Russian-Georgian phrasebook for tourists with pronunciation. Call a plumber in Miass. Will knowing English save me in Georgia?

Georgia is home to hospitable and friendly people who will always help. When you come to this sunny country, you don’t have to worry that you will have problems with communication - most local residents speak Russian, and young people speak English.

National language

All information signs, signs and the like are written in Georgian, since it is state-owned. But don’t worry - almost everywhere it is duplicated in English and Russian. This is especially pronounced in large tourist cities.

Local residents over 30 mostly speak and understand Russian. It’s a little more difficult with the younger population - they communicate either in Georgian or English. Whatever the case, it will be easy for you to find someone who can answer your questions in a language you understand.

Some facts

It will take a lot of time and effort to study this incredibly complex language. It is impossible for a tourist to understand him - it will generally seem to you that the locals are swearing - that’s how he sounds specific. And all because of the five vowels, which are pronounced dryly. All other letters of the Georgian alphabet are consonants, there are 28 of them. All letters are the same in height. That is, capital letters or the first letter of the name are not highlighted.

Communication with locals

An interesting phenomenon often occurs in Georgia: Russians living here and officially working here understand Georgian, but do not speak it. And, in principle, they do not have any language barrier or communication problems.

Earlier Russian was studied in Georgian schools, so most of the local population understands it. Now the percentage of schools teaching Russian has decreased significantly. But if you are planning to move to Georgia, there will be no problems finding an educational institution with a language familiar to your child.

In tourist cities knowledge of Russian and English- part of the work, since tourists are the main income here. Of course, there is a possibility of encountering misunderstanding, for example, on the part of some taxi drivers. Don’t get upset or panic, look around - a random passer-by will not only help you, but also take you where you need to go.

Be prepared that some public transport drivers won't understand you or they won't be able to answer. Basically, this applies to visitors from small villages and villages. Of course, they don’t study Russian, much less English, there, and they don’t have time for it.

Friendly Georgians

Georgians are known for their light and cheerful disposition, this very friendly people. Communicate with them is a pleasure. They will not only give you tips and useful advice, but will also try to treat you to something.

In the area of ​​the sea terminal, you will definitely come across taxi drivers who are ready to take you inexpensively to beautiful places not far from the city. They are all polite and pleasant people with not a drop of negativity in them.

Behave modestly and well-mannered, do not hesitate to communicate with the local population. Do it with a smile. You will be surprised by the warmth with which Georgians treat travelers.

Useful phrases in Georgian

Every local resident is impressed if a tourist addresses him in the local language. At first they are surprised, then their faces light up with a smile and they willingly make contact. We would like to introduce you to some phrases that will most likely not be out of place and will come in handy in sunny Georgia:

Common phrases

Remember phrases that you will need in everyday life:

  • Yes - ho
  • No - macaw
  • Thank you - gmadlobt
  • Please - arapris
  • Sorry - bodyshi
  • I don't understand - uh
  • Okay - kargad
  • Login - gekichva
  • Exit - gachoveba
  • What time is it now? - Romeli saathia?
  • Do you speak English? (in French, German, Spanish)
  • laparakobt inglisurad (prangulad, germanulad)?

Greetings and farewells

Don't forget the polite words:

  • Hello - Gamarjobat
  • Goodbye - nahvamdis
  • Bye - Jerjerobit
  • Good morning - dila mshvidobisa
  • Good evening - sagamo mshvidobisa
  • Good night - game mshvidobisa


If you decide to go shopping, remember these phrases:

  • Okay, I'm buying it - vkidulob
  • What it is? - Es ra aris?
  • What is the price? - ra g "chris?
  • Room - otachi
  • Change - Khurda


To explore the main beauties of the country, you may need the following words and phrases:

  • I would like to see - meh minda vnakho
  • Temple - Tajari
  • Museum - museumumi
  • Old Town - Dzveli Kalaki

At the restaurant

And to have a delicious meal in Georgia, remember these phrases:

  • This dish is es kerji
  • A cup of tea/coffee - pinjani khawa/teas
  • Red/white wine - tsiteli/tetri gvino
  • Mineral water - mineralupi tskali

Location of objects

To get your bearings, don’t hesitate to ask local residents:

  • Where is the mdamareobs garden located?
  • Night club - gamis clubi
  • Casino - casino
  • Bank - banks
  • Bazaar - bazaars
  • Supermarket - supermarket
  • Souvenir - souvenirabis

Having visited Georgia, you will want to come back here again and again. You will rarely meet such kind, sympathetic, smiling and friendly people. You won't want to leave here at all. Despite their hot temperament, Georgian men are well-mannered and reserved. If girls don't give reasons, they won't impose themselves. Have a good holiday, warm and vivid impressions.

Georgia is probably one of the most congenial countries for tourists from the former post-Soviet Union. Here you are will definitely try understand and help, treat you or give you a ride to the right place.

In Georgia, a tourist will hardly be able to feel any language barrier when communicating with the local population. In extreme cases they will come to the rescue ordinary passers-by and will answer any questions with a smile.

And yet, let's find out in more detail about features Georgian national language. In particular: what is better to learn in advance, what language to communicate with different age groups, etc.

What is the language in Georgia?

The official state language is, of course, Georgian. It contains signs on shops and supermarkets, menus in restaurants and cafes, bus routes, signs.

But still, get scared in advance tourists not worth it. Firstly, next to the inscription in Georgian In many cases should be translated into Russian or English (especially in popular ones). Secondly, the population is older knows well Russian language, and young people also speak English. Therefore, in 99% of cases, there will definitely be a person nearby who will understand everything.

What is worth knowing about the Georgian language?

Understand Georgian almost impossible. From the outside it may seem that people are arguing, although in fact they will communicate peacefully. All because Georgians, in our opinion, very emotional.

The Georgian language is quite difficult for foreigners and it's hard to learn, - this is how Maria (a tour guide to the Prometheus Cave and temples) answered my question about the possibility of learning their language.

In total, it contains 33 letters, 5 of which are vowels, which, nevertheless, are pronounced rather dryly. Words are written the same way they are heard, but... same height(in the sense of not capitalizing names, titles, etc.)

Will they understand you in Georgia?

The bulk of the Georgian population understands and even communicates well in Russian, because until recently it was officially taught in schools. Recently, the number of educational institutions where students continue to study in the Russian language program decreased significantly.

But nevertheless, we hasten to please those who decide to move to Georgia with a child: You you'll definitely find a school with the language familiar to the baby.

As you can see, on the sign in Batumi, attractions are indicated in two languages ​​- Georgian and English, as well as on most local products.

We have personally met people who have already many years live in the country without ever fully learning Georgian and feel great here. They work in official jobs, understand everything that the “native locals” say, but communicate mostly in Russian.

This is not surprising, because much tied to tourism. Therefore, at the same time, people try, at the very least, to learn the language of the majority of travelers (sometimes just to feed their family).

I had to come across complete misunderstanding on the part of the no longer young Georgian drivers, who point-blank pretended that they did not understand Russian (or maybe they really did not understand?). Then passengers came to our rescue, who not only explained where the attraction we are interested in is located, but also spent a little time To the point, for which I thank them very much.

In the end we did obvious conclusion: The main thing is not to panic. In any case, in Georgia you will find support and understanding, if not from those to whom you turned, then from random people.

Will knowing English save me in Georgia?

If you communicate with young people, you may encounter with the problem of misunderstanding Russian language. In this case, it will come to the rescue English.

In Georgia we not once I had to communicate with the local population and tourists in English. The most striking example comes to mind in a minibus traveling from the Tbilisi bus station to a small town in the south of the country, not far from the border with Turkey. There, a young woman, a local resident, addressed us: first in Georgian, and then, when she saw our bewilderment, in English. We talked for a long time, telling her our observations and impressions of what we saw in the country.

Sometimes, minibus drivers don't know, do not understand or cannot answer you in either Russian or English. As the owner of the hostel where we lived in Tbilisi explained to us, such drivers come from tiny villages. They fundamentally do not want (and are not ready) to spend time learning the Russian language. In this case, feel free to contact your fellow travelers. They will help, verified personally.

Communication with Georgians: how to win people over?

Communicate with Georgians nice and easy. They are constantly trying to treat you to something, recommend something useful, or tell you about what they think is most interesting.

In the evenings, not far from the Batumi sea terminal, you can see a small lawn selling books in various languages.

Walking along the embankment, especially in the area of ​​​​the sea terminal, you will definitely be approached by several, ready for a certain amount take a ride to a nearby city, and in some cases, even to another part of the country. All of them - open, smiling people. We didn’t hear even an ounce of negativity from any of the taxi drivers.

We even had a funny conversation with one of the drivers. As a result, he rendered a verdict that we were good tourists (since everything he offered had already been seen).

A few phrases in Georgian that will definitely come in handy

I think no one will object to the fact: a tourist who knows a few useful words in the language of the country in which it is located, always a welcome guest/customer in any home/shop.

This trick also works in Georgia. Local at first they are surprised, and then answer with a smile or correct your pronunciation (if they managed to get to know each other well enough).

Below we have posted several popular words and phrases that, in our opinion, will be useful to every tourist.

Let’s add a couple more words that we think are interesting. for general development: mother - grandfather; father - mother.

Georgians are the most friendly and hospitable nation

During all our travels around the world, it became a real discovery for us. We have never met so many friendly, hospitable, welcoming and simply wonderful people. To tell the truth, I really didn’t even want to leave Georgia.

We wrote a separate article about local residents, their behavior, traditions and everyday life. We sincerely hope to visit our Caucasian friends more than once.

As for frequently asked questions about the safety of coming to the country of the fair sex on your own, we boldly answer: come! Georgian men, despite their emotionality, are well-mannered and restrained. They will not “pursue” you unless you give them a reason to do so.

Useful links and interesting information:

  • Grocery stores or does it make sense to save on food in Georgia?
  • Holidays in Georgia in summer. What you should pay attention to?

The Russian-Georgian phrasebook will be useful for those traveling around amazing Georgia. We have collected the most common words and phrases in Georgian with transcription for a comfortable journey through this hospitable country. Georgia is located in the west of Transcaucasia, washed by the Black Sea from the east. It borders with Russia in the north, with Armenia and Turkey in the south...

Travel phrasebook

The Russian-Georgian phrasebook will be useful for those traveling around amazing Georgia. We have collected the most common words and phrases in Georgian with transcription for a comfortable journey through this hospitable country. Georgia is located in the west of Transcaucasia, washed by the Black Sea from the east. It borders with Russia in the north, Turkey in the south, and in the southeast. Georgia is good for everything - hospitality, toasts, the harsh grace and simplicity of ancient temples, cafes and restaurants of Tbilisi, aromatic wines, melodic tunes, the sincere art of Niko Pirosmani.

Here you can get the Borjomi treatment and walk around the ever-blooming Batumi, soak up the Black Sea beach and gaze in amazement at the majestic Caucasus. Or you can simply live for some time in Georgian style, so that later you can fondly remember the days spent in this unforgettable country.

See also “”, with which you can translate any word or sentence into Georgian (or vice versa).

Basic words

Phrase in Russian Pronunciation
Yes Ho (polite – diah)
No Macaw
Thank you, thank you very much Gmadlobt
Please Arapris
Sorry Bodishi
Hello Gamarjobat
Goodbye Nakhvamdis
Bye Jarjarobit
Good morning Dila mshvidobisa
Good afternoon Gamarjobat
Good evening Salamo mshvidobisa
Good night G"khame mshvidobisa
How can I say this?.. Rogor ikneba es?..
Do you speak?.. Laparakobt?..
English Inglisurad
French Prangulad
German Germanulad
I Mae
We Chwen
You Sheng
You Tkven
They Isini
What is your name? Ra gquiat?
Fine Kargad
Badly Tsudad
Wife Tsoli
Husband Kmari
Daughter Kalishvili
Son Vazhishvili
Mother Deda
Father Mother
Friend Magobari
Hello)! Gamarjoba
Hello! Salami!
Good morning! Dila mshvidobisa!
Good evening! Sagamo mshvidobisa!
How are you doing? Rogor Hart?
OK, thank you Gmadlobt, kargad
Great! Chinebulad!
Very good! Dzalian kargad!
Not all so good! Arts tu ise kargad!
So-so! Ara mishavs!
Badly! Tsudad!
You are pale Tkven permkrtali hart
Yes I feel bad Diah, tavs tsudad vgrdznob
What's wrong with you? Ra mogividat?
I probably have a fever. Or just tired Albat sitshe makvs, an ubirod, davigale
How are yours doing? Tkvenebi rogor arian?
Thank you, as usual Gmadlobt, dzveleburad
Let me introduce you. I… Neba mibodzet gagesnot. Me var...
Be familiar Itsnobdet ertmanets
Meet my friend Gaitsanite chemi megabari
With pleasure Siamovnebit
Glad to meet you Mokharuli var, rum gagitsanit
And I Metz aseve
I've heard a lot about you Tkwenze bevri msmenya
Do you know this girl? Itsnobt am gogonas?
Well, of course! Rogor macaw!
I don't know her (him) Me mas ar vitsnob
He/she wants to meet you Mas unda tkveni gatsnoba
He and I are old friends Chven dzveli megobrebi wart
Please welcome to visit us today for lunch, dinner... Gthovt chemtan mobrdzandet stumrad sadze, vakhshamze...
Thank you, with great pleasure! Gmadlobt, didi siamovnebit!
Unfortunately, I can't, I'm busy! Samtsukharod ar shemidzlia, dakavebuli var!
Won't you go to the theater today? Hom ar tsamokhvalt dges theater girls?
I'll go! Tsamoval!
This will be very interesting for me! Yes dzalian sainteresto ikneba chemtwis
Sign in! Shemobrdzandit!
Sit down! Dabrdzandit!
Try it please Miirtvit (gasinjet) tu sheidzleba
Make yourself at home! Tavi ise igrzenit, rogorts sakutar sahlshi!
I agree (I agree) Me tanakhma var
Certainly Ra tkma unda
Right Scoria
And I think so Mets ace vpikrob
Very good Dzalian hag
I'm of the same opinion Metz am Azris Var
Of course it's better this way Ra tkma unda, ase uketesia
Everything is fine Kwelaperi rigzea
I think you're right Chemi Azrit, Tkven Martali Hart
This is true EU Martlats ASEA
Our thoughts are the same Chveni azrebi ertmanets emtkhveva
Can I ask you? Sheidzleba gthovot?
I beg you very much! Dzalian gthowt!
I have to ask you! Tkwentan thovna makvs!
Please consider my request! Gthovt chemi tkhovna gaitvaliscinot
I was allowed Neba damrtes
It's your right, do as you want! Es tkveni nebaa, rogorts gindat ise moiketsit!
Can I come in? Sheidzleba shemovide?
Can I open (close) the window? Sheidzleba gavago (davketo) panjara?
Can I borrow a magazine? Sheidzleba avigo journal?
Can I sit here? Sheidzleba ak davjde?
Can I have a smoke? Sheidzleba movzio?
Goodbye! Nahvamdis!
Goodbye! Mshvidobit!
Bye! Jer-jerobit!
Good night! Game mshvidobisa!
Don't get lost! Well, yeskargebi!
Hope to see you soon! Imedi makvs, male shevkhvdebit!
It's upsetting to me! Dzalian mtskens!
This is too much! Es ukwe metismetia!
Perhaps that's enough! Drive away Sakmarisia!
Horror! Sashinelebaa!
Strange! Utsnauria!
Madam! Kalbatono!
Friend! Megabaro!
Mister! Batono!
Young woman! Gogona!
Sorry! Bodyshi!
Sorry! Mapatiet!
Please excuse me! Gthowt mapatiot!
I'm sorry for disturbing you! Bodishs gihdit, rum gatsuhebt!
Sorry, am I disturbing you? Bodishi, health home ar gishlit?
Sorry I'm busy) Ukatsravad, me dakavebuli var
Sorry, I'm in a hurry Ukatsravad, swordsman
Sorry for keeping you waiting Mapatiet, rum galodynet
Sorry for interrupting you Mapatiet, rum saubari shegatskvetinet
Sorry, but you are wrong! Mapatiet, magram tkven tsdebit
What would you like? Ra gnebavt?
Nothing Araperi
I want to buy books Minda Wikido Tsignebi
I want to learn a foreign language Minda utskho ena shevistsavlo
I really want to relax Dzalian Minda Davisveno
I wish I could be home now! Netavi sahlshi viko!
At least something would work out! Netavi rame gamovides!
I would really like this Es ki dzalian mindoda
I really want to see you! Dzalian minda tkveni nakhva!
If only I could help you! Netavi shemedzlos tkveni dakhmareba!
I want to go... Minda havemgsauro…
I want to explore the city... Minda kalaki dawatvalier...
I'm going to do a lot of things today Dges bevri ramis gaketeba minda
Thank you! Gmadlobt!
Thank you very much! Didi madloba!
Thank you in advance! Tsinastsar gihdit madlobas!
I am very grateful to you! Tkveni dzalian madlobeli var!
Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, what a waste!
You are very kind! Tkven dzalian tavaziani brdzandebit!
Many thanks for the help! Didi madloba dakhmarebisatvis!
What do you! What a conversation this could be! Ras ambobt! Es ra salaparacoa!
In no case! Aravitar shemthvevashi!
It is forbidden! Ar sheidzleba!
I'm against! Me cinaagmdegi var!
I disagree (agree) with you! Me ar getankhmebit!
Don't think Ara mgonia
Not at all Sruliadac ara
Don't want! Ar minda!
Unfortunately I can not Samtsuharod, ar shemidzlia!
Nothing will come of this Akedan araperi gamova
It's not my business Yes me ar meheba
You are wrong! Tkven is killing it!
I'm very happy)! Dzalian miharia!
You made me very happy! Me tkven dzalian gamakharet!
Glad to see you! Mikharia tkveni nakhva!
I love! Dzalian momtsons!

Numbers and numbers

Number Pronunciation
Zero Noli
One Erti
Two Ori
Three Sami
Four Othi
Five Houthi
Six Equsi
Seven Shvidi
Eight Rva
Nine Tskhra
Ten Ati
Twenty Otsi
Thirty Ormotsi
Fourty Ormotsi
Fifty Ormotsdaati
One hundred Asi
Thousand Atasi
Million Milioni

Shops and restaurants

Phrase in Russian Pronunciation
How much does it cost? Ra g "hirs?
What it is? Es ra aris?
I will buy it Vkhidulob
You have?.. Gakvt?..
Open G"hiaa
Closed Dacatilia
A little, a little Tsota
A lot of Bevry
All Khwela
Breakfast Sauzme
Dinner Sadili
Dinner Sadili
Bread Puri
Drink Sasmeli
Coffee Khawa
Tea Teas
Juice Tsveni
Water Tskkhali
Wine G"khvino
Salt Marilee
Pepper Pilpili
Meat Horcy
Fruits Healy
Ice cream Nahini


How to get

Public areas

Dates and times

Phrase in Russian Pronunciation
What time is it now? Romeli saati?
Day Dg"he
A week Queer
Month TVE
Year Goals
Monday Orshabati
Tuesday Samshabati
Wednesday Othshabati
Thursday Khutshabati
Friday Paraskevi
Saturday Shabbat
Sunday Queer
Spring Gazaphuli
Summer Zaphuli
Autumn Shemodgoma
Winter Zamtari
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    Georgia, a magnificent country that has preserved the pristine beauty of mountains and rivers. This is an ancient state, which is located in Western Asia and on the Black Sea coast. The geographical location of Georgia and its incredibly healthy mineral waters attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year, and each of them finds something of their own here, something that makes them come back here again and again. But in order to travel around Georgia and easily communicate with the local population, you need to have a good knowledge of the Georgian language.


    Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
    Hello! gamarjbutt
    Hello! gagimarjott
    Hello! Salami!
    Good morning! Dila mshvidobisa!
    Good evening! Sagamo mshvidobisa!
    Good night! ghame mshvidobisa
    Goodbye! Nahvamdis!
    Goodbye! Mshvidobit!
    Bye! Jer-jerobit!
    Don't get lost! Well, yeskargebi!
    Hope to see you soon! Imedi makvs, male shevkhvdebit!
    Glad to see you! Mikharia tkveni nakhva!
    Welcome mobrzanditt
    Bon Voyage Gza mshvidobisa

    Standard phrases

    Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
    Yes Ho (polite - diah)
    No Macaw
    Thank you! Gmadlobt
    Please Arapris
    Sorry Bodishi
    Sorry! Mapatiet!
    Please excuse me! Gthowt mapatiot!
    I'm sorry for disturbing you! Bodishs gihdit, rum gatsuhebt!
    Sorry, am I disturbing you? Bodishi, health home ar gishlit?
    Sorry I'm busy) Ukatsravad, me dakavebuli var
    Sorry, I'm in a hurry Ukatsravad, swordsman
    Sorry for keeping you waiting Mapatiet, rum galodynet
    Sorry for interrupting you Mapatiet, rum saubari shegatskvetinet
    Sorry, but you are wrong! Mapatiet, magram tkven tsdebit
    Thank you in advance! Tsinastsar gihdit madlobas!
    Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, what a waste!
    Thank you very much! Didi madloba!
    Thank you in advance! Tsinastsar gihdit madlobas!
    I am very grateful to you! Tkveni dzalian madlobeli var!
    Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, what a waste!
    You are very kind! Tkven dzalian tavaziani brdzandebit!
    Many thanks for the help! Didi madloba dakhmarebisatvis!
    In no case! Aravitar shemthvevashi!
    It is forbidden! Ar sheidzleba!
    I'm against! Me cinaagmdegi var!
    I disagree (agree) with you! Me ar getankhmebit!
    Don't think Ara mgonia
    Don't want! Ar minda!
    Unfortunately I can not. Samtsuharod, ar shemidzlia!
    You are wrong! Tkven is killing it!
    I'm very happy)! Dzalian miharia!
    How are you doing? Rogor Hart?
    OK, thank you Gmadlobt, kargad
    Great! Chinebulad!
    Very good! Dzalian kargad !
    Not all so good! Arts tu ise kargad!
    So-so! Ara mishavs!
    Badly! Tsudad!
    How are yours doing? Tkvenebi rogor arian?
    Thank you, as usual Gmadlobt, dzveleburad
    What is your name? ra gquiat?
    Wife colors
    Husband kmari
    Daughter Kalishvili
    Son Vazhishvili
    Mother grandfather
    Father Mother
    Friend megobari
    Can I ask you? Sheidzleba gthovot?
    I beg you very much! Dzalian gthowt!
    I have to ask you! Tkwentan thovna makvs!
    Please consider my request! Gthovt chemi tkhovna gaitvaliscinot
    How to say this by... Rogor ikneba es...?
    Do you speak… Laparakobt...?
    English Inglisurad
    French Prangulad
    German Germanulad
    I don't speak Georgian me ver cartlad
    I do not understand chemtwis ar arin gasagebia
    repeat please mapatiet mikharit maore jer
    I need a translator me mchirdeba tarjimani
    what does it mean? ras nishnavs es?
    I Mae
    We Chwen
    You Sheng
    You Tkven
    They Isini

    Traveling around the city

    Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
    how to get there? rogor shemidzlia mikhvide?
    where is? garden aris?
    Left Martskhniv
    Right Marzhvniv
    Directly Pirdapir
    Up Zamot
    Down Quamoth
    Far Shchors
    Close Ahlos
    Map Hand
    Mail Posta
    Museum Muzeumi
    Bank Banks
    Police Police
    Hospital Saavadmkhopo
    Pharmacy Aptiaki
    Shop Mag'hazia
    Restaurant Restaurant
    School Scola
    Church Ecclesia
    Toilet Tauleti
    Street Heaps
    Square Moedani
    Bridge Headey

    At the station

    In transport

    At the hotel


    Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
    0 noliNoli
    1 ertiErti
    2 oriOri
    3 samiSami
    4 otxiOthi
    5 xutiHouthi
    6 ekvsiEqusi
    7 shvidiShvidi
    8 rvaRva
    9 cxraTskhra
    10 atiAti
    11 tertmetiTertmeti
    12 tormetiTormeti
    13 cametiTsameti
    14 totxmetiTotkhmeti
    15 txutmetiThutmeti
    16 tekvsmetiTexvmeti
    17 chvidmetiChvidmeti
    18 tvrametiTvrameti
    19 cxrametiTskhrameti
    20 ociOtsi
    21 ocdaertiOts-da-erti (literally means twenty and one)
    22 ocdaoriOts-da-ori (twenty and two)
    30 ocdaatiOts-da-ati (twenty and ten (20+10=30))
    31 ocdatermetiOts-da-tertmeti (twenty and eleven (20+11=31))
    32 ocdatormetiOts-da-tormeti (twenty and twelve (20+12=32))
    40 ormociOr-m-otsi (two twenty (2x20=40))
    41 ormocdaertiOr-m-ots-da-erti (two twenty and one (2x20+1=41))
    50 ormocdaatiOr-m-ots-da-ati (two twenty and ten (2x20+10=50))
    60 samociSam-otsi (three twenty (3x20=60))
    70 SamocdaatiSam-ots-da-ati (three twenty and ten (3x20+10=70))
    75 SamocdatxutmetiSam-ots-da-thutmeti (three twenty and fifteen (3x20+15=75))
    80 otxmociOtkh-motsi (four twenty (4x20=80))
    90 otxmocdaatiOtkh-mots-da-ati (four twenty and ten (4x20+10=90))
    100 asiAsi
    120 as ociAc axis (one hundred and twenty)
    121 as ocdaertiAs os-da-erti) (one hundred twenty and one (100+20+1=121))
    154 as ormocdatotxmetiAs or-m-ots-da-totkhmeti (one hundred two twenty and fourteen (100+2x20+14=154))
    200 orasiOr-asi (two hundred (2x100=200))
    291 oras otxmocdatermetiOr-as otkh-m-ots-da-tertmeti (two hundred four twenty and eleven (2x100+4x20+11=291))
    300 samasiSam-asi (three hundred)
    400 otxasiOtkh-asi
    500 xutasiKhut-asi
    600 ekvsasiEqus-asi
    700 shvidasiShvidi-asi
    800 rvaasiRva-asi
    900 cxraasiTskhra-asi
    1 000 atasiAt-asi (ten hundred (10x100=1000))
    1 001 atas ertiAt-as erti
    2 000 ori atasiOri at-asi (two thousand)
    3 000 sami atasiSami at-asi (three thousand)
    1 000 000 milioniMilioni


    Time of day and year

    Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
    What time is it now? Romeli saati?
    morning/in the morning dila/dilas
    day/afternoon dghe/dghes
    evening/evening saghamo/saghamos
    Now ahla
    Today dghes
    Tomorrow praise
    yesterday Gushin
    Day Dg'he
    A week Queer
    Month TVE
    Year Goals
    Monday Orshabati
    Tuesday Samshabati
    Wednesday Othshabati
    Thursday Khutshabati
    Friday Paraskevi
    Saturday Shabbat
    Sunday Queer
    January ianvari
    February teberwali
    March Marty
    April April
    May maisi
    June tibatwe
    July mkatatwe
    August mariamobistwe
    September enkenistve
    October ghvinobistve
    november noembury
    December decambery
    Spring Gazaphuli
    Summer Zaphuli
    Autumn Shemodgoma
    Winter Zamtari

    In the shop

    Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
    How much does it cost? Ra g'hirs?
    What it is? Es ra aris?
    I will buy it Vkhidulob
    You have… Gakvt... ?
    Open G'hiaa
    Closed Dacatilia
    A little, a little Tsota
    A lot of Bevry
    All Khwela
    Sugar/salt tavi / marili
    Milk Matsoni
    Fish Tevzi
    Meat khortsi
    Chicken daedali
    Rice asli
    Lentils smallpox
    Onion bolkvi
    Garlic nyori
    Sweets sashwebs
    Fruits Healy
    Apples Washley
    Grape abechari
    Strawberry Marchvi
    Peaches atami
    Apricot cherami
    Very expensive Akachi

    In a restaurant and cafe

    To ensure that ignorance of the language does not become an obstacle for you, on our website you can download or print an excellent Russian-Georgian phrasebook, which contains the most important topics for conversation while traveling.

    Basic words are important and frequently used phrases and words that you cannot do without during your holiday in Georgia. Here you will find common phrases, answers to common questions, etc.

    Numbers – translation of numbers from zero to a million and their correct pronunciation. This topic can be useful in many cases, from traveling by bus to purchasing goods at the market and in stores.

    Shops and restaurants - thanks to this topic you can find out the cost of a particular product, and the translation of many food products from Russian into Georgian.

    Tourism – phrases that tourists most often use when traveling.

    How to get there - words that will help you find your way to any place you are interested in. All you need to do is simply ask a question to a passing Georgian citizen in his native language.

    Public places and attractions - if you need to get to any of the municipal institutions or local attractions, just open this topic and find the translation and pronunciation of the object you are interested in, after which you can ask any passerby where this building is located.

    Dates and times - translation and pronunciation of dates and times of day, in addition, thanks to this section you can ask what time or until what time the establishment you are interested in is open.

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