Shchadilov cleansing the body. Various techniques for cleansing the liver and gallbladder. Father George's recipe for gallstones

Gentle liver cleansing

The gentle cleansing of the liver, which was proposed by E. Shchadilov, is designed for preliminary thorough preparation for cleansing. It includes several points.

The first of these concerns nutrition.

E. Shchadilov points out that when preparing for cleaning, preference should be given to plant foods and separate nutrition.

It is necessary to increase the proportion of yellow products: dried apricots, vegetable oil, persimmons, nuts, lemons, millet, honey, cheese, dried bread (rye, “Zdorovye”, “Doctorsky”, “Voskresensky” and other varieties with bran).

All of these recommendations make a lot of sense. The value of the products offered is undeniable not only for the liver, but also for the whole body. Thus, the ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna preferred walnuts, rightly believing that nuts are useful for indigestion, and that their use strengthens the “dominant organs” - the brain, heart, liver.

However, excessive passion for nuts is not recommended; it is enough to eat 5-6 nuts in the evening; it is useful to combine them with greens.

In folk medicine, millet is valued as a product that gives strength and strengthens the body, and dried apricots (like fresh apricots) are famous for their high content of potassium, organic acids, vitamins, carotene, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. It is important that apricots improve liver function.

It is not without reason that Shchadilov recommends eating bread made from rye flour with bran. Bran perfectly cleanses the intestines. And, of course, brown bread is much superior in its nutritional qualities to white bread, which is also sometimes called “dead”, since the flour from which it is made loses a large amount of useful substances during processing.

A free self-test will help you determine if your liver is damaged. The liver can be damaged by drugs, mushrooms or alcohol. You may also have hepatitis and not know it yet. You will answer 21 clear, simple questions, after which it will become clear whether you need to see a doctor.

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Specialist in modeling acute and chronic poisonings, author and co-author of models of the most dangerous of the most common poisonings, created over ten years based on clinical data (more than 400 cases) of the toxicology department of the 1st City Clinical Hospital, Center for Extrarenal Methods of Cleansing the Body (Kazan) and information -consultative toxicological center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

A gastroenterologist is also an expert in this section. Purgina Daniela Sergeevna.

Daniela Sergeevna works at the medical center of the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases.

Education: 2014—2016 — Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirova, residency in Gastroenterology; 2008—2014 — Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirov, specialty “General Medicine”.

Evgeny Vladimirovich Shchadilov is a scientist who devoted most of his life to research in the field of chemistry.

Unexpectedly, he became interested in traditional medicine, which led him to the path of healing. He improved many unconventional methods of influencing the body, which were used at different times in folk medicine in Russia and the East.

A powerful bio-energeticist and psychic, he realized that only medical education, only modern medical knowledge allows a healer to communicate with patients and give them advice.

Books (14)

Liver cleansing at home

Every healer follows his own path, but few pave this path for thousands of followers. Evgeniy Vladimirovich Shchadilov, a physician by training, healer and psychic by vocation, is one of these few.

His practice-tested method of cleansing the liver and gallbladder will allow everyone to identify and evaluate their problems and choose the only correct way to solve them. If we add to this the brilliant talent of a popularizer, it becomes clear that E.V. Shchadilov’s books are real health textbooks.

Kidney cleansing at home

In his new book, the famous St. Petersburg healer E.V. Shchadilov continues the conversation about cleansing the body at home. This time, readers will learn how, based on the “gentle cleansing” method developed by the author, to improve the functioning of the kidneys, one of the most important organs of the human excretory system.

As always, in addition to descriptions of cleaning procedures, you will find on the pages of this book detailed and scientifically reliable information about the operation of the “living filter” and the reasons for possible interruptions.

Reader comments

George/ 04/20/2019 For the guest. You came out with bilirubin stones - this is the result of the fact that you hit your liver with a sledgehammer with the proposed composition. It is a crime. The stones must first be dissolved and then removed. Dissolve with rosehip root throughout the year, knotweed. You can find methods, but the main thing is to remove the cause - which is poor nutrition. Stagnation of bile can be eliminated with bitter wormwood. And go for an ultrasound to check the stones - probably everything is in place. And what should they charge the doctors - they just want to vaccinate you and get you into the chronicle. The lymphatic system has three gates for removing poisons - the appendix, the gallbladder and the tonsils, and their doctors are happy to cut you out and make you an appendage of pharmaceutical companies.

Guest/ 04/04/2019 Funny review. Your fecal stones have come out, not from your gallbladder. They do not exit through the duct, the common bile duct. Its diameter is up to 4 mm normally and up to 7 mm in patients with cholelithiasis.

Eugene/ 02/21/2017 Hello! My name is Evgeniy, 35 years old. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with gallstones. The doctors said that they were very large and there was no way to get them out except to remove the gallbladder. I decided to hold off until they bothered me too much. And I waited until recently, I feel that it’s time to go for surgery. I came across a book by E.V. Shchadilov. and decided to try the cleaning method he described using olive oil and lemon juice. The result amazed me! I came out with a lot of stones, I would never have thought that so many could fit there. Many thanks to E.V. Shchadilov for this book. I will definitely check out his other books. One of these days I’m going to go for an ultrasound to check the results of the cleaning. You might be able to impress the doctors!

Eugene/ 01/28/2016 The result, as they say, is obvious. in appearance - an ordinary person, like everyone else, eats everything in a row, without denying himself anything, and he also criticized Shatalova. never convincing

Olga/ 11/21/2015 I heard that he has a clinic in Alushta. I want to go there, someone tell me the address or contact phone number of this clinic!!!

Valentina/ 08/05/2015 We are all different. It’s not for nothing that the saying says, “what’s good for a Russian is death for a German,” because healing is individual, you need to know your body, and basic knowledge is necessary in general. Don’t carry everything we know on your back.

Zhanna/ 11/28/2014 I came across an excerpt from Shchadilova’s book when I was looking for information on medicinal plants. I really liked that the author drew special attention from readers to the ability of oregano to increase acidity. Usually this property is mentioned casually and casually, but in the meantime you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to it. I myself drink oregano often, and each course ends with a jump in acidity, despite the fact that I generally don’t have any stomach problems, I have to drink soda.
Now I want to buy Healing Weeds, I feel like I can trust the author.

Alexei/ 12/26/2013 Evgeny Shchadilov author of books on yoga

olya/ 11/30/2013 I tested liver cleansing on myself - it works just great. And most importantly it’s inexpensive

Guzel/ 11/10/2013 Having spent a lot of time reading many books on nutrition and testing it on myself, I understand that I could have gotten by with just one.

Guest/ 07/13/2012 It’s good when people write that they liked this or that book. And it’s not always pleasant when you read it yourself and don’t get the same results. Shchadilov, like Malakhov once upon a time, simply read a large number of books and took a little from everywhere and made his creation. I have also read quite a few books. My opinion is that this book is more contrary to proper nutrition than vice versa. A lot of what he writes is wrong. I come from personal experience. So to say, I checked it on myself. The book will undoubtedly help many, as there is a lot of truth here. He tried to balance the various conflicting theories of nutrition. A diplomatic book.

Zina [email protected] / 05/17/2012 Thank you very much for the opportunity to get acquainted with the books of E.V. Shchadilov. They are like an SOS for people who are desperate to understand what is happening to their health. And I would also like to know whether Shchadilov himself practices and how to contact him.?

Guest/ 02/13/2012 Kazakhstan. Almaty. Nadezhda
Thanks a lot!
Low bow to the author, health and all the best!
Respect to the creators of the site for access and the opportunity to download everything in one place.

Marina/ 10/20/2011 Thank you for the wonderful books. I would like to ask the author to clarify the method of cleaning the liver after cholecystectomy. The author repeatedly mentions such an operation, but does not give recommendations. I will be very grateful if I receive an answer!

Anton/ 10/8/2011 Low bow to the author of these books! The book “Ideal Nutrition” is like a ray of Light in the dark kingdom of various diets and nutrition systems. The pros and cons of different types of nutrition are described in clear and understandable language. Thank you again, all the best to you Evgeniy Vladimirovich.

Soft cleansing, which was also proposed by E. Shchadilov, is designed for preliminary thorough preparation for cleaning. It includes several points.

The first of these concerns nutrition. E. Shchadilov points out that when preparing for purification, preference should be given to plant foods and separate nutrition. It is necessary to increase the proportion of yellow products: dried apricots, vegetable oil, persimmons, nuts, lemons, millet, honey, cheese, dried bread (rye, “Zdorovye”, “Doctorsky”, “Voskresensky” and other varieties with bran). All of these recommendations make a lot of sense. The value of the products offered is undeniable not only for the large intestine, liver, and genitourinary system, but also for the entire body.

Thus, the ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna preferred walnuts, rightly believing that nuts are useful for indigestion, and that their use strengthens the “dominant organs” - the brain, heart, liver. However, an excessive passion for nuts is not welcome; it is enough to eat 5-6 nuts in the evening; it is useful to combine them with greens. In folk medicine, millet is valued as a product that gives strength and strengthens the body, and dried apricots (like fresh apricots) are famous for their high content of potassium, organic acids, vitamins, carotene, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. It is important that apricots improve liver function. It is not without reason that Shchadilov recommends eating bread made from rye flour with bran. For those who have no time, a pharmacy will help, where you can purchase ready-made choleretic preparations.

Another tip: it’s better to brew tea in the evening in a thermos.

After drinking herbal tea, it’s time for a little physical warm-up: do exercises, self-massage, and then take a shower.

30 minutes after charging, drink 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, and more is not prohibited. An hour later comes the turn of a freshly prepared salad: carrots, apples, cabbage are grated on a fine grater, seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil.

And after another hour they eat freshly cooked porridge in water (buckwheat is best, but you can use millet, corn or wheat porridge). Porridge is good to cook with vegetables or fruits.

Lunch will be vegetarian soup. This phrase is unfamiliar to many. Therefore, recipes for such soups are given: Bean soup

Soak the beans in cold water for 4 - 5 hours, then drain the water. Cook beans in fresh water until soft. Add potatoes and chopped carrots, parsley, and onions heated in melted butter. When the vegetables are cooked, you can add a little tomato paste or tomato juice.

Pumpkin soup

Chop the peeled pumpkin and carrots, place them in boiling, slightly salted water and cook until soft over low heat (several minutes). Rub the pumpkin and carrots through a sieve, add water, or you can also add tomato paste, but this is not necessary. Serve with butter and rye bread croutons.

The best option for dinner is fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, cheese), for those who are not friendly with them - vinaigrette.

And finally, before going to bed, drink raisin water, choleretic tea with honey; massage the ring toes of both feet, rubbing them with “Star” balm, and eat 2 cloves of garlic.

You should go to bed with a heating pad on your liver.

This diet and regimen is followed for 3 days, and on the fourth day they eat only green apples. On the fifth day - freshly prepared apple juice. And on the sixth day - “hungry” - you should completely abstain from food, only raisin water and choleretic tea with honey are allowed.

The second point described by E. Shchadilov concerns the preparation of the large intestine, and here enemas are indispensable, which should be used daily, preferably in the morning (since the channel of the large intestine is most active from 5 to 7 o’clock), but it is also possible at other times.

The first enema is small - 500 - 700 milliliters of warm boiled water. Pour into the enema either clean water, or a decoction of beets, or urine diluted in half with water.

To administer an enema, take the following position: lie on your right side, left leg bent, right leg extended. Then lie on your back (body enema) and perform circular movements with your hand on the stomach, decreasing in diameter towards the navel. After this - in the opposite direction, increasing the diameter of movement from the navel.

Having completed the week's preparation, which itself is an excellent cleanse, you can begin the traditional cleansing of the liver, gall bladder, genitourinary system with olive oil and lemon juice, which will be much easier, since good preparation for it has been carried out.

If a person does not dare to do traditional cleaning, then he only carries out the proposed preparation several times with breaks of 1 - 2 weeks - this will already be enough, says E. Shchadilov.

Cleansing the liver with olive oil and lemon juice according to E. Shchadilov

To cleanse, you can use freshly prepared lemon or grapefruit juice, but purchased ones will also work. E. Shchadilov believes that it is even better to use them, since juices are usually produced in the homeland of fruit growth, collecting the ripest fruits for this purpose. Preservatives used for making juices will not interfere with cleaning. As for the fruits displayed on the shelves, they were most likely picked unripe somewhere in hot countries, subjected to special chemical treatment and sent to our country.

E. Shchadilov advises dedicating a day off to tuba and remembering that you cannot take honey on the day of it.

The first step in this cleanse is to warm the liver for 40 to 60 minutes. At this stage there are some limitations that should be mentioned. If the patient is bothered by abdominal pain of unknown origin, if there have been attacks of acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis in the past, then the heating pad will have to be put in the back of the compartment inexpensively until better times. The same needs to be done if external

Cleansing the colon, liver, bile ducts in one day

Modern man, as we know, suffers from a catastrophic lack of time.

And yet, if you devote at least one day to your health, the results will be simply stunning. We offer another accessible method of cleansing (according to E. Shchadilov).

For a week before this day, you should eat plant-based and low-fat foods, but not juices alone. At this time, be sure to eat carrots. On the last day before cleansing, you need to exclude beets, introduce prunes and dried apricots into your diet, and stock up on a laxative, such as magnesia, at the pharmacy.

There are several non-standard aspects in Doctor Shchadilov’s cleaning method. Thus, it is known that the maximum liver function occurs from 1 to 3 a.m., and the minimum from 1 to 3 p.m. When carrying out a classical cleansing, the procedure begins closer to the time of maximum liver function. Shchadilov suggests carrying out cleansing at a minimum of liver activity - closer to 13 hours.

At 8 o'clock in the morning the cleansing begins, which means that rising later is not recommended. At 11.30 you should prepare the salad: chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, apples and beets. At 12.00 two heating pads are attached to the body: one on the liver, the other on the back opposite the liver. By 12.30 you need to heat 200 - 300 grams of olive oil so that it does not burn your lips. In addition, slightly heat 100 grams of lemon juice, making sure that the oil is not warm and the lemon juice is cold. At 13.00 there is a crucial moment - in several doses you will have to drink all the olive oil and wash it down with slightly warmed lemon juice.

Then you need to lie down, bending your knees slightly and placing your head as low as possible. It is advisable to place two bottles of hot water, wrapped in a scarf, at your feet to avoid getting burned.

After this, at 14.00 you can begin further manipulations, and more specifically, eat the prepared salad. At 15.00, take a laxative, after which it works, give an enema. Lie down for another 2 - 3 hours. Then wait for another bowel movement, after which you need to give an enema.

Classic cleansing of the intestines, liver, bile ducts according to G. Malakhov

Good cleansing results can also be achieved using classic cleansing. It is better to plan it before the full moon - the 10th - 13th days of the lunar cycle. It is not recommended to cleanse after hard work or long fasts. You need to rest for 3-5 days and gain strength. This is still an invasion of the liver, and it needs strength for such excessive stress.

After waking up, drink a glass of juice and change the “heavy” breakfast to a lighter one. Lunch should also be light, and you should try to resist the temptation to catch up on breakfast.

In the evening, heat the oil and citric acid solution to 30 -. 35 °C. The dose should be selected according to your own weight and body tolerance to oil. As practice has shown, for men and women weighing up to 60 - 65 kilograms, as well as people with individual tolerance. For the first liver cleansing, 150 - 200 milliliters of oil is enough, this amount will avoid vomiting. In subsequent cleanings, you can increase the dose to 300 milliliters, or you can leave it the same, and this will be enough.

If after some time vomiting nevertheless occurred and some mucous inclusions (green, black and similar colors) were found in the vomit, this indicates that the oil and juice had an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, clearing it of the pathological ones present there. inclusions. In some patients, this picture occurs during the first cleansing. The second can be done with less juice and oil, and in the third this amount can be slightly increased.

If nausea occurs, wait until these unpleasant sensations disappear. Do not stop the procedure under any circumstances. But if the nausea does not go away, limit yourself to the amount you drink. You don't have to remove the heating pad.

You need to relax while cleaning. As a rule, no pain is felt during cleansing with oil and lemon juice. In some cases, when there is a strong emptying of the gastrointestinal tract, expulsion, there is a feeling as if the liver is “breathing”. If for some reason fear, anxiety and nervousness associated with waiting arise, and the person feels “squeezed”, constrained, take 2 tablets of no-shpa. The cleansing will be fine.

After all the oil and juice have been drunk (the amount of oil and juice drunk ranges from 100 to 300 milliliters), you can perform a number of activities that will enhance the effect. Approximately 1 - 1.5 hours after taking the ingredients, you should sit in a comfortable position (preferably on your heels), plug your left nostril with cotton wool and breathe through the right.

Breathe for 15 - 30 minutes, rest for 1 hour and repeat. During rest periods, place a magnetic applicator or a simple magnet on the liver area. Magnetic therapy is an important factor that enhances capillary blood circulation.

From approximately 23 to 3 o'clock in the morning (sometimes in the morning), when the biorhythm of the liver and gall bladder is maximum, the eruption of stones and sewage begins, which is expressed in weakening. But if the time has come, and nothing “criminal” comes out, don’t worry. The first cleansing is the most difficult; the body expends a lot of energy. It happens that for the first time a lot of old bile, mold, whitish threads come out, but there are almost no stones. This does not mean that the cleansing was unsuccessful. Everything is normal, it’s just that the liver is very clogged, and only the second and all subsequent times the stones will begin to come out.

Usually in the morning it weakens again, and even more stones and fuel oil-like bile may come out. Additionally, you need to do a cleansing enema. Rest a little and you can eat. It is advisable that the first meal consist of 0.5 liters of juice (carrot; beetroot-apple 1:5). The juice will additionally flush the liver.

You should start eating after cleansing when you have an appetite. To begin with, it’s good to drink freshly squeezed carrot or apple juice mixed with beetroot. It is advisable to use apples for juice with a sour taste, which harmonize well with beet juice.

After the juice, you can eat a salad of fresh herbs with lemon juice, cranberries, and seaweed. Then porridge, boiled in water, with the addition of a small amount of oil and seaweed. Self-massage of the abdominal muscles. Do it along the intestines (clockwise). The main task is to massage the muscle groups of the abdominal wall. Deep penetration of the massaging hand into the internal organs of the abdominal cavity is contraindicated. Perform in the following positions:

Sitting on the couch, resting your feet on the floor, slightly bent at the knee joints;

Lying on your back with your knees bent; at the same time, the abdominal muscles should be as relaxed as possible. The following methods are used:

Stroking with fingertips, palms; - rubbing the abdominal muscles with the pads of the fingers in a circular manner, with the phalanges of bent fingers (comb-shaped technique);

Kneading the rectus abdominis muscles from top to bottom, which, when massaged, are grasped with your fingertips and slightly pulled upward. The oblique abdominal muscles are kneaded in the direction from the iliac crest upward to the ribs.

In the morning on an empty stomach, before performing a complex of physical therapy, and in the afternoon before meals, after emptying the intestines and bladder, it is advisable to perform self-massage. Each technique is repeated 36 times. The total duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Juices. You can even use canned juices; according to some doctors, it doesn’t really matter. Shchadilov believes that the fruits we bought are not ripe, but ripe. Somewhere in hot countries they were picked green, then, so that they would travel well, they were subjected to special chemical treatment and sent to us. Ripe fruits are prepared for preservation. Preservatives used for making juices will not interfere with cleaning.

The amount of juice depends primarily on the acidity of your gastric juice.

At zero acidity, 350 ml of juice will be required; when low - 300 ml of juice; for normal – 150 ml of juice; with elevated levels - 60-70 ml of juice.

The amount of olive oil can be determined by the formula:

Oil volume - 300 + 4 x K (where K is the person’s weight in kg).

If the weight is 75 kg, then you need 300 + 4 x 75 = 300 + 300 = 600 g.

It is better to perform tubage on a day off. On the day of the tubing, you should not take honey. It is necessary to choose a place where the tubing will take place. Making sure that it is not cold, prepare a blanket and warm socks. Place a table nearby, on which there should be: a container with juice, a container with divisions (for example, a baby bottle), a clock with a second hand, a first aid kit (Corvalol, ammonia). It is better that someone close to you or someone you trust is nearby to provide assistance if necessary. Monitoring can be done using a pulse every 15 minutes.

Check your pulse before drinking juice. After taking heated oil and using heating pads, the pulse may increase by 10-20 beats. If the pulse increases by more than 20 beats, you need to take medicine. In case of prolonged tachycardia or significant deterioration in health, the procedure must be stopped.

Warming up the liver

Place two hot water heating pads on the front and back of the liver and tie them with a bandage. Place towels under the heating pads. Keep them for an hour.

For people with zero acidity of gastric juice: 40 minutes after the liver begins to warm up, drink 100 ml of juice at room temperature in small sips (250 ml remains). For those with low acidity: 50 minutes after the liver starts warming up, drink 100 ml of juice at room temperature in small sips (230 ml remains). For those with normal and high acidity: do not drink the juice yet. 10 minutes before the end of the liver warming up, heat the olive oil and juice to 40 °C. When heating, they need to be stirred slightly.

Warning. You cannot measure the temperature of oil and juice with a regular mercury thermometer. You need to use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in the bath.

Taking olive oil and juice

For people with zero and low acidity: drink as much olive oil as you can and wash it down with a few sips of warm juice. If it is difficult to drink it all at once, take a break and try again, and so on until you drink all the oil. For those with high acidity: take the oil in the same way. as in the previous version. But it is better to take less juice. You need to drink it to suppress nausea, taking small sips, and before swallowing, “smear” it throughout your mouth with your tongue. Then even a small amount of juice will be sufficient. You can refuse juice altogether, then keep a slice of lemon in your mouth. For those with normal acidity: everything is the same, but no more than 50 ml of juice. Then change the water in the heating pads and tie them back on. If necessary, go to the toilet. Then lie on your right side, put a pillow under your head. Bend your legs at the knees and tighten your stomach, try to make the position comfortable.

Lie down for 15 minutes, then, without getting up, drink 15 ml of juice.

Using a heating pad

The heating pad is filled with hot water to 2/3 of its volume. Carefully squeeze out the air and screw the plug tightly. Turn it upside down to check for leaks. Before use, the heating pad should be wrapped in a towel.

Contraindications. Abdominal pain of unknown origin, acute appendicitis; acute cholecystitis; acute pancreatitis; malignant tumor; external and internal bleeding.

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