Testosterone propionate instructions for use in sports. Testosterone propionate: dosages and courses. Interaction with other drugs

Testosterone... It is this hormone that shows how much a man really is! It is responsible for many functions of our body, and of course determines how much an athlete can progress in the sports field. High testosterone levels ensure that bulking is fast, enjoyable and effective. Judging by the reviews of propionate solo, the product is good and really works. If you are unlucky, then you will have to work many times harder and longer. It is in this case (or in case of a long plateau) we turn to outside testosterone for help. In my opinion, this is the most justified way, my favorite testosterone ester is propionate and a little later you will understand why. So:

And here is our wonderful testosterone propionate solo! This is an absolutely natural hormone that is secreted by the Leydig cells of the testes in men, as well as in small quantities by the ovaries in women and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. Different testosterone esters are used in sports, but as you already understand, we will talk about propionate. Why propionate, you ask? Yes, it’s simple, when we begin to perform some kind of activity, then not only quality, but also speed is extremely important to us.

If we use enanthate, for example, the effect will be felt only after a week, and we will see even later! And this is where the first plus testosterone propionate solo comes in - this is the fastest testosterone ester! The half-life of propionate is 1-2 days (this varies depending on the manufacturer). This means that after an injection of 50 - 100 mg of this wonderful testosterone propionate solo, you immediately feel an increase in strength associated with an increase in the level of the hormone in the body. After 2 days, testosterone levels drop, so injections should be frequent, ideally daily.


Dosages on a solo propionate cycle can vary in different ways, but there are several standard principles. Firstly, propic is standardly 50 or 100 mg per 1 ml, which, in principle, is perfect for both amateurs and professionals. Secondly, you need to install it, as I already said, often, ideally every day, in extreme cases once every two days. So we get a simple regimen: 50 or 100 mg, every day or every two days. Large dosages are possible, it’s even scary to think how much the pros charge! Rumor has it that dosages reach up to 2 grams per day on a solo propionate course! But we don’t need that, guys:

Taking and combining with other drugs:
Here, as they say, let the flaw go for a walk! Testosterone provides us with a huge selection of compatible drugs; in fact, absolutely everything can be used with it. Let me give you a couple of examples. (without PCT):

- Propionate solo. Yes, this happens too! 50 mg every day for 4-5 weeks gives excellent weight gain.
- Propionate + methane. It allows you to gain good mass, although of course it will flood you with water, but the effect will be quick and if you exit the course wisely, you will be able to save most of it.

- Propionate + Winstrol. And here you can already gain more dry mass! Propik retains water, and Winstrol removes it, resulting in some kind of compensation. I recommend testosterone propionate 100 mg per day and Winstrol 50 mg (oral).
- Propionate + turinabol.Strength course lasts 5-6 weeks. Propionate 50 mg per day and turinabol 60-80 mg per day.

*I would like to note that the solo course of propionate is perfectly used in short courses 3*3 or 3*4 . While you can google it, I’ll write about them later!

Side effects:

- Acne. Pimples do not appear as much as from methane, but nevertheless it is better to be safe. They say there is a new way - a solarium with halogen lamps, I haven’t tried it yet, but the reviews are positive!
- Decreased production of your own testosterone. But if you don’t use it a lot and for a long time and listen to your body, then this can be avoided.
- Gyno.Of course, an increase in testosterone levels leads to aromatization, which manifests itself differently in everyone. Be careful guys, we don't need women's tits, Tamox 20-40 mg a day will help

- Hair loss (or active growth on the body). Depends on the individuality of the body, personally, my hair just went on the road! There is only one way to fight - hair removal in any form. I don’t suffer from such bullshit, I don’t care about hairy people.​

The most popular brands:

I think it’s worth mentioning here only a few of the most accessible and popular propionates, since in total there are a huge number of them!

- Ukrainian propionate (dill). Probably now the most popular propionate on the domestic market, as it is affordable and of high quality. The cost ranges from 60-100 rubles per 1 ml 50 mg ampoule.

- Domestic propionate (Khabarovsk). No more than 3 months ago it was available in most pharmacies in the Russian Federation, the cost is 170 rubles for 10 ampoules of 50 mg each! It was just wonderful, but the lava ended. The drug worked and worked like a charm.

- Testopin. Excellent product made in INdia. I tried it once and was satisfied! Excellent 100 mg per 1 ml! I recommend:

- Testosterone propionate - Iran. They say he is good-looking and quite common. Try it, I think you won’t be disappointed, gentlemen!


P.S. If you use chemicals, do it to a minimum and wisely...

Testosterone propionate is an oil injection of testosterone, testosterone added to oil with the propionate ester androsten-3-one attached through the 17-beta hydroxyl group, 17β-ol, an androgen, half-life is 24 to 48 hours, chemical structure C3H6O2. Propionate is the fastest preparation compared to esters, cypionate or enanthate. The nominal concentration of testosterone in such an ester is 83 mg per 100 mg, therefore, the remaining 17 mg is the mass of the propionate ester itself. Propionate ester is poorly tolerated as it causes irritation at the injection site. In this regard, some pharmaceutical companies have introduced a fatty acid ester (ethyl oleate), which is obtained through the condensation of oleic acid and ethanol, into the main composition of the drug. In this regard, irritation at the injection site practically does not appear.

Historical reference

The first company that began producing testosterone propionate back in the late thirties of the last century was the Schering company. Thanks to this company, testosterone ester, as the very first and only one of its kind, immediately gained a leading position in the global pharmaceutical market. The peak of its popularity lasted until the end of the fifties, but at the moment there is not a single drug that can outshine its popularity among the male population around the world. And the ability of testosterone propionate to make the stronger half of humanity even more courageous in every sense of the word, provides testosterone propionate manufacturers with orders for many years to come.

Pharmacological action (according to the manufacturer)

Testosterone propionate has a specific androgenic effect, namely: stimulation of the development and function of the external genitalia, effects on the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, as well as an effect on the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics in men (voice, hair). Testosterone propionate takes an active part in the formation of the body constitution, as well as sexual behavior in men, activates libido and potency, and stimulates the processes of spermatogenesis. The drug can significantly reduce the amount of synthesized luteotropic and follicle-stimulating hormones. Let us recall that testosterone is an antagonist of female sex hormones - estrogens, and therefore can have an antitumor effect in the presence of breast tumors in women. Testosterone propionate can also have an anabolic effect, which manifests itself as: stimulation of protein synthesis processes; reduction of body fat; retention in the body of substances so necessary for synthesis processes, such as potassium protein, phosphorus, sulfur; increasing calcium fixation directly in the bones, as well as increasing muscle mass. If you eat foods containing large amounts of protein while taking the drug, the process of erythrotropoietin production will be stimulated.

Steroid profile of testosterone propionate

  • Testosterone propionate is active for 24 to 48 hours
  • Classification: anabolic/androgenic steroid
  • Application method: injection
  • The dosage for men is 100 – 200 mg, taken every other day. For women (pros), it is recommended to take the drug 25-50 mg/day every other day
  • When taking the drug in large dosages or if a person has a predisposition, acne may occur.
  • Compared to long ester testosterone, testosterone propionate will result in minor water retention.
  • If the dosage is exceeded, blood pressure may increase
  • Liver toxicity: low
  • Aromatase: high
  • The level of natural testosterone synthesis decreases
  • The process of converting dehydrotestosterone occurs
  • Anabolic activity (100%)\ Androgenic activity (100%).
  • In human blood, according to the latest data, the drug is detected in a doping test for up to four weeks.

Effects of taking testosterone propionate:

  1. Growth of muscle mass (since the time of action of the drug is not long-term, the effect expressed in the growth of muscle mass will not be clearly expressed, however, the acquired mass will differ in a small percentage of the water content)
  2. Getting rid of excess fat
  3. Muscles will become more rigid and prominent
  4. Strength indicators will increase relatively quickly
  5. During the course you will experience an increase in libido
  6. The risk associated with the occurrence of coronary and coronary heart disease will be significantly reduced


For women:

Propionate is the only ester whose use is less risky for women. The dosage should be from 25 to 50 mg, but do not forget that women are not recommended to use any testosterone ester without specific indications for this.

For men:

For men actively involved in sports, a dosage of 100 to 200 mg every other day is recommended. This dosage is sufficient for a significant increase in strength and muscle mass. Men who prefer strength sports use it to increase strength, and bodybuilders in the process of actively drying the body. Testosterone propionate gives greater effect when used in combination with other AAS, for example, methanolone, boldenone, nandrolone. For lean mass and strength, this drug is recommended to be used with trenbolone or turinabol, but stanozolol, used in conjunction with a course of propionate, can cause problems with joints. Propionate combines well with oxandrolone, Primobol or phenylpropinoate.

Side effects

In men, side effects when using testosterone can manifest themselves in the form of baldness on the head, increased hair growth on the body and face, greasiness of the skin, and acne. Other side effects can manifest themselves in the form of increased sexual arousal, frequent erections, increased libido, edema, hypercalcemia, nausea and dizziness. Side effects also include the possible development of cholestatic jaundice, thrombophlebitis, increased levels of aminotransferases, pain at the injection site, redness and itching. Those predisposed to gynecomastia can take tamoximed and/or Proviron along with testosterone propionate. Propionate ester also has a negative effect on the production of testosterone and reduces it, and to avoid a decline in results, it is therefore recommended, after using a course of testosterone propionate, to take a course of courseclomed/tamoximed or toremifene.

In women, side effects can manifest themselves in the form of masculinization: increased hair growth on the body and face, deepening of the voice, slight swelling of the skin.

In adolescents, side effects from the use of testosterone can manifest themselves in the form of premature closure of the epiphyses of the bones and premature puberty with an increase in the size of the genital organs.

Indications for use

Testosterone propionate is recommended to be taken as an anabolic agent for the treatment of pathological conditions in which protein is intensively broken down. These include severe injuries, surgical interventions, chronic infectious diseases, as well as exhaustion.

For men, testosterone propionate is recommended for use in replacement therapy for primary and secondary hypogonadism, eunuchoidism, post-castration syndrome, impotence of endocrine origin, male menopause, infertility resulting from impaired spermatogenesis, osteoporosis resulting from a lack of androgens, oligospermia, the initial stage of prostate hypertrophy and acromegaly.

Women are recommended to use this drug for the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors, such as ovarian and breast cancer; functional bleeding due to hyperestrogenism; mastopathy, accompanied by painful tension of the mammary glands during the premenstrual period; endometriosis, uterine fibroids. For the treatment of menopausal disorders, use in combination with estrogens

Contraindications for use

Testosterone propionate is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance to the drug, prepubertal period in boys, women during breastfeeding and all trimesters of pregnancy, and elderly men. It is also not recommended for use in cases of impaired renal or liver function, heart failure, prostate cancer, gynecomastia, severe asthenia in patients, hypercalcemia.

If you are a beginner bodybuilder and don’t know which steroid drug to choose, the best solution would be injectable testosterone propionate ester. This is a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the development and functioning of the reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics. It is involved in the formation of the constitution of the body and sexual behavior in men, stimulates libido and potency, as well as the formation of sperm.

Features of the drug

Testosterone is the basic hormone for the synthesis of most androgenic drugs.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the group of androgens that stimulate protein synthesis and cell proliferation in target and reproductive tissues. The effects of testosterone can be classified as virilizing and anabolic effects. Anabolic effects include increased muscle mass and strength, increased bone density and power, and stimulation of bone growth.

Being a short-acting ester, testosterone propionate does not lead to excessive fluid accumulation, unlike, for example, testosterone enanthate. The drug has proven itself in the fight against fat deposits. It is these qualities of the steroid that athletes love.

In the language of bodybuilders, “drying” is the very pre-competition period, during which the athlete needs to remove excess fluid from under the skin and burn as much excess fat as possible. An indispensable assistant in this difficult process is testosterone propionate, which will prevent muscles from being destroyed on a strict diet, will give energy and act as a fat burner, thereby improving the quality of muscle fibers.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed to men who, for some reason, cannot produce their hormone as replacement therapy, adolescents with delayed puberty, and women for the treatment of breast cancer. It is used as an anabolic agent in pathological conditions that are accompanied by the breakdown of proteins. Testosterone propionate is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician individually.

If Testosterone propionate is prescribed, the instructions for use should be carefully studied, and the dosage should be selected by the doctor:

If side effects of the drug occur, it should be discontinued. Particular attention should be paid to patients with heart disease, liver dysfunction, epilepsy, and arterial hypertension.

The drug should be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of +5...+25 °C.

The effect of testosterone propionate

The effect of this drug is short-lived, only 2-3 days. Therefore, you have to do injections quite often, which causes some inconvenience, especially for beginners. There are positive aspects to the short duration of action of the drug. If you are trying testosterone propionate for the first time and do not know how your body will react to it, then if any negative reactions occur, it can be canceled, and after a few days the drug will be eliminated from the body. Usually the product is well tolerated, but allergic reactions to the oil base occur. This is olive or peanut oil.

Another problem for beginners who decide to try injectable testosterone is how to inject it correctly. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that for intramuscular injections it is necessary to use a syringe with a long needle. The fact is that with a short needle you risk not reaching the muscle, and the solution will simply be injected under the skin, this can cause inflammation.

Before giving the injection, prepare:

  • syringe from 2 cubes and above;
  • cotton pads or cotton wool;
  • ethyl alcohol 96%.

After preparing everything you need for the injection, take a comfortable position.

  • disinfect hands;
  • take an ampoule with the drug and shake off the remaining medicine with a light click, then wipe it with ethanol;
  • use a special file to make an incision at the tip of the ampoule and break it off;
  • draw the drug into the syringe;
  • point the syringe upward with the needle and, with a snap of your finger, collect the excess air into one bubble;
  • Squeeze out the air with the syringe plunger and wait for a drop of the drug to appear at the tip of the needle.

In order to find the desired injection point, mentally divide the gluteal muscle into 4 equal parts. You can use iodine and line it with it. You need to select a point in the uppermost square. This area is safe and you will be able to avoid the needle getting into the sciatic nerve. Wipe the area with alcohol and inject. It must be performed with a sharp movement with a clap, at an angle of 90˚. The needle is inserted ¾ into the gluteal muscle.

The medicine should be administered slowly. Then, with a sharp movement and at the same angle, remove the needle. Press the injection site with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol and massage it with light movements. Try to give injections to different buttocks one at a time. Use only sterile instruments.

Important! Never inject testosterone propionate intravenously! This can lead to serious consequences, including death.

Side effects

Testosterone propionate has the same side effects as all other drugs in this group. In men it can cause gynecomastia - a phenomenon when breasts begin to grow according to the female type, and in women, on the contrary, they disappear (masculinization). A woman acquires the masculine characteristics of a man, her voice becomes rougher, muscle mass and facial hair grow.

With excessive dosages, acne, hair loss in certain areas of the head and hair growth throughout the body (hirsutism) are possible. In men, prostate enlargement may occur (most often in people of retirement age). It suppresses the production of your own testosterone, so after stopping the use of the drug it is necessary to undergo rehabilitation therapy. It is not advisable for women to take testosterone propionate due to the high androgenic index of the drug.

Course design options

Before you start creating a course, you need to define goals and objectives and calculate the result. You should also get tested to know what your hormone levels were before you started using steroids. The same must be done at the end of the cycle. The drug can be used alone or in combination with other anabolic steroids, which will achieve a synergistic effect.

Scheme for beginners

Testosterone propionate. Course for beginners during the drying period:

  • dosage of 50 mg of testosterone propionate every other day;
  • Stanazolol (injection 30 mg daily or 25 mg orally);
  • The duration of the cycle is 6 weeks, then post-cycle therapy is carried out.

For experienced athletes, you can add Masteron or Trenbolone acetate. To improve drying results, add Clenbuterol or ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin). From sports nutrition, it is advisable to take amino acids with branched chains (branched-chain amino acids, BCAA)

Muscle gain

Course for gaining muscle mass:

The combination of Propionate and Boldenone significantly improves strength characteristics. Boldenone can be replaced with Nandrolone, but then Tamoxifen should be excluded from the course of rehabilitation therapy.

Increased strength indicators

Course for increasing strength indicators:

  • Propionate - 25 mg daily;
  • Boldenone undecylenate - 200 mg every 14 days;
  • from the first to the tenth week Anastrozole is added according to test data;
  • from the eleventh to the thirteenth, PCT is performed using Tamoxifen.

Exit medications

When using testosterone-based drugs, it is necessary to block aromatization by using atiestrogens. The following pharmaceutical preparations are suitable for this:

  • Arimidex;
  • Proviron;
  • Tamoxifen;

Arimidex (Anastrazole) is taken 1 mg per day if gynecomastia develops. For preventive purposes - 0.5 mg once every 2 days.

Proviron should be taken as a prophylactic to combat gynecomastia. If you are so inclined, you should start taking Proviron in the second week of the course, 2 tablets per day (50 mg); for preventive purposes, 25 mg per day is sufficient. By taking Proviron throughout the course, you can increase the effectiveness due to the fact that it blocks the activity of globulin that binds sex hormones.

Tamoxifen will help with aromatization by blocking estrogen receptors, but it should not be taken for preventive purposes, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the course. The drug will help quickly restore your own testosterone after hormone replacement therapy. But it is worth remembering that Tamoxifen is taken only after the effects of artificial hormones have ended.

HCG is needed in the middle of the course to prevent testicular atrophy, and after the course it helps restore the functions of the endocrine glands.

To achieve successful results, you should follow the following recommendations:

All drugs can be combined. You should not use prohormones as PCT, otherwise you will simply prolong your cycle and not begin to recover. Taking medications must be agreed with a specialist. Choosing a course on your own can cause irreversible consequences.

They started taking oral supplements together with an injectable anabolic steroid back in the late 80s, but only by the mid-90s did they see the real power in this combination. Today we’ll look at an easy and at the same time powerful course, which is ideal for both beginners and professionals. The course of propionate and methane showed excellent results from all sides, but in order to get the most out of the testosterone obtained, you need to know some nuances.

Course duration and dosage

High results can be achieved only after 3 months of use. Try to look for real arguments when you are advised to conduct a course for 1 month. As a rule, there are no arguments.

My arguments are based on facts:

  • Only after 2 weeks will both substances be fully involved in their work;
  • In a month you will only gain momentum in mass gain;
  • At the end of 3 months, your hormonal levels will be smooth and the body will clearly understand that the course is being stopped.

Now about each point separately. When foreign substances enter the body, at first it rejects them, as it protects you. Then gradual adaptation occurs, and the body begins to process the received material, increasing protein synthesis, accelerating metabolic processes, etc.

Good progress can be achieved by adding 30 mg of methane per day and 25 mg of testosterone propionate. The Internet is full of advisers who tell you to use the slide principle, pyramids and other useless schemes. All these are long gone. No pyramid will help you achieve progress faster than using an even background. This is simply a waste of substance that will not benefit you.

Summarizing this point, you can get the following scheme:

  • Course duration is 90 days;
  • 1 time per day 25 mg of propionate or 50 mg every other day;
  • Methandienone should be taken in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 10 mg.

Pros and cons of propionate + methane


Taking propic simultaneously with methane allows you to gain high-quality mass in a short time. Due to the short action of the ester, the level of aromatization is low. Acne and fluid retention are minimal.


Testosterone propionate, due to its short action, has to be administered every day or, at most, every other day (half-life is 21 hours; it would be more correct to administer it once a day). Frequent injections lead to the accumulation of oil at the injection sites, and placing the next injection into an oil bump is very unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate injection sites: buttocks, quadriceps, shoulders, and biceps.

Another disadvantage of testosterone, like any other substance based on it, is water retention. Although it was said above that it is minimal, even a small amount of it leads to a quick “clogging of the shins.” This means that you will not be able to run for a long time, which means that anaerobic load will remain in question for people trying to lose weight on this course.

How much can I get?

It is quite possible to gain 15 kg of muscle mass from this course in 12 weeks. Our ward was able to gain from 74 to 87 in 2 months, and this is 13 kg of meat and his first course in life.

If you want to achieve similar results, be sure to follow a balanced diet, healthy sleep and a training program with basic movements.

Nutrition should provide all your energy costs and even more, so that there is energy left for building new muscle fibers, approximately 2-2.5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. To build muscles you will need 1-1.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of your weight. And fat 1g per 1 kg. Only fat should be healthy.

Sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, but it is better to choose the optimal time for you. During sleep, processes that are imperceptible to the eye occur in your body - the construction of new muscle connections, the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, and others.

The training process gives a signal for muscle growth, this occurs due to the disruption of old muscle fibers. Taking steroids alone will not help you gain muscle, you will have to put in some effort. The most interesting thing happens when using multi-joint basic movements, they are the ones that can produce the strongest results and build muscle fibers throughout the body.

Side effects

The most pressing topic, but at the same time the simplest. Side effects can only appear in case of intolerance to the components or from overdose. If intolerance occurs in one in a million, then the rate of side effects from overdoses is many times higher.

Many beginners are burned by the myth that the higher the dose, the greater the growth. Up to a certain point, yes, this is indeed true. But this peak is very minimal. You don’t need to take 100 mg of propionate and 50 mg of methane per day to grow faster. I liked to do such nonsense myself, in the first stages of my acquaintance with steroids.

Believe me, you won’t get anything other than increased aromatization, acne and headaches. The whole secret of successful recruitment lies in minimal doses and nutrition.

List of side effects:

  • Acne;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Water retention;
  • Skin irritations
  • Headache.


After the course, it would not hurt to carry out auxiliary therapy. It is necessary to restore your own testosterone levels in the blood. To do this, you can use the drugs tamoxifen, anastrozole or gonadotropin.

The principle of action of tamoxifen and anastrozole is identical, only anastrase is several times stronger, due to this it has more side effects. PCT should be carried out using one of the proposed drugs.

  • Tamoxifen is taken after a course of 20 mg per day for 2 weeks.
  • Anastrozole is taken ½ tablet every other day for 2 weeks.

Gonadotropin is the most powerful stimulant of the above and PCT with its use is the most correct. It is better to place the gonad during the course and after the course, the diagram is below.

  • The gonad is placed on the course 1.5 months after the start and at the end along with the last injection of propionate. A dosage of 500 units is suitable for therapy. This is done with one injection every other day (5 injections in total). The main point is to never place the gonad in the same places with testosterone, otherwise there is a risk of abscesses forming.

Course price

  • Methane – 90 * 3 = 270 tablets or 3 packages of 100 tablets.
  • We will need propionate – 90 * 25 = 2250 mg for 1 course. This means we will need 2 bottles of 10 ml and 3 ampoules of 1 ml.
  • Cost of methane = 690 * 3 = 2070 rubles.
  • Cost of testosterone propionate = (2 * 690) + (3 * 80) = 1620 rubles.

Total 2070+1620 + 500 (delivery) = 4190 rubles for 3 months of the course.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask in the comments.

Preparations for testosterone propionate solo cycle:

2 bottles (20 ml) Testosterone propionate SP laboratories (Active ingredient – ​​exogenous testosterone with an ester residue)

15 tablets Anastrozole Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Active ingredient – ​​Anastrozole)

20 tablets Clomid Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Active ingredient – ​​Clomiphenum).

Course duration:

5.5 weeks (39 days) + 30 days PCT (Post-cycle therapy).

A detailed table of course application by day can be downloaded

This course is perfect for athletes who have no experience in taking sports pharmacology or for athletes who have experience only in taking oral steroids (Danabol, Strombafort, Oxandrolone, etc.)

The course was compiled by a master of sports in bodybuilding and will allow you to evaluate the effect of exogenous testosterone on your body

Propionate course solo effect

In 5.5 weeks of the course, you can gain 3-4 kg of lean muscle mass, and also reduce the percentage of fat to 2%>. The amount of fat burned, as well as weight gain, can be greater, it all depends on physiology, diet and, of course, training.

  • Rapid increase in lean muscle mass;
  • Increasing the strength and endurance of the athlete;
  • Easy fat burning effect;
  • Increased libido;
  • Improved mood;

How to take a course of testosterone propionate solo instructions, PCT

I would like to say right away that you can write to our email with any questions you may have. We will advise you on taking medications and select a course to suit your needs.

Due to the fact that propionate is the shortest of the exogenous testosterone esters, injections must be given daily or every other day.
In our case, we administer 100 mg of Testosterone propionate every other day.
Since testosterone tends to aromatize, from the 3rd week we start taking Anastrozole, 1 tablet every 4 days (at night). Taking Anastrozole will help avoid unpleasant side effects such as: Gynecomastia (Gyno); Excessive flooding, etc.

pct after a course of testosterone propionate
Post-cycle therapy should be carried out 5 days after the final injection of propionate. Within 5 days, the ether will completely leave your body and you can start taking Clomid. We drink it 1 tablet at night for 14 days (2 weeks), after which we drink 0.5 tablet. within another 12 days.

Why is each drug needed on the propionate course?
Testosterone propionate – This is the basis of your cycle. Thanks to it, you will increase your testosterone levels by 5 times or more, which will allow you to recover faster between workouts and increase the increase in quality muscle mass.
Anastrozole - due to the fact that Testosterone propionate tends to aromatize and thereby increase the level of estrogen (female hormone), we need Anastrozole. It will reduce estrogen levels significantly and avoid side effects associated with its increase.
Clomid – after the cycle it is necessary to carry out PCT, which will help return your testosterone levels to the reference (initial) values. Clomid will help us with this, which will give a signal to the H-H-Y axis (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes) that it is necessary to begin the production of endogenous (natural) testosterone. Within 26 days after starting PCT, the levels of testosterone and other hormones will return to normal.

Side effects on a solo propionate course

As a rule, side effects should not occur if you do not neglect taking Anastrozole and do not exceed the frequency and dosage of Testosterone propionate. If these recommendations are not followed, the following side effects may occur:

  • Acne;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Testicular atrophy;
  • Increased aggression;
  • Slight swelling;

It will be important to take tests before the course for the main sex hormones: LH, Cortisol, FSH, SHBG, Testosterone (Total), ALT, AST, Prolactin, Estradiol, Progesterone.
As a result, you will receive reference (initial) values ​​that you need to strive for after the course.

Where can I buy?

You can buy a solo course of propionate reliably and anonymously in our steroid store anabolikfarma1.com at an adequate price.

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