Does Polysorb help with diarrhea? Polysorb for diarrhea and diarrhea. Operating principle, effect

Georgy Semenov

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Frequent, loose stools, accompanied by bloating, cramps and gas in adults can be caused by a variety of factors. Diarrhea is often caused by eating poor quality foods, food allergies or intestinal infections. Pharmacists have developed an effective sorbent for diarrhea - Polysorb, which, regardless of the cause, treats loose stools, both independently and in complex drug therapy.

The advantage of the medicine is the fact that it fights not only the symptoms, but also effectively eliminates the cause of diarrhea.

There are a number of advantages of this sorbent:

  1. Effectiveness in case of diarrhea, 2-4 minutes after administration it begins to fight the cause of frequent bowel movements.
  2. Active substances not only eliminate the unpleasant phenomena that accompany diarrhea, but also remove toxins and poisons from the body.
  3. Has a maximum adsorption concentration (300 mg/g).
  4. It is much more active in comparison with analogues.
  5. It is allowed to be used during lactation and by pregnant women during intestinal disorders.

In addition, this medication is very convenient to take, because it is easier to drink a diluted solution than to swallow tablets.

This is a universal drug for eliminating diarrhea of ​​any etiology, from food poisoning to complex pathological processes. The sorbent is a highly effective product included in a complex of therapy and preventive measures. It has been produced on the pharmaceutical market for about 20 years, during which time the medicine has earned positive reviews from patients and doctors.

Does your stomach often hurt?


Polysorb for diarrhea is developed on the basis of finely dispersed white silica, made with a high degree of purification. The advantage of using this product is the fact that it does not contain foreign, harmful substances, additives, etc. When treating diarrhea, Polysorb has a general cleansing effect on the body. It is worth considering that the drug does not break down into elements inside the intestine; after passing through the digestive system, it adsorbs toxins and is completely eliminated along with them.

Polysorb is excreted from the body during diarrhea naturally, with feces and urine.

This medicine is one of the most gentle, demonstrating high rates of effectiveness.


The task of enterosorbents is to remove toxins, poisons, and waste from the body. Due to the structure of the drug, its active substances bind and adsorb pathogenic elements from the body.

A medicinal sorbent is a good product that has the following mechanism of action:

  1. If harmful substances enter the body, they form pathogenic microflora, provoke the development of intestinal disorders and worsen the patient’s condition.
  2. When using Polysorb for diarrhea, the drug, when it enters the intestinal area, “captures” harmful microorganisms with active elements and removes them from the body.
  3. Due to the fact that the medicine copes well with waste and toxins, it can be effectively used in the fight against loose stools caused by poisoning and allergies.
  4. Polysorb for diarrhea copes with harmful bacteria without affecting the beneficial microelements that are so important for the restoration of the body.

Release form

Polysorb for diarrhea in adults is offered in the form of a dry powder for further preparation of a medicinal solution, the drug is hermetically sealed, packaged in 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12 g of active substance.

For use in stationary conditions, the sorbent can be purchased in vacuum bags of 50 g, as well as in plastic bottles of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 g of the drug.

Indications for use

The use of Polysorb sorbent for diarrhea is prescribed in cases where the problem is caused by the following reasons:

  • Acute food poisoning;
  • Infectious bowel diseases;
  • Purulent-septic diseases;
  • Complex therapy of dysbiosis;
  • Poison intoxication;
  • Allergic reaction to medications.

Also, Polysorb in the treatment of diarrhea in adult patients is very effective in the treatment of diseases of unknown etiology, accompanied by intestinal disorders, but without additional symptoms.

Application diagram

The medicinal sorbent Polysorb, used for diarrhea, is designed for oral administration. The powder offered in the package is intended for dilution in water to form a homogeneous suspension. Experts recommend taking the medicine an hour before meals, 3-4 times a day. The solution must be prepared anew before each use of the drug.

The dosage is calculated based on the body weight and degree of disease of the adult patient:

  1. For a patient weighing from 40 to 60 kg, 1 tbsp is prescribed. l. dilute the powder in 100 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. Patients weighing more than 60 kg should take 2 tbsp. l. powder mixed with 150 ml of water.

For intestinal disorders, depending on the nature of the cause in adults, the duration of treatment is:

    • Food poisoning – from 3 to 5 days;
    • Acute infectious diseases – 10-14 days.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant women can use Polysorb for diarrhea, because This medicine has virtually no side effects and is safe for mother and child. In women who are preparing to become mothers, the cause of diarrhea may be a common toxoinfection. During pregnancy, it is also used to eliminate vomiting and toxicosis. The drug quickly and safely removes pathogenic microorganisms without affecting the beneficial intestinal microflora.

A special feature of the drug is its direction of action; the sorbent is not activated and the blood is not absorbed. Due to this, Polysorb during pregnancy is completely safe for the development of the fetus.

But, despite this, it is necessary to take into account the doctor’s recommendations regarding dosage and course duration. It would be optimal to stir 1 tbsp. powder without a slide in 1 glass of water and add fresh juice or compote, mixing the medicinal suspension with drinks does not affect the level of effectiveness. Drink this solution 2 times a day until improvement occurs. On average, the course of treatment for diarrhea in pregnant women lasts 3-5 days.

Important! Despite the safety of the drug, using Polysorb during pregnancy with diarrhea is prohibited if a woman has a stomach ache, increased uterine tone or intestinal obstruction.

When breastfeeding, the drug is not dangerous for mother and child. To get rid of diarrhea, a nursing mother needs to take powder dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup of water). On the first day of development of the problem, drink the suspension every two hours for 6 hours. In the future, switch to a course of dosing every 3 hours until symptoms disappear.


Experts do not advise choosing Polysorb sorbent for the treatment of diarrhea for patients with exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or when the duodenum is inflamed.

With particular caution, Polysorb should be taken for intestinal disorders in patients who have hypersensitivity to one of the components.


To date, there have been no recorded cases of overdose of Polysorb sorbent used for diarrhea.

But long-term use (more than 14 days) without consulting a doctor can lead to the development of dysbacteriosis and concomitant disorders of the digestive process. Excessive consumption of Polysorb can also cause the leaching of minerals and beneficial elements from the body. This provokes a lack of vitamins in the intestinal lumen, necessary for vital digestive processes.

Side effects

It is extremely rare for patients to experience diarrhea from Polysorb, but this is observed only as a result of hypersensitivity to the drug. An allergic reaction may occur, in the form of a skin rash and slight swelling.

If the dosage prescribed by the doctor is not followed, taking the sorbent may cause constipation.

Interaction with other drugs

Is it possible to take several medications at the same time for diarrhea? One of the indications for the use of this drug is the localization of the action of any medications in the stomach and intestines. The property of the drug Polysorb used for diarrhea allows it to reduce the pharmacological parameters of other medications, which must be taken into account when prescribing parallel therapy.

It is important not to use Polysorb for diarrhea in adults for more than two weeks; if there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor for advice.

If after 2-3 days the symptoms disappear, you can stop taking the medicine.

To extend the shelf life of the drug, it is important to consider the recommended storage rules:

  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Store at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees.
  • Avoid damage to the packaging and moisture penetration.

Polysorb for diarrhea is a safe, highly effective sorbent, and if it was not possible to purchase it, the following drugs would be a worthy replacement:

  • White activated carbon;
  • "Sorbek";
  • "Neosorb";
  • "Smecta";
  • "Enterosgel".

The range of medications is huge, and some patients are concerned about the question, which is better Polysorb or Enterofuril? These drugs differ in their pharmacological action.

Enterofuril is an antimicrobial agent, its focus is the elimination of a wide range of intestinal microbes, including pathogenic ones (staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, etc.). No sorbent alone can cope with such causes of loose stools. If both drugs are prescribed, it is necessary to take into account that Enterofuril should be taken 1-2 hours after the sorbent.

The above medications have a similar effect; they are used to remove harmful elements that cause discomfort in the digestive tract. Thanks to this, you can quickly and effectively eliminate the causes and symptoms of loose stools.

When the first signs of stomach upset appear, do not be afraid to take Polysorb for diarrhea; the drug is completely safe and, in the absence of serious illnesses, will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Almost all patients give the drug a positive assessment, due to the ability to quickly and effectively eliminate intoxication and diarrhea in a variety of conditions. The speed of action is also noted as an advantage; after a few hours, not a trace remains of the symptoms.

Especially pregnant women note the restoration of various digestive system disorders, without risks or health hazards.

The sorption properties of the drug perfectly cope with overeating, the consequences of including exotic foods in the diet, etc. This is an indispensable medicine for tourist trips, traveling abroad to exotic countries.

Some patients note the not very pleasant taste of the diluted suspension, which irritates the mucous membrane of the throat, but this disadvantage is offset by many advantages.
Polysorb for diarrhea in adults completely copes with the assigned tasks; when choosing which is best, you should listen to the opinion of doctors and your feelings! Based on the individual characteristics of each organism and the clinical picture, the therapist will prescribe a treatment regimen and the most effective course of treatment.

Polysorb - what is included in the drug, how does Polysorb MP differ from Polysorb Plus?

  • 1 Polysorb - what is included in the drug, how does Polysorb MP differ from Polysorb Plus?
  • 2 Polysorb: release form - only powder or is it available in tablets?
  • 3 Polysorb: dosage and method of use (how to dilute, before or after meals)
  • 4 Is Polysorb safe for pregnant women?
  • 5 Is it possible to take Polysorb during lactation or breastfeeding (gw)
  • 6 Polysorb: contraindications and side effects (effects), reviews from doctors
  • 7 What does Polysorb help with?
    • 7.1 In case of poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea)) how to take Polysorb
    • 7.2 Polysorb and alcohol: Polysorb for hangovers and alcohol poisoning
    • 7.3 How to take (drink) Polysorb for weight loss: instructions for use
    • 7.4 Does Polysorb help with colds?
    • 7.5 Polysorb during pregnancy - for early toxicosis in pregnant women
    • 7.6 Medicine Polysorb for skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, allergies) - how to take
    • 7.7 Polysorb sorbent for complex cleansing of the body
    • 7.8 Face mask from Polysorb for acne (recipe)
  • 8 Polysorb: instructions for use for children (for infants, children under one year old, other ages)
  • 9 Use of Polysorb for rotavirus in children, diarrhea in children
  • 10 How much does Polysorb cost - cost at the pharmacy
  • 11 Are there analogs of Polysorb that are cheaper than it?
  • 12 Videos about Polysorb and its effect on the body
  • 13 Reviews and your opinions about Polysorb

First, a few words about what Polysorb is. It is an enterosorbent. It is made on the basis of finely dispersed, highly purified white silica (SiO2). Polysorb does not contain any other substances. This drug, when taken orally, has a general cleansing effect.

The drug is quite versatile, which will be discussed in detail below. It absorbs and removes from the body not only harmful substances that come from outside, but also products formed during the metabolic process.

Polysorb Plus

It is noteworthy that in the body Polysorb is not broken down into any components; after passing through the entire digestive tract, it is excreted, taking away toxins and wastes.

There are three types of medicine:

MP and Plus are intended for humans; the VP variety is used in veterinary practice and is not used for treating humans - do not confuse it!

The only difference between Polysorb MP and Polysorb Plus is succinic acid 2%, which slows down aging, rejuvenates and heals the body as a whole, promotes active energy production, and resists free radicals, which means that the spectrum of action of Polysorb Plus is somewhat wider.

Polysorb: release form - only powder or is it available in tablets?

The powder is packaged in 3 g bags or plastic jars of different grams: 12, 25 and 50 g. Polysorb is not produced in tablets. When compressed, silicon dioxide loses its absorbent properties.

Note! It is more profitable to buy medicine in jars.

The jars look quite large; I can’t believe that they contain so few grams of powder. But this is so - the jar is full: the powder is very light.

Polysorb: dosage and method of use (how to dilute, before or after meals)

The drug is diluted in a certain amount of water. If you try to take the drug dry, you may scratch your throat, since the powder particles, despite being microscopic, are hard and sharp.

Polysorb does not dissolve in water, so it is necessary to stir the COMPOSITION in a glass of water and drink quickly before the drug precipitates.

  • For adults 0.1–0.2 g/kg body weight. On average, this is 6–12 g, i.e., for example, a small jar. The dose can be increased in case of severe poisoning, for example, but not more than 20 g per day. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses. Sometimes it is advisable to take the daily dose 1 or 2 times, especially if you need to take other medications (so as not to interfere with the absorption of medications).
  • Children's dosage is determined by body weight. The most convenient way to present this is in a table:

In this article we will figure out whether Polysorb helps with diarrhea.

The drug is a silica-based medicine that is used against the background of food or alcohol poisoning. Next, we will consider the instructions for using this drug to treat diarrhea in children and adults.

An effective remedy for diarrhea

One of the most common reasons why patients take sorbents, especially Polysorb, is diarrhea. Diarrhea very often catches people at the most unexpected moment, and, of course, every person strives to quickly get rid of such an unpleasant illness.

After using Polysorb for diarrhea, many people talk about their experience on pharmacological websites or on social networks. And it must be said that this medicine regularly receives positive reviews, including many enthusiastic comments and thanks for the fact that this medicine always saves and helps out at any time. Currently, “Polysorb” has managed to establish itself as a very effective remedy for diarrhea for children and adults with poisoning or any stomach upsets.

But consumers need to take into account that some people may develop an allergy to this drug, and therefore they should familiarize themselves with the contraindications for taking it, and it is better, if in doubt, to go to the doctor in order to agree on a treatment regimen with a specialist.

By the way, “Polysorb” for diarrhea is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, if diarrhea after a treatment course has not gone away after two weeks, then in this case a medical consultation is also necessary.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use of Polysorb for diarrhea.

Therapeutic effect

The drug can bind and remove various toxic substances from the body. For example, it removes pesticides, bacteria and their metabolic products, as well as alcohol and some allergens found in food. The drug can also cope with drugs in case of overdose. This medication is also capable of combating heavy metal salts. In addition, this composition also helps with excess cholesterol, bilirubin and urea. “Polysorb” is different in that, being one of the newest modern sorbents, it acts faster than, for example, the familiar activated carbon.

So after diarrhea, Polysorb can be very effective.

Contents and release format

The main active ingredient of the drug is colloidal silicon dioxide. The release form is a powder, which is supplied to pharmacies in plastic jars. Each jar contains 12, 25 or 50 grams of sorbent.

In what cases is Polysorb prescribed? For diarrhea for adults and children, this drug is indispensable.

Indications for use

Like other sorbents, the main indication in this case is also various poisonings. For example, this drug is of great help when a person has inadvertently been poisoned by stale or incompatible products, as well as those to which he has an individual intolerance.

“Polysorb” copes with diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. This drug can be taken when a patient suffering from kidney failure or hepatitis wants to cleanse his body of excess urea or bilirubin.

Some people sometimes indulge in alcohol when celebrating holidays. Others cannot resist a glass of good cognac or a glass of dry wine. Thus, as a result of all this, it happens that people drink too much, and the next morning they have a hangover. Sorbents help cleanse the body of excess ethanol, as well as its processed products and other harmful components contained in alcohol. “Polysorb” is one of the best options for vomiting and diarrhea.

Among other things, this remedy is used for preventive purposes by people who work in hazardous enterprises. Also, this drug can be recommended for purulent or septic diseases.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Polysorb" for diarrhea is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers of the digestive system if they are in an exacerbation phase of the disease. In addition, it should not be taken when the patient is experiencing bleeding in the digestive system. The drug is strictly prohibited for intestinal atony. In addition, allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate this drug should also be careful with Polysorb, since in such a case an allergy may occur.

How to properly use Polysorb for diarrhea and vomiting in children and adults?

Method of use for adults and children with diarrhea

It is intended for oral administration. The powder is mixed with water to form a suspension. Usually this medicine is taken one hour before meals. In order to obtain a suspension, half a glass of water is enough. A fresh mixture should be made at each dose.

The dosage of the sorbent depends on various indicators, such as the weight, age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Often this medicine is taken three or maximum four times a day. For adults, it is permissible to use no more than 0.1 grams of the drug per day per kilogram of weight. People weighing more than sixty kilograms should take two tablespoons of the medicine, which is first diluted in 150 milliliters of water.

“Polysorb” for diarrhea, a child weighing less than ten kilograms needs about 0.5 teaspoon per day. To dilute the medicine, 50 milliliters of water is required. If the child weighs from eleven to twenty kilograms, then just a teaspoon of powder is enough for one dose of medicine. If the child’s weight is from twenty to thirty kilograms, then you need to take two teaspoons. The drug must be diluted in 100 milliliters of water for each dose.

It is worth noting that in case of diarrhea, Polysorb very quickly eliminates the cause of the disease, removing poisons and dangerous microorganisms from the digestive system. As a rule, the drug acts within four minutes after administration. It is allowed for babies from birth, as well as for nursing and pregnant women.

Overdose of sorbent

Modern medicine has not yet encountered situations in which Polysorb would cause an overdose, so there is no information about such cases. But prolonged use of Polysorb for two weeks or more is fraught with the occurrence of dysbiosis and associated problems with the digestive system, and in addition, with the leaching from the intestines of useful minerals and vitamins that are required for the normal course of important life processes in the body.

Adverse reactions

In hypersensitive patients, as noted earlier, this drug can cause allergic manifestations. In this case, allergy sufferers may experience various rashes, swelling and other symptoms. Taking Polysorb for diarrhea in adults and children can also provoke various disorders of the digestive system, in particular, constipation and diarrhea are likely. In addition, this drug can cause disturbances in the absorption of minerals, vitamins and calcium, which is possible if you take the medicine for more than fourteen days in a row.

Features of the drug

The drug "Polysorb" is approved for use by pregnant women when they have to treat food poisoning, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea or some other symptoms. A distinctive feature of this remedy is that the medication is suitable for use by newborn children.

It is very important not to use Polysorb for a long time (more than two weeks), as this is very dangerous because dysbacteriosis and digestive disorders can develop. There may also be a leaching of minerals necessary for life from the intestines.

The instructions for Polysorb for diarrhea do not recommend taking the drug for people who suffer from ailments such as gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the digestive system. The fact is that small particles of the sorbent can easily penetrate the folds of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, which causes additional irritation.

Storage conditions for the medicine

"Polysorb" can be stored in the house for a period of five years. The temperature of the drug should be room temperature. Moisture and light are undesirable for this medication. It is also necessary to exclude children from access to this medicine, as well as to the entire home medicine cabinet, since medicines are not harmless candies, but substances with a special effect on the body and a personal list of various indications and contraindications.

Dispensing from pharmacies and cost of medication

Since digestive system disorders can take anyone by surprise, this medication can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy, just like other sorbents.

The cost of this drug directly depends on the packaging that the buyer needs to purchase. For example, 12 grams of Polysorb will cost a family up to one hundred rubles. A jar with 25 grams of the drug costs from one hundred fifty to two hundred rubles. And 50 grams of medicine can be purchased for about three hundred and fifty rubles.

Analogues of "Polysorb"

The main analogues of Polysorb are various types of sorbents. If for some reason this medicine is not on sale, then drugs in the form of Enterosgel, Neosorb or Sorbex can perfectly replace it. The long-familiar activated carbon remains a good analogue. By the way, it is this conservative remedy that will cost buyers the least.

All analogues presented above act in a similar way. They absorb harmful substances into themselves, and then simply remove toxins from the body and thereby eliminate the main cause of the onset of pathological processes in the digestive system.

Now we’ll find out what people say about this medicine in their reviews.

In diseases such as poisoning, allergies, diarrhea occurs quickly and persists until the body is freed from toxic substances. With an intestinal infection or severe inflammation, the disorder appears due to impaired absorption of water and does not go away until the absorption mechanism is restored. Polysorb quickly and effectively helps against diarrhea.

Composition and form of the medicine

Polysorb powder is a new generation enterosorbent. It is made on the basis of finely dispersed silicon oxide - the particle diameter reaches 0.09 mm. The compound is multifunctional and has strong neutralizing and absorption properties. Polysorb is prescribed when diarrhea is caused by acute poisoning of any kind, viral hepatitis, or allergies.

Silicon dioxide is the main active ingredient of the medicine. Auxiliary components do not play a role.

Polysorb is offered in the form of a fine white or bluish powder. When dissolved in water, it forms a suspension and is consumed in this form. The medicine is packaged in plastic jars with a capacity of 12, 25, 50 grams.

Polysorb is also available in sachets - 3 g of silicon dioxide. In the first minutes of illness, when you need to quickly stop diarrhea, this form is more convenient. Simply dissolve the contents in a cup. This will be a single dose.

Mechanism of action

Polysorb is a drug effective for the treatment of diarrhea that occurs due to food poisoning, allergies, intestinal infections and even purulent-septic inflammations. It removes dangerous compounds and microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • External – Polysorb binds bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens produced during allergies, pathogens themselves, microbes and medications.
  • Internal - silicon dioxide removes excess cholesterol, radionuclides, harmful toxic substances, heavy metals like mercury or lead, urea and even bilirubin.

Important! When treating with Polysorb, you need to take into account the peculiarities of taking the medicine. Silicon binds medications as effectively as toxic compounds. Therefore, at least 1.5 hours should pass between the use of enterosorbent and other tablets.

Polysorb absorbs substances immediately, once in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. It does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not change intestinal motility. The colloid absorbs toxins and harmful substances and comes out in its original form. Dioxide does not enter the blood.

Indications for use

Polysorb in adults and children of various origins:

  • Acute and long-term poisoning of various kinds. It is observed in inflammatory or infectious diseases of other organs. The waste products of bacteria poison the body, and the drug allows you to get rid of them.
  • Intestinal infections. Unlike other drugs, Polysorb is used for disorders of bacterial origin, as it binds and removes microorganisms.
  • Diarrhea caused by expired foods, medications, ethanol, salts of heavy metals, breakdown products of alcohol or drugs, etc. is also an indication for prescribing medication.
  • Drug and food allergies. The suspension binds antigens, which significantly reduces the manifestations of allergies of any kind.
  • Polysorb is drunk not only to get rid of loose stools, but also when it is necessary to remove substances such as urea or bilirubin. They appear in excessive quantities, for example, with viral hepatitis.
  • For dysbacteriosis, this is more effective, since colloidal silicon does not irritate the intestinal walls.
  • The medication is prescribed for purulent-septic diseases of varying severity.
  • Polysorb is used to cleanse the body of toxins. The powder is prescribed to workers in hazardous industries. People living in contaminated areas are also recommended to drink the drug periodically.

Polysorb is prescribed for diarrhea in a child of both inflammatory and infectious origin. Moreover, the drug can be used literally from the day of birth.

Dosage and features of use

Polysorb for diarrhea is used only in the form of an aqueous suspension. To make it, you need to stir the specified mass of powder in 1/4-1/2 cup. It does not dissolve, but only forms a suspension.

For diarrhea of ​​any etiology in adults, drink Polysorb 3-4 times in 24 hours. The daily dose is calculated based on body weight - 0.1-0.2 g per 1 kg. The drug is taken without taking into account the frequency of stool. The maximum dosage of Polysorb is 0.33 g/kg.

Polysorb for diarrhea in newborns and children is taken in the same way and is calculated by weight:

  • Polysorb is given to an infant or child weighing up to 10 kg with diarrhea 0.5 teaspoon. It is dissolved in 30-50 ml of water.
  • A child weighing from 11 to 20 kg is prescribed 1 level teaspoon 1 or 2 times per 24 hours.
  • If you weigh 21-30 kg, take 1 heaped teaspoon. The volume of water is at least 50-70 ml.
  • For schoolchildren weighing from 31 to 40 kg, you will need 2 heaped teaspoons and 100 ml of water.
  • A remedy for diarrhea for a child weighing from 41 to 60 kg is prepared from 1 tablespoon of dioxide and 100 ml of liquid.
  • Polysorb for children weighing more than 60 kg for diarrhea is prescribed in the amount of 1-2 heaped tablespoons, dissolved in 150 ml of water.

Important! If you have a food allergy, take the medicine during lunch, not before.

The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the ailment. For poisoning, the course is 3-5 days, for allergies – up to 10-14 days.

Reception features

Instructions for using colloid for diarrhea describe not only general recommendations, but also more precise schemes of use for various ailments:

  • In case of acute poisoning of any kind, therapy begins with gastric lavage with a weak solution of dioxide: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. For very severe conditions, toxins can be quickly removed by repeating the wash up to 4-6 times in 24 hours. In parallel, the patient receives a suspension of 0.1–15 g/kg up to 3 times a day.
  • For infections, the daily dose is taken in 5 doses with an interval of 1 hour. Then the daily portion is divided into 4 doses. Duration – 3-5 days.
  • For viral hepatitis, when it is necessary to eliminate excess bilirubin, Polysorb is drunk in the usual volume for at least a week.
  • For chronic renal failure, the colloid is drunk for a long time: 25-30 days at a daily dose of 0.1-0.2 g per kg. Treatment is repeated after 2-3 weeks.
  • You need to take Polysorb during alcohol withdrawal, as in the treatment of hepatitis: 5-10 days, 0.2 g/kg.
  • In case of severe allergies, the stomach is first washed with a 0.5-1% Polysorb solution. For chronic conditions, drink in the usual volume in courses of 7-15 days. To obtain the required volume of medicine, for food allergies, mix the powder in a proportion of 0.1-0.3 g per kg of weight in 150 ml of liquid.

The medication is also effective for prevention. To prevent gestosis in pregnant women, drink the powder for 10-14 days at the rate of 0.1 g/kg body per day.

Side effects and contraindications

Diarrhea from the effects of Polysorb stops quite quickly, as silicon dioxide removes toxic compounds from the intestines. At the same time, the drug itself does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not reduce motility.

But despite its neutrality, the medicine has the following contraindications:

  • You should not use Polysorb during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
  • If symptoms indicate bleeding (black stool, blood clots in diarrhea), the medicine is not prescribed.
  • If you have intestinal atony, you should not use antidiarrheals of any kind.
  • Discontinue Polysorb if there is individual sensitivity to any component of the powder.

Adverse reactions such as dyspepsia or constipation occur extremely rarely. An allergic reaction was even less common.

Important! If the course of treatment lasts more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to supplement the therapy with multivitamins. With long-term use of Polysorb, calcium and vitamins are less absorbed.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Polysorb is 5 years. After this time, the medicine is thrown away.

The product should be stored in a place away from the sun and at a temperature no higher than +25⁰C. The opened jar must be tightly closed and moisture must not be allowed to enter.

The finished suspension is stored for no more than 48 hours. But for the treatment of diarrhea, it is recommended to use only fresh suspension.

Polysorb for diarrhea in a child is a powerful absorbent that removes harmful microorganisms and poisons from the intestines. The substance neutralizes the effects of toxins, molecules of various drugs, and allergens. Salts of heavy metals, radioactive elements, and gastrointestinal tract compounds are removed from the body. The drug optimizes intestinal microflora, restores bilirubin and uric acid levels, and improves lipid metabolism.

The basis of the pharmacological product is silicon dioxide. The substance forms an aqueous solution; children are allowed to take it. The use of the medication is harmless. The compound has a consistent effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The effect of the drug is observed inside the intestines. Colloidal structures with electrically charged particles effectively combine foreign molecules with each other. After gluing the structures, they are removed from the human body.

The medicine eliminates toxins with a porous structure without causing irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. The medication is suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants. Colloidal silicon dioxide enterosorbent. The non-selective nature of the action of the substance allows it to be used to eliminate diarrhea against the background of salmonellosis and foodborne toxic infections.

Does it help with diarrhea in a child?

The chemical compound “Polysorb” removes toxins and harmful substances from the human body. High-quality enterosorbent has adsorbing properties, removing toxic elements from the body. The medication is indispensable for the activity of toxins from fungi, bacteria, microbes. The drug is widely used for alcohol poisoning and intoxication with pharmacological products.

A colloidal solution of silicon dioxide absorbs molecules through the process of osmosis. The drug firmly consolidates toxins, removing them from the body through stool. Polysorb for diarrhea is effective for children from the moment of birth. The compound neutralizes liquid diarrhea without side effects. The medication is used in a number of cases:

  • the development of acute infectious diseases, accompanied by chronic diarrhea. Pathology occurs due to the activity of salmonella, dysentery, escherichiosis and cholera;
  • diagnosing poisoning with mushrooms and various berries and herbs;
  • drug overdose;
  • the presence of food allergies, manifested in the form of skin rashes;
  • the formation of dysbacteriosis, causing diarrhea;
  • renal failure;
  • allergic manifestations.

Polysorb is a new generation enterosorbent with a high degree of absorption. The pharmacological product is 120 times more effective than classic activated carbon. The delicate product is suitable for children and does not contain additional dyes. The active substances are not absorbed into the blood and do not injure the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The chemical compound is suitable for babies from birth. The medication is prescribed to pregnant women during lactation.

The prescription of a pharmacological agent for children is carried out by a qualified doctor. The healing effect is observed a few minutes after administration. Once in the intestines, the substance removes toxins and harmful structures from the body. If babies have abdominal disorders, drinking plenty of fluids is a must. As a result, the healing process will speed up.

Instructions for use for children

Polysorb for vomiting and diarrhea in a child is prescribed by a qualified pediatrician and gastroenterologist. The daily dose of the substance and treatment regimen are selected on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of the sick person’s body. The substance is used by dissolving the powder in purified water at room temperature. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed and drunk.

During the process of restoring the digestive system, it is important to adhere to the dosage level. Children are given liquid in the amount of 1 tsp. substances, 70 ml of water. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is allowed to increase the daily dose by 50%. Let's consider the acceptable concentrations of the substance:

  • infant age from one year to 94 months – 0.15 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • patients over 94 months - 12 g (the medication helps gradually);
  • in acute forms, the dosage is increased to 24 grams. Increasing the medication is permitted as prescribed by a doctor. Before taking the compound, distribute into equal parts. The time between uses should be the same (preferably every 12 hours).

The duration of therapeutic effect depends on the degree of pathology. In the case of an episodic disorder, recovery takes 2 doses; in case of acute damage to the gastrointestinal tract, treatment is delayed:

  • systemic treatment of hepatitis A - 9 days on average;
  • severe intoxication of the body + infectious lesions – 1-2 weeks;
  • renal failure – 30 or more days. If there is no healing effect, a second course of treatment is carried out for 20 days. Sometimes the patient may feel sick.

Proper use of Polysorb allows you to get rid of diarrhea in a short period of time. Unpleasant sensations disappear 30 minutes after taking the substance. If you have previously taken medications, wait a couple of hours before taking colloidal compounds.

Self-administration of Polysorb to a child is prohibited. Exceeding the dosage is fraught with additional complications and serious disorders.

The method of using the drug is directly tied to the source of the pathology. The intensity and sequence of techniques is closely tied to the level of development of the disease. Let's analyze the correlation:

  1. Food allergies. The amount of powder is tied to a person’s body weight and diluted with 130 ml of water. The mixture is taken during meals every 8 hours for 10 days.
  2. Urticaria / hay fever / atopy - the substance is consumed 60 minutes before meals.
  3. Severe poisoning. The stomach is washed with a 1% solution (2 tablespoons + 1 liter of liquid). Treatment is carried out 3 times a day. The liquid stool will gradually disappear.
  4. Intestinal infections. The powder is mixed in proportion to the patient’s weight. On the first day, the dose is taken every hour, on the second - every 6 hours. The medicine is used in complex therapy for 6 days.
  5. Viral hepatitis. The medication is taken in a system with effective compounds three times a day. The total recovery period is 10 days.
  6. Comprehensive body cleansing. The mixture is consumed an hour before meals every 8 hours.
  7. Kidney dysfunction + toxicosis in pregnant women. Drink the healing elixir 5 times a day (preferably before meals) until complete recovery.
  8. Fighting a hangover. On the first day - 6 times, on the second day - 4 times.

Compliance with the pharmacological recommendations set out in the instructions will maximize the healing effect. The chemical will reliably remove harmful elements from the body and neutralize the effects of toxins. In a couple of days the patient will recover. After recovery, visit your doctor again to get an accurate medical opinion.

How to give Polysorb to a baby with diarrhea

"Polysorb" is used in the form of aqueous suspensions. The powder is mixed with 130 ml of water and should not be taken orally dry. The concentration of the solution closely correlates with the patient's body weight.

Polysorb for diarrhea for children is an important component in eliminating diarrhea. A newborn should be fed even if he does not want to drink the elixir. The medicine has no taste or pungent odor. The faint aroma of chalk can be easily masked in jelly or herbal tea. It is not recommended to purchase analogues of the medicine at the pharmacy. In some cases, mild nausea may occur.

Contraindications to treatment

Polysorb for diarrhea is prohibited in some cases. Main options:

  • the presence of ulcerative complications and inflammation of the duodenum, concerns serious exacerbations, dangerous pathologies;
  • development of internal bleeding that affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • formation of atony of the suction organ;
  • the predominance of individual intolerance by the patient’s body to silicon dioxide.

The development of side effects indicates the reaction of the digestive system to the active component of the drug. The disorders are represented by allergic manifestations, prolonged constipation and disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. Long-term use of the medication negatively affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals (mainly calcium). Additional use of low molecular weight compounds is mandatory.

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Diarrhea is a symptom of a disorder characterized by the presence of loose stools. The patient feels the urge to defecate more than three times a day. The condition needs diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes all you need to do is reconsider your eating habits. Polysorb is often prescribed for diarrhea. The medicine is a powerful sorbent and is recommended for both adults and young patients. The product helps to eliminate gastrointestinal disorders in a short time. The drug acts directly on the source of the disorder. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may be accompanied by additional symptoms. Usually the symptom occurs along with nausea and vomiting. Sometimes body temperature increases. Polysorb is an effective remedy that rarely causes side effects. In adults, the medication can also be used for alcohol poisoning. The medicine is considered universal and absolutely safe.

Polysorb helps to quickly normalize stool during diarrhea

In this article you will learn:

General information about the drug

Polysorb for diarrhea in adults and children can be used for gastrointestinal disorders of any nature. The medication is used regardless of the root cause of the disorder. The medicine affects not only the main symptom, but also the root cause of its occurrence.

The cost of the drug ranges from 80 to 100 rubles.

For diarrhea, Polysorb is prescribed more often than other similar medications. The medicine, like any other sorbent, is sold in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. The action of the drug is aimed at removing various toxic substances from the body. Polysorb is sold in packages of various sizes. The largest contains 50 g of substance.

Polysorb is considered an analogue of activated carbon. However, it is this drug that is more than 100 times more effective against diarrhea than the well-known drug. It is for this reason that many patients give their preference to the effective sorbent.

The drug absorbs and removes toxins and poisonous substances from the body

Composition and properties of Polysorb

Polysorb for diarrhea is produced in the form of a dry powder. At any nearby pharmacy, the patient can find packages of different sizes. The cost of the product also depends on this. Each sachet of medication contains 3 grams of active substance.

The most powerful sorbent Polysorb for diarrhea is not produced in the form of tablets or solution. Powder is the only form of medicine. The positive effect can be noticed almost immediately after use.

Silicon dioxide is the main active element in the composition of the drug

The composition and appearance features are described in the table.

Powder sachets are disposable. The product can also be sold in plastic jars.

Indications for use

Polysorb for children and adults against diarrhea is prescribed for poisoning of various types. The remedy is indicated for young patients from the age of one year. The medication helps when a person has eaten stale or low-quality food.

Polysorb is used as part of complex therapy for hepatitis

The properties of Polysorb also help when a person has drunk an excessive amount of alcohol-containing drinks and is faced with severe intoxication. This is possible due to the fact that the medicine removes toxic substances from the body.

A medicine such as Polysorb can be prescribed not only for diarrhea. The medication is recommended for people who work in hazardous industries. In this case, the drug is aimed at completely cleansing the body and maintaining good health.

The drug may be prescribed to people with kidney failure or some forms of hepatitis. The medication cleanses the body of excess urea or bilirubin.

Dosage and features of use of Polysorb

The dosage for diarrhea depends on the age of the patient. The powder should be diluted in a small amount of water without gas. Adults are recommended to use 3 grams of medication.

Polysorb for children against diarrhea is diluted in a glass of non-carbonated purified water. Recommended dosage – 1 tsp. drug for the specified amount of water. You must first consult with your doctor.

If necessary, the amount of the drug is increased. However, it is advisable to do this after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of side effects. It is first important to ensure that there are no contraindications.

To prepare the suspension, adult patients need to dilute 3 grams in water. drug

It is advisable to take the product an hour before meals. This can be done 1.5 hours after eating. Polysorb is also used by pregnant women for diarrhea. The medication is prescribed to expectant mothers for:

  • viral pathologies;
  • poisoning;

The dosage for pregnant women is selected individually.

Side effects after using Polysorb

If you change the dosage yourself or use the drug incorrectly, side effects may occur. In this case, the patient experiences the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • lack of calcium in the body;
  • anemia;
  • difficulty in defecation;
  • decreased immune functions of the body;
  • the appearance of severe swelling of the body;
  • decreased performance;
  • pre-fainting state.

If the drug is used incorrectly, diarrhea gives way to constipation. In addition, your appetite will decrease or disappear. If unpleasant signs appear, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

The video describes the drug Polysorb in detail:


Polysorb for diarrhea is not used if there are contraindications. To make sure they are absent, you must first consult a doctor. You should not take the medication if:

  • acute peptic ulcer of the duodenum or digestive organ;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • atony of the intestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Take Polysorb with caution if you have diarrhea, are prone to allergic reactions or are pregnant. You must first make sure there are no contraindications.

Diarrhea can be caused by toxins, bacteria, allergies, or bowel problems. Polysorb is a drug that can cope with diarrhea, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. Before using the product, you must read the instructions for it.

The main substance of Polysorb is highly dispersed (consisting of very small particles) amorphous silica powder. The particle size is less than 0.09 mm. The adsorption capacity of the drug is 300 mg per 1 g.

Silicon dioxide belongs to the group of multifunctional enterosorbents of inorganic origin. This mineral is very hard, it is resistant to acids and does not dissolve in water - when mixed with it, it forms a suspension. Silicon dioxide is a chemically active substance, which makes adsorption possible, that is, the absorption of substances due to chemical interaction. The substance is non-selective (non-selective) regarding which substances it absorbs.

The drug is white, sometimes with a bluish tint. A suspension is prepared from the powder for oral administration. The drug is available in plastic packages of 12, 25 and 50 grams, as well as in bags for single use made of label paper with a thermal layer, containing 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 12 g of the drug in a package of 10, 30, 50 or 100 bags. Instructions are included with the drug.

The suspension is considered one of the most convenient forms to take, because it is easier to drink a glass of liquid than 5 tablets of activated carbon. This is especially valuable when it comes to treating a child.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

The drug is multifunctional and non-selective. This explains its versatility in relation to various harmful compounds and the possibility of use for diarrhea of ​​any origin.

Once in the intestines, Polysorb binds and removes from the body what can cause diarrhea:

  • bacteria and their metabolic products;
  • allergens that enter the body with food, or products that cause intolerance;
  • medications whose side effects and/or overdose cause loose stools;
  • pesticides and heavy metal salts;
  • ethanol and its breakdown products;
  • some metabolic products: bilirubin, urea, lipid complexes and cholesterol.

Once inside the body, the drug begins to act within the first 5 minutes. It passes through the gastrointestinal tract, along the way “collecting” everything that could cause loose stools.

Due to the characteristics of the active substance, Polysorb passes through the aggressive environment of the stomach unchanged. Silica dioxide leaves the body naturally, through urine and feces, taking with it toxins, bacteria and allergens. The drug does not penetrate the blood; its area of ​​action affects exclusively the gastrointestinal tract.

Polysorb cannot eliminate the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, which many doctors associate with stress. Other mechanisms of influence are needed here. However, even in this case, it can alleviate the patient’s condition by collecting and removing gases.

If the cause of diarrhea remains unknown, Polysorb is prescribed as a universal drug for symptoms of poisoning.

The drug does not affect intestinal motility, does not irritate the mucous membranes of organs and does not have side effects characteristic of antibiotics.

To treat diarrhea, the drug is mixed with water to form a suspension. The medicine must be taken 3-5 times a day, and it cannot be prepared for future use: before each dose, a fresh suspension must be prepared. The dosage depends on the patient's weight and the severity of the disease.

For convenience, a universal scheme has been developed to help select treatment depending on the patient’s weight:

  • up to 10 kg - 1 g of the drug per day, diluted in 50 g of water (a quarter glass);
  • up to 30 kg - 1 g three times a day, stirring in 50 grams of water;
  • up to 40 kg - 2 g three times a day, dissolved in 100 grams of water (half a glass);
  • up to 60 kg - 3 g three times a day, dissolving in 100 grams of water;
  • more than 60 kg - 4-6 g three times a day, dissolving in 150 grams of water.

Since not everyone has gram-accurate scales, it is convenient to measure the dosage with a spoon. So, one level teaspoon contains 1 g of the drug, and a tablespoon - 3 g. Do not be afraid to use this method of measurement: there have been no cases of Polysorb overdose and it is impossible to do harm with inaccuracies in such small proportions.

The peculiarities of taking the medicine depend on the cause of the diarrhea:

  • In case of poisoning, you must first rinse the stomach with a solution of the drug. To do this, mix 10 grams of the drug in a liter of water and rinse as usual. After this, the medicine is taken three times a day in a dosage calculated according to the patient’s weight. The product should be taken one hour before meals.
  • For chronic allergies, the drug is taken three times a day, an hour before or after meals.
  • For food allergies, take the suspension with a meal or drink it immediately after a meal.
  • If it is assumed that diarrhea was caused by an intestinal infection, then on the first day the drug should be taken every hour to reduce the volume of bacteria and prevent their proliferation. From the second day of treatment, the drug is taken four times a day. If you have an intestinal infection, you should not limit yourself to treatment with Polysorb: you should consult a doctor.
  • Sometimes diarrhea appears in pregnant women as a result of the location of the uterus. Usually, diarrhea begins to bother women starting from the 17th week. In this case, Polysorb is used in a dosage by weight three times a day. The drug has no effect on the fetus.

Under no circumstances should the drug be taken in dry form. The powder must be mixed with a sufficient amount of water.

The drug cannot be used after the expiration date. The prepared solution should be drunk immediately; the maximum possible shelf life is 2 days.

Some people find it difficult to take the drug because the taste makes them feel nauseous. In this case, you can dilute the suspension with a small amount of orange juice.

Although the drug is safe, in some cases it should be avoided. Thus, Polysorb is contraindicated for gastric or duodenal ulcers. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

The medicine is also contraindicated for internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. This may be indicated by black stool or the presence of blood clots in the stool.

You should take the sorbent with extreme caution for gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases: silica particles will get stuck in the folds of organs and irritate already inflamed tissues.

If you are allergic to the drug, you need to find its analogue.

In case of intestinal atony (lack of normal tone of internal muscles), any antidiarrheal drugs are contraindicated. In this case, you should consult a doctor for treatment.

The product has few negative effects, and all of them fall into the category of very rare manifestations.

Sometimes signs of allergies appear in the form of skin rashes and slight swelling. It is extremely rare for a reaction to the drug to cause worsening diarrhea or constipation.

If the patient takes Polysorb for a long time (more than 2 weeks), the absorption of vitamins and minerals is disrupted, which leads to dry mucous membranes and skin, frequent colds or excess weight. Therefore, if you need to take medicine for a long time, you should take a vitamin-mineral complex at the same time.

One of the features of Polysorb is the ability to bind and retain drugs, facilitating their elimination. Therefore, the drug should not be taken simultaneously with other medications - this will significantly reduce their effectiveness. At least 1.5 hours should pass between taking Polysorb and any other medications.

In some cases, combining drugs not only reduces their effectiveness, but is also harmful: for example, simultaneous use with acetylsalicylic acid can lead to the destruction of platelets.

But for purulent-inflammatory diseases, the combination of Polysorb and antiseptic solutions contributes to more successful treatment.

In case of allergies or for the convenience of the patient, other drugs with similar properties may be prescribed:

  • Smecta is a mixture of magnesium and aluminum silicates. The drug absorbs and removes toxins and is effective even against rotavirus infection. In addition, Smecta has a good effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It fills damage, eliminates inflammation and creates an additional protective layer.
  • Neosmectin is a new generation drug that is selective: it absorbs only pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • Enterodesis- like Polysorb, it is a non-selective sorbent, characterized by a quick action period and high efficiency.

Polysorb is a drug that removes toxins, bacteria and their waste products. The dosage is calculated depending on the patient's weight. Should not be taken at the same time as other medications.


Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

In diseases such as poisoning, allergies, diarrhea occurs quickly and persists until the body is freed from toxic substances. With an intestinal infection or severe inflammation, the disorder appears due to impaired absorption of water and does not go away until the absorption mechanism is restored. Polysorb quickly and effectively helps against diarrhea.

Polysorb powder is a new generation enterosorbent. It is made on the basis of finely dispersed silicon oxide - the particle diameter reaches 0.09 mm. The compound is multifunctional and has strong neutralizing and absorption properties. Polysorb is prescribed when diarrhea is caused by acute poisoning of any kind, viral hepatitis, or allergies.

Silicon dioxide is the main active ingredient of the medicine. Auxiliary components do not play a role.

Polysorb is offered in the form of a fine white or bluish powder. When dissolved in water, it forms a suspension and is consumed in this form. The medicine is packaged in plastic jars with a capacity of 12, 25, 50 grams.

Polysorb is also available in sachets - 3 g of silicon dioxide. In the first minutes of illness, when you need to quickly stop diarrhea, this form is more convenient. Simply dissolve the contents in a cup. This will be a single dose.

Polysorb is a drug effective for the treatment of diarrhea that occurs due to food poisoning, allergies, intestinal infections and even purulent-septic inflammations. It removes dangerous compounds and microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • External – Polysorb binds bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens produced during allergies, pathogens themselves, microbes and medications.
  • Internal - silicon dioxide removes excess cholesterol, radionuclides, harmful toxic substances, heavy metals like mercury or lead, urea and even bilirubin.

Important! When treating with Polysorb, you need to take into account the peculiarities of taking the medicine. Silicon binds medications as effectively as toxic compounds. Therefore, at least 1.5 hours should pass between the use of enterosorbent and other tablets.

Polysorb absorbs substances immediately, once in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. It does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not change intestinal motility. The colloid absorbs toxins and harmful substances and comes out in its original form. Dioxide does not enter the blood.

Polysorb helps in the treatment of diarrhea in adults and children of various origins:

  • Acute and long-term poisoning of various kinds. It is observed in inflammatory or infectious diseases of other organs. The waste products of bacteria poison the body, and the drug allows you to get rid of them.
  • Intestinal infections. Unlike other drugs, Polysorb is used for disorders of bacterial origin, as it binds and removes microorganisms.
  • Diarrhea caused by expired foods, medications, ethanol, salts of heavy metals, breakdown products of alcohol or drugs, etc. is also an indication for prescribing medication.
  • Drug and food allergies. The suspension binds antigens, which significantly reduces the manifestations of allergies of any kind.
  • Polysorb is drunk not only to get rid of loose stools, but also when it is necessary to remove substances such as urea or bilirubin. They appear in excessive quantities, for example, with viral hepatitis.
  • In case of dysbacteriosis, this medicine for diarrhea is more effective, since colloidal silicon does not irritate the intestinal walls.
  • The medication is prescribed for purulent-septic diseases of varying severity.
  • Polysorb is used to cleanse the body of toxins. The powder is prescribed to workers in hazardous industries. People living in contaminated areas are also recommended to drink the drug periodically.

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Polysorb is prescribed for diarrhea in a child of both inflammatory and infectious origin. Moreover, the drug can be used literally from the day of birth.

Polysorb for diarrhea is used only in the form of an aqueous suspension. To make it, you need to stir the specified mass of powder in 1/4-1/2 cup. It does not dissolve, but only forms a suspension.

For diarrhea of ​​any etiology in adults, drink Polysorb 3-4 times in 24 hours. The daily dose is calculated based on body weight - 0.1-0.2 g per 1 kg. The drug is taken without taking into account the frequency of stool. The maximum dosage of Polysorb is 0.33 g/kg.

Polysorb for diarrhea in newborns and children is taken in the same way and is calculated by weight:

  • Polysorb is given to an infant or child weighing up to 10 kg with diarrhea 0.5 teaspoon. It is dissolved in 30-50 ml of water.
  • A child weighing from 11 to 20 kg is prescribed 1 level teaspoon 1 or 2 times per 24 hours.
  • If you weigh 21-30 kg, take 1 heaped teaspoon. The volume of water is at least 50-70 ml.
  • For schoolchildren weighing from 31 to 40 kg, you will need 2 heaped teaspoons and 100 ml of water.
  • A remedy for diarrhea for a child weighing from 41 to 60 kg is prepared from 1 tablespoon of dioxide and 100 ml of liquid.
  • Polysorb for children weighing more than 60 kg for diarrhea is prescribed in the amount of 1-2 heaped tablespoons, dissolved in 150 ml of water.

Important! If you have a food allergy, take the medicine during lunch, not before.

The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the ailment. For poisoning, the course is 3-5 days, for allergies – up to 10-14 days.

Instructions for using colloid for diarrhea describe not only general recommendations, but also more precise schemes of use for various ailments:

  • In case of acute poisoning of any kind, therapy begins with gastric lavage with a weak solution of dioxide: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. For very severe conditions, toxins can be quickly removed by repeating the wash up to 4-6 times in 24 hours. In parallel, the patient receives a suspension of 0.1–15 g/kg up to 3 times a day.
  • For infections, the daily dose is taken in 5 doses with an interval of 1 hour. Then the daily portion is divided into 4 doses. Duration – 3-5 days.
  • For viral hepatitis, when it is necessary to eliminate excess bilirubin, Polysorb is drunk in the usual volume for at least a week.
  • For chronic renal failure, the colloid is drunk for a long time: 25-30 days at a daily dose of 0.1-0.2 g per kg. Treatment is repeated after 2-3 weeks.
  • You need to take Polysorb during alcohol withdrawal, as in the treatment of hepatitis: 5-10 days, 0.2 g/kg.
  • In case of severe allergies, the stomach is first washed with a 0.5-1% Polysorb solution. For chronic conditions, drink in the usual volume in courses of 7-15 days. To obtain the required volume of medicine, for food allergies, mix the powder in a proportion of 0.1-0.3 g per kg of weight in 150 ml of liquid.

The medication is also effective for prevention. To prevent gestosis in pregnant women, drink the powder for 10-14 days at the rate of 0.1 g/kg body per day.

Diarrhea from the effects of Polysorb stops quite quickly, as silicon dioxide removes toxic compounds from the intestines. At the same time, the drug itself does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not reduce motility.

But despite its neutrality, the medicine has the following contraindications:

  • You should not use Polysorb during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
  • If symptoms indicate bleeding (black stool, blood clots in diarrhea), the medicine is not prescribed.
  • If you have intestinal atony, you should not use antidiarrheals of any kind.
  • Discontinue Polysorb if there is individual sensitivity to any component of the powder.

Adverse reactions such as dyspepsia or constipation occur extremely rarely. An allergic reaction was even less common.

Important! If the course of treatment lasts more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to supplement the therapy with multivitamins. With long-term use of Polysorb, calcium and vitamins are less absorbed.

The shelf life of Polysorb is 5 years. After this time, the medicine is thrown away.

The product should be stored in a place away from the sun and at a temperature no higher than +25⁰C. The opened jar must be tightly closed and moisture must not be allowed to enter.

The finished suspension is stored for no more than 48 hours. But for the treatment of diarrhea, it is recommended to use only fresh suspension.


Polysorb is a sorbent based on colloidal silicon dioxide. Available in single dose sachets and jars. In appearance it is a white or bluish powder. There is no smell or taste. When dissolved in water it forms a homogeneous mixture.

Diarrhea always develops suddenly and at the wrong time. Diarrhea is a life-threatening condition; along with stool, the body loses fluid, mineral salts and vitamins. Polysorb for diarrhea is approved for use in all categories of patients, including children and pregnant women.

The active component is an inorganic, highly active, non-selective substance. The colloid particle size is 0.09 mm. The absorption capacity of 1 dose is 300 mg/g.

The sorbent binds and removes toxic substances of any nature. The drug is active against pathogenic microorganisms, food poisons, medications, and alcoholic beverage processing products.

The colloid absorbs metabolic products, including bilirubin, cholesterol, other lipids and uric acid. This helps reduce the manifestations of endogenous intoxication.

Indications for the use of Polysorb for diarrhea:

  • bacterial and viral infections accompanied by defecation disorders,
  • functional diarrhea,
  • purulent-septic diseases,
  • hepatitis accompanied by loose stools,
  • intoxication with drugs, alcohol,
  • poisoning with metal salts,
  • occupational diseases caused by the toxic effects of chemical or organic substances and associated gastrointestinal disorders.

The active component is not absorbed into the stomach and intestines. It is excreted unchanged in feces.

Polysorb is not used for diarrhea as a monotherapy drug. It does not belong to the group of “antidiarrheals”, and the instructions do not indicate loose stools as an indication for use.

The active component absorbs toxic substances and promotes their removal from the body. One of the side effects is constipation.

Polysorb is effective for single diarrhea; it is used simultaneously with the use of antidotes for diarrhea caused by the development of intestinal infection, inflammatory process in the liver, acute or chronic poisoning with salts of heavy metals, and insecticides.

Effective dosages and duration of use depend on the patient's age, diagnosis and severity of the disorder. The drug is taken orally only in the form of a ready-made solution. The suspension is prepared immediately before administration.

The mixture is suitable for use within 24 hours after dilution. But it should be stored in a cool place without direct sunlight!

The powder is diluted with 50–100 ml of water. The sorbent should be taken 1 hour before meals or other medications. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor - 3 to 4 times a day.

To prepare the suspension, children use a teaspoon - 0.6 g of powder, for adults - a tablespoon, which is 1.2 g of the drug.

Daily dosage of Polysorb for diarrhea:

  1. Children from 1 year to 7 years – 150–200 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  2. Children over 7 years old - the maximum dose is 12 g per day, in severe forms of intoxication it is allowed to increase to 24 g.
  3. Adult patients - from 6 to 12 g of active substance per day.

In acute conditions of diarrhea in adults, treatment begins with the maximum recommended single dose of 6 g. If the patient is unable to swallow the suspension, it is administered through a tube. Switch to maintenance dosages. The duration of therapy is 3–5 days, for viral infections – up to 10–15 days.

For alcohol intoxication, Polysorb is used for 3-5 days. In case of impaired renal function – up to 25 days.

In the instructions for the enterosorbent, pregnancy is not indicated as a contraindication for use, but is used to prevent gestosis in any trimester of pregnancy in the following dosages:

  • for prevention, the daily dose is 1 g/10 kg,
  • therapy of toxicosis – 1.5–2 g/10 kg body weight.

The use of enterosorbent is indicated only for its intended purpose and under the supervision of a gynecologist. Preeclampsia requiring the use of Polysorb requires hospitalization of the patient. Self-medication is inappropriate.

Enterosorbent is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is not excreted into breast milk.

During treatment, feeding the baby is not stopped. If antibacterial drugs or antibiotics are prescribed, continued breastfeeding should be discussed with your doctor.

What information is missing from the article?

  • More drug analogues
  • Contraindications for concomitant diseases
  • Dosage of the drug
  • When will the effect of use be noticeable?
  • What drugs should not be combined with?

According to the instructions for use of Polysorb for diarrhea, its sorption properties appear within 1–4 minutes after administration. The duration of relief of diarrhea depends not on the effectiveness of the medicine, but on the reasons that caused the defecation disorder.

In case of uncomplicated food poisoning, it is enough to adhere to the recommended dosages throughout the entire period of treatment. If diarrhea is a symptom of an intestinal infection, enteritis, pancreatitis or hepatitis, then taking Polysorb as monotherapy is not effective. Antibiotics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are required as prescribed by a doctor.

The medication will cause harm if contraindications are ignored: nausea, vomiting, fever, self-medication of bacterial and severe viral infections, inflammatory processes of the liver and pancreas. The drug is used in the treatment of gestosis in pregnant women, but uncontrolled use of Polysorb can worsen the patient's condition.

In all cases, the use of enterosorbent can suppress suspicious symptoms. Subjectively, the condition will improve, diarrhea will stop or the urge to defecate will occur less frequently. But enterosorbent is not able to influence pathogenic flora or poisons that can be neutralized only with the help of specialized antidotes.

Contraindications for use:

  • ulcer of any part of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation,
  • bleeding from the stomach, intestines,
  • intolerance to active substances,
  • disturbance of intestinal motility.

You should not search the Internet for instructions on using Polysorb for diarrhea; enterosorbent is not an antidiarrheal agent. You should drink it in conjunction with normalizing your diet and avoiding contact with toxins.

The remedy can be considered as an emergency aid that alleviates the patient’s condition.

The sorbent is not able to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Take medications as prescribed by your doctor, prevent dehydration, support your immune system with symbiotics, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and diarrhea will stop.


Frequent, loose stools, accompanied by bloating, cramps and gas in adults can be caused by a variety of factors. Diarrhea is often caused by eating poor quality foods, food allergies or intestinal infections. Pharmacists have developed an effective sorbent for diarrhea - Polysorb, which, regardless of the cause, treats loose stools, both independently and in complex drug therapy.

The advantage of the medicine is the fact that it fights not only the symptoms, but also effectively eliminates the cause of diarrhea.

There are a number of advantages of this sorbent:

  1. Effectiveness in case of diarrhea, 2-4 minutes after administration it begins to fight the cause of frequent bowel movements.
  2. Active substances not only eliminate the unpleasant phenomena that accompany diarrhea, but also remove toxins and poisons from the body.
  3. Has a maximum adsorption concentration (300 mg/g).
  4. It is much more active in comparison with analogues.
  5. It is allowed to be used during lactation and by pregnant women during intestinal disorders.

Read also: What to do if you have a headache and nausea and diarrhea

In addition, this medication is very convenient to take, because it is easier to drink a diluted solution than to swallow tablets.

This is a universal drug for eliminating diarrhea of ​​any etiology, from food poisoning to complex pathological processes. The sorbent is a highly effective product included in a complex of therapy and preventive measures. It has been produced on the pharmaceutical market for about 20 years, during which time the medicine has earned positive reviews from patients and doctors.

Polysorb for diarrhea is developed on the basis of finely dispersed white silica, made with a high degree of purification. The advantage of using this product is the fact that it does not contain foreign, harmful substances, additives, etc. When treating diarrhea, Polysorb has a general cleansing effect on the body. It is worth considering that the drug does not break down into elements inside the intestine; after passing through the digestive system, it adsorbs toxins and is completely eliminated along with them.

Polysorb is excreted from the body during diarrhea naturally, with feces and urine.

This medicine is one of the most gentle, demonstrating high rates of effectiveness.

The task of enterosorbents is to remove toxins, poisons, and waste from the body. Due to the structure of the drug, its active substances bind and adsorb pathogenic elements from the body.

Polysorb for diarrhea effectively affects various toxins:

A medicinal sorbent is a good product that has the following mechanism of action:

  1. If harmful substances enter the body, they form pathogenic microflora, provoke the development of intestinal disorders and worsen the patient’s condition.
  2. When using Polysorb for diarrhea, the drug, when it enters the intestinal area, “captures” harmful microorganisms with active elements and removes them from the body.
  3. Due to the fact that the medicine copes well with waste and toxins, it can be effectively used in the fight against loose stools caused by poisoning and allergies.
  4. Polysorb for diarrhea copes with harmful bacteria without affecting the beneficial microelements that are so important for the restoration of the body.

Polysorb for diarrhea in adults is offered in the form of a dry powder for further preparation of a medicinal solution, the drug is hermetically sealed, packaged in 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12 g of active substance.

For use in stationary conditions, the sorbent can be purchased in vacuum bags of 50 g, as well as in plastic bottles of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 g of the drug.

The use of Polysorb sorbent for diarrhea is prescribed in cases where the problem is caused by the following reasons:

  • Acute food poisoning;
  • Infectious bowel diseases;
  • Purulent-septic diseases;
  • Complex therapy of dysbiosis;
  • Poison intoxication;
  • Allergic reaction to medications.

Also, Polysorb in the treatment of diarrhea in adult patients is very effective in the treatment of diseases of unknown etiology, accompanied by intestinal disorders, but without additional symptoms.

The medicinal sorbent Polysorb, used for diarrhea, is designed for oral administration. The powder offered in the package is intended for dilution in water to form a homogeneous suspension. Experts recommend taking the medicine an hour before meals, 3-4 times a day. The solution must be prepared anew before each use of the drug.

The dosage is calculated based on the body weight and degree of disease of the adult patient:

  1. For a patient weighing from 40 to 60 kg, 1 tbsp is prescribed. l. dilute the powder in 100 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. Patients weighing more than 60 kg should take 2 tbsp. l. powder mixed with 150 ml of water.

For intestinal disorders, depending on the nature of the cause in adults, the duration of treatment is:

    • Food poisoning – from 3 to 5 days;
    • Acute infectious diseases – 10-14 days.

Pregnant women can use Polysorb for diarrhea, because This medicine has virtually no side effects and is safe for mother and child. In women who are preparing to become mothers, the cause of diarrhea may be a common toxoinfection. During pregnancy, it is also used to eliminate vomiting and toxicosis. The drug quickly and safely removes pathogenic microorganisms without affecting the beneficial intestinal microflora.

A special feature of the drug is its direction of action; the sorbent is not activated and the blood is not absorbed. Due to this, Polysorb during pregnancy is completely safe for the development of the fetus.

But, despite this, it is necessary to take into account the doctor’s recommendations regarding dosage and course duration. It would be optimal to stir 1 tbsp. powder without a slide in 1 glass of water and add fresh juice or compote, mixing the medicinal suspension with drinks does not affect the level of effectiveness. Drink this solution 2 times a day until improvement occurs. On average, the course of treatment for diarrhea in pregnant women lasts 3-5 days.

Important! Despite the safety of the drug, using Polysorb during pregnancy with diarrhea is prohibited if a woman has a stomach ache, increased uterine tone or intestinal obstruction.

When breastfeeding, the drug is not dangerous for mother and child. To get rid of diarrhea, a nursing mother needs to take powder dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup of water). On the first day of development of the problem, drink the suspension every two hours for 6 hours. In the future, switch to a course of dosing every 3 hours until symptoms disappear.

Experts do not advise choosing Polysorb sorbent for the treatment of diarrhea for patients with exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or when the duodenum is inflamed.

With particular caution, Polysorb should be taken for intestinal disorders in patients who have hypersensitivity to one of the components.

To date, there have been no recorded cases of overdose of Polysorb sorbent used for diarrhea.

But long-term use (more than 14 days) without consulting a doctor can lead to the development of dysbacteriosis and concomitant disorders of the digestive process. Excessive consumption of Polysorb can also cause the leaching of minerals and beneficial elements from the body. This provokes a lack of vitamins in the intestinal lumen, necessary for vital digestive processes.

It is extremely rare for patients to experience diarrhea from Polysorb, but this is observed only as a result of hypersensitivity to the drug. An allergic reaction may occur, in the form of a skin rash and slight swelling.

If the dosage prescribed by the doctor is not followed, taking the sorbent may cause constipation.

Is it possible to take several medications at the same time for diarrhea? One of the indications for the use of this drug is the localization of the action of any medications in the stomach and intestines. The property of the drug Polysorb used for diarrhea allows it to reduce the pharmacological parameters of other medications, which must be taken into account when prescribing parallel therapy.

It is important not to use Polysorb for diarrhea in adults for more than two weeks; if there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor for advice.

If after 2-3 days the symptoms disappear, you can stop taking the medicine.

To extend the shelf life of the drug, it is important to consider the recommended storage rules:

  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Store at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees.
  • Avoid damage to the packaging and moisture penetration.

Polysorb for diarrhea is a safe, highly effective sorbent, and if it was not possible to purchase it, the following drugs would be a worthy replacement:

  • White activated carbon;
  • "Sorbek";
  • "Neosorb";
  • "Smecta";
  • "Enterosgel".

The range of medications is huge, and some patients are concerned about the question, which is better Polysorb or Enterofuril? These drugs differ in their pharmacological action.

Enterofuril is an antimicrobial agent, its focus is the elimination of a wide range of intestinal microbes, including pathogenic ones (staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, etc.). No sorbent alone can cope with such causes of loose stools. If both drugs are prescribed, it is necessary to take into account that Enterofuril should be taken 1-2 hours after the sorbent.

The above medications have a similar effect; they are used to remove harmful elements that cause discomfort in the digestive tract. Thanks to this, you can quickly and effectively eliminate the causes and symptoms of loose stools.

When the first signs of stomach upset appear, do not be afraid to take Polysorb for diarrhea; the drug is completely safe and, in the absence of serious illnesses, will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Almost all patients give the drug a positive assessment, due to the ability to quickly and effectively eliminate intoxication and diarrhea in a variety of conditions. The speed of action is also noted as an advantage; after a few hours, not a trace remains of the symptoms.

Especially pregnant women note the restoration of various digestive system disorders, without risks or health hazards.

The sorption properties of the drug perfectly cope with overeating, the consequences of including exotic foods in the diet, etc. This is an indispensable medicine for tourist trips, traveling abroad to exotic countries.

Some patients note the not very pleasant taste of the diluted suspension, which irritates the mucous membrane of the throat, but this disadvantage is offset by many advantages.
Polysorb for diarrhea in adults completely copes with the assigned tasks; when choosing which is best, you should listen to the opinion of doctors and your feelings! Based on the individual characteristics of each organism and the clinical picture, the therapist will prescribe a treatment regimen and the most effective course of treatment.


In this article we will figure out whether Polysorb helps with diarrhea.

The drug is a silica-based medicine that is used against the background of food or alcohol poisoning. Next, we will consider the instructions for using this drug to treat diarrhea in children and adults.

One of the most common reasons why patients take sorbents, especially Polysorb, is diarrhea. Diarrhea very often catches people at the most unexpected moment, and, of course, every person strives to quickly get rid of such an unpleasant illness.

After using Polysorb for diarrhea, many people talk about their experience on pharmacological websites or on social networks. And it must be said that this medicine regularly receives positive reviews, including many enthusiastic comments and thanks for the fact that this medicine always saves and helps out at any time. Currently, “Polysorb” has managed to establish itself as a very effective remedy for diarrhea for children and adults with poisoning or any stomach upsets.

But consumers need to take into account that some people may develop an allergy to this drug, and therefore they should familiarize themselves with the contraindications for taking it, and it is better, if in doubt, to go to the doctor in order to agree on a treatment regimen with a specialist.

By the way, “Polysorb” for diarrhea is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, if diarrhea after a treatment course has not gone away after two weeks, then in this case a medical consultation is also necessary.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use of Polysorb for diarrhea.

The drug can bind and remove various toxic substances from the body. For example, it removes pesticides, bacteria and their metabolic products, as well as alcohol and some allergens found in food. The drug can also cope with drugs in case of overdose. This medication is also capable of combating heavy metal salts. In addition, this composition also helps with excess cholesterol, bilirubin and urea. “Polysorb” is different in that, being one of the newest modern sorbents, it acts faster than, for example, the familiar activated carbon.

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