Why do persimmons make your mouth stick? Why does persimmon knit?

At the time of ripening, persimmons contain tannic acid, which gives the feeling of viscosity. Another name for this substance is tannin. Please note: after ripening, the tanning properties disappear. Ripe persimmons do not gag.

Harm and benefits of tannic acid

Tannin gives the effect of natural anesthesia in the mouth. This can be considered a useful action. Although pointless. After all, the effect is not enough to pull out a tooth, for example. Tannic acid harms the body quite significantly. The stomach begins to work worse, problems with the intestines begin. Therefore, eat only ripe persimmons. Or help her “mature.”

How to get rid of tannin and astringent effect

The simplest method is ripening. Let the persimmon lie somewhere in a dark place for a couple of weeks. Place it on a newspaper or mat, but do not leave it in bags or boxes. Otherwise, the persimmon will “suffocate” and will have to be thrown away. Do not stack fruits on top of each other to prevent mold and bedsores. Only in one layer with minimal touching to each other.

If you don't have time to wait

Just put the persimmons in the freezer for a couple of hours. And then defrost at room temperature. This way you will significantly speed up the process. But some of the taste and beneficial properties will be lost. You always have to sacrifice something. The consistency will become like a paste. Although some people like it.

Settling in hot water

Pierce the persimmon with a knife in several places and fill it with hot water. But not with boiling water. To prevent the skin from bursting, slightly cool the boiling water. Up to about 80 degrees. Leave it overnight. In the morning you will have the opportunity to enjoy persimmons that have not lost their beneficial properties. In addition, it will not turn into mush, as is the case with freezing.

Pleasant neighborhood

Persimmon is a very tasty fruit, but it often disappoints customers with its tartness instead of sweetness. The secret of this “astringent” property is quite understandable, because persimmon berries are full of tannic acid.

The tannic acid in persimmons is called "tannin." It is she who begins to coagulate at the slightest contact with the mucous membrane in the mouth. As a result, unpleasant sensations appear and the persimmon loses all sweetness.

In addition, the same tannin “blocks” the secretion of saliva, narrowing the capillaries. Because of this, some (especially tart) fruits are simply impossible to eat. You need to know that if the persimmon is too sticky, it means you simply chose the wrong fruit (underripe).

Why are persimmons tart? Why can persimmons “knit” your mouth?

The sweetness and pleasant taste of persimmon is always your right choice of fruit.

Four “secrets” for choosing delicious persimmons:

  • Good view. A ripe berry will always be bright, orange, without dark spots or dents. It will have a soft “side” (if you choose Sharon, this rule does not work).
  • Dry petiole. The stalk of each berry should be dry and in no case green. A brown and hard stalk is a sign of a ripe and sweet fruit.
  • Popular variety. You can ask the seller himself about what kind of persimmon you are buying. Agree, it is not profitable for anyone to carry bitter and tart persimmons that no one will buy. The most popular varieties are kinglet and sharon.
  • Thin peel. It should be without any damage, scratches or cracks. If there are any, it means your fruit is overripe. “Good” persimmons have thin and glossy skin.

How to choose and buy the “right” persimmon?

How and what to do to prevent persimmon from gagging: tips

Even if you bought an unripe fruit or an unsuccessful variety of persimmon, there are always ways to “improve” their taste.

Some tips:

  • Freezing. This is the easiest way to remove the astringency from the pulp and restore the sweetness of the fruit. To do this, put the berries in the freezer and leave for several hours. Eat the fruit cold, so that it tastes like sherbet.
  • Warm water. This is also another “express” way to bring persimmons to maturity. Heat the water to 30-40 degrees and keep the fruits in it. You should regularly bring the water to the desired temperature. After a while, the astringency will go away and you will be able to taste the sweetness.
  • Ripening. Some vegetables and fruits have a special substance in their stalks that is released and allows the fruits to ripen. Simply place persimmons in the same box or bag with tomatoes, bananas or apples. In this state, the persimmon should lie for up to 10 hours.
  • Prepare the persimmons. During heat treatment, it will lose its tart qualities. You can cook jelly or compote, make soufflé or jam, preserves, marmalade.

Ways to “ripen” persimmons

How to eat persimmons without making your mouth gag?

There is no way you can remove tannin from persimmons, but you can completely hide it. To do this, you need to somehow use persimmons in cooking. The best way is to make jam by adding sugar. If you are not used to bothering, the following methods can help you:

  • Pour lemon juice over the sliced ​​persimmons. This will not take away the astringency, but will hide it with “sourness”.
  • Sprinkle the persimmons with sugar. This is not a radical way to hide the unpleasant taste of persimmon, but it is an opportunity to hide them a little.
  • Dry or wilt. However, it should only be eaten in a dry state, since the “viscosity” will return when soaked.

How to freeze persimmons so they don't gag?


  • Take a persimmon
  • Wash it thoroughly under the tap
  • Dry
  • Place the fruit in a plastic bag
  • Place in the freezer
  • Keep for 4-5 hours
  • Eat immediately, without waiting for the persimmon to begin to melt

How to make persimmon non-astringent quickly?

There is another way to quickly return persimmon to maturity. To do this, pierce it several times with a needle (disinfect it with alcohol in advance) on all sides and leave it at room temperature for several hours.

Which persimmon is healthier, which is astringent or not?

Of course, sweet persimmons, which do not “knit”, have greater benefits. It will not cause constipation, since it contains less pectin. Despite its taste, persimmon of any variety is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Persimmon wren: knitting or not?

Korolek is a variety of persimmon that does not have astringent properties at all. The king has jelly orange pulp, which as it ripens can darken, reaching brown. The darker the flesh of the king, the sweeter it is.

What to do with astringent persimmon?

You can also make tasty and sweet jam from tart, “astringent” persimmons. To do this, add sugar to taste and a little lemon juice to the berry mass. You don’t need to cook persimmon jam or marmalade for a long time; a five-minute recipe is quite suitable.

Video: “What are the benefits of persimmon?”

The first impression after trying a particular product can make it your favorite treat forever or discourage the desire to eat it again.

This can also be attributed to the exotic fruit that has become the hallmark of the autumn-winter season in many stores - persimmon.

The large composition of vitamins, microelements, and excellent taste have attracted a huge number of persimmon consumers for many years.

But there is one characteristic in this product that can once and for all erase all the best impressions about it - this its viscosity.

Why persimmon knits You can figure it out by knowing the nutritional characteristics of its composition.

The unpleasant sensations that accompany this appear as a result of the presence of a large amount of tannic acid in persimmon - tannin. Upon contact with the oral mucosa, tannin coagulates and causes a sticky sensation. The secretion of the salivary glands decreases, and the contact blood capillaries narrow.
As a result of such unpleasant sensations, many refuse to eat persimmons, not knowing that they knit for two reasons - because they are not ripe or this property is characteristic of a certain variety. Although there are connoisseurs of this wonderful fruit who love it precisely because of its viscosity.
In nature, this property of tannins is protective function, since they suppress the growth of microorganisms pathogenic for many plants and protect plants from being eaten by animals.
For humans, eating persimmons helps cleansing the body, removing toxins, improving the functioning of the digestive system. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of tannin, which relieves dyspepsia, the symptoms of gastritis are alleviated.
At the same time, astringent varieties of persimmon are not advisable to be consumed by people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, adhesive disease, or who have undergone gastric surgery.

How to get rid of persimmon viscosity

Often, the buyer is guided by the fact that he needs to choose hard fruits without visible flaws and is very careful about persimmons with a soft structure, with dark stripes or not very presentable. Although fruits with already acquired darkening and juicy pulp turn out to be much tastier and do not at all cause a feeling of astringency and viscosity.

If you still had to buy a beautiful-looking persimmon, but the taste did not live up to expectations, you can carry out some manipulations that will help make the persimmon non-astringent. There are several ways that will also help you make persimmons soft.

Nowadays, there are more than 500 types of persimmon. And these 500 species are divided into two subspecies: the regular variety or the real persimmon, and the “kings”. Persimmon differs from other types of berries not only in taste, but also in that it has astringent qualities. This depends on the amount of tannin enzyme it contains. When we choose persimmons in the store, we think about which persimmons do not gag, making it more pleasant to enjoy this dessert.

A variety of persimmon that does not make your mouth stick

Usually, real persimmons stop knitting after full ripening, that is, after the first frost, but the “Korolek” variety knits the least, which is why it differs from other varieties. In addition to the “Korolek” variety, you can also buy a hybrid variety of persimmon with Sharon apple. The wren variety cannot be confused with anything else; the flesh of the berry is brown, and as it ripens, the skin turns brown, similar to chocolate.

The astringent properties of persimmon greatly affect the human body; it is like local anesthesia. Therefore, sensitivity in the mouth decreases, a feeling of numbness appears, the same situation occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, that is, gastric secretion slows down, the rate of digestion of food in the intestines decreases, so it is not advisable to use it for people who have undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent such a negative effect, it is necessary to eat only ripe persimmon or the “Korolek” variety.

What to do to prevent persimmons from knitting

How can you make persimmons ripen faster and stop gnawing in your mouth? This can be achieved in several ways:

1. When purchasing unripe astringent fruits, they must be placed in a warm place and allowed to ripen naturally, this approximately lasts about two weeks, after which it will stop knitting.

2. You can also put the fruit in the freezer for the whole day, or for 12 hours; in the evening it will no longer be viscous, only the taste will change, it will become soft, loose and not so juicy.

3. You can use the following method: pierce the fruit with a knife in 3-5 places and pour hot (not boiling water) water over it, all the viscosity will go away, and the persimmon will remain tasty and juicy.

4. Place the same amount of bananas or tomatoes and persimmons in a plastic bag and leave in a warm place for a day, during which time the persimmon will ripen and all its viscosity will disappear, but the nutrients will remain.

Now you know which persimmon is not mouth-watering. Do you know? If not, then I advise you to read it. And one more thing that will interest girls who take care of their shape; with help, you can noticeably lose weight. I also recommend reading about this.

Persimmon is a winter berry that pleases the eye with its bright color, but can disappoint with its astringent taste. Therefore, it is important to know why persimmons are astringent in order to choose the ideal fruit - tasty, juicy and aromatic. This is not difficult to do if you know some nuances.

Persimmon is a sweet winter berry. It has an extraordinary taste and sunny color, which simply attracts you during the cold season, which is so poor in warmth and color. However, the winter peach is not so simple; it can attract with its appearance, but repel with its astringent taste. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to choose persimmons in order to get the desired result - both beauty and pleasant taste.

How to choose the right persimmon. Why persimmon knits

Persimmon can be divided into two types: regular and kinglet. The first one knits until it is completely ripe, then the inside becomes jelly-like. Wren almost never has an astringent taste; this variety of persimmon has a sweet and delicate taste even when unripe.

To find the ideal fruit, you need to know how to determine the ripeness of a common persimmon by appearance:

  • The persimmon peel is slightly lighter than deep red, bright, smooth and shiny. Dark spots indicate that the fruit is spoiled or already overripe.
  • The stalks and leaves are dry, dark brown.
  • The fruit is soft and shiny.

These characteristics apply to a simple fruit, but the kinglet must be looked for by other characteristics. If you are at a loss as to how to choose a king persimmon, you should know that when it is pollinated, seeds are formed, thanks to which the fruit will be sweet-tasting and strong, with a brown tint inside. If pollination does not occur, then there will be no seeds - the berry will be astringent and tart. Although persimmon does not lose its nutritional properties. However, such fruits will never become soft and tasty.

How to choose the right kinglet:

  • The ideal fruit is small and round.
  • The skin is brown, fragrant or reddish-dark.
  • The pulp has dark veins.
  • The barrels are dense and hard.

As mentioned above, wren is a type of persimmon that has an excellent taste. However, it happens that the wren also knits. There is only one reason - these are not pollinated berries, which are not only tart, but also hard.

Why persimmon knits

Persimmon fruits contain large amounts of tannin - a tannin with an astringent taste. But usually only after eating an unripe persimmon does the mouth feel astringent, because it is impossible to feel the tannin in ripe fruits. By the way, there is no such substance in the king at all, which is why the ripe fruit never has an astringent taste.

However, persimmon simply needs an astringent taste. Thanks to him, it protects the bark and leaves from harmful microorganisms and being eaten by animals. And it won’t harm a person, so if persimmons make your mouth stick, you shouldn’t immediately stop eating them - tannic acid has a good effect on the nervous and digestive systems. Those who suffer from abdominal ailments and those who have undergone operations on the gastrointestinal tract should be wary.

How to prevent persimmon from gagging your mouth.

Here, you can learn about it in detail using one of the methods below.

The most common ways to get rid of the astringency of persimmons:

  • Place apples or tomatoes tightly in a plastic bag, and persimmons between them. They will release ethylene gas. This will help winter berries ripen faster;
  • Pour water at room temperature or a couple of degrees higher into a container and put the persimmons there for 12 hours. The tannins will go away, and with them the unpleasant taste.;
  • Place the berries in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then defrost on a plate, leaving it in the room for half an hour;
  • Dry or wilt the berries. A cloying taste will appear;
  • Prick in several places with a needle, which is moistened with alcohol;
  • Use a knife to make cuts in four places of the fruit and pour hot water, then the viscosity will disappear.

How to choose a persimmon that does not knit

The surest way to buy a pleasant-tasting persimmon is to buy a pollinated wren. This variety is impeccable! You can also focus on the external signs of an ordinary fruit: bright orange color, transparent skin, slightly dark, with black strokes. Thanks to this express method for determining tannin in persimmons, you will be able to find the ideal fruit!

So, if you are suffering because the fruit and vegetable season is very far away, don’t be sad. During the persimmon season, you will receive not only a tasty and aromatic fruit, but also the joy of taste and color. The main thing is to learn how to choose it correctly and know a few of its rules, then you won’t have to wonder why persimmons knit: there will always be a sunny fruit with a great taste on your table!

Is it easy to love persimmon? Yes and no! On the one hand, these bright orange fruits beckon with their glossy ripeness. On the other hand, there is always a risk that an incorrectly chosen persimmon will stick in your mouth. Then don't expect any joy from her. But in ancient times the sweetness of persimmons was compared to honey - is the secret of how to make persimmons non-astringent irretrievably lost? No, in our time, thanks to scientific and technological advances, it is even easier to make persimmons non-astringent. Scientists have figured out why persimmons are sticky and have figured out how to deal with persimmon viscosity.

Persimmons appear on shelves only with the onset of cold weather, which is why in our latitudes there are so many myths about them, which do not always correspond to reality. But southern residents know how to make persimmons sweet, and their advice will be very useful to us. By and large, it’s better to immediately choose sweet persimmons and not rack your brains over how to get rid of the astringent taste. But if you happen to buy a persimmon, but it’s impossible to enjoy it, don’t get upset ahead of time and don’t rush to scold the seller. You can and should make persimmons non-astringent at home, and we will now tell you exactly how to do this.

But the main value of persimmon and its characteristic feature is the high content of tannins - substances with powerful antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The viscosity of persimmons is the “merit” of tannins, which impart a tart taste not only to fruit pulp, but also to coffee beans, tea leaves, dark chocolate and many other plants (think of the aroma of eucalyptus, pomegranate peel and/or pine resin). But the astringency of tannins can be forgiven for their ability to fight tumors, suppress the development of pathogens, stop bleeding, act as an antidote and tone the human body.

What persimmon doesn't knit? How to choose the right sweet persimmon?
Just as not all yoghurts are equally healthy, not all persimmons are astringent in the mouth. In fact, there are so many varieties of persimmons that among this variety there are both tart and sweet persimmon varieties. Moreover: the same variety of persimmon can produce astringent and honey berries. How is this possible? That's how:
So there are two ways to buy sweet, non-astringent persimmons. You should give preference to the large, fleshy and completely tart Sharon, which is somewhat more expensive than other varieties. Or wait until inexpensive Caucasian persimmons ripen and lose their bitterness, that is, buy persimmons no earlier than December, or even better, after the New Year. But even in the middle of winter, choose only the ripest fruits, distinguished by the thinnest skin of a dark orange color, jelly-like, pliable pulp and a completely dry, darkened stalk without leaves.

What to do with astringent persimmon? How to make persimmons sweet
Persimmon is not like watermelon; it is impossible to try it before buying it. But you can get rid of the viscosity of persimmons even if the fruits brought home turned out to be unripe and cannot be taken into the mouth. Astringent persimmon can become sweet without a trace of bitterness if you use simple chemistry that can be used at home:
Don’t be afraid to “overexpose” persimmons: even overripe berries are edible and relatively harmless compared to unripe, astringent persimmons, which, due to their hard fibers and tanning effect, are prohibited for consumption by people with a weak stomach and intestines, as well as those who have undergone surgery on the digestive organs.

What else can you do with astringent persimmon? Methods for processing persimmons
All previous recommendations concerned fresh persimmons; they allow you to make persimmons non-astringent for consumption raw, whole or sliced. But in cooking, persimmons are valued and widely used due to their gelling pectins, appetizing color and sweet taste. Try to get rid of the astringency of persimmons in the following ways:

  1. Dried persimmons taste like dates and are not sticky in the mouth at all. You can dry persimmons outdoors, in the sun or in an electric fruit dryer.
  2. Dried persimmon lacks an astringent taste, it becomes sweeter than fresh fruits and is common in eastern countries along with candied fruits and other natural sweets.
  3. Persimmon pulp can be peeled and pitted and added to the dough for baking muffins, cheesecakes and/or pancakes. Heat treatment will remove the astringent taste from the persimmon, and the finished dishes will acquire a warm hue and a sweet taste.
The sweetness of persimmons allows it to be used as a sweetener instead of sugar in desserts, puddings, fruit salads, jams and muesli. For the sake of this rich taste, it is worth trying and making the persimmon not astringent, but honey-like. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks called persimmon “the fiery food of the gods,” and they knew a lot about gastronomic pleasures. Unfortunately, people suffering from diabetes will not be able to enjoy the delights of this taste. For those who have a weak stomach, it is also better not to risk it and give up persimmons. We advise everyone else not to miss the persimmon season and not to be afraid to buy fruits of any variety, because now you know how to make any persimmon non-astringent.

Is it possible to love persimmon? The bright orange fruits are inviting. But, if chosen incorrectly, it will have an astringent effect in the mouth.

Even in ancient times it was compared to honey. Modern scientists have been able to determine why persimmons make their mouths stick, and have come up with how to make it non-knitting.

How to choose the right one?

But residents living in southern latitudes have long known how to make persimmons non-astringent. Better of course immediately choose such a fruit so that it does not cause unpleasant sensations in the mouth.

But, if you come across persimmons with astringent properties, do not despair. By bringing home such fruits, you can improve their taste at home.

The fruit has a viscous substance, which is directly related to its beneficial qualities.

A long time ago, people noticed that the crowns of these trees were chosen by birds, as if they knew that the fruits of the tree would help them from ailments. Really, persimmon cures many diseases:

Hypertension, cardiovascular system and various heart diseases (fruits are rich in magnesium and potassium);
- anemia (this fruit contains a lot of iron for hematopoiesis);
- kidney stones (magnesium has enhanced diuretic properties);
- diarrhea (hard fiber helps normalize digestion, but its consumption in excess can lead to the formation of obstruction and stones);
- infections (the fetus can act as a strong bactericidal source);
- liver disease, since persimmon contains a lot of fiber, which helps cleanse the body, and the berry also has a choleretic property.

In addition, persimmon treats many other diseases, since it contains many different acids of organic origin, including malic, ascorbic and citric. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene and minerals. Persimmon promotes weight loss, despite the large amount of sugar in it.

With the onset of cold weather, your favorite orange fruits appear on the shelves, often with an unpleasant tartness. What to do if the persimmon is hard and makes your mouth stick? The answer is simple - learn to choose correctly, and if you come across an astringent fruit, correct the situation using simple methods. The situation is really unpleasant, in ancient times the sweetness of the fruit was compared to honey, and we buy persimmons with the feeling of joy of remembering a sunny summer.

Why persimmon knits

Thanks to scientists, they found out the reasons for the viscosity of fruits. Quite strange, but the astringency of persimmon is directly related to it, or more precisely, it depends on the composition of the fruit. When I wrote about the natural substances that persimmons are endowed with, I mentioned the incredibly beneficial substance tannin. Possessing powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, the substance helps cope with many ailments. Tones the body, suppresses the development of pathogens, stops bleeding.

Unfortunately, there is a downside to the benefits - tannins give persimmons a characteristic viscosity. Remember the astringency of tea leaves, the bitterness of natural chocolate and coffee beans, the aroma of eucalyptus leaves and the resin of coniferous trees - they possess these qualities thanks to tannin.

Once in the mouth, tannins interact with saliva, reducing its secretion, which results in a slight anesthetic effect, which we mistake for astringency.

In a ripe fruit, the substance is partially destroyed and partially transformed into a different form, so the ripe fruit practically does not stick in the mouth.

What to do if persimmon knits

Help persimmons get rid of viscosity with some artificial methods, proven by the people and very effective.

  1. If you have time, do it simply - set the fruits aside and wait for them to ripen. A week or two, and you will be able to enjoy ripe, without astringency, persimmons.
  2. If you don't have two weeks left, use a faster option - freeze. Place the fruits in the freezer overnight, and in a short time the astringent properties will disappear. The disadvantage of the chosen method is that a significant part of the beneficial properties will be lost.
  3. To prevent persimmons from binding, place an equal amount of ripe bananas and apples in a bag along with the persimmons. After a day, you can feast on it; thanks to your neighbor, it will ripen.
  4. An extreme method is to pierce the fruits with a knife in several places and pour hot water over them. Wait 12 hours and taste – the heat will neutralize the tannin. Clarification: you do not need to use boiling water, 50-60 degrees is enough.
  5. Sometimes it’s enough to just put it in hot water for a few minutes. The persimmon will quickly become transparent, glowing from the inside, which indicates the beginning of the process of converting tannins into glucose. The fruit will lose its hardness and taste tender.

Attention! Overripe berries are edible; do not be afraid to hold persimmons until they are ripe. Unripe fruits are much more harmful, especially for people with stomach and intestinal problems.

What to do if you eat an astringent persimmon

If you bought and ate unripe persimmons and felt viscosity in your mouth, help yourself. In addition to the unpleasant sensation, the substances contained in the fruits do not have the best effect on tooth enamel.

  • The easy way is to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.
  • If you have problems with tooth enamel, rinse to neutralize the harmful effects by adding a little baking soda to warm water. It didn’t help - wet the swab and remove it manually, wiping your tongue and gums - the feeling of viscosity will go away.

How to choose a persimmon so as not to knit

Breeders have developed varieties that initially avoided astringency. For example, the Sharon variety, with sweet pulp, without seeds and an astringent taste, obtained by crossing the fruit with apples. But in most varieties, the amount of tannin decreases as they ripen.

Interesting fact: if the flowers of a tree are pollinated by insects, then the persimmon will produce honey-like sweetness, without unpleasant viscosity; unpollinated ones will grow tart.

If you want to be guaranteed to buy sweet persimmons, choose the ripest fruits. They differ:

  • Absolutely dry stem.
  • Flesh like jelly.
  • Thin skin of dark orange color.

If you don’t want to waste time removing viscosity, buy fruit of the Korolek variety, they have low astringent properties and have a wonderful chocolate taste.

You're unlucky and have purchased tart fruits in large quantities - make jam or dry the fruit slices in the oven. Add the pulp to the dough for baking desserts, make a salad. And finally, do it, rejuvenating and improving the condition of your skin.

Don’t miss the persimmon season, enjoy the amazing sunny fruits from the heart, and if you’re feeling achy, use my advice. I suggest you watch a wonderful video about the benefits of the fruit, with a detailed story.

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