What to do if the persimmon knits hard. Why do persimmons make your mouth stick?

People who love persimmons know that when eating them, there is an astringent taste in the mouth. Why does persimmon knit and how to fix it?

Before finding out why persimmons knit, it is worth noting that such properties appear only in unripe fruits. In adults they disappear. This is why the “Korolek” variety of persimmon is highly valued. It is initially sweeter.

Why does persimmon knit? The fact is that unripe fruits contain special substances - tannins. It is they, or in other words, tannic acid, that are responsible for the specific taste of unripe fruits.

It begins to appear when tannins act on our taste organs (mucous membranes and everything that contains a protein structure), when protein coagulation occurs. It is their coagulation that gives that unpleasant astringent feeling in the mouth.

Tannins also affect blood vessels, causing them to narrow. The glands begin to reduce the secretion of substances. There is a slight numbness, which is considered a kind of natural anesthesia.

Persimmon knits: what to do?

Fruit ripening can be accelerated by several artificial methods.

  1. If you bought unripe, astringent persimmons, let them sit for about a week. During this time, it will ripen and lose a significant part of its harmful properties.
  2. Place the astringent persimmon in the freezer for about 12 hours. After you defrost it, the pulp will lose its specific taste. Unfortunately, frozen fruit becomes soft and not as tasty.
  3. If you pierce the persimmon with a knife in several places at once, and then pour hot water (but not boiling water!) for 12 hours, this will sharply reduce the presence of tannins. In addition, it will not be as soft as after freezing it.
  4. Place the persimmons in a plastic bag along with the yellow bananas for about a day. As many persimmons as you have, add as many bananas. The fruits will ripen quickly and lose their astringent taste, but will retain all their beneficial properties.

Persimmon dishes: recipes

Persimmon and banana soft ice cream


  1. Fresh lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  2. Mint leaves (for garnish)
  3. Ground cinnamon
  4. Bananas - 1 pc.
  5. Persimmon - 4 pcs.


  • Peel the banana and cut into small pieces. Place in the freezer for 3 hours. Wash the persimmons and dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut off the top of the persimmon along with the stalk, then carefully scrape out the pulp with a teaspoon. Place the persimmon pulp and frozen banana into a container and add lemon juice. Beat everything with a blender until smooth. Fill persimmon cups with ice cream, lightly sprinkle with cinnamon and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Persimmon Pie


  1. Persimmon - 4 pcs.
  2. Sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.
  3. Granulated sugar - 125 g
  4. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  5. Flour - 175 g
  6. Baking soda or baking powder - 1 tsp.
  7. Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.
  8. Soft butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  9. Nuts (any) - 100 g


  • Wash the persimmon, separate the stalk, select the seeds (if any) and blend with a blender until smooth.
  • Add sour cream, sugar, eggs, baking powder, cinnamon, soft butter, crushed nuts and flour to the puree. Whisk everything.
  • Grease the mold with unscented butter or vegetable oil, pour the dough into it and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
  • Cool the finished pie, cut into pieces, and sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

Why can't you eat a lot of persimmons?

The harm from persimmon is precisely due to its astringent properties.

Despite the fact that tannins—tannins—contained in unripe fruits have anti-inflammatory properties, they can also cause harm to the body. This is expressed in the fact that persimmon makes the tongue slightly numb, the glands of the gastrointestinal tract begin to work worse, and peristalsis weakens.

People suffering from chronic gastritis with high acidity should not eat persimmon.

It is also contraindicated for those who have an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines. Constipation may occur due to consumption of persimmon in large quantities.

Persimmon is contraindicated for children because their gastrointestinal tract is too weak, and when tannin and tannins end up in the stomach, indigestion and severe abdominal pain appear.

Children can be given one sweet persimmon fruit per day.

Many people love persimmon: both adults and children. This fruit is healthy, but its use has some peculiarities. Due to the high tannin content in the fruit pulp, it sometimes becomes astringent. You can get rid of this by using methods for quickly ripening persimmons. Please note that this fruit is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract!

Is it possible to love persimmon? The bright orange fruits are inviting. But, if chosen incorrectly, it will have an astringent effect in the mouth.

Even in ancient times it was compared to honey. Modern scientists have been able to determine why persimmons make their mouths stick, and have come up with how to make it non-knitting.

How to choose the right one?

But residents living in southern latitudes have long known how to make persimmons non-astringent. Better of course immediately choose such a fruit so that it does not cause unpleasant sensations in the mouth.

But, if you come across persimmons with astringent properties, do not despair. By bringing home such fruits, you can improve their taste at home.

The fruit has a viscous substance, which is directly related to its beneficial qualities.

A long time ago, people noticed that the crowns of these trees were chosen by birds, as if they knew that the fruits of the tree would help them from ailments. Really, persimmon cures many diseases:

— hypertension, cardiovascular system and various heart diseases (fruits are rich in magnesium and potassium);
- anemia (this fruit contains a lot of iron for hematopoiesis);
— kidney stones (magnesium has enhanced diuretic properties);
- diarrhea (hard fiber helps normalize digestion, but its consumption in excess can lead to the formation of obstruction and stones);
— infections (the fetus can act as a strong bactericidal source);
- liver disease, since persimmon contains a lot of fiber, which helps cleanse the body, and the berry also has a choleretic property.

In addition, persimmon treats many other diseases, since it contains many different acids of organic origin, including malic, ascorbic and citric. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene and minerals. Persimmon promotes weight loss, despite the large amount of sugar in it.

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This fruit is valuable because of what it contains lots of tannins– these are substances that are endowed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Tannin gives the berry viscosity and astringency, which helps in the fight against tumors, inhibits the development of microorganisms that cause pain in human tissues, stops bleeding, tones the body, and can even play the role of an antidote.

How to use it correctly?

Not every persimmon causes an astringent sensation in the mouth. Among its many varieties there are also sweet, non-astringent varieties. In addition, both sweet and tart fruits can be harvested from the same tree. How to choose a persimmon that does not knit?

The “Korolek” variety of persimmon begins to be sold in late autumn and ripens together with astringent persimmon on the same trees. Only some of the flowers on them were pollinated by insects, while others were not pollinated at all. The tart fruits develop from the last flowers.

Breeders from Israel brought different variety, crossing our heroine with an apple, and named “Sharon”. The fruits have thin skin, less tannins, the pulp is sweet and does not cause an astringent sensation in the mouth, and they do not have seeds.

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The most common varieties are Caucasian variety and oriental. The riper it is, the less tannin it contains. When eating unripe fruit, persimmon is very astringent, and intestinal colic and upset may occur. What to do to prevent persimmons from knitting?

To choose the right product, choose the Sharon variety, although it is expensive.

You can wait until persimmons ripen in the Caucasus. It is bought no earlier than the onset of winter, and even better, it should be bought after the New Year holidays, when all the astringency of the fruit will be lost.

But even then, choose only soft, dark orange fruits with very thin skin and a darkened, completely dry stalk.

Unfortunately, you cannot try persimmons before you buy them.

So that the persimmon does not gag

The astringent properties of tannin have anesthetic effect in the oral cavity, therefore, we do not taste sweetness. In ripe berries, tannins are partially destroyed.

Therefore, unripe fruits should be postponed for 2-3 weeks. During this period they will ripen and become sweet. To speed up the neutralization of the binder, you can put the persimmon in the freezer for a day. Once defrosted, it will become surprisingly sweet.

If you cannot place persimmons in the frost, then you need to pierce unripe fruit in several places and immerse in warm water (50-60 degrees). After a day, the product will lose its astringent taste.

It is known that ripe fruits and vegetables actively emit gases which affect nearby fruits. Therefore, if you place unripe persimmons together with ripe bananas or apples in a closed paper bag, then after a day you can eat them with pleasure.

There is no need to be afraid if you overcook the fruit. Overripe specimens are also suitable for eating. But is it possible to eat astringent persimmon? In unripe and astringent berries, the hard fiber in the form of fibers has a strong tanning effect, which can cause spasm of the respiratory tract.

Such a persimmon prohibited for use those who have a weak digestive system, as well as people who have undergone surgery on its organs. Unfortunately, even people with diabetes cannot enjoy its taste. For everyone else, we simply recommend not to skip the season and buy any fruit, regardless of their variety. You now know what needs to be done to make persimmons tasty.

Late autumn... Dark orange fruits hang on a tree with completely bare branches, looking like water-filled balloons. The fruit falls to the ground, and all that remains is a wet spot. This is a persimmon, to the degree of ripeness that everyone who comes to the market dreams of.
It is surprising that with such a bright appearance, persimmon has neither its own aroma nor a pronounced taste.

How to choose non-astringent persimmon when purchasing

Trying to understand persimmon varieties and their characteristics is a thankless task. During the season, which begins in mid-October and lasts almost until the end of winter, the market will offer all sorts of persimmons: ox heart and tomato, honey and “shahinya”, fig and apple, honey and chocolate kinglets.

And until you put each variety of fruit in a row and take a sample from them, you will never remember how one differs from the other. Because all of them can turn out to be sweet, honey-like and tender, and astringent to one degree or another, even to the point of being completely inedible. It depends not on the variety, but on degree of maturity. The only exception is the kinglet: its fruits are not knitted at all, even when not ripe, since they contain almost no tannins. The “acorn and tomato” rule applies to any other persimmon. If you can remember that an acorn is bitter and a tomato is sweet, then never buy astringent persimmon.

Persimmon, which resembles an acorn in shape, loses tannins only after its pulp reaches an almost jelly-like consistency and literally glows under the thin skin. And the one that looks like a tomato, with flattened barrels and a flat bottom, will be sweet, even if its flesh is crunchy. But only on condition that the fruits have reached the required degree of maturity.

What to do to prevent persimmons from knitting

The good news is that persimmons always ripen after they are picked from the tree. In fact, even those fruits that are ready to burst at the slightest touch and cost twice as much as their stronger counterparts were taken from the branches almost green. So, if space in the kitchen allows, feel free to buy strong, but orange persimmons.

Method No. 1

To make persimmons non-astringent, place the unripe fruits in one row on the windowsill or under the sofa, and they will “arrive” in 7-14 days. The process will speed up significantly if you put the persimmons in paper bags or in a container with a tight-fitting lid along with an apple, pear or banana. When stored in a container (as well as in a plastic bag), mold may appear on the fruits, watch out for this! Another option is to drop rum or another strong alcoholic drink onto each leaf (in fact, this is what is left of the persimmon flower).

Method number 2

If you need to get a lot of perfectly ripe persimmons at the same time, wrap each fruit in three layers of cling film and place in an oven preheated to 50 ° C (the light on is enough) for 18-24 hours. Store ripe fruits at room temperature or in the “zero” zone of the refrigerator: at a temperature of +7-13 ° C, persimmons turn black.

Method number 3

There are also orange persimmons, and they are shaped like a tomato, but once you take a bite, it’s impossible to eat. To prevent persimmons from binding, put them in the freezer. Once it freezes completely, let it thaw and eat. The texture, of course, will not be the same, but sweetness will replace the viscosity. By the way, freezing is one of the ways to store persimmons. But why store it, it’s better to just eat it with pleasure while it’s in season.

Persimmon in cooking

Cut the soft persimmon in half and eat with a spoon, like a soft-boiled egg, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. The pulp of ripe persimmons is tender, sweet, soft, but not watery and therefore ideal for making frozen desserts. It is enough to beat the frozen pulp with cream or thick yogurt, flavor it with nut or anise liqueur, and soft ice cream is ready.

Ripe persimmon puree is an almost ready-made sauce for lean chicken or dessert, just season it with lemon juice and spices to taste: black pepper, paprika, fresh ginger, cinnamon, zest. Crispy, not cloyingly sweet persimmons are good in meat and fish salads.

Persimmons successfully replace pumpkin, mango or banana in recipes for chutneys, jams, muffins and puddings. Baked goods with persimmons may turn out unexpectedly dark brown due to the reaction of the persimmons and baking soda. Replace baking soda with baking powder and the pudding will turn a nice orange. And, just in case: do not try to soak dried persimmons, they may return to their former viscosity. Enjoy it like dried fruit!

Use persimmon pulp in recipes for muffins, quick breads, and cookies. Even if the persimmons aren't very ripe, baking soda will neutralize the tannins and thicken the pulp while leaving the batter loose. To get a denser dough, reduce the amount of baking soda by half.

When the time for summer seasonal fruits and berries passes, autumn-winter fruits appear on the shelves of stalls and shops, which include persimmon. It attracts attention with its bright, sunny orange color and the glossy shine of its skin. The article will talk about why persimmons make your mouth stick and how to make them sweeter.

For what reasons does persimmon stick in your mouth?

Persimmon is a favorite delicacy of most people, who value it for its juicy pulp and wonderful taste. But, probably, everyone at least once made a mistake with their choice and brought home a fruit that turned out to be unsuitable for eating due to the tart taste in the mouth. They usually say about such persimmons that they “knit your mouth” or “set your teeth on edge.”

The first reason why unpleasant taste sensations occur is the unripeness of the berry. Fully ripe persimmons will not set. The variety also affects the quality of taste; for example, the Korolek variety does not knit at any stage of ripening.

Persimmons contain a substance called tannin (tannic acid), which is responsible for the viscosity of this berry. Tannin is destroyed only after the persimmon is completely ripened. And it is precisely this that contains healing properties and brings invaluable benefits to humans:

  • has a strong antibacterial effect;
  • contains antioxidants;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • tones the body.

When choosing persimmons, it is better to choose the Sharon variety - the fruits are large in size and have a sweet, dense pulp. But it is better not to consume Caucasian “sunny” berries until the end of December - beginning of January. And even in the midst of winter, it doesn’t hurt to carefully and closely examine each berry before purchasing and pay attention to:

  • ripeness;
  • the thickness of the peel (the thinner it is, the tastier the persimmon will be) and its color, which ideally will be a rich orange hue;
  • type of stalk (dry and without leaves, dark in color).

What to do? We transform persimmons from astringent to sweet!

Yes, persimmon is like a lottery, until you take a bite you won’t know the taste. And this can be done no earlier than it gets from the store to the kitchen table. If it turns out that persimmons are very mouth-watering, you need to help the fruits acquire sweetness. There are already proven methods What necessary do in such cases:

1. Cold test. Persimmons are placed in the freezer overnight. In the morning you can take it out and let it melt. The persimmon will become sweet (they always do this themselves, and it really works).
2. The second method, on the contrary, is thermal. The persimmon needs to be pierced in several places and placed in fairly hot water (but not boiling water!). This will take 24 hours, but the viscosity will mostly (or even completely) disappear.
3. You can put persimmon with apples or bananas in one tightly closed bag in equal quantities. Leave to ripen at room temperature for a day and then enjoy the sweet berry.

There is no need to be afraid that the persimmon will become overripe; even in an overripe state, it is suitable for eating and completely harmless.

Persimmons are consumed not only in fresh, so to speak, raw form. Cooks often use it in their dishes, because the berry has a very sweet taste and a beautiful, appetizing color. Cooking has its own secrets on how to deprive persimmons of their astringency:

1. Dry the fruits in any convenient way. Persimmons, which have been dried, are no longer sticky in the mouth and taste just as good as dates.
2. Berries can be dried; this method of processing makes them taste more pleasant than fresh ones; they do not knit at all.
3. If you peel the persimmon, remove the seeds and use it as an addition to the dough, the baked goods will turn out beautifully colored, more aromatic and sweet. At the same time, under the influence of high temperature, the viscosity of the berry will disappear.

So, lovers of persimmon can now safely buy any type of this berry, because all the tricks for getting rid of its astringent taste have been revealed.

With the onset of cold weather, your favorite orange fruits appear on the shelves, often with an unpleasant tartness. What to do if the persimmon is hard and makes your mouth stick? The answer is simple - learn to choose correctly, and if you come across an astringent fruit, correct the situation using simple methods. The situation is really unpleasant, in ancient times the sweetness of the fruit was compared to honey, and we buy persimmons with the feeling of joy of remembering a sunny summer.

Why persimmon knits

Thanks to scientists, they found out the reasons for the viscosity of fruits. Quite strange, but the astringency of persimmon is directly related to it, or more precisely, it depends on the composition of the fruit. When I wrote about the natural substances that persimmons are endowed with, I mentioned the incredibly beneficial substance tannin. Possessing powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, the substance helps cope with many ailments. Tones the body, suppresses the development of pathogens, stops bleeding.

Unfortunately, there is a downside to the benefits - tannins give persimmons a characteristic viscosity. Remember the astringency of tea leaves, the bitterness of natural chocolate and coffee beans, the aroma of eucalyptus leaves and the resin of coniferous trees - they possess these qualities thanks to tannin.

Once in the mouth, tannins interact with saliva, reducing its secretion, which results in a slight anesthetic effect, which we mistake for astringency.

In a ripe fruit, the substance is partially destroyed and partially transformed into a different form, so the ripe fruit practically does not stick in the mouth.

What to do if persimmon knits

Help persimmons get rid of viscosity with some artificial methods, proven by the people and very effective.

  1. If you have time, do it simply - set the fruits aside and wait for them to ripen. A week or two, and you will be able to enjoy ripe, without astringency, persimmons.
  2. If you don't have two weeks left, use a faster option - freeze. Place the fruits in the freezer overnight, and in a short time the astringent properties will disappear. The disadvantage of the chosen method is that a significant part of the beneficial properties will be lost.
  3. To prevent persimmons from binding, place an equal amount of ripe bananas and apples in a bag along with the persimmons. After a day, you can feast on it; thanks to your neighbor, it will ripen.
  4. An extreme method is to pierce the fruits with a knife in several places and pour hot water over them. Wait 12 hours and taste – the heat will neutralize the tannin. Clarification: you do not need to use boiling water, 50-60 degrees is enough.
  5. Sometimes it’s enough to just put it in hot water for a few minutes. The persimmon will quickly become transparent, glowing from the inside, which indicates the beginning of the process of converting tannins into glucose. The fruit will lose its hardness and taste tender.

Attention! Overripe berries are edible; do not be afraid to hold persimmons until they are ripe. Unripe fruits are much more harmful, especially for people with stomach and intestinal problems.

What to do if you eat an astringent persimmon

If you bought and ate unripe persimmons and felt viscosity in your mouth, help yourself. In addition to the unpleasant sensation, the substances contained in the fruits do not have the best effect on tooth enamel.

  • The easy way is to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.
  • If you have problems with tooth enamel, rinse to neutralize the harmful effects by adding a little baking soda to warm water. It didn’t help - wet the swab and remove it manually, wiping your tongue and gums - the feeling of viscosity will go away.

How to choose a persimmon so as not to knit

Breeders have developed varieties that initially avoided astringency. For example, the Sharon variety, with sweet pulp, without seeds and an astringent taste, obtained by crossing the fruit with apples. But in most varieties, the amount of tannin decreases as they ripen.

Interesting fact: if the flowers of a tree are pollinated by insects, then the persimmon will produce honey-like sweetness, without unpleasant viscosity; unpollinated ones will grow tart.

If you want to be guaranteed to buy sweet persimmons, choose the ripest fruits. They differ:

  • Absolutely dry stem.
  • Flesh like jelly.
  • Thin skin of dark orange color.

If you don’t want to waste time removing viscosity, buy fruit of the Korolek variety, they have low astringent properties and have a wonderful chocolate taste.

You're unlucky and have purchased tart fruits in large quantities - make jam or dry the fruit slices in the oven. Add the pulp to the dough for baking desserts, make a salad. And finally, do it, rejuvenating and improving the condition of your skin.

Don’t miss the persimmon season, enjoy the amazing sunny fruits from the heart, and if you’re feeling achy, use my advice. I suggest you watch a wonderful video about the benefits of the fruit, with a detailed story.

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