Winstrol injection course. Winstrol - instructions for use. Indications for medicinal use

Back in 1988, the entire sports world was shocked to learn that the famous Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson, who managed what no one had done before - to defeat the previous champion Carl Lewis in the Olympic hundred-meter race, was caught using anabolic steroids. Because of this, Johnson was suspended from competition for many years, because his doping test showed that the athlete had stanozololol in his blood. Johnson was also robbed of his previously received gold medal and a signed contract worth more than eight million dollars. Several years later, in 1990, the Anabolic Steroid Control Act was drafted and passed and, as a result, such substances began to be classified as controlled substances requiring special permission for use.

(or Winstrol, as it is called in the trade environment) is a weak steroid. Weak in terms of its ability to increase muscle mass in athletes who take it, but at the same time very popular and widespread among athletes and bodybuilders. Immediately after its introduction, Vinistrol was sold only in the form of tablets with a low dosage of 2 milligrams or in the form of an aqueous suspension, in which there were only fifty milligrams of active substance per milliliter. Currently, this steroid can be found in any dosage and concentration, and it is produced by several brands. Previously, bodybuilders took Vinistrol exclusively before important competitions, because thanks to the substance it was possible to quickly improve muscle definition and density. In 1995, a series of audio recordings from the magazine Muscle Media 2000 was published, one recording of which is dedicated to an interview in which the narrator shares with listeners stories about how the most enduring and successful runners achieved their success by taking small doses of Winstrol to prevent the onset of muscle loss, which could arise as a result of catabolism, which often intensifies after long runs.

Stanozolol is a chemical compound with the following structure: 17-mityl-5alpha-androstano(3,2-c)pyrazol-17beta-ol and is classified as an anabolic controlled steroid with the number assigned to it 302-96-5. Due to the impressive anabolic-androgenic ratio, this steroid is a highly anabolic substance. Paradoxically, at the same time, its effect on increasing strength and muscle mass is not so great. This surprisingly low effectiveness of the drug can be explained by the fact that stanozolol itself is a fairly weak androgen, but is significantly inferior to testosterone in effectiveness as an anabolic agent. If we compare stanozolol and testosterone, taken in equal doses, then in this comparison stanozolol clearly loses to the enemy.

Surprisingly, despite its low effectiveness, stanozolol is still quite popular. Perhaps the secret of such popularity of the substance lies in its reputation as an absolutely safe steroid, which, although it does not give a stunning and fastest effect, does not cause much harm to the body. Of course, such an opinion is wrong. This steroid, although it does not cause severe side effects like other highly androgenic steroids, is still not completely safe. Quite the contrary: many experts, having conducted relevant clinical trials, come to the conclusion that stanozolol can be considered the most dangerous steroid existing in the world today.

So is stanozolol dangerous?

So what can you believe: that stanozolol is practically safe or that a more dangerous steroid is difficult to find? It should be borne in mind that the effect of the substance has not yet been fully studied and is quite multifaceted. At first glance, stanozolol should act on the same principle as other similar substances: cause increased aggressiveness, hair loss, acne. Drugs based on the highly allergenic form of testosterone have exactly this effect. But in reality it doesn't turn out quite like that. Since stanozolol is a rather weak androgen, it does not increase the aggressiveness of living beings, but, on the contrary, suppresses it. Similar data are confirmed by numerous experiments conducted on animals. The experimental specimens became so non-aggressive that they did not even react in any way to physical provocations from other males who invaded their personal territory. The same experiments proved that the stenozol taken was not perceived by the male gonads (namely the seminal vesicles) as a substance replacing testosterone. Rats that were given this steroid for a period of time began to lose the ability to ejaculate and eventually stopped exhibiting any sexual behavior. Researchers noticed a similar reaction in females who, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, lost their sexual sensitivity.

So, judging by the effects of taking a steroid on behavior, stanozolol can be called an antiandrogen rather than an androgen. Since most often the reactions of the human body to certain substances do not differ too much from the reactions of experimental samples, it is safe to assume that people taking stanozolol may also have impaired functions of sexual receptivity, as a result of which they may lose their competitive advantage over other individuals.

In addition to the above-mentioned consequences, taking stanozolol, according to numerous reports from specialists, can cause blocking of the normal functioning of the brain and various receptor systems, and disruption of the action of anxiolytics and antidepressants. Many athletes who have taken steroids for some time report a period of depression that begins abruptly immediately after completing the drug cycle. And experts studying this issue argue that stanozolol is contraindicated for people who are highly susceptible to such conditions. Therefore, despite the fact that stanozolol, unlike other steroid drugs, does not cause the appearance of the so-called “steroid rage”, it is still quite dangerous for everyone who takes it, but it is especially dangerous for people with an unstable psyche, who, by their nature, exhibit suicidal tendencies or have psychological trauma.

Scientific research in the field of stanozolol

If we turn to the chemical structure of the type of steroid in question, it should be noted that it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, a given steroid. This means that stanozolol is not a substrate for the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for converting most androgens into estrogens (female sex hormones). Very few athletes taking stanozolol report estrogenic side effects if they were only using one drug. However, it would be wrong to assume that there is no danger at all from taking stanozolol. Conducting studies on laboratory mice, scientists have proven that this steroid has the property of accelerating puberty in females who are in puberty. It was possible to avoid such an effect only if, before the course of stanozolol, the experimental animals took an estrogen blocker. After the blocker, stanozolol still caused early vaginal changes in mice, but these changes were quite minor. It is difficult to say that this approach also works for people, because the doses of the drug used during the experiment are significantly less than those that athletes often take.

The mouse experiment and its results led scientists to hypothesize that stanozolol may act as an estrogen receptor agonist in the same way as the more popular Novaldex (Tamoxifen). Stanozolol, although it is not an aromatase substrate and, due to this, has resistance to conversion into estrogen, still to some extent stimulates aromatase activity, and therefore contributes to the conversion of other androgens into estrogen.

In another experiment, experts tried to study the effect of stanozolol on skin cells in laboratory conditions. In this experiment, they found that stanozolol in some cases showed unique and unexpected results that could not be explained solely by its connection with the hormone testosterone.

One of these results was the ability of the steroid to increase the production of enzymes and some prostaglandins in the skin. Trying to explain this phenomenon, experts have found that in skin fibroblasts (undeveloped, early skin cells), stanozolol is not replaced (displaced) by nortestosterone (androgen), estradiol (estrogen) or dexamethasone (cortisol derivative). Instead, the steroid is replaced by progesterone, another female hormone. Progesterone tends to displace stanozolol from skin cell receptors, but it cannot cause the same response itself. It turns out that the results of this experiment not only do not shed any light on the effect of stanozolol, but further confuse the situation - it becomes absolutely unclear how stanozolol works. Perhaps it interacts with other receptors, perhaps interferes with the work of other hormones, and perhaps acts as a weak substitute.

Not a single study has proven that stanozolol is an estrogenic or feminizing compound, as most people who have taken the drug can confirm. This steroid is not estrogenic and makes it possible to tighten muscle tissue by minimizing fluid retention in the body. When using the drug, it can very rarely develop, but if you take stanozolol in combination with other agents, its negative effect on the body will be much more serious.

Hepatotoxicity of stanozolol

Stanozolol comes in various forms: it can be found in oral form and as a solution. The chemical is absolutely identical in both forms, the only difference between them is that the cost of the injection solution is slightly lower, although the concentration, on the contrary, is higher. Oral administration of stanozolol is possible due to the fact that the structure of the drug contains a methyl group. This group allows it to become one of the seventeen alkylated steroids that are widely known for their high hepatotoxicity, which is significantly higher compared to the esters contained in injectable steroids.

The liver toxicity of stanozolol is also often underestimated. Most athletes who take this steroid believe that it is one of the least toxic steroid substances available, but this is far from the case. For many years, oral stanozolol has been actively used in medicine to treat completely different diseases. Even now, new areas for its application are still being explored. But even if stanozolol was prescribed by your doctor and obtained legally from a pharmacy, there is a high risk of serious damage to your liver.

In various long-term experiments, more than half of all subjects required a dose reduction or discontinuation of the drug due to a significant increase in liver enzyme levels, which is an indicator of damage at the cellular level. However, most scientists still believe that with the right intervention, it is possible to completely eliminate all signs and symptoms of liver damage. This is why stanozolol is often chosen as a safe alternative treatment for certain diseases.

Apparently liver cell damage is a widespread symptom with stanozolol use. Accordingly, the higher the dose of the substance, the more severe the damage occurs. As a result of the research, a binding protein was discovered that is present in both rat and human liver. This protein is specific for stanozolol and another steroid, danazol. Studies have shown that stanozolol is toxic to the liver, but exposure of liver cells to the highest possible dose of the substance (four hundred times higher than the recommended dose) has not proven that this steroid can cause or develop cancer of these cells, even if they are simultaneously affected several different carcinogens.

This does not mean that stanozolol can protect against cancer or its development. These results have not yet been confirmed, in addition, other chemicals can be used together with stanozolol, which were not taken into account during these experiments. There is also one officially published report that details a case of a bodybuilder taking stanozolol developing severe liver damage and acute renal failure. This athlete took fifty milligrams of the substance intramuscularly every day for eighty days, consuming an additional up to fifty milligrams of methandienone. Three weeks after the end of the drug cycle, the young athlete went to the hospital for qualified help. By this time, he had developed jaundice, and his body was no longer able to cope with the stress. The patient's general condition worsened over the next seven weeks until expensive treatment began to take effect.

Other negative effects from taking stanozolol

The above case, unfortunately, is far from the only one of its kind. Even with a superficial analysis of specialized literature, one can find evidence of the following incidents associated with taking stanozolol: four heart attacks (two of which were fatal), one case of blood loss that was not life-threatening, and one case of a sharp increase in heart rate. It should be noted that all these cases happened to young people, most often under thirty years of age.

It has long been known among athletes and bodybuilders that taking stanozolol increases the possibility of a heart stroke or heart attack, because the substance lowers “good” cholesterol in the blood and increases the concentration of “bad” cholesterol. Women taking this steroid may experience a masculinizing effect, serious bleeding may occur (ranging from a simple nosebleed to esophageal varices, which are life-threatening), and the risk of tendon injury increases.

Stanozolol is easily detected by analyzing hair or urine, and residues of the substance remain in the human body for several months after completion of the course of the drug. This steroid has been proven to suppress the body's production of testosterone and lower the level of androgen transporter protein in the blood.


Stanozolol, better known as Winstrol, is a popular steroid today. Most of those athletes who take it are absolutely sure that it does not cause much harm to the body. Although stanozolol does not show a clear risk of strong estrogenic and androgenic side effects, it is not nearly as safe as it seems. There is a lot of evidence that taking this drug negatively affects the functioning of various systems of the human body. The results of the studies convincingly prove that this steroid substance imitates the effects of the hormone estrogen, lowers libido, can contribute to the emergence and development of various mental disorders, weakens healthy aggression and sexual function, quite often causes damage to liver cells, and can also cause a fatal outcome.

How to take Stanozolol? You will find the answer to this question in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you about what this drug is, what it is used for and how it affects the human body.

general information

The drug "Stanozolol" (tablets) is an anabolic synthetic steroid that is used by athletes to give muscles definition and increase strength. This drug is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone.

This drug is officially produced and is actively used in boxing, bodybuilding, ultimate fighting, weightlifting and athletics, as well as in many other sports.

pharmachologic effect

Before taking Stanozolol, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with its principle of action. Penetrating into tissues, the presented product activates the genetic apparatus of cells, which subsequently leads to an increase in the synthesis of RNA and DNA, as well as structural proteins. In addition, this drug enhances tissue respiration, ATP synthesis, increases enzyme activity and increases the accumulation of macroergs.

It should also be noted that Stanozolol is able to stimulate calcium production, as well as suppress catabolic processes that were caused by glucocorticoids.

Among other things, this product promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones, significantly improves tissue trophism, and retains sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen in the body. The hematopoietic properties of this drug are associated with an increase in the synthesis of erythropoietin. As for the antiallergic effect, it is due to an increase in the concentration of the C1 fraction of complement. One cannot ignore the fact that the androgenic activity of this drug promotes the development of secondary male sexual characteristics.

Indications for use

In addition to the fact that this drug is actively used by athletes to burn excess fat deposits, increase appetite and create a clearer definition of muscle mass, it is often used in the complex treatment of such abnormalities as:

  • burns, injuries, post- and preoperative periods;
  • for recovery after radiation and infectious diseases;
  • in case of disruption of protein synthesis;
  • for toxic goiter, osteoporosis, negative nitrogen balance during corticosteroid therapy, as well as for hypo- and aplastic anemia.

Contraindications for use

Almost every athlete knows how to take Stanozolol tablets. However, not everyone has information that such a drug has a fairly large number of contraindications.

So, before taking Stanozolol, you should definitely read its instructions, which clearly state that this product is not recommended for use when:

  • prostate cancer, breast cancer in the stronger sex and breast carcinoma in women;
  • hypersensitivity to the main substances of the product;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis;
  • acute and chronic prostatitis;
  • during lactation and pregnancy;
  • in childhood.

Release forms

This drug is available in two forms: tablets and injection solutions. However, other than the method of application, there is no particular difference between them, since the solutions are based on an aqueous suspension. It should be noted that this is another positive property of this product. After all, if an athlete gets tired of injections, then at any time he can replace them with tablets.

How to take Stanozolol?

For several reasons, bodybuilding athletes prefer the injection form of the drug presented. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the oral remedy is much more expensive than injections. And, secondly, it was revealed that it is the pills that are most often counterfeited.

How to take Stanozolol solo? The first course of this oral drug involves the use of 10-50 mg of the drug per day. However, the dosage presented applies only to men. As for injections, experts recommend giving injections every other day in a volume of 50-100 mg. The course of taking tablets lasts approximately 30-42 days. Such a short period is explained by the fact that the drug is too toxic for the liver.

It should be noted that this remedy is popular not only among the stronger sex, but also among women. How should they take the drug "Stanozolol" solo? The first course of this drug includes a dosage of 5-10 mg per day (orally). As for the injection form, it is usually not used by the fairer sex in order to avoid side effects.

Before using the presented product, many athletes are interested in how to take Stanozolol tablets: before meals or after? Indeed, in many cases such a nuance is of great importance. According to the instructions, it is advisable to take this drug during meals with plenty of water. Moreover, if an athlete uses the maximum dosage, then it is advisable to divide it into two doses (morning and evening).

Complex reception

This synthetic anabolic steroid is most often taken solo. But it is often used together with other drugs. For example, the combination “Stanozolol” + “Clenbuterol” is quite popular. How to take them in this case? They are used separately. The dosage of Stanozolol is presented above. As for the drug "Clenbuterol", it should be taken 10-20 mcg twice a day.

Advantages of complex application

It should be especially noted that the presented combination of drugs is ideal for gaining lean muscle mass without fluid retention in the body. Moreover, these products provide a net increase in muscle mass with a clearly expressed appearance of relief.

If such drugs are used in parallel for 5 weeks, this gives the muscle tissue incredible density. After completing the course, the athlete’s muscles will have a constantly tense appearance with beautiful relief. It should also be noted that after stopping taking the drugs, the athlete will be able to maintain his results for a very long time.

Course "Turinabol" + "Stanozolol"

This eight-week combination of drugs allows you to gain 3-4 kilograms. During the first 56 days of the course, Turinabol and Stanozolol should be taken in equal quantities. In this case, it is recommended to divide the entire daily dosage into 3 or 4 doses. This method of use is due to the fact that the presented products have a rather short half-life.

To prevent athletes from experiencing a sharp decline in muscle mass after eight weeks of taking the drugs, experts recommend adding the medication Clenbuterol. It is advisable to take this remedy because it has a very strong anti-catabolic effect and is not hormonal. Moreover, the drug “Clenbuterol” can have a slight fat-burning effect, which is also important for athletes. Due to the fact that this drug is the same as the medications Turinabol and Stanozolol, its daily dose is also recommended to be divided into 2 or 3 doses.

How to quickly make your muscles sculpted?

To achieve beauty, you can use any anabolic course. Stanozolol + Testosterone Propionate is the most effective combination for quickly gaining muscle mass and cutting it. This course is especially suitable for bodybuilders. As a rule, it is used by both beginners and those who have been training for quite a long time.

Testosterone is an analogue of the male sex hormone. In this regard, it acts on the body more naturally and gently. But if you use it without the drug Stanozolol, then you will have to wait quite a long time for the effect. In addition, such a remedy has the ability to transform into estrogens, as well as retain fluid in the body. As for the drug "Stanozolol", which has a fairly powerful, but at the same time mild effect. Experts classify it as a short-term and fast-acting remedy. It should be especially noted that it helps to significantly enhance the effect of those drugs that are used together with it.

Side effects

Now you know what the drug Stanozolol is. This anabolic steroid can be taken both in combination and solo. However, it should be noted that all its forms (injection solutions and tablets) are hepatotoxic. They have a negative effect on the prostate. In addition, such products contribute to the appearance of acne.

Among other things, the drug Stanozolol slightly suppresses the production of endogenous testosterone and rarely leads to gynecomastia. In the fair sex it can easily cause pronounced virilization. Stanozolol also significantly increases blood pressure. According to the instructions, the drug often caused menstrual irregularities, suppression of ovarian function, and hypercalcemia in women. As for men, they very often showed signs of virilization, idiopathic hyperpigmentation of the skin was observed, growth slowed down or stopped altogether. In addition, after using the drug, representatives of the stronger sex could experience bladder irritation, priapism, hypertrophy and carcinoma of the prostate gland.

Other side effects

According to experts, the drug "Stanozolol" can cause progressive atherosclerosis, peripheral edema, dyspeptic disorders, changes in liver function disorders with the manifestation of jaundice, bone pain, etc.

The drug "Winstrol" (reviews of this product will be presented below) is an anabolic steroid that is available in tablets and as an injection solution. You will learn about why it is needed, how to use it and other information from the materials in the presented article.

General information

The drug "Winstrol" is a synthetic steroid, which is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. It has been approved by the FDA for human use only. Stanozolol (active ingredient) is a progesterone antagonist. But, despite this, this drug does not protect against the progestogenic effects of nandrolones.

Historical reference

The drug "Winstrol", reviews of which are very varied, was developed by Winthrop Laboratories back in 1962. Initially, this drug was intended for the treatment of hereditary angioedema, anemia, and to accelerate the recovery of the body after surgical interventions. And also in veterinary medicine to quickly increase muscle mass, strengthen bones, stimulate hematopoiesis and appetite of sick and weakened animals. A little later, the presented drug began to be actively used in equestrian sports to significantly increase the speed performance of racing horses. After this, bodybuilding athletes and other athletes immediately turned their attention to it and began to use it for ergogenic purposes.

Other names

The drug "Winstrol" has many other names. Among them, the following should be especially highlighted: “Cetabon”, “Strombafort”, “Terabon”, “Nabolic”, “Stanol”, “Stanazolik”, “Menabol”, “Stromba”, “Strombaject”, etc.

Winstrol tablets

Reviews about this anabolic steroid are mostly positive. After all, Winstrol in tablet form has a fairly high stability and bioavailability. During passage through the liver, the main active ingredients are not destroyed due to the presence of an alkyl group. Although this fact makes stanozolol very toxic to the mentioned organ.

Mode of application

Why take Winstrol tablets? Reviews about this product say that this drug is ideal for those who already have decent muscle mass, but do not have the relief, venousness and definition of muscles that all athletes so strive for. Moreover, these tablets simultaneously increase a person’s stamina and strength.

How long should Winstrol tablets be used? The course of taking this drug should be 5-6 weeks. You should start with small doses, namely 10 mg per day. Gradually, during the first week, this amount must be increased to the optimal amount, that is, up to 30 mg. Approximately 2-3 days after the completed course, it is necessary to carry out post-cycle therapy.

The drug "Winstrol" injection

Reviews about injections are more positive than about tablets. After all, most experts advise using the injectable form, since the oral form is toxic to the liver, which is not very good.

Features of the steroid and its methods of use

Winstrol Depot injections have some special features. The main difference between the presented product and the drugs “Deca Durabolin”, “Sustanol”, “Parabolan” is that its active substance is dissolved in oil, and not in water. This fact makes it fast-acting. However, the effect of this drug is less long-lasting than that of water-based steroids. In this regard, the drug “Winstrol Depot”, reviews of which we will consider below, is administered much more often, or rather at least 2 times a day, 50 mg. Only with this dosage will the results be noticeable.

The course duration for the injection form is about 6-8 weeks. Also, as in the case of tablets, post-cycle therapy is recommended after 2-3 days.

Steroid profile of the drug

Expected effects

Winstrol tablets and injections are widely used in bodybuilding. This popularity is due to the fact that the effect of the drug is significantly different from other anabolic steroids. It should be especially noted that you cannot gain muscle mass with this product. After all, it is used for completely different purposes, namely:

  • to give muscles definition;
  • to enhance venousness;
  • for muscle definition;
  • to burn excess fat deposits;
  • to increase strength, endurance and appetite;
  • to remove excess fluid from the body.

Advantages of the drug

This product has rather low androgenic activity. Thanks to this quality, even the fairer sex can use it. Moreover, the high safety of the drug "Winstrol" lies in the impossibility of its conversion into estrogens, which in turn prevents the appearance of such abnormalities as swelling and gynecomastia.

Side effects

Winstrol tablets and injection solutions (reviews, the price of the drug are presented below) are one of the safest anabolic steroids today. This is primarily due to the fact that side effects from this drug are extremely rare and only if the athlete uses too large doses and neglects the duration of the course. As mentioned earlier, the drug "Winstrol" is not converted into estrogens, and therefore side effects such as gynecomastia, swelling and fluid retention are completely absent.

So, let's look at what negative consequences can arise from the incorrect use of this drug:

Combined course

While taking Winstrol, you are allowed to use other drugs at the same time. For example, if the athlete’s goal is to significantly increase muscle mass, then it can be combined with strong androgens (“Anaprol”, “Testosterone” or “Methandrostenolone”). Thus, properly selected products will help significant muscle growth without retaining fat and fluid in the tissues.

Features of the course for the weaker sex

To achieve the desired result, women should take 5-10 mg of Winstrol every day. Despite the fact that the drug in the form of injections is well tolerated by representatives of the fairer sex, it is extremely undesirable to use this form. This fact is associated with the risk of androgen accumulation in the body. In addition, tablets are much easier to divide into several doses than an ampoule.

If a woman nevertheless resorts to injections, then the contents of the container should be divided at least in half. In addition, breaks should be taken between administrations of the drug. The most optimal regimen for the fairer sex is the following regimen: 1 dose of 25 mg every 2-3 days. If you inject more often, there is a risk of developing masculinization.

The anabolic androgen steroid Winstrol is quite popular among athletes. It is available in tablets or injections. The main active ingredient is stanozolol, Winstrol is often called “Winnie”. Both tablets and injection solution are methylated compounds. The drug actively has an effect, while its duration is quite short - no more than 8 hours.

Comparison of injections with tablets

Winstrol injections are more effective. As for the tablet form, taking the medicine for the first time leads to stronger breakdown in the liver area. As a result, it enters the blood in minimal quantities.
What should be the duration of the course of taking the drug?
Winstrol should not be used for a long time. The most optimal course is from four to six weeks. This cycle gives excellent performance - maximum performance can be achieved in combination with complex esters and longer-lasting effects.
Duration of action of the drug
This product quickly begins to act when it enters the bloodstream. But this action does not last long. Therefore, in order to achieve results, frequent injections or pills are required. In addition, it is possible to use Danabol for high performance in sports.

Disadvantages of injections

1. If the drug is administered intramuscularly, complications such as abscess and compaction are possible.
2. Injections can be painful, so it is best to inject them in different places on the body. It could be the quadriceps or triceps, or maybe the shoulder or biceps. By the way, it is still unknown whether injections into muscles promote their increased growth.

How to give an injection correctly?

Before injecting Winstrol, you should shake it thoroughly - this way you will mix the contents. The thing is that while the ampoule with the solution is not in use, it is at rest and the drug settles at the bottom. Therefore, it is necessary to shake the ampoule before you are going to draw the solution into the syringe. The same applies to drinking the medicine - before doing this, you should mix the contents of the ampoule. It is important to remember this for everyone who is going to take a course using this androgenic steroid.

Winstrol Benefits

1. The injection drug can be taken due to the same composition as in tablets.
2. Methylated steroid is not destroyed in the liver.
3. Winstrol, a course of which gives effective results, does not lead to excessive accumulation of water in the body. Therefore, it is possible to quickly build muscle.
4. There is no need for additional antiestrogens, since the drug does not convert into estrogens.
5. One of the advantages is antiprogestogenic activity.

What should be the course of taking Winstrol?

In tablets, the usual dose for the stronger sex is from thirty-five to seventy-five milligrams per day. As for injections of this drug, the numbers are different - from twenty-five to fifty milligrams per day. Depending on the purpose for which the drug is taken, the steroid is used in combination with other drugs. So, if you need to gain muscle mass, then it is best to combine Winstrol with a stronger androgen. It could be Testosterone. This combination will help achieve an excellent anabolic effect, and the effect of estrogen will be negated.
With the help of this combination, it is possible to quickly achieve “drying” and impressive muscle volume, while conventional steroid courses lead to the accumulation of fluid in the body and fat deposits.
For fat burning, the product should be taken in combination with non-aromatizing androgens. It could be Trenbolone or Primobolan. As a result, you will achieve firm and defined muscles. But this is the dream of most bodybuilders.
For the female body, the dosage should be as follows: every day you need to take from five to ten milligrams of the medicine. Taking Winstrol in tablets or injections, the course lasts from four to six weeks.

Description of the tablet preparation

For most athletes who use this drug, tablets are inferior in effect to injections. Most likely, the reason for this is the high cost of the drug and the fact that athletes take pills, perhaps in insufficient quantities.
Thus, injectable Winstrol Depot is prescribed in a dosage of fifty milligrams per day or at least the same amount every other day. Compared to the daily dose of tablets, this is much more, and therefore more impressive in effect.
The oral drug is simply ideal for women involved in bodybuilding, because they need a much smaller daily dose of Stanozolol - ten to sixteen milligrams per day is enough. Therefore, the daily dosage is reduced to five to eight tablets. Thanks to this, the liver and gastrointestinal tract are not affected by the action of the medicine.
In addition, it is very convenient that the dosage for women can be divided into several doses evenly throughout the day. This means that it becomes possible to minimize androgen-related side effects - virilization. And the level of androgens in the blood does not increase significantly, which cannot be said about doses of fifty milligrams in injections.
Thanks to an effective chemical called Stanozolol, many athletes want to buy Vinistrol, because such tablets provide athletes with quick and impressive results. Depending on the manufacturer, tablets are available in different packages. But this in no way deprives the drug of its positive properties. You can purchase the product in specialized stores.

Injectable Winstrol

Steroid Winstrol Depot is an excellent assistant for a noticeable increase in muscle mass and beautiful body contour. All this thanks to the peculiarity of the injection drug that the active chemical substance is dissolved in water, and not in oil. It is important that the intervals between injections when administering a long-acting drug are shorter. This drug must be administered more often than steroids that dissolve in oil due to their relatively short half-life.
Long-acting injections must be administered at least twice a day - the best results are observed with a daily dosage of fifty milligrams.

How to distinguish the original "Vinny" from a fake?

The original drug gives a sediment - the main component and the watery liquid are separated in the ampoule if it is not used for some time. The Winstrol solo course involves an injectable dosage of fifty milligrams every day. As for tablets, you will need thirty milligrams daily. For those who strive for endurance, ten to twenty milligrams of the drug will be enough. We are talking about track and field athletes or boxers, for example. The course of Stanozol solo is from five to eight weeks.

The drug "Stanozolol" is one of the most effective and most used anabolic steroids of the 20th century. This is evidenced by research by specialists in the field of anti-doping control.

People who have used the drug also have their own reviews about it. Stanozolol played a big role in the development of sports in the last century. It is still used today.

History of the drug

The drug "Stanozolol" has become known to patients since 1962. It was produced by the oldest pharmaceutical company, Sterling-Winthrop. The commercial name of the product is “Winstrol”. The drug was approved for use by the FDA as a drug prescribed to the patient strictly according to a doctor's prescription. It was used to treat anemia and strengthen skeletal bones. The drug restored the body's activity after surgical operations.

The development of the drug began long before its appearance in the arsenals of pharmacies. Scientific research on the effects of the drug Stanozolol on the body dates back to the beginning of the last century. And this period of its creation can be called “shadow” for many reasons.

Use of medicine in veterinary medicine

The effective use of Winstrol in veterinary medicine is a widely known fact. The medicine has positive reviews from experts. Stanozolol improves the appetite of sick and weakened animals after illness.

Later, it began to be used at hippodromes in order to improve the speed performance of horses participating in races. This circumstance could not go unnoticed by professional athletes.

Use of the drug in sports

The use of the drug "Winstrol" in sports has a history of more than half a century. Track and field athletes were the first to use it. This is official data from the reports of doping testing commissions, and unofficial reviews also indicate this. Stanozolol is used by runners, swimmers, wrestlers, chess players and representatives of other sports. But these days he has gained the greatest popularity in bodybuilding.

Athletes and their coaches take great risks when taking the drug. The fact is that the drug “Winstrol” is a prohibited drug. Proven use of the drug leads to disqualification, revocation of titles and awards, and termination of a sports career.

But this does not stop athletes, since the use of stanozolol gives amazing results - in a short period of time, without a significant increase in body weight, a person can noticeably increase speed and strength indicators, and become more endurance.

Modern manufacturers of sports pharmacology

"FarmaCom" is a company located in Moldova. It has established itself as the largest manufacturer of high-quality products with a wide spectrum of action. The company produces growth hormones, oral and injectable steroids, mixtures, and many other drugs that are in demand on the sports pharmacology market.

There is another brand on the CIS market called Farmakom. The company produces products for the same purposes as the above-mentioned brand. Both competing companies produce the drug Stanozolol Farmakom. Reviews from those who use the products of these two companies are mostly positive (with rare exceptions). The list of drugs produced by another company, Vermodje (Moldova), is also quite wide. It also includes the drug Stanozolol. “Vermodje” has earned positive customer reviews due to the successful combination of price and product quality. The company positions the steroid drugs it produces as products for animals, but it is known that their composition does not differ from those intended for humans.

There are two more companies with very similar names that produce the drug Stanozolol. British Dragon has received positive customer reviews. But every buyer of the drug should know that one company with the same name is located in Thailand, and the other is located in China. These are two different manufacturers, but the list of products they produce is very similar. The client has the right to choose the manufacturer himself and evaluate the result of using his products.

Product Description

As mentioned, the brand name for the chemical stanozolol is “Winstrol”. It is an aqueous suspension of this substance.

The drug is also available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. It is believed that the drug administered intramuscularly is more effective. Numerous reviews speak about this. Stanozolol, in fact, in any of its forms has exactly the same effect on the human body. The preference given by some athletes to the injectable form is dictated by their personal choice.

The drug does not aromatize, and when it is used, there is no accumulation of fluid in the body. This property allows the drug Stanozolol to be widely used in bodybuilding.

The main advantages of the drug "Winstrol"

Building high-quality muscles without excessive water retention is the main advantage of the drug. Special diets and training programs give amazing results if you use Stanozolol (injections). Reviews from athletes indicate that such a competent combination makes the muscles harder, stiffer, and more prominent.

In addition to its positive effect on muscles, the drug “Winstrol” helps improve the strength characteristics of athletes and their endurance. During exhausting training periods, stanozolol supports the functioning of all body systems.

Taking the drug

There are several courses of taking the drug. It can be used as a primary medication or in combination with other medications. The choice of course is decided by the athlete and his coach - it all depends on the results that must be achieved.

A prerequisite for taking the drug is a gradual increase in its dose. You need to start with one tablet a day. Only by the end of the week should the dose be increased to the required volume.

Dissolving the tablet under the tongue is not recommended by all specialists. Most often, the drug is swallowed and washed down with water. The duration of the course of taking the medication in tablet form is no more than 5-6 weeks. This is explained by the fact that stanozolol has a negative effect on the liver.

Course "Propionate" + "Stanozolol"

Often the drug "Stanozolol" is used in combination with other drugs. This allows athletes to achieve better physical shape and have high achievements.

The course “Propionate” + “Stanozolol” receives reviews as a unique way to significantly build muscle. The athlete’s physical strength also increases significantly.

Taking these drugs helps to actively remove excess fluid from the body and burn fat deposits. The consequence of this impact will be prominent and stiff muscles. Of course, such a high-quality result will be possible only with intense physical training.

Sometimes the course of taking propionate and stanozolol is not taken by professional athletes, but by people who strive to make their figure attractive. Then it is best to take the drugs in spring or summer.

Stanozolol solo course

One of the most common drug administration programs is Stanozolol solo. This course has positive reviews, as the results become noticeable very quickly. If you follow all the recommendations, the effect will last for a long time.

There are several program options. Let's give an example of one of them. The first stage of the course lasts eight weeks, during which the drug Stanozolol is taken. Its disintegration period is 5-7 hours, so the daily dose of the medication should be divided into 3-4 doses.

At the second stage (from the eighth week), a drug is added that will prevent muscle collapse. This could be the medication Clenbuterol. The product is not hormonal, it is small. Its daily dose also needs to be divided into several parts.

At the final stage of the course (ninth week), a drug is added that restores endogenous testosterone.

Taking the drug Stanozolol by women

Instructions for use of the drug warn about the consequences that may occur after long-term use.

Among athletes, it is generally accepted that the tablet form is Stanozolol for women. Reviews from those who take the drug in this form are not always clear. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the duration of taking the drug.

There are known cases of the development of virilization syndrome in women taking the drug Stanozolol. It is characterized by the appearance of masculine features: a change in the timbre of the voice, physique, and the appearance of hair growth. Undesirable changes that may occur in a woman’s body due to the use of the medicine should limit its use to reasonable doses. It has been proven that when taking 1 tablet per day, the listed problems will not affect a woman’s health.


If we compare the popularity of the drug Stanozolol today with its popularity in the last century, it has become noticeably lower. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, in “big” sports, taking the drug is prohibited, and each participant in the competition undergoes testing, as a result of which the presence or absence of the drug Stanozolol and other drugs of similar effect in the body is determined.

Secondly, in reducing the intensity of use of the product, it played a big role where a lot of fakes appeared. Clients are well aware that such drugs can cause serious harm to health.

Thirdly, today a large number of new anabolic steroids have appeared, which are gradually replacing the old ones. This is the fate of the widely known powerful anabolic steroid Stanozolol.

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