Sample resume for a manager's job. Tips for writing a resume. Head of Sales: resume example

The director's resume is your business card; it is what the employer will see first before meeting you. It should make a lasting impression and remain in the memory of the viewer. In your resume, try to use a business style of writing and standards for writing a resume, but if your work involves creative thinking, then you should approach the writing outside the box. Try to think through all the points you compose as much as possible. Never copy, changing only your data, because at the interview you will be asked for at least 2-5 points of what you wrote and it will be very strange if you cannot explain what the specified point or phrase of your resume means. After such an interview, the road to the desired position in this company will be closed. So don’t make a mistake – write your resume correctly and independently.

What points should a director's resume contain (resume standards)

Resume standards are points that any resume contains according to the template and helps to compose it in a high-quality and step-by-step manner. So, the template to start from:

  • Personal information— The header or beginning of the resume is a photograph (high-quality business photo), indicating the Last Name, First Name, Patronymic, gender, age, date of birth, marital status, presence of children, readiness to move and travel.
  • Contacts - all possible ways to get in touch with you: mobile phone, home phone, email, skype and others. Be sure to indicate the most convenient type of communication.
  • Desired position and salary– indicate options for the positions you are applying for, but don’t get excited, you are a leader and you must have a clear desired goal. You also write down: professional area (sales, trade, etc.), desired salary, employment and work schedule. Don’t skip the salary point so that the employer understands what you are counting on, and this will save you from unnecessary calls offering a job with a salary of 10,000 rubles.
  • experience– first indicate the total length of service, and then, starting from the last place of work, the period of work, the name of the organization, the territorial place of work, the company website, the company’s field of activity, position, responsibilities, functionality, achievements.
  • key skills-professional - write those skills that will become the key, the basis for occupying the desired position. Below you can find the most common ones, which will make writing your resume easier.
  • About Me– in this paragraph, write about your hobbies, interests, personal qualities (point 4 will help you with this) and any additional information that characterizes you.
  • Education— indicate the level of education, specialization, year of admission and graduation. If you have taken additional courses, have a secondary specialized education, have not yet completed your studies, or have a second higher education degree, be sure to include it in your resume - this is an additional plus for the employer.
  • Knowledge of languages— indicate what language you know and your level of proficiency in it. If you don’t know, it’s better to skip this point, even if you indicate that you speak languages, sooner or later it will come out.
  • Citizenship, travel time to work– if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then write so; if not, then indicate whether you have a work permit. It is better to indicate the travel time if this is of fundamental importance to you.
  • Recommendations- in this paragraph, indicate those who can give you a description - your immediate supervisor, HR department, colleagues. Indicate in this order - last name, first name, patronymic, company in which you worked together, position, contact phone number. It would also be an excellent option to attach a letter of recommendation from your last or previous jobs.

Director's professional skills

The professional skills of a director are the skills that you can choose for yourself in the list below; they will help you quickly create a resume and, most importantly, write what you are fluent in.


  • Knowledge of computer programs (specify which ones)
  • Negotiation experience
  • Experience in organizing events to promote the company and increase turnover
  • Experience in personnel selection, training, adaptation, motivation
  • Experience in managing people (indicate the number of people subordinate to you)
  • Ability to plan
  • Ability to control
  • Ability to make non-standard decisions
  • Ability to rally a team
  • Ability to delegate authority
  • Ability to persuade

The personal qualities of a director are the criteria that can describe you as a person, but do not forget that you are a director and experience leaves an imprint on your personal qualities.

Personal qualities of the director

  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • The desire for self-realization
  • Desire for career growth
  • Striving for success
  • Ability to make independent decisions
  • Ability to take responsibility for decisions made
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Assertiveness
  • Commitment to innovation
  • Creative thinking
  • Stress resistance
  • Desire to work and earn money
  • Resourcefulness
  • Enterprise
  • Courage
  • Initiative
  • Demandingness
  • Punctuality
  • Active life position
  • Ready for autonomous activity

This list is approximate and you can add and adjust it for yourself.

Positive and negative sides of the director

As a rule, they are not indicated on resumes, but this question often arises during an interview or when filling out an employer’s application form. Therefore, you can add this item to your resume, or read and be prepared for this question.

Positive sides:

  • Developed intuition
  • Ability to inspire by example
  • Demandingness
  • Ability to get to the root of the problem

Negative sides:

  • Emotionality
  • It's hard to evaluate yourself
  • Demandingness

When indicating positive and negative aspects, try to argue and describe why this side is characteristic of you and how it affects your work.

When writing your resume, try to be completely honest with yourself and the employer. Do not provide facts or descriptions that may compromise you. A high-quality resume is a resume compiled by you and written about the work you have actually done, do not be afraid to seem impudent, if you really performed duties (if, for example, you are applying for a higher position than you previously held) - indicate, the interview will put everything in its place and if You lied, then you will go on further searches and draw conclusions, and if you wrote the truth about yourself, then you will definitely get the job of your dreams. Easy and quick resume writing and good luck at the interview.

Indicating general information (full name, age, marital status). And also, do not forget to indicate the position for which you are applying. Decide for yourself whether to post your photo or not (much depends on your photogenicity and confidence in your charm).

State your work experience. Start last, as your final years of working life will be of utmost importance to potential employers.

Follow the rule of “three questions” for each of your jobs: what did you do, what did you achieve and how.
State your job description clearly and concisely, but not using templates from the job qualification directory. For example, the phrase “he led the unit entrusted to me”, at best, will not turn the possible against you, and at worst, your summary will be sent to the trash bin. If you managed a department (division, branch), then you should reflect your organizational, strategic and cognitive abilities. For example: organized divisions with “0”, developed a system of employee motivation, etc. State the results of your activities (achievements, statistical data). Of course, we are not talking about disclosing one’s own inventions or trade secrets.

For each place of work, pay special attention to the number of personnel you supervised and the hierarchy of subordination (who reported directly to you and how you delegated authority, and to whom you personally reported).

If your work experience is very rich, then you should not describe your first professional steps in detail. It is enough to simply list places of work indicating time boundaries.

If you owned, or continue to own, your own business, do not forget to indicate this information (you can even add this as an additional item, since for some employers this will be a plus, while others will think about your interest as an employee).

Identify people who can provide recommendations. Phones in summary no one is asking you to give. It is enough to simply indicate that recommendations will be provided, this is not the level that should be replicated.

The entire scope of your professional summary should ideally be 3-4 pages. Larger volume can work against you, because... an abundance of information can bore a possible employer and characterize you as a person who does not know how to express his thoughts in a structured manner.

Video on the topic

Chief position department refers to management, so it is assumed that the applicant has quite a lot of experience and has something to tell about himself. This workplace is distinguished by a high level of authority and responsibility, and an increased salary, so it is quite difficult to get a job. Summary a leader has his own characteristics.


Before, summary to the boss department, you should familiarize yourself with the general rules for the design and writing of this document. Find this information on the Internet. Look through samples of similar documents and analyze them. Please note that all sections of your resume will be of great interest to the employer: education, work experience and the skills that you possess.

There is an axiom that states that a resume should fit on one, maximum, two pages of typewritten text. But you shouldn’t use any tricks like reducing the size of the fields and font in order to fit the list of your merits into this size. For management positions, HR officers and company managers will most likely be able to make an exception. It doesn’t matter if your resume takes up several pages; if it is structured, it will be easy to understand and read.

Just like with all resumes, your resume for a supervisor position department, list information about your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your last place of work. Reflect in the document only those points that directly relate to your activities at each specific enterprise. Indicate the terms in which you worked, the name of the company, the position you held, and the number of people under your command.

List everything that was your responsibility and briefly describe the results of your activities. Use quantitative assessments of your production results. If you are over 40 years old and have quite a lot of experience, you may not particularly go into detail about your first jobs, especially if they do not correspond to the profile in which you are currently working.

You don’t have to describe your business and human qualities in detail - it’s clear to everyone that you won’t write anything bad about yourself. The best recommendation would be to describe your activities and list your achievements. You can only mention the degree of proficiency in foreign languages. The ability to use a computer for a manager is a default requirement, so this need not even be mentioned.


Check your resume text for spelling and grammatical errors. The achievements that you list in the text of your resume may be doubted if he is illiterate.

Usually directors companies are employees, so they also look for work from time to time. Just like all other applicants for vacant positions, managers must provide the employer with an explanatory note describing their work experience and their achievements. Write summary directors necessary taking into account the specifics of leadership positions.

Dear applicants, in this section of our website you can get acquainted with free examples of successful resumes in Russian and English and select a sample that suits your structure. We kindly ask you: use the proposed forms to prepare for writing a professional resume - they have been tested by life, but fill them only with truthful content about your professional successes. Remember! about the simple truths that there is only one chance to make a good impression and that they believe the one who has never allowed himself to be doubted.

…… Yuri Yurievich

Purpose of the resume: applying for the position of General Director.
Expected monthly income from 5,000 USD

Information about yourself:
Date of Birth: .. …. 19.. years old.
Place of residence: at the place of employment, relocation is possible.
Currently, Moscow, Begovaya metro area
Mobile phone +7 ……………
E-mail: (… … …

Higher basic
1979 – 1984 - Kaliningrad Higher Naval School, radio communications engineer;
Business education:
2005 – 2007 - MBA. Kiev University of Market Relations, master's degree, honors diploma.

Additional education (courses and trainings):
2008 Professional retraining in the direction of “Strategic Management”.
State Academy of Investment Sphere Specialists (GASIS). Diploma

October 2008 - present V. LLC "MultiPulti", Moscow.

as part of a diversified holding.
Position: Director of Strategic Development, fixed-term employment contract, project.
Key areas:
development and implementation of a development strategy for a trading and manufacturing company
based on the BSC (BSC, balanced scorecard).
development of a marketing strategy to promote goods and services.

Company information: Large industrial, production and trading enterprise,
as part of a Russian diversified holding.

Tasks: Management of administrative, economic, production, commercial,
financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
Development and implementation of a strategic plan for the development of the enterprise;
Operational management of enterprise assets;
Organization of work and effective interaction of all structural divisions of the enterprise;
Formation of the enterprise management team;
Ensuring the implementation of production plans of the enterprise;
Enterprise cost management;
Control of foreign economic activity of the enterprise;
Interaction with the Holding Company;
Interaction with government agencies.

Achievements: Brought the enterprise to the level of efficient, profitable production;
Established and honed a regular management system:
- an effective production and management team has been formed;
Developed and implemented an effective staff motivation system;
Implemented a program to develop and introduce new types of products to the market
(full cycle of work);
We installed an effective budgeting system;
Implemented a program of technical re-equipment and modernization of production;
An innovative project was implemented to increase the production capacity of the enterprise;
The company was certified according to the ISO 9001 quality system standard.

Information about the company: Trading company, within the structure of the Holding company.
Position: General Director.

Tasks: Management of the commercial and financial activities of the company;
Development and implementation of a company development strategy;
Operational management;
Organization of foreign economic activity of the company;
Interaction with the Holding Company.

Achievements: Organized a company from scratch;
Launched and developed an effective, profitable business;
Established a regular management system: formed an effective team;
Implemented an effective budgeting system.

In the realities of the modern labor market, it is quite difficult to find a job, especially a leadership position. But this does not make specialists in their field less in demand. Moreover, such conditions make the demand for such professionals much higher, and this despite the fact that demand is now less than supply. As a result, each applicant for a managerial position will have to go through a rigorous competitive selection process.

A resume is required to participate in this selection. And in order to pass it, it is necessary, which will reflect in detail the experience and skills of the applicant, present the positive qualities in the most favorable light, and competently hide the negative ones. In addition, the requirements for a manager’s resume are much higher, so drafting it correctly is the main task.

The most common mistake made by those wishing to become a director or boss is sending hastily written resumes to all the companies they know that have a corresponding vacancy. This is done according to the principle “sooner or later you will definitely get lucky somewhere.” In fact, this is a completely wrong approach and only slows down your job search. It is best to devote the bulk of your time to the quality of your resume - then you can be guaranteed to fill the vacancy.

First, you should decide, oddly enough, the language in which the resume will be written. The best arrangement is to have a resume in two copies: in Russian and in English. This is due to the fact that managers of all kinds nowadays practically need English. But you shouldn’t send two options to the company at once: excessive demonstration of your knowledge can sometimes turn against the applicant. You should simply hint at the presence of an English-language resume, clarifying its need during a telephone conversation.

It is also worth noting that it does not make sense to simply translate a resume written in Russian, since it is the applicant’s knowledge of the language that is important. Therefore, in the absence of knowledge of English, you can and should limit yourself to a Russian-language resume.

Resume plan

Now you need to make a plan for your resume to make it easier to write in the future. So, a short summary plan:

  • Full name and date of birth;
  • Contact details;
  • information about education;
  • information about work experience;
  • Additional Information;
  • contact details again (depending on the situation);
  • career objective;
  • about salary (depending on the situation);
  • departure date.

More details about each point below.

Full name and date of birth

Perhaps this is the main point of the resume. Full name is required for identification, and date of birth is required to pass age selection. Many companies introduce an age limit for management positions, so indicating the date of birth at the very beginning of the resume is very important, as it will save time for both the employer (one glance is enough to make a decision) and the applicant, respectively (the sooner he is notified that he is not suitable, the sooner he can continue his job search).

Writing a good resume is quite difficult. Few are able to speak about themselves convincingly and frankly; they do not want to look boastful, and therefore underestimate their capabilities. We get confused by the so-called structural rules. We feel like we should use the "right" words, but we don't know how to choose them. Who decides what is “right” and “wrong”?

If you are in a leadership position (or aspiring to be), this task becomes much more difficult. Your resume should look presentable so that the reader understands that you can truly manage other people.

Here are some tips to help you present your best self.

1. Write a short summary

A career goal means next to nothing, especially if you belong to management.

Yes, yes, we know. You are a responsible and enterprising employee with an exemplary track record. You are looking for new opportunities and want to work for a company that values ​​its people. Every job seeker strives for the same thing, right? Remove generic phrases from your resume header and replace them with a short but informative summary that lets the reader know that you are the ideal candidate for the desired position.

For our clients, we create a list of four or five key value propositions that reflect the specifics of their professional activities. For example, if you are applying for an executive position in the manufacturing sector, indicate that you are proficient in agile methodology and have experience leading a department that has achieved significant results or increased the company's profits several times over. If you know that the company you want to work for is experiencing some difficulties, indicate exactly how you can help them.

This section is the most important part of the resume. With its help, you will make it clear that you are the undisputed leader and are capable of fitting into this role. Make the most of your summary. Below are some tips on how to do this.

2. Indicate the financial and other results of your activities

Numbers are good because... they give the reader the most complete picture of the applicant. However, when looking for a new manager, the employer first of all pays attention to the influence that he has on his subordinates and the company as a whole. A talented leader is not just a good person. He must be able to make money, stimulate the development of the department, reduce costs, optimize staff work and fulfill plans.

How to show that you can do it all? Showcase results. Provide numbers. Simply add a "Key Achievements" section for every position you've ever held. Indicate quantitative and qualitative characteristics so that the reader can easily find this information.

3. Include a section in your resume that describes the main professional skills of the manager

These are the keywords that should be on any resume. If you are applying for a management position, do not blindly submit your resume to every vacancy that you find through online services. Instead, you should use your network of professional contacts. But even if your resume is designed for people rather than search engines, you will still need to include words that describe your professional skills and indicate that you are qualified for a leadership position.

Self-control and Excel skills are certainly important skills, but they in no way define you as a leader. Instead, mention your ability to create individual employee development plans and profit and loss reports, manage change, organize mergers and acquisitions, re-engineer processes, follow overall strategy, etc. Place this information in a separate section (such as "Area of ​​Competency" or "Key Skills") located at the beginning of the resume, right below the summary. If you consider it necessary to indicate technical skills, put them in a separate section with an appropriate title.

4. Highlight important career events relevant to the target position.

If you want to play big, try to make a good impression at first glance.

JENNY FOSS for The Muse
Translation: Airapetova Olga

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