Black currant - composition, benefits and folk recipes. Currant juice is a whole army of vitamins! Recipes for different juices from red and black currants Black currant juice

Currant is the most common berry in Russia, and currant juice many gardeners use it in their home cooking and winter preparations. The craze for this plant is easily explained: the plant is winter-hardy, does not require particularly complex care and is quite productive. The main advantage of currants is the good taste of the berry and a large amount of vitamins and substances beneficial to the body.

Currant berries contain up to 11 percent sugar and up to 3 percent organic acids. The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, and also contain iodine, carotene, pectin and coumarin. Housewives use the berries as an independent product or extract currant juice from them to prepare homemade products from it in the form of juices, jellies, and syrups.

Currant juice, both red and white, very well activates intestinal activity, improves appetite, quenches thirst, and also has the ability to remove urolithiasis and has a diaphoretic effect. Currant juice is extracted from the berries using a conventional electric juicer or juicer.

If there is no electricity, and this often happens in dachas, then screw juicers and mechanical screw presses are used to obtain currant juice. When there are only a few berries, you can simply squeeze them out after blanching and place them in a nylon bag.

Juice without sugar.
If the juice is not consumed immediately, it is preserved using pasteurization or hot filling. In the case of hot filling, currant juice is placed in an enamel container and heated to a temperature of 85-90 degrees. It is then poured into hot, sterilized bottles. Pasteurization is performed by pouring the juice into bottles and heating it to the same temperature.

Pasteurize according to time, depending on the volume of the container. Pasteurization time, for example, for a half-liter bottle is 8-10 minutes. After pasteurization, the dishes are tightly closed.
Without sugar, natural currant juice is very sour. It is used to acidify dishes in home cooking. It is added to drinks, as well as when canning berries, fruits and vegetables instead of vinegar.

Syrups for making soft drinks from red and especially pink and white currants are very beautiful in color and aroma. To prepare them, mix natural juice with sugar (1300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice), then heat to 90 degrees until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the syrup is poured into pre-sterilized bottles and sealed tightly.

Juice with sugar.
45% boiling sugar syrup in an amount of 100g is poured into hot sterilized bottles. Immediately add hot (90 degrees) natural juice. Add hot juice to the top edge of the neck and seal the bottle hermetically with rubber caps.

Raw jelly.
Raw jelly is made from white and red currants. In this form, it perfectly preserves biologically active substances and has a very appetizing taste. To prepare the jelly, you need to take freshly squeezed juice of slightly unripe white or red currants. Currant juice is mixed with sugar (1200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice). The resulting syrup is poured into small dry glass jars.

Place mugs of parchment, previously soaked in vodka, on top of the syrup. The jars are closed with plastic lids. Store the jars in a cool place, trying not to shake them; you need to handle them especially carefully for the first couple of days.
The jelly is especially dense and aromatic if prepared with fruit sugar (a glass of fruit sugar per glass of juice).

Boiled jelly.
If you prepare boiled jelly, then fruit sugar cannot be used. Boiled jelly is semi-solid boiled currant juice with sugar. Fruit sugar begins to form crystals at a temperature of 102-105 degrees. Boiled jelly is a very stable product; it is used to decorate cakes and various desserts.

It is also prepared from the juice of unripe berries and boiled, placing it in a small container. During boiling, half of the sugar (400 g) is gradually added, and at the end of cooking, the second half of the sugar (400 g) is added in small portions, that is, only 800 g of sugar per liter of juice. Determine the readiness of the jelly with a wooden spoon.

If you drag it along the bottom of the pan, it should leave a trail behind it. Place the finished jelly in sterile glass jars or small containers heated over gas or in the oven. After leaving the jars for 8-10 hours, they are closed with ordinary plastic lids.

By planting currants in your summer cottage, you can always harvest the berries and get healthy, freshly squeezed fruit. currant juice, from which it is not difficult to prepare various homemade preparations: drinks, syrups, jellies or wine.

Preparing blackcurrant juice is another way to preserve this northern grape and preserve all its beneficial properties for the winter!

The method is quite simple, and the resulting product is an indispensable ingredient in all kinds of “winter” drinks and cocktails. And in its pure form - an amazingly tasty and healthy drink!

Blackcurrant juice can be made in two ways. The first method is described in the presented recipe - the result is a concentrated drink, more like a fruit drink. And since the pre-mashed berries boil for quite a long time, the juice initially turns out to be quite thick, and during storage in a jar it can thicken even more, turning almost into jelly.
Therefore, before drinking, it is better to dilute this drink with boiled water.

The second way to prepare currant juice is to make it using a juicer. This method is more gentle, since the berries are steamed rather than boiled over an open fire. Pre-washed berries are poured into the juice cooker, then under the steam rising from the bottom of the juice cooker, the currant peel cracks and the juice flows out into a special bowl.
Additionally, there is no need to boil such a drink; simply pour it into pre-prepared jars and roll it up.

I make currant juice as follows...


For blackcurrant juice we will need:

- sugar - 250 g;
- black currant - 1 kg;
- filtered water - 150 g.


Rinse the berries thoroughly, removing spoiled ones.

Let the water drain using a colander.

Crush the currant fruits so that they simply burst and do not turn into puree.

Place the prepared currants in a deep cauldron and add the required amount of water.

Cook for about half an hour over medium heat.

Strain the resulting hot mass through cheesecloth. This will take approximately 4-5 hours.

Add the required amount of sugar.

Boil for about 15-20 minutes, carefully skimming off any foam that forms.

Rinse the lid and jar with running water.

Sterilize the clean lid and jar for 25 minutes.

Pour the prepared juice into the prepared jar.

Close the jar full of juice with the prepared lid.

Blackcurrant juice is highly concentrated.
When serving juice to children, it is better to dilute it with boiled water.
And for adults, the main use of this drink is, after all, as a component of vitamin and other cocktails, or as an additive to confectionery (I use it to tint jelly in "

Fragrant, aromatic, tasty and healthy - all this is about black currants. It got its name due to the strong smell it emits, from the Russian word “smorodit”, that is, “to smell”. Surprisingly, once upon a time it could only be found in the forests. And if the monks had not, over time, begun to transplant its bushes from the forest into their gardens at the monasteries, then perhaps it would not have been so popular now. Blackcurrant juice deserves special attention, as it differs from all other options for preparing berries in its increased content of vitamins and preservation of the maximum number of beneficial properties.

Vitamins and minerals contained in blackcurrant juice

Blackcurrant juice has a high content of vitamins and minerals

Blackcurrant and its juice are very rich in vitamin C. It is enough to eat just one handful of berries to get the daily requirement of this element. In addition, the juice contains a high content of vitamin P, which helps the body absorb ascorbic acid, vitamin E (tocopherol), carotene and B vitamins. It is also surprising that there is more vitamin E in black currants than in any other berry (the exception is only sea buckthorn with rose hips and chokeberry).

Juice, like fresh berries, is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. In addition to the listed mineral elements, it contains pectin and tannins, a high content of organic acids and essential oils.

Benefits of blackcurrant juice

Blackcurrant juice, the properties of which are manifested in a wide range of effects on the human body, has a pleasant aroma and unique taste. Thanks to its composition, it strengthens the immune system, relieves headaches from colds, stimulates appetite, improves digestive processes and metabolism. Every glass of juice you drink helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves blood composition, normalizes liver function and stabilizes blood pressure.

Blackcurrant juice, the benefits of which can hardly be exaggerated, is simply necessary for people suffering from manifestations of sclerosis, since this miracle drink has an anti-sclerotic effect. This effect on the body is due to giving the walls of blood vessels greater elasticity. The juice has a positive effect in the fight against edema; it can also act as an antioxidant or antispasmodic, choleretic, and tonic.

Gastritis with low acidity, gout, stomach ulcers, liver disease, kidney disease, diarrhea, metabolic disorders, anemia, problems with urination - all this is an incomplete list of diseases for the treatment and prevention of which black currant and its juice are widely used. Blackcurrant juice, whose calorie content is 40 kcal, contains proteins and carbohydrates, but does not contain fats.

Blackcurrant juice: treatment

Treatment with blackcurrant juice is very effective

Treatment of many diseases is often accompanied not only by medication, but also by the introduction of natural medicinal dishes, mixtures, decoctions and juices into the diet. Healing recipes that the Slavs have long used were passed down from generation to generation. Today, they have been undeservedly forgotten, although many still remember the experience of their great-grandfathers and often turn to it. Black currant can also be classified as a forgotten but effective treatment. Moreover, not only fruits are used, but also leaves, as well as juices.

It is enough to mix freshly squeezed blackcurrant juice with honey (one part of juice will require two parts of honey) and regularly take the resulting mixture to lower blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis. You can try another recipe for the same diseases: a quarter glass of juice, a tablespoon of honey and a glass of water. This is enough for one time; you will need to take this medicine three times every day. If you dilute the juice not with honey, but with water in equal proportions, then you can quite successfully get rid of anemia in childhood. If the juice and water are not taken orally, but used only as a gargle and mouth rinse, chronic stomatitis can be cured.

Blackcurrant juice is easy to prepare at home, but this in no way detracts from its medicinal properties. Thus, it is recommended to take it fresh for those who suffer from stomach ulcers. To get a noticeable result, you need to drink half a glass of it before meals three times a day.

Throat diseases, hoarseness and whooping cough can be cured in the shortest possible time if you resort to blackcurrant juice mixed with rosehip juice (1:1 ratio).

Blackcurrant juice: contraindications

Despite the abundance of positive properties of black currant and its medicinal effect, not everyone can use prepared or freshly squeezed juice for medicinal purposes. This juice should not be taken by people who are in a post-infarction or post-stroke state, as well as those who have a tendency to form blood clots.

Like any other, blackcurrant juice has contraindications

It is also undesirable to overuse juice, since taking it daily for a long period of time can cause excessive blood thickness and lead to increased blood clotting.

There are also contraindications for gastritis with high acidity (but with low acidity, the juice can be consumed). It is not recommended during hepatitis either.

As for pregnant women and young children, they should drink this juice with great caution. Firstly, allergies may occur, and secondly, thanks to the juice, the growth rate of hemoglobin becomes too fast, which does not always have a positive effect on overall well-being.

How to squeeze juice from blackcurrants

There are a great many ways to prepare blackcurrants, and every housewife will be able to find exactly the option that suits her in terms of complexity, timing, and storage conditions. The beneficial properties inherent in berries are best preserved in juices. Whether it’s blackcurrant in its own juice without sugar or just juice - in each case, the end result will be a real storehouse of vitamins.

There are several ways to make blackcurrant juice. They will differ in the time spent, the devices used and the shelf life of the finished product. But they all require careful preliminary preparation. The first step is choosing the berries. They must be ripe. Using overripe fruits results in a small amount of liquid being obtained, since the processes of decomposition of sugar-containing substances have already started in them. In the case of unripe currants, the resulting juice is devoid of a specific aroma and has a reduced content of vitamins.

Freshly squeezed blackcurrant juice

The next stage involves choosing a harvesting method. Blackcurrant juice for the winter will require a longer preparation process, since it will be necessary to carry out at least minimal heat treatment. It can be done either manually by boiling the juice or sterilizing it already in jars, or using special means.

But before proceeding directly to preservation, you should decide the question of how to make blackcurrant juice. The first thing that comes to mind is a meat grinder and gauze folded in several layers. This is, of course, a proven method, but very labor-intensive. Using a hand press also takes a lot of time and effort. There is a much more effective method, for which you will need black currants and a juicer. This technique saves time and sometimes reduces waste. The blackcurrant juice in the juicer is subjected to so much pressure that the part that goes into the so-called pulp remains dry. This is what made this method the most economical.

Blackcurrant juice obtained through a juicer is very tasty and aromatic, but it cannot be stored for long periods of time. This can be corrected by immediately boiling it for several minutes and pouring it into jars while hot. If you wish, you can first pour it into bottles and then put it in a container with water for sterilization.

How to make blackcurrant juice

After squeezing the juice, you can immediately consume it, or you can take care of the period in advance when this will not be possible. Blackcurrant juice and preparations can last for more than one year if optimal storage conditions are created. They need coolness and lack of light.

You can prepare juice not only manually, as in the case of a press or juicer, but also completely automatically. Blackcurrant juice in a juicer is prepared quickly enough and with minimal human intervention. The juicer is prepared, the blackcurrants are sorted, washed and placed in the juicer along with sugar.

Blackcurrant juice, the recipe for which is designed for a juicer, is made in the proportion of 1 kg of berries and 100 g of sugar. Once the juice is ready, the process will automatically end. And by this moment all prepared jars will already be filled. All that remains is to cool them and transfer them to a storage location.

Blackcurrant juice - in autumn, winter, summer or spring - is always a unique opportunity to treat yourself to something truly tasty, aromatic and incredibly healthy.

How to properly pass currants through a juicer?

Red and black currants are considered a decoration for any garden plot, a delicious delicacy and a storehouse of vitamins. And how delicious currant juice is - sweet and sour in taste, rich in color, you can’t drink too much of it, and you don’t need to, because even two sips contain everything the body needs. Make currant juice in the form of preparations, and all the power of summer will be with you throughout the year.

How to properly pass currants through a juicer to get juice?

To make juice, for example from red currants, you need to pass the berries through a juicer, only peeled from the branches, otherwise the juice will come out with an extraneous herbaceous taste. Otherwise, the technology for obtaining currant juice is the same as for other berries.

Currant juice can be consumed pure or with the addition of granulated sugar. Currant juice obtained by this method contains many useful substances, because it is not subjected to any heat treatment at all. And if you pass red currants and raspberries together through a juicer, you will get a very aromatic juice with an unusual taste.

You can make a delicious jelly from red currants. To do this, you will need currants, which must be carefully removed from the branches and washed.

Pass the berries through a juicer. You can read in the instructions how to properly pass currants through a juicer;

Add granulated sugar at the rate of 1 kg of juice + 1.2 kg of sand;

Stir until smooth;

Place red currant jelly into sterilized glass jars and seal;

Store in a cool place.

How to properly put currants through a juicer to make blackcurrant juice?

To do this, you need to take one kilogram of currants and place them in a small saucepan;

Add 0.5 liters of warm water and boil for 5 minutes;

Pass slightly boiled currants through a juicer;

Since blackcurrant juice will be tart, you need to add sugar to improve its taste.

What kind of juicer do you need to get currant juice?

It is not advisable to pass stone fruits, such as black and red currants, through a juicer with meshes and graters. Otherwise, the juicer sieve will constantly become clogged due to crushed small seeds and you will have to constantly clean it. It is recommended to pass the currants through an auger-type juicer, which in appearance is similar to a meat grinder. They are equipped with a special large grater that is capable of squeezing the berries dry from the seeds.

There can be several ways to prepare currant juice:

1. Manually using the “old-fashioned” method. That is, first mash the currants and then squeeze them through cheesecloth. This method undoubtedly has its advantages: it does not undergo oxidation and retains all trace elements and nutrients. But, you must admit, this method is very labor-intensive and will take a lot of time. And the amount of currant juice is unlikely to correspond to what is desired.

2. Juicers in this situation have a great advantage over manual extraction of juice from currants. You will get more juice, minimum effort, saving time. There's a lot to think about here, but there are a few things to consider:

Centrifugal juicers are able to cope with their task quite quickly, but at the same time they will subject the juice to oxidation and slight heating. This will also be reflected in the saturation of the drink with vitamins and healing substances.

Screw-type juicers, unlike centrifugal ones, work a little slower. But freshly squeezed currant juice will contain a full bouquet of minerals and vitamins. In addition, this juicer makes much less noise during operation.

How to properly pass currants through a juicer, the choice of method is up to you, but most likely these small recommendations will not be superfluous.

If you compare currants, especially black currants, with other berries, they surpass them in the content of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. The same can be said about blackcurrant juice.

For example, blackcurrant juice is useful if consumed half and half with water, then immunity increases and the body is able to easily fight viruses A and B, and viral diseases will progress more easily. This magical berry stimulates the activity of the stomach and intestines.

To obtain healthy juice from currants, as we have already learned, ordinary standard juicers are not suitable, but an auger juicer with black currants will do an excellent job.

© How to properly pass currants through a juicer? Tips on preparing and storing juice for the winter at home. Tips for choosing a home garden juicer. Buy a juicer by mail, cash on delivery

It is recommended to prepare blackcurrant juice for the winter simply because the berry contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. And red currant juice for the winter will help relieve a person of fever during a severe cold. By the way, juices can be mixed. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will increase. Almost every housewife can make such medicinal juices at home, but not everyone knows the intricacies of preparing a medicinal drink. Below we will describe how to make juice.

Berry composition

Black currant is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Scientists have found in the berry a lot of vitamin C and K, tannins, potassium and iron salts, vitamins B, E, P, pectin, phosphoric acid, carotene, and essential oils. The chemical composition in the leaves of the plant is as follows: magnesium, silver, lead, copper and other trace elements.

The berry contains so much ascorbic acid that to provide the daily dose for an adult, you can eat only 18-20 ripe fruits.

The composition of the berries does not change when they are frozen or cooked, so you can prepare decoctions, juices, and jam from them.

Useful properties and contraindications

But even black currant’s leadership in vitamin content cannot always help a person. Experts know both the benefits and harms of such a seemingly harmless product.

Among the beneficial properties of the plant are the following:

  1. Eating fresh berries and blackcurrant juice can dramatically strengthen a person’s immune system. Doctors advise using this property of the product in the autumn or winter, when people's immunity decreases for natural reasons.
  2. The fruits of the plant are a preventive remedy to avoid problems with cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease. Berries can prevent the development of malignant tumors.
  3. Doctors prescribe blackcurrant juice for diseases of the respiratory tract, liver or kidneys.
  4. A decoction of berries helps eliminate gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. Useful for hypertension, anemia, bleeding gums.
  5. Preparing currant juice for the winter will help during the cold season, because it is an excellent remedy for fighting cough. Using the juice can increase the patient's hemoglobin.

The benefits and harms of a plant, as always, go hand in hand. It is not recommended to consume berries and juice:

  1. People who have been diagnosed with thrombophlebitis due to the high content of vitamin K. Juice from the product is prohibited if there is a risk of thrombosis.
  2. For ulcers of the duodenum, stomach, and some types of gastritis.
  3. For hepatitis.
  4. After a stroke or heart attack.

Long-term consumption of the product may increase blood clotting. Juice from the berry can cause allergies in children. Doctors do not recommend preparations or the fruits themselves for pregnant women.

Making juice at home

Recipes for making blackcurrant juice can be found in various reference books, but not all of them are applicable for home use.

If you need to make the maximum amount of drink from 1 kg of fruit, then you need to use the recipe proposed below, since it leaves a small amount of waste.

You will need 1000 g of ripe berries and 400-500 ml of water. It is recommended to sort the fruits, rinse them well, and place them in an appropriate container. After that, they are filled with water and boiled for about 5 minutes. The mixture must be stirred so that it does not burn.

After this, the berries in the pan must be crushed 2 times, but the resulting currant pulp is not thrown away. It is reused. Fill the pulp with water at the rate of 200 ml of liquid per 1000 g of pulp. The mixture is boiled again and then squeezed out.

The liquid obtained in this way is added to the juice, which was obtained from whole berries, and then all the juice is passed through a gauze filter or a fine-mesh sieve.

The resulting drink is boiled again, and the foam is carefully removed with a spoon.

The juice is poured into pre-prepared sterilized and well-dried jars. The liquid must be hot. After this, the jars are closed with lids.

You can make a drink from 2 kg of fruit and 120 ml of water. To do this, the berries are peeled, washed through a sieve, and then ground through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is placed in a saucepan, filled with water, and placed on the stove. The temperature of the mixture is brought to 70°C and held for about 15-20 minutes. After this, the mass is filtered through a sieve and left to infuse. The cooled mass is again filtered through 5-6 layers of gauze, and then put on fire. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. You cannot boil the juice. It is poured hot into prepared jars and covered with lids. To cool, the vessels are turned over.

Other Juicing Recipes

You can use another method. You will need ripe fruits of the plant in the amount of 900-1000 g, granulated sugar - 0.7-0.8 kg, water - 2 cups.

The fruits are carefully sorted and washed. Place the fruits in a juicer and pour 1 glass of water on top. Bring the mixture of water and currants to a boil in a juicer. For softness, the fruits must be steamed well. Therefore, turn off the juicer, but wrap it tightly in a thick cloth. The mixture should “warm up” for 20-30 minutes.

During this time, prepare a pan, add sugar and pour in the remaining water. Heat to make sugar syrup. Grind the berry mass through a sieve, pour sugar syrup into it (it should be hot), mix well.

The resulting juice is poured into jars, then they are sterilized for 15-20 minutes and closed with lids.

A mixture of black and red currant juices gives good results. To prepare such a drink you need 1000 g of berries of each color and up to 500 ml of water. The fruits must be washed well. After that, they are placed in a pan, filled with water, and put on fire. As soon as most of the fruits burst, the container is removed from the stove.

The process of squeezing the juice begins. To do this, you can use a sieve or gauze. After squeezing the liquid into a suitable container, place it on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil (but do not boil). The finished drink is poured into jars. It is recommended to store in a cool place.

Some housewives pass the fruits of the plant through a juicer. But we must take into account that the drink obtained in this way will have a sour taste.

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