What to eat to get diarrhea. How to cause diarrhea at home quickly: drugs and laxative foods What to eat to cause diarrhea

Publication date: 26-11-2019

How to cleanse the digestive tract yourself and cause diarrhea at home?

How to cause diarrhea if necessary is an important question for many. In every person’s life, there may be situations when it is necessary, for one reason or another, to cleanse the digestive tract, and this can be done by causing loose stools.

There are several different ways to cause diarrhea at home, but you need to start from the reason that causes diarrhea, and from the individual characteristics of the body.

Why do the procedure?

It seems that provoking loose stools is a strange activity. However, there are a number of reasons for this that fully justify this behavior.

So, the reasons that prompt a person to resort to such an extraordinary means are as follows:

  • cleansing the body of various toxins and feces;
  • for the purpose of losing weight;
  • constipation treatment.

Experts recommend inducing diarrhea to cleanse the body. After all, the villi that line the gastrointestinal tract can become clogged over time. As a result, the process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted, and food residues in the intestines trigger the process of rotting. A large amount of toxic substances are formed, which enter various organs through the bloodstream and have a negative effect on them, leading to poor health, headaches and other health problems.

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Obesity is a huge problem for humanity. It leads to major problems with the cardiovascular system, to the slow formation of liver failure, to impaired uric acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and dyslipidemia. As a result of damage to the joints, obesity leads to a limitation of a person’s motor activity and can lead to apnea, manifested by snoring.

Thus, excess body weight slowly but systematically destroys a person’s life. As a solution to the problem of obesity, experts suggest inducing diarrhea, as it helps remove excess water from the body and generally cleanse the body.

Constipation is a big stress for the body. The following diseases can result from long-term chronic constipation:

  • colitis;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • reflux enteritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • rectal and colon cancer.

In order to cause diarrhea at home, there is a whole arsenal of methods:

  • special medications;
  • folk recipes;
  • phyto-preparations;
  • enema;
  • certain foods.


All medications that can cause loose stools are divided into several classes:

  • drugs that have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility - Stadalax, Bisacodyl;
  • various drugs that have a softening effect, such as petroleum jelly and almond oil;
  • so-called probiotics (preparations containing microorganisms that have a therapeutic effect; as a rule, these microorganisms restore normal intestinal flora), which include lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • drugs with a pronounced osmotic effect, such as Forlax and Prelax.

It must be remembered that there are a number of conditions that prevent the use of drugs with laxative effects:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation - breastfeeding;
  • internal bleeding;
  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of such drugs can have a negative effect on the body and cause a worsening of the condition. In case of pregnancy and lactation, harm may be caused to the baby.

All the drugs described above usually cope with the task excellently, however, you should never neglect the instructions and doctor’s prescriptions, as this can be harmful to your health.

Some medications will cause diarrhea when taken over a long period of time. These include antibiotics, magnesium salts and other acids, neomycin.

How is an enema performed?

Since ancient times, people have used special means to induce diarrhea. One of these proven ways to quickly cause diarrhea at home is cleansing enemas. They are suitable for everyone, young and old, and have proven themselves to be time-tested.

However, this procedure also has a number of contraindications:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal and inguinal hernia;
  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the large intestine;
  • recent vascular accidents (myocardial infarction, stroke);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • vaginal prolapse;
  • nervous tension, stress.

It is better to perform an enema either in the evening (20 - 1 hour) or in the early morning (5 - 7 hours). This will help completely empty the intestines. The water temperature during the procedure should be 38 – 40˚С.

As an auxiliary agent that is poured into an enema, you can use:

  • herbs and herbal infusions;
  • apple cider vinegar (natural);
  • vegetable oil diluted with water;
  • ordinary boiled water.

With frequent use of enemas, the body gets used to this kind of help and loses motor skills, requiring the usual stimulation. During the procedure, beneficial bacteria may be washed out of the intestines. Therefore, it is worth using this method at least 1-2 times a year and only if there are indications.

Herbal medicine in the fight against illness

One of the most popular remedies that cause diarrhea are herbal medicines.

Such remedies include decoctions, infusions from various plants, as well as medicines whose main active ingredients are plants.

As a rule, such drugs act quite gently and quickly.

Examples of remedies that cause loose stools and help cleanse the intestines and the whole body are aloe juice, buckthorn decoction, dandelion infusion, and Regulax. But the most famous drugs that cause diarrhea are based on senna of Alexandria.

Foods with laxative effect

What should you eat to get diarrhea? There are quite a few products that have a laxative effect:

  1. Prunes. In addition to vitamin A, potassium, fiber and iron, it contains special substances that create conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacteria.
  2. Various fruits are yellow and green in color when raw. Vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, coupled with the wonderful taste of fresh fruit are an excellent stimulator of intestinal motility. Also, fruits that cause loose stools are consumed for weight loss.
  3. As a rule, citrus fruits can also cause loose stools. But this very much depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.
  4. To quickly cause diarrhea at home, you can eat foods that contain many Omega-3 acids (usually flaxseed oil, seeds and others).

Of course, this is not the entire list of foods that cause diarrhea, but those listed above are time-tested and have helped a large number of people around the world. It is very important to pay attention to the physiology of each individual person.

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In addition to the above methods to cause diarrhea at home quickly and painlessly for your body, there are a number of other effective methods:

  • in the summer, when the market is abundant in vegetables and fruits, you can buy a plum, which will help no worse than prunes;
  • a combination of milk and herring will help cause loose stools if necessary;
  • in the summer season, salads from fresh vegetables will provide invaluable help;
  • Beet-based dishes have a laxative effect;
  • fermented milk products will be especially useful for those wishing to lose weight;
  • A variety of zucchini dishes will have a wonderful effect.

The list of products and medications is far from complete, but the main time-tested methods and remedies were presented in it. The main thing to remember is that the use of all these methods is preferable with the permission of the attending gastroenterologist. If such permission is received, then we choose a method to induce diarrhea and begin recovery.

How to cause diarrhea? This question worries people who have problems with bowel movements. In cases where such a problem arises, it seems very significant to a person. However, when bowel cleansing is required due to intoxication or constipation, the task becomes truly serious.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is urgently necessary to induce diarrhea at home. Sometimes this needs to be done due to a fermentation process or even rotting in the intestines that has arisen, which begins to lead to general intoxication of the body. More often this is required due to constipation or due to the desire to lose weight and remove toxins.

In any of these cases some process causing diarrhea is required. The problem can be solved by taking a laxative or doing an enema. However, the most benign will be diarrhea caused by eating certain foods.


The easiest and fastest way to cause diarrhea at home is with the help of medications - laxatives.

However, it should be borne in mind that their use has some contraindications. These include not only pregnancy and breastfeeding, but also intestinal bleeding, as well as the presence of ulcers. As a result, it is advisable to take laxatives after consultation with specialists.

The modern pharmacological industry produces the following types of drugs that can cause diarrhea:

Foods that promote diarrhea

Some foods that a person includes in their diet can cause bowel movements like an enema. There is no negative effect on the body. In order to quickly cause diarrhea, you can eat the following foods:

Each person has their own, special reaction to the foods they eat. Because any ingredient is digested differently in each stomach. However, the list of foods that can quickly cause diarrhea goes on. This includes cucumber pickle, dairy products, and raw vegetables. As a rule, apple cider vinegar diluted with cold boiled water turns out to be quite effective.

How to quickly cause diarrhea? There is an old grandfather's way - eating herring with milk. Few people's stomachs and intestines are capable of withstanding such a test. Most often it ends with a quick trip to the toilet. Another effective remedy for provoking diarrhea is “Broom” salad. To prepare it on a coarse grater, you need to chop raw cabbage and carrots along with beets and celery. This mixture must be eaten without adding anything to it.

Folk remedies that help cause diarrhea

One of the effective means that can quickly cause diarrhea is a cleansing enema. How and by what means it can be done:

  • a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water;
  • herbal infusions;
  • simple warm or room temperature boiled water;
  • vegetable oil, which is diluted with water.

When inducing diarrhea with an enema, you must remember that its frequent use is not recommended. It causes the intestines to become accustomed to forced bowel movements. Also, when it is used, beneficial microflora are washed out. And this, in turn, can cause problems, among which uncontrolled diarrhea will be the least of the troubles.

Intestinal upset is not the most pleasant thing that can happen. But sometimes it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, that is, induce diarrhea, for medical purposes to improve health. Many traditional healers recommend doing such cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract regularly, which, according to them, improves human health. Usually this procedure is offered to be done in a hospital setting. But you can cause diarrhea using various methods and at home, which is much more comfortable. In the article we will look at whether it is possible to quickly cause diarrhea, what to take at home for this, so as not to harm yourself, but to effectively and efficiently cope with the task at home.

Why do this?

Diarrhea can be caused by many reasons: provoking factors are poor diet and diseases of the internal organs, which can easily and quickly cause diarrhea. Many people recommend inducing diarrhea on their own to say goodbye to uncomfortable deposits in the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for people suffering from constipation, which can cause the development of malignant tumors not only in the gastrointestinal tract. When you eat, undigested food remains “stuck” or “sticks” to the wall of the gastrointestinal tract.

People who abuse smoked meats, fast foods, and pickled foods are especially susceptible to this. As a result, the villi, which are located on the surface of the intestinal mucosa, cannot fully perform their functions, and as a result, the absorption of nutrients is impaired. This can cause exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies. Undigested food stagnates in the gastrointestinal tract longer than usual, undergoing strong decay processes, and the resulting toxins are actively absorbed into the blood and quickly cause symptoms of chronic intoxication of the body.

Sometimes people need to induce diarrhea to lose weight, so they can add or add various drugs to their food. Under no circumstances should this be done. If you have had diarrhea more than 5 times due to such actions, there is already a high risk that problems with the intestines will arise. It is better to change your diet and increase the amount of physical activity.

Pregnant women face this need immediately before giving birth, when they need to cleanse their intestines. However, many pregnant women may experience diarrhea before childbirth involuntarily, which is associated with the lowering of the baby's head into the pelvis. Diarrhea before childbirth is a natural process, the rectum is emptied and contractions are less painful. It does not affect the course of the birth process.

Let's help the intestines

To maintain health, many nutritionists advise quickly cleansing the gastrointestinal tract by “loosening” the stool with special foods or medications, which can easily be done at home. To do this, you need to know which foods can quickly cause diarrhea and for whom such a procedure will not cause undesirable consequences.

But before you start taking a drug that causes diarrhea, you should definitely get a recommendation from a gastroenterologist, so as not to end up in a hospital ward after the so-called “quick self-cleansing”. There are a large number of contraindications to the use of drugs that cause diarrhea, so the doctor recommends following certain rules when taking them. Causing diarrhea incorrectly can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Natural ways

So, what should you do to provoke diarrhea at home? Loose stools can be caused by natural and medicinal means. Trying to quickly cause diarrhea at home, many people start taking various medications. At the same time, they forget that there are many natural products that can easily cause diarrhea.

To stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, accelerate the excretion of feces, raw foods - fruits and vegetables - are suitable. These include potatoes, bananas, apples, melons, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes.

Vinegar (apple) is also a food that causes loose stools. It contains calcium and acids, which help treat gastrointestinal disorders and improve stool permeability. It must be consumed correctly so as not to cause a chemical burn to the gastrointestinal mucosa due to diarrhea. Usually a teaspoon is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk after a meal.

Sauerkraut is a storehouse of nutrients and fiber. This product is effective in causing diarrhea. Firstly, due to its acidity, as well as due to the content of biologically active substances in sour cabbage juice that cause increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many citrus fruits cause diarrhea, while simultaneously stimulating the exchange of enzymes in gastric and intestinal juices due to the presence of fiber. By consuming them, you can cause stool liquefaction. Prunes contain many beneficial substances that create favorable conditions for increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. And their waste products improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving constipation. Prunes and dried apricots weaken well, especially if consumed together.

In order to cause diarrhea, you need to include foods in your diet such as walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, as well as foods that contain omega-3 acids. Avocado, flax seeds, olive oil, eaten on an empty stomach, normalize intestinal function, causing varying degrees of diarrhea.

A salad called “Broom” was invented specifically to quickly cleanse the intestines of everything unnecessary. You need to take the following products: celery, beets, carrots and cabbage. You need to grate them together on a grater (preferably a coarse one) and eat them without adding butter or mayonnaise.

Strong alcohol will also help: add ingredients such as mint, salt, thyme to vodka and leave for a while. This will cause a person not only to have an aversion to alcohol, but also to vomit and diarrhea. Sometimes drinking the tincture once is enough to get rid of the craving for alcohol forever.


For those who trust only classical medicine, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs that quickly cause diarrhea. They are simple and cause virtually no side effects, so using them at home is easy. Let us highlight the main groups of drugs that can cause diarrhea:

· Means that cause softening of the intestinal contents (suppositories containing glycerin, petroleum jelly). Laxatives must be taken according to strict indications. They act quickly, causing stool within 10 minutes, but you won’t be able to get profuse diarrhea with their help - they are local.

· Probiotics (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), with which you can restore beneficial microflora.

· Bowel stimulants (Indomethacin, Neomycin).

· Agents of osmotic action (Forlax and Prelax), which have recently become the most popular, especially in order to quickly prepare the intestines for diagnostic studies. They are easy to use, clean the intestines efficiently within 10, maximum 12 hours at home. Drugs of this group have a strong laxative effect. They can be drunk if necessary to urgently cause diarrhea. But it should not be used often, as it may disrupt intestinal function.

Of course, you can still use the old and proven method - a cleansing enema, and in 20-30 minutes you will cleanse your intestines. True, performing a cleansing enema on your own at home is problematic. And you shouldn’t get carried away with it, because the body gets so used to the additional irritation that independent emptying eventually becomes impossible. This can create a vicious circle.

What should you not try?

For anyone who has decided to cleanse the intestines on their own at home, it is important to know which foods, on the contrary, will only strengthen the stool, causing constipation. In order to cause diarrhea, it is better to eliminate from the diet:

  • Chicken and meat broths.
  • Manku.
  • Chocolate.
  • Bakery products.

These products “paralyze” the intestines, preventing them from emptying on time. Basil, bananas, lingonberries and blueberries should also not be consumed during this period. These fresh goodies help to consolidate stool, which is what causes constipation.

There are many more ways you can cause diarrhea. For some it’s just a liter of milk, while others indulge in herring, washing it down with fermented milk products. You should be wary of any of the methods; it is better to consult your doctor once again so as not to harm your health.

You can induce diarrhea at home with the help of laxatives or by resorting to traditional medicine recipes. Is it worth causing diarrhea? This question causes confusion among people suffering from frequent intestinal disorders. The opposite category of people who suffer from daily constipation or want to lose weight know the answer.

When is it necessary to induce loose stools?

There are many reasons that motivate a person to carry out manipulations to induce loose stools. First of all – treatment of constipation.

Constipation is a concern because frequent stagnation of stool in the intestines can lead to health problems. Chronic constipation leads to:

  • Neoplasms of the colon and rectum.
  • Hemorrhoids and fissures.
  • Inflammation of the colon.
  • Inflammatory process in the colon and sigmoid colon.
  • Hepatitis.

Doctors recommend inducing diarrhea to cleanse the body, since the villi lining the gastrointestinal tract become clogged. For this reason, nutrients and substances necessary for the body are difficult to absorb. Toxic substances formed in the intestines are absorbed into the blood and reach vital organs, having a detrimental effect on the condition and health of a person as a whole.

Diarrhea removes toxins and excess fluid from the body. The procedure is required for obese people. The method is effective for losing weight, but should not be abused.

How to provoke diarrhea?

There are many ways to cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is caused at home using pharmaceutical drugs or folk recipes. Sometimes the situation requires a visit to the hospital. Popular methods:

  • Eating selected foods.
  • Taking laxative medications.
  • Enema.

It is recommended that you consult a doctor before choosing a method to induce artificial defecation. The doctor will advise the best option that is safe for the patient’s body. There are contraindications.

Liquefying stool with medication

A popular method is the use of medications to induce diarrhea. Using medications can cause diarrhea quickly. The medications that cause the disorder differ in composition, effectiveness and time to achieve results. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Funds are issued:

  • Duphalac is a lactulose-based syrup. The drug causes diarrhea by stimulating intestinal motility. The drug is approved for children if the child has constipation.
  • Linex is a well-known medical drug used for difficulties with bowel movements. The medicine is taken for diarrhea, constipation and dysbacteriosis. The dosage of the drug for the best result is calculated by the doctor.
  • Dulcolax is a laxative that stimulates intestinal motility. Tablets are taken for chronic constipation and to cleanse the intestines before surgery or organ examination.
  • Glycerin suppositories are prescribed to adults and children for constipation. The product has a gentle effect on the intestines and is allowed during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Bisacodyl is a laxative that stimulates intestinal motility. The drug is prescribed for constipation, for bowel movements for colonoscopic examination, and surgical intervention.
  • Microlax is a drug that thins stool. Constipation after using microenemas is eliminated after 10 minutes. The product has no age limit.

The list of drugs is extensive, but which ones are allowed in a particular case is decided by the attending physician. The doctor will prescribe a medicine, taking into account the patient’s age and health condition.

Contraindications for use

Most remedies help to quickly cause diarrhea, but many have contraindications. Some medications are prohibited during pregnancy and stomach ulcers. If there is a suspicion of internal bleeding, it is prohibited to induce diarrhea with laxative medications! If you have hemorrhoids, it is forbidden to artificially induce loose stools.

Irritant tablets should not be taken for a long period. The drugs are contraindicated for abdominal pain of various types and for acute diseases of the digestive system.


Drugs in this group safely and gently combat constipation. Allowed during pregnancy and after childbirth. Prebiotics stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora, remove toxic substances, and improve the absorption of beneficial elements. Used for acute and chronic constipation in children and adults. Often prescribed for dysbacteriosis.

How to cause diarrhea without medications?

People are often afraid to use medications, thinking that the drugs will harm their health. Effective folk methods are described that help provoke loose stools without the use of pharmacological agents.

To achieve results, you can take vegetable oil. You need to take 3 tablespoons of olive and sunflower oil in the morning. In an hour the body will react. This method helps solve the disadvantages of obesity.

Without a laxative, an enema will help induce diarrhea. The method is well-known and widespread. Enema is allowed for children and adults. The procedure is recommended in the morning, after waking up or a few hours before bedtime. Doctors do not recommend giving an enema during the daytime. There are contraindications for the procedure. The use of the Esmarch mug is prohibited for persons who have undergone surgery or are undergoing rehabilitation. The procedure is contraindicated for people with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and those suffering from chronic intestinal pathologies.

The home option can be effective and safe.

Products with a laxative effect

To relieve constipation, it is permissible to consume foods that have a laxative effect. They do not pose a threat to human health and have excellent taste. What is the best thing to eat to relieve constipation:

You can give up laxatives by following a diet and eating laxative foods. Each of the products has many advantages, but there are also contraindications. Individual intolerance or an allergic reaction causes much more inconvenience than temporary constipation.

Diet for constipation

A proper diet helps normalize or weaken stools. To make stool loose, you need to increase the volume of fluid and consume more plant fiber.

Products consumed during the diet should contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, and cereals.

Fermented milk products stimulate the growth of intestinal microflora.


  • Bakery products made from rye and wheat flour.
  • Vegetable and fruit soups.
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge with milk.
  • Vegetables (green beans, broccoli, salad).
  • Butter, vegetable oil.
  • Juices from vegetables and fruits.
  • Pasta.

Constipation will not be a problem if you respect the temperature of your meals and avoid hunger and overeating.

Herbal remedies

For diarrhea, herbal preparations are used after talking with a doctor. Herbs containing anthraquinones irritate the intestinal walls. Plants containing a strong chemical: alexandria leaf, alder buckthorn, zoster.

Herbs are contraindicated for pregnant girls and children. In an adult with chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, herbal preparations cause even greater complications.

When is medical help needed?

If, when using medications, the situation has not changed, but the condition has worsened, you need to consult a doctor. The reasons for seeking medical help will be:

  • Regular constipation that does not go away with laxatives.
  • Nausea, vomiting, fever.
  • Severe stomach pain.
  • Bloody or purulent impurities in the stool.

The cause of constipation can be serious, and medical help is necessary. It is important to conduct an examination of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a tumor in the intestines, artificially inducing diarrhea will worsen the situation. Constipation caused by diseases of the digestive system requires careful attention, quick diagnosis and effective treatment.

A person can independently cause diarrhea at home by taking special medications or consuming laxative foods. It is important to avoid methods contraindicated by the doctor.

How to cause diarrhea if necessary is an important question for many. In every person’s life, there may be situations when it is necessary, for one reason or another, to cleanse the digestive tract, and this can be done by causing loose stools.

There are several different ways to cause diarrhea at home, but you need to start from the reason that causes diarrhea, and from the individual characteristics of the body.

Why do the procedure?

It seems that provoking loose stools is a strange activity. However, there are a number of reasons for this that fully justify this behavior.

So, the reasons that prompt a person to resort to such an extraordinary means are as follows:

  • cleansing the body of various toxins and feces;
  • for the purpose of losing weight;
  • constipation treatment.

Experts recommend inducing diarrhea to cleanse the body. After all, the villi that line the gastrointestinal tract can become clogged over time. As a result, the process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted, and food residues in the intestines trigger the process of rotting. A large amount of toxic substances are formed, which enter various organs through the bloodstream and have a negative effect on them, leading to poor health, headaches and other health problems.

Obesity is a huge problem for humanity. It leads to major problems with the cardiovascular system, to the slow formation of liver failure, to impaired uric acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and dyslipidemia. As a result of damage to the joints, obesity leads to a limitation of a person’s motor activity and can lead to apnea, manifested by snoring.

Thus, excess body weight slowly but systematically destroys a person’s life. As a solution to the problem of obesity, experts suggest inducing diarrhea, as it helps remove excess water from the body and generally cleanse the body.

Constipation is a big stress for the body. The following diseases can result from long-term chronic constipation:

  • colitis;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • reflux enteritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • rectal and colon cancer.

In order to cause diarrhea at home, there is a whole arsenal of methods:

  • special medications;
  • folk recipes;
  • phyto-preparations;
  • enema;
  • certain foods.


All medications that can cause loose stools are divided into several classes:

  • drugs that have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility - Stadalax, Bisacodyl;
  • various drugs that have a softening effect, such as petroleum jelly and almond oil;
  • so-called probiotics (preparations containing microorganisms that have a therapeutic effect; as a rule, these microorganisms restore normal intestinal flora), which include lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • drugs with a pronounced osmotic effect, such as Forlax and Prelax.

It must be remembered that there are a number of conditions that prevent the use of drugs with laxative effects:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation - breastfeeding;
  • internal bleeding;
  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of such drugs can have a negative effect on the body and cause a worsening of the condition. In case of pregnancy and lactation, harm may be caused to the baby.

All the drugs described above usually cope with the task excellently, however, you should never neglect the instructions and doctor’s prescriptions, as this can be harmful to your health.

Some medications will cause diarrhea when taken over a long period of time. These include antibiotics, magnesium salts and other acids, neomycin.

How is an enema performed?

Since ancient times, people have used special means to induce diarrhea. One of these proven ways to quickly cause diarrhea at home is cleansing enemas. They are suitable for everyone, young and old, and have proven themselves to be time-tested.

However, this procedure also has a number of contraindications:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal and inguinal hernia;
  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the large intestine;
  • recent vascular accidents (myocardial infarction, stroke);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • vaginal prolapse;
  • nervous tension, stress.

It is better to perform an enema either in the evening (20 - 1 hour) or in the early morning (5 - 7 hours). This will help completely empty the intestines. The water temperature during the procedure should be 38 - 40˚C.

As an auxiliary agent that is poured into an enema, you can use:

  • herbs and herbal infusions;
  • apple cider vinegar (natural);
  • vegetable oil diluted with water;
  • ordinary boiled water.

With frequent use of enemas, the body gets used to this kind of help and loses motor skills, requiring the usual stimulation. During the procedure, beneficial bacteria may be washed out of the intestines. Therefore, it is worth using this method at least 1-2 times a year and only if there are indications.

Herbal medicine in the fight against illness

One of the most popular remedies that cause diarrhea are herbal medicines.

Such remedies include decoctions, infusions from various plants, as well as medicines whose main active ingredients are plants.

As a rule, such drugs act quite gently and quickly.

Examples of remedies that cause loose stools and help cleanse the intestines and the whole body are aloe juice, buckthorn decoction, dandelion infusion, and Regulax. But the most famous drugs that cause diarrhea are based on senna of Alexandria.

Foods with laxative effect

What should you eat to get diarrhea? There are quite a few products that have a laxative effect:

  1. Prunes. In addition to vitamin A, potassium, fiber and iron, it contains special substances that create conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacteria.
  2. Various fruits are yellow and green in color when raw. Vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, coupled with the wonderful taste of fresh fruit are an excellent stimulator of intestinal motility. Also, fruits that cause loose stools are consumed for weight loss.
  3. As a rule, citrus fruits can also cause loose stools. But this very much depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.
  4. To quickly cause diarrhea at home, you can eat foods that contain many Omega-3 acids (usually flaxseed oil, seeds and others).

Of course, this is not the entire list of foods that cause diarrhea, but those listed above are time-tested and have helped a large number of people around the world. It is very important to pay attention to the physiology of each individual person.

In addition to the above methods to cause diarrhea at home quickly and painlessly for your body, there are a number of other effective methods:

  • in the summer, when the market is abundant in vegetables and fruits, you can buy a plum, which will help no worse than prunes;
  • a combination of milk and herring will help cause loose stools if necessary;
  • in the summer season, salads from fresh vegetables will provide invaluable help;
  • Beet-based dishes have a laxative effect;
  • fermented milk products will be especially useful for those wishing to lose weight;
  • A variety of zucchini dishes will have a wonderful effect.

The list of products and medications is far from complete, but the main time-tested methods and remedies were presented in it. The main thing to remember is that the use of all these methods is preferable with the permission of the attending gastroenterologist. If such permission is received, then we choose a method to induce diarrhea and begin recovery.

A protective reflex that allows the body to rid itself of ingested food products and substances of chemical origin is called vomiting. With its help, the neutralization of toxic substances that cause harm to humans is ensured.

Sometimes the reflex does not work in time, and you have to quickly induce artificial vomiting. If this is not done, the consequences are unpredictable. Toxic substances will spread throughout the body.

When to induce vomiting

With the help of timely emptying of the stomach, the amount of toxic substances is significantly reduced. You can induce vomiting at home. Food stays in the stomach for different times, depending on the level of digestibility.

It is easy to understand the need to empty the stomach. It is worth emptying in case of overeating, when there are symptoms of poisoning, the person feels severe nausea and cannot eat. If it feels empty, nausea is present, this happens when a foreign body is swallowed.

Food remains in the body from a quarter to four hours. It is impossible to exist, to live normally at this time. Therefore, vomiting is caused in the following cases:

  • Poisoning from food that has expired.
  • Food that has not undergone a sufficient level of heat treatment.
  • Overeating, stopping the digestive system.
  • Overdose, alcohol poisoning.
  • Taking aggressive medications for medical purposes.
  • Ingestion of a non-sharp small foreign body.

When not to call

Inducing a gag reflex is a serious process. You should not empty your stomach for the reasons listed below. Calling for no reason has a negative impact on your stomach and health.

  • For weight loss. Women obsessed with diets and extra pounds will try different weight loss methods. The method of losing extra pounds is to induce vomiting after eating. Artificial urges after eating can lead to anorexia. Vomiting makes you lose weight at first. Losing weight by emptying the stomach leads to exhaustion of the body, disruption of the functionality of the digestive system, and tooth decay.
  • When swallowing sharp, hard foreign bodies. Common options ingested by people and children include small jewelry, buttons, coins, and small toys. By inducing a gag reflex, a person risks injuring the esophagus. Small parts get into the breathing system and get stuck.
  • If soap or substances that can foam enter the body. The emptying method is inappropriate. Stomach shocks during vomiting will provoke the appearance of foam, the entry of which into the respiratory organs leads to swelling of the lungs and inflammation.
  • In case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, bleaches. The entry of aggressive components into the body is dangerous. You cannot empty the stomach - the person will suffer additional burns to the oral cavity and esophagus.
  • After contact with petroleum products: solvents, gasoline, kerosene. The listed liquids will leave burns after vomiting. There is a risk of penetration into the respiratory tract.

Home methods

Vomiting is provoked by a special center in the brain. To vomit it is necessary to have an effect on it. There are many methods, including special tablets, traditional methods, and special methods.

Two finger method

A common way to induce the urge to vomit is by stimulating the root of the tongue. Performed with two fingers - middle and index. The principle of operation is to put your fingers folded together into your mouth. To get results, try to touch the wall of the larynx. The resulting irritations send an impulse to the head, then to the stomach, to the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm.

The following instructions will help you correctly provoke vomiting:

  • You need to drink plenty of water (1-1.5 liters of boiled, cooled).
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands and tie your hair.
  • Get up, sit in a comfortable position, so as not to put pressure on your stomach, over the toilet, basin.
  • Insert two fingers into your mouth to apply pressure to the root of the tongue. The gag reflex can be induced by touching the root of the tongue or the wall of the throat. The action should be performed so that the finger touches the laryngeal wall, the root of the tongue.
  • After the urge occurs, you should remove your fingers.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • After vomiting, rinse your mouth.

Method using potassium permanganate

The method using potassium permanganate is quite popular. To prepare the solution, you need water and several crystals of the substance. When diluting potassium permanganate, you need to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved. The prepared liquid will be light pink in color. Before use, it is recommended to strain the solution using gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from entering the body. Undissolved permanganate causes a burn in the stomach cavity.

Gradually drink the resulting water and wait for the result. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


A home option for gastric lavage is to drink saline liquid. Place 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of boiled water. Drink and wait for the results. This method is not the best option for frequent repetition. Consuming salt is harmful to the body.

Soda solution

Water and soda are often used to cleanse the stomach. You need to drink at least 3 liters of soda liquid to get results. Depending on age and gender, the amount of fluid decreases or increases. You should put a spoonful of soda per liter of boiled water.

Water with mustard

A spoonful of mustard or seeds diluted in a glass of boiled water is a way to easily induce vomiting in a person. Infuse a spoonful of seeds in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

other methods

To cleanse the stomach, eat a spoonful of toothpaste with a glass of water. You can stimulate the gag reflex with black tea. You need to make it with the addition of milk and salt. Drinking a couple of glasses cleanses the stomach.

An infusion of calamus root is an effective remedy for nausea and promotes urge. To increase the likelihood of vomiting, you should drink at least 4 glasses of the resulting liquid.


If using the above options it is not possible to induce vomiting, medications come to the rescue. The principle of their action is to influence the center in the human brain responsible for the urge to vomit, or the stomach.

The first includes hydrochloride with copper and zinc sulfate. Ammonia is prescribed for this purpose. It is better to discuss the dose of the drug used with a specialist to avoid problems.

Drugs that irritate the stomach cavity include Levodopa and Digoxin. The listed medications are available only with a prescription.

Specialists also prescribe Morphine. Its properties are to calm the patient’s nervous system. With the help of Morphine, pain of a different nature is eliminated: physical, psychogenic.

Induce vomiting in a child

There are many reasons why a child has to resort to artificial gastric emptying. The baby learns about the world through the senses. Children need to taste everything - it's dangerous. Especially when it comes to small toys that are not hidden away from medical supplies.

The child does not fully understand the essence of what is happening, so he needs help. To avoid harm, a parent must know what to do and where to start. Timely assistance will save him from suffering.

Gastric lavage in a child occurs differently than in adults. Their esophagus is shorter than an adult’s, which allows them to complete the task faster.

The reasons for urgently inducing vomiting in children are identical. Provided that the child is over a year old and conscious. If your baby is nauseous and shows signs of food poisoning, you should immediately rinse the stomach - eliminating the cause will help get rid of the nausea.

Do rinsing for children under 6 years of age without fingers. To eliminate nausea, methods with plenty of drinking are suitable. Undigested food will come out as liquid.

What to do after the procedure

Artificially induced vomiting is another stress for the body. To restore normalcy, it is necessary to provide the right way out of the current situation. After doing the work to induce a gag reflex, you need to rinse your mouth, but do not brush your teeth for at least half an hour. Stomach acid softens tooth enamel. To avoid its destruction, it is worth waiting time.

After emptying the stomach, it is necessary to restore the water balance by drinking liquid - water, tea. When an appetite arises, eat foods that are easy for the body. Rice, broth, bananas and oatmeal will do.

It would seem that loose stools are a clinical sign of pathologies of the digestive system, which not only causes pleasant sensations, but also significantly reduces the standard of living.

However, today the popularity of the following questions is increasing. How to cause diarrhea and what means should be used? Typically, a number of medications are used to induce diarrhea.

It should be noted that there are ways when you do not need to resort to taking medications - alternative medicine methods, including certain foods in the diet.

In order to figure out which technology is most suitable in a particular case, it is worth noting the main indications and contraindications.

When can and should you induce loose stools?

For many, provoking bowel movements is a strange phenomenon, which only raises the question: why is it necessary to cause diarrhea? After all, this process is not the norm.

However, today there are several reasons when you need to quickly cleanse the intestines, that is, cause diarrhea:

  • Surgery, various types of medical procedures and diagnostic tests.
  • Improving the weight loss process. In this case, consultation with a gastroenterologist is required, and it is highly not recommended to abuse the procedures.
  • Severe intoxication of the body suggests the possibility of using methods to induce diarrhea in both an adult and a child.
  • Regular constipation. In such a situation, it is not only possible to cause diarrhea, but also necessary, since the lack of therapy and problems with bowel movements can lead to the development of hepatitis, malignant tumors, hemorrhoids, fissures, colitis, proctosigmoiditis, and reflux.
  • Diarrhea can be caused after deworming therapy.
  • The presence of toxins in the body. The villi located on the intestinal walls serve to increase absorption of the mucous membranes. When they become clogged with toxins, the body's systems no longer receive the required amount of nutritional components.

Please note that to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the development of various diseases, experts recommend inducing artificial diarrhea for a couple of months.

Popular technologies - how to quickly cause diarrhea

At the moment, there are several methods to induce artificial defecation.

Some methods are intended to be used at home, while others involve undergoing the procedure in a hospital setting.

The list of common ways that diarrhea can be provoked includes:

  • Use of specialized medications;
  • A menu that includes foods that cause diarrhea;
  • Using an enema;
  • Traditional medicine methods;
  • Taking herbal medicines.

It should be noted that before choosing one or another method, it is best to obtain a recommendation from your doctor. In addition, do not forget about contraindications, when artificially inducing diarrhea is highly not recommended.

  • Presence of hemorrhages of internal organs;
  • Ulcers, erosions in the digestive system;
  • The period of pregnancy, regardless of trimester.

If you approach this process responsibly, you can achieve an improvement in your general condition and reduce the risks of developing gastrointestinal diseases.

How to provoke diarrhea with medications

Perhaps the most popular method used to quickly cause diarrhea is the use of pharmacological products. This method can be used both in a hospital and at home.

It should be noted that today there are quite a lot of drugs that have a laxative effect, but they all differ both in the time to achieve results and in effectiveness.

In order not to get confused among all the diversity, experts have compiled a specific list of drugs that help provoke artificial stool.

  • Duphalac is a medicine in the form of a syrup, the active ingredient is lactulose. The drug not only has the property of causing diarrhea, but also has a beneficial effect on peristalsis and digestion. Duphalac is used for both adults and children.
  • Linex is one of the most famous modern medicines and has a wide list of indications for use. Actively used for dysbacteriosis, improves intestinal microflora. In addition, Linex can be used for a child from the very first months of life.
  • Mucofalk is a specialized medication that can quickly cause diarrhea and normalize the functioning of the intestines.

The drug can be used at home, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the contraindications: endocrine diseases, children under 12 years of age, intestinal obstruction and allergic reaction to components.

The list of medications also includes: Exportal, Vaseline oil, Norgalax, Bifidumbacterin, Lavacol.

Important! Before using a laxative, get a doctor's recommendation.

Use of alternative medicine

One of the common questions that many gastroenterologists are asked is: “How to cause diarrhea at home and not cause harm to the body?”

Application of oil

You can use olive oil or vegetable oil, as well as flaxseed, pumpkin, and castor oil. In order to quickly cause diarrhea using this method, you need to drink 30-40 ml of oil immediately after waking up, that is, 2-3 tbsp. l.

The effect occurs in about half an hour or an hour. This method is often used in the fight against obesity, to speed up and improve the process of losing weight.

Enema to induce diarrhea

The next method that you can use at home to provoke diarrhea is to do an enema. This method is one of the most proven, it was used several decades ago.

Also, the advantage of the method is that it can be used even for the youngest children.

But, like any other method, the use of an enema has a number of contraindications: hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract, the rehabilitation period after surgery, the presence of hernias and chronic pathologies of the small and large intestines.

For this procedure you will need either an enema or an Esmarch mug. The result comes within a few minutes after the procedure.

What to include in your diet

Many people are interested in the topic of what to eat to get rid of constipation, cause diarrhea, that is, artificial defecation. In this regard, gastroenterologists have compiled a list of products recommended for solving this problem.

  1. Fruits that cause diarrhea: plums, nectarines, dried apricots, apricots, peaches, exclusively green apples.
  2. The most popular product for inducing bowel movements is prunes, as they contain special components that improve the growth of bacteria.
  3. Fresh vegetables: white cabbage, celery, red bell pepper, carrots.

In addition, in order to provoke the development of loose stools, you can eat incompatible foods, for example, fish and dairy products.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently contact a specialist?

If the therapeutic effect using the above methods does not bring the required effect, the condition only worsens, it is important to get medical help in a timely manner.

In addition, the reasons for emergency contact with a specialist include:

  • Regular occurrence of constipation without visible signs of improvement;
  • Within three to four days after using laxative methods, the condition does not normalize;
  • A history of attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • Detection of blood and mucous inclusions in the stool.

It is possible to quickly provoke diarrhea as part of home procedures, but the main thing is to treat the process responsibly and not resort to methods that a specialist has prohibited.

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