Sustanon injection. Sustanon - composition, description of the drug and use in bodybuilding. Side effects of Sustanon


Based on the research conducted, I responsibly declare that the actual effect of these broadcasts is up to 10 days. Already on the ninth day, the level of testosterone in the blood is close to the upper reference values. The experiment was conducted on a person who had never used steroids or other anabolic hormones before. The only thing he has been doing for two years now is taking cabergoline regularly, once a week, at a dosage of 0.5 mg. This is done to reduce prolactin. This approach works great for straight men too, because... Even a prolactin reference is not needed and even interferes with a man’s life. Let me remind you that physical reduction of testicles and gynecomastia are directly proportional to high levels of prolactin in the blood. So, we get its constant values ​​in the range of 50-60, which is clearly visible from the analyses. Let's return to testosterone esters. As we can see, before the injection of one ampoule of Omnadren-250, a normal testosterone value of 14.63 is observed. After the injection on the 15th, 3 hours later, total testosterone shows a value of 47.3. Exactly one day later, total testosterone stopped at a level of more than 52.05. This meter simply does not show above. The instructions for Omnadren-250 say that one ampoule gives a maximum peak of testosterone in the amount of 70 24-48 hours after administration. Analyzes confirm this. Already 8 days after the injection, we see that the testosterone level began to decline and reached a value of 44.51. After 11 days, the analysis showed 19.47. After 14 days - 15.46. From here we conclude that no matter what single dosage you had, after 14 days there will be nothing left of it. Unless the last value will not be 15, but let’s say 22-23 simply because of the work of decanoate. In fact, Sustanon/omnadren should be considered a fast ester with a long tail of 100 mg decanoate that is unnecessary for strength training, which is capable of delivering only the maximum of the top reference. The effective frequency of taking this drug is every other day. Let me add that although estradiol does not affect gynecomastia and testicles, its excessively high level makes life less bright. In particular, this concerns libido and general vitality. On a constant course of testosterone, taking anastrozole at a dosage of 0.5 mg (half a tablet) every other day will give us the desired level of 160-200 estradiol. It was experimentally determined that if we push estradiol into 30-40 we feel worse. As well as leaving it without correction at all at an average level of 600-700.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how much you put it on, the main thing is a constant, even background, just put it every other day and that’s it, but if ENTHANATE or CYPIONATE is a completely different matter

Sustanon 250 is a mixture of four different versions of essential testosterone, whose main purpose was to make hormone replacement therapy (HRT) more manageable. It has been successfully used to treat a range of ailments and has found its way into the bodybuilding industry. All the benefits of testosterone with the added benefit of more convenient use - you will find all this in Sustanon 250.

Sustanon 250 was developed by the pharmaceutical company Organon, which began selling this steroid in the early 1970s. By mixing four different versions of essential testosterone, Organon specialists wanted to make a drug that was more convenient to use. Sustanon 250 truly was, and still is, one of the best drugs for hormone replacement therapy.

Although Sustanon 250 was never approved for medical use in the United States, it was in demand on the international market. This is one of the most common steroids, both in medicine and in bodybuilding.

Medical Application

By mixing several testosterone esters with different durations of action, Organon was able to create an ideal drug for HRT. This mixture made it possible to give testosterone injections just once a month and maintain a more stable level of this hormone in the blood during treatment.

However, HRT was not the only medical use of Sustanon 250. It is one of the most recommended steroids for stimulating the growth and preservation of reproductive tissues (testicles, prostate, seminal ducts, penis). In this regard, it is very effective even in low doses.

Moreover, Sustanon 250 has been successfully used to treat wasting syndromes of various origins. This is possible because low doses of Sustanon 250 help preserve muscle tissue from degeneration, which explains its popularity for the treatment of wasting syndrome associated with HIV.


Sustanon 250 contains a mixture of testosterone with four different esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and decanoate. They are distributed as follows:

  • 30 milligrams (mg) testosterone propionate
  • 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
  • 60 mg testosterone isocaproate
  • 100 mg testosterone decanoate

Due to the fact that esters can only influence the rate of absorption of the active substance, Sustanon 250 shares all the fundamental qualities of testosterone - good anabolic effect and high androgenic activity. This means that the user will experience excellent muscle growth and good strength gains. Moreover, like testosterone, Sustanon 250 will speed up recovery and improve libido.

Sustanon 250 vs. Mono-ester Testosterone

Compared to “naked” testosterone, or testosterone with only an ester, Sustanon 250 has one huge advantage. A mixture of four esters with different half-lives allows you to maintain more stable testosterone levels in the body. Therefore, side effects such as estrogen flares and severe suppression of natural testosterone production can be alleviated. In addition, compared to mono-ester versions of testosterone, the side effects of Sustanon 250 are less severe.

At the same time, Sustanon 250 also shares side effects and disadvantages with testosterone. Interaction with aromatase enzymes converts testosterone into estrogen. Therefore, the mass gained with Sustanon 250 will contain a significant amount of water and subcutaneous fat, as a result of which you should not expect pure muscles when using Sustanon 250. It is also recommended to combine it with anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex or Proviron.

The biggest difference between simple testosterone and Sustanon 250 is the form of administration. Sustanon 250 was supposed to reduce the number of testosterone injections during HRT. In clinical settings, patients only need one injection per month to maintain sufficiently high testosterone levels until the next injection. This is possible thanks to the four esters contained in Sustanon 250.

Esters of Sustanon 250

Testosterone Propionate

Of all four esters, propionate has the shortest action. Its half-life lasts only 2-3 days, but it begins to act very quickly. According to some scientific studies, it begins to act within the first 24 hours after administration to the body.

When it comes to mono-ester testosterone, such a short half-life is generally difficult. When the steroid breaks down and is eliminated from the body so quickly, frequent injections are required. However, this is not a problem when testosterone propionate is part of an “ester cocktail”, where there are longer-acting esters to maintain a sufficiently high level of testosterone in the blood.

Therefore, propionate ester is ideal for quickly increasing testosterone levels while other esters are just starting to take effect. Thus, by the time testosterone propionate leaves the body, testosterone phenylpropionate will already be able to maintain the achieved level of testosterone in the blood.

The presence of such a fast-acting ether in the ethereal mixture brings another important advantage, this time of a psychological kind. When you see that a steroid begins to act so quickly, your motivation increases significantly.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate

Also known as phenyl propionic acid ester, phenylpropionate acts as a bridge between propionate and isocaproate. With a half-life of 4-5 days, testosterone phenylpropionate is slightly longer-lasting than propionate. As a result, phenylpropionate will maintain stable testosterone levels while propionate is eliminated from the body.

This ester can also be found in nandrolone steroids such as Deca Durabolin.

Testosterone Isocaproate

Testosterone Isocaproate is the next step to the longest-lasting ester in Sustanon 250 - Testosterone Decanoate. It is also known as isocaproic acid, isohexanoate, and methylvaleric acid.

Compared to phenylpropionate ester, testosterone isocaproate has a longer half-life of 7-9 days. Therefore, when used alone, it is usually injected once a week.

Sustanon 250 is not the only testosterone mixture in which this ester is found. It can also be found in Omnadren and Aratesta.

Testosterone Decanoate

With a half-life of over 2 weeks, decanoate ester is one of the longest esters used for steroids. With such a long half-life, the activity of Testosterone Decanoate can last almost a month! Because of this, there is a perception that Sustanon 250 is a “monthly” drug. However, this can only be said for hormone replacement therapy, because the peak of its activity will be reached in just under 2 weeks. This means that after about two weeks, testosterone levels will begin to drop, which is undesirable for bodybuilders who need stable levels of this hormone in the blood. Therefore, decanoate ester allows bodybuilders to inject Sustanon 250 times a week.

Decanoate ester is also known as capric acid, decanoic acid, nonanecarboxylic acid.

Sustanon 100

The name itself tells us that Sustanon 100 is a lower dose version of Sustanon 250 (100 mg vs 250 mg). Essentially, the principle of operation of Sustanon 100 is the same, with only two differences. First of all, it has a significantly lower dosage than Sustanon 250. Secondly, instead of five, it contains only three variants of essential testosterone, which are distributed as follows:

  • Testosterone propionate - 20 mg
  • Testosterone phenylpropionate - 40 mg
  • Testosterone isocaproate - 40 mg

Due to the fact that the main active substance of this steroid is exactly the same as Sustanon 250, the benefits and side effects are also no different. The only way this steroid differs in terms of work is the duration of action. The doses are approximately the same, as is the distribution of injections.

However, due to the huge popularity of Sustanon 250, its younger brother is rarely used and found among bodybuilders.

Side effects

Sustanon 250 has the same side effects as any testosterone based steroid. However, due to the uniform action of the various esters of Sustanon 250, these side effects are less severe.

Because testosterone is converted to estrogen, associated water retention and gynecomastia are not uncommon. These side effects can be managed with anti-estrogen drugs from the aromatase inhibitor or selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) family. Nolvadex and Proviron may well cope with estrogenic side effects.

In addition, Sustanon 250 is a strong androgen. For this reason, androgenic side effects such as oily skin, acne, excess body/facial hair growth, prostate enlargement and baldness may occur. Since conversion to dehydrotestosterone (DHT) is responsible for these side effects, Proscar may limit their occurrence.

Like most steroids, Sustanon 250 suppresses the natural production of testosterone. In order to normalize testosterone production, you will need good post-cycle therapy (PCT). At the same time, one subtlety must be taken into account. Considering the long activity of Sustanon 250, auxiliary medications should be taken at least two or three weeks after completion of the course. PCT can be done with medications such as N2Guard and/or Clomid.

Another problem that users of Sustanon 250 face is cholesterol. Bad cholesterol levels may rise after taking testosterone. Therefore, you need to follow a healthy diet, take omega-3 fats, probiotics and fiber. You can also resort to flaxseed oil as a natural cholesterol regulator.

It is rumored that when the dosage exceeds 500-700 mg per week, increased sweating begins and the urine begins to smell solvent. However, since these side effects do not pose any health risks, they are not worth paying attention to.

Dosage and Application

The dose that the average bodybuilder injects himself is in the range of 250-1000 mg every 7-10 days. Some bodybuilders increase doses up to 1500 mg per week, but in this case the side effects may outweigh the benefits of Sustanon 250. Courses should not be too long - twelve weeks is usually enough.

Given the fact that it is, Sustanon 250 is primarily used for bulking purposes and is very rarely considered as a pre-competition drug. It follows that for more pronounced and faster results, it is better to combine Sustanon 250 with or Dianabol, rather than greatly increasing the dose.

However, some individuals combine Sustanon 250 with cutting steroids like Trenbolone and Trenbolone to achieve firmer, more defined muscles.

Half-life (half-life) and detection time

The half-life of Sustanon 250 is approximately 15-18 days, and the detection time is 3 months.


Despite the fact that at its core, Sustanon 250 is simply testosterone served on a different plate, it is very popular among bodybuilders. It was originally developed for HRT, in which it allows for just one injection per month. However, bodybuilders' high demands for consistently high levels of testosterone in the blood nullify this excellent quality, since they still inject Sustanon once a week.

Due to the fact that this steroid is testosterone based, estrogenic side effects can be quite noticeable and water retention may occur. Therefore, it is mainly used as an AAS for off-season mass gain.

Sustanon 250 shares most of the benefits and side effects with testosterone. Therefore, if a bodybuilder has experience with testosterone, Sustanon 250 will be easy to use.

– a hormonal preparation based on four testosterone esters of varying duration. If the official instructions for use suggest the use of the drug for therapeutic purposes once every 3 weeks for the treatment of testosterone deficiency conditions in men and advanced hyperestrogenism in women, then in strength sports the drug is used somewhat differently. You should know how to take the medication correctly, but it is not recommended to abuse the drug solely for sports purposes. Uncontrolled use of anabolic androgenic steroids leads to the development of severe side effects - gynecomastia, alopecia, impotence and many others. Even reasonable use will not protect against negative consequences.

How to inject Sustanon 250 in bodybuilding

Sustanon 250 solo course (without additional combined use with other anabolic steroids) should be carried out according to the following recommendations:

  • Can only be used by men; women are not recommended to use long testosterone esters, as it will be difficult to control side effects if they occur
  • Women use Sustanon in extremely rare cases, only if they are already advanced users and do not worry about their reproductive functions and appearance
  • Optimal dosages range from 250 to 500 mg of the drug once a week
  • The optimal length of use for a man is up to 10 weeks, if the course of Sustanon 250 involves longer use, then from the 10th week of use human chorionic gonadotropin should be added, 500-25,000 units per week, no more
  • The classic aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole, is used if side effects similar to a sharp increase in estrogen occur during use (swelling occurs, nipples begin to itch)
  • It must be taken 2-3 weeks from the start of the course, half a tablet every other day, and finished 1-2 weeks before the start of post-cycle therapy (after the last injection of the drug, aromatase inhibitors are removed, and PCT is carried out after 2-3 weeks)
  • At the same time, it is recommended to monitor hormonal indicators, primarily estradiol - before the course, during and after the course, as well as after PCT
  • The easiest way to perform PCT is to take tamoxifen 20 mg for one month, then 10 mg for the second month
  • Additionally, during PCT it is recommended to use a lot of sports nutrition, testosterone boosters or tribulus, at least 1000 mg per day, for 1 month, hepatoprotectors for 1 month (but in no case during the course, hepatoprotectors are harmful during the use of steroids)
  • Vitamins will not interfere: E in the amount of 200-300 mg, selenium 50-100 mcg, zincteral one tablet per day, ascorbic acid - 500 mg per day, nicotinic acid 100-150 mg per day
  • It is recommended to drink choleretic drugs, how to take: holosas, 2 tablespoons per day, you can also replace holosas with flamen or pumpkinol, if the user is not recommended to eat foods rich in sugar
  • It is also advisable to take fish oil to avoid increased levels of harmful triglycerides.

Effects obtained during the solo course:

  • Increasing muscle mass with a well-structured diet, otherwise it will be very flooded with water, which will go away at the end of the injections, and nothing will be left of the gained mass except fat
  • Anti-catabolic processes
  • Increased sexual desire
  • A good appetite
  • Improving endurance due to increased hematopoiesis.

Possible side effects

A large amount of testosterone can be converted into estradiol. If estrogen levels are too high, then negative side effects associated with gynecomastia, female obesity and severe fluid retention occur, which is why aromatase inhibitors are prescribed. Another important point is that if the levels of estradiol are greatly reduced during the course, there will be no effect from the drug, weight and strength indicators will not increase, since estrogen is one of the key hormones for progress while taking anabolic steroids. The optimal reference values ​​of estrogen during the use of Sustanon 250 injections are near the upper limit of normal.

Due to a long-term decrease in the body's own testosterone, when an exogenous analogue is administered for more than two months in a row in high dosages, testicular atrophy may occur. To prevent this effect, do not exceed the duration of use for more than two months and carry out PCT on time with the help of antiestrogens. If the specified duration of use is exceeded, antiestrogens (clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen) are used. Also, testosterone in high dosages coming from outside is converted not only into estradiol, but also into dihydrotestosterone - the most powerful androgen in the male body, the excess content of which is fraught with premature baldness, hypertrophied prostate, and acne. You cannot take substances that will reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone in the body during a course of anabolic steroids, otherwise the effect of potent substances will be neutralized.

Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable anabolic steroid consisting of various testosterone esters. It was developed by the international drug company Organon.

Sustanon 250 contains, as a rule, four different testosterone esters:

  • Isocaproate (60 mg).
  • Decanoate (100 mg).
  • Propionate (30 mg).
  • Phenylpropionate (60 mg).
  • Peanut butter.
  • Benzyl alcohol.

There is also a version of Sustanon with lower doses of esters. As a well-formulated product, Sustanon is designed to provide rapid and sustained release of testosterone. The esters of propionate and phenylpropionate in this drug are quickly absorbed, being put into circulation within the first four days.

The remaining essential components are released into the blood much more slowly, so they remain active for two and three weeks (respectively). This is a big step forward from the standard testosterones cypionate and enanthate, which provide a much shorter duration of activity and more variable blood levels.

Like all testosterone products, Sustanon is a strong anabolic steroid with pronounced androgenic activity. It is most often used as a drug excipient, providing exceptional gains in strength and muscle mass. Although it is converted to estrogen, injections with this agent have been noted to be more tolerable than cypionate or enanthate.

When using Sustanon, the level of testosterone in the blood increases gradually, so side effects do not appear so quickly. With equal levels of hormones in the blood, testosterone will nevertheless be destroyed, regardless of the ester. The use of antiestrogens is considered a necessary condition; in this case, it would be appropriate to include small doses of Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) or Proviron (mesterolone) in the course.

Effects of Sustanon

  • Increase in the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells).
  • Slowing down catabolism.
  • Noticeable improvement in appetite.
  • Increased growth of muscle fibers.
  • Quick and effective effect on the body.
  • Accelerates regeneration after intense training.

Side effects

Being a strong androgen, the drug has a number of typical side effects. Adding Proscar to your regimen can minimize side effects, as the drug will limit the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

  • Correlation with estrogen.
  • Water retention.
  • Oily skin.
  • Acne on the body.
  • Facial hair growth.
  • Premature baldness.
  • Suppression of the production of your own testosterone.
  • Depression, irritability.
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Premature ejaculation.
  • Pain and irritation at the injection site.
  • Increase or decrease in libido.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Lumps may form if the drug was injected into fatty tissue. To avoid this, it is necessary to inject the product deep into the muscle.

Sustanon courses

Although it is believed that Sustanon remains active in the body for about three weeks, for good results, injections should be done at least every 10 days. Effective dosage limits range from 250 mg (one ampoule) every 10 days, to 1000 mg (four ampoules) weekly. Some athletes use more extreme doses of this steroid, however, this is really not recommended.

When the dosage exceeds 750-1000 mg per week, the increased side effects will undoubtedly outweigh the additional benefits. Instead of taking an unreasonably large amount of a drug, athletes are interested in rapidly increasing size and strength by combining several drugs. Anadrol 50 (oxymetholone) and Dianabol (methandrostenolone) are well suited for this purpose. On the other hand, during a carbohydrate-free diet, Trenbolone and Winstrol (stanozolol) are better suited to preserve lean muscle mass.

At the end of the course, to avoid hormonal imbalance, you can use drugs such as Clomid (clomiphene citrate) or Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate).

Remember that Sustanon remains active in the body for four weeks after the last injection. It would not be rational to start post-cycle therapy immediately after stopping injections. The use of Nolvadex or Clomid should be postponed for 2-3 weeks so that the level of androgens in the blood decreases.

Course No. 1

The most effective course for gaining muscle mass and improving strength.

Duration: 14 weeks.


  • The first two weeks of the course – 250 mg Sustanon per week + 20 mg daily.
  • 3.4 weeks of course – 500 mg Sustanon per week + 40 mg Methandrostenolone daily.
  • 5.6 weeks of the course – 750 mg Sustanon per week + 60 mg Methandrostenolone daily.
  • 7.8 weeks – 500 mg Sustanon per week + 40 mg Methandrostenolone daily.
  • Weeks 9 and 10 – 250 mg Sustanon per week + 20 mg Methandrostenolone daily.
  • Weeks 11 and 12 – 20 mg Methandrostenolone daily.
  • 13.14 weeks - 4 ml Gonadotropin per week.

Effect: In 3.5 months you can gain up to 15 kg of muscle on it, the progress of strength indicators in basic exercises can increase by 30-40 kg.

Course No. 2

Course for gaining lean mass.

Duration: 16 weeks.


  • 1 week – 250 mg Sustanon per week + 200 mg Nandrolone per week.
  • Week 2 – 500 mg Sustanon per week + 300 mg Nandrolone per week.
  • 3,4,5,6 – 500 mg Sustanon per week + 200 mg Nandrolone per week.
  • 7,8,9 – 250 mg Sustanon per week + 100 mg Nandrolone per week.
  • Week 10 – 100 mg Primabolan per week + 100 mg per week.
  • 11 – 15 – 150 mg per week + 200 mg Winstrol per week.
  • Week 16 – 100 mg Primabolan per week + 100 mg Winstrol per week.

Effect: gain of high-quality mass without a drop of fat, increased manifestation of venousness, delineation of muscle fibers.

Video about Sustanon 250

It is a composite drug, as it is presented in the form of a mixture of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, decanoate. Sust is considered one of the most popular and sought after steroids in bodybuilding.

Athletes have been practicing it for decades. In the 80s and 90s, sust was incredibly popular. This is a very well studied steroid, so there is information about its use, combination with other steroids, side effects, etc. enough.

The closest composite preparation similar in composition to sustik is Omnadren-250. You can find out more about the comparison between Sust and Omka by reading the article “ Which is better Sustanon or Omnadren?", which describes the differences between Omnadren in Russia and Ukraine, as well as their similarities and differences with Sustanon-250.

Sustanon composition:

  1. testosterone propionate – 30 mg;
  2. testosterone phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  3. testosterone isocapronate – 60 mg;
  4. testosterone decanoate – 100 mg.

How Sustanon works

The syrup has the standard properties of long esters: it helps to significantly increase muscle mass, strength and endurance, has an anti-catabolic effect, helps increase the number of red blood cells, and increases appetite.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it starts working very quickly, while it acts for quite a long time. This property is due to the fact that this drug contains 4 testosterone esters, which have different absorption rates, due to which a high level of anabolic hormones is maintained in the blood for a long period of time. This table indicates the half-life of sustanon, or rather its esters.

Sustanon retains water in the body, but this is rather a positive property, since during the course strength indicators increase significantly, so the load on the joints increases sharply, and the water that is retained eases tension in the joints.

Sustik will allow you to gain an average of 5-6 kg per month (over a two-month course, weight gain can be about 10-12 kg), but do not forget about pullback phenomenon, due to which, at the end of the course, weight loss can be 20-50% of the gained weight.

Sustanon course

If we compare sust and testosterone enanthate, then the course of Sustanon (in the same dosages) will probably be a little “heavier”. Opinions on this matter may vary.

Typically, the length of a Sustanon solo course lasts about 6-8 weeks. Injections are performed intramuscularly once a week, dosage is 250-1000 mg (most often 250-500 mg is enough for athletes).

From the 2nd week of the course it is advisable to start using aromatase inhibitors(for example: Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). This will avoid side effects
effects of the drug (they should be used until the end of the course). Please note: the end of the course is not the moment of the last injection, but the time when the drug ceases to be effective. In this case, the end of the course occurs 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

Sust combines well with almost all other steroids. To achieve the maximum effect from the course, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, sleep well and a lot, and train properly. It is also advisable to include in your diet protein, gainer, vitamin-mineral complex, amino acids, BCAAs, glutamine, creatine etc.

Many people recommend Sustanon (in small doses) for the first course. However, do not forget that sustik is a fairly “heavy” steroid, which imposes strong androgenic And anabolic effects, even in small dosages. It is recommended to practice Sustanon with a little experience as a “chemist” and having completed a couple of simpler courses.

PCT after Sustanon

3 weeks after the last injection, PCT begins, during which it is most often used Clomid or tamoxifen. It is also advisable to connect testosterone boosters. If the course duration exceeds 8 weeks, then you must enter gonadotropin. Read more about PCT in the article: “ Post-cycle therapy (PCT)».

Sustanon description

Due to the fact that Sustanon is a very popular steroid and has a fairly high price, the number of counterfeits on the black market is increasing every year. Lately it has been very difficult to buy real sustik. The lion's share of the market is more or less high-quality fakes. When buying Sustanon from a “local dealer” or in a dubious online store, you risk purchasing a steroid of dubious composition and quality. Quite often, omnadren is sold under the guise of sustanon (in this case, you can consider yourself lucky, because it is better than an unknown dirty oil).

The original Sustanon has a paper label and is produced by Organon. At the moment, there are a large number of different brands: Sustaver (Vermodje), Sustamed (Balkan), Sustaged (Golden Dragon), etc., but the number of their counterfeits is also very large.

Sustanon side effects

Sustanon is contraindicated for people with kidney, liver and cardiovascular problems.

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The website provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.

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