So that the persimmon becomes soft and does not knit. Why do persimmons make your mouth stick? Getting rid of the viscosity of persimmons

Persimmon is a healthy fruit, but many people find it unpleasant to eat because it makes their mouth sticky. Why is this happening? Is it possible to do something to eliminate this property of the fetus? From this article, readers will learn the reasons why persimmons are astringent, and will also learn how to get rid of the viscosity of fruit pulp and choose varieties that do not astringency.

Why does persimmon make your mouth gag??

Those who value persimmon for its beneficial properties complain that it is unpleasant to eat. Having bitten off a piece of orange pulp, your tongue and lips seem to be frozen. Some people have difficulty swallowing. Why does this happen?

It's all about the composition of the fruit. All varieties of persimmon contain tannin, a tannin. Some varieties have more of it, others have less. There is especially a lot of tannin in unripe fruits, so if you do not like the unpleasant sensations that accompany the process of eating fruit, then choose the fruits carefully when purchasing.

Tannin, when it comes into contact with the oral mucosa, coagulates, creating a viscous coating on the tongue. In addition, this substance helps to reduce the intensity of the salivary glands and narrow the capillaries. This explains the astringent property of persimmon.

How to choose sweet and ripe persimmons?

To make the fruit pleasant to eat, you need to learn how to choose ripe specimens on store shelves. Typically, buyers give preference to fruits that look good; they are dense, elastic, and evenly colored. However, in the case of this exotic, the listed qualities indicate that it is not ripe. What criteria should you follow when choosing ripe persimmons:

1. The fruits should be moderately soft.

2. With characteristic brown inclusions.

3. Unattractive in appearance.

Ripe fruits are difficult to transport; they crumple, burst from juice and leak. This is why unripe fruits predominate in stores. But what to do if you still purchased viscous persimmon?

What can I do to prevent persimmons from gnawing in my mouth? How to get rid of viscosity?

Natural ripening

The easiest way to deprive the fruit of a large amount of tannin is to let it sit in a warm place for several days. Do not rush to eat the purchased fruits right away, but put them in the room. Let maturity come naturally. After just a couple of days, you will find that the fruits have become a little softer and have acquired a richer skin tone. Darkening, brown dots and spots will appear on it. At this time, the taste of the fruit will already improve, you can safely try it.

Ripening in a bag

Place the persimmons in a plastic bag along with the bananas. Under the influence of the vapors emitted by bananas, persimmons will ripen faster. It is enough to keep the fruits in the bag for about a day until they become suitable for consumption.

Heat treatment

Under the influence of high temperature, tannin begins to break down and form glucose compounds. If you don't have time to wait for the fruits to ripen on the windowsill, place them in a bowl of hot water. When it cools down, refill the container. It will take about an hour for the fruit to become edible. When tasting, you will notice changes - the pulp will become softer, sweeter, and the viscosity will go away.


Another way to reduce the viscosity of persimmons is freezing. Place it in the freezer for a few hours, then remove it and let it thaw at room temperature. After this procedure, there will be almost no tannins left in the fruits, and the pulp will become much softer and a little sweeter. This method has a drawback - after freezing, persimmons lose some of their beneficial substances.

How to get rid of an astringent feeling in your mouth?

Some people react so strongly to the presence of astringent plaque in their mouth that they cannot swallow. What to do in this case?

1. Rinse your mouth with lightly salted water and spit.
2. Rinse your mouth with soda solution.
3. Using a spoon, carefully remove the plaque that has formed on the tongue.

Which varieties are not mouth-watering?

If you haven't managed to learn how to choose ripe and sweet fruits with low tannin content, then please note that there are many varieties that do not stick to your mouth. Let's look at them:

1. King. This variety is difficult to confuse with any other. The fruit has a characteristic brown color, and on its skin on the opposite side of the stalk there are rough, rough rings.

2. Sharon is a hybrid variety obtained by crossing persimmon with an apple. It looks like a tomato, the shape of the fruit is regular, round, and the color is bright orange.

3. Royal - this variety has excellent taste, many speak of it with delight. The fruits are cone-shaped, moderately soft and very sweet.


No matter how much you love persimmons, if you have digestive problems, it is better to give it up. The astringent properties slow down the digestion of food, because after eating the fruit, the same coating forms in the stomach as on the tongue. It is forbidden to eat these fruits after surgery. Diabetics should also exclude exotics from their menu. And this warning applies to all people - the viscous fruit should not be consumed with milk, nor should you drink cold water after it.

We found out why persimmon astringents the oral cavity - it’s all about the tannins that it contains in abundance. However, you now know how to reduce the viscosity of the fruit. Use one of the tips or purchase varieties that are low in tannin.

Persimmon is a very tasty fruit, but it often disappoints customers with its tartness instead of sweetness. The secret of this “astringent” property is quite understandable, because persimmon berries are full of tannic acid.

The tannic acid in persimmons is called "tannin." It is she who begins to coagulate at the slightest contact with the mucous membrane in the mouth. As a result, unpleasant sensations appear and the persimmon loses all sweetness.

In addition, the same tannin “blocks” the secretion of saliva, narrowing the capillaries. Because of this, some (especially tart) fruits are simply impossible to eat. You need to know that if the persimmon is too sticky, it means you simply chose the wrong fruit (underripe).

Why are persimmons tart? Why can persimmons “knit” your mouth?

The sweetness and pleasant taste of persimmon is always your right choice of fruit.

Four “secrets” for choosing delicious persimmons:

  • Good view. A ripe berry will always be bright, orange, without dark spots or dents. It will have a soft “side” (if you choose Sharon, this rule does not work).
  • Dry petiole. The stalk of each berry should be dry and in no case green. A brown and hard stalk is a sign of a ripe and sweet fruit.
  • Popular variety. You can ask the seller himself about what kind of persimmon you are buying. Agree, it is not profitable for anyone to carry bitter and tart persimmons that no one will buy. The most popular varieties are kinglet and sharon.
  • Thin peel. It should be without any damage, scratches or cracks. If there are any, it means your fruit is overripe. “Good” persimmons have thin and glossy skin.

How to choose and buy the “right” persimmon?

How and what to do to prevent persimmon from gagging: tips

Even if you bought an unripe fruit or an unsuccessful variety of persimmon, there are always ways to “improve” their taste.

Some tips:

  • Freezing. This is the easiest way to remove the astringency from the pulp and restore the sweetness of the fruit. To do this, put the berries in the freezer and leave for several hours. Eat the fruit cold, so that it tastes like sherbet.
  • Warm water. This is also another “express” way to bring persimmons to maturity. Heat the water to 30-40 degrees and keep the fruits in it. You should regularly bring the water to the desired temperature. After a while, the astringency will go away and you will be able to taste the sweetness.
  • Ripening. Some vegetables and fruits have a special substance in their stalks that is released and allows the fruits to ripen. Simply place persimmons in the same box or bag with tomatoes, bananas or apples. In this state, the persimmon should lie for up to 10 hours.
  • Prepare the persimmons. During heat treatment, it will lose its tart qualities. You can cook jelly or compote, make soufflé or jam, preserves, marmalade.

Ways to “ripen” persimmons

How to eat persimmons without making your mouth gag?

There is no way you can remove tannin from persimmons, but you can completely hide it. To do this, you need to somehow use persimmons in cooking. The best way is to make jam by adding sugar. If you are not used to bothering, the following methods can help you:

  • Pour lemon juice over the sliced ​​persimmons. This will not take away the astringency, but will hide it with “sourness”.
  • Sprinkle the persimmons with sugar. This is not a radical way to hide the unpleasant taste of persimmon, but it is an opportunity to hide them a little.
  • Dry or wilt. However, it should only be eaten in a dry state, since the “viscosity” will return when soaked.

How to freeze persimmons so they don't gag?


  • Take a persimmon
  • Wash it thoroughly under the tap
  • Dry
  • Place the fruit in a plastic bag
  • Place in the freezer
  • Keep for 4-5 hours
  • Eat immediately, without waiting for the persimmon to begin to melt

How to make persimmon non-astringent quickly?

There is another way to quickly return persimmon to maturity. To do this, pierce it several times with a needle (disinfect it with alcohol in advance) on all sides and leave it at room temperature for several hours.

Which persimmon is healthier, which is astringent or not?

Of course, sweet persimmons, which do not “knit”, have greater benefits. It will not cause constipation, since it contains less pectin. Despite its taste, persimmon of any variety is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Persimmon wren: knitting or not?

Korolek is a variety of persimmon that does not have astringent properties at all. The king has jelly orange pulp, which as it ripens can darken, reaching brown. The darker the flesh of the king, the sweeter it is.

What to do with astringent persimmon?

You can also make tasty and sweet jam from tart, “astringent” persimmons. To do this, add sugar to taste and a little lemon juice to the berry mass. You don’t need to cook persimmon jam or marmalade for a long time; a five-minute recipe is quite suitable.

Video: “What are the benefits of persimmon?”

Those people who often buy persimmons have probably noticed that very often after eating it there is an astringent feeling in the mouth. Such people will be interested to know why persimmons make their mouths stick and whether it can be somehow corrected. After all, the beneficial properties of persimmon are quite great, and it is worth eating.

Why do persimmons make your mouth stick?

Before finding out why persimmons are astringent, it should be noted that the astringent properties of persimmons appear only in unripe berries. In ripe persimmon fruits, the astringent properties disappear. This is why the kinglet variety of persimmon is so valued. This persimmon is chocolate-colored and doesn’t initially make the mouth sore.
Now let’s find out why persimmons make your mouth stick. The fact is that unripe persimmons contain special substances - tannins. It is tannin, or in other words, tannic acid, that is responsible for the viscosity of unripe persimmons.
The viscosity of persimmon is manifested when tannins come into contact with elements of the body (protoplasm of cells, mucous membranes, everything that contains a protein structure) and protein coagulation occurs. It is the coagulation of proteins that gives that astringent sensation in the mouth that we experience when tasting unripe persimmons.
In addition, tannins also affect blood vessels, causing them to narrow slightly. The glands reduce the secretion of substances. There is some numbness, a kind of natural anesthesia.
Although tannins are anti-inflammatory substances, they can be harmful to the body. This is expressed in the fact that persimmon makes the tongue a little numb and moves worse, the glands of the gastrointestinal tract work worse, and the motility of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) weakens a little.
It seems that in connection with all of the above, it is better to avoid eating persimmons. But, despite some harm of persimmon, it can bring great benefits to the body. Moreover, during the process of persimmon ripening, tannins disintegrate and no longer have their harmful effect on the body. You just need to help the persimmon ripen.

Helping persimmons ripen

The ripening of persimmons can be achieved by some artificial methods.
Method No. 1. Simplest.
If you get an unripe, astringent persimmon, just let it sit for 1-2 weeks. During this period, it will ripen and lose most of its harmful properties.
Method No. 2. Simpler and faster.
Place the persimmons in the freezer for 12 hours. After it is thawed, the persimmon will lose its viscosity. Unfortunately, frozen persimmons become soft and not as tasty.
Method No. 3. Fast, slightly more complex.
If you pierce the persimmon with a knife in several places and then pour hot water (not boiling water!) for 12 hours, this will also sharply reduce the presence of tannins in the persimmon. In addition, it will not become as soft as after freezing.
Method No. 4. Original.
For a day, place the persimmons in a regular plastic bag along with ripe bananas. So many persimmons, so many bananas. Tie and leave together for a day. After this, you can eat persimmons, they will quickly ripen from such proximity, all the beneficial properties of persimmons (Be sure to read about them in the article

Quite a lot of people, having tried persimmon once, decide to give up this sweet and very healthy fruit forever. The reason for this is the astringent sensation in the mouth that occurs after eating.

It is worth saying that only unripe fruits have such properties, which are very often found on sale in regions where this crop does not grow due to climatic conditions. If you come to the south and try ripe and juicy persimmons, you will be surprised at how tasty and aromatic this fruit is.

Why do persimmons make your mouth stick?

During the ripening process, this fruit contains a large amount of tannin, called tannin. When the latter enters the human oral cavity, it causes the coagulation of the protein contained in the mucous membrane, which is why such unpleasant sensations appear. In addition, tannin also affects blood vessels, narrowing them and provoking a kind of natural anesthesia. At the end of ripening, the tannin completely disintegrates and only then can you fully enjoy the taste and beneficial properties of persimmon.

What to do with unripe persimmons

The only way to prevent the astringent effect is to provoke artificial ripening of the fruit. Depending on the condition of the fruit, this may take up to two weeks, and therefore if you need to serve the delicacy to the table within a few days, it is best to choose the softest fruits when purchasing. Do not pay much attention to their unpleasant appearance, dents and cracks indicate the ripeness of the fruit, and to give them an appetizing appearance, just cut into slices before serving, removing the ugly peel.

Video. How to get rid of the astringent properties of persimmons

The longest, but easiest way to bring persimmons to full ripening is to place them in a sunny and well-ventilated place. Each fruit should lie separately and not come into contact with the others, so as not to impede ventilation, which prevents rotting. Every day the fruits are turned in different directions for uniform ripening.

If the astringent properties need to be removed quickly, you can put the persimmon in the freezer or in hot water (no more than 80 degrees, since boiling water, on the contrary, will provoke an increase in astringent properties) for about twelve hours. This will remove tannin from the fruit, but will slightly degrade the taste.

In the case when you have a lot of unripe fruits, you can simply dry persimmons, thereby obtaining an excellent healthy delicacy, which, among other things, can be stored all winter.

There are many fans of the bright orange oriental fruit called persimmon. They look forward to its appearance on the shelves in winter and choose it with passion so that the fruit is juicy, soft, with delicate skin. The fact is that unripe persimmons are astringent, and ripe fruits sometimes leave a slight tart aftertaste. But don't worry about this. There are different ways to rid a healthy fruit of such an unpleasant property.

Unripe persimmons contain tannins (tannic acids), which have the ability to bind the mouth. Tannins with astringent properties, when in contact with the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, cause coagulation of protein structures. In this reaction lies the answer to the question why persimmons knit.

Although tannins are anti-inflammatory substances, in large quantities (and persimmon contains quite a lot of them) they cause unexpected reactions:

  • constrict blood vessels;
  • reduce the secretion of the salivary glands, causing slight numbness;
  • reduce gastrointestinal motility.

So it not only has the property of tying the mouth, but also causes numbness of the tongue, which makes it worse to move. It can disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract, causing intestinal colic and upset. Become one of the causes of respiratory tract spasm due to the presence of fiber fibers with strong tanning properties. Ripe fruit does not have such a negative effect on the body.

In Israel, breeders have created a variety of persimmon that does not have astringent properties. They crossed persimmons with apples and developed the seedless Sharon variety, which today is considered the best and most expensive.

How to make persimmon non-astringent

There are different options for making persimmons sweet, from simple to the most amazing. Using artificial methods, you can achieve ripeness of the orange fruit in a very short time. If persimmons are astringent and you want to eat them quickly, then there is a simple method: you need to pierce the fruit with a needle in several places, leave it at room temperature for several hours and feel free to use it as a dessert.

Freezing and heat treatment

Tart persimmons stop gnawing at the mouth if they are frozen. This is done simply:

  • rinse and dry the fruits;
  • wrap in a plastic bag and place in the freezer;
  • keep for 5-12 hours.

Persimmons do not knit after freezing; they become soft, but become rather tasteless, so it is better to eat them frozen. In this form, the fruit looks a little like sherbet.

The feeling of viscosity also disappears during heat treatment. To do this, the peel is pierced in several places and filled with hot water, the temperature of which must be maintained by adding new portions of liquid. After a few hours, the persimmon stops knitting and becomes soft and sweet.

Various desserts are prepared from the “orange apple” by exposing it to temperatures. At the same time, the amount of tannins is significantly reduced, the persimmon becomes not just tasty, but very tasty. To do this, just cook and taste compote or jelly, prepare soufflé or jam, make preserves or marmalade.

When purchasing, choose ripe fruits that are suitable for consumption. They have thin skin, dark orange color, and a dry stalk. The flesh should be brown when cut.


Hard, yellow, unripe persimmons sting my mouth, what should I do? She needs to lie at home for two weeks so that she is ready to eat. The fruits are packed in a box or box and forgotten about them for a while. Sometimes orange fruits are specially bought unripe, and then ripen for some holiday or the arrival of guests.

Persimmon stops knitting if it lies for some time (about 10 hours) with, or tomatoes in one closed box. These fruits secrete substances that cause the fruit to ripen quickly. You can pack persimmons and bananas in equal quantities in a bag and let them sit for a day. This is enough to get rid of viscosity in the mouth.

How to eat persimmons without them gagging

To prevent persimmons from gnawing, it is not necessary to remove tannins; they can be hidden by adding additional food ingredients to the fruit slices or whole fruit:

  • sliced ​​fruit is poured with lemon juice, and the acid covers the astringency;
  • the slices are sprinkled with sugar, which makes the fruit even sweeter, and it stops knitting like that;
  • the pieces are dried or dried, turning them into candied fruits.

Dry in the sun, in the open air, or use an electric dryer for these purposes. When dried, the fruit tastes similar to. The dried product becomes sweeter and it is in this form that it is most often consumed in eastern countries.

The fruit is considered a valuable culinary acquisition due to the presence of pectins, which can gel. Jams, jellies, jams acquire a honey color, viscousness and softness. The only drawback is excessive sweetness, so add lemon juice when cooking if desired. Replace sugar by using it as a sweetener in muesli, fruit salads, and puddings.

From the pulp, cleared of seeds and skins, dough is prepared and muffins, cheesecakes, and pancakes are baked, which gives traditional dishes a special taste and aroma.

Which persimmon is healthier? Which one is astringent or not?

The astringent properties of persimmon make it not only unsuitable for consumption, but also capable of harming health due to the high content of tannins. There are much fewer useful substances in it than in ripe fruits, so it makes no sense to talk about the positive effect of unripe fruits on the body.

The ripe, sunny fruit has medicinal properties:

  1. Helps resist the development of tumors by stopping the growth of modified cells. This is due to the presence of beta-carotene (provitamin A), which prevents the oxidation of free radicals.
  2. Ripe fruit improves the functioning of the digestive tract due to the presence of pectin and fiber. There is a gentle cleansing of the intestines and removal of decay products. Its choleretic properties are also known.
  3. Strengthens the nervous system, lifting your mood and improving your emotional background.
  4. Thanks to the presence of potassium, it helps in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Controls kidney function, and the magnesium in the composition prevents the formation of stones. Has a diuretic effect.
  6. Helps with anemia, as it participates in hematopoietic processes due to its high iron content.

The fruit is also valued for its tannin content. In high concentrations they are harmful, but in moderate concentrations they bring certain benefits:

  • stop bleeding;
  • slow down the growth of microbial colonies;
  • raise general tone;
  • act as an antidote;
  • inhibit inflammatory processes.
The beneficial properties of persimmons are not limited to this. During a cold, the juice is used to gargle, the vitamin E in the composition is important for vision, and the dried and ground seeds are used as a kind of coffee drink.

The orange fruit is recommended for people with a weak or problematic digestive system, as well as after operations on the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with diabetes will not be able to taste the sweet taste of persimmons. Other people who want it and who love the oriental product enjoy its sweet taste without any health consequences.

Unripe persimmons are sticky, but now we know how to solve this problem. Using any methods you like, you can easily neutralize tannins and eat the bright fruit both fresh and as a dessert - in the form of candied fruits or jam, momentarily transporting yourself in your dreams to sultry eastern countries.

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