Why there are no pure races. Races of people (photo). Modern races of people on the planet and their origin. Small races and their geographical distribution

The concept of "human race"

Human races (French, singular race) are systematic divisions within the species Homo sapiens. The concept of “race” is based on the biological, primarily physical, similarity of people and the commonality of the territory (area) they inhabit in the past or present. Race is characterized by a complex of heritable characteristics, which include skin color, hair, eyes, shape of hair, soft parts of the face, skull, partly height, body proportions, etc. But since most of these characteristics in humans are subject to variability, and mixtures have occurred and are occurring between races (mixed race), a particular individual rarely possesses the entire set of typical racial characteristics.

Large races of man

Since the 17th century, many different classifications of human races have been proposed. Most often, three main, or large, races are distinguished: Caucasian (Eurasian, Caucasian), Mongoloid (Asian-American) and Equatorial (Negro-Australoid).

The Caucasian race is characterized by fair skin (with variations from very light, mainly in Northern Europe, to dark and even brown), soft straight or wavy hair, horizontal eye shape, moderately or strongly developed hair on the face and chest in men, noticeably protruding nose, straight or slightly sloping forehead.

Representatives of the Mongoloid race have skin color ranging from dark to light (mainly among North Asian groups), hair is usually dark, often coarse and straight, the protrusion of the nose is usually small, the palpebral fissure has an oblique cut, the fold of the upper eyelid is significantly developed and, in addition, In addition, there is a fold (epicanthus) covering the inner corner of the eye; the hairline is weak.

The equatorial, or Negro-Australoid race is distinguished by dark pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes, curly or wide-wavy (Australian) hair; the nose is usually wide, slightly protruding, the lower part of the face protrudes.

Small races and their geographical distribution

Each large race is divided into small races, or anthropological types. Within the Caucasoid race, the Atlanto-Baltic, White Sea-Baltic, Central European, Balkan-Caucasian and Indo-Mediterranean minor races are distinguished. Nowadays, Caucasians inhabit virtually all inhabited land, but until the mid-15th century - the beginning of the great geographical discoveries - their main range included Europe, North Africa, Western and Central Asia and India. In modern Europe, all minor races are represented, but the Central European variant predominates numerically (often found among Austrians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians); in general, its population is very mixed, especially in cities, due to relocations, miscegenation and the influx of migrants from other regions of the Earth.

Within the Mongoloid race, the Far Eastern, South Asian, North Asian, Arctic and American small races are usually distinguished, and the latter is sometimes considered as a separate large race. The Mongoloids populated all climatic and geographical zones (North, Central, East and Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Madagascar, North and South America). Modern Asia is characterized by a wide variety of anthropological types, but various Mongoloid and Caucasian groups predominate in numbers. Among the Mongoloids, the most common are the Far Eastern (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) and South Asian (Malays, Javanese, Sundae) minor races, and among the Caucasians - the Indo-Mediterranean. In America, the indigenous population (Indians) is a minority compared to various Caucasian anthropological types and population groups of representatives of all three major races.

Rice. Scheme of the anthropological composition of the peoples of the world (small races, distinguished within large ones, differ from each other in not so significant characteristics).

The equatorial, or Negro-Australoid, race includes three small races of African Negroids (Negro, or Negroid, Bushman and Negrillian) and the same number of Oceanic Australoids (Australian, or Australoid, race, which in some classifications is distinguished as an independent large race, as well as the Melanesian and Veddoid). The range of the equatorial race is not continuous: it covers most of Africa, Australia, Melanesia, New Guinea, and partly Indonesia. In Africa, the Negro small race numerically predominates; in the north and south of the continent, the proportion of the Caucasian population is significant.

In Australia, the indigenous population is a minority compared to migrants from Europe and India; representatives of the Far Eastern race (Japanese, Chinese) are also quite numerous. In Indonesia, the South Asian race predominates.

Along with the above, there are races with a less definite position, formed as a result of long-term mixing of the population of individual regions, for example, the Lapanoid and Ural races, combining the features of Caucasoids and Mongoloids, or the Ethiopian race - intermediate between the Equatorial and Caucasian races.

Origin of human races

The races of man appear to have appeared relatively recently. According to one of the schemes, based on molecular biology data, the division into two large racial trunks - Negroid and Caucasoid-Mongoloid - most likely occurred about 100 thousand years ago, and the differentiation of Caucasoids and Mongoloids - about 45-60 thousand years ago. Large races were mainly formed under the influence of natural and socio-economic conditions during the intraspecific differentiation of already established Homo sapiens, starting from the Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic, but mainly in the Neolithic. The Caucasoid type was established from the Neolithic, although some of its features can be traced in the Late or even Middle Paleolithic. There is virtually no reliable evidence for the presence of Mongoloids in East Asia during the pre-Neolithic era, although they may have existed in North Asia as early as the Late Paleolithic. In America, the ancestors of the Indians were not fully formed Mongoloids. Australia was also populated by racially “neutral” neoanthropes.

There are two main hypotheses for the origin of human races - polycentrism and monocentrism.

According to the theory of polycentrism, modern human races arose as a result of a long parallel evolution of several phyletic lines on different continents: Caucasoid in Europe, Negroid in Africa, Mongoloid in Central and East Asia, Australoid in Australia. However, if the evolution of racial complexes proceeded in parallel on different continents, it could not be completely independent, since the ancient protoraces had to interbreed at the boundaries of their ranges and exchange genetic information. In a number of areas, intermediate small races formed, characterized by a mixture of characteristics of different large races. Thus, an intermediate position between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races is occupied by the South Siberian and Ural minor races, between the Caucasoid and Negroid races - the Ethiopian, etc.

From the standpoint of monocentrism, modern human races formed relatively late, 25-35 thousand years ago, in the process of settlement of neoanthropes from the area of ​​their origin. At the same time, the possibility of crossing (at least limited) of neoanthropes during their expansion with displaced populations of paleoanthropes (as a process of introgressive interspecific hybridization) with the penetration of alleles of the latter into the gene pools of neoanthrope populations is also allowed. This could also contribute to racial differentiation and the stability of certain phenotypic traits (like the spade-shaped incisors of the Mongoloids) in the centers of race formation.

There are also concepts that compromise between mono- and polycentrism, allowing for the divergence of phyletic lines leading to different large races at different levels (stages) of anthropogenesis: for example, Caucasoids and Negroids, who are closer to each other, already at the stage of neoanthropes with the initial development of their ancestral trunk in the western part of the Old World, while even at the stage of paleoanthropes the eastern branch could have separated - the Mongoloids and, perhaps, the Australoids.

Large human races occupy vast territories, covering peoples who differ in the level of economic development, culture, and language. There are no clear coincidences between the concepts of “race” and “ethnicity” (people, nation, nationality). At the same time, there are examples of anthropological types (small and sometimes large races) that correspond to one or more close ethnic groups, for example, the Lapanoid race and the Sami. Much more often, however, the opposite is observed: one anthropological type is widespread among many ethnic groups, as, for example, in the indigenous population of America or among the peoples of Northern Europe. In general, all large nations, as a rule, are heterogeneous in anthropological terms. There is also no overlap between races and language groups - the latter arose later than races. Thus, among the Turkic-speaking peoples there are representatives of both Caucasians (Azerbaijanis) and Mongoloids (Yakuts). The term “races” is not applicable to language families - for example, one should not talk about the “Slavic race”, but about a group of related peoples speaking Slavic languages. 

Hi all! For those who are interested in what human races are, I’ll tell you now, and I’ll also tell you how the most basic of them differ.

– large historically established groups of people; division of the species Homo sapiens - homo sapiens, represented by modern humanity.

The concept is based lies the biological, primarily physical, similarity of people and the common territory they inhabit.
Race is characterized by a complex of hereditary physical characteristics; these characteristics include: eye color, hair, skin, height, body proportions, facial features, etc.

Since most of these characteristics can change in humans, and mixing between races has been occurring for a long time, it is rare that a particular individual possesses the entire set of typical racial characteristics.

Big races.

There are many classifications of human races. Most often, three main or large races are distinguished: Mongoloid (Asian-American), equatorial (Negro-Australoid) and Caucasoid (Eurasian, Caucasian).

Among representatives of the Mongoloid race skin color varies from dark to light (mainly among North Asian groups), hair is usually dark, often straight and coarse, the nose is usually small, the eye shape is oblique, the folds of the upper eyelids are significantly developed, and in addition, there is a fold covering the inner corner eyes, not very developed hair.

Among representatives of the equatorial race dark skin pigmentation, eyes and hair that is broadly wavy or curly. The nose is predominantly wide, with the lower part of the face protruding forward.

In representatives of the Caucasian race skin color is light (with variations from very light, mostly in the North, to dark, even brown skin). Hair is curly or straight, eyes are horizontal. Strongly developed or moderate hair on the chest and face in men. The nose is noticeably prominent, with a straight or slightly sloping forehead.

Small races.

Large races are divided into small, or anthropological types. Within the Caucasian race there are White Sea-Baltic, Atlanto-Baltic, Balkan-Caucasian, Central European and Indo-Mediterranean minor races.

Nowadays, virtually all of the land is inhabited by Europeans, but by the beginning of the Great Geographical Discoveries (mid-15th century), their main area included Middle and Western Africa, India, and North Africa.

All minor races are represented in modern Europe. But the Central European version is larger in number (Germans, Austrians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians). In general, the population of Europe is very mixed, especially in cities, due to relocations, influx of migration from other regions of the Earth and cross-breeding.

Typically, among the Mongoloid race, the South Asian, Far Eastern, Arctic, North Asian and American minor races are distinguished. At the same time, the American is sometimes viewed as a larger race.

All climatic and geographical zones were inhabited by Mongoloids. A wide variety of anthropological types characterizes modern Asia, but various Caucasoid and Mongoloid groups predominate in numbers.

The Far Eastern and South Asian small races are the most common among the Mongoloids. Among Europeans - Indo-Mediterranean. The indigenous population of America is a minority in comparison with the various European anthropological types and population groups of representatives of all three great races.

The Negro-Australoid, or equatorial race includes three minor races of African Negroids(Negroid or Negro, Negril and Bushman) and the same number of oceanic australoids(Australian or Australoid race, which in some classifications is distinguished as an independent large race, also Melanesian and Vedoid).

The range of the equatorial race is not continuous: it covers most of Africa, Melanesia, Australia, partly Indonesia and New Guinea. The Negro small race numerically predominates in Africa, and in the south and north of the continent the Caucasian population has a significant proportion.

The indigenous population of Australia is a minority relative to emigrants from India and Europe, as well as quite numerous representatives of the Far Eastern race. The South Asian race is predominant in Indonesia.

At the level with the above-mentioned races, there are also races that arose as a result of long-term mixing of the population of individual regions, for example, the Ural and Lapanoid races, which possess both the features of the Mongoloids and Caucasians, or the Ethiopian race - intermediate between the Caucasoid and Equatorial races.

Thus, now you can figure out by facial features which race this person belongs to🙂

Race is a group of people united on the basis of their mutual kinship, common origin and some external hereditary physical characteristics (skin and hair color, head shape, structure of the face as a whole and its parts - nose, lips, etc.). There are three main races of people: Caucasian (white), Mongoloid (yellow), Negroid (black).

The ancestors of all races lived 90-92 thousand years ago. Starting from this time, people began to settle in territories that differed sharply from each other in natural conditions.

According to scientists, in the process of the formation of modern man in Southeast Asia and neighboring North Africa, which are considered the ancestral homeland of man, two races arose - southwestern and northeastern. Subsequently, from the first came Caucasoids and Negroids, and from the second - Mongoloids.

The separation of the Caucasoid and Negroid races began approximately 40 thousand years ago.

Displacement of recessive genes to the outskirts of the population range

The outstanding geneticist N.I. Vavilov in 1927 discovered the law of the emergence of individuals with recessive traits beyond the center of origin of new forms of organisms. According to this law, in the center of the species' distribution area forms with dominant characteristics dominate, they are surrounded by heterozygous forms with recessive characters. The marginal part of the range is occupied by homozygous forms with recessive traits.

This law is closely related to the anthropological observations of N.I. Vavilov. In 1924, members of the expedition under his leadership witnessed an amazing phenomenon in Kafiristan (Nuristan), located in Afghanistan at an altitude of 3500-4000 m. They discovered that most of the inhabitants of the northern mountainous areas had blue eyes. According to the prevailing hypothesis at that time, since ancient times northern races were widespread here and these places were considered a center of culture. N.I. Vavilov noted the impossibility of confirming this hypothesis with the help of historical, ethnographic and linguistic evidence. In his opinion, the blue eyes of the Nuristans are a clear manifestation of the law of the entry of owners of recessive genes into the outlying part of the range. Later this law was convincingly confirmed. N. Cheboksarov on the example of the population of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The origin of the characteristics of the Caucasian race is explained by migration and isolation.

All of humanity can be divided into three large groups, or races: white (Caucasoid), yellow (Mongoloid), black (Negroid). Representatives of each race have their own distinctive, inherited features of body structure, hair shape, skin color, eye shape, skull shape, etc.

Representatives of the white race have light skin, protruding noses, people of the yellow race have cheekbones, a special shape of the eyelid, and yellow skin. Blacks, who belong to the Negroid race, have dark skin, wide noses, and curly hair.

Why are there such differences in the appearance of representatives of different races and why are each race characterized by certain characteristics? Scientists answer this as follows: human races were formed as a result of adaptation to different conditions of the geographical environment, and these conditions left their imprints on representatives of different races.

Negroid race (black)

Representatives of the Negroid race are distinguished by black or dark brown skin, black curly hair, a flattened wide nose and thick lips (Fig. 82).

Where black people live, there is an abundance of sun, it is hot - people's skin is more than enough irradiated by the sun's rays. And excessive radiation is harmful. And so the body of people in hot countries has adapted to excess sun over thousands of years: the skin has developed a pigment that blocks some of the sun's rays and, therefore, saves the skin from burns. Dark skin color is inherited. Coarse curly hair, which forms a kind of air cushion on the head, reliably protects a person from overheating.

Caucasian (White)

Representatives of the Caucasian race are characterized by fair skin, soft straight hair, a thick mustache and beard, a narrow nose and thin lips.

Representatives of the white race live in the northern regions, where the sun is a rare guest, and they really need the sun's rays. Pigment is also produced in their skin, but at the height of summer, when the body, thanks to the sun's rays, is replenished with the required amount of vitamin D. At this time, representatives of the white race become dark-skinned.

Mongoloid race (yellow)

People belonging to the Mongoloid race have dark or lighter skin, straight coarse hair, sparse or undeveloped mustache and beard, prominent cheekbones, lips and nose of medium thickness, almond-shaped eyes.

Where representatives of the yellow race live, there are frequent winds, even storms with dust and sand. And local residents tolerate such windy weather quite easily. Over the centuries they have adapted to strong winds. Mongoloids have narrow eyes, as if on purpose so that less sand and dust get into them, so that the wind does not irritate them, and they do not water. This trait is also inherited and is found among people of the Mongoloid race and in other geographical conditions. Material from the site

Among people there are those who believe that people with white skin belong to the superior races, and those with yellow and black skin belong to the inferior races. In their opinion, people with yellow and black skin are incapable of mental work and should only do physical work. These harmful ideas are still guiding racists in a number of third world countries. There, the work of blacks is paid lower than that of whites, and blacks are subjected to humiliation and insults. In civilized countries, all peoples have the same rights.

Research by N. N. Miklouho-Maclay on racial equality

The Russian scientist Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay, in order to prove the complete inconsistency of the theory about the existence of “lower” races incapable of mental development, in 1871 settled on the island of New Guinea, where representatives of the black race - the Papuans - lived. He lived for fifteen months among the island-chan, became close to them, studied them

Race is a historically established group of people that has common physical features: skin, eye and hair color, eye shape, eyelid structure, head shape, and others. Previously, it was common to divide races into “black” (blacks), yellow (Asians) and white (), but now this classification is considered outdated and incomplete.

The simplest modern division is not too different from the “color” division. According to it, there are 3 main or large races: Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid. Representatives of these three races have significant distinctive features.

Negroids are characterized by curly black hair, dark brown skin (sometimes almost black), brown eyes, strongly protruding jaws, a slightly protruding wide nose, and thick lips.

Caucasians typically have wavy or straight hair, relatively fair skin, varying eye colors, slightly protruding jaws, a narrow, prominent nose with a high bridge, and typically thin or medium lips.

Mongoloids have straight, coarse dark hair, yellowish skin tones, brown eyes, narrow eye shape, a flattened face with strongly prominent cheekbones, a narrow or medium-wide nose with a low bridge, and moderately thick lips.

In the expanded classification, it is customary to distinguish several more racial groups. For example, the Amerindian race (Indians, American race) is the indigenous population of the American continent. It is physiologically close to, however, the settlement of America began more than 20 thousand years ago, therefore, according to experts, it is incorrect to consider the Amerindians a branch of the Mongoloids.

Australoids (Australo-Oceanian race) are the indigenous population. An ancient race that had a huge range, limited to the regions:, Hawaii,. The appearance features of indigenous Australians - a large nose, beard, long wavy hair, massive eyebrows, powerful jaws - sharply distinguish them from Negroids.

Currently, there are few pure representatives of their races left. Mostly mestizos live on our planet - the result of a mixture of different races, which may have characteristics of different racial groups.

I have questions about why there are only 4 races on Earth? Why are they so different from each other? How do different races have skin colors that correspond to their area of ​​residence?


First of all, we will examine the settlement map of the “Modern Races of the World”. In this analysis we will not deliberately accept the position of either monogenism or polygenism. The purpose of our analysis and the entire study as a whole is precisely to understand exactly how the emergence of humanity occurred and its development, including the development of writing. Therefore, we cannot and will not rely in advance on any dogma - be it scientific or religious.

Why are there four different races on Earth? Naturally, four types of different races could not have come from Adam and Eve....

So, under the letter “A” on the map are races that, according to modern research, are ancient. These races include four:
Equatorial Negroid races (hereinafter referred to as “Negroid race” or “Negroids”);
Equatorial Australoid races (hereinafter referred to as the “Australoid race” or “Australoids”);
Caucasoid races (hereinafter referred to as “Caucasoids”);
Mongoloid races (hereinafter referred to as “Mongoloids”).

2. Analysis of modern mutual settlement of races.

The modern mutual settlement of the four main races is extremely interesting.

The Negroid races are settled exclusively in a limited area, located from the center of Africa to its southern part. There is no Negroid race anywhere outside of Africa. In addition, it is precisely the areas of settlement of the Negroid race that are currently the “suppliers” of Stone Age culture - in South Africa there are still areas within which the population still exists in a primitive communal way of life.

We are talking about the archaeological culture of Wilton (Wilton) of the late Stone Age, widespread in South and East Africa. In some areas it was replaced by the Neolithic with polished axes, but in most areas it existed until modern times: arrowheads made of stone and bone, pottery, beads made from ostrich egg shells; people of the Wilton culture lived in grottoes and in the open air, and hunted; agriculture and domestic animals were absent.

It is also interesting that on other continents there are no centers of settlement of the Negroid race. This, naturally, points to the fact that the birthplace of the Negroid race was originally precisely in that part of Africa that is located south of the center of the continent. It is worth noting that here we are not considering the later “migration” of Negroids to the American continent and their modern entry through the regions of France into the territory of Eurasia, since this is a completely insignificant effect in the long historical process.

Australoid races are settled exclusively in a limited area, located entirely in the north of Australia, as well as in extremely small fluctuations in India and on some isolated islands. The islands are so insignificantly populated by the Australoid race that they can be neglected when making estimates of the entire center of distribution of the Australoid race. The northern part of Australia can quite reasonably be considered this hotspot. It should be noted here that Australoids, like Negroids, for a reason unknown to today’s science, are located exclusively within one general area. Stone Age cultures are also found among the Australoid race. More precisely, those Australoid cultures that have not experienced the influence of Caucasians are predominantly in the Stone Age.

Caucasoid races are settled in the territory located in the European part of Eurasia, including the Kola Peninsula, as well as in Siberia, the Urals, along the Yenisei, along the Amur, in the upper reaches of the Lena, in Asia, around the Caspian, Black, Red and Mediterranean seas, in northern Africa , on the Arabian Peninsula, in India, on two American continents, in southern Australia.

In this part of the analysis, we should look at the area of ​​settlement of Caucasians in more detail.

Firstly, for obvious reasons, we will exclude from historical estimates the territory of distribution of Caucasians in the Americas, since these territories were occupied by them in not so distant historical times. The latest “experience” of Caucasians does not affect the history of the original settlement of peoples. The history of the settlement of humanity in general took place long before the American conquests of the Caucasians and without taking them into account.

Secondly, like the two previous races in the description, the territory of distribution of Caucasoids (from this point onwards, by “territory of distribution of Caucasians” we will understand only its Eurasian part and the northern part of Africa) is also clearly marked by the area of ​​their settlement. However, unlike the Negroid and Australoid races, the Caucasian race has achieved the highest flowering of culture, science, art, etc. among existing races. The Stone Age within the habitat of the Caucasian race was completed in the vast majority of areas between 30 and 40 thousand years BC. All modern scientific achievements of the most advanced nature were accomplished by the Caucasian race. One can, of course, mention and argue with this statement, referring to the achievements of China, Japan and Korea, but let’s be honest, all their achievements are purely secondary and use, we must give credit, successfully, but still use the primary achievements of Caucasians.

Mongoloid races are settled exclusively in a limited area, located entirely in the northeast and east of Eurasia and on both American continents. Among the Mongoloid race, as well as among the Negroid and Australoid races, Stone Age cultures are still found to this day.
3. On the application of Organism laws

The first thing that catches the eye of an inquisitive researcher looking at a map of the distribution of races is that the distribution areas of the races do not intersect each other in such a way that this concerns any noticeable territories. And, although at mutual borders the contacting races produce a product of their intersection, called “transitional races,” the formation of such mixtures is classified by time and is purely secondary and much later than the formation of the ancient races themselves.

In large part, this process of mutual penetration of ancient races resembles diffusion in the physics of materials. We apply the laws of Organism to the description of races and peoples, which are more unified and give us the right and opportunity to operate with the same ease and accuracy, both materials and peoples, and races. Therefore, the mutual penetration of peoples - the diffusion of peoples and races - is completely subject to Law 3.8. (numbering of laws, as is customary in) Organisms, which says: “Everything moves.”

Namely, not a single race (now we will not talk about the originality of one or the other) under any circumstances will remain motionless in any “frozen” state. We will not be able, following this law, to find at least one race or people that would arise in a certain territory at the moment of “minus infinity” and would remain within this territory until “plus infinity”.

And from this it follows that it is possible to develop laws of movement of populations of organisms (peoples).
4. Laws of movement of populations of organisms
Any people, any race, as, incidentally, not only real, but also mythical (vanished civilizations), always has a point of its origin that is different from the one under consideration and as earlier;
Any nation, any race is represented not by the absolute values ​​of its numbers and its certain area, but by a system (matrix) of n-dimensional vectors describing:
directions of settlement on the Earth's surface (two dimensions);
time intervals of such settlement (one dimension);
… n. values ​​of mass transfer of information about a people (one complex dimension; this includes both numerical composition and national, cultural, educational, religious and other parameters).
5. Interesting observations

From the first law of population movement and taking into account a careful examination of the map of modern distribution of races, we can deduce the following observations.

Firstly, even at present historical times, all four ancient races are extremely isolated in their areas of distribution. Let us recall that we do not consider hereinafter the colonization of the Americas by Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids. These four races have the so-called cores of their ranges, which in no case coincide, that is, none of the races in the center of their range coincides with the similar parameters of any other race.

Secondly, the central “points” (areas) of ancient racial regions even today remain quite “pure” in composition. Moreover, mixing of races occurs exclusively at the borders of neighboring races. Never - by mixing races that were not historically located in the same neighborhood. That is, we do not observe any mixtures of the Mongoloid and Negroid races, since between them is the Caucasoid race, which, in turn, mixes with both the Negroids and the Mongoloids precisely in the places of contact with them.

Thirdly, if the central points of settlement of races are determined by a simple geometric calculation, then it turns out that these points are located at the same distance from each other, equal to 6000 (plus or minus 500) kilometers:

Negroid point - 5° S, 20° E;

Caucasoid point – p. Batumi, the easternmost point of the Black Sea (41°N, 42°E);

Mongoloid point – ss. Aldan and Tomkot in the upper reaches of the Aldan River, a tributary of the Lena (58° N, 126° E);

Australoid point - 5° S, 122° E.

Moreover, the points of the central areas of settlement of the Mongoloid race on both American continents are also equidistant (and at approximately the same distance).

An interesting fact: if all four central points of settlement of races, as well as three points located in South, Central and North America, are connected, you will get a line resembling the bucket of the Ursa Major constellation, but inverted relative to its current position.
6. Conclusions

An assessment of the distribution areas of races allows us to draw a number of conclusions and assumptions.
6.1. Conclusion 1:

A possible theory suggesting the birth and settlement of modern races from one common point does not seem legitimate and justified.

We are currently observing precisely the process that leads to the mutual homogenization of races. Like, for example, the experiment with water, when a certain amount of hot water is poured into cold water. We understand that after some finite and quite calculated time, hot water will mix with cold water, and temperature averaging will occur. After which the water, in general, will become somewhat warmer than the cold water before mixing, and somewhat colder than the hot water before mixing.

The situation is the same now with the four old races - we are currently observing precisely the process of their mixing, when the races mutually penetrate each other, like cold and hot water, forming mestizo races in the places of their contact.

If the four races had formed from one center, then we would not now be observing mixing. Because in order for four to be formed from one entity, a process of separation and mutual dispersion, isolation, and accumulation of differences must occur. And the mutual cross-breeding that is now occurring serves as clear evidence of the reverse process - the mutual diffusion of the four races. The inflection point that would separate the earlier process of separation of races from the later process of their mixing has not yet been found. Convincing evidence of the objective existence of some moment in history from which the process of separation of races would be replaced by their unification has not been found. Therefore, the process of historical mixing of races should be considered a completely objective and normal process.

This means that initially the four ancient races had to be inevitably divided and isolated from each other. We will leave the question of the force that could take over such a process open for now.

This assumption of ours is convincingly confirmed by the race distribution map itself. As we previously revealed, there are four conventional points of initial settlement of the four ancient races. These points, by strange chance, are located in a sequence that has a clearly defined series of patterns:

firstly, each border of mutual contact of races serves as a division of only two races and nowhere as a division of three or four;

secondly, the distances between such points, by a strange coincidence, are almost the same and equal to about 6000 kilometers.

The processes of development of territorial spaces by races can be compared to the formation of a pattern on frosty glass - from one point the pattern spreads in different directions.

Obviously, the races, each in their own way, but the general type of settlement of the races was quite the same - from the so-called point of distribution of each race, it spread in different directions, gradually developing new territories. After quite an estimated time, the races sown 6000 kilometers from each other met at the boundaries of their ranges. Thus began the process of their mixing and the emergence of various mestizo races.

The process of building and expanding the areas of races fully falls within the definition of the concept of “organismic center of organization” when there are patterns that describe such a distribution of races.

The natural and most objective conclusion suggests itself about the existence of four separate centers of origin of four different – ​​ancient – ​​races, located at an equal distance from each other. Moreover, the distances and points of “seeding” of the races were chosen in such a way that if we tried to repeat such “seeding”, we would end up with the same option. Consequently, the Earth was inhabited by someone or something from 4 different areas of our Galaxy or our Universe....
6.2. Conclusion 2:

Perhaps the original placement of races was artificial.

A number of random coincidences in distances and equidistance between races leads us to believe that this was not accidental. Law 3.10. Organisms says: ordered chaos acquires intelligence. It is interesting to trace the work of this law in the reverse cause-and-effect direction. The expression 1+1=2 and the expression 2=1+1 are equally true. And, therefore, the cause-and-effect relationship in their members works in both directions equally.

By analogy with this, law 3.10. we can reformulate this way: (3.10.-1) intelligence is an acquisition due to the ordering of chaos. The circumstance when out of three segments connecting four seemingly random points, all three segments are equal to the same value cannot be called anything other than a manifestation of intelligence. To ensure that the distances match, you need to measure them accordingly.

In addition, and this circumstance is no less interesting and mysterious, the “miraculous” distance we identified between the points of origin of races is, for some strange and inexplicable reason, equal to the radius of planet Earth. Why?

By connecting the four points of sowing races and the center of the Earth (and they are all located at the same distance), we get a quadrangular equilateral pyramid, with its apex directed towards the center of the Earth.

Why? Where do clear geometric shapes come from in a seemingly chaotic world?
6.3. Conclusion 3:

About the initial maximum isolation of races.

Let's begin our consideration of the mutually pairwise settlement of races with the Negroid-Caucasian pair. Firstly, Negroids no longer come into contact with any other race. Secondly, between the Negroids and Caucasians lies the region of central Africa, which is characterized by an abundant spread of lifeless deserts. That is, initially the arrangement of Negroids relative to Caucasians ensured that these two races would have the least amount of contact with each other. There is some intent here. And also an additional argument against the theory of monogenism - at least in terms of the Negroid-Caucasian couple.

Similar features also exist in the Caucasoid-Mongoloid pair. The same distance between the conditional centers of race formation is 6000 kilometers. The same natural barrier to the mutual penetration of races is the extremely frosty northern regions and the Mongolian deserts.

The Mongoloid-Australoid pair also provides for maximum use of terrain conditions, preventing the mutual penetration of these races, which are approximately the same 6,000 kilometers apart.

Only in recent decades, with the development of means of transport and communications, the mutual penetration of races has not only become possible, but has also become widespread.

Naturally, in the course of our research these conclusions may be revised.
Final conclusion:

It can be seen that there were four race seeding points. They are equidistant both from each other and from the center of planet Earth. Races have only mutual-pair contacts. The process of mixing races is a process of the last two centuries, before which the races were isolated. If there was an intention in the initial settlement of races, then it was this: to settle the races so that they would not come into contact with each other for as long as possible.

This was probably an experiment to solve the problem of which race would best adapt to earthly conditions. And also, which race will be more progressive in its development....

Source - razrusitelmifov.ucoz.ru

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