What not to do during PMS. Diet for PMS: which foods have a positive effect on hormonal balance. Foods that help cope with PMS

Very often girls ask me, and how overcome sugar cravings during PMS? And I decided to answer these questions in this article, since this topic is relevant for absolutely all girls and women, and therefore requires a detailed analysis. At all sports during menstruation- this is an individual thing that depends on many factors: on the physiological characteristics of the course of CD in a particular girl, on the level of her physical fitness, on the state of health in general, etc., but if we generalize and take the average girl without serious health problems, then we can safely assert that workouts during menstruation not prohibited! And now we will dig a little deeper to understand what processes occur in the female body during all phases of the menstrual cycle, and why do you want to eat an elephant during PMS? We will also find out whether sports during menstruation be useful?

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Before you start talking about training and nutrition during PMS and KD, it is advisable to understand what generally happens in our body during the female cycle ( the picture is clickable).

Rice. 1 Phases of the menstrual cycle

So, the whole cycle can be divided into 5 phases (in some literature there are only 4 phases, but for a more complete picture we will consider all 5 phases).

Phase I – menstruation

During this phase, menstruation itself (bleeding) occurs. During this period, girls lose a lot of red blood cells, leukocytes, and platelets along with their blood; hemoglobin levels drop significantly; Metabolism slows down greatly. Against the backdrop of all this, girls become irritable, nervous, hot-tempered and even sometimes aggressive. Efficiency drops.

Phase II – postmenstrual

The calmest phase of all. This period is characterized by the maturation of the follicle in the ovaries until its rupture. The body produces more estrogen (the main female hormone), so girls in the postmenstrual phase usually behave quietly, calmly and peacefully. They don’t rush at anyone, they don’t want to kill or strangle anyone, but on the contrary, they love everyone and want to take care of everyone. During this period, all men can use this “fluffy” state of their lady for their own benefit.

Phase III - ovulation

In this phase, the egg leaves the follicle and moves into the fallopian tubes, and then into the uterus. Estrogen levels begin to decline rapidly, while progesterone levels still remain low. During this period, the performance of girls decreases, and the rate of basal metabolism decreases.

IV phase – postovulatory

In this phase, a new endocrine gland, the corpus luteum, is formed from the remains of the follicle. The functional abilities of the body increase again, the metabolic rate increases, and the level of progesterone in the blood increases. During this period, girls no longer freak out, scream or get nervous, but rather calm down and silently wait for the next phase (there they will show everyone where the crayfish spend the winter).

V phase - premenstrual

This phase is the nastiest of all the previous ones; it is popularly known as PMS. A couple of days before menstruation, the corpus luteum degenerates, which causes rapid drop in blood estrogen levels and increase in progesterone . During this period, girls often experience increased irritability, severe fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, decreased performance, drowsiness, voracious appetite, headache, breast swelling, bloating and weight gain... and this is not the entire list of what they feel girls during this phase, but I think it’s not worth continuing, everyone is already familiar with this.

The main reason for increased appetite during PMS is an increase in the level of PROGESTERONE, the pregnancy hormone, as it is also called, it is the one that signals the body that it needs to store more nutrients and vitamins, because it thinks that fertilization has occurred. And once fertilization has occurred, it means that the growth and development of the unborn baby requires a lot of micro- and macroelements for its full development and growth. So, remember that it is the high level of progesterone that causes your night or daytime gluttons during PMS.

Also, another reason for wild appetite during PMS is the fact that glycogen reserves in the liver are greatly reduced, and the glucose content in the blood, on the contrary, increases. What do we want to do when blood sugar rises? Right - EAT!

Well, we have looked at all the phases of the female cycle and now we have an idea of ​​what happens in our body during menstruation itself ( I phase) and during PMS (V phase).

Rice. 2 Symptoms of PMS and the menstrual phase

This information will help us figure out Is it possible to exercise during menstruation?, and how can you force yourself not to binge on food during PMS?

And we will start with nutrition during the most problematic period of every girl - PMS.

Nutrition for PMS

How to learn to control your appetite during PMS?

This question probably torments all girls. It is during this period that a terrible desire awakens to eat something sweet, high-calorie, in a word, something that will lift your spirits and brighten up your gray everyday life with bright colors. This desire is absolutely physiologically justified and natural, since the body is preparing for the fact that very soon it will have to lose a lot of nutrients in the blood, and therefore it needs to store new nutrients NOW.

As I wrote earlier, during PMS, glycogen stores are depleted and blood sugar levels increase. All this leads to the fact that you want to EAT all the time, and against the background of unstable hormonal levels (progesterone levels reach their upper limit), this seems to be the only salvation in the current situation. But it only seems like it to you! A way out can be found even from such a seemingly dead end.

A few days (3-4 days) before the onset of zhor (for some, zhor comes on the first day of PMS, for some later, and for some during menstruation itself), you need to eat a GOOD portion of slow drinks once a day. carbohydrates, it can be buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. But it’s important not just to “peck” the buckwheat, but to eat “from the heart”! After eating this way for 3-4 days, you will thoroughly fill your glycogen depot, and then, when the time of PMS comes, your glycogen depot will gradually become empty, slowly replenishing your body with energy and blocking the wild desire to eat an elephant. This technique will help you cope with gluttony during the PMS period and not gain a couple of extra pounds, in addition to those that will already be added due to water retention.

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A weight gain of 2-3 kg is quite normal during premenstrual syndrome, which is associated with fluid retention in the body. Changes in a girl’s hormonal levels lead to swelling of the uterus, an increase in the abdomen and breasts by half the size, and it is the excess fluid that causes weight gain. But don’t rush to get upset about this and fall into hysterics, if you saw +3 kg on the scales on the eve of your period, these extra kilos are not fat, but just water, which after your period will go away as quickly as it came.

To avoid gaining REAL extra pounds during PMS, you need to give preference to protein foods and vegetables. After you've prepped and loaded up on complex carbohydrates for the day. X, then, on the contrary, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake and lean more on protein: low-fat cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, eggs and seafood. This way, you will be able to keep your blood sugar levels stable at all times, and you will not have the urge to indulge in anything harmful.

If you still really want chocolate candies or chocolate cake, then you can buy real dark dark chocolate and eat a couple of cubes (15-20 g) along with natural cocoa. Read how to choose the right chocolate here.

Chromium and magnesium have a beneficial effect on protein absorption, regulate lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, reduce irritability, tearfulness and increased excitability. These supplements are simply irreplaceable helpers in the fight against PMS symptoms. Also, in addition to chromium and magnesium, you should pay attention to the intake of vitamins and nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamins B, A and E.

These recommendations will help you during PMS control your appetite and don’t pounce on food as you did before. Well, now let's look at the next question - sports during menstruation. Are they dangerous? workouts during the menstrual cycle of girls or vice versa useful? We'll figure out.

Sports and periods

Is it possible to exercise during menstruation?

We already know that during the menstrual phase, girls’ body functionality decreases and their performance also decreases. But this does not mean that you cannot play sports. During this period, girls simply experience a special state when their body loses a lot of nutrients in the blood, and they become more vulnerable than usual, but they don't become infirm, as many may think of themselves.

Yes, of course, every girl experiences this period in her own way: for some, critical days pass quite calmly and painlessly; and for some, these days turn into real hellish torments, when it’s hard to even get out of bed. If you belong to the second group of girls, then classes sports during menstruation for you should take place in a very light mode: you can do yoga, Pilates or breathing exercises. Classes should be at the most calm and relaxed pace with your own body weight and without sudden movements. This applies to girls for whom CD is too painful.

If your critical days are more or less tolerable, then workouts during menstruation you are not only allowed, but even recommended. You have most likely heard that any physical activity increases body temperature and metabolism in the body, plus, it (physical activity) helps reduce painful cramps in the lower abdomen by improving blood circulation in the pelvis. It turns out that sport is the most natural and cheapest antispasmodic and pain reliever, unlike all these synthetic potions and pills.

But there are several important rules that you need to follow when exercising during your period.

Rule No. 1


It is imperative to take into account the fact that during this period your performance is reduced and your immunity is slightly weakened, so you need to exercise without fanaticism.

If on normal days you squat with a 20 kg barbell for 8 repetitions, then during critical days it is recommended to reduce the weight by half (or even more) and reduce the intensity of the training itself. That is, during CD it is better to do squats with an empty bar for 15-20 repetitions.

Rule #2

This rule is one of the most important:


Why is that? The fact is that when the pelvis and legs are higher than the torso, then a reverse outflow of blood occurs through the fallopian tubes and it enters the abdominal cavity along with the rejected cells of the uterine mucosa! This process is extremely dangerous and can cause a disease such as endometriosis, when cells of the uterine mucosa can grow outside of it, in our case in the abdominal cavity (see Fig. 3). This fact can cause infertility.

Rice. 3 Endometriosis

So let’s remember the exercises that should never be done during menstruation:

- leg press

- all abdominal exercises when the head is lower than the legs (crunches on an inclined bench, the “candle” exercise, etc.)

- gluteal bridge (in Smith and on the floor)

You also need to be extremely careful with such basic exercises as: barbell squats and. If you undertake to perform them during your period, be sure to reduce your usual working weight!

Rule #3


Although sports during menstruation helps reduce pain in the lower abdomen; it is strictly forbidden to pump the lower abs these days. This is again due to the fact that the physiology of these exercises, as well as with the “pelvis above the head” position, can contribute to the development of endometriosis, therefore, in the first one or two days, when bleeding is most intense, it is recommended to generally avoid any stress on the abs, and on all subsequent days of menstruation, you can pump only the upper abs and oblique abdominal muscles.

Well, we have discussed with you the main questions of interest to many girls related to exercising during menstruation, and nutrition during PMS. Now you know that sports during periods It is not contraindicated, but on the contrary, we recommend it, since it can improve not only the psycho-emotional background of girls, but also become a cure for pain in the lower abdomen and aches throughout the body. And you also know why unrealistic fat appears during PMS, and how to deal with it.

And my advice to you, girls, is to learn to listen to your body and act together with it, and then you simply won’t have any doubts about whether to go work out today or whether it’s better to lie down on the couch.

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

PMS is a phenomenon that, according to various sources, affects 75 to 85% of women around the world. Various symptoms of PMS begin a few days before menstruation and bring a lot of discomfort to a woman. And in more severe cases, they can significantly worsen the quality of life, interfere with social communications, and make physical activity impossible.

The reason for all these regular troubles lies in the monthly hormonal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle in the female body. Symptoms of PMS can be combated using various methods, one of the most important is rationalization of nutrition.

So, if PMS is manifested by enlargement and excessive sensitivity of the breasts, swelling of the arms and sometimes legs, bloating and a sharp increase in body weight, then this indicates a retention of fluid and sodium salts in the body. You can improve your condition with the help of products that will help remove excess fluid.

Which products should be included into your diet during PMS?

1. Fiber-rich vegetables and fruits(broccoli, spinach, tomatoes)

They improve intestinal motility and digestion, help remove excess fluid from the body and fight PMS symptoms also due to their high content of magnesium and B vitamins.

2. Whole grain cereals

3. Products containing calcium(sesame, basil, almonds, soybeans, beans)

Research by scientists from the University of Massachusetts has shown that women who eat calcium-rich foods are much less likely to suffer from PMS symptoms.

4. Vitamin D(mushrooms, herbs, vegetable oils)

Promote the absorption of calcium, stimulate the ovaries, improve mood, and relieve irritability.

5. Water

Paradoxically, maintaining a sufficient drinking regime helps reduce swelling. At the same time, it is better to drink water not cold, but warm or hot. Water with the addition of lemon (due to vitamin C) and honey relieves PMS symptoms especially well.

6. Green tea with chamomile

Tea will reduce pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, with the addition ginger- pain and swelling, lavender or mint- irritability, honey- feeling tired and depressed, lemon- reduces appetite, removes swelling, cleanses the skin.

7. Honey

It has been experimentally proven that honey lovers are much less likely to experience PMS symptoms and menstrual pain than those who do not have this product in their diet. In addition, with the help of honey, you can satisfy the need for sweets, which is very typical in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, especially with PMS, while avoiding the undesirable effects of simple carbohydrates from baked goods and sweets.

8. Sources of zinc(chickpeas, lentils)

These products help normalize the synthesis of sex hormones and improve general condition.

9. Dark chocolate

Small piece dark chocolate is also guaranteed to improve your mood.

What foods are best to exclude from the diet during PMS?

1. Salty foods

Some types of cheese, chips, fast food. Due to their high salt content, they aggravate fluid retention in the body and increase swelling.

2. Sugar containing products: baked goods, sweets, sweet carbonated drinks.

Like sodium salts, they promote fluid retention in body tissues, can lead to skin rashes, impair digestion and aggravate the feeling of bloating. The fact is that in the second phase of the cycle, the dominant hormone is progesterone, which causes a slowdown in carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, during this period, the negative effect of simple carbohydrates is much more pronounced than in the first, follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist and body mesotherapist. | more details >>

Official nutritionist of our site. Author of dozens of articles on dietetics and the book “Fundamentals and Nuances of Dietetics.” Specialist in the field of nutrition, gastroenterology, aesthetic medicine and hydrotherapy with 10 years of experience. Head of the Department of Dietetics for complex diagnosis and treatment of excess weight and metabolic pathology.

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Date of: 2014-08-26 Views: 13 732 Grade: 4.7 My article is completely dedicated to lovely ladies. Only a woman can understand what PMS is, since every month she experiences all the “delights” of this period. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has many symptoms. All of them can be combined into several main groups: 1. Anxiety, irritability, insomnia. 2. , craving for sweets, weakness, fatigue, headaches. 3. Apathy, forgetfulness, inattention. 4. Swelling, weight gain, hardening and tenderness of the mammary glands. Symptoms can be expressed with varying severity and usually appear within two weeks. We women owe all these metamorphoses to our female hormones. But I would like to talk about the effect of PMS on weight changes during this period and changes in eating behavior.

The influence of PMS on eating behavior

As I already said, hormones play a huge role in a woman’s life and make their own adjustments. And, of course, weight, eating habits, and appetite are no exception. During this period, the “reign” of the hormone progesterone begins, the main goal of which is to prepare the woman’s body for the upcoming pregnancy. In PMS progesterone:
  • Promotes additional storage of adipose tissue by activating the enzyme lipoprotein lipase.
  • Reduces the movement of food through the stomach and intestines. And therefore nutrients are absorbed most densely.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Promotes changes in carbohydrate metabolism, resulting in increased cravings for flour and sweets.
  • It retains water, which is manifested by weight gain due to swelling.
Progesterone works harmoniously with our other hormones, for example, endorphins (hormones of joy). These days there is a lack of endorphins. This explains the low mood, the desire to sleep longer, and apathy.

Diet for PMS and menstruation

Thus, PMS is a very “dangerous” period in relation to excess weight gain. It is during this period that all errors in diet and overeating will certainly appear in folds on the waist, sides and other “weak” places. During PMS, the body diligently tries to extract and absorb as many nutrients and especially fat as possible from every bite eaten. Be careful! It is important for women to remember that they should not lose weight during this period. It’s better to wait it out and try to maintain your weight. Here is a list of foods that should definitely be included in the diet for PMS and:
  • Hercules porridge. The use of this wonderful product helps to increase the production of endorphins (hormones of joy) and reduce cravings for sweets.
  • Brown rice.
  • Buckwheat is a core.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Beef.
  • Eggs.
  • Fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel).
  • Dairy products.
  • A small amount of butter.
It is also worth enriching your diet with vitamin B-6 and magnesium. They are also necessary for the production of endorphins to reduce the intensity of PMS symptoms. And, of course, don’t skimp on your sleep, dear women! Healthy, full sleep will protect you from attacks of irritability, uncontrolled eating behavior and breakdowns! In the end, I want to say: don’t be upset if over these days the scales have moved 2-3 kg more. Calm, just calm! It also happens that a woman gains up to 5 kg during PMS and menstruation! Weight does not mean fat! If you did not overeat at this time and ate restrainedly, then most likely the excess weight is excess water, which will also go away unnoticed and will not affect the amount of fat tissue in any way. I always recommend that my patients not weigh themselves during this period, so as not to get upset in vain. I hope that my article will be useful to you. I wish you health and beauty!!! You can also order yourself an individual nutrition program from the author of this article, Margarita Kuts, the official nutritionist of the Your Trainer website.

Premenstrual syndrome brings a lot of discomfort. These few days in a woman’s life can change her appearance and general condition so much that she subsequently becomes ashamed of her own behavior. However, any manifestation of PMS can be corrected, including through the formation of an optimal diet.

What to pay attention to during PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of disorders associated with the neuropsychic, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine activities of the body. All this results in a number of symptoms that affect a woman’s well-being and behavior for the entire period of PMS. These symptoms include:

  • irritability and aggressiveness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • development of a depressive state;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • general decrease in performance;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • increased appetite and thirst;
  • nausea;
  • poor digestion, bloating, etc.

But it is worth noting that a strong manifestation of these symptoms is typical only for 10% of women. In the remaining 90%, PMS, although it makes itself felt, is more easily tolerated by women. An important fact is that the appearance of similar symptoms immediately before the onset of menstruation and their continuation after it does not indicate PMS, but pathological disorders in the woman’s body, which should be a signal for a serious medical examination.

The reasons for the worsening of PMS symptoms are often vitamin deficiency and a lack of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet that a woman follows. Therefore, it is very important to take care of correcting these particular points in the diet during the premenstrual period.

If you approach the preparation of a diet for PMS as you approach the formation of a children's menu, you will not go wrong. A delicate and attentive approach is needed here, because during the period of PMS, a woman’s body requires special nutrition, a larger number of vitamins and minerals that can normalize the functioning of the endocrine system and metabolic processes, and stabilize the production of hormones necessary for well-being.

Particular attention should be paid to those products that can potentially stop attacks of depression, that is, they promote the production of serotonin. If this moment is missed, all other PMS symptoms can worsen several times. Sweet fruits with a high number of carbohydrates, dried fruits, honey, and most seafood are the best to combat depression. From these ingredients you can create one or two dishes that you will constantly eat during PMS.

Gynecologists and nutritionists advise increasing the number of complex carbohydrates consumed to 75% during premenstrual syndrome, and, on the contrary, significantly reducing fats and proteins. Therefore, it is better not to use red meat and fatty foods in the daily menu for PMS. You should also avoid chocolate, spices, alcohol and products containing caffeine. But you can and should give preference to foods high in fiber, fresh fruits and juices. It is especially good to use lemon and carrot juice with cream for PMS.

Do not neglect herbal medicine during PMS. Herbal teas are very good at relieving tension, relieving muscle and vascular spasms, and improving brain function, helping to concentrate on daily activities. A number of fees are aimed at reducing pain and normalizing blood pressure, improving sleep and digestion. Particular attention should be paid to chamomile tea, lemon balm and mint, and motherwort mixtures.

During premenstrual syndrome, it is necessary to create a balanced, light diet. It is important to maintain water balance in the body, for which it is necessary to completely avoid canned, pickled and pickled foods, and drink clean water as thirst arises. Don't overeat when you have PMS! This causes additional discomfort, can provoke attacks of aggressiveness and impair sleep, not to mention direct disruption of the digestive system.

Foods that help cope with PMS

When choosing foods to relieve PMS symptoms, you need to pay attention to sources of vitamins A, C, group B, magnesium, iron and unsaturated fatty acids.

1. Bananas. They contain a lot of healthy carbohydrates, quickly satisfy hunger and give energy, improving your mood. Ripe bananas contain three main amino acids - tryptophan, methionine and lysine. The latter is involved in tissue repair processes, strengthening collagen bonds and promotes the absorption of a large number of nutrients.

2. Dates and dried figs. Richest sources of carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium. This combination determines the beneficial effects of these products on the central nervous system. Regular consumption of these dried fruits during PMS helps reduce the stressful effects of the syndrome on the body and normalize the production of sex hormones that relieve menstrual pain.

3. Green vegetables - cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, Chinese cabbage and fresh herbs. They should be in the diet of a woman with PMS as rich sources of vitamin C, E and dietary fiber, which are important for cleansing the blood and the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Natural yogurt and low-fat cream should become the main sources of protein during PMS, as they have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, relieving pain and improving the process of menstruation. Natural low-fat dairy products promote active absorption of vitamin A from other foods and make meals more nutritious. This category includes lightly salted and unsalted cheeses - Adyghe or mozzarella.

5. Tofu cheese. A plant-based dairy equivalent made from soy milk, it is rich in B vitamins and low in calories, ideal for a premenstrual woman's diet.

6. Buckwheat and legumes can serve as the main source of replenishing magnesium, iron and potassium in the body. The vitamin composition of these products promotes hematopoiesis, normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, reducing irritability and increasing attentiveness.

7. Sprouted wheat grains are a rich source of vitamin E. Use them as an ingredient in vegetable salads, eat them for breakfast along with a small piece of steamed fish or tofu.

8. Sea fish - salmon, trout, perch are very rich in iron, phosphorus and calcium. They contain the optimal amount of proteins and fats, which are well absorbed by the body during PMS. But a particularly valuable element in the composition of sea fish are healthy omega-three fats, the optimal consumption of which allows a woman to maintain composure and feel comfortable throughout the entire period of PMS.

9. Seafood - seaweed, mussels, squid, shrimp. All of these are real natural antidepressants that will help maintain performance, avoid signs of fatigue on the face and behavior, improve general condition, and normalize the production of thyroid hormones.

10. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, almonds and walnuts are all rich sources of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which are extremely important for a woman’s body during PMS. To improve your condition, it is enough to eat about 50 grams of seeds or several large nuts per day.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
website for women's magazine

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Proper nutrition during PMS can reduce symptoms. What diet to follow at each phase of the cycle? Let's take a closer look in the article.

The menstrual cycle includes four phases:

  • Follicular - begins on the first day of menstruation and ends before ovulation. Duration - 7–10 days.
  • Ovulation lasts 3–4 days.
  • Luteal - the period of PMS.
  • Menstruation lasts 3–7 days.

Phases of a woman's cycle

At the first stage, processes are activated that help the egg mature. The hormone estrogen plays a key role during this period. During the follicular phase, a woman has a good mood, accelerated metabolism and intense fluid outflow. The period is ideal to start losing weight.

At this time, the body needs protein products of animal origin and vitamin C. Red meat, liver, green salads, pomegranate seeds, bell peppers will bring the greatest benefit. Legumes, wheat bran, oats, pumpkin and flax seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, citrus fruits, plums, cherries, and kiwi contribute to normal ovulation.

You should eat avocado during the follicular phase


During this phase, estrogen levels remain high. It is recommended to include foods containing fiber, vitamin C, E, zinc, folic acid, and Omega-3 in your diet.

The most useful: eggs, shrimp, tuna, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, figs, avocados, bell peppers, eggplants, spinach, tomatoes, almonds, pine nuts, peas, beans, chicken.

During ovulation, it is recommended to include shrimp in your diet.

When planning pregnancy during this period, it is better to avoid drinking caffeine.


During the third phase, progesterone production increases. The body retains fluid and fat. The amount of energy decreases, the mood drops. Typical PMS symptoms appear: strong appetite, irritability, weight gain, bloating, desire to eat something sweet, spicy or salty.

The diet for PMS includes foods containing tryptophan. This amino acid is used to produce serotonin, the pleasure hormone.

Amino acid Tryptophan

Foods that help relieve PMS symptoms: eggs, seafood, fish, turkey, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, oatmeal, sesame seeds, walnuts. To relieve PMS, it is helpful to increase your intake of B vitamins.

The body needs potassium and magnesium, so it is recommended to eat dried apricots, dates, bananas, almonds, as well as bread, pita bread, cereal, whole grain muesli and chia seeds. Products that are contraindicated: coffee, strong tea, alcohol and simple carbohydrates.

During PMS, the body needs potassium and magnesium

It is advisable to eat small portions 5 times a day. Breakfast - porridge and whole grain bread. Lunch - meat or fish with side dishes of cereals. Snack - dried fruits.

When deciding what to drink during PMS, opt for mineral water and unsweetened juices. If there is breast swelling, you should pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed. The optimal daily intake is 1.5 liters.


During this phase, the body loses a lot of blood. The condition is aggravated by severe spasms.

It is recommended to consume pomegranates during menstruation

The body requires heme and non-heme iron. Buckwheat, pomegranate, cranberries, blueberries, liver, offal, cashews, seaweed, legumes, seafood are the foods most suitable for menstruation. It is recommended to increase the amount of water consumed, eat only warm food and review your daily routine.

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