Financial Literacy Week. Financial Literacy Week “The Financial World through the Eyes of Children”

The goals of the financial literacy Olympiad for schoolchildren are:

  • testing basic knowledge and understanding of high school students in the field of finance;
  • identifying talented and most interested students in a given subject area;
  • facilitating their career guidance and further training within the higher education system.

The Olympiad evaluates students’ ability to use the information received in the process of making decisions about the preservation, accumulation, distribution and use of funds, when assessing financial risks, and choosing financial services in order to improve well-being.

Preparation for the Olympiad should be considered as one of the ways to expand and deepen knowledge in the field of finance, develop interest in financial management, including personal ones, and identify an inclination towards this profession.

Successful completion of the tasks will allow the Olympiad participant to demonstrate his level of financial literacy in front of an audience of highly qualified specialists in the field and receive additional advantages when entering the REU. G.V. Plekhanova

The Olympiad consists of two stages: correspondence (qualifying) and full-time (final)

1. Be friends with finances. Official website of the project vashifinansy.rf [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aaeza4ab6aw2b2b.xn--p1ai/ (access date 11/19/2017)
2. Best practices in the field of financial education and financial literacy in Russia and foreign countries // [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
3. Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth 2017 // [Electronic resource] URL: www.yourfinance.rf (access date 11/19/2017)
4. Educational modules for training. Portal "Be friends with finances". [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aaeza4ab6aw2b2b.xn--p1ai/materials/ (access date 11/19/2017)
5. Olympiad for high school students in financial literacy, financial market and protection of the rights of consumers of financial services Official website of the project [Electronic resource] URL: date 11/19/2017)
6. Online financial literacy test for adults. Portal "Be friends with finances". [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aaeza4ab6aw2b2b.xn--p1ai/questionnaire/ (accessed November 19, 2017)
7. Financial literacy of the population. Free money [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
8. Financial literacy Official website of the project [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aebklphfgdkbcuundy3gvd.xn--p1ai/about/ (access date 11/19/2017)
9. Financial culture Official website of the project of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] URL: / (access date 11/19/2017)
10. Good Ideas Fund [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
11. “Center “Federal Methodological Center for Financial Literacy of the System of General and Secondary Vocational Education” Official website of the project [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
12. V.V. Chumachenko, A.P. Goryaev Fundamentals of financial literacy: workbook: textbook for educational organizations. The educational and methodological set “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” is an integral part of the educational and methodological set for the courses “Social Studies” and “Economics”.

Plan of events for the All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for children and youth at the Shatkovskaya Secondary School.







Lecture “Credits. Financial security."



Business game “So that your finances do not sing romances.”



Lesson game “Travel to the Country of Economics”.



Educational training “Today we are financiers, in our school we are like ministers.”

Lesson game “The Amazing Journey of a Penny”.

Economics teacher: Elena Mikhailovna Kadyaeva

Report on participation in the All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for children and youth at the Shatkovskaya Secondary School

Dates from 04/10/2017 to 04/16/2017.

Financial literacy– understanding basic financial concepts and using this information to make smart decisions that can improve people's well-being. These include making decisions about spending and saving, choosing financial instruments, planning a budget, and saving for future goals.

5th grade. Lesson game “The Amazing Journey of a Penny” Students traveled to stations: “Economic” they compiled a family budget; The “wise men and women” took the test; “Confusion” was made up of words from mixed up letters; A “happy” personal plan was drawn up; earned "Easy money". Earning money at each station, starting from a penny.

In 6th grade I completed the lesson on the game “Travel to the Country of Economics.” They guessed economic riddles, explained terms, solved crossword puzzles, quizzes, and puzzles. We received tokens.

In the 7th grade training training “Today we are financiers. In our school they are like ministers..!” We found out what finance is, financial literacy: its three levels: to be able to earn money, to be able to save and to be able to multiply. Result: memo “Financial literacy for a teenager.”

In 8th grade a business game “So that your finances do not sing romances” was held. Dedicated to the family budget. The result is a reminder for the family when going to the store.

In 9th grade lecture on the topic “Loans. Financial security." How to choose a loan, how to calculate a loan on aggregate websites, collect information about banks. Result of the memo “How to safely choose a loan”

It is impossible for a modern person to do without understanding the economic and financial structure of the world in which he lives, since everything that happens throughout his life happens in the economic and financial environment.

Economics teacher Elena Mikhailovna Kadyaeva.

April 2017

AND information about the

"Financial Literacy Week"

at MBOU "Bryn-Navolotskaya Secondary School"

from 04/03/2017 to 04/07/2017

Financial Literacy Week is held within the framework of the Ministry of Finance Project “Promoting an increase in the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation.”

Purpose is to increase the financial literacy of students, promote the formation of reasonable financial behavior, informed decisions, a responsible attitude towards personal finance, and increase the effectiveness of protecting their interests as consumers of financial services.

During the period from April 3 to April 7, 2017, students of the Bryn-Navolotsk Secondary School took part in the All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for children and youth.



brief information

about the event


Opening of Financial Literacy Week

Extracurricular activity


1-4 grades

Lesson “Solving banking problems in the Unified State Examination in mathematics”,

10-11 grades

Students in grades 1-4 went to a fairytale forest, where the heroes of one of the fairy tales were waiting for them.

In a playful way they gave the concept of money and its meaning; developed group work skills; learned to negotiate and spend money correctly; developed the ability to take into account the importance and necessity of a purchase; formed the financial literacy of students.

We solved Unified State Examination tasks “Banking Problems”. The children were particularly interested in the task of choosing an option for purchasing an apartment.

Popova A.A.

Popova I.N.

Mathematics lesson “Who is a thrifty owner”, 5th grade

The concept of a thrifty owner was given, the need to be an economical owner, user and manager of any property was discussed.

Drokina O.V.

Drawing competition

"The financial world through the eyes of children"

Students in grades 1-11 drew drawings on the topic: “The financial world through the eyes of children,” an exhibition of drawings was displayed in the school foyer.

Class teachers

1-11 grades

Math lesson "We're going to the bank"

Open extracurricular event in English “Who wants to become a millionaire?”,

Children became acquainted with the concepts of “bank”, “loan”, “loan interest”, “revenue”, “deposit”, “bank interest”, “bankrupt”. We learned how to calculate bank interest on deposits and loans. We determined the structure and main directions of work of banks.

Students consolidated, repeated and learned interesting facts in the form of an exciting game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” about the country of the language being studied. The winner was revealed based on the fireproof sums. Children were given drawings of pounds sterling.

Drokina O.V.

Ermolina Z.A.

Mathematics lesson “Solving problems with economic content”,

Financial literacy lesson,

Solved problems to find bank interest rates on deposits and loans.

We gained a practical understanding of the financial health of our family and the country as a whole, increased the level of economic culture through drawing up a family budget, learned to save by making shopping lists, and identified the quality of a thrifty owner.

Drokina O.V.

Rysina N.K.

Closing the week

Quest game “Journey to the Land of Finance”,

5-8 grades

Open class hour “Family budget”, correctional group

The closing of the Week ended with a Quest game (a game based on stations). Each team had a goal: to go through 4 stations “Home”, “Shop”, “Bank”, “Economic Terms”, where students were tested in the form of crossword puzzles, tasks, situations requiring a rational solution, exercises for the development of speech, analytical and figurative thinking. For each completed task, the guys received conditional money - “brins”. All classes completed the assignments!

During the class hour, students became acquainted with the concepts of “budget”, “family budget”, “family income”, “family expenses”, and came to the conclusion about the need to plan a family budget.

Popova A.A.

Dolgoschelova Yu.M.

Khorushko E.A.

Borisyuk M.V.

Posting information on the school website

Popova A.A.

Financial literacy plays an important role in the life of every person. Knowing basic financial concepts and using this information to make smart decisions contributes to people's well-being. It is important to be able to navigate the modern labyrinths of the financial industry in order to make smart decisions about spending and saving, planning a family budget, saving money for future goals, such as getting an education or a prosperous life in adulthood, and, of course, choosing a profession.

Activities aimed at increasing financial literacy are important and necessary, because it is important to begin to instill the very basics of financial literacy among teenagers and young people. So that a few years later, when entering an independent life, they could use financial tools to improve their own income.

Thanks to all the teachers and students who took part in the All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth.

Information provided by A.A. Popova

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