Menu for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas. Diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas sample menu. How the disease manifests itself

With pancreatic necrosis, the affected organ loses its protective functions, the secreted enzymes destroy and corrode its own tissue component of the diseased pancreas. Enzymes during necrosis (necrosis) have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system, the process of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.

The disease refers to a number of serious diseases that can lead to death. In addition to drug treatment and hospital stay, a special diet is prescribed for pancreatic necrosis.

Surgery is a common method. After surgery, the patient is assigned a very strict dietary table, including complete fasting. The patient is instructed to only drink fluids (water). Further, the patient needs special nutrition for pancreatic necrosis. It provides only light and sparing food.

A special menu is being developed for pancreonecrosis that has arisen, providing food for every day. The patient needs a lot of useful substances to restore strength. The diet includes dishes and products that allow you to replenish the body with vitamins and useful elements. The food is liquid and homogeneous. Products are selected easily digestible, easily digestible, not provoking increased secretion in the pancreas.

The disease occurs against the background of malnutrition. In case of violation of the pancreas, flowing into pancreatic necrosis. The digestive system is unable to digest incoming food, even light meals.

Is it possible to get pancreatic necrosis instantly? Yes, an acute attack will occur at any moment. The disease manifests itself as a result of drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages and fatty protein foods. With a regular load on the pancreas, consequences are possible. Often, patients are hospitalized with an attack of the disease after a plentiful feast.

The general diet for acute pancreatitis is the same as after pancreatic necrosis. Fatty, fried, smoked, spicy dishes are not allowed. All food is boiled, stewed, baked, steamed. Give away, low-fat puree. Food is prepared on the water. Excluded the use of alcohol, coffee, fatty broths. There are certain rules and recommendations:

  • In order to avoid complications in the process of digestion, solid foods are excluded, giving preference to a uniform consistency of dishes. These include grated oatmeal, buckwheat with vegetables, lean meat, and fish. All this is steamed.
  • Fats adversely affect digestion during this period. Only a small slice of butter is allowed, which is allowed to season food. An alternative is natural olive oil.
  • Not sour and ripe fruits.
  • Steam omelet from quail, chicken eggs, stale bread, crackers, fat-free cottage cheese - nutritionists allow.
  • As a drink, you can drink weak tea, compote, brewed rose hips, juices without sugar.

Diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas and an approximate menu:

  1. Breakfast - protein omelet, buckwheat porridge, weak tea.
  2. Snack - weak tea with a delicate soufflé from dried apricots.
  3. Lunch - rice broth, boiled pollock puree, dessert in the form of jelly from freshly squeezed juice without acid with the addition of a sweetener.
  4. Snack - Fat-free cottage cheese, compote of rose hips.
  5. Dinner - fish or meat steam cutlets, carrot soufflé.

Approved Products

One of the methods of therapy for pancreatic necrosis is. It is prescribed in combination with other methods of treatment. At the first signs of the disease, be sure. He will tell you in detail what you can eat with pancreatic necrosis:

  1. Vegetables. These include carrots, potatoes, zucchini. They are added to the first dishes, after grinding.
  2. Kashi. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal must be crushed to a state of flour. Homogeneous slimy porridge is suitable as a second course.
  3. For dessert, pastries are perfect, but lean. You need to eat a treat on the second day in a stale state.
  4. Fruits. They prefer sweet and ripe fruits. Suitable peaches, apricots. Be sure to remove the skin before serving.
  5. Sweet apples. It is better to give the patient baked. Make soufflé, jelly or mousse.
  6. Drink healing mineral water, brewed rose hips, dried fruit compote, weak tea, jelly.

Wholly or partially restricted products

After surgery and surgery, a diet for pancreatic necrosis is mandatory. Many products are not allowed at all during this period. The use of some is partially limited. They are eaten in small doses and subject to good health:

  1. Weak and low-fat milk soups. Prepare them diluted with water in equal proportions.
  2. Sour-milk products with a low fat content - sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.
  3. Protein of chicken or quail eggs.
  4. Butter, vegetable oil in small quantities.
  5. Lean varieties of meat and fish.

Which are being rejected:

  • fatty broths;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • fresh pastries, muffin;
  • fatty dairy products, fatty milk;
  • soda, alcohol;
  • strong tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • coarse fiber found in many vegetables and fruits;
  • hard-boiled and fried eggs;
  • cereals - corn, barley, wheat;
  • pepper, a lot of salt, spices, spices.

Menu, power mode

Diet is an essential step on the road to recovery. It is important to follow the rules and guidelines. Eliminate irritating factors, start eating healthy food. It should not be hot, greasy, rough, spicy, salty.

The portion is divided into 6 doses. When dieting, the amount of food consumed is observed. Feeling full after eating, but not overeating.

The menu includes dishes like mashed boiled vegetables (broccoli, potatoes, carrots, zucchini). They prepare protein salads (chicken breast, Adyghe cheese, dill, kefir), fat-free cottage cheese pudding.

A correct and safe diet is the key to success in treatment.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, the cause of which is a violation of the rate and amount of outflow of juice and other enzymes responsible for digestion, which the pancreas produces in the duodenum.

This disease negatively affects the vascular system, can provoke inflammation and gallstones, and even cause death. Therefore, it is important to provide proper treatment in the presence of a diagnosis, as well as adhere to a special diet so that the disease does not worsen and progress further.

Nutrition for pancreatitis during an exacerbation

Often, in the phase of an exacerbation of the disease, the patient goes to the hospital, where the first thing he does is wash his stomach. Always, regardless of whether you are at home or in a hospital, in the first few days, it is forbidden to eat any food, that is, for 2-3 days you can only drink water, purified non-carbonated, or alkaline Borjomi (you first need to release gas), called this stage of treatment is the zero diet.

The daily volume of water should be no more than 1.5 liters (5-7 glasses). If, however, the zero diet is extended for a longer period, then starting from the fourth day, various nutritional components are administered intravenously, and from the sixth to seventh day, liquid food is allowed to be introduced through a tube into the intestine.

After the symptoms subside and the patient's general condition improves, certain foods and drinks are gradually introduced into the diet: cereals cooked in water; unsweetened compotes, kissels; puree soups.

Food can be consumed warm, absolutely not hot or cold, it should be prepared without the addition of vegetable or animal fat, contain as little protein as possible, and also should be liquid or semi-liquid in consistency, with a minimum calorie content.

When the health and condition of the patient stabilizes, you can expand your diet to vegetables, lean meats, fish, potatoes in boiled or steam form, this stage of the disease no longer requires crushing to a puree state.

Principles of nutrition during exacerbation of pancreatitis and immediately after it:

  • fractional, frequent meals, 5 to 7 times a day;
  • small portions in size;
  • exclude alcohol, spices, sauces, oils, fried and sour-milk products;
  • limit baking and salt;
  • you can have a small amount of yesterday's, and preferably the day before yesterday, dried bread.

And also, the body needs competent medical support for the speedy restoration of the overall strength and functionality of the pancreas.

Diet for pancreatitis, what you can and can not eat

Of course, in the presence of pancreatitis, a kind of diet should always be followed, but in truth, few people succeed, because all living people, and sometimes patients, allow themselves to violate the rules of the diet. The most important thing is to observe the correctness and diet for the first 2-3 months, so that the pancreas gets stronger and enters its usual mode of operation.

What can you eat with pancreatitis:

What not to eat with pancreatitis:

  1. Fatty meat: lamb, goose, pork, duck, especially fried (barbecue, meatballs, etc.), canned food, sausages, stew, rich broths.
  2. Fatty fish: sturgeon, mackerel, salmon, herring, catfish, smoked fish, caviar, canned fish.
  3. Fatty cottage cheese, glazed curds, sweet curds, spicy or smoked cheeses.
  4. Hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs.
  5. Vegetables: radishes, raw onions, garlic, radishes, beans, beans, bell peppers, sorrel, spinach, lettuce. Mushrooms are forbidden to eat in any form.
  6. Fruits: citrus fruits, berries containing a large amount of acid, such as cranberries, lingonberries, as well as sweet and difficult to digest - figs, grapes, bananas, dates.
  7. Sweets: chocolate, buns, ice cream, any nuts, coconut milk.
  8. Drinks: coffee, strong tea, sparkling water, kvass.

Menu for pancreatitis

Everyone is familiar with the phrase - “The best friends of the liver, stomach, pancreas are COLD, HUNGER and REST”, so it is important to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, eat a portion that can fit in the palm of your hand and maintain emotional calm, then the course of the disease will be easier and a speedy recovery will follow.

The diet for pancreatitis is not as terrible as we imagine it to be, it can be quite varied, tasty, and most importantly, healthy and safe. We suggest you take a look at it.

Sample menu for every day

First day

  • Breakfast: steamed omelette from one egg, weak tea with bread;
  • Snack: 2-3 pieces of biscuit cookies with cheese;
  • Dinner: 150 grams of buckwheat porridge (ready-made), zucchini, boiled or baked without spices and oil, 100-150 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 9%;
  • Snack: grated, sweet apple, or baked in the oven;
  • Dinner: oatmeal on water 150-200 grams, grated beetroot salad (possible with the addition of boiled carrots).

Second day

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of cottage cheese with tea or compote;
  • Snack: salad of boiled green peas and carrots, seasoned with a few drops of vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef with tomato stewed in its own juice without oil, 1-2 slices of bread, 150 grams of oatmeal in water;
  • Snack: 250 ml of jelly from permitted berries / fruits, with a minimum amount of sugar;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup without meat 300-400 grams, a glass of low-fat yogurt or fermented baked milk without dyes and sweeteners.

The third day

  • Breakfast: 150 grams of rice porridge in milk, 2 crackers;
  • Snack: one baked apple with cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: 300 ml chicken broth soup with meat, a slice of bread, a baked or boiled vegetable;
  • Snack: 2 pieces of dried apricots / jelly or yogurt (150-200 ml);
  • Dinner: carrot puree in the amount of 150 grams, one medium steamed cutlet.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: a serving of cottage cheese casserole or 2 cheesecakes without eggs and butter, tea or rosehip broth with sugar;
  • Snack: 30 grams of hard cheese;
  • Dinner: meat broth soup with oatmeal or noodles, a slice of bread, a cutlet or a portion of steamed meat;
  • Snack: fruit jelly 150-200 grams;
  • Dinner: 150 grams of mashed potatoes without oil, 200 grams of steamed fish, 1-2 boiled cauliflower inflorescences.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast: steamed cutlet, 150 grams of grated, boiled beets, tea;
  • Snack: a glass of water without gas, 2 crackers or biscuits;
  • Dinner: vegetable broth, buckwheat porridge 100 grams, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, bread;
  • Snack: a glass of natural yogurt;
  • Dinner: durum pasta 200 grams, the same amount of salad from boiled peas, beets, carrots seasoned with a few drops of olive oil, half a marshmallow.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: baked pumpkin with half a teaspoon of honey, a glass of kefir, bread;
  • Snack: 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: rice and chicken soufflé baked in the oven, portion should be no more than 300 grams, steam zucchini, rosehip broth.
  • Snack: baked pear or apple / fruit jelly;
  • Dinner: oatmeal on water 200 grams, 100 grams of boiled veal, tea with a spoonful of milk, 1 dried apricots.

Seventh day

  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk - 200 ml, sweet compote with bread;
  • Snack: applesauce / cottage cheese casserole - 100 grams;
  • Dinner: vegetable puree 200 grams, 1-2 fish steam cutlets, a glass of yogurt;
  • Snack: jelly or jelly from berries, fruits - one glass;
  • Dinner: chicken broth with potatoes and carrots -250-300 ml, a slice of bread, 1 boiled beetroot, weak tea.

Also, vegetables and meat can be stewed in their own juice without adding oil, it is recommended to consume such dishes not earlier than 1.5 months after the period of exacerbation of the pancreas. By agreement with the doctor, you can introduce new foods and expand the diet with other, interesting dishes.

Stick to a balanced diet, with a complete combination of proteins and carbohydrates, do not overeat and drink enough clean, non-carbonated water. Such simple nutritional rules will help maintain pancreatic function, allow the disease not to progress further and serve as a good prevention and good habit for the rest of the family.

A diet for pancreatic necrosis is a specially selected whole set of rules that must be observed by a patient with this diagnosis. When compiling a dietary menu, it is important to take into account all the vulnerable aspects of the body of a sick person.

At the same time, it is necessary to enable the weakened body to receive in sufficient quantities all the necessary vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. However, do not forget that all food should be easily absorbed and digested, and also not contribute to an increase in the rate of pancreatic secretion.

What is pancreatic necrosis?

Necrosis of the pancreas or pancreatic necrosis is one of the most serious complications that occurs with acute or chronic pancreatitis. With this pathology, the process of dying off of the tissues of the pancreas, including the surrounding blood vessels and nerve tips, is observed.

One of the main factors provoking the development of pancreatic necrosis is ignoring the instructions of a nutritionist when the patient consumes prohibited foods, in particular, spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol.

The disease is characterized by such a symptomatic picture:

  • Severe, almost unbearable pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Intense and frequent vomiting.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever.

Unfortunately, patients should be aware that in case of pancreatic necrosis, surgical intervention is an inevitable fact, therefore, in the preoperative period, therapy begins with the obligatory observance of a dietary table.

Features of nutrition before and after surgery

The diet for pancreatic necrosis before surgery implies “zero” nutrition, that is, you can’t eat or drink. The forces of the body are supported by the introduction of medicinal solutions directly into the blood: glucose, fats, amino acids. This is necessary so that the pancreas does not produce enzymes that corrode the parenchyma. Also, this method of nutrition is used during an exacerbation of the disease.

The postoperative diet for pancreatic necrosis is still “zero” and only on the 5th day after the operation the patient is allowed to drink water: 4 glasses of water and a rosehip decoction.

If the person's well-being does not worsen, then two days later the diet is entered after pancreatic necrosis, that is, the transition to the dietary table No. 5P. In the early days, only fresh food is served, with an absolute absence of salt, spices and fats. In the following days, the menu is gradually expanded.

It is also worth paying attention to the important nuances of the diet for pancreatic necrosis after surgery:

  1. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, but in fractional portions.
  2. To prevent constipation before going to bed, drink non-fat kefir, yogurt, beet juice will also be useful.
  3. Avoid all unwanted foods listed below.
  4. Do not under any circumstances overeat.
  5. From the 3rd or 5th day of indisposition, adhere to the first version of the dietary table No. 5P for a week. Then they switch to the second variation of the dietstol. This sequence helps prevent the transition of the acute form of pancreatitis into a chronic form.

Compliance with these simple rules contributes to the stabilization of the patient's condition, and prevents possible relapses.

The first version of the treatment menu No. 5P

Breakfast: protein omelette, steamed; puree-shaped buckwheat porridge on a water basis of semi-viscous density; unsweetened low concentration tea.

2nd breakfast: Dried apricot soufflé; weak, slightly sweetened tea.

Lunch: Sticky rice soup; steam fish soufflé; jelly prepared on the basis of cherry juice with the addition of xylitol.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese; rosehip drink.

Dinner: steam cutlets from boiled meat; steamed carrot soufflé.

Before going to bed: drink from rose hips.

The daily norm of the following products: crackers - no more than 50 g; sugar - 5 g.

The second option of the diet menu No. 5P

Breakfast: steam cutlets from low-fat fish; semi-viscous porridge made from rice cereal, cooked on a water basis; weak sweetened tea.

2nd breakfast: unleavened cottage cheese; tea or rosehip decoction.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup with barley; boiled veal fillet; mashed potatoes; as well as a drink made from dried apricots.

Afternoon snack: baked apple; compote of fresh berries.

Dinner: boiled chicken fillet rolls stuffed with protein omelet; low-fat cottage cheese casserole cooked in a double boiler; chamomile tea or decoction.

Before going to bed: low-fat cottage cheese; jelly based on cherry juice.

The daily norm of the following products: yesterday's bread (dried) - 200 g, sugar - no more than 30 g.

Rules for compiling a menu for daily nutrition in case of illness

Dietary nutrition for pancreatic necrosis is lifelong and cannot be violated in any way.

So, what can you eat with pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas? Below are the highlights of the dietary table No. 5P. Based on the instructions, you can develop and compose daily menus:

  1. Dried bread, crackers, unleavened cookies.
  2. The first meals: soups with chopped vegetables, with the addition of vermicelli or cereals (mainly rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
  3. Boiled, steamed meat of fresh varieties and the same fish are ground or crushed before serving.
  4. Butter is allowed no more than 10 g per day (according to other sources - 30 g), so the best option for your case should be checked with specialists.
  5. In relation to eggs, only proteins are allowed, from which steam omelettes are prepared.
  6. Vegetable oil is allowed to be used in an amount of not more than 20 g (including in dishes).
  7. Fruits with pancreatic necrosis should be ripe and soft (pear, apple), while avoiding sour fruit-berries.
  8. From dairy products, it is allowed to eat sour milk and cottage cheese with a low fat content.
  9. From drinks it is allowed to drink freshly prepared and diluted juices, weak tea, herbal decoctions, compotes without sugar.

The basic rules for cooking are as follows:

  • The food should be exceptionally warm, in no way cool or hot.
  • The food is prepared without fat, adding any seasonings and salt.
  • With regard to butter or milk, they are already added to ready-made dishes, while the daily dose of butter should still not be higher than 10 g.
  • It is allowed to add salt to food, but the norm of salt should not exceed 2 g per day.

Also, patients with pancreatic necrosis should pay attention to an important nuance, which is that the above diet can also go into the dietary table for diabetes.

This is explained by the fact that one of the possible aggravations of pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is the development of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus, which appears due to the fact that some enzymes are able to break down the cells that produce insulin, which provokes the formation of this disease.

Now let's move on to the list of those foods that are contraindicated in the 5P diet after pancreatic necrosis.

What foods are banned?

When following diet No. 5P, it is necessary to avoid the following products, the use of which, even in small dosages, can lead to an aggravation of the patient's condition.

Foods that can not be eaten with pancreatic necrosis:

  • All soups are based on decoctions of mushrooms, meat and fish species.
  • Freshly baked bread and rolls, including those made from rye flour.
  • Sweet and confectionery pastries.
  • Chilled vegetable salads and other fresh vegetable meals.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Milk soups.
  • Grape juice.
  • Coffee, cocoa, sweets, chocolate.
  • Fried eggs and any food made from eggs.
  • Smoked, sausage products.
  • Conservation.
  • Meat and dairy products with high fat content.
  • Spicy seasonings, as well as individual fruits and vegetables.
  • Barley, millet.

In addition, the following vegetables are prohibited:

  • Corn and legumes.
  • Radish and turnip.
  • Spinach and sorrel leaves.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Sweet peppers.
  • Cabbage.

You need to adhere to dietary restrictions until the negative symptoms go away completely, and all examinations are normal. This usually takes up to 6-9 months.

Recipes for dietary meals for illness

Milk soup with buckwheat


  • Low fat milk - 1 cup
  • Buckwheat - 3 tablespoons
  • Drain. oil - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Sort the buckwheat, remove debris, then rinse and boil in water until half cooked with the addition of salt.

Then pour in milk, add sugar and bring to readiness. Add oil before serving if desired.

Chicken steam cutlets


  • Minced chicken - 150 g.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Yesterday's bread - 20 g.
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp
  • Salt - a pinch.

How to cook: soak the bread in milk, combine the prepared bread with minced meat, add salt.

From the finished cutlet mass, form small cutlets, put in a double boiler and stand until cooked for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin and Apple Casserole


  • Pumpkin pulp - 130-150 g.
  • Apple - ½ medium fruit
  • Egg white
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp.
  • Oil - ½ tsp

How to cook: the peeled pulp of pumpkin and apple should be cut into small pieces, put into a saucepan and simmer with the addition of a small amount of water until soft, then mashed with a blender or pusher.

The prepared puree is mixed with hot milk, butter, sugar and semolina. Once the mixture has cooled slightly, add the beaten egg white froth. If the mass is too liquid, add a little more cereal.

The mass is spread on a greased baking sheet and baked at a temperature of 170 degrees for 25-30 minutes.


Patients with necrosis of the pancreas need to carefully listen to all the instructions of their doctor to maintain their health. It is important to try not to succumb to the temptation and not eat anything from forbidden foods, even in small quantities.

The diet must be strictly observed, otherwise all medical efforts will go down the drain, and the patient's condition will worsen.

You will be surprised how quickly the disease recedes. Take care of your pancreas! Over 10,000 people have noticed a significant improvement in their health just by drinking in the morning...

What is included in the therapeutic dietary table for cholecystitis and pancreatitis?

The diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis is significantly different from the generally accepted diets, which are resorted to by those who want to lose weight, although, of course, the volumes with such nutrition will decrease significantly.

Therapeutic starvation for various forms of pancreatitis

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, many doctors say that the patient needs hunger, cold and rest for pancreatitis. Naturally, this phrase should not be taken literally.

Features of dietary nutrition during exacerbation of pancreatitis

The main task of the diet is the maximum calmness of the pancreas, which is achieved by lowering the secretion of digestive enzymes, which are the cause of inflammation of the pancreas.

Is it allowed to introduce eggs into the diet of a patient with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis- this is a whole group of diseases associated with inflammation of the pancreas. The disease can manifest itself unexpectedly - one of its manifestations is pain. To relieve pain and prevent recurrence, proper diet is important. Pancreatitis is divided into chronic and acute, depending on the nature of the disease, you need to choose the necessary nutrition.

In the acute or chronic course of pancreatic disease, pancreatitis is diagnosed due to:

  • Eating disorder.
  • Eating fatty/spicy foods daily.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract, including cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach.

With exacerbation of pancreatitis there is a need for surgical intervention (opening the membrane of the pancreas) in case of little effect from drug treatment, fasting, removal of food debris from the stomach. Chronic pancreatitis aggravated under the influence of overeating, alcoholism, long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones, estrogens, narcotic drugs, Indomethacin, Furosemide, against the background of a diseased liver (which requires a special diet) and gallbladder, which are quite common in adults. With an increase in pressure inside the abdomen in women at the end of pregnancy, the development of pancreatitis is possible.

About the causes, symptoms, treatment of pancreatitis:

Diet for acute pancreatitis for 10 days

The purpose of clinical nutrition in acute pancreatitis - remove swelling, inflammation and infection from the pancreatic duct. To do this, in a hospital, drug treatment with enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, plus complete fasting for several days is used to avoid the use of a surgical operation. Hunger is necessary to stop the production of gastric, pancreatic juices, reduce enzymatic activity due to the lack of food in the esophagus. During this time, the restoration of the gland will occur.

In the first days of an exacerbation, you need to starve, you can only drink mineral water with alkali, but without the presence of gas, for example, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, No. 20, Slavyanskaya, Smirnovskaya, weak green tea or a decoction of rose hips. Drinking should be taken 4-5 times a day, 200 ml. Water will eliminate intoxication of the body, prevent dehydration along with the use of parenteral nutrition - the establishment of droppers with sodium chloride and glucose 5%.

If the symptoms of acute pancreatitis do not reappear, add to the diet for 3-5 days:

  • salty slimy rice or oatmeal water;
  • liquid mashed potatoes without oil;
  • semi-liquid jelly or juice jelly;
  • liquid cereals: oatmeal (read our article: 3 recipes for oatmeal), semolina, buckwheat, rice (everything is cooked in water or milk, everything needs to be ground or chopped with a blender);
  • cracker;
  • dried bread.

Important food rules! Daily calorie intake - 600-800 calories, daily protein intake - 15 gr., Up to 200 gr. - carbohydrates (you can add honey to the diet). Fats are prohibited.

You can add from liquids - green or black tea (weak), add sugar or honey - 1 tsp each, or tea with milk, beet juice 50 ml / day with mineral water. Calorie content is increased to 1000 calories per day, up to 50 g - proteins, up to 250 g - carbohydrates, up to 10 g / day - fats. At night, you need to drink a glass of water with honey, raisins (1 tsp), prunes (2-3 pieces) or yogurt to prevent constipation.

From the 10th day after the attack, you can increase the calorie content by more than 1000 calories / day, up to 300 grams. - carbohydrates, up to 60 gr. - proteins, up to 20 gr. / day - fats. Continue to eat pureed unsalted food.

sample menu

Below is a menu for several days, a similar diet can be compiled independently based on the list of allowed products.

days meal Sample diet menu for pancreatitis
Day 1 Breakfast Semolina or rice porridge (on water) - 150 gr., Fruits: orange or apple. Green tea (not strong) can be with honey (1 tsp)
Late breakfast Pumpkin puree - 50 gr., Steam cutlets from chicken breast or fish. Rosehip drink (the recipe is below), honey - 1 tsp.
Dinner Vegetable broth with fish or beef meat 200 gr., mashed potatoes (from potatoes or broccoli) - 100 gr., white bread toast. For dessert, you can bake an apple with honey in the oven, without the skin.
afternoon tea Tea with honey and some cottage cheese (1% fat)
Dinner Protein steam omelet from 3 eggs, white bread crouton. Puree from permitted vegetables - 150 gr.,
Before bedtime Boiled water - 1 cup with honey - 1 tsp. or yogurt.
Day 2 Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with milk - 150 gr. Kissel or green tea (not strong)
Late breakfast Grated apple with soft curd
Dinner Soup puree from pumpkin or cauliflower. Minced chicken meatballs
afternoon tea Green tea with 1-2 slices of dry unsweetened biscuits
Dinner Rice-curd pudding -150 gr. Tea or kissel
Before bedtime Rosehip decoction - 1 cup
Day 3 Breakfast Liquid rice porridge - 150 g. Green tea with dry biscuits
Late breakfast 1 baked apple
Dinner Soup of carrots, cauliflower, potatoes with meatballs. Compote of crushed dried fruits
afternoon tea Curd - 100 g, green tea
Dinner Boiled or baked lean fish
Before bedtime Tea with milk or kefir

Dish recipes

Can be used after an acute attack of pancreatitis diet number 5p(read about Diet Table 5) and follow it for a year. Food is consumed pureed, without salt, proteins can be increased - up to 100 gr., Up to 40 gr. - fats, up to 450 gr. - carbohydrates. Be sure to follow the recommendations and regimen prescribed by your doctor!

For a decoction, you will need 0.5 kg of dried rose hips and 4 liters of water. Rinse the rosehip, add water, put the drink to infuse for 4 days. It is not necessary to cook the infusion, the rosehip should be infused with water at room temperature. This drink contains vitamin C. Attention! since the drink is acidic, consult your doctor before taking it.

Pureed fish soup:

For soup, 0.5 kg of fish is useful (it is advisable to take boneless fillets, cod, pike, pike perch), 1.5 liters of water or vegetable broth, 50 ml. milk, 1 tsp butter.

Cut the fish, pour water or broth in a saucepan, cook until tender. Remove the fish from the pan, chop with a blender. Heat a little milk in a saucepan and add butter to it, as soon as the butter is melted add the broth, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add fish, cook over low heat for just a couple of minutes. Salt can be added only if allowed by your doctor!

Carrot pumpkin puree:

For this delicious dish you will need pumpkin (300-400 gr) and carrots. Peel the vegetables, cut into 1.5-2 cm cubes. Boil in ready water. Drain the water, leaving a little if you want the puree to be thinner. Grind with a blender. Puree is ready!

Forbidden in acute pancreatitis use:

  • alcohol;
  • eat fatty or fried foods;
  • eat any fats and foods that cause bloating: legumes, bran, white cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, peel / skin of fruits and vegetables, unripe fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks with fermentation reactions: kvass, kefir.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

Attacks of chronic pancreatitis can occur immediately after dinner, the menu of which was: hard-boiled eggs, confectionery, raw fruits, vegetables, juices, cold sodas, chocolate, milk or ice cream. Constant companions of the disease will each time manifest themselves: bloating, a feeling of fullness or heaviness, a lump that is “stuck in the bottom of the chest”, periodic vomiting.

Against the background of chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus can easily occur and be difficult to proceed - also a serious disease in which it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, alkaline drinking is recommended for 1-2 days, rosehip broth or tea - at least 1.5 liters. per day in 5-6 doses. You need to switch to a sparing low-calorie proper diet, excluding almost all fats and carbohydrates. The content of protein, enzyme preparations should be moderate. With 5-6 meals a day, it is recommended to eat chopped or grated food.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis can include:

  • wheat bread crackers (you can dry the bread yourself);
  • vegetable soups (pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini or carrots are best suited for soups);
  • cereal soups (with semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat or rice);
  • meat - beef or veal, chicken, rabbit meat. It is better to steam, bake or boil.
  • steam omelettes from eggs (2-3 pcs.).
  • low-fat fish: flounder, pollock, cod, perch, pike perch, hake, perch or pike;
  • cottage cheese (not salted): you can eat it fresh or make puddings;
  • cheeses - choose low-fat, unsalted varieties;
  • in dishes or during cooking, you can use butter or sunflower oil -10-15 gr.
  • sour cream, kefir (only low fat content);
  • cereals - rice, barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, vermicelli (their consistency should be liquid or semi-liquid);
  • vegetable puree / stew (do not forget that cabbage and tomatoes cannot be added), vegetables can also simply be boiled or baked;
  • juice mousses/jelly, dried fruit compotes (apricots, pears, apples)
  • fruits (only baked or grated without skin)
  • dietary purees and puree-like canned food for children or diet food;
  • multivitamin-mineral preparations.

Menu for the day

You can not eat foods that stimulate the secretion of the pancreas:

  • meat, fish, fatty poultry, forget about smoked meat and fish, sausages, canned food;
  • meat, mushroom, fish broth (as well as soups and sauces on them);
  • cabbage soup, borscht, as well as cold soups (such as holodnik or okroshka);
  • milk soups;
  • fish, meat fried, smoked, salted or canned;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • eggs - you can not eat eggs fried or hard-boiled;
  • any beans, white cabbage, eggplant, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, sweet peppers;
  • bakery products, fresh bread, sweet, flour, chocolate, other sweets;
  • black coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

Pancreatitis with endocrine dysfunction jam, sugar and honey are excluded, since they do not have a therapeutic effect, while they belong to carbohydrates.

In the asymptomatic course of the disease or with the presence of mild symptoms, the list of prohibited dishes / products is gradually reduced to the category of products that should only be limited, but not completely excluded.

Recipes Vegetable Soup Puree:

For the soup you will need: 1 yellow or green sweet pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, 1 small zucchini. Wash all vegetables and cut into cubes. Pour vegetables in a saucepan with water (1-1.5 liters), cook until tender. Drain the water and use a blender to puree.

Fish soufflé:

To prepare the dish you need: fish (400 gr), 100 ml of water or milk, a tablespoon of flour, 2 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks), a piece of butter (20 gr.). Boil the fish in water, condemn, scroll through a meat grinder or chop finely. Mix milk and flour (pre-heat the flour in a pan until slightly yellow) you get a milky “sauce”, slightly thick. Now we begin to mix: fish, egg yolks, milk sauce, butter (if your doctor allows, you can salt). Separately, beat egg whites until stiff. While stirring, add them to the fish mass.

We heat the oven to 180-200 degrees. We spread the fish mass in a baking dish or baking sheet, put in the oven and bake until tender.

Apple marshmallow (dessert):

To prepare marshmallow, you need to take 1 kg of apples, peel them, cut them, pour water in a saucepan and put to boil. Boil apples, remove from heat, drain water, let cool slightly. Rub the apples through a sieve or chop with a blender. Drain all the juice from the resulting puree, squeeze the puree. Pour the juice separately into a small saucepan and cook to thicken (almost like syrup). Pour sugar (100 g) into the boiled juice, cook a little more. Mix juice with puree. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet, put in the oven (120 degrees), dry the marshmallow until completely thickened.

The doctor tells about the diet for chronic pancreatitis:

Polyneuropathy sensory-motor distal

Diabetes often leads to damage to long nerve fibers, which causes neuropathy of the lower extremities. It is this type of pathology that develops in most diabetics.

Distal polyneuropathy is characterized by such features as:

  • inability to feel pressure
  • absence of pain,
  • insensitivity to temperature changes,
  • weakening the perception of vibration.

This all leads to the fact that the patient may harm himself by accident, simply underestimating the risk due to poor sensitivity. He can get burned or hurt and not even notice it. Insufficient innervation causes ulcers on the legs, cramps, severe pain, which is especially acute at night. Sometimes patients have joint damage.

With further progression of the disease, dystrophic changes in the muscles, deformation of the bones, problems with the activity of the musculoskeletal system are observed.

The skin on the legs becomes red and dry, the sweat glands cease to function. A common occurrence is the formation of age spots. The appearance of the patient's legs changes greatly, which can be seen in the photo.

The most dangerous symptom of the disease is the formation of ulcers on the feet. Discomfort does not arise because of them, since the patient has weakened pain sensitivity.

But this is the main problem. The patient does not feel pain and does not consider the situation dangerous, and at this time inflammation develops in the feet and fingers, due to which it is sometimes necessary to resort to amputation.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities causes and consequences

Sugar level

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Alcohol is a poison to the body. And not even ethyl alcohol itself, but the products of its processing. The most vulnerable place in a person is the nervous system. Therefore, alcoholic polyneuropathy occurs in 90% of alcoholics.

Most often, the process begins with damage to the branches of the nerves of the lower extremities.

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons for the development of neurological changes in the limbs:

  1. The harmful effects of ethyl alcohol processing products on nerve endings.
  2. Lack of B vitamins.
  3. Syndrome of compression of the lower extremities.

All reasons come down to one common denominator - excessive consumption of strong drinks. An alcoholic replaces normal food with his favorite potion. This leads to beriberi, a violation of the circulation of nutrients.

In alcoholic intoxication, sensitivity and a sense of time are lost. He drank - fell - lay on the cold ground in an uncomfortable position. We get a syndrome of prolonged squeezing. Then you can apply a mathematical rule - the result is equal to the sum of all terms. In this case, the result will be alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities.

Polyneuropathy - the main symptomatology

Starting to pay attention to:

  1. Painful cramps in the muscles of the lower limbs.
  2. Increasing numbness in the area of ​​​​the feet, which rises up the limb. Next comes the pain syndrome. The hands are the last to be affected.
  3. If we neglect the initial symptoms, then the disease spreads to all groups of muscles and nerve fibers.
  4. Loss of hair, impaired blood supply to the limbs can join sensitivity disorders. In appearance, the skin may have a marble color, cyanosis.
  5. In advanced cases, a trophic skin lesion develops with the formation of non-healing ulcers.
  6. And finally, complete paralysis of the lower extremities. Diagnostic measures are aimed at excluding other diseases that can give neurological symptoms.

Therapeutic measures for alcoholic neuropathy

After the diagnosis is established - alcoholic polyneuropathy - treatment should begin.

  1. Forget and delete from life any kind of alcohol.
  2. Proper balanced nutrition.

These two points are the cornerstone of the treatment of neurological diseases. Drug therapy, a competent neurologist will not help if you continue to indulge your addiction.

Further treatment tactics are agreed with the attending physician. Vitamins of group B are prescribed (usually injectable - in the acute period, tablet forms - for aftercare), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, denebol, and so on), drugs to improve blood circulation in the extremities.

For chronic pain, antidepressants and anticonvulsants are prescribed. Physiotherapy methods are widely used - magnet, laser, physiotherapy exercises, treatment with electrical impulses.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy - predictions

For any other neurological problems, the prognosis for timely treatment is favorable. But not in the case of alcoholic neuropathy of the lower extremities. As a rule, patients come to the doctor so neglected that it makes no sense to wait for a full recovery. Only a complete rejection of alcohol and timely treatment can give a chance for recovery.

Diagnosis and treatment

Since one type of diagnosis cannot give a complete picture of this disease, polyneuropathy is diagnosed by several methods:

  • visually;
  • instrumentally;
  • laboratory.

Visual diagnostics includes an examination by a number of specialists: a neurologist, a surgeon, an endocrinologist. A neurologist determines external symptoms: the level of blood pressure in the lower extremities, the sensitivity of the legs, the presence of reflexes, whether there are swelling, what is the condition of the skin. Laboratory diagnostics includes urinalysis, blood glucose, cholesterol, the level of toxic substances in the body if toxic neuropathy is suspected. Instrumental diagnostics is MRI, as well as electroneuromyography and nerve biopsy.

Based on what kind of neuropathy is detected, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment, which removes the symptoms of the disease and contributes to a complete cure. Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment are prescribed

In the diabetic form of the disease, it is important to first lower the blood sugar level and only then proceed to the treatment of polyneuropathy, otherwise the treatment is ineffective

In the toxic form, it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol and other toxic substances, you need to follow a diet. Drugs are prescribed that improve blood microcirculation, prevent the appearance of thrombosis, and also reduce swelling. In the presence of trophic ulcers, antibiotics are prescribed, and in order to remove edema, endorphin-based drugs are prescribed.

If toxic polyneuropathy is detected, drugs are prescribed that help detoxify the body and at the same time remove swelling. Non-drug treatment includes physiotherapy: heating, massage, magnetotherapy, electrical stimulation, exercise therapy, acupuncture. All these procedures are aimed at returning the functionality of the muscles.

Factors of the onset of the disease

There are many reasons why this disease occurs. In total, doctors have more than a hundred factors that provoke diffuse damage to the peripheral nervous system. The most common are hereditary factors, diabetes mellitus, immune problems, tumors, impaired liver and kidney function, and infectious diseases.

Diabetic neuropathy occurs as a complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy develops in 10–65% of diabetic patients. In the ICD, it is marked under the code G63.2. with the general class E 10 - E 14+. The possibility of developing neuropathy depends on the age of the patient, the experience of diabetes, the level of glucose in the blood. The more years of diabetes and the higher your glucose levels, the more likely you are to develop diabetic neuropathy. Encephalopolyneuropathy may develop, in the ICD-10 it qualifies as a brain lesion.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities or toxic is also quite common. Alcoholic polyneuropathy occurs as a complication of alcohol dependence. With prolonged use of alcohol, intoxication of the body occurs. Toxic substances affect the nerve endings, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes and the functionality of the brain and spinal cord. The cranial and spinal nerves under the influence of alcohol weaken the protective barrier, so neuropathy develops. The disease begins with the legs, then neuropathy of the upper extremities develops.

There is toxic encephaloneuropathy, in which the brain suffers. According to ICD-10, this disease is included in brain lesions and can occur simultaneously with neuropathy of the lower extremities. Sensorimotor neuropathy is a lesion of motor or sensory nerve fibers. When the legs are affected, movement is partially or completely limited, walking becomes difficult, muscle atrophy occurs, tremors and swelling of the legs begin.

Symptoms of the disease

For the timely detection of polyneuropathy, it is important to know its main features. This will allow the patient to notice violations and seek help.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • acute pain;
  • a strong pain reaction to a minor stimulus;
  • lack of sensitivity to touch;
  • inadequate perception of temperature (a warm object may seem hot or cold);
  • numbness of certain parts of the body;
  • feeling of "goosebumps";
  • gait disorders;
  • convulsions.

These features are the main ones. There are also additional signs that can occur not only with polyneuropathy. But sometimes they serve to confirm such a diagnosis.

Additional symptoms include:

  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • visual impairment;
  • speech problems;
  • anorgasmia (in women);
  • erectile dysfunction (in men);
  • urinary incontinence.

If you find these features, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, since it is very difficult to fight the disease at a difficult stage.

What is diabetic polyneuropathy

In diabetic polyneuropathy, the communication between the body and the brain is impaired due to diabetes. The type of diabetes mellitus does not affect this - both types 1 and 2 can provoke this complication. The ICD 10 code for this pathology is G63.2.

The presence of diabetes mellitus in a person for 15-20 years causes the destruction of the peripheral nervous system. This is due to the very mechanism of the disease. In diabetes, patients have a metabolic disorder, due to which the nerve cells do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients.

This leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, which gradually become more frequent and progress. At the same time, failures affect both the somatic and vegetative departments. The result is a loss of control over the body and the appearance of disturbances in the autonomous activity of internal organs.

This disease affects the well-being of the patient. Loss of sensation causes a distortion of sensations, and due to impaired brain control, it is difficult for a person to perform certain actions.

Therefore, timely treatment of polyneuropathy is important, and for this it is necessary to detect it in time.

Treatment Methods

In the treatment of polyneuropathy, the use of traditional and folk methods is allowed. Both should be used only as directed by a physician. A very important aspect of therapy is the neutralization of the impact of the traumatic factor, so the main measures are aimed at combating the manifestations of diabetes. Another part of the treatment is the elimination of pathological symptoms.


The main feature of the treatment of this disease is an integrated approach.

The main activities carried out are:

  1. The use of vitamins from group B. They provide a reduction in the adverse effects of glucose on the nerves. Also, vitamin B helps to restore nerve connections and activates the passage of nerve impulses.
  2. Taking alpha lipoic acid. This acid stimulates the excretion of glucose from the body, and also accelerates the regeneration of nervous tissue.
  3. The use of drugs that slow down the production of glucose. This reduces its adverse effects on the nervous system. These drugs include Olredase, Sorbinil, Tolrestat.
  4. With severe pain, the doctor may recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It could be diclofenac.
  5. To eliminate symptoms such as numbness and cramps, you need to take calcium and potassium.
  6. Antibiotic treatment is necessary if there are ulcers on the feet.

Medications should be taken according to the prescription of a specialist and under his supervision. It is not easy to choose the right drugs on your own, it is even more difficult to choose drugs that do not affect each other. It is also necessary to take into account contraindications to each drug, so as not to worsen the condition of the body.

Folk remedies

Treatment of polyneuropathy with folk methods seems ineffective to many. However, their use is widespread. Of course, it is unacceptable to replace medications with them, but with their help you can enhance the effect of tablets and achieve better results.

Among the main drugs of the folk type can be called:

  1. Bay leaf (1 tablespoon) and fenugreek seeds (3 tablespoons). This mixture should be placed in a thermos, pour boiling water (1 l) and leave for 2-3 hours. The infusion is intended for oral administration.
  2. Rosemary. Half a cup of this herb is infused for 10 days on table vinegar (9%). Vinegar should be 0.5 liters. With this infusion, diluted with water, you need to rub your feet.
  3. St. John's wort. It is mixed with heated sunflower oil. It is necessary to insist the mixture for 3 weeks, after which it is supposed to be filtered and chopped ginger root (1 spoon) is added to it. This remedy is suitable as a massage oil or for compresses.
  4. Vitamin cocktail. It is made from kefir, parsley and crushed sunflower seeds. Taking such a cocktail in the morning, you can enrich the body with the missing vitamins.
  5. Nettle. It is used for trampling. Stinging nettles need to be laid out on the floor and trampled on it for about 10 minutes. This tool is considered one of the most effective.
  6. Baths with medicinal plants. They can be cooked with sage, motherwort, oregano, Jerusalem artichoke. Any of these herbs is poured with boiling water, insisted for about an hour, after which the infusion is added to the water for foot baths.

Video about folk methods for the treatment of polyneuropathy:

Folk remedies are less effective, so you should not rely on them as the main method of treatment.

Causes of polyneuropathy, its types

Polyneuropathy (polyneuropathy) is a multiple lesion of the peripheral nerves, characterized mainly by symmetrical flaccid paresis (temporary flaccid paralysis), paralysis, more pronounced in the distant (distal) parts of the limbs, as well as malnutrition (trophism) and tissue sensitivity in the same areas. Starting in remote areas, the process gradually spreads towards the center. The cause of polyneuropathy can be different: malnutrition of the peripheral nerves as a result of persistent narrowing of the blood vessels, exposure to various toxic substances coming from outside (arsenic, lead, alcohol, etc.) and produced inside the body in various diseases (for example, with diabetes mellitus, various infections, allergic processes, diseases of the liver, kidneys), the consequences of injuries, and more. All these reasons can lead to the development of changes in the myelin sheath covering the nerve fibers (up to its complete disappearance), and the nerve itself. Due to the occurrence of polyneuropathy, they are divided into inflammatory, toxic, allergic (including autoimmune, accompanied by an allergy to the body's own tissues) and traumatic. By the nature of the changes, polyneuropathy is divided into axonal (changes develop in the axons - processes of nerve cells that conduct nerve impulses from the body of the nerve cell to the periphery) and demyelinating (the myelin sheath that covers the nerve is affected). In the course of polyneuropathy are divided into acute, subacute and chronic.

What is it, what are the symptoms and causes

Talking about what it is - diabetic polyneuropathy, they pay attention to the fact that this is a complication of the presented disease. It is diagnosed in approximately 30-50% of patients

A special place in the list of provoking factors is given to neurovascular pathologies, which manifest themselves most acutely. Speaking of this, they mean microangiopathies that disrupt the blood supply to the nerves. The consequence of all this is the atrophy of nerve fibers, which is preceded by an increase in the oxidative process, a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses.

Diabetic neuropathy can be formed under the influence of provoking factors, which include:

  • age;
  • the duration of the course of the disease;
  • hyperglycemia (without the possibility of optimal control);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • smoking.

Polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus is also associated with certain symptoms, which largely depend on the stage of development of the disease. Experts rank as early signs goosebumps, numbness, specific pain in the feet, ankle joints. These symptoms of diabetic lower extremity polyneuropathy become more intense at night and may be accompanied by a burning sensation. In addition, sensitivity is systematically lost - both temperature and pain, that is, a person ceases to experience pain and feel temperature fluctuations.

The progression of polyneuropathy is associated with the main manifestation - pain, which can be very different. For example, to meet at rest, to occur during overwork, to disturb a person at night, causing insomnia. In addition, such signs tend to increase during stress, decrease when walking, and do not change in any way when the position of the legs changes.

The long course of the pathology is associated with atrophy of the muscles of the legs, the development of weakness in the muscular structure of the feet and fingers. In addition, the symptoms and treatment (photo) indicate the acquisition of a red or pink hue by the skin, a change in the thickness of the nail plates. The last stage is osteoarthropathy of the foot, as a result of which the ankle joint is deformed. Special attention should be paid to the classification of this disease.

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    With an answer

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    Task 1 of 9

    • An increase in blood sugar

      sweet expiration

      lingering illness

      None of the answers are correct

    Task 2 of 9

    • Adiuretin



    Task 3 of 9

    • Polycythemia, erythrocytosis

      Polyphagia (excessive food intake)

      Polydipsia (pathologically increased thirst)

      Polyuria (increased urine output)

    Task 4 of 9

    • Infection

      A bite of an insect

      Food poisoning

      Overweight / Obesity

    Task 5 of 9


    Which statement regarding the consumption of simple sugars (mono- and disaccharides) corresponds to modern recommendations?

    • Simple sugars should be completely avoided

      A minimum amount of sugar is allowed, within a teaspoon (10 grams) per day

      Under certain conditions, moderate consumption of simple sugars is allowed.

      Mono- and disaccharides are allowed to be consumed unlimitedly

    Task 6 of 9

    • hypoglycemia




    Task 7 of 9

    • retinopathy

    • neuropathy


    Task 8 of 9

    • you can eat foods with sugar, but in limited quantities, the main thing is to monitor blood sugar levels

      diabetes is not a disease of the sweet tooth, so you can eat as much sugar as you need

      sweets are generally contraindicated for diabetics

    Task 9 of 9


    What else, besides sugar, should be limited?

    • carbohydrates found in fruits, legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), and low-fat dairy products

      avoid fatty and high-calorie foods

      do not refuse anything, everything can be eaten

On the first day of the disease, the patient should not eat or drink anything, this is the so-called "zero table". You will have to starve before the operation itself and even a few days after it.

When food does not enter the stomach, the gland does not secrete enzymes, i.e., the process of self-digestion stops.

It is important that the patient not only abstains from food, but does not even see it and does not smell appetizing smells.

The sight and smell of food can trigger the release of enzymes and the disease will progress.

So that the patient does not reach complete exhaustion in those few days, while the gland rests and recovers, he is injected with nutrients directly into the blood, through a vein.

This is called parenteral nutrition. Parenteral nutrition allows you to get the substances and water you need for the body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Parenteral nutrition for a particular patient is developed by a special doctor - a nutritionist. He calculates the calorie content of the diet, the composition and daily amount of substances administered.

On average, for every kilogram of patient weight, 30 to 60 kcal per day is administered.

Nutrient solutions are glucose diluted in water, an oil emulsion and liquid amino acids.

Simultaneously with glucose, an insulin solution is injected into the blood, since during pancreatic necrosis, the pancreas, which should produce this enzyme, is inoperative.

The patient can get the most energy from fat emulsions. Most often, Lipofundin, Intralipid preparations are used in the diet after pancreatic necrosis, since they have a high energy value.

Fat preparations not only support the strength of the patient, but also prevent further destruction of pancreatic cells by stabilizing cell membranes.

Cells are destroyed not only by enzymes, but also by free radicals, which appear in large quantities during pancreatic necrosis.

Healthy membranes protect the contents of cells from radicals, so membrane repair is one of the top priorities in treatment.

An indispensable component of the diet after pancreatic necrosis are typical solutions of amino acids, properly balanced in composition and concentration.

They include essential and non-essential amino acids. Typical or standard solutions completely cover the patient's need for proteins.

A lot of standard solutions are produced - these are German-made Aminoplasmal and Infezol, Serbian Aminosol and a host of other compounds.

Preparations of this type allow you to enter directly into the patient's blood amino acids - substances from which the body can independently synthesize the types of proteins it needs, therefore, standard solutions are included in parenteral nutrition without fail.

Some amino acid solutions include a number of additional ingredients, such as sorbitol or other sugar substitutes.

Sugar substitutes do not require insulin to be absorbed by the body, which is why these energy sources are called non-insulin dependent.

Insulin independence is a very important property of sweeteners, since during pancreatic necrosis, insulin in the body cannot be produced in sufficient quantities, and its introduction from the outside, in the form of an insulin solution, can lead to further blocking of the production of its own insulin.

The diet in the first weeks after pancreatic necrosis is very sparing. After the operation, the patient's condition gradually returns to normal. You can also gradually expand the menu.

As the symptoms of pancreatic necrosis subside, the patient is allowed to drink. This usually occurs on the fifth day from the onset of the disease.

First, you are allowed to drink one glass of water four times a day. Instead of water, you can drink alkaline mineral water without gas or rosehip infusion.

If the body reacts normally to the liquid entering the stomach, then on the sixth day, liquid dishes without salt and fat can be introduced into the menu.

They should not contain products that provoke gas formation. Dishes are prepared in ways that exclude an increase in the secretion of gastric juice: they are boiled in water or steamed, stewed.

Gradually, a patient with pancreatic necrosis is transferred to the first version of the Pevzner diet No. 5.

According to this diet, the patient should eat 5 times a day, of which 3 times are the main meals, and 2 times are light snacks.

The products that make up the dishes should be crushed or mashed. All dishes should have a moderate temperature, you can not eat cold and hot.

Diet number 5 allows you to exclude from the diet of the patient the main causes of pancreatic necrosis: alcohol, spicy, fried and fatty foods.

Nutrition after the attenuation of the necrotic process

Unfortunately, the diet of a patient who has undergone pancreatic necrosis cannot be called diverse. But a diet for such people is vital.

This nutrition is specially designed for people who have undergone pancreatic necrosis, in which the disease is in remission at this stage.

According to this diet, food should be ingested in small portions so as not to irritate the stomach and not provoke excessive secretion of the pancreas.

When compiling the diet, doctors took into account that the main cause of inflammation of the pancreas and subsequent pancreatic necrosis are alcohol, fatty, spicy and fried foods.

According to the rules of diet number 5, after pancreatic necrosis, you have to forget about such dishes forever.

Fans of flour and freshly baked bread will have to limit themselves greatly. After pancreatic necrosis, you can only eat crackers and stale wheat bread.

From baking, biscuit and other unsweetened and low-fat cookies are allowed.

The first place in the diet for pancreatic necrosis is given to soups. Soup is made from cereals or pasta and mashed vegetables.

Season dishes with sour cream or butter, adding a teaspoon of one of these products directly to the plate.

However, immediately after discharge, adding fats to the soup is prohibited - at least 3 weeks must pass after the operation. Soups on meat, fish and mushroom broths are prohibited.

If before the diagnosis of "pancreatic necrosis" a person could not do without meat and fish, then he should not worry - the diet for pancreatic necrosis allows the use of meat, only it should be, like all dishes included in diet No. 5, low-fat, chopped, cooked steamed or boiled.

A few months after discharge, it will be possible to make casseroles with minced meat or stew it.

Diet in pancreatic necrosis is an extremely important factor in maintaining the health of the pancreas.

You will have to forget about fried steaks and kebabs on diet No. 5 forever, but the patient will be able to save his life.

Features of the diet for acute pancreatitis in adults

What is the diet for acute pancreatitis in adults? When a doctor is asked a question about the regimen for diseases of the pancreas, the answer is usually heard: "Cold, hunger and rest." So what do you feed a patient with acute pancreatitis?

General dietary rules

The first day or 2 should refrain from eating at all. This will be curative fasting. During this period, except for crackers and baked apples, it is better not to eat anything. You can drink non-carbonated mineral water.

Later, gradually expand the menu, but if severe pain occurs, immediately exclude this product from the diet, wait for time until you feel better and introduce other products with caution. It is necessary to take food in small portions and often (5-6 times a day). When food is taken in this way, the pancreas gets a chance to rest. She then needs to produce enzymes in a small amount, so that it is enough to digest the portion received. If you do this 5-6 times a day, the body gets used to working again, returning its normal tone.

Naturally, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed, but the absorption of proteins should be made regular (meat, fish, cottage cheese).

Food taken in acute pancreatitis should not be aggressive. The best option is mashed or grated products. Even rice and buckwheat boiled in water are recommended to be ground. All foods should be consumed warm. If they are steamed, the pancreas will be able to recover.

And one more important rule: food for diseases of the pancreas should not have a choleretic effect, therefore, for example, broths should be excluded.

What is possible and what is not?

So, a diet for acute pancreatitis. List of prohibited products:

  1. Fatty food (pork meat, lamb, poultry - duck, goose; their offal, fatty fish: salmon, trout, herring, mackerel, sprat; fish caviar).
  2. Smoked products: any meat and fish products.
  3. Vegetables: radish, radish, bell pepper, onion, garlic, mushrooms, corn and legumes. Principle: vegetables should not be very hard and spicy. By the way, sorrel, horseradish and lettuce are also not allowed. Other vegetables not included in this list can be cooked boiled or steamed.
  4. Fruits and berries should not be sour and sugary-sweet, such as lemon, persimmon, grapes, cranberries, etc.
  5. Unhealthy food (even for healthy people): fast food, fried foods.
  6. Broths, aspic, jelly.
  7. Dairy products.


  1. Drinks: all carbonated varieties of drinking liquids, including kvass, as well as strong tea, coffee and cocoa.
  2. Canned food, marinades, seasonings.
  3. Alcohol.
  4. Products of industrial production with a high content of dyes, additives, flavors, etc.

What then should a patient with acute pancreatitis eat? In fact, the list of allowed products has something to eat.

Allowed products:

  1. With meat, everything is simple - no fat. Most suitable, for example, veal, chicken and skinless turkey, rabbit. It is best if the meat is boiled, although oven-cooked dishes are also allowed.
  2. The fish must also be lean. An appropriate option would be boiled or steamed pollock, pike perch, pike, cod.
  3. From dairy products, kefir, yogurt and yogurt (preferably homemade) are most suitable. Cottage cheese is acceptable with a fat content of up to 9%, the use of only Adyghe cheese or mozzarella (or cheese).
  4. From vegetables, any growing in the region is suitable: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes.
  5. Bread only white dried or crackers.
  6. Soups in vegetable broth or cereals.
  7. Mucous porridges with the addition of a small amount of butter. Barley and millet should be excluded from the diet, but buckwheat, rice, semolina will be useful and safe.
  8. Pasta of all types and varieties.
  9. Compotes, decoctions, jellies, non-acidic drinks from fruits and dried fruits, weakly brewed tea.

All dishes are best steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. Fried food is contraindicated.

The general principle of the diet for acute pancreatitis is described, but it must be understood that the diet should be expanded gradually. And the first 2 days after the attack - starvation.

It is possible to take liquid in the form of non-carbonated mineral water Borjomi, Essentuki.

On day 3, the patient can be allowed food with a calorie content of up to 400 kcal. Food should be liquid, without salt.

On day 5, proteins and carbohydrates are added, calorie content up to 800 kcal.

From 6 to 9 days, calorie content increases to 1000 kcal. The content of proteins and carbohydrates increases, you can give a little fat up to 10 g. In this case, the food should be mechanically, chemically and thermally gentle.

Here, dishes of liquid and semi-liquid consistency, grated, with a temperature of 20 to 50 ° C are appropriate. These are cereals, vegetable purees, mucous soups, jellies, puddings, mousses, kissels.

On day 10, calories reach 1000-1300 kcal. After 2 weeks from the onset of the disease, the patient can be transferred to the 5p diet (second option), where the calorie content reaches 2000 kcal, and the restrictions are no longer so severe.

Sample menu for the week

So here's the menu for the week.

Breakfast options:

  1. Oatmeal in water with a little salt and butter.
  2. Rice grated porridge in water or diluted milk.
  3. Mashed potatoes with boiled or steamed fish.


  1. Baked vegetables.
  2. Egg omelette (no more than 2).
  3. Apple soufflé.
  4. Vegetable or fruit pudding (carrot or apple).
  1. Soup in vegetable broth with buckwheat, oatmeal or potatoes.
  2. Rice puree soup.
  3. Steamed zucchini with toasted bread.
  4. Meat or fish soufflé, compote or tea.
  1. Cottage cheese or casserole.
  2. Soup-puree from vegetables.
  3. Omelette with compote, tea or kefir.
  1. Meatballs with pasta or porridge.
  2. Vegetable puree with fish or boiled meat.
  3. Meat or cottage cheese casserole.

Nutrition for acute pancreatitis includes kefir, yogurt, jelly or home-made yogurt from low-fat milk before bedtime.

In acute pancreatitis, it is important to understand the very principle of selecting products. If you do not subsequently abuse fried, fatty and sweet foods, then the state of remission can be maintained for a long time. Proper nutrition becomes a way of life.

Many patients say that after the restoration of health they return to their normal diet. But everything is good in moderation, you need to remember this if you don’t want to be a regular patient of the gastroenterology department.

A consultation with a nutritionist would be very helpful.

As drinks, you can use medicinal teas, for example, from chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, peppermint, Japanese Sophora, rose hips. When choosing herbs, you need to understand that the drink will have to have anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antispasmodic, antioxidant effects. Of course, such fees should be consumed only after agreement with the doctor. As is clear, if there is acute pancreatitis, the diet is prescribed by the attending physician.

Such a complication of pancreatitis as pancreatic necrosis is treated by conservative therapy and surgery. At the same time, a prerequisite for the recovery of a person of any age is a diet for pancreatic necrosis, which is prescribed by a doctor.

General rules

The diet for the treatment of pancreatic necrosis involves eating steamed or pureed foods with a high protein content and a low level of carbohydrates and fats. The patient should avoid overeating, which has a negative effect on the body, overloading the digestive tract and pancreas. With enzyme deficiency, cold and hot dishes are also excluded, the optimal food temperature is 20 ... 50 ° C. Failure to comply with the rules and an inappropriate diet leads to dangerous consequences, including the development of pathologies and death.

Approved Products

Pancreatic necrosis involves the use of the following foods:

  • soups with vermicelli, vegetables and cereals;
  • porridge on water and with the addition of milk;
  • boiled vermicelli;
  • lean meat: baked, steamed, in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs and casseroles;
  • hard cheese and non-acidic cottage cheese;
  • dry and diet cookies;
  • dried white bread or crackers;
  • baked apples;
  • dried fruit compote, jelly;
  • tea with milk;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • water without gas.

Prohibited Products

With pancreatic necrosis, a person needs to follow a diet that excludes the use of fatty, salty, spicy, canned and smoked foods.

The list of prohibited foods for a patient with pancreatic necrosis includes: fresh bread, lamb, pork and goose meat, sausages, rich broths, legumes, fresh garlic and onions, tangerines and oranges, peppers and hot spices, cream, sour juices, coffee and alcohol.

Dish recipes

A therapeutic diet with a lack of enzymes of the digestive system organ provides for the use of dietary foods.


  1. Boil chicken meat and cut into small pieces, pour cold water.
  2. Add finely chopped potatoes and carrots, salt a little.
  3. Put the peeled whole onion into the soup and take it out after cooking.
  4. Remove the soup from the heat once the vegetables are fully cooked.

Nutritionists advise patients with pancreonecrosis to add buckwheat to the soup, which is easily absorbed by the body and contains useful substances. The diet also provides for the introduction of diet puree soups into the diet.

Main dishes

The diet for pancreatic necrosis involves the inclusion of carefully chopped food in the menu.

Cooking cutlets is as follows:

  1. Dilute minced meat with a piece of bread soaked in water or milk.
  2. Form balls and send to a slow cooker, double boiler or pan with the addition of water.

Chicken or Beef Soufflé:

  1. Boil the meat until half cooked.
  2. Scroll through a meat grinder.
  3. Add milk (not whole) and egg whites.
  4. Beat the mass with a mixer.
  5. Place in preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Fish quenelles:

  1. Grind white fish fillet and mix with bread pulp.
  2. Add rolled onion.
  3. Grind the mass through a sieve.
  4. Stir in the egg and a pinch of salt.
  5. Form into balls and drop into boiling water.


During remission, the diet allows the use of vinaigrette, salad with apples and squid or with chicken and Adyghe cheese.

Method for preparing vinaigrette for feeding patients with pancreatic necrosis:

  1. Boil beets and potatoes.
  2. Soak sauerkraut in cool boiled water to remove excess salt and acid.
  3. Soak pickled cucumber in cold water.
  4. Dice vegetables, pour sunflower oil.
  5. Add peeled cucumber to vegetables.
  6. Wash and squeeze cabbage.
  7. Mix all ingredients.

A portion of vinaigrette may be present in the diet of a patient with pancreatic necrosis 1 or 2 times a week. However, the introduction of salad into the menu is carried out gradually, and in the acute form of pancreatic necrosis, the diet excludes vinaigrette from the diet.

  1. Boil frozen squids in boiling water and cut into rings.
  2. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Chop boiled eggs.
  4. Grate the apple.
  5. Mix the ingredients and season with low-fat sour cream.

One serving of salad with pancreatic necrosis can be eaten every two weeks.

Easy to prepare protein salad with chicken and Adyghe cheese:

  1. Boil the chicken breast, pour water again and keep on low heat for half an hour.
  2. Chop the cheese.
  3. Finely chop the meat.
  4. Fill the salad with a minimum amount of sour cream or kefir.


The diet for pancreatic necrosis allows the use of fruit purees and jelly from fruits that are easily digestible (melon, apricot, watermelon). In some cases, the patient is allowed marshmallows and marshmallows, in strictly limited quantities.

A patient with pancreatic necrosis is allowed to introduce dietary carrot cookies prepared according to the following recipe into the diet:

  1. Grind butter with sugar.
  2. Mix with beaten egg, apples, grated carrots, flour and baking powder.
  3. Bake in the oven.

Sample diet menu for pancreatic necrosis

A diet with a weekly menu helps a person to follow a diet and diversify the diet for pancreatic necrosis. The menu described below can be modified by combining the allowed products.


  • steamed meat and rosehip broth;
  • cottage cheese and tea with milk;
  • pumpkin-carrot soup, white fish and drink;
  • scrambled eggs with a small amount of salt, cheese and rosehip infusion;
  • beetroot salad, oatmeal, baked apple, still mineral water;
  • cottage cheese and jelly before bedtime.


  • omelet and steam cutlets;
  • oatmeal in milk, compote;
  • buckwheat porridge and fish dumplings, drink;
  • baby food;
  • meatloaf stuffed with scrambled eggs, salad with allowed products, tea with milk;
  • kefir and carrot cookies.


  • steamed meat, oatmeal with milk and still water;
  • an omelet with a small piece of bread and a drink;
  • soup with sour cream and jelly;
  • cottage cheese and tea;
  • salad, boiled chicken;
  • cottage cheese and jelly before bedtime.


  • cheese biscuits;
  • omelette, baked apple, compote;
  • beef soufflé with pasta, dry biscuits and rosehip broth;
  • mashed apple;
  • stew of carrots and zucchini, tea with milk.


  • oatmeal with bread, still mineral water;
  • cottage cheese pudding, vinaigrette, tea;
  • puree soup, buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, drink;
  • meatloaf, cottage cheese casserole, jelly;
  • cottage cheese, tea with milk.


  • mashed potatoes with meatballs, tea;
  • cottage cheese and jelly, drink;
  • pumpkin porridge, a piece of dietary meat, salad and compote;
  • protein omelet;
  • fish roll and drink;
  • curdled milk with dry biscuits.


  • oatmeal porridge, meat soufflé and drink
  • cottage cheese and tea;
  • oatmeal soup, steamed cutlets with carrot-potato puree, baked apple;
  • protein omelet;
  • meatballs with carrot puree and milk sauce, rosehip broth;
  • kefir before bed.

Diet 5b

The Pevzner diet has several options. 5b (or 5P No. 1) is a method of treatment for diagnosing chronic pancreatic necrosis, is prescribed during the recovery period, but not during an exacerbation of the disease.

The rules of the 5b diet are similar to those already mentioned above. The difference lies in the greater sparing of the stomach and the most frequent use of food.

Vegetables and fruits are best steamed or in the oven, served on the table in a grated, chopped, peeled form.

If pancreatic necrosis has an acute form, then the child is prescribed a three-day fast. Then steam and boiled dishes are introduced into the diet, as well as alkaline mineral water. The therapeutic diet in children lasts 1-6 months, is prescribed to the child by a doctor along with the use of medications and procedures.

Diet after pancreatic necrosis

After surgery and during rehabilitation, the patient adheres to a strict diet. So, after the removal of necrotic formations, food and liquid intake is strictly prohibited for 4 days. Glucose, fats and amino acids are administered intravenously to the patient. In the next 5 days, the amount of liquid does not exceed 4 glasses per day. Then a 5P diet is prescribed, the duration of which is 20-30 days.

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