Moscow State Institute of Culture. Moscow State Institute of Culture MGIK Mokhovaya

The Moscow State Institute of Culture trains representatives of creative professions: choreographers, directors, actors, musical performers, as well as specialists in the field of art history and humanities.

The history of the modern Moscow State Institute of Culture began with the organization of the Moscow Library Institute in 1930. Over the years of its existence, the university has expanded several times: in the 1960-70s, artistic specializations flourished within its walls; in the 80-90s, the training of specialists in the field of entertainment and leisure began.

Now the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography is the main university in Russia for training personnel in the field of culture and the arts. The Institute is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Numerous amateur artistic groups, organized by university specialists, still bring joy to thousands of people in different parts of our country. Graduates of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography are in demand in cinema and on theater stages, in the media and on television. These are talented artists, performers, journalists, valuable specialists in the field of art history and library science.

Applicants are offered courses in general education subjects and creative disciplines. You can also contact the Institute’s Pre-University Training Department - it has been preparing IPCC applicants since 1968.

Culture is memory. Therefore, it is connected with history and always implies the continuity of the moral, intellectual, spiritual life of a person, society and humanity.

Yu. M. Lotman

Culture and art are the most important components of the life of any society, indicators of the level of its development and morality. Therefore, specialists who bring culture and art to the masses are so necessary.

The wealth of spiritual culture is passed on from generation to generation, from one group to another through people who have received special education in universities, where scientific, historical, religious, and social knowledge are concentrated.

The benefit that art gives us is not in what we learn, but in what we become, thanks to it.

Wilde O.

Institutes of culture and art are called upon not only to transmit cultural heritage, but also to satisfy the needs of society in personal development and self-realization, solving spiritual problems and finding the meaning of life. Educational institutions with a religious orientation contribute to solving the last two problems.

The system of cultural and art institutions includes various types of organization of artistic activity of mankind: television, cinematography, music, theatrical art, sculpture, painting. But in our ranking, THEATER, MUSIC AND ART UNIVERSITIES are placed in a separate category for ease of search by applicants.

Universities in the sphere of culture and art in Russia provide a thorough classical education and have always had world fame. Despite the political upheavals and transformations of recent decades, they have preserved their best educational traditions. But at the same time, they keep up with the times: young teachers improve their teaching activities and introduce innovative ideas into the educational process.

Art lies in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary.

Studying at these universities is a great responsibility for students and future specialists. Becoming a worthy graduate is a real opportunity to develop as an outstanding personality and professional in your field.

The leaders among universities in such an important sphere of cultural influence on people as cinema and television are GITIS, VGIK, MITRO and GITRA. The country's leadership gives priority to funding this industry, and work in it is considered prestigious and highly paid.

Religious universities include a set of principles, rules, and norms that regulate the daily lives of people, performing ideological and integrating functions.

Art is such a need for a person as eating and drinking. The need for beauty and creativity, which embodies it, is inseparable from a person, and without it a person, perhaps, would not want to live in the world.

Dostoevsky F.M.

Thus, education in the field of culture and art plays a significant role as a transmitter of cultural and social experience from generation to generation.

The field of culture and arts always attracts applicants. Many people want to show their talents and develop their creative abilities. However, not all applicants are destined to fulfill their dreams, because there is very high competition in educational institutions offering to receive an appropriate education. Despite the low chances, every person should prove themselves and try to enter a university. One of the famous educational institutions is Culture and Arts (currently considered an institute).

Through the pages of history

The year of foundation of the current university in Moscow is 1930. The educational institution was created in the form of a library institute that trains qualified specialists in the field of librarianship. In the first year, just over 140 students studied here. Gradually the university expanded, new departments and specializations appeared. All these changes were reflected in the name of the university. In 1964 it became the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

With a new name, the university existed until 1994. During this period, faculties and specialties continued to appear in the educational institution (which later became MGUKI). Then the university's status was upgraded. The educational institution has grown from an institute to a university. In 2014, the educational organization again became an institute. Currently, this university is quite large. Over 12 thousand students study there. The Institute conducts educational activities - it offers programs of pre-university, higher, secondary specialized and additional education. The university also conducts research activities.

Faculties of the educational institution

Applicants choosing the Moscow University of Culture and Arts are offered a choice of several different faculties to develop their creative talents:

  • humanitarian and social;
  • cultural and social activities;
  • director and theater;
  • choreographic;
  • musical art;
  • audiovisual arts, media communications;
  • additional education.

cultural and social activities

Considering the faculties and specialties at MGUKI, it is worth highlighting the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. This is one of the leading structural units of the university, which has been operating since 1930. such areas of training as “Information and library activities”, “Applied information science”, “Archival and document management”, “Management” are offered. About 1 thousand students are currently studying at this faculty. Doctors and candidates of science, specialists from various fields (document science, information analytics, etc.) share their knowledge with students.

The Faculty of Cultural and Social Activities has existed in the structure of the educational organization since 1949. It is considered a dynamically developing division. The faculty trains various specialists. This is confirmed by the various departments at MGUKI related to the following areas:

  • decorative arts and crafts;
  • psychological and pedagogical activities;
  • cultural-leisure and cultural-social activities;
  • philosophical and social sciences;
  • history and theory of folk artistic culture;
  • tourism activities.

Directing, theater and choreography departments

One of the most popular structural divisions of the university is the directing and theater department. Its history began around the middle of the last century with the appearance of the department of acting and directing at the educational institution. Over the years of its existence, the faculty has expanded. Now it has 4 departments. Training is provided in several specialties and areas:

  • "Theater Directing";
  • "Acting";
  • “Directing holidays and theatrical performances”;
  • "Theatrical art" and others.

The training of specialists related to choreography has been carried out since 1965, when it was decided to open a choreography department at a higher educational institution. Currently, this structural unit operates as a faculty. It distinguishes 2 areas of training - “Folk artistic culture” and “Choreographic art”.

Faculties of Musical Arts and Audiovisual Arts, Media Communications

The musical culture and arts (institute) trains specialists for various fields (for musical performance, organizational and managerial, pedagogical). The first training of such personnel began in 1959. There are quite a few areas of training at the bachelor’s and specialty degrees of the Faculty of Music:

  • "Variety Musical Art";
  • “Musical and instrumental art”;
  • "Vocal art";
  • “The Art of Folk Singing”;
  • "Conducting" etc.

The most modern of all structural divisions can be called the Faculty of Audiovisual Arts and Media Communications. It prepares specialists to work in the fields of journalism, public relations and advertising, design, cinema, and photography. The educational process is organized by 6 departments that are part of the institute.

Faculty of Further Education

This structural unit in MGUKI (Moscow) has been operating for more than 15 years. It has several tasks:

  • provide services to those who wish to receive additional education, professional retraining and advanced training;
  • conduct pre-university training for applicants who have chosen the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Arts;
  • conduct conferences, consultations, master classes.

Admission to the University

To apply to a university, you must first select the faculties and specialties you are interested in at MGUKI, look at those subjects that are established as entrance tests, and register to take the Unified State Exam. Here is an example of some areas of training, specialties and entrance tests:

  1. In the “Archival and Documentation Studies” direction, history, Russian language and social studies are taken.
  2. At the “Folk Artistic Culture” (Faculty of Audiovisual Arts and Media Communications) in the form of the Unified State Exam, you will need to pass Russian language and literature. Another 2 entrance tests are held within the walls of the university. Applicants take exams in the theory and history of photography and in the practice of artistic photography.
  3. When entering the theater and directing or choreography department, in addition to passing general education subjects, applicants will have to demonstrate their acting and dancing skills.

At MGUKI, passing scores are low in such specialties that are associated with working in the library, maintaining archives and documents, holding exhibitions, etc. High passing scores due to the large number of applicants are observed in “Acting,” “Design,” “Choreographic art”, etc.

MGUKI: address, additional contacts

The university (the current institute) is located in the Moscow region, in the city of Khimki, on Bibliotechnaya street, 7.

Culture and Arts is an educational institution chosen by creative individuals. By choosing faculties and specialties at MGUKI and enrolling here, people develop their talents in the areas most suitable for them: in the art of folk and opera singing, in film and television production, in choreography, and in acting in theaters and cinema.

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