Sustanon deca course side effects. Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market. The concept of a cycle using steroids

Sustanon 250 is one of the most popular drugs in sports. It is a steroid consisting of an oily liquid. It contains many different esters. Released into medicinal production by the famous company Organon. Types of sustanon with small esters are also sold. Sustanon esters were developed by specialists to quickly get into work.

Phenylpropionate and testosterone propionate are instantly absorbed into the blood and for the first time the days begin to work. Other esters are included in the blood circulation much more slowly. On the other hand, they remain operational longer. Almost three weeks.

The steroid performs much better than enanthate and cypionate because they provide much less work and keep testosterone levels stable.

Sustanon 250 has four testosterone esters:

  • propionate – 30 mg;
  • isocaproate – 60 mg;
  • phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  • deconate – 100 mg.

Similar to other anabolics, Sustanon 250 is a powerful steroid with great androgenic potency. It works best in gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Despite the fact that it can be converted into estrogen, it was added that its injections are quite less painful than enanthate or other strong steroids. However, any incorrectly placed injection leads to painful sensations.

After using Sustanon, the overall testorone level increases gradually. As a result, side effects do not go away immediately. It is ideal to include antiestrogens in your course. Thus, you will reduce negative manifestations to zero by taking small doses of Proviron and Tamoxifen.

Useful properties of Sustanon:

  • slowing down the rollback (catabolism);
  • improved appetite;
  • increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • increase in muscle tissue;
  • rapid recovery after hard training.

Sustanon 250 reviews

Reviews about Sustanon 250 are more positive than negative. For beginners and amateurs, this drug is effective in terms of quickly gaining muscle mass and strength. Side effects can be minimized through proper course design. Experienced athletes have observed an increase in body fat and bumps after the injection.

The price of Sustanon 250 is often overpriced. Before doing this, we recommend that you analyze prices with competitors. Remember that even the safest drug in large dosages is harmful to health. Especially if you have a powerful anabolic steroid in front of you.

Sustanon 250 course solo

Although after an injection of Sustanon the oil remains in the body for three weeks, this does not mean that the result will increase. To get the effect, it is recommended to inject at least once every 7-10 days. The dosage can range from 250 or one ampoule or up to 4 ampoules (1000 mg) per week. Of course, some athletes actually exceed the maximum allowable dosage twice, but this is highly undesirable. You can seriously harm your body.

For example, if you inject 3-4 ampoules (750-1000 mg) per week, the side effects will undoubtedly increase. Many athletes want instant results, but do not pay attention to the harm to the body. This is a very serious mistake on the part of stupid people, because they are only interested in instant muscle growth.

Others do it more wisely - they combine sustanon with methandrostenolone and oxymetholone. If for lean muscle mass, then trenbolone and stanozolol are better suited. After finishing using Sustanon, to prevent hormonal imbalance, you need to take drugs such as tamoxifen and Clomid.

The main thing is not to forget the simple truth that the drug is active in our body for another month after the final injection. It is not rational to immediately do a course of therapy after the last injection. It is better to postpone the use of Clomid for 14 days.

Course 1: Sustanon 250, methandrostenolone, gonadotropin

This course is effective for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Duration – 14 weeks.

Detailed course description:

  • The first 14 days – 250 mg of sustanon per week and 20 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 3 and 4 of the course – 500 mg of sustanon and 40 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 5 and 6 – 750 mg per week and 60 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 7 and 8 – 500 mg of sustanon per week and 40 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 9 and 10 – 250 mg of sustanon per week and 20 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 11 and 12 – 20 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 13 and 14 – 4 ml of gonadotropin per week.

In 3 months and 14 days you can gain about 15 kg of muscle mass. And strength indicators will increase to 50 kg.

Course 2: sustanon, nandrolone, primobolan, winstrol

Detailed description of the drying course:

  • 1 week – 250 mg of sustanon and 200 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • Week 2 – 500 mg of sustanon and 300 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • 3,4,5,6 – 500 mg of sustanon and 200 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • 7,8,9 – 250 mg of sustanon and 100 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • Week 10 – 100 mg Winstrol and 100 mg Primabolan per week;
  • 11-15 – 200 mg of Winstrol and 150 mg of Primabolan per week;
  • Week 16 – 100 mg Winstrol and 100 mg Primabolan per week.

After this course, you will gain precise lean muscle mass and draw the veins and muscle cross-section. Of course, for this you still need to adhere to a special diet.

Sustanon 250: side effects

The drug is a powerful androgen, so it can cause many types of side effects:

  • increase in skin oiliness;
  • water retention in the body;
  • the appearance of pimples and blackheads;
  • appearance of hair;
  • baldness;
  • suppression of the production of testosterone;
  • frequent depression and aggressiveness;
  • gynecomastia;
  • pain and bumps at the injection site;
  • decreased or increased sexual desire;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • frequent formations in the form of lumps at the injection site.

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The most famous and sought after drug in the world steroids is Sustanon-250. This drug appeared quite a long time ago, but despite this, it is still very popular among beginners and professional bodybuilders. Sustanon is a mixture of four testosterones, which, due to their specific structure, have a synergistic effect. This feature entails two positive qualities that are of interest to athletes.

Components of Sustanon-250:

  1. testosterone propionate
  2. testosterone phenylpropionate
  3. testosterone isocaproate
  4. testosterone decanoate

The main positive properties of Sustanon

Based on the special interaction of active chemical substances Sustanon Milligram for milligram it provides better effects than testosterone enanthate, cypionate and propionate. In addition, the effect of these chemicals is temporally sequential, so that Sustanon begins to act quickly and at the same time remains effective in the body for several weeks, thanks to the propionate contained in Sustanon.

Sustanon exerts its effect on the body within a day and continues to be active in it for 3 - 4 weeks thanks to the decanoate added to the composition. Sustanon has a pronounced androgenic effect, which is combined with a strong anabolic effect. That's why it is good for building strength and muscle mass. There is a strong increase in bodily strength with a simultaneous increase in body weight.

Athletes using Sustanon report significant muscle gains, because... it accumulates significantly less water And doesn't smell as strong, such as testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate. Almost many bodybuilding athletes who have problems with other testosterones with significant accumulation of water and high levels of estrogen prefer Sustanon to other long-acting testosterones.

It is striking that Sustanon has a good effect even on highly advanced athletes and in relatively small doses. It is interesting that Sustanon gives the same good results in athletes who have already used Sustanon more than once as in the subsequent period of use. Sustanon is most often injected once a week, and the break between injections can be up to 10 days.

Dosages in bodybuilding and eventing range from 250 mg every 14 days to 1000 mg or more per day. Because Such high dosages should not be recommended and, fortunately, in most cases they are not practiced; as a rule, 250 - 1000 mg per week are taken.

For most, a dose of 500 mg per week is sufficient, which is often reduced to as little as 250 mg of Sustanon per week and combined with some kind of oral steroid. In treatment, Sustanon is very suitable as a basic steroid, which promotes regeneration, gives the athlete sufficient impetus for intense training and, along with the already discussed advantages - a quick surge of strength and a solid increase in muscle mass, is distinguished by good tolerability.

To quickly build muscle mass, Sustanon is often combined with Deca-Durabolin, or Anadrol, while athletes who pay more attention to quality combine it rather with Parabolon, Winstrol, Oxandrolone or even Primobolan.

Although Sustanon does not aromatize much in reasonable doses, many still take an anti-estrogen in addition, so that with the help of Nolvadex and/or Proviron, for example, they can negate the side effects caused by estrogen. Because Sustanon suppresses its own testosterone production; at the end of treatment or approximately 6 weeks after the start of its use, HCG and Dinerik should be taken into account. Women should not take long-acting testosterones, because otherwise the level of androgens in the blood increases greatly and, as a result, virilization phenomena may occur.

And yet, it is not uncommon for female athletes, primarily in elite sports and especially in higher weight categories, to take testosterone, because it helps to be “out of competition.” Women taking the “dough” or wishing to ever try it would do well to limit themselves to testosterone propionate alone, or inject themselves with Sustanon at a maximum dose of only 250 mg of the drug every 10-14 days, and for no more than 6 weeks. We would like to emphasize once again that those new to steroid cycles should stay away from all testosterones as... They are simply completely unnecessary at this time of working on oneself.

Side effects of Sustanon

The side effects of Sustanon are similar to the side effects of testosterone enanthate, with the only exception that they occur less frequently and are not as severe. Depending on the timing and dosage, users of Sustanon may experience common androgen-related side effects: such as acne, aggression, sexual hyperstimulation, oily skin, accelerated hair loss, decreased production of sex hormones. Accumulation of water and gynecomastia remain within normal limits with Sustanon, or do not appear as often as with Enanthate and Cypionate.

Liver damage is not possible with Sustanon, and yet at very high doses an increase in liver parameters can occur, which normally return to normal as the drug is stopped.

How to avoid falling for a fake

Sustanon is widely available on the black market and is easy to buy. Unfortunately, most of these drugs are more or less well-executed counterfeits. If you are offered ampoules without a paper label, but simply with a stamp, most often in red, these are definitely fakes. Most often, we are talking about Omnadren, where the corresponding inscription has been erased and replaced with the imprint “Sustanon”.

Original Sustanon, which is almost exclusively produced by Organon, always has a paper label. The original Sustanon is now becoming increasingly difficult to find and is becoming increasingly rare. On the black market, only Portuguese Sustanon 250, Dutch Sustanon 250 and especially Russian, as well as Indian Sustanon 250 are most often found.

All three drugs are from Organon, and the ampoules have a paper label. Recently, on the black market you can increasingly find Russian Sustanon 250, which is produced in Calcutta (India) by the Organon company and is officially intended only for export to Russia.

And yet, through Czechoslovakia, large quantities of this original drug Sustanon 250 are smuggled to Germany. It seems to be a high quality drug, because... Those who use it report positive results and good tolerability, so dishonesty in its production is excluded.

Russian Sustanon 250 is sold in plastic packaging, on the back of which the name of the drug, the name of the manufacturer and the chemicals contained are written in blue font. The text is written either on silver foil or on white paper. 5 ampoules are arranged together in a row, and each ampoule is also separately packaged

Trade names of Sustanon

  • Durandron 250 mg/ml: Organon Spain.
  • Sustanon 250 mg/ml: Ravazini Italy.
  • Sustanon 250 250 mg/ml: Organon UK, Holland, Finland, India, Russia.
  • Sustanon 250 250 mg/ml: Organon Portugal.

It is a composite drug, as it is presented in the form of a mixture of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, decanoate. Sust is considered one of the most popular and sought after steroids in bodybuilding.

Athletes have been practicing it for decades. In the 80s and 90s, sust was incredibly popular. This is a very well studied steroid, so there is information about its use, combination with other steroids, side effects, etc. enough.

The closest composite preparation similar in composition to sustik is Omnadren-250. You can find out more about the comparison between Sust and Omka by reading the article “ Which is better Sustanon or Omnadren?", which describes the differences between Omnadren in Russia and Ukraine, as well as their similarities and differences with Sustanon-250.

Sustanon composition:

  1. testosterone propionate – 30 mg;
  2. testosterone phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  3. testosterone isocapronate – 60 mg;
  4. testosterone decanoate – 100 mg.

How Sustanon works

The syrup has the standard properties of long esters: it helps to significantly increase muscle mass, strength and endurance, has an anti-catabolic effect, helps increase the number of red blood cells, and increases appetite.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it starts working very quickly, while it acts for quite a long time. This property is due to the fact that this drug contains 4 testosterone esters, which have different absorption rates, due to which a high level of anabolic hormones is maintained in the blood for a long period of time. This table indicates the half-life of sustanon, or rather its esters.

Sustanon retains water in the body, but this is rather a positive property, since during the course strength indicators increase significantly, so the load on the joints increases sharply, and the water that is retained eases tension in the joints.

Sustik will allow you to gain an average of 5-6 kg per month (over a two-month course, weight gain can be about 10-12 kg), but do not forget about pullback phenomenon, due to which, at the end of the course, weight loss can be 20-50% of the gained weight.

Sustanon course

If we compare sust and testosterone enanthate, then the course of Sustanon (in the same dosages) will probably be a little “heavier”. Opinions on this matter may vary.

Typically, the length of a Sustanon solo course lasts about 6-8 weeks. Injections are performed intramuscularly once a week, dosage is 250-1000 mg (most often 250-500 mg is enough for athletes).

From the 2nd week of the course it is advisable to start using aromatase inhibitors(for example: Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). This will avoid side effects
effects of the drug (they should be used until the end of the course). Please note: the end of the course is not the moment of the last injection, but the time when the drug ceases to be effective. In this case, the end of the course occurs 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

Sust combines well with almost all other steroids. To achieve the maximum effect from the course, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, sleep well and a lot, and train properly. It is also advisable to include in your diet protein, gainer, vitamin-mineral complex, amino acids, BCAAs, glutamine, creatine etc.

Many people recommend Sustanon (in small doses) for the first course. However, do not forget that sustik is a fairly “heavy” steroid, which imposes strong androgenic And anabolic effects, even in small dosages. It is recommended to practice Sustanon with a little experience as a “chemist” and having completed a couple of simpler courses.

PCT after Sustanon

3 weeks after the last injection, PCT begins, during which it is most often used Clomid or tamoxifen. It is also advisable to connect testosterone boosters. If the course duration exceeds 8 weeks, then you must enter gonadotropin. Read more about PCT in the article: “ Post-cycle therapy (PCT)».

Sustanon description

Due to the fact that Sustanon is a very popular steroid and has a fairly high price, the number of counterfeits on the black market is increasing every year. Lately it has been very difficult to buy real sustik. The lion's share of the market is more or less high-quality fakes. When buying Sustanon from a “local dealer” or in a dubious online store, you risk purchasing a steroid of dubious composition and quality. Quite often, omnadren is sold under the guise of sustanon (in this case, you can consider yourself lucky, because it is better than an unknown dirty oil).

The original Sustanon has a paper label and is produced by Organon. At the moment, there are a large number of different brands: Sustaver (Vermodje), Sustamed (Balkan), Sustaged (Golden Dragon), etc., but the number of their counterfeits is also very large.

Sustanon side effects

Sustanon is contraindicated for people with kidney, liver and cardiovascular problems.

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The website provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.

A hormonal drug for testosterone replacement therapy, Sustanon is used in sports practice as a steroid, as well as for the treatment of diseases and conditions that require increasing the level of the male sex hormone in the blood. Therapy is carried out only as prescribed and under the strict supervision of a specialist. The development of side effects can lead to serious negative consequences for the patient's health.

What is Sustanon

An androgenic drug (that is, produced on the basis of the male sex hormone) Sustanon is an injectable solution based on four testosterone esters, which, when released into the bloodstream, are converted into a natural hormone. Testosterone is the main chemical regulating male sexual function. In adolescence, it ensures normal puberty, and throughout a man’s life he is responsible for:

  • normal functioning of the prostate gland;
  • production and quality of seminal fluid;
  • maintaining sexual desire;
  • maintaining the ability to achieve an erection.

Composition and release form

The drug Sustanon is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, which is a yellow oily liquid. 1 ml contains 250 mg of the main active ingredient, auxiliary components - peanut oil, benzyl alcohol, nitrogen. The content of testosterone esters is presented below:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

During therapy with Sustanon, in men with reduced testosterone production, its concentration increases to clinically significant levels. The level of estradiol, androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone in plasma increases. The levels of globulin, which is responsible for binding sex hormones, decrease, and the levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones return to normal. The effect of reducing the symptoms of testosterone deficiency is comprehensively achieved - sexual function is normalized (libido and erectile function are restored).

Those undergoing treatment experience an increase in muscle mass and bone mineral density (which causes athletes to take it as an anabolic steroid to accelerate muscle building). In the blood serum, the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit (red blood cell volume) increases, triglycerides, low- and high-density lipoproteins decrease. The level of liver enzymes and prostate specific antigen does not change.

There may be an increase in the size of the prostate gland, not accompanied by changes in function, and a decrease in body weight in obesity. Men with hypogonadism (impaired function of the gonads, accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones) and diabetes mellitus during the course of treatment should take into account that Sustanon-250 increases sensitivity to insulin and may lower glucose levels. A dose adjustment of insulin medications or a change in the dosage regimen approved by the attending physician is required.

The testosterone esters that make up Sustanon have different rates of action - the half-life of testosterone propionate is from 24 to 48, phenylpropionate - from 48 to 96 hours, isocapronate - 120-192 hours, decanoate - up to 10 days. The maximum concentration of natural testosterone in plasma, formed as a result of the hydrolysis reaction, is observed 1-2 days after intramuscular administration of the solution. Nonspecific binding to blood proteins is 97% and higher. Metabolized to estriol and dihydrotestosterone, excreted in the urine.

Indications for use

The drug Sustanon can be used by athletes involved in bodybuilding or weightlifting to accelerate muscle growth as an anabolic steroid. The drug must be used under the supervision of a trainer and attending physician. In medical practice, the drug is prescribed for a deficiency of male sex hormones during:

  • congenital or acquired hypogonadism (dysfunction of the gonads);
  • male menopause and other hormonal imbalances;
  • oligospermia (decreased amount of sperm released during ejaculation);
  • male infertility;
  • delayed puberty.

In some cases, the drug can be prescribed to women, with adjustment of the dosage and treatment regimen. Testosterone preparations are taken for complex treatment of hormonal imbalances caused by menopause, or with severe premenstrual syndrome, during the treatment of malignant tumors in the uterus or ovaries, with fibroids or inflammation and proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus. The selection of the drug is carried out by the attending physician based on the medical history and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.?

How to inject Sustanon

Sustanon solution is administered intramuscularly, as deeply as possible. The average recommended dose is 1 ml per week, the duration of therapy is selected individually depending on the indications for use and the individual characteristics of the body. Treatment is carried out on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist. In sports practice, a course of Sustanon is prescribed either in monotherapy or in combination with other drugs (depending on the goals of therapy) - Gonadotropin, Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone, Winstrol, Primobolan, Deca-Durabolin.

special instructions

Therapy using the drug Sustanon should be carried out under the supervision of specialists with regular measurement of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, studies to exclude hyperplasia or prostate cancer (especially for the elderly). The drug has no effect on concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, a course of Sustanon alone or in combination with other drugs is strictly contraindicated, since changes in hormonal levels can have serious irreversible consequences for the development of the child’s body. It is necessary to replace the androgenic drug with a drug from another pharmacological group.

In childhood

The drug Sustanon is contraindicated in children under three years of age. Use in adolescence with delayed puberty is possible only as prescribed by specialists, under their supervision and strict monitoring of the patient’s body response. The dosage and treatment regimen of Sustanon solo is selected individually, based on medical history and individual characteristics.

Sustanon in bodybuilding

Doctors do not recommend the use of hormonal drugs to increase an athlete’s endurance or quickly build muscle mass, due to the high risk of harm to health. However, the drug is a popular sports anabolic steroid, taken both solo and in combination with other drugs. Such therapy should be carried out only with the consent of the trainer and in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Drug interactions

Any pharmacological agents that act to inhibit or induce enzymes may alter testosterone concentrations. During insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus, adjustment (reduction) of insulin doses is required, because Sustanon increases the absorption of glucose. When taking anticoagulants in parallel, a reduction in their dosage is required.

Side effects of Sustanon

During therapy with Sustanon, side effects may develop due to changes in hormonal levels or exceeding permissible dosages. Increased risk of developing:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • prostate cancer;
  • hypertrophy, prostate hyperplasia;
  • oligospermia;
  • priapism;
  • gynecomastia;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • decreased or increased libido;
  • sudden mood swings, increased nervous excitability, depressive states;
  • fluid retention accompanied by edema;
  • skin rashes, itching, redness of the skin and other allergic reactions;
  • myalgia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • polycythemia.


When administered intramuscularly, the toxic effect of the drug on the body is not high. Due to regular excess of the recommended dosage, the development of priapism (painful erection not associated with sexual arousal and not stopping after ejaculation) was noted. There is no universal antidote for cases of overdose. The course is interrupted until all side effects have passed, after which administration is resumed in reduced doses.


The use of Sustanon is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under three years of age, and in the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components. Strictly contraindicated for diagnoses of prostate or breast cancer. Caution must be exercised in adolescent patients, and in the presence of diagnoses:

  • liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate hypertrophy, accompanied by urinary retention;
  • pulmonary dysfunction, apnea;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • obesity.

Terms of sale and storage

Sustanon can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. An unopened ampoule can be stored for five years from the date of issue. The product can be stored at room temperature, out of the reach of children and protected from direct sunlight.


Sustanon is not the only drug intended for testosterone replacement treatment. Analogues of the drug in terms of active substance and mechanism of action are:

  • Sustaver is a structural analogue of Sustanon, produced on the basis of the same testosterone esters, with a similar mechanism of action and dosage regimens.
  • Omandren 250 is a complete structural analogue of Sustanon, designed to correct testosterone levels in case of its deficiency
  • Enanthate is a solution for intramuscular injection based on testosterone enanthate. It is used in similar clinical cases, including in sports practice.

Sustanon price

You can buy Sustanon in pharmacies; you will need a doctor's prescription. The average price range for injection solution in Moscow pharmacies is presented in the table below:


The steroid drug Sustanon is an excellent powerful androgen that has a long period of work inside the athlete’s body. Sustanon solo courses are preferred by professional bodybuilders who have experience in taking steroid courses that are lighter in terms of effects on the body. The drug contains 4 different testosterone esters. Since each of them comes into play at its own time, this drug is able to work for a long time on increasing the athlete’s muscles, forming a dry, dense and hard profile, increasing physical strength, endurance and speed.

In addition to purchasing a high-quality original drug from a well-known manufacturer (Balkan Pharma and Organon have good reviews), it is important to eat right. At least 4 - 5 times a day, including in the diet foods that supply protein, reducing the number of those rich in fats and carbohydrates. The standard working dosage of Sustanon is 250 - 500 mg. This is the contents of 1 - 2 ampoules of the product. Sustanon 250 and its intake with malt should be the second or third in the athlete’s practice. To reduce aromatization, you should take the drug Proviron during the cycle along with the steroid. Its dosage should be 1, maximum 2 tablets per day. Then it is guaranteed to be possible to reduce aromatization to a minimum and reduce fluid retention throughout the body. Proviron will also help you avoid such unpleasant side effects as gynecomastia.

Dosages according to the course of Sustanon 250

Sustanon for beginners in salt use should start with 1 ampoule per week. It needs to be heated and an injection into the gluteal muscle - in the evening, injecting the drug slowly. Security forces often use 2-4 ampoules individually. This amount of androgen per week helps them increase physical power and recover faster after intensive training. An athlete with little experience is advised to consult a specialist, undergo a medical examination, and consult with a trainer before starting the course. And also start with the minimum safe dosages of the drug, monitoring your body’s reaction to it.

The solo course is good both in the off-season and before the start of the new beach season. In practice, for each week of using the drug, it is possible to gain up to 2 kg of muscle mass. If you purchase a high-quality original steroid, eat 4-5 times a day, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates in your diet, and increasing the number of protein foods. It is important to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of clean still water. Tea, coffee and other drinks do not count. You also need to fully rest and get enough sleep, take pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes, try to avoid stress and be focused on getting the best possible result.

Sustanon solo - result, effect

In order for the Sustanon solo cycle to give even more impressive results, you can take the steroid in combination with Boldenone or Turinabol. Both drugs in one complex with Sustanon can guarantee an increase in strength and endurance, and build lean and impressive muscles. Specifically, injectable Trenbolone works in conjunction with Sustanon to build solid muscles. In this course, Sustanon will exhibit its characteristic androgenic activity, and Trenbolone will exhibit anabolic activity. This classic combined course has been providing athletes with a noticeable increase in muscle mass, power, endurance, and speed for many years, making them more self-confident and focused on achieving high results.

On PCT after a course of Susta, the drug Clomid has proven itself to be excellent. It will allow you to preserve the resulting muscles for a long time, preventing its destruction. The product will also work tirelessly to restore the body’s production of its own testosterone at a high level. Also, many pros take Clenbuterol after the course. This excellent fat burner, which initially showed itself in medicine as an effective remedy for asthmatics, will remove excess water from the physique, further shape your lean and beautiful muscles, and prevent catabolism. By following a steroid regimen and performing high-quality and timely PCT, an athlete gets the opportunity not only to build solid and presentable muscles, become an order of magnitude stronger and more resilient, but also to maintain existing results for a long time.

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