How to gain weight after lamblia. Giardiasis. Causes, symptoms, modern diagnostics, effective treatment of the disease. Symptoms of giardiasis in adults


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05.10.2012, 23:15

Hello! I am 29 years old, over the past six months I have lost 12 kg in weight, despite the fact that I eat well. Normal weight for me has always been 84 kg, now I weigh about 72 kg. Semi-liquid stool, according to the coprogram there is a lot of fat and they found “live Giardia in large quantities.” According to the barium test, I have hr. esophagitis, bile reflux, non-closure of the cardia and chronic gastroduodenitis. My appetite is excellent, but I have had some intolerance to sweets in the last six months. Previously I could eat almost kilograms of chocolate, but now my stomach literally swells from just one piece. The stool is terrible, sometimes brown and greasy, sometimes pale yellow and liquid. Do I need to treat Giardia? I read on American medical websites that Giardia usually self-eliminates within 6 weeks. Maybe this condition will pass? And does Giardia have such an effect on my health? Thank you.

06.10.2012, 08:03

No, not so quickly - self-healing occurs in 3-4 months. Giardiasis is a mild disease, and such significant weight loss cannot be caused by it. You need a very good therapist, definitely an in-person one. Did the therapist examine you at all? Skin condition (are there any rashes), lymph nodes, etc.

Thanks for the answer! Since I was 15 years old, I have had whiteheads on my upper body, chest, and shoulders with acne, and it happens that acne breaks out often. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. The therapist examined me and referred me to a gastroenterologist, the therapist himself is sure that I have GERD and an ulcer. I was unable to undergo an FGDS test because I have a crooked septum and cannot breathe through my nose. On the barium test, they saw that I had chronic esophagitis and unclosed cardia, cascading stomach and gastroduodenitis. Inflamed duodenum and signs of reflux. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in June, when this condition had been going on for about two months, and they found that I had inflammation of the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas, while it was of normal size, and cholecystitis with suspension and moderate inflammation of the right kidney. A gastroenterologist suggests that I treat Giardia with ornisid. But I’m afraid to take such drugs with my inflamed liver. So I think maybe Giardia will go away after all? Are there any methods to speed up their death without heavy toxic drugs? Thanks a lot.

06.10.2012, 08:35

I found a study from 2008 that said that even asymptomatic Giardia causes anemia (which I have been experiencing for these six months - hypochromic anemia) and after curing Giardia the condition returns to normal. [Only registered and activated users can see links]

06.10.2012, 14:15

You can undergo treatment for giardiasis, post the prescriptions and dosages here, but I am sure that your condition will not change significantly. Regarding anemia, open a topic in Hematology. Have you been tested for celiac disease?

On Monday I’m going to see a gastroenterologist, then I’ll write what she prescribes. I opened a topic in hematology, the doctor who supervises there wrote that I do not have iron deficiency anemia as such, but there may be anemia of chronic inflammation. Maybe an inflamed gastrointestinal tract (esophagitis and gastroduodenitis) triggers the mechanism of anemia? I’m not sure now what came first - the gastrointestinal tract disease itself provoked the growth of Giardia, or, on the contrary, the Giardia infestation caused it a long time ago and I didn’t know. It is quite possible that now these two problems are independent of each other. And if Giardia is easy to kill with drugs (90% probability), then at least there will be one less problem and it will be possible to further deal with the gastrointestinal tract, I think so. Do you think this is correct?

06.10.2012, 14:34

I believe that these diagnoses do not explain your condition and, most importantly, such significant weight loss. You didn't answer about celiac disease.

No, I have not been tested for celiac disease. I’ll tell you how I started losing weight, after a month of aspirin, which my therapist prescribed to me after a neck injury, one day I had severe diarrhea, a fever, and pain in my right side. This was in March of this year. I had a low-grade fever and nagging pain in the liver area for a week. I had diarrhea for the first two days. Then foul-smelling stool appeared, greasy and difficult to wash off, and there was such a terrible smell for a week. And gradually I began to lose my former energy, it became difficult to fall asleep, I did not feel strong from eating. Previously, I could eat nothing at all and had strength for the whole day. Now you eat well and tasty all day long, but you don’t have any strength. I thought it would go away on its own, but in the summer in June I went for an ultrasound because my liver was very painful, and they found diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas. Just now I weighed myself, but I ate recently and I weigh 74 kg. You can say over the last month I have gained 2 kg. Now there is no pain as such in the liver area, but sometimes there are spasms.

06.10.2012, 14:54

I read about celiac disease, at least I do not have hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, decreased concentrations of cholesterol and lipids, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia according to tests. I took these tests when they were looking for the cause of inflammation of the liver and pancreas.

08.10.2012, 16:23

Regarding the harmlessness of Giardia, I read an article from 2010, the authors write that Giardia in children can manifest as very severe conditions of hypovolemia and can lead to serious consequences requiring lifelong treatment. Here is the article [Only registered and activated users can see links]

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How Giardia enters and develops in the human body (enlarge image)

By irritating the mucous membranes of the biliary tract, these microorganisms cause a spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, a valve in the gallbladder responsible for the timely release of bile by the gallbladder into the duodenum. Persistent spasm of the valve and biliary tract causes biliary dyskinesia (BD).

A single-celled microscopic organism, pear-shaped with eight flagella - that’s what lamblia is. With the help of its suction disc, it is able to attach itself to the intestinal wall. In humans, the final digestion of food occurs on the surface of the intestine, which has a brush border.

Avoiding giardiasis will allow you to follow sanitary and hygienic rules when preparing food, personal hygiene rules (especially for children), maintaining cleanliness in your living space and fighting flies that carry Giardia cysts.

It is incorrect to draw conclusions about the presence of giardiasis only from visible symptoms. Objective medical diagnosis and qualitative analysis are necessary. The disease can be detected at any medical diagnostic center by submitting stool for analysis or blood from a vein for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine antibodies to Giardia. In some cases, analysis for Giardia is performed by performing gastroduodenal intubation. In this case, a thin rubber tube is inserted into the patient on an empty stomach through the esophagus. When its end reaches the gallbladder, a portion of bile is taken from it and analyzed. In warm bile, the presence or absence of Giardia is diagnosed under a microscope. In addition to diagnostics, duodenal intubation can also be of a therapeutic nature, since upon completion of the intubation, the gallbladder is washed with mineral water. There is a separate article on the website about the role of gallbladder diseases in the development of dysbiosis (link). Here I would like to provide detailed information about the probing procedure.

Three-phase method of acquiring bile. Microscopic analysis of duodenal contents

Classic method of duodenal intubation- three-phase. Phase I - portion A - bile from the common bile duct. It has a transparent, straw-yellow color, and during stagnation it darkens. Cloudiness can be caused by impurities of gastric juice. Mucus found during microscopy indicates pathology of the duodenum. Phase II - portion B - bile. It is secreted reflexively by the introduction of choleretic substances - 30-50 ml of 33% magnesia, 10% peptone solution, 10% sorbitol solution, 40% glucose solution, 10% NaCl solution. Immediately after the administration of one of these substances, the probe is tied. After 5-8 minutes, bile is collected for 25-35 minutes. Bile of a dark brown or greenish-brown color occurs when there is congestion in the bladder. Normally - brown or dark yellow, transparent, ligament, alkaline reaction. When the gallbladder is inflamed, it has lumps of mucus. In chronic inflammatory processes, when the concentration capacity of the gallbladder rises, it is transparent, light yellow, and does not differ from portion A. In the presence of stones, bile is not secreted (negative reflex). Phase III - the combined bile duct and bladder is changed by hepatic bile - portion C. It is golden in color and transparent. It is analyzed immediately, since Giardia dies within 30 minutes. If there is a need for bacteriological research, bile is collected in sterile tubes.

Microscopic analysis of duodenal contents

Physical activity, sports, and walking before meals help to normalize bile secretion. You should eat according to a schedule at certain times of the day, and avoid overeating before bed.

Stages of treatment for giardiasis

Giardia is removed in 3 stages. Each stage includes a wide range of treatment activities. The choice of one or another means depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the severity of the disease and clinical manifestations.

The first stage is preparatory

It lasts 2-4 weeks, during which the destruction and removal of toxins from the body is carried out, excess biologically active substances are eliminated, manifestations of endotoxicosis are eliminated, the enzymatic activity of the digestive system is normalized, motor-evacuation phenomena of the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated, the body’s immune defense is restored, and a hepatoprotective effect is provided. to the liver.

The goal of the first stage can be achieved in case of strict adherence to the diet and a rational diet that prevents the proliferation of Giardia. The diet includes foods that act as sorbents: baked pears, apples, dried fruits, cranberries, lingonberries, kefir, cereals, vegetables. It is necessary to exclude milk from food, which is replaced with soy products; pasta and bakery products, carbohydrates and sweet products.

Choleretic drugs are prescribed that eliminate congestion in the gallbladder, eliminate inflammatory processes and cause relaxation of muscle spasm of the vascular wall. These include cholekinetics: 5% or 10% solutions of magnesium sulfate or sorbitol, xylitol, egg yolks. In addition, relaxation of the walls of the biliary tract is also caused by cholespasmalytics: preparations of barberry, no-shpa, cholemzin, flamin, ursosan, dry extract of belladonna, lyobil, halidor, platifillin, metacin, odeston, allohol, ziflan, aminophylline.

The third stage is restoration

Ranges from 4 to 10 weeks. During this period, with ongoing detoxification, measures are taken to increase the body's defenses, restore the function of the pancreas, spleen and liver. To strengthen the immune system, methyluracil, sodium nuclein, thymogen, pentoxyl, and thymalin are prescribed. A strict diet is also maintained, rice sorption, immunomodulators, enterosorbents, hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs are prescribed, as well as non-specific body defenses: zinc preparations, zinc sulfate, zincteral. It is recommended to use pumpkin, beetroot, carrot or zucchini puree to enhance intestinal motility. The child’s diet consists of lactic acid products, yogurt, bifidoc, and biokefir. Rice sorption is prepared according to the following recipe. Pour 40 grams of rice with cold water and leave until morning. The next day, in the morning, rinse the rice with cold water, pour 50 ML of boiling water, put on fire for two minutes. After this, the water is drained and boiling water is added again. Boil for about two minutes and add boiling water a third time and boil for a couple of minutes. After this, the rice is sifted into a colander, transferred to a bowl and chewed slowly, eaten on an empty stomach. You cannot drink water for four hours. To eliminate dysbacteriosis, use acitophilus, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, bificol, lactobacterin. And also, for this purpose, enzymatic drugs are prescribed: bactisuptil, hilakforte, flovinin, enzistal, festal, pancreotin, mezim-forte and strictly follow the step-by-step treatment. It must be remembered that no more than three to four medications are prescribed for one course of treatment. There is phytotherapeutic treatment: a decoction of birch buds is taken orally for two weeks, after a two-week break, a twelve-day course of bearberry decoction is prescribed. This creates conditions for the destruction and removal of Giardia.

Nonspecific agents are prescribed to strengthen the defenses: 0.25% zinc sulfate, purified sulfur, twenty percent alcoholic extract of propolis, taken orally twice a day, 5 drops, course of treatment is 2 months.

Peeled pumpkin seeds are taken 30 minutes before meals, 80 grams once every 10 days. In 92–95% of cases a positive effect is observed. However, there are cases where Giardia is isolated five times in one patient over several years.

Nutriceptics and paraceptives have a good effect in the treatment of giardiasis. The attending physician must carefully collect a complete medical history, assess the living conditions, sanitary and hygienic level of the patient, identify routes of infection and select the correct treatment and rehabilitation for the individual. With successful treatment, clinical symptoms, complaints of abdominal pain, negative laboratory values ​​(three tests for eggs, duodenal intubation and peripheral blood counts) are eliminated. At the prevention stage, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands often, do not swim in dirty water.

Most often, young children become infected with giardiasis. One of the signs of invasion is the baby’s slow weight gain, as well as indigestion. Diarrhea followed by constipation, bloating, nausea - all these alarming symptoms may mean infection with Giardia.

A characteristic manifestation of giardiasis is atopic dermatitis. Therefore, foods that cause allergies (fruits, red vegetables) must be excluded from the menu. Otherwise, they can “blur” the clinical picture.

Giardiasis cannot be treated without taking medications. But it also cannot do without changing the diet. The anti-giardia diet is as effective as synthetic drugs.

Following a diet involves an increased number of meals (4-5 times a day) in small portions. Before eating, it is advisable to drink some sour drink.

It is necessary to exclude fried foods from the diet. You only need to eat what has been cooked by stewing, baking or boiling - in a double boiler, slow cooker, etc.

Worth knowing! The diet for giardiasis must be followed for a long time - 3-4 months.

Personal hygiene is very important. When returning from the street, after playing with animals, visiting the toilet, and before eating, you must wash your hands. Foods taken raw (vegetables, fruits) must be thoroughly washed under running water.

In addition to creating an uncomfortable environment for Giardia, the diet is also aimed at restoring healthy intestinal microflora.

The diet for the treatment of Giardia involves taking a large amount of berries and sour fruits - much more than what a person usually consumes. Fruits and berries can be taken either fresh or in the form of drinks and compotes. Acidulants are taken before meals - about half an hour before meals. Acidic fruits and vegetables should be eaten throughout the day. Citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges), sour apples, kiwis should be available to the patient in abundance.

Diet for Giardia in adults and children

The diet for Giardia in adults is not very different from that in children. It involves a complete abstinence from alcohol, baked goods, sweets, dried fruits, honey - that is, those products that contain a lot of “fast” carbohydrates, which include glucose. It is the latter that is the most nutritious medium for Giardia. You cannot completely give up carbohydrates, but you need to take slowly digestible carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley porridge without sugar. Sour fruits and vegetables are useful, but you should not get carried away with them too much - to avoid flatulence.

The most preferred food is one that contains pure protein - chicken, fish. You can eat 2 servings of them per day. But at the same time, meat and fish should not be prepared by frying - only boiling, stewing or baking. Useful products are cottage cheese (low-fat) and kefir. Giardiasis is usually accompanied by dysbacteriosis, in which fermented milk products and cottage cheese are useful. All food taken should be light and agreed with the doctor.

If a child goes to kindergarten, then teachers need to be warned about what he can and cannot eat. Loving grandparents must be strictly punished that sweets are strictly contraindicated for their grandchildren. And not only in the form of sweets, but also sweet dried fruits, bananas, grapes, as well as raisins and dates. Fresh bread, both white and rye, must be replaced with biscuits and crackers.

Slow carbohydrates - various porridges (rice, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, corn) - must be present on the child’s menu. They just have to prepare on the water.

An acidic environment in the intestine that is hostile to Giardia must be created with acidic drinks, taken before meals - fruit drinks made from sour berries (cranberries) and fruits (apples, cherries, plums, kiwi, citrus fruits).

Useful substances for a giardiasis diet are pectins, which are found in abundance in apples and some berries (cranberries, lingonberries, currants, blueberries). Practically not absorbed in the digestive tract, enterosorbents work as “cleaners”. That is, they absorb everything harmful and unnecessary for the body and bring it out. And in addition, they increase peristalsis and normalize metabolism.

Important! Spicy, fatty, fried foods should be completely excluded from the diet.

This food irritates the intestines and creates increased stress on an already weakened digestive system. For the same reason, you should not eat raw garlic and onions. Cooking should only be done by stewing and boiling, including steaming.

Protein foods should be taken, but only in the form of lean fish, veal, and turkey. Smoked meats and sausages of all types should be excluded from the patient’s diet.

Along with “slow” carbohydrates (porridge), the basis of nutrition should be fermented milk products. It is necessary to eat fresh biokefir every day, since the lacto- and bifidobacteria contained in it normalize the intestinal microflora. You can take low-fat cottage cheese, but you should avoid whole milk, as it triggers fermentation processes in the intestines.

The frequency and volume of food portions is of great importance. It is recommended to increase the number of meals to 6 per day, portions should be small, food should be pureed and crushed.

With regard to drinking, the diet for the treatment of Giardia in children contains restrictions only on sweet drinks. The child needs to drink a lot, but preferably water or something acidified. Sweet juices, soda, cola, etc. must be completely excluded.

Diet menu for the treatment of lamblia

In a family where there is at least one patient with giardiasis, the words diet, lamblia, menu become the most frequently used. And this is understandable, given their importance for successful treatment.

The diet for giardiasis does not require a special variety of food, but at the same time it cannot be called tediously monotonous.

Porridge. At first, they are prepared exclusively with water. As for the specific product, it depends on the dietary preferences of the dieter. You can eat buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, barley porridge. Who likes what. But legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas) should be excluded as they cause flatulence. If the diet has lasted a month, you can start adding milk diluted with water 1:1 to the porridge when preparing it.

Liquids. You need to try to drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day. Recommended drinks: lingonberry, cranberry, currant juice. You can prepare various acidified compotes. Tomato juice is allowed. The intake of beneficial bacteria - bifidumbacterin and acidobiffirin - can be combined with fresh fermented milk products, just add bacteria to them. Kefir and fermented baked milk are allowed for consumption starting from the 3rd week of the diet.

Soups. You can eat broths made from turkey, chicken, duck and other poultry (you need to remove the skin and fat when cooking). Soups are prepared only with vegetable broths. Fatty meat (fish) broths should not be consumed.

Meat. The main requirement is that it should not be bold. There are no special preferences regarding the type of meat. You can eat lamb, veal, poultry and even pork if it is lean. The only requirement for the cooking method is that fried foods should be excluded. You can boil (preferably steam), stew, bake. Chop finely; large pieces are contraindicated for giardiasis. As for the specific type of dish, preference should be given to steamed meatballs and cutlets.

Fruits. The main thing is that they must be fresh. The berries can be baked with low-fat cottage cheese, sweetened with a little stevia. It is advisable to take pears and apples baked.

Vegetables. Beets, potatoes, radishes, cabbage. Garlic, onions, legumes that irritate the intestines and cause flatulence should be avoided.

Flour products. For bread, stale rye bread is recommended. Among other things - everything that is unsweetened and dry - crackers, crackers.

Dairy. Cottage cheese (low-fat), fermented baked milk, kefir, feta cheese.

Homemade lemonade. Take the components in the following proportions: 5 liters of water, one lemon, a decent-sized bunch of mint, stevia. Boil water, add mint and sliced ​​lemon, boil for about 2 minutes, sweeten with stevia.

Berry juice. Boil water, add the berries and mash them with a masher, adding a little sugar. Turn off the heat and let the mars steep. You cannot boil for a long time, otherwise the berries will lose their vitamins.

Fish with vegetables. Take a piece of foil, put on it a portion of fish (lean), part of a tomato, carrot, herbs, a slice of lemon, a piece of eggplant. Salt everything, carefully wrap it in foil and bake on the grill. You can put foil in a steamer.

Cutlets. Add an egg and stewed (not too much) onion to the lean minced meat. Instead of white bread, add oatmeal. Form cutlets and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven until fully cooked. Excess fat will be absorbed by the paper. The oven can be replaced with a double boiler.

Porridge. Prepared on the water. To avoid being too ascetic, you can add a small piece of butter to the rice. Season the oatmeal with fresh berries and stevia. Buckwheat is delicious without any additives.

Vegetable stew. Ingredients: zucchini, cut into slices, tomato, sweet pepper, 1-2 potatoes, and, of course, carrots. In a tall frying pan or saucepan, add a little oil and water. Put the potatoes in first, cook them a little, then add the carrots, and a little later - everything else. Don’t forget to season with herbs; basil and oregano improve the taste. The peeled tomato is added last.

Baked apples. You need to take sour varieties. Cut out the middle and fill it with lean cottage cheese sweetened with stevia. Add a little cinnamon. Bake in the oven.


The effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs depends on how successfully this is done. Therefore, diet must be taken very seriously; the success of treatment largely depends on it.

Statistics show that giardiasis mainly affects children. Which, in principle, is so, because a child’s body is not as strong as an adult’s. That is why adults are mainly only carriers of this disease. Firstly, we note that the carriers of the disease are mainly flies, which is why maximum efforts must be made to exterminate them. And this will already be considered preventive measures. Secondly, the transition period into the vegetative form in Giardia lasts from one to two weeks. This is a hidden form in which it is simply impossible to determine whether a person is sick or not.

Symptoms of giardiasis in adults

Treatment of giardiasis in adults

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a scatological analysis, an immunoassay of stool and an intestinal bioscopy. The treatment itself is carried out using very toxic drugs, after which the patient undergoes a course of rehabilitation, which can take several months. During this period, it is necessary to pay special attention to removing all the consequences of Giardia. This is a very important point.

But before starting treatment of giardiasis in adults, it is necessary to prepare the patient. That is, we must first improve the enzymatic activity of the intestines. And the more complex the patient’s condition, the longer the preparation will have to take. Sometimes this period lasts up to two weeks.

Diet for giardiasis in adults

Nutrition for giardiasis means that some foods have to be removed from the diet.

  • Everything is floury.
  • Sweets.
  • Whole milk. It can be replaced with kefir or yogurt.
  • Sausages.
  • Cereals you can eat are corn, rice and buckwheat.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup.

But vegetables and fruits can be eaten in any quantity. Cranberry and lingonberry juice will also be useful. You can eat lean meat, but only boiled meat. It is better to season salads with vegetable oil. Remove all spices from your diet; salt can be used in small quantities. And one more important point - adopt separate nutrition, making sure that the body receives all the necessary nutrients.

is a well-known parasitic disease that primarily affects the human small intestine. Many people often confuse Giardia with parasitic worms - helminths. Yes, both of them are parasites, living at the expense of their host - humans. The difference is that Giardia is the simplest, smallest creature, consisting of only one cell, but at the same time functioning as a single integral microorganism.

Giardia - their anatomy and physiology

Giardia exists in two forms, which transform into one another in the course of their life.

Cysts– rounded formations, slightly smaller than trophozoites. The cyst is a protective shell under which a young, not yet fully formed trophozoid is reliably preserved from unfavorable environmental factors.

There is a vicious circle that will not end until basic hygiene rules are observed and appropriate adequate treatment is taken. The spread of giardiasis is more often observed in children of primary school age, especially in those who live in private houses with a toilet on the street. But don’t think that giardiasis occurs only in children. Any person is susceptible to the disease, no matter how strong their immune system is.

Symptoms of giardiasis

Being localized in the small intestine, most symptoms of the disease are associated with the gastrointestinal tract. There are also extraintestinal symptoms associated with allergic disorders and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Allergic manifestations can be:

  • Small pinpoint rashes on the skin.
  • Itching in the area of ​​the rash, in the nose and near the anus.
  • Respiratory disorders in the form of bronchial asthma, rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa).
  • Conjunctivitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Diagnosis of giardiasis

To make a diagnosis, several methods are used, the main of which is the detection of Giardia cysts in the patient’s stool, in the contents of the duodenum, or by taking a piece of small intestinal tissue (biopsy).

To exclude the diagnosis of giardiasis in the chronic course of the disease, repeat stool tests are taken at intervals of seven days for four to five weeks. The contents of feces are subjected to microscopy, and in some cases trophozoids can also be detected.

In addition, the effectiveness of treatment depends in conjunction with a number of measures, the observance of which entirely determines the success of the treatment. Such measures primarily include drug therapy, hygiene measures, and diet, depending on the changes that have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract.

Drug therapy

Metronidazole (trichopolum)– is rightfully considered the drug of choice in the treatment of giardiasis. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of vital activity not only of Giardia but also of most protozoan microorganisms. It also affects certain types of pathogenic bacteria that often accompany various inflammatory processes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, thereby improving the general condition and accelerating the healing process.
The recommended dose is 5 mg/kg body weight per day.

The dosage regimen is three doses of the drug per day. The duration of treatment varies from 7 to 10 days.

Tinidazole (phasizhin) And Ornidazole (Tibiral) taken in a single dose of 5 mg/kg.

Furazolidone– a drug with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

Application. Furazolidone is taken as a suspension at a dose of 2 mg/kg per day. The frequency of administration is 4 times a day. The course of treatment is carried out for 7 – 10 days.

By observing all the above measures, you will always feel safe and confident in your own health.

Why do children get giardiasis more often?

A child of any age, even a newborn, is not immune from Giardia infection.

However, giardiasis occurs most often in preschool children: according to statistics, about 30-50% of children attending preschool institutions are infected with giardia, since there is a large crowding in children's groups, and the risk of infection increases significantly. Whereas among “home children” this figure is two times less.

Children's susceptibility to Giardia is associated with two factors:

At asymptomatic form Sick children have no manifestations of the disease, and Giardia is detected by chance during examination.

Acute giardiasis

Develops in about 50% of children infected with Giardia. The first symptoms of the disease appear 7-21 days after infection.

However, if the disease does develop, then pronounced disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract come to the fore: profuse loose stools, nausea and vomiting, bloating, refusal to eat or decreased appetite. There is also seemingly causeless anxiety and periodic increases in body temperature to 37-38°C.

In the future, children lag behind in physical development and gain weight poorly, which is caused by impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients.

How does giardiasis occur in pregnant women?

At acute form signs of gastroenteritis - an inflammatory disease of the stomach and intestines. Frequent, loose, profuse stools appear with an unpleasant odor, but do not contain any impurities (mucus, blood). There is bloating and pain in the abdomen, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the body temperature rises to 38-38.5°C, and a pinpoint rash appears on the body.

At chronic form diseases, the expectant mother is worried about constant bloating, unstable stools (constipation alternating with diarrhea), abdominal pain, severe weakness, dizziness and headaches, nausea, allergic reactions (food allergies, skin rashes and others).

However, the disease can be asymptomatic, or the expectant mother regards its signs as manifestations of toxicosis. Therefore, he does not consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Why is giardiasis dangerous during pregnancy?

Giardia itself is not able to penetrate the placenta and infect the fetus, but the disease adversely affects the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Since the waste products of Giardia and the decay of dead individuals enter the blood, worsening the mother's well-being and increasing the manifestations of toxicosis.

Besides, the fetus does not receive enough nutrients due to the fact that digestion is impaired, as well as the absorption of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Giardiasis can lead to the development of one of the most serious complications of pregnancy: chronic fetoplacental insufficiency. Therefore, the functions of the placenta are disrupted: delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, production of hormones, excretion of fetal waste products, protection against the penetration of toxins and infections from the mother’s body to the fetus.

When placental insufficiency develops early in pregnancy (before 16 weeks), the likelihood of miscarriage is high.

If the condition occurs late in pregnancy (after 16 weeks), normal fetal development is often disrupted. As a result, a child may be born with intrauterine growth retardation (low weight and/or height), with immature organs and systems. There is also a high risk of premature birth.

However, if changes in the placenta are not pronounced, then compensatory mechanisms are triggered, so a full-term and healthy baby is born.

What types of skin rashes occur with giardiasis (photo)?

Changes in the skin are most pronounced when the allergic component predominates during the course of the disease.

Vivid skin manifestations are also present in patients who, before infection, already suffered from allergic diseases (for example, bronchial asthma). Moreover, the nature and abundance of rashes depend more on the initial state of the patient’s immune system rather than on the amount of Giardia in the body.

Hives manifests itself as bubbles filled with a clear liquid, which in some cases merge with each other. After some time during treatment, they disappear, but reappear when exposed to a provoking factor - food, pollen and others.

Infantile prurigo or struffulus- a type of urticaria with severe itching that develops in children from six months to three to five years. Initially, bubbles filled with clear liquid appear on the skin. After a short period of time, they thicken, turning into pink-brown nodules, on top of which there are small bubbles.

Most often, the rashes are located in large folds of skin (under the armpits, in the perineum), but can also spread to the torso.

Children's pruritus is persistent and therefore persists even after the cessation of exposure to the allergen. However, in most cases it disappears without a trace when the child reaches three to five years of age.

Eczema is an allergic skin lesion in the form of weeping small blisters that appear against the background of reddened and swollen skin. Bubbles most often occur symmetrically, on both sides of the body simultaneously, and tend to cluster. “Favorite” places for eczema are the skin of the neck and face. However, they can appear on any part of the body.

After opening, crusts and scales form in place of the bubbles, which do not have clear boundaries. If this process becomes prolonged, the skin at the site of the rash thickens and thickens.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching and burning at all stages of its development.

Neurodermatitis manifests itself as symmetrical skin rashes, which can be located in the inguinal and axillary folds, elbow and popliteal folds, on the face, neck and limbs, and scalp.

According to the nature of the rash with neurodermatitis, they undergo changes in their development. Initially, pale pink nodules or lumps with severe itching appear on the skin. Then they grow and merge into large lesions, on the surface of which scales and crusts form.

Severe painful skin itching- the result of a violation of the binding of bile acids. Itching may appear without any rash on the skin, but if it persists for a long time, there are traces of scratching on the skin.

How is giardiasis treated in children (scheme)?

There is no uniform approach and standard for the treatment of giardiasis due to several circumstances:
  • Many drugs have side effects that are undesirable for a growing body.
  • The child’s general condition may worsen due to increased symptoms of the disease on the second or third day from the start of treatment: nausea, allergic manifestations and others. This reaction occurs due to the massive death of Giardia and the formation of toxins.
  • Giardia has developed resistance to the most commonly previously used drugs.
  • Sometimes co-infection with bacteria or fungi (Candida, Helicobacter pylori and others) occurs, which often requires additional medications.
  • After successful treatment of giardiasis, unstable immunity is developed, so re-infection is possible.
There are two approaches to treating giardiasis:

Designed to increase the effectiveness of the drugs used and reduce the severity of symptoms of exacerbation of giardiasis.

The first stage is preparatory

Goals: normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and creation of conditions to reduce the amount of lamblia in the body.

Drugs used

1. Enterosorbents: Smecta, Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum and others.

They do not directly affect Giardia, but create unfavorable conditions for their growth and reproduction.

Operating principle: binding, as well as removal of toxins, bacteria and various substances (bilirubin, cholesterol, allergens and others) from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, some enterosorbents create conditions for the proliferation of beneficial flora in the intestines (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).

2. Medicines containing lactulose(Duphalac) are prescribed for constipation.

The second stage is the destruction of Giardia

It is carried out in two courses of antigiardiasis drugs of different groups with an interval of one week between them.

Medicines used

Choice of antigiardiasis drug

For the first course depending on the age of the child, it is recommended to use Ornidazole or Tinidazole, for the second- Macmiror or Albendazole.

In parallel with antigiardiasis treatment, the following medications are used:

  • To reduce allergic manifestations Children are recommended to be prescribed desensitizing drugs. For example, starting from six months - Zyrtec (Cetirizine), over 12 years - Telfast.
  • To improve treatment tolerability, it is advisable to use Wobenzym- a drug that has immunomodulatory, enzymatic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects.

The third stage is the final one

Drugs are prescribed for restoration of normal intestinal microflora: Enterol, Lactobacterin, Probifor and others.

With the aim of replenishing the body with vitamins and microelements complex preparations are used: Stimbifid, Alphabet, Vitrum and others.

To improve the functioning of the immune system Sometimes immunostimulants are prescribed: Polyoxidonium, Lykopid and others. However, if possible, it is better to establish a balanced diet rather than use synthetic drugs.

Attention ! All medications for the treatment of giardiasis are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the age and weight of the child, as well as the course of the disease.

How is giardiasis treated in pregnant women?

If the disease is asymptomatic, the expectant mother is in good health and the fetus is developing, it is recommended to refrain from treating giardiasis during pregnancy.

In other cases, the decision to use drugs to combat Giardia accepted individually, since traditional medications (Tinidazole, Macmiror and others) are contraindicated for use in the first three months of pregnancy.

However, there is a drug that can be used regardless of the stage of pregnancy: Enterofuril. Since the results of the studies did not reveal its negative effects on the fetus.

In addition, at Enterofuril has two advantages:

  • It is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Does not disrupt normal intestinal microflora.
However, in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), Enterofuril is recommended to be prescribed with caution: when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk of negative effects on the fetus.

What is the treatment for giardiasis with folk remedies?

Medicines are not always 100% effective against Giardia. Therefore, sometimes, in order to achieve better treatment results, it is advisable to combine pharmaceutical drugs with folk remedies, the action of which is based on anthelmintic properties.

Recipe No. 1: Horseradish tincture

Take one kilogram of unpeeled horseradish root and mince it. Place the resulting mass in a three-liter jar and fill it to the top with boiled, cooled water. Then put the jar in the refrigerator for three days, then strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Store the resulting infusion in the refrigerator.

Accept one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks.

Recipe No. 2: Honey-plantain mixture

It is necessary to collect plantain leaves at the time of flowering. Then rinse and grind in a meat grinder. Mix the resulting raw materials with honey in a 1:1 ratio and store in the refrigerator.

Accept one tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Recipe No. 3: Mixture of flax seeds and cloves

Pass the dried clove buds and flax seeds separately through a coffee grinder. Then mix in a ratio of 10 parts flax seeds: 1 part clove buds.

Accept 25 grams daily if the patient’s weight is about 70-75 kg. If the patient weighs less or more, then divide this figure by three. The resulting figure means the number of grams that need to be taken daily.

The product can be added to food or consumed in its pure form with water. The course of treatment is 30 days.

What are the consequences of giardiasis?

They are more pronounced in children than in adults, since their compensatory mechanisms are imperfect.

Gets hit the immune system, since Giardia suppresses her work, making her weak. Therefore, the patient more often suffers from viral and bacterial infections.

Often develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis, chronic gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) or gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa and duodenum). Moreover, after removing Giardia from the body, recovery does not always occur, so the developed ailments become chronic.

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