Drug treatment assistance for relatives

Close relatives of drug addicts and alcoholics also need help and psychological support, because such people have to deal daily with inappropriate behavior of a family member, missing things from home, hallucinations, unmotivated aggression and other manifestations of drug and alcohol addiction.

Due to the illness of a loved one, relatives may develop neurotic disorders and somatic diseases. Such relationships are called codependent and affect the well-being of all family members who are forced to contact the drug addict.

Psychological assistance to relatives of drug addicts and alcoholics consists of professional psychological support, consultations and courses that will help you build the right line of behavior and achieve a stable psychological state and peace of mind. To get support, just contact the Rehab rehabilitation center, whose employees work not only with drug addicts, but also with loved ones who are in codependent relationships.

By contacting us we guarantee

  • Free initial consultation
  • Anonymity and confidentiality at all stages of treatment
  • Possibility of personal visit to the hospital for the patient’s relatives
  • Participation and information of relatives at all stages of treatment
  • We will persuade the addict to undergo treatment and deliver him to the hospital


Psychological assistance to relatives of drug addicts

Below are typical mistakes made by relatives that should be avoided even before contacting a psychotherapist:

  1. Try to control your anger and aggression. A raised tone, threats and even physical violence will not force a drug addict to change his behavior, but will negatively affect your psyche.
  2. You should not feel guilty for developing an addiction in your relative. Often, drug addicts themselves act as manipulators, claiming that they were not given due attention and that their psychological state was not paid attention to. All this only aggravates the negative feelings of relatives.
  3. The addict's bad behavior should not be encouraged. Paying off debts, eliminating problems at work or school - all this only opens the way for the further development of addiction and the purchase of new doses of narcotic drugs.
  4. Attempts to have a serious conversation with the patient during withdrawal or euphoria will not lead to productive decisions, so it is recommended to use persuasion tactics during favorable periods or entrust this issue to professionals.
  5. Remember that effective treatment is only possible in a hospital setting, which means your task is to transfer the patient to a good clinic. By encouraging your relative to stay at home, you slow down the therapy process.

What is the assistance for relatives of drug addicts?

Psychological support for people in codependent relationships is provided on an outpatient basis, in the form of consultations and individual psychotherapy.

The specialist finds out the reasons for the formation of such relationships, helps the relative find new interests in life, and receive positive emotions from his favorite activities. In some cases, sessions are conducted jointly with the dependent patient, this makes it possible to achieve the most harmonious relationships in the family and prevent conflicts during treatment and social rehabilitation.

In case of irritability, increased anxiety and the development of neurosis in relatives, drug therapy is prescribed, which includes taking sedatives, antidepressants and special anti-anxiety medications. In combination with psychotherapeutic techniques (individual and group sessions), such methods give good results.

Help for relatives is also provided at the stage of social rehabilitation of a drug addict or alcoholic. The psychotherapist gives recommendations on how to behave with a family member after treatment, what behavior should be avoided, and how to restore normal and harmonious relationships.

Psychological help for codependents is often provided in the form of group sessions, where relatives can communicate with other codependent people, exchange experiences and direct all efforts towards restoring a normal life with new interests.

Our advantages

  • Diagnosis by a psychiatrist at the initial stage
  • Participation of certified specialists in the rehabilitation process
  • Providing information about treatment at the request of the patient
  • Possibility of completing the program in different cities and countries
  • Resocialization programs after treatment with the possibility of further employment

Psychological assistance to relatives of alcoholics

If you need psychological support, it is recommended to contact our rehabilitation center. Here are some benefits of working with us:

  1. The center employs qualified psychotherapists who are familiar with the peculiarities of treating neurotic and other disorders. You can count on attentive attention, an individual and professional approach.
  2. It is possible to provide assistance when interacting with the patient himself who suffers from drug and alcohol addiction. This approach will allow you to achieve mutual understanding in the family as quickly as possible.
  3. Using safe and effective techniques that will not harm your mental and physical health.
  4. Affordable cost of services. Any patient can contact us, because we offer favorable treatment conditions.
  5. We do not disclose confidential information about you and your family and value the reputation of each patient.

Thus, psychological support for relatives of people with drug and alcohol addiction is an important step towards normalizing relationships within the family. If you feel that you cannot cope with the problem on your own, it is recommended that you contact a qualified psychotherapist as soon as possible.


People who are captured by drug or alcohol addiction are concerned with only one problem - where to get the next dose or drink. They stop paying attention to what is happening around them, ignore their loved ones, and do not notice how trusting relationships are gradually being destroyed. It is very difficult for relatives in this situation, because not everyone can watch a loved one ruin their life on their own.

What should loved ones of drug addicts and alcoholics do?

Those around dependent people behave differently, most of them not understanding how to act correctly in a given situation. Someone, unable to tolerate unpleasant antics, turns away and erases the unlucky relative from their life, someone, on the contrary, endures too much, taking on an exorbitant burden of worries. In some families, there is a phenomenon called codependency, when relatives help an alcoholic or drug addict with money, thus hoping to protect him from committing illegal acts.

The presence of codependency can be determined by the following signs:

  • a loved one of a drug addict or alcoholic is constantly busy solving his problems, setting himself the only task - completely ridding the patient of addiction;
  • the desire to always be close to a drug addict or alcoholic in order to control their actions as much as possible;
  • The lifestyle of the entire family is radically restructured to suit the needs, demands and mood of the dependent person.

All the described models of behavior are erroneous, since they either leave a person alone with his misfortune, or encourage further use of drugs and alcohol. To develop the right tactics for relationships with a specific person, it is best to use the support of specialists from the Salvation drug treatment clinic. Our specialists will help improve relationships and restore lost mutual understanding in the family. Returning a drug addict and alcoholic to a normal life is not an easy path, and without the support of family it will be very difficult to go through it.

People whose family has been in trouble probably know well how difficult it can be to convince a dependent person that he is sick. Almost all drug addicts and alcoholics are unable to critically assess the state of things, being firmly convinced that they themselves are able to cope with the current situation. All exhortations and persuasion of relatives in most cases turn out to be useless, primarily because a person suffering from one or another type of addiction does not consider himself sick.

Realizing the futility of their efforts, many families give up, believing that they are powerless in the face of this scourge. However, our psychologists have special techniques in their arsenal that can convince even the most intractable patient. Conducting special persuasion therapy is sometimes the only way to influence an addicted patient. If an alcoholic or drug addict does not want to go to the clinic, our team of psychologists will visit your home. The result of such psychotherapy is the patient’s conscious and independent decision to go to a hospital for treatment.

You can learn how to properly interact with a patient with drug addiction or alcoholism in our rehabilitation center, where competent specialists will select a program of action based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s character.

Relatives who have signs of codependency and cannot cope with a difficult situation should not struggle alone. Our center’s specialists are ready to advise on any issue and teach all aspects of life with an addicted person in order to free themselves from a heavy psychological burden. Thanks to the acquired knowledge, relatives will be able to take a different look at the situation in their family and build new relationships with the patient.

During personal and group conversations, relatives of drug addicts and alcoholics will learn algorithms of behavior in certain cases, ways of communicating with addicted people, and measures of necessary assistance in each situation. In addition to personal conversations with the doctor, relatives can meet similar people who find themselves in similar life circumstances. Mutual support of friends in misfortune helps not to become isolated on personal problems and to overcome difficulties faster.

A competent approach to treating drug addicts and alcoholics includes working with their immediate environment. Only through joint efforts can we turn patients into completely new people and give them a unique opportunity to return to an active, healthy life in the circle of family and friends.

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For successful treatment, it is necessary that the patient is properly motivated - this is one of the most important conditions, without which effective treatment is almost impossible. And most often, drug addicts do not express any particular desire to undergo professional rehabilitation. In this case, what should relatives and friends who want to help a drug addicted person do? Thanks to the advice developed by our specialists, you will be able to control the situation and be able to convince your loved one to undergo rehabilitation.

Prepare carefully for the conversation

You should not start a conversation with a drug addict without a clear understanding of the matter. For the most productive conversation, you should learn:

What kind of drugs does the addict use?

Methods for treating this particular addiction.

This knowledge will help construct your conversation constructively. Be sure to tell us exactly how the rehabilitation will take place. It is important to pay special attention to the fact that the drug addict is able to cope with his illness, and you will support him in this.

Start a conversation at the right moment

The greatest benefit from talking to an addict can be achieved soon after problems with drug use begin to appear. This moment is most suitable for this kind of conversation - the drug addict is able to hear you at this time, and you will have a chance to show and prove that the situation is becoming not just unpleasant, but also truly dangerous.

Be calm during the conversation

Emotions and their active expression during a motivational conversation with a drug addict can prevent you from conveying the necessary information. Therefore, approach the conversation as calmly as possible, try to distract yourself from emotions. All your arguments and arguments must be extremely clear and as rational as possible; their emotional presentation may be too unconvincing.

Your main task is to show that you are truly concerned about the condition and health of your loved one. Convince the addict that you want to help him. Give examples of how the behavior of a drug addict negatively affects not only his life, but also the lives of his loved ones.

Tell us about the consequences

You must make it clear to the drug addict that refusing treatment will result in irreversible consequences that will be extremely unpleasant for him. It is necessary to name specific consequences. They can be different depending on the age of the addict:

Termination of financial support;

Leaving home;

Prohibition on communication with friends and close circle and more.

But you should remember that you must be ready to fulfill any of the mentioned consequences. Otherwise, they will lead to the opposite effect.

Act quickly

If a drug addict has given his consent to undergo rehabilitation, do not delay visiting a doctor, but call immediately and make an appointment. In most cases, consent to treatment is temporary, so it is important to start treatment in time, where psychologists will support the desire to say goodbye to a dangerous habit.

Be attentive to your loved one, support him, but be careful - people addicted to drugs know how to cleverly manipulate their relatives. If you feel that you cannot cope with difficulties on your own, you can contact us - we will help you develop the right tactics when communicating with your loved one.

Remember that the sooner rehabilitation begins, the sooner your loved one will get rid of this terrible addiction. Don't wait - call us right now!

Galina Ostrikova , "School of Personal Finance"

Money conflicts in the family– a frequent phenomenon, and there can be many reasons for them. For example, financial assistance to relatives- mom, dad, grandmother and other loved ones - may be the cause of another serious conflict.

Does your partner usually not understand why you spend so much money and so often on your family? Why do you spend it only on your relatives, while he (she) is left “overboard”? Why do you sometimes act to the detriment of your family: when you yourself cannot afford something due to lack of funds?

And it would seem impossible to come to an agreement because of the “ocean of feelings” that conversations about your loved ones cause. This may be due to a poorly expressed own position in the family, when any talk about money leads to confusion or stress. But such problems must be solved, and solved without the admixture of emotions and issues of self-identification. So what should we do?

No matter how much you love your loved ones, after you have your own family, your parents fade into the background. As a mature person, you no longer need constant care and attention, because a loved one has appeared who has taken first place in your heart.

To be absolutely precise, then, according to the famous psychologist M. Litvak, after marriage, parents move to fourth position in your hierarchy of values: after your spouse, children and the job or business you are involved in. This is what very often causes pain in your family, who simply cannot come to terms with it and do not want to “let you go” into adulthood. But that's not what we're talking about.

When you spend money on your loved ones, you always have a “good” reason for it. But very often a person incorrectly assesses the current situation and tries to replace his love with money, suppress feelings of guilt, or hide his family problems in front of loved ones.

It is important to understand the following here: if you have “normal” parents, then they love you for who you are and do not demand anything in return. On the contrary, they understand the difficulties of a young family and never want to be a burden to their adult children. The only thing they want is basic attention and self-respect. And your parents don’t expect any gratitude, especially in monetary form, from you, because they understand: everything they did for their children, they did, first of all, for themselves! Only an “immature” parent can demand gratitude.

But gratitude is born inside the child as a feeling of happiness that his parents are and will always be with him. They, just like friends and partners, are a reliable shoulder on which you can always lean. Understanding this makes it possible to correctly assess life circumstances and come to help in time when necessary. And if gratitude results in some kind of dependence of children on their parents, gives rise to a feeling of guilt and forces them to pay their parents with money, then this indicates that something is wrong with the parents.

So, if you have “abnormal” parents who, unfortunately, are “stuck” in their complexes and problems, then they will use your love for selfish purposes: they will manipulate your attachment to them, cultivating a sense of guilt in you, making you suffer . For those who are shocked by this, I will say: yes, there are such people, and there are many of them. Yes, parents do sometimes need our help. Moreover, the older they get, the more they need it. And it is all the more important for you to be able to manage your expenses in such a way as to have a real opportunity to help your loved ones when it is vitally necessary.

When you have your own family, you understand perfectly well that the money in the family does not belong only to you. Even if you have a joint-separate budget and you are in complete control of your money. Money in your hands is a limited resource until you achieve financial independence. And any expenses, including those for relatives, are just a certain part of your budget. It’s unlikely that your “normal” parents will like it if, after giving them everything, you yourself go hungry or go into debt. Such expenses need to be divided, clearly dividing them into purchases during a regular visit to your family, gifts for the holidays and assistance in critical situations.

It is clear that in the event of unforeseen situations that require drastic measures, such as illness or accident, we are usually not talking about how much it will cost you. But in all other cases, cost management is subject to certain laws. And the main one is the “law of added value”: when you spend money, you must add value to your life. When you spend money on your loved ones, you need to make sure that you are investing in your relationships and your own well-being. What does it mean? Very simple. Everything you do for your loved ones should benefit them and at the same time not harm you.

Buying, for example, household appliances for your parents only so that they can feel the “taste of a new life” and not lag behind others, you are doing the wrong thing. Your parents just don’t need to throw dust in anyone’s eyes! And instead of an electric kettle, which consumes too much electricity for which they cannot pay, they prefer to use a regular one. They can boil it on a gas stove, which costs them less, and they don’t need to save time, because they’re not in a hurry. And besides, if you can't afford such technology yourself, then you are making a sacrifice (rather than adding value to your life and the lives of others), and believe me, this is not what your parents want from you.

If you really want to help, then it’s better to give your parents on an ongoing basis some part of the funds that you can afford at the moment and which they can spend at their discretion. In this case, you plan your expenses based on real possibilities, and you stop feeling guilty for giving little.

The question is not even that you give little. The main thing is to manage money correctly, become stronger in managing personal finances and be able to help more over time.

After getting married, you become “richer”: instead of one family, you have two, and you should also love the second one, or at least respect it, because your spouse loves it. And if you are planning expenses for your relatives, then do not forget to plan for others too, so as not to offend anyone. Other parents also need your love and help. Such mutual love makes you really richer and stronger, because by investing energy, time and money in multilateral relationships, you get multiple returns, you get love multiplied many times over.

You need to approach spending on your loved ones wisely. Have you ever wondered why the flight attendant on the plane, introducing you to the rules of action in emergency situations, says that the oxygen mask is first put on the mother, and then only on the child? In the case of parents, the role of mother, oddly enough, over the years is increasingly assigned to you. Parents, sad as it may be, are getting old and need care. So, putting on an oxygen mask means learning to handle money in such a way that you can provide financial assistance if necessary and become stronger over the years in order to be able to help more and more often.

And if you first “put a mask on the child,” that is, spend all your funds on relatives, then no one can guarantee that you will have the strength to “put it on yourself” and be strong financially exactly when it will be really necessary.

Spending wisely isn't what your spouse wants from you? And his opinion should not be an empty phrase for you, just as yours should not be an empty phrase for your partner. When you invest time, energy and money in external relationships, you should do the same in relation to the person closest to you. Because together you become stronger. And the right attitude towards money, which you develop together, forming your family values, only helps you achieve your goals and enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Therefore, when your husband (wife) once again tries to “get through” to you, voicing complaints about excessive expenses, maybe it’s time to reconsider your position and, while helping others, learn to help yourself?

The alcohol addiction of one family member inevitably affects the people around him, so our clinic provides psychological assistance to relatives of alcoholics. It starts with the first contact with consultants, and then continues throughout the process and after its completion.

Such an integrated approach actually allows not only to heal the “wounds” that alcoholism inflicts on the entire family (resentments, fears, complexes), but also to help the patient himself.

After all, the understanding and correct actions of loved ones allow an alcoholic to quickly return to a sober life and significantly reduce the risk of relapse.

The main thing you must remember is that we never judge or evaluate the actions of the family. You can completely trust our specialists without feeling any shame or fear.

What kind of psychological assistance does the drug treatment clinic provide to relatives of alcoholics?

  1. Free consultation with a narcologist

When faced with alcohol addiction, many people become confused. They are afraid or embarrassed to contact doctors. Many people think it’s easier to find answers on the Internet or ask for advice from relatives and friends. At best, this does not lead to any result. But most often, gullible relatives become victims of swindlers or, with the best intentions, cause harm to their loved ones.

To avoid tragic consequences and really put an alcoholic on the path to recovery from addiction, get advice from specialists. This can be done over the phone, online, or at an initial appointment with a narcologist, who will explain what to do specifically in your situation.

  1. Groups for relatives

These are meetings during which you can communicate with relatives of patients already undergoing treatment at a rehabilitation center, collect honest and detailed feedback, learn about therapy programs, and most importantly, feel that you are not alone. Believe me, the feeling of loneliness and loss (even unconscious ones) are now your main opponents.

The meeting is held under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist who helps to get rid of codependency, resentment, fears, restore moral strength and understand what to do next with family relationships that have cracked or are almost destroyed.

Yartseva Ekaterina Vasilievna says about help groups for relatives of alcoholics - video

  1. Family psychotherapy

Codependency is a common accompaniment of alcoholism. The worst thing is that she, too, is distinguished by anosognosia (that is, denial of the disease itself). Meanwhile, its manifestations not only destroy the lives of relatives, but also impede the recovery of the addict himself.

During family psychotherapy sessions, a specialist will help restore healthy relationships between you and your loved one, cope with codependency, resolve conflicts, and restore trust and openness in the family.

  1. Post-rehabilitation support

After completing the rehabilitation course, the clinic’s specialists continue to provide psychological support not only to their ward, but also to his relatives. They help to cope with fears that still arise, to avoid quarrels (which can arise due to stress), and most importantly, to build the right line of behavior that will eliminate the risks of a breakdown.

The mission of the drug treatment center is to restore the health of not only the alcoholic, but also the entire family as a single “organism.”

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