Pct after testosterone. PCT after a course of steroids - what is PCT in bodybuilding. The importance of course support

After taking a course of steroids, many athletes think about restoring their body. We all understand that we use strong drugs that affect the functioning of our hormonal system. Taking any anabolic steroid can influence changes in the functioning of the athlete’s body. But, some drugs are considered milder, while others, as they say, cut to the core. It's all about the goal! After all, achieving significant gains in muscle mass and strength on weak anabolic steroids is not realistic. That is why most of us resort to taking strong drugs that are useful.

The task of using PCT after any course

In order to understand the meaning after a course of therapy, you need to present a simple picture. The average athlete's body is capable of producing about 5 mg. testosterone per day, this is the norm. The same athlete buys himself a pack of Danabol, or the same Methane, for a month. One Danabol tablet contains about 10 mg. artificial testosterone. The average dosage per course is about 5 tablets. in a day. It turns out that for our natural share of testosterone of 5 mg, we add 10 times more, and so on every day. Consider the fact that the artificial hormone gradually accumulates in the body and its share at the end of the course becomes much larger.

At the moment of rapid increase in the sex hormone testosterone, any normal body begins to reduce natural production. We are gradually coming to the conclusion that artificial hormones in large quantities give excellent performance in sports, and their production has approached zero.

After completing a course of taking any anabolic steroid, there is always a pronounced moment of rollback. Each anabolic steroid has its own decay length, for some it is one week, and for others it is about 3 weeks. Here we are, when the artificial hormone left our body. It turned out that my own production of testosterone is completely zero and there is no longer any artificial one. There comes a period of total loss of strength results and a decrease in muscle mass.

The main task of PCT after taking steroids is to maintain muscle mass and strength, and not lose what should be yours. The faster you can restore your own level of male sex hormone, the shorter the rollback process itself will be. But try to understand that there will always be a loss of results. You should not think that after completing the course, the athlete will remain as strong and big as when taking anabolic steroids; this is not even logically realistic.

Basic post-course medications

Note! Courses of anabolic steroids can include completely different drugs, so PCT must be selected correctly. It is necessary to take into account the start period of the course therapy itself, the drugs that will be suitable after your course and the duration of the therapy itself to restore your own testosterone.

Drugs that athletes need to use on PCT:

Clomid is not an anabolic steroid, but rather is used in medicine to treat certain diseases. It is most widely used by athletes after a course. The drug has a good effect on the production of your own testosterone and is not highly toxic. It is this that should be used after the cycle, and the decay period of the steroids determines the timing of the start of PCT. Preapart is not an anti-estrogen, so it is always used after a course.

Tamoxifen is exactly the same, it is not an anabolic steroid and is used in medicine to treat certain serious diseases. Athletes use it after a course, but less often than Clomid. This is due to its increased toxicity and weaker effect on restoring one’s own testosterone production, but the anti-estrogenic effect is clearly present.

Proviron is the main problem for many beginners, because for some reason it suddenly disappears after a course of treatment as a recovery drug. This is an obvious mistake, because the use of Proviron is advisable in the course itself. The drug serves as an anti-estrogen, reducing the increase in female hormone in the male body. This process is very necessary when using various types of testosterone, nandrolone, and methandienone in the course. These steroids are capable of causing aromatization processes and increasing androgenic levels, which leads to side effects and fluid accumulation. Taking Proviron can suppress a lot of negativity during the course itself and improve the quality of the resulting muscles. Also, this drug increases your own libido (sexual activity), during a course of taking steroids, this can be very useful.

Clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid, but rather a therapeutic drug, but is widely used in bodybuilding. Oddly enough, it should be in the PCT section, although many consider it just a fat burner. Taking Clenbuterol prevents the process of catabolism and maintains the results obtained well after the course. It also has a fat-burning effect and is capable of significantly increasing muscle density.

Tribulus - this drug goes into the sports nutrition section, but still has its positive share in the entire recovery process. Many athletes recommend using Tribulus for additional assistance in restoring their own testosterone, because this is its main task. It will never be superfluous and will not harm the overall PCT process.

Gonadotropin is a drug that often attracts the attention of many athletes, especially beginners who want to recover more than get results from the cycle. The drug is used to force the testicles to produce an ever smaller proportion of their testosterone. But, it fully works during the period of steroid action, so correct use determines the main effect. It is worth noting that Gonadotropin is used very rarely by amateur athletes; most cope with the tablets listed above.

PCT after strong anabolic steroids

These are commonly used anabolic steroids by both beginners and experienced athletes. Despite the many shortcomings of these drugs, the majority of athletes see a positive result in them. The high level of anabolism, aromatization and androgenic activity make these drugs effective in gaining muscle mass. Of course the quality wants to be the best, but the result is clearly visible.

PCT after taking a course of Danabol and similar steroids is very desirable. First, you need to consider taking Proviron on a course, because the high probability of estrogen formation needs to be quickly suppressed. Timely intake of Proviron will eliminate possible side effects and improve the growth of high-quality muscle mass. But it is after a course of Methane, or Danabol, that you can use Clomid to restore your own testosterone. The recovery process can begin 2 weeks after stopping taking steroids. Tamoxifen is also good for post-course use. It would not be amiss to add Tribulus, this is an additional plus for any restoration of testosterone production.

PCT after taking a course of Turinabol, Stanozolol

Turinabol and Stanozolol are not strong anabolics; rather, they are considered safe and mild. This distribution is associated with a very low likelihood of side effects. Using average dosages of 50 mg. for a day, getting side effects is simply not realistic. They are not able to cause the process of aromatization and estrogenic activity, which saves the athlete from many problems during the course, and also leads to a set of high-quality muscles. Taking Proviron is not mandatory, and is often completely excluded. It is after the course, after an average of 10 days, that the recovery process can begin. PCT after a course of Turinabol or Stanozolol is reduced to taking Clomid and Tribulus. As a rule, almost everyone stops at this option. This is quite enough and there is no urgent need to take anything else.

note , that the article was written exclusively for amateur athletes and the recommendations are indicated for intermediate courses that are purchased by beginners and are not familiar with conducting PCT. More powerful courses for mass using drugs with a high degree of aromatization and estrogenic activity require a slightly different PCT approach. Taking chronic Gonadotropin and other not described drugs is extremely rare. That is why they were not taken into account in this article.

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  1. Post-cycle therapy can be started only when the concentration of steroids in the blood has dropped to a sufficiently low level. If, after a course of a long drug, say testosterone enanthate, you start PCT too early, then the effectiveness of this therapy will be minimal. Enanthate will “phonate” in the body for about three more weeks, which means that there can be no talk of any restoration of the HPA arc during this time.
      • Steroid dosage.



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    So I do not encourage doing PCT after 6-8 weeks of the course, this is a personal matter for everyone and the goals they pursue.
    Regarding the above, I completely agree with you! There is no logic in not climbing the PCT if the rest is shorter than the course itself...

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  4. The main problems faced by athletes after a course of anabolic steroids include: reduced levels of endogenous testosterone, testicular atrophy, decreased libido, loss of gained muscle mass and strength. To minimize possible side effects, you should undergo post-cycle therapy (PCT)– combined use of medications and special supplements after completing a course of anabolic steroids (or prohormones) in order to restore function Hypatolamus-pituitary-testis arches (HPT) and minimizing muscle loss.

    The following main stages of recovery after the course can be distinguished:

        • Gonadotropin therapy (at the end of the course);
        • PCT (after the course);
        • Cleansing the body (after PCT).
    Stage I. Gonadotropin therapy. Prevention of testicular atrophy.

    Testicular atrophy is the result of decreased production of testosterone and sperm by the testes due to decreased production of gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone (LG) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSG)) pituitary gland. Short-term atrophy goes away on its own when you stop taking steroids, while long-term atrophy can lead to serious problems. If during the course the size of the testicles has decreased significantly, and the course itself was also quite long, restoring the size and functionality of the testicles may cause difficulties, even if the secretion of gonadotropins is restored to normal levels.
    To avoid the above problem, it is necessary to use exogenous gonadotropin during the course: chorionic (hCG) or menopausal (MHG) human gonadotropin. These injectable medications provide the body with artificial gonadotropin, which stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. Usually several injections of hCG are given every third week of the course, and this is quite enough. Several injections of hCG at the very end of the course will help “wake up” the testicles and prepare them for the next stage - antiestrogen therapy.
    Stage II. PCT.

    After completing the course, the levels of LH and FSH in the body are reduced. If gonadotropin was used during pregnancy, testicular atrophy will be minimal. It's time to start PCT.
    We start PCT with a reception selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) or in another way - antiestrogens. In addition to popular tamoxifen And clomiphene, this group also includes raloxifene , toremifene And enclomiphene(active isomer of racemic clomiphene).
    The operating principle is as follows:

      • SERM binds to estrogen receptors;
      • the hypothalamus begins to receive signals about estrogen deficiency in the body;
      • the hypothalamus responds by producing gonadotropin-releasing hormone;
      • stimulates the production of LH and FSH;
      • increased levels of gonadotropins lead to increased testosterone levels and improved spermatogenesis.
    The big problem with antiestrogens is that in addition to testosterone, they increase estrogen levels. While SERMs are in the body, the biological activity of estrogen remains at a low level, however, after stopping these drugs, an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen may occur, leading to estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia.
    This problem does not always arise, however, if necessary, it can be solved by aromatase inhibitors (AIs) . Aromatase inhibitors reduce estrogen levels by normalizing the testosterone/estrogens ratio. Drugs in this group include anastrozole, letrozole, exemestane. It is worth noting that taking AIs should be approached with extreme caution, since an excessive decrease in estrogen levels can result in serious side effects. Our task is to return hormone levels to normal limits. For control, it is necessary to take hormonal blood tests.
    Prolactin inhibitors
    If drugs of the 19-nor group (nandrolones, trenbolones, etc.) were used during the course, you are highly likely to encounter side effects caused by increased levels of prolactin: gynecomastia, decreased libido, deterioration of erection, etc. To control prolactin levels, use bromocriptine And cabergoline. Since bromocriptine is difficult to tolerate by the body, it is better to opt for cabergoline. Pharmacy names of drugs: Dostinex, Agalathes, Bergolak. The last two are cheaper analogues of Dostinex, but despite the relatively low cost, they cope with their task no worse. Prolactin inhibitors are used throughout the course and on PCT until prolactin levels normalize.
    III Stage. Cleansing the body.

    If the restoration of the HPA arch is successful, you can begin to cleanse the body systems. For this purpose, various pharmaceutical drugs are used to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and central nervous system.
    Approach your courses and recovery wisely - this will help you progress and maintain your gains

  5. )))..So I kept the topic purely, nothing more, there were just a lot of discussions on the topic of PCT, some for, some against, so I expressed my opinion on this matter... 1 this is a long break from AS, 2 is the decision to have a child, and 3 is the decision to completely stop using AS. Otherwise, it’s just stupidly cramming medications into yourself and further weakening the hormonal system..((

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    I have a 3.5 year old daughter and a 10 month old son. The daughter was conceived on the course of sust + parabolan + turik in the eighth week. My son is on a longer course. Somewhere in the 20th week of the course. Again - under no circumstances should it be taken as a guide)! As they say - don't try to repeat it. The course was like this.

  6. I have a 3.5 year old daughter and a 10 month old son. The daughter was conceived on the course of sust + parabolan + turik in the eighth week. My son is on a longer course. Somewhere in the 20th week of the course. Again - under no circumstances should it be taken as a guide)! As they say - don't try to repeat it. The course was like this.

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    Yes, no doubt, I have many friends whose children were all conceived on methane and Retabolil and there are no problems or deviations, but there are also friends for whom not everything turned out so rosy, so such a matter must be approached with great responsibility , as they say, measure seven times, cut once. Well, again, it matters a lot at what age you started mocking your hormones, look at today’s youth..)) there are such compotes at 18 years old that I think that even if If you want something after such courses, it’s unlikely that anything worthwhile will come of it.

  7. Yes, no doubt, I have many friends whose children were all conceived on methane and Retabolil and there are no problems or deviations, but there are also friends for whom not everything turned out so rosy, so such a matter must be approached with great responsibility , as they say, measure seven times, cut once. Well, again, it matters a lot at what age you started mocking your hormones, look at today’s youth..)) there are such compotes at 18 years old that I think that even if If you want something after such courses, it’s unlikely that anything worthwhile will come of it.

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    Yes, until I was thirty, it never even occurred to me that something like that would happen. We were taught from childhood - if you want to achieve, pasha! Laziness and lack of sports culture and appropriate pharmacological education. Booze, nicotine and drugs somehow inform the fragile brain of the younger generation. It would be necessary to conduct some kind of educational program among children for chemistry, too.

  8. Post-cycle therapy can be started only when the concentration of steroids in the blood has dropped to a sufficiently low level. If, after a course of a long drug, say testosterone enanthate, you start PCT too early, then the effectiveness of this therapy will be minimal. Enanthate will “phonate” in the body for about three more weeks, which means that there can be no talk of any restoration of the HPA arc during this time.
    To determine when to start PCT, two factors need to be taken into account:

      • Steroid ester half-life (SEL);
      • Steroid dosage.
    The half-life of a drug is the period of time during which the concentration of the drug in the body is reduced by half. To understand how to use the PPR indicator, consider an example. Let's say you injected 1000 mg of testosterone enanthate (LOR = 7 days). This means that 7 days after the injection, 500 mg will remain in the body, after another week - 250 mg, three weeks after the injection - 125 mg, after four - 62.5 mg, after five - 31.25 mg. As you can see, it will take more than 5 half-lives to eliminate 1000 mg of testosterone enanthate.
    From the above example, you can see that the duration of action of the drug directly depends on the dosage. 1000 mg of testosterone enanthate will take longer to reach the lower concentration threshold than the same 500 mg.

    The so-called “Steroid calculators” can be very helpful in determining the start time of PCT. For example, in PCTCalculator It is enough to specify 5 parameters for each drug, and the program provides a detailed calculation of the amount of the substance in the body by day, and also suggests specific days for starting PCT.
    You can start PCT when the level of drugs in the blood drops to 100 mg. If you believe various scientific sources, then this particular dosage has almost no effect on the HPG arc.
    Below is a table for the most common esters and dosages, indicating the number of days until the start of PCT since the last injection.

    As can be seen from the table, in the case of long esters, a considerable period of time may be required before starting therapy. In this regard, it is much more convenient and reliable to build courses on short drugs.
    If you are a supporter of long courses on long-lasting steroids, then the best option would be to end them with a 3-4 week “release” on short-term steroids. For example, after a 10-week course based on testosterone cypionate (800 mg/week), another 4 weeks of testosterone propionate (100 mg/day) are given, and 2 days after the last propionate injection we begin PCT. This scheme will help you smoothly exit the course and begin rehabilitation therapy almost immediately.

      • To determine the day to start PCT, you need to take into account the PPR and the dosage of the drug;
      • You can start PCT only after reducing steroids to a minimum level (100 mg);
      • We calculate the day of the start of PCT using a special calculator;
      • Courses of long-term drugs must be completed with a 3-4 week “exit” on short-term steroids, after which PCT should begin. (optional)

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    Tell me where to "make money" PCTCalculator ohm ?
    Thank you.

  9. Google PCT calculator. And somehow I came across it on my daughter. But due to the fact that I don’t need it, because I haven’t done it in a long time. Therefore, I can’t give you a more precise answer.
  10. Personally, I think that it’s still better to carry out PCT at least after taking AAS, even after short courses, I myself feel a loss of strength after stopping the drugs, I don’t have a fighting spirit in training, which is crap for strength sports, then with Ganada at least I’m still even tired wants than without it, I don’t even want to climb on a woman))))) Once an acquaintance decided to take a course for the first time in his life but without a test, well, that’s how everyone starts, they think they’ll eat a pack of mill and won’t do it anymore, but after a year they’ll screw everything in a row))))))) So he decided to sit on metashka and camp, he specially took a test, before the course the test level was 700 something (I don’t remember the unit of measurement), then after 2 weeks of taking the drug it became 70, but in another week 40. So I think that there is still a point in taking Ganada to quickly wake up the balls)))) But I don’t understand why antiestrogens are needed on PCT, if for example I took aromatase inhibitors during the course? In principle, the estrogen level is normal, all that remains is to pump up the eggs! I have always used this regimen, and between courses on insulin or peptides. I liked the peptides more in terms of results, I even gained on them after the course, and starting a new course you immediately go to new strength indicators, you don’t even have to recover to the old ones, as happens when you fall apart after stopping AAS. The only negative was that you often have to put them on and you feel sad in the cold, the joints also begin to crack because there is no such lubrication as from the pharmacy.
  11. Personally, I think that it’s still better to carry out PCT at least after taking AAS, even after short courses, I myself feel a loss of strength after stopping the drugs, I don’t have a fighting spirit in training, which is crap for strength sports, then with Ganada at least I’m still even tired wants than without it, I don’t even want to climb on a woman))))) Once an acquaintance decided to take a course for the first time in his life but without a test, well, that’s how everyone starts, they think they’ll eat a pack of mill and won’t do it anymore, but after a year they’ll screw everything in a row))))))) So he decided to sit on the meta and the camp, he specially took a test, before the course the test level was 700 something (I don’t remember the unit of measurement), then after 2 weeks of taking the pharma it became 70, but in another week 40. So I think that there is still a point in taking Ganada to quickly awaken the balls)))) But I don’t understand why antiestrogens are needed on PCT, if for example I took aromatase inhibitors during the course? In principle, the estrogen level is normal, all that remains is to pump up the eggs! I have always used this regimen, and between courses on insulin or peptides. I liked the peptides more in terms of results, I even gained on them after the course, and starting a new course you immediately go to new strength indicators, you don’t even have to recover to the old ones, as happens when you fall apart after stopping AAS. The only negative was that you often have to put them on and you feel sad in the cold, the joints also begin to crack because there is no such lubrication as from the pharmacy.

    Well, judging by your nickname and posts, you are clearly not loaded with intelligence. And the site seems to be mixed up. You most likely need to go to a dating site. And swearing here, especially in relation to other forum participants, is not welcome. And I don’t need to answer either. There will be no dialogue.

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    I didn’t try to impose anything on anyone or teach them what to do and how to do it, I just described how it was for me, and I absolutely don’t care what anyone thinks here, if someone thinks that I’m wrong about something or don’t like my posts you can simply ignore them, but it turns out that like jackals they attack and begin to criticize “you are crap”, etc., thereby you yourself advertise your “increased” intelligence. If you don’t like it, don’t read it and don’t answer for God’s sake, no one is forcing you, and if you really think you’re fucking smart, it would be better to answer the question why use antiestrogens on PCT if the estrogen level is normal, then I’m here to find out something new, and not to argue who is the smartest here. This is why there are these forms and discussions, because in the midst of disputes the truth is born, if you haven’t heard such a saying with your increased intelligence, and not to litter people with what kind of crap they write, and if it really is crap, then it would be better to explain it in a normal way, “my friend.” I’m wrong because because....", fuck it, it’s easier to fuck up the dude and that’s all.

In the world of bodybuilding, there is such a term as pullback phenomenon - loss of muscle mass after a course of anabolic steroids.

The rollback process is inevitable, and whether it will be more or less depends only on you and your actions on the PCT.

PCT - (PCT) – a set of measures aimed at quickly restoring the production of endogenous (own) testosterone (testicular functionality) after taking anabolic steroids, minimizing the rebound phenomenon and the negative consequences of taking AS.

Proper PCT will minimize setbacks and help you retain most of your gains on the course.

But if you act incorrectly, or worse, do nothing, everything you have gained will be lost, mostly or completely.

PCT should always be carried out, no matter how light or weak the course is.

Some sources on the Internet voice the opinion that if this is the first course, or if the duration of the course did not exceed 6 weeks, and the drugs were not “heavy”, then PCT is not necessary. This is a very dangerous misconception that can lead to the following bad consequences:

Gynecomastia after the course and loss of all gained muscle mass.

To begin with, I would like to understand why such a phenomenon as a rollback occurs?

As we know, absolutely all AS are nothing more than a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Our body is a complex self-regulating system and parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland are responsible for regulating the natural level of testosterone (sex hormones), and the testicles are responsible for its production. (The so-called Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes arc)

Testosterone levels are regulated by a feedback mechanism. Roughly speaking, if there is a lot of testosterone (sex hormones) in the body, the hypothalamus gives an “order” to the pituitary gland, which in turn gives an “order” to the testicles to slow down, and if the course is severe or long, then to subsequently stop the production of testosterone (complete or partial testicular atrophy).

This is why during AC courses some people notice how their testicles become smaller in size.

This occurs due to a decrease in the number of Leydig cells, which are responsible for the production of testosterone. But even if your testicles have not changed in size after the course, this does not mean that atrophy has not occurred!

Testicular atrophy is a completely reversible process.

There is no need to be afraid of this process. You can always prevent testicular atrophy by taking appropriate medications. But even if atrophy has occurred, after the AS is discontinued, everything will return to normal after some time.

Another thing is that if this process is not accelerated, then the recovery period will be significantly delayed, which in turn will directly affect the magnitude of the rollback after the exchange rate.

Additionally, if you are using steroids that are susceptible to aromatization - i.e. conversion into estrogens, then the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular arc will be suppressed several times more strongly.

Because a high level of estrogen is an additional signal to the hypothalamus about a decrease in testosterone production. It is also necessary to take into account that there are steroids that do not aromatize, but suppress testosterone production quite strongly.

These include nandrolone and trenbolone, which are progestants, i.e. are not converted into estrogen, but are able to bind to progesterone receptors of the pituitary gland and thereby inhibit testosterone production.

How to prevent suppression of testosterone production (testicular atrophy) during the cycle?

    Use non-aromatic preparations ( Primobolan , turinabol, oxandrolone, boldenone , stanozolol)

    Use drugs with a short period of action - those that do not work around the clock. (For example, methandienone has a half-life of 6 hours, if you take half the daily dosage at 7 and 12, there will be virtually no suppression)

    Use Gonadotropin on the AC course, every 3 weeks of the course, or immediately 3 weeks before the end of the course. (The most effective way to prevent testicular atrophy)

I would like to add that light courses lasting up to 6 weeks (which use drugs whose duration of action does not exceed 5 days) moderately inhibit the Hypothalamus-pituitary-testes arc. To recover after such courses, anti-estrogenic drugs are used - clomid and tamoxifen However, they are used after courses of any complexity. Recovery is quick and does not require PCT lasting more than 1 month.

The use of antiestrogens after a course of AS solves several problems:

    Makes it possible to avoid estrogen-dependent side effects (since the balance of hormones is disturbed on the estrogen side, the development of post-cycle gynecomastia and female-type fat deposition is possible)

    By reducing estrogen levels, we signal the hypothalamus that there are few sex hormones (testosterone), and it is necessary to begin increased stimulation of its production by the testicles.

But not everything is so simple... If your course was “hard” or long, then another factor comes into play:

The hypothalamus, almost immediately after the withdrawal and removal of AS from the body, gives the command to the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins, but our atrophied testicles cannot produce testosterone in the required quantity.

Therefore, in such courses, always use gonadotropin either during the course or (at least) 3 weeks before the end of the course.

You need to start post-cycle therapy only when the effect of the steroid in the body has stopped!

For oral steroids, the period of action usually does not exceed 24 hours.

For oil-based AS, PCT with antiestrogens should be started taking into account the following half-lives:

    Nandrolone decanoate (Deca) - 14 days

    Boldenone (Equipoise) 14 days

    Trenbolone acetate- 3 days

    Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) 10.5 days

    Sustanon or Omnadren (testosterone mix) - from 18 to 21 days.

    Testosterone Cypionate - 12 days

    Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days

    Testosterone propionate 3 days

    Nandrolone-phenylpropionate (Phenyl) -3 days.

If you start PCT before the effect of the steroid has ended, then no recovery will simply occur.

How to take Clomid and Tamoxifen after courses of varying complexity?

Dosage of Tamoxifen 20 mg. in tablet

    3d*80mg/12d*40mg/15d*20mg/15d*10mg is a very difficult course.

    15d*40mg/15d*20mg/15d*10mg - a hard course.

    30d*20mg/15d*10mg - average course.

    15d*20mg/15d*10mg/15d*10mg (every two days) - an easy course.

    15d*20mg/15d*10mg - oxandrolone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, stanozolol, oral turinabol).

Dosages Clomid (Clomiphene) (one tablet 50 mg.)

    3 days at 150 mg/12 days at 100 mg/15 days at 50 mg/15 days at 25 mg. - a very difficult course.

    15d*100mg/15d*50mg/15d*25mg - a hard course.

    30d*50mg/15d*25mg - average course.

    15d*50mg/15d*25mg/15d*25 mg (every two days) - an easy course.

    15d*50mg/15d*25mg - oxandrolone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, stanozolol, oral turinabol.

What is better to use after the course? Clomid or Tamoxifen?

Both drugs belong to the same class - selective modulators (blockers) of estrogen receptors. Studies have shown that Clomid acts better on estrogen receptors directly in the pituitary gland. Whereas tamoxifen works better in other tissues in the body.

The pros and cons of tamoxifen and Clomid include the following:

    Cheapness of tamoxifen

    Tamoxifen is the best anti-estrogen

    Clomid and Tamoxifen are equally potent

    Tamoxifen lowers cholesterol levels

    Tamoxifen cannot be used after a course that included nandrolones and trenbolones, as it can increase the number of progesterone receptors. Accordingly, the risk of side effects increases.

    Tamoxifen has high toxicity compared to Clomid

    Clomid is the most suitable for pct after trebolones, nandrolones

The conclusion that can be drawn is that we use Clomid on PCT after nandrolones and trenbolones. In all other cases, it is better to use tamoxifen.

Additionally, tribulus can be used on PCT in dosages of 6000 mg. in a day. Tribulus has the property of influencing the production of luteinizing hormone. Which in turn leads to increased testosterone production.

Very often I see a picture when Tribulus is used as the only drug on PCT.

Guys, remember this once and for all. Tribulus can only be used as an addition to antiestrogens, but not the only drug on PCT.

I think why, there is no need to explain?

After a course of therapy, the process is complex and is not limited to taking antiestrogens. No less important are factors such as:

    Proper nutrition

    Changes in the training process

How to train after a course of steroids?

After a course of AS, in parallel with taking antiestrogens, it is necessary to make changes to the training process. In this case, training loads should be reduced by 50%. You need to train in this mode for a month. Then gradually increasing the training load, gradually bringing it to the maximum.

Why do this?

In the body, in its normal state, the processes of anabolism and catabolism are balanced. When you take AC, your anabolism (protein synthesis) is many times greater than your catabolism.

Muscles under the influence of training loads receive microtraumas, healing the damage, muscle tissue begins to intensively store protein, building new muscle myofibrils, due to this a phenomenon called hypertrophy occurs.

When you come off AS, in conditions of low testosterone, your anabolic processes are greatly slowed down, protein synthesis in such conditions is insufficient to build new microfibrils. Old microfibrils, in the process of natural aging, are broken down by lysosomes. This process is the main reason for the so-called rollback after the course. So, as we can judge from what was written above, the increased level of cortisol after the course is by no means the primary factor in the loss of muscle mass.

However, training is stressful for the muscles. Therefore, we must minimize this stress (the release of large amounts of the stress hormone cortisol, which destroys muscles) until our natural testosterone levels return to normal.

There is an opinion that training should be stopped altogether in the first few weeks after the course.

This is fundamentally wrong. Muscle growth is nothing more than the body's reaction to increased load. Large muscles are energy-consuming for the body, and if there is no necessary load, the body will destroy these muscles as unnecessary. As a result, if you don't train at all, you'll get a much bigger kickback.

Based on the above, you should reduce your training time by half. If you trained for 1-2 hours, then the training time needs to be reducedup to 30 minutes maximum!

The training should include,basic exercises, while your working weights should be as close as possible to the training weights you worked with on the course, minus 10-20%.

It is best to train 2-3 times a week. The following split is most suitable for PCT:

Monday - LEGS

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – BACK-DELTS

Thursday – rest


Saturday-Sunday rest.

How to eat on PCT

If during the course we consumed more protein (3 grams or more), then after the course we need to reduce protein consumption to 2 grams. Take up to 3 grams of carbohydrates per kg. It is recommended not to consume carbohydrates in the afternoon. Meals should be frequent, every 2-2.5 hours.

Very, very recommended supplements for PCT - BCAA amino acids before and after training. Creatine and vitamins.

It is also very important to get enough sleep during PCT. If you have problems sleeping, buy melatonin, take it according to the instructions and your sleep will improve.

I hope that the information was useful for you, and you will carry out your PCT competently and “roll back” to the minimum.

Good day, dear readers of the sports blog sportivs. Since recently, in view of your interests, I began to publish articles on pharmacology, I would like to talk about such a topic as post-cycle therapy after steroids. This is extremely necessary, because correct PCT will allow you to maintain the gained weight, cleanse the liver and the body as a whole. Go.

What is it used for?

In the world of bodybuilding there is such a phenomenon - kickback. It is accompanied by a decrease in gained mass and a deterioration in strength indicators. This happens upon completion of the course. For the most part, a course of anabolic steroids contains testosterone, a male sex hormone that affects muscle growth. As a result, hormonal levels are disrupted due to the entry of artificial testosterone into the body, which is why natural testosterone ceases to be produced in proper quantities.

Post-cycle therapy will help improve hormonal balance and stop the transformation of testosterone into the female sex hormone - estrogen. If PCT is not done, a number of side effects and diseases may occur.

The most common are acne, testicular atrophy, impaired male libido, excessive flooding, and gynecomastia. These are only the most popular ones, but now think about whether you need all of this. This is why post-cycle therapy is necessary.

When to do PCT

Post-cycle therapy should be taken after all steroids have left the body. Oral drugs - steroids in tablets are eliminated from the body in about 24 hours. However, injectable steroids have a longer half-life. After Winstrol and methane, PCT begins after one day.

  • After PCT, you should start 14 days after the last injection.
  • PCT after testosterone is taken depending on the testosterone ester. If the broadcast is long, then after 10-12 days, if the broadcast is short, then 3 days.
  • – it is also a combination of 4 testosterone esters that takes the longest to be removed from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to do PCT after Sustanon 21 days later.

What to use as PCT

Clomid or tamoxifen is almost always used. These drugs help cleanse the liver. They are also estrogen receptor blockers. Now I’ll tell you how this happens. Throughout the course, when testosterone enters the body in artificial form, it ceases to produce its own in the required quantities, because if it comes from outside, why try and produce more of your own?

However, after that? Once the course ends and there is no artificial testosterone, it is difficult for your own to recover and begin to synthesize production back. In its place, estrogen receptors begin to actively work. To ensure that there is no female sex hormone in the body, drugs such as Clomid and Tamoxifen are taken.

The dosages of these drugs depend on the complexity and duration of the course.

If you used a weak oral one - for example, turinabol, then after it 1 tablet is enough for 14 days. To return your own testosterone levels to normal, you can use gonadotropin. Many professional athletes use Proviron as an androgen.

In terms of its composition and cost, tamoxifen is better than Clomid. However, it is not recommended for use in cycles that included nandrolone and trenbolone, as it will be the main factor in increasing side effects.

If you notice excessive waterlogging, acne or gynecomastia, then estrogen receptors are used. In this case, you need to start taking anastrazole - it will help get rid of these unpleasant side effects.

To gently exit the course, you need to properly combine post-course therapy with sleep, proper nutrition and exercise. Very often, athletes rely heavily on steroids, thereby reducing physical activity. This is silly. Playing sports should be fun and you should be completely dedicated to it. In general, I do not recommend using steroids unless you are preparing to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting.

Nowadays, without pharmacology, it is not possible to become a bodybuilder who is able to win awards on stage. If you work out for yourself, then believe me, you can achieve incredible results thanks to complete dedication, discipline and, of course, desire. Eat right, choose the right training program, use sports nutrition.

Well, our next article has come to an end. If you liked the information, do not forget to share it on social networks with your friends. Leave comments and suggestions - they will help the blog develop. Finally, I recommend watching the interesting video that I attached. Be healthy and have a nice summer.

It’s over and you need to somehow minimize losses, recover and take care of your health.

Remember: When you come off a course of anabolic steroids, you will always lose weight. Always lose muscle mass, no matter what PCT you use, no matter what super techniques you use, you will always burn part of the muscle mass you gained. Why?

The fact is that the male body produces on average +-5 mg per day - this is one methane tablet. Let’s say you are on a course of 700 mg per week, you get 100 mg of methane per day, and the natural dosage is 5 mg.

This is the advantage a person gets from chemistry, the dosage is 20 times greater than the natural dosage of an ordinary person. The body cannot provide such amounts of testosterone growth. That's why when a person comes off a course of steroids, he always loses weight.

Conclusion: on PCT the task is not to preserve your muscles gained during the course; on PCT the task is not to destroy them even more than nature intended. When a person begins to ineptly experiment with his hormonal system, or when he puts in large excess loads in the gym.

The goal is to minimize losses

  • The more doses of anabolic steroids you used on the cycle, the greater the loss in muscle mass and strength will be after the cycle (the rollback is greater).
  • The longer the course of using anabolic steroids, the greater the rebound after the course.
  • The less you use the dose of the drug you use during the course, the less gain you have, and the losses are correspondingly less, the same with the timing of taking steroids.

Reduce muscle loss on PCT

  • We need to concentrate on restoring the natural balance of sex hormones, male hormones so that we have our own production, and female hormones should most likely be reduced, because after a course of steroids there will be more of them as a result of aromatization.
  • We need to achieve restoration of libido and spermatogenesis.
  • Most often it helps to improve the condition of the liver so that bilirubin is normal.
  • Cholesterol. Good nutrition, lots of fatty fish, fish oil (omega-3) and monitor cholesterol levels.
  • Reduce level. During the cycle, we are used to working with a very high training intensity, and after a course of steroids this intensity needs to be reduced in order to lower the level.

Restoring hormone balance

The male body also contains estrogen, and they are in a certain proportion with testosterone. The natural proportion is from 1 to 200 mg.
Everything in our system is regulated; if you have a lot of testosterone, then your own does not begin to be produced. Before increasing your natural testosterone, you need to wait until the artificial one runs out. To do this, you need to take into account the decay time of certain drugs.

Let’s say after and you need to wait ~2-3 weeks.

If there is a lot of estradiol and prolactin in your system, then they greatly inhibit the production of your own testosterone.

Drugs that help with PCT


Letrazole - against estradiol.

Letrazole – blocks estrogen and stimulates the production of your own testosterone. Experiments show that 0.5 mg of letrazole after 2 days increases the level of own testosterone by 50%, and 2.5 mg (1 tablet) after 2 days increases the level of own testosterone by 75%.

Taking letrazole

When and how to start taking letrazole. There are two options for using aromatase inhibitors.

During the cycle - it should be used in a situation where you have excessive aromatization, when your body converts too much testosterone into estrodiol. The likelihood of gynecomastia, female obesity, etc. increases.


Dostinex - fights prolactin. Dosages are the same as for letrazole.

Which contributes to faster testosterone recovery.

Faster testosterone recovery protects you from such consequences as gynecomastia, female obesity, and poor potency.

Clomiphene citrate

Weaker anti-estrogen, but better stimulates testosterone production

Tamoxifen citrate

A stronger anti-estrogen and worse promotes testosterone production.

There are drugs after which it is better not to use tamoxifen during PCT; these are drugs with prohistogenic activity:

  • (nandrolone)

It is better not to take Tamoxifen with these drugs, because tamoxifen increases the number of prohistogen receptors, so you can get a lot of unpleasant side effects because of this.

Dosage Tamoxifen citrate

  • 1 day – 80 mg
  • During the week, 40 mg
  • Then a couple of weeks at 20 mg


Dosage of Clomid (clomiphene)

  • Day 1 – 200 mg divided into 4 doses of 50 mg
  • Afterwards, use an increased dosage of 100 mg (2 tablets of 50 mg each) for a week.
  • After this week, switch to a reduced dose of Clomid 50 mg per day.
  • The total duration of taking Clomid is + - 1 month.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

The bottom line is that hCG is luteinizing hormone, which is the drug that causes your testicles to produce testosterone. But this is an artificial thing, so after the steroids stop working in your system, hCG does not work well.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is best used during and after a cycle of steroids to ensure your testicles continue to produce testosterone.

HCG dosage

  • 2000 hCG every other day for a week. Monday 2000, Wednesday 2000, Friday 2000.
  • There is an option to use 500 units of hCG every day for 10 days.

Proviron on PCT

  • Blocks aromatization
  • Blocks the action of globulin
  • Increases libido after a course of steroids

Proviron dosage

  • 50 mg per day, divided into two doses in the morning and evening.

Karsil on the PCT

Copes with all major liver-related tasks. Restore liver cells and protect them.

Carsil dosage

  • 270 mg per day - 3 times a day, 90 mg for about 3 months.
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