How to use liquid smoke in the oven. What is liquid smoke

Pork (loin) in brine with onion skins
At the bottom of the pan we put 2-3 handfuls of onion peels, then a piece of pork (you can just lard), fill it with water to cover it, put salt (8 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), spices to taste, 4-5 tablespoons. spoons of “Liquid smoke” and cook for 40-50 minutes. Take it out and dry it. You can grate with garlic and red pepper. The pig acquires a beautiful golden hue and an aromatic smoked smell. Very tasty, keeps well.

Roast pork (you can use beef, lamb, poultry) in pots
Cut the meat into pieces and marinate by adding salt, spices, vinegar (or wine), 2-3 tbsp. spoons of “Liquid smoke”. Let soak for 30-40 minutes. Next, place meat and potatoes in layers in each pot (you can have cabbage, beans, frozen vegetables, onions, add 3-4 liters of broth or water. Cook for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 2500.

Pork (1 kg) is stuffed with carrots and garlic, salted, peppered, poured with 4 tbsp. l. "Liquid smoke." To ensure even soaking, the meat is massaged for 3 minutes, then wrapped in foil and baked in the oven until cooked.

Pork (1 kg) is stuffed with garlic and rubbed with a curing mixture. Curing mixture for 1 kg of pork: salt-20g, red pepper-1g, chopped garlic-3g. Fill with brine (for 1 liter of brine: 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of table salt and 6 tablespoons of liquid smoke). The meat is kept in a cold place for 12 hours, allowed to drain, wrapped in foil, and the prepared ham is placed with the fatty part facing up. Next, the boiled pork is baked in the oven at 150°C until cooked (about 3 hours). It is advisable to serve chilled.

Smoked pork
Pork (loin) 1 kg, flour for breading 45 grams, fat 60 grams, ground black pepper 0.3 grams, Dutch cheese 150 grams, "Liquid smoke" 3 tbsp. l. The pork loin is beaten, salted, peppered, poured with "Liquid Smoke", left for 2 hours, breaded in onions and fried in fat on both sides, sprinkled with grated cheese and brought to readiness in the oven.

Pork roll
Rub pork belly (fat with meat streaks) with salt, pepper, garlic, roll into a roll, tie tightly with twine and cook for 30 minutes (the liquid should cover the roll) in water with the addition of “Liquid Smoke” (4 tbsp per 1 kg) . Then fry in the oven until golden brown.

Pork pastrami
Pork pastrami is prepared from neck meat. Cut the prepared meat into rectangular layers 2-3 cm thick along the line of muscle separation and make diagonal cuts for better salting and retention of spices; rub with curing mixture (for 1 kg of pork – 100 ml of water, 18-20 grams of salt, 30-40 grams of “Liquid smoke”, 5-8 grams of sugar, 0.5 grams of sodium nitrite, ground black pepper, fresh garlic) and leave for 24 hours to ripen. Next, place the salted semi-finished products on a baking sheet and bake in an oven at 150° (or in foil) until cooked. Cool the pastrami and pack in cellophane or parchment.

Baked pork (you can use beef or poultry) in foil
The meat is stuffed with garlic and carrots. Salt and pepper. Making the sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of “Liquid smoke” - whisk. Pour the sauce over the meat, massage and wrap in foil. Bake for 1 hour in the oven at t0 250-3000. About 15-20 minutes before it’s ready, carefully open the foil, pour the resulting juice over the meat (remove excess), and sprinkle with grated cheese. In the same way, you can bake any fish in foil. Cooking time 25-30 minutes.

Beef rolls
Cut the young beef flesh across the grain, lightly beat it, brush it with a mixture of liquid smoke “Birch Fog” and vegetable oil (for 1 kg of beef – 40-5 grams of smoke and 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil) and leave for 20 minutes. Then add salt, sprinkle the inside of each slice with pepper, finely chopped onion and garlic, roll it up and tie it with thread. Roast in the oven on a wire rack.

Smoked chicken
The chickens are placed in a pan, breast side down, and sprinkled with a curing mixture consisting of black pepper and chopped garlic. For 1 kg of chickens they use: black pepper - 4g, garlic - 20g. The chickens are pressed down with a weight, filled with brine and left for 14-16 hours at 4°C. Brine composition: for 1 liter of water take 50 g of salt, 5 g of sugar and 10 tbsp. spoons of \"Liquid smoke\". Apply sauce to surface of chicken. Ingredients of the sauce: for 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise or tomato paste 1 tbsp. spoon of \"Liquid smoke\". Leave for two hours at room temperature and bake in a preheated oven until done. Served both hot and cold.

Smoked ribs
Pork ribs are rubbed with a curing mixture: salt (to taste), finely chopped garlic, ground black pepper with the addition of "Liquid smoke" (4-5 tablespoons per 1 kg of ribs). Next, the ribs are kept in the refrigerator for 16-24 hours. Bake the ribs in the oven until done. When preparing ribs for future use, they are baked until an even golden crust forms over the entire surface. You can serve it hot, but if you let it sit for 1 day, the ribs turn into an excellent snack for beer.

Pre-washed and cleaned tripe (300g) is spread out and strips of thinly sliced ​​ham (50g) and greens mixed with egg white are placed on it, 1 tbsp is added. "Liquid smoke" The tripe is rolled up, tied with twine and boiled in salted broth until tender.

Smoked sausages
Peel the sausages (sausages) from the casing. Apply the preparation "Liquid Smoke" to the surface. Place the prepared product in the oven or microwave and cook until fully cooked.

The taste of cutlets and chopped steaks will be more piquant if you add “Liquid Smoke” to the minced meat (1 tbsp per 1 kg of minced meat).

Smoked sausages or sausages
Prepare the sauce: 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise or ketchup, 2 tbsp. spoons of "Liquid smoke" - whisk everything thoroughly. Peel the sausages (sausages) from the casing. Pour the sauce over the sausages and cook in the oven or microwave until cooked through.

Royal liver
Pass the liver through a meat grinder, add eggs, semolina, salt and pepper, add vegetable oil. Place in a pan and bake for 10 minutes. Fry carrots and onions. Remove the liver and cut into pieces. Place a layer of vegetables in a cast iron pot, pour in milk mixed with mayonnaise to cover the vegetables and place in the oven for 10 minutes. It turns out very tasty, especially if you add liquid smoke to the dish. Ingredients: liver 1 kilogram, eggs 1 piece, semolina 10 tablespoons, salt, pepper, vegetable oil 2 tablespoons, carrots 3 pieces, onions 3 pieces, mayonnaise 2 tablespoons, liquid smoke 2 tablespoons.

Flavoring of first courses
If you add a few drops of flavoring to pea soup, solyanka, fish soup, etc. during the cooking process, they will acquire a refined smoked taste.

Flavoring of vegetable oil
Pour 150 grams of liquid smoke “Birch Fog” into 0.5 liters of vegetable oil. Leave for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Let the oil settle. Carefully pour the flavored oil into a clean bowl. If you like dishes using it, add 60 grams of liquid smoke “Birch Fog” to the resulting sludge from oil flavoring and again flavor 0.5 liters of oil with this composition.

Liquid smoke is a flavoring that imitates the smell of smoked products. Available in the form of liquid, powder (concentrate), as a component in ready-made marinades based on wine, juice or vinegar. Products treated with liquid smoke acquire a completely reliable smoking effect, indistinguishable from natural smoke. However, there is no actual smoking as a process here, so the often used expression “smoking with liquid smoke” is inaccurate. An imitation occurs, the feeling of being processed in a smokehouse is evoked, nothing more.

For most food manufacturers, the use of liquid smoke is beneficial because it reduces time, reduces costs, and eliminates the labor-intensive and unstable process of natural smoking.

What is liquid smoke made of?

The production of liquid smoke is carried out by sublimation of smoke obtained from the smoldering of sawdust from hardwood. Conifers are not used due to the large amount of resin combustion products. There is synthetic iron, which is a combination of chemicals (phenols, acids, carbonyl compounds). It is believed that synthetic iron is less safe and may pose a health risk, although there is no evidence of its harm.

The harm of liquid smoke

Experts have different opinions about the medical properties of liquid smoke. Some argue that all the most harmful substances are concentrated in it, and the use of liquid smoke is an extremely dangerous step. Others, on the contrary, recommend preferring railway to natural smoking due to greater safety. How dangerous iron is depends on the quality of cleaning during manufacturing, but it should be borne in mind that natural smoking introduces a full list of combustion products without exceptions. That is, even low-quality hard drive cleaning gives a much safer result. In addition, we must not forget that natural smoking and pickling are completely different processes; in the first case, heat treatment with canning occurs, in the second, pickling, which adds flavor and aroma.

Although the sensations are similar, the results are different. Popular ideas often portray ironclad as an extremely dangerous and harmful chemical compound that threatens all possible troubles, but such fears are based on ignorance of the composition and production methods. An excessive amount of ID is probably harmful to health, but an overdose will ruin the taste of the food and simply no one will eat it.

Liquid smoke application

Liquid smoke is used as a flavoring and aromatizing additive in marinades, brines for lard or fish. ID itself is not used, as it is too concentrated and in large doses can spoil the taste of food. The average amount of ID is about a teaspoon or tablespoon per several liters of brine or marinade. There are many recipes for preparing this or that product with the participation of iron, which realistically imitate smoking, but practical application requires skill and the correct dosage.

Despite the widespread use of iron in the mass production of food, it is used much less frequently in everyday life, and the reason for this is the lack of awareness of people about the properties and capabilities of the seasoning. However, it is in home cooking that the railway reveals its capabilities most fully.

How to make liquid smoke for smoking

To prepare lard, you need to make brine at the rate of 6 tbsp. Iron and salt per 1 liter of water. You can add your favorite spices, peppercorns, bay leaves, etc. A 0.5 kg piece of lard is placed in the brine, brought to a boil, and then cooked over low heat for about an hour. Then the lard is removed from the brine, dried and rubbed with red pepper.

A marinade of mayonnaise, garlic and iron is often used to prepare various chicken dishes.

All that is required is to coat chicken wings, thighs or breasts with marinade, leave for some time (at least half an hour), and cook in the usual way in the oven or on the grill. The result is a complete analogy of smoked chicken.

Natural liquid smoke

Natural hardwood is a condensate of smoke released during the smoldering of sawdust from apple, bird cherry, beech, pear and other deciduous trees. This production method provides an imitation of the smell and taste of traditional smoking without the use of smokehouses. This type of iron is much preferable to the alternative - synthetic iron, which is a combination of chemical elements, since the accuracy of the proportions is a matter of technology and responsibility of the manufacturer, and smoldering and condensation are a physical process that occurs stably and predictably.

What can replace liquid smoke?

Making liquid smoke at home is too difficult; it’s easier to buy ready-made smoke. However, there are several hard drive replacement options that you can use at home. These methods can be:

  • A mixture of curry seasoning, mayonnaise, garlic and soy sauce. Coat with the mixture and marinate for several hours.
  • A mixture of green and black tea and rice with sugar. Wrap in foil and place under the cooking meat to create smoke, causing something like smoking.
  • Foil and matches. Wrap a dozen matches tightly in foil, wrap one end of the resulting tube tightly, and leave the other open. Freeze the glass and place the tube in it so that it does not touch the bottom. Light the wrapped end to light the matches. When done correctly, a lot of smoke is released, and all harmful substances settle on the walls of the glass and are cut off from the composition.
  • Cigarette smoke. A method similar to the previous one, only cigarettes are used as a source of smoke. Not suitable for everyone.

All methods provide only an approximate result, and it is impossible to predict in advance how successful everything will turn out. Therefore, it is better to buy a ready-made railway in a store.

Production of liquid smoke

The smoke released when burning hardwood is condensed and passed through water, forming a solution free of tar and ash particles. Then the solution is purified from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in other words, from carcinogens. The result is a semi-finished product, which is brought to full readiness by distillation, creating the required concentration and mixing with food additives and additional flavorings.

After this, the product is aged for a certain time to complete all ongoing processes, and is bottled for sale. It should be noted that the composition of liquid smoke is much safer from a medical point of view than those substances that enter products during natural smoking, in particular, this concerns the presence of carcinogenic combustion products.

Where is liquid smoke sold?

You can purchase liquid smoke in most grocery stores in the departments for various sauces, ketchups, etc. There is no shortage, railways are always available. The product does not have any kind of massive demand, so sometimes you have to look for it on store shelves, but you can buy it almost everywhere.

What is “liquid smoke” and how to prepare it yourself - this will be discussed in our article today.

The cooled walls of the glass condense all harmful heavy volatile organic compounds onto themselves, purifying the bulk of the smoke. Purified smoke either poured into some container, or simply applied to the desired product.

The main thing in preparing liquid smoke is safety. In addition, although the first two methods are quite simple, the latter is harmful to health and can cause cancer. So it’s not all that simple, and you have to pay for the pleasure of eating smoked meats.

The resulting liquid smoke is, on the one hand, a cheap substitute for real smoking, which takes little time to prepare. The carcinogens and resins present in it are relatively safe for humans due to their low concentration.

On the other hand, it is criminal to discount the negligence with which manufacturers approach the creation and sale of liquid smoke. The imperfection of the law that regulates the content of carcinogens in this flavor has led to the widespread spread of counterfeits and harmful products.

So, you need to be extremely careful when purchasing or preparing liquid smoke in any form, otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming.

How to smoke lard (using liquid smoke)

You can smoke food not only with natural smoke. It’s easier, more economical and safer for health to do this using a special one.

Liquid smoke and its benefits

Like regular smoke, liquid smoke increases the shelf life of foods and imparts smoky flavor, color, and aroma. However, it has one undeniable advantage - unlike natural smoke, it does not contain benzopyrene and other carcinogenic substances that can cause cancer.

The use of liquid smoke allows you to regulate the degree and intensity of smoking of products, ensuring their stable quality.

Cold smoked lard

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, dissolve 4 tablespoons of kitchen salt in it, and then add one handful of onion peels. The husk must be present; it will give the finished product a yellowish-golden color.

After boiling the saline solution with the husks, let it simmer for 5-6 minutes, then remove from the heat.

Cut one kilogram into large pieces and place them in a spacious enamel pan so that there is a gap of about half a centimeter between the pieces.

Add 6 tablespoons of liquid smoke to the hot brine, stir and pour the lard over it until it is completely covered with the solution.

Place the pan on the fire. After bringing the brine to a boil, reduce the heat to as low as possible and simmer for half an hour. Remove the pan from the heat and place it in a cool place for 12-14 hours.

After the specified time has passed, remove the lard from the solution, wipe dry with napkins or dry in a draft. All that remains is to thoroughly rub each piece on all sides with red ground pepper and garlic gruel. Smoked lard is ready!

Smoking fish with liquid smoke

Wash fish intended for smoking thoroughly, clean and gut it.

Cut it into two parts along the vertebral ridge, or cut it from the inside along the ridge so that the two halves remain connected only by the spinal fin.

You can also make cuts from the inside of the carcass, this way the fish will be better saturated with brine. Small fish does not need to be gutted, just wash it thoroughly in running water.

Place the fish tightly in a plastic or enamel container, fill it with brine prepared from 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar, and then place under pressure in a cool place for 24 hours.

After a day, remove the fish from the brine, rinse with water and hang to dry for 2-3 hours.

Mix 5 tablespoons of liquid smoke with 1 liter of water and dip the salted fish into the prepared solution. For large fish, the residence time in the flavoring is 2-3 minutes, for small fish - 1 minute, and for a fish divided in two, 20 seconds is enough.

Hanging the fish by the tail, let it dry for 24 hours. After the specified time has passed, you can begin taking the sample.

Enjoy your meal!

Liquid smoke is an aqueous extract obtained from the incomplete combustion of wood. With it you can get a product taste similar to smoking. Liquid smoke can be used in concentrated form or diluted for all types of dishes. Manufacturers of deli meats, sausages, and smoked products have long switched to this method. You can get flavorful meat just as good as barbecue; you can season the soup at home.

With the help of liquid smoke, you can diversify your table and give ordinary dishes a new taste and aroma. It will also simplify the process of smoking lard, meat, and fish.

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How to use “Liquid Smoke” - detailed instructions

Quite often you can find a bottle in the store with the curious name “Liquid Smoke”. Not all people know what it is and what it can be used for. If curiosity gets the better of you or you get your hands on one of the bottles of liquid smoke, then it’s time to take a closer look at this flavor. It is with this that light smoking of any product occurs, since liquid smoke replaces the real smoke that can be obtained from a lit fire. Any piece of meat acquires an exquisite smoky flavor, and to prepare such a dish you do not need to go out into nature or light a fire in the yard. This will greatly simplify life for lovers of meat or fish fried over a fire, since liquid smoke will give them the opportunity to enjoy the delicacy at any time.

Liquid smoke is very easy to use, and anyone can handle it. Usually, instructions are written on the label of the bottle, which must be read before using the flavor. As a rule, to get a dish with a smoky flavor, you just need to add a few drops from a container of liquid smoke, for example, to a marinade, and then fry the meat. The result is a delicious kebab that is difficult to distinguish from the one cooked over a fire.

It can also be used for cooking herring, mackerel and any other fish. If you want to get delicious smoked pieces without spending extra time and effort on it, then liquid smoke will be an excellent option. You just need to add it to the fish so that within a few minutes it acquires a smoky taste. Everything is extremely simple, and most importantly, you don’t have to spend money on a smokehouse.

As you can already understand, smoking with liquid smoke is popular both among sausage and meat producers, and among ordinary people at home. Everything is extremely simple. You will need to take, for example, a whole raw chicken. It must be rubbed with salt, spices, garlic and other products that are usually used for this dish. Of course, the recipe already turns out delicious, but you can make it more original and appetizing by using sauce with liquid smoke.

For this you will need:

All this must be mixed and rubbed into the chicken. You can let it sit for about 30 minutes before putting it in the oven. After about an hour, it will be ready, and it will taste as if it had just come from the fire. By the way, a similar recipe with liquid smoke can be used to cook any other meat at home. Smoking will be felt in every juicy piece.

Smoke can also be used for lard, if you are tired of just salting it and want to try something new. It is important to properly prepare the brine, in which you need to take 6 tbsp per liter of water. spoons containing liquid smoke. You should also put salt, spices, and bay leaves there. The lard should be boiled in this brine for about an hour, then dried and grated with pepper and garlic.

Many people love smoked fish, so you may need to make your own. If you don’t have a home smokehouse, then liquid smoke is a good option. After the fish is salted and dried, it must be placed in a container with liquid smoke. You need to leave the snack there for a few minutes, after which it needs to be hung in a cool place. As a last resort, you can spray liquid smoke on it using a spray bottle, if suddenly there is no special container.

Some people may be surprised to learn that liquid smoke is used not only for meat, but also for various soups. Smoking, the taste of which is quite unusual and pleasant, can be easily achieved using this flavoring agent. You just need to add a few drops to a pan of soup or borscht and then stir. Now it will seem that the recipe was prepared with some kind of smoked meat, and for this you will not need to specially buy meat. Liquid smoke is a beneficial alternative available to every person at home.

Of course, any smoked meats are very tasty, but they are not always healthy. Doctors do not recommend using them for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it can be dangerous to health. This is about general advice, and now you should understand specifically the properties of liquid smoke.

More detailed information about the benefits and harms of “Liquid Smoke” in this article!

It, like any substance, has its positive and negative sides. Speaking of benefits, it should be mentioned that this flavoring makes food tasty and allows for quick and easy smoking. This is really good for people who don't want to spend a lot of time preparing delicacies. As for the composition, this smoke contains much less tar, resins and carcinogens than regular smoke. This undoubtedly makes the dish less harmful than if it were cooked over a real fire.

With such positive properties, we should not forget that liquid smoke still contains carcinogens. That is why it is highly not recommended to increase the established dosage, otherwise the resulting dish may adversely affect human health. Otherwise, there is no particular harm from liquid smoke, so there is no reason to worry that it will cause poisoning or cause a dangerous disease. If you do everything as indicated in the recipes, nothing like this will happen.

Liquid smoke can be safely used at home, as it is practically harmless, and dishes with it have an exquisite smoky taste. Having purchased a bottle of this substance, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the method of its use. It is important and necessary to follow the indicated dosages so as not to spoil the meat and not make the recipe harmful. What exactly to cook with the addition of flavoring - each person can decide for himself. There are quite a few options, and each of them is interesting, so you can safely experiment by changing the ingredients.

What can you do with liquid smoke? Cooking recipes and cooking tips

Making fires and having picnics in the middle of a metropolis is not an easy task, since it is prohibited to do this in parks, and in other places it is simply impossible, there is asphalt and concrete all around. Therefore, city dwellers have to be resourceful in order to make the kebabs fragrant, as if they had just been thoroughly fried over a fire, and add special smoking substances and flavorings, or, more simply, liquid smoke. Let's look at what you can do with liquid smoke at home.

What does liquid smoke consist of?

Liquid smoke is used not only to make the kebab fragrant, but also for smoking fish and meat products. Often, having bought cold or hot smoked mackerel in a store, you can see an inscription on the packaging that the product is prepared without or with artificial flavors and additives. This means that the fish was smoked with or without liquid smoke, as required by the recipe.

Liquid smoke allows you to achieve high consumer results. Due to its price and the excellent taste it imparts to products, this natural flavoring is increasingly used on an industrial scale.

A dietary supplement called liquid smoke obtained by burning wood, after which the resulting product is subjected to filtration. Thorough cleansing is necessary to prevent contamination of food with health hazards. carcinogens.

Recently, in the preparation of this seasoning, carbonyl chemicals and dyes are increasingly used. They do this to prevent the same harmful carcinogens and resins that are formed during natural combustion from entering the human body.

Available in the form of a dry powder, an aqueous solution (sprays and aerosols), alcohol-based or oil-based.

Components included in liquid smoke:

  • water from 15 - 90%;
  • phenols from 0.2 to 3%;
  • acids from 3 to 10%;
  • carbonyl compounds from 2.5 to 5%.

Disputes about the benefits and harms of using liquid smoke to improve the taste of food have been going on between nutritionists and doctors for quite some time. The scales tip towards opponents of this method of preparing delicacies, since the studies that have been carried out have revealed that the substances included in its composition can cause acute allergic reactions.

Now, this issue has reached the borders of Europe. The Food Safety Agency has taken control of this production and conducts regular studies on the dangers of liquid smoke for living organisms.

With all this, many experts are inclined to believe that liquid smoke is less harmful than leaving food in a smokehouse for a long time.

How to identify a product prepared using liquid smoke

Doctors recommend reducing the amount of foods in your diet that were prepared using liquid smoke. But it is often difficult to distinguish such fish and meat delicacies from those prepared according to traditional recipes. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • Uneven color of meat or fish.
  • Very bright color, orange or golden.
  • Unnatural fade of the product.

Most often, small fish are treated with liquid smoke: capelin, mackerel; chicken and minced meat.

How to replace liquid smoke at home?

If you nevertheless decide to cook your favorite dishes, but do not have the energy and time to smoke the product for real, there are many recipes, which will help replace liquid smoke, but the result will be no worse than using it.

  1. Curry. To prepare, you will need a pack of mayonnaise, curry seasoning, soy sauce and garlic. All this is mixed and whipped until a mass similar to sour cream is obtained with 15% fat content. The result will be a spicy and sour marinade, similar in taste to liquid smoke. Meat or fish must be kept in this marinade for 3 hours, after which the product will become soft and juicy in taste.
  2. Tea and rice . Prepare rice, sugar, green and black tea in equal quantities. All this is mixed and wrapped in foil. Holes are pierced on the top of this package. When you fry meat or fish, place this structure down. Under the influence of temperature, the cooked mass will begin to ooze and evaporate aromatic odors, which will permeate your dish.
  3. Liquid smoke from a regular cigarette. What do you need? A pack of cigarettes, a glass and a refrigerator are at hand. Place the clean glass in the freezer to cool. Then any smoking person exhales cigarette smoke into the cooled glass. Harmful compounds settle on the walls of the chilled glass, and the remaining clean smoke is hidden in any airtight container. This method of producing liquid smoke is closest in composition to the one you can buy in a store, but it will also contain harmful resins, although in smaller quantities.

How to use store-bought liquid smoke?

What can you do with liquid smoke in its classic version? It's easy to use and any adult can do it. To begin with, it would be a good idea to read the instructions on the bottle of seasoning.

To prepare one whole smoked chicken you will need:

Let's start cooking:

  1. The chicken carcass must be washed with warm water and the remaining feathers that sometimes remain after processing must be removed.
  2. After mixing everything you have prepared: salt, liquid smoke, mayonnaise and garlic, which must be passed through a garlic press, you need to rub the chicken well with the resulting sauce.
  3. Keep the carcass in this solution for about 3 hours, no more, otherwise the meat will become very soft and acquire a strong flavor of seasonings.

In order to smoke fish At home, using liquid smoke, you will need to take either a whole carcass without a head, or its individual pieces without bones. For one kilogram of fish you will need 40 - 50 grams. liquid smoke:

  1. Mix salt, pepper, liquid smoke and soak the fish in this brine.
  2. Put her under pressure. In this form, it should be smoked for about 3 - 4 days, this will depend on the size of the carcass.
  3. When the fish has been salted, it must be removed from the brine and dried; this is best done by hanging it for 11 - 12 hours.

In this article, we looked in detail at what can be done with liquid smoke to make delicious smoked chicken, fish or other delicacies.

Video recipe: cooking from liquid smoke

In this article, chef Kirill Pozdnyakov will tell and show what can be prepared from liquid smoke at home, how to make delicious smoked mackerel without extra effort:

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