Menu for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas. Nutrition for pancreatic necrosis. What products are prohibited?

Pancreatic necrosis is recognized as one of the most severe and dangerous diseases of the digestive tract. As a rule, the disease is a consequence of pancreatitis, mainly due to the lack of timely treatment measures. As the inflammatory process develops, irreversible changes occur in the tissues of the pancreas, necrosis of some parts of the organ. This is due to the aggressive action of enzymes against the background of blockage of the excretory ducts by purulent contents and swelling. A diet for pancreatic necrosis involves eating exclusively foods that are easily digestible and do not require stress from the body during the digestion process. You can eat only after the exacerbation phase of the disease has ended; during the acute stage, it is advisable to maintain complete food rest.

In case of pancreatic necrosis, you should strictly follow a diet, any deviation from which can cause an exacerbation of the process

Features of nutrition in pancreatic necrosis

The chosen treatment method completely depends on what stage of development the disease is at. In the most severe cases, the only way to eliminate pathogenic changes is surgery.

After the operation, as well as in acute forms of the disease, the patient is recommended to observe complete food rest for at least three to five days.

This measure is necessary in order to suspend the production of enzymes, thereby partially restoring pancreatic activity.

About a week after surgery or an exacerbation of the disease, it is allowed to introduce a small amount of liquid food into the patient’s diet. Most often these are porridges prepared using only cereals and water. Drinking plenty of fluids is also allowed.

After the symptoms of the acute stage are relieved, the choice of dishes is also small - it’s porridge and a large amount of liquid

The diet for pancreatic necrosis, after partial elimination of symptoms by taking medications, or after surgery, is structured in such a way as to provide the patient with a sufficient amount of nutrients. Often, additional measures are used to administer medications that strengthen the body's defenses.

After partial restoration of pancreatic functions, you can gradually introduce more foods into the diet. However, the menu remains quite ascetic throughout almost the entire subsequent life. Deviation from the rules can lead to a number of complications and deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

Authorized Products

The diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas has some common features with the diet prescribed for chronic pancreatitis.

The patient can eat only light food, which is almost completely devoid of animal and vegetable fats.

The basic rule of the diet for pancreatic necrosis is the minimum fat content in foods

The following are the dishes and products that can be eaten after the relative normalization of the condition:

  • Cereals. Only those that have a low glycemic index and also contain a minimal amount of fiber are allowed. These are, for example, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Based on these products, you can prepare a variety of porridges with the addition of water and a small amount of milk.
  • Vegetables. Also, a small amount of vegetables is not prohibited, which are best combined with meat or the same cereals. Please note that the list of permitted vegetables is significantly limited. Only those types that are enriched with vitamins and contain virtually no fiber are allowed.
  • It is also necessary to include protein in your diet that is easily digestible. This can be meat, fish, chicken and quail egg whites. It is better to eat the meat in minced form; it is best to prepare a soufflé or steamed cutlets. Eating whole pieces of meat is undesirable due to the fiber content in them, which requires effort on the part of the body in the process of digestion.

Food consumed by patients with pancreatic necrosis should be nutritious, but at the same time easily digestible

  • It is acceptable to introduce a small amount of fruit and natural sweets, such as honey, into the diet. But before consumption, it is advisable to subject the fruit to preliminary heat treatment.
  • Milk products. Only fermented milk products should be eaten; whole milk should be avoided completely. It is best to give preference to kefir, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content and a shelf life not exceeding five to seven days. This type of product contains virtually no preservatives or flavoring additives.

In case of pancreatic necrosis, it is necessary to follow the principles of proper nutrition. That is, it is advisable to eat at least five to six times a day so that there is no feeling of acute hunger. The serving size should be minimal. To determine the optimal amount of food eaten at one time, it is recommended to conditionally divide the previously familiar portion into two.

Fractional nutrition is one of the main principles of the diet.

Prohibited Products

Nutrition for pancreatic necrosis deliberately excludes the main part of the usual foods from the patient’s diet.

It must be remembered that any deviation from the rules and regulations can lead to a deterioration of the condition and cause an exacerbation of inflammatory processes, up to the need for emergency assistance.

The main products prohibited for consumption during this period include the following:

  • Any types of ready-to-eat products. These are sweet juices, carbonated drinks, sausages, all kinds of semi-finished products, as well as fast food, which is so popular today. Canned food, marinades, pickles, and other products with a long shelf life are also excluded.

Fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks and foods with a lot of preservatives should be completely excluded from the menu.

  • All kinds of confectionery products, including cakes, pastries, sweets. Only those prepared at home are considered acceptable sweets. These are marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruit candies, honey. But even here it is necessary to observe moderation.
  • Animal and vegetable fats should be present in the patient’s diet in minimal quantities, but their inclusion is mandatory. It should be noted that the patient’s body needs the amount of animal fats it receives from meat products. As for vegetable oils, it is allowed to include a small amount of natural olive oil in the diet.

Patients with pancreatic necrosis are allowed to add a small amount of extra virgin olive oil to their food.

Following a strict diet for pancreatic necrosis is a forced necessity, deviation from which can lead to aggravation of the patient’s condition and provoke swelling of the pancreas. In the stage of stable remission, when attacks of the disease have not manifested themselves for more than several months, a slight relaxation of the regime is allowed, however, only after prior consultation with a doctor.

For the recipe for making diet-allowed buckwheat porridge in water, watch the video:

Pancreatic necrosis is the cessation of functionality, otherwise death, of pancreatic cells. The process is irreversible and is a consequence of chronic or acute inflammation of the gland (pancreatitis). To eliminate the pathology, an operation is necessary - necrectomy of the pancreas. After surgery, treatment is based on taking medications and strict adherence to a diet.

According to therapeutic nutrition according to V. Pevzner, the diet for pancreatic necrosis in the postoperative period includes “table No. 0” and “table No. 5P”. Diet therapy is aimed at reducing congestion, inhibiting pancreatic hyperenzymemia (increased enzyme production) and maximizing unloading of the pancreas (mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing).

Reference! Mechanical sparing involves grinding food, chemical sparing involves eliminating foods that irritate the damaged organ from the diet and proper cooking of foods, thermal sparing involves maintaining the temperature of food.

Zero nutrition plan after necrectomy

In the period after necrectomy, the digestive system requires absolute rest, so the patient is advised to fast. Without a functional load, that is, without producing digestive enzymes, the regeneration process occurs faster. For the first 5–6 days, the patient is only allowed to drink non-carbonated table water or Borjomi and Essentuki mineral water, previously degassed. Maintenance of vital functions is carried out through parenteral (intravenous) nutrition.

After the specified time, the patient is transferred to phased versions of the zero diet for pancreatic necrosis. Food intake is allowed in modest portions (50–100 g), every 2–2.5 hours. What you can eat at each stage:

  • Table No. 0A. Unsalted broth from lean veal, beef, jelly (compote) from dried fruits, rose hips.
  • Table No. 0B. Expansion of the diet, introduction of liquid porridges from cereals, previously crushed in a coffee grinder, steamed protein omelet.
  • Table No. 0B. Add baby vegetable puree and baked apples.

The duration of each stage depends on the patient’s condition. In the absence of complications of the disease, the patient switches to the dietary “Table No. 5P”.

Postulates of therapeutic nutrition

General requirements for organizing proper nutrition for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas include:

  • strictly limited amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • mandatory presence of proteins in the diet;
  • a balanced diet (every 2–2.5 hours) and drinking regimen (at least 1500 ml of water);
  • limited portions for a single meal;
  • exclusion of culinary processing of products by frying (only boiled, stewed and steamed dishes);
  • limited consumption of table salt (5–6 grams per day);
  • observing the temperature regime of drinks and dishes (not too hot and not too cold).

Additionally, the menu should include herbal decoctions of herbs that support the pancreas.

Prohibited Products

Nutrition for pancreatic necrosis involves the complete elimination of the following products by category from the patient’s menu:

  • fatty poultry meat (duck, goose), lamb, pork;
  • preservation (stew, marinades, pickles, condensed milk, pates, canned fish, preserves, jam);
  • ham and sausages;
  • fatty fish (halibut, sardine, mackerel, capelin, saury), caviar;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables of the cabbage family (radish, radish, cabbage);
  • onion family (garlic, onion, asparagus);
  • sorrel and spinach;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • baked goods from butter, puff pastry, shortbread dough;
  • sweet dishes and drinks, coffee;
  • cereal crops: barley (pearl barley and barley), millet (millet cereal), corn;
  • ketchup, tomato paste, fatty mayonnaise-based sauces, horseradish;
  • mushrooms (in all types of preparation, including broth);
  • citrus fruit;
  • hot spices;
  • fish, lard, meat prepared by smoking.

For diseases of the pancreas, alcohol in any form or quantity is strictly prohibited.

Important! Errors in nutrition during pancreatic necrosis can result in death for the patient.

Eligible Products

The list of foods and dishes that can be eaten during the rehabilitation period includes:

  • omelette (steamed or cooked in the microwave);
  • water-based potato or vegetable puree of liquid consistency;
  • homemade white crackers, biscuits;
  • porridge with water;
  • chicken broth (the skin must be removed from the bird);
  • steamed chicken breast and lean fish cutlets;
  • cheesecakes steamed from low-fat cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • boiled vermicelli (noodles);
  • curd and vegetable puddings;
  • pureed meat and vegetable soups;
  • fruit and berry desserts (jelly, jelly, compote);
  • weakly brewed green tea, still mineral water.

To provide the pancreas with maximum comfort, permitted foods are introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions.

Diet "Table No. 5P"

The transition to the fifth diet is carried out smoothly. During the first 3–6 days, portions should be within the range of 150–180 grams. All fats should be avoided. Sample menu options at the initial stage:

Extended diet

With positive dynamics, the diet is replenished with combined dishes, fermented milk products, and light, non-rich soups. The following are allowed for use:

  • fish with a fat content of ⩽ 8% (pollock, pike, blue whiting, hake, flounder);
  • pureed vegetable soups with light meat broth;
  • lean poultry meat (turkey, chicken);
  • rabbit stew;
  • soft-boiled eggs, omelet cooked in the microwave or steamed;
  • cottage cheese with fat content from 0 to 2%, milk 1.5%;
  • fermented milk products with a fat content of ⩽ 1.5 to 2.5% (yogurt, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk);
  • cheeses: Ricotta, Tofu, Gaudette;
  • oatmeal, milk-based semolina porridge (milk fat content ⩽ 1.5%);
  • boiled buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal;
  • broccoli and cauliflower;
  • vegetables and root vegetables: beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • vermicelli (noodles);
  • vegetables and apples baked in the microwave or oven;
  • fruit jelly and puree.
  • honey and marmalade (in minimal quantities);
  • sugar-free juices from pumpkin, peach, carrot, apricot.

You should eat according to the same pattern (5-6 times a day). 10–15 grams of butter is allowed daily.

Juices must be prepared at home and diluted with boiled water before use.

Diet No. 5P

The daily diet is made up of a combination of permitted dishes and products. The following sample menu is suggested for main meals and snacks. Options for morning meals: steam omelette with light Ricotta cheese (Tofu, Gaudette), semolina porridge in 1.5% milk with raisins, porridge from Hercules No. 3 cereal in water with the addition of 2% cottage cheese , cottage cheese casserole or manna and cottage cheese in the microwave.

First courses: chicken soup with semolina and carrots, pureed carrot and broccoli soup with chicken broth, noodle soup with veal broth, chicken broth with chicken meatballs. Menu for an afternoon snack or lunch: apples with Ricotta cheese or cottage cheese, baked in the microwave, steamed cheesecakes + rosehip broth, biscuits + fruit jelly, baked pumpkin with honey + unsweetened and weak tea, natural yogurt + fruit (vegetable) juice, peach jelly + green tea.

Main courses and side dishes: vegetable stew (excluding cabbage) with poultry or rabbit meat, steamed meatballs or cutlets with steamed broccoli, steamed pollock (flounder) cutlets with water-based mashed potatoes, boiled turkey with vegetable puree made from zucchini, carrots and broccoli, steamed carrot cutlets with boiled veal, turkey or chicken baked in foil with viscous buckwheat porridge, vermicelli with approved types of cheese and chicken soufflé.

You can speed up cooking by using a multicooker. It is necessary to observe moderation in nutrition; a single serving should not exceed 200–250 grams.

Cooking options

Dishes are prepared only from approved products. When using recipes, you should pay attention that the food is not flavored with sauces, spices and butter.

Chicken soufflé


  • two chicken breast fillets;
  • 200 ml 1.5% milk;
  • two eggs;
  • a little salt and butter.

In eggs, separate the white from the yolk. Cut the chicken meat and grind it in a food processor or meat grinder. Mix the minced meat, milk and yolks, add a little salt and puree with a blender. Beat the remaining whites with a mixer and carefully fold into the minced meat using a wooden or silicone spatula. Grease muffin tins with butter and distribute the resulting meat mass into them. Place in the oven, preheated to 180°C for a quarter of an hour.

To ensure a fluffy soufflé, do not open the oven during cooking.

Baked flounder or chicken

The recipes are similar in the method of cooking in a slow cooker. Cooking time – 105 minutes, mode – “baking”, temperature – 145° C. Wash the fish, cut off the tail and head. Remove the innards, cut off the fins with scissors, and rinse again. Dry with a paper towel, cut into portions, and season with salt. Wrap each piece in a separate sheet of foil. Place in a slow cooker. Marinate the chicken fillet for 20–30 minutes in soy sauce (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil (1 tbsp). Wrap tightly in foil and place in the slow cooker.

Puff salad

Required components:

  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1–2 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Ricotta cheese;
  • natural yoghurt 2.5%.

Boil chicken breast, carrots, potatoes, eggs. Pass the boiled fillet through a meat grinder, mix with Ricotta and puree with a blender. Grate potatoes and carrots on a fine grater, egg whites on a coarse grater. Assemble the salad in layers: potatoes – chicken fillet with cheese – egg whites – carrots. Lightly salt each layer (including the top one) and brush with yogurt. Leave for 1–1.5 hours until the layers are well saturated.


Pancreatic necrosis is a severe complication of the inflammatory process in the pancreas. The pathology often threatens the patient with death. In order not to bring the disease to a critical stage, it is necessary to strictly monitor nutrition and promptly seek medical help during recurrent periods of chronic pancreatitis.

The diet for pancreatic necrosis is strict, since the process of digestion and absorption of food in the intestines is completely disrupted (enteral type of nutrition).

Pancreatic necrosis is one of the most serious diseases of the digestive tract, which often ends in death. Enzymes produced by the pancreas destroy the tissue of the organ: self-digestion of the gland occurs, massive cell death - total necrosis. Changes in pancreatic tissue are irreversible. The formation of necrotizing pancreatitis leads to damage to other organs: gastritis, cholecystitis, and hemorrhagic peritonitis develop in parallel.

Treatment in most cases is surgical. The patient is immediately prescribed a zero diet -. Only drinking is allowed. But in the first days of the disease there is uncontrollable vomiting, so drinking liquids is impossible in many cases. The entire volume of necessary and lost fluid is replenished intravenously.

General principles of nutrition for patients with pancreatic necrosis

The prescribed complete fast is observed:

  • before surgery, which is performed urgently in case of a serious condition of the patient;
  • or in the first 3 days in the intensive care unit, where the patient is placed for resuscitation.

One day after surgery, the patient is transferred to parenteral nutrition. If the condition has been stabilized without surgical treatment, the infusion of solutions begins immediately upon admission of the patient to the intensive care unit.

A week after the operation, a strict food and drinking regime is prescribed: initially, the first option specially developed according to Pevzner. And when stable remission occurs, in the long-term period of rehabilitation - No. 5P is the second option.

If surgery has been performed, you will have to adhere to a strict diet for six months. Subsequently, the therapeutic diet expands; the permitted diet includes the gradual introduction of new foods, but food restrictions are maintained for a year.

Even minor errors in nutrition can lead to serious complications and disruption of the functioning of not only the pancreas, but also other organs of the digestive tract.

Acute pancreatitis, complicated by necrosis, if the diet is violated, leads to the development of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus. This is due to enzymes produced in large quantities that damage the tissue of the gland itself, including the cells of the islets of Langerhans that synthesize insulin. In this case, dietary nutrition is necessary for life.

Parenteral nutrition and fasting

After conservative treatment with parenteral (intravenous - bypassing the digestive tract) administration of drugs or in the postoperative period, when the pain symptom is completely relieved and signs of dyspepsia disappear, any food is prohibited for another week.

The purpose of the starvation diet is to create complete functional rest and stop the further process of self-digestion of the gland by produced enzymes. During this period, it is important that the patient not only abstains from food, but does not see it or smell delicious food: the formation and release of enzymes occurs in such cases reflexively, and the disease begins to progress again.

To prevent the body from becoming depleted while the gland is being restored and its functional rest is maintained due to hunger, nutrients are introduced into the blood intravenously.

Parenteral nutrition for diagnosed pancreatic necrosis in each specific case is calculated individually by a nutritionist. He decides what is still possible from nutrients, and in what quantity. The calculation is made:

  • caloric content;
  • composition;
  • daily amount of essential nutrients.

Per kilogram of human body weight requires 30–60 kcal per day. The composition of nutritional mixtures for parenteral administration includes:

  • glucose;
  • amino acids;
  • oil emulsion.

Insulin must be added: due to impaired pancreatic functions, there is a failure in its synthesis and secretion.

  • have high energy value;
  • stabilize cell membranes and prevent further destruction of pancreatic cells.

Amino acid preparations, balanced in quantity and composition, completely cover the need for proteins:

  • Aminosol;
  • Aminoplasmal;
  • Infezol.

The administration of protein preparations is very important for the restoration of pancreatic tissue: the body independently synthesizes the necessary proteins from incoming amino acids.

Some amino acid solutions include sorbitol or other artificial sugar substitutes. The value of these carbohydrates is that they do not require insulin to be absorbed by the body. These are non-insulin dependent carbohydrates.

Diet after surgery

The doctor prescribes nutrition after the operation individually, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and his recovery.

When the vomiting stops, the patient can drink and eat on his own. You are allowed to drink up to 2.5 liters of liquid during the day. Recommended:

  • warm alkaline without gas (Borjomi, Polyana Kvasova, Essentuki No. 4, Narzan, Slavyanovskaya);
  • weakly brewed tea.

But the drinking regime begins with 4 glasses of liquid per day. You need to drink this volume several sips every 1–1.5 hours. Gradually, the volume of liquid is increased to 2.5 liters per day.

If the body reacts normally to the injected liquid, then on the sixth day it is allowed to introduce low-fat liquid dishes without salt and sugar into the menu. Salt is prohibited due to, so you cannot salt dishes. Causing foods should be completely excluded - legumes, whole milk, fresh vegetables and fruits.

To prepare dietary food, methods are used that eliminate increased secretion of gastric juice. To prepare any dish, you need the following ingredients:

  • boil in water:
  • steam;
  • stew.

Such methods make it possible to reduce the irritating effect of food on the inflamed mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutrition during rehabilitation

During the rehabilitation period, adherence to the diet continues. Small meals are recommended, so it is recommended to eat:

  • often (6–8 times);
  • in small portions;
  • warm food.

Gradually switch to five meals a day:

  • 3 times - main meals;
  • 2 times - snacks.

Dishes allowed for consumption during this period:

  • mashed semi-liquid porridges from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, without oil and salt;
  • pureed soups or mucous soups cooked in water. In the future, when expanding the diet (a month after discharge) - on low-fat broth with the exception of extractive substances;
  • meat, fish, poultry, boiled or steamed;
  • egg white omelette;
  • low-fat dairy and lactic acid products;
  • stale black and white or crackers.

What foods are prohibited to eat?

Diet No. 5P completely excludes from the diet:

  • alcohol is a prohibited product for consumption during any period of illness;
  • fatty, spicy, fried, smoked, pickled foods (the main causes of acute pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis);
  • kebab, fried fish or other forms;
  • any fresh baked goods, confectionery, sweets;
  • fresh vegetables (onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, white cabbage);
  • grapes, figs;
  • pearl barley, barley, millet and corn crumbly porridges;
  • strong coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated drinks;
  • chocolate, ice cream, jam;
  • fast food.

Table No. 5P ( first option) is prescribed immediately after fasting for a period of 3–7 days. The above approximate list of prohibited products should be completely excluded from consumption. The first dietary option developed for pancreatitis:

  • creates maximum peace for the digestive organs;
  • helps relieve pain, reduce swelling and restore normal functioning of the gland.

Second option Diet No. 5P is used for long-term use, prevention of relapses and progression of the disease.

The recipe for a healthy diet is the same for all survivors of pancreatic necrosis, regardless of age or gender. The menu gradually expands as the condition improves, but its restrictions are observed throughout life and remain quite ascetic. In addition to harmful foods, it is necessary to avoid overeating.

Deviation from the established rules can lead to a number of serious complications, for example, a repeated exacerbation of the disease with an unknown prognosis. For therapeutic nutrition, ordinary products are used, so preparing food and following an individual nutrition plan does not present any particular difficulties.


  1. Samsonov M. A. Criteria for assessing the differentiated use of diet therapy. Bulletin of the AMN. 1986 No. 11 pp. 42–49.
  2. Smolyansky B. L., Abramova Zh. I. Handbook of clinical nutrition. St. Petersburg Hippocrates Publishing House 1993
  3. Food products and nutrition. 9th Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Committee on Nutrition. WHO Technical Report Series No. 584. M., 1977.
  4. Smolyansky B. L., Liflyandsky V. G. Dietetics. The latest reference book for doctors. St. Petersburg Owl, M. Eksmo Publishing House 2003
  5. Kostyuchenko A. L., Kostin E. L., Kurygin A. A. Enteral artificial nutrition in intensive care medicine. St. Petersburg Special literature 1996
  6. Popova T. S., Tamazashvili T. Sh., Shesshopalov A. E. Parenteral and enteral nutrition in surgery. M.: M-city, 1996

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, the cause of which is a violation of the speed and amount of outflow of juice and other enzymes responsible for digestion, which are produced by the pancreas into the duodenum.

This disease negatively affects the vascular system, can provoke inflammation and stones in the gall bladder and even cause death. Therefore, it is important to provide proper treatment if diagnosed, as well as adhere to a special diet so that the disease does not worsen and progress further.

Nutrition for pancreatitis during exacerbation

Often, in the phase of exacerbation of the disease, the patient is admitted to the hospital, where the first thing he does is wash out his stomach. Always, regardless of whether you are at home or in a hospital, in the first few days it is forbidden to eat any food, that is, for 2-3 days you can only drink water, purified non-carbonated, or alkaline Borjomi (you must first release the gas), called This stage of treatment is a zero diet.

The daily volume of water should be no more than 1.5 liters (5-7 glasses). If the zero diet is extended for a longer period, then starting from the fourth day, various nutritional components are administered intravenously, and from the sixth to seventh day, liquid food is allowed to be introduced through a tube into the intestines.

After the symptoms subside and the patient’s general condition improves, certain foods and drinks are gradually introduced into the diet: porridge cooked in water; unsweetened compotes, jelly; puree soups.

Food can be eaten warm, it is strictly forbidden to be hot or cold, it must be prepared without adding vegetable or animal fat, contain as little protein as possible, and must also be liquid or semi-liquid in consistency, with a minimum calorie content.

When the patient’s well-being and condition have stabilized, you can expand your diet to vegetables, lean meats, fish, boiled or steamed potatoes; this stage of the disease no longer requires crushing to a puree state.

Principles of nutrition during exacerbation of pancreatitis and immediately after it:

  • small, frequent meals, 5 to 7 times a day;
  • small portion sizes;
  • exclude alcohol, spices, sauces, oils, fried and dairy products;
  • limit baking and salt;
  • You can use a small amount of yesterday’s, or better yet, the day before yesterday, dried bread.

And also, the body needs competent medicinal support to quickly restore the overall strength and functionality of the pancreas.

Diet for pancreatitis, what you can and cannot eat

Of course, in the presence of pancreatitis, a unique diet should always be followed, but in truth, few people succeed in this, because everyone is living people, and sometimes patients allow themselves to break the rules of the diet. The most important thing is to follow the correct diet and diet for the first 2-3 months, so that the pancreas gets stronger and enters its usual mode of operation.

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis:

What not to eat if you have pancreatitis:

  1. Fatty meat: lamb, goose, pork, duck, especially fried (kebabs, cutlets, etc.), canned food, sausages, stewed meat, rich broths.
  2. Fatty fish: sturgeon, mackerel, salmon, herring, catfish, smoked fish, caviar, canned fish.
  3. Fat cottage cheese, glazed curds, sweet curds, spicy or smoked cheeses.
  4. Hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs.
  5. Vegetables: radish, raw onion, garlic, radish, beans, beans, bell peppers, sorrel, spinach, lettuce. Mushrooms are prohibited from being consumed in any form.
  6. Fruits: citrus fruits, berries containing a large amount of acid, such as cranberries, lingonberries, as well as sweet and difficult to digest - figs, grapes, bananas, dates.
  7. Sweets: chocolate, buns, ice cream, any nuts, coconut milk.
  8. Drinks: coffee, strong tea, sparkling water, kvass.

Menu for pancreatitis

Everyone is familiar with the phrase “The best friends of the liver, stomach, pancreas are COLD, HUNGER and PEACE,” so it is important to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, eat a portion that can fit in the palm of your hand and maintain emotional calm, then the course of the disease will be easier and a speedy recovery will follow.

The diet for pancreatitis is not as terrible as we imagine it to be; it can be quite varied, tasty, and most importantly, healthy and safe. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

Sample menu for every day

First day

  • Breakfast: steamed omelette from one egg, weak tea with bread;
  • Snack: 2-3 pieces of biscuits with cheese;
  • Dinner: 150 grams of buckwheat porridge (ready-made), zucchini, boiled or baked without spices and oil, 100-150 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 9%;
  • Snack: grated, sweet apple, or baked in the oven;
  • Dinner: oatmeal in water 150-200 grams, grated beetroot salad (possibly with the addition of boiled carrots).

Second day

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of cottage cheese with tea or compote;
  • Snack: salad of boiled green peas and carrots, seasoned with a few drops of vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef with tomato stewed in its own juice without oil, 1-2 slices of bread, 150 grams of oatmeal in water;
  • Snack: 250 ml of jelly from permitted berries/fruits, with a minimum amount of sugar;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup without meat 300 -400 grams, a glass of low-fat yoghurt or fermented baked milk without dyes and sweeteners.

The third day

  • Breakfast: 150 grams of rice porridge with milk, 2 crackers;
  • Snack: one baked apple with cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: 300 ml of chicken broth soup with meat, a slice of bread, baked or boiled vegetable;
  • Snack: 2 pieces of dried apricots / jelly or yogurt (150-200 ml);
  • Dinner: 150 grams of carrot puree, one medium steamed cutlet.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese casserole or 2 cheesecakes without eggs and butter, tea or rosehip decoction with sugar;
  • Snack: 30 grams of hard cheese;
  • Dinner: soup in meat broth with oatmeal or noodles, a piece of bread, a cutlet or a portion of steamed meat;
  • Snack: fruit jelly 150-200 grams;
  • Dinner: 150 grams of mashed potatoes without oil, 200 grams of steamed fish, 1-2 inflorescences of boiled cauliflower.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast: steamed cutlet, 150 grams of grated, boiled beets, tea;
  • Snack: a glass of still water, 2 crackers or biscuits;
  • Dinner: vegetable broth, buckwheat porridge 100 grams, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, bread;
  • Snack: a glass of natural yogurt;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of durum pasta, the same amount of salad from boiled peas, beets, carrots, seasoned with a few drops of olive oil, half a marshmallow.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: baked pumpkin with half a teaspoon of honey, a glass of kefir, bread;
  • Snack: 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: souffle of rice and chicken baked in the oven, portion should be no more than 300 grams, steamed zucchini, rose hip decoction.
  • Snack: baked pear or apple / fruit jelly;
  • Dinner: oatmeal with water 200 grams, 100 grams of boiled veal, tea with a spoonful of milk, 1 dried apricots.

Seventh day

  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk – 200 ml, sweet compote with bread;
  • Snack: applesauce / cottage cheese casserole – 100 grams;
  • Dinner: vegetable puree 200 grams, 1-2 steamed fish cutlets, a glass of yogurt;
  • Snack: jelly or jelly from berries, fruits - one glass;
  • Dinner: chicken broth with potatoes and carrots -250-300 ml, a slice of bread, 1 boiled beetroot, weak tea.

You can also stew vegetables and meat in their own juices without adding oil; it is recommended to consume such dishes no earlier than 1.5 months after the period of exacerbation of the pancreas. In consultation with your doctor, you can introduce new foods and expand your diet with other, interesting dishes.

Stick to a balanced diet, with a complete combination of proteins and carbohydrates, do not overeat and drink enough clean, still water. Such simple rules of nutrition will help maintain the functions of the pancreas, will allow the disease not to progress further and will serve as good prevention and a healthy habit for the rest of the family.

A diet for pancreatic necrosis is a specially selected whole set of rules that must be followed by a patient with this diagnosis. When drawing up a dietary menu, it is important to take into account all the vulnerable aspects of the sick person’s body.

At the same time, it is necessary to give the weakened body the opportunity to receive in sufficient quantities all the necessary vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. However, do not forget that all food should be easily absorbed and digested, and should not contribute to an increase in pancreatic secretion.

What is pancreatic necrosis?

Pancreatic necrosis or pancreatic necrosis is one of the most serious complications that occurs in acute or chronic pancreatitis. With this pathology, there is a process of death of pancreatic tissue, including the surrounding blood vessels and nerve tips.

One of the main factors provoking the development of pancreatic necrosis is ignoring the nutritionist’s instructions when the patient consumes prohibited foods, in particular spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol.

The disease is characterized by the following symptomatic picture:

  • Severe, almost unbearable pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Intense and frequent vomiting.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever.

Unfortunately, patients should know that in case of pancreatic necrosis, surgical intervention is an inevitable fact, therefore, in the preoperative period, therapy begins with mandatory adherence to the dietary table.

Features of nutrition before and after surgery

The diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas before surgery implies “zero” nutrition, that is, you cannot eat or drink. The body's strength is supported by the introduction of medicinal solutions directly into the blood: glucose, fats, amino acids. This is necessary so that the pancreas does not produce enzymes that corrode the parenchyma. This method of nutrition is also used during an exacerbation of the disease.

The postoperative diet for pancreatic necrosis is still “zero” and only on the 5th day after the operation the patient is allowed to drink water: 4 glasses of water and rosehip decoction.

If a person’s well-being does not deteriorate, then two days later they enter the diet after pancreatic necrosis, that is, switch to dietary table No. 5P. In the first days, only fresh food is served, with an absolute absence of salt, spices and fats. In the following days, the menu is gradually expanded.

It is also worth paying attention to the important nuances of the diet for pancreatic necrosis after surgery:

  1. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, but in fractional portions.
  2. To prevent constipation before bed, drink low-fat kefir, yogurt, and beet juice will also be useful.
  3. Avoid all unwanted foods that are listed below.
  4. Do not overeat under any circumstances.
  5. From the 3rd or 5th day of illness, adhere to the first version of dietary table No. 5P for a week. Then they switch to the second variation of the diet table. This sequence helps prevent the transition of acute pancreatitis to chronic form.

Compliance with these simple rules helps stabilize the patient’s condition and prevents possible relapses.

The first version of the treatment menu No. 5P

Breakfast: steamed protein omelet; water-based puree-shaped buckwheat porridge of semi-viscous thickness; unsweetened low concentration tea.

2nd breakfast: Dried apricot soufflé; weak, slightly sweetened tea.

Lunch: Viscous rice soup; steamed fish soufflé; jelly made from cherry juice with the addition of xylitol.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese; rosehip drink.

Dinner: steamed boiled meat cutlets; steamed carrot soufflé.

Before bed: a drink made from rose hips.

Daily intake of the following products: crackers – no more than 50 g; sugar – 5 g.

The second version of the diet menu No. 5P

Breakfast: steamed cutlets from lean fish; semi-viscous rice porridge prepared on a water basis; weak sweetened tea.

2nd breakfast: unleavened cottage cheese; tea or rosehip decoction.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup with barley; boiled veal fillet; mashed potatoes; as well as a drink made from dried apricots.

Afternoon snack: baked apple; fresh berry compote.

Dinner: boiled chicken fillet rolls stuffed with egg white omelet; low-fat cottage cheese casserole prepared in a double boiler; chamomile tea or decoction.

Before bed: low-fat cottage cheese; jelly based on cherry juice.

The daily intake of the following products: yesterday's bread (dried) - 200 g, sugar - no more than 30 g.

Rules for creating a menu for daily nutrition during illness

Dietary nutrition for pancreatic necrosis is lifelong and should not be violated in any way.

So, what can you eat if you have pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas? Below are the main points of dietary table No. 5P. Based on the requirements, you can develop and compose daily menus:

  1. Dried bread, crackers, unleavened cookies.
  2. The first dishes: soups with chopped vegetables, with the addition of vermicelli or cereals (mainly rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
  3. Boiled, steamed meat of unleavened varieties and the same fish are ground or chopped before serving.
  4. Butter is allowed no more than 10 g per day (according to other sources - 30 g), so the best option for your case should be checked with specialists.
  5. For eggs, only whites are allowed, from which steam omelettes are prepared.
  6. Vegetable oil can be used in quantities of no more than 20 g (including in dishes).
  7. Fruits with pancreatic necrosis should be ripe and soft (pear, apple), while sour fruits and berries are avoided.
  8. As for dairy products, you are allowed to eat sour milk and cottage cheese with low fat content.
  9. As for drinks, you are allowed to drink freshly prepared and diluted juices, weak tea, herbal infusions, and compotes without sugar.

The basic rules for preparing dishes are as follows:

  • Food should be exceptionally warm, never cool or hot.
  • Food is prepared without fat, adding any seasonings or salt.
  • As for butter or milk, they are added to ready-made dishes, and the daily dose of butter should also not be higher than 10 g.
  • Adding salt to food is allowed, but the amount of salt should not exceed 2 g per day.

Also, patients with pancreatic necrosis should pay attention to an important nuance, which is that the above diet can also be included in the diet for diabetes mellitus.

This is explained by the fact that one of the possible aggravations of pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is the development of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus, which appears due to the fact that some enzymes are able to break down the cells that produce insulin, which provokes the formation of this disease.

Now let's move on to the list of those foods that are contraindicated in the 5P diet after pancreatic necrosis.

What products are prohibited?

When following diet No. 5P, it is necessary to avoid the following foods, the use of which, even in small dosages, can lead to aggravation of the patient’s condition.

Foods that should not be eaten during pancreatic necrosis:

  • All soups are based on decoctions of mushrooms, meat and fish.
  • Freshly baked bread and rolls, including those made from rye flour.
  • Butter and confectionery baked goods.
  • Chilled vegetable salads and other fresh vegetable foods.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Milk soups.
  • Grape juice.
  • Coffee, cocoa, candy, chocolate.
  • Scrambled eggs and any egg food.
  • Smoked and sausage products.
  • Conservation.
  • Meat and dairy products with high fat content.
  • Spicy seasonings, as well as selected fruits and vegetables.
  • Barley, millet.

In addition, the following vegetables are prohibited:

  • Corn and legumes.
  • Radish and turnip.
  • Spinach and sorrel leaves.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Sweet peppers.
  • Cabbage.

You need to adhere to dietary restrictions until the negative symptoms completely go away and all examinations are normal. This usually takes up to 6-9 months.

Diet recipes for illness

Milk soup with buckwheat


  • Low fat milk – 1 glass.
  • Buckwheat – 3 tbsp.
  • Drain. oil – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 1 glass.

How to prepare: Sort the buckwheat, remove any debris, then rinse and cook in water until half cooked with the addition of salt.

Then pour in the milk, add sugar and bring to readiness. Add butter before serving if desired.

Steamed chicken cutlets


  • Minced chicken – 150 g.
  • Milk – 2 tbsp.
  • Yesterday's bread – 20 g.
  • Olive oil – 2 tsp.
  • Salt – a pinch.

How to prepare: soak the bread in milk, combine the prepared bread with minced meat, add salt.

Form small cutlets from the prepared cutlet mass, place in a double boiler and cook for 30 minutes until done.

Pumpkin and Apple Casserole


  • Pumpkin pulp – 130-150 g.
  • Apple – ½ medium fruit
  • Egg white
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 2 tbsp.
  • Oil – ½ tsp.

How to cook: the peeled pumpkin and apple pulp should be cut into small pieces, put into a saucepan and simmer with the addition of a small amount of water until soft, then puree using a blender or pusher.

The prepared puree is mixed with hot milk, butter, sugar and semolina. Once the mixture has cooled slightly, add the whipped egg white foam. If the mixture is too liquid, add a little more cereal.

The mass is placed on a greased baking sheet and baked at a temperature of 170 degrees for 25-30 minutes.


Patients with pancreatic necrosis need to carefully listen to all instructions from their doctor to maintain their health. It is important to try not to give in to temptation and not to eat anything from prohibited foods, even in small quantities.

The diet must be strictly followed, otherwise all medical efforts will go down the drain and the patient’s condition will worsen.

You will be surprised how quickly the disease recedes. Take care of your pancreas! Over 10,000 people have noticed significant improvements in their health simply by drinking a morning drink...

What is included in the therapeutic dietary table for cholecystitis and pancreatitis?

The diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis differs significantly from the generally accepted diets that those who want to lose weight resort to, although, of course, the volumes with such nutrition will be significantly reduced.

Therapeutic fasting for various forms of pancreatitis

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, many doctors say that the patient needs hunger, cold and rest for pancreatitis. Naturally, this phrase should not be taken literally.

Features of dietary nutrition during exacerbation of pancreatitis

The main goal of the diet is maximum calm for the pancreas, which is achieved by reducing the secretion of digestive enzymes, which cause inflammation of the pancreas.

Is it allowed to include eggs in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a whole group of diseases associated with inflammation of the pancreas. The disease can appear unexpectedly - one of its manifestations is pain. To relieve pain and prevent recurrent attacks, proper diet is important. Pancreatitis is divided into chronic and acute; depending on the nature of the disease, you need to choose the necessary nutrition.

In acute or chronic pancreatic disease, pancreatitis is diagnosed due to:

  • Eating disorder.
  • Eating fatty/spicy foods daily.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract, including cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Gastric ulcer.

With exacerbation of pancreatitis there is a need for surgical intervention (opening the lining of the pancreas) in case of little effect from drug treatment, fasting, or removal of food debris from the stomach. Chronic pancreatitis worsens under the influence of overeating, alcoholism, long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones, estrogens, narcotic drugs, Indomethacin, Furosemide, against the background of a diseased liver (which requires a special diet) and gall bladder, which are quite common in adults. When the pressure inside the abdomen increases in women at the end of pregnancy, pancreatitis may develop.

About the causes, symptoms, treatment of pancreatitis:

Diet for acute pancreatitis for 10 days

The purpose of nutritional therapy for acute pancreatitis - relieve swelling, inflammation and infection from the pancreatic duct. To do this, in a hospital setting, drug treatment with enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, plus complete fasting for several days is used to avoid the use of surgery. Hunger is necessary to stop the production of gastric and pancreatic juices and to reduce enzymatic activity due to the lack of food in the esophagus. During this time, the gland will be restored.

In the first days of an exacerbation, you need to fast, you can only drink mineral water with alkali, but without gas, for example, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” No. 4, No. 20, “Slavyanskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, weak green tea or rosehip decoction. The drink should be taken 4-5 times a day, 200 ml. Water will eliminate intoxication of the body and prevent dehydration along with the use of parenteral nutrition - installing droppers with sodium chloride and glucose 5%.

If symptoms of acute pancreatitis do not occur again, add to the diet for 3-5 days:

  • salty slimy rice or oatmeal broth;
  • liquid mashed potatoes without oil;
  • semi-liquid jelly or jelly from juices;
  • liquid porridges: oatmeal (read our article: 3 recipes for oatmeal), semolina, buckwheat, rice (everything is prepared in water or milk, everything needs to be ground or chopped with a blender);
  • cracker;
  • dried bread.

Important nutrition rules! Daily calorie intake is 600-800 calories, daily protein intake is 15 g, up to 200 g. - carbohydrates (you can add honey to your diet). Fats are prohibited.

You can add liquids - green or black tea (not strong), add sugar or honey - 1 tsp each, or tea with milk, beet juice 50 ml / day with mineral water. Calorie content is increased to 1000 calories per day, up to 50 g - proteins, up to 250 g - carbohydrates, up to 10 g / day - fats. At night you need to drink a glass of water with honey, raisins (1 tsp), prunes (2-3 pcs.) or yogurt to prevent constipation.

From the 10th day after the attack, you can increase the calorie content by more than 1000 cal/day, up to 300 grams. - carbohydrates, up to 60 gr. - proteins, up to 20 g/day - fats. Continue to eat pureed unsalted food.

Sample menu

Below is a menu for several days; you can create a similar diet yourself based on the list of permitted foods.

Days Eating Sample diet menu for pancreatitis
Day 1 Breakfast Semolina or rice porridge (in water) – 150 g, fruit: orange or apple. Green tea (not strong) with honey (1 tsp)
Late breakfast Pumpkin puree – 50 gr., Steamed chicken breast or fish cutlets. Rosehip drink (recipe below), honey - 1 tsp.
Dinner Vegetable broth with fish or beef 200 g, mashed potatoes (from potatoes or broccoli) - 100 g, white bread crackers. For dessert, you can bake an apple with honey in the oven, always without the skin.
Afternoon snack Tea with honey and a little cottage cheese (1% fat)
Dinner Protein steamed omelette made from 3 eggs, white bread crackers. Puree from permitted vegetables – 150 g.,
Before bedtime Boiled water – 1 cup with honey – 1 tsp. or curdled milk.
Day 2 Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with milk - 150 gr. Kissel or green tea (not strong)
Late breakfast Grated apple with soft cottage cheese
Dinner Pumpkin or cauliflower soup. Minced chicken meatballs
Afternoon snack Green tea with 1-2 slices of dry unsweetened cookies
Dinner Rice-curd pudding -150 gr. Tea or jelly
Before bedtime Rosehip decoction - 1 glass
Day 3 Breakfast Liquid rice porridge - 150 g. Green tea with dry biscuits
Late breakfast 1 baked apple
Dinner Soup of carrots, cauliflower, potatoes with meatballs. Compote of ground dried fruits
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese - 100 g, green tea
Dinner Boiled or baked low-fat fish
Before bedtime Tea with milk or kefir

Dish recipes

Can be used after an acute attack of pancreatitis diet number 5p(read about the Table 5 diet) and follow it for a year. Food is eaten pureed, without salt; proteins can be increased - up to 100 g, up to 40 g. - fats, up to 450 gr. - carbohydrates. Be sure to follow the recommendations and regimen prescribed by your doctor!

For the decoction you will need 0.5 kg of dried rose hips and 4 liters of water. Rinse the rose hips, add water, and let the drink steep for 4 days. There is no need to cook the infusion; the rose hips should be infused in water at room temperature. This drink contains vitamin C. Attention! Since the drink is sour, consult your doctor before taking it.

Puree fish soup:

For the soup you will need 0.5 kg of fish (it is advisable to take boneless fillets, cod, pike, pike perch), 1.5 liters of water or vegetable broth, 50 ml. milk, 1 tsp. butter.

Cut the fish, add water or broth to the pan, and cook until tender. Remove the fish from the pan and grind using a blender. Heat the milk a little in a saucepan and add butter to it; as soon as the butter has melted, add the broth, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add fish, cook over low heat for just a couple of minutes. Salt can be added only if your doctor allows it!

Carrot-pumpkin puree:

For this delicious dish you will need pumpkin (300-400 g) and carrots. Peel the vegetables, cut into 1.5-2 cm cubes. Boil until ready. Drain the water, reserving a little if you want the puree to be thinner. Grind using a blender. The puree is ready!

Forbidden for acute pancreatitis use:

  • alcohol;
  • eat fatty or fried foods;
  • eat any fats and foods that cause bloating: legumes, bran, white cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, peel/skin of fruits and vegetables, unripe fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks with fermentation reactions: kvass, kefir.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

Attacks of chronic pancreatitis can occur immediately after lunch, the menu of which included: hard-boiled eggs, confectionery, raw fruits, vegetables, juices, cold carbonated drinks, chocolate, milk or ice cream. The constant companions of the disease will manifest themselves every time: bloating, a feeling of fullness or heaviness, a lump that is “stuck in the bottom of the chest,” and periodic vomiting.

Against the background of chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus can easily arise and proceed severely - also a serious disease in which it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, it is recommended to drink alkaline drink for 1-2 days, rosehip decoction or tea - at least 1.5 liters. per day in 5-6 doses. You need to switch to a gentle low-calorie healthy diet, excluding almost all fats and carbohydrates. The content of protein and enzyme preparations should be moderate. With 5-6 meals a day, it is recommended to eat chopped or grated food.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis can include:

  • crackers from wheat bread (you can dry the bread yourself);
  • vegetable soups (pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini or carrots are best suited for soups);
  • cereal soups (with semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat or rice);
  • meat - beef or veal, chicken, rabbit. It is better to steam, bake or boil.
  • steamed egg omelettes (2-3 pcs.).
  • low-fat fish: flounder, pollock, cod, perch, pike perch, hake, perch or pike;
  • cottage cheese (not salted): can be eaten fresh or made into puddings;
  • cheeses - choose low-fat, unsalted varieties;
  • In dishes or during cooking, you can use butter or sunflower oil -10-15 g.
  • sour cream, kefir (low fat content only);
  • porridge - rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, vermicelli (their consistency should be liquid or semi-liquid);
  • vegetable puree/stew (don’t forget that cabbage and tomatoes cannot be added), vegetables can also be simply boiled or baked;
  • mousses/jelly from juices, compotes from dried fruits (apricots, pears, apples)
  • fruits (only baked or grated without skin)
  • dietary purees and puree-like canned food for baby or diet food;
  • multivitamin and mineral preparations.

Menu for the day

You should not eat foods that stimulate pancreatic secretion:

  • meat, fish, fatty poultry, forget about smoked meat and fish, sausages, canned food;
  • meat, mushroom, fish broth (as well as soups and sauces based on them);
  • cabbage soup, borscht, as well as cold soups (such as kholodnik or okroshka);
  • milk soups;
  • fish, fried, smoked, salted or canned meat;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • eggs - you cannot eat fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • any beans, white cabbage, eggplants, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, sweet peppers;
  • bakery products, fresh bread, sweet, flour, chocolate, and other sweets;
  • black coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

For pancreatitis with endocrine dysfunction exclude jam, sugar and honey, since they do not have a therapeutic effect, and they are classified as carbohydrates.

In case of an asymptomatic course of the disease or with the presence of mild symptoms, the list of prohibited dishes/products is gradually reduced to the category of products that should only be limited, but not completely excluded.

Recipes Vegetable puree soup:

For the soup you will need: 1 yellow or green bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, 1 small zucchini. All vegetables need to be washed and cut into cubes. Pour water (1-1.5 liters) into the vegetables in a saucepan and cook until tender. Drain the water and use a blender to puree.

Fish soufflé:

To prepare the dish you need: fish (400 g), 100 ml of water or milk, a tablespoon of flour, 2 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks), a piece of butter (20 g). Boil the fish in water, drain, mince or finely chop. Mix milk and flour (preheat the flour in a frying pan until slightly yellow) and you will get a slightly thick milk “sauce”. Now we begin to mix: fish, egg yolks, milk sauce, butter (if your doctor allows, you can add salt). Separately, beat the whites until thick foam. Stirring, add them to the fish mixture.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Place the fish mass in a baking dish or baking sheet, put it in the oven and bake until done.

Apple marshmallow (dessert):

To prepare marshmallow, you need to take 1 kg of apples, peel them, cut them, add water in a saucepan and cook. Boil the apples, remove from heat, drain, and let cool slightly. Rub the apples through a sieve or chop with a blender. Drain all the juice from the resulting puree and squeeze out the puree. Separately pour the juice into a small saucepan and cook until thickened (almost like syrup). Add sugar (100 g) to the boiled juice and cook a little more. Mix juice with puree. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet, place in the oven (120 degrees), and dry the marshmallow until completely thickened.

The doctor talks about the diet for chronic pancreatitis:

Pancreatic necrosis is a severe pathology of the pancreas associated with the death of organ cells. In most cases, its consequences are diabetes mellitus and death. The precursor to this dangerous disease is considered to be acute pancreatitis, which, due to lack of proper treatment and non-compliance with the diet, is complicated by pancreatic necrosis.

The first symptoms of the disease include acute girdling pain in the upper abdomen, nausea accompanied by vomiting, and stool disturbances. Pancreatic necrosis is not always limited to damage only to gland tissue. Under favorable conditions, it causes diseases of organs that are located near the pancreas.

After the operation is performed, pancreatic necrosis begins to subside, and the symptoms fade, the diet is expanded. On day 5 after surgery, the patient is allowed to drink one glass of liquid up to 4 times a day. This can be rosehip decoction or alkaline mineral water without gas.

If there is no deterioration in the condition, on the 6-7th day low-calorie foods and dishes that do not contain salt and fats and do not provoke the secretion of digestive juice and gas formation are introduced into the patient’s diet. Thus, a patient with pancreatic necrosis is transferred to.

According to this diet, the diet becomes fractional up to 5 - 6 times a day, with 3 main meals. Patients are recommended to eat steamed or boiled dishes in small portions, chopped, pureed, moderately cold, moderately hot.

Also, diet No. 5 - P excludes from the patient’s diet the main “edible” causes of pancreatic necrosis: alcohol, overeating, fried, spicy and fatty foods.

The patient is faced with a question:
What can you eat after pancreatic necrosis subsides?

Alas, the menu for a patient with pancreatic necrosis is not very diverse. As for flour products, it is recommended to give preference to not fresh yesterday’s baked goods made from first or second grade flour. However, the patient can afford unsweetened cookies and crackers.

According to diet No. 5-P, first courses are prepared from grated vegetables (potatoes, carrots, zucchini with a side dish of rice, vermicelli, buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina. Vegetables can be served with a small piece of meat, for example, boiled lean beef, rabbit or chicken , peeled from the skin. And even better, replace it with low-fat varieties of fish.

The consumption of fats in this disease should be limited. It is recommended to eat no more than 10 grams of butter per day, and about 20 grams of vegetable oil as part of various dishes.

But fruits are allowed in large quantities, but preferably soft and ripe.

You can drink weak warm tea with lemon, juices without sugar and preservatives, compotes, rosehip decoctions. But after pancreatic necrosis you will have to give up strong drinks forever.

It is necessary to adhere to this diet for a long time, until the symptoms of pancreatic necrosis disappear and laboratory parameters normalize. In the future, if functional pancreatic insufficiency does not occur, you can diversify your diet. But often, necrosis of the pancreas affects the cells that produce insulin, which is responsible for the body’s absorption of glucose.

As a result, a condition called pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus develops. Nutrition for this complication should be adjusted adequately to the disruption of carbohydrate metabolism.

A diet for pancreatic necrosis is a specially selected whole set of rules that must be followed by a patient with this diagnosis. When drawing up a dietary menu, it is important to take into account all the vulnerable aspects of the sick person’s body.

At the same time, it is necessary to give the weakened body the opportunity to receive in sufficient quantities all the necessary vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. However, do not forget that all food should be easily absorbed and digested, and should not contribute to an increase in pancreatic secretion.

Pancreatic necrosis or pancreatic necrosis is one of the most serious complications that occurs in acute or chronic pancreatitis. With this pathology, there is a process of death of pancreatic tissue, including the surrounding blood vessels and nerve tips.

One of the main factors provoking the development of pancreatic necrosis is ignoring the nutritionist’s instructions when the patient consumes prohibited foods, in particular spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol.

The disease is characterized by the following symptomatic picture:

  • Severe, almost unbearable pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Intense and frequent vomiting.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever.

Unfortunately, patients should know that in case of pancreatic necrosis, surgical intervention is an inevitable fact, therefore, in the preoperative period, therapy begins with mandatory adherence to the dietary table.

The diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas before surgery implies “zero” nutrition, that is, you cannot eat or drink.

The body's strength is supported by the introduction of medicinal solutions directly into the blood: glucose, fats, amino acids. This is necessary so that the pancreas does not produce enzymes that corrode the parenchyma.

This method of nutrition is also used during an exacerbation of the disease.

The postoperative diet for pancreatic necrosis is still “zero” and only on the 5th day after the operation the patient is allowed to drink water: 4 glasses of water and rosehip decoction.

  1. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, but in fractional portions.
  2. To prevent constipation before bed, drink low-fat kefir, yogurt, and beet juice will also be useful.
  3. Avoid all unwanted foods that are listed below.
  4. Do not overeat under any circumstances.
  5. From the 3rd or 5th day of illness, adhere to the first version of dietary table No. 5P for a week. Then they switch to the second variation of the diet table. This sequence helps prevent the transition of acute pancreatitis to chronic form.

Compliance with these simple rules helps stabilize the patient’s condition and prevents possible relapses.

Breakfast: steamed protein omelet; water-based puree-shaped buckwheat porridge of semi-viscous thickness; unsweetened low concentration tea.

2nd breakfast: Dried apricot soufflé; weak, slightly sweetened tea.

Lunch: Viscous rice soup; steamed fish soufflé; jelly made from cherry juice with the addition of xylitol.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese; rosehip drink.

Dinner: steamed boiled meat cutlets; steamed carrot soufflé.

Before bed: a drink made from rose hips.

Daily intake of the following products: crackers – no more than 50 g; sugar – 5 g.

Breakfast: steamed cutlets from lean fish; semi-viscous rice porridge prepared on a water basis; weak sweetened tea.

2nd breakfast: unleavened cottage cheese; tea or rosehip decoction.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup with barley; boiled veal fillet; mashed potatoes; as well as a drink made from dried apricots.

Afternoon snack: baked apple; fresh berry compote.

Dinner: boiled chicken fillet rolls stuffed with egg white omelet; low-fat cottage cheese casserole prepared in a double boiler; chamomile tea or decoction.

Before bed: low-fat cottage cheese; jelly based on cherry juice.

The daily intake of the following products: yesterday's bread (dried) - 200 g, sugar - no more than 30 g.

Dietary nutrition for pancreatic necrosis is lifelong and should not be violated in any way.

So, what can you eat if you have pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas? Below are the main points of dietary table No. 5P. Based on the requirements, you can develop and compose daily menus:

  1. Dried bread, crackers, unleavened cookies.
  2. The first dishes: soups with chopped vegetables, with the addition of vermicelli or cereals (mainly rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
  3. Boiled, steamed meat of unleavened varieties and the same fish are ground or chopped before serving.
  4. Butter is allowed no more than 10 g per day (according to other sources - 30 g), so the best option for your case should be checked with specialists.
  5. For eggs, only whites are allowed, from which steam omelettes are prepared.
  6. Vegetable oil can be used in quantities of no more than 20 g (including in dishes).
  7. Fruits with pancreatic necrosis should be ripe and soft (pear, apple), while sour fruits and berries are avoided.
  8. As for dairy products, you are allowed to eat sour milk and cottage cheese with low fat content.
  9. As for drinks, you are allowed to drink freshly prepared and diluted juices, weak tea, herbal infusions, and compotes without sugar.

The basic rules for preparing dishes are as follows:

  • Food should be exceptionally warm, never cool or hot.
  • Food is prepared without fat, adding any seasonings or salt.
  • As for butter or milk, they are added to ready-made dishes, and the daily dose of butter should also not be higher than 10 g.
  • Adding salt to food is allowed, but the amount of salt should not exceed 2 g per day.

Also, patients with pancreatic necrosis should pay attention to an important nuance, which is that the above diet can also be included in the diet for diabetes mellitus.

This is explained by the fact that one of the possible aggravations of pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is the development of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus, which appears due to the fact that some enzymes are able to break down the cells that produce insulin, which provokes the formation of this disease.

Now let's move on to the list of those foods that are contraindicated in the 5P diet after pancreatic necrosis.

When following diet No. 5P, it is necessary to avoid the following foods, the use of which, even in small dosages, can lead to aggravation of the patient’s condition.

Foods that should not be eaten during pancreatic necrosis:

  • All soups are based on decoctions of mushrooms, meat and fish.
  • Freshly baked bread and rolls, including those made from rye flour.
  • Butter and confectionery baked goods.
  • Chilled vegetable salads and other fresh vegetable foods.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Milk soups.
  • Grape juice.
  • Coffee, cocoa, candy, chocolate.
  • Scrambled eggs and any egg food.
  • Smoked and sausage products.
  • Conservation.
  • Meat and dairy products with high fat content.
  • Spicy seasonings, as well as selected fruits and vegetables.
  • Barley, millet.

Diet for pancreatic necrosis: table menu 5p, recipes and products

The doctor will be able to verify that the patient’s health status has returned to normal after pancreatic necrosis by the results of laboratory tests, which the patient must undergo periodically.

If no negative health effects are observed, then the dietary intake begins to gradually expand.

The therapeutic diet for pancreatic necrosis is the main component of the patient’s rehabilitation after surgery. Experts have developed several options for eating regimens depending on the stage of the pathology.

This is the famous diet No. 5 and its variations, as well as therapeutic fasting and parenteral nutrition.

The therapeutic diet for pancreatic necrosis is the main component of the patient’s rehabilitation after surgery.

General rules

The choice of diet is determined by the stage at which the disease is located. In case of exacerbation of pancreatic necrosis, therapeutic fasting is indicated for the patient before and after surgery. This measure helps stop the production of enzymes by the pancreas, which leads to a reduction in pain.

A day after the operation, the patient is transferred to parenteral nutrition, when the elements necessary for the body are introduced directly into the blood, bypassing the digestive tract. This type of feeding solution contains nutrients and biologically active chemical elements. Manufacturers produce drugs that include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, glucose and fatty acids.

Types of operations for pancreatic necrosis. Read the next article to see what the doctors' predictions are.

4-5 days after the operation, the patient is allowed to drink tea.

4-5 days after the operation, the patient is allowed to drink mineral water, tea and rosehip decoction.

The liquid is introduced into the body no more than 4 times a day, 1 glass. If the patient’s condition is stable, after a week he is prescribed therapeutic diet No. 5.

A patient on a diet should eat frequently (at least 6 times a day), but in small portions. Food for a patient with pancreatic necrosis is boiled or steamed, but not fried. Dishes must be thoroughly chopped and have a uniform structure. The diet allows only fresh and low-fat foods, so as not to irritate the inner surface of the digestive organs.

The diet prescribes avoidance of fatty, smoked, salty, spicy and canned foods. Whole and condensed milk and ice cream are prohibited.

The diet requires avoiding fatty foods.

You should not eat smoked, processed and spicy cheeses, pork, lamb, semi-finished products and meat products (sausage, frankfurters, sausages). Duck and goose are prohibited.

When on a diet, soups should not be cooked in meat, fish or mushroom broth. Fish - only lean. Salmon and sardines are not suitable for a patient with pancreatic necrosis. You will also have to give up fried eggs and hard-boiled eggs during treatment.

Among fruits, sour varieties of apples and berries are prohibited. citrus fruits. The diet prescribes the avoidance of spicy seasonings based on horseradish, garlic, and mustard. The consumption of cabbage, legumes, herbs and tomatoes is kept to a minimum. The bread should not be freshly baked or contain additives (eg bran). Products made from rye flour are not welcome.

The diet greatly limits sweets. Experts prohibit almost all types of cakes, pastries and sweets.

As for drinks, you will have to give up coffee, cocoa, and carbonated water. For patients on a diet, drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

All food must be fresh and free of preservatives, artificial additives and colorings.

Dish recipes

All meals for patients on a diet are prepared exclusively from dietary and fresh products.

4 tbsp. The buckwheat is sorted, washed and boiled in salted water until half cooked. Then add 0.5 liters of boiled milk, 1 tsp. sugar and simmer over low heat. Ready buckwheat can be flavored with a small piece of butter.

A small piece of bread (25 g) is soaked in milk. Lean minced beef (150 g) and bread are mixed and slightly salted. Meatballs are formed from the resulting mass. They are cooked in a double boiler or in a special container with a double bottom over moderate heat.


  1. The vinaigrette. Sauerkraut (250 g) and pickled cucumber must first be soaked in water for 30 minutes to remove excess acid. 2 medium-sized potatoes and beets are boiled in their skins until fully cooked.

    All ingredients are cut into cubes, mixed and seasoned with a few drops of vegetable oil.

  2. Beetroot. Root vegetables are cooked until fully cooked.

    Then the beets are crushed, lightly salted and seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower).


Breakfast: pilaf with dried fruits.

Snack: steamed omelette, glass of jelly.

Lunch: chicken broth with noodles, a piece of cheese.

Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.

Dinner: hake fillet baked in the oven.

A steamed omelette is the best option for eating with pancreatitis.


Breakfast: Steamed chicken.

Snack: oatmeal, a glass of rosehip infusion.

Lunch: mashed potato soup with a spoonful of sour cream, durum wheat pasta.

Afternoon snack: a glass of homemade yogurt.

Dinner: vegetable stew of zucchini and carrots.

Breakfast: beet salad with a spoonful of sour cream.

Snack: buckwheat porridge, green tea.

Lunch: rice soup with meatballs, carrot puree.

Afternoon snack: a glass of homemade yogurt.

Dinner: chicken soufflé with carrots.


Breakfast: steamed meatballs.

Snack: homemade cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

Lunch: zucchini stuffed with vegetables, chicken breast.

Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented baked milk.

Dinner: meatloaf stuffed with omelet.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, biscuits with cheese.

Snack: steam omelette, tea with crackers.

Lunch: pike fish soup, sweet berry jelly.

Afternoon snack: a glass of bifidoc.

Dinner: oatmeal, baked apple.


Breakfast: rice porridge with milk.

Snack: tea with a slice of cheese.

Lunch: casserole with pasta, broccoli and cheese, compote.

Dinner: fish soufflé.


Oatmeal is on the list of dietary dishes recommended for pancreatitis.

Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins.

Snack: apricot jelly, green tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup, beef soufflé.

Afternoon snack: a glass of homemade curdled milk.

Dinner: steamed fish roll with vegetables.

Diet 5b

This therapeutic nutrition option is provided for patients in remission. This diet maintains the principles of mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing in order to prevent relapses of the disease and correct the resulting disorders.

The main principles of diet 5b:

  • increased amount of protein while reducing the proportion of fats and carbohydrates;
  • dishes are steamed or boiled;
  • Excessively hot or cold foods are not allowed;
  • food is provided in small portions;
  • coarse fiber is excluded;
  • the amount of salt is limited.

A diet for pancreatitis involves split meals.

Features in children

The children's diet is built on the same principles as that of adults, but some key points are still worth paying attention to. When feeding young children (under 3 years old), fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, all citrus fruits, berries with seeds and thick skin, which can damage the delicate tissues of internal organs, should be excluded from the diet.

Older children go to kindergarten and school. The food in these institutions should be dietary, but it is not as strict as required for pancreatic necrosis.

You should also have a conversation with the child himself and explain to him the need to follow a diet.

A diet after surgery for pancreatic necrosis accompanies a person throughout his life. Even minor disturbances and weaknesses in nutrition lead to exacerbations and complications, as well as the development of new, more serious pathologies, not only in the gland itself, but also in the functioning of the entire digestive canal.

Pancreatic necrosis is a very serious pathology of the pancreas that requires immediate treatment. The mortality rate among patients is quite high.

With pancreatic necrosis, the affected organ loses its protective functions, the secreted enzymes destroy and corrode the own tissue component of the diseased pancreas. Enzymes during necrosis (death) have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system, and the process of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

The disease is one of a number of serious diseases that can lead to death. In addition to drug treatment and hospital stay, a special diet is prescribed for pancreatic necrosis.

Surgery is a common method. After surgery, the patient is prescribed a very strict diet, including complete fasting. The patient is prescribed to drink only liquids (water). Further, the patient requires special nutrition for pancreatic necrosis. It provides only light and bland food.

A special menu is being developed for pancreatic necrosis, providing food for every day. The patient needs many useful substances to restore strength. The diet includes dishes and products that allow you to replenish the body with vitamins and beneficial elements. The food is liquid and homogeneous. Products are selected that are easily digestible, easily digestible, and do not provoke increased secretion in the pancreas.

The disease occurs against the background of poor nutrition. When the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, it develops into pancreatic necrosis. The digestive system is unable to digest incoming food, even light meals.

Is it possible to instantly get pancreatic necrosis? Yes, an acute attack will happen at any moment. The disease manifests itself as a result of drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages and fatty protein foods. With regular stress on the pancreas, consequences are possible. Often patients are hospitalized with an attack of illness after a heavy feast.

Features of nutrition in pancreatic necrosis

The day before surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis, the patient is not allowed to eat food or drink water or other liquids. Such a strict diet is explained by the fact that the pancreas, during the functional rest of the stomach, must stop producing digestive enzymes involved in the digestion of its parenchyma.

After pancreatic surgery, you can start eating dietary food only on the 6-7th day. Until this time, the patient is allowed only warm drinks. Medicinal water of medium mineralization (Borjomi, Narzan), rosehip decoction and weak tea without sugar are offered as drinks. No more than 800 ml per day in 4-6 doses.

If the condition of a patient with pancreatic necrosis remains extremely difficult, then he is even prohibited from drinking. The patient is transferred to intravenous nutrition. As soon as the condition has stabilized, the menu includes dishes made from products that help restore the functions of the digestive system.

As a postoperative diet, the patient is prescribed a zero table approximately on the 6-7th day:

  • Table No. 0a - the diet is prescribed several days after surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis. Consists of low-fat meat broth without salt, slimy rice broth, compote and jelly from dried berries and apples, jelly and fresh non-acidic juices, slightly sweetened rosehip compote. Meals are fractional, servings of 200-300 g.
  • Table No. 0b - the diet is prescribed after meal No. 0a, the menu includes all the dishes of the previous diet. The diet is expanded with slimy soups and porridges made from crushed cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), chicken egg omelettes, fish and dietary meat cutlets (cooked only by steaming), soft-boiled eggs, fish and meat puree. The duration of the diet is 7 days. Meals are fractional, portions of 350-400 g.
  • Table No. 0b - the menu contains all the dishes from the previous zero diets, but the amount of salt increases slightly. The patient's diet is supplemented with fermented milk products, baked apples, and wheat crackers.

Next, the patient is transferred to diet No. 5. In acute and chronic pancreatitis, this is an integral part of the work to restore the functions of the pancreas. Thanks to it and drug treatment, it is possible to avoid complications in the form of further pancreatic necrosis.

  • Table No. 0a - the diet is prescribed a few days after surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis. Consists of low-fat meat broth without salt, slimy rice broth, compote and jelly from dried berries and apples, jelly and fresh non-acidic juices, slightly sweetened rosehip compote. Meals are fractional, servings of 200-300 g.
  • Table No. 0b - the diet is prescribed after meal No. 0a, the menu includes all the dishes of the previous diet. The diet is expanded with slimy soups and porridges made from crushed cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), chicken egg omelettes, fish and dietary meat cutlets (cooked only by steam), soft-boiled eggs, fish and meat puree. The duration of the diet is 7 days. Meals are fractional, portions of 350-400 g.
  • Table No. 0b - the menu contains all the dishes from the previous zero diets, but the amount of salt increases slightly. The patient's diet is supplemented with fermented milk products, baked apples, and wheat crackers.

About a week after surgery or an exacerbation of the disease, it is allowed to introduce a small amount of liquid food into the patient’s diet. Most often these are porridges prepared using only cereals and water. Drinking plenty of fluids is also allowed.

After the symptoms of the acute stage are relieved, the choice of dishes is also small - porridge and a large amount of liquid

The diet for pancreatic necrosis, after partial elimination of symptoms by taking medications, or after surgery, is structured in such a way as to provide the patient with a sufficient amount of nutrients. Often, additional measures are used to administer medications that strengthen the body's defenses.

After partial restoration of pancreatic functions, you can gradually introduce more foods into the diet. However, the menu remains quite ascetic throughout almost the entire subsequent life. Deviation from the rules can lead to a number of complications and deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

Parenteral nutrition and fasting

Before surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis and for a certain period of time after surgery, patients are prescribed a fasting therapeutic diet, which ensures enzyme rest for the gland. Patients are allowed to drink only a weak rosehip decoction and mineral water.

To prevent depletion of the body, parenteral nutrition is performed. The procedure involves injecting nutrients directly into the blood through a catheter into a large vein.

When a disease is detected, the patient is prescribed fasting, which stops the functioning of the glands that produce juice. To prevent the body from becoming depleted, artificial or parenteral nutrition is introduced; the necessary nutrients are injected directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

The doctor calculates the required calorie dose and selects nutrient solutions, which are most often a 20 percent glucose solution; amino acids and fats are also added.

The greatest energy value is provided by fat emulsions, which restore missing energy and stabilize cells in the pancreas, preventing the destruction of the organ.

A similar diet for pancreatic necrosis is prescribed before the operation and after for a week.

General rules

Dietary nutrition for pancreatic necrosis is strict, because it is aimed at normalizing the function of the organ and restoring the functioning of the entire digestive system. Basic nutritional rules for patients with pancreatic necrosis:

  • fractional meals - serving size is no more than 300 mg, food is consumed 4-5 times a day;
  • The basis of nutrition is cereals, vegetables, lean meat.

Nutrition for pancreatic necrosis is aimed at removing excessive load from the pancreas so that the body has the opportunity to restore the functioning of the digestive system. Failure to follow the diet is dangerous because an exacerbation of the disease may occur, and the attack can only be relieved through surgery.

A diet for pancreatic necrosis is a whole list of rules that must be followed by patients without fail. When preparing a diet, the attending physician or nutritionist includes in the patient’s diet foods that saturate the sick body with all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

In this case, the specialist chooses only those products that are easily digested in the intestines and absorbed by the body, and do not increase the secretory activity of the pancreas.

  • Potatoes, carrots, zucchini - used for preparing first courses. Before cooking, the products are crushed.
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) are ground using a mini-mill. Crushed cereals are used to prepare slimy porridges.
  • Lenten baked goods made from grade 1-2 flour - recommended to be consumed in a slightly stale form.
  • Ripe sweet fruits (peaches, apricots) - they are eaten without peeling and little by little.
  • Non-acidic apples - they are used to steam soufflés, make mousse and jelly, and bake in the oven.
  • Recommended drink is a decoction of rose hips, unsweetened weak tea, jelly and dried fruit drinks, medicinal mineral water.

During the preparation of the dish, it is allowed to add salt, but the daily salt intake for patients who have suffered pancreatic necrosis should not exceed 2 g.

List of dishes and products that can be consumed by people with pancreatic disease, but in minimal quantities and subject to good health:

  • Milk soups - cooked half with water.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream.
  • Fresh quail and chicken eggs - they are boiled soft-boiled and used to prepare a steamed omelet using only the whites.
  • Vegetable and butter - used in preparing first and second courses.
  • Dietary meat and fish - the products are passed through a meat grinder, cutlets are steamed and pureed.

It is strictly forbidden to include the following dishes and products in the patient’s diet menu:

  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • non-dietary meats;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • fatty fresh milk and fermented milk products;
  • alcohol and any soda;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong tea;
  • vegetables and fruits containing coarse fiber;
  • fried and hard-boiled eggs;
  • barley, wheat, corn grits;
  • hot herbs and spices, salt, sugar.

All these foods are difficult to digest, some of them contribute to increased production of pancreatic enzymes, which leads to relapse of the disease.

Example menu

The diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas involves following treatment menu No. 5:

  • Light breakfast: egg white omelet, slimy buckwheat porridge, lightly brewed tea without sugar.
  • 2nd breakfast: dietary soufflé from dried apricots, unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: rice broth, boiled pollock soufflé, jelly from non-acidic freshly prepared juice with a synthetic sweetener.
  • Snack between lunch and dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, rosehip compote.
  • Dinner: steamed fish or meat cutlets, carrot juice soufflé.
  • Instead of bread, you should eat wheat crackers, but not more than 50 g per day. The diet menu contains sugar, but not more than 5 g per day.

Surgery is a common treatment for pancreatic necrosis. After surgery, the patient is prescribed a very strict diet, including complete fasting. The patient is prescribed to drink only liquids (water). Further, the patient requires special nutrition for pancreatic necrosis. It provides only light and bland food.

A special menu is being developed for pancreatic necrosis, providing food for every day. The patient needs many useful substances to restore strength. The diet includes dishes and products that allow you to replenish the body with vitamins and beneficial elements. The food is liquid and homogeneous. Products are selected that are easily digestible, easily digestible, and do not provoke increased secretion in the pancreas.

The disease occurs against the background of poor nutrition. If the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, pancreatitis develops, flowing into pancreatic necrosis. The digestive system is unable to digest incoming food, even light meals.

The general diet for acute pancreatitis is the same as after pancreatic necrosis. Fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods are not allowed. All food is boiled, stewed, baked, steamed. They prefer soups, grated porridges, and low-fat purees. Food is cooked on water. Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, and fatty broths. There are certain rules and recommendations:

  • To avoid complications during the digestion process, avoid solid foods, giving preference to dishes with a uniform consistency. This includes grated oatmeal, buckwheat with vegetables, lean meat, and fish. All this is steamed.
  • Fats have a detrimental effect on digestion during this period. Only a small slice of butter is allowed, which is allowed to season food. An alternative option is natural olive oil.
  • Not sour and ripe fruits.
  • Steam omelette made from quail and chicken eggs, stale bread, crackers, low-fat cottage cheese - nutritionists allow.
  • You can drink weak tea, compote, brewed rose hips, and juices without sugar.

Diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas and sample menu:

  1. Breakfast - protein omelet, buckwheat mucous porridge, weak tea.
  2. Snack – weak tea with a delicate soufflé of dried apricots.
  3. Lunch – rice broth, boiled pollock puree, dessert in the form of jelly from freshly squeezed acid-free juice with the addition of a sweetener.
  4. Snack – Low-fat cottage cheese, rosehip compote.
  5. Dinner – steamed fish or meat cutlets, carrot soufflé.
  • the daily fluid intake should be no more than 800 ml;
  • fractional meals - serving size is no more than 300 mg, food is consumed 4-5 times a day;
  • all products can only be steamed or boiled;
  • after heat treatment, the products must be thoroughly crushed;
  • reducing the amount of sugar consumed;
  • As for drinks, the emphasis is on rosehip decoctions and compotes;
  • The basis of nutrition is cereals, vegetables, lean meat.

A diet for pancreatic necrosis is a whole list of rules that must be followed by patients without fail. When preparing a diet, the attending physician or nutritionist includes in the patient’s diet foods that saturate the sick body with all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

To facilitate the functioning of the digestive system, the food consumed should be as liquid as possible.

Authorized Products

  1. Vegetables. These include carrots, potatoes, and zucchini. They are added to first courses, after being chopped.
  2. Porridge. Rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal must be ground into flour. A homogeneous slimy porridge is suitable as a second course.
  3. For dessert, baked goods are perfect, but lean. You need to eat the delicacy on the second day in a stale state.
  4. Fruits. They prefer sweet and ripe fruits. Peaches and apricots are suitable. Be sure to remove the peel before serving.
  5. Sweet apples. It is better to give the patient baked ones. Make a soufflé, jelly or mousse.
  6. Drink medicinal mineral water, brewed rose hips, dried fruit compote, weak tea, jelly.

All foods in the diet should be easily digestible, not cause stagnation in the stomach and intestines, and contain substances beneficial to the body. For pancreatic necrosis, the following foods are allowed:

  • yesterday's wholemeal bread;
  • from vegetables: carrots, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • boiled chicken eggs or omelet;
  • fermented milk and dairy products, low-fat milk, cottage cheese;
  • porridge;
  • pasta;
  • from fruits - all non-acidic;
  • a small piece of butter a day, you can spread it on bread, add it to boiled cereal;
  • cookies made without sugar.

For drinks, you can drink still water, compotes from fresh fruits and dried fruits, and fruit drinks. It is better to replace tea with rosehip decoction, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, soothing the mucous membranes. When eating boiled eggs, you can eat only the white.

The diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas has some common features with the diet prescribed for chronic pancreatitis.

The basic rule of the diet for pancreatic necrosis is the minimum fat content in foods

The following are the dishes and products that can be eaten after the relative normalization of the condition:

  • Cereals. Only those that have a low glycemic index and also contain a minimal amount of fiber are allowed. These are, for example, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Based on these products, you can prepare a variety of porridges with the addition of water and a small amount of milk.
  • Vegetables. Also, a small amount of vegetables is not prohibited, which are best combined with meat or the same cereals. Please note that the list of permitted vegetables is significantly limited. Only those types that are enriched with vitamins and contain virtually no fiber are allowed.
  • It is also necessary to include protein in your diet that is easily digestible. This can be meat, fish, chicken and quail egg whites. It is better to eat the meat in minced form; it is best to prepare a soufflé or steamed cutlets. Eating whole pieces of meat is undesirable due to the fiber content in them, which requires effort on the part of the body in the process of digestion.

Food consumed by patients with pancreatic necrosis should be nutritious, but at the same time easily digestible

  • It is acceptable to introduce a small amount of fruit and natural sweets, such as honey, into the diet. But before consumption, it is advisable to subject the fruit to preliminary heat treatment.
  • Milk products. Only fermented milk products should be eaten; whole milk should be avoided completely. It is best to give preference to kefir, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content and a shelf life not exceeding five to seven days. This type of product contains virtually no preservatives or flavoring additives.

In case of pancreatic necrosis, it is necessary to follow the principles of proper nutrition. That is, it is advisable to eat at least five to six times a day so that there is no feeling of acute hunger. The serving size should be minimal. To determine the optimal amount of food eaten at one time, it is recommended to conditionally divide the previously familiar portion into two.

Fractional nutrition is one of the main principles of the diet.

Dish recipes

Healthy foods after pancreatic surgery are dietary soups and cereals with a small amount of salt, steamed soufflé with a minimum amount of sugar and semolina, and low-fat cottage cheese pudding.


  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Broccoli inflorescences - 5 pcs.
  • Salt (as indicated).

How to cook: boil water, put potatoes and broccoli in it, cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Strain the boiled vegetables and pour the broth into a clean bowl. Grind the potatoes and broccoli in a blender until pureed, then dilute with vegetable broth. Put it back on the fire and cook until thick.

Cottage cheese pudding


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 400 g.
  • Non-sour apple (without peel) - 300 g.
  • Chicken egg whites - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar (taking into account the daily value).

How to prepare: Grind cottage cheese and apples separately in a blender until pureed, then combine and stir until smooth. Gradually add whipped chicken whites to them. Distribute the mixture into molds and bake in the oven.

Semolina soufflé

A soufflé recipe for pancreatitis will only be useful if the dish is steamed.


  • Dried fruit compote - 3 cups.
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp.
  • Chicken proteins - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar (according to indications).

How to prepare: cook semolina as usual, but use compote instead of milk. Beat the prepared and slightly cooled mass with a mixer, gradually add the whipped whites into the semolina. Divide the mixture into molds and steam.

Foods that contain a sufficient amount of amino acids and are enriched with enzymes necessary for the proper functioning of the gland form the basis of the diet for patients with pancreatic necrosis. At first glance, it may seem that the food is meager and tasteless, but if you ask yourself about the correct composition of the menu, the food will be different and tasty. Recipes for some dietary dishes:

  1. Pumpkin casserole with apples: finely chop the pumpkin and apples, simmer in a saucepan in water, and after cooking, grind in a blender. Mix the resulting puree mass with heated milk, add 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. l semolina. After cooling, add one egg white, whipped into foam. Place the mixture on a baking sheet, bake for half an hour, oven temperature – 170°.

All dishes must be freshly prepared and not sit in the refrigerator for a long time.


You can prepare the following salads that are easily digestible for pancreatic necrosis:

  1. The most useful salad is made from boiled beets and carrots. Boil the vegetables, peel them, grate them on a medium grater, mix and season with a small amount of sunflower oil. You can add chopped non-acidic apple to the salad.
  2. Olivier diet recipe: finely chop boiled carrots and cabbage, add chopped egg white and boiled chicken, mix, add salt, season with low-fat sour cream.

Healthy foods after pancreatic surgery are dietary soups and cereals with a small amount of salt, steamed soufflé with a minimum amount of sugar and semolina, and low-fat cottage cheese pudding.

  1. Milk soup: a glass of milk with a minimum percentage of fat content, 3 tbsp. l. sorted buckwheat, 1 tsp. butter and sugar, a glass of water. Boil the buckwheat in water until half cooked, add a pinch of salt, then milk and sugar, bring to a boil.
  2. Steamed chicken cutlets: 150 g minced meat, 2 glasses of milk, yesterday's bread 20 g, 2 tsp. olive oil, a pinch of salt. Soak the bread in milk, add to the minced meat, and add salt. Cook in a double boiler for half an hour.
  3. Pumpkin casserole with apples: finely chop the pumpkin and apples, simmer in a saucepan in water, and after cooking, grind in a blender. Mix the resulting puree mass with heated milk, add 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. l semolina. After cooling, add one egg white, whipped into foam. Place the mixture on a baking sheet, bake for half an hour, oven temperature - 170°.


Prohibited Products

List of foods that are prohibited to be consumed during pancreatic necrosis, so as not to provoke a relapse:

  • confectionery and flour products;
  • smoked meats and preservation;
  • soups and broths with meat;
  • sausages;
  • legumes;
  • corn;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty waste from meat and fish;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • vegetables - cabbage, peppers, garlic and onions;
  • grape.

The menu for pancreatic necrosis excludes the use of hot, salty and spices. The amount of salt should be strictly limited; if possible, it is recommended to completely avoid it.

Nutrition for pancreatic necrosis deliberately excludes the main part of the usual foods from the patient’s diet.

The main products prohibited for consumption during this period include the following:

  • Any types of ready-to-eat products. These are sweet juices, carbonated drinks, sausages, all kinds of semi-finished products, as well as fast food, which is so popular today. Canned food, marinades, pickles, and other products with a long shelf life are also excluded.

Fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks and foods with a lot of preservatives should be completely excluded from the menu.

  • All kinds of confectionery products, including cakes, pastries, sweets. Only those prepared at home are considered acceptable sweets. These are marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruit candies, honey. But even here it is necessary to observe moderation.
  • Animal and vegetable fats should be present in the patient’s diet in minimal quantities, but their inclusion is mandatory. It should be noted that the patient’s body needs the amount of animal fats it receives from meat products. As for vegetable oils, it is allowed to include a small amount of natural olive oil in the diet.

Patients with pancreatic necrosis are allowed to add a small amount of extra virgin olive oil to their food.

Following a strict diet for pancreatic necrosis is a forced necessity, deviation from which can lead to aggravation of the patient’s condition and provoke swelling of the pancreas. In the stage of stable remission, when attacks of the disease have not manifested themselves for more than several months, a slight relaxation of the regime is allowed, however, only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Nutrition for pancreatic necrosis involves the complete elimination of the following products by category from the patient’s menu:

  • fatty poultry meat (duck, goose), lamb, pork;
  • preservation (stew, marinades, pickles, condensed milk, pates, canned fish, preserves, jam);
  • ham and sausages;
  • fatty fish (halibut, sardine, mackerel, capelin, saury), caviar;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables of the cabbage family (radish, radish, cabbage);
  • onion family (garlic, onion, asparagus);
  • sorrel and spinach;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • baked goods from butter, puff pastry, shortbread dough;
  • sweet dishes and drinks, coffee;
  • cereal crops: barley (pearl barley and barley), millet (millet cereal), corn;
  • ketchup, tomato paste, fatty mayonnaise-based sauces, horseradish;
  • mushrooms (in all types of preparation, including broth);
  • citrus fruit;
  • hot spices;
  • fish, lard, meat prepared by smoking.

For diseases of the pancreas, alcohol in any form or quantity is strictly prohibited.

Errors in nutrition during pancreatic necrosis can result in death for the patient.

Complications due to non-compliance with the diet

If you do not follow a therapeutic diet for pancreatic necrosis, then even the most expensive medications will not improve the patient’s condition. A diet for pancreatic necrosis must be mandatory. This is the only chance to prevent the patient from developing diabetes mellitus, which is a consequence of the death of insulin cells.

Pancreatic necrosis is the cessation of functionality, otherwise death, of pancreatic cells. The process is irreversible and is a consequence of chronic or acute inflammation of the gland (pancreatitis). To eliminate the pathology, an operation is necessary - necrectomy of the pancreas. After surgery, treatment is based on taking medications and strict adherence to a diet.

According to therapeutic nutrition according to V. Pevzner, the diet for pancreatic necrosis in the postoperative period includes “table No. 0” and “table No. 5P”. Diet therapy is aimed at reducing congestion, inhibiting pancreatic hyperenzymemia (increased enzyme production) and maximizing unloading of the pancreas (mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing).

Mechanical sparing involves grinding food, chemical sparing involves eliminating foods that irritate the damaged organ from the diet and proper cooking of foods, thermal sparing involves maintaining the temperature of food.

Nutrition during rehabilitation

Products should be steamed or boiled during rehabilitation.

Diet for pancreatic necrosis is of great importance in the process of rehabilitation of the patient. When a patient is discharged from the hospital after surgery, the attending physician prescribes a detailed diet that must be strictly adhered to.

The patient's diet should be balanced and contain as many carbohydrates as possible. Eating food should be done frequently and in small portions. Food should have a crushed, uniform consistency, and foods should be steamed or boiled.

A strict diet for pancreatic necrosis should be followed by the patient until the signs of pathology completely disappear. This may take a year or even more. The doctor will be able to verify that the patient’s health status has returned to normal after pancreatic necrosis by the results of laboratory tests, which the patient must undergo periodically. If no negative health effects are observed, then the dietary intake begins to gradually expand.

Features in children

In the first days after an attack, the diet is the most strict; it is forbidden to consume anything except water and weak tea. As the pain is relieved, the diet gradually expands to include permitted foods. When the disease enters the reactive stage, the menu expands even further to include permitted products.

With a disease such as pancreatic necrosis, the child will always need to adhere to a therapeutic diet.

Diet after illness

A person diagnosed with pancreatic necrosis will have to follow a diet throughout his life. A slight relaxation is allowed during a period of prolonged remission, after complete rehabilitation, when a person can add a little more salt to prepared dishes. But for the rest of your life, a categorical ban on alcoholic beverages, spices, seasonings and marinades is imposed.

Any departure from the diet will cause a new attack, which is difficult to eliminate with medication, and surgery may be required. Diet is the only way to treat this disease, which helps to prolong remission. After an illness, it is allowed to eat food not crushed in a blender, as during an exacerbation, but cut into small pieces.

Throughout his life, a person will have to give up fatty foods and cooking foods by frying. Relaxations may also include the ability to consume small amounts of butter, but only during periods when the disease does not have severe symptoms.

Diet for pancreatic necrosis: menu and recipes

Pancreatic necrosis: treatment, symptoms, signs, diet

Any departure from the diet will cause a new attack, which is difficult to eliminate with medication, and surgery may be required. Diet is the only way to treat this disease, which helps to prolong remission. After an illness, it is allowed to eat food not crushed in a blender, as during an exacerbation, but cut into small pieces.

Zero nutrition plan after necrectomy

In the period after necrectomy, the digestive system requires absolute rest, so the patient is advised to fast. Without a functional load, that is, without producing digestive enzymes, the regeneration process occurs faster. For the first 5–6 days, the patient is only allowed to drink non-carbonated table water or Borjomi and Essentuki mineral water, previously degassed. Maintenance of vital functions is carried out through parenteral (intravenous) nutrition.

After the specified time, the patient is transferred to phased versions of the zero diet for pancreatic necrosis. Food intake is allowed in modest portions (50–100 g), every 2–2.5 hours. What you can eat at each stage:

  • Table No. 0A. Unsalted broth from lean veal, beef, jelly (compote) from dried fruits, rose hips.
  • Table No. 0B. Expansion of the diet, introduction of liquid porridges from cereals, previously crushed in a coffee grinder, steamed protein omelet.
  • Table No. 0B. Add baby vegetable puree and baked apples.

The duration of each stage depends on the patient’s condition. In the absence of complications of the disease, the patient switches to the dietary “Table No. 5P”.

Postulates of therapeutic nutrition

General rules

General requirements for organizing proper nutrition for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas include:

  • strictly limited amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • mandatory presence of proteins in the diet;
  • a balanced diet (every 2–2.5 hours) and drinking regimen (at least 1500 ml of water);
  • limited portions for a single meal;
  • exclusion of culinary processing of products by frying (only boiled, stewed and steamed dishes);
  • limited consumption of table salt (5–6 grams per day);
  • observing the temperature regime of drinks and dishes (not too hot and not too cold).

Additionally, the menu should include herbal decoctions of herbs that support the pancreas.

Eligible Products

The list of foods and dishes that can be eaten during the rehabilitation period includes:

  • omelette (steamed or cooked in the microwave);
  • water-based potato or vegetable puree of liquid consistency;
  • homemade white crackers, biscuits;
  • porridge with water;
  • chicken broth (the skin must be removed from the bird);
  • steamed chicken breast and lean fish cutlets;
  • cheesecakes steamed from low-fat cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • boiled vermicelli (noodles);
  • curd and vegetable puddings;
  • pureed meat and vegetable soups;
  • fruit and berry desserts (jelly, jelly, compote);
  • weakly brewed green tea, still mineral water.

To provide the pancreas with maximum comfort, permitted foods are introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions.

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