Sustanon 250 side effects. Sustanon - composition, description of the drug and use in bodybuilding. Terms of sale and storage

It is worth drawing your attention to the good predisposition of this steroid in terms of gaining muscle mass and strength. Proper use of Sustanon 250 will always be effective in gaining mass and strength. This drug is considered inexpensive, but very effective and is used by both beginners and serious professionals. Of course, the result obtained cannot be classified as high quality, but the muscle gain will look somewhat better than from Methane or Deca. If you want to get quick and long-lasting results from the purchased anabolic steroid, then your choice should be to order ready-made course for mass Sustanon .

Initially, the drug was used exclusively for medical purposes, but its anabolic capabilities could not go unnoticed by the great bodybuilders. In the 60s - 80s, the choice of anabolic steroids for rapid weight gain was not large, and the emergence of such a highly effective drug as Sustanon gave many advantages to every athlete. If taking Methane or Deca at the initial stage is considered ineffective, then Sustanon can please you with a large surge of strength and endurance after the first injections. This really makes it possible to quickly start a course and get results from the first week, without waiting for the drugs to accumulate in the body.

For such a quick effect when taken correctly, Sustanon 250 is always chosen by security forces. After all, conducting a simple course before the competition and even on the day of the competition gives a huge advantage over your competitors. Strength and endurance increase enormously, forcing the athlete to perform at the peak of his capabilities.

How and when to inject Sustanon

Regardless of which manufacturer you like better: Organon, Iran, Balkans, Vermoji, Golden Dragon, British, it’s always the same drug, it’s just that each athlete has his own personal beliefs about the quality of the product. We can definitely say that try to buy the original Sustanon and regardless of the company you choose, it will work.

Regardless of whether you bought a course for weight or strength, taking the drug will help you get both. A lot depends on your training and proper nutrition. Thus, you can control all weight gain processes. Try to maintain your diet more correctly and do not focus on carbohydrate intake, but pay attention to increasing the consumption of high-protein foods. This will help you get better quality muscles, without the accumulation of excess fat mass.

A course of taking Sustanon 250 for mass and strength will definitely give its results and will not go unnoticed. The drug has a high anabolic effect, which is equal to 100% of testosterone and exactly the same androgenic effect on the athlete’s body. It is worth noting that aromatization will also be present and fluid retention manifests itself differently in everyone. The peculiarity of your body plays a more important role here, because some athletes have dry muscles, while others have somewhat watery muscles. This trouble can be dealt with very simply.

Solo course of taking Susta

For a solo course, it is better to order 1 bottle per 10 cubes of Sustanon, it will be good for money and no worse for ampoules of 1 cube. It will last you for 5 weeks; this course duration is considered safe even for beginners. 10 cubes of the drug will last you for 5 weeks, calculating the frequency of intramuscular injections 2 times a week, 1 cube at a time. It turns out that we put 1 cube on Monday and 1 cube on Thursday, you can choose other days with an equal interval and continue this throughout the entire course.

This dosage is considered safe and effective, so it will be most suitable for beginners. To avoid fluid retention and prevent possible side effects, you can buy Proviron and include it in the course itself, 1 tablet until the end of the course. This really helps to suppress the aromatization process and eliminate many unpleasant aspects, in particular gynecomastia.

Do not forget that taking Sustanon 250 involves the use of 4 types of different testosterones and you will definitely encounter suppression of your own production of the male hormone. It is worth noting that any anabolic steroid exhibits its activity in suppressing its own testosterone. This is influenced by the steroid you choose, dosage and duration of the course itself.

Definitely, after stopping taking any anabolic steroid, our body will begin to gradually restore its hormone to its previous level, but this process can drag on for many months. It is worth considering the fact that Sustanon is eliminated from the body no faster than 3 months. That is why you should take this fact into account if doping control is inevitable.

After a course of Sustanon, you can buy Clomid to restore your own testosterone production. He copes with this task perfectly, as evidenced by the treatment options for athletes who complete their course of steroids. At least 10 days after stopping the course, you can start taking Clomid 1 tablet. for 20 days. This is an excellent option for quickly restoring the body after taking Sustanon 250 for strength and mass.

If you have additional questions about this drug or course, you can contact us. Phone numbers are listed at the top of our website. We will be happy to help you find and choose the best drug, and also provide full consultation on the correct course of administration.

There are many different testosterone esters. There are long broadcasts (slow action), short broadcasts (fast acting) and combined esters (fast + slow action). In this article we will talk about such a drug as Sustanon. This drug is a combined ester. More specifically, from this article you will get answers to questions such as: Sustanon 250 – what is it? Course: sustanon + methane + deca... how to compose? What should it be duration And dosage? PCT after the course!

Sustanon 250 (aka: sust, sustamed, tetrasterone, jointer)– is considered one of the best and most effective drugs in the history of bodybuilding. By the expression “combined ester,” I meant that this drug contains 4 different types of testosterone, each of which has its own absorption rate.

  • testosterone propionate (30mg)
  • testosterone phenylpropionate (60mg)
  • testosterone isocaproate (60mg)
  • testosterone decanoate (100mg)

As a rule, this steroid is used specifically on weight gain, but it can also be used when drying. Due to the fact that there are 4 different esters in this drug, you will be able to feel the effect immediately. A quick effect will be due to testosterone propionate, but this effect will not be significant. You will be able to feel the full power of Sustanon somewhere between 12 and 17 days after the first injection, when all 4 esters have accelerated.

This drug needs to be injected only once a week. This option is very convenient, as it eliminates the chance of getting hardening, redness and pain in the places where this steroid was injected. The big disadvantage is that after stopping the drug, the restoration of natural hormonal levels does not begin immediately, but after a long period of time (2 - 3 weeks).

Steroid profile of the joint:

  • Anabolic activity: 100% of testosterone
  • androgenic activity: 100% of testosterone (very high)
  • aromatization (conversion to estrogens): present (very large)
  • suppression of the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis: moderate–high
  • liver toxicity: minimal (if very large dosages) and missing (if small and moderate dosages)
  • Method of administration: injections (as a rule, injections are given: intramuscularly into the buttocks, thighs or deltoids)
  • lifespan in the body: from 14 to 17 days
  • detection time: 84 to 94 days

If you do not want to receive a gift in the form of gynecomastia, then I recommend not to abuse this drug (do not overdosage) and use antiestrogens (tamoxifen, toremifene, etc.).

Features of Sustamed:

  • protein synthesis increases
  • fastest possible recovery after physical activity
  • promotes joint restoration (stimulates regeneration processes)
  • increases the number of red blood cells in the blood
  • increases appetite

Positive effects:

  • increased set of quality muscles (from 7 to 9 kg of muscle in 6 weeks)
  • increased anti-catabolic effect
  • increased strength growth (usually, in 6 weeks you can increase the working weight in exercises by 18 - 33 kg)
  • increased libido (good erection and constant sexual desire)

Also, we must not forget that in addition to all these miracles, there are also side effects. Let's look at them.

Side effects of Sustanon 250:

  • swelling
  • gynecomastia (since this steroid has high aromatization)
  • accelerates hair growth
  • elevated body temperature
  • inhibits the production of natural testosterone in the body
  • pimples and blackheads appear on the body
  • possible manifestation of high blood pressure
  • possible manifestation of increased aggression
  • severe fluid retention in the body

If you do not abuse this drug (do not overdose), then the chance of severe side effects is minimized. If you do everything correctly, there will be no problems.

We figured out what this steroid is. Now let’s look at specific courses using examples (practical diagrams).

No. 1. Sustanon 250 solo course

Usually, solo sust is performed by complete beginners, like first course for gaining muscle mass. Doses are usually minimal (there is no point in giving huge doses right away).

General information about the course:

  • duration of the solo course – 7 weeks
  • solo course dosage – 250 mg on Monday
  • pct after a course of Sustanon 250 solo – present
  • rest after a course of sust – 7 weeks
  • total amount of drug per course – 1750 mg (if one ampoule contains 250 mg, then the course requires 7 ampoules)

First week: Monday – 250 mg

Second week: Monday – 250 mg

Third week: Monday – 250 mg

Fourth week: Monday – 250 mg

Fifth week: Monday – 250 mg

Sixth week: Monday – 250 mg

Week seven: Monday – 250 mg

Eighth week:

Ninth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

If you are not a beginner and just want to put it on solo, then it makes sense to increase the dosage to 500 mg per week or even 750 mg. Here you can see for yourself, it all depends on your level of training, weight gained and general chemical experience.

No. 2. Sustanon + methane course

This combination is quite popular among athletes, as it allows you to gain weight well. But, in addition to the gained muscles, you will also receive significant fluid retention, which will go away after stopping the medications. As a rule, you can take up to 10 kg of weight in 8 weeks.

General information about the course:

  • (morning, afternoon and evening)
  1. (takes longer to digest)
  2. (quickly absorbed)
  • pct after a course of sustanon and methane – present (we will use tamoxifen to restore natural hormonal levels)
  • injections should be given in the morning (the best places for injections are: gluteal muscles and quadriceps)
  • rest after the course – 8 weeks
  1. Sustanon – 2000 mg
  2. methane – 189pcs

First week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane

Second week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Third week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Fourth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Fifth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Sixth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Seventh week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Eighth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Ninth week: methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Tenth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

Eleventh week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

Twelfth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

(but without fanaticism). Recommended weekly intake of Sustanon: 250 – 1000 mg. Recommended daily intake of methane: 20 – 40 mg.

No. 3. Sustanon + turinabol course

This combination is also quite popular among athletes, as it allows... In this case you will not be flooded with water (as in the case of methane), but you will also gain less mass (but it will be of high quality). As a rule, you can take up to 7 kg of weight in 8 weeks.

General information about the course:

  • course duration – 8 weeks
  • Sust dosage – 250 mg on Monday
  • turinabol dosage – 30 mg daily
  • 30 mg should be divided into 3 equal parts and taken as an even dose of 10 mg throughout the day. (morning, afternoon and evening)
  • There are two ways to take pills:
  1. swallow immediately after eating with a small amount of water (takes longer to digest)
  2. dissolve under the tongue before eating (quickly absorbed)
  • pct after a course of Sustanon and Turinabol – present (we will use tamoxifen to restore natural hormonal levels)
  • injections should be given in the morning (the best places for injections are: gluteal muscles and quadriceps)
  • rest after the course – 8 weeks
  • total number of drugs per course:
  1. Sustanon – 2000 mg (if one ampoule contains 250 mg, then the course requires 8 ampoules)
  2. turinabol – 189pcs

First week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Second week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Third week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Fourth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Fifth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Sixth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Seventh week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Eighth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Ninth week: turinabol (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Tenth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

Eleventh week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

Twelfth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

All the dosages that I wrote are like a starting point from which to start (these doses are suitable for most athletes). If this is not enough for you, you can increase the dose (but without fanaticism). Recommended weekly intake of Sustanon: 250 – 1000 mg. Recommended daily intake of turinabol: 20 – 40 mg.

No. 4. Course of sustanon + methane + deca

This course rightfully occupies a leading position when it comes to gaining weight. Almost all bodybuilding fans put it on (from beginner athletes to professionals). This course will allow you to make good progress in gaining mass and strength. As a rule, you can take up to 12 kg of weight in 8 weeks.

General information about the course:

  • course duration – 8 weeks
  • Sust dosage – 250 mg on Monday
  • Deca dosage – 200 mg on Thursday
  • methane dosage – 30 mg daily
  • 30 mg should be divided into 3 equal parts and taken as an even dose of 10 mg throughout the day. (morning, afternoon and evening)
  • There are two ways to take pills:
  1. swallow immediately after eating with a small amount of water (takes longer to digest)
  2. dissolve under the tongue before eating (quickly absorbed)
  • pct after the course of sustanon + methane + deca – present (we will use tamoxifen to restore natural hormonal levels)
  • injections should be given in the morning (the best places for injections are: gluteal muscles and quadriceps)
  • rest after the course – 8 weeks
  • total number of drugs per course:
  1. Sustanon – 2000 mg (if one ampoule contains 250 mg, then the course requires 8 ampoules)
  2. Deca – 1600 mg
  3. methane – 189pcs

First week: sust (Monday – 250 mg) (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Second week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Third week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Fourth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Fifth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Sixth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Seventh week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Eighth week: sust (Monday – 250 mg)+ deca (Thursday – 200 mg) + methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Ninth week: methane (10 mg each - morning, lunch and evening)

Tenth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

Eleventh week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

Twelfth week: tamoxifen – 20 mg every morning (daily)

All the dosages that I wrote are like a starting point from which to start (these doses are suitable for most athletes). If this is not enough for you, you can increase the dose (but without fanaticism). Recommended weekly intake of Sustanon: 250 – 1000 mg. Recommended weekly dose of deca: 200 – 800 mg. Recommended daily intake of methane: 20 – 40 mg. Another thing that is very important to know is that deca should be 2 times less than any testosterone in any of its forms.

I hope I answered the questions: Sustanon 250 – what is it? and How to design courses correctly? Then, if you decide to take it, just follow the instructions and practical schemes.


In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Sustanon 250. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Sustanon 250 in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Sustanon 250 in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of impotence, osteoporosis and other manifestations of androgen hormone deficiency in men. Composition of the drug.

Sustanon 250- leads to a clinically significant increase in plasma concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol and androstenedione, as well as a decrease in the level of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin); Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are restored to normal levels.

Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone essential for the normal growth and development of male reproductive organs and male secondary sexual characteristics. Throughout life in adult men, testosterone is essential for the functioning of the testicles and related structures, as well as for the maintenance of libido, well-being, erectile potency and the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Treatment with Sustanon-250 leads to a decrease in the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. In addition, bone mineral density and muscle mass increase; in obese patients, body weight decreases. During the treatment process, sexual functions are normalized, including erectile function and libido. When using the drug, serum concentrations of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides decrease, hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit increase, while there is no clinically significant change in the level of liver enzymes and PSA (prostate-specific antigen). The drug may cause an increase in the size of the prostate gland, but no functional changes are observed. In hypogonadal men with diabetes, the use of androgens improves insulin sensitivity and/or reduces plasma glucose concentrations.

In boys with delayed growth and puberty, the use of androgens accelerates growth and stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Treatment of transsexual women with androgens, like the drug Sustanon 250, promotes masculinization.


Testosterone propionate + Testosterone phenylpropionate + Testosterone isocapronate + Testosterone decanoate + excipients.


Sustanon 250 contains a number of testosterone esters with varying durations of action. These esters, once in the circulating blood, are immediately hydrolyzed into the natural hormone testosterone. A single dose of the drug leads to an increase in total testosterone in plasma. In men, testosterone levels return to the lower limit of normal after approximately 21 days. The tests showed a high degree of nonspecific binding to plasma proteins of testosterone (more than 97%) and to SHBG. Testosterone is metabolized to dihydrotestosterone and estriol naturally. It is excreted mainly in the urine in the form of conjugates of etiocholanolone and androsterone.


  • post-castration syndrome;
  • eunuchoidism;
  • hypopituitarism;
  • endocrine impotence;
  • menopausal disorders in men (including decreased libido, mental and physical activity);
  • osteoporosis caused by androgen deficiency.

Release forms

Oil solution for intramuscular administration (injections in injection ampoules).

There are no other dosage forms, be it tablets or capsules.

Instructions for use and course of treatment

Intramuscularly, deep into the muscle. The dosage regimen is selected according to individual response; as a rule, 1 ml once every 3 weeks.

Side effect

  • prostate cancer (or worsening of diagnosed prostate cancer);
  • polycythemia;
  • fluid retention (edema);
  • depression;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • mood changes;
  • increase or decrease in libido;
  • myalgia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • acne;
  • gynecomastia;
  • oligospermia;
  • reduction in ejaculate volume;
  • priapism;
  • functional disorders of the prostate gland (hypertrophy);
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hypercalcemia.

After Sustanon is discontinued, side effects persist for some time.

Injections may cause a local reaction at the injection site (pain, itching, hyperemia).


  • known or suspected prostate or breast cancer;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • children under 3 years of age (due to the content of benzyl alcohol in the drug).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

This medicine is contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is not enough data on the use of this medicine during breastfeeding.

Use in children

This drug is contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age.

Use this drug with caution in children over 3 years of age.

With caution: in prepubertal boys to avoid premature closure of the epiphyses and premature puberty.

special instructions

Use Sustanon 250 with caution in prepubertal boys to avoid premature closure of the epiphyses and premature puberty; chronic heart failure, renal and/or liver failure to avoid the development of edema; diabetes; prostatic hypertrophy with symptoms of urinary retention; sleep apnea, as well as risk factors such as obesity and chronic lung disease; childhood.

Patients receiving Sustanon 250 should be monitored by a physician before starting treatment and quarterly for 12 months and subsequently once a year.

The following studies should be carried out:

  • digital rectal examination (DRE) to exclude benign prostatic hyperplasia (see in the same sentence) and determination of prostate specific antigen (PSA) to exclude subclinical forms of prostate cancer.
  • measurement of hematocrit and hemoglobin to exclude polycythemia.

In patients with pre-existing cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease, androgen treatment may cause complications characterized by edema with (or without) acute heart failure.

In case of adverse reactions associated with the use of androgens, treatment with Sustanon 250 should be temporarily interrupted and, after the symptoms disappear, resumed at a lower dose.

The use of androgens for other purposes, but to enhance endurance in athletes, poses serious health risks. The use of androgens, including Sustanon 250, in elderly patients increases the likelihood of developing prostate hypertrophy or cancer.

Many young people use the drug as a doping to increase muscle mass in bodybuilding and exercise in the gym. However, the possible occurrence of side effects with this use calls into question the advisability of using Sustanon 250 in healthy people.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

To date, there have been no reports of any effect on concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions when using the drug Sustanon 250.

Drug interactions

Drugs that cause enzyme induction or inhibition may decrease or increase testosterone concentrations, respectively. Therefore, adjustments to the dose and/or intervals between injections may be necessary.

Androgens may increase glucose tolerance and reduce the need for insulin or other hypoglycemic agents in individuals with diabetes.

High doses of androgens can enhance the effect of coumarin-type anticoagulants, which makes it possible to reduce the dose of these drugs.

Analogues of the drug Sustanon 250

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Andriol;
  • Androgel;
  • Nebido;
  • Omnadren 250;
  • Testosterone propionate;
  • Testenate for injection 10%.

Analogs by pharmacological group (androgens and antiandrogens):

  • Avodart;
  • Alfinal;
  • Anandrone;
  • Andriol;
  • Androblock;
  • Androgel;
  • Androcur;
  • Androkur Depot;
  • Balutar;
  • Belluna 35;
  • Bicalutamide;
  • Bikaluthera;
  • Bikana;
  • Bicaprost;
  • Bilumid;
  • Zerlon;
  • Casodex;
  • Nebido;
  • Nemestran;
  • Omnadren 250;
  • Penester;
  • Proviron;
  • Proscar;
  • Prosteride;
  • Testosterone propionate;
  • Testenate for injection 10%;
  • Urofin;
  • Finast;
  • Finasteride;
  • Finpros;
  • Flutacan;
  • Flutamide;
  • Flutaplex;
  • Chloe;
  • Cyproterone;
  • Erica 35.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Sustanon 250 is an injectable androgen, is a complex of 4 testosterone esters, with added to it through the 17-beta hydroxyl group: 1. 30mg Testosterone propionate (its half-life ranges from 24-48 hours) - chemical structure C3H6O2 2. 60mg Testosterone phenylpropionate (half-life 2 - 4 days) - chemical structure C9H10O2 3. 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate (half-life 5 - 8 days) - chemical structure C6H12O2 4. 100mg Testosterone Decanoate (half-life 9 - 10 days) - chemical structure C10H20O2. This ester complex was created to evenly distribute testosterone levels over a period of 3 to 4 weeks.

Historical reference

Sustanon 250 (250, because 1 ml of oil solution contains 250 mg of active substance), was first synthesized in the early 70s by the Organon company. This drug was developed specifically to support a uniform level of testosterone in human blood with the help of 4 esters. The mixture of these esters has proven its effectiveness; athletes from all over the world still use Sustanon-250. It is very suitable for athletes who engage in strength sports (powerlifting, bodybuilding, weightlifting). The greatest popularity of Sustanon came in the 80s and 90s of the last century, when many articles were written describing the benefits of this drug. Despite this, we should not forget that Sustanon was not developed as a drug to increase muscle mass. Its main advantage is its simplicity and ease of use. Sustanon's anabolic properties are no different from isolated forms of testosterone. Omnadren is similar in composition and action, but it includes another testosterone ester - capronate instead of decanoate, and they are similar in duration of action (capronate in Omnadren has a shorter half-life).

Pharmacological action (according to the manufacturer)

Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone and is essential for the normal growth and development of male reproductive organs and male secondary sexual characteristics. Throughout life in adult men, testosterone is essential for the functioning of the testicles and related structures, including the maintenance of libido, well-being, erectile potency, and the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

As a result of treatment of hypogonadal men with Sustanon-250, a clinically significant increase in plasma concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol and androstenedione occurs, and a decrease in the level of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin); Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are restored to normal levels.

When treated with Sustanon-250, there is a decrease in the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. In addition, bone mineral density and muscle mass increase, and patients who are overweight experience a decrease in body weight. During treatment, sexual functions return to normal, including erectile function and libido. While taking the drug, serum concentrations of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides decrease, hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit increase, but no clinically significant changes in the level of liver enzymes and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) are observed. The drug may cause an increase in the size of the prostate gland, but no functional changes have been observed. In hypogonadal men with diabetes, androgen administration improves insulin sensitivity and/or reduces plasma glucose concentrations.

Steroid profile Sustanon 250 (sustanon 250)

  1. Substance activity: up to 3 weeks
  2. Classification: anabolic/androgenic steroid
  3. Directions for use: by injection
  4. Dosages: men 500-1000 mg/week; women are not advised
  5. Acne: yes (in high dosages or in people with a predisposition)
  6. Water retention: high
  7. High blood pressure: yes
  8. Hepatotoxicity: no
  9. Aromatase: strong
  10. DHT(dehydrotestosterone) conversion: yes
  11. Decreased HPTA function (production of own testosterone): severely suppresses
  12. Detection time: 4 months (approximately due to the fact that the DC is constantly progressing in the search for methods for detecting prohibited substances; in addition, it depends on the athlete himself whether he is taking phenobarbital and furosemide to accelerate the elimination of the drug)
  13. Anabolic/androgenic ratio: 100/100

Effects of Sustanon 250

  • Rapidly increases body weight through protein synthesis
  • Has a good anti-catabolic effect
  • Improves appetite
  • Increases the number of red blood cells in the blood (hematopoiesis)
  • Increases oxygen transport
  • Affects increased endurance
  • Increases libido (on the sust course, of course)
  • Improves mood, feeling of confidence, desire to exercise. (noticeable when taking any androgenic drug)

Application of Sustanon 250

Taking Sustanon for men:

In therapeutic doses, Sustanon 250 is prescribed in doses of 250 mg every third week. For people involved in sports, the dosage ranges from 250 to 750 mg per week (usually divided into two doses per week), over a 4-8 week course. This is quite enough to increase muscle mass and strength.

Sustanon, as a rule, is used in mass gain courses, when the quality of the mass gained is not very interested. For these purposes, Sustanon is considered a very useful drug.

Taking Sustanon for women:

Side effects of Sustanon 250

Rapid aromatization to estradiol. Elevated levels of estrogen can cause side effects such as fluid retention in the body, increased body fat and gynecomastia.

In order to prevent aromatization, various drugs can be used: mesterolone (Proviron, Mesviron 25, Provimed, Provirol-25, Proviron-25 Bayer), anastrozole or exemestane, in any case, at a dose of 250 mg of sustanon per week, neither Proviron, nor anastrozole (anastrozole) nor exemestane are recommended to be taken. Anti-estrogens such as clomed or tamoxifen may be useful after a course of PCT in order to avoid the rebound phenomenon.

It should be remembered that the higher the dose of testosterone in the body, the stronger the side effects will appear. An increased level of testosterone causes: acne, increased hair growth, baldness (only possible when a person genetically has poor protection of the hair follicle from dihydrotestosterone, dihydrotestosterone itself appears as a result of the conversion of testosterone into it, you can prevent baldness by taking finasteride, this drug prevents testosterone from being converted in dihydro, but it (dihydro) has an important function - sexual desire, so men who take finasteride have a weakened libido), all these are androgenic side effects (most often with individual predisposition). In addition, the side effects of Sustanon 250 include: worsening of diagnosed prostate cancer, polycythemia (an increase in the number of red blood cells, which increases endurance, as well as muscle pumping during training, but thickens the blood, makes it viscous, which increases blood pressure and stress on the heart), myalgia (rarely) - muscle pain of various localization and origin, oligospermia (the number of live sperm decreases when compared with the norm), a decrease in ejaculate volume, and in the case of sensitivity of prostate tissue to dihydrotestosterone - prostatic hypertrophy.

Indications for medicinal use Sustanon 250

Testosterone replacement therapy in men for pathological conditions associated with primary and secondary hypogonadism, both congenital and acquired; restoration of libido after urogenital operations.

Contraindications for medicinal use Sustanon 250

Known or suspected prostate or breast cancer; hypersensitivity to any component of the drug; children under 3 years of age (as the drug contains benzyl alcohol).

Prescribed with caution: in boys in the prepubertal period in order to avoid premature closure of the epiphyses and premature puberty; chronic heart failure, renal and/or liver failure to avoid the development of edema; diabetes; prostatic hypertrophy with symptoms of urinary retention; sleep apnea, as well as risk factors such as obesity and chronic lung disease; childhood.

I am glad to greet you, dear friends, Alexander Bely is with you. In my sports blog sportivs today we are going to look at a topic called Sustanon 250 weight course. Surely you have seen big and pumped up bodybuilders, 10 percent of them train without anabolic steroids, the rest are on the cycle repeatedly. We will look at what is included in the course, how it works to gain muscle mass, talk about dosages, side effects and how to get rid of them.

Key Features

Sustanon 250 itself is a combined composition of 4 testosterone esters. It is based on testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, decanoate - these esters are absorbed into the blood at different rates, which ensures a uniform effect and growth. Sustanon maintains high concentrations of the hormone.

I will not describe in what order testosterone begins to work in the body, since this is necessary for a more in-depth study and is needed exclusively by professionals. For beginners, it is enough to use anabolic steroids under the supervision of an experienced athlete with knowledge of pharmacology, strictly observe sterility and dosages, do not skip PCT, and of course, follow the tests.

During a course of Sustanon, blood levels increase gradually, so side effects do not appear so quickly. If you start to notice side effects, for example, acne, waterloggedness, gynecomastia, then it is recommended to use an estrogen blocker - Anadrol, we will talk about this a little later.

What effects does it have?

Thanks to a course of Sustanon, you can get good results. Due to the high concentration of testosterone, appetite improves. Other benefits include healthy sleep and good recovery. One of the most important effects is an increase in strength and muscle volume, in fact, this is precisely why Sustanon is taken. Due to the artificial testosterone that enters the body, libido and sexual desire improve.

You can use Sustanon 250 solo, but in bodybuilding, combined courses are used to achieve better results. Now I would like to look at the types of weight training courses with the participation of Sustanon 250. We will talk about various combinations, how to take it and, of course, about after course therapy.

What goes with it?

1. Sustanon goes well with strength or dianabol, to which ideally you need to add anadrol - you can start the first course with this. The course of these drugs should last no more than 6-7 weeks. Sustanon injections should be given once a week with a dosage of one ampoule. Oral drug Anadrol take 2 tablets per day for 2-3 weeks. At the end of this period, you can safely start taking methane at dosages of 40 mg per day.

This course is characterized by the fact that Anadrol will give a very strong effect, even after completion of the dose. Therefore, you need to start taking methane, which will help relieve hormonal levels. This course provides for a quick gain of muscle mass, so those who want abs and relief - this course is not for you. Post-cycle therapy for this course should begin 10 days after the last injection. For PCT, use Clomid, you can buy it at the pharmacy, duration of use is 10-14 days.

2. Another type of sustanon course is a combination with stanazolol, danabol and deca. This course is designed for a professional - it will help build muscle mass, and Stanazolol will help burn fat, great, right? However, this course is not suitable for beginners, since it contains a large number of anabolic steroids, and hormonal levels can be greatly affected. But for those who have been using pharmacology for a long time, this is an ideal course that is practically harmless.

The duration of this course is 6 weeks. Deca should be taken in an amount of 200 mg per week. Sustanon is introduced into the body according to the following scheme - once every three days, with a dosage of 250 mg. Too much testosterone can begin to convert into estrogen, in which case it is recommended to use anastrozole - it is an estrogen blocker.

The dosage of anastrozole is 0.5-1 tablet every 1-2 days. Take methane for the first 25 days, 40 mg per day. In the next 15 days, so that fat begins to be burned, take Stanazolol 40 mg per day.

PCT begins after a week's break after the last deca injection. For the first 3-5 days, take 4 tablets of Clomid per day, then reduce the dosage to half a tablet per day. The duration of the pct is 3 weeks.

The importance of post-cycle therapy

Since anabolic steroids affect hormonal levels, post-cycle therapy cannot be ignored. If any side effects begin, all this can be prevented with the help of PCT.
Correct PCT, compliance with all instructions, as well as dosages will contribute to excellent results.

Dear friends, this article comes to an end, we talked about what Sustanon 250 is, how to take it correctly, what it is combined with, how to cleanse the body. Remember - steroids are very dangerous, so you need to use them with full responsibility, you need to understand what, and most importantly, why you need it. I recommend watching an interesting video. Be healthy, have a nice summer days!

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