Course of the disease: ulceration of condyloma acuminatum. Condylomas - types, causes, diagnosis, treatment, removal and prevention. Treatment of condyloma virus in women

Condylomas acuminata are nothing more than bodily growths or warts, which, as a rule, form in the area of ​​the external genitalia and anus. Condylomatosis is an inflammatory disease that very often develops in women.

The culprit is the notorious human papillomavirus. When condylomas appear, their intensive growth and spread, you should not hesitate, you should consult a specialist, because this disease may in the future become the initiator of cervical cancer.


Why do genital warts appear, and what is it? The causative agent - DNA-containing, or condylomas - HPV, belongs to the genus of papillomaviruses. ‘

According to various sources, from 15 to 30% of women are asymptomatic carriers, and not one, but several viral strains can exist in one body. The virus can remain in the body for a long time without manifesting itself clinically, and only as a result of exposure to predisposing factors is it activated.

In total, there are 2 types of condylomas that can appear in a woman:

  1. Flat. Most often they are located on the cervix, are practically invisible to the eye and are detected only by special techniques. This is their danger. If such condylomas are not eliminated in time, they can cause cervical cancer.
  2. Pointed. They are found in women on the mucous membrane of the labia majora and minora, around the clitoris, the entrance to the urethra and around the anus. Genital warts in women can also be localized on the walls of the vagina or urethra, as well as on the skin of the thighs, buttocks and groin areas. Condylomas of the rectum have the same shape.

Human papillovirus infection in the case of the development of genital warts is transmitted sexually (hetero- and homosexual contacts, oral and anal intercourse). You can become infected with condylomas by using shared towels, linen and other things, that is, through household means. Although some researchers consider this transmission route questionable.

Predisposing factors The following conditions lead to the formation of growths on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • injury to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • nervous overstrain accompanied by stress;
  • bad habits;
  • regular lack of sleep/malnutrition;
  • hormonal changes;
  • freezing or overheating of the body;
  • pregnancy is a condition in which the immune system is suppressed.

People with strong immunity can be carriers of this virus all their lives, but never get sick. However, if growths on the skin and mucous membranes do appear, the woman should understand that they will not disappear on their own, which means that they should seek medical help as soon as possible. Treatment of genital warts should primarily be aimed not at removing the growths themselves, but at the cause of their appearance, that is, the human papillomavirus.


If a woman develops genital warts, the very first symptoms are the appearance of small, up to several millimeters, formations in typical places in the anogenital area (see photo).

Such neoplasms accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning, itching;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the affected area;
  • there is a constant feeling of moisture in the area of ​​condylomas;
  • the appearance of a persistent fetid odor;
  • Sometimes painful symptoms and bleeding may appear when the integrity of condylomas is broken.

Condylomas are most often located in the labia, urethra, vagina, cervix, anus and perineum. Very rarely they appear in the throat and mouth, on the wall of the urethra.

The incubation period, that is, the period of time from the moment of infection to the onset of the first manifestations, varies, from several months to several years and depends on the state of the body’s immune system. As soon as a woman’s defenses are weakened, HPV becomes active, “bores” the surface layer of the epithelium - the epidermis and comes out in the form of condyloma.

Condyloma acuminatum reaches its full size in just a few hours - from 2 to 6 mm. With excessive development of neoplasm tissue, sometimes a lack of nutrition occurs and then the condyloma disappears on its own. As a rule, several condylomas appear at once, in some cases their number amounts to several dozen. Less commonly, condylomas appear within a few days.

In addition to physical discomfort, genital warts cause a woman many psychological problems, forming an inferiority complex in her. Especially when they cause rejection and disgust in a partner. As the tumors grow, they interfere with sexual intercourse; they can become injured and bleed. All this forces a woman to refuse sexual activity and creates an unfavorable environment in the family.

Condylomas in women: photos

To understand what flat or genital warts look like in women, we offer detailed photos for viewing.

As you can see, the neoplasms have different sizes and shapes. Genital warts look like papillae on a thinner stalk; merging with each other, they look like a rooster's comb or cauliflower. Flat condylomas have the shape of a bed; they are more difficult to detect without the use of special diagnostics if they are located on the cervix.


Diagnosis of the disease in a woman is quite simple. After carefully collecting anamnesis and complaints, the doctor examines the anogenital area, vaginal mucosa and cervix. If the diagnosis leaves no doubt, then colposcopy is performed to detect flat condyloma, and even cervical cancer.

To clarify the diagnosis, testing for the presence of human papillomavirus is performed. This method is called PCR. Its results give the doctor the opportunity to understand the ways of penetration of the disease into the patient’s body and obtain quantitative characteristics, determine the type of microorganism that caused the disease. There are 8 main types of papillomavirus that can cause warts.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women infected with the papilloma virus, neoplasms often reach large sizes, grow, and become loose. This is explained by changes in hormonal levels, increased blood circulation in the tissues, and changes in the vaginal environment.

Human papillomavirus infection poses a danger to the fetus, as the child may become infected during childbirth. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend an HPV test.

Treatment of condylomas in women

Despite the painlessness of condylomas, in general they are very unpleasant to look at and interfere with a full intimate life. Therefore, if growths appear in the perineal area, it is better to undergo treatment, because you can get rid of them through hardware.

The list of the most effective and widely used methods for treating condylomas includes:

  1. Thermocoagulation. It involves burning out condylomas, which die and are destroyed due to high temperature. During the procedure, the patient feels pain, so it is always performed under local anesthesia. A scab first forms from the growth, and then healthy tissue grows underneath it. This operation requires a coagulator and special equipment. This method is quite effective.
  2. Cryodestruction. The essence of this method is to destroy tissue damaged by condylomas with liquid nitrogen.
  3. Laser destruction. The method involves destroying the tumor by exposing it to a surgical laser.
  4. Radiosurgical method. Condylomas are destroyed by a narrowly directed high-frequency radio wave. This method is very effective and safe. After this procedure, clean skin remains on the affected area without any scars, and complete tissue healing practically occurs within 24 hours.
  5. Chemodestruction. Often, when chemically burning genital wart tissue, agents are used whose active ingredient is nitric acid.

Modern medicine has not yet developed a method that will completely destroy HPV. Treatment is based on alleviating the patient's condition (by removing genital warts) and increasing the time interval between relapses. The virus persists around the site of neoplasms on apparently healthy skin, so relapses are usually associated with the activation of the virus and its reproduction.

Conservative treatment

The use of drugs for the treatment of condylomas is possible if they are small in size. The treatment is carried out by the patient independently at home, but an examination and consultation with a gynecologist before starting treatment is required.

  1. Imiquimod (Aldara cream 4,000 rubles, Keravort 2,000 rubles) is a prescription drug for external use in the treatment of external genital warts in the perianal and genital area (persons over 12 years of age). The course of treatment is long, side effects at the application site: erosion, swelling, itching, burning, redness, scab formation, fluid secretion. Imiquimod should be used every other day (3 times/week), removing with soap and water 10 hours after application.
  2. Podophyllotoxin, Condyline Nycomed– they are applied twice a day with a special applicator attached to the drug. It is important to maintain a 12-hour interval between applications. After a 3-day treatment, take a break for four days and continue treatment until the condylomas are completely eliminated. Due to the toxicity of the drug, the treated area should be minimal (max. 10 cm2).

Conservative therapy for condylomatosis involves the use of pharmaceutical agents that cause necrotic changes in tissues. The choice of treatment method in each specific case is determined only by a specialist.

Condyloma is a benign tumor that has a warty or papillary appearance.

Condylomas are localized both on the skin and on the mucous membranes. The formations always protrude above the surface of the skin and can be flesh-colored, pinkish, whitish or dark brown.

Condylomas are characterized by rapid growth and are prone to fusion. The disease occurs in men, women and children (through close household contact or infection during childbirth).



Differential diagnosis of condylomas should be carried out with secondary syphilis, molluscum contagiosum, yaws and malignant exophytic skin formations.

Clinical data allows us to establish a diagnosis almost 100%. However, laboratory tests are required:

  • blood for syphilis (RW) and HIV infection;
  • immunological studies;
  • biopsy of the formation;
  • colposcopy with diagnostic tests (in the presence of condylomas of the vagina and cervix);
  • smears for oncocytology from the surface of formations;
  • polymerase chain reaction method - PCR (blood).

Treatment of condylomas

The doctor treats condylomas depending on their location. This could be a proctologist, urologist, gynecologist or general surgeon.

It is impossible to cure condylomas with antiviral drugs, so the only method left to remove them is:

Chemical removal

For this purpose, chemicals containing acids are used. It is possible to cauterize the formations with podophyllin, condylin, solcoderm or epigen gel.


Freezing condylomas with liquid nitrogen. The formation is destroyed and a wound is formed in its place, which heals in 1-2 weeks.


Cauterization of condylomas with an electrocoagulator or cutting them off with an electric knife (action of high-frequency electric current). It is performed under local anesthesia with a solution of lidocaine or novocaine.

Laser therapy

Destruction of formations with a laser beam. The most effective method.

In addition to local removal of condylomas, antiviral drugs are prescribed in rectal suppositories and/or tablets (Panavir, Genferon, Cycloferon).

The use of rectal suppositories is relevant when condylomas are localized in the perianal area and on the genitals. Their action is to stop the growth and reproduction of formations.

Antiviral drugs in tablets have an immunostimulating effect; they affect not the virus itself, but the formation of interferon, which is involved in immunity.

Complications and prognosis

Condylomas, especially multiple and rapidly growing ones, are dangerous due to the following complications:

  • cracked formations, which are accompanied by pain and bleeding;
  • complicated course of labor;
  • high risk of developing malignant tumors.

The prognosis with timely and adequate treatment is favorable, however, removal of condylomas does not guarantee complete recovery; the disease can recur if the body’s defenses are weakened.

Genital condylomas are small formations that affect the organs of the reproductive system. Quite rarely, small flesh-colored nodules can form in the anus or on the oral mucosa. Outgrowths can be single or present in large numbers. In the second case, they often merge with each other, completely affecting the area.

The most common cause of such small nodules is. Often, infection occurs during sex with a carrier of the disease. Moreover, even a condom is not able to protect against the penetration of the virus, since the size of the microorganism is so small that it passes through it without any problems. It is characteristic that the person himself may not know for a long time that he is a carrier of the virus, because not everyone expresses the disorder openly. Microorganisms can multiply and accumulate in cells when the immune system's resistance decreases.

Much less often, infection occurs through sharing bath accessories with a carrier. In addition, there is a possibility of intrauterine infection of the fetus during pregnancy and infection of the baby during childbirth.

Genital warts in women and men appear several hours after infection, and are accompanied by symptoms such as burning and itching in the genital area. Their untimely treatment is dangerous because, due to the influence of papilloma, the DNA of the cells begins to change, which over time can lead to oncology. But none of the therapy methods can completely rid a person of this virus.

Traumatization of condylomas entails the addition of an inflammatory process, the appearance of discharge from the genitals with a foul odor. Since genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease, they are diagnosed by venereologists, but often this disease is treated by a gynecologist for women and a urologist for men. For anal condylomas, see a proctologist. The main methods of treatment are exposure to laser, liquid nitrogen or surgical intervention (while taking antiviral medications). Small neoplasms can be treated at home, but only after being prescribed by the attending physician.


Penetration of the papilloma virus is often carried out sexually, and the main reason for reproduction is weak immunity. Factors that increase the risk of acquiring the disease include:

  • previously suffered by a man or woman diseases transmitted through sexual contact;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • lack of vitamins in the body, which causes a decrease in the protective function of the immune system;
  • pregnancy;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and nicotine;
  • severe hypothermia of the body, or, conversely, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • a tendency to perverted sex, which entails the occurrence of microtraumas of the genital organs;
  • constant stress;
  • early age of first sexual relations.

In addition, there are a number of reasons that can provoke a decrease in immunity and, as a consequence, the progression of genital warts in men:

  • accumulation of a large amount of secretion in the foreskin.


Depending on the state of immunity, there are several options for the course of the disease:

  • self-healing - often observed when condylomas formed during pregnancy;
  • absence of any dynamics over a long period of time;
  • rapid change in volume and number of small nodules;
  • transformation of these neoplasms into oncology.

Division of condylomas depending on the degree of risk of cancer progression:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • low degree;
  • average probability of malignant neoplasm formation;
  • high risk of developing cancer.


Small genital warts may not cause discomfort and may not be accompanied by any symptoms. The expression of certain signs is individual in nature for each person. At the initial stages of development, the disease may not manifest itself in any way. The development of the disorder begins with the formation of a specific rash in the form of small nodules. Often, genital warts in women are localized on organs such as the labia, clitoris, cervix and vagina. In men - the frenulum, glans penis and scrotum. Both sexes are characterized by the formation of formations in the anus and mouth. Non-sexual localization factors - anal or oral preferences in sex. The occurrence of condylomas in the fairer sex is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of discomfort at the site of the appearance of tumors;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the perineum. This is due to the fact that condylomas, when they occur numerously, can merge into one whole, thereby creating a formation with a diameter of up to six centimeters;
  • constant feeling of moisture in the area of ​​the rash;
  • manifestation of a persistent unpleasant odor in the area where the rash is localized.

The growth rate of condylomas during pregnancy is very high. In pregnant women, they can become loose, which in severe cases can lead to vaginal rupture. The occurrence of this rash during pregnancy very often leads to a cesarean section, since they impede the baby’s progress.

In men, condylomas are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort at the site of the rash, which increases with walking or exercise;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • severe pain during sex;
  • pain when passing urine;
  • admixtures of blood in the stool – provided there is a rash in the anal area.

In severe cases of the disease, men and women experience symptoms such as general weakness of the body, severe headaches, increased body temperature, and chills.

You can reduce the manifestation of some symptoms yourself at home, but only after prescribing a specialist. Women during pregnancy are not advised to use folk remedies.


If you do not seek help in a timely manner and self-treat at home, the disease can become a major factor in the progression of such consequences as:

  • inflammation and ulceration of neoplasms;
  • oncology of female and male genital organs.

If a woman is diagnosed with genital papillomas during pregnancy, this may cause infection of the baby during childbirth.


The following can explain what genital warts are, carry out a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment: for women - a gynecologist, for men - a urologist, for both sexes - a venereologist. The basis of diagnostic measures is a clinical examination. In addition, the attending physician needs to find out the first time the symptoms appeared and their intensity, as well as find out the causes of this disease. Laboratory and hardware tests will provide a more detailed picture of the disorder. To determine the presence of papillomas and their number, scrapings from the affected areas are performed (by PRC diagnostics).

Diagnostic measures for genital warts in women and men consist of:

  • colposcopy – examination of the female reproductive system under magnification using a special instrument;
  • extended colposcopy – the vaginal walls are additionally treated with a solution of acetic acid;
  • biopsy – sampling of a piece of condyloma for subsequent laboratory tests;
  • gynecological smear;
  • anoscopy – examination of the anus;
  • PCR diagnostics for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Sometimes additional consultations with a dermatologist, venereologist, proctologist and obstetrician-gynecologist (when the patient is a woman during pregnancy) may be necessary. After receiving all the test results, an individual treatment strategy is prescribed for each patient.


Depending on the location and size of genital warts, there are several methods for their elimination. The most common surgical intervention is that the tumors are cut off with a scalpel. But this entails a long recovery period. Currently, painless methods for removing genital warts have been developed:

  • The effect of liquid nitrogen is to simply freeze the rashes, causing the nodules to fall off. Healing after this method of treatment occurs within a few weeks;
  • elimination using electric current - due to high temperatures, papillomas are cauterized;
  • laser therapy - evaporation of affected tissues;
  • radio knife – elimination of papillomas using the radio wave method;
  • the introduction of special medications based on acid and alkali, which can eliminate rashes by burning them out.

Complex treatment of condylomas includes the use of drugs - antiviral substances and healing ointments.

In addition, treatment of the disease can be carried out at home using traditional recipes. This treatment should be used to strengthen the immune system and to heal post-operative wounds. Decoctions, infusions and lotions are used based on:

  • celandine juice;
  • freshly grated apple;
  • juniper and thuja;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • burdock and lemon balm;
  • elecampane root

In addition, the use of iodine for lubrication of condylomas is effective.

It must be remembered that these recipes must be used at home in combination with other treatment methods, and only after being prescribed by the attending physician. Women during pregnancy are advised not to use folk remedies.


Preventive measures for genital warts for both sexes consist of following simple rules:

  • maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • HPV vaccination;
  • exclude casual sex;
  • promptly treat sexually transmitted diseases;
  • A woman should regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist during pregnancy.

In addition, women need to visit a gynecologist at least twice a year, and men - a urologist, for a preventive examination of the genital organs and diagnosis of any disorders in the early stages. It must be remembered that you should not attempt self-treatment at home without a doctor’s prescription, as this may cause unwanted complications.

There are topics that are awkward to discuss even with your doctor. These include intimate life, for example, the formation of genital warts. In medicine, this term refers to warts that have formed in the genital area.

They do not pose a danger, but when they are injured, the risk of developing more dangerous processes increases.

What is condylomatosis

Condylomas acuminata are overgrowths of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes caused by infection with the human papillomavirus, or HPV. In appearance and structure, these are warts. With condylomatosis, such formations appear on the genitals, around the anus and in the oral cavity.

Externally, condyloma looks like an ordinary wart protruding above the surface of the skin. The color of the growths practically does not differ from the surface of the skin. A characteristic feature is a loop-shaped “pattern” of neoplasms. Condylomas are painless, but are very easily injured and bleed because they have a good blood supply.

Attention! Over the past 10 years, the incidence of HPV has increased more than 10 times. Condylomatosis is a disease of young people under the age of 30. This is probably due to the fact that it is at this age that sex life is most active.

Condyloma itself is a safe neoplasm. However, condylomas, as products of HPV, cause the development of malignant processes. Despite the fact that types 6 and 11 of the virus (namely, it is from these types that genital warts develop) very rarely provokes a transition to a malignant form, the symptoms of the disease cause significant discomfort, and the appearance of genital warts greatly affects the morale and quality of life of the patient.

Why does condylomatosis occur?

The growth belongs to urogenital warts. This means that it is a proliferation of epithelium in the anus and genital area. Although condylomas also appear on the eyelids, in the oral cavity, and on the lips.

Genital warts are a consequence of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). You can become infected with condylomatosis mainly through sexual contact, but this is not enough for the occurrence of genital warts.

In order for the virus to enter the body and cause the formation of condylomas, two factors must be present at once:

  1. Injury to the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse.
  2. Decreased body resistance.

Other ways of transmitting HPV: through household contact, from mother to child during pregnancy, during childbirth, through breast milk during feeding.

Most often, the pathogen enters the bloodstream and infects the basal layer of the epithelium. When entering an epithelial cell, the virus can occupy two locations: in the cell’s genome and outside it. In the first case, the virus changes the genome so that the function of the cells changes, they begin to grow excessively and as a result become those same genital warts.

A number of factors lead to the development of condylomatosis, taking into account which you can significantly reduce the risk of the disease:

  • early sexual activity;
  • excessive number of sexual partners;
  • sexual intercourse without using contraception;
  • contact of affected areas of skin or mucous membranes with the skin of a person with HPV;
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases in the past;
  • hypothermia, concomitant immunodeficiency;
  • practicing traumatic sexual games (carrying a risk of physical damage to the mucous membranes and skin);
  • violation of vaginal microflora;
  • frequent sun exposure (oncogenic factor);
  • any immunodeficiencies;
  • exposure to chronic stress;
  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

The fight against condylomas is, first of all, a change in lifestyle to reduce the risk of infection.


Human papillomavirus does not always make itself known quickly. Often the onset of the disease occurs completely without symptoms. This is the so-called incubation period. It can last from 10 days to several years. In the case of types 6 and 11 of the virus, the incubation period takes about three months.

The first symptoms of HPV infection are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • physical weakness;
  • migraine;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • irritability.

However, HPV does not mean condylomatosis. A person can become infected with several strains of the virus at once, each will have its own incubation period and clinical picture.

You can understand that genital warts are developing by the signs characteristic only of it:

  • single or multiple warts on the labia, penis, around the anus or on the mucous membranes;
  • feeling of discomfort at the site of infection by the virus;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • blood during sexual intercourse;
  • blood during bowel movements;
  • if the growths are located in the urethra, pain may occur during urination;
  • bleeding and weeping if the wart is damaged.

The occurrence of growths is bad in itself, but you should not perceive them as the only manifestation of infection with a virus. Condylomas are just one of many signs that indicate systemic damage to the body by papillomavirus. Diagnosis and treatment should be aimed at studying the condition and treating the whole organism.

Diagnosis of condylomatosis

Warts on the skin or mucous membranes are a symptom of HPV, but it is not enough for diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient usually needs to go through several stages:

  1. Initial examination: the presence of condylomas and the presence of several provoking factors is sufficient.
  2. Questioning by a doctor, collecting anamnesis of life and illness, complaints and identifying the estimated time of infection.
  3. Instrumental diagnostics:
  • urethroscopy - examination of the urethra using a special optical device - a urethroscope;
  • Anoscopy is a similar procedure, but a different device is used for examination;
  • gynecological examination of the vagina, cervix;
  • extended colposcopy.

Laboratory research:
  • PCR analysis to detect STDs, papillomavirus;
  • taking smears for cytology;
  • histological diagnosis to exclude cancer;
  • in women - treatment of the walls of the uterus with Lugol's solution and acetic acid;
  • microscopic examination of urethral smears to diagnose other STDs and HIV.

When studies confirm the presence of the virus, it is time to begin a course of treatment, and this course is very long and multi-component.


It’s not for nothing that all doctors talk about the dangers of the human papillomavirus. The fact is that it is impossible to completely cure HPV. Therapy helps stop the process and control symptoms.

Typically, treatment for genital warts goes through three stages:

  1. Immunostimulation involves increasing local immunity (using suppositories and creams) and general immunity (taking immunostimulants). Interferon drugs are most often prescribed.
  2. Removing growths. For these purposes, various destruction methods are usually used or drugs are prescribed that cause the destruction of wart tissue.
  3. Active prevention of relapse - prevention of infection with genital warts through sexual contact, immunostimulation, cessation of bad habits.

Most often, patients are worried not about systemic damage, but about an external defect. Several methods are used to remove condylomas.

The most common and one of the most effective is cryodestruction. This is liquid nitrogen removal. In this way, they get rid of condylomas in intimate areas. The condyloma itself usually becomes necrotic and falls off. The method is effective, but its independent use is unacceptable.

Another method is laser coagulation using a neodymium or carbon dioxide laser. Thanks to its effect, the condyloma tissue literally evaporates, and a dry crust forms in its place.

Electrocoagulation also has a similar effect. They use a so-called electric knife, which passes a high-frequency current through the condyloma tissue.

All of the methods described above are effective, but quite painful. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you can resort to removal with a radio knife.

A separate way to combat such warts is chemical exposure. For this purpose, the wart tissue is locally treated with cytotoxic drugs. Most often these are Fluorouracil, Podophyllin and Feresol.

Often patients themselves buy preparations of acetic acid, celandine, and liquid nitrogen in pharmacies. But this is extremely unwise. Dermatovenerologists regularly face the consequences of inept self-medication.

Prescription of drugs should be carried out by the attending physician.

As for the anti-relapse treatment of genital warts, it is necessary, because the virus itself remains in other tissues and cells. To prevent recurrence of the disease, antiviral drugs and medications that help increase local and general immunity are used.

Preventive methods

Prevention is always better than cure. You cannot limit yourself to preventing the occurrence of warts. It is important to fully prevent infection with the human papillomavirus.

It is possible from a very early age. In particular, the American Federal Committee for Practical Vaccination has developed and recommends a special antiviral vaccine for use. It helps prevent infection with HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18.

Children aged 11 years and older need to be vaccinated. When this vaccination is given to girls, it helps prevent the development of cervical cancer. Prevents prostate cancer in boys.

Doctors are now actively prescribing the Gardasil vaccine.

For specific prevention of infection with human papillomavirus, the following is recommended:

  • Early three-stage vaccination of girls from 11 years of age.
  • Regular visits to a gynecologist (at least once a year) and a urologist.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Timely treatment of condylomatosis.
  • Men and women need to use condoms during sexual intercourse. They do not provide 100% protection, but the risk of contracting STDs is reduced.

According to statistics from the WHO and the CDC in the USA, all women diagnosed with cervical cancer were infected with the human papillomavirus. The risk of developing cancer almost doubles if you have HPV. If you follow simple rules of personal safety, you may never notice the symptoms of genital warts.

Genital condyloma is a manifestation of systemic damage to the immune system by the human papillomavirus. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself in any way because it is in the latent phase. Typically, condyloma manifests itself as a warty growth on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals, mouth and anus, and less often on the skin of the eyelids and fingers. To diagnose condylomatosis, visual examination and PCR are used. If the presence of the virus is confirmed, complex and lengthy treatment is carried out.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, so it is better to protect yourself and your loved ones with preventive measures: vaccination, compliance with the rules of safe sexual contact and personal hygiene.

Condylomas are warty growths caused by the human papillomavirus. Half of humanity is carriers of this virus. In most cases, pink or flesh-colored formations are located on the genitals.

The active virus is not only found on the genital mucosa. The pathogen was found in urine and saliva. The skin disease is extremely contagious. Genital warts are often located in groups and require careful study and timely treatment.

Reasons for appearance

Warty formations appear as a result of the activity of HPV (human papillomavirus). The appearance of genital warts and papillomas is caused by several types of virus.

The pathogen penetrates the body, but does not always begin to act immediately. The virus takes hold in the deep layers of the skin, but when moving closer to the surface it becomes more active. For a long time, the human papillomavirus remains in a latent (sleeping) state until causes appear that “awaken” it.

The main reason is decreased immunity. As soon as the body weakens, the virus becomes more active, multiplies vigorously, and manifests itself in the form of condylomas.

Provoking factors:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • overwork;
  • frequent stress;
  • overheating/hypercooling;
  • taking potent medications;
  • bad ecology.

Genital warts on intimate places are the most common category. Activation of the virus occurs with reduced immunity in some cases. Main reasons:

  • young age. Most cases of the disease were recorded at the age of 20–25 years, after 30 years - very rarely;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • contacts with an infected person;
  • promiscuity, anal, oral sex, negligence in choosing a partner.

Transmission routes:

  • genital (infection occurs even when using a condom, at the slightest touch of the genital mucosa);
  • household (through shared towels, washcloths, kisses).


  • condylomas in women are visible on the labia minora, at the external opening of the urethra, in the vagina, on the cervix, in the anus;
  • Condylomas in men are located on the frenulum of the foreskin, the head of the penis, the crown of the glans, near the anus.
  • soles;
  • face;
  • in the interdigital space of the hands;
  • in the oral cavity, on the tongue.

Note! In severe cases, warty formations are located in hard-to-reach places - in the rectum, on the walls of the vagina. Only upon examination by a gynecologist or urologist can the cause of discomfort in the genital and rectal area be discovered.

Symptoms and forms of the disease

  • flat condylomas;
  • hyperkeratotic;
  • papular;
  • typical.

Note! The flat variety is most often found deep in the urethra, on the cervix. The most dangerous form of genital warts causes various forms of cancer.

How the disease develops:

  • the virus enters the body of a healthy person from an infected person;
  • while the immune defense is triggered, HPV “dozes” without causing harm;
  • provoking factors activate the virus;
  • 2–3 months pass from the moment of awakening to the appearance of the first signs;
  • formations resemble uneven growths on the mucous membranes and skin of a flesh-colored, pinkish color;
  • Often a liquid with an unpleasant odor flows out of the middle, the body of the condyloma becomes irritated;
  • there is itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and defecation;
  • a large overgrown conglomerate resembles a head of cauliflower with irregularly shaped outgrowths of different sizes;
  • the surface is gradually covered with horny formations;
  • sometimes warty formations grow to incredible sizes;
  • Giant Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma grows deep into the tissue and often degenerates into squamous cell carcinoma.

Important! Sometimes condylomas do not bother a person; there are no obvious symptoms. In some cases, formations disappear as suddenly as they appeared. But you shouldn’t hope for such an outcome. Delay in treatment is fraught with serious complications.

Methods of treating the disease

There is no cure for HPV. Unfortunately, human papillomavirus infection cannot be completely removed from the body. The task of specialists is to return the pathogen to a latent state, to bring the virus into “sleep mode.”

The success of therapy is:

  • reduction of manifestations of viral activity;
  • relief of the patient's condition;
  • elimination of a cosmetic defect;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Which doctor treats different types of condylomas? Visit:

  • dermatologist;
  • proctologist;
  • immunologist;
  • gynecologist (women);
  • urologist (male).

Treatment methods for condylomas:

  • special solutions, sprays, gels for the affected area;
  • traditional medicine recipes;
  • restorative therapy;
  • removal of formations.

How to treat condylomas? Only a specialist will select the appropriate method. The doctor takes into account:

  • location;
  • growth size;
  • danger of a specific form;
  • general state;
  • depth of growth.

Modern diagnostic methods:

  • biopsy of affected tissue;
  • cytology;
  • colposcopy;
  • immunological analysis.


Sprays and solutions cauterize formations or inhibit their development. Treatment of warty formations is carried out using effective means.


  • Solcoderm. Burns out genital warts;
  • Condilin. Works similarly to Solcoderm;
  • Podophyllin. Destroys cellular structures, prevents growth of growths;
  • Epigen. The spray has an immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory agent.

Use rectal suppositories, gels, suspensions, ointments for condylomas:

  • Panavir, Genferon. Genital warts slow down their growth and the appearance of new formations stops;
  • Cycloferon liniment. Stimulates immune defense. After using the drug, warty formations may disappear on their own.

Important! On your own initiative, do not treat growths with ointments or creams that your relatives or friends use. Use medications prescribed by your doctor.

Be sure to take vitamin complexes, eat more vegetables and fruits in the summer. Without good immunity, treatment of a viral infection takes a long time.

Note! Some patients, in the old fashioned way, smear the growths on the mucous membranes and skin with the familiar Oxolinic ointment. Recent studies prove that the drug does not cope well with the task. This remedy is ineffective in combating human papillomavirus.

Modern removal methods

In many cases, the doctor believes that it is better to radically get rid of the formation. Large condylomas that cannot be treated with local remedies are removed using several methods.


  • electrocoagulation. Cauterization with high frequency current is suitable for combating shallow formations. For overgrown growths, this technique is not used;
  • laser destruction. A low-pain method for removing condylomas with a laser will help get rid of growths in hard-to-reach places. The scars are barely noticeable, the recovery period is minimal;
  • burning with liquid nitrogen. Low temperatures destroy tissue in 30 seconds, the formation literally crumbles. After cryodestruction, a small blister appears that must be treated with potassium permanganate. It is not advisable to use the method for treating growths on mucous membranes;
  • radio wave therapy. Radio knife is the most effective way to remove condylomas. The bloodless, painless method eliminates infection and eliminates growths in 10–30 seconds. Specialists work with the modern Surgiton radio wave apparatus.

Folk remedies and recipes

Most specialists are very wary of home methods. They can be used only if there is 100% confidence in the benign nature of the formations. The presence of degenerated cells can provoke further development of malignant tumors.

Be sure to consult with your doctor whether traditional medicine recipes are right for you. Small growths can be treated with homemade solutions and cauterized.

Proven recipes:

  • iodine. It copes well with condylomas, but you shouldn’t use it on the genitals - it’s easy to damage the delicate mucous membrane. Directions for use: cauterize the growths several times during the day. Make sure that iodine does not come into contact with healthy skin. Burns often leave scars;
  • celandine. Cut the plant back in early summer. You will see orange juice on the stem. Cauterize formations daily with pure juice or prepared tincture;
  • Rowan. Collect the berries after the first frost, wash them, and prepare a paste. Apply the mixture to the affected area, cover with a piece of bandage, and secure with an adhesive plaster. After 6 hours, apply a new paste. Carry out the procedure daily;
  • St. John's wort + chamomile. Sitz baths relieve inflammation in genital warts, including in the rectal area. Take a tablespoon of dry medicinal raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew. Add the decoction to the bath water. Proportions – 2 parts water: 1 part decoction;
  • Kalanchoe. Apply fresh leaves or a paste of them to sore spots. Inflammation is reduced, itching is reduced;
  • hare cabbage. Chop the plant and rub well. Place the mixture on gauze and secure it to the desired area. After 5 hours, add fresh gruel. The frequency of procedures is daily.

Important! Do not abuse folk remedies! If after a week or two you do not notice any improvement or the formations increase in size, begin to fester, or itch more, stop experimenting immediately and go to a dermatologist. Delay is fraught with dire consequences.

Getting rid of warts is easier than preventing relapses. After surgery, the tissue is sent for histology to ensure the absence of cancer cells. If the test result is positive, a consultation with an oncologist is required.

The doctor cannot guarantee that the virus has calmed down forever. Human papillomavirus infection lies dormant as long as your immune system is strong enough.

How to prevent infection? How to prevent relapses?

Follow simple rules:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • observe the work and rest schedule;
  • be less nervous;
  • maintain hygiene;
  • undergo preventive examinations on time;
  • do not use other people’s washcloths or towels;
  • limit the number of sexual partners;
  • Monogamy is the best protection against infection.

Now you know the answer to the question of how to get rid of genital warts and prevent their recurrence. Whether the human papillomavirus will destroy your life or not depends, first of all, on you.

Below is an excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy” from which you can learn even more interesting details about condylomas:

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