The angelic rank is a lesson in an Orthodox school. "angels". III. Learning new material

Discovery of new knowledge

Do you guys have any friends?

It is very good when a person has friends who can help us at any moment.

At his very creation, man receives not only the Divine gift of love, but also the possibility of love; not only himself and not only human friends, but also a spiritual friend.

Tell me, what is a spiritual friend?

I have a little hint for you, is this friend, unique and personal, peculiar to every person, given by God at baptism?

Guys, who are angels? Can they die? Do they have intelligence?

The Guardian Angel helps to do good deeds and protects from evil. He is always with the person. But, acting badly, a person pushes his Angel away from himself and offends him.

You should always remember your Guardian Angel. Christians turn to him with a prayer: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me!

The very word "angel" means "messenger". God sends holy angels into the world to proclaim His will to people. To do this, the angels take on a visible, human form. Many times angels appeared to people in the form of beautiful youths in snow-white, shining robes, girded with golden belts. On the icons, angels are depicted as beautiful young men - as a sign of their spiritual beauty and winged - as a sign of their stay in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now listen to the poem.

Don't rush, stay, my dear,

Don't run into the yard to play.

Hear: someone teaches you

Pick up all the toys

Wash the juice cup

And water the flowers soon

Take cars out of windows

Plasticine to tear off the doors,

Cover the chair with a beautiful blanket,

Wipe the dust off the piano...

Well, now on to everything

It's expensive to watch!

Dad, mom come on

Sit down, have a rest.

Can you warm up the soup?

This conscience taught

Make an effort kid.

The mother praised the son

Her soul flourished.

And now let's think about who, in your opinion, stopped the boy and reminded him of the things not done?

And why would dad, mom would be upset?

Who is meant in the poem by "conscience"?

How do you think the angel was upset with the boy?

And how is it "the soul blossomed"?

Guys, can we see angels?

Yes, guys, we do not see Angels, but we can feel their prayers and protection from evil angels. “And who are the evil angels?” - you ask. And I’ll tell you, listen ... God created a lot of kind and bright Angels, but one of the brightest and strongest angels did not want to love God and do His will, but wanted to become like God himself. He became a bitter enemy of God. He drew some of the other angels with him. He wanted to overthrow the eternal throne and himself reign in the place of God. For such opposition to God, all these angels lost the light and bliss (that is, joy) given to them and became evil, sad, gloomy, dark spirits. They are now called demons, demons, devils. The most important devil is Satan, i.e. enemy of God.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, there is always an Angel behind your right shoulder, and an evil one behind your left shoulder. "They see everything you do, and even know what you think.

And so, if you do something good, kind ... well, there, stand up for the one who is offended, give alms, help your father and mother, feed the cat, cross yourself for the night, - the Angel behind the right shoulder rejoices and smiles, and the evil one grimaces and writhes, as if he is being fried.

If you do something bad - you offend a girl or an old woman and in general someone who is weaker than you, if you upset your father and mother, you are lazy, torturing a kitten, then the Angel behind your right shoulder will cry bitterly, and the evil one will gloat and laugh.

The Leader of the Forces of Heaven, Archangel Michael, gathered around him legions of Angels who remained faithful to God, overthrew Satan, with his hordes, into the underworld, and since then he has been constantly striking him with his fiery sword. Indomitable in hatred, irreconcilable in malice, inexhaustible in craftiness, Satan does not cease again and again to rush to the Throne of God, again and again reflected by the bright Angels.

It was the devil who taught people not to obey God - to sin.

And how did he do it? Let's remember?

People cannot see the devil, because he is a spirit, but the devil is evil, it is a sin, and therefore, when people do something bad, they act like the devil. We must try to always act well and in everything, like God, and not like the devil. God made man good; our soul understands good and evil, and God has given people free will so that they can act as they please, good or bad. But sometimes it is much easier to do wrong, to live only for your own pleasure, to love yourself more than anything, and not God and other people. Guardian Angel helps us to do good deeds. But Satan and the demons want to make us bad and therefore suggest bad thoughts and deeds to us. Then we need to pray to God to help us drive away evil. And God will help us. Lies, pride, envy, malice are all from the devil, he is even called the father of lies. Whoever lies, he acts like the devil. But God can keep us from evil.

Therefore, we must remember that our Guardian Angel always sees us, just like God, and if we behave badly, he can take offense at us and leave us and only good deeds can bring him back.

And now I will give you a coloring book. See how the angels are depicted, why they need wings.

What colors will we paint?

Let's get started. (Attachment 1)

Since the creation of the world and man, there have always been creatures that interfere with people, and that help. Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim - perhaps there is not a single person on earth who has not heard about these incorporeal forces. Since ancient times, people have known about the existence of angels, they were revered, and continue to be revered in many religions, angels are revered by almost all peoples of the world. Angels are mentioned more than once in Holy Scripture, their actions are described in fulfilling the will of God, helping the righteous, as well as protecting people from troubles and misfortunes with their angelic cover. But, angels are mentioned not only in the main Christian book, the Holy Fathers also left information about them, to whom heavenly beings appeared more than once and conveyed to them the will of the Almighty, they did, because according to God's plan, he sends angels to notify, bring news, therefore they are called angels, that is, messengers.

The Lord endowed his disembodied messengers with many gifts and powerful power, with the help of which God's spiritual essences can influence the world of things and man, but only by the will of the Lord and his desire, fulfilling his will. With all their essence, the angels love their Creator and remain in tireless gratitude to him for the bliss in which they are, and this bliss cannot be compared with anything. There are a lot of angels, sometimes the mind of a person is lost in their countless number. In fact, everything is much simpler, because among the angels of heaven, there is its own harmony, order and hierarchy, which is described in the creation of the disciple of the Holy Apostle Paul - the passion-bearer and martyr Dionysius the Areopagite. According to the writings of St. Dionysius, the heavenly hierarchy has three degrees, each of which has three ranks, respectively, a total of nine spiritual entities:

    Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones - are distinguished by their closeness to the Most High God. dominance;

    Forces and Powers - emphasize the basis of the universe and world domination;

    The beginnings - the Archangels and Angels - are distinguished by their closeness to each person.

Our Lord Jesus Christ pours out his love on all his angels, starting from the highest faces, therefore the angelic ranks are in complete harmony and subordination of the lower ranks to the higher ones, according to the hierarchy.

seraphim- this name means "Flaming, Fiery." They are always close to the Lord, of all the angels they are closest to the Heavenly Father. They burn with divine and great love for the Lord, transfer it to other faces, inflaming them. This is their main purpose, and their main task.

Cherubim This name means "chariot". The prophet Ezekiel saw them in the form of a lion, an eagle, an ox and a man. This means that the Cherubim combine intelligence, obedience, strength and speed, are God's chariot and stand before the throne of God. Cherubim know everything that the Lord gives to know his children, through them God sends wisdom and knowledge of it into the world.

Thrones- spiritual essences shining with the light of knowledge of God. God Himself rests on them not sensually, but spiritually, and executes His just judgment. Their purpose is to help the children of God, to be honest and act only in justice.

dominance- rule over the subsequent ranks of angels. Their direct purpose is to protect from the fall, to tame obstinacy, to overcome the thirst for temptation and to piously control one's feelings.

Forces- created by the Lord in order to work miracles, to bestow the gifts of clairvoyance, healing from ailments, and miracles to the saints of God and the righteous holy fathers. They help people endure hardships and hardships, bestow wisdom, fortitude and prudence.

Authorities- The True God is endowed with special power, they are able to tame the actions and power of Satan. Their direct purpose is to protect earthly inhabitants from the machinations of the devil, to protect the ascetics in their pious life, and to pacify the natural elements.

Beginnings- they lead the lower degree of angels, direct their deeds to fulfill the will of God. They govern the universe, the world and the peoples inhabiting the earth. Earthlings are taught to live not for their own benefit, but for the glory of God.

Archangels- were created to bring good news to the world of people, to reveal the sacrament of the Christian faith, and to convey the will of the Lord to people. They are the conductors - Revelations.

Angels- the main defenders of ordinary people, every person has, they guide him on the path of righteousness, protect him from evil spirits and evil spirits, keep him from falling and help the fallen to rise.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the Archangel Michael, the heavenly warrior and commander-in-chief of the angelic host, is placed above all angelic ranks. Led by the Archangel Michael, the Divine Angels cast down the proud angel and all those who followed Satan into the underworld. The great warrior of the forces of heaven, Archangel Michael, took part in many heavenly battles and defended the people of Israel in troubles and hardships.


We all have angels
They follow us invisibly
They will not leave us in difficult times,
And do not offend with rude words.

They don't give us gifts and flowers,
But they give you the opportunity to become wiser,
Rise up above the world of vanity,
Do good, not sparing your strength.

They will stop us at the edge
And they will not let us stumble into the abyss.
Though they won't tell us "I love you"
But they will pray for us day and night.

They often give us signs,
When they want to help make a decision,
They believe in us, they lead us forward
Through all the madness, delusion and doubt.

So let your angel keep you
From evil slander, false promises,
From petty friends, empty grievances,
Unnecessary meetings and bitter partings!

May your angel always keep you
Despite all the thunderstorms and all the bad weather,
Let his finger, like a bright star,
It will show you the way to love and happiness!...

We are all angels with one wing. And we can only fly in each other's arms.

Luciano De Crescenzo

Angels keep us from harm

Even though we don't know it ourselves.

They give us silent advice,

We are in eternal connection with heaven.

Both adult and baby

Driven by an unknown force

So that our fragile soul

She endured all difficulties in her life.

And we endure the pain

And joy comes to us too.

And we are warm in the middle of winter,

Everything a person can do.

The angel does not leave us.

He protects from bad weather

Protects in difficult times

And share happiness with us.


For life, two angels are given to us as companions
And in spying on us:
Each of them has a wonderful whiteness
Notebook with flying sheets.

In one is entered the good that we do,
All that before conscience we are right;
In another, everything in which we sin before our neighbors,
And every intention is evil.

Hastily lifts up his list of good deeds
One at the feet of the Father-Master;
The other is still waiting: maybe repentance with a tear
Will the evidence be washed away on us?

Petr Vyazemsky


An angel flew across the midnight sky
And he sang a quiet song
And the moon, and the stars, and the clouds in a crowd
Listened to that holy song

He sang about the bliss of sinless spirits
Under the bushes of paradise gardens,
He sang about the great God, and praise
His innocence was...

He carried a young soul in his arms
For a world of sorrow and tears,
And the sound of his song in the soul of a young
Remained, without words, but alive ...

And for a long time she languished in the world,
Full of wonderful desire,
And the sounds of heaven could not be replaced
She boring songs of the earth ...

Mikhail Lermontov


I remember the bedroom and the lamp
toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
"Guardian Angel above you!"
It used to be that the nanny undresses
And scolds in a whisper,
And a sweet dream, misty eyes,
Leaning me to her shoulder.
You cross, kiss,
Remind me that He is with me
And you will enchant with faith in happiness,
I remember, I remember your voice!
I remember the night, the warmth of the bed,
Icon lamp in the dusk of a corner
And shadows from lamp chains.
Weren't you an angel?

Ivan Bunin

God is love (1 John 4:8).

Life in love is a great joy, the highest bliss. And God wanted other beings to receive this joy.

For this He created the world.

First, God created the angels and placed them in the heavenly abodes. Heaven is a spiritual, invisible world. Then He created our earthly world.

The very word "angel" means in Russian "messenger". God sends holy angels into the world to proclaim His will to people.

To do this, the Angels take on a visible, human form. Many times the Angels appeared to people in the form of beautiful youths in snow-white, shining robes, girded with golden belts.

Angels are depicted as beautiful youths - as a sign of their spiritual beauty and winged - as a sign of their stay in the Kingdom of Heaven.

God gives every Christian at baptism a Guardian Angel. Our Heavenly Father commanded His Angels to keep us in all our ways and protect us from all evil (Ps. 90:10-11).

God gave me an angel at baptism.
Let me never see him
I know and believe that day by day
He protects me from enemies!

Guardian Angel is with me day and night
Wherever I am - in a hurry to help me!
I don't know the best doctor in the world,
It's just that I often upset him...

I lie, I'm lazy or I quarrel with someone -
The angel moves away and cries then.
Demons approach me then.
Angel, I'm sorry, without you I'm in trouble!

When you first learned to walk, mom or dad took you by the hand, protecting you from danger. But they cannot always be with us, and dangers lie in wait for us everywhere. We are often alone. Who will help us when they are not around? Our Guardian Angel. He is always and everywhere with us, although we do not see him.

God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Angel is my good guardian
Quiet bright patron,
Always pray to an angel
I'm not afraid of anything with him.

Guardian Angel guards you
He knows your secret thoughts,
Luck is having fun with you
And if you sin, he suffers and cries.

Poems of the monk Barnabas, and Evgeny Sanin.

And here is the coloring page.

I read two stories to them about the Guardian Angel, listened with bated breath, here is one of them:

In 1885, F. I. Sokolov, assistant head of the Moscow Oktyabrsky railway station, reported such a case. He had a familiar railway
an employee - a switchman who served at one of the stations of the Oktyabrskaya railway closest to Moscow. Once, while performing his
On duty on the line, he had to endure terrible moments. A courier train was going from Petrograd to Moscow. The switchman came out to him
towards to move the arrow and direct it to a free path. He looks, far ahead, smoke is already visible and the whistle of a locomotive is heard.
Looking back, he sees: his three-year-old son is running along the canvas towards the train and holding something in his hands. It was already too late to throw the arrow and run towards the son to take him away from the canvas. What to do?
Meanwhile, the train was approaching, and in two minutes, if it had not moved the arrow, the train would have to rush along another busy track and crash, which would lead to hundreds of human casualties. Then with all his heart he called out to God: “May Thy holy will be done,” crossed himself, closed his eyes and turned the arrow. A moment - and the train raced already along the canvas, along which his little son had just run. When the train was out of sight and the dust settled a little, the switchman ran to the place where his son was, thinking to find at least
the remains of a corpse, and what he sees: the boy, with his arms folded on his chest, lies prostrate on the ground. The father shouted to him: “My son, are you alive?” - “I am alive, alive,” he answered cheerfully, rose to his feet, continuing to press to his chest
crow. There was no trace of fear in his eyes. The father asked him: “How did you guess to lie down on the ground?” And the boy answered: "Some bright, handsome, kind young man with wings bent over me and bent me to the ground." The switchman realized that when he called to the Lord, God's Angel miraculously saved his child. (Trinity Leaflets from the Spiritual Meadow, p. 84).

in order to give knowledge or consolidate existing knowledge on a topic in a playful, cognitive form.

Targets and goals:

Cognitive: on the example of older or more educated children, in a collective game, he will get acquainted with the world of Angels, the heavenly hierarchy.

Educational: to develop in children the desire to study and cognize the Angelic world. To teach children to work collectively, to take care of their neighbors, to help an opponent in the game (and in life).

Educational: develop practical skills: recitation, drawing, memory, develop the ability to creatively approach the solution of the problem, look for the most expressive ways of presenting the solution.

Materials used:

  • cards with questions (multi-colored cardboard);
  • petals with poetic lines (colored paper);
  • contours - blanks "Angel" (white cardboard);
  • drawings of children (collected during the school year or shift at a summer camp);
  • pencils, felt-tip pens, drawing paper;
  • a beautifully designed basket or dish of sweets (Verification Prize contest).


  • "My Angel" poems, Bustard, Moscow, 2001;
  • "Sunday School", materials from different years;
  • "Law of God";
  • "Orthodox calendar for beginners", Kovcheg, Moscow, 2000;
  • Magazine "Kupel".

Preparatory stage:

  • Conducting lessons on the topic;
  • Conducting drawing lessons on the topic;
  • Distribution for individual learning of poems on the topic;
  • Learning songs on the topic.

Scenario holding the "Day of Angels", dedicated to all the ranks of heaven.

Children gather in a festively decorated classroom. On the walls are children's drawings on the theme "Angels". The teacher invites everyone to sing together a prayer at the beginning of every work. Children with a teacher sing "To the King of Heaven ...".


The celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael of God and other incorporeal Heavenly Forces takes place in November - the ninth month from March (from which the year began in ancient times) - in accordance with the number of 9 ranks of Angels. The Lord reveals his will to the highest angels, and they enlighten the rest.

Leading (from high school students or camp counselor):

And at baptism, the Lord gives every Christian a guardian angel. “Guardian angel to you” - people who love you usually admonish.

The guardian angel helps you in life, protects you from troubles and misfortunes, keeps you from bad thoughts and deeds, takes care of you and rejoices with you. The guardian angel loves you very much and always remains your most devoted friend.

Here we are today with you and we will talk and remember our most devoted friends and the messengers of God - the Angels.

presenter helps the guys divide into two teams (equivalent) and choose captains.

1 task:"Team name"

After a short meeting, the teams draw up and show signs with the name:

"White dove".



2 task: "Poems".

Which team will tell more poems on a given topic, the children speak in turn from each team.

Leading marks the points on a large sheet, respectively under the name of each team.

Then, from the petals - lines, the teams collect a poem in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 (for speed and reading with expression).

Shines like a bright cloud

On the mountain, an air temple -

Takes off from the lake

White swan to heaven.

There among the emerald pines,

Crystal lakes shine.

Like a prayer in wonderful sounds

Church ringing pours into the distance.


Good at the belfry

Ring the bells

To make the holiday more spacious

So that the soul can sing.

Like an angel's song

This wonderful call

Bright hymn of Sunday

Sounded from all directions.

3 task:"Picture".

Each team receives a cardboard outline - a blank and, after the leader's signal, begins to draw.

Prerequisite: the whole team draws (at the same time or in turn) collectively. Both the execution time and the form of the expression are taken into account.

The host sums up the results of this competition.

4 task:"Musical".

Leading :

“Guys, what songs do you know or church hymns that mention angels. Let's sing."

Children remember themselves, or the host helps:

  • "Christmas, the angel has arrived";
  • "Angels in the sky sing a song";
  • "Angels in the sky live high";
  • "Angel crying out for the Gracious";
  • and others, the more children remember, the better.


And now we will ask our guests (if parents are present, or senior schoolchildren, church choir singers) to participate in our holiday.

Older girls sing the song "Annunciation"

"You were the only one from us

Yarn served as your dream during the day "

from the script of the holiday "God's Chosen Otrokovitsa" newspaper "Sunday School".

The boy plays a piece of music on the piano.

5 task:"Quiz"

Leading :

Let's guys, check our knowledge, hold a quiz "My dear angel." Here I have twelve colored squares, and there are questions on them (Fig. 6). I will ask a question and you will answer. A point for each correct and complete answer! The questions are different, both simple and complex.


In what events of sacred history were sent

Are angels evangelists?


The name of the Angel who announced the gospel to the Virgin Mary?


What flower was he holding?


Name the hierarchy of heavenly ranks from highest to lowest


Who are the Archangels?

How many?


Name the Archangels


Who are the Angels?


How is the guardian angel depicted on the icons?


What day is called name day?


Name your Angel day. Who is your heavenly patron?


Tell the life of your heavenly patron


Name your parents' angel day


Well done guys, it's interesting with you! I can tell you something too.

The leader with an expression recites to the children a story that mentions the help of the Angels. (for example, "Gift of an angel" magazine "Kupel").


Thank you, everyone took part in our holiday, and while our host calculates the points and points of each team, we will take a closer look at the drawings that you drew.

Review and evaluation of work jointly by the whole group of children. The teacher emphasizes the merits of works that are light, gentle, kind, reflecting the theme most fully. Children are invited to choose the image of the "Kindest Angel", "The most fiery Angel", "The fastest ...". Depending on the nature, expressiveness of the drawings, other definitions can be found.


So, we can sum up: the “Heavenly Patron” team received 12 points, and the “White Dove” team ... 12 points (such a coincidence turned out to be accidental, but in any case, the leader holds the last competition of equal and unequal points).

6 task:"Validation Prize".


Two captains are called for this most important task. Here is a prize for you - a basket of sweets, what to do with it?


Eat. Give to the winner. Divide.

Answers are not accepted by the presenter. With leading questions and stories from the Gospel, the host leads to the correct answer: “Give everything to another, for example, to another team.”

Leading in conclusion, he reads the poem “Prayer to the Guardian Angel” by P. Vyazemsky:

Teach me how to pray

Good angel, teach:

Your mouth with fragrance

Feelings stale soften!


Many of the poets, whose poems we heard today, who sought to reach the mountain peaks with their lyre, believed that next to each of them was a guardian angel. And with all my heart I want to wish the Guardian Angel to you! This concludes the holiday. Everyone reads the prayer "It is worthy to eat."

Then the communication of guests, children can be continued over tea (children discuss the holiday, contests and tasks with great interest).

From time immemorial, the forces of good have been opposed by darkness. This is seen in various areas, from fairy tales to religion. The main helpers of people are angels, but if they do bad deeds, the Lord kicks them out of heaven and they go over to the side of Satan.

Who are the fallen angels?

God created angels to help convey his will to people and perform various tasks. Among them were those who, for various reasons, decided to go against the will of the Lord, for which they were expelled from heaven. Even people who are interested in what a fallen angel means should know that as a result, such entities went over to the side of evil and began to help Satan. Fallen angels are nephilim because they fell out of the world and filled it with miscarriages from their fornication. Among the people they are also called demons.

Fallen Angel Lucifer

Many do not know that the main opponent of God was once his main assistant. Lucifer's name translates as "bringer of light" and was previously associated with the morning star. He always bathed in the love of the Lord, possessed great strength and beauty. For those who are interested in how Lucifer became a fallen angel, you should know that the main reason for the exile was his pride.

One fine day, he considered himself equal to God and stopped listening to his orders. He descended into the Garden of Eden, disguised as a serpent, and tempted Eve. God saw that there was no more love in Lucifer's heart and that it was filled with pride. All this caused the wrath of the Almighty, and he threw him into Hell, where he is still serving his punishment. Together with him, other fallen angels were overthrown from heaven, who took the side of darkness.

Fallen Angel Belial

It is believed that Belial is comparable in strength to Lucifer. According to legend, it appeared long before the emergence of Christianity itself. The names of the fallen angels have a special meaning, and Belial is translated from Hebrew as "one who has no dignity."

  1. In ancient writings, the demon is presented as the root of all evil on earth.
  2. There is information that Belial was the first fallen angel before the Lord expelled Lucifer.
  3. In some ancient Christian sources, he is represented by the Antichrist.

Fallen Angel Leviathan

This demon, along with Lucifer, was at the head of the rebellion of angels. The quality that especially attracts Leviathan is greed. He is engaged in the fact that he leads people to commit sins, diverting them from the faith.

  1. The angel Leviathan has an adversary on the part of the forces of light - the apostle Peter.
  2. It is believed that Leviathan brought Satan together with Lilith, and from this union came Cain.
  3. In some sources, he is accused of being the serpent that pushed Eve into sin.


Fallen Angel Lilith

The church completely refutes the information according to which Lilith was the first woman created by God to pair with Adam. She was distinguished by her wayward and strong character, therefore she did not obey either her husband or the Lord, and he expelled her from Paradise.

  1. It is believed that after the exile, three angels were sent to kill the woman, but they decided to punish her and there are three versions of this. According to the first, she suffered every night because hundreds of her children died, the second - her descendants turn into demons, and the third - Lilith became barren.
  2. The dark angel Lilith is considered an entity that harms childbirth.
  3. In Sumerian legends, she is described as a goddess of unusual beauty and destructive power.
  4. There are different ways to describe appearance. More often she is represented as a beauty who has an incredible attractiveness. In ancient sources, Lilith has a body overgrown with hair, paws and a snake's tail.
  5. It is generally accepted that after the expulsion from Paradise, she created a couple with Lucifer.

Fallen Angel Azazel

Among others, this entity is distinguished by its cunning and ability to plot intrigues for people. Many are interested in whether Azazel is an angel or a demon, and so in different sources he is described differently, but the fact that he was one of Lucifer's accomplices is for sure.

  1. Initially, Azazel was called a ritual animal - a goat, which was sent every year to the desert with all the sins of the Israeli people.
  2. The original meaning of the name is release.
  3. The story of the fall of Azazel includes several episodes. There are interpreters who indicate that he was a tempting serpent.
  4. He is considered a cherub angel who taught men to handle weapons and women to create potions.
  5. Many fallen angels are similar in appearance to humans, and Azazel is no exception. They represent his old men with a beard and goat horns.

Fallen Angel Succubus

Were among the exiled angels and the fair sex. The names of the fallen angels of women include such a creature as the Succubus.

  1. A succubus appears to people as a beautiful naked woman who has wings behind her back.
  2. This fallen angel is considered a diabolical incarnation that feeds on human forces.
  3. The demon comes to men when they are weakened by their own passions. He reads the desires of his victim and embodies them. The demon of lust gains strength through sexual contact. When a man succumbs to her deception, he will no longer get out of her trap.

How to summon a fallen angel?

Before contacting the forces of darkness, you need to think carefully, because it is very dangerous. Since the Devil is a fallen angel, one can also summon him, but this requires special magical power and training. The call of the dark forces is made so that the demon is a witness at the initiation into sorcerers, for the purpose of harming another person or getting an answer to a question of interest.

Remember that black magic rituals always have negative consequences, so take care of protection. You cannot bind a fallen angel to demand the resurrection of loved ones, to ask for power and strength to harm a large number of people. It is important to treat the forces of evil with respect so as not to anger them with your own words. For the ritual, prepare five black church candles, a mirror, black thick fabric and incense.

  1. Put the mirror in front of you, and arrange the candles around so that they are at an equal distance from each other. Light the incense and begin the ritual.
  2. Close your eyes, relax and tune in to fellowship with a fallen angel. When you get the feeling that the preparation is complete, read the plot.
  3. The fact that the demon has come will be indicated by a cold touch to the face. In the reflection of the mirror you can see his appearance.
  4. Thank the fallen angel for making contact. After that, quickly and without hesitation, say your desire. The fact that it will be performed will be indicated by the flow of cold air that has arisen. If the flame of the candles sways, this also indicates agreement.
  5. Finish the ritual with gratitude, and then extinguish the candles and cover the mirror with a cloth. After that, hide all attributes.
  6. When the wish comes true, turn to the fallen angel again, expressing your gratitude to him.

Fallen angel in Christianity

The Church does not deny the existence of the forces of evil, which are represented by Lucifer and his assistants. Orthodoxy speaks of fallen angels as the main servants of darkness, who were once on the side of the world, but were guilty before God and he drove them to Hell. It is believed that when a person enters the sinful path, then Satan's helpers act on him. Fallen angels use various tricks to lead people astray.

Editor's Choice
We all remember the old Soviet cartoon "The Kid Who Counted to Ten". In this story, the goat first got it for his...

The history of objective studies of numerical competence in animals dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. At the origins of this area lies...

The ancient people, apart from a stone ax and a skin instead of clothes, had nothing, so they had nothing to count. Gradually they became...

Ice cream production equipment: production technology + 3 types of ice cream business + necessary equipment...
. 2. Department of Green Algae. Class Isoflagellates. Class Conjugates. 3. Departments Yellow-green and Diatoms. 4. Kingdom...
In the life of modern man are used everywhere. Almost any electrical equipment and electrical engineering is powered by power, ...
One of the most amazing creatures of the underwater world is the axolotl. It is also often called the Mexican water dragon. Axolotl...
Environmental pollution is understood as the ingress of harmful substances into the external space, but this is not a complete definition. Pollution...