Reduxin reviews losing weight and losing weight with reduxin. Reduxin tablets for weight loss Reduxin nutrition

Regardless of place of residence, gender and age, a large number of people are faced with the problem of excess weight. Most use well-known traditional methods to make their shape closer to the standard image, such as proper nutrition and sports activities.

But there are people who use special medications, such as Reduxin tablets for weight loss, which gives them the opportunity to achieve the desired result without resorting to grueling diets and sports. In this regard, and taking into account the fact that all people suffering from this disease have a great desire to never remember the much-hated excess weight, a question arises. How effective can Reduxin capsules help you lose extra pounds and what should you expect from it?

If you have made a firm decision to permanently get rid of the hated fat deposits with the help of medications, you should opt for the tested and safest ones. Exactly like Reduxin tablets for quick weight loss. And, naturally, you should begin the difficult path to a perfect figure after consulting with a professional nutritionist and obtaining his permission.

It is important! Professional nutritionists advise trying not to follow attractive slogans about instant weight loss. Since, by definition, productive diets cannot bear fruit quickly. The basic rule of smart diets: one hundred percent and leisurely.

Countless varied reviews of Reduxin capsules, which promote rapid weight loss, give reason to assert that the tablets are harmless, although minor side effects occur when they are used. But still, the most important thing that happens when using them is a noticeable reduction in body weight.

It is necessary to understand that the drug that provides effective weight loss is a full-fledged medical drug, and therefore it should not be used as a supplement to your own diet. It has certain side effects and specific restrictions when taken, so its use must be approached with full responsibility. Professional nutritionists prescribe Reduxin capsules as one of the methods only after conducting a comprehensive medical examination of the patient. Reduxin tablets, designed for rapid weight loss, help dull the feeling of hunger for a certain time, and thereby help cope with the constant desire to eat.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

"Reduxin" is used to treat obesity. I repeat, obesity. If your weight is 60-65 kg with a height of 170, this is not obesity. And you most likely do not need the drug. Unless you can’t lose weight for a long time and have already tried all kinds of diets and remedies. In this case, contact a specialist and perhaps he will recommend this drug to you. This is quite likely if you have an imbalance of lipids in your body. But to identify this, you need to get tested. In any case, "Reduxin" is prescribed only by a doctor. It cannot be purchased or taken on its own. Especially if you are not obese.

I would also like to add that for effective weight loss it is not enough to just take pills. You need to radically change your lifestyle. First, switch to a healthy diet. Secondly, go in for sports or, if this is not possible, start leading a more active lifestyle, walk more, etc. You should not hope that “magic pills” will do everything for you. To lose excess weight, you need to take care of yourself. And it’s hard and a lot.

Composition of the drug

This unique drug, which activates the process of effective weight loss, contains only two active ingredients, cellulose with a microcrystalline structure and sibutramine.

Each component has its own exceptional therapeutic properties that contribute to the following processes:

  • reducing the amount of fat deposited in different parts of the body;
  • normalization of metabolic transformation reactions;
  • reduction in total body weight.

In order to know how Reduxin helps with weight loss, you need to take a closer look at its components separately.

Crystalline cellulose

Cellulose, which has a microcrystalline structure, acts as a food substitute. After it enters the body, it begins to absorb liquid and harmful elements dissolved in it, which leads to complete filling of the stomach space. This allows the brain to receive a signal of satiety, and the obsessive desire to eat something goes away.


Drug manufacturers have long tried to develop a substance that promotes a feeling of fullness even after a small amount of food. Since it is constant and uncontrolled food intake that leads to excess weight in a person. Such a substance was sibutramine, which has anorexigenic properties and therefore copes well with its functions.

This is interesting! With the help of sibutramine, one of the components of Reduxin, a person begins to consume significantly smaller portions. This can be judged by the numerous rave reviews about the drug for rapid weight loss.

In people who are obese, a violation occurs, and as a result, the efficiency of heat balance decreases. The human body begins to store fat from food instead of using it to stabilize the temperature. Sibutramine also copes well with this task; it helps normalize heat balance.

There are many reviews from people who lose weight using Reduxin capsules. Judging by them, after taking the drug, a wonderful feeling of warmth spreads throughout the body, thermal balance and metabolic processes begin to function normally, and the body begins to burn fat. In addition, sibutramine stabilizes the amount of cholesterol, uric acid and blood sugar levels.

Mechanism of action

Medicine manufacturers were able to offer a very modern and effective remedy to people who want to lose excess fat. Reduxin tablets are a unique drug that helps achieve excellent results in the process of losing weight. It can be taken without fear for the treatment of obesity, it has almost no negative effects, and, judging by the reviews, literally immediately after starting to take it, positive changes occur in the body.

With the help of Reduxin tablets, which promote rapid weight loss, you can lose weight by 1 kilogram every week, which, according to doctors, is the most acceptable rate of weight loss for the body. This drug, intended for rapid weight loss, has a complex effect:

  • A comfortable internal state arises. There is a general improvement in the functionality of the entire body as a whole, due to the stabilization of glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood after using Reduxin tablets.
  • The effect after taking the capsules lasts for a long time. The drug ensures measured weight loss over a long period of time, and the lost kilograms will not return even after you stop taking Reduxin tablets.
  • Increased metabolic reactions. A person loses weight much more vigorously as the body begins to burn more calories due to faster chemical reactions. Additionally, we recommend that you read the material about.
  • Appetite decreases significantly. When taking a drug intended for weight loss, as is known from a large number of reviews, the feeling of hunger is dulled for a long time. A person, in order to constantly maintain a state of satiety, only needs to occasionally eat a small amount of food.
  • The weight loss process occurs at an optimal pace. The disadvantages include the fact that weight loss with the help of Reduxin tablets occurs at a rather slow speed. This pace, according to professional doctors, does not cause stress in the body and is optimal for a person.

Despite all the effectiveness of Reduxin capsules for rapid weight loss, you can achieve even more significant results with the help of dietary nutrition and sports activities. There are many people who, judging by their reviews, combine drug therapy with other methods of losing weight, and thereby achieve significant success in losing weight.

Instructions for use

Due to the convenience and comfort of use, positive results during and after the end of therapy with this drug, it enjoys very high popularity and undiminished demand, and therefore the question arises of how to take Reduxin correctly to lose weight and the result will remain for a long time. The schedule for taking it does not depend on your diet, and just one capsule once a day is enough. This means that one package containing 60 tablets will last for 2 months, while the duration of the full course of obesity therapy is 1 year.

To increase effectiveness, of course, provided that the components of the Reduxin drug are well accepted by the body, take 1.5 capsules at a time. But doing this without first consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. Since no one is immune from side effects, if they occur, you should reduce the dosage to 0.5 capsules and immediately consult your doctor.

Only a highly specialized doctor can prescribe Reduxin tablets as an effective means of weight loss, after a mandatory examination. Therapy with Reduxin is prescribed in the following cases:

  • very slow weight loss when using other methods of combating obesity;
  • traditional methods do not give the required result.

As one of the components of a set of measures to achieve stable weight loss, Reduxin capsules can lead to a significant reduction in body weight, which will allow you to lose 5-10 kilograms every month.

Price and release form of Reduxin

This drug for effective weight loss is available in the following dosage:

Name Price
Reduxin 10 mg (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin 10 mg (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin 10 mg (90 pcs.) from 3800 rub.
Reduxin 15 mg (30 pcs.) from 2500 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (60 pcs.) from 4200 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (90 pcs.) from 5800 rub.
Reduxin Light (30 pcs.) from 1450 rub.
Reduxin Light (120 pcs.) from 2700 rub.
Reduxin Light (180 pcs.) from 2900 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin Met set (850 mg) from 1645 RUR

It is worth considering that the cost, depending on the region and the manufacturer, the cost of medicines may vary slightly.

Contraindications and side effects

If a person losing weight with the help of Reduxin capsules follows the recommendations of doctors, then the drug for effective weight loss will be easily tolerated. But, according to reviews, it is known that it still has side effects that appear at the very beginning of use.

They can be like this:

  • increased heart rate;
  • dry mouth;
  • minor headaches;
  • nausea;
  • change in the perception of food taste;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • causeless worries;
  • decreased appetite.

Also, in addition to this, the action of Reduxin tablets can sometimes cause swelling, itching, pain in the abdomen and back, sweating and drowsiness.

A drug intended for effective weight loss, along with side effects, also has contraindications for use, and therefore it is necessary to know the effect of the drug Reduxin on the body in order to try to prevent the consequences.

Contraindications and side effects are as follows:

  • serious abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental illness;
  • taking medications to treat the central nervous system;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • arrhythmia of the heart muscle;
  • addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the coronary arteries;
  • allergic reactions to the components included in Reduxin tablets;
  • glaucoma;
  • eating disorders such as bulimia;
  • in places where increased concentration is required;
  • during breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • at the age of less than 18 years and more than 65 years.

Also, when taking Reduxin tablets for effective weight loss, a doctor’s recommendation is necessary regarding the choice of the optimal contraceptive. A specialist can prescribe medication only based on the individual characteristics of the body and only after a thorough examination.

In this case, the patient should carefully monitor his blood pressure and pulse rate from the moment he first takes the capsules. This is necessary in order to promptly detect the occurrence of side effects.

Reduxin is a drug for the effective treatment of obesity. However, the use of this medication is only part of complex therapy, because in addition to it, the patient is prescribed a strict diet and physical exercise. In the process of taking Reduxin, the areas of the brain responsible for satiety are affected, and the person’s desire to constantly eat is blocked. According to reviews from those losing weight, Reduxin 15 mg promotes accelerated fat burning, but also helps normalize metabolism.

Contents [Show]

Description of the drug

Reduxin is a combined drug for weight loss, its effect on the human body is determined by the components included in its composition. The release form of the medicine is blue or light blue capsules, which contain white powder with a yellowish tint. One blister pack of Reduxin contains from 7 to 90 capsules of 10 or 15 mg each. For weight loss, Reduxin 15 mg is dispensed only as prescribed by a doctor, because it interacts with the central nervous system.

Composition of capsules

The weight loss drug Reduxin contains the main component sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose, each of which has unique properties. Let's look at them in detail and study how these substances affect weight loss.


Since the main reason for gaining excess weight is a manic love for food, manufacturers have long been looking for a substance for effective weight loss that helps you quickly feel full after a small portion of food. And they found sibutramine, which has anorexigenic properties, therefore, solves the problem of overeating. This substance activates β3-adrenergic receptors in the human brain, helping to increase the feeling of satiety and affecting adipose tissue.

Weight loss with Reduxin is accompanied by a decrease in total cholesterol and uric acid in the body. Sibutramine promotes thermal production, so people losing weight with Reduxin claimed that while taking the drug they felt a pleasant warmth in their body. At this time, thermogenesis is activated, and fat begins to be actively consumed.

Microcrystalline cellulose

You cannot feel full if there is nothing in your stomach. Microcrystalline cellulose, which is part of Reduxin, is the main food during weight loss. Once in the stomach, the substance swells, absorbing harmful components and excess liquid. Microcrystalline cellulose has a detoxification and sorption effect. In the process of losing weight, the substance binds and removes harmful microorganisms along with waste products, excess metabolic products of the body, allergens and toxins of an endogenous nature.

Mechanism of action of tablets

As a result of the parallel balance of sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose, weight loss occurs while taking Reduxin, which is not accompanied by any negative effects on the human body. Weekly weight loss with Reduxin averages up to 1 kilogram. If this seems not enough, then you should know that this is a gentle mechanism of action, because sudden weight loss will not add health to someone losing weight, but will only put the body under stress. Moreover, extreme weight loss is accompanied by the return of all burned calories in a short period of time.

Gradual weight loss with Reduxin has a big positive aspect. The fact is that the walls of the stomach consist of receptors that, when the organ is filled with food, signal the brain about satiety. Thanks to the gradual decrease in the amount of food that occurs along with taking Reduxin, the stomach adapts to food loads, shrinking in size. Therefore, the amount of food is also reduced and a person develops a persistent habit of eating less, not while losing weight, but for the rest of his life. Even after finishing taking Reduxin, the saturation effect lasts for a long time.

How to take Reduxin 15 mg correctly for weight loss

Start using Reduxin for weight loss under the supervision of a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the duration of the course, method of administration and dose, based on the individual clinical picture. If you decide to take the drug for weight loss on your own, then the dosage, according to the instructions, is 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals or after meals, for 2 months. The duration of taking Reduxin depends on weight, but average therapy should not last more than 3 months. In exceptional cases of obesity, the doctor may extend the course of treatment to 6 months.

A potent drug for weight loss is Reduxin 15 mg, capsules of which are taken in the morning with plenty of water and do not chew. The medicine can be combined with meals or taken on an empty stomach. If tolerance is poor, it is better to switch to a lower dosage of 10 mg, and if within 6-8 weeks it was not possible to reduce body weight by at least 5% of the initial weight, then treatment with Reduxin should not be continued.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Reduxin is effective for weight loss, but it has a number of contraindications. This list includes pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are no formal studies yet on the use of the medication in these circumstances. Doctors recommend that women of childbearing age use contraceptives when taking Reduxin. If, nevertheless, pregnancy occurs while using the medicine for weight loss, then immediately stop taking it, since the effect of sibutramine on the fetus has not been studied.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcoholic drinks and Reduxin 15 mg interact differently with the nervous system, so combined use can lead to disastrous results. Alcohol stimulates nerve receptors, and Reduxin, on the contrary, causes drowsiness. When taken together, the nervous system is concerned about such a compensatory effect and begins to spend too many of its resources on removing both substances from the body. This phenomenon can cause respiratory or cardiac arrest, and can result in a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock.

Side effects

If you are intolerant to Reduxin or when it is combined with other medications, noticeable side effects may occur. If you experience a negative symptom while taking a weight loss medication, contact your doctor immediately.

  • Headache. Often occurs at the beginning of weight loss, but the severity and frequency weaken over time.
  • Constipation. It can be easily eliminated on your own if you introduce beets, prunes, kefir, and oatmeal into your diet while losing weight.
  • Dry mouth. The body intensively loses moisture, so it is recommended to drink up to 3 liters of water per day while taking the drug while losing weight.
  • Insomnia. If you have problems sleeping, then reduce the dosage of Reduxin.
  • Rapid pulse. If this symptom occurs, stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.


Medical contraindications for Reduxin are extensive. Mental illnesses to which an obese person is susceptible can be considered grounds for refusing to take a weight loss drug. Contraindications to taking Reduxin include the following ailments:

  1. Heart disease.
  2. Anorexia nervosa.
  3. Ischemic disease.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Tachycardia.
  6. Gilles syndrome (generalized tic).

Price for Reduxin 15 mg in pharmacies

Any Russian can afford to buy Reduxin for weight loss, because the cost of the drug is low. The more tablets in the package, the more favorable the price. Moscow pharmacies sell:

  • Medicine dosage 15 mg (10 capsules) - 1000 rubles.
  • Packaging of Reduxin 60 capsules - 3000 rubles.

In online pharmacies you can find an even more interesting price, and they sell this weight loss medicine even without a doctor’s prescription and with delivery. The advantage of buying online is that it is easy to order Reduxin at any time of the day, and delivery throughout Russia is fast, even to a remote region for a low fee.

Analogues of the drug

When taking Reduxin, there is a decrease in the feeling of hunger, so the drug is popular among people during body weight correction. A low-calorie diet and physical activity do not always give quick results in losing weight, and it is sometimes useful to move the weight off with the help of such medications. But what to do if Reduxin is not currently on sale? There are medications for weight loss that are effective analogues. Reduxin light “enhanced formula”, which is a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) of Reduxin, to which linoleic acid, beneficial for the body, has been added. Analogs also include:

Weight loss results - before and after photos

If treating obesity with traditional methods does not produce results, your appetite does not sell, and the feeling of hunger continues to haunt you, then find on the Internet real reviews of people losing weight with photos who took Reduxin. The composition of the drug for weight loss contains substances that regulate the feeling of fullness with a small portion of food, so the fight against excess weight is more effective. Illustrative examples with photos will inspire you to take active steps to combat fat deposits.

Reviews from nutritionists

Maxim Pirogov (over 10 years of experience):

“I observed patients taking Reduxin for weight loss with different dosages. The process of losing weight was different for everyone, but the results within a month were always impressive: calorie consumption decreased by 2 times, 98% experienced a decrease in appetite, and, consequently, body weight.”

Larisa Azarova (5 years of experience):

“Patients ask me how to take Reduxin to lose weight. I advise you to remove excess weight by other, safer means: regular exercise, proper nutrition, visiting saunas and special massages, etc. After all, the drug Reduxin is not completely safe, and side effects can lead to depression and health problems.”

Alexandra Potapova (over 20 years of experience):

“Women, when they want to lose extra pounds, start taking weight loss drugs that have not undergone any research. I advise patients with obesity to control their weight with the help of Reduxin, which has undergone clinical trials and has few significant contraindications compared to similar medications.”

Reviews from people losing weight about the effectiveness of pills

Elena, 43 years old: “I started losing weight with Reduxin on the advice of a friend, but at first I didn’t dare because I didn’t know how much the drug cost. Surprisingly, the price turned out to be reasonable, and I bought the medicine at the first pharmacy. I read in the annotation how many tablets I should take, but the dose turned out to be too much for me: already on the second day I felt nausea, dizziness and an upset stomach. After reducing the dose, my condition returned to normal, and within a month I got rid of 7 extra kilos without difficulty.”

Alexey, 27 years old: “With Reduxin I lost 12 kilograms in a month. True, I sometimes felt side effects in the form of decreased blood pressure and sleep disturbances, but now I am happy with my physical shape and the fact that the feeling of satiety comes from a small dose of food.”

Olga, 31 years old: “I’ve been overweight all my life. I can’t give up sweet and fatty foods – it’s like a drug for me. My fat figure doesn’t even bother me anymore, but my health is failing me. The doctor said that high blood sugar can lead to diabetes and prescribed Reduxin for weight loss. The effect of the drug surprised me - I began to eat less and stopped overeating. I don’t know what the reason is, but in just 2 weeks I’ve lost 5 kg.”

Ruslan, 37 years old: “Reduxin 15 mg is an excellent product for weight loss! I began to use the medicine on my own, and took the dosage from the instructions for use in the package. Its effect is based on reducing appetite, so I began to eat less food. In 2.5 months with Reduxin I lost 15 kilograms.”

Losing weight without much effort is the dream of many people. It's easy to gain extra pounds, but it's very difficult to get rid of them. To fight excess weight, you need to constantly control yourself: eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and exercise. Drugs for appetite control and weight loss, for example, Reduxin, can help in the fight for a beautiful body.

Description of the drug

Reduxin is a domestically produced drug that helps in the fight against excess weight. The active component intended for the treatment of obesity is sibutramine. It is this substance that helps you feel full faster with a small amount of food.

The drug Reduxin is available in capsule form and is intended for weight loss

Operating principle and effectiveness

Reduxin affects the human body, dulling the feeling of hunger. The active substance accelerates the process of saturation, so a person only needs a small portion (one and a half to two times less than usual) to satisfy hunger. The loss of extra pounds in this case is easily explained by the smaller number of calories consumed.

In addition, Reduxin helps increase energy expenditure and improves metabolism, bringing the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood to normal. While taking the drug, thermogenesis is activated, and fat literally burns.

The effectiveness of this drug has been proven by many studies, and it is not for nothing that the drug has gained popularity among those losing weight. But we should not forget that capsules should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and their help should be used as a last resort. The first step to eliminating excess weight is following a diet and regular workouts in the gym, and only then taking medications.

Admission rules

Reduxin is taken on the recommendation of doctors at any convenient time and regardless of meals. If poor tolerability of the drug is detected, you should contact your doctor to review the dosage. If a month after the start of treatment the weight has remained virtually unchanged, the doctor may increase the dose. The course of treatment lasts three months, but experts recommend taking Reduxin for six months to consolidate the effect. During this time, you can lose approximately 10 kg of excess weight, and in combination with physical activity, even double this result. The maximum duration of treatment is 1 year. Reduxin is not recommended to be combined with alcohol. If you are taking other medications, be sure to tell your doctor before starting treatment.

The consonant drug Reduxin Light is somewhat different from Reduxin and is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. As an active substance, it contains conjugated polyunsaturated linoleic acid, which prevents the accumulation of fat in cells and tissues. Reduxin Light has no contraindications except pregnancy and lactation.

Many women who have taken both Reduxin and Reduxin Light claim that it is Reduxin Light that has the greatest effect. This may be due to the fact that the active substance Reduxin only reduces the feeling of hunger, and the linoleic acid Reduxin Light directly fights fat deposits.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has the following number of contraindications:

  • eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia);
  • mental illness;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • glaucoma;
  • serious disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects caused by Reduxin usually appear during the first month of taking the drug and gradually weaken towards the end of the course. These include:

  • headache;
  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating.


Reduxin is a fairly expensive drug, the cost of a package of 60 capsules ranges from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles, but there are other products based on sibutramine.

Hello everyone and welcome! Make yourself comfortable and... let's go.


I am 29 years old, height 156 cm, weight today (06.02.15) – 69.5 kg.

Such a well-fed bun. Quite charming, but very dissatisfied with his appearance.

First, I want to tell you my sad, but very instructive story...

Let's go back in time

As far back as I can remember, I have always been a sporty child. Swimming, dancing, martial arts - it was all about me. And always quite bubbly and easy-going.

The problems started in puberty- apparently due to an old childhood prank (potassium permanganate eaten “dry” with subsequent stomach burn),

...or maybe just from nerves (first love, exams, deception and separation),

...but most likely due to ordinary circumstances (snacks on the go, work + study, some bad nutrition and a lot of complexes of a pimply teenager)

Brought me to weight at 63 kg at 18 years old.

Gods! I considered myself a fat cow! How wrong I was...

Having moved in with my future husband, changing my job to a more stressful one, and in the conditions of fierce competition with other beauties, within a few years (5-6) I became irritated. up to 81 kg.

Thunder struck, the earth shook, I saw myself (the real me with sagging skin, acne and wild cellulite, which has not yet been invented in such stages) in the mirror and burst into tears.

A start has been made.

Basically, I am a smart and well-read person. Having quickly glanced through the paper and newspaper MEGADIETS, I began to look for a more medical approach and, strangely enough, I found it. Dr. Kovalkov’s technique was a lifesaver for my figure and life in general. Without going into details, I lost weight in about half a year without any problems up to 57 kg.

This is happiness! In 2009, my dream finally came true!

It was fulfilled, but the diet was forgotten and followed anyhow. It’s not that I threw myself into food too much, it’s just that the regime went away and the same circumstances appeared again...

Wedding, + very quickly after it, transfer to Zlatoglavaya (from Vladivostok by car across the whole country! 18 days in the car and food sandwiches + coffee and all this mostly sitting)

Searching for a new job, arranging a home... new opportunities, frequent vacations, a more “full” life... and today in me 69.5kg.

Those. in five years after losing weight, I managed to regain half of the kilos I lost.

I want to explain - I’m an accountant, my job is sedentary, I have to go to the metro...

I eat 90% right! Yes Yes!!! I’m a lover of apples, boiled chicken, in love with low-fat cottage cheese, I haven’t eaten sugar for 7 years... but I’m crazy about everything starchy and unsweetened (all sorts of pitas, bread, pasta, etc.)

Although I do martial arts (a martial arts bun in a kimono), I often walk 5-10 km, I don’t sit in front of the TV, I love cycling, but the desired weight loss is not happening. Either I’ve gotten lazy, or I lack motivation (only about 5 kilograms are enough), or I’m tired of fighting the weight for half my life, which keeps coming back.

I learned to keep the weight off, but unfortunately I can’t lose it again. My dream is 45kg and small shorts that you can wear without fear of killing you with the sight of your prominent cellulite.

Now I’ll gather my courage and post a terrible photo of a pig in a swimsuit.

For now, I’ll show you one photo from a recent vacation, which clearly shows the severity of my situation.


At this point, I would like to reiterate that you are not dealing with a girl who brainlessly follows magazine diets developed in SECRET LABORATORIES Cosmopolitan, but with an intelligent and thinking person who loves to analyze and looks for cause-and-effect relationships, and knows how to draw appropriate conclusions. That's how good I am! Well done plump, I wanted to say.


About sibutramine I read it a long time ago, in the works of the gentleman I have already mentioned Kovalkova A.N.. Operating principle The next step of this anorexigenic drug is to block hunger signals. This is quite exaggerated and brief. But that's the meaning.

The body does not begin to feed on the holy spirit or eat its own fat instead of cakes; it functions in almost the same mode as before taking this drug. And it also needs proper nutrition, we just stop feeling the call signs - somehow the growling of the stomach, pain, devouring with the eyes of everything that is edible and not nailed down.

And this gives a lot of advantages! First and foremost - no breakdowns. This is our main focus.


“About the regimen”

Actually, everything is as simple as two and two: one tablet in the morning, before meals. My own experience has shown that it is better to drink caffeine and not eat anything for about half an hour (on the first day I chewed the tablet with an apple and, as a result, the effect of sibutramine lasted for about half a day). The effect with the scheme described above is as fast as possible.


"About side effects"

Oh these terrible words that fill us with horror!

I will try to express my opinion, which, due to the lack of specialized medical education, does not pretend to be anything at all.

So, let's figure it out.

We take a pill and drink coffee. And an hour later - voila! There is no hunger, literally at all.

Close-minded people, in such cases, tend to do the following - completely switch to feeding on sunlight and the holy spirit.

They say that if you don’t eat at all, the body will use its own reserves faster and stronger. Hooray! We are losing fat.

You guessed wrong.

Fat is the body's reserve for the rainiest day. And he will be the last to spend it. What will be spent first? Everything is crystal simple - muscle mass. Our body will literally eat the meat of itself. Yes, a person changes in appearance, but mainly not due to a decrease in the aforementioned muscle mass. Fat suffers only slightly. This diagram is also taken from the medical research of Dr. Kovalkov, whom I respect - I strongly advise everyone who cares and wants to fully understand what is happening inside us to read it.

Hence the weakness and poor health. Headaches and insomnia.

I also dare to note that all this will manifest itself without the use of sibutramine.

Intoxication with fats, poisoning with protein products (muscle mass is also, by the way, protein), deficiency of vital minerals and vitamins - all this adds up to the very side effects that we are so afraid of.


Based on what has been written, I will create a weight loss regimen using Reduxin 15 (sibutramine). Based on the fact that all people make mistakes, and I am also one of them, I will test this scheme for 30 days (based on the number of tablets in the package).

Scheme for losing weight using the drug Reduxin 15 mg

1. We eat often (preferably 5 times a day), in small portions, focusing on healthy carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits, and low-fat protein foods. We try not to eat at night.

2. Drink enough water (2 liters) throughout the day. Since everyone notices the manifestation of thirst, I think there will be no problems with this.

3. We take vitamins, polyunsaturated fats (omega 3-6-9), mumiyo and L-carnitine (to reduce the consequences of fat intoxication).

4. Minimal physical activity. For me it’s aikido, walking and training (not constant according to the Jillian Michaels program)

5. We sleep at least 8 hours a day.

6. We monitor the general state of health, record the manifestation of the drug and signs of intoxication of the body (proteins, fats)


Reports of taking the drug according to the scheme:

06.02.2015 – I bought reduxin on social media. pharmacy. Hurray, sold without a prescription!! I gave 2,000 rubles.

Weight at the beginning of the day - 69.5 kg.

I took a pill at work, before breakfast. I washed it down with black coffee (no sugar or milk). I feel great.

Per day was eaten: 2 large apples, several lychee berries, 300g low-fat cottage cheese, 3 medium tomatoes, a small plate of buckwheat, a small piece of chicken breast. Drank I think I had a lot of water, I managed the norm of 2 liters (yes, thirst makes itself felt).

All vitamins and minerals according to the scheme. A cup of brewed coffee and plenty of green tea.

I go to bed and feel a little hungry. I fall asleep without any problems.

From physical activity just a short walk, 5,000 steps and a shopping trip in the evening.


07.02.2015 - I got up in the morning and ran to the scales - 68.5 kg. Great start. Today is a day off - the proximity of the refrigerator is alarming. We have guests - we need to cook a lot and deliciously. I'm trying to control myself.

I take a pill. The bridge of my nose hurts due to a stuffy nose and just a passing virus. I note this under the heading “just in case, pay attention in the following days.”

Per day was eaten: several lychee berries (up to 5 pieces), drink a cup of black coffee, eat an apple, half a pomelo, a couple of vegetable biscuits (semi-finished product, but with an excellent composition) fried in a dry frying pan, a couple of pieces of diet chicken roll, a few spoons of soft low-fat cottage cheese, a couple cucumbers with finely chopped green onions. Drank a couple of liters of water and tea.

In the evening I feel very hungry. At 2 am I go to bed thinking about pizza with mushrooms. I'm holding on without any problems.

Phys. loads did not have. All day at home with guests. Vitamins and minerals according to the scheme.

I feel good. In the evening I had a slight headache (I suspect it was from sitting at home, but I’ll take note). The bridge of the nose no longer bothered me.


08.02.2015 – The third day of taking Reduxin. Second day off at home. There is a lot of food around, a lot of temptations - I calmly pass by.

Weight at the beginning of the day - 68 kg. Amazing!

Morning according to the tablet + coffee scheme.

Food: A few lychee berries, a couple of chicken sandwiches and grain bread. A couple of medium apples, 2 vegetable biscuits, a few teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese. 2 chopped cucumbers with green onions (no oil). We saw off our friends with a farewell dinner, during which I, unable to resist, drank a quarter of a small glass of wine. I didn’t notice any strong stunning effect from the wine. A couple of liters of water, a few cups of coffee and a few teas.

Vitamins and minerals according to the scheme, physical activity again there was none.

Well-being– there is a slight congestion in the ears, I can clearly feel my heart rate. Blood pressure is normal, pulse is not increased. I don't feel hungry.


09.02.2015 - Fourth day. On the scales - 67.4 kg. Weeeeeeee!!! For three days minus 2.1 kg. Very pleased!

Today is Monday, which means the first day of work and aikido training with a good walk to the gym.

At work, the morning follows the pill + coffee regimen.

Food: Several lychee berries (I finally finished them =)), 2 apples, a tomato, 300g low-fat cottage cheese. Lots of tea, water and a cup of coffee.

Well-being strange: there is periodic congestion in the ears with heart rhythm (I can’t describe it any other way). It's not annoying, but rather alarming. I focus on l-carnitine, I suspect the beginning of fat intoxication. In the evening I feel a strange smell from my mouth.

Vitamins and minerals according to the scheme.

Phys. load: walking 10,000 steps, 2-hour aikido training.

I’m tired, I fall asleep at home without hind legs. I don’t feel any pronounced hunger.


10.02.2015 - Fifth day on reduxin. The morning pleased me with another pleasant surprise on the scales - 66.9kg. In total, four days of taking reduxin + minimal physical activity (I assure you it could be many times more) + proper nutrition gave the total 2.6 kg. lost weight. Ready to move mountains, success adds motivation.

Food: Last night I read some good articles about the benefits of breakfast and what you should eat in the morning. And I started the new day with a bowl of oatmeal, boiled with skim milk and half and half water, without sugar, but with a pinch of salt. I felt full for a very long time, only at lunchtime I remembered that it was time to have something to eat. We used 2 apples and kiwi. In the evening I ate: boiled chicken breast (no more than 50-100 grams), and a lot of boiled vegetables - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Drank 2 mugs of brewed coffee, plenty of water and several mugs of green tea. Only general vitamins were taken from the vitamin-mineral complex. Everything else was forgotten by me.

Feeling: At the end of the working day I had a headache, not severe, but unpleasant. And she was sick in a strange way - in fits and starts. The feeling of fatigue completed the overall picture. As I understand it, due to the fact that I ate too little during the day (unfortunately, I forgot to take cottage cheese with me), the evening meal strengthened my strength. Also during the day there was a feeling of stuffiness in the ears and periodic palpitations in the ears. I slept strangely at night. Not bad, but strange. I fell asleep only at one in the morning, woke up well-rested at half past three in the morning with the full feeling that it was now 7 in the morning and it was time to get ready for work. She shrugged her shoulders and went on to sleep. The bad breath no longer bothered me, but today a new sensation arose that occurs with increased acidity - a stinging sensation in the mouth. I decided to simply rinse with baking soda. In general, nothing criminal.

Phys. load: I walked 6,000 steps in a day. There was nothing else. In the evening I couldn’t bring myself to study with Gillian. Very ashamed.


11.02.2015 – The sixth day of taking reduxin has passed! Weighing in the morning showed 66.8kg. Of course 100 gr. per day, this is not very much, but definitely not abnormal =). With a light heart I took another pill and washed it down with freshly brewed coffee.

Food: The morning started with a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. 50-70 grams (I ate the leftovers). Understanding in my mind that this was very little for breakfast, with a calm soul I went into our dining room on the territory of the business center and bought myself fresh muesli: pieces of fruit (kiwi, apple, pear, banana) just a little bit at a time, oatmeal flakes, a few fresh currant berries, filled with yogurt without additives. Yummy! A small glass means a million pleasures. I also ate during the day: two apples, a cucumber, celery and an orange. For dinner I again treated myself to a quarter glass of wine. After that, I discovered a paradox - the more you drink, the less you like it. Previously, I could drink a bottle of wine in the evening (and not always shared with my husband), but yesterday I could barely manage a few sips.

Drinks: For the first time these days I felt the same reduksinovsky "sushnyak". It felt like I drank 3 liters of water, a bottle of Borjomi, 4 mugs of green tea and coffee in the morning. Vitamins and minerals according to plan.

Feeling: I really want to draw your attention to this day. I didn’t have a headache, there was no palpitation in my ears, but I was really, really tired of this dry stuff (I even had to put water in my mouth and hold it for a long time to avoid this feeling), my lips were like parchment. For some reason, only at the end of the day did I remember about the greasy hygienic lipstick - so the whole day I was haunted by the “indescribable sensations” of a wanderer in the desert. At the end of the day I was really tired. I also noticed a slight burning sensation in my mouth (yesterday I described it as increased acidity) - I got rid of it using the same method of rinsing with soda. In the evening, you felt slightly dizzy, as if you had just woken up and were not oriented in space. Not strong, but intrusive. It was then that I made one, I think, remarkable discovery - all the syndromes described above instantly disappeared as soon as I went outside and started moving. Those. minimal physical activity + fresh air eliminated all of the above syndromes and made me a happy person. Although at some point the thought came to me to give up all these experiments with reduxin. I’m inclined to attribute this decadent mood to an exhausted evening. For the tenth time, I carefully re-read the instructions for using the drug. Judging by the side effects, nothing criminal is happening and there is no reason to stop taking the pills.

Now about the dream. The situation repeated itself. I fell asleep at half past midnight, and at 3.38 my eyes opened by themselves. I fell asleep calmly and without problems. The same situation repeated exactly 2 hours later. In general, I slept like a baby and in the morning I felt cheerful and rested.

I can try to do it intermediate output– my condition is best at night during sleep and in the morning - apparently the effects of reduxin on the body during these periods are minimal. The difficulties of the day are not yet pleasant, of course, but on the whole they are bearable. In the evening there is a feeling of acidity in the mouth and other negative aspects of reduxin, I can only try to assume that these are products of its breakdown (which, with the supply of oxygen and physical activity, reduce their effect on the body as much as possible). This weekend I’ll try to find and read about the breakdown and removal of sibutramine from the body.

Phew…. It's all about sensations.

Phys. load: I walked 10,000 steps in a day.


12.02.2015 – The seventh day of Reduxin. On the scales 66.3 kg. In total, I lost 3.2 kg within a week of taking it. Too good somehow =) I think that part of it is water and waste. I hope there is at least half of this number of fat!?! A rhetorical question, of course.

Food: The morning started with the usual coffee, tablets and low-fat cottage cheese 125g. I stopped feeling hungry for a week and it slowly but surely becomes a habit. Also on my menu today was a glass of mixed vegetables (cucumber, tomato, pepper and radish), an apple, kiwi, another low-fat cottage cheese 125g, two vegetable biscuits, a little bit of Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower.

Drinks: Round 2 of Reduksin's dried juices. As a result, I was constantly drinking something: 3 liters of water, 4 mugs of tea, some carrot-apple and vegetable juices (300-400 ml in total).

Feeling: Wild fatigue in the evening. As the street begins to get dark, your strength simply melts away before your eyes. Through “I don’t want - I won’t - I don’t need”, I kick myself to training. I am inclined to consider this another manifestation of the action of sibutramine, since starting on Monday this condition became common for me. My husband is worried. I try not to show it and do everything that is required of me. Overall, the condition is better this evening than yesterday. Feels like I'm I'm sick(blurred vision, drowsiness, lethargy, some kind of soreness - a taste in the entire nasopharynx). I sleep like a baby at night without waking up at odd hours.

Phys. load: per day we walked 13,000 steps (that’s almost 9 km), a two-hour aikido training session with physical activity at the end. I began to do push-ups an order of magnitude more and better. I'm very pleased with myself.


13.02.2015 - Eighth day. On the scales again 66.7 kg. It's sad to say, but I absolutely know what this weight gain is resulting in:

1. Yesterday's increased physical activity. Muscle growth

2. and the main thing - food for the night 02/12/2015. Unfortunately, dinner was at 12 at night, right before bed. Even if it was boiled vegetables.

It's sad, but oh well.

Food: Coffee + reduxin. Breakfast consisted of a glass of fresh “made in canteen” muesli and 50-70g. persimmons, for lunch I ate a couple of apples. My evening lasted until 5 am, during which time the following were eaten: 70g boiled chicken, chopped bell pepper and fresh cucumber, 2 grain breads and 2 vegetable biscuits. On paper it looks like a lot, but in reality it seems to me that on this day I did not eat enough calories necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Drinks: I drank a lot of water (3-3.5 liters) until 5 am, vitamins and minerals according to the scheme. Lots of tea and 1 cup of coffee.

Feeling: Today I got away with a mild and infrequent headache (if you time it, all the painful sensations lasted no more than 3 minutes and occurred only three times). There was no wild dry wood. Fatigue, weakness, sore throat, and palpitations also did not occur. Overall, I feel great. The only thing that bothered me a little today was again that same feeling of acid in my mouth. Maybe my body is starting to get used to reduxin? I hope so.

Phys. load: 10,000 steps were walked per day


14.02.2015 - Ninth day. I didn't step on the scale over the weekend. After yesterday's weight gain, I decided to put off this demoralizing activity for a short time. Simply put, stop stressing yourself out once again because of the movements of the scale needle.

Food: Reduxin + glass of water. A little later there was freshly brewed coffee and oatmeal with skim milk and half and half water, no sugar, but with half a teaspoon of buckwheat honey, a pinch of salt and some berries (strawberries, currants, cranberries, blueberries). The porridge fed my strength well, but lulled my vigilance, and as a result, I only remembered about food at five in the evening. A couple of grain bread sandwiches with chicken diet roll (just a little). In the evening it was eaten: 30g. smoked squid (unfortunately, we were at a party where only beer snacks were served and I shamefully lost the desire to try it), 2 pcs. lychee, a few slices of tangerine and a guest of grapes (white and black)

Drinks: 2 liters of water, cup of coffee, 500 ml. green tea and hibiscus. I didn’t take any vitamins or minerals today.

Feeling: Hooray! I can say with absolute certainty that all the negative consequences of taking reduxin have finally subsided. Today was a very ordinary day for me - without fatigue, headaches, heartbeat in my ears and wild thirst. The ghost of an unpleasant sour taste in my mouth still bothered me in the evening, but quickly passed, apparently thanks to the consumption of a whole teapot of hibiscus. I go to bed almost happy! I slept soundly until 10 am.

Phys. load: 7,000 steps were walked per day


15.02.2015 – Tenth day of taking reduxin. I deliberately walk past the scales. Today was a very hectic day - we were running around the shops, laying cables, looking for speakers, helping our parents set up sound equipment... and everything went wrong.

Food: Apparently this day will, in principle, have to be deleted from the statistics of the 30-day intake of the drug with sibutramine. No, I didn’t forget to drink it in the morning, but I ate anyhow and wherever I had to. There is no need to talk about any 5 healthy meals a day. But for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I will indicate everything. At one o’clock in the afternoon, my husband and I finally remember that it’s time to have breakfast. We drank 2 French presses of black coffee at Shokoladnitsa and ate club sandwich. Before going to training, I ate 2 pieces of grain bread and some vegetables (tomato, sliced ​​cucumber), which replaced my lunch. I had dinner with 2 servings of baby food “sami with mustache” (chicken with cauliflower and salmon with vegetables) 100g each. each.

Drinks: 1.5 liters of water, 2 cups of coffee, 200 ml. orange juice and 200 ml. lemonade. I also didn’t take vitamins and minerals today.

Feeling: Nothing worries me. The thirst is moderate, I didn’t even manage the water requirement.

I am surprised to compare the 2 days off and the entire past week while taking Reduxin - I had a great rest, without any negative side effects from taking this drug. I look forward to the new week with joyful impatience. The feeling of hunger does not bother me at all. I spent even these two days with my crooked diet based on the principle “you need to feed the body.” At night I woke up once at half past three in the morning, after which I fell asleep again without any special difficulties.

Phys. load: 15,000 steps and two hours of aikido training.


16.02.2015 – Eleventh day of taking reduxin. Today my husband and I have a holiday - 10 years together (an anniversary, however), we will drink champagne in the evening on this occasion

Food: In the morning reduxin + a glass of water, half an hour later coffee, low-fat cottage cheese 125 g. and grain bread. During the day, 2 apples, celery and a tomato were eaten. In the evening, a glass of champagne, green salad with olive oil, some mushrooms and red fish (50 grams each).

Drinks: 2 liters of water, 2 cups of coffee, 4 cups of tea, a few sips of orange juice. I also took vitamins and minerals, but without L-carnitine (I forgot)

Feeling: The thirst has completely subsided, I sleep well, there is no fatigue, tastes and sensations do not bother me. There were no negative aspects of taking sibutramine that accompanied me that week. Nothing to complain about! Condition: 5 plus. In general, I stop bothering with taking Reduxin.

Phys. load: 5,000 steps

Subtotal. TO As was prescribed in the instructions for reduxin, all side effects of taking the drug disappeared after 10 days. The condition is completely satisfactory. I plan to introduce morning exercise on an exercise bike(suddenly I remembered its existence - let's see how the cardio load affects my weight and well-being). The next check weighing will be 21.02.2015 , i.e. exactly 15 days after starting to take Reduxin.


17.02.2015 – Twelfth day of taking reduxin. There is some kind of routine around, everything is wildly everyday. Reduxin’s passion has faded into the background - there are no side effects, you don’t really remember about the pills, you don’t think about the scales, eating food has become somehow a less pronounced moment in my life. Hunger is felt a little stronger than when starting to take sibutramine. The body seems to have found its rhythm and got into the right groove - a slight, unobtrusive hunger works like an alarm clock reminding you to eat this or that product to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

Food: A glass of water and sibutramine. After half an hour, coffee with lychee (no more than 5 pieces). During the day I ate: low-fat cottage cheese, an apple, an orange, a fresh cucumber with olive oil (not much at all). In the evening there was a leftover piece of boiled chicken breast (the size of a matchbox) and a green salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow bell peppers and iceberg) with olive oil. My husband and I gobbled up a whole salad bowl =)

Drinks: 2 liters of water, coffee, tea, a few sips of carrot and apple juice. Vitamins

Feeling: No complaints. An ordinary weekday.

Phys. load: 7,000 steps


21.02.2015 Hello again! Don't think that I forgot about my experiment and reports. I’m here carefully monitoring the results and recording my condition. Since my days have become incredibly similar to each other, I decided to stop boring you with my daily writing on the same uninteresting topic: “got up, ate, drank, worked out, fell asleep.”

So, the interim result of 15 days of taking “Reduxin 15 mg.”

I won’t bore you with long introductions and will immediately tell you the cherished number on the scales 65.8 kg.

Those. in 15 days, according to the weight loss tactics I compiled, I got rid of a total of3.7kg.

The result is not great, of course, but quite pleasant and noticeable to others. 48 the size was changed to 46 (jeans), arm muscles (biceps-triceps) beautifully shaped my not-so-thin arms, and my abs emerged through my shrinking belly.

Now on to taking the pills. As you remember, at first I was affected by the side effects of this drug:

Visited me for several days headache - those. found in waves at minimal intervals up to 3 times a day. The waves were not strong, I would even say barely noticeable - overall there were no problems. Nothing criminal, no stronger than usual from long work or intense mental activity.

Passed through me just as easily stuffy ears– I recorded it several times in a couple of days. Didn't pay attention.

- Smell from the mouth. It was recorded by me only one evening. The discomfort is purely social.

- Strange sleep pattern. I want to clarify - I slept well and in sufficient quantities from 6 to 10 hours a day, but at night I woke up with a feeling of vigor and a firm conviction that it was time to get up. It didn’t bother me at all – I fell back to sleep almost immediately.

I experienced the feeling a little more noticeably and more difficult "heartbeat in the ears." It didn’t bother me often, but because of this my attention was dulled. Although perhaps I’m screwing myself up, because during a failed pregnancy I was worried about arrhythmia and I’m still afraid of this feeling. In general, once a day for a short period of time (this lasted a maximum of 5 minutes)

And it remains to tell you the two most difficult side effects: this dry wood and feeling acids in the mouth. These misfortunes stuck around me in the evenings for from 5th to 9th day including taking reduxin. And in all honesty, these were the hardest 4 days of taking the pills and the most noticeable exhausting side effects.

Overall smooth after 10 days I stopped worrying about anything at all. I breathed more freely, and my days flowed by in the most familiar rhythm. After 12 days of daily recording of my condition, regimen and nutrition, I returned to my usual state and the need to constantly prescribe all of the above was no longer necessary.

If there is someone meticulous among those reading my opus, he can safely take the 12 days of taking reduxin that I described, and re-read it 3 more times (according to the number of missing reports for 15 days of taking).

Conclusion: The diet and the necessary complex of vitamins perfectly supported my health during these days - the scheme worked. There were side effects, of course, but I can’t say that they bothered me much. Everything turned out to be tolerable and, most importantly, passing, which cannot but rejoice. Of course, I will take the drug and continue testing your weight loss plan using reduxin the remaining 15 days and I will record the final result a month after taking it. I really hope to drop more from 3 to 4 kg.

Let's see how I can do this.

P.S. I also won’t bore you with monotonous reports, but I promise to write back if there is something “out of the ordinary” or if my improved good health somehow changes.

See you soon!

Recently, many medications have appeared that are actively prescribed by nutritionists and taken by many women in the fight against excess weight.

One of these medications is “Reduxin” - diet pills that give a lasting effect and allow you to lose kilos even if you are obese. Before a course of treatment, it is necessary to study its effect on a losing weight and be sure to consult with a nutritionist, doctor or any other specialist.

Release form

What are Reduxin diet pills in terms of release form? There are two types of capsules, which differ externally in their color, and internally in the volume of the active substance:

  • blue tablets contain 10 mg of sibutramine and 158.5 mg of cellulose;
  • in blue capsules the content of the main active substance is more concentrated, and the auxiliary substance is reduced: 15 mg of sibutramine and 153.5 mg of cellulose.

In addition, there is another product on the market with the same name, but labeled “light”. Of course, a logical question immediately arises: which Reduxin is more effective for weight loss - regular or light?

Features of "light"

“Reduxin Light” is also created for weight loss, but unlike a conventional pharmacological drug, which has a central effect on the body, it is considered by nutritionists and therapists as a simple dietary supplement. Its main active ingredient is conjugated fatty acid (polyunsaturated) - linoleic. Its task is to activate and put in order the metabolism. Here's how she does it:

  • affects the body’s enzyme systems, which perform the functions of storing fats in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • interferes with their normal functioning;
  • prevents further growth of fatty tissue under the skin;
  • accordingly, its accumulation in cells does not occur;
  • stimulates the process of protein synthesis, as a result of which muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • The result is that the skin in problem areas of the body becomes firmer and more elastic.

"Reduxin Light" has fewer contraindications

The obvious advantages of “Reduxin” labeled “light” also include a small list of contraindications compared to those indicated for the pharmacological drug. Despite this, it is the medicine (ordinary capsules), and not the supplement, that allows you to say goodbye to extra pounds faster and more effectively. With “light” you won’t achieve great results, although there will be minimal side effects. So only you will have to choose (with the help of a specialist, of course). And before you start losing weight with this product, don’t forget to look at its composition.


Why is the weight loss drug Reduxin so effective in the fight against excess weight? The effect of this drug on the body depends on its active components, each of which performs its own functions in eliminating the hated kilograms:

  • sibutramine specifically affects specific parts of the brain responsible for regulating the normal feeling of hunger - this substance artificially causes a pronounced effect of satiety, as a result of which the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced;
  • cellulose actively binds and then quickly removes various microorganisms, toxins, xenobiotics, allergens, which, when accumulated in the body, can also cause fat deposits;
  • Calcium as an auxiliary substance prevents the body from feeling the lack of this microelement, which is involved in important metabolic processes, during the period of weight loss with the help of Reduxin.

The tablet shell consists of safe dyes and gelatin that have no effect on the body. So the main pharmacological effect that Reduxin has on the body for weight loss is the treatment of obesity.

Let's debunk myths. Despite all the rumors, sibutramine-containing drugs (including Reduxin for weight loss) are not prohibited in Russia.


Do not forget that Reduxin, although used for weight loss, is a real medicine. Accordingly, it is not recommended to drink it yourself; it is prescribed by a specialist. Indications for its use may include:

  • your body mass index (the so-called BMI) is 30 kg/m2 or significantly exceeds this figure;
  • BMI can be equal to 27 kg/m2, but only if there is a disease that often accompanies obesity - for example, diabetes mellitus (but exclusively type II, i.e. non-insulin dependent).

Since these are very effective tablets, using Reduxin for weight loss can become a real stress for the body, so along with its indications, this drug also has a number of contraindications.


In order for weight loss with Reduxin to occur without side effects and disappointments, before use it is imperative to study the list of contraindications for its use, which includes a lot of points:

  • organic causes of obesity;
  • bulimia nervosa or anorexia;
  • mental illness;
  • nervous tic;
  • taking medications such as MAO inhibitors (phentermine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, ethylamphetamine, ephedrine), antidepressants and antipsychotics, medications containing tryptophan;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • if blood pressure is higher than 145/90;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • damage to the prostate gland;
  • glaucoma;
  • drug, drug or alcohol addiction;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • young age (approximately up to 18 years) and retirement age (over 65);
  • individual intolerance to sibutramine, the main active ingredient.

If you suffer from one of the above diseases, you will have to look for another, more gentle method to combat excess weight. For example, “Reduxin Light” for weight loss, which has much fewer contraindications (they are limited to lactation, pregnancy and age).

Keep in mind."Reduxin" for weight loss is sold in pharmacies strictly according to a prescription.

Directions for use: doses

Naturally, you need to know how to take Reduxin for weight loss in order to achieve the desired results. To do this, you need instructions for use, which must be included in each package of the drug if you buy it in pharmacies and not from hand (which is strictly prohibited). It is very important to follow the dosage so that instead of losing weight you do not get a lot of side and unpleasant effects:

  • Reduxin diet pills are taken once a day, one at a time;
  • the initial dose should be no more than 10 mg;
  • It is better to take the drug for weight loss in the morning, before meals or during meals;
  • Capsules should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • It is not recommended to take pills for longer than two years;
  • if after three months weight loss does not begin (weight loss should be more than 5% of the total body weight that you noted before starting therapy), you can increase the dosage to 15 mg per day;
  • If after another three months after this measure there is also no result, you should abandon the drug and find another method for losing weight.

Therapy with this drug is prescribed by a doctor who has practical experience in the treatment of obesity. He must constantly monitor the patient while using the drug.

The effectiveness of the tablets will increase if the diet when taking Reduxin for weight loss is correct (refusing an abundance of fried, pickled, fatty, starchy and sweet foods, as well as all kinds of fast foods). In addition, daily exercise - running, swimming, light exercise (we suggest you try it) will also be beneficial.

This is interesting! Sibutramine (the main substance of Reduxin) is on the prohibited list approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency: it cannot be used during competitions.

Side effects

From the point of view of side effects, the weight loss drug Reduxin Light is preferable, since the medicine has a fairly impressive list of undesirable consequences if the instructions for its use are violated. These include:

  • damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems, which can be expressed in the form of dry mouth, insomnia, headache, dizziness, restlessness, paresthesia, changes in taste, back pain, depression, drowsiness, emotional lability, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, seizures and even acute psychosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, which are manifested by symptoms such as tachycardia, palpitations, high blood pressure, vasodilation;
  • problems with the digestive system: loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, increased appetite, excessive activity of liver enzymes;
  • dermatological reactions: sweating, skin itching, Henoch-Schönlein purpura;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • swelling;
  • unbearable thirst;
  • flu-like syndrome;
  • rhinitis;
  • bleeding;
  • acute nephritis;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Most often, the weight loss drug "Reduxin" causes side effects at the very beginning of treatment, approximately in the first month of its active use. If they are weakly expressed and do not interfere with the general rhythm of life, their frequency gradually weakens.

Degree of danger. On the Internet you can find many “horror stories” about how “Reduxin” as a weight loss drug drives people to manic psychosis. In fact, all the side effects described above are isolated cases. And they arise only when the instructions for use are grossly violated. In particular, contraindications and dosages are not observed.

If some information about Reduxin remains beyond your understanding, you can use useful tips on using this drug for weight loss.

  1. Are you looking for analogues of Reduxin if for some reason it does not suit you? Then turn your attention to Goldline, Lindax, Meridia, Slimia. These are all capsules for weight loss, and your illness may not be among the contraindications to them.
  2. The use of Reduxin is recommended if all other methods for losing weight have proven ineffective.
  3. This is not just weight loss, but a real treatment with all the ensuing consequences. It is prescribed by a doctor who monitors the patient’s condition throughout the therapeutic course.
  4. "Reduxin" is used exclusively as part of complex treatment, and not as the only method of getting rid of extra pounds. It includes diet, lifestyle changes, eating habits, and regular exercise.
  5. The period of taking tablets at a dosage of 15 mg is limited in time.

You can find a large number of different reviews about this drug for combating excess weight. But whether it’s worth drinking “Reduxin” for weight loss for you personally, only you can decide together with a nutritionist or therapist.

The average weight loss when taking it can be up to 3 kg per week, so many people prefer to “get hooked” on these pills from time to time, rather than on low-calorie and debilitating diets. In any case, before use, it would be best to seek professional advice from a specialist.

In the modern world, overweight people are found everywhere, regardless of where they live, gender and age. Not everyone can come to terms with this situation and try to lose those hated pounds by any means possible. Some go the traditional route: go on a diet or try to exercise. And others want to achieve the desired effect in easier ways, by taking special diet pills, one of which is Reduxin.

People who dream of getting a toned figure are interested in how pills help Reduxin for weight loss how and how much to take them, are there any contraindications - answers to questions will be presented in the article. Many people who are obese, especially women, believe that various means and methods, even the most absurd and far from safe, are justified in the fight against excess weight. Without fearing for their health, some begin to use completely unsafe weight loss drugs made in China or Thailand, various food additives, which can be just dummies, or can provoke the development of serious pathology.

Reduxin is a drug, it is prescribed by doctors after a thorough examination for the first stage of the fight against. This is not a harmless dietary supplement, but a full-fledged medicine and you should drink it in accordance with the instructions with all precautions, because there are restrictions on use and some side effects. Reduxin capsules dull the feeling of hunger, a person eats little and therefore loses weight - this is the main principle of action. The drug Reduxin contains only two components: sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose. Both have unique properties that are aimed at reducing weight, stimulating metabolic processes and reducing fat accumulation. Each of the components represents the following.


The most important reason for obesity is a person’s love of eating food. Many manufacturers were looking for a substance that would give a feeling of fullness when eating a small amount of food. Sibutramine copes well with this problem because it has anorexigenic properties. Reviews of Reduxin capsules say that appetite is reduced and you can be perfectly satisfied with small portions of food. Another effect of this drug is the activation of thermogenesis.

This is important: This substance has the ability to normalize the level of glucose and uric acid in the blood. Sibutramine removes harmful cholesterol from the body.

In obese people, thermogenesis is disrupted and slowed down - the body does not consume fat to heat itself, but accumulates it. The use of Reduxin tablets for weight loss is marked by a pleasant warming warmth throughout the body, metabolic processes are restored, thermogenesis is activated, and fat gradually begins to be used to heat the body.

Microcrystalline cellulose

Saturation does not occur if the stomach is empty. It is this component that is the food that sends signals to the brain about satiety without food. Cellulose swells, taking away harmful substances along with the liquid that are found in excess in the body of an overweight person.

Mechanism of action

Reduxin is an innovative product, an improved sample and a new method of action. It has an amazing effect on the body without creating negative consequences, and leads to safe fat burning. When starting a weight loss course, most noted that body weight decreases from 500 g to 1000 g per week. Nutritionists note this indicator as the optimal rate for eliminating obesity.

The effect of the drug Reduxin on the body is complex and has the following mechanism:

  • Significant decrease in appetite. After taking Reduxin tablets for weight loss, the feeling of hunger subsides for a long time. The feeling of pleasant satiety is maintained by small portions of food.
  • Active metabolism. If metabolic processes in the body occur quickly, then this requires a lot of calories, which, when burned, accelerate active weight loss.
  • Improved overall well-being. A person feels better due to the normalization of sugar and cholesterol in the body, thanks to the pills.
  • Optimal rate of weight loss. Weight loss from Reduxin capsules is quite slow, but this is not considered a disadvantage. This pace is more comfortable for the human body and does not develop a stressful state.
  • Long lasting effect. It is gradual weight loss that provides long-lasting results. After stopping taking the capsules, the lost kilograms will not return.

To achieve proper and comfortable weight loss, you should read the instructions and user reviews. If you want to improve the effect of losing weight, then you need to eat right and choose sports as assistants - those types of sports that an obese person can do.

Instructions for use Reduxin

How to take Reduxin correctly to lose weight is of interest to many obese people. The capsule dosage regimen is very convenient, which is explained by the demand for the drug. The drug capsule should be taken once a day, regardless of the time of eating. The package contains 60 capsules of Reduxin - this is enough for two months of taking them.

This is important: Reduxin is prescribed only by highly specialized specialists in cases where traditional methods of losing weight have not yielded results or weight loss is very slow. When used correctly, the drug will help you get rid of 5 and sometimes 10 kg of excess weight per month.

Experts recommend drinking them one at a time in the morning. If a side effect occurs after taking the capsule, the dose should be reduced to half a tablet and returned to the full dosage only after a month. If you feel well when using Reduxin, a month after the start of therapy, the doctor may increase the dose of the drug to one and a half tablets. The duration of the course of therapy is one year.

Release form and cost

The drug Reduxin is produced in the form of capsules. The shell consists of gelatin, water, glycerin and citric acid. You can purchase the drug in pharmacies or order it online from special pharmacies, where the price will be significantly lower. The cost of the drug Reduxin for weight loss depends on the packaging - the more capsules it contains, the lower the price.

You can purchase the drug in the following packaging:

  • Capsules of 10 mg, 7-10 pieces on one plate, 1-6 plates per package.
  • The packaging is the same, but the substance content in the capsule is 15 mg, and the package contains 1-4 plates.
  • Capsules packed in jars of 10, 14, 28, 30 and 60 pieces.

The cost of the drug fluctuates greatly; in the table below we have tried to show the average prices that are current at the moment.

Name Price
Reduxin 10 mg (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin 10 mg (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin 10 mg (90 pcs.) from 3800 rub.
Reduxin 15 mg (30 pcs.) from 2500 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (60 pcs.) from 4200 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (90 pcs.) from 5800 rub.
Reduxin Light (30 pcs.) from 1450 rub.
Reduxin Light (120 pcs.) from 2700 rub.
Reduxin Light (180 pcs.) from 2900 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin Met set (850 mg) from 1645 RUR

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

As in the case of Goldline, the active component of Reduxin is sibutramine. It affects the satiety center and prevents the reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the structures of the central nervous system. Thus, the brain deceives itself, the feeling of satiety increases, and the need for food deceptively decreases. Who is Reduxin indicated for? Yes, it is used for weight loss, but only if a person has food, or nutritional, obesity. In this case, the body mass index is more than 30 or 27 or higher. In the second case, it is used if there is atherosclerosis (high level of atherogenic cholesterol fractions) or type 2 diabetes mellitus is diagnosed. If the patient has other causes of obesity, such as bulimia or hypothyroidism, then this is a contraindication for use. In addition, you cannot be treated with Geduxin or Goldline for cardiovascular diseases, tachycardia, as well as in the case of various cerebrovascular disorders, against the background of thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia, alcohol and drug addiction, persons under 18 and over 65 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, there is an extensive list of diagnoses when the drug should be used with caution.

Thus, before using Reduxin, in addition to following the indications, the patient must undergo a thorough examination. Accordingly, it is under no circumstances recommended to use it as self-medication.

Side effects

According to the results of a survey of people who went through the process of losing weight with Reduxin, side effects occur only at the beginning of taking the pills. Further appointments are easily tolerated if the patient adheres to the specialist’s recommendations. Side effects after taking Reduxin tablets include:

  • From the central nervous system - headache, dry mouth, change in taste and anxiety.
  • Cardiovascular system – increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.
  • Gastrointestinal system - nausea, loss of appetite, constipation.

Sometimes there is increased sweating, itching of the skin, pain in the back and abdomen, swelling and drowsiness.


There are also contraindications for taking Reduxin tablets for weight loss, which include:

  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Organic nature of obesity.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Treatment with drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Serious heart and vascular diseases, arrhythmia.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • People under 18 and over 65 years of age.
  • Pathology of the coronary arteries.
  • Eating disorders such as bulimia.
  • For those whose work requires concentration.

Doctors do not advise women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to take Reduxin diet pills.

The effect of tablets on the condition and development of the fetus has not yet been confirmed by clinical trials. Before starting therapy with Reduxin tablets, you should consult your doctor about the selection of contraceptives.

Important: The drug Reduxin is prescribed only after appropriate diagnosis of the body and on an individual basis.

In order to quickly respond to side effects, from the first days of taking Reduxin tablets you need to monitor your blood pressure and pulse rate. When choosing Reduxin for weight loss, you should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and take the tablets in accordance with the prescribed dosage so that the weight loss process does not cause more harm to the body.

Experts recommend not to chase quick results - the process of losing weight cannot be instantaneous. It is important that weight loss be slow - only with such competent weight loss will it not be able to return. If you choose to take medications as a means of losing weight, then you should take proven and safe ones, and begin the process of fighting weight after consultation with a specialist. Reviews and results about the effectiveness of Reduxin capsules indicate that the drug is quite harmless to health, although it has some side effects. It is important that it helps to lose weight, eliminating those hated kilograms.

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