Strelnikova breathing exercises system. Indications and contraindications for breathing according to Strelnikova. Breathing according to Strelnikova - "Pendulum", "Cat", "Pump" and other methods

The well-known breathing exercises by N.A. Strelnikova is often confused with other healing methods. It is they who spoil the reputation of this clinically tested method of restoring a singing voice and increasing lung capacity. Very often, this system is mentioned in the same row with various cleansing, fasting, treatment with enemas and similar manipulations that are not related to either health or medicine.

Fortunately, today Strelnikova’s breathing exercises have an official resource on the Internet, which directly states that it should not be equated with Semenova starvation or other controversial things. Forced breathing through the nose and free exhalations are the visiting card of the system. However, if you digress a little from therapeutic exercises, you can find something similar in the set of yoga pranayamas. But Strelnikova's gymnastics is significantly different, if only in that in the process of performing it, a person changes the position of the body, and does not sit still, concentrating on inhalations and exhalations.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova. If you try, you can find videos of all exercises on Youtube for free. There are only three basic exercises, the rest are movements of the second level and are mastered only after the practice of the first three has become a habit for a person.

The most important thing is to master a sharp breath through the nose. It is a bit similar to what is done in the “bodyflex” system, but it is required not to relax the stomach, but rather, to sniff with the nose and at the same time push the anterior abdominal wall inward. This is a feature of gymnastics - breaths are taken as if through the resistance of the diaphragm, there should be a feeling that the unfolding lungs overcome the obstacle.

Exhalations through the system are not forced, but calm. This is what distinguishes it from different gymnastics for weight loss.

The basic movements are:

  • "Palms". Stand up straight, bring your shoulders parallel to the floor and bend your elbows. Squeeze your fingers on the inhale and unclench them on the exhale. Perform 4 to 20 repetitions. Sometimes they write that the number of repetitions must always be a multiple of an even number.
  • "The chauffeurs". A similar stance, arms lowered, bent at the elbows, on inspiration - a sharp extension and return to the original stance on the exhale.
  • "Pump". Stand up straight, perform a soft bend in the hip joints. On inspiration, bend in the thoracic region, providing additional resistance to the respiratory movement. As you exhale, straighten your spine.

Repetitions in all three movements are similar to the mode of the first exercise. Gymnastics should be done in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening, an hour after a light meal.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Most people like to attribute properties to exercise that they don't actually have. ON THE. Strelnikova created her own gymnastics in order to regain her singing voice. The goal was to increase lung capacity, and nothing else. Later empirically it was found:

  • breathing exercises increase the useful capacity of the lungs. In children who were engaged in this system and, improvements were noted. Therefore, gymnastics began to be considered an auxiliary method of treating this disease;
  • in general, movement and deep breathing improve blood circulation. This allows you to better nourish the tissues with oxygen, and contributes to a better recovery and normalization of cellular metabolism;
  • deep breathing solves a number of psychosomatic problems. Positive dynamics was achieved in patients with bronchial asthma. Almost all people notice an improvement in well-being, mobility, and more harmonious sensations in the body;
  • gymnastics has shown effectiveness in the complex treatment of stuttering and speech disorders in children. Sometimes used as an independent method by speech therapists.

Myths about Strelnikova's gymnastics

For the layman, for some reason, this direction is associated with gymnastics for weight loss. It is generally accepted that at least some movement is already a great feat in the field of one's own health and a real way to lose weight. Entire articles have been written about how oxygen in cells burns fat. However, physiologically, the mechanism of lipolysis has nothing to do, for example, with burning a piece of cotton wool on a match with a large flow of air. The breakdown of the fat layer is a process triggered at the hormonal level. Therefore, it can hardly be caused by arbitrarily deep breathing. Gymnastics Strelnikova is not something that replaces a balanced diet and increased physical activity.

The exercises of the Strelnikova system are not so energy-consuming as to be considered an independent method of losing weight. Rather, 1 minute of such movements will help “burn” about 3 kcal, and not 7-8, such as running or walking uphill with a significant slope. Therefore, in the context of the "calorie equation" - this is not the best way.

However, as hygienic gymnastics, this complex can help overweight people to establish a routine and improve mobility. Gradually, you can move from simple to complex. Or do breathing exercises for vigor, for example, before a long walk.

Absolutely all the results in the treatment of diseases show us that this is a good auxiliary general strengthening method, but not an independent method of treating diseases, and even more so, not an alternative to traditional treatment. The same respiratory diseases are treated comprehensively, and medications are not canceled for the duration of the gymnastics.

In some sources, you can find very obvious exaggerations about this gymnastics. Many people write that it turns back time and stops aging. Unfortunately, there are no such tools in the arsenal of modern science at all. Regular performance of any physical exercise gives vigor, peace of mind, health and longevity, but is not able to change the fact that over time the body will age, and the appearance will change. In general, before starting classes, it is worth consulting with specialists in the profile of diseases, and do not cancel other treatment yourself if you are undergoing it.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was a singer and actress who once lost her voice. In addition, she suffered from a choking cough. Her mother helped her to recover, voice teacher Alexander Severov. She picked up a set of breathing exercises for her daughter, which helped to quickly restore the ligaments and voice, and at the same time improve the general condition of the body.

Alexandra Nikolaevna took into account the experience of her mother, supplemented and systematized these exercises. As a vocal teacher, she worked with singers, set their voices, offering to chant and restore the sound of the voice to perform the exercises that once saved her. Gradually, she noticed that proper breathing affects not only the voice and its sound, but also the body as a whole. Especially on the respiratory organs. Alexandra Strelnikova continued her experience on sick people. And what was her surprise when the technique began to help her patients. The fame of the healing properties of breathing exercises soon spread throughout Moscow and throughout the country. In the early seventies of the last century, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received a patent for the breathing exercises she developed and since then began to officially help asthmatics.

The essence of breathing according to the Strelnikova method

The essence of Strelnikova's technique is proper breathing. The author tested all the developed exercises of Strelnikov directly on herself.

The main feature of this breathing gymnastics is a special breathing technique, in which the main attention is paid to the duration of breath holding and exhalation. Inhalation should be energetic, powerful, through the nose, and exhalation should be passive, slow, smooth. All movements are performed at the same pace, but energetically. Breaths of air are performed in multiple series (from 4 to 32 times). After that, a break of 3-5 seconds is taken for a short rest.

During exercise, it is forbidden to hold air when inhaling and exhaling. Properly performed inhalation is carried out simultaneously with chest compression, as a result of which oxygen enters the tissues of the body faster, saturates them with oxygen and improves well-being. All charging movements are performed along with exhalations.

Through a coordinated combination of breathing and movement, the development of the muscles associated with breathing is stimulated. They become stronger and get stronger faster.

It is noteworthy that the technique of Alexandra Strelnikova gives a very fast result. If you perform a set of exercises recommended by the author, the effect can be felt on yourself after 15 minutes.

To understand whether you are doing gymnastics correctly, your condition will help. If breathing has become easier, lightness has appeared in the body, efficiency has increased, mood has improved, there is a surge of strength, you are doing everything right.

It is noteworthy that breathing exercises can be successfully carried out while walking in the fresh air, during rest. It is ideal for both individual and group lessons. It is enough to take a few “correct” breaths at an average pace. For example, eight breaths, a short pause of 3-5 seconds, eight more breaths. In 20-30 minutes of such charging, the body will have enough time to saturate with oxygen.

Who shows Strelnikova's breathing exercises

Properly performed breathing exercises by Alexandra Strelnikova have practically no contraindications. It is ideal for men and women, children, young people, middle-aged people and the elderly.

Breathing exercises can be used as a prophylactic against respiratory diseases in children. She copes well with asthma in children and adults. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews published in print media, on Internet forums, and in social networks.

Indications for breathing exercises are diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • nervous system,
  • urinary system,
  • thyroid gland,
  • digestion,
  • voice device.

Successfully use breathing exercises for:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • allergies,
  • overweight,
  • snoring,
  • viral diseases,
  • anemia,
  • diabetes,
  • stuttering
  • nicotine addiction,
  • deviated nasal septum,
  • stuttering
  • during the normal course of pregnancy.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

Despite the usefulness of breathing exercises, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting training. This is especially necessary in the presence of chronic diseases, so that the doctor correctly determines the degree of load and intensity of exercise.

The first workouts should be done with caution. At this time, you should listen to your body and its reactions to exercise. Start with the minimum load, then - in normal condition - gradually increase it. At the first stages of gymnastics, it can be difficult for the body to adjust to deep breathing, so you need to do it without fanaticism. In this case, the “do no harm” rule should be followed.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated in:

  • fever and high fever
  • severe diseases of organs and body systems,
  • brain injury,
  • concussion,
  • chronic cervical osteochondrosis,
  • spinal injuries,
  • severe myopia and glaucoma,
  • stone disease of the kidneys and gallbladder,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • bleeding
  • high arterial, ocular or intracranial pressure.

Breathing exercises

A complete set of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen exercises. One basic complex includes 12 exercises. But you don't have to master them all. At first, it is enough to study three or four exercises and regularly perform them, gradually adding new ones to them.

"Fists" or "Palms"

For this exercise, turn your open palms away from you, bend your elbows and raise them vertically, as psychics do. Take noisy, powerful breaths, sharply clenching your palms into fists. Repeat the exercise 4 times, exhaling slowly each time. Then take a short break and repeat the exercise again. The entire series must be completed 24 times.


Stand in the starting position (stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, head raised). Clench your hands into fists and place them at waist level. As you inhale, sharply throw your hands down, open your fists and spread your fingers. In this case, the "shoulder straps" - the muscles of the shoulders, forearms and hands should be in tension. One series of exercises consists of eight such breaths with a short pause of 3-5 seconds. In total, you need to complete 12 series of exercises.


Starting position, as in the exercise "Shoulder straps" (legs slightly wider than shoulders). Lower your shoulders, and stretch your arms along the body. Slowly bend down, imagine that you have a pump in your hands, inhale sharply and noisily. Then exhale slowly. The series consists of eight breaths with a short pause. There are 12 episodes in total.

These are the basic exercises. But in the Strelnikova complex there are still no less effective ones. Learn them and put them into practice. But do not forget to listen to your body, pay attention if pain occurs.

Many people believe that a person initially needs to be taught to speak, think, write, read correctly. It is equally important to be able to breathe properly. The absence of this skill leads to the emergence of a mass of diseases. “If you take care of your breathing, you will live happily ever after,” said an Indian sage. To test this thesis, they often turn to Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

Characteristics of the method of A. N. Strelnikova

Breathing gymnastics was created by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova in 1930–1940. She was a singer, and at some point she lost her voice. A set of exercises was developed by her to restore her singing abilities. Singing is one of the most difficult functions of breathing, therefore, if it is intended to restore the ability to sing, it can help to breathe properly.

Strelnikova's method is a unique complex in which the emphasis is on a short, sharp breath through the nose. Movements that compress the chest are also used. As a result, there is a sharp response of the body that needs oxygen. Due to the fact that the exercises are performed in this way, the internal tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen. Receptors on the nasal mucosa are also irritated, and this, in turn, allows you to contact almost all organs. Therefore, the proposed method has a wide spectrum of action, positively affects many systems of our body.

Doctors know many cases when, after surgery, a person does not breathe through the nose. This is due to the fact that special conditioned reflex connections have been created. To restore habitual breathing, you need to practice for a long time. In this case, the technique of Alexandra Nikolaevna successfully helps.

Many consider the gymnastics of A. N. Strelnikova paradoxical, because when it is performed, the chest does not expand, but, on the contrary, contracts. Currently, doctors and specialists from various fields have not come to a consensus about the benefits or harms of the method. One part believes that this is a real panacea for a wide variety of diseases, while others do not recognize the benefits.

Benefits and indications for the technique

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are intended both for the treatment of diseases of various kinds, and for prevention. Many scientists and doctors note the undeniable benefits that exercise can bring. In particular, such positive developments as:

  • restoration of organ functions,
  • the inclusion of all the muscles of the body in the work,
  • increase in lung volume
  • respiratory training,
  • overcoming stress,
  • weight loss,
  • prevention of asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

A set of exercises will help with the following problems:

  • stress,
  • overweight,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • stuttering.

After the first exercises, the volume of inhalation of patients increases by 15–20%, while with regular exercises it increases several times.

Exercise rules

Before doing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Think only about the breath. It is not necessary to type as much as possible - this is the main mistake. It is necessary to inhale shortly, noisily and sharply.
  2. Exhalation is not the main thing in exercises. Breathe out through your mouth, not your nose. No extra stress needed. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to keep pace.
  4. Don't force yourself. You don't have to do the exercise just because you have to. If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Complex basic and additional

For effective training, Strelnikova developed a special complex. It consists of a main part and an additional part. The first includes the following tasks:

  • palms,
  • shoulder straps,
  • Pump,
  • head turns,
  • Ears,
  • small pendulum,
  • Cat,
  • Hug your shoulders
  • big pendulum,
  • rolls,
  • Steps.

Additional exercises include:

  • Sit down - get up!
  • Spring.
  • Raising the pelvis.
  • Metronome.
  • wiggle.

When performing exercises, it is important to follow all the rules, clearly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, the body will get used to such a volume of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more expedient to first learn the first 3 exercises - basic. Then add 1 new per day. The technique for performing all exercises is covered in the video.

Video: instructions for doing breathing exercises

When children perform exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, you can notice improvements:

  • development in children of plasticity, flexibility,
  • posture correction,
  • development of the body at the necessary pace,
  • treatment of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is recommended to start classes with children with 3 basic exercises. These are “palms”, “chauffeurs” and “pump”. These movements will be given to the guys as simply as possible and, in addition, will interest them. You can work with children from 3-4 years old. For the starting "lesson" you can limit yourself to 3 tasks. Further, it is advisable to learn 1 new exercise per workout.

It is necessary to explain to the child how to inhale correctly, that while doing this you do not need to raise your shoulders or puff out your cheeks.

Remember: if the child suddenly turns red or turns pale, immediately stop the workout.

It is best to practice 2 times a day: before breakfast and before dinner. If training is carried out after eating, then not earlier than an hour later. Try not to exercise before going to bed, because a set of exercises will give a charge of vivacity, and it will be difficult to put the child to bed.

Contraindications and potential harm

Like any medicine, any training, this technique has its contraindications. You should not do it if you have:

  • oncological diseases,
  • brain damage,
  • circulatory disorders, bleeding,
  • kidney or liver stones
  • suffered a stroke,
  • thrombosis,
  • very high blood pressure, severe hypertension,
  • severe myopia,
  • glaucoma,
  • chronic osteochondrosis,
  • acute conditions with elevated body temperature.

It is believed that Strelnikova's gymnastics can increase atherosclerotic tissue damage. The fact is that with such breathing, an energy overexcitation of red blood cells occurs. However, there is a way out: to supplement the gymnastics with endogenous breathing according to Frolov. It consists in filling the lungs with oxygen due to prolonged exhalations.

The opinion of doctors and other specialists

In general, the use of this set of exercises shows good results. For those who practice breathing exercises, the volume of the lungs increases significantly, and immunity also increases. Reviews of doctors characterize the technique as a highly effective aid. Clinical studies also confirm the benefits of gymnastics.

Children suffering from asthmatic bronchitis also note a significant improvement in their condition, only two of them had some exacerbation of the disease due to the addition of acute respiratory infections. Thus, therapeutic exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova has a positive effect when used in patients with bronchial asthma. In the treatment of atopic form of bronchial asthma, the greatest effect is noted.

“The use of therapeutic exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova with bronchial asthma in children "V. I. Sedun, N. F. Byzgu, S. S. Nosach, M. S. Myrzak (Materials of the scientific and practical conference in the collection "Actual issues of pediatrics and childhood surgery", Moldova, Chisinau, 1981.

And when a tragedy happened: a talented opera singer of the twentieth century, unexpectedly at the peak of her fame, lost the most precious thing - her voice, she did not give up.

In a “duet” with her mother, Alexandra Severovna, who started developing breathing exercises for the treatment of asthma back in the 30s and 40s of the last century, Alexandra Nikolaevna continued to develop this knowledge.

As a result, mother and daughter created a unique respiratory gymnastics, which not only restored singing voices, but also had a healing effect on a variety of ailments: diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems (including vegetovascular dystonia), neuroses, skin diseases, stuttering, sexual disorders in both women and men, as well as smoking, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

By that time, the extraordinary founders of the paradoxical gymnastics of the Strelnikovs worked as vocal teachers, giving voice lessons to many famous artists: Lyudmila Kasatkina and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Andrei Mironov and Margarita Terekhova, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Larisa Golubkina and others.

Regular Strelnikov gymnastics was used by: Lyubov Kazarnovskaya and Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and Sofia Rotaru.

What is the essence of Strelnikova's breathing technique?

Only in 1973 was Strelnikova's respiratory system recognized as official medicine, later called paradoxical. Unlike conventional breathing exercises, where special attention is paid to the duration of breath holding and exhalation, this accessible and simple method is based on a forced, powerful inhalation through the nose, while exhalation remains passive and is performed in an arbitrary form.

Moreover, Strelnikova’s therapeutic exercises categorically prohibit holding air or pushing it out of the lungs when exhaling!

At the same time, a powerful, active breath is combined with dynamic compression of the chest during movement, which creates an additional supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body and contributes to its recovery. Due to the inverse coordination of breathing and movement, the development of muscles associated with is stimulated.

The effect of such actions can be felt in 10-15 minutes! Breathing becomes easier, lightness appears in the body, a surge of strength is felt, vitality and efficiency increase, mood improves noticeably.

Does Strelnikova's gymnastics have contraindications?

Despite the high efficiency and popularity of Strelnikova's breathing exercises in our country and abroad, she still has some contraindications:

  • Severe pathologies of any organs and systems;
  • Acute febrile conditions with high temperature;
  • Injuries of the spine and bruises of the brain;
  • Chronic osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • Bleeding of various etiologies;
  • High arterial, intracranial or eye pressure;
  • High myopia;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • The presence of stones in the kidneys or in the gallbladder;
  • Serious violations of cardiovascular activity.

You can answer in the affirmative to the question: is the breathing system according to Strelnikova right for you, after a detailed consultation with your doctor.

There were phenomenal cases when this technique, performed in a gentle mode, alleviated the condition even in bedridden patients!

A set of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Before you first master Strelnikova's gymnastics exercises, you need to remember a few basic rules:

1. Beginners should learn to take a noisy, active breath, when the wings of the nose are involuntarily pressed against the septum. A powerful energetic breath should be akin to clapping your hands. So sharply people usually sniff the smell of burning when shouting: “Fire!”

2. Exhalation, according to Strelnikova, should be smooth, natural, removing the remaining air through the mouth. In this case, the exhalation should be arbitrary, without any effort. The desire to actively exhale can lead not only to a failure of the respiratory rhythm, but also to hyperventilation of the lungs.

3. Exercises that help restore proper breathing must be performed at the expense. Thus, all elements of the technique will be correctly done, and this will help to eliminate failures in the rhythm.

4. The maximum effect of exercises is achieved in the rhythm of the marching step. With regular training, you can reach the top when each element of the session is completed in less than a second.

5. The movement and inhalation performed is a single “stroke” of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. They must be done at the same time, but in no case in turn. It does not matter whether the patient is standing, sitting or lying down. It depends on his condition and the severity of the disease.

6. The number of repetitions of any exercise should be divided by 4. This is not only a musical size, with which it is easy to calculate the load for a series of exercises, but also half of the eight - it will be used from the second lesson on Strelnikova's breathing technique. On the 4th day, this number will increase to 16, and then to 24 and 32. A rhythm made up of odd numbers (for example, 3 or 5), according to many followers of this unique gymnastics, requires certain skills and considerable physical endurance.

7. Between the series of performed elements of paradoxical breathing exercises, you need to arrange no more than a 10-second pause for rest. The class schedule, in this case, will look like this:

1-2 days: 24 sets or repetitions of 4 breaths with pauses of 7-10 seconds;
3-4 day: 12 sets of 8 breaths and the same pauses;
5-6 days: 6 sets of 16 breaths and 10-second pauses;
7-8 days and later: 3 sets of 32 breaths with identical pauses.

8. In addition to the rhythm, it is very important to maintain good spirits and good mood when doing these exercises. In this way, you can achieve the best effect in healing the body and losing weight, if it is the goal.

For healthy people, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for weight loss suggest starting all exercises with an intensity of 12 sets of 8 breaths, but after every 4 sets, rest for a 10-30 second pause.

After 30 days of training, rest pauses can be smoothly reduced to 3-5 seconds, provided you feel well (slight fatigue and dizziness may occur due to temporary oversaturation of the brain with oxygen, but this condition should normally disappear quickly).

Over time, the body will get used to the loads and the abundance of oxygen, it will be easier for you to achieve the desired size. And after that, you can leave a half-hour (or in emergency cases 15 minutes) session per day to strengthen immunity and stabilize weight.

All exercises of Strelnikova's gymnastics at the very beginning do not need to be done. Even the basic complex of 12 training episodes must be divided, having mastered the first three sessions, add one more daily until the full complex.

I. "Palms" or "Fists". Turn your open palms away from you, and point your elbows in a bent state vertically down. (This pose is often referred to as the "psychic pose"). We take powerful, noisy breaths, sharply clenching our hands into fists. Repeat 4 times, each time exhaling slowly. After 4 inhales and exhales, pause for 3-4 seconds. Repeat the whole series 24 times.

II. "The chauffeurs". I.p. (starting position): stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Relax your shoulders and raise your head. Clench your hands into fists and place them at waist level. On inspiration, sharply throw your hands down, open your fists and spread your fingers. "Shoulder straps" - the muscles of the shoulders, forearm and hands at this moment should experience tension. The first series - 8 breaths with a 3-4 second pause. The total number is 12 episodes.

III. "Pump or "Pump". I.p., as in ex. No. 2 (you can put your legs wider than your shoulders), lower your shoulders themselves, and stretch your arms along the body. Slowly bend over, imagining a pump or crumpled paper in your hands, inhaling sharply and noisily. Then exhale slowly. The series consists of 8 breaths-tilts-exhalations, and the exercise consists of 12 series. Between them you need to make a 3-second pause.

Add the following exercises one at a time:

IV. "Cat". I.p., as in ex. No. 2, but we put the legs already shoulders (at a distance of the width of the hips). Relax your shoulders, lower your arms along the body. On a sharp breath, sit down shallowly, at the same time turning the body to the right side. At the same time, we bend our arms at the elbows, and squeeze our fingers into fists. Exhaling, we return to the I.p., and then we repeat the exercise in a mirror way (with a turn to the left). The total number is 12 series of 8 squats-breaths in each direction.

v. "Hug your shoulders." I.p., as in ex. No. 2. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to shoulder level so that the left hand is above the right elbow, and the right hand is above the left. Then, sharply, with an inhalation, hug yourself without crossing or changing hands. One of the hands will hug the shoulder, the other - the armpit. Exhalation is slow when returning to I.p. The session consists of 8 breath movements, the total number of approaches (sessions) is 12.

VI. "Big Pendulum". An exercise that includes the previous 2, and first we perform the movement from the “Pump” exercise, then, without interrupting, we rise and continue the movement from the “Hug Your Shoulders” exercise. From the outside, this exercise resembles the movement of a pendulum. You need to perform it as much as the previous one, exhalations occur naturally after inhalations, without any tension.

VII. "Head Turns" I.p. - basic, but feet hip-width apart. Perform alternate turns of the head to the right and left, without delaying, in parallel, take sharp breaths. Exhalation goes involuntarily through a slightly open mouth. The session includes 8 movements-breaths, between them there are pauses of 3-4 seconds. There are 12 sessions in total.

VIII. "Ears". I.p. - main. We perform head shaking: to the right - we take out the right shoulder, to the left - the left, making noisy breaths with the nose with each movement. Do not raise your shoulders, do not strain your neck and body. Reminds me of a "tumbler": "Ai-ai-ai!" The number of movements, pauses and sessions, as in the previous exercises.

You can move on to the final exercises from the basic cycle: “Pendulum Head”, “Rolls” and “Steps” when the most simple first 8 are fully mastered.

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova is indicated as a method of prevention and treatment (if there are no contraindications) for most people, including even (under the supervision of a physician).

As a way of treatment: it is performed twice a day on an empty stomach or an hour and a half after any meal.

As a way to prevent: in the morning to invigorate and strengthen the immune system or in the evening to get rid of accumulated fatigue.

Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method: experienced reviews

Due to the great popularity of this technique of correct breathing on the Internet and among ordinary readers of brochures, you can find a variety of opinions about the results of classes:

Maxim warns that special attention should be paid to contraindications to any of. The individual characteristics of each organism are different. And thoughtlessly following advertising can be dangerous! Self-administration of fashionable procedures, no matter how useful they may be, can harm your nature.

However, on the advice of doctors, starting with small dosed loads, you can move on to more intense ones and get the maximum benefit from saturating the cells of the body with oxygen.

Sergei: “... Somehow I came across a brochure describing the breathing technique according to Strelnikova. There was no Internet then in the country. I was convinced of the effectiveness of this gymnastics very soon, but it's a pity that laziness does not allow me to do it regularly. Rescues breathing exercises when "squeeze". And for that, thank you very much! »

Elena writes that she has been practicing an effective technique for 5-6 years, but periodically takes breaks for 2-3 months because of laziness. She likes that when exercising while inhaling, the diaphragm contracts, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and all vital processes in the body are normalized. Engaged in only 10 minutes in the morning and after work.

As a result: excellent mood, loves to sing, voice sounds better, snot passes in winter, if the stomach, head or something else hurts, then the discomfort becomes dull or disappears. Metabolism improves, the figure is a wasp waist, muscle tone is strengthened. Recommends to everyone!

Volzhanka complains that she has long suffered from VHD (vegetovascular dystonia), which, due to frequent stresses, has been joined by neurosis. She was a frequent patient in hospitals, droppers with vasodilators were prescribed, but soon everything repeated.

I became interested in alternative methods of treatment and bought a book by A.N. Strelnikova. Regular classes without interruption twice a day for 9-10 months cured not only nervous, but also chronic colds. Now she uses this complex only for preventive purposes.

Olga: “... For only 6-7 months, instead of exercising in the morning, I did gymnastics for Strelnikova. Satisfied with the result! I lost weight, my respiratory system was restored, I feel great! I recommend! »

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What is the essence of such breathing

Strelnikovskaya respiratory gymnastics is a selection of exercises that Strelnikova developed primarily for herself - she was a theater teacher and opera singer, suffered from a choking cough, and was looking for an opportunity to cope with her illness. The respiratory system according to the Strelnikova method has no analogues and no restrictions whatsoever - people of any age can do it, regardless of their state of health.

The breathing system that Strelnikova developed (and patented) can be used to relieve stress, and is also easy to combine with walking. It is not always necessary to do gymnastic exercises (I will give a set of breathing exercises below), you can walk in a park or outside the city at an average pace to perform breathing movements - eight breaths, rest for about three to five seconds and then eight breaths, in half an hour the body will be saturated with oxygen, and also you will learn how to breathe correctly.

Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises are recommended for use at any time, but the author of the technique, Alexandra Nikolaevna, recommended training in the morning, then the benefits of breathing exercises will be as high as possible.

Results and benefits for the body

What are the benefits of constant breathing exercises Strelnikova?
  1. The blood supply to the pulmonary alveoli and vessels improves, which has a positive effect on metabolism.
  2. Nerve regulation is restored, the central nervous system works more smoothly.
  3. The drainage functionality of the bronchial system is restored.
  4. Nasal breathing stabilizes.
  5. Morphological lesions in the broncho-pulmonary system are minimized.
  6. Inflammations resolve, folded areas of the lungs straighten out, lymph and blood supply stabilizes, and stagnant manifestations disappear.
  7. The circulatory system is strengthened and lost or impaired functions of the cardiovascular apparatus are restored.
  8. Immunity and body tone increase.
  9. It should also be noted that the original function of the lungs is restored - in addition to the primitive respiratory movement, the lungs are responsible for gas exchange in the alveoli.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises will help the body in general, but there are certain diseases in which this method is recommended by doctors.

Diseases of the respiratory system

It can be a runny nose or chronic sinusitis, bronchitis or even bronchial asthma. The fact is that Strelnikova’s paradoxical gymnastics most of all loads the respiratory system, giving it the maximum load, which improves the condition of the pulmonary system and helps strengthen the respiratory system as a whole. In addition to improving overall membrane permeability, local blood supply is also enhanced.

Skin diseases

Many people suffer from neurodermatitis, psoriasis and diathesis, they know how hard it is to fight these diseases. When you train active breathing, the body is enriched with oxygen at the membrane level, and oxygenated blood enhances regeneration. By the way, it also helps to restore the breathing of the skin - blood microcirculation improves, connective tissues are modernized, excess sebum is removed, acne disappears.

Nervous disorders and diseases of the central nervous system

Often, diseases of the central nervous system are associated, among other things, with a low level of oxygen in the blood, and with insufficiently active blood supply - the body functions at “low speed”, and the person feels some depression. Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova will help to normalize well-being literally from the first lesson.

Diseases of the vascular system

If you often have a headache, feel unwell, have had a stroke or suffer from epilepsy, then the Strelnikova breathing technique will help minimize painful conditions.

In addition to all of the above, breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method allow you to fight stuttering, diseases of the spine, as well as overweight and bad habits.

Gymnastics rules

Before doing a set of breathing exercises, you first need to figure out how to properly perform gymnastics for weight loss. By the way, at the very beginning it is quite acceptable to use hints for exercises in pictures - this simplifies the process.
  1. For each lesson, you need to do 1200 "breaths" - inhalations and exhalations.
  2. One lesson should take about half an hour.
  3. All exercises should be done in three sets, 32 repetitions in each approach. After each "thirty" you can rest 3-10 seconds. If it is difficult to perform 32 breaths in a row, then you can take breaks after each eight, and perform eights 12 times.
  4. After a month of daily classes, each exercise can be done not 8 times, but 16 or 32 times.
  5. For each lesson, you need to perform the entire set of exercises. Strelnikova recommended performing the complex twice a day with normal health, and several times a day if you feel unwell.
  6. Breathing exercises are done before meals. In some cases, you can do the exercises one and a half hours after lunch or dinner, but in the morning it is best to do it on an empty stomach.
  7. When there is clearly not enough time, you can perform not 3 sets of 32 breaths for each exercise, but one set of 32 breaths. In this case, Strelnikova's gymnastics will take you 7 minutes.
  8. After a month of daily exercise, the effect is felt.
  9. Do not give up gymnastics, it is best to do it all your life.

Introductory lesson

Naturally, you won’t be able to immediately complete a set of exercises; an active breathing technique requires an attentive and focused attitude.

So, first you need to do the exercise "Palms" - sharp loud breaths are performed, after which a few seconds of a break. 4 breaths are taken at a time, the exercise should be performed with Strelnikov's hundred - that is, 24 times 4 breaths each. After each inhalation, exhale through the mouth, imperceptibly. Otherwise, the benefits and harms will not be balanced and you can harm yourself, do not grimace.

With arrhythmia of the heart and problems with the vessels of the central nervous system, you can feel dizzy. This is not a bad sign, the main thing is not to be too nervous. In general, with arrhythmia, the heart can perform exercises, so do not be afraid and stop exercising.

The next exercise is "Shooters". Here you need to complete 12 eights (to get Strelnikov's hundred).

Another exercise that will help you master the technique is the “Pump”. Perform it according to a typical pattern - 12 eights, after every eight breaths - a break. By the way, this exercise has some limitations, I will talk about them later.

This is a basic lesson, it is repeated twice a day, adding a new exercise every day. Once you have mastered the breathing technique, you can begin to increase the number of breaths in one approach.

Full complex

You need to stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbow joints and show your palms (vertically, on the line of the shoulder joints). Sharp breaths are taken, at the same moment the hands are clenched into fists. You can do this exercise in any position of the body.

You need to stand up straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to the abdominal part of the body, near the waist. When you inhale, the fists are pulled down towards the floor, then you need to return your hands to their original position. Hands are not recommended to be raised above the waist.


It is necessary to stand up straight, the legs are somewhat narrower than the shoulders, the arms are freely extended along the body. First, a tilt is made - with your hands you need to reach for your socks, but do not touch them, and in the second half of the tilt you need to take a noisy breath (strictly with the help of the nose, not the mouth). Inhalation ends simultaneously with the inclination. Then you need to slightly rise, but do not rise completely, and repeat. The back should be rounded, the head facing down. Exercise is done standing and sitting.

This exercise has some limitations. It must be carefully performed for various head injuries and diseases of the spine, as well as if there are problems with pressure. Do not lean too deeply, just bend slightly. This exercise is very effective, helps to overcome bronchial asthma.


You need to stand up straight, and perform a dance squat, turn the body to the right and take a short breath, then return to the starting position and do the same squat with a turn to the left. Do not squat too deep, just bend your knees slightly. During the exercise, you need to make a grasping movement in the direction of rotation. The back should be straight, the turn is carried out only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt.

We get up with a straight back, bend our elbows and raise them at shoulder level. As you inhale, you need to cross your arms deeply, hugging yourself by the shoulders. Hands should go parallel to each other, you should not spread them, while inhaling, the head leans back slightly.

If a person has diseases of the cardiovascular system, then in the first couple of weeks you should not perform this exercise. For women who are in position, after the end of the second trimester, you should not tilt your head - a gymnastic exercise is performed with a strictly vertical spinal column.

Stand up straight, put your heels a little narrower than shoulder width. Then you need to lean forward, stretch your arms towards the floor, inhale and exhale, then lean back without interruption (it is permissible to bend slightly in the lower back), wrap your arms around your shoulders. You can also do the exercise while sitting.

You need to master these exercises before moving on to the rest.


Stand up straight, take breaths at the same time as turning your head, you do not need to pull your neck, do not stop your head in the process of movement - to the left - inhale, exhale, to the right - inhale, exhale.

Ears (Chinese dummy)

The starting position is classical - straight. The head alternately leans with the ear to the shoulder and inhales, do not lower the chin, exhale in a timely manner.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, then alternate “inhale from the floor” and “inhale from the ceiling”, while only one head moves.

Restrictions: "Ears", "Turns" and "Pendulum head" should be performed smoothly, especially if there are diseases of the neck, spine or head vessels.


Stand up straight, put your left foot forward, right back, transfer the center of gravity to your left foot. Then a light dance squat is done on the left leg along with a noisy breath, after which the weight is transferred to the back (right) leg, also inhaling.

You need to squat and inhale at the same time, the center of gravity is on the leg that squats, after the squat you need to straighten up, and only then “roll” the center of gravity to the other leg.

After the complex is completed, you need to swap legs (now right forward, left back), and repeat.

Steps (rock and roll)

Front step - we get up to the starting position, raise the left leg, bending at the knee (pull the toe), the center of gravity is on the right leg. In this position, a light squat and a noisy breath are made, then we take the starting position for a moment, and perform the exercise for the right leg.

The back step is done in the same way, but instead of lifting the knee forward, the knee should simply be bent so that the heel is lifted towards the buttock.

You need to inhale and perform the movement at the same time.

Look in detail at the video of how Strelnikova's gymnastics is done in unison in 8 minutes, there are also videos with a full set of exercises, designed for 12 minutes and 26 minutes. But this video will clearly show how to properly perform all the exercises of the complex:

A few more benefits. For preventive purposes, you can use any exercises of Strelnikova's gymnastics, but if there are certain specific ailments, then it is better to clarify which specific exercises will help overcome diseases. For example, Strelnikova's breathing exercises for preschool children involve simple exercises for children that help fight children's colds - they relieve nasal congestion, reduce sore throat, and generally improve well-being.

Also useful in case of a cold are exercises for children recommended by Strelnikova for bronchial asthma or emphysema. Strelnikova's therapeutic breathing exercises for asthma will help both large and small ones - the sooner you start exercising, the higher the likelihood of remission.

Try to deal with the whole family - initially, Strelnikova's gymnastics helped my mother with hypertension, but literally a week later, my mother and I realized that breathing exercises also help with stress. In stressful situations, simple breathing exercises of the Strelnikova exercise can help to perform not always enough strength and endurance, but breathing a little according to her method is very useful.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for weight loss also give incredible results!

Helped me start exercising regularly a book about the technique that Shchetinin wrote. I recommend reading it to anyone who cares about the health of their family.

With arrhythmia of the heart, the "Pump" helps well. Also, with arrhythmia of the heart, it is recommended to perform the exercise "Pendulum". In general, the main thing with heart arrhythmia is to perform the entire set of exercises correctly, and approach the use of gymnastics by gradually increasing the load, in no case overstraining. The same applies to hypertension.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for bronchitis are the first three exercises, they help to keep the bronchi in order and form the basis of daily gymnastics.

When stuttering in children, it is very important to pay attention to the correct execution of “Hug your shoulders”. So the child gets rid of the muscle clamp in the shoulder girdle and relaxes. Strelnikova's vocal exercises and breathing exercises for stuttering give very good results, when the child is engaged not only individually, but also with other children.

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