About why prostate adenoma can occur and how to treat it. Treatment of prostate adenoma at home Methods of treatment of prostate adenoma


Prostate adenoma is a disease that implies a benign tumor. With this disease, small tumors called nodules appear in the prostate area. Over time, they grow and compress the channel responsible for urination, disrupting this process.

Prostate adenoma in men often occurs at the age of forty to fifty years. Since this tumor is benign, there cannot be metastasis in this case. This is the main difference between adenoma and prostate cancer.

The main reasons for the onset of this disease include the restructuring of the male body with age. The level of male hormones (testosterone) begins to decrease, and female hormones (estrogens) begin to increase.

Also, this disease should not be confused with prostatitis. Do not forget that a benign tumor is a prostate adenoma, while prostatitis is simply inflammation. But both of them can be treated very well these days.

An adenoma in an adult man can weigh about 160-280 mg. As for the size of this tumor, it can reach 25-45 mm in length, 22-40 mm in width and 10-23 mm in thickness. But these indicators may be different for everyone. Such parameters are purely individual.

It is also necessary to note that if you do not start treatment on time, you may experience some complications of prostate adenoma, namely:

    Inflammation of the urinary tract. For example, cystitis, kidney failure or urethritis. Urine stagnates in the urinary tract, causing various infections to develop.

    Urinary retention, which can occur if, during the disease with adenoma, you abused alcohol, were hypothermic, were forced to remain in bed, or had constipation.

3 degrees of prostate adenoma

There are three degrees of prostate adenoma:

    Compensation stage. At this stage, urine may be released in a stream that is too sluggish, you may experience a disorder in the urination process, during sleep you will have a desire to go to the toilet, the process itself will be slightly disrupted. In general, this stage can last about twelve years. But this is a purely individual indicator. Therefore, for some, this stage may last for a longer period, and for others, for a shorter period.

    Subcompensation stage. In this case, the function of the bladder will be somewhat impaired, and residual urine will appear in it. You will feel like your bladder has not completely emptied. Urinary retention will often occur, and sometimes there will be blood in the urine, and the urine may become cloudy. These symptoms may be accompanied by symptoms of kidney failure. Also, the patient at this stage has to strain while urinating, so rectal prolapse may occur. This causes inflammation of the bladder. And some external factors can have such a negative impact on the patient’s health that he will have a complete lack of urine.

    Stage of decompensation. Kidney function is completely impaired, and the urine is cloudy and is excreted along with drops of blood. Stagnant urine at this stage can be two liters. Because of this, patients are forced to use a special urinal when going to the toilet. In addition, over time, appetite will begin to be lost, constipation will appear and the temperature will rise. Here the patient needs immediate medical attention.

It is also worth noting that in order to avoid any consequences, it is necessary to consult a urologist as soon as possible when the first signs of the disease appear. And you shouldn’t delay your visit to the doctor, since the consequences of prostate adenoma can be very dire.

ICD code 10 prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma in men is coded by ICD 10. This code does not include any diseases that can be sexually transmitted, as well as prostate diseases.

It should also be noted that according to the classification of prostate adenoma, ICD 10 belongs to the same group as other diseases directly related to urinary problems. This can also include congestion in the prostate gland, male infertility, stones, various inflammatory processes, and so on.

The ICD code for prostate adenoma is different from any form of prostatitis. Diseases are classified today in order to make it more convenient to distinguish them, diagnose them and prescribe treatment to patients.

The ICD for prostate adenoma includes different names and stages of the disease and, unfortunately, does not reflect the whole picture of this disease. Therefore, in any case, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Types of prostate adenoma

Chronic prostate adenoma, according to its location and structure, can be of three types, namely:

    A benign tumor passes through the urethra and ends up inside the bladder. Because of this, the internal sphincter of the bladder begins to deform and the body’s performance is gradually impaired.

    The adenoma grows towards the rectum. In this case, the process of urination is not significantly disrupted, but the ability to contract the prostatic part of the urethra is lost. As a result, the bladder is unable to empty completely.

    The prostate becomes evenly denser under the influence of the adenoma. In this case, patients do not experience urinary retention either in urination or in the bladder.

A separate point should be noted that the causes of prostate adenoma of the prostate gland have not yet been fully identified. Some believe that this disease is a consequence of the onset of menopause in men. Because of this, it can be argued that almost any older man can suffer from this disease. Someone may talk about a connection between the occurrence of adenoma and the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, sexual orientation, sexual activity, previous sexually transmitted diseases, as well as inflammation of the genital organs. As a result, doctors, based on the appearance of the tumor, distinguish the following types of this disease:

  • spherical;
  • fibrous;
  • cylindrical, consisting of only one unit;
  • myomatous;
  • pear-shaped.

It is also possible to look at a video about prostate adenoma on the Internet. This way you can learn more about how operations are performed and what needs to be done to avoid the development of this disease.

But remember the main thing: under no circumstances should you let the disease take its course. If you experience the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, some people mistakenly believe that the disease “will somehow resolve itself.” This will not happen, only a professional specialist can determine whether there is a tumor, make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.


A common genitourinary pathology in men over 40 years of age is inflammation of the prostate adenoma. Symptoms of the disease:

    delayed onset of urination with tension in the abdominal wall;

    weak, intermittent urine flow;

    bedwetting, frequent urination during the day;

    false urges, including defecation;

    feeling of incomplete emptying.

Signs of enlarged prostate adenoma may be absent at the beginning of the disease. But over time, the growing tumor will reduce the functions of the genitourinary system, so men over 40 years old should be examined by a urologist once a year.

Disturbance of urinary outflow does not depend on the size of the tumor. Acute urinary retention can occur with prostate adenoma if a small tumor hangs over the urethra. At the same time, a large “nodule,” depending on its location, may not give a clinical picture of the pathology.

Symptoms at different stages of adenoma growth

The first signs of prostate adenoma pathology do not develop immediately in men. At the initial stages there are no clinical manifestations of pathology. Symptoms of the disease are not constant, they either increase or decrease. Hypertrophy develops in three stages: compensation, subcompensation, decompensation.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma at the compensation stage

At this stage, the main symptoms of prostate adenoma growth in men:

    there is complete release from urine;

    before the bowel movement begins, the abdominal muscles tense;

    the pressure of the urine stream gradually weakens;

    Nighttime incontinence and frequent urination during the day develop.

At the compensation stage, there is no significant change in the functions of the genitourinary system. The dynamics of urinary outflow gradually changes in patients. The process of urination becomes less free and frequent. Constant urinary retention with enlarged prostate adenoma is the first symptom of the development of pathology.

At the beginning of the disease, a nocturnal and imperative urge to urinate is characteristic: the patient cannot hold back contractions of the bladder, and there is a need to urgently empty it.

During the daytime, the outflow of urine gradually changes: the onset of urination is delayed, especially after waking up. An enlarged prostate adenoma (initial symptoms) allows the bladder to be completely empty of urine thanks to steadily working muscles. But over time, the muscle walls weaken, and the disease moves to the next stage.

The process of the onset of development of adenoma growth lasts from a year to 15 years, without causing severe inconvenience to a man. At the compensation stage, complications do not develop. The patient's condition is satisfactory.

Manifestations of prostate adenoma at the second stage of subcompensation

Enlarged prostate gland (adenoma), signs of the second stage of the disease:

    weak, thin stream of urine;

    frequent intermittency of the stream occurs;

    the process of urination often occurs in drops;

    incomplete release of urine;

    false urges, including defecation.

The second stage of the pathology is characterized by deterioration in the performance of the urine reservoir, kidneys and the entire genitourinary system. Gradually, the bladder is not completely empty of urine. The remaining urea in the tank reaches up to 200 ml. As the disease progresses, its number only increases. Enlarged prostate adenoma (symptoms of the initial stages) requires treatment by a urologist.

At this stage, degeneration of the muscles of the bladder walls begins, it increases in size, and its sensitivity decreases. The patient must strongly strain his abdominal muscles to completely empty his bowel movements. Urine begins to spontaneously be released from the canal due to an increase in intravesical pressure.

The compression of the ureters gradually increases, the outflow of urine is constantly interrupted, and occurs in waves with short periods of rest between urges.

Subcompensation is also characterized by complete urinary retention due to hypothermia, stress, colds, and alcohol abuse. There is a rolling pain in the pubic area. The patient's condition worsens.

Prostate adenoma (symptoms of the second stage) in the absence of treatment leads to complications:

    the appearance of a hernia in the groin area;

    with strained urination - rectal prolapse;

    development of prostatitis.

Depending on what symptoms of prostate adenoma develop in the patient at the second stage of the disease, a treatment method is selected.

Symptoms at the third stage of decompensation

At the third stage, the symptoms of the disease are clearly visible:

    extremely painful urination;

    spontaneous dripping of urine;

    your breath begins to smell like urine;

    The bladder does not completely release urine.

The decompensated stage includes paradoxical ischuria - overfilling of the bladder, but due to the lack of muscle tone, urine is released only in drops. The walls of the urine reservoir are stretched due to constant overcrowding. The bladder is determined independently by palpation in the groin. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating.

Lack of appetite, weakness, dry mouth, constipation and vomiting - enlarged prostate adenoma, symptoms of the third stage have begun. Drug treatment is usually replaced by surgery.

Without medical assistance, in the final stages of the disease, azotemia develops, which leads to death due to impaired urine outflow.

Adenoma or cancer

The signs of a malignant neoplasm are practically no different from an adenoma:

    urination functions are impaired, false urges and a “sluggish” stream appear;

    pain in the perineum, erectile dysfunction;

    in the last stages - swelling of the legs, aching bones, severe weight loss.

The patient himself will not be able to distinguish the symptoms of prostate adenoma cancer from a benign tumor. Only a doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis, based on test results and examination data.

Complications due to symptoms of an enlarged adenoma

Complications develop against the background of hypertrophy:

  • Chronic prostatitis occurs due to the growth of adenoma, impaired blood supply, and urinary outflow.
  • Urolithiasis develops as a result of stagnation of urine.
  • Cystitis (urea residue) often accompanies the second stage of the disease. Pathology increases infectious processes in the bladder.
  • Hematuria - blood in the urine with enlarged prostate adenoma. In case of acute urinary retention, you need to urgently go to the hospital, since this condition does not go away on its own and is life-threatening.
  • Pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, and renal failure develop due to urine entering the kidneys.

For any symptoms of adenoma growth, you need to contact a urologist, as the disease will progress and move on from the initial stage.


The primary diagnosis of prostate adenoma is carried out at the first medical appointment. The specialist clarifies the symptoms, clarifies the pattern of urination, the presence of other chronic diseases, and conducts a digital rectal examination of the prostate adenoma.

The procedure can be carried out in the patient's knee-elbow position, in a standing position (with support on the table), lying on his side with bent legs. Using this procedure, the size and shape, elasticity and consistency of the prostate, the symmetry of the lobes, the presence of pain, and the secretion of the gland are determined. A rectal examination allows one to differentiate adenoma and prostatitis and to suspect a malignant tumor. With prostate adenoma, the lobes are symmetrically enlarged, often significantly.

After this, the doctor prescribes instrumental research methods and laboratory tests.

Instrumental methods

Ultrasound of prostate adenoma is the main method for diagnosing the proliferation of organ tissue. It is carried out in two versions:

    transabdominal (using a sensor placed on the abdominal anterior wall);

    transrectal (with insertion of a sensor into the rectum).

The first method - TaUS - helps to determine not only the size and shape of the prostate, but also to conduct a parallel examination of the bladder and kidneys, which suffer due to gland hyperplasia. This method does not require special preparation (you only need to fill the bladder, for which the patient drinks at least a liter of water in 30–40 minutes) and can be performed on the day of the patient’s initial visit. Abdominal ultrasound also determines residual urine in prostate adenoma.

The most accurate method is transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). Thanks to it, you can not only see the shape, symmetry and size of the prostate, but also examine the soft tissues in detail and conduct Doppler ultrasound (assess the blood supply to the gland). Usually, before the procedure, it is necessary to do an enema, and two days before the procedure, it is advisable to follow a special diet to eliminate the risk of gas formation. The sensor, which has a diameter of 2 cm, is inserted several centimeters deep (no more than 6). The procedure is not painful, but may be accompanied by discomfort.

On ultrasound, signs of prostate adenoma can be seen if the prostate is enlarged (with a norm of 25–30 cm³ and a weight of 26.5–30 g). Hyperplasia is detected as a capsule with clear contours, which can be nodular (in most cases) or diffuse.

Prostate adenoma in an ultrasound photo can be visualized already at a size of 7 mm. The initial stage is described as a formation surrounded by a hypoechoic area. In advanced cases, prostate asymmetry and structural heterogeneity are noted. Based on the results of TRUS, the degree of compression of the urethra by the neoplasm is assessed.

Determination of prostate adenoma using ultrasound is carried out together with an assessment of the blood supply to the organ. When the disease develops, hyperplasia of the urethral arteries occurs in the center of the prostate and their reduction in peripheral areas. The speed of blood flow in the capsular arteries increases.

Laboratory methods

It is necessary to differentiate the diagnosis of “prostate adenoma” and prostate tumor, for which a blood test is prescribed that detects prostate specific antigen - PSA. It is produced in the prostate and concentrated in its ducts. In the blood, the antigen is present in small quantities, but sufficient for detection. In order to assess the nature of the neoplasm (benign or malignant), the free form of PSA is examined. Its normal values ​​range from 0 to 4 ng/ml (in young men – up to 2.5 ng/ml, in older men – 3.5). Accordingly, the PSA level in prostate adenoma is increased.

A biopsy of prostate adenoma is prescribed if its malignant nature is suspected (accelerated growth, presence of lumps during digital rectal examination). The procedure involves collecting cells from prostate tissue. They are obtained using a long spring needle, which is inserted in several ways:

  • The transrectal option is the most common. It is performed under local anesthesia and under transrectal ultrasound guidance. The procedure lasts approximately half an hour, and during this time 12 tissue samples from different areas of the prostate are taken for analysis. The ultrasound screen records the exact placement of the needle into the gland.
  • A transurethral biopsy for prostate adenoma is performed using a cytoscope with a video camera. The doctor collects the necessary tissue using a cutting loop, visually monitoring his actions. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, but spinal or general anesthesia may be used. The approximate time spent with the transurethral method is 30–40 minutes.
  • A transperineal biopsy is the least common and involves taking tissue through an incision in the perineum (the area between the anus and the scrotum). The usual time for it is 15–20 minutes. This requires the administration of spinal or general anesthesia and the patient staying in the hospital for some time after the procedure. Currently, local pudendal nerve blockade is being used as anesthesia, which eliminates the need for anesthesia.

Before identifying a prostate adenoma using a biopsy, a course of antibiotic therapy is necessary to exclude subsequent infection. It must be prescribed by a doctor during an introductory consultation before the procedure.

For several days after tissue collection, you may experience minor pain in the pelvis, and your urine may turn red. After the transrectal procedure, there may be bleeding from the anus for 2-3 days.

With prostate adenoma, biopsy results do not reveal cancer cells and infiltration of surrounding tissues, as is the case with malignant tumors. If the results are questionable, a repeat biopsy may be prescribed.


It is advisable to begin treatment of prostate adenoma with the appearance of the first alarming signs. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on high-quality and timely diagnosis. There are two main methods of treating prostate adenoma:

  • Medication;
  • Surgical.

The medical method of removing prostate adenoma is used at an early stage of the progression of the pathology, when the symptoms have not become critical. If the disease has become acute, surgery may be necessary.

Quite often, for effective treatment of prostate adenoma, doctors recommend hospitalization even in the early stages, since it provides the opportunity for constant control over the development of the disease and presupposes the availability of high-quality medical care. Treatment of prostate adenoma at home is acceptable if there is a positive trend in the course of the disease and there are no significant complications.

Drug treatment of prostate adenoma

Modern treatment of prostate adenoma includes conservative therapy for the early stages of the disease, when symptoms are moderate and the lesion has not affected the upper urinary tract. In addition, surgery may be contraindicated for a patient for a number of reasons.

Modern drugs allow us to talk about the significant positive effect of drug treatment of prostate adenoma symptoms - a significant minimization of manifestations and their complete elimination, subject to comprehensive and properly selected treatment.

Drug therapy for the disease in question is intended to achieve the following objectives:

    slowdown in education growth;

    reducing its volume;

    minimizing negative symptoms when urinating.

The main goal of drug treatment is to stop the progressive development of the disease and prevent the need for surgical intervention. If this cannot be achieved, and surgery for prostate adenoma becomes inevitable, you should not stop taking medications.

The drug method is used both independently and in combination with surgical intervention, as maintenance and regulatory therapy. Depending on the symptoms, treatment of prostate adenoma is adjusted by a specialist in the direction of prescribing one or another group of drugs.

    hormonal drugs, under the influence of which the prostate becomes smaller;

    means for the treatment of prostate adenoma, toning and regulating the activity of the genitourinary canal, facilitating urination;

    preparations of plant origin and aimed at generally strengthening the body’s immunity and resistance.

The group of alpha-blockers has proven itself positively in the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, the regular use of which makes it possible to achieve positive dynamics in restoring normal urination and eliminating pain. Moreover, the positive results of this treatment regimen for prostate adenoma last for a long time. The disadvantage of the drugs in question is the presence of a wide range of possible side effects, such as:

    systematic dizziness;


    hypotonic manifestations;

    possibility of retrograde ejaculation.

For patients who have concomitant problems with the cardiovascular system, the use of the drugs in question is categorically not recommended. If the patient's body responds normally to the drug, the course of the prescribed alpha-blocker is usually continued. The doctor decides how to treat prostate adenoma, taking into account the interests and individual characteristics of the patient.

In the conservative treatment of prostate adenoma, a group of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors is also used. Drugs in this group allow, through hormonal correction, to shrink the prostate and stop the progression of the disease. In some cases, the effect of use can be expected to last up to six months, and possible side effects include weakened libido and erectile dysfunction.

Of course, taking any medications in the treatment of prostate adenoma is permissible only after consultation with a urologist and under close medical supervision.

The dosage and features of the medication regimen are determined by the attending physician. There is no single standard for the treatment of prostate adenoma, but it is important to remember that the key to the effectiveness of any treatment is the accurate implementation of medical prescriptions.

As for self-medication, it is highly not recommended, since it can lead to a general exacerbation of symptoms and a worsening of the dynamics of the disease. Treatment with folk remedies (for example, drinking fresh pumpkin juice and seeds, onion tincture, celandine tincture and herbal tea based on hawthorn, golden rod and horehound) may be useful, but in no case should you refuse professional medical help.

Surgery to remove prostate adenoma: nature and consequences

What operations are performed for prostate adenoma?

Modern medicine offers two main types of surgical treatment for prostate adenoma:

  • transurethral resection;
  • prostatectomy (anodectomy).

A special feature of transurethral resection (TUR) of the prostate gland is the method of removing prostate tissue, for which a special device is used - a resectoscope. Its entry occurs through the urethra. After removal of the prostate adenoma using this method, the risk of complications is minimal, and the rehabilitation period is significantly shortened.

In prostatectomy, the prostate gland is removed through open surgery. This type of operation is considered obsolete. Rehabilitation after surgery for open prostate adenoma is a fairly lengthy process associated with frequent complications. Most specialists prefer TURP as a more progressive technique that allows minimizing the negative consequences of surgical intervention.

Despite the risks of complications and the need for long postoperative recovery, surgery is the optimal choice for the treatment of prostate adenoma, allowing to completely eliminate the disease and avoid possible relapses of the pathology.

Surgery on prostate adenoma is a rather labor-intensive and painful process. But the use of the latest surgical techniques allows one to avoid complications after prostate adenoma surgery.

An important stage of the surgical intervention process is rehabilitation after removal of prostate adenoma.

After surgery to remove prostate adenoma, the body takes a long time to recover. The rehabilitation process is characterized by a different range of manifestations, depending on individual characteristics.

The consequences of prostate adenoma surgery include the need for regular medical supervision, supportive therapy and a set of simple rehabilitation measures: massages, therapeutic exercises, a special diet after removal of prostate adenoma.

Methods for removing prostate adenoma without surgery

Recently, some experimental techniques have become popular, offering treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma using innovative technologies. This category includes techniques of the so-called minimally invasive spectrum.

Among the new methods of treating prostate adenoma, the following progressive techniques are worth noting.

    Thermal method - the adenoma is exposed to a high temperature level. Heating of tissue occurs under the influence of microwave or radio frequency radiation, ultrasound. The most common is the use of transurethral microwave thermotherapy.

    Cryodestruction - destruction of unwanted prostate tissue and treatment of prostate adenoma occurs under the influence of low temperatures.

    Laser exposure, in which the processes of evaporation (vaporization) of aqueous liquid and coagulation, that is, tissue folding, occur in parallel in the tissues of the prostate gland. Vaporization is quite often used to treat prostate adenoma in men in the early stages of the disease.

    Balloon dilatation of the urethra - the lumen in the urethra is widened using a special catheter, the tip of which expands.

    Stenting method, in which the lumen in the urethra is expanded by introducing a special stent. This medical device is made in a cylindrical shape based on a polymer material. With its help, you can achieve the desired expansion of the urethra and prevent its subsequent narrowing.

Balloon dilation is most often used in parallel with stenting as a comprehensive system for treating prostate adenoma without surgery.

The techniques discussed are something relatively new in the treatment of prostate adenoma. They are quite safe for health and contribute to the speedy rehabilitation of the patient. But their effectiveness indicators today are inferior to surgical intervention, so specialists rarely use minimally invasive therapy in practice. In addition, these methods are quite expensive compared to conventional surgery.

Prevention of prostate adenoma

A man's health largely depends on his sexual activity. Regularity and duration of sexual intercourse is one of the most effective remedies for prostate adenoma.

The range of preventive measures that can prevent problems with prostate adenoma also includes a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking and alcohol abuse, regular physical activity, and minimizing the stress factor in everyday life.

Proper nutrition is also important: the diet should be as balanced as possible, free from excess fats and carbohydrates, and sugar. More attention should be paid to healthy proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. A properly selected diet for prostate adenoma will help minimize painful symptoms and slow down the development of pathology. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition after prostate adenoma surgery.

Experts also recommend a special range of exercises for prostate adenoma, which strengthens the prostate and helps to reduce it. This system contains static and dynamic exercises that help increase muscle tone in the body and improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

At the same time, the main conditions for the successful use of physical exercises for prostate adenoma are regularity of exercise and moderation of loads. You can perform them at home.

Massage for prostate adenoma is also very useful, both as a preventative measure and as an element of rehabilitation therapy after surgery. When performing massage manipulations of a therapeutic nature, the movement begins from the sacral region and moves gradually. The nature of the movements is stroking and rubbing, of medium intensity. Professionally performed acupressure for prostate adenoma activates blood flow, tones and increases the body's resistance to negative factors.


Drugs for prostate adenoma are very effective in the initial stages of the development of the disease, they relieve unpleasant symptoms, reduce the volume of the gland and help delay surgical treatment, which is used when urination is impossible.

Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are divided into the following groups:

    Alpha-1 adrenergic blockers: Omnic, Delphase, Gitrin, Uroxatral. Prescribed to stimulate the outflow of urine and seminal fluid, reduce pressure in the urethra, reduce the number of urges, and relieve spasms.

    Painkillers: Ibuprofen, Declofenac. Relieves pain in the groin.

    Hormonal drugs are necessary to stop the growth of adenoma. Medicines in this group include: Androcur, Flucinom, Microlut, Arimidex.

    5alpha-ruductase inhibitors: Depostat, Proscar, Avodart. Used to reduce tumor growth. The drugs are highly effective in shrinking large tumors.

    Antibiotics for prostate adenoma: Gentamicin, Cephalosporin. They are used to treat the acute form of the disease and are intended to eliminate its cause - the causative agent.

    Tissue preparations: Prostatilen, Raveron. Help prevent tumor growth and reduce the volume of the prostate gland.

    Homeopathic: Afala, Permixon, Finasteroid, Tadenan.

    Calming: tinctures of valerian, motherwort, Novopassit.

    Vitamins for prostate adenoma are prescribed to stimulate the immune system.

Alpha-1 blockers

Alpha-1-blockers are quite effective drugs for prostate adenoma. They are intended for:

    strengthening blood vessels;

    improving blood circulation;

    removing urethral tone;

    relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bladder;

    eliminating the lack of oxygen in the bladder by dilating its arteries.

Tablets for prostate adenoma, which are alpha-1-blockers, are indicated for frequent urination at night. Drugs in this group are prescribed to almost all patients, with the exception of those cases that cannot be cured without surgery.

5-a-reductase inhibitors

These medications for prostate adenoma make it possible to reduce the activity of the enzyme that promotes the production of dihydrotestosterone. This group of drugs significantly reduces the content of hormones in the gland, thereby preventing the rapid growth of its cells. As a result, the number of tumor cells decreases and the process of urination is normalized.

For prostate adenoma, the following 5-a-reductase inhibitors are used:

    Avodart: to reduce tumor size, relieve unpleasant symptoms and prevent urinary retention;

    Depostat: antitumor drug;

    Proscar: reduces the risk of urinary retention, relieves swelling, reduces prostate swelling.

Hormonal medications

Hormonal drugs for prostate adenoma are divided into 3 groups:

  • To block testosterone synthesis in the testicles.
  • To stop the work of androgens in the prostate gland.
  • Steroid drugs.

Treatment with hormonal drugs is not very desirable, as it is associated with many side effects:

    Decreased libido;

    Growth of the mammary glands;



Therefore, this group of drugs is prescribed only if the growth of a low-quality tumor is suspected.

Most often, the doctor prescribes the following hormonal drugs:

    Androkur: reduces the effect of androgens on the prostate gland;

    Flucinom: has an antitumor effect, it is indicated for prostate cancer.


Antibiotics for the treatment of the prostate gland are prescribed in almost 100% of cases. This is necessary to destroy the pathogen. The appointment is made after laboratory testing of the secretion.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary that antibiotics penetrate the prostate tissue and accumulate in it, promoting a high concentration of the active substance. Doctors prescribe antibacterial agents in the initial stages of the disease. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks.

Homeopathic or phytomedicines

To prevent prostate adenoma, medications can be prescribed from plant materials: homeopathic or phyto.

They are available in the form of tablets, solutions, and suppositories.

Rectal suppositories for prostate adenoma, consisting of natural ingredients, are widely used to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Such means include:

    Vitaprost: reduces swelling, relieves pain, improves the composition of the ejaculate, improves blood circulation.

    Bioprost: restores erectile function, stimulates normal prostate function.

    Vitaprinol: contains plant estrogens synthesized from pine needles. Restores hormonal imbalance.

Suppositories for the treatment of prostate adenoma act quickly and effectively.

Homeopathic tablets for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

    Afala: reduce swelling and inflammation of the prostate, stimulate the outflow of urine;

    Tadenan: produced from African plum bark, eliminates urinary disorders, relieves swelling, reduces pain.

Drug therapy is not always prescribed by a doctor, since almost all drugs have side effects. Therefore, if the patient believes that taking pills for prostate adenoma is ineffective and prefers surgical treatment, drug therapy is prescribed only to relieve pain.

When answering the question of what medicine to treat prostate adenoma, it is important to understand that the drugs are selected individually and the doctor must prescribe them. Incorrectly selected medications for the treatment of prostate adenoma can cause harm to the body: worsen erection, reduce reproductive function, or cause allergies.

Folk remedies

When the first symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia appear, you should consult a doctor for advice and recommendations. A qualified doctor will also give advice on the use of folk remedies in the treatment of pathology. If prostate adenoma has formed, treatment with folk remedies may be one of the best methods. But the question arises: “How to treat prostate adenoma with folk remedies, what effective methods exist?”

Infusions for prostate adenoma

In the first stages of the development of the disease, you can turn to alternative medicine, but only with the permission of a doctor. According to those who have recovered, folk remedies for prostate adenoma are excellent in the early stages of the disease.

There are a huge number of recipes that have been helping patients cope with this problem for many years. Such folk remedies include infusions of various herbs. The following are considered effective in the treatment of this pathology:

  • calendula;


They are freely available at pharmacies and can be purchased without a prescription, meaning you do not need to waste time collecting them. Herbs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are often used in the first stages of the disease.

Any of these herbs should be finely chopped and poured with boiling water; the infusion can be used after 12 hours. Those people who have already been helped by a similar folk recipe recommend drinking it half an hour before meals, half a liter a day for three months. Herbs for prostate adenoma help strengthen the immune system and reduce the anti-inflammatory effect.

Bee products

The answer to the question of how to cure prostate adenoma with folk remedies includes the use of bee products. Everyone knows that they are very useful, especially in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. The use of propolis honey will be very useful; it can be added to tea or a decoction of beneficial herbs. Treatment of prostate adenoma at home becomes possible through the use of bee propolis, as it has antibacterial properties.

Almost all pharmacies sell suppositories with propolis for prostate adenoma, which are recommended for use according to the attached instructions.

This is not the end of the review of bee production “products”. It has been empirically proven that treatment of prostate adenoma with dead bees, that is, dead bees, is very effective. To do this, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of dead fresh bees with half a liter of boiled water. The water is first brought to a boil, and then simmered over low heat for about two hours.

After which the broth should be cooled to room temperature, strained and left in the refrigerator. It must be consumed daily for a month before meals, three teaspoons. But before using this traditional treatment method, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the patient may have allergic reactions to certain components.

Celandine in the treatment of prostate adenoma

Celandine works for prostate adenoma due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Pre-purchased at a pharmacy or collected independently, 1 tablespoon of celandine should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After it has infused for two hours, it is filtered and sent to the cold. Treatment of prostate adenoma with celandine includes strictly taking one tablespoon of the infusion once a day before meals.

What should be added to the diet for treatment according to traditional methods?

The menu for prostate adenoma should include freshly squeezed juices in order to increase the body’s resistance to the occurrence of this type of disease, since juices contain a huge amount of vitamins, which strengthens the condition of the body.

The question arises: “What healthy foods for prostate adenoma should be included in the diet?” It has been scientifically proven that the cause of this pathology in men is a deficiency of zinc and magnesium in the body, so walnuts, which contain these microelements, can replenish them. To make the “medicine” even more effective, you can mix 100 grams of nuts with propolis honey and take it daily.

Thus, if prostate adenoma occurs, treatment with folk remedies is one of the best ways to solve the problem, but with strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

Herbal teas in the treatment of prostate adenoma

Herbal teas, due to their properties, slow down tumor growth and help avoid surgery. Herbal medicine for prostate adenoma has an extremely positive effect.

Fireweed has excellent properties; for prostate adenoma it is used as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of fireweed tea with 2 mugs of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes, strain, drink it on an empty stomach in the morning and one mug an hour before bedtime. Tea has no contraindications and will be useful even as a prevention of such diseases. Due to the presence of phytosterols and tannins in it, it has a healing effect.

Green tea for prostate adenoma has a positive effect due to the catechins it contains, they change the activity of sex hormones, reduce dihydrotestosterone, the action of which explains the growth of adenoma.

Borovaya uterus treats prostate adenoma due to the presence in it of such active substances as organic acids, resinous substances, vitamins and minerals, which slows down the growth of adenoma; it is also useful to drink its decoction as a preventive measure.

There is also the use of a product such as beaver stream; use for prostate adenoma should be carried out according to the recommendations of a doctor. It has a general strengthening effect on the entire body; this product is very highly valued and quite difficult to purchase. At the cellular level, the components affect tumor growth.

The above folk methods for treating prostate adenoma will help cope with the disease. Effective treatment of prostate adenoma with folk remedies can save a man from surgical interventions.

The information is for reference only and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.

– different syndromes, they have different causes. But there is one common symptom, the main one for both diseases: difficulty urinating. Therefore, in both cases, initially people go to urologist. Often he treats both cases.

This is due to the fact that the specialist for the treatment of adenoma is andrologist- not available in every clinic. If there is one, and the urologist identifies an adenoma, he will refer the patient to an andrologist.

Prostatitis– inflammation of an organ, that is, a pathology that arises under the influence of microorganisms and other damaging factors.

Adenoma– the formation of small nodules in the prostate, pressing on the urinary canal – menopause in men, a natural consequence of aging, which ultimately awaits almost every man.

For courses physiotherapy It’s easy to make an appointment at a local clinic on an outpatient basis.

The juice is squeezed from the pulp and drunk a glass a day for three weeks. The seeds must be fresh, not fried. They are peeled, but the greenish shell should remain. Are eating 60-100 seeds in a day. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Other proven folk remedies include: hazel, aspen, chestnuts, parsley.

Of particular note is the use of honey (for example, or. It has long been noted among the people: beekeepers never get sick with adenoma.

Water procedures

When using a sitz bath, water is 43 degrees.

A bath with a temperature of 37 degrees reduces libido.

Regarding the sauna, then steam it is forbidden! This will make it possible prostate swelling.

Medicinal, mud baths Prostatitis is treated by warming problem areas and the action of beneficial substances contained in the liquid.


The patient's body should receive natural fatty acids.

There are a lot of them in the following products: sunflower oil, fish oil, poultry liver, walnuts.

The amount of fatty foods in the diet is less than a third. Of these, a quarter is fatty meat, three quarters are vegetable oil and fish.

Avoid foods that cause constipation.

Include foods rich in zinc: egg yolks, pine nuts, shrimp, seaweed, crabs, fish, mussels.

The majority of the patient's diet consists of vegetables and fruits.

  1. Spices- parsley, mustard, horseradish - reduce inflammation and speed up recovery.
  2. Onion garlic kill bacteria that cause disease; improve blood circulation and potency.

A salt-free diet restores blood supply in the prostate.

The patient needs avoid such products:

  • pepper;
  • alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, tea;
  • smoked, salted, spicy, fried foods;
  • convenience foods, fast food, baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • canned food

Avoid foods that cause constipation. Spicy food for adenoma leads to swelling of the gland. Violation of the diet will negate other costs of treatment and neutralize its effect.

Beneficial physical activity

Any physical exercise is useful for you, starting with regular morning exercises. But special exercises have also been developed specifically against prostatitis.

Set of exercises Kegel aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum.

It’s easy to identify them: a man holds the stream of urine when peeing. Those muscles (prostate muscles) that will work in this case should be train.

  1. We alternately tense and relax the prostate muscles. The faster the better.
  2. We strain the muscles, hold them tense for 4 seconds, and gradually relax.
  3. Smoothly tense the muscles, as when defecating. Let's relax.

During the first lesson, we repeat each exercise eight times. We repeat this cycle five times a day.

Weekly we increase the number of repetitions of each exercise in the cycle by four until we reach 45 reps. We do this kind of gymnastics every day while the problem of prostatitis is relevant.

Also applicable physiotherapy, yoga. From their exercises, choose those that involve movement of the pelvic organs.

First aid

  1. First aid is required in the event of acute prostatitis and an attack of adenoma. To reduce the activity of microorganisms it is required intravenous antibiotics.
  2. For the first two days, drugs are administered only by injections. This speeds up the time of delivery of drugs to the affected area. Within a day after the injection, the patient feels relief.
  3. To reduce pain and relax muscles, they are injected antispasmodics.
  4. In the presence of an abscess, especially if the outflow of urine is practically impossible, urgent abdominal surgery or blood transfusion.

How long can treatment last?

Prostatitis- usually from a month to three.

Adenomas: Treatment of adenoma is usually completed after the operation and recovery period. In case of conservative treatment of the early stage, therapy is stopped after the doctor concludes that surgical intervention is no longer necessary.

Now you know everything about the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The main thing that is required from the patient is discipline and compliance with ALL recommendations.

It is important to follow the therapy regimen, diet, and not skip procedures. Remember that popular folk remedies are only an addition to the methods of official medicine; their use must also be coordinated with a therapist.

Previously, benign prostatic hyperplasia was considered a serious tumor disease, and the only method of curing it was surgery. Today, a fundamentally different approach has been developed: the formation of adenoma is considered to some extent a natural process for men after 45 years of age, which can be controlled with medication. Complete or partial excision of an adenoma (adenomectomy) is a traumatic operation, the consequences of which men experience for a long time, some even completely lose erectile function. However, it is not a fact that education will not begin to grow again. It is much wiser to diagnose the onset of the process in time and begin drug therapy. This article describes the most effective medications for treating adenoma and preventing its development.

Conservative treatment of adenoma is advisable in the following cases:

  • Early stage of the disease, insignificant size of the nodes;
  • Adenoma without pronounced symptoms (as long as the walls of the bladder retain their functionality, urination is relatively normal);
  • The operation is contraindicated as it will cause more harm to the patient than good.

Medical criteria that the doctor focuses on when choosing therapy for adenoma:

  1. The presence of pronounced concomitant pathologies.
  2. Total IPSS score. It should be between 8 and 19.
  3. Quality of life (QOL) assessment index is less than 4.
  4. Qmax (maximum urine flow rate based on uroflowmetry) – between 5 and 15 ml/sec.
  5. The volume of residual urine is no more than 150 ml.

Adenoma at an early stage can be successfully kept from further growth. The main thing is that the therapy is selected correctly, and the process is controlled by a doctor. In the final stages, when the amount of residual urine increases due to the urinary canal being compressed by the adenoma, and the walls of the bladder stretch and atrophy, conservative treatment will no longer help.

President of the Association of Sexologists and Andrologists of Ukraine, chief sexologist of the Ministry of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Igor Ivanovich Gorpinchenko on drug treatment of prostate adenoma with preservation of sexual function

Contraindications to conservative treatment of adenoma:

  • Suspicion of cancer;
  • The presence of an enlarged middle lobe (growth around the urethra);
  • Large volume of residual urine;
  • Neurogenic disorders (urine leakage);
  • Drug intolerance.

Surgery remains the only treatment option for adenoma when the urinary ducts are blocked (a condition called intravesical obstruction).

Forms of medication used

For adenoma, several groups of drugs are used:

  1. Symptomatic: to relieve spasms, reduce pain.
  2. Therapeutic: to eliminate or stop factors favoring the growth of the gland.
  3. Immunomodulatory: to activate the prostate immune system, preventing pathological cell division.
  4. Stimulating: to improve blood supply to the prostate gland, eliminate stagnant processes, prevent infectious inflammation.

For adenoma, several dosage forms are used at once to provide a complex effect: tablets, capsules, microenemas, rectal suppositories, injection solutions.

The main advantage of rectal suppositories in the treatment of adenoma is the rapid penetration of the active substance directly into the prostate tissue. These drugs do not treat adenoma. Their action is aimed at relieving swelling by improving trophism (metabolic processes) of tissues and relieving inflammation. Due to this, iron can decrease in volume by up to 30%. Examples of candles:

  • “Prostatilen” (404 rubles for 5 pcs.), “Vitaprost” (970 rubles for 10 pcs.). The active substance is peptides - proteins of animal origin, acting as active agents that transfer information from cell to cell, thus correcting the process of their development and functioning. Peptides from the prostate gland of mature bulls are used in suppositories for adenoma. The substances strengthen the gland’s own immunity, help relieve swelling and reduce the organ’s volume.
  • “Bioprost” (540 rubles for 10 pieces) with pumpkin seed oil. Stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Vitaprost suppositories are a drug of animal origin used for diseases of the prostate gland and bladder.
  • “Propolis DN” (250 rubles for 6 pieces) with propolis. Improves blood circulation, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effect.
  • “Prostaden” (470 rubles for 10 pieces) with a complex composition: propolis, sea buckthorn and cocoa oil, meadowsweet extracts, sabal palm, ginkgo biloba, calendula. Stimulates metabolic processes, relieves inflammation.

To relieve spasms of the urethra and relax the lumen of the ureters, inexpensive suppositories with papaverine or drotaverine are used: “Spazmolysin”, “Papaverine”.

Alpha-blockers for prostate adenoma

Alpha-1 blockers appeared on the drug market in the mid-90s. These drugs have significantly increased the effectiveness of drug therapy for adenoma. Alpha-1 receptors, the activity of which is inhibited by these substances, are located in the most problematic places: the neck of the bladder, the prostatic part of the urethra, and also in the prostate capsule. As a result of the action of adrenergic blockers, the smooth muscles of these parts relax and urination becomes easier.

The main representatives of this group:

  1. Cardura (doxazosin). It stands out among other drugs in that it blocks only hyperactive alpha-adrenergic receptors and does not provoke a decrease in blood pressure if it is initially normal, but normalizes if it is elevated. This allows you to combine treatment of several diseases at once. The vasodilating effect makes it possible to use this drug for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.
  2. "Dalfaz" (alfuzosin). Does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier to the brain, has a predominantly peripheral effect. Therapy is difficult to control and side effects are common.

  1. "Omnic", "Flosin" (tamsulosin). Difficulties arise with selecting an individual dosage. Valid for 16 hours. Many patients experience (sperm goes into the bladder). More promising is “Omnik Okas” with a slow release, which acts during the day.
  2. "Haytrin", "Segetis" (terazosin). They have a pronounced hypotensive effect (lowers blood pressure), so they are not suitable for all patients with adenoma.
  3. "Urorek" (silodosin). It is characterized by high selectivity of exposure and minimal effect on pressure.

The mechanism of action and contraindications of the above drugs are largely similar, but each has minor individual characteristics, which doctors focus on when prescribing them to patients with adenoma.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors

These drugs affect the mechanisms of adenoma development. 5-alpha reductase is an enzyme that is present in the nuclei of prostatic tissue cells and is responsible for converting testosterone into its active form - dihydrotestosterone. It is believed that it is he who provokes the growth of adenoma (all,). Inhibitors block the activity of the enzyme, as a result of which prostate cells stop multiplying uncontrollably and old ones disintegrate (apoptosis occurs). Taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors can help reduce the size of the prostate by shrinking the adenoma and eliminating the mechanical obstruction to urination.

There are drugs on the market based on two types of substances in this group:

  • Finasteride. Blocks only types 1 and 2 enzymes. The half-life is 6-8 hours.
  • Dutasteride (Avodart). Blocks all 3 types of enzyme. Half-life occurs after 3-5 weeks.

Detailed video about Avodart capsules - how to use the drug and in what cases it is contraindicated

A pronounced effect of treatment develops after 6-12 months of therapy. Prostate volume decreases by 18-28%. PSA levels also drop by half. After 2-4 years of continuous therapy, there is a prospect of reducing IPSS scores by 15-30% and increasing urinary flow rate by 1.5-2 ml/sec.

5-alpha-reductase inhibitors work slower than alpha-blockers, but their effect is longer-term and more pronounced. The main disadvantage is side effects: in 6-8% of patients, libido decreases, erection worsens, and sperm volume decreases. This can only occur in the first year of therapy for adenoma; then the severity of symptoms no longer increases.

Alpha blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are first-line treatments for men with symptoms of BPH. The table shows the main properties of these groups

Anticholinergics (anticholinergics) and PDE-5 inhibitors

One of the symptoms of adenoma is frequent urination caused by overactive bladder syndrome (develops due to impaired nutrition and nerve conduction of the tissues of its contractile muscle - the detrusor). To normalize urination, M-anticholinergics are used in combination with alpha-blockers. These are drugs that block M-cholinergic receptors located in the neck of the bladder, reducing its tone. The main representatives of this group of substances are tolterodine and solifenacin. Preparations based on them, used for adenoma: “Uroflex”, “Urotol”, “Vesicare”. Side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and rash.

Urotol is a drug that reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the urinary tract. Price in pharmacies from 476 rubles.

PDE-5 inhibitors for prostate adenoma are prescribed to relax the smooth muscles of the urinary tract and facilitate urination. They are similar in action to alpha-1 adrenergic blockers and are often used in combination with them. The officially recommended drug by the medical community is tadalafil.. PDE-5 inhibitors also help improve blood supply to the pelvic organs and reduce inflammation of the prostate and bladder. A pronounced effect in terms of facilitating urination occurs after 3 months of combination therapy.


Antibiotics are often an integral component of adenoma therapy, since the accumulation of urine and changes in prostate tissue create favorable conditions for the development of infection. A frequent companion to hyperplasia is. Inflammation worsens the symptoms of adenoma due to an increase in the volume of the gland. The doctor prescribes medications based on the results of the analysis (urine culture and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics).

Drug groups:

  1. Cephalosporins: Suprax, Zinnat.
  2. Macrolides: Erythromycin, Klacid.
  3. Fluoroquinolones: “Tavanik”, “Abaktal”.

Tavanic is an antibacterial drug from the fluoroquinolone group. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Price in pharmacies from 420 rubles.

In some cases, penicillins and aminoglycosides are prescribed for adenoma.

Hormone-based drugs

Hormonal drugs for adenoma are prescribed to reduce the amount of testosterone, which is transformed into dihydrotestosterone. Without androgen stimulation, the metabolism of tumor cells changes, most of them die, and the volume of the adenoma decreases. Main groups of drugs:

  • Antiandrogens (androkur);
  • Estrogens (sinestrol). Suppress 5-alpha reductase and promote testostron oxidation:
  • Progesterone derivatives (“Depostat”).

Most urologists do not approve of the use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of adenoma due to severe side effects that outweigh the degree of benefit.

Herbal preparations and dietary supplements

Dietary supplements and herbal preparations reduce the volume of the gland only if its increase is caused by inflammatory edema. If the urethra is compressed by an overgrown adenoma, then there will be no relief from urination. The minimum course of therapy is 3 months. Drugs recommended by doctors for the treatment of adenoma:

  1. "Cernilton" (flower pollen fermented by bees). Relaxes the urethra, inhibits 5-alpha reductase, improves erectile function.
  2. "Indigal" (indole-3-carbinol, green tea and cruciferous plant extract). Reduces the activity of androgen receptors.

There are also homeopathic preparations “Afala” and “Afalaza”, which are based on antibodies to prostate-specific antigen. According to the instructions, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and make urination easier, but many experts doubt their effectiveness for treating adenoma.

For pain relief

Pain from adenoma is associated with pressure from the enlarged gland on the nerve endings, inflammation and spasms. To relax the muscles of the prostate, urethra and bladder, antispasmodics are used:

  • "Spazmex";
  • "Driptan";
  • "No-Shpa";
  • "Spazmolgon."

The most common antispasmodic drugs and their forms of release

To relieve severe pain, analgesics and corticosteroids are prescribed. A safe remedy is rectal suppositories with belladonna and belladonna.

Medicines for prostate adenoma for older men

Conservative treatment of adenoma for elderly men is sometimes the only option, since surgical interventions can aggravate the condition. The basis of drug treatment is alpha-1-blockers based on tamsulosin (Adenorm, Omnik, Focusin), since they have a minimal effect on blood pressure and the state of the cardiovascular system. These drugs help relieve the symptoms of diabetes and bronchial asthma.

Omnic is an α1-adrenergic receptor blocker, a drug for the symptomatic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Price in pharmacies from 330 rubles.

Tamsulosin for adenoma in the elderly is combined with M-anticholinergics and herbal medicines. To influence the detrusor of the bladder, Trental (thins the blood), B vitamins (improves the functionality of the nerve receptors of the bladder), and dietary supplements based on sabal palm extract are prescribed.

List of the most effective drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma

The effectiveness of the drugs depends on the volume of the gland and the severity of symptoms. Rating of the most effective means:

  1. For a permanent reduction in prostate volume and easier urination: “Urorek” (770 rubles for 30 capsules) and “Kardura” (460 rubles for 30 tablets). The optimal option for combining alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors is drug "Duodart" (1550 rubles for 30 capsules). It is considered the best cure for prostate adenoma today.
  2. To increase local immunity of the prostate and relieve swelling: Prostatilen AC suppositories (400 rubles for 5 pieces).

  1. To enhance blood microcirculation: “Prostamol Uno” (700 rubles for 30 capsules).
  2. To reduce the urge to urinate: Vesicare (670 rubles for 30 tablets).

For each patient, the doctor selects an individual adenoma treatment regimen. There is no universal remedy that suits absolutely everyone.

Is it possible to cure prostate adenoma without surgery?

It is impossible to completely remove an adenoma without surgery. Nodes can only be removed surgically. Indications for surgery:

  • Acute urinary retention;
  • Damage to kidney tissue due to increased pressure in the bladder;
  • Thickenings (diverticula) in the walls of the bladder;
  • Massive hemorrhages in the bladder and prostate;
  • Frequent inflammation of the urinary system.

Urologist-andrologist Ivan Vladimirovich Rylchikov talks about non-surgical treatment of prostate adenoma

Delaying the operation can lead to kidney failure, acute urinary retention, and also create a life-threatening situation when bacteria begin to enter the blood in large quantities. The bladder may stop functioning altogether.

How to avoid harm when taking medications

The main condition for the effectiveness of adenoma therapy is regular monitoring of: the volume of the prostate and the amount of residual urine (ultrasound), the rate of its output (uroflowmetry). You should not take the following prescription medications on your own:

  1. Alpha-blockers: decreased blood pressure, accompanied by headache, vomiting, clouding of consciousness, even fainting. Swelling, pain in joints and muscles, and nasal congestion are possible.
  2. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors: depression, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, rash, testicular pain, increased risk of diabetes, vascular disease, osteoporosis.
  3. Antibiotics: decreased immunity, proliferation of infection, increased frequency of relapses of chronic prostatitis.
  4. Anticholinergics: possible bladder overflow, urinary retention.

It is also dangerous to take PDE-5 inhibitors without prescription, which can also cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, blurred vision, and increased heart rate.

Drugs for the prevention of adenoma

To prevent adenoma, as well as for its therapy, you can take dietary supplements based on plant extracts and peptides:

  • "Prostmol Uno";
  • "Likoprofit";
  • Candles "Prostatilen";

Prostatilen suppositories are a medicinal product of animal origin. Price in pharmacies is 404 rubles. for 5 pcs.
  • "ProstaNorm";
  • "Prostamed" (extracts of pumpkin, aspen, goldenrod)

Beekeeping products (dead bees, beebread, drone homogenate) help maintain hormonal levels. To increase general immunity and prevent infectious inflammation, you can take courses of tincture of garlic, echinacea, and ginseng.

In modern times, information on how to treat prostate adenoma in men is undergoing some changes, after all, if previously it was treated exclusively surgically, today most patients with such a diagnosis receive alternative treatment with medications. However, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​all methods of treating the disease, because they all have their own characteristics and nuances, although only a doctor can prescribe treatment in this case after examination - self-medication can be dangerous.

What nuances should you know before starting treatment?

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must diagnose the disease and exclude prostate cancer, which sometimes develops in parallel with adenoma. As diagnostic measures, ultrasound is usually used to determine the volume of the prostate and residual urine, as well as uroflowmetry, and doctors usually clarify the question regarding the sexual functions of a man, that is, whether they are preserved or not.

Additionally, it must be said that the patient must exclude indications for absolute surgical treatment, because sometimes it is simply impossible to do without surgery.

Basic principles of treatment

When talking about how to treat prostate adenoma, it is worth saying that therapy directly depends on the stage of the disease. However, it must be said that treatment usually consists of:

  • diet therapy;
  • performing a set of special physical exercises;
  • use of medications;
  • the use of traditional medicine (they turn out to be very effective at the initial stage of the disease);
  • surgical treatment.

Sometimes the techniques are combined with each other, complementing each other and making the treatment more effective. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis and it must be said separately that, according to the latest data, drug treatment is considered not as fast as surgery, but the risks and side effects characteristic of the latter technique are absent, so patients prefer treatment with drugs.

Treatment with medications and its features

Drug therapy is considered the most effective and safe method of treating prostate adenoma (especially in the initial stages of the disease). Drug therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and it should be understood that medications have a number of side effects that you need to be aware of.

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Talking about how to treat prostate adenoma, it is worth saying that the following groups of drugs are usually prescribed:

  • alpha-blockers - are used as effective symptomatic treatments (that is, they do not stop the growth of tumor diseases, but only relieve the symptoms of the disease - restore normal bladder function, reduce pain and stop the inflammatory process). Usually prescribed in combination with other medications;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors - have medicinal properties, that is, they slow down the growth of a tumor tumor, although they do this very slowly (a positive therapeutic effect can only be achieved if the treatment is long-term - that is, you will have to take pills for several months) . Separately, it should also be said that when using medications in this group, some side effects may develop - decreased sexual desire, impotence and other sexual disorders;
  • herbal preparations – have a pronounced medicinal effect and at the same time have a completely natural composition, which makes the treatment completely safe. They have practically no contraindications and, if you believe the reviews, they suppress the growth and multiplication of pathogenic cells in the body, and thereby help reduce the size of the prostate gland, although therapy with their help usually takes a fairly long period of time - up to six months or more, and that’s all During this time, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor.

It must be said that only a doctor should decide how to cure prostate adenoma, that is, only he can prescribe a medicine of one group or another and select the best course of therapy for the duration, taking into account the possible development of side effects and contraindications.

Surgical treatment of prostate adenoma

If drug therapy is ineffective, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. There are several types of operations, and the most common technique can be considered transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR), during which the adenoma is removed through the urethra using a resectoscope inserted into it. The essence of this technique is that the resectoscope cuts off the overgrown tissue of the prostate gland and brings it out. After these manipulations, the cut tissues are examined in the laboratory for oncology (which allows, if necessary, to determine cancer at the initial stage of its development). The postoperative period requires a catheter in the urethra, which allows the bladder to be cleared of urine and blood clots.

Usually people think about surgery, asking the question of how to treat prostate adenoma simply and quickly, because drug therapy (as mentioned below) requires long-term treatment and does not always allow one to obtain a high-quality result.

Traditional methods of treatment

Good treatment of prostate adenoma (especially in the initial stages of its development, which is worth emphasizing separately) can be achieved using traditional methods of treatment. For example, a good effect is obtained by consuming pumpkin seeds, which should be taken raw on an empty stomach several times a day (they are also an excellent method for preventing the development of inflammation of the prostate gland and its benign hyperplasia). It is also acceptable to use pumpkin oil three times a day, but the course of treatment should be at least one month.

A positive effect is often obtained by treating prostate adenoma with propolis, which has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect on the body, which makes it possible to stop the process of inflammation and proliferation of soft tissues. Therapy can be carried out with propolis suppositories, which are prepared by evaporating propolis extract and mixing with cocoa butter (it is better to buy ready-made propolis suppositories from the manufacturer, because it is quite difficult to prepare a truly high-quality preparation at home).

Microenemas prepared from an infusion of chamomile or sage with the addition of an alcohol solution of propolis also give a good effect. They reduce the inflammatory process, have a mild analgesic effect and improve the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole.

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