Recipes and basic nutrition for patients with pancreatitis. Homemade diet for patients with pancreatitis Recipes for patients with pancreas

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that leads to serious disruption of the digestive system. However, such a diagnosis is not a death sentence. The disease can be treated if it is identified in time, and diet therapy plays an important role in the treatment of pancreatitis: proper diet and systematic nutrition.

Attention! We will talk about a diet for chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation, because acute inflammation of the pancreas or exacerbation of chronic inflammation implies the appointment of fasting for 1-3 days.

The pancreas is an important element of the digestive system, and its treatment is ineffective without serious adjustments in dietary habits

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

The menu for pancreatitis can be very varied, it can be:

  • salads;
  • puree;
  • vegetable soups;
  • low-fat meat dishes;
  • vegetable oils;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • milk oatmeal;
  • buckwheat with milk;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • chicken egg whites;
  • compotes;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • not sour apples containing a lot of iron;
  • White bread.

Food must be fresh and the meal schedule must be consistent

What not to eat if you have pancreatitis

The importance of proper nutrition in diseases of the digestive system is difficult to overestimate. When choosing food products, you should be guided by the following rules. Food should not be:

  • heavy (containing pork or beef fats);
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • smoked or fried.

Note. It should also be noted that it is better to exclude canned foods from the diet.

The diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas should include a balance of:

  • fat - no more than 80 g per day;
  • carbohydrates - no more than 380 g per day.

A diet for pancreatitis is prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosing the disease. Such changes in the patient’s life do not mean that you can’t eat tasty food, you just have to give up some dishes and products.

Diet No. 5p for pancreatitis of the pancreas

This diet was developed during the Soviet era by Soviet nutritionists and includes not only a list of acceptable foods, but also recipes for dishes that best promote a speedy recovery. On its basis, diet No. 5p was developed for pancreatitis of the pancreas and cholecystitis, because these diseases often go hand in hand.

Important! The norm of proteins should be no more than 560 g, fats up to 420 g and carbohydrates no more than 1400 g per week. Total fluid intake (including liquid in first courses) should not exceed 14 liters.

The uniqueness of this diet is that the dishes are prepared mainly from pureed products.

The diet may include:

  • soups with pureed vegetables;
  • steamed meat or fish cutlets;
  • boiled lean meats;
  • boiled fish;
  • white, slightly stale bread;
  • pureed vegetables (steamed, boiled or stewed);
  • liquid porridge from any cereals, except millet and pearl barley;
  • chicken egg omelet;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • boiled pasta.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis

In the case of an acute course of the disease, treatment prescribes complete abstinence from food in the first 1-3 days of exacerbation. In this case, nutrients are supplied by drip into a vein. You can consume still water and rosehip infusion, but not more than 1 liter per day. When remission begins, the menu is added as described above.

Important. How long should you follow a diet for pancreatitis? In acute forms of the disease, the diet must be followed for 2 to 6 months, including the period of treatment. In case of chronic pancreatitis, the diet should be followed for life.

Nutrition for pancreatitis of the pancreas: menu for the week

It is very important for effective treatment to follow a diet. For patients with gastroenterological diseases, five meals a day are usually prescribed. The menu for pancreatitis may be as follows.

Breakfast (options):

  • beet salad, dried fruit compote or fresh fruit;
  • cottage cheese with milk, rosehip tincture;
  • steamed chicken egg omelet;
  • tea with biscuits or oatmeal cookies;
  • oatmeal with or without milk, jelly;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • Buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet.

Breakfast is the basis for the whole body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend starting the day with oatmeal, rich in carbohydrates.

Second breakfast (options):

  • boiled rice with raisins;
  • carrot salad (without vinegar);
  • baked apple, maybe with dried apricots;
  • carrot-pumpkin puree;
  • boiled beets;
  • beaten egg whites.

Lunch (options for first and second courses):

  • lean (vegetable) soup or borscht;
  • chicken soup;
  • rice with fish;
  • steamed beef cutlets or boiled lean meat;
  • casserole with cottage cheese;
  • steamed chicken cutlets;
  • Navy pasta with lean meat.

Afternoon snack (options):

  • fruit jelly;
  • roll with vegetables;
  • jelly;
  • fruit pudding;
  • baked potato;
  • sandwich with hard cheese and light butter;
  • bean or pea puree.

Dinner (options):

  • apple puree or yogurt;
  • rice with raisins;
  • matsoni and vinaigrette;
  • cauliflower stewed in water or pureed soup made from it, yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • omelette, fermented baked milk.

Important! The interval between meals should not be more than 3 hours. Systematic nutrition is already 80% of the success of effective treatment of gastroenterological diseases.

Recipes for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Below are recipes for simple dishes allowed for pancreatitis.


100 g of oatmeal for two glasses of milk or water. The liquid is poured into the pan and brought to a boil, after which the oatmeal is added. Cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. After which it is removed from the heat and left for 20-25 minutes.

Steamed omelette

Prepare like a regular omelette. Take 2-3 chicken eggs, beat them, add 30-50 ml of milk, pour the mixture into a hot frying pan and cover with a lid for 5-7 minutes. After which the omelette should be turned over, remove the frying pan from the stove and bring to readiness under the lid. After 7-10 minutes the omelette is ready.

Beet salad

Take the beet root, wash it thoroughly and place it in a pan. The root crop is filled with water so that it covers it by 2 fingers. The beets are cooked for about an hour.

Advice! You can check readiness by piercing it with a knife or fork; If the knife goes in easily, it means the beets are ready.

The finished vegetable should be cooled (it is best to boil the beets in the evening); to do this, you can place it in cold water for 20-25 minutes. Then you need to peel it and grate it on a coarse grater. You can pour a little liquid low-fat sour cream or cream on top.

Liquid buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet

For 100 g of buckwheat, 2.5 glasses of water. The cereal must be washed several times and filled with water. Put on fire and cook for 15-20 minutes until done.

Take 200 g of minced chicken without onions and form cutlets (4-5 pieces). You can roll them in semolina, after which they are placed in a double boiler. Prepare in 30-40 minutes. You can add water as needed, but then it will take longer to cook the cutlets.

Advice! If you don't have a steamer, you can cook the cutlets in a saucepan. To do this, 300-400 g of water is poured into the pan, and the cutlets themselves are placed in a colander, which is placed in a pan of boiling water and covered with a lid. Water should not touch the cutlets.

Cottage cheese casserole

To prepare it you will need:

  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of semolina.

The cottage cheese is thoroughly mixed with the eggs, after which sugar is added. After mixing these ingredients, add semolina and mix until smooth. The resulting mixture should be left for 15-20 minutes. The oven is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. The casserole takes half an hour to prepare.

Important! Cottage cheese, like oatmeal, are foods rich in slow carbohydrates, so they are not recommended for dinner in order to avoid the development of obesity.

Bean puree

For 250 g of beans you will need one chicken egg, 30 g of butter and soy sauce to taste.

Secret! It is best to soak the beans the night before. Soaked beans cook much faster, and this approach also avoids flatulence.

The beans should be washed several times, removing everything unsuitable for food. Filled with drinking water, it needs to be soaked for 10 to 12 hours, and it is advisable to change the water every 2 hours. For 250 g of beans you need 750 ml of water. After the beans swell, they are washed with running water and transferred to a saucepan or saucepan, filled with drinking water in a ratio of 1:3. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the dish for 1.5-2 hours until cooked, depending on the type of beans. The liquid is drained.

You can grind the beans in a blender or meat grinder. After this, egg and butter are added to the puree. All this is whipped until smooth. Instead of salt, soy sauce is best. Can be served with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Even with chronic pancreatitis, you can sometimes indulge in your favorite dish, the main thing is to do everything right

Note. This information will be useful for salty food lovers. It is worth giving up excessively salty foods for 10 days and replacing them with soy sauce or other products containing salt or having a salty taste, and a person will no longer crave excessively salty foods, because... receptors will sense the taste to the fullest.


Pancreatitis, whether acute or chronic, does not mean at all that the patient will be prescribed to eat only lean broths. Even with chronic pancreatitis, a patient can indulge in both barbecue and sturgeon, but it should be remembered that this can only be done during a period of stable remission and not every day. A diet for pancreatitis in adults can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

Acute pain in the right hypochondrium causes inflammation of the pancreas. In medicine it is called pancreatitis. In addition to pain, the disease is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, it is important to know recipes for dishes for pancreatitis, so as not to provoke complications of the condition.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the pancreas occurs for various reasons:

You need to stick to a special diet for a long time.

  • Food should be easily digestible and not overload the digestive organs;
  • It is not advisable to eat very hot or cold foods during chronic pancreatitis;
  • You need to eat often – 5-6 times a day, each serving should not exceed 250-300 grams.

Products that are allowed to be consumed

Remember that you need to eat a little of everything, and never overeat.

The menu for pancreatitis should include:

  • Buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal;
  • Biscuits or cookies without dyes, fats, layers, sugar;
  • Day-old bread or crackers;
  • A little honey;
  • Chicken egg whites can be steamed or boiled;
  • Yogurts without any additives and not sweet;
  • Natural juices diluted with water (it is advisable that the fruits for them are not sour);
  • Rosehip decoction or weak black tea;
  • Boiled noodles or pasta;
  • Lean meats, such as chicken, but only skinless breast, rabbit, lean beef (you can eat boiled meat or in the form of steam cutlets);
  • Low-fat fish, boiled or steamed;
  • Fruits baked without added sugar;
  • It is advisable to heat-treat vegetables (they can be eaten in very limited quantities, broccoli or cauliflower, pumpkin are allowed);
  • You can add a little butter to your daily menu.

During attacks of pancreatitis, which sometimes occur, the diet may be temporary. The chronic form requires long-term special nutrition. It all depends on the clinical picture of the disease.

During an exacerbation you should not eat:

  • Fish, mushroom, meat broths;
  • Grape;
  • Peas, beans and other legumes;
  • Fresh baked goods;
  • Fast food, semi-finished products and various snacks;
  • Dry porridges that crumble;
  • Canned, pickled and fermented foods;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Fried food;
  • Fatty and spicy foods;
  • Sweets;
  • Vinegar;
  • Dairy products, only fermented milk, non-fat and in limited quantities;
  • Chicken egg yolks;
  • Concentrated juices, especially sour ones;
  • Sweet soda and mineral water;
  • Cocoa and coffee.

The first days of exacerbation: sample menu

Designed for 2 days, but you can stick to this regimen for a week or longer. To avoid repeating the same products too often, replace them according to your taste, but follow the recommendations.

Day I


  • Still mineral water;
  • Mashed water from any vegetables, traditionally made from potatoes;
  • Crackers.


  • Cutlets cooked without fat. Can be boiled or steamed;
  • Protein omelet;
  • Boiled water or milk;
  • Some white, not fresh bread.


  • First course with chicken;
  • A piece of steamed or boiled fish;
  • Boiled vegetables;
  • Some white bread, but not freshly baked;
  • Any juice diluted with water.

Afternoon snack:

  • Fruit jelly or jelly;
  • Mineral water that does not contain gas.


  • Oatmeal;
  • Boiled meat or cutlets and vegetables;
  • Biscuits;
  • Not strong tea.

II day


  • Oatmeal;
  • Boiled meat - rabbit or lean beef;
  • Some bread and water, preferably mineral.


  • Stale bread in small quantities;
  • Cottage cheese or pudding made from it;
  • Baked apple;


  • Vegetable broth soup;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Porridge (preferably made from pumpkin, can be sweetened a little);
  • Galette cookies;
  • Cottage cheese casserole;
  • Low-fat milk.

Afternoon snack:

  • Meatballs;
  • Vegetable puree;
  • Baked apple;
  • Low-fat and unsweetened yogurt;


  • Meatloaf;
  • Mashed potatoes;
  • Curd pudding;
  • Fruit jelly;
  • Some bread;
  • The tea is not strong and without sugar.

Remember that portions of main dishes should not be more than 150 grams, and the total amount of food at a time should not exceed 200-300 grams. Bread should be eaten in small pieces, no more than 100 grams. Tea can be diluted with low-fat milk and sweetened with honey.

Recipes for special dishes that are necessary for pancreatitis

Diet food has its own characteristics - lack of fat, sugar, salt. It is not nutritious, but useful in quickly overcoming the acute form of pancreatitis, which occurs in most cases due to poor nutrition.

To get rid of problems in a short period, try making oatmeal jelly. It has a positive effect on the body and helps to quickly return to normal after an exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines. There are several recipes for its preparation.

Oatmeal jelly from Izotov:

First, collect all the ingredients and prepare in a special way: boil 3 liters of water. Add 100 ml of kefir and 500 grams of oatmeal to the cooled liquid. Cover the pan with the mixture tightly with a lid and place it in a warm place for fermentation for several days.

Then drain in a colander to separate the liquid, collect the grounds in a jar and place in a dark place for 18 hours. During this time, it will separate into kvass and oatmeal.

Now you can make jelly from oatmeal. To do this, select oatmeal starter according to your taste and add 400 ml of water. When it boils, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. At the end, you can add a little salt and throw in a piece of butter.

Oat jelly from Momotov:

You need to mix large oat flakes with small ones 1:3. Place the cereal mixture in a 3 quart jar. Pour in 100 ml of kefir. Then add warm boiled water so that it fills the empty space. Cover tightly with a plastic lid and leave in a warm place for 48 hours.

When the mixture has fermented, separate it from the swollen oat flakes. Pour the kvass into a clean container. Rinse the flakes with clean water and add to kvass. Now you can select the filtrate for jelly. Cook until medium thick. Before use, add salt and butter to taste.

Recipes for delicious dietary dishes

It seems that it is difficult to eat properly with pancreatitis, but a therapeutic diet is different in that you can use many products and easily prepare delicious meals. Use these recipes.

Recipe No. 1

The usefulness of these dishes for pancreatitis can hardly be overestimated. They are needed not only because of their consistency, but also because of their composition.

Cream of broccoli soup:

  • 1 medium size potato;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • Broccoli 200 grams.

Rinse the vegetables. Remove the skins from potatoes and carrots. Place a pot of water on the fire until it boils, cut the vegetables into cubes or slightly larger ones. When the water boils, add all the ingredients and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Cool the finished soup and turn it into puree in a blender. Add salt before serving.

Pancreatitis is a whole group of diseases associated with inflammation of the pancreas. The disease can appear unexpectedly - one of its manifestations is pain. To relieve pain and prevent recurrent attacks, proper diet is important. Pancreatitis is divided into chronic and acute; depending on the nature of the disease, you need to choose the necessary nutrition.

In acute or chronic pancreatic disease Pancreatitis is diagnosed due to:

  • Eating disorder.
  • Eating fatty/spicy foods daily.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract, including cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Gastric ulcer.

With exacerbation of pancreatitis there is a need for surgical intervention (opening the lining of the pancreas) in case of little effect from drug treatment, fasting, or removal of food debris from the stomach. Chronic pancreatitis worsens under the influence of overeating, alcoholism, long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones, estrogens, narcotic drugs, Indomethacin, Furosemide, against the background of a diseased liver (in which it is necessary to observe) and gall bladder, which are quite common in adults. When the pressure inside the abdomen increases in women at the end of pregnancy, pancreatitis may develop.

About the causes, symptoms, treatment of pancreatitis:

Diet for acute pancreatitis for 10 days

The purpose of nutritional therapy for acute pancreatitis - relieve swelling, inflammation and infection from the pancreatic duct. For this purpose, in a hospital setting, drug treatment with enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, plus complete fasting for several days to avoid the use of surgery. Hunger is necessary to stop the production of gastric and pancreatic juices and to reduce enzymatic activity due to the lack of food in the esophagus. During this time, the gland will be restored.

In the first days of an exacerbation, you need to fast, you can only drink mineral water with alkali, but without gas, for example, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” No. 4, No. 20, “Slavyanskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, weak green tea or rosehip decoction. The drink should be taken 4-5 times a day, 200 ml. Water will eliminate intoxication of the body and prevent dehydration along with the use of parenteral nutrition - installing droppers with sodium chloride and glucose 5%.

They come out of hunger in 2-3-4 days, trying to eat for a day:
  • dried wheat bread or loaf (unsweetened) - 50 g/day;
  • jelly, fruit drinks (it is better to prepare them from cranberries or black currants);
  • continue to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid, including currant or cranberry juice with mineral water (2:1) without gas, as well as various decoctions (for example, rose hips).

If symptoms of acute pancreatitis do not occur again, add diet for days 3-5 :

  • salty slimy rice or oatmeal broth;
  • liquid mashed potatoes without oil;
  • semi-liquid jelly or jelly from juices;
  • liquid porridges: oatmeal (read our article: ), semolina, buckwheat, rice (everything is prepared in water or milk, everything needs to be ground or chopped with a blender);
  • cracker;
  • dried bread.

Important nutrition rules! Daily calorie intake is 600-800 calories, daily protein intake is 15 g, up to 200 g. – carbohydrates (you can add honey to your diet). Fats are prohibited.

On days 6-8 you can eat:
  • steam omelette made from whites
  • low-fat cottage cheese soufflé;
  • steamed meat (necessarily chopped or ground through a meat grinder/blender)
  • slimy cereal soups;
  • jelly or mousse from apples, pureed berries without skin;
  • vegetable purees (potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots are good, you can add a little oil)
  • vegetable puddings (steamed);

You can add liquids - green or black tea (not strong), add sugar or honey - 1 tsp each, or tea with milk, beet juice 50 ml / day with mineral water. Calorie content is increased to 1000 calories per day, up to 50 g - proteins, up to 250 g - carbohydrates, up to 10 g / day - fats. At night you need to drink a glass of water with honey, raisins (1 tsp), prunes (2-3 pcs.) or yogurt to prevent constipation.

From 10 days after the attack you can increase the calorie content by more than 1000 cal/day, up to 300 g. – carbohydrates, up to 60 g. – proteins, up to 20 g/day – fats. Continue to eat pureed unsalted food.

Sample menu

Below is a menu for several days; you can create a similar diet yourself based on the list of permitted foods.

Days Eating Sample diet menu for pancreatitis
Day 1 Breakfast Semolina or rice porridge (in water) – 150 g, fruit: orange or apple. Green tea (not strong) with honey (1 tsp)
Late breakfast Pumpkin puree – 50 gr., Steamed chicken breast or fish cutlets. Rosehip drink (recipe below), honey - 1 tsp.
Dinner Vegetable broth with fish or beef 200 g, mashed potatoes (from potatoes or broccoli) - 100 g, white bread crackers. For dessert, you can bake an apple with honey in the oven, always without the skin.
Afternoon snack Tea with honey and a little cottage cheese (1% fat)
Dinner Protein steamed omelette made from 3 eggs, white bread crackers. Puree from permitted vegetables – 150 g.,
Before bedtime Boiled water – 1 cup with honey – 1 tsp. or curdled milk.
Day 2 Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with milk – 150 gr. Kissel or green tea (not strong)
Late breakfast Grated apple with soft cottage cheese
Dinner Pumpkin or cauliflower soup. Minced chicken meatballs
Afternoon snack Green tea with 1-2 slices of dry unsweetened cookies
Dinner Rice-curd pudding -150 gr. Tea or jelly
Before bedtime Rosehip decoction – 1 glass
Day 3 Breakfast Liquid rice porridge – 150 g. Green tea with dry biscuits
Late breakfast 1 baked apple
Dinner Soup of carrots, cauliflower, potatoes with meatballs. Compote of ground dried fruits
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese – 100 g, green tea
Dinner Boiled or baked low-fat fish
Before bedtime Tea with milk or kefir

Dish recipes

Can be used after an acute attack of pancreatitis diet number 5p() and observe it for a year. Food is eaten pureed, without salt; proteins can be increased - up to 100 g, up to 40 g. – fats, up to 450 gr. - carbohydrates. Be sure to follow the recommendations and regimen prescribed by your doctor!

Rosehip drink recipe:

For the decoction you will need 0.5 kg of dried rose hips and 4 liters of water. Rinse the rose hips, add water, and let the drink steep for 4 days. There is no need to cook the infusion; the rose hips should be infused in water at room temperature. This drink contains vitamin C. Attention! Since the drink is sour, consult your doctor before taking it.

Puree fish soup:

For the soup you will need 0.5 kg of fish (it is advisable to take boneless fillets, cod, pike, pike perch), 1.5 liters of water or vegetable broth, 50 ml. milk, 1 tsp. butter.

Cut the fish, add water or broth to the pan, and cook until tender. Remove the fish from the pan and grind using a blender. Heat the milk a little in a saucepan and add butter to it; as soon as the butter has melted, add the broth, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add fish, cook over low heat for just a couple of minutes. Salt can be added only if your doctor allows it!

Carrot-pumpkin puree:

For this delicious dish you will need pumpkin (300-400 g) and carrots. Peel the vegetables, cut into 1.5-2 cm cubes. Boil until ready. Drain the water, reserving a little if you want the puree to be thinner. Grind using a blender. The puree is ready!

Forbidden for acute pancreatitis use:

  • alcohol;
  • eat fatty or fried foods;
  • eat any fats and foods that cause bloating: legumes, bran, white cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, peel/skin of fruits and vegetables, unripe fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks with fermentation reactions: kvass, kefir.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

Attacks of chronic pancreatitis can occur immediately after lunch, the menu of which included: hard-boiled eggs, confectionery, raw fruits, vegetables, juices, cold carbonated drinks, chocolate, milk or ice cream. The constant companions of the disease will manifest themselves every time: bloating, a feeling of fullness or heaviness, a lump that is “stuck in the bottom of the chest,” and periodic vomiting.

Against the background of chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus can easily arise and proceed severely - also a serious disease for which it is necessary.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, it is recommended to drink alkaline drink for 1-2 days, rosehip decoction or tea - at least 1.5 liters. per day in 5-6 doses. You need to switch to a gentle low-calorie healthy diet, excluding almost all fats and carbohydrates. The content of protein and enzyme preparations should be moderate. With 5-6 meals a day, it is recommended to eat chopped or grated food.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis can include:

  • crackers from wheat bread (you can dry the bread yourself);
  • vegetable soups (pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini or carrots are best suited for soups);
  • cereal soups (with semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat or rice);
  • meat - beef or veal, chicken, rabbit. It is better to steam, bake or boil.
  • steamed egg omelettes (2-3 pcs.).
  • low-fat fish: flounder, pollock, cod, perch, pike perch, hake, perch or pike;
  • cottage cheese (not salted): can be eaten fresh or made into puddings;
  • cheeses - choose low-fat, unsalted varieties;
  • In dishes or during cooking, you can use butter or sunflower oil -10-15 g.
  • sour cream, kefir (low fat content only);
  • porridge - rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, vermicelli (their consistency should be liquid or semi-liquid);
  • vegetable puree/stew (don’t forget that cabbage and tomatoes cannot be added), vegetables can also be simply boiled or baked;
  • mousses/jelly from juices, compotes from dried fruits (apricots, pears, apples)
  • fruits (only baked or grated without skin)
  • dietary purees and puree-like canned food for baby or diet food;
  • multivitamin and mineral preparations.

Menu for the day

You should not eat foods that stimulate pancreatic secretion:

  • meat, fish, fatty poultry, forget about smoked meat and fish, sausages, canned food;
  • meat, mushroom, fish broth (as well as soups and sauces based on them);
  • cabbage soup, borscht, as well as cold soups (such as kholodnik or okroshka);
  • milk soups;
  • fish, fried, smoked, salted or canned meat;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • eggs - you cannot eat fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • any beans, white cabbage, eggplants, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, sweet peppers;
  • bakery products, fresh bread, sweet, flour, chocolate, and other sweets;
  • black coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

For pancreatitis with endocrine dysfunction exclude jam, sugar and honey, since they do not have a therapeutic effect, and they are classified as carbohydrates.

In case of an asymptomatic course of the disease or with the presence of mild symptoms, the list of prohibited dishes/products is gradually reduced to the category of products that should only be limited, but not completely excluded.


For the soup you will need: 1 yellow or green bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, 1 small zucchini. All vegetables need to be washed and cut into cubes. Pour water (1-1.5 liters) into the vegetables in a saucepan and cook until tender. Drain the water and use a blender to puree.

To prepare the dish you need: fish (400 g), 100 ml of water or milk, a tablespoon of flour, 2 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks), a piece of butter (20 g). Boil the fish in water, drain, mince or finely chop. Mix milk and flour (preheat the flour in a frying pan until slightly yellow) and you will get a milk “sauce”, slightly thick. Now we begin to mix: fish, egg yolks, milk sauce, butter (if your doctor allows, you can add salt). Separately, beat the whites until thick foam. Stirring, add them to the fish mixture.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Place the fish mass in a baking dish or baking sheet, put it in the oven and bake until done.

Apple marshmallow (dessert):

To prepare marshmallow, you need to take 1 kg of apples, peel them, cut them, add water in a saucepan and cook. Boil the apples, remove from heat, drain, and let cool slightly. Rub the apples through a sieve or chop with a blender. Drain all the juice from the resulting puree and squeeze out the puree. Separately pour the juice into a small saucepan and cook until thickened (almost like syrup). Add sugar (100 g) to the boiled juice and cook a little more. Mix juice with puree. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet, place in the oven (120 degrees), and dry the marshmallow until completely thickened.

The doctor talks about the diet for chronic pancreatitis:

Recipes for pancreatitis in A multicooker allows you to prepare dietary dishes, the use of which is not harmful to health. For pancreatitis, it is recommended to use steamed or stewed food. Thermally processed food in a slow cooker fully meets these requirements. You can cook almost all possible and approved dietary dishes in a slow cooker. Cooking food in this way allows you to preserve the vitamin composition of the products you use. Considering the variety of dishes that can be prepared in a slow cooker, we can say that this method of cooking is a solution to the problem when it is necessary to comply with dietary standards.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The cause of the development of pancreatitis is a violation of the outflow of pancreatic secretions produced by the gland into the small intestine. The pancreas produces insulin, which is necessary for normal carbohydrate metabolism, and lipokine, which prevents fatty degeneration of the liver.

As a result of inadequate outflow, the produced enzymes accumulate in the pancreas, destroying the structure of the organ, as well as the blood vessels and organs located next to it. Pancreatitis is a rather serious and dangerous disease, and in the absence of treatment and non-compliance with a special nutritional system, there is a risk of complications, even death. There are two types of pancreatitis: acute and chronic.

Acute pancreatitis is a severe inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs through self-digestion of the organ by returning enzymes from pancreatic juice. Subsequently, a purulent infection may join the inflammatory process.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by alternating phases of exacerbation and remission. The main stage of treating the disease is to follow a special diet and proper nutrition at the time of exacerbation and subsidence.

Pancreatitis most often develops as a result of an unbalanced diet, alcohol abuse or against the background of cholelithiasis. Diet for pancreatitis is the key to recovery, minimizing the consequences and preventing relapses.

The activity of the pancreas is directly related to the food consumed. The amount and type of enzyme produced by the pancreas depends on what gets into the stomach. By following a special diet, the load on the inflamed gland is reduced, enzymatic activity is reduced, which helps restore the damaged organ and stabilize the digestive process.

For pancreatitis, all food taken should be crushed or pureed. Fried foods, spicy foods, rich and strong broths should be excluded from the diet. Dietary recipes and dishes include a high content of protein, rich in lipotropic factors. It is important to ensure minimal salt intake and limit carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body.

For the first 2 days, a patient with pancreatitis is prescribed therapeutic fasting. The patient is given only still mineral water or rosehip decoction. In severe pancreatitis, drinking may also be prohibited.

Over the next 3 days, the doctor prescribes a special diet - diet table number 5. The diet should be gentle, all foods should be steamed or cooked in a slow cooker. Gradually, the diet is expanded, adding other dishes provided for by the diet to the menu. Even during a period of stable remission, a patient with pancreatitis needs to eat only dishes prepared in accordance with the above requirements.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day. Dishes should be kept warm; eating hot or cold food can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Allowed and prohibited foods for pancreatitis

The diet of a patient with pancreatitis should be designed in such a way that the body is provided all essential nutrients throughout the day, while taking into account the importance of facilitating digestive function. The menu includes only easily digestible foods.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of fatty foods; it is useful to consume foods of plant origin containing polyunsaturated fatty acids as compensation.

It is important to reduce the amount of fiber in the diet, since this complex carbohydrate slows down the digestive process and increases the load on the pancreas. For pancreatitis, you need to add whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products to your diet.

The use of fatty, fried, spicy foods and alcohol is prohibited.

Permitted products include:

  • Fruits and berries: blueberries, strawberries, currants, apricots, peaches, plums, apples, prunes;
  • Vegetables: beets, broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower, young beans, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots;
  • Greens: celery, dill, parsley (in remission)
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, lentils, semolina, oatmeal;
  • Fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt. Milk should be present in the diet as an additive to cereals or as part of casseroles;
  • Egg whites, dietary meats: lean beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, lean fish.

It is recommended to consume dried fruits, day-old bread, and vegetable oils. Butter can be used in limited quantities; a single serving of the product should not exceed 0.25 g; butter should be added to already prepared dishes. As a drink, it is recommended to use a decoction of rose hips, chamomile, and weak green tea.

Recommended dishes include salads, vinaigrettes, vegetable soups, puddings, stews, soufflés, cream soups, borscht, meatballs and zrazy from approved types of meat, steamed cutlets, steamed omelettes, slimy porridges, compotes, jelly, homemade jelly, homemade croutons .

For pancreatitis it is not allowed to use:

  • Fatty and rich broths;
  • Pork, lard, lamb, goose, offal;
  • Smoked meats, sausage;
  • Fatty meats and fish;
  • Canned food, marinades, fried foods;
  • Hard-boiled eggs;
  • Fast food;
  • Hot sauces, seasonings;
  • Raw onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, bell peppers;
  • Sweets, pastries, cakes;
  • Cocoa, coffee, carbonated drinks;
  • Fresh bread, baked goods.

The diet must be designed so that the body receives about 130 g of proteins daily, which are needed for normal metabolism. Of these, 90g should be products of animal origin, 40g should be of plant origin. Animal fats in the diet should be 80%, carbohydrates should be no more than 350g per day.

You need to follow a diet after treatment of acute pancreatitis for at least 6 months. Proper nutrition will prevent relapses of pancreatitis and the development of diabetes. In case of chronic pancreatitis, the patient must follow a diet for life.

Multicooker recipes

A multicooker is both a pressure cooker and a long-cooker (slow cooker), allowing you to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Food prepared in a slow cooker is good for health, since when cooking in this way you can practically not use fats and prepare healthy food that meets the norms and requirements of dietary nutrition.

In a slow cooker you can prepare a variety of dishes from foods allowed by your diet.

Egg dishes

Using eggs in a slow cooker, you can prepare delicious and dietary dishes that will be a quick and correct solution for a healthy morning breakfast.

To prepare a steam omelette, you need to take 3 eggs, 100 ml of milk and butter to grease the molds.

Milk is poured into a container, eggs and salt are added and stirred until smooth. A glass of hot water is poured into the multicooker bowl, a steamer rack is placed and a mold with the milk-egg mixture is placed on it. Turn on baking mode. The omelet is ready in just 20 minutes.

The omelet can be eaten during the period of remission, if desired, adding tomatoes, sweet peppers, and boiled cauliflower.

Steam omelette with cottage cheese

You need to take 3 eggs, 80g of cottage cheese, 50g of cheese, salt and herbs (dill, parsley) to taste, butter or vegetable oil for greasing the molds.

Break eggs into a bowl, add cottage cheese, chopped fresh herbs and grated cheese. All ingredients are mixed well.

The resulting mass is poured into greased molds and placed in a steamer basket. 300 ml of boiling water is poured into the multicooker bowl, a steamer basket is placed on top, the lid is closed, and the cooking mode is turned on. for a couple for 20 minutes.

Omelette in a slow cooker with lavash

You need to take one sheet of lavash, 4 eggs, salt, 3 tbsp. l. milk (kefir), vegetable oil. You can choose the filling according to your taste. You can use herbs, fish, cheese, and boiled meat for this.

The bowl needs to be greased with oil. Place the pita bread divided into pieces on the bottom of the bowl. Place half of the filling on it. Beat eggs with milk (kefir) and salt. Pour some of the omelette mixture over the filling. The layers need to be repeated; grated cheese should be sprinkled on the last sheet. Then you need to turn on the baking mode for half an hour.

Cottage cheese dishes

Cottage cheese is a healthy and tasty product from which you can prepare a variety of dishes. No one can remain indifferent to a golden brown casserole or cottage cheese cheesecake. Curd dishes and desserts prepared in a slow cooker can be used for digestive disorders and pancreatitis.

Cottage cheese can be bought in the store, or cooked in a slow cooker. Homemade cottage cheese tastes better and is healthier. To prepare, you need to take 1 liter of kefir and gauze.

Kefir is poured into a multicooker. Turn on the milk porridge mode for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, open the lid and stir. Kefir should separate into whey and curds.

The resulting mass is filtered through cheesecloth, then her tie it like a bag so that excess whey drains away. After an hour, homemade cottage cheese is considered ready. From 1 liter of kefir you get 250 g of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

You need to take 500g of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 100g of sour cream, 6 tbsp. L. Semolina, half a glass of raisins, 100g sugar, 0.5 tsp. soda and salt.

Mix soda with sour cream and leave for 30 minutes. Cottage cheese is mixed with sugar and eggs, sour cream, vanilla, semolina and dried fruits are added.

Bake the casserole for 50 minutes in a greased multicooker container on the baking program. The edges of the mold can be sprinkled with a layer of crackers or semolina. The casserole turns out more fluffy if the amount of cottage cheese is increased to 1 kg. You can replace sour cream with kefir or yogurt.

Cottage cheese casserole

You can make various casseroles from cottage cheese. The casserole with cottage cheese and bananas is very tasty.

You need to take 700g of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 4 tbsp each. l. With methane, sugar and semolina, vanillin, 3 bananas, butter for greasing.

Mix cottage cheese, sugar, semolina, vanillin, sour cream and eggs in a deep container, beat and leave for 20 minutes so that the semolina absorbs the liquid and swells. Bananas are cut into cubes, added to the curd dough and mixed with a spoon so that the banana pieces are evenly distributed.

Grease the multicooker bowl with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out the finished dough. The bowl is placed in the multicooker. Turn on the baking mode, cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with apples

For preparation use 500g of cottage cheese, 4 tbsp. l. sugar and semolina, 2 eggs, 2 apples, butter, breadcrumbs.

Cottage cheese is mixed with eggs, sour cream, sugar and semolina. The apple is peeled, the peel and seeds are removed, cut into cubes and added to the curd dough. The curd and apple mass is placed in a bowl sprinkled with breadcrumbs and smoothed out. The second apple does not need to be peeled, but removed from the seeds and cut into slices in the shape of petals, which are used to decorate the casserole. Place the bowl with the curd mass in the multicooker and turn on the baking program for 50 minutes.

Curd soufflé

The soufflé is prepared using 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 5 tbsp. L. Sour cream, 2 tbsp. L. Starch, 100g sugar, vanillin and butter.

Mix cottage cheese and sour cream, add egg yolks, starch, beat the mass well, add vanillin.

Beat the egg whites separately until stiff and add to the curd mixture. You can bake curd soufflé in a slow cooker in a bowl or in muffin tins. The molds must be greased with oil first. You need to cook the soufflé in the baking mode for about 1 hour, and then let the dessert cool in the multicooker under the lid for about another hour so that it turns out fluffy.

Curd pudding

You need to take 500g of cottage cheese, 5 eggs, 100g of sugar, 100g of sour cream, 2 tbsp. L. Potato starch, vanillin and butter for greasing the mold.

The cottage cheese is ground through a sieve. The whites are separated from the yolks and placed in the refrigerator. Egg yolks, vanillin, starch and sour cream are added to the pre-cooked cottage cheese. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer until a thick mixture is obtained, to which the whipped whites and sugar are added.

Grease the multicooker bowl with butter and place the dough in it, leveling it with a spatula. Prepare the curd pudding for 45 minutes in the baking mode.

Curd casserole with cheese and herbs

To prepare unsweetened casserole with cheese, you need to take 600g of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 200g of hard cheese, 0.5 tsp Salt, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dill, butter for greasing, breadcrumbs.

Separate the whites from the yolks, grind the cottage cheese with the yolks, beat the whites until thick foam. Finely chop the dill and parsley, grate the cheese on a fine grater. A small portion of the grated cheese is left to sprinkle on top of the casserole. The rest of the cheese and herbs are added to the curd mass and mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Add whipped whites to the dough in small portions and mix. The mixture is placed in a bowl greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and the top is leveled with a shovel. Place the bowl in the multicooker, turn on the baking program, cooking time is 45 minutes.


After 3-4 days of therapeutic fasting, a patient with pancreatitis is allowed to consume pureed soups, since they make up for the lack of nutrients, help restore the body, give tone and strength, are easily digested and stimulate the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

You can prepare soups from fresh vegetables with the addition of a minimum amount of salt and butter. In the second week after an acute attack of pancreatitis, the patient can be given pureed soups containing dietary meats and herbs.

You can prepare interesting, healthy soups in a short time in a slow cooker. Thus, the soup cooks faster, all ingredients cook well and become soft. Heat treatment of soup ingredients does not affect their vitamin composition; the soup turns out tasty, appetizing and nutritious. With the help of such a dish, the body receives valuable vitamins, support for the regeneration of a damaged organ and restoration of the protective abilities of the body as a whole.

Potato soup in a slow cooker can be prepared with or without beef, just with water, depending on the general condition of the patient.

To prepare a tasty and appetizing potato soup, you need to have on hand 400g of beef, an onion, a carrot, 5 potatoes, and salt.

The meat needs to be washed, cut into bars, finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into thin slices, and potatoes into large cubes.

Place all the soup ingredients in a bowl, add 1.5 liters of water, add salt. The multicooker needs to be set to the stewing program and cook the soup for 2 hours. You can serve with the addition of finely chopped greens.

Potato soup with chicken

You need to take 2 liters of water, 400 g of chicken meat, 50 g of vermicelli, 5 potatoes, carrots, onions, bay leaves, dill and salt.

The potatoes are cut into cubes, the onions are finely chopped, the carrots are grated, the meat is divided into small pieces. You can fry the onions and carrots a little, you need to pour a small amount of sunflower oil on the bottom of the multicooker, add the onions and carrots, stir and fry the vegetables in baking mode. Then add chicken pieces and potatoes, bay leaf, and salt to the bowl. The composition needs to be poured into 2 liters of water and mixed. Afterwards, you need to close the lid of the device and cook the soup in stewing mode for 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end of time, add vermicelli to the soup.

Milk rice soup

Delicate and tasty soup with the addition of a liter of milk, 0.5 multi-cups of rice, 2 tbsp. L. Sugar, pinches of salt, 5 g butter. Rice needs to be washed, poured into a slow cooker, adding salt and sugar, then pour milk into the mixture and mix. Then you should close the lid and turn on the milk porridge mode. A signal will notify you that the soup is ready. You need to add a piece of butter to the finished soup.

Milk soup with buckwheat

Required ingredients: 1 glass of buckwheat, 20g sugar, 200ml water, 500ml milk, 0.5 tsp Salt, 10g butter. Buckwheat is washed and poured into a slow cooker. Then pour milk and water over the buckwheat, add sugar and salt, close the lid and cook in milk porridge mode. Add butter to the finished soup.

Milk soup with carrots and semolina

To prepare the soup you need to take half a liter of milk, 250g of carrots, 2 tbsp. L. Semolina, 1 tsp. Sugar, 5 g butter, 50 g water and salt.

The carrots need to be peeled, cut into slices, add milk and water. Then you need to set the stew mode and wait until the composition boils. Add semolina to the boiling mass in a thin stream and mix. Close the lid, set the milk porridge mode and cook until the signal.

Milk soup with vegetables

You need to take 1 carrot, 10g butter, 1 tbsp. L. Vegetable oil, 2 potatoes, 150g cauliflower, 100g green beans (frozen), 3 cups milk, 200ml water and salt.

The carrots need to be peeled and cut into small slices, then sautéed in butter with the addition of vegetable oil. Potatoes should be peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes, cauliflower should be disassembled into inflorescences. Then you need to put all the vegetables except beans into the multicooker bowl and add milk and water. Cook in stew mode for 1 hour. Half an hour before the end of cooking, place the beans in the multicooker bowl and add salt to taste.

Milk soup with vegetables and potatoes

Milk soup with vegetables is not only very tasty, but also rich in vitamins and easily digestible.

Required ingredients for the dish: carrots, 4 potatoes, 8 pieces of broccoli florets, a clove of garlic, onions, 0.5 liters of milk, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 10g butter, 100g hard cheese.

All ingredients need to be chopped and placed in the bowl of the device. You need to cook in the stewing mode, when it boils you need to add a spoonful of flour. Then the milk, diluted with water, must be poured into a bowl with the vegetable mixture, the soup must be salted, and set to milk porridge mode.

Milk soup with oat flakes "Hercules"

For oatmeal soup with milk you will need a cup of oatmeal, 400 ml of milk and water, 1 tbsp. L. Sugar, salt, 10g butter.

Place oatmeal, sugar and salt in the multicooker bowl. The composition is poured with milk diluted with water, mixed with a wooden spoon, closed with a lid and set to milk porridge mode. The soup will be ready after 15 minutes.

Milk soup with pumpkin and semolina

Diet milk soup with aromatic pumpkin can be prepared using 350 ml of milk, 100 g of pumpkin, 25 g of semolina, 15 g of sugar, 10 g of butter, water.

The pumpkin needs to be peeled, cut into small pieces, placed in a glass plate, sprinkled with sugar and semolina. Then the composition must be filled with milk.

Pour 400 ml of water into the bowl, set the steam mode for 15 minutes, place a plate with pumpkin on top and close the lid. After the time has passed, remove the plate and grind the mass in a blender. Add butter to the finished puree soup.

Milk soup with apples

As an additive, you can add apples and sweet berries or other fruits to your milk soup, to taste.

This soup is easy to prepare. You need to take 1 liter of milk, 1 multi-glass of vermicelli, 2 tbsp. L. Sugar, salt, 5g butter.

For apple soup, you need to take one medium-sized apple. Pour milk, pure or diluted with water, into the multicooker container and immediately pour in the pasta. You can immediately add sugar, salt and butter to the soup, and a pinch of vanillin (if desired). Behind those You need to close the lid, activate the milk porridge mode and cook the soup for 30 minutes. After 10 minutes, you need to open the lid and add pre-peeled and chopped apple pieces to the soup. You can replace apples with dried apricots, raisins or other fruits if desired.

Fish soup in a slow cooker

The fish soup includes 500g trout, 6 potatoes, carrots, onions, 1 tbsp. L. Rice, 1 tbsp. L. Vegetable oil, 1.5 liters of water.

The multicooker must be turned on in stewing mode. Finely chopped onions and grated carrots need to be stewed in vegetable oil, add diced potatoes. Then the fish fillet should be cut into pieces and placed in a bowl, add rice, salt, and salt. Turn on soup mode and cook the dish for one hour.

Pea soup with chicken in a slow cooker

You need to take 500g of chicken meat and a glass of peas, 3 carrots, 2 onions, 3 potatoes, salt, 4 liters of water, herbs to taste.

To obtain softer and juicier meat, the chicken must first be cooked in the stew mode for 90 minutes. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into strips, and cut the potatoes into cubes. All ingredients need to be placed in a multicooker, pour the washed peas into it and pour water to the maximum mark. You need to add salt, bay leaves to the soup, mix and cook in stewing mode for one hour. Greens should be added to the finished soup.

Potato and vegetable dishes

Vegetables are important components of the diet for pancreatitis. They are used to prepare purees, puddings, and cutlets, which complement the diet and provide the body with vitamins and plant fiber. Some vegetables, for example, pumpkin and cauliflower, are allowed to be included in the menu already in the first week after the end of therapeutic fasting.

Potato - an integral part of menu for each person, interesting and satisfying dishes are prepared from root vegetables, mashed potatoes are useful for pancreatitis and other problems of the digestive tract. The vegetable has wound-healing properties, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, and contains substances necessary for the body.

You can prepare sweet and aromatic pastries from the following ingredients: 500g pumpkin, 150g apples, 2 eggs, 100g butter, 1 tbsp. L. Semolina, 100g sugar, 10g soda, salt can be added to taste.

The pumpkin needs to be cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into cubes. Then chop into slices and place in a slow cooker, turning on the soup/stew mode, setting the timer for 20 minutes.

While the pumpkin is cooking, peel the apples and grate them. Beat eggs with sugar and salt. The already prepared pumpkin is removed from the multicooker and crushed in a blender, after draining the water.

Semolina, grated apples, butter and soda are added to the pumpkin puree. The composition needs to be mixed well, then add the eggs beaten with sugar, mix again and pour the finished dough into the pre-greased bowl of the device. You need to cook the casserole for 40 minutes in the baking mode.

Potato cutlets

You need to take 500g of potatoes, an egg, 80g of processed cheese, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. L. Butter, sunflower oil, salt.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into halves or quarters, place them in a container with water and steam them for 25 minutes.

When the potatoes are cooked, puree them, making sure that no lumps remain. Add egg, processed cheese, butter, salt to the puree and mix everything well. At the end, add flour and knead the minced potatoes. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and set the baking mode for 50 minutes. Cutlets are formed from minced potatoes and rolled in flour or breadcrumbs. Fry the cutlets for 25 minutes on each side.

Carrot cutlets

Carrots make excellent cutlets, which are also good for children. To obtain carrot mince, use 500 g of carrots, 1/4 cup of milk, 3 tbsp. L. Semolina, 2 eggs, salt to taste, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil.

The carrots are chopped on a medium grater and placed in the bowl of the device. Pour out the milk and add granulated sugar at this stage if desired. Next, close the multicooker and turn on the stewing mode for 1 hour. Approximately 10 minutes before the signal, pour semolina in a thin stream and mix. Close the lid and leave until the end of time.

Place the stewed carrots in a bowl, add salt and eggs and mix. If you get a liquid mass, you can additionally add a spoonful of semolina and wait 10 minutes until the cereal swells. Afterwards, cutlets are formed from the minced carrots and rolled in breadcrumbs. Turn on the multicooker-pressure cooker, activating the baking mode. Fry the cutlets in vegetable oil on both sides, leaving the lid of the device open.

Mashed potatoes

Regular mashed potatoes taste better in a slow cooker. If desired, the dish can be prepared from other vegetables, making the taste brighter.

You need to take 5 potatoes, carrots, salt, 200 ml of milk, 10 g of butter.

Potatoes need to be peeled and cut into several pieces. Then you need to put it in the multicooker bowl and fill it with water 1 centimeter above the level of the chopped root vegetable. The composition should be salted, close the lid and turn on the stewing mode for half an hour. Drain the finished potatoes, transfer them to another container so as not to damage the coating of the bowl, and pour hot milk. Mash with a masher, add butter if necessary, add salt. You can serve with a spoonful of sour cream or fresh herbs.

Stewed zucchini with vegetables and plums

You need to take 550g of zucchini, 400g of tomatoes, 150g of bell pepper, 150g of carrots, 200g of onions, 150g of plums, 2 cloves of garlic, dill, salt, sugar (pinch), 3 tbsp. L. Vegetable oil.

You need to wash the pepper, peel and cut it into small cubes, finely chop the dill and garlic. The plums need to be peeled and cut into small cubes, the tomatoes must be peeled and also cut into cubes. Chop the onion and carrots, peel the zucchini and cut into cubes.

Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the device, add chopped vegetables, granulated sugar, salt and pepper and mix well. Close the lid, select the stewing program and cook the dish for 1 hour. The dish must be served hot.

Dishes from cereals and pasta

The diet of a patient with pancreatitis must include cereals and pasta. Dishes prepared from them supply the body with micro- and macroelements and vitamins important for life, allowing you to speed up the healing process.

Oatmeal in a slow cooker

You can prepare porridge in a slow cooker using 2 measuring cups of milk, 2 measuring cups of water, 1 cup of oatmeal (crushed), salt, 3 tbsp. L. Sugar and 10g butter.

Pour oatmeal into the bowl of the device, add sugar and salt, and set the milk porridge mode. Oil must be added to the finished porridge.

Mannik in a slow cooker

Mannik will turn out tastier if you add your favorite jam to it. You need to take 100g of semolina, an egg, 150g of sugar, 100g of flour, 1 tsp. L. Baking powder, 100g vegetable oil and jam.

Beat the eggs, add sugar, flour with baking powder and semolina. The resulting mixture must be mixed well, add jam. Place the dough in a greased multicooker bowl and cook on baking mode for 65 minutes.

Cheese manna in a slow cooker

Cheese manna has a specific and delicate taste. Once you try this dish, you will want to repeat it again and again. Prepare manna from 200g semolina, 160ml milk, 1.5 tsp baking powder, 150g hard cheese, 3 eggs, adding a pinch of vanillin.

The whites are separated from the yolks. Combine semolina, yolks, vanillin, baking powder and milk in a bowl. First you need to pour in half the milk, then add if necessary. Beat the whites with sugar until a thick foam forms. The cheese should be grated and added to the first mixture, mix well. Then add the whipped egg whites to the semolina-cheese mixture and mix. The resulting mass is transferred to a pre-oiled bowl.

The dish should be baked in small quantities for an hour.

Manna with raisins in a slow cooker

To get a tasty and satisfying manna and diversify the menu, you can prepare a dish from a glass of semolina, 200 ml of kefir, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of butter, eggs, 100 g of raisins, vanillin, 0.5 tsp. baking soda.

Beat the egg with salt, sugar and vanilla powder, then add kefir, melted butter, semolina, raisins, and soda. The resulting mass must be mixed well and left for 20 minutes to thicken.

The multicooker bowl should be greased with butter or sprinkled with semolina. Place the dough in a bowl and set the baking mode for an hour. The finished manna can be greased with jam or cream.

Dietary beef pilaf

Pilaf cooked in a slow cooker will allow you to enjoy the taste of an excellent dish without health concerns due to digestive problems. Beef is added to pilaf, which makes the dish more satisfying and healthy. Beef pilaf cooked in a slow cooker meets dietary requirements and is an excellent way to diversify the menu, especially when the diet is dominated by porridge and various soups.

You need to take 500g beef, onion, 200g rice, 800ml water, 4 carrots, turmeric or barberry as a seasoning.

The meat needs to be cut into small pieces and placed in a bowl. Turn on the device in stewing mode, close the lid and simmer the meat in its own juice until it evaporates. When the juice has evaporated, pour in a small amount of vegetable oil, add peeled and chopped onions and carrots, and fry for 5 minutes. Then add seasonings, add rice, pour in hot water and turn on the pilaf mode. After the time has passed, you need to open the lid, collect the pilaf in a mound, stick a head of garlic into the middle and leave for 10 minutes in the heating mode.

Fruit pilaf

This pilaf is intended for lovers of dishes with the addition of various fruits and berries. You can replace fresh fruits with frozen or dried fruits, the taste will not change.

For aromatic pilaf with fruit, you need to take 200 ml of water, olive oil, sugar, salt to taste, 1 apple, a handful of prunes, raisins and dried apricots.

Pour olive oil into the bowl, placing all the chopped ingredients on top. Add sugar to taste, water, washed rice, salt, mix. Prepared in pilaf mode.

Diet pilaf with vegetables

Ingredients for pilaf: 250g basmati rice, 200g bell pepper, 2 carrots, salt to taste, 2 tbsp. L. Olive oil, 500 ml water, 300 g turkey fillet.

Turkey fillet is cut into pieces, peppers are cut into cubes, carrots are grated. The fillet, peppers and carrots should be stewed in a slow cooker for 30-40 minutes, adding boiled water.

The washed rice should be added to the fillet and vegetables, pour boiling water over it and cook for another half hour in pilaf mode.

Meat and meat products dishes

Meat and meat products occupy an important place in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis. Dishes prepared from these products are a source of protein, which is especially important for an organism depleted by a serious illness and therapeutic fasting.

Ingredients for preparing the dish: 500g beef, onion, 2 tomatoes, 20g flour, 30g sour cream, 30g tomato paste, salt, parsley and 20g olive oil.

The meat should be cut into small pieces and the onion into rings. Then add vegetable oil to the multicooker and turn on the baking mode. When the oil is hot, add butter to it, and then fill the bottom with onions. Close the lid and cook until the onion turns golden. Pieces of meat are breaded in flour, placed on onions without stirring, and simmered for 15 minutes.

Peel the tomato, grind it in a blender and add the resulting mass to the meat, mix, salt, add sour cream, mix again. Continue cooking the dish with the lid closed for 15 minutes in the stewing mode.


To prepare steamed cutlets in a multicooker, you need to use minced lean meat. Place minced meat on the greased bowl of the device, add 500 ml of water and turn on the steam mode (double boiler). The cutlets cook for 20 minutes.


The meatballs contain 500g chicken fillet, onion, garlic clove, 2 tbsp. L. Sour cream, salt and spices (if allowed).

You need to grind the meat in a blender, adding salt, onion and garlic to the minced meat. You can also add an egg to the minced meat. For preparing meatballs for a couple,on The bottom of the multicooker bowl needs to be filled with water. Grease the steamer with oil, then place the meatballs. Cook the meatballs in steam mode for 40 minutes.

Meat pudding

Pudding is prepared from 500g chicken fillet, 100g milk, 2 eggs, onions, 100g loaf, greens.

The meat is ground in a blender, adding onion, salt, bread soaked in milk, yolks and separately beaten egg whites. The minced meat is mixed well and placed on a bowl greased with vegetable oil. Add 400 ml of water to the multicooker. Then install the steamer stand and place the bowl of pudding. The pudding is steamed for 25 minutes.


Dumplings are prepared from dietary grades of meat. Minced meat is prepared from the following ingredients: 500g chicken breast, 4 slices of stale bread, salt.

Minced meat is being prepared as usual, grinding meat in a blender. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and activate the steam mode. The steamer is greased with vegetable oil and the formed dumplings are placed. You can put pieces of butter on the finished quenelles.

Rabbit in a slow cooker

Rabbit meat is a dietary and easily digestible product, and therefore it is most often included in the diet of patients with pancreatitis and other problems of the digestive tract.

You can easily cook rabbit meat in a slow cooker, resulting in a delicious meal recommended by nutritionists.

The ingredients required for the dish are as follows: 1.2 kg of rabbit carcass, 3 onions, 3 carrots, 100g sour cream, 1 tbsp. L. Grainy mustard, salt and seasonings to taste.

The rabbit carcass should be washed well and chopped into pieces based on the required portions. The meat then needs to be placed in the multicooker bowl and simmered in vegetable oil, activating the stewing mode. Onions and carrots need to be coarsely chopped and placed on the meat, add 100 ml of water and continue cooking in stewing mode for an hour.

Boiled meat (beef, veal, chicken)

You can cook any type of meat in a slow cooker. It is important that the product is fresh and not stringy.

The meat is washed under cold running water and dried with paper towels. Afterwards, the product is cut or placed in a multicooker as a whole piece, with the condition that it occupies no more than half the volume of the bowl. Set the appliance to soup or boil mode. The meat is filled with water to the maximum level. After boiling, you need to remove the foam, add salt, a few laurel leaves and close the lid.

The duration of heat treatment depends on the size of the pieces and the freshness of the product. It is enough to cook young beef cut into small pieces for about 2 hours, chicken - 55 minutes. It is recommended to keep large or tough pieces in the slow cooker for at least 3 hours.

Chicken soufflé is one of the healthy and often recommended dishes for digestive disorders. The dish provides the daily requirement of almost all substances and vitamins necessary for the body, is easily absorbed, and therefore is introduced into the diet of a patient with pancreatitis after therapeutic fasting, provided that there are no various food additives and seasonings in the composition.

In order to get about 6 servings of soufflé, you need to take 600g chicken fillet, 2 eggs, onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 150ml cream, 1 tbsp. L. Starch, salt.

The fillets, after being washed and dried with a paper towel, are chopped in a blender, into minced meat add finely chopped onion, garlic, salt and turn on the blender again. The egg whites are separated from the yolks and placed in the refrigerator, the yolks are added to the minced meat. The resulting mass is whipped again. Then add a spoonful of starch to the mixture, and mix everything thoroughly again.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form a thick foam and add them to the resulting mass, carefully stirring it with a wooden spoon.

The bowl of the device is greased with vegetable oil, the resulting mass is placed in it and leveled with a spoon. Close the multicooker lid and activate the baking mode for 60 minutes.

Chicken with potatoes in sour cream

To prepare the dish you need 500g chicken meat, 1kg potatoes, 3 tbsp. l. With methane and vegetable oil, salt, seasonings and herbs (if permitted).

The chicken is cut into portions and placed in a multicooker bowl. Add oil and salt. Activate the frying mode and cook the dish for 10 minutes.

The potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into small cubes, placed in a slow cooker, adding seasoning, salt, and sour cream. Turn on the stew mode and cook the dish for 40 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs added.

Fish dishes

Fish is a source of vitamins, phosphorus and fatty acids. Dishes made from low-fat fish are included in the list of dietary products and are used in the diet of patients with pancreatitis.

Very tasty dishes are prepared from minced fish, which go well with vegetable dishes and dietary porridges.

Cutlets are prepared from 1 kg of fish fillet, onions, carrots, 2 tbsp. L. Vegetable oil, 2 pieces of stale bread, 1 egg, 1 glass of milk, breadcrumbs and salt.

The fish fillet is divided into pieces, placed in a blender and crushed. Finely chopped onion and grated carrots are added to the minced meat,

Pour 1 tbsp into the cup of the device. L. Vegetable oil, turn on the baking mode. When the oil is hot, add the vegetables and lightly fry until soft. Place the prepared ingredients in a separate bowl and wash the bowl.

Pieces of bread are soaked in milk, fish, vegetables and soaked bread are combined. Add the egg and spices, and grind the resulting mass again in a blender until smooth. Pour the remaining oil into the multicooker bowl and heat it on the same program. Form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs, and place them in heated oil at a short distance from each other, close the lid. When one side of the cutlets is fried (after 10 minutes), use a wooden spatula to turn them to the other side, bringing them to readiness.


The minced meat contains the following ingredients: 300g fish fillet, onion, 2 tbsp. L. Oatmeal, 100 ml water, egg, 5 tbsp. l. With methane, salt, coriander, tomato paste, 3 cloves of garlic.

Prepare the minced meat using a blender, add onion and garlic to it and turn on the blender again, obtaining a homogeneous mass. Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 3 minutes. Add a raw chicken egg, salt, ground coriander to the minced meat and mix. Oatmeal and a spoonful of sour cream are also placed here. The composition is mixed, crushed in a blender, if the mass turns out to be liquid, you can add flour.

Tomato paste is mixed with fat sour cream and water and poured into the multicooker bowl. Using a spoon, lay out the semi-finished products at some distance from each other. Close the multicooker and cook for 15 minutes in stewing mode.


The required ingredients are 500g fish fillet, 100g bread, 0.5 cup cream, 1 egg, herbs, salt, spices to taste.

Minced meat being prepared as usual, mixing chopped fish fillet, soaked bread, egg, herbs and salt. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and activate the steam mode. The steamer is greased with vegetable oil, the formed dumplings are placed and cream is poured in. Cook for 8 minutes.


You need to take 500g fish fillet, a medium onion, 2 eggs and 3 tbsp. L. Oatmeal.

Yolks, chopped onions and oatmeal are added to the chopped fish meat. Then the yolks beaten with salt are also added. The minced meat is cooked in the steamer mode for 15-20 minutes.

Herring with vegetables in a slow cooker

The combination of vegetables and fish allows you to get an excellent dish that can be consumed by anyone who loves good food and cares about their health.

You need to take one frozen herring, carrot, tomato, zucchini, sweet pepper, salt, 2 tbsp. L. Vegetable oil, herbs (Provencal herbs are recommended).

The fish needs to be washed, peeled, cut, and placed in a multicooker bowl. Peel the onion, cut into thin slices, add to the fish. Add grated carrots, diced peppers and zucchini, and tomatoes. Then you need to add salt, add herbs and vegetable oil, close the lid. You need to activate the frying mode for 10 minutes. During the cooking process, it is recommended to carefully stir the dish 1-2 times.

Dishes from fruits and berries

If you have pancreatitis, eating sweets, baked goods and candies is prohibited. You can replace dessert with fruit and berry dishes prepared in a slow cooker.

Cherry jam in a slow cooker

Sort out and wash the cherries, remove the seeds. Place the cherries in a multicooker pan and cover with granulated sugar. Turn on the multicooker in stewing mode for 2 hours.

Raspberry Pie

Prepare a pie using 200g flour, 150g sugar, 100g butter, 1 tsp baking powder, 3 eggs, 1.5 cups raspberries (or other berries), 1 tsp. powdered sugar.

Beat the eggs with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved and add softened butter. Add sifted flour mixed with baking powder to the mixture and knead the dough. Pour the dough into a greased multicooker pan. Raspberries are placed on top. Prepare the pie in baking mode for 50 minutes. Sprinkle powdered sugar onto the cooled pie.

Sweet foods and drinks

Drinks and sweet foods prepared in a slow cooker are good for health. They differ taste qualities and can pleasantly diversify the menu.

Compote in a slow cooker

You can make compote from different berries. The selected berries are placed in a slow cooker and filled with cold water, activating the cooking mode for a couple for 5 minutes. When the water boils, add sugar, stir, closing the lid again. After 3 minutes, you need to turn off the multicooker so that the berries do not boil.

Ginger lemonade with apples and lemon

To prepare ginger lemonade with apples and lemons you will need 4 liters of water, 4 red apples, 2 lemons, honey. The apples need to be washed, the tail cut out, cuts made in the peel and filled with water. Lemons should be washed and zested using a grater, ginger should be peeled and cut into thin slices. Add zest and ginger to the water and turn on the baking or soup mode for 20 minutes.

Apple jam

For 0.5 kg of apples you will need 400 g of sugar and 5 g of citric acid. Apples are peeled and cored, divided into quarters and mixed with sugar. Citric acid is also added here. The resulting composition is placed in a multicooker and the baking mode is activated. Then you need to switch the device to extinguishing mode for an hour.


Sauces make dishes more refined, juicy and appetizing. You can prepare different sauces in a slow cooker for dishes with different ingredients.

To prepare this delicate and delicious sauce you need to take 70g butter, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 500 ml milk, 200 g hard cheese, salt, nutmeg and black pepper to taste.

You need to turn on the device in stewing or soup mode, put butter in a bowl and melt. Add flour to the butter and mix until smooth. Then pour in warm milk in a thin stream, vigorously stirring the sauce with a wooden spatula. Bring the sauce to a boil, stir, and simmer for several minutes until thickened. Salt, pepper, add nutmeg, mix.

Bolognese sauce in a slow cooker

To prepare the sauce you will need 350 g of minced beef, 1/2 carrots, onion, celery, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 g of chopped tomatoes in their own juice, one sprig of sage (you can have thyme) and rosemary, 1 tbsp. L. Olive oil, 100 ml dry red wine, 1 multi-glass of water, 50 g butter, salt.

Carrots, celery, onions and garlic are chopped. Turn on the multicooker in baking mode and heat the butter and olive oil in the appliance. Add vegetables and sage to the oil and fry lightly for 8 minutes. Then add minced meat, salt and pepper. Then add red wine and simmer with the lid open until it evaporates. Add tomatoes, water, rosemary and stir.


Original desserts that are prepared in a slow cooker help make your diet interesting and tasty.

You need to take 500g pumpkin, 3 tbsp. l. m food, cinnamon, butter for greasing the bowl. The pumpkin should be peeled, cut into cubes, mixed with honey and cinnamon. Grease the bowl of the device with butter and place the pumpkin. You need to prepare the dessert in the baking mode for half an hour.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker

To prepare homemade condensed milk you need 1 liter of milk, 400g of sugar, soda on the tip of a knife. All ingredients must be mixed and brought to a boil in steaming or baking mode. Then you need to switch to the quenching mode for 3180 minutes.

All dishes prepared in a multicooker can be used as dietary food. Using a variety of recipes, you can turn a diet meal into a real gourmet meal.

Diet for pancreatitis is the most important therapeutic factor, much more important than all medications. They play a supporting role. No wonder pancreatitis provokes overeating and poisoning.

Eliminate alcohol, seasonings, and smoked foods. Buy a steamer. Eliminating fat will promote weight loss. It is better to chop veal and turkey into minced meat and make casseroles.

Diet 5 for pancreatitis

It has the following basic principles: you cannot eat hot or cold food, you need to grind it. It is useful to drink rose hips.

A diet plan for pancreatitis is an essential part of treatment. Diet 5 is proper nutrition, useful even for healthy people.

Canned food and fatty broths are prohibited. All dishes are pureed in a blender.

Healthy foods: boiled chicken fillet, vegetable soups, day-old bread, milk soups, buckwheat.

  • How long should you diet for pancreatitis?

A diet for pancreatitis, if it is acute, is prescribed for a period of 6-9 months. For chronic pancreatitis - for several years.

  • What should a diet for pancreatitis not include?

Beef fat, cabbage, radishes, spinach, rutabaga, alcohol, black bread.

Examples of diet recipes 5 for pancreatitis

200 g beef, 30 g wheat bread, 3 tbsp. milk, 3 tsp. olive oil, a pinch of salt.

Mix the ingredients. Divide the minced meat into balls. Place in a steamer, add water, close the lid and cook over moderate heat until tender.

  • Milk noodle soup

150g flour, 2 eggs, 10g butter, 10g sugar, 350 ml milk.

Replace the dough with flour, water and eggs. Roll out thinly and chop the noodles. Add noodles to milk and cook for 8-12 minutes.

Diet 5p for pancreatitis

Used to stimulate digestion, it limits carbohydrates and fats. Calorie content – ​​2700-2800 Kcal. Read more.

What foods are allowed on the 5p diet?

  • Yesterday wheat bread, biscuits.
  • Soups with vegetable broth, fruit soups.
  • Meat dishes: lean chicken and veal.
  • Mushrooms, beans, spinach are prohibited. Zucchini and pumpkin are allowed.
  • Legumes are excluded.
  • No more than 1 egg per day is allowed.
  • Non-acidic fruits, preferably pureed, berries.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese is allowed.
  • Berry sauces and sour cream sauces are allowed.
  • Fats: sunflower and olive oil. Limit butter.


  • Baked goods, mushrooms, smoked meats, fatty meats, legumes.

Diet 5a for pancreatitis

It is prescribed when the patient also has lesions of the biliary tract. This is a diet with limited intake of fats and cholesterol with sufficient caloric content.

Authorized Products

Lean boiled beef and chicken, boiled steamed fish, protein omelet, low-fat milk, vegetable oil, a small amount of butter, buckwheat, rice, semolina and buckwheat soufflé. Boiled zucchini pieces are useful. Vegetable soups with sour cream. Raw and baked fruits, berries. Marshmallows are allowed.

Diet 1 for pancreatitis

It is prescribed when acute or chronic pancreatitis is combined with stomach diseases.

Authorized Products

  • Eggs: white steam omelet.
  • Milk and cereal soups (except pearl barley).
  • Meat and fish: chicken, lean beef, lean fish.

  • Milk porridge made from low-fat milk.
  • Vegetables: carrot puree, mashed beets, mashed potatoes.
  • Berries: raw, non-astringent, sweet, jam. Rosehip infusion, compotes, jelly.

Recipes for pancreatitis

Do not forget that after an attack of acute pancreatitis you need to follow a diet for 8-9 months.

Diet for a week for pancreatitis

It can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. White day-old bread and biscuits “Maria” and “Zoological” are allowed. Steam omelet, low-fat milk, kefir, sour cream - these products can be consumed. You can eat sweet fruits, dried fruits and raisins.

What should be excluded from the diet to avoid recurrence of attacks of pancreatitis? Strong broths, fried, smoked, baked goods and chocolate.

So, the weekly menu for pancreatitis is something like this.


  • Breakfast: biscuits with cheese.
  • Second breakfast: steamed omelette, bread with tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge, boiled zucchini, cottage cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: grated apple.
  • Dinner: oatmeal, beet salad, baked apple.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: carrot and green pea salad.
  • Lunch: beef with bread.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, carrot puree, applesauce, yogurt.
  • Breakfast: yogurt, apple.
  • Second breakfast: baked apple, raisins.
  • Lunch: fish, buckwheat, bread.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, bread, dried apricots.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: boiled meat, vegetable puree, kefir.
  • Lunch: steam omelette, rosehip broth, bread.
  • Dinner: rice-curd pudding, yogurt.
  • Breakfast: still mineral water, crackers.
  • Second breakfast: steamed cutlets, beet salad.
  • Lunch: stewed meat, carrot and pumpkin puree.
  • Dinner: boiled rice, yogurt.
  • Breakfast: steam omelette.
  • Second breakfast: boiled meat, weak tea.
  • Lunch: steamed rice, baked apples, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner: rice pudding, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: lentil soup (during the period of stable remission).
  • Lunch: steamed chicken, apple puree.
  • Dinner: boiled beets, boiled potatoes, steamed meat, tea.

Diet by day for pancreatitis

You need to eat 4 times a day. Beetroot, pork and goose, kidneys, sausage, salmon, sturgeon, lard, mayonnaise, cream, millet and barley side dishes, cabbage, radish, rutabaga, onions, sauces, vinegar, citrus fruits should be completely excluded from the diet.


  • Breakfast: protein omelet, rice porridge, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, carrot puree, apple compote.
  • Dinner: fish dumplings, mashed potatoes and tea.
  • Breakfast: protein omelet, milk buckwheat porridge, tea.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken, jelly.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, boiled potatoes, weak tea.
  • Breakfast: crackers, still mineral water.
  • Second breakfast: steamed omelette, a slice of white bread, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: 200g boiled fish, a slice of white bread.
  • Dinner: 200g oatmeal, 200g carrot puree, a slice of white bread, tea with milk.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal, a slice of white bread, still mineral water.
  • Second breakfast: 100 g of curd pudding, 100 g of applesauce, tea.
  • Lunch: 400 ml of vegetable puree soup, 200 g of pumpkin porridge, 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 100g meatloaf, 100g cottage cheese casserole, 200ml jelly.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of pureed rice porridge, a slice of white bread.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g of rice pudding, 200 g of carrot puree, 200 ml of tea with milk.
  • Lunch: 400 ml vegetable soup, 100 g cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner: 200 g chicken meat, 200 g oatmeal, a glass of tea.

Diet menu for pancreatitis

Diet for pancreatitis is the main medicine. You cannot get rid of pancreatitis without following a diet. We will tell you which foods you should avoid, what you can eat, and how to make sure that dieting does not turn into torture for you, and how to replace forbidden sweets.

For the first 4 days, the patient observes therapeutic fasting and drinks only water. Starting from day 5, you can drink tea with crackers and eat a steam omelet. A week after the attack, you can eat vegetable soups. You should not eat black bread, puff pastry, cakes, pastries, ice cream, kidneys, smoked sausages and canned food.

You can eat lean boiled fish. Eggs are best consumed in the form of protein steamed omelettes.

Milk is used in dishes. Boiled pasta is allowed. Millet porridge should not be consumed if you have pancreatitis.

Vegetables allowed are carrots, potatoes, and cauliflower.

Of the soups, it is better to give preference to oatmeal and rice. Okroshka, fish broths, and meat broths are excluded.

Among sweet drinks, compotes and mousses, baked apples, pureed fruit, and fruit and berry sauces are allowed.

Eliminate all spices and spices from your diet.

Rosehip decoction is very useful. You can drink weak tea and chicory drink. Eliminate cocoa and coffee.

Dietary table for various types of pancreatitis

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

The dietary table excludes foods that have a juice-like effect and minimizes carbohydrates. The food is boiled and eaten pureed.

Only day-old white bread is allowed, baked goods are prohibited. Lean beef, rabbit meat, steamed, and lean fish are allowed. Eggs - only in the form of a steamed protein omelet. Non-acidic cottage cheese is allowed. Butter and sunflower oil should be added to dishes. Semolina and rice porridges are cooked in milk and water. Eat more carrots, zucchini, potatoes, green peas, and young beans. The only fruit that is healthy is baked apples. Drink uzvar from dried fruits. Take a thermos with rosehip infusion to work. Make milk sauces - they are very tasty. Unsweetened sauces, seasonings and spices are prohibited.

You cannot eat lamb, duck, smoked meats, sausage, sturgeon, carp, pickles, mushrooms, coffee, chocolate, sorrel, lettuce, turnips, legumes (except young beans and lentils), cranberries, pomegranates and sparkling water.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

Severe and prolonged inflammation of the pancreas can sometimes lead to diabetes. Take care of yourself, do not make mistakes in your diet. When you are in the hospital for the first days after the attack, you will not be given food at all. This is necessary to spare the gland as much as possible.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis

The dietary table is as gentle as possible on the pancreas. On the first day, heated Borjomi mineral water, rose hip decoction, and tea are allowed.

On the 3rd day, it is allowed to expand the diet: add mucous soups, milk jelly, liquid porridge without oil.

When the pain disappears, follow an unprocessed, expanded version of the diet. But still, for a very long time, up to a year, you cannot eat anything fried, fatty, or any baked goods or baked goods.

Diet for pancreatitis in children

The diet should not interfere with their proper growth and development. Feed your baby often, in small portions.

Pay attention to lean meat: veal, chicken, turkey.

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, prepare a steamed protein omelet for your child, and in case of remission - a steam omelet made from a whole egg.

A child suffering from pancreatitis needs natural low-fat cottage cheese. It contains calcium, which is essential for bone growth. Children love delicious homemade cottage cheese casseroles with carrots, apricots, and apples. Apples can also be baked - in this case they also help with anemia.

Buy butter in packs of 100 g and use only in dishes. Children with pancreatitis do not tolerate butter spread on bread.

The ideal soup for a child with a diseased pancreas is a prefabricated vegetable soup pureed in a blender. In winter, you can use sets of frozen vegetables.

Exclude pork and duck from your baby’s menu. Do not give sausages, pickles and mushrooms, fried fish, cocoa, chocolate, turnips, radishes, legumes and Ukrainian bread.

Healthy vegetables: carrots, zucchini, potatoes, beets. They should be served pureed and boiled. Add cauliflower, not cabbage, to soups.

You can sometimes give your child marshmallows and milk candies, but only a little.

Diet for pancreatitis in adults

It is better for a patient to cook food in a double boiler.

What you can use:

  1. Vegetable soups.
  2. Idea, veal, chicken.
  3. Yogurt, low-sour cottage cheese, Dutch cheese.
  4. Butter in prepared dishes.
  5. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

  1. Noodles.
  2. Boiled vegetables: pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, beets.
  3. Baked sweet apples.
  4. Compotes, jelly, juices, dried fruits.

Avoid alcohol, fried foods, radishes, spinach and pickles.

Allowed is 1 banana per day and 1 egg per day, boiled in a bag.

Diet for reactive pancreatitis

The dietary table should take into account those concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which the pancreas is inflamed. The most common causes of reactive pancreatitis are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stones in it, gastritis and hepatitis. Alcohol and fatty foods also provoke attacks and should be avoided forever. Heavy metal poisoning often occurs in hazardous industries, after which workers are diagnosed with reactive pancreatitis. In women, pancreatic inflammation can be caused by taking birth control pills. Genetic predisposition plays a certain role.

A diet for pancreatitis creates complete physiological rest for the pancreas. Meals should be small and frequent (4-5 times a day). Reduce carbohydrates to a minimum, give preference to protein foods. Lean beef, veal, chicken and boiled fish are allowed. Avoid meat and mushroom broths, sour vegetables and fruits. Baked and boiled meat and fish, vegetables and cereals are the basis of the diet of a patient with pancreatitis.

Dietary table for pancreatitis and related diseases

Diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis sometimes causes inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. The cause of pancreatitis is alcoholism and stress. Pancreatitis causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Proteins should predominate in the diet of patients. Avoid spicy, smoked, fried, salty foods. The food is being cooked.

Drinks for cholecystitis and pancreatitis: non-acidic juices, rosehip decoction.

Day-old white bread is allowed. From dairy products - homemade cottage cheese. Vegetable soups, protein omelettes, jam and honey are allowed.

What to exclude? The diet for pancreatitis excludes fresh baked goods, fatty fish - trout, catfish, pink salmon, fatty meat, marinades, smoked meats, sour berries, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate, cream, soda, millet, corn, pearl barley porridge, legumes, cabbage, grapes and figs

Diet for pancreatitis and gastritis

Pancreatitis and gastritis are very insidious, now they occur even in children. We are used to pampering them, buying them sweets - and this is the result.

The best meats are chicken and rabbit. They are used to make rolls and purees.

For those who cannot imagine their table without fish, carp, bream and pike, cutlets and pate made from them are suitable.

Very healthy vegetable dishes, carrots, mashed potatoes, lentils. Pureed stewed vegetables, stews (without sauce, with refined oil), purees, and puddings are popular.

Cottage cheese dishes, especially casseroles made from low-fat cottage cheese, can also be included in the diet for pancreatitis and gastritis.

Brown bread, chocolate and cakes are prohibited.

Diet for diabetes and pancreatitis

By choosing the right diet, you can minimize pharmacological treatment for diabetes and pancreatitis.

The duration of fasting for acute pancreatitis is 1-4 days. On days 3-4, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed in small fractional portions. For example, rice porridge with milk and half and half water and a protein omelet. Further porridge can be prepared with whole milk if tolerated well, and low-fat cottage cheese without sugar can be included in the diet. On days 8-9, meat is added in the form of steam souffles, on day 10 - in the form of quenelles. Meat and mushroom decoctions, lamb and pork fat, sour dishes, legumes, radishes, garlic and chocolate are excluded from the diet. Sugar, jam, candies, sweet fruits, honey, grape juice are prohibited for patients with diabetes!

Steam cutlets, souffles, and quenelles are prepared from veal and chicken.

Cod, pike and other lean fish are boiled in a double boiler.

Allowed are low-fat, non-sour cottage cheese and mild cheese, semolina and oatmeal, carrot and pumpkin puree, non-sour raw mashed apples, tea with milk without sugar. Use butter in ready-made dishes, not on a sandwich.

If you have diabetes, diversify your diet with vegetable soups, 200 g per day of lean meat or boiled fish, and pasta (up to 150 g per day).

The diet for pancreatitis and diabetes allows you to consume up to 250 g of potatoes and carrots per day. Eggs are allowed no more than 1 piece. in dishes. It is useful to drink 1 glass of kefir per day. Use cheese and sour cream rarely. Natural low-fat cottage cheese is healthy, as well as dishes made from it (casseroles, cheesecakes).

Rosehip decoction and green tea without sugar are beneficial.

Diet for gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis

Gastritis, gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis strike many during their student years. How to eat properly so as not to provoke another exacerbation?

What kind of bread can you eat? Only white, yesterday's, slightly dried.

Vegetable soups and cereal soups are allowed, incl. dairy

Lean beef and chicken are good options for meat. Prepare meat pate and soufflé, steam cutlets, meatballs, quenelles.

Perch, cod and pike are perfect for preparing delicious fish soufflés and pate.

Suitable side dishes: mashed potatoes, beets, buckwheat.

Prepare stewed vegetables and delicious vegetable casseroles.

During the acute period, it is better not to offer eggs to the patient; you can only offer whites, without yolks, in the form of a steam omelet.

Eliminate black bread and raw vegetables and fruits, sturgeon, pink salmon, pork, and duck from the menu.

Diet for pancreatitis and hepatitis

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It is often combined with pancreatitis. With hepatitis, only some of the liver cells perform their functions, and some do not work and are replaced by connective tissue. This phenomenon is called fibrosis. Each liver cell performs a wide variety of functions such as neutralization, synthesis and production of bile, and participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

The body cleansing scheme and diet for pancreatitis and hepatitis looks something like this:

  1. You cannot eat fatty, fried, spicy foods. Turnips and radishes are poorly tolerated. Focus on what disease is currently leading according to laboratory indicators.
  2. Take replacement enzymes as indicated.
  3. Treat dysbiosis if you have it.
  4. Get checked for helminths.
  5. Carry out vitamin therapy.
  6. Monitor your blood iron levels.

Marmalade and marshmallows are very useful carbohydrates. Eat foods with magnesium, phosphorus, and cobalt. You can drink non-acidic juices.

What is prohibited? First of all, fatty meat, fatty fish, fish broths, mushroom broths, fish oil, heart, cocoa, canned food, onions, mustard, strong vinegar, alcohol and ice cream.

Cheese, buckwheat, and low-fat fish (pike, cod) are healthy.

Diet for pancreatitis is the main method of treatment, which cannot be replaced by pharmacological agents, since only following a diet helps to relieve the pancreas.

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