Viscous persimmon. Why persimmons are mouth-watering and how to make them sweeter

I always look forward to late autumn when my favorite persimmons appear on the shelves. At the same time, I’m trying to restrain myself from buying it at first, because it’s clear that at the beginning of the season they bring very green fruits. And unripe persimmon always results in viscosity in the mouth and disappointment. Although, I found a suitable way for myself to get rid of viscosity, so now I’m not afraid of making a mistake with the choice of fruit.

Where does the viscosity of persimmon come from?

I would like to start with the fact that the effect of viscosity appears only in unripe fruits. Although, I have come across Spanish varieties that are as hard as an apple and not a hint of viscosity, but this is rather the exception.

Unripe persimmons contain tannins or, more simply, tannic acid. And it’s no secret that tannic acid interacts with everything that has a protein structure. Proteins coagulate, blood vessels narrow, the release of substances decreases, and, as a result, an unpleasant numbness in the mouth.

Essentially, tannins are anti-inflammatory substances, but when consumed in large quantities and frequently they cause harm to the body, in particular to the gastrointestinal tract. In order to protect yourself, there are 2 options: buy only ripe fruits or help the persimmon ripen. Tannins disintegrate when the fruit ripens, which means that the riper the persimmon, the less astringent it is.

How to help persimmons ripen

There are several artificial methods that help speed up the ripening of fruit:

  1. The easiest way is to let the persimmon lie quietly for about a week. During this time, it should ripen and lose some of its tannins. Although, the ripening period depends on the initial ripeness.
  2. Place the fruit in the freezer for half a day. After defrosting, there will be no trace of viscosity left.
  3. My favorite method. Persimmons should be placed in a paper bag along with ripe bananas or a red apple and left for a day. From such proximity it will ripen quickly and retain its taste.

There is no need to be afraid that the persimmon will overripe. Such fruits are quite suitable for consumption and are not as dangerous as unripe ones with a large amount of tannins.

At the time of ripening, persimmons contain tannic acid, which gives the feeling of viscosity. Another name for this substance is tannin. Please note: after ripening, the tanning properties disappear. Ripe persimmons do not gag.

Harm and benefits of tannic acid

Tannin gives the effect of natural anesthesia in the mouth. This can be considered a useful action. Although pointless. After all, the effect is not enough to pull out a tooth, for example. Tannic acid harms the body quite significantly. The stomach begins to work worse, problems with the intestines begin. Therefore, eat only ripe persimmons. Or help her “mature.”

How to get rid of tannin and astringent effect

The simplest method is ripening. Let the persimmon lie somewhere in a dark place for a couple of weeks. Place it on a newspaper or mat, but do not leave it in bags or boxes. Otherwise, the persimmon will “suffocate” and will have to be thrown away. Do not stack fruits on top of each other to prevent mold and bedsores. Only in one layer with minimal touching to each other.

If you don't have time to wait

Just put the persimmons in the freezer for a couple of hours. And then defrost at room temperature. This way you will significantly speed up the process. But some of the taste and beneficial properties will be lost. You always have to sacrifice something. The consistency will become like a paste. Although some people like it.

Settling in hot water

Pierce the persimmon with a knife in several places and fill it with hot water. But not with boiling water. To prevent the skin from bursting, slightly cool the boiling water. Up to about 80 degrees. Leave it overnight. In the morning you will have the opportunity to enjoy persimmons that have not lost their beneficial properties. In addition, it will not turn into mush, as is the case with freezing.

Pleasant neighborhood

For a modern person, there is no problem eating fresh fruits all year round. These conditions were created due to the presence of a huge number of stores ordering food in warm countries. It is no coincidence that even in cold weather you can find tasty and nutritious fruits, including persimmons without a doubt. It is especially valuable and popular in the autumn-winter season. But she still has shortcomings. This has a short shelf life, as well as creating a feeling of viscosity in the oral cavity with most types of this fruit. Why does persimmon stick in the mouth, and how to get rid of the viscosity? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Causes of persimmon viscosity

The ability of persimmon to create an astringent sensation is caused by the fact that when it is eaten, the mucous membrane in the mouth becomes covered with a thick coating of microparticles of the berry. All this happens due to the fact that the fruit contains tannic acid, called tannin, which coagulates upon contact with the mucous membrane. Tannin reduces salivary secretions and constricts blood capillaries, which ultimately causes an astringent, unhealthy sensation. This fact forces some people to declare a complete refusal to eat persimmons. This is their choice, but it is wrong. How can you deny yourself such delicious fruit? It is wiser to choose the right variety that is ready for use. Or create conditions for the persimmon that will relieve it of viscosity. To be fair, we note that some consumers are even fans of the astringent variety.

The largest amount of tannins is contained in unripe berries, which are dense and elastic. Unripe persimmons have an attractive presentation, but in practice they are almost inedible. When choosing hard fruits, you can again make a mistake and be completely disappointed in the nutritional value of this unique berry. This happens often near counters in all countries. This can be explained very simply - the ripe fruit has a soft consistency and therefore is not easy to transport. And the ripe berry itself often looks unattractive to the buyer - it is soft and wrinkled in appearance.

Everything said in the previous paragraph does not apply to some varieties of the fruit, which are bred specifically as hard ones. One such variety is chocolate persimmon, which has firm but non-viscous pulp with brownish veins. You should also know the most viscous varieties, such as pollinated persimmon (it does not contain seeds) - such fruits contain a lot of tannin.

How to reduce the viscosity of persimmons?

You can reduce the tanning qualities of the fruit to zero in several simple ways:

  • The unripe fruit must lie down and ripen. To do this, leave it in a warm room for two days. To make the ripening process faster, ripe apples or bananas are added to the bag of persimmons. Both of these fruits emit gases quite intensively, which stimulate the berries to ripen (the tannin in the pulp decomposes more quickly);
  • If you don’t have time to wait for the fruit to ripen, use the second recipe. The berry is placed in hot water for a few minutes. Under the influence of hot liquid, the tannin content in the fruit decreases and glucose is formed. The viscosity of the fruit disappears, it becomes sweet, the fruit pulp is transformed into a transparent jelly-like mass;
  • The third option is freezing; this is the least successful method, because cold-treated fruit loses most of its nutrients. The berry is frozen completely in the freezer, and after defrosting it becomes tasty and soft.

If the buyer makes a mistake and tries the green one, he gets an unpleasant viscous sensation in his mouth. To get rid of it, rinse your mouth with a weak soda solution. After this, the plaque is removed with a mucous teaspoon - the nasty sensation will disappear. You cannot use a toothbrush to clean the palate, as the acid from the berry gets on the enamel of the teeth. and will destroy it.

Using the above data, you can buy any persimmon and bring it to the desired state. If you wish, you can even grow your own tree at home from the seed of the fruit.

Is it easy to love persimmon? Yes and no! On the one hand, these bright orange fruits beckon with their glossy ripeness. On the other hand, there is always a risk that an incorrectly chosen persimmon will stick in your mouth. Then don't expect any joy from her. But in ancient times the sweetness of persimmons was compared to honey - is the secret of how to make persimmons non-astringent irretrievably lost? No, in our time, thanks to scientific and technological advances, it is even easier to make persimmons non-astringent. Scientists have figured out why persimmons are sticky and have figured out how to deal with persimmon viscosity.

Persimmons appear on shelves only with the onset of cold weather, which is why in our latitudes there are so many myths about them, which do not always correspond to reality. But southern residents know how to make persimmons sweet, and their advice will be very useful to us. By and large, it’s better to immediately choose sweet persimmons and not rack your brains over how to get rid of the astringent taste. But if you happen to buy a persimmon, but it’s impossible to enjoy it, don’t get upset ahead of time and don’t rush to scold the seller. You can and should make persimmons non-astringent at home, and we will now tell you exactly how to do this.

But the main value of persimmon and its characteristic feature is the high content of tannins - substances with powerful antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The viscosity of persimmons is the “merit” of tannins, which impart a tart taste not only to fruit pulp, but also to coffee beans, tea leaves, dark chocolate and many other plants (think of the aroma of eucalyptus, pomegranate peel and/or pine resin). But the astringency of tannins can be forgiven for their ability to fight tumors, suppress the development of pathogens, stop bleeding, act as an antidote and tone the human body.

What persimmon doesn't knit? How to choose the right sweet persimmon?
Just as not all yoghurts are equally healthy, not all persimmons are astringent in the mouth. In fact, there are so many varieties of persimmons that among this variety there are both tart and sweet persimmon varieties. Moreover: the same variety of persimmon can produce astringent and honey berries. How is this possible? That's how:
So there are two ways to buy sweet, non-astringent persimmons. You should give preference to the large, fleshy and completely tart Sharon, which is somewhat more expensive than other varieties. Or wait until inexpensive Caucasian persimmons ripen and lose their bitterness, that is, buy persimmons no earlier than December, or even better, after the New Year. But even in the middle of winter, choose only the ripest fruits, distinguished by the thinnest skin of a dark orange color, jelly-like, pliable pulp and a completely dry, darkened stalk without leaves.

What to do with astringent persimmon? How to make persimmons sweet
Persimmon is not like watermelon; it is impossible to try it before buying it. But you can get rid of the viscosity of persimmons even if the fruits brought home turned out to be unripe and cannot be taken into the mouth. Astringent persimmon can become sweet without a trace of bitterness if you use simple chemistry that can be used at home:
Don’t be afraid to “overexpose” persimmons: even overripe berries are edible and relatively harmless compared to unripe, astringent persimmons, which, due to their hard fibers and tanning effect, are prohibited for consumption by people with a weak stomach and intestines, as well as those who have undergone surgery on the digestive organs.

What else can you do with astringent persimmon? Methods for processing persimmons
All previous recommendations concerned fresh persimmons; they allow you to make persimmons non-astringent for consumption raw, whole or sliced. But in cooking, persimmons are valued and widely used due to their gelling pectins, appetizing color and sweet taste. Try to get rid of the astringency of persimmons in the following ways:

  1. Dried persimmons taste like dates and are not sticky in the mouth at all. You can dry persimmons outdoors, in the sun or in an electric fruit dryer.
  2. Dried persimmon lacks an astringent taste, it becomes sweeter than fresh fruits and is common in eastern countries along with candied fruits and other natural sweets.
  3. Persimmon pulp can be peeled and pitted and added to the dough for baking muffins, cheesecakes and/or pancakes. Heat treatment will remove the astringent taste from the persimmon, and the finished dishes will acquire a warm hue and a sweet taste.
The sweetness of persimmons allows it to be used as a sweetener instead of sugar in desserts, puddings, fruit salads, jams and muesli. For the sake of this rich taste, it is worth trying and making the persimmon not astringent, but honey-like. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks called persimmon “the fiery food of the gods,” and they knew a lot about gastronomic pleasures. Unfortunately, people suffering from diabetes will not be able to enjoy the delights of this taste. For those who have a weak stomach, it is also better not to risk it and give up persimmons. We advise everyone else not to miss the persimmon season and not to be afraid to buy fruits of any variety, because now you know how to make any persimmon non-astringent.

On harsh winter days, fruit store counters are a delight to the eye. Abundance of color, taste and aroma. Some products are grown artificially in greenhouses. It's not time for them yet. And somehow – it’s time. For example, persimmon. There is no need to look at it before autumn. This amazing berry is very useful in the autumn-winter period. But incidents happen: the purchased fruit cannot be eaten! Why do persimmons make your mouth stick? Should I go to the store and swear, or can I save my taste?

The benefits and harms of persimmons

China is considered the birthplace of this amazing berry. But with the acquisition of popularity, persimmon began to be cultivated in different parts of the Earth. This is truly an amazing fruit. Sunny color, heart shape, divine taste and a lot of benefits.

Useful properties of the berry:

1. Persimmon is an excellent preventive measure for cancer. More precisely, it blocks the growth and development of malignant cells. Each of us has them. Under the influence of negative factors and autoimmune processes, cancer cells begin to actively divide and multiply. And persimmons contain antioxidants - beta-carotene (in huge quantities!) and vitamin A. These elements prevent free radicals from oxidizing.

2. Sunberry helps the digestive tract. But only ripe fruits are needed. Unripe persimmons can damage the digestive system. In particular, it can cause long-term constipation. Ripe fruit contains active fiber and pectin. These substances promote regular and gentle cleansing of the intestines. Why does my breath stink? Possible problems with digestion.

3. The fruit strengthens the nervous system. Namely, the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. Beta-carotene strengthens it, neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals.

4. Helps prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. The berries contain potassium, which is so good for the heart.

5. Active substances favor kidney function. The fruit gives a diuretic effect. And the magnesium contained in it prevents the formation of kidney stones.

And this is not a complete list of all the advantages of this amazing fruit. If you have a cold, you can gargle with berry juice diluted in warm water. Vitamin E in the composition helps vision. Dried and ground seeds are brewed and drunk as healthy, tonic coffee. Persimmon is also an excellent remedy for a bad mood.

Only unripe berries can cause harm. Which, moreover, has pronounced astringent characteristics.

Who is responsible for viscosity?

Tannins. These substances are present in high concentrations in unripe fruit. When tannin comes into contact with any protein, it causes it to coagulate. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity also has a protein structure. When curling up, the protein seems to pull everything together inside. Hence the feeling of viscosity.

Tannins collapse everything in their path. So, the liquid element of the digestive system tries to break down the ingested food. Tannins, on the contrary, turn food into lumps. Therefore, you should not eat astringent fruits.

Let us repeat once again: only unripe persimmons knit. How to choose a ripe one.

Firstly, buy the Korolek variety berries with confidence.. This type of persimmon, ripe or unripe, will always be sweet and tender. It has a dark red skin, inside there is brownish flesh and brown, but more saturated (in color) veins. But! Never buy unpollinated fruits. They will be tart at any stage of their ripening. The tasty berry has a dry brown stalk.

Secondly, ripe berries of other varieties are soft. The pulp of this persimmon is similar to jelly. A hard skin indicates the unripeness of the fruit.

If, however, we brought a viscous “purchase” from the store. What to do?

Fighting the astringent taste

Go swear?.. There is no point. The sellers are not to blame: what the owners brought to the store was put on the shelves. And if persimmons are brought from afar, then, naturally, they are collected unripe. You need to somehow deliver the goods.

Throw it away?.. It's a pity. Still, they spent money.

You can fight viscosity. Methods:

1. Place the fruit in the freezer overnight. Tannins are afraid of frost, so the viscosity after this procedure will noticeably decrease. But the freezer will not completely save you from the astringent characteristics.

2. Pierce the berry with a knife in several places and place in warm water. So to speak, create conditions for full maturation. She must lie down for twelve hours.

3. Close the fruits in a plastic bag with ripe bananas. Let it sit for a day. The viscosity will go away.

4. Forget about persimmons for a few days. They put it in the refrigerator drawer and forgot about it. For about a week. The berries will ripen.

That's probably all. Happy shopping to you!

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