Diarrhea with high acidity. Causes of diarrhea with gastritis, treatment. Causes of diarrhea

When inflammation occurs on the inner surface of the stomach due to a combination of certain unfavorable circumstances, the sick person always experiences unfavorable and severe symptoms. In addition to pain, stool disorder occurs. Diarrhea due to gastritis is considered one of the most common phenomena. It is due to the fact that the main functions of the digestive organs undergo significant disruption due to the fact that the inflammatory process provokes inadequate digestion of food in the stomach. Basically, this pathological process is inherent in pathology occurring against the background of low acidity.

Causes of loose stools

Diarrhea due to pathological inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be either short-term or long-term. There are several prerequisites that contribute to the appearance of diarrhea at a time when gastritis begins to worsen. The most important among them are:

  • intoxication of the body during relapse of the disease;
  • the inability of the inflamed walls of the main digestive organ to efficiently digest the products that have entered it.

The quality of digestion deteriorates due to a lack of gastric juice, and this factor contributes to the fact that in a sick person the food he has absorbed stagnates in the stomach, the process of rotting and fermentation occurs, and as a result, diarrhea develops due to gastritis.

The reasons for short-term bowel dysfunction are quite simple - eating stale food, drug allergies or dirty water.

But with prolonged diarrhea, lasting for several days, the situation is much more serious. Several negative factors may be to blame for its appearance:

  • malabsorption in the intestine, called in medical terminology malabsorption syndrome;
  • diseases of other gastrointestinal organs associated with gastritis;
  • eating large quantities of fatty or rough foods;
  • the presence of infection in the digestive organs.

Prolonged diarrhea with gastritis should never be ignored, as this can lead to the most serious consequences. It is necessary to establish as soon as possible the true cause of the appearance of loose stools during gastritis and take emergency measures to eliminate it.

Danger of long-term disorder

Chronic diarrhea not only affects a person’s quality of life, but also causes obvious troubles. The consequences of this condition are obvious. The danger of chronic diarrhea that occurs during an exacerbation of inflammation of the main digestive organ is as follows:

  • A serious threat of problems in brain function or the development of kidney failure is inevitable dehydration. The occurrence of such pathologies during chronic diarrhea is due to the fact that the normal functioning of all systems and organs is based only on the participation of a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • Also, with this pathological condition, the body is not able to obtain the normal amount of microelements and vitamins for its vital functions. This leads to the fact that anemia, hypovitaminosis and complete exhaustion of the body develop quite easily.
  • Incipient dehydration can be recognized by such obvious symptoms as a constant feeling of thirst, dry mouth, a decrease in the amount of urine, and the acquisition of a pungent odor and dark color. In order to prevent such problems from occurring during diarrhea, no matter how long it lasts, it is necessary to strengthen the drinking regime. This will allow you to constantly replenish the volume of fluid lost from the body. It is best to drink water that is slightly salted.

Therapy for chronic diarrhea

Only timely adoption of measures to treat and prevent the disease can stop the further development of pathology and prevent the occurrence of possible disorders in the digestive system. In order to avoid chronic diarrhea, you first need to pay attention to what reaction the body has when consuming various foods. Those that cause stool thinning should be completely excluded from the daily menu.

In addition, those foods that can cause exacerbations of chronic gastritis with low acidity, accompanied by prolonged diarrhea, should also be expelled:

  • whole milk;
  • any fruits, as they aggravate diarrhea;
  • fresh bread and rye flour products;
  • dishes that contain legumes.

Such nutritional correction is necessary due to the fact that usually the appearance of pathological symptoms is associated with eating one or another inappropriate product. The most important thing for this form of pathology is regularity in eating food. Only in this case will gastric juice be produced in a timely manner, and acidity will be normalized.

Treatment of the disease, carried out with the aim of stopping the inflammatory process in the stomach, begins with the elimination of those unfavorable factors that led to its development.

Medications for therapeutic measures (medicines that restore mucous membranes, antibiotics and antispasmodics) are prescribed only by a specialist in accordance with the diagnostic study performed. To eliminate loose stools, antidiarrheal drugs are used. They should also be selected by a specialist, taking into account the acidity of gastric juice.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine comes to the rescue for any disease. For the treatment of gastritis accompanied by diarrhea, experts also recommend using grandmother’s recipes in addition to drug therapy and a mandatory diet. They are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, and therefore are completely safe for the body and are not addictive.

The following recipe is considered the most effective, helping to quickly eliminate diarrhea, which constantly torments a patient with gastritis - 2 parts of blueberries, 3 sage leaves and 1 each of caraway seeds, cinquefoil rhizomes and immortelle fruits are crushed and mixed. During an attack of severe diarrhea, 5 or 6 tablespoons of this mixture are brewed in a thermos with a liter of boiling water and infused overnight. One of the following very simple recipes may also help:

  • steam blueberries and eat 2 tablespoons morning and evening;
  • diluted pomegranate juice is taken in small portions throughout the day (contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity);
  • boil liquid rice porridge in water and drink its decoction;
  • Drink chamomile tea up to 3 times a day.

These folk recipes will help you cope with diarrhea in a short time and prevent further development of the disease, in which diarrhea occurs very often. Experts confidently say that the appearance of loose stools is easily prevented when a sick person with this negative phenomenon takes the medications prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner and follows a diet. He also needs to adhere to the correct daily routine, avoid overwork and stress, and forget about bad habits forever.

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Today, the prevalence of gastritis is constantly increasing. According to recent data, about half of the world's inhabitants suffer from this disease.

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the walls of the stomach, which can manifest itself with symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, and heaviness in the stomach.

Often, the clinical picture of general symptoms of gastritis is accompanied by an equally unpleasant manifestation - diarrhea.

Diarrhea with gastritis is a symptom of a malfunction of the entire digestive system. It is worth understanding why this pathology occurs and how to solve this problem.

Causes of diarrhea with gastritis

Many people do not even suspect that they suffer from a disease such as gastritis.

This is due to the fact that some symptoms of the pathology manifest themselves gradually, periodically: first a slight heartburn, then heaviness.

Often, when diarrhea occurs, people do not consider it a manifestation of any disease, often associating diarrhea with the body’s response to low-quality foods.

Gastritis can occur in different forms, which contribute to the disruption of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, so the appearance of loose stools is a common occurrence with this pathology.

It is important to understand that diarrhea can very often accompany a pathological disease such as gastritis in reduced secretion of gastric contents.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that during this course of the disease, food stagnates in the stomach, provoking fermentation of undigested foods and their rotting.

These products, entering the intestines, irritate the intestinal mucosa, contributing to disruption of the organ and causing diarrhea.

The main causes of loose stools during gastritis are:

  • intoxication of the body after eating foods prohibited for this pathology;
  • decreased motility of the stomach and intestines;
  • introduction of new products into the diet;
  • dysbiosis or bacterial infection of the intestine;
  • poor adherence to personal hygiene rules;
  • use of stale or improperly prepared food;
  • content of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms in food and water;
  • persistent stressful situations that arose against the background of common manifestations of gastritis.

If diarrhea occurs, you must try to eliminate the suspected cause of this disease as soon as possible.

What symptoms most often accompany diarrhea with gastritis?

Abnormal bowel movements during gastritis are most often complicated by cause-and-effect factors that arise against the background of diarrhea. These symptoms further aggravate the patient’s already serious condition.

Most often, the symptoms of loose stools are accompanied by such signs as:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • poor sleep;
  • flatulence (increased gas formation in the intestines);
  • Trembling in the knees and hands often occurs;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels (37 -38 ° C);
  • signs of intoxication of the body - nausea, vomiting, dizziness may appear;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • deterioration of the condition of hair, nails, skin.

Against the background of loose stools for more than 3 days, clinical manifestations of dehydration occur (dry mouth, weakness, apathy, irritation, saliva becomes viscous), which is a rather dangerous symptom and requires urgent measures.

Forms of diarrhea

Today, there are two main forms of diarrhea, which also manifest themselves in gastritis: short-term and long-term.

Short-term diarrhea with gastritis is diarrhea lasting up to 3 days. The cause of this pathology is most often poor-quality and stale food products, which cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Long-term (protracted) diarrhea with gastritis is a more severe condition when loose stools do not stop for more than 4 days. This stage is characterized by acute manifestation of all clinical symptoms of diarrhea.

Diarrhea lasting more than 4 days causes dehydration and rapid weight loss in the patient. Patients complain of constant nausea, dizziness, and loss of appetite.

Often, a prolonged stage of loose stool can aggravate the pain syndrome, which is localized throughout the abdominal region.

This form of diarrhea with gastritis is dangerous to the patient’s health and requires immediate measures, since it worsens gastritis, which is fraught with dire consequences.

It is important to understand that with the appearance of diarrhea, all useful minerals and vitamins are washed out of the body at an accelerated pace, which contributes to the exacerbation of many chronic pathologies and the deterioration of the patient’s well-being.

Drug therapy for diarrhea

Drug treatment of diseases such as gastritis and diarrhea is the most effective means of solving the pathology.

An important criterion for the use of drugs for diarrhea is that these drugs should not harm the gastric mucosa.

Treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the root cause of loose stools, relieving symptoms and manifestations of diarrhea.

The basic principles of treating diarrhea are:

  1. Prescription of dietary nutrition.
  2. Prescription of symptomatic drugs that relieve pain and intoxication symptoms.
  3. Purpose of sorbents to cleanse the stomach and intestines.
  4. Antibiotic drugs to eliminate the bacterial factor causing the drug. Important! The prescription of antibiotics for diarrhea in combination with gastritis should be carried out with drugs that do not contribute to irritation of the gastric mucosa, and also in cases where the risk of dehydration exceeds the risk of complications of gastritis.
  5. Drugs to restore gastric secretory function.

It is necessary to treat short-term diarrhea, lasting up to 3 days, with symptomatic medications. For the treatment of such a form as prolonged diarrhea, the complex approach indicated above is used.

Basic rules for following dietary therapy for gastritis with manifestations of diarrhea

Diet therapy for gastritis should be observed not only during the stage of exacerbation or acute process - it is important to carefully monitor the quality of food during periods of remission to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

There are a number of rules that allow you to rationally approach the treatment of such pathologies as gastritis with symptoms of diarrhea using a balanced diet.

  1. The basic rule of nutrition for gastritis with diarrhea is fractional but frequent intake of food. Experts advise eating small portions every three to four hours - this will successfully relieve the stomach and replenish the necessary supply of nutrients, without harm to the whole body.
  2. It is necessary to carefully observe the thermal regime of cooked dishes. It has been proven that for complete and rapid healing of inflamed areas, food should be at room temperature. In addition, warm food helps restore gastric juice motility, which allows you to quickly get rid of such ailments as diarrhea.
  3. Products used during gastritis should not contain dyes or preservatives, since most often they cause diarrhea. To treat the disease, you need to use fresh, natural ingredients.
  4. To improve the digestibility of foods and reduce the likelihood of stomach damage, it is necessary to chew food thoroughly or grind it in special kitchen utensils.
  5. For full gastric motility during gastritis with diarrhea, the diet therapy complex should include full, frequent drinking of fluids that help relieve inflammation and help food digest faster.

Water helps solve the problem of dehydration. It should be warm, non-carbonated. Drinking water or water from natural mineral springs is best.

These rules will allow you to quickly reach the remission stage. In addition, following these simple tips will help restore the functioning of the entire body and improve metabolic processes, as well as cure diarrhea.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to treat gastritis and diarrhea under the supervision of a specialist, since only he can identify the real cause of the disease and choose the right treatment for each individual patient, based on the patient’s condition and history.

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During the development of gastritis, the functioning of the entire digestive system is disrupted, and diarrhea is not such a rare occurrence. If diarrhea appears with gastritis, then another one is added to the list of pressing problems of the patient. How to get rid of annoying diarrhea, and what is the mechanism of its occurrence? Let's talk.

The mechanism of diarrhea with gastritis

It often happens that a person does not notice the development of gastritis. Symptoms come on gradually: either mild heartburn, then increased gas formation, and then diarrhea. Against the background of these alarming signs, a person can no longer live normally, and therefore consults a doctor. Any experienced specialist can explain the mechanism of the disease. The following stages are distinguished:

  • first, against the background of the disease, problems begin with the production of gastric juice, in particular, its quantity decreases;
  • food entering the stomach in a standard amount does not have time to be digested due to the small volumes of gastric juice;
  • food remains settle in the stomach;
  • due to the stagnation of leftover food, their fermentation begins, and against this background, signs of diarrhea appear.

Diarrhea with gastritis is a very common occurrence. Moreover, often the color of stool does not change, and diarrhea continues even in cases where a person completely changes his diet.

Diarrhea may cause
and other unpleasant symptoms, and here are just a few of them:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • apathy or frequent mood swings;
  • deterioration of blood, hair, nails.

It is important to understand that diarrhea has a negative impact on the functioning of the entire body. Dehydration occurs due to the loss of a large amount of fluid, the stomach cannot function normally, and besides, diarrhea washes out all useful elements from the body. The lack of potassium is especially acute, and against this background your overall health worsens.

If gastritis has not previously resulted in such an unpleasant symptom and suddenly appears, you need to tell your doctor about it. It is possible that the changes indicate an exacerbation of the problem.

Forms of the disease

Diarrhea with gastritis can manifest itself in two forms:

  • in chronic;
  • in acute

The chronic form is usually one of the main symptoms of the disease. Against the background of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea appears and then disappears. It can occur due to overeating or the introduction of new foods into the diet. It is important to adhere to a certain diet and not ignore the medications prescribed by the doctor.

Much more dangerous is the acute form of diarrhea, which occurs suddenly and raises a lot of questions in a person. For what reasons can this problem develop?

  1. Due to the consumption of alcohol in both small and large quantities.
  2. Due to the use of certain medications.
  3. Due to non-compliance with diet and consumption of prohibited foods.

Acute diarrhea is characterized by the fact that it occurs suddenly and does not go away for several days. The urge to defecate sometimes occurs several times an hour, accompanied by severe pain in the stomach.

In such cases, it is necessary to immediately identify the cause of the problems in the stomach and eliminate them. This problem cannot be ignored, because without
With appropriate treatment, the fermentation process cannot be stopped.

Quite often, diarrhea appears only against the background of exacerbation of gastritis. In this case, it is accompanied by frequent sour belching and heartburn.

Treatment methods

For gastritis and accompanying diarrhea, the best treatment option is to follow a certain diet. In this case, your health will improve quickly, and within a couple of days the diarrhea will disappear. What advice do doctors give regarding proper nutrition for such an illness?

  1. You should not eat fatty, fried, spicy foods.
  2. Overeating is also not recommended, since the digestive system is weakened and the body is simply not able to cope with the digestion of incoming food.
  3. It is better to eat fractionally, dividing food into 5-6 meals.
  4. Food must be chewed thoroughly and washed down with water.
  5. The basis of the diet should be cottage cheese, slimy porridges, low-fat broths, pasta, and vegetables.
  6. It is also not recommended to overeat at night, since the digestive system works slower in the evening hours.

The advice is elementary, but
following them is sometimes difficult due to the number of restrictions. You should exclude alcohol in any form and carbonated drinks from your life. You will also have to give up smoking, especially after meals.

Treatment cannot be done without medications. What groups of medications are usually prescribed by specialists?

  1. First, you should take antibiotics to eliminate the infection that caused the diarrhea.
  2. It is also recommended to take medications that regulate intestinal motility.
  3. Sorbents promote rapid cleansing of the intestines.
  4. You can also take prebiotics, which will restore the microflora.
  5. Due to the risk of dehydration, it is recommended to use water-electrolyte solutions.

Only a doctor should prescribe medications after a detailed examination and identification of the causes of diarrhea. When using medications independently, there is a high risk that a person will only worsen his own condition.

Home remedies for diarrhea

Diarrhea can be a consequence of exacerbation of gastritis or occur due to an unbalanced diet. One way or another, a person can improve his own well-being using folk remedies. The following are especially in demand:

It is believed that a regular chamomile decoction can calm the intestinal microflora and improve overall well-being. For these purposes, you can also drink the rice water that remains after cooking the cereal. It is better to eat only fruits and some vegetables, as well as rice, so as not to complicate the work of the digestive system. And, of course, restoring the water-salt balance is of great importance. A person must drink enough fluid, otherwise his health will only worsen over time. It is best to drink plain water or weak tea without added sugar.

Diarrhea is an extremely unpleasant symptom that greatly limits a person and reduces his activity in everyday life. By adhering to the standard diet for gastritis and not forgetting to take medications, the patient will be able to avoid the appearance of diarrhea and the accompanying weakness of the body.

Diarrhea with gastritis is a symptom that indicates a violation of digestive function. It usually occurs when changes occur in the functioning of the stomach and nearby organs. This symptom often occurs with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is important to know how it manifests itself and how it should be treated.

Diarrhea with gastritis occurs in most cases of the disease. It refers to one of the symptoms that most often develop with GERD or chronic gastritis. It is most often manifested by frequent stools. Typically, the number of trips to the toilet can be up to 5-7 times a day. As a rule, such a symptom is formed when there is an error in nutrition. Occurs when overusing fatty or fried foods, carbonated drinks and sweets.

Diarrhea with gastritis most often occurs several times a month. That is, diarrhea for gastritis is a very typical symptom. As mentioned above, the amount of stool can reach up to 5 times a day. Another peculiarity is that with gastritis, constipation always appears after diarrhea. As a rule, they can alternate. This condition indicates the presence of changes not only in the stomach, but also in the pancreas.

Therefore, based on the above, answering the question of whether there can be diarrhea with gastritis, it definitely can. And this is due to disruption of the functioning of not only the stomach, but also other organs of the digestive tract.

Diarrhea with gastritis is manifested by loose stools. Moreover, it may not even be exactly like water, but more or less shaped. That is, have a sausage shape, but at the same time have a liquid consistency. Since this condition is also regarded as diarrhea. Diarrhea does not always mean loose stools many times a day. Stool more than 3 times a day is also considered diarrhea.

Diarrhea with gastritis may be accompanied by preliminary symptoms. You should also pay attention to the connection between diet and the occurrence of diarrhea. As a rule, one follows from the other. If digestive disorders are severe, then vomiting and nausea may accompany diarrhea.

Diarrhea with gastritis can be short-term. That is, it appeared on one day and passed away at the same time. But there is another option when diarrhea can last for several days. In this case, you should consult a doctor, since prolonged diarrhea is a direct path to dehydration and the ensuing consequences.

What other symptoms may appear?

It should be understood that diarrhea with gastritis does not occur in isolation. There are always additional symptoms. Therefore, you can start with the manifestations that precede diarrhea. Usually these are unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in the stomach. As a rule, they are more spastic in nature. Also, rumbling and bloating always appear. These symptoms usually occur about 10 minutes before the onset of diarrhea. But this does not mean that this always happens. Diarrhea with gastritis can occur without previous symptoms.

Spastic pain in the stomach area. Might as well join nausea And vomit. The intensity of symptoms depends precisely on the degree of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea with gastritis is accompanied by severe stomach pain. Typically this does not seem to be a twisting pain. If diarrhea is severe, then these symptoms may be accompanied by a feeling of thirst. Additionally, the skin becomes pale and there may be profuse sweat on the forehead.

In some cases, severe diarrhea may be accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool. This occurs in people prone to incompetence of the rectal mucosa. More precisely, in this case, diarrhea acts as a provoking factor, since at the time of diarrhea a strong spasm occurs in the intestines.

Typical symptoms

Typically, gastritis, in addition to diarrhea, can manifest itself as heartburn, nausea or vomiting. As a rule, all manifestations are associated precisely with nutritional disorders. Additionally, with gastritis, frequent constipation appears and there may be hunger pains. Periodically, with inflammation of the stomach, appetite is disturbed.

Gastritis will be characterized by the appearance of belching with sour contents. Pain may occur when swallowing. Gastritis is also characterized by the appearance of bloating and flatulence. Often with this disease, pain may develop in the back of the sternum. This usually indicates an increased level of acidity.


How to treat diarrhea with gastritis and what to do depends on the severity of the symptom. That is, with prolonged diarrhea, the patient may need to be hospitalized in a hospital. And if the diarrhea is mild, then treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. This usually involves taking antidiarrheal medications and treating the underlying disease.

Much attention is paid to treating the cause, that is, gastritis. Such patients are also given recommendations regarding diet and the importance of following it.


If diarrhea occurs in a milder form, then you will need to take sorbents. Usually for this purpose they can prescribe:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Pepidol;
  • Smecta.

But in this case, more attention is paid to the dose of the drug. Don’t think that every diarrhea can be cured with sorbents. Such groups of drugs are used to remove toxins from the body. Such tablets are used for a short-term effect, that is, to stop diarrhea.

Your doctor may also prescribe probiotics. Since at the time of diarrhea, beneficial microflora comes out of the intestines in large quantities, roughly speaking in transit. They may prescribe medications such as: Bifiform or Linux.

For severe diarrhea, medications that belong to the group of antidiarrheals may be prescribed. Their mechanism of action is based on reducing the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen. They use medications that contain Loperamide.

Usually this is either Loperamide itself in its pure form, or medications in which it is the main component. It should be understood that it is necessary to use such a drug only in cases of severe and prolonged diarrhea; in most cases, such a remedy is not used.

Treatment of the underlying disease

Much attention is paid to the treatment of the underlying disease, which is the cause. Since there is no point in treating only the symptom, the cause remains. This means that repeated bowel dysfunction in the form of diarrhea will occur within a short period of time.

Primarily used in the treatment of gastritis gastroprotectors. They are necessary to protect the mucous membrane from hydrochloric acid and, therefore, prevent further inflammatory process. These include De-nol. The regimen and dosage are determined by the doctor based on the symptoms and general condition of the patient.

The second group includes antacid or antisecretory drugs. They are necessary to reduce the activity of hydrochloric acid so that gastroprotectors can carry out their full effect. Typically, diarrhea with gastritis occurs due to disturbances in the formation of acid in the stomach, and as a result, a violation of the activation of fatty acid enzymes.

Additionally, eradication therapy is carried out if necessary. Assign prokinetics, antispasmodics.

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Diet is of great importance in the treatment of diarrhea with gastritis. Because in most cases, the starting point is a violation of the doctor’s nutritional recommendations.

Patients with frequent dyspeptic disorders are advised to limit their intake of sweets. Since sweets are carbohydrates, and microbes in the intestines multiply well when glucose is formed.

It is also necessary to avoid fried, smoked and fatty foods. These products force PFA to work actively, which leads to increased production of enzymes. And their activation occurs precisely in the stomach or duodenum. With gastritis, the normal process of enzyme activation does not occur, which is the cause of diarrhea.

In diet therapy, limiting fermented milk products, pears and apples is also important. Since such products are laxative, which will further aggravate the course of diarrhea.

It is recommended to eat large quantities croup, since it contains the necessary fibers, which contributes to the formation of feces. It is also advisable to drink plenty of black tea and eat more greens and vegetables.

In general, treatment of diarrhea is symptomatic therapy. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if such a symptom appears. Since treatment should be aimed at the cause, not the symptom.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. The disease is divided into types depending on the duration, form of progression and localization of inflammation, each with its own symptoms. Let's figure out whether diarrhea is considered a symptom of the disease.

The acute form of the disease develops due to stress, improper food intake or its quality, and the use of medications that cause allergies. The patient feels a sharp pain in the stomach and nausea. Diarrhea often occurs with acute gastritis. By eliminating the cause that caused the exacerbation, proper treatment and following a diet, the mucous membrane is restored and the disease recedes.

The chronic form can manifest itself for several years as separate exacerbations, with periodic bowel movements, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Untreated gastritis leads to serious forms of the disease; at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor and do not treat yourself.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea with gastritis is often caused by disruptions in nutrition, and other causes are also likely. With the disease, especially in chronic form, the functions of the stomach are significantly reduced. Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane, the process of producing gastric juice, which plays a major role in the normal digestion of food, is disrupted.

Depending on changes in secretory functions, two types of disease are distinguished: with low and high acidity. often accompanied by constipation, diarrhea is characteristic of gastritis with reduced secretion.

Causes of digestive disorders with gastritis with low acidity

With a lack of gastric juice, incomplete digestion of food occurs. Food stagnates in the stomach and provokes the development of fermentation and rotting of the leftovers. A person often feels nausea, belching, and putrid breath. Incompletely digested foods irritate the intestinal walls, causing diarrhea. The patient's general health deteriorates, a feeling of weakness, apathy, and loss of appetite appear.

Digestive disorders with gastritis with high acidity

Abnormal bowel movements are also characteristic of the type of gastritis with increased secretion. Moreover, the patient often experiences constipation and severe pain, usually occurring after eating.

The cause of digestive disorders and the development of diarrhea during gastritis is dysbacteriosis and infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which, settling in the stomach and multiplying rapidly, destroys the walls of the mucous membrane.

Duration of disorder

Depending on the form of the disease and its duration, they speak of short-term and prolonged indigestion.

Short-term diarrhea

This form of indigestion lasts up to three days. Diarrhea is caused by spoiled food, bad water, and minor stress. Typically, recovery occurs without the use of medications while maintaining the correct diet and water balance in the body.

Prolonged diarrhea

If the illness lasts more than 5 days and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, you should consult a doctor. Prolonged diarrhea causes dehydration. To find out the main cause of the disease, it is recommended to conduct a special diagnosis in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Often, bowel dysfunction is accompanied by other signs of the disease. Usually, a person feels severe weakness, nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, trembling in the legs, fever, flatulence, and belching.

If you have symptoms, it is better to seek help immediately.


To establish the cause of the disease and begin proper treatment, it is important to conduct a complete diagnosis. Loose stools are considered a symptom of many disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver, pancreas or gall bladder; it can be caused by an infectious infection; a comprehensive study will help determine the cause. Ultrasound of the stomach and gastroscopy are used.

In controversial and complicated cases, the doctor has the right to refer the patient for an x-ray or, during endoscopy, make a scraping and perform a biopsy. In addition to instrumental methods, studies are carried out of the results of biochemical tests of blood, urine and feces for blood content.

Treatment of diarrhea

If diarrhea is not treated in time, it causes frequent breakdowns and digestive disorders and leads to complications of the disease. It is especially important to quickly eliminate prolonged diarrhea, which threatens rapid dehydration and is dangerous for humans. In short-term cases, it is necessary to quickly find out and eliminate the cause that caused the exacerbation. With elimination, the condition usually improves.

For any type of diarrhea, you must first avoid a number of foods. Mainly causing fermentation in the stomach. This includes bread and rye flour products, selected fruits, honey, milk and legumes. The use of infusions and decoctions of chamomile, boiled rice to a jelly-like state, and dried steamed blueberries will quickly help. The patient is given plenty of warm fluids to prevent dehydration. The use of sorbents, activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel helps to recover.

If the cause of the disorder is chronic gastritis, priority treatment of the disease is required.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of diarrhea

Folk remedies are actively used for indigestion. They should be used after consultation with your doctor. It is allowed to take infusions and decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. For example, chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain. It is acceptable to take separately, or mix and brew a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let the infusion stand for several hours and take half a glass shortly before meals.

Available products cover and heal wounds well: sea buckthorn oil, flax seeds and aloe juice. Oil and flax seeds are added to salads, special decoctions are prepared from the seeds, the mucus released is filtered and drunk.

Sprouted wheat grains, in particular, are considered an excellent remedy that increases the overall immune defense of the body and digestive system.

Nutrition in the treatment of diarrhea caused by exacerbation of gastritis

For any type of diarrhea caused by various reasons, considering the phenomenon as a symptom of disease, it is important to follow a special nutritional system. You will need to follow a diet when treating gastritis. In order not to provoke the development of complications and exacerbation of the disease, remember that heavy food is not recommended - the digestive functions of the gastrointestinal tract have not yet been restored, and malfunctions of the system are likely.

A detailed nutrition plan and duration of the diet for the patient is prepared by the attending physician. They name uniform rules recommended for use during illness. You should exclude harmful foods: fried, fatty, salty, canned and spicy. Completely avoid fast food, alcohol, strong tea, coffee, and sweet sodas. Follow a special diet when food is taken after a short time in small portions. Food is taken lightly, without the use of seasonings. It is worth excluding for a short time the consumption of fruits and vegetables that increase acidity (for example, citrus fruits or tomatoes), increasing fermentation (all types of cabbage, brown bread, fresh baked goods, legumes).

The menu allows lean types of meat and fish, preferably steamed or boiled. For breakfast, it is advisable to regularly prepare well-cooked porridge with half-and-half milk. Oatmeal is suitable for the treatment and prevention of digestive disorders, maintaining the body’s immune system in good condition. Among the cereals, millet, rice or buckwheat are welcome. With normal tolerance, fermented milk products are suitable; they restore the microflora of the stomach and help a quick recovery.

Vegetable puree soups made from potatoes, pumpkin, and zucchini can stimulate intestinal motility, thanks to their enveloping properties and soft consistency, and restore the mucous walls of the stomach. Between meals you can eat fruits: bananas, green apples, peaches. Before eating, it is useful to drink a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil or herbal infusions.


To prevent or minimize relapses, preventive measures must be followed. If a person treats his health carefully, follows the doctor’s recommendations, takes the necessary medications on time, adheres to a healthy diet, even with a diagnosis of chronic gastritis, he can lead a full life and suffer less from pain, discomfort and indigestion.

It is important for complete healing and non-recurrence of exacerbations in the future to follow a sleep schedule, physical activity and nutrition, give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, unbridled “gluttony”.

Diarrhea with gastritis is a common symptom, but by following preventive measures and taking the right medications, you can cope with it without serious consequences for the body.

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