Diet after an allergic reaction. Methods of treating allergies to dairy products with the help of medicines, folk remedies and a special diet. Allowed and prohibited products

What foods cause severe allergies, how to make a diet, what supplements to avoid and what to eat for a mother of an infant - you can find out about this here.

You will also learn which diet for allergies in adults is effective in the seasonal form of the disease, cross-reactions, during exacerbation and "hibernation" of the disease.

The impact of nutrition on the health of the body

The impact of nutrition on the human body is difficult to overestimate.

Food gives us:

  • energy;
  • material for the "construction" of cells;
  • normal operation of all systems.

The body must receive food with sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case it will work normally.

So, with a lack of vitamins and minerals, a person often suffers from infectious diseases, quickly gets tired. He may develop depression, anemia, visual impairment, etc.

The main requirement for food is its usefulness. Too much fat, sugar and salt in the diet leads to diabetes, obesity, allergies and a host of other diseases.

A sufficient content of vegetables and fruits in food, on the contrary, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 30%, and all forms of cancer by 20%.

What is Diet Therapy

Diet therapy is a method of treatment with the help of specially formulated nutrition.

This method of treatment is effective in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidney and liver diseases, allergies, diabetes, obesity, oncology and infectious diseases.

In particular, for the treatment of allergic diseases of any nature, it is very important to follow a hypoallergenic diet: this can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease or even rid you of allergies.

Types of diets for allergies in adults

There are non-specific or elimination diets.

The first involves the exclusion of a group of foods that are considered the most allergic, and the second involves the exclusion of food that causes a reaction in a particular person.


A non-specific diet is suitable for all types of allergic reactions. With this type of diet, the most allergic foods are completely excluded from the diet (for example, milk and seafood).

Products in which the concentration of the allergen is less are limited, and the main diet consists of products with a low concentration of the allergen.

With this diet, the main part of the diet should be:

  • gray bread;
  • fermented milk products (preferably one-day);
  • green vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, etc.);
  • cereals: barley, oatmeal, rice;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • lean meat;
  • tea, still mineral water;
  • green apples and pears.

In limited quantities, you can eat sugar, legumes, potatoes, corn, buckwheat and wheat dishes.

Adults follow this diet for 2 to 3 weeks.


An elimination diet involves removing a specific allergen from the diet. To do this, you need to know what causes an allergic reaction.

If the allergy is food, then you need to remove the allergen completely or greatly reduce its consumption. If the reaction is seasonal, then certain products are removed from the diet at the time of flowering of the respective plants.

With a strong allergy to milk, a dairy-free diet is prescribed, excluding all types of dairy products, dough products and sweets made with milk (including powdered milk) and seasonings with its use.

An egg-free diet eliminates all foods that contain egg white or yolk, including sweets and baked goods, pasta, and mayonnaise.

Types of products according to the content of allergens in them

Almost any food can cause an allergic reaction, but some are less and some more allergenic.

And if you're not sure which food is causing your reaction, it's worth cutting your diet down to the most allergenic foods.

In any case, you should exclude smoked and pickled foods, mayonnaise, seasonings (horseradish, pepper, mustard) and alcohol from your menu.

Highly concentrated

The following products have an increased degree of allergy:

  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • poultry meat (excluding turkey);
  • citrus fruits, pineapples, mangoes, strawberries, melons;
  • spices, vinegar, mustard, horseradish;
  • eggs and mushrooms;
  • coffee and cocoa products;
  • smoked products, mayonnaise;
  • honey, confectionery;
  • tomatoes, eggplant, radish.

Medium active

Among the products that have an average allergic activity, there are:

  • meat: beef and chicken;
  • vegetables: potatoes, turnips and beets;
  • buckwheat, rice and oats;
  • peas, soybeans and beans;
  • berries: cranberries, blueberries, black currants, wild roses, cherries, cranberries.

low concentrated

The following foods have the minimum amount of allergens:

  • turkey, rabbit, lean lamb or pork meat;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals: pearl barley, millet, corn;
  • vegetables: cauliflower and white cabbage, zucchini, broccoli, parsley and dill;
  • fruits: white, green or yellow pears, apples, plums, cherries, currants.

Carefully! Additives!

Food additives are introduced into products to give them certain properties or to extend their shelf life. However, such products often cause allergies.

The following are especially dangerous for allergy sufferers:

  1. dyes: E 102, E 110, E 122, E 123, E 124, E 127, E 151;
  2. flavor enhancers, flavors B 550-553;
  3. antioxidant E 321;
  4. preservatives E 220-227, E 249-252, E 210-219.

How to eat better with an acute form of the disease

Foods with high allergenicity should be excluded, especially if they are allergens for you personally. The main diet consists of low-allergenic foods that suit you.

You can use:

  • mild cheese;
  • special canned food for baby food;
  • wheat bread of the second grade;
  • diet bread.

As a rule, light pumpkin, beans, gooseberries, white currants are well tolerated.


  • semolina;
  • bread from flour of the highest grade;
  • pasta;
  • the same applies to dairy products and vegetables (carrots, beets, turnips, garlic, onions).

Nutrition during the "hibernation" of the disease

You need to know which foods are allowed and which are not. Discuss this issue with your allergist. It makes sense to take skin tests or a blood test for specific IgE.

Try new foods little by little, and it is important that there is a person nearby who can help you.

It is better to refuse semi-finished products, mayonnaises, ketchups, store preservation. And carefully study the composition of each product.

Buy fish and meat in a whole piece and cook it yourself.

Allergic decussations

Cross-allergic reactions occur due to the similarity of some plant (or animal) allergens to proteins in foods. Most often, people with allergies to plant pollen suffer from them.

Types of cross reactions

If you are allergic to cow's milk, you are more likely to be allergic to goat's milk, beef or veal.

With an allergy to chicken eggs, there is usually a food intolerance to chicken, quail and duck meat, quail eggs, a reaction to feather and down, drugs with egg protein (vaccines, interferon, etc.).

If you are intolerant to strawberries, you should be careful with raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries and currants.

Consider other cross reactions:

  • fish: other types of fish, seafood, fish food;
  • nuts: nuts of other species, rice buckwheat and oatmeal, kiwi and mango, poppy and sesame, hazel, birch pollen;
  • peanut: soy, stone fruits, green peas, latex and tomatoes.

What to eat for a mother of an infant

For a nursing mother, it is important not to eat a lot, but to use high-quality products that do not cause allergies in the baby.

As a rule, if mom and dad did not have food intolerance, it is also rare in a child, but it is worth being careful.

  • kefir, cheese and fermented baked milk;
  • white fish (saury, haddock, hake, etc.);
  • beef, turkey or rabbit meat;
  • rice, corn and buckwheat;

From vegetables, choose those that are white or green. You can eat light pumpkin, cabbage - cauliflower or broccoli, turnips, and olives.

From fruits, choose yellow and green apples, yellow cherries, bananas and apricots.

It is better not to abuse sweets, but from time to time you can treat yourself to marshmallows, marmalade or biscuit cookies.

To not cause a reaction

There are a fairly large group of foods that can cause colic or skin rashes in children, but some of them may be well tolerated by your baby. .

However, for the entire feeding period, you should forget about:

  • canned food;
  • strong coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • hot sauces and seasonings;
  • semi-finished products;
  • avoid products containing dyes or fragrances.

Most often, a child is allergic to:

  • cow's milk;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sausages, sausage, smoked products;
  • red fish, seafood, caviar;
  • soy, mayonnaise;
  • cocoa, chocolate, honey;
  • red berries, fruits, vegetables;
  • mushrooms, nuts;
  • Exotic fruits.

Introduce any new products alternately and in small portions, then you can track what is well tolerated by the child and what is worse.

If the child is allergic

If your son or daughter has eczema (allergic skin rashes), you should not only exclude foods that can cause allergies, but also limit the use of some others.

You should reduce the consumption of meat broths, wheat flour products, bright orange fruits and vegetables.

Spicy, pickled and salty foods are contraindicated for you, seeds and spices should be excluded.

  • butter, dairy products;
  • tongue and kidneys;
  • olive and sunflower oil;
  • dietary breads made from rice, corn or buckwheat;
  • greenery.

In general, you should adhere to the standard menu of a nursing mother, excluding foods that cause a reaction in a child.

What to eat with food form

The diet for food allergies in adults involves the rejection of:

  • citrus;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fish products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • spicy, smoked and salty foods.


  • honey and confectionery;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • chocolate and coffee;
  • as well as products with dyes and flavors.

It also makes sense to temporarily exclude:

  1. eggs;
  2. mushrooms;
  3. nuts;
  4. as well as red and orange berries and fruits.

The question arises, what to eat with food allergies?

  • boiled beef or turkey;
  • rice, buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • cucumbers, cabbage, green peas, greens;
  • pre-soaked potatoes;
  • kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt without additives;
  • cheese;
  • green apples and pears, dried fruit compote.

You can also tea, dried white bread or unleavened cakes, vegetarian soups from products that do not cause allergies.

And if the reaction to sweet

Food allergies to sweets are most often associated with a reaction to eggs or dairy products that are part of the product.

Allergy to fructose, flavorings, baking powder, etc. is very common. Often there is an allergy to fruit pieces, lemon zest or cocoa.

Sugar itself does not cause allergies, but often creates fermentation in the stomach, thereby increasing allergic manifestations.

It is necessary to conduct tests for various allergens in order to find out which foods really cause a reaction and which do not. And adjust your diet.

You can also try to reduce the amount of sweets to the amount that will not cause you discomfort.

Features of nutrition in seasonal form

In order to prevent complications during the flowering period of plants, nutrition is necessary that excludes the possible occurrence of allergic reactions.

The diet for seasonal allergies in adults should exclude foods that can cause a cross-reaction.

For example, if you are allergic to tree pollen, you should not use:

  • tree fruits, as well as raspberries and kiwis;
  • vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, parsley, dill, olives;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • decoctions from buds or cones of trees, calendula flowers.

If the allergen for you is weed pollen (ragweed, chicory, wormwood), calendula or sunflower, in this case, the following products should be excluded:

  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as food that includes their components (vegetable oil, halva, etc.);
  • vegetables, berries and fruits: greens, zucchini, garlic, eggplant, carrots, melon, watermelon, bananas and citrus fruits;
  • mayonnaise and mustard;
  • alcoholic drinks and herbal medicines;

Of course, treatment with any herbs is not safe for you either.

If you are allergic to pollen of cereals (wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, oats), the use of:

  • porridge made from oatmeal, rice and wheat flour;
  • bakery products;
  • kvass, beer and coffee;
  • smoked products;
  • strawberries, strawberries and citrus fruits;
  • products containing cocoa.

With the dosage form, you can eat everything?

With the dosage form of allergies, there are no restrictions on the use of products. However, during exacerbations (after taking some drug that caused the reaction), dietary restrictions should be introduced until the condition improves completely.

In the acute stage, it is worth taking sorbents and do not eat anything for the first 2 days, but drink plenty of water.

If you are allergic to aspirin, you should limit your intake of:

  • fruits: citrus fruits, peaches, plums, melons;
  • berries;
  • vegetables: potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers.

When reacting to antibiotics, products are prohibited:

  • industrial production (sausages, carbonated drinks, etc.);
  • Exotic fruits;
  • fatty, spicy and fried foods;
  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • strawberry;
  • grapes and mushrooms.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of chicken meat, milk products, and use beets, carrots, cherries, cranberries and bananas with caution.

Can proper nutrition replace treatment?

Proper nutrition is only a part (albeit a very important one) of complex therapy.

In addition to the right menu, you should limit contact with other allergens (give a cat to your friends if you are allergic to cat hair, do wet cleaning regularly, get rid of feather pillows if you are allergic to feathers or mites, etc.).

It is also important to take antihistamines, as they will reduce the risk of complications.

How to create a menu for the week

Calculate the number of calories so that you get approximately 2800 kcal per day.

The ideal option would be if the daily diet includes six meals in small portions.

The menu should be as balanced as possible.

For adults suffering from allergies, meals should either be served boiled or steamed. Soups are prepared with a change of broth (preferably twice). The amount of salt per day should not exceed 7 g.

It is clear that the diet should not contain foods that cause a reaction in you, as well as obviously harmful food (canned food, alcohol, mayonnaise, etc.).

Approximate menu for the week

1st day

Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, green tea.

Dinner: vegetarian soup, boiled potatoes.

Afternoon snack: banana.

Dinner: cutlets steamed from lean meat, stewed vegetables.

2nd day

Breakfast: rice porridge with dried apricots, mineral water or tea.

Dinner: borscht and stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack: yellow or green apple.

Dinner: casserole, tea.

3rd day

Breakfast: buckwheat or barley porridge.

Dinner: steamed potatoes.

Afternoon snack: natural yogurt.

Dinner: vegetable salad with olive oil.

4th day

Breakfast: hypoallergenic porridge on the water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn), green tea with prunes.

Dinner: vegetarian soup.

Afternoon snack: kefir.

Dinner: fish (stewed or boiled).

5th day

Breakfast: oatmeal, mineral water.

Dinner: meat stewed with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: green apple.

Dinner: tea, casserole.

6th day

Breakfast: rice porridge, green tea.

Dinner: vegetarian soup.

Afternoon snack: natural yogurt.

Dinner: fresh vegetables.

7th day

Breakfast: oatmeal, tea with prunes.

Dinner: borscht, boiled potatoes.

Afternoon snack: kefir or cottage cheese.

Dinner: vegetable cutlets.

Healthy Recipes

Turkey meatballs with zucchini

Ingredients: 3 art. l. rice, 1 turkey breast, half a zucchini.

Grind the zucchini in a blender, add ground meat there (you can use any that you are not allergic to). In minced meat, add rice boiled until half cooked and chopped greens, salt.

Form meatballs from minced meat and bake at 180 ° for 30 minutes.

Kefir soup

Ingredients: kefir, herbs, cucumber, garlic, a few drops of olive oil, salt.

Finely chop the cucumber and herbs, squeeze out the garlic, add cold kefir, salt and oil. Mix.

Cheese casserole

Ingredients: 400 g cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. semolina and butter, 2 proteins, sugar, raisins.

Mix the cottage cheese mashed through a sieve with semolina and a small amount of sugar. Add whipped egg whites and washed raisins. Put the curd mass on a greased form, sprinkle with semolina.

Bake 35-45 minutes at 180°.

You should not independently select medicines for the treatment of allergies in yourself, and even more so in children. They can cause you complications.

You should also not take antibiotics or sulfonamides without consulting your allergist. No one is willing to risk their life thoughtlessly.

Be aware that delaying treatment can turn "harmless" allergic rhinitis into asthma.

The basis of human health is proper nutrition. For a person suffering from an allergy, it should consist of products that do not cause a reaction in him.

Only in this case it is possible to forget about this disease for a long period.

Allergy is a general name for a whole group of allergic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, and less dangerous allergies. The cause of the disease can be many factors, known and unknown. Allergens are flavors, helminthic infestations, medicines and much more.

It is possible to significantly alleviate the course of the disease and minimize symptoms only if, along with complex treatment methods, nutrition is observed during allergies.

Naturally, for each allergic disease it will be different, but there are a number of rules that all allergy sufferers must adhere to.

Proper nutrition for allergies in adults

  1. To establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the level of immunoglobulin E, you should undergo a skin test or take a blood test. Which analysis to choose for diagnosis, only a medical specialist decides.
  2. Check your allergy treatment with an allergist who is knowledgeable about your medical history. During a personal consultation, the doctor will make a list of products "allowed" and "prohibited" for consumption.
  3. If you decide to introduce a new food product into your diet, do not conduct such an experiment outside the home. It is better to do this in the presence of close people who, in case of a negative reaction, will be able to help you and call an ambulance.
  4. Food should be prepared only from fresh, natural products.
  5. Buy whole fish and meat.
  6. Completely exclude semi-finished products, store-bought ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise, and preservation from your diet.
  7. Before you start compiling a menu, carefully study the ingredients of the products.

What is the essence of the diet?

Dietary nutrition for allergies is the key to a successful cure for the disease. It should also be taken into account the fact that when the process of exacerbation is underway, additional foreign substances may be added to already existing allergens. The fact is that during this period the immune system reacts sharply to a certain allergen, and when similar aggressive substances enter the food, the disease begins to progress even more.

However, it is also not recommended to follow a strict diet for allergic diseases, since allergic reactions also occur against the background of gastrointestinal disorders.

Types of products for a therapeutic diet

The use of the diet is acceptable for all types of allergic diseases, but it is more important for food allergies. With its help, it is possible to carry out diagnostic and therapeutic functions: by excluding one or another product, it is possible to determine the allergen that causes the symptoms of allergic reactions.

For people suffering from allergic manifestations, it is important to switch to a specific hypoallergenic diet, in which all products are divided into three classes: high, medium and low allergenic.

Foods containing a high concentration of allergens:

  • Marine, fish (black and red);
  • Milk from under a cow,;
  • birds, chickens;
  • Gastronomic products of smoked and semi-smoked type;
  • Marinades, preservation, stew, canned food;
  • All types of hot and salty seasonings, including spices and sauces;
  • , and red-orange fruits, as well as sauerkraut,
  • , and other citrus fruits;
  • Colored yogurts, sugary sodas, chewing gums and chewing gums;
  • Dried fruits that were brought to us from Asian countries;
  • and products containing it;
  • All varieties of mushrooms;
  • Compotes and juices made from allergenic products;
  • Confectionery with cocoa;
  • Marmalade, caramel;
  • exotic products.

Products containing medium activity of allergens:

  • All varieties, occasionally rye;
  • Buckwheat, ;
  • Peas, ;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Green pepper, potatoes;
  • Medicinal herbs that have not undergone thermal processing.

Foods that are low in allergens:

  • Yogurt without flavorings and dyes, other homemade and factory-made fermented milk products;
  • Cod, perch;
  • Lean pork and beef;
  • by-products;
  • Cereal, corn and buckwheat bread;
  • Green vegetables and herbs;
  • Semolina, oatmeal, barley;
  • green varieties, yellow cherries;
  • Dried fruits and decoctions of pears, apples, rose hips, prunes;

The diet will be effective only if the daily menu contains no foods high in allergenic substances. You should also minimize the use of moderately active. A non-specific diet works well for allergy sufferers suffering from non-food allergies and is the first step for those people who have developed food allergies. In the second case, the therapeutic diet is selected individually.

Nutrition for acute allergies

As a rule, the stage of exacerbation lasts 7-10 days. During this period, a sparing diet is prescribed, in which high-medium allergenic foods are completely excluded.

Depending on how the disease proceeds, following the prescriptions and advice of the doctor, the patient can gradually begin to eat a diet that the doctor has compiled for him according to individual indications. It indicates specific foods that a person should ignore in order not to provoke a new cascade of allergic reactions.

When the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated, it is possible to introduce products with a low content of allergenic substances in the remission stage, only in small doses and by one name. If the body responds adequately to this diet, the dose is gradually increased.

The drinking regimen cannot be reduced, with the exception of edema. Then, with a decrease in drinking, you should limit yourself to salt.

What should be the diet for food allergies

If a person's food allergy is caused by frequent exacerbations, it is necessary to add as many fruits and vegetables as possible to the diet for food allergies, and cut protein foods in half.

Sources of carbohydrates are products of grain origin. The amount of simple sugars contained in confectionery and bread should be limited.

Not a single therapeutic diet for allergic diseases can do without unsaturated fats of vegetable origin. In nutrition with food allergies, they are essential polyunsaturated acids.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese salad with herbs, cucumber and fat-free yogurt;
Dinner. Beef broth soup, potato pancakes, green tea or still water;
Dinner. Green apple casserole, dried fruit decoction.


Breakfast. Oatmeal porridge with cherry or apple fruit, unsweetened tea;
Dinner. Pea soup, mashed potatoes with vegetable oil and herbs, still water;
Dinner. Pasta, Bolognese sauce, chicory drink.


Breakfast. White cabbage salad with herbs and olive oil, boiled hake;
Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole, dried fruit compote;
Dinner. Vegetables stuffed with rice, still water.


Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, fat-free yogurt;
Dinner. Milk soup with pasta, rye flour tortillas, green tea;
Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole, decoction of raisins.


Breakfast. Wheat porridge, fat-free kefir;
Dinner. Vegetable soup, stewed vegetables (zucchini, green pepper), green tea;
Dinner. Fruit dumplings (white cherry, white currant), water without gas.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese vermicelli casserole, fat-free yogurt;
Dinner. Chicken broth soup, pumpkin fritters, dried fruit decoction;
Dinner. Stewed vegetables, purified water.


Breakfast. Baked apples, fat-free kefir;
Dinner. Beef broth soup, cabbage rhinestones, green tea;
Dinner. Pumpkin fritters, still water.

Food for allergies - recipes

Despite the limited food in the diet, allergy sufferers should eat varied and balanced. Recipes may be as follows.

It is important to follow the diet for allergies. Special nutrition helps to reduce the patient's burden on the digestive system of the body and improve health. Special diets also help to identify, and then completely eliminate, the causes of allergies.

Which diet is better to follow for allergies - the difference between basic diets and elimination diets

Let's take a look at the basic diets.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes them in two cases : with an exacerbation of allergies and with a low manifestation of allergic symptoms.

Such basic diets are, in fact, one - hypoallergenic. It reduces nutritional stress and maintains the overall health of the patient.

  • Basic diet: period of exacerbation

Before embarking on such a diet, see an allergist . First, he will conduct special medical tests that will identify allergens. Secondly, under his control you will be able to compose your diet.

The basic diet for exacerbation is carried out in several stages:

Approximately on such a diet you should sit 5-7 days and eat small meals about 6 times a day.

  • Basic Diet: Allergy Relief Period

By the way, this is the next stage of the hypoallergenic diet. It usually goes on during the first two weeks after the disappearance of allergic symptoms.

  1. These days it is worth sticking to four meals a day.
  2. You can add meat dishes to the diet, especially chicken breast and veal.
  3. Also during this period you can eat pasta, eggs, milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk.
  4. Some vegetables will also be used - cucumbers, zucchini, and greens.
  5. It is better to refuse fruits, mushrooms and berries, as they can cause new signs of allergies.
  6. You can also not eat honey, sugar, or products created on the basis of these substances. For example, compotes, jams, juices, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, cocoa, sweets, chocolate.
  7. Also give up alcohol, smoked, pickled foods, dough products.

In general, all substances and dishes should be added to your diet. under the supervision of a doctor so as not to cause new symptoms of the disease.

There is a second type of hypoallergenic diets - elimination diets.

They are prescribed by a doctor not for the purpose of treatment, but for the sake of prevention , as well as to eliminate the allergic "irritant".

  • For rare allergies, doctors recommend dieting at the time of the most active manifestation of the allergen.
  • And with persistent allergies should be done all the time.

Experts identify several elimination diets. They can be used for allergies caused by various substances:

  • Allergy caused by tree pollen

It can occur if growing near your house: oak, birch, maple, poplar, alder, elm, hazel.

With such a diet, it is forbidden to eat: sweet, in particular honey and chocolate; red fruits, especially strawberries, cherries, apples and apricots; vegetables - carrots, tomatoes and new potatoes, as well as herbal medicines and alcohol.

Add to your diet: bread products, vegetable and meat broths, pasta and various cereals. Eggs and dairy products, such as: low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, will also be useful. You can also safely cook dishes from legumes - peas, lentils or beans. And from vegetables, eat only cucumbers.

  • Allergy due to cow's milk

Of course, following this diet, limit yourself to dairy products and even those that have milk protein in their composition. For example, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, whey, ice cream, cream, butter or margarine.

You can use any fruits and vegetables, pasta and bakery products, fish, meat, offal, cereals, nuts and berries.

  • Allergies can appear due to fish

Often an allergic person does not realize that fish can be a food irritant, that is, an allergen.

A diet for a fish allergy may include foods high in protein: any meat, canned sausages. You can also safely consume all vegetables and fruits, sweets, cereals, dairy products, bread products.

It is worth noting that an exception for you only any fish will become, as well as crab sticks, bone meal, fish oil or caviar.

  • Allergy caused by chicken eggs

With such a diet should be excluded from the diet not only chicken eggs themselves, but also dishes, products from them. For example, pastries, sweets, milkshakes, mayonnaise. By the way, you can not eat quail eggs, which have low allergenicity. It is worth preparing food yourself, excluding fast food or ready-made.

You can eat: meat, fish, all vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts, butter and sweets that do not contain egg white.

  • Allergy to grass/grass pollen

Following a diet with such an allergy, You should limit your diet to the following foods: wheat, flour, bread products, pasta, semolina, breadcrumbs, bran, canned meat, sausages and sausage. You should not eat sweets and drinks, the basis of which is wheat, as well as beer and whiskey.

What can you eat: vegetable and meat dishes, eggs, dairy products.

  • Allergy caused by weed pollen

These plants include quinoa, ragweed, wormwood.

With such a diet, you should limit yourself in salted, smoked, spicy, pickled foods, as well as in dough products, sunflower oil, seeds, halva and honey. Fees and infusions should be excluded from the diet, some fruits - watermelon, peach, melon. The use of alcohol and herbal medicines will also be out of place.

But you can eat any soups, meat, fish and egg dishes, dairy products, casseroles, cereals and vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, beets and potatoes.

Allergies are different. Contact with a food allergen leads to various forms of reactions - it is not so much the type of product that is important, but the severity of sensitivity to it. Some patients, when asked by a doctor about complaints, describe the appearance of an itchy rash, others are bothered by a runny nose, redness of the eyes, or nausea and vomiting.

It is known that allergies are repeated from time to time when using a food provocateur, so the question becomes relevant: what can you eat and what should you refuse? It is undesirable to cut the calorie content of the diet, to introduce an insufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. It is necessary to choose products that do not cause a reaction in each case individually.

Classification of food allergens

People with food sensitivities have legitimate concerns about what to eat with allergies. It is important to be aware of foods that often provoke allergic reactions and should be excluded from the diet. For the convenience of specialists in the field of allergopathology and allergic patients, a classification of products positioned as potential allergens has been developed. They can be divided into groups:

  • provocateurs of plant origin;
  • provocateurs of animal origin.

Among plant antigens, the most significant are pollen (for example, birch pollen, ragweed), as well as allergens contained in vegetables and fruits. Plant components often provoke cross-reactions with latex, animal hair.

Animal allergens are quite numerous. Very often, chicken eggs cause allergies, with sensitization to the protein of which there is also sensitivity to the eggs of other birds, chicken meat, bird feathers. A pork allergy can be combined with a reaction to pet dander. One possible combination is also house dust mite allergy and shellfish allergy.

The allergenic properties of food antigens can change during food processing.

This means the likelihood of an increase or, conversely, a decrease in the allergenic activity of a food provocateur. An example is the increase in the allergenic potential of peanuts during heat treatment in any way. At the same time, it is better for allergy sufferers to refuse any allergen product, since it is impossible to predict the severity of the reaction in advance. Eat only the right food.

Significant allergens

Although allergic reactions can be provoked by a huge number of antigens, there is a list of foods that are called the most important food allergens. Products that cause allergies very often can be presented in the table:

Product type Cross reactions Components responsible for the reaction
cow milk
  • cheese, goat, sheep milk;
  • veal, beef;
  • sausage, sausages;
  • white bread, cakes;
  • kefir.
Casein, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, lactose synthetase, bovine serum albumin
Chicken egg
  • eggs of other birds;
  • bird feathers (including in pillows);
  • chicken meat;
  • mayonnaise;
  • confectionery creams, cakes;
  • champagne, white wine.
Ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme, alpha-livetin
Fish If you have an allergy to river and / or marine fish, a cross-allergy is possible as a result of the use of shellfish or crustaceans, and vice versa. Parvalbumin
shellfish Tropomyosin
Shellfish (shrimp, crayfish, lobster, crab) Tropomyosin
Vegetables (peppers, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, celery, potatoes, tomatoes)
  • celery;
  • nuts;
  • sunflower seeds and pollen;
  • birch pollen;
  • latex, etc.
Profilin, osmotin-like protein, patatin, chlorophyll-binding protein
Fruits, sweet berries (apple, kiwi, cherry, banana, orange, lemon, pear, peach, plum, watermelon, melon, grapes) Thaumatin-like protein, profilin, endochitinase, rhinonuclease, cucumisin, germ-like protein
Legumes (peanut beans, peas, lentils, soybeans) Patients with allergies to legumes, nuts and cereals may also react to various fruits, vegetables, pollen from trees and plants. Vicilin, conglycinin, lectin, conglutin, profilin, etc.
Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds) Amandine, conglutin, profilin, vicilin, etc.
Cereals (wheat, barley, corn, rice, rye) Gliadin, agglutinin, secalin, etc.

It is not possible to combine all possible allergens in one table. It happens that patients can normally tolerate some foods that have a high allergenic potential and observe allergy symptoms when eating food allowed in general recommendations. Therefore, it is very important to find out which product caused the reaction - you can not eat it.

The formulation of an elimination diet is based on clinical symptoms and the results of special laboratory tests.

If the patient is sensitive to a limited amount of food, tests are performed to confirm the allergenicity of the product and the need to refuse it. Forbidden food should not be consumed even in small quantities. An anti-allergic diet is observed constantly, throughout the patient's life. The disappearance of sensitivity is possible only in childhood, and only under certain conditions.

Diet principles

When choosing a hypoallergenic diet model, one should not forget about the need to take into account food tolerance with subsequent dietary adjustment. If the dish is on the list of approved foods, but the patient is sensitive to it, it will have to be excluded. The hypoallergenic diet developed by Academician Ado is widely used. The author divides food products into three groups:

  • recommended;
  • limited use;
  • requiring an exception.

What can not be eaten with allergies? The list of products can start with food enriched with dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers - these are various types of chewing gums, carbonated drinks (including kvass), chips, marmalade, sweets, marshmallows and marshmallows. Cakes (especially if dyes are present in the cream and decorations), cakes, and muffins have an adverse effect.

The preparation of first and second courses also requires care. Patients are forbidden to eat spicy, salty and processed foods in the smokehouse; do not use rich broths, sausages, sausages and ham. An allergen can be liver, fish, caviar. Eggs, all kinds of seafood, ketchup and mayonnaise, processed cheese, margarine are dangerous.

Plant components that should not be present in the diet of a patient with allergies are listed in the table. Not only fresh vegetable products are important, but also processed ones - salted, pickled. Among drinks and sweets, coffee, cocoa, chocolate are considered allergens. Patients are advised to give up nuts, legumes, honey.

What foods can be added to the diet infrequently in a small amount? These include:

  • Pasta.
  • Chicken meat, lamb.
  • Early harvest vegetables.
  • Butter.
  • Milk of cows and food based on it: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Carrots, beets (juice, fresh, boiled or stewed).
  • Currant, cherry, sweet cherry.
  • Semolina.

Early vegetables are soaked for 2 hours before use - only filtered water is used.

Allowed foods are included in the diet with caution - if the patient feels worse, they will have to be abandoned. For children, it is recommended that the menu be designed to cover energy needs and include cereals, meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Before purchasing new food products, you should carefully read the composition - even in ordinary yogurt there may be components that cause allergies.

What can you eat

Allowed hypoallergenic products:

  • vegetable oil (necessarily refined);
  • melted butter, fructose;
  • apples (white, green), green beans, cherries and plums of slightly colored varieties;
  • currants (not bright varieties), blueberries, blueberries;
  • dill and parsley, light pumpkin, carrots;
  • meat of lean varieties (beef, rabbit meat);
  • lean poultry meat (turkey);
  • cheese without hot spices (excluding processed cheese);
  • cereals (excluding semolina, as well as couscous);
  • fermented milk products (not containing dyes, fruits, flavorings).

Bakery products that the author of the diet advises to include in the nutrition scheme are bread made from second-grade wheat flour, cereal bread, as well as sticks and corn flakes without the addition of a sweetener. They can be eaten with allergies, even if the diet is made for a nursing mother. For children, the menu is selected by the doctor in accordance with age, especially when it comes to a small child.

When determining what you can eat with allergies, it is advisable to keep a food diary - this will help both the patient himself and the attending physician.

It notes the amount of the product, a description of the symptoms, if any. This is relevant for patients who have doubts about the allergenicity of food offered in the list of allowed products of a hypoallergenic diet. A food diary, which is kept scrupulously and responsibly, contains important information that will later be useful in choosing studies and assessing the patient's condition. Looking at the recorded indicators, one can understand whether the range of allergens has expanded or remains the same, whether the new product is suitable for the patient.

A food allergy is a negative reaction of the body to a product, to the properties of which hypersensitivity is observed. The main feature of food allergies is that any product without exception can cause it.

Since recently, the number of people suffering from food allergies has increased, doctors and allergists are increasingly prescribing a diet for their patients. Moreover, the diet for food allergies is individual for each individual.

Basic principles of diet for food allergies

Diet for food allergies: a subtle healing process. Whatever form of diet for food allergies you are offered, in any case, foods to which you have a negative reaction will be excluded from it. Foods that, in principle, contain allergens are also excluded: vegetables / fruits, fish / seafood, canned food, soda. In this case, you can get rid of allergies much faster.

In principle, there are quite a lot of products that contain a lot of allergens. A long list of such products can be easily excluded from the diet: sweet soda, smoked meats, marinades, canned food, alcohol. They also include products with flavors, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers.

But among the products that cause allergies, there are also useful ones, namely: fish / seafood, chicken meat / beef, offal, whole milk, eggs, fruits / vegetables / berries, citrus fruits, cocoa / coffee, chocolate.

The diet for food allergies categorically prohibits their use, and, as you yourself understand, you will not be able to competently make a full-fledged replacement on your own. Be sure to consult an allergist, and he will draw up a diet for you that will give your body good nutrition, and, at the same time, relieve allergies.

The consolation is that the food allergy diet will slowly but surely relieve you of unpleasant symptoms, and you can return your favorite foods to your diet - but carefully and little by little. When and how much this can be done - your doctor will decide.

The diet will teach you to monitor your diet very carefully, and you will definitely lose weight and feel much better.

What foods are the most allergenic

Variety. So, for example, among residents of coastal regions, where fish is considered one of the main food products. It often causes an allergic reaction.

Most often, an allergic reaction occurs on marine fish. Some people are allergic to the smell of fish. Quite often there is an allergy to seafood, such as: shrimp, crayfish, caviar, crabs, as they contain a very large amount of pure protein.

However, meat, although it contains a high amount of protein, rarely causes an allergic reaction. For example, pork, horse meat, chicken are much more likely to cause allergies than lamb or beef. In these types of meat, the quantitative composition of the protein varies greatly, and therefore those who cannot eat beef may well eat lamb or pork.

It would seem that the most useful foods for humans, such as vegetables, fruits, berries, can be potential allergens.

Particularly active are:

  • tomatoes
  • peas
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • lemons
  • tangerines
  • raspberries
  • black currant
  • blackberry
  • strawberry

One of the strongest allergens are nuts.

True, an allergy can manifest itself to one type of nuts and not at all occur when using another. The manifestation of a nut allergy can be so severe that even just the traces left by the presence of any type of nut can cause a strong reaction.

Food allergy symptoms

The symptoms and timing of a food allergy depends on the type of allergic reaction. So with an allergic reaction of an immediate type, an allergy manifests itself after a few minutes (usually 20-30 minutes) or 3-4 hours after eating.

The following manifestations occur: urticaria, anaphylactic reactions, rhinitis, dermatitis, asthma, vascular edema.

Reactions of the same delayed type appear after 10-24 hours or a few days after taking the product.

Symptoms appear gradually: depression, muscle pain, inflammation of the joints, headaches, vascular spasms, urinary dysfunction, enuresis, bronchitis, poor appetite, constipation, blurry vision.

With food allergies in children, symptoms often occur from the skin and respiratory system, less often from the gastrointestinal tract.

From the skin: itching, rashes, redness and dryness of the skin. The following products are most often caused: tomatoes, citrus fruits, milk, chocolate, eggs.

From the respiratory system: cough, nasal discharge, sneezing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, nasal congestion. The following foods are more likely to cause: milk, vegetables, fruits, wheat, eggs.

On the part of the digestive system: violation of the stool, vomiting, abdominal pain, sore throat. The following products are most often caused: milk, fish, cereals, meat, eggs.

Diet for tree pollen allergy

(birch, alder, hazel, oak, elm, maple)


  • bread products - bread, bakery products and cookies;
  • soups and meat dishes - any of lean beef, veal, poultry;
  • egg dishes - any
  • milk and dairy products - milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream, non-acidic cottage cheese with a short shelf life;
  • cereals, cereal casseroles, pasta;
  • vegetables - potatoes of the old crop, beets, radish, radish, cucumber, tomato;
  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils, peanuts;
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.


  • sweet dishes and confectionery - sugar, sweets, jam
  • food colorings and food additives
  • pickles
  • smoking
  • marinades
  • smoked sausages
  • cold drinks
  • chocolate
  • cocoa
  • ice cream
  • alcohol

It is forbidden:

  • apples
  • nuts
  • cherry
  • peach
  • apricot
  • cherries
  • strawberry
  • new potatoes
  • carrot
  • Birch juice
  • cognac

In addition, the use of certain herbal remedies - birch buds, alder cones - is prohibited.

Diet for cow's milk allergy

Allergy to cow's milk is one of the most common, especially in children. From the diet with such an allergy, it will be necessary to exclude all products that contain milk or are prepared on its basis.

Often, people who are allergic to cow's milk tolerate goat's milk normally, which allows them to expand their diet somewhat.

Forbidden to use:

  • any soups made with milk;
  • cheese (including homemade), sausages containing milk;
  • mashed potatoes (cooked with milk);
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • bakery products prepared with the addition of milk: donuts, cookies, cakes, pancakes, pancakes, waffles, pies, rich crackers;
  • cereals with milk, as well as cereals with a high protein content;
  • butter, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese (some patients tolerate cottage cheese in moderation);
  • mayonnaise and margarine containing milk in its composition;
  • yoghurts and curds;
  • condensed milk with or without sugar, milk powder, cocoa with milk;
  • milkshakes, alcoholic drinks with cream added;
  • milk chocolate;
  • products cooked in butter;
  • products cooked in breading (in breadcrumbs);
  • for children - artificial mixtures prepared on the basis of milk; some children do not tolerate kefir and cottage cheese, while others can be given these products, but in moderation.

It should be remembered that milk contains in its composition: butter, margarine, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, powdered and condensed milk, ice cream and many ready-made confectionery products. Milk also includes names: whey, lactose, casein, casein hydrolyzate, which can be read in the composition of products.

Before buying a product, be sure to ask the seller how it was prepared and what is included in its composition, or carefully read the label. If the label does not indicate the composition of the product, then it is better not to take it.

Allowed for use:

  • broths and decoctions seasoned with foods included in the diet;
  • products with a high protein content - meat of all varieties, fish, poultry, ham, kidneys, liver, sausages and canned meat that do not contain milk and its components;
  • eggs, nuts and legumes;
  • any vegetables and fruits;
  • bakery products: French, Italian and Viennese rolls and other types of wheat bread that do not contain milk and its components (most types of bread include milk), rye bread;
  • cereal dishes: cereals and casseroles from cereals and pasta that do not contain butter, milk and its components;
  • drinks: water, weak tea, carbonated drinks, any fruit and vegetable juices without milk and cream.

Diet for egg allergy

Excluded from the diet: products containing egg whites (marshmallows, omelettes, bakery products, sausages, mayonnaise, sausages, ice cream, yogurts). You should also pay attention to the labels of products on which the names of egg whites are written: lecithin, albumin, ovomucin, vitellin, globulin, livetin, lysozyme, ovalbumin, ovomucoid.

Treatment only with a diet allows you to achieve recovery in terms of 1 week to 1 month. If the duration of the disease does not exceed 3 years, then in most patients the complete disappearance of symptoms occurs in 5-7 days. With a disease duration of more than 4 years, remission occurs after at least 1 month. The earlier the appropriate diet is started, the faster the stabilization of the allergic process is achieved.

Diet for fish allergies

Approved products:

  • decoctions and broths seasoned with the list of allowed products;
  • high-protein foods (legumes, nuts, mushrooms, fish-free canned food, liver, kidneys, ham, animal and poultry meat of all varieties),
  • any bakery products
  • any fruits and vegetables
  • any dishes from cereals,
  • any dairy products
  • products with a high content of sucrose (halva, sweets, chocolate, molasses, marmalade, confiture, jam),
  • drinks (any alcohol, any vegetable and fruit juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, drinking water).

It is forbidden:

  • fish and fish products in absolutely any form;
  • products containing fish components (fish oil, bone meal, caviar).

☀ Do not drink alcoholic beverages, as they increase blood flow, accelerating the absorption of food by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and increase the effect of food allergens.

☀ Do not purchase products containing GMOs (they are allergenic): most often it is soy, corn, rice, pumpkin, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes, also, transgenic proteins are used in the preparation of baby food, milk formulas for children, sausages, sweets, various drinks .

Know that in Russia more than three hundred products contain GMOs, which is why the number of children with allergies has tripled over the past five years.

☀ Dyes, additives prohibited for allergy sufferers: E100, E101, E102, E104, E107, E110, E120, E122-E124, E127-E129, E131-E133, E141.

☀ To avoid an allergy attack, remove carpets and down pillows for the summer period. Also, it is necessary to do wet cleaning often.

☀ We remove poisonous, allergenic indoor plants from the house (ragweed, plants of the spurge family, aroid, amaryllis, kutra, primrose).

☀ Shower more often and wash your long hair.

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