Therapeutic gymnastics by Dr. Evdokimenko. Video: Therapeutic gymnastics for hip joints. Therapy of coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis

“thank you” to what is left behind. Even if it was unpleasant and painful. But it certainly taught us something important.

Elchin Safarli
At the very beginning of the book, I promised to tell you about my experience of “magic,” about how once in the army I managed to catch a wave of incredible luck.

Well, friends, it's time to tell you this story. If you are still interested in her, make yourself comfortable - the story will be long.

I must say that before the army everything went quite well for me.

The mood was simply great. I just graduated from medical school with honors. Met my first love, a girl named Natalya. Everything was great at home too.

Ahead, however, loomed an army. But I was not afraid of the upcoming army service, since a warm place was reserved for me in the army - a position as a paramedic in a first-aid post, in an elite unit very close to Moscow. In Star City, by the way! Where they train astronauts!

And everything would have been fine if, in the last three days before I left for the army, my girlfriend Natalya and I had not made a real tragedy out of this.

It would seem that there was no reason to be upset - Star City was only a forty-minute drive from her home. She could come to my unit at least a couple of times a week. And they promised to let me go home on the weekends. So the upcoming separation was not expected to be too painful.

Nevertheless, Natalya and I fell into the strongest emotions. We practically cried for three days. It seemed to us that since we would no longer be able to see each other every day, as before, then “everything was lost, life was over.”

Do you think such experiences could lead to something good? Of course not. You and I remember the main rule of the book: a bad mood attracts troubles. And a very bad mood attracts very big troubles.

Then everything turned out to be “fun”. I arrived at the assembly point, from where we, recruits, were to be transported to our units. A young officer, a lieutenant, came for me, from whom I confidently asked: “Well, are we going to Zvezdny?”

The lieutenant looked at me in surprise and said: “What the hell is Star? Southern Urals, missile forces."

Now I understand that with my three-day suffering I greatly reduced my luck at that time. And, from the point of view of the Higher Powers, I certainly didn’t deserve Star City at that time. Someone more worthy went to Star City - someone more positive.

However, then, of course, I did not know and did not understand this.

And what could I do in that situation? All I could do was get even more upset. Which is what I did.

Wow, how I suffered! After all, now it turned out that Natalya and I would not be able to see each other even on weekends.

What a weekend! It turned out that we most likely would not be able to see each other in the next 2 years. And two years at 18 seem like an eternity!

I was very worried. I was terribly worried, to the point of breaking my heart. And since too strong negative experiences lead to a worsening of the situation, when I arrived in the Southern Urals, I ended up in hell. To the worst regiment of missile forces.

All the most inadequate and asocial “warriors” were exiled to this regiment—penalties, former criminals, the most violent guys from the Caucasus.

Why I, an excellent student with honors, ended up in this company was completely inexplicable from the point of view of human logic. But from the point of view of Higher logic - quite. I released too many negative emotions into the surrounding space at that moment.

Go to the site, click the “Video” button in the upper right corner, and from there go to my page on You Tube, where you can watch the posted programs.

Or go to my page on You Tube more simply by typing in the search bar of You Tube itself: “Official channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.”

Who is Pavel Paley?

I'll tell you a secret. Pavel Paley, dear friends, it’s me too. This is my creative pseudonym.

Actually, Paley is my grandfather’s family name.

Very often I sign this pseudonym when I need to include some provocative or controversial quote or parable in my book.

There are quite a lot of quotes. There are also several parables and stories. Maybe soon I’ll put them all together and publish them somewhere. Or maybe not. I’ll leave it for the next books by Dr. Evdokimenko.

This, friends, is where I end. Thank you for taking the time to read my immodest work.

P.S. Write to me about the topic of this book at my email:

Share your stories and wishes in letters. Criticize and praise. In general, be caring.

Thanks again. I wish you health, good luck and happiness!

Your doctor Evdokimenko

Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich, rheumatologist. In 1984 he graduated from medical school with honors. In 1994, he graduated from medical school, after which he worked at the Moscow City Arthrosis Center, improved his qualifications at the Research Institute of Rheumatology (rheumatology center), consulted and taught therapy at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

* * *

In recent years, P. V. Evdokimenko has published more than 100 articles in a number of popular scientific publications on diseases of the spine and joints, as well as hypertension. The articles posted by the editors of the World of Health magazine on the Internet and the doctor’s advice, which he repeatedly shared on television and radio programs, caused a great stir.

Increased interest in publications and a large number of reviews served as an incentive for the author to write books about diseases of the back and joints. As a result, in 2001, Dr. Evdokimenko’s first book, “Osteochondrosis – Myths and Reality,” was published.

Currently, 10 books by Dr. Evdokimenko are constantly being republished:

> Evdokimenko P. V. Back and neck pain. What you need to know about your disease.

> Evdokimenko P. V. Leg pain. What you need to know about your disease.

> Evdokimenko P. V. Pain and numbness in the hands. What you need to know about your disease.

> Evdokimenko P. V. Arthrosis. Getting rid of joint pain.

> Evdokimenko P. V. Arthritis. Getting rid of joint pain.

> Evdokimenko P. V. If your knees hurt. Healing gymnastics.

> Evdokimenko P. V. Arthrosis of the hip joints. Healing gymnastics.

> Evdokimenko P. V. The big book of health by Dr. Evdokimenko.

> Evdokimenko P. V. The secret formula for health.

> Evdokimenko P. V. The reason for your illness.

Doctor Evdokimenko's books have been translated into Ukrainian and Latvian.

By the beginning of 2014, the total circulation of Dr. Evdokimenko’s books published and sold exceeded 700,000 copies.

Dr. Evdokimenko acted as an expert in various television programs on almost all central TV channels, including Channel One. And on the TV channels “Russia”, NTV, TVC, “Domashny”.

He hosted his own program “Your Health with Doctor Evdokimenko” on the Russian News Service radio.
Dr. Evdokimenko participates in the “Business Morning” program every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year. Interview" on the RBC TV channel.

Currently, P.V. Evdokimenko is treating diseases of the spine and joints in one of the Moscow medical centers.

Detailed information about where Dr. Evdokimenko sees patients can be found on his website on the Internet:

ATTENTION! Dr. Evdokimenko is preparing a program of health improvement seminars. Find information on his website:

1 Most of the names in the book have been changed

Article publication date: 12/03/2014

Article updated date: 12/02/2018

How to exercise correctly, what are the unobvious nuances in training, and what specific exercises should you do to say goodbye to the disease?

If you are determined to fight for recovery, stop relying only on medications - many of them will not give the desired effect if you neglect physical activity! Nature has given joints the ability to recover only when we use them. When moving, the cartilage tissue secretes synovial fluid, which ensures the sliding of the articular surfaces, and if there is no mobility, the lubricant is not released, the cartilage dries out and arthrosis progresses.

Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis) should maintain mobility in the knees and prevent them from completely stiffening.

At first, gymnastics may seem difficult, cause discomfort and even slight pain, but such pain is healing. A few weeks of regular exercise and it will disappear.

You need to exercise at least 2–4 days a week, but best of all – daily, for 30–45 minutes. The load must be dosed, that is, you should not get very tired after completing the complex. If a half-hour session seems too long, perform the exercises in several approaches. For example, take a break every 10-15 minutes or divide the complex into 2 parts - do one in the morning as exercise, and the second in the afternoon or evening.

You will feel the effect quite quickly: after 1-2 weeks of training, most patients note a decrease in morning stiffness in the knee joints and easier tolerance of the load on them. Persistent improvement occurs after a few months, but After this, you cannot stop exercising: the path to recovery for knee arthrosis is the path of an athlete.

An approximate set of exercises for knee arthrosis. Click on the picture to enlarge

Two simple and very effective sets of exercises

It is important to start each complex with the simplest exercises - for warming up, then their order can be any. Perform easy exercises alternately with difficult ones so as not to overload the knee joints and to avoid muscle pain after exercise. If you experience severe pain deep in your knee, stop exercising and see a doctor.

A set of exercises from a standing position

    Walking in place. Place your hands on your waist and march, trying to raise your knees higher.

    Holding onto the support, lift one leg off the floor and perform slow bending and extension at the knee with maximum amplitude. After 8-10 repetitions, change legs.

    Rise up on the toes of both feet and, without lifting your feet from the floor, stand on your heels, raising your toes as high as possible. Repeat 25 times.

A set of exercises from the “on your back” position

    At the same time and in turn, bend your feet, trying to stretch your toes harder towards you. At the same time, you should feel a strong tension in the calf muscles. Repeat 10–15 times.

    The well-known “scissors”: lift your straight legs above the floor, spread them a little and bring them together again, crossing them. After this, spread and cross again so that the other leg is on top. Repeat 4-6 times.

    Bend your leg and count “one-two”, helping with your hands, pull the knee joint towards your stomach. On the count of three to four, lower your leg. Repeat 4-6 times.

    “Bicycle”: bend your legs at the knees and hips and imitate pedaling. Repeat 8-12 times.

    Bend both legs at the knees and bring your feet on the floor closer to your pelvis. Slowly and smoothly swing your shins until your knee is fully extended. Repeat 8–14 times with each leg.

Nine exercises of Dr. Evdokimenko

According to rheumatologist Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko, author of many books on the health of the musculoskeletal system, this complex gives the fastest results. These exercises work all the tendons and muscles associated with the knee.

    Lying on your back, lift your straight leg about 15 degrees above the floor. Hold this position for 25–40 seconds and lower your leg. While lifting and holding the leg, the body and pelvis should remain motionless - only the muscles of the thigh and buttocks work. After a short rest, lift your other leg. In the static version, the exercise is performed 1 time, in the dynamic version, the time of holding the legs is reduced to 1–2 seconds, and the number of repetitions increases to 10–12.

    Lying on your stomach, bend one (either) leg at the knee joint 90 degrees. Raise your bent leg 10 degrees off the floor and hold for 25-40 seconds. Holding the leg, as in the previous exercise, occurs only due to the work of the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. In the static version, it is performed 1 time, in the dynamic version, the holding time is 1–2 seconds, the number of repetitions is 10–12.

    Exercise for physically strong people with trained muscles: lying on your stomach, raise your straight legs 10-15 degrees above the floor and slowly spread their sides, then also slowly bring them together. Without lowering your legs to the floor, repeat the reduction and extension 8-10 times.

    Lying on your side, bend your lower leg at the knee joint and straighten your upper leg. Slowly lift your top leg 40-45 degrees off the floor and hold for 25-35 seconds. Turn over to your other side and repeat these same movements.

    Sitting on a chair, raise your straightened leg as high as possible, hold for 40-50 seconds, then lower it and do the same with the other leg. Repeat 2-3 times.

    Standing with your hands resting on the back of the chair, rise high on your toes and hold for 20-30 seconds. Perform 10–15 repetitions. In the dynamic version of the exercise, the duration of raising your toes is 1–2 seconds. As you lower your heels to the floor, be sure to relax your calf muscles.

    In the rhythm of the previous exercise, perform calf raises while standing on your heels.

    Place one foot on your toes, lifting your heel high, while the other leg is flat on the floor. After this, smoothly change the position of your legs, as if rolling from toe to heel.

    While sitting on a chair, massage your thighs by vigorously rubbing the front and sides of your thighs for about 3 minutes. Finish by gently stroking each thigh from bottom to top.

Another effective complex:

General contraindications to physical education

  • Increased intracranial and blood pressure.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of any localization.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood.
  • Hernias of the abdomen and groin.

Important conclusion

Gymnastics is not the only, but an extremely important component of the complex of therapy for arthrosis of the knee joints. And its combination with general physical activity and a healthy lifestyle is more healing than any medicine.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Doctor Pavel Evdokimenko- an experienced specialist in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, gout and other joint diseases. He worked at the Moscow City Arthrosis Center, advanced his qualifications at the Research Institute of Rheumatology (rheumatology center), and worked as a researcher at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, combining consulting activities with active medical practice.

In recent years, a wonderful doctor has also become a popular writer. He has more than four dozen articles on problems related to the spine and joints, as well as hypertension. Pavel Evdokimenko has repeatedly shared his professional knowledge on television.

In 2003, his work “Back Pain: A Guide for Patients” was published. And again success in literary activity. But not just as a writer, but also as a practicing doctor who shares his experience on the pages of his works. Advises and recommends how to avoid exacerbations of joint diseases and find the right direction of treatment.

The accumulated professional experience and knowledge allow Pavel Evdokimenko to successfully treat joint diseases. In this article, a rheumatologist answers questions related to such diseases.

Question: Pavel Valerievich, there is a lot of talk in society about joint diseases. What does a healthy joint mean from a doctor’s point of view?

Pavel Evdokimenko replies that there cannot be a definite answer here. The main thing is that in a healthy state the joint should not bother a person. He simply shouldn't notice him. If nothing hurts, the joint is healthy. And when unpleasant symptoms appear, such as pain, limited mobility, this is already a signal that there is a problem.

Causes of arthrosis and arthritis

To the question “What are the causes of arthrosis and does the condition of the joints, for example, be affected by the type of human activity?” The rheumatologist answers that, unfortunately, there are many reasons for the occurrence of arthrosis.

Of course, the type of activity also plays a role. Pavel Valerievich tells me that patients of different professions come to me, and in each case there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the appearance of the disease.

For example, the appearance of arthrosis in athletes is often a consequence of injury. Either the joint capsule is broken, or dislocations and subluxations occur.

In general, any recent injury by any person, not just an athlete, or the consequences of an old, untreated injury is a factor contributing to the occurrence of arthrosis. It is clear that such a joint is more susceptible to further destruction.

Another cause of joint disease may be long-term, same-type load on a given joint that is unusual for a particular person. In general, arthrosis occurs more often in people who work physically. The basis of this disease is a malnutrition of the articular (epiphyseal) ends of the bones.

Nowadays, a very common “computer disease” is carpal tunnel syndrome. With this type of arthrosis, there is pain in the fingers. A person feels like his finger joints hurt. In fact, it is not they that are inflamed, but the tendons, and in addition the nerve is inflamed.

Another occupational disease is elbow bursitis. This is an inflammation of a special serous tissue near the joint capsule, which, in fact, is called the “bursa”. Often bursitis is a consequence of some kind of arthritis.

Elbow bursitis, unfortunately, accompanies the profession of draftsmen, engravers and the like. During work, such people experience friction between the protruding elbow bones and the surface of the table or floor.

Sometimes bursitis develops due to injury - a blow to the elbow or a fall on the elbow. Very often, pain in the elbow area is caused not by damage to the joint itself, but by damage to the tendons attached to its bones.

To the question “Does a sedentary lifestyle somehow affect the occurrence of arthrosis?” Dr. Evdokimenko answers that it influences indirectly. The person “sits” all week. Doesn't do physical education. Joints and blood vessels get used to inactivity. Metabolism decreases, the amount of synovial fluid produced in the joint decreases.

And on weekends a person goes to the country and there, in one or two days, he wants to embrace the immensity, fulfill all his plans for the household. For this reason, he sharply increases his physical activity.

Or he’s just inactive for a week, and for the week-end he plans active recreation, sports or extreme sports.

A joint that is not ready for a load that has sharply increased in a short period of time, and does not contain a sufficient volume of synovial fluid, in such cases begins to collapse.

The second is to change the type of activity every twenty to thirty minutes while doing chores. Let me give you the simplest example: paint the fence at your dacha with your right hand. After twenty minutes, take the brush in your other hand. And after an hour, change the type of activity.

Your fence can be repainted another time. But the joints will remain healthy. This path is for unprepared people.

Anyone who uses their hands regularly can paint the entire fence in one day. Take care of your joints. It’s easy to get arthrosis.

Its treatment can take a very long time. Before loading them, think about the size and duration of the load.

But the cause of most arthrosis today is stress!

Stress and joints

Correspondent: "You want to say that because of stress joints"aging" faster? Wow, here too all diseases are caused by nerves. What is the mechanism of the influence of stress on the condition of the joint? To this question, doctor Pavel Evdokimenko answers that when a person is nervous, he experiences a spasm of muscles and, naturally, blood vessels.

The muscles tighten the joint, begin to put pressure on it, and the pressure causes the joint cartilage to deteriorate faster. Through pinched arteries, nutrition either stops flowing to the joint completely or only reaches it in an incomplete volume. The drainage of waste and toxins through the veins becomes difficult.

In addition, against the background of a state of increased nervousness, a large amount of stress hormones is released. In particular, cortisol. This is, so to speak, a “slow stress hormone”. And it is this substance that, when released into the blood in large quantities, significantly harms the joints.

Under the influence of this hormone, in particular, spasm of the blood vessels surrounding the joint occurs. Naturally, this disrupts blood circulation, nutritional and drainage processes, which leads to the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Correspondent: “Are you saying that in this case the cause of arthrosis is a constant irritant?”

Pavel Evdokimenko: “Exactly so. It doesn’t matter where a person gets his “dose” of stress - the joints will still react to it. This can be either an unpleasant situation at work or a depressing environment at home. If there is some kind of chronic negative psychological factor , then arthrosis is easier to get.

But it is clear that if you treat only the nervous system, that is, the cause, then the joint, which in this case is the object of influence, will not recover on its own.

On the other hand, it is useless to give a patient medicine for a joint if the person is in constant nervous tension. He will take a pill. Cartilage, for example, will heal. And the patient will again release a stress hormone, which will again destroy cartilage.

Therefore, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively. It is necessary to influence both the cause and the result. A qualified doctor - a rheumatologist or arthrologist - will help you with this.

Excess weight and joints

To the correspondent’s question “Besides stress, what other causes of arthrosis could be? How, for example, does it affect joints excess weight?"

Pavel Evdokimenko answers that: yes, indeed, often the cause of arthrosis can be a factor such as excess weight - the joints of the legs, and not only them, in an overweight person are more loaded.

Gaining excess weight is, of course, facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle and overeating.

And the chances of getting arthrosis are higher for an obese citizen than for his thin friend. But, from observational experience, not much. More often it happens that the joints become sick regardless of the presence of excess weight. However, in an obese person the disease develops faster.

Age and joints

"Age and joints- is there any relationship between them? What age groups suffer from arthrosis more often? Perhaps the majority of patients are elderly?

Pavel Evdokimenko: The term arthrosis is generally used to describe age-related changes in the joint. Although this is not entirely true.

Of course, older people - after forty - often suffer from arthrosis. Among those over fifty, age-related joint diseases can be found in every third person. And among 70-year-olds, almost every second person suffers from arthrosis in one form or another.

But there are also arthritis. This is inflammation of the joints. The main reason for which is immune failure or metabolic disorder. They can also begin after any previous infection.

And here there is a relationship between age and joint condition. It is arthritis that affects people even at a very young age. Among my patients with this disease were ten-year-old children.

Correspondent: Does rheumatism often bother the population? And at what age? To this question, Pavel Evdokimenko said that with enviable frequency, upon entering my office, a middle-aged man or woman declares from the threshold: “Doctor, my joints hurt. It’s probably rheumatism.”

As a specialist, such statements always make me smile. Because in fact, this disease is much less common than people imagine. In addition, rheumatism is a disease of children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years.

The chance of getting this disease for those over 30 is almost zero. And even in the classic age group of children for rheumatism, only one child out of thousands suffers from it. You may ask: if this is the case, then why do we hear about rheumatism so often?

The fact is that previously this term meant any joint diseases. Doctors simply did not need to differentiate them. Indeed, in most cases, they were all treated with the same methods, since the choice of healing procedures was small.

Today, not a single doctor will confuse the manifestations of true rheumatism with the symptoms of any other disease. Now articular rheumatism is classified as arthritis.

25 - 30% of patients experience knee pain due to joint blockage. This nuisance happens to people of any age, but professional athletes suffer especially often.

To the question “Mostly older people come to you with gout?”, the rheumatologist answers that everyone has heard about the term “gout,” but many do not really know what it is. In reality, this disease is much less common than is commonly believed. Although I hear the word “gout” almost every day.

For example, most older people confuse this joint disease with arthrosis of the big toe.

But in fact, gout, or more precisely, gouty arthritis, is a disease associated with metabolic disorders and the accumulation of uric acid in the body.

In terms of the nature of its course, it is seriously different from arthrosis: in the midst of complete well-being, the joints suddenly flare up sharply. In this case, the person feels a sharp pain in the joint. He doesn't even sleep at night. And then, after three to four days, all the pain suddenly disappears, as if nothing had happened.

And such attacks are repeated with a certain frequency. A person may already forget about the last attack. A whole year can go well for him, and then again! If the disease is not treated, with age the joints are attacked by gout more often.

Previously, there were few cases of this disease. But recently this figure has increased. Researchers associate this, oddly enough, with an improvement in living standards and the variety of food products available to the population.

People began to eat more meat and smoked meats, and drink more beer. Moreover, now gout has acquired a female face. Previously, it mainly affected men. Because they always loved beer, barbecue and spicy food - something that provokes an attack.

Recently I personally discovered another very interesting fact. Older women are now taking medications for blood pressure. This does not go unnoticed on their joints. Indeed, with a decrease in the volume of blood flow, including through peripheral vessels, the level of slagging in the body increases.

Doctor Pavel Evdokimenko says that he discovered this pattern quite by accident: he began looking at the summary of blood pressure medications that women with gout have been taking for years. And everywhere it is indicated that there is an increased level of uric acid in the blood.

Ed. But accidents are rare. And lucky are those who devote a lot of time and effort to their favorite work - helping those suffering, young and old, with joint diseases.

For arthrosis of the hip joints, Evdokimenko’s healing gymnastics is an important part of the successful treatment of the patient. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease will help to achieve an improvement in health, especially when large joints are affected. Exercise therapy will successfully strengthen muscles and ligaments, activate local blood circulation and ensure the delivery of all necessary nutrients to cartilage tissue.

Principles of exercise therapy from Evdokimenko

A set of exercises is developed depending on the location of the affected joint individually for each patient. This takes into account the patient’s health status, the degree of development of the pathological process, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. Incorrect selection of movements can significantly worsen the patient’s well-being. It is advisable that the set of exercises be agreed upon with a physical therapy specialist.

Dr. Evdokimenko has developed special exercises for all large joints for arthrosis, which must be taken into account. A personal approach will ensure achievement of a positive result in the shortest possible time, while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening muscles, ligaments and improving tissue trophism. In this case, there are no exercises in which the patient must bend, straighten or rotate the damaged joint. After all, increased stress leads to further progression of the disease and deterioration of the patient’s health.

When performing gymnastics, there may be minor pain due to the load on muscles that were not previously intensively involved. This condition will go away after a few days of regular exercise. If the movement is accompanied by sharp pain, it should not be done. There are 2 explanations for this: either it was done incorrectly, or it doesn’t suit you.

Exercise therapy should be done only during remission. It is strictly forbidden to perform gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease. Pavel Evdokimenko has developed a fairly large set of exercises for large joints. However, it is not necessary to do them all at once. Among them there are movements not only to strengthen the affected joints, but also to the back and abdominal muscles. One physical therapy session should include about 2-3 stretching exercises and 5-7 strengthening exercises. A large selection will allow you to diversify your workout; its duration should be about 15-30 minutes daily.

Types of exercises for joint diseases

In case of joint diseases complicated by degenerative-dystrophic processes, it is strictly forbidden to make fast dynamic movements. These are squats, swings of arms, legs with maximum amplitude and others.

All exercises should be static, in extreme cases - slow dynamic. With their help, you can strengthen weakened muscles and ligaments of the joint, because with pain in the knee, a person will spare this leg, which over time will lead to their atrophy.

The most common example of a static exercise is to lie on your back and raise your leg 10-20 cm above the support level and hold it in this position for 1-2 minutes. Slow dynamic movement - slowly raise and lower the limb several times.

An important role in the successful treatment of diseases of large joints is played by exercises aimed not only at strengthening, but also at stretching the joint capsule and ligamentous apparatus. These movements must be performed very slowly and carefully. You cannot do gymnastics through force, overcoming pain. You need to be patient, and after a few weeks of regular gymnastics, joint mobility will increase slightly.

Exercise therapy for coxarthrosis

Physical therapy for diseases of the hip joints should be carried out very carefully, taking into account the patient’s condition. Classes should begin with static exercises. In this case, the thigh muscles are used, and the joint itself remains motionless. Coxarthrosis involves training with the patient lying on his back or sitting.

Basic exercises for physical therapy for diseases of the hip joints at home:

  1. Spread a rug on the floor and lie on your back. Slowly and carefully raise each leg 15-20 cm and hold for 30-40 seconds. During classes, you need to ensure that the training rules are followed: lifting the leg should be done using the muscles of the thigh and buttock. Do the exercise with both limbs and rest a little. After this, repeat the load in a dynamic version: smoothly raise your leg 10-20 cm and slowly lower it, holding it at the highest point for several seconds. You need to make 10-12 approaches, each time taking a short break.
  2. Roll over onto your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, and bend one leg at the knee. Raise it above the floor level by 10-15 cm and hold it for 30-40 seconds. Lower the limb, relax and repeat the movement with the other leg. Repeat the exercise in a dynamic form - smoothly raise and lower several times. Gymnastics for arthrosis should be carried out correctly and slowly, you should follow the recommendations. Your goal is to activate blood circulation and strengthen muscles, not to lift the limb as high and quickly as possible.
  3. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms along your torso and straighten your legs. Suitable for physically strong people, as it is a rather difficult exercise and can cause an increase in blood pressure. To perform it, you need to slightly raise both legs, spread them apart and bring them together. Movements should be slow and smooth. You need to do 8-10 approaches.
  4. Lie on your right side, bending the same limb at the knee. Raise your left leg 45° and hold for 20-30 seconds. Turn to the other side and repeat.
  5. The starting position is similar to the previous one. Raise your straight leg to a level of about 45°, and while holding it at the height, slowly turn it outward and back. Repeat rotational movements 8-10 times. You should turn out not only the foot, but the entire limb, starting from the hip. The exercise is quite difficult; it must be done very slowly and smoothly so as not to cause damage to the diseased joint.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and extend your arms along your torso. Raise your pelvis, resting on your shoulders and feet. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, lie down and relax. Repeat the movement several times in a slow dynamic version.

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