How much soda is contained in different containers? Soda. Baking soda. Treatment with soda. Benefits of soda

Surely everyone has a pack of soda in their kitchen. Housewives can name several dozen options for its use. “How many grams of soda are in a teaspoon?” - this question arises among those who have decided to prepare another culinary masterpiece or are planning to use this powder for medicinal purposes. Don't have scales? No problem! Use our tips.

Useful “chemistry” in your kitchen

Even those who are not strong in chemistry know what sodium bicarbonate is: everyone has been familiar with this remedy since childhood. It was and continues to be used for cleaning dishes and sinks, for preparing culinary dishes, and for healing. Soda is used in folk medicine as a first aid remedy for burns and cuts, and for gargling for throat diseases. To list all the “areas of activity” of soda, you will have to write several pages. Therefore, the demand for such a product, as well as its popularity, never falls.

Well, do you know how many grams of soda are in 1 teaspoon? If not, then find out right now so as not to make a mistake with the dosage. Opening any cookbook or manual on traditional medicine, you will see that these are the volumes of it used to prepare various delicacies and for treatment. This is much more convenient than measuring in grams. After all, not everyone has such a luxury as a kitchen scale at hand.

Tea, dessert, table - mass of soda in different volumes

Soda is an ingredient that too much is just as bad as not getting enough sleep. In cooking, this component usually plays the role of a leavening agent, making the dough airy and easily digestible. Therefore, if you pour more of it than required, then your baked goods may acquire a bitterish specific taste, and if you “save” it, it will not be crumbly and fluffy enough.

Therefore, if you have decided to master a new recipe that involves the use of sodium bicarbonate, then it is important for you to know how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon. This cutlery holds 10-12 g of soda. But here we need to make an important digression: soda is a free-flowing product, so it, like other ingredients of this consistency, can be scooped up in a heap and flush with the edges. What to do in this case?

Information on how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon (and other) spoons will be shown in the mini-table below:

By “hill” in this case we mean a “hill” 2 cm high.

Thus, if the recipe states that you need to take 10 grams of soda, and you do not know how many teaspoons it is, then use this information: to get 10 g of soda, take one teaspoon of this powder with a 2-centimeter heap or one dessert , but without the top.

Features of weighing soda

When a recipe indicates that you should take a number of teaspoons, they usually mean a standard spoon with a small hill (the height of a large “mountain” can reach 5 cm - then it will be a completely different number of grams).

And these are not all the subtleties of weighing soda. If you store it incorrectly, the humidity may increase. It is clear that “wet” soda will be significantly heavier than dry soda, so you must make allowances (about 4 g) for this fact.

And one more important addition. The spoons today are not at all what they used to be: they have noticeably “lost weight.” This also affected the amount of dry product they could hold. In order to measure out exactly the right amount of soda, try to find a standard “Soviet” spoon (not silver, not cupronickel or Chinese). And always use the same cutlery for measurements.

A little about beauty

Now for some soda that women will like. Do you think that knowing how much soda can fit in a spoon can only be useful for cooking and home treatment? But no! With the help of soda, you can prepare affordable and effective products that will make your face and hair well-groomed and healthy.

Here is a simple mask for those who suffer from oily skin: mix 1 tsp. soda with 2 tsp. flour, dilute with milk (or clean water). Apply this mask on your face. Leave for a quarter of an hour. If you do this procedure twice a week, you will forget about the oily sheen.

And to give your skin a glow, just mix 1 tbsp. l. soda with the same amount of orange juice. Apply this magical composition to your skin for 15 minutes, and very soon you will notice how much the color and condition of your skin has improved.

It is advisable to use the action of soda in order to rid hair of fat. To do this, mix it in a ratio of 1 to 4 with your shampoo and wash your hair. This recipe can also be used by those who dye their hair: sodium bicarbonate will not “take away” their color.

In contact with


Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is an acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium. Usually it is a fine, odorless, white powder. Most often it goes on sale in packages of 500 grams.

Used almost everywhere: from cooking to body and hair care!

The amount of soda in various cutlery and containers

Sometimes we need a certain amount of soda, but it often happens that we don’t have special scales at hand. In this case, ordinary kitchen utensils, which are always found in every housewife’s kitchen, will come to the rescue.

Below is a table that will help you determine how much baking soda is contained in various utensils and containers.

In a faceted (200 ml) glass - 210 g (in a 250 ml glass - 265 g)

A tablespoon contains 22 grams of soda. (with a slide - 28 g)

A teaspoon contains 8 grams. (with a slide - 12 g)

  • In cooking, as a baking powder for dough, add it at the tip of a knife or teaspoon when kneading. But for the soda to work “to its full potential”, the medium must be acidic; add citric acid or vinegar to the soda, right in a spoon. While the reaction is happening (hissing and bubbling), mix with the dough.
  • For insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, gadflies) - a tablespoon per glass of boiled water, stir. Lubricate the bite sites with a cotton swab. Relieves itching, irritation, disinfects.
  • If you have swollen gums or toothache, you should, of course, immediately go to the dentist. But if a visit to the doctor is impossible for some reason, prepare a saline solution: one tablespoon per glass of hot water. The water temperature should be at the threshold of tolerance, you can barely tolerate it. Carefully rinse the sore gum or tooth in small portions, do not swallow. It is advisable to use the entire glass in one procedure. Make sure that the solution does not cool down. The procedure is not pleasant to the taste, but if you repeat the procedure several times a day, relief will come faster.
  • To get rid of “goose bumps” on your legs and arms with soda gruel (soda + a little water): in the bath or shower, rub the areas with “goose bumps” with this gruel until they turn red. Rinse off with plenty of water. It is enough to repeat at least twice a week. The effect takes place in a month or a month and a half.
  • As a conditioner for hair washing and grooming of cats and dogs. When washing your hair, rub the soda paste (a little water into the soda) into the scalp and hair, then rinse. The hair, after this procedure, is shiny, smooth, and combs well. To care for animal hair, dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water. Using a spray bottle, spray the animal's fur, wait a little and comb. The coat will look shiny and well-groomed.
  • Well, and, of course, soda is widely used as a cleaning and degreasing agent for washing dishes, including crystal, various surfaces, and removing stains.
How many grams of soda are in a teaspoon, weight (g, g) of the serving. How many milliliters (ml) of baking soda in a teaspoon, serving size. A SMALL reference TABLE 1 WILL HELP YOU FIND out the WEIGHT of soda in grams and the VOLUME in ml of the PRODUCT.

So, you want to find out how many grams of baking soda are in 1 teaspoon, convert teaspoons to g of baking soda powder. We will help you measure a portion of the product in grams without scales using a teaspoon . You, dear visitor to our site, only need to select the degree of filling of the spoon. What options might there be? See photo. It turns out that not everything is so simple. After all, we do not use a teaspoon for its intended purpose, as a cutlery, but are trying to use it as a measuring device that allows us to measure a certain volume. This is where we run into some problems. Depending on your “courage”, you can scoop up a very different amount of soda with a spoon. For example:

  1. Not quite complete- weight is indicated in TABLE: 4 - 4.5 ml
  2. No slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 5 ml
  3. Little slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 6 ml
  4. Middle slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 7 ml
  5. Big slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 9 ml
  6. o-o-very big slide, the maximum of reasonable ones- weight is indicated in TABLE: 10 - 11 ml
It is quite possible that having learned what volumes of soda powder we can measure with a cutlery and comparing it with the amount you need for a portion according to the recipe, reasonable doubts will arise about the convenience of measuring this method. Moreover, as you yourself probably understand, the accuracy of this method of measuring soda is disgustingly low (this is the frank opinion of a specialist). You cannot measure large portions this way, not only because it is time-consuming and inconvenient, but the measurement error will be very large. Think, perhaps in your case it would be better to use a glass to measure the portion, or, in extreme cases, measure with a cup. Strange as it may seem, when measuring in glasses, the accuracy of determining portions in grams is much higher. If for some reason you are not sure which glass or cup is right for you measuring a portion of baking soda in grams without weighing on a scale , it is useful to remember that:
  1. A cut glass tumbler is smallest glass volume 200 ml(two hundred milliliters and two hundred cubic centimeters).
  2. A standard glass is large glass volume 250 ml(two hundred and fifty milliliters and two hundred and fifty cubic centimeters).
  3. A measuring cup is"neither this nor that", more than faceted, but less than standard glass, its volume is equal to 240 ml(two hundred and forty milliliters and two hundred and forty cubic centimeters).
By the way, not everyone has a good idea of ​​the “volumetric hierarchy of spoons.” They get confused in the “three pines”, sorry - in the “three spoons”. For order and confidence measuring servings of baking soda in grams without scales It is useful to remember that we are dealing with these volumes in milliliters:
  1. Teahouse is smallest volume 5 ml. But 5 milliliters of soda powder are obtained only when NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
  2. The dining room is large volume 15 ml. But 15 milliliters of soda powder are obtained only when NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
  3. Dessert is"neither this nor that", more than a tea room, but less than a dining room, volume 10 ml. However, as you already guessed, 10 milliliters of soda powder will be obtained if NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
ANSWERS TO THE UNSAYED QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD HAVE. Why do all sites indicate DIFFERENT quantities of how many grams of baking soda in a teaspoon? ARE THEY LYING? There are objective difficulties in measuring soda in g, g with a teaspoon, making this method extremely inconvenient and completely inaccurate for independently measuring the amount of soda powder at home.

The best way to find out your weight or how to measure a portion of soda in grams than direct weighing of soda powder on precise scales has not yet been invented. An irrefutable, fundamental, sad and concrete fact. However, in practice, weighing small portions of soda, even if you have scales in your kitchen (this happens by accident, I saw it myself once), is such a “headache” that a normal person would only agree to get involved with weighing “on pain of death” ( figurative expression, in fact, no one has died for this reason yet). Only a very pedantic and scrupulous (what a word!) person can force himself to voluntarily and not force himself to mess with the scales in order to measure out a little soda. A true enthusiast of his craft, a “fanatic” of accurately measuring portions of soda powder in grams.

If we put aside a certain touch of humor, without which it would be completely depressing to communicate, then the problem, by the way, is far from being a “kitchen problem”. In production, during the manufacture, packaging, sale, processing of soda, its storage and transportation, professionals also try to avoid weighing soda powder on scales. This procedure objectively complicates the organizational structure and incredibly effectively extends the time of any technological process, turning it into a “headache”. As practice has shown, measuring soda volumes is much simpler, faster and easier than weighing soda powder on a scale.

That's why, not only in the kitchen measuring servings of soda in grams we try to "weave" without weights, but and with large quantities of product, technologists structure production operations in such a way as to “loop” weighing, bypassing it through the volume. This “loophole”, which allows us to measure the weight of soda without scales, is well known to us from physics. It’s not for nothing that smart people came up with the bulk density of soda powder and volumetric weight. These values, in fact, turn out to be a simple linear relationship between the volume and mass of the product. What this means in practice is that if we know the bulk density or volumetric weight of a product, then by measuring the volume we can easily calculate its mass. Let's measure the volume of a serving of soda with a teaspoon, table spoon or dessert spoon, why not? Not everyone can measure quantities in cubic meters, cubic meters, cubes and other nonsense.

In theory, everything is great, however, When using this method in practice, “sides” always arise. Volumetric weight of soda turned out to be a value very sensitive to a large number of various factors. Even a slight change in the particle size of a product, storage duration, caking, not to mention a change in humidity, immediately finds a serious reflection in the bulk density value. It turns out that the same volume of baking soda can weigh more or less depending on the variety, degree of grinding, grinding characteristics, sifting or humidity. If you think that this has little effect on how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon of soda powder, then you are mistaken. It has a noticeable effect.

But even greater “discrepancies” in how many grams are introduced by our measuring instruments themselves. How much teaspoon of baking soda is NOT the same as how much scoop of baking soda powder , although the volume is declared the same, equal to 5 ml. We just try to use them as measuring spoons and it turns out really bad. After all, the shape of a teaspoon (see photo) is very similar to a small spatula. It is almost impossible to fill it clearly without a slide (you have to try very hard). And the size of the slide or top is arbitrary for everyone, just look at the photo. The picture we get is that we are firmly convinced that we are measuring 5 ml of soda with a teaspoon, but in fact we are taking some completely different volume of baking soda. Which? I would call this volume “unpredictable” - this is the most accurate definition. Add to this the fact that cutlery is only approximately rated by the manufacturer in terms of capacity. In fact, any spoons can only conditionally, with great stretch, be considered standard utensils. Their volume varies greatly. Or are you suggesting that the Chinese “sleep and see” how they could more accurately observe the volume of dishes in milliliters? Yeah, they’re trying especially for us, only to make it clearer to us how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon.

Why then does everyone want to know? how many grams of soda in a teaspoon and measure out the portion specifically to her if “everything is so bad”? Yes because:

  1. Firstly: comfortable.
  2. Secondly: fast.
  3. Third:"on the drum" accuracy, an error even twice does not change anything particularly, a couple of grams "here and there" does not play any role.
  4. Fourth: may not know that the method is extremely crude and inaccurate.
  5. Fifth: and this is the main reason - EVERYONE DOES THIS.
Reference table 1. How many grams (g, g) of soda are in 1 teaspoon of baking soda and soda ash.

Every housewife, trying to use a recipe, is faced with the fact that the dose of products is indicated in grams. You need to know the amount of salt, soda, granulated sugar, cinnamon or other substances in one glass, teaspoon or tablespoon, with or without a slide. Weight depends on the specific type of product and varies significantly.

How many mg in a teaspoon

Incorrect proportions can change the taste of a dish for the worse, so the question of the amount of food is always relevant. Substances such as salt, seasonings, soda or baking powder in too large quantities can make food unfit for consumption. Special scales that can be used to determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams or measuring cups are not available in every kitchen. In addition, many recipes contain instructions with a list of ingredients in grams, because this is a standard measurement.

You can find out the amount of different substances from the table:

Substance name

How many grams are in one teaspoon

Sago groats

Condensed milk

Oat groats

Liquid honey

Gelatin powder


Salt "Extra"

Split peas


Barley groats

Corn grits

Wheat groats



Pearl barley

Powdered sugar

Rye/wheat flour

Tomato paste

Coarse salt




Citric acid

Ground coffee beans

Raw yeast


Dried mushrooms

Egg powder

Potato starch

Ground pepper

Ground cinnamon

Powdered milk


Vegetable oil

Protein powder

Mustard powder

Olive oil

How much salt in a teaspoon

This product is most often used in cooking. It is very important not to overdo it with salt: too much of it renders the dish unusable. The table above indicates that there are 7 grams of salt in a teaspoon. If you weigh the heaped volume, you get 10 grams. Fine “Extra” salt is lighter than coarse table salt, so one spoon can hold up to 8 g (heaped). It is very important to take this into account when you are going to cook something, because without the simplest preservative you can only make jam or preserves.


Another popular component of various dishes is granulated sugar. It is worth noting that it is used not only for drinks and desserts, but also unusual side dishes, fish, meat, sauces, and milk porridges. Sugar in a teaspoon in grams is only 5 g, if you take it without a slide, and 7 g if you weigh the volume with a slide. It is important that this substance is used in moderation so that the dish does not become cloying or, conversely, bland.


This amazing beekeeping product is famous not only for its excellent taste, but also for its beneficial properties. In order not to spoil a dessert, sauce, drink, or marinade with honey, it is important to know the proportions of this substance. There is 9 g of honey in a teaspoon, provided that it is fresh and liquid. The specific gravity of the crystallized product will be different: the recipe must be adjusted. You can find out exactly how many grams are in a teaspoon of a particular type of product from special tables, but it is better to weigh the candied sweetness.

Dry yeast

It’s rare to meet a housewife who doesn’t spoil her family with baked goods. The secret to delicious pies is properly prepared dough that contains yeast. Most modern women use a quick version of this product - dry powder. A teaspoon contains 3-5 g of yeast if you weigh it on a special scale. The specific amount depends on whether the substance is measured with or without a slide.

Citric acid

Many people are not aware of how widely this substance is used. Citric acid is added to desserts, drinks, mousses, meat marinades, sauces, and soups. A small amount gives a fresh, original taste to a dish, but if you add too much of this substance, you can ruin everything irrevocably. It is worth remembering the proportion and strictly observing it: 5 g of citric acid is placed in a teaspoon. The required amount of this substance is the secret of successful preservation and preparation of gourmet dishes.


To make your favorite drink aromatic and tasty, you need to know the exact amount of coffee. It is calculated for instant and natural ground. The weight of a teaspoon of the substance depends on the type of product. Natural ground coffee in a teaspoon in grams - 8. It is difficult to prepare a drink according to professional recipes without exact proportions, so you need to remember them. If you weigh instant coffee of the same volume, you will get no more than 6 g, because it is much lighter than ground grain.


This substance is widely used for making pancakes, pancakes, pies and more. Baking soda with a drop of vinegar replaces industrial baking powder, helping the dough rise, become more fluffy and airy. If you use too much baking soda, the finished dish will have an unpleasant aftertaste of this substance, which will make it tasteless. In addition to cooking, this product is used to prepare homemade medicines, so it is important to know exactly how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon. If you measure it without a mound, it will come out to 7 g, and with a mound - about 12.


Modern hypermarkets offer customers olive, sunflower, corn and many other types of oil. Each individual species has its own characteristics and chemical composition. The oil is used to prepare first courses, desserts, meat, and baked goods. You should not add more of this substance than normal; it is important to maintain the proportions to obtain not too fatty, healthy food. How much oil is in a teaspoon depends on the specific type. The average is 6 g.


Every housewife has used soda in everyday life at least once. And very often it happens that there are no culinary scales at hand, and it is extremely important to know how many grams of soda are in a tablespoon. It is for such situations that our article was created. Here you will find the answer to the question, how many grams of soda are in a tablespoon, and add to your knowledge base about the use of soda in the household. We hope our article will be as useful as possible.

How many grams of baking soda are in a tablespoon?

This section is important for those who decide to prepare delicious baked goods and use baking soda as a leavening agent. Having prepared all the necessary products in accordance with the recipe description, you find that the amount of soda is indicated not in the convenient option for you - spoons, but in grams, but how many grams of soda are in a tablespoon is unknown. The answer is simple - twenty grams if you pour soda without a slide and twenty-eight grams if you pour it with a slide.

Recently, soda is most often used only as a food additive, because the range of cleaning products in the store is simply stunning. But what to do if you don’t have a strong chemical on hand that can not only clean stains, but also remove odors? Of course, use baking soda! Not only is this a universal remedy, but its price is incredibly low. Here are the top most popular uses of baking soda.

  1. Pipe cleaning. If for some reason you do not want to clean the pipes with caustic acid, then simply pour a glass of soda into the drain, followed by a glass of vinegar. Close the drain with a lid for 10-15 minutes, and the violent reaction will do its job. After this time, simply run hot water down the drain.
  2. Cleaning pots. Tired of scrubbing old and burnt grease off pots and pans? There is a simple solution - place the dishes in a large bucket, fill with water, to which baking soda and soda ash have been added, as well as silicate (stationery) glue. Boil the dishes in the solution for an hour, and all the carbon deposits will wash off on their own without any effort.
  3. Removing odors. Baking soda perfectly absorbs extraneous unpleasant odors, so it is ideal for maintaining the freshness of the refrigerator compartment. You can also use it to refresh furniture and carpeting.
  4. Baking soda can easily remove darkening of tile grout. All you have to do is brush a brush and soda paste thoroughly over the dirty seams and the grout will look like new again.
  5. The combination of baking soda and lemon juice gives the basic washing powder a whitening effect.
  6. A paste made from baking soda and water is an excellent abrasive that can clean any surface without damaging it at all, unlike other cleaning products.

How many grams of soda are in a tablespoon (table of weights and measures)

So, to summarize, we can say with confidence that we have answered the question, how many grams of soda are in a tablespoon. And you were also able to learn a lot of ways to use baking soda not only in cooking.

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