Magnesium in food. What foods contain magnesium? What interferes with absorption?

The function of magnesium in the human body is extremely high, but for various reasons remains underestimated. Scientists believe that magnesium is part of a line of minerals of paramount importance for the harmonious development and functioning of the body. Let's look at which foods contain the most magnesium.

Why is magnesium needed in the body?

Effectively improves the condition of the body due to its beneficial properties. In the required quantity it:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • Regulates the functioning of the nervous system. Reduces fatigue and irritation, improves sleep, normalizes the functioning of the muscular system;
  • Improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Promotes high-quality functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Resists the formation of kidney and gallstones;
  • Takes part in the formation of bones and teeth.

With a lack of magnesium in the body, processes of disruption of the functioning of basic vital systems are observed. Observed:

  • Poor appetite, nausea and dizziness;
  • Nervous tics, convulsions and spasms;
  • Hair loss and brittle nails;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Tachycardia or anemia;
  • The likelihood of developing atherosclerosis increases;
  • The flexibility of the joints decreases.

Which foods contain the most magnesium?

The daily requirement of a healthy body for magnesium is 400 mg. The maximum intake level is 800 mg. With a normal diet, 200-400 mg of this microelement is consumed per day. For pregnant women, the need for this microelement increases. If there is a shortage of it, you should eat foods rich in magnesium. It is worth understanding which foods contain the highest amount of magnesium. The list includes:


Amount of magnesium (mg/100 g)

Pumpkin seeds


Pine nut


Dried dates

This is not a complete list of foods that contain magnesium. There is some magnesium in dairy products.

An equally important product containing a lot of magnesium is seaweed. In addition, it has a very low calorie content and becomes a real godsend for overweight people.

A number of other products that contain magnesium in small quantities:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Peas, corn, barley;
  • Seafood;
  • Bananas, prunes;
  • Cabbage, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, parsley.

If it is not possible to compensate for the lack of magnesium by consuming foods rich in this microelement, there is a worthy alternative - preparations containing magnesium in combination with vitamin B6. They also include potassium in sufficient quantities:

These drugs are designed to normalize magnesium levels in the body and restore its balance. The consumption rate for children and adults is set by the doctor depending on the level of deficiency of this microelement. And in case of prophylactic use, you should follow the instructions for use.

Please note that magnesium is absorbed in the body along with calcium. Calcium is necessary for the contraction of smooth muscle in blood vessels. And magnesium, in turn, relaxes them. The optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium consumption is 2:1.

Video: What foods contain magnesium

What foods contain magnesium, and what are its benefits for the body? This question interests many of us. This is what we will talk about. Magnesium is an important element that is of great importance for the proper functioning of the body. It participates in metabolic reactions, regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, affects muscle contraction, and has a relaxing effect. Natural sources of magnesium are fossil mineral deposits, sea water, and brine from salt lakes.

The benefits of magnesium for the human body

How is this mineral useful for the body?

  1. It is involved in protein synthesis.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle.
  3. Has a vasodilating effect.
  4. Activates bile secretion.
  5. Facilitates the condition of women with menopausal disorders.
  6. Improves intestinal motility.
  7. Helps eliminate cholesterol.
  8. Fights inflammatory processes.
  9. Improves oxygen supply to tissues.
  10. It affects more than 300 enzymes that are involved in the formation of energy.
  11. Eliminates stress, anxiety, increased nervous excitability, restlessness.

For a person to feel good and be healthy, a balance of elements is necessary. Experts believe that magnesium and calcium should be in a 2:1 ratio. Often there is a clear deficiency of magnesium, so it is necessary to restore its deficiency.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

What symptoms indicate a lack of a mineral in the body?

  • The appearance of insomnia, worsening sleep.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The appearance and development of osteoporosis.
  • Constant headaches.
  • The appearance of cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Intestinal dysfunction, constipation.
  • Twitching of the eye muscles, spasms, convulsions.
  • Nausea, poor appetite.
  • The appearance of irritability, anxiety, unreasonable fears, depression.
  • The occurrence of tachycardia, anemia.
  • Calcium deposits on the walls of blood vessels, resulting in a loss of elasticity and the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Impaired kidney function.
  • Loss of joint flexibility.
  • Decreased immunity.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

The main intake of magnesium comes from food. But, despite a varied and tasty diet, the body lacks many important elements. The reason is that a person eats mainly processed and canned foods that are heat-treated. Vitamins and minerals are destroyed during long-term frozen storage.

Application of modern technologies in agriculture when growing and harvesting crops lead to a lack of magnesium in foods. Its quantity is much smaller compared to products that are grown on a personal plot. Therefore, it is advisable to consume more food grown on your own, without the use of harmful chemicals.

During heavy physical and mental stress, use of diuretics and laxatives, and alcoholic beverages, additional sources of magnesium are needed. It should be taken into account that the element is less absorbed if there is phytin, a large amount of fat and calcium in the food.

There are other reasons that cause magnesium deficiency, and these are:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Impaired intestinal absorption function.
  3. Kidney disease.
  4. Impaired insulin production.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Eating large amounts of fatty and sweet foods.
  7. Passion for strict diets.
  8. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  9. Coffee and tea drunk in large quantities.

The norm of magnesium per day is a relative concept, since it is necessary to take into account the physical data of a person, such as gender, height, weight, age, presence of diseases, and occupation. Both a lack of a mineral and its excess are harmful.

  • Women - 300-350 mg/day.
  • Men - 350-400 mg/day.
  • Athletes - up to 600 mg/day.
  • Pregnant women - up to 400 mg/day.
  • Children - 200 mg/day.

Approximately 35% of the element is absorbed. During the day, a significant amount of the mineral is excreted in bile, urine and sweat. In case of hypotension and slow heart rate, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, since this condition can often be associated with an excessive intake of the mineral into the body. Calcium begins to be absorbed worse, which can have negative consequences for health.

Which foods contain the most magnesium?

Magnesium enters the body from food, water (hard), and salt. Large amounts of this mineral are found in wheat bran, cocoa, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, pistachios, pine nuts, almonds, walnuts, figs, dates, and dried apricots. Good sources of magnesium are green vegetables and fresh fruits.

Magnesium is found in cereals (buckwheat, millet), legumes (peas, beans), watermelons, lettuce, tahini halva, seaweed, rye bread, and dark chocolate.

Everyday foods such as milk, meat, white bread cannot fully provide the body with this mineral. Therefore, if there is a deficiency, you can purchase the drug at the pharmacy for the prevention and treatment of diseases; it is sold without a prescription. But it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek advice from your doctor. It may be enough to adjust your diet.

Table of foods containing magnesium (Mg)

Wheat bran - 521 mg.
Cocoa - 441 mg.
Sesame seeds - 355 mg.
Cashews - 271 mg.
Buckwheat - 257 mg.
Almonds - 235 mg
Pine nuts - 233 mg.
Corn flakes - 215 mg.
Pistachios - 200 mg.
Peanuts - 181 mg.
Hazelnuts - 171 mg.
Sea kale - 169 mg.
Oatmeal - 134 mg.
Sunflower seeds - 128 mg.
Beans - 102 mg.
Spinach - 78 mg.
Dried apricots - 65 mg.
Milk chocolate - 64 mg.
Shrimp - 47 mg.
Fresh vegetables - 26 mg.

Based on the table, we can tell which foods contain the most magnesium. Try to diversify your diet with environmentally friendly, natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Products that have undergone heat treatment have lost a large amount of nutrients and will not be able to satisfy the body's need for vitamins and minerals.

Combination of magnesium and calcium

Long-term use of dietary supplements can negatively affect health. The reason is that with a large intake of magnesium, the absorption of calcium decreases and a deficiency occurs. In this case, you will have to introduce foods containing calcium into your diet. If you take a mineral for a long time, you need to monitor its level in the body to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Magnesium is involved in many vital processes. It is necessary to maintain female beauty. It slows down skin aging, promotes hair growth, and helps strengthen nails. It normalizes metabolism and is useful for weight loss.

Now you know which foods contain magnesium, and you can use this information in your everyday life.

Magnesium is one of the elements of the periodic table, a silvery-white metal, one of the most abundant elements in nature. In importance, it is second only to calcium, silicon, and iron.

It enters the human body through plant foods, drinking water, and salt. Found in large quantities in sea water.

The effect of magnesium on the body is difficult to overestimate, therefore it is necessary to know which foods contain magnesium B6, and by including them in the diet, ensure access of the element to the body.

Magnesium means "magnificent" in French. . It received this name due to its physical and chemical properties. Magnesium as a biological additive has a great effect on the body, allows you to avoid many types of diseases, and provides an increased balance of immunity.

You need to know which foods contain magnesium, and by including them in your diet, ensure access of the element to the body.

Regular consumption of foods rich in magnesium increases the tone of the heart muscles and eliminates spasms. For hypertensive patients, products containing magnesium are strongly recommended due to their ability to reduce blood clotting.

Benefits of magnesium for the body

Magnesium sulfate is used intramuscularly as a medicine against high blood pressure. The element has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Systematic intake of magnesium in the form of a dietary supplement helps relieve stress. For women during menopause, a diet consisting of foods containing magnesium is recommended: it alleviates nervous conditions and eliminates negative factors.

Daily requirement of magnesium for the body

The composition of magnesium in the human body should be at least 20-25 g. The average daily intake is 0.5 g. Dosages are specified taking into account age, gender, and body condition. When experiencing mineral deficiency, a person first of all needs magnesium.

Children are prescribed a special dose of the microelement. When buying baby food, you need to make sure which products contain the required amount of magnesium for a given age.

The following will help to clearly present the picture of the need for a microelement: table of daily norms for the body.

Age, gender Daily norm Age, gender Daily norm
Children under one year old50-70 mgChildren up to 7 years old300 mg
Women under 30 years old310 mgTeenagers 14-18 years oldFrom 360 to 410 mg
Men under 30 years old400 mgWomen over 30Up to 350 mg
PregnantUp to 500 mgMen over 30420 mg

The norm for pregnant women and nursing mothers is quite high. They are recommended to take additional Magne B 6.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body

Feeling tired, sleepy, and nervous stress often haunt people from the very beginning of the day, but it is possible to explain these ailments only by knowing what the body needs and what reasons interfere with normal well-being.

In fact, general malaise is caused by insufficient magnesium.

The main symptoms that show signs of microelement deficiency:

  • partial hearing loss, ringing in the ears;
  • muscle cramps, tics;
  • stressful state;
  • urinary incontinence (enuresis);
  • excretion of calcium in the urine, despite its need;
  • constipation.

It is quite difficult for women to tolerate a lack of magnesium. In addition to irritability, fatigue, and headaches, which are a consequence of a lack of microelement, the lack of magnesium negatively affects a woman’s appearance.

From endless sleepless nights, your face turns pale and your hands often tremble. Lack of microelements leads to nervous and physical exhaustion during menopause in women.

Magnesium deficiency in children causes:

  • severe cramps;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • insomnia;
  • reaction to noise;
  • excessive physical activity.

Doctors strongly advise giving children more magnesium when consuming calcium.

What foods contain magnesium?

You can find out which foods contain magnesium from sources describing recipes for dietary nutrition. This does not mean that the element is only found in dietary products. Man eats plant foods and animal products.

Many of them contain the necessary microelement with a slight difference: more or less. Not all vegetarian foods contain magnesium.

Products of plant origin

Magnesium content in foods of plant origin

To determine which plant foods contain magnesium, it is suggested to consider some of them. The category of cereals and grains includes wheat, bran, rice cereals (different varieties), buckwheat, and oatmeal.

Selected from the nut family: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, cashews

Magnesium is present in abundance in legumes, dried fruits, vegetables (raw) and herbs: green peas, lentils, beans, potatoes, spinach, apricots, dried apricots, avocado, soybean oil, soy sauce, cauliflower. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are also rich in magnesium.

Animal products

Which animal products contain magnesium can be clearly seen from the fish and meat foods listed below:

  • oysters;
  • lobster;
  • crab;
  • shrimps;
  • flounder;
  • halibut;
  • perch;
  • beef;
  • chicken meat (breast);
  • chickenIeggs;
  • pork.

With correct consumption of the listed plant and animal products, you can compensate for the lack of microelements in a short time.

Foods containing large amounts of magnesium

All of the above foods included in your daily diet contain enough magnesium to support the body.

Almost all ingredients contain the element: in the fruit or vegetable juice you drink, in the breakfast or lunch you eat. Among magnesium-containing products, there are products that have the largest supply of the microelement.

Vegetable oils

  • sesame oil;
  • soybean oil;
  • almond oil (more than in the nut itself);
  • linseed oil.


Among seafood, one of the first places in microelement content is occupied by:

  • mussels;
  • squid.

Fruits and dried fruits

A special place in the composition of the element is given to:

  • avocado (maximum micronutrient);
  • apples (recommended with peel);
  • peaches (use with peel);
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes.


Among grains and cereals, the highest percentage of magnesium is found in:

  • bran (wheat and rice);
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • brown rice

Foods rich in calcium and magnesium

In the physiological development of the body, the main partner of magnesium is calcium. Both microelements are vital for humans. Each individual performs a specific role. Magnesium was mentioned above.

Functions of calcium:

  • the main component of dental and bone tissue;
  • regulation of heart function;
  • elimination of allergies and inflammation;
  • participation in the blood clotting process together with magnesium.

99% of the calcium present in the body is found in teeth and bones. The average daily intake of calcium is 800 mg, which is twice the daily intake of magnesium. With excessive energy consumption and intense physical activity, the norm doubles - 1600 mg.

Foods rich in magnesium and calcium

Foods of animal origin (dairy products) are mainly rich in calcium. In meat products Ca A little . The microelement is contained in large quantities in eggshells.

The average amount of calcium contained in dairy products allows them to be consumed frequently without fear of excessive use of the microelement.

Cheese, kefir, milk, yogurt can be included in your diet every day. Meat contains 50 mg of microelement per 100 g of product. There is a lot of calcium in sardines - 300 mg per 100 g of product.

Ca present in abundance in the following plant foods:

  • watercress - 215 mg;
  • nettle-700 mg;
  • rose hips - 250-257 mg.

In order to properly absorb calcium by the body, it is necessary to eat food containing magnesium.

Products containing magnesium and B6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) It is recommended to take it to normalize the absorption of magnesium. Flaw B6 can be replenished by taking medications (Magne B6) or by consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

Some foods contain sufficient amounts of the vitamin B6:

  • barley - 0.55 mg per 100 g;
  • rye bread - 0.3 mg per 100 g;
  • mackerel - 0.8 mg per 100 g;
  • chicken breast - 0.5 mg per 100 g.

Vitamin B6 very effective when combined with magnesium. Magne B 6 A common drug that contains many beneficial properties. The vitamin complex is especially recommended for heart function. Children are also allowed to consume the vitamin in tablet form.

Magnesium in food: table

Magnesium plays an important role in the human body.

More than 300 biochemical reactions that allow you to restore lost energy and replenish useful substances occur with the participation of magnesium

Food rich in this microelement is necessary to maintain its normal content in the body. The table below will help you easily figure out which foods contain magnesium.


mg per 100 g Pproduct mg per 100 g
Nuts (walnuts) 131 Green peas 35
Cashew nuts 267 Garlic 36
Pecans 142 Raisin 35
Almond 270 Jacket potatoes 34
Wheat (sprouted) 335 Bananas 33
Rye grains 115 Sweet potato 31
Buckwheat 229 Blackberry 30
Bran 490 Sugar beet 25
Millet 162 Cauliflower 24
Wheat grains 160 Brocolli 24
Hazelnut 184 Eggplant 16
Peanut 175 Celery 22
Brewer's yeast 231 Tomatoes 14
Coconuts (dried) 90 Cabbage 13
Tofu 111 Grape 13
Dried apricots 62 Pineapples 13
Soya beans 88 Mushrooms 13
Spinach 88 Onion 12
Dates 58 Oranges 11
Sunflower seeds 38 Milk 13
Prunes 38 Apples 8
Parsley 41 Crabs 34
Beans 37 Chicken 19
Sweet corn 48 Beef 21
Shrimps 51

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the consumption of foods rich in the element Mg. A slight excess or deficiency can have a negative effect on the body

Magnesium is a useful component for the body, in order to maintain its normal level, you need to eat properly and balanced, and do not forget that the undoubted companions of magnesium are calcium and pyridoxine, the amount of which also needs to be maintained.

Useful video materials on the topic: what foods contain magnesium and how to use them correctly

A story about which foods are high in magnesium:

How to properly eat a high-magnesium product like oysters:

Among the many beneficial microelements that should be fortified in the daily diet, magnesium occupies a special place. It is involved in many reactions of the body, without which full human life is impossible. Having studied in detail the data on which products contain magnesium, you can adjust your menu taking into account the required daily intake of this microelement.

The norm of magnesium in the diet

Before replenishing magnesium reserves in the body, you should find out its daily requirement. In order for all organs to function harmoniously and receive a sufficient amount of microelements, you should remember the norms. The daily requirement for an ordinary person is 350 mg. A pregnant woman's body should receive about 700 mg of magnesium per day. Children's need is 20-30 mg of magnesium per 1 kg of weight.

Among the many valuable elements that should be included in the diet of athletes, magnesium is an important component. Its daily intake should be about 400 mg. An increased dose of the microelement for people with increased physical activity is necessary to strengthen bone and muscle tissue, as well as to prevent heart problems.

Features of magnesium and its effect on the body

  1. The magnesium and potassium content in consumed foods contributes to the normal functioning of the heart (normalization of blood pressure, pulse, prevention of spasms, vasodilation).
  2. It has a positive effect on the nervous system - normalization of sleep, reduction of irritability, improvement of mental activity. Magnesium is also called an “anti-stress” microelement, because it relieves nervousness and improves mood.
  3. Regulates the normal functioning of the digestive organs by relaxing and relieving spasms.
  4. Regular consumption of products with magnesium prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis, in the form of deposits in the organs of the urinary system.
  5. Helps expand the airways during bronchospasms.
  6. Under the influence of calcium, there is a strengthening effect on bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  7. Due to its participation in reactions to produce antibodies, magnesium, which is found in food, is a “helper” for excellent immunity and protects the body from infections.

Signs of magnesium deficiency

The first warning signal about the need to replenish your body with useful vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, is general fatigue, which is accompanied by insomnia, chronic fatigue, irritability, and migraines. Products containing magnesium should be included in the diet for those who are concerned about arrhythmia or periodic pain in the joints of the limbs. These are signs of problems in the cardiovascular system.

Numbness, itching, feeling of coldness in the extremities, as well as periodic cramps. All these signs are grounds for consulting a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary tests and prescribe the required dose of magnesium.

Why does magnesium deficiency and excess occur in the body?

The main reason for the lack of useful microelement is insufficient consumption of foods rich in magnesium. In many chronic diseases, the normal absorption of certain beneficial properties, including magnesium, is disrupted.

An insufficient amount of magnesium in the body is inherent in any changes in the human body. These include pregnancy, active growth, rehabilitation after a serious illness, as well as long-term dieting.

Toxic poisoning is also a cause of low levels of magnesium in a person's blood. Because the presence in the body of elements such as cobalt, lead, aluminum leads to disruption of the metabolism of useful substances.

An excess of magnesium, as well as a lack of it, disrupts normal processes in the body and leads to drowsiness and depression. With normal food consumption, it is impossible to obtain an excess of this microelement in the body. Even if these are foods that have high levels of magnesium, excessive amounts in the body are excreted through the kidneys. Exceeding the norm can only be caused by taking medications and impaired kidney function.

Absorption of magnesium in the body

The basis of a nutritious diet is a variety of healthy foods containing not only magnesium, but also a significant amount of other elements. Positive absorption of minerals in the body is possible only with the correct combination of magnesium with other elements. For example, a sufficient amount of magnesium is a guarantee of the absorption of bone-strengthening calcium. The well-coordinated functioning of the muscles and nervous system is ensured by a properly formulated diet. It should include foods containing sodium and phosphorus.

Where is magnesium found?

An interesting fact is that the magnesium content in the same products can be influenced by factors such as climate and soil composition where, for example, grains or vegetables are grown.

Magnesium, which some foods contain in large quantities, can completely cover the daily requirement of this useful substance. If we compare the amount of microelement in plant and animal foods, it is definitely clear which products contain the most magnesium - the plant diet predominates. Some cereals are healthy products, among which buckwheat and oatmeal occupy a special place. Sufficient amounts of magnesium are found in legumes such as peas and beans.

Some mothers should study what delicious foods contain magnesium so that their children do not suffer from microelement deficiency. Healthy and tasty components of their diet will be nuts such as hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, as well as dried fruits - figs and dried apricots. Among fruits, apples, bananas and plums deserve special attention, which are also a source of magnesium.

A cup of cocoa or a bar of high-quality dark chocolate has an “anti-stress” property, the cocoa beans of which will increase the level of the necessary substance in the body. They will recharge your body with some calcium and potassium.

What else magnesium contains, and in what quantity, can be found in the table below:

Table 1. Foods containing large amounts of magnesium

Products Magnesium content, mg/100 g
Wheat bran410
Soy flour250
Oat groats120

Having analyzed the table, it is obvious that the most magnesium is found in plant foods, namely, grains and nuts.

Where a small amount of magnesium is found, and in which products can be seen in Table 2, which is given below:

Table 2. Foods that contain trace amounts of magnesium

Products Magnesium content, mg/100 g
Dried spinach70
Sunflower seeds39
Low-fat cottage cheese23
Milk 2.5%14
Ryazhenka 2.5%14
Sour cream 25%9

As you can see, products containing magnesium in small doses consist mainly of vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Bakery and meat products are also low in magnesium.

What else does magnesium contain, as well as its effect on the body, you can watch this informative video:

Since it was previously mentioned about the positive joint effect of magnesium and potassium on the body, it is worth noting products with a sufficient content of these minerals.

Both microelements are found in cereals, bran, dried fruits, nuts, and in small quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Having gained an understanding of the effect of magnesium, as well as potassium, calcium and other important minerals on the human body, everyone will think - am I eating right? Am I making enough efforts to maintain and strengthen my health? It's so simple - supplement your diet with an extra plate of brown rice or a handful of nuts. After all, in fact, being healthy is very simple!

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