Horseshoe: how to make a powerful amulet yourself. Do-it-yourself horseshoe made of threads Paper horseshoe stencil

Elena Dyachenko

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention Master Class« Horseshoe for luck» .

This year horseshoe becomes a particularly fashionable and relevant gift, because 2014 is the Year of the Horse. Horseshoe how a talisman is hung in a house above the doors so that prosperity, prosperity and harmony always reign in it. The horseshoe must hang"horns" up, thereby forming a bowl. Wishing: "Let your house be a full cup and your happiness will be complete!"

Each element of the amulet has its own symbolic meaning:

The bag is a symbol of wealth - coins - success in business

Coins - success in business

Peas, beans - wealth and abundance in the house

Apple is a symbol of love and joy

Sunflower seeds - children's health and solar energy;

Krupa - peace, harmony in the house

Buckwheat - fertility and prosperity;

Millet - from the evil eye;

Beans - the birth of a new life;

Red pepper - hot love, symbol of masculinity

Walnut - a symbol of mental strength and health

Garlic, onion - from evil spirits

Poppy - wish fulfillment;

Bump - hard work and achieving success;

Interweaving - acquaintance and friendship;

Pumpkin, pumpkin seeds - a symbol of fertility, femininity

Burlap - abundance

So, let's start making the amulet. First, cut out the base from cardboard horseshoes. Then we braid it twine:

1. Cut the twine longer and fold it in half. We thread the ends into the resulting loop and tighten it in the middle of the forging.

2. We braid the left side horseshoes. The first time we draw the thread from the top and thread the end into the formed loop.

3. For the second time, draw the thread from below and thread the end into the loop. Further alternate: from top to bottom, braiding to the end of the product.

4. Turn the work over and braid the other side in the same way horseshoes. The ends of the thread are secured with glue. The basis horseshoes ready.

Now let's start decorating with various small items. In the process of creating a talisman, you need to constantly think about the person for whom you are making it, keep his image in your mind’s eye, feel his energy, mood, character, needs, so that the talisman you make can really protect against many troubles and misfortunes. You can't make amulets for yourself. The most powerful amulets are those made for you by your blood relatives: father, mother, brother, children. The amulets created mutually by spouses also have great power.

The incredible popularity of the horseshoe as a talisman continues unabated. Modern people still believe in the magical power of this amulet. Many people purchase the treasured horseshoe in souvenir shops. But if you love creativity and do handicrafts, you can make a talisman with your own hands. The main thing is to put positive energy and good thoughts into the amulet while working.

History of the horseshoe amulet

The horseshoe is considered one of the most powerful amulets. Not only the Slavs believe in a wonderful talisman. Buddhists and Muslims also believe that this item brings happiness. Even skeptics, somewhere deep down in their souls, consider such a product to be a symbol of good luck. Even the inventor Edison said: “A horseshoe brings good luck even to those who do not believe in omens.”

The roots of this belief stretch back centuries. Or rather, to Ancient Egypt. As you know, ancient Egyptian religious holidays were celebrated with great pomp. Pharaoh and his retinue traveled in rich chariots. The horses harnessed to them were shod with golden horseshoes, which sometimes flew off the horses' hooves. Naturally, whoever found such a treasure in the dust of the road became a rich man, and his house - a full cup. Centuries passed, horseshoes were no longer made of gold, but of iron, but the sign worked. True, the poor had their own philosophy on this matter. It’s not for nothing that a popular proverb says: “For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you need to work hard like a horse.”

Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a powerful amulet for the home.

Why do you need a horseshoe-shaped amulet?

It is believed that a horseshoe is capable of:

  • bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to its owner;
  • increase financial well-being;
  • fulfill your cherished dream;
  • clean your home from negative influences and increase its energy field;
  • attract the blessing of the Higher powers;
  • bring good luck in gambling;
  • protect from diseases;
  • help you find love;
  • give a sound and healthy sleep.

Until now, the horseshoe remains one of the most popular amulets for the home.

How to make it yourself

In a modern metropolis, finding a horseshoe is simply an unrealistic task. Therefore, in souvenir shops, the gift version of this product is a hot commodity. But the most powerful amulet is the one made with one’s own hands.

Of course, there are a lot of options for making a talisman. Some require special training and equipment, such as woodworking skills. But there are also horseshoe amulets that are very simple in technique, which can be made from scrap materials.

Horseshoe made of cardboard

Cardboard can be found in any home. It often serves as the basis on which a variety of decor is subsequently applied. Making a horseshoe-shaped amulet from this material is as easy as shelling pears. Even small children can help you in this exciting process. For them, this will not only be an element of learning, but also a manifestation of creativity, developing the ability to use available material.

To begin, prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

  • cardboard (preferably thicker, but thin will do, it’s easier to cut);
  • scissors or a paper knife (be sure to be sharp, otherwise the edges of the workpiece may be uneven);
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue or glue gun (you can do without it);
  • twine, knitting threads or jute rope for tying;
  • various decorative elements.

You can also cover a horseshoe with burlap, corrugated paper and even leather.

Photo gallery: how to cover a blank for a horseshoe amulet

Corrugated paper is a good basis for applying further decor. Burlap on the horseshoe blank can be secured with glue. A horseshoe covered with genuine leather looks very elegant

Manufacturing process:

  1. Use a pencil to draw an image of a horseshoe onto the cardboard. This is very easy to do if you have a template at hand; you can download it from the Internet and print it.
  2. Using scissors or a paper knife, carefully cut out the piece.
  3. To create the basis for future decor, the resulting blank can be wrapped with knitting threads, jute rope, twine or covered with burlap. Choose the thickness and color of the base according to your taste.
  4. Fold the rope in half. Thread both ends of the rope into the air loop formed and tighten the loop. It turns out to be a neat knot. You can start not from the middle of the horseshoe, but from one of the ends.
  5. Then process the entire workpiece in the same way. In order for the threads to hold tighter and not move apart, it is better to secure them to the base using glue or a glue gun. The threads should fit tightly together while weaving.

Photo gallery: making a horseshoe from cardboard and rope

Draw an image of a horseshoe on the cardboard and carefully cut out the blank. Fold the rope in half, thread both ends into the loop formed. At the end of the work you will have a blank like this

Preparation of the workpiece

It's time for a flight of fancy. The resulting base can not only be revived with the help of various decorative elements, but also add meaning and make the amulet work in one direction or another. Let's look at the most popular ways to design a horseshoe.


This is a wonderful gift for a lover of the sweet life. Creating such a talisman is a real pleasure.

  1. Make a blank out of cardboard and wrap it in any material. You can wrap it with threads, use corrugated paper or burlap as a base. Gold foil looks very nice.
  2. Decorate the end of the product with a cord whose color matches the color of the base.
  3. Using a glue gun or double-sided tape, attach individually wrapped, round, flat-bottomed candies to the horseshoe. Chocolate coins also look great on a horseshoe.
  4. To make the amulet stable, it can be mounted on a small pedestal decorated with sweets or small chocolate bars.
  5. Small flowers, beads or sisal balls can be used as additional decoration.

Candy horseshoe - wish for a sweet life

Coffee beans

Coffee beans are an excellent material for decorating a horseshoe. Working with them is quite simple. They do not deteriorate and have an interesting texture. Different degrees of roasting give the beans unique shades, and a pleasant aroma will allow the amulet to also serve as a flavoring agent.

  1. Cover the blank for the coffee amulet with nylon or thin fabric. It will be quite easy to glue grains onto such material.
  2. If the workpiece is made of thick cardboard, you need to start gluing the coffee beans from the end of the product. Then move on to designing the main part.
  3. The resulting amulet can be decorated at your discretion with various decorative elements:
    • dried orange slices, cinnamon stick;
    • bows made of fabric, twine or multi-colored threads;
    • dried flowers;
    • beads.

A horseshoe made of coffee beans can be made in the form of a topiary, pendant or magnet.

Video: DIY coffee horseshoe

With money

It is believed that coin crafts symbolize wealth. And one of the functions of a horseshoe is to increase financial well-being, that is, to attract money. To double the ability of the amulet to work in this direction, you can decorate it with coins or banknotes.

  1. Pick up the coins. They need to be thoroughly cleaned with baking soda to give them shine. Coins can be of any denomination.
  2. If your decor has space for banknotes, you can use both real and color-printed banknotes. They can be rolled into a tube, folded into a fan, a flower, etc.
  3. Make a horseshoe blank.
  4. Using a glue gun, glue coins and bills to the base. This decor itself looks rich, but if you are missing something, you can use beads, colored ribbons, and small flowers. The main thing is not to overload the main idea with additional elements.

Money horseshoes can also be made as a topiary, a magnet, on a stand or as a pendant.

A horseshoe with its horns up attracts financial well-being to the home

What other decorative elements are used and what do they symbolize?

A horseshoe as a talisman can have many functions. Everything will depend on the elements with which you decorate it. Various cereals, berries, and flowers are often used. Each of these elements carries its own symbolic meaning:

  • a mixture of cereals - peace and harmony in the house;
  • buckwheat - prosperity and fertility;
  • beans and peas - abundance;
  • sunflower seeds - hospitality, family happiness, children's health;
  • corn - procreation, mutual understanding and cohesion;
  • cereals are a symbol of satiety, prosperity and physical strength;
  • poppy - fulfillment of desires;
  • millet - protection from the evil eye;
  • pumpkin seeds - fertility;
  • sunflower flower - warmth, sun;
  • chamomile - youth and love;
  • rosehip and rowan - youth and female beauty;
  • bag - wealth;
  • nest - continuation of the family;
  • a jug or cup - wealth;
  • garlic and onions - protection from evil spirits.

Each decorative element on the horseshoe carries its own meaning.

How to make a talisman in the form of a magnet

It is very easy to make a horseshoe in the form of a magnet with your own hands. The main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • the product must be small in size;
  • It is best to take a lightweight material, such as cardboard, as a basis;
  • choose thin fabric, corrugated paper or nylon as a base for decoration;
  • decorative elements should not be heavy;
  • Glue pieces of thin magnetic sheet onto the back side of the amulet.

Horseshoe magnets should be small and light

Horseshoe amulet made of salt dough

The uniqueness of salt dough is that from this pliable and plastic material you can make both the horseshoe itself and the decor for it.

Classic dough recipe:

  • 1 cup fine salt;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 0.5 cups of cold water.

Mix flour and salt in a bowl, add water gradually. The dough should be elastic. If it turns out too soft, you can add more flour.

Video: how to make salted play dough

Step-by-step execution of the amulet

Creating a horseshoe from salt dough is not difficult, you just need a little skill:

  1. Prepare a mass of flour and salt, roll out with a rolling pin to the desired thickness (about 1 cm, a little thicker is possible, but thinner is not necessary).
  2. Place the template on the dough and carefully cut out the outline of the horseshoe.
  3. Form the decor from the same mass. These can be flowers, leaves, berries, bags, jugs, fruits.
  4. To attach the parts you just need to lubricate the surfaces with water using a brush.
  5. Dry the resulting horseshoe in the oven at minimum temperature. Open the oven door slightly. If you have central heating devices running, the product may dry out on the radiator.

Horseshoes made from salt dough are bright and attractive.

Small tips when working with salt dough

Nuances when working with salt dough:

  • to give the surface a certain structure, you can use literally any object at hand: a toothpick, a pen or pencil, a comb, a piece of guipure fabric;
  • You can paint the salt dough with watercolors, gouache, or acrylic;
  • a painted horseshoe must be varnished, this way you will protect the product from moisture and preserve the brightness of the colors;
  • You can decorate the surface of the amulet not only with dough elements, it can be coins, beads, dried berries.

Video: how to make a horseshoe from salt dough

Horseshoe made of wood

Wooden horseshoe pendants were often used for protection. But not everyone can make such a talisman. You must have woodworking skills, a special tool and a workpiece.

First, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • wooden blank;
  • sample;
  • pencil;
  • wood carving tools;
  • jigsaw for cutting.

Making a talisman:

  1. Apply the image of a horseshoe onto a wooden blank using a template or by hand.
  2. Using a jigsaw, carefully cut out the products along the contour.
  3. Use carving tools to create designs, if necessary.
  4. Sand the horseshoe with fine sandpaper.
  5. Apply final decor.

Video: DIY wooden horseshoe

A wooden horseshoe can be made small, as a pendant around the neck, or large, as an interior decoration. Decorate the amulet with metal elements, painting or burning.

Hand-painted wooden horseshoes look very elegant

Embroidered horseshoe

A horseshoe can not only be made from any material, but also embroidered. Embroidered amulets are very popular as they are easy to carry. Clothing with such a symbol will save you from the evil eye, and the towel will have the same functions as the amulets described above.

To work you need to prepare:

  • igloo;
  • colored threads;
  • material on which embroidery will be applied.

Photo gallery: horseshoe embroidery patterns

A horseshoe decorated with flowers looks very elegant Simple and cute embroidery for a handkerchief This embroidery can be used to decorate a towel An embroidered horseshoe in a frame is a wonderful gift

Horseshoe made from newspaper tubes

Newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper - such materials can be found in any home. You can weave wonderful horseshoe amulets from them. This craft will look quite beautiful. This option is attractive because the consumables are always at hand, and you don’t need to have any special skills (except perseverance). And it takes a little time to make a nice horseshoe.

For work, prepare:

  • newspaper tubes;
  • a piece of wire;
  • PVA glue;
  • stain;
  • elements for decorating the product.

Video: learning to twist paper tubes

The process of creating a horseshoe from newspaper tubes

The materials are ready, you can start making the horseshoe:

  1. We make the frame of the future product. To do this, insert the wire into a newspaper tube and form a horseshoe.
  2. Glue another into the free end of one tube to begin weaving.
  3. We begin to braid the frame, threading the tip of the tube inside the mold. We take it out from the other side, wrap it around the frame and dive inside again.
  4. When the frame is completely braided, we trim the remaining tail and fix it with glue.
  5. First coat the finished product with PVA glue, half diluted with water, and after drying, cover it with stain in one or 2 layers.
  6. The final stage of work will be gluing the decor.

Photo gallery: step-by-step making of a horseshoe from newspaper tubes

Using a wire threaded into a newspaper tube, we form the frame of a horseshoe. Threading the tip of the tube inside the mold, we begin to braid the horseshoe. Cover the finished horseshoe from newspaper tubes with PVA glue. A horseshoe from newspaper tubes is very easy to make, but it looks just great

Horseshoe pillow

A horseshoe in the form of a pillow is a wonderful gift for lovers of long trips or people who work at a computer. This product will also be very useful for those who have small children. It will not be difficult for a needlewoman to make this useful thing.

A horseshoe pillow will be useful for young parents

To get started, prepare:

  • fabric (preferably soft and natural);
  • tracing paper for a pattern;
  • pencil;
  • measuring tape;
  • threads;
  • igloo;
  • sewing pins;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • filler.

Making a horseshoe pillow

  1. Apply an image in the shape of a horseshoe onto tracing paper. Build the pattern taking into account the measurements taken.
  2. Fold a piece of fabric in half with the right side facing inward.
  3. Attach the pattern to the fabric using sewing pins.
  4. Using a chalk or pencil, trace the outline of the pillow.
  5. Use scissors to cut out the pattern pieces. Don't forget to leave seam allowances.
  6. Sew along the edge of the product, leaving a hole at one end for the filling.
  7. Turn the product right side out.
  8. Stuff the pillow tightly through the hole left. Holofiber, bamboo fiber, and silicone can be used as filler. You can add dried herbs: chamomile, lavender flowers, peppermint.
  9. Fold the open edge seam allowance inward and hand stitch.

A horseshoe pillow can be sewn from bright, elegant fabric and decorated with appliqué, or you can make a pattern in the shape of a funny little animal.

Photo gallery: step-by-step making of a horseshoe pillow

After taking measurements, create a pattern. Use pins to secure the pattern to the fabric. Use a sewing machine to connect the pattern pieces. Sew up the hole for the filler by hand.
A horseshoe pillow can be given a fun look

How to activate the amulet

In ancient times, a horseshoe that was accidentally found on the road or in a field was considered a treasure. But modern realities change everything. Even a souvenir horseshoe bought in a store can be considered a talisman. But buy only the one you like the most.

Before hanging the amulet on the wall of the house or above the door, perform a ritual that has been performed since ancient times. It's very simple. Each family member should hold a horseshoe in their hands so that good luck goes to everyone living in the house.

Even a horseshoe purchased at a souvenir shop has magical powers.

There are several more ways to activate the horseshoe amulet for good luck:

  • buy 5 thin church candles, place them so that a circle is formed, inside which there should be a horseshoe, light the candles clockwise and say the spell three times: “Horseshoe for luck, give me (name) happiness”; You can hang a charmed amulet only after the candles have burned out;
  • on a full moon, in clear weather, place the horseshoe on the windowsill so that the horns point towards the street, moonlight should fall on the amulet; In the morning, the charged amulet is ready to take its place.

On a full moon, you can charge a horseshoe amulet so that it brings happiness

Using a horseshoe-shaped amulet

The nuances of using a horseshoe as a talisman:

  • a product fastened with its horns up will bring prosperity and well-being to the house, and if you nail it with its horns down, you will receive powerful protection for your home from any evil;
  • a drop of wax from a church candle applied to the amulet will enhance its protective effect;
  • house keys hung on a horseshoe increase its magical powers;
  • if you bury the product in the northwestern area near the house, you can count on a successful outcome of all your affairs and endeavors;
  • A magnet on the refrigerator will prevent quarrels and scandals in the family.

The amulet can preserve and increase your well-being. Paint a picture of a horseshoe on your money box or place a small steel replica inside.

Many centuries ago, a horseshoe was considered an amulet that could bring good luck, success and wealth. If you plunge into the most ancient beliefs and legends, you can find out that a horseshoe was found in the tomb of Nero, the emperor. And this discovery was made already in 482 BC. Already in those days, people believed in this talisman that brought good luck.

If earlier this talisman could be found in almost every home, now it is almost impossible to see a horseshoe. Do modern people really no longer believe in miracles? May be, it has something to do with that that carts have been replaced by cars, and horses are rare in the city? Perhaps it is for this reason that such amulets have become irrelevant.

Nowadays, you can quite easily make such a talisman yourself. How to make a horseshoe for luck with your own hands is described below.

Features of the “Horseshoe” amulet

The meaning of this talisman, as mentioned earlier, is luck and success. But if you make such a talisman yourself, then you need to follow some rules, which are as follows:

When creating a talisman, you also need to think about who exactly you will present it to. During creation, it is necessary to clearly understand this person's character, feel its energy.

Modern assortment

Currently these amulets are made from a variety of materials, such as copper, iron, as well as silver and gold. However, the black horseshoe, which is also called worn, is most revered. It is she who is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, luck and happiness. A correct horseshoe must be made of iron, without any drawings or inscriptions.

As a rule, horses wear a horseshoe for no more than a month, after which it must be removed, cleaned, washed and processed. After polishing and grinding, a decorative coating of precious metals is applied to it using the galvanic method. Most often, silver or gold is used for this. After this, the talisman is varnished. Next, the horseshoe is beautifully packaged, and the result is a rather unusual gift for absolutely any celebration.

The range of such talismans is quite large, but they all carry a positive charge of energy. For example, you can make a white amulet with red hearts, cover it with platinum, and receive an unusual gift for your wedding celebration. You can add Swarovski rhinestones to such a gift to get an original gift for your beloved girl.

Horseshoes are also an ideal housewarming gift.. They can be given to drivers who must keep the talisman in the glove compartment, away from prying eyes.

DIY talisman

Now it’s worth understanding in more detail how to make a horseshoe with your own hands.

First of all, you need to stock up on a large variety of materials. But the process of creation involves the observance of certain rituals. They are as follows:

To make a talisman You can select a wide variety of materials with your own hands. And each material has its own designation, for example:

Decorative talisman made of threads

To make such a horseshoe, you can use plywood or corrugated cardboard. The amulet is cut out according to the template. The base of the talisman can be covered with linen twine or simple burlap. You can glue a pigtail braided from small rope onto the outline.

To disguise a driven nail, you can glue a chamomile to the top of the talisman, which considered a symbol of fidelity. You can also disguise the nail with bast shoes or coins.

Next, you need to make three small bags and glue eyes on them. The bags are filled with grains, beans, seeds or nuts. In your decor, try to use more greenery, such as grass, leaves, fruits and berries.

Parts can be easily secured using a heat gun.

Show your imagination: make a nose from beans, eyes from buttons, a beard from threads.

Finally, the talisman must be coated with colorless varnish to protect such beauty from insects. All voids on the talisman must be filled with flowers or greenery.

The amulet and interior decoration is ready!

From salt dough

An amulet made from salt dough will look quite interesting. This talisman is made according to the following instructions:

Such a horseshoe will become not only a talisman for the home, but also an unusual decoration for the interior.

Fridge magnets

Fridge magnets in the shape of a horseshoe will make a cute and practical amulet gift. To make such a gift, you can use any fabric, as well as natural materials, such as coffee beans, wood and much more.

The magnet is decorated to your liking and in accordance with the symbolism described above.

To prevent the amulet from sliding around the refrigerator, it is recommended to attach several small magnets rather than one large one.

Let's take a closer look at the master class on making a magnet from coffee beans.

First of all, you need to prepare large, evenly roasted coffee beans. You will also need packaging cardboard, a heat gun or universal glue, scissors and fabric. The material for decoration can be very diverse, for example, rhinestones, beads, ribbons, bells and much more.

If the magnets are reliable, then you can glue bells to the horseshoe.

Candy souvenir

A horseshoe can act not only as a talisman or souvenir, but can also become an original delicacy. To do this, you need to make a talisman from candies, a master class for which is presented below.

First of all, you need to prepare materials. For this you will need:

  1. You need to cut out a horseshoe measuring 12x22 cm according to the template.
  2. Next, attach the cardboard to the corrugated paper and cut out two equal parts.
  3. Glue gold paper onto the base.
  4. Using a heat gun, cover the edge at the end with a decorative cord.
  5. For the horseshoe to be edible, it must be covered with chocolate coins on both sides. You can use candies of any shape and type.

All that remains is to tie the horseshoe with a ribbon so that it looks like a gift. You can also build a podium in the form of a basket, which will be strewn with the same sweets, as well as other decorations. Such a talisman can easily be presented as a gift, for example, to newlyweds.

How to hang it correctly

Answering the question of how to properly hang a horseshoe at home, each nation has its own opinion on this matter. But all opinions agree on one thing - this amulet can simultaneously absorb negative energy and create a positive impact on the environment.

People living in the East, in European countries, as well as in Latin America, believe that this amulet should be hung with the branches down so that happiness flows directly to the owner of the house. But in Ireland and England, on the contrary, horseshoes are hung with their branches up so that happiness flows out of it. It is necessary to hang the talisman in such a way that you can reach it with your hand when replenishing or taking accumulated wealth.

Residents of Mexico nail the talisman as high as possible so that it cannot be touched. At the same time, they are decorated with the faces of saints and various satin ribbons. Residents of Italy, on the contrary, hang horseshoes in such a way that guests can touch them when entering the house.

In Ancient Rus', the amulet was hung on the ceiling above the front door of the house. If the talisman hung with its branches down, then evil would bypass the house, and if the horseshoe hung with its branches up, it symbolized the house - “a full cup.”

Residents of Ukraine hang the amulet with the branches down. Feng Shui adherents believe that this talisman should hang with its branches up.

A good luck horseshoe is an amulet that has been used since ancient times. On its basis, more than one saying and belief were invented. For example, the well-known “Whoever finds a horseshoe after the horses on his way, his luck will turn around.” Moreover, its unique properties and characteristics have been known for a long time; the first mentions in history were discovered in the burials of emperors in 481 BC.

The item was placed there so that in the other world it would bring good luck to its owner; in those days nothing was done for nothing. And now, in the 21st century, the ancient amulet has not lost its popularity and is used by people who hang it above the front door. What is the reason for such popularity?

What rules should you follow?

A horseshoe for luck after horses is the oldest amulet among the Slavs, which gives a person the opportunity to get rich and makes him more successful; one might say that this is a kind of ticket to the Klondike. They used them like real horseshoes, hanging them in the home, putting them under the pillow for good luck, wearing them on the neck as a pendant, on the arm as a bracelet pendant, and even made themselves a tattoo with this image. There are even some fortune tellings in which a horseshoe is necessarily used. However, if you want to create a talisman with your own hands that will work for you, you should follow some rules when creating it.

  • It is forbidden to create a horseshoe for yourself, it is believed that it is better to give a horseshoe as a gift, this does not apply to the original horseshoe after the horse
  • When you start creating an amulet amulet, you need to free your thoughts from negativity, think only about the good and believe in yourself
  • The most powerful talismans are considered to be those that were given by the closest people, that is, relatives or parents, as well as brothers and sisters.
  • It is important to think through all the nuances, that is, carefully choose the material in accordance with the preferences of the person, his zodiac sign, and so on.
  • It is important during creation to think about what you would like to wish for the person for whom the horseshoe talisman is intended; nothing else should be in your head.

Is it possible to make a horseshoe for yourself?

Unfortunately, it happens that the desire to own a horseshoe is great, but there is no one to give you the amulet. What to do in this case? How to make a horseshoe with your own hands and then hang it above the door? Of course, this scenario may be an exception to the rule, and you will be able to make a horseshoe yourself without outside help.

In order to start making a classic amulet, you will need:

  • Several material options (cardboard, burlap, twine, wood, etc.)
  • Mirror (size up to 50 cm in diameter)
  • Church candle

You need to draw the outlines of a horseshoe on the mirror using melted candle wax. It is important not to make the horseshoe too large; it should at least approximately correspond to the actual dimensions. Then, one by one, lay out on the mirror all the materials that were prepared in advance. It is important to do this with your hands closed so that the sensations are sharper and more distinct. Your task is to place your hands on the mirror from the materials and listen carefully to your feelings - whether this material is what you were looking for or not. Don’t worry, it will be very easy to make a choice, because with the help of a mirror the energy is amplified several times and positively charged materials will make themselves felt. If you clearly feel sympathy, stop at this material and take it as a basis.

After the choice is made, you need to carefully cut out the workpiece and, if necessary, fill it with filler for volume.

You need to choose only natural materials, such as cereals, hay, and so on.

Such a horseshoe, made with your own hands for luck, can be carried with you, discreetly in a bag or in a purse, if we are talking about a man. Luck will be with you as long as the amulet has special meaning for you and is in close proximity to you. A horseshoe is a symbol that will work as long as people believe in it.

Features of making a horseshoe

As mentioned earlier, the previous version of the horseshoe amulet is classic. However, in order to endow the horseshoe with additional characteristics, that is, to add additional strength according to individual needs, you can supplement it with various symbols:

  • A lucky bag is a small pouch sewn onto a horseshoe, usually containing a coin, paper money, a bean, a rose petal, or a four-leaf clover flower. These are symbols of monetary well-being, a well-fed life and love; their attraction is one of the reasons for using a horseshoe;
  • Dried pepper is a symbol of a man, his masculinity and courage;
  • The pumpkin crust or its seeds are a feminine symbol, personifying femininity and motherhood;
  • Corn seeds or a small cob are a symbol of fertility and procreation;
  • Walnut - wisdom and intelligence;
  • Dried herbs (any) - symbolizes health and protection from major diseases;
  • A crust of bread - harmony and agreement in the family, help in creating a new one;
  • Coin (separately, not in a bag) – accompanies success in work, career advancement;
  • Onions and garlic are reliable protection from the other world, evil spirits, the evil eye and damage;
  • Sunflower seeds - symbolizes wealth and well-being in the home;
  • Any berries will help ensure that everything is good in your sex life;
  • An apple or a pear - often sewn or glued onto a horseshoe by those who work in gardens or fields, as it contributes to a better harvest;
  • Wicker shoes (bast shoes) - usually woven independently from wicker or hay, symbolize the house as such;
  • A straw broom will remove conflicts and quarrels from your home;
  • Pine cone - will give additional strength for work;
  • Poppy seeds - will help make your dreams come true;
  • Dill or bay leaf will reveal your talents and abilities, and with their help it will be easier to achieve success.

Making a horseshoe amulet for an apartment

If we are talking about a horseshoe as a talisman in the 21st century, it is worth saying that it must comply not only with the canons of a talisman, but also be suitable for the interior of a particular apartment or house. We will tell you step by step how to make a horseshoe from available materials, without making any special material costs.

  1. The basis of the amulet will be a piece of plywood or thick cardboard, if the former could not be found. On the Internet you can find a lot of templates and patterns from which you can cut out a talisman blank. If you draw well and have excellent imagination, of course, you can draw everything yourself;
  2. After the workpiece is ready, you need to cover it with fabric. Typically, burlap, twine or linen are used, as both fabrics are natural, and they both take well with dyes if you want to change the color of the horseshoe. For edging, in order to hide the fabric seams, you can use a thin braid that you have woven yourself, for example, from twine, which you can weave yourself or purchase ready-made.
  3. Now we’ll find out what should be located on the horseshoe itself. You need to place a flower at the top, preferably a chamomile. The fact is that this flower has been a symbol of goodness and trust since ancient times.
  4. At the bottom, as expected, bast shoes are attached, because our amulet must have legs. However, in order not to be naked and barefoot, you need to put a small coin in one of the bast shoes. On the left or right you can install a wicker laying hen on eggs, a rooster or other birds, as a symbol of unity with God, the bags that were described earlier, and so on;
  5. You can use nails or hot glue to secure parts and components. The latter is tucked into a nozzle - a pistol, which greatly facilitates its use;
  6. It is recommended to use as much green color as possible when decorating horseshoes (you can decorate with leaves, grass, make the base color green, and so on). This shade symbolizes nature and man’s unity with it;
  7. It is worth saying that on the Internet you can find a lot of photos from master classes with examples of how professionals perform the work with a horseshoe. They are distinguished by color, size and number of details, each of them means something. You can choose, for example, one that you will not only like in appearance, but will also not be too difficult to implement. This is especially important for those who are not particularly keen on crafts, that is, for the first time they will be doing something with their own hands for the home.

Material for making decor

All the decorations that were written about earlier can be purchased ready-made, or you can make them yourself if you have the desire and capabilities. For example, in order to make strawberries or sea buckthorn, you can use regular dough with a lot of salt. People call this type of dough salty. How to prepare this dough? It is necessary to take equal quantities of salt and first class flour. Then add warm water little by little to the mixture, stirring thoroughly. As a result, you should get a fairly elastic material, reminiscent in consistency of dough for dumplings or dumplings.

Form the necessary parts from the dough, then dry them. To do this, use an oven preheated to 50 degrees or simply hang the dough outside, of course, if the weather is not raining. Once the material has completely dried and become hard, you can begin painting the dough. To do this, you can use ordinary paints, for example, borrowed from your child. It is important, after applying the color, to fix the result with regular nail polish. It will protect the color and also add shine.

If we are talking about how professionals work with horseshoes in master classes, of course, salt dough is not used here. They work with more durable materials such as:

  • porcelain
  • polymer clay
  • plastic

Is it possible to make a horseshoe from salt dough?

A method for making parts for a horseshoe from salt dough was previously described, but nothing can stop you from making the horseshoe frame itself from the same material, especially since it is quite simple and understandable. On the Internet you can find a lot of master classes on this topic, here we will present the simplest and most understandable, describing each step of making a horseshoe from salt dough with your own hands in as much detail as possible. It is worth saying that even children can participate in this process, since it is 100% safe and also entertains children of any age.

  1. The first thing to do is replace the dough. How this is done has been described previously;
  2. Next, using a rolling pin or bottle, carefully roll out the layer to a thickness of no more than 2 cm;
  3. Using a knife and a pattern, cut out a horseshoe, that is, a blank for it;
  4. After this, place the dough base on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and place in the oven preheated to 100 degrees. You don't need to completely dry the horseshoe, just prepare it for the next step. Therefore, she will spend only 5 minutes in the oven;
  5. Place all the decorations that you planned to make on the horseshoe and prepare in advance small holes along the edges for decorative ribbons;
  6. After this, place the future horseshoe in the oven again, but now for 15 minutes, that is, until completely dry;
  7. After the amulet has become dry, be sure to cool it completely, then begin painting with any paints. However, preference should still be given to acrylic paints, since they are applied more evenly and do not require an additional fixing layer of varnish;
  8. The final stage of making a horseshoe from puff pastry will be decorating the base with decorative ribbons, which symbolize the completeness of the amulet and will also connect all the parts together.

It is worth saying that a horseshoe made from salt dough is quite fragile, so you need to use it carefully.

Horseshoe - magnet

If you do not want to make a large product, then you can give preference to small horseshoe magnets. You can also make them yourself at home using available materials.

For the base, it is recommended to choose a small piece of cardboard or plywood. In any case, it should not be too heavy so that a magnet can hold it, for example, on a refrigerator. Then you need to cover the base with fabric; the principles for choosing it remain the same. Decor and decorations are chosen based on the preferences of each individual person. Here we will look at one of the options for making a magnet, “Horseshoe magnet made from coffee beans.”

Making a horseshoe from coffee beans

In order to make a talisman from coffee beans for the refrigerator, you need to acquire the following components:

  • Coffee beans that have been roasted over high heat
  • Thick cardboard is the basis for the horseshoe amulet made from coffee beans
  • Glue gun
  • Winding cloth and scissors
  • Something for decoration

It is necessary to cut out two halves of the horseshoes, the length of each should not exceed 15 centimeters. Then use a glue gun to fasten them together. After this, you need to pull the nylon onto the workpiece; it is on this that the grains will be glued. It is necessary to fill all the free space with grains. After this you need to attach a magnet on the opposite side

Making a horseshoe out of candy

How to make a horseshoe with your own hands from candies? This amulet is often used as a gift, especially suitable for newlyweds. OR it could be a great gift on New Year's Eve. The advantage is that such a souvenir horseshoe can not only be hung above the front door, but also partially eaten. Let's find out what you need for this:

  • Chocolate candies in foil packaging
  • Packaging cardboard
  • Gold leaf
  • Ribbon for decoration
  • Glue gun
  • Double sided tape
  • Knife or scissors

The beginning is standard, you need to cut out the workpiece. Then cover it with foil using hot glue. Uneven edges can be decorated with ribbons; I also glued them with a gun. Now the preparation is ready and the only thing left is the candies. Moreover, the edible part of the horseshoe can be on both the external and internal sides. You can choose any type of candy, chocolate or any other. There is no special ritual for a horseshoe, although the amulet can be cast with the help of properly selected special prayers. It is believed that by giving such a talisman to a young married couple, you make their life sweet.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly

There is a tradition of hanging horseshoes with their ends up, that is, vice versa, only this arrangement can give you confidence that the amulet will work. Let's look at the main features:

  • Traditional placement - in the form of a full bowl, an inverted horseshoe, that is, hang the horseshoe with its horns down above the entrance
  • If the horseshoe is placed correctly, that is, in a semicircle upward, it will protect against the influence of otherworldly forces, but it will not work for good luck
  • In any case, the horseshoe should be located strictly above the front door, this is the only way it will bring good luck
  • The horseshoe is also often used in home decoration according to Feng Shui; in this teaching it plays the role of a talisman for health
  • You only need to hang a horseshoe in your house on one nail.
  • Often, to protect against accidents, a horseshoe amulet is hung in a car above the driver.

Now you know how to make a horseshoe for luck with your own hands. In conclusion, it is worth saying that a horseshoe is a powerful amulet that serves to protect against the evil eye, damage and other energy attacks. It is also used to bring good luck to your side.

How to Properly Hang a Horseshoe for Happiness!

Souvenir. Horseshoe for good luck. Health, Happiness and Goodness

Horseshoe for luck.

How to hang a horseshoe for luck

You can buy the amulet or make it yourself, thus the power of the amulet will only increase. A homemade horseshoe is the most powerful talisman. which brings only positive changes.

An original hand-made horseshoe made of thread and cardboard can be an excellent souvenir or a small gift for the occasion... Step-by-step photo master class on making a horseshoe talisman “For good luck!” will tell you and clearly demonstrate to you how to make a cardboard horseshoe from threads or, in this case, twine.

How to make a horseshoe from threads with your own hands

To make such a horseshoe you need the following:

  • glue gun or superglue
  • twine or knitting thread (6 meters)
  • scissors
  • cardboard
  • decorative elements (rhinestones, sequins, etc.)

We make a blank, a horseshoe from cardboard. You can draw it yourself, or download and print the horseshoe template.

That is, the resulting loop is thrown onto the horseshoe and the end of a double rope is threaded into it, as if from under the bottom.

Continue wrapping the horseshoe in this manner until it is completed.

Now let's start decorating the horseshoe.

In general, you can decorate the craft according to your taste and desire; you can use cereals to make interesting floral designs or come up with your own abstract pattern. But in this MK the master decided to continue the theme of twine and make decorative elements of a horseshoe by winding threads.

This is how we make a butterfly. Take 4 paper clips and form a butterfly out of them.

Then you need to take the twine and unravel it into several threads. This must be done so that our butterfly is not so rough.

Now we take the 2 upper butterfly blanks and wrap them with threads.

Next, take the 2 lower wings and glue them (or wrap them) with thread.

And we continue to wrap our butterfly to the end.

We also collect 3 flowers of different sizes from the thread, fastening the middle of each with glue.

Now we glue the rhinestones and place the blanks on the horseshoe in random order.

We fasten the ends of the threads and hang a flower on them.

The result was an interesting craft made from thread and cardboard.

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