversity for a long time.

And if a bird flew into the window and then landed on the dreamer’s shoulder, this is an excellent sign. They say that a new person will appear in his life who will be with him for a long time. Soon the newly made acquaintances will become so close that they will not be able to imagine life without each other.

But that’s not all that a titmouse dreams of in the house. If a person catches it, but the bird doesn’t even think about flying away, but sits calmly on his finger, as if on a perch, this is good luck. It might be time to buy lottery tickets. And if the dreamer fed the bird by hand, most likely he will soon meet his soulmate. For people running their own business, this interpretation means rapid growth in business, profit and the emergence of reliable partners.

Other interpretations

The titmouse is a bird whose color is predominantly yellow. And this is a very important detail. Because each color has its own meaning.

The esoteric dream book, for example, assures that a bright, yellow titmouse portends a “breakthrough” in a professional sense. And it is possible that a person will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate his full potential and abilities in front of his superiors. Did such a chance present itself? You should definitely use it.

Also, if you dream of a tit flying into the window of the room in which a person usually works, it means that his career will go uphill. And all thanks to a lucky coincidence of circumstances. A professional and creative uplift awaits him, and this cannot but rejoice.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Tit dream in a dream according to 10 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Tit symbol from 10 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Maly Velesov dream book

Tit - a girl will be born (pregnant), household chores, guests, true love.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does the Tit dream?

A tit is news that will require you to take immediate action.

Russian folk dream book

A tit - having at least a little is better than dreaming about the unattainable: “better is a tit in your hands...”.

See a flock of tits flying away- means that you are unlikely to be able to achieve your plans.

Tit outside your window, or on the eaves- wait for good news or a gift.

Seeing a tit in a cage- it means you are not satisfied with what you have.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did the Tit dream in a dream?

If in a dream you see a tit- this means you should not take risks in matters related to trade, or make important decisions under external pressure.

Catch a tit in a dream- a sign of overcoming troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Tits promise all sorts of sorrows if they knock on your window in a dream. You may even lose a loved one.

To catch a tit is to defeat a hostile person.

Put a tit in a cage- protect yourself for a long time from great adversity.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Tit according to the dream book?

The tit is a joy.

Aesop's Dream Book

Popular wisdom says: “Better is a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky,” that is, having at least something small is better than dreaming about the unattainable.

To dream of a flock of tits flying away from you- to difficulties in work, you are unlikely to be able to implement your plans, because circumstances are not in your favor.

If you dreamed that a tit was sitting on the ledge outside your window- expect good news or receiving a gift, perhaps a small inheritance from a distant relative.

Catching a tit means achieving a goal.

If you managed to catch her- this means that in reality you will get what you want without much stress, without making any effort.

If you didn’t catch a tit in a dream- in reality, do not count on luck, you will have to work and think a lot to get what you are striving for.

In a dream, see a wounded or dead tit- you fantasize too much, pay insufficient attention to real life circumstances, so you often break into open doors.

A dream in which you see a tit in a cage- says that you are not satisfied with what you have, you do not intend to stop there, but be careful: in the pursuit of something new, it is easy to lose what you have, but do not keep it.

Ukrainian dream book

Tit - household chores; guests; true love.

Folklore dream book

A tit or swallow flew into the house- to the good news.

Kill a tit or swallow- Badly.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Tit according to the dream book?

A dream about a tit suggests that you should not take unnecessary risks.

More interpretations

If you catch her, you can achieve what you want.

I dreamed that you were putting her in a cage- you will be safe, everything will work out well for you.

Video: Why do you dream about Titmouse?

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Did you dream of a Tit, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Tit in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    The tit, sitting on a branch, said that I need to get up and go, but she couldn’t say who was delivering this. also an apple and a cherry fell and they also told me something and the small ship too. I was in a garden.

    Hello! I had a dream with a tit... I was standing on the street with some person, I didn’t see his face and it’s also difficult to tell the gender. So, a tit flew next to us and landed on my head. I took her in both hands and she hid her head under her wing and fell asleep. I also thought, she was probably cold, I started to warm her with my palms... I regretted it. What kind of dream is this?

    I dreamed that I got out of bed and saw how a tit flew onto the balcony through the window, but not into the apartment, knocked loudly on the window and flew back, and when I woke up I found bird droppings right on that very window in the place where the tit had hit in the dream. !What could this mean???

    I came to the entrance of my house, and on all the neighboring entrances except mine there were some kind of bars with locks. I walked into the entrance and somehow immediately found myself at home, and there in the sideboard (like we actually have an old, very wooden one with glass inserts) a titmouse was flying around, catching some kind of shiny bead. I opened the door to catch her and let her go. And she’s not afraid at all. And on her head she has a small golden crown!, a beautiful yellow belly, and she herself is bluish blue. So she caught this silver bead and calmly sat in my hand)) so soft, warm and not afraid. And then I woke up

    I was sitting somewhere on the roof, a flock of sparrows flew by, I raised my hand and caught one sparrow, there was some kind of brick wall nearby and on the cornice I saw a tit and immediately released the sparrow. I approached the tit and it even seemed strange to me that it didn’t fly away anywhere, as if it I wanted her to be caught, I lightly pressed her with the back of my hand and took her with my other hand, and then I remember holding her with both hands and my state was somehow peaceful

    I dreamed of two tits, bright, beautiful - a male and a female. They took cherries from a parrot. White parrot. No tail. Colored feathers are visible from under the white feathers.
    It all started like this: I’m in some house. Sunny. The curtains on the window are orange. Slightly transparent. I see a tit. I want to catch her so I can release her. I feel a warm body in my hand. She breaks free and flies under the curtain onto the floor. There is another tit and a parrot.
    The parrot has a cherry in its beak. The tits attacked the parrot, took the cherry and flew away.
    The parrot remained. He didn't fly away. Just sitting on the floor.

    Entering the room, I saw 2 tits and 2 sparrows, 1 tit and 1 sparrow immediately flew away as they saw me through the window, and to help the sparrow fly out, I took it in my hand, and the tit stayed there... That’s how the dream ended.

    I return from somewhere and decide to go into an apartment that supposedly belongs to my mother (in fact, my mother now lives in the suburbs); On the way, I meet a former colleague riding a bicycle and invite her with me. in the entrance, more like the corridor of a communal apartment, I meet a neighbor and, having difficulty finding my key (almost ready to give up visiting the apartment), I return and go into the apartment. it is inhabitable, but requires major renovations (according to a dream - we bought it in my mother’s name recently and have not been there yet), but the apartment is very cozy (it feels like a two-room apartment, although small): I go into the bedroom and sit down on the bed, there is a table and then I notice on the bed and somewhere else nearby two tits... for some reason it was the birds with their yellow breasts that stuck in my memory...

    I dreamed about Hurrem Sultan's wife Sultan Suleiman from the movie The Magnificent Century, a Turkish TV series. In a dream she predicts my future for me. In my dream it was as if I was pregnant. She tells me to give birth. And I kind of want to have an abortion if he doesn’t marry me. I ask him that he shouldn’t marry me. And she says a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. I'm not actually pregnant. What is this for?

    Hello Tatiana! I dream that a tit flew in through the open window and landed on my shoulder. I carefully tried to drive it back, but instead of it, my house flew out the window. parrot (I love him very much)))), and the tit continued to sit, although the parrot also returned, every time I tried to open the window. That's it... I don't remember anything else) Thank you!

    Hello. I've dreamed about a tit twice in the last two weeks. The first time she was sitting on a branch and I ran for the camera to take a picture of her, but when I returned, she was hanging on some kind of hook, with her eyes open and dead. And today I dreamed that a little skinny tit flew into an open window and sat on the floor, and I chased it away, saying “I don’t care about you, fly away,” waving my hands, and it flaps its wings and doesn’t want to, but in the end it flies away. In real life, things don’t go very well, please tell me, maybe this is a warning?

    Good afternoon This was the first time I had such a dream. In the dream, I was in my room, the window was open. Suddenly a titmouse, with very bright plumage, flies into the room. It flies very close to me and hovers in the air above the level of my face (as if examining me), but this lasts a couple of seconds. Then she a circle flies across the room, I extend my hand and she sits on it. I started stroking her and as soon as I stopped doing this she lightly pinched my thumb. She took off, made another circle and again sat on my hand, but on the other (left) .And she began, as it were, to “rub” against her. Me: “Poor thing, do you want to be free?”, after these words I went up to the window and stuck out my hand with a tit. She looked around the yard and I threw her up with the words “come on!” She flew but spread only one wing. She carefully glides into the yard. The yard was strewn with millet, and there were a lot of pigeons on the ground. As soon as the tit landed, she scattered all the pigeons and began to greedily eat this millet. Tell me, what is this for? Thank you very much in advance.

    I went into the alley, there were fir trees growing along the edges. She didn’t come in alone, with an older woman in a dark robe. seems familiar. Many different birds, beautiful. and the place itself is beautiful, heavenly. A beautiful blue tit sat on my left hand. small, very beautiful. and then my cat, Bucks, grabbed it and ate it. straight from your hand. And this happened again. only a feather remained on the hand. I woke up feeling sorry for the bird.

    Hello! I dreamed that a tit flew into the slightly open window and began to attack me. I waved her off with my hand and covered myself. The tit never hit me. Tell me, please, what is this for?

    hello, tell me what my dream could mean, a tit flew into the apartment, I caught it, while I was carrying it to let it out, I felt it hitting my fingers with its beak, I released the tit safely))

    Hello. Today I had a dream (from Thursday to Friday), I don’t remember the details... I only remember that I was sitting with someone at the window in the apartment (in the kitchen) and a titmouse appeared on the ledge, a man (like a man) came up to the window and took it in his hands when he turned to me, I saw that she was three times larger than an ordinary tit, and suddenly a couple more people appeared in the kitchen and we all smiled and looked at the bird, she looked so pleased, she even seemed to smile. That's all I remember, thank you in advance.

    Good afternoon!)) I very often dream that I am returning to school, although I graduated from it in 2007, and in this dream I return there again and during recess I go outside and look for my classmates, it’s winter outside. Guys are standing around the corners and smoking, I'm looking for my friends, and titmice are flying, I'm standing in a snowdrift and I see one, I hold out my empty hand, in the hope that it will fall for my cunning and sit on my palm, and it sits down and gently pecks my palm, it was ticklish and I laughed, and the bird warmed itself in my arms and did not want to leave.....

    I first dreamed of a titmouse outside the window. She sat and looked at me. Then she somehow found herself already in the room. And in the kitchen it’s like my little son and mother. The mother has been dead for two years, and the son is now much older than in the dream. And I think in my dream that if a titmouse flies around the apartment, they will be scared. And she’s so pretty, she sits calmly and looks at me. I take it in my hand, go to the balcony and let it go. That’s it.

Popular wisdom says: “Better is a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky,” that is, having at least something small is better than dreaming about the unattainable.

Seeing a flock of tits flying away from you in a dream means difficulties in your work; you are unlikely to be able to carry out your plans, because circumstances are not in your favor.

If you dreamed that a tit was sitting on the eaves outside your window, then expect good news or receiving a gift, perhaps a small inheritance from a distant relative.

Catching a tit means achieving a goal. If you managed to catch her, it means that in reality you will get what you want without much stress, without making any effort. If you did not catch a tit in a dream, then in reality do not count on luck; you will have to work and think a lot to get what you are striving for.

In a dream, to see a wounded or dead tit - you fantasize too much, pay insufficient attention to real life circumstances, so you often break into open doors.

A dream in which you see a tit in a cage suggests that you are not satisfied with what you have, you do not intend to stop there, but be careful: in the pursuit of something new, it is easy to lose what you have, but do not keep.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - House

A house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.

However, a wooden house can symbolize a coffin.

A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.

Renovating a house means having sexual intercourse.

If you renovate your house with pleasure, then your personal life is in complete order.

If you experience unpleasant sensations while renovating a house, then you don’t love your sexual partner, maybe even hate them, but hide your feelings.

If a man climbs or descends a smooth wall of a house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.

If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feelings for a woman are quite serious.

If a woman climbs the smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unrequited.

If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.

Climbing onto the roof of a house means striving to complicate and clarify relationships, a desire for scandals and showdowns.

Seeing a destroyed house means you have health problems, including in the sexual sphere.

Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner were in vain.

Interpretation of dreams from

There is a possibility of receiving long-awaited news. Whether they will turn out to be pleasant or not is impossible to say for sure.

Tit in hands in a dream▼

The meaning of the dream where the tit was in is favorable. They will begin to come true, although you will not begin to believe in it right away.

What did the titmouse do in his dream?

I dreamed that a tit was knocking on the window▼

Wait, hope. Try not to take on risky matters, do not commit rash acts in order to avoid serious troubles.

A tit flew out the window according to the dream book▼

If in a dream a tit flew into a window, the plot of the dream is favorable. There is a high probability of receiving good news from a loved one living in. Perhaps it will happen to a good friend in the near future.

How did you end up with a tit in your dream?

Catch a tit with your hands in a dream▼

Did you dream that you could kill a tit with your hands? Reality has prepared pleasant surprises. You can achieve the desired result without much effort. Business with new beginnings will bring dizziness, moral satisfaction, and a feeling of sincere happiness.

What did you do with the tit in your dream?

Dream about feeding a tit ▼

Why do you dream that you have a tit? The dream promises the emergence of new happy opportunities. There is a high probability of good guests arriving.

Try not to miss the opportunities that arise, they can lead to happiness and well-being. Opportunities like these don't come around too often to be squandered.

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