Prakshalana salt cleansing. Shank Prakshalana exercises. How often can you do a colon cleanse with saline solution?

Traditional and folk medicine offer a wide range of techniques for cleansing the intestines at home. Most people choose unconventional methods of removing toxins because of the convenience and accessibility of their implementation. A popular cleansing mechanism is the Indian teaching of Shank Prakshalana (salt water cleansing), which is chosen because of the ease and low cost of the procedure. Anyone can do it at home.

Anyone can do colon cleansing with salt water at home.

Basic information about the Shankha Prakshalana technique. Hatha yoga offers special methods of complete cleansing of the body, which are called Shatkarmas:

  • neti – technique for cleaning the nasal passages;
  • nauli - abdominal massage to prevent diseases of internal organs;
  • Basti – removal of toxins from the large intestine;
  • kapalabhati – cleansing the front part of the brain;
  • trataka – strengthening the eyes and vision;
  • Dhauti – procedures for cleansing the stomach and intestines.

Of the last set of varisara techniques (shankha prakshalana, shankha prakshalana) the most common and easy to perform at home. It has been used in India for several thousand years. Shankha prakshalana means "conch gesture". The technique cleanses the stomach and entire intestines; after correctly following all the instructions, a person feels a surge of strength and energy: the body and spirit are cleansed. Removing waste and toxins from the body improves the patient's health.

A person’s violent reaction to an allergen disappears, the skin is cleansed, microflora, sleep and wakefulness biorhythms are normalized, and overall protection from harmful influences is increased.

Before you start cleaning at home, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and listen to his advice on the procedure. Schematically, the technique looks like this: cleaning with salt water, doing exercises, diet after cleaning. Difficulties arise during exercise. If you do everything strictly according to the instructions, they can be avoided.

The essence of colon cleansing using the Shank-Prakshalana method is that a person drinks specially prepared salt water on an empty stomach.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the purpose of its implementation. Doctors recommend doing preventive cleaning once a season. To get rid of constipation, shank prakshalana is performed once a week or 2 times a month. The amount of water can also be adjusted for each case.

The Malakhov method includes general recommendations for performing the technique and nutritional advice. The technique continues with the gradual onset of fasting in order to cleanse the body. The famous presenter adds these and other amendments from his own practice, focusing on the classical method of hatha yoga.

Preparing the body for cleansing

Colon cleansing with salt water needs to be planned and all aspects carefully thought through. To do this, a person gets acquainted with the Shank Prakshalana method, studies and does all the exercises in advance, and prepares himself mentally. If you lose the desire to engage in this type of cleansing, then you should not start.

For cleaning with the Shank Prakshalana method at home, the patient chooses a free day. The period of drinking salt water lasts 1–2 hours. The duration of bowel movements depends on the person and the characteristics of his body.

The day before the procedure, a person does not need to load the intestines with heavy food. Doctors advise eating more vegetables, cereals, and drinking a lot (water, juices, fresh juices). It is required to refrain from eating after 6 pm. This will facilitate the Shank Prakshalana procedure and guarantee a positive result.

To completely cleanse the intestines, you need to stock up on warm salt water (3 liters). The drinking temperature should be up to 37 degrees. A hot solution will begin to be quickly absorbed into the blood, while a cold solution will cause harm to the mucous membrane. It is recommended to make a solution at the rate of 20 g of ordinary salt per liter of warm water. The salt content should exceed its level in human blood. If this is not done, the fluid will leave the body in the urine, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Psychological preparation for the method plays a big role. Followers of hatha yoga recommend creating a calm atmosphere, focusing on the procedure and healing the body. This technique cannot always be applied.

Doctors call the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, the clinical picture of which includes fever, system dysfunction, damage to the mucous membrane;
  • viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory system;
  • period of menstrual bleeding, pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • for hypertension and heart disease;
  • presence of cancer and others.

Fasting for the purpose of cleansing the intestines is not included in the list of contraindications, but after it the method is used extremely carefully.

Features of colon cleansing

The general picture of the Malakhov method is to alternate special exercises with salt water, after drinking which they are done. But it's not that simple. Actions according to the instructions always give a positive result. If you don't follow the rules, there will be no effect.

Exercise moves water through the digestive tract

The procedure begins by drinking a glass of liquid on an empty stomach. After this you need to do 5 types of exercises:

  • tadasana (in the form of a tree: arms stretch upward);
  • tiryaka-tadasana (tree bent by the wind);
  • kati-chakrasana (waist movements);
  • tiryaka-bhujangasana (like a cobra);
  • Udraka-karshanasana (abdominal massage).

Exercise manages water and moves it through the digestive tract. The liquid washes away all harmful substances on its way. Upon completion of the movements, drink another glass of salt water and repeat the movements. Traditional doctors recommend carrying out the procedure with 6 or 8 glasses of water. The body will tell you when you need to stop.

After taking the sixth glass of liquid and a set of exercises, a person goes to the toilet. The urge to go to the toilet appears after 4–5 glasses. It all depends on the body’s reaction to the Shankha Prakshalana technique. Traditional doctors do not recommend forcefully pushing feces out of yourself. This should happen easily and painlessly.

If defecation does not occur within 5 minutes, then you need to repeat the exercises one or more times and do not drink water. After this, the body may not react again. But a small enema will help start the process.

Irritation of the anus, which often occurs from salt water, will not allow washing after using the toilet and lubricating it with vegetable oil.

Follow-up activities include drinking fluids, performing a range of movements, and going to the toilet. Yogis perform the procedure until clear water comes out instead of feces. When a positive result is achieved, traditional doctors recommend drinking the last 2 glasses of salt water and doing a system of exercises to consolidate the result.

You must not eat anything during the entire procedure.

The process goes differently for each person. Therefore, there is no need to compare your results with someone else’s: some cleanse the body with 10 glasses, while others need to drink 2 times more.

At the end of the colon cleansing procedure, Indian traditional medicine advises rinsing the stomach with salt water and inducing vomiting. This will cleanse the stomach of toxins, have a beneficial effect on the gallbladder and liver, and heal the chest.

Throughout the entire procedure, the intestines need to be filled only with salt water; you cannot eat anything. When all the water comes out, the mucous membrane produces a new protective layer. At this time, the person is advised to rest (up to an hour). After this, doctors recommend drinking special bifidobacteria to help the body form healthy microflora. The entire result depends on further nutrition, which you need to pay special attention to.

Sometimes, to cleanse the body, both salt and baking soda are added to water (1:1). Rinsing with soda speeds up the process and helps soften the stool.

Exercise system

Some sources describe 4 main movements for cleaning with salt water, others - 5. The fifth can be done as a preparatory movement before performing the procedure. It helps the body get ready for work and warm up a little.

To perform the movement, you need to straighten up and raise your arms up. As you inhale, stand on your toes and stretch your whole body to feel the muscles of your abdomen, back and legs. As you exhale, lower yourself onto your feet. Yogis recommend doing this several times. Walking in this position is allowed.

The first movement when performing cleansing shankha prakshalana is called tiryaka tadasana. The starting position is preparatory, but the fingers form a lock with palms up. Breathing should be calm. Yogis bend to the sides with their upper torso. The legs and pelvic bones need to be well fixed so that the abdominal muscles work intensively. The movements are repeated 12 times. It helps move the salty solution from the stomach to the intestines and starts the process of cleansing the body.

The second movement involves twisting at the waist. Only the upper torso moves and the abdominal muscles are used. The right hand is extended forward in front of you, and the right collarbone is reached with the left. In this position, the person moves his hand behind his back and makes turns. The exercise is done 12 times and alternate hands. This helps the fluid flow through the small intestine and flush out toxins.

To perform the next exercise - tiryaka-bhujangasana - you need to take a horizontal position. To do this, your toes rest on the surface (floor, mat, ground), your legs are wide apart, your arms are straight, your back is straight. The person needs to rise on his hands and look over his shoulder to see the heel of the other foot. You need to perform 6 movements left and right.

The fifth exercise cleanses the colon using abdominal massage (udara-karshanasana). To perform the movement, yogis squat, place their hands on their knees, and alternately touch the surface with their knees. The other leg along with the torso is pulled up and the stomach is pressed, pressing on the intestines. The person's lower body must be fixed.

Udara-karshanasana (abdominal massage)

Turning the head ensures high-quality performance and efficient movement. Traditional doctors recommend doing it by turning to the right (along the course of the colon). This practice is also used at home for chronic constipation.

The complex is part of the Malakhov method. It helps the body quickly and painlessly remove waste and toxins.

Nutrition after cleaning

In Malakhov’s cleansing method, it is not recommended to eat immediately. Food should enter the digestive system no less than 10 minutes after a complete cleanse, and no later than an hour. It takes time for the formation of a new useful layer of the intestine.

The first product should be rice boiled in water with the addition of melted butter or vegetable oil. Such food is rich in proteins, which compensate for wasted energy and strength. And the oil lubricates the intestinal villi from the inside, and helps the easy passage and absorption of food. Be sure to drink everything with clean water, eat often, and do not eat a lot at one time. Proponents of the Shank Prakshalana method according to Malakhov add lentils or beans to rice, replace rice with wheat, oats or pasta with grated hard cheese.

For a day or two after a complete cleanse, yogis are not advised to consume dairy and fermented milk products, meat, fish, eggs and fresh fruits and vegetables. These products require increased work of the digestive system, which is not ready for such a load. Alcoholic, low-alcohol and energy drinks, confectionery and bakery products are prohibited.

The first product after cleaning should be boiled rice

The technique fosters in a person a culture of proper healthy eating. The diet must be followed for up to 7 days. During this period, traditional doctors recommend introducing new foods little by little and observing the body's reaction.

If you start with meat or fish, it is better to boil or bake than to fry (stew). A sharp load on the intestines can minimize the beneficial effects of cleansing and return the body to its previous or worse state. A person chooses his own diet. Sometimes it is this that determines the duration of the effect after cleansing.

Removing toxins from the digestive tract using the Shank Prakshalana method requires a lot of effort from a person and an understanding of the principle of operation of the procedure. But before it is carried out, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and therapist to exclude possible contraindications. Malakhov’s technique becomes effective only after strict compliance with the instructions and recommendations. This technique helps cleanse the body on a physical and mental level.

It is a well-known fact that the human body becomes contaminated with various toxins in the process of life. Popular and specialized medical literature generously gives recommendations on how to get rid of them, what to do to avoid accumulating them, and how to properly cleanse the body. Based on different methods, and sometimes involving the use of expensive drugs and equipment, they do not always give the expected effect. It becomes a pity for the lost time and money.

As you know, it is clean not where they clean up on time, but where they don’t litter. It was not by chance that the phrase came to mind. There are many ways to cleanse the intestines, as the primary stage of preventing contamination of the entire body.

In this case, we are talking about cleansing the body of chemicals - poisons and toxins that are formed in the intestines and come with food.

Accordingly, the liver is engaged in self-renewal and does this very quickly, and sometimes successfully. The number of effects of Shankh Prakshalana is difficult to describe. It’s much easier to test everything for yourself, to feel the full power of simple and effective Shank Prakshalana procedures—intestinal cleansing—that have been practiced for thousands of years.

Video training “Shank Prakshalana - colon cleansing”

Simplified procedure of Shank Prakshalana

  1. Let's prepare a concentrated solution of coarse salt in the ratio of one tablespoon per liter of boiled warm water. This is a mandatory condition: there should not be less or more salt.
  2. Calmly drink a glass of salt water in the morning on an empty stomach and begin a series of exercises. Their main task is to stretch and compress the anterior wall of the abdomen. This feeling should be clearly recorded. Each exercise is repeated 4 times in each direction:
    • we stand, keep our pelvis motionless;
    • we stretch our arms up;
    • We bend to the sides, stretching upward all the time;
    • perform arm turns to the sides with maximum amplitude;
    • we monitor the position of the pelvis, it should remain practically in the same position, if possible it is better to push it in the direction opposite to the movements of the arms. There should always be a feeling that the pelvis and the entire bottom, starting from the waist, are enslaved. It becomes difficult to move, almost to the point of impossible.
  3. For the next, third movement, you need to take the starting position, lying down.
    We rest on the floor with our toes and hands. The support with your palms should allow you to turn your head back so that it is the front wall of the abdomen that stretches. Please note that you need to turn not your torso, but your head. The main sensation that should appear here, which can also be regarded as the main task, is stretching the anterior wall of the abdomen.
  4. The last movement involves twisting.
    Squatting, we place our hands on our knees and, pushing off from our knees, twist ourselves first in one direction and then in the other.

These movements must be repeated every time after drinking a glass of water. Usually two glasses are enough. For those who are just starting to do the exercises or doing them for the first time, a third glass may be required. This is the limit on the amount of drink you can drink before exercise.

After these classes, a series of yoga exercises is performed.

If performed correctly and the conditions of Shank Prakshalana are followed, this amount of water is quite enough to achieve the final goal.

Let us only add that all movements must be performed four times in each direction.

This is a fairly easy to learn method of colon cleansing, which at the same time is extremely effective. The process concerns the entire large intestine, removing various food debris, from the stomach to the anus. In the article we will talk about the Shank Prakshalana method, the method of cleansing, and also learn how to do it correctly, analyzing all the pros and cons.

The essence of the cleaning method

During this procedure, the colon is completely cleansed. Pieces that are retained in the digestive organs also come out naturally.

The salty drink enters the stomach, which, thanks to the simple ones, moves through the entire body to the lower exit.

The process of cleansing the intestines with salt water is carried out until the liquid leaves the body with the same transparent consistency as it entered the body. The method is safe for humans if all instructions are carefully followed.

Benefits of the procedure

The effect of cleansing the intestines with salt water, as reviews indicate, will not manifest itself the next day, but it will quickly affect the freshness of breath, improving the quality and general condition of the human body.
If, in addition, you adjust the regime, excluding excessive amounts, then body odors, which can be quite strong, will also go away, and the color will improve significantly.

Colds and a number of other metabolic diseases also pass noticeably faster. One of the main advantages of performing Shank Prakshalana is considered to be getting rid of diseases. Among other things, due to the cleansing of the digestive tract, the absorption of food is normalized, as a result of which excessively thin people begin to gain weight, and those who need to lose weight can quite quickly cope with extra pounds.

How often and when to perform the kriya

It is recommended to cleanse the intestines with salt water using the Shank Prakshalana technique at least twice a year, and preferably four times, during the changing seasons.

People who want to thoroughly cleanse their body can perform the kriya every month. If there is a problem in the form, then the cleaning procedure can be carried out every week, but you should limit yourself to six glasses of water.
The procedure, in its essence, is not unpleasant, although for some people drinking warm, and even salty water, of course, does not bring much pleasure.

But in such cases, you can add juice to the drink to neutralize the unpleasant taste. This is an excellent “hardening” for the intestines, without stretching the walls of the colon.

Shank Prakshalana: step by step instructions

To achieve the maximum effect and at the same time not cause harm to health, cleansing the intestines with salt water at home should be carried out in compliance with all the rules.


First of all, you should prepare. It needs to be heated together with regular or sea water previously dissolved in it. It is recommended to take a little more than a teaspoon per liter of water.
The amount of salt in the drinking solution should be contained exactly in such an amount that the water is not absorbed by the mucous membrane, but leaves the body. If there is an excessive amount of salt in the solution, the concentration should be brought to an accessible taste.


WITH The procedure is performed according to this algorithm:

  • You need to drink a glass of prepared warm saline solution.
  • Then you should perform a series of special ones (they will be described in detail later in the article).
  • Drink another glass of salt water to cleanse the intestines and repeat the entire exercise cycle again.
  • Continue alternating drinking and exercise until 6 glasses of drinking solution have been consumed, and 6 series of special exercises have been completed.
  • After completing the above steps, you will need to visit the toilet.

Important! If after carrying out the above steps you do not want to go to the toilet, then you need to continue to repeat the cycles (water - exercise) until the body requires emptying.

After the first bowel movement you need to do the following:
  • drink a glass of warm saline solution;
  • repeat a series of exercises;
  • empty your bowels in the toilet.

You need to repeat these steps until the water comes out in the same transparent form as it entered the body. When this happens depends on the characteristics and general condition of the body.

This usually happens after 10-14 glasses of water. After this, the Shank Prakshalana procedure must be completed. A visit to the toilet will then be inevitable for about an hour.


The main goal of this colon cleansing method is to immediately pass salt water through the intestines. For this to happen, you need to perform special exercises.

  • should be placed at width, and then slowly begin to pull your hands up. In this case, you need to gradually rise on your toes, and then with a sharp movement lower yourself down, so the incoming water seems to “fall through.”
  • Now you need to spread your legs a little wider and tilt your body in different directions. Hands should also participate and reach into the distance in the process.
  • Your arms need to be extended forward so that they are parallel to the floor. You need to bend your torso in different directions. Twisting should occur through the arms, while the legs and pelvis remain static.
  • Hands should be placed behind the head, in the area of ​​the seventh or the back of the head. The right palm should be on top. The bends continue, but the body should be pulled upward. You can now feel the water passing through the lower intestines.
  • The pose “Upward Facing Dog” is assumed and the abdominal twisting to the sides continues. You need to see the heel behind your back.
  • You should squat down. Twisting is done to the right, while the knee of the left leg is directed towards the foot of the right leg. The right foot stands firmly on the floor, the left foot stands on the toe. The hands should dynamically assist in bringing the knees inward. Upon completion, the same movements are repeated to the left.


Shank Prakshalana cannot be performed if there are other exacerbations or diseases of the digestive system. It is also not recommended for women to cleanse their intestines during their menstrual periods.
The presence of high blood pressure and body temperature are also contraindications.

For those who led for three days, the procedure can be carried out at least a week after complete recovery from this state. If the fast lasted a week, no earlier than a month and a half later.

As you can see, the essence of the procedure is quite simple, but very effective. It is necessary to allocate a sufficient amount of time to cleanse the body, but a positive result will not be long in coming.

Shank Prakshalana- a technique that is ideal in its simplicity and very highly effective. By cleansing the entire colon, shank prakshalana removes food debris from the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus.

Water enters the stomach through the mouth, and then, guided by simple exercises, passes through the entire intestine until it exits. The procedure continues until the water comes out as clear as it entered. This procedure does not pose any danger and is recommended to everyone - provided that all its techniques are performed accurately.


Heat water in which sea salt (or unrefined table salt) is dissolved at the rate of 5-6 g per 1 liter of water (1 heaped teaspoon), which will give a concentration slightly lower than in saline solution. The water must be salty because otherwise it will be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membrane and removed from the body normally (in the form of urine). If the water seems too salty to you, you can reduce the salt concentration to an acceptable taste.

Favorable moment

The most favorable moment for the procedure is the morning (before meals). Please note that the entire procedure initially takes more than an hour, so the most suitable time for it is the weekend morning. On this day you cannot perform asanas or sharp exercises - and even the next day they are contraindicated.

Here is a diagram of how to perform the cleansing (except for the exercises necessary to ensure the complete passage of salt water through the digestive tract - they will be described below).

1. Drink a glass of warm salted water (its temperature should be equal to the temperature of the soup that you eat with pleasure).

2. Immediately follow the instructions kriyas(movements, exercises).

3. Drink another glass and do the whole series of exercises again.

4. Continue following the instructions in point 3 until you drink 6 glasses of salt water and do six sets of exercises.

5. After completing the sixth procedure, you need to go to the toilet.

Usually the first evacuation occurs almost immediately. In this case, normal stools that have a shape will be followed by others, softer, and then liquid (possibly yellowish).

If this does not happen immediately or no later than 5 minutes, then you need to repeat the series of exercises and then return to the toilet.

If the result is still negative - which is unlikely, but possible - then an evacuation should be induced by flushing the stomach with half a liter of warm, unsalted water using an enema (after doing a small enema, it is advisable to lie down and relax for a few minutes). As soon as the evacuation mechanism is activated, that is, as soon as the first bowel movements are released, the subsequent ones will be triggered automatically.

One useful tip: after each visit to the toilet, it is advisable to use water rather than toilet paper, then thoroughly wipe the anus and lubricate it with vegetable (olive, castor, etc.) oil to avoid irritation caused by salt.

After the first bowel movement you should:

Drink a glass of salt water again;

Perform the indicated exercises;

Return to the toilet, where bowel movements should occur.

Continue the cycles (drinking salt water - a series of exercises - emptying the intestines) until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. Depending on the degree of intestinal contamination, this will happen after drinking 10-14 glasses of salt water (more in extremely rare cases).

When you decide that you are satisfied with the results of the procedure,

i.e., the emerging water, in your opinion, is clean enough, then the procedure can be stopped. After stopping the procedure, you can go to the toilet several more times over the next hour - this is the only remaining inconvenience.

In addition, now it is advisable to drink one to three glasses of warm unsalted water and do Vamana Dhauti, tickling the back surface of the upper palate and uvula with three fingers of the right hand. This will turn off the evacuation mechanism and completely empty the stomach.

In case of failure

If, after drinking, for example, four glasses of salt water, you feel that the contents of the stomach are not passing normally into the intestines (you feel fullness in the stomach, causing nausea), then this means that the first sphincter has not opened properly. It's not that irreparable. Without taking any more liquid, do two or three sets of exercises. The cessation of nausea will indicate that the passage to the stomach is open. Once the evacuation mechanism is started, there will be no more difficulties and you can continue the procedure.

However, in some cases, it may happen that a gas plug forms in the intestines, which prevents the activation of the evacuation mechanism. In this case, it is enough to press on the stomach with your hands or do sarvangasana or the plow (shoulder stand or plow can be done in a “lazy” version, without straightening up too much and without touching the floor with your feet, for about one minute) along with four other exercises.

In the most unfavorable case, i.e. if the liquid does not come out, you only have to make a decision: do Vamana Dhauti, that is, empty the stomach by tickling the base of the tongue with three fingers of the right hand to induce vomiting (relief occurs immediately), or do nothing - then the water will come out naturally in the form of urine.

After the procedure, you should rest and avoid feeling hungry.

First meal

After Shank Prakshalans The following recommendations must be followed. Eat no earlier than half an hour and no later than an hour after completion of the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to leave the digestive tract empty for more than an hour!

The first meal should consist of peeled rice, boiled in water, but not overcooked (the rice grains should melt in the mouth). Rice can be seasoned with lightly salted tomato juice, but pepper or any hot spices should not be used. You can add well-cooked lentils or carrots to the rice. You should also eat 40 grams of butter along with rice. The butter can be dissolved in rice (it is better to melt it separately in a water bath) or eaten unmelted from a spoon. Rice can be replaced with boiled wheat, oats or flour products (pasta, noodles, spaghetti, etc.) seasoned with grated cheese.


Rice cannot be cooked in milk. Over the next 24 hours, it is forbidden to drink milk or kefir. In addition, over the next 24 hours, sour foods and drinks, fruits and raw vegetables are prohibited. Bread is allowed to be eaten during the second meal. You can eat any hard and semi-hard cheeses. White cheese and fermented cheeses (brie, camembert) are not recommended. After a day, you can return to your normal regimen, avoiding, however, any excess meat.


Absorption of salt water during the exchange process will direct some of your body fluids to the digestive tract. This will be part of the cleansing. Therefore, after performing the procedure, it is natural to feel noticeable thirst. Do not drink any liquids, even plain water, before your first meal because you will be supporting the escape mechanism, i.e. going to the toilet. On the contrary, during the first meal and after it, you can drink water or weak infusions: linden-mint infusion, mineral water (slightly carbonated or still). Drinking alcohol during the day is strictly prohibited!

The fact that bowel movements will not appear until 24 or 36 hours after the procedure should not surprise you. They will be golden yellow in color and odorless, like those of a nursing baby.

This procedure should be carried out at least twice a year. The average frequency of its implementation is four times a year (when the seasons change). Those who want to do a thorough cleansing can perform the procedure monthly. Dhirendra Brahmachari advises performing shank prakshalana once every 15 days.

In fact, this procedure is not unpleasant, although there are more pleasant entertainments. The most unpleasant part of it is drinking warm salt water, the rest does not matter. However, for those with a refined taste, we suggest preparing a drink from a weak decoction of leeks or other vegetables.

People suffering from constipation can do shank prakshalanu every week, but limited to 6 glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is completed in approximately half an hour. This is the best “hardening” for the intestines: it does not stretch the walls of the colon.

Beneficial Effects

The first result is the removal of impurities, i.e. deposits that have become embedded in the mucous membrane of the colon. One can be horrified by what the intestines can absorb. People for whom regular bowel movements give the illusion that they do not suffer from constipation are surprised to discover among the removed “things” a cherry pit that they swallowed several months ago. In the yogic hospital, they are often amazed to note how much waste can accumulate in the intestines, accumulating there for months and even years. It is incredible that a person can carry so much impurity within himself, and is it any wonder that many diseases will arise after this, if the entire body, in the literal sense of the word, is poisoned by the toxins accumulating in it.

At the very least, it is unreasonable to put up with this. Therefore, follow shank prakshalanu and get rid of all the deposits that have accumulated in your digestive tract.

The beneficial effects of the procedure will not appear the next day and will not be noticeable, but it will not be slow to affect itself through fresh breath, the disappearance of rashes on the face and body. If you choose a low-toxic food regimen (without excess meat), body odors, which can be quite strong, disappear, your complexion becomes refreshed and improves. In addition, this procedure is also a tonic and also stimulates the liver (which is noticeable by the color of the excrement).

Doctors in Lonovala have successfully cured early stage diabetics by performing Shank Prakshalana once every two days for two months (though the treatment was accompanied by proper diet, pranayama and other yogic procedures). Perhaps the pancreas, under the influence of general stimulation, secretes more insulin.

Colds and many other diseases, both related to metabolism and those seemingly unrelated to it, are healed very easily and quickly.

One of the main consequences of Shank Prakshalans is getting rid of allergic diseases.

The consequence of cleansing the digestive tract is the normal absorption of food, which forces thin people to gain weight, and those who should part with extra pounds without regret to lose weight.


There are few contraindications. People suffering from stomach ulcers should refrain from performing the procedure and first heal the ulcer, and then get rid of the peptic ulcer with the help of shank prakshalana. . The same applies to those who have diseases of the digestive tract in acute form: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis (chronic colitis can be significantly alleviated by using this procedure if it is not performed during an exacerbation), acute appendicitis and, in addition, cancer.

These contraindications are not, apparently, definitive. There is at least one known case of dysentery that was cured shank prakshalana, Moreover, before this, the patient had undergone a course of treatment with classical methods, without receiving relief.

This procedure is also very effective at the final stage of treatment of oxyurosis. Indeed, when the contents of the intestines are evacuated, the worms, along with their eggs, are released. However, there are so many of them that one or another egg can escape destruction.

To move water through the digestive tract all the way to the exit, it is enough to perform the exercises given here. Each movement should be repeated four times in each direction alternately at a fairly fast pace: the entire series should take approximately one minute (a little faster is possible).


First exercise. Starting position: standing, distance between feet approximately 30 cm, fingers intertwined, palms open upward. The back is straight, breathing is free. Without turning your upper body, bend first to the left, without stopping to straighten up and immediately bend to the right. Repeat this tilt in both directions four times, i.e. alternately make 8 tilts to the left and to the right.

This will take about 10 seconds in total.

The first exercise opens the pylorus of the stomach, and with each tilt, part of the water leaves it, moving into the duodenum and small intestine.

Second exercise . This exercise causes water to flow through the small intestine. Starting position: standing, spread your legs, extend your right arm horizontally forward, and bend your left so that the index and thumb touch the right collarbone. Perform torso turns, moving your outstretched arm as far back as possible (while looking at your fingertips). At the same time, make sure that the lower part of the body remains motionless; turns not with the whole body, but around the waist. Without stopping at the end of the turn, return to the starting position and immediately turn in the opposite direction. This double exercise must be repeated four times. The total duration of the episode is about 10 seconds.

Third exercise . Water continues to move through the small intestine thanks to this movement: you need to perform a cobra variation, but at the same time, your big toes should touch the floor, therefore, your hips should be raised off the floor. The feet are separated by about 30 cm (this is important). Once you are in this position, turn your head, shoulders and torso until you can see the opposite heel (if you turn to the right, you should look at the left heel). Without stopping the movement, return to the starting position and turn in the other direction. Turns should also be made relative to the waist, the lower part of the body should remain parallel to the floor. Only downward bends are possible. Repeat this double exercise 4 times. Total duration -10-15 seconds.

Fourth exercise . The water that has reached the end of the swampy intestines should be carried through the large intestine using the fourth and last exercise. It is the most complex of the entire series, although it is accessible to anyone except those who suffer from diseases of the lower leg and meniscus.

Starting position: squat down, spread your feet to the sides by about 30 cm, with your heels placed at the outer part of the thighs, and not under the seat, place your hands on your knees, which are also separated by about 30 cm. Then turn your torso and lower your left knee to the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately direct the right thigh towards the left side and the left thigh towards the right side so as to press one side of the abdomen and press on the large intestines. Look behind you to increase the twisting of your torso and put pressure on your stomach.

Whereas for the previous exercises it did not matter which direction (right or left) to start the movement, for this exercise it is preferable to apply pressure first to the right side of the abdomen in order to apply pressure to the ascending colon.

Like all previous movements, this movement must be performed 4 times. Total duration -15 seconds.

If this exercise seems difficult for some reason, you can instead perform a “lazy” plow for one minute, then lie down and relax for one minute.

Summary of the General Process

1. Drink a glass of warm water, salted at the rate of a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.

2. Perform a full set of exercises.

3. Drink a second glass of water and perform a set of exercises.

4. Continue this until you have drunk six glasses.

5. Go to the toilet and wait until the first evacuation occurs. If it does not happen within 5 minutes, then repeat the set of exercises without drinking any more water. If there is no result, then do a small enema to enhance peristalsis.

6. Drink a glass of water again, do the exercises and go to the toilet.

7. Continue alternating water - exercise - toilet until you achieve a satisfactory result. Yogis continue the procedure until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body.

8. To complete the procedure and remove water from the gastrointestinal tract, you need to do Vamana Dhauti: Drink two glasses of warm unsalted water and empty your stomach. This cleanses the liver, spleen, gall bladder and turns off the evacuation mechanism. If you don't Vamana Dhau If you do, you will run to the toilet several more times within an hour.

9. It is necessary to rest at least half an hour before eating, but in no case should you leave your stomach empty for more than an hour.

10. It is necessary to resist thirst at least until the completion of the first meal.

P.S. Perhaps, after becoming familiar with shank prakshalana, some will decide why bother with enemas for a whole month, if in an hour and a half you can rinse the entire gastrointestinal tract with salt water. This is not entirely true. Shank Prakshalana is an ancient yogic method. It is designed for use by people who always maintain clean intestines and adhere to a vegetarian diet. And therefore, it is recommended to carry out shank prakshalana only after putting the intestines in order by rinsing with acidified water. Otherwise, the gastrointestinal valves may simply not open.

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Traditionally, cleansing practices are recommended to be done during the new moon. There are also convincingly reasoned prescriptions for doing practice during the full moon. In some sources, astrologers claim that cleansing should begin on the eighth lunar day. However, these recommendations are contradictory and are by no means categorical. Much more important is the inner desire and inner feeling of readiness of the person himself in the specific choice of the day and time for the cleansing practice.

In our opinion, the most favorable moment is the morning. It is optimal to do the procedure from 5-00 to 7-00, because... At this time, the meridian of the large intestine is most active, which belongs to the “metal” element in the “U-Xin” cycle and performs the main function of removing waste. But you can choose another time when the liver, gall bladder, small intestine, etc. are more active. It would be best to rely on intuition, listen to the biorhythm of your body and feel your inner mood.

Periods of maximum activity of human meridians

Period of day Meridian
1:00-3:00 Liver Meridian
3:00-5:00 Lung Meridian
5:00-7:00 Large Intestine Meridian
7:00-9:00 Stomach meridian
9:00-11:00 Meridian of the spleen - pancreas
11:00-13:00 Heart Meridian
13:00-15:00 Small Intestine Meridian
15:00-17:00 Bladder Meridian
17:00-19:00 Kidney meridian
19:00-21:00 Meridian of the pericardium (heart sac)
21:00-23:00 Meridian of three heaters
23:00-1:00 Gall Bladder Meridian

It is better to learn all the exercises for Shank-Prakshalana in advance, so as not to get confused in the future, and try to feel their effect in advance. It's good if someone shows you. After all, it is not the demonstration performances of an advanced yogi that are important, but the carefully performed twisting and stretching of the gastrointestinal tract. By the way, in our experience, even when performed separately (especially such as mayurasana and nauli), they are excellent for constipation and disorders of the digestive tract.

If possible, get good rest and sleep. The day before the procedure, you need to eat lighter food than usual - for example, steamed vegetables or porridge. Late in the evening, try not to eat at all. Our recommendations are to limit yourself to your last light meal by 6 pm. It is not necessary to drink a laxative. But if you fail, on the second attempt (or under some special circumstances) you can help yourself with a laxative decoction of hay or do a liver tube or, as it is also called, “blind probing.” But only on condition that your liver and gallbladder are free of stone formations. Everything is individual! And there are no strict regulations.

It is necessary to take care of free movement in the room, prepare the toilet in advance, freeing possible applicants from using it - it will be needed for 2-4 hours without interruption.

Washing is done with salt water. Now some information about the salt solution: it is best to dilute the most ordinary rock salt. Iodized salt is far from the best option to use, since it cannot be known in advance what chemical reaction it will cause in the body. Some daredevils use sea water diluted to taste. The water should be at room temperature or slightly warmed up to body temperature and should not be cold. Warm water takes almost no energy and does not create spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, preventing its progress. However, some sources prescribe performing Shank Prakshalana with hot water - so hot that you can drink it quickly without getting burned. Cold water should not be used, as this can seriously damage the insides. Our experience has shown that it is best to use warm water.

So, having heated the water to body temperature, salt it at the rate of 20-25 g (a large tablespoon) per liter, which significantly exceeds the concentration of salts in the blood plasma, which is 9 g/l. The water must be sufficiently salty, because without salt it will be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and excreted as urine, rather than through the anus. In general, the salt concentration can be adjusted independently, the main thing is that the body does not absorb water. Again, the salt concentration is left to individual calculation. For convenience, it is better to prepare three to four liters at once, since with a smaller amount of prepared liquid there will be a loss of speed during the exercise. In fact, this procedure is not unpleasant, although there are more exciting entertainments. The most painful part of it is drinking warm salt water and the body's potential for physical endurance, the rest does not matter. There are many variations in execution.

We regularly receive letters with similar questions: is it possible to do prakshalana during lactation, pregnancy, with some gastrointestinal tract diseases, diabetes, oncology, etc.? In some cases it is possible and even necessary! Each case must be considered separately. But again, no one but you can take responsibility for your health and your life. It is necessary to approach such tasks intelligently, realizing why you are carrying out the procedure. Blissful extravagance is just as dangerous and harmful as paralyzing cowardice. It all depends on the shape of your body, mind and mental state. The only indicator of a correctly selected and carried out process is a positive result.

Our experience has repeatedly confirmed the fact that the total duration of cleansing can vary from 4-5 to 20 hours (including tubing, sleep, rest, eating), depending on the nuances, tasks and data of the body as a whole.


A moral attitude is required. On this day you should absolutely not be nervous, do hard work, or rush anywhere. No one should be distracted. Due to a bad attitude, colon cleansing may not work.

Clothing should be light and comfortable, since considerable physical effort will be required to perform asanas.

No tension or anxiety is allowed. During the procedure, do not be distracted by anything; consciousness should help open the sphincters (pyloruses) and the passage of water in the intestines. Your attention should be constantly directed to the navel area, and also distributed to working muscles and internal organs (for more information about attention, see the comments to).

When you cleanse your body, don’t think about the fact that you need to lose weight! Think about the fact that you need to bring all body systems to coordinated work (remove what is unnecessary, restore what is not working properly). In this case, your weight may normalize.

You will need to monitor the gentle return of the wandering mind to the moment of the present and in no case succumb to emotional and physical sabotage, give up and end the procedure ahead of time.

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