A spell for a prophetic dream on holiday. What you need to do to have a prophetic dream. Prophetic dream spells for home use

Conspiracies to see a prophetic dream


These are very powerful ancient conspiracies. So I ask you to pay attention to them, especially during this “hot” time (now Christmastide).

1) Conspiracy to see a prophetic dream

This plot is read before bed, when you want your dream to be prophetic. The plot should be read three times. The effect of the spell will intensify if, while reading it, you light incense, such as sandalwood or patchouli. This conspiracy even appeared in one trial in England in 1612. The sorcerer, who made it public in the hope that the court would not see anything blasphemous or diabolical in it, James Davis was sentenced to death by burning.

"There's a beam of light
I hurried as best I could
As soon as I heard the bell ringing for mass,
The ringing of heavenly bells.
The Lord Himself celebrates mass,
With archangels and angels.
What does the Lord hold in His hand?
He holds a small staff.
And what is He holding in his other hand?
Holds the keys to heaven's gates.
So open the gates of heaven,
Shut up, shut up, hell's door!
The promised child comes, the anointed child
To his Mother, the Mother of God.
– Who is the One from Whom the Divine Light emanates?
- My Son crucified on a tree,
Pierced with an iron nail
Straight to the merciful heart.
Let through this spell
I'll see a blue cross
I recognize the red cross
On which the Lord was crucified."

2) Conspiracy of 77 Druids (Brahmins) for a prophetic dream.

They read this plot while getting ready for bed, sitting on the bed. After casting the spell, you cannot talk, get up, eat, read, etc., since the forces that will show you the upcoming future begin their invisible and inevitable action from the last word “Amen” spoken in the spell.

So, the spell:

I conjure you, star Venus,
In the name of the angels of sleep,
Third Legion.
I conjure you, great angel Anael,
Presiding on the sixth day
Creation of the world.
I conjure with the sacred seal
King David, King Solomon.
I conjure you, saints,
Strong and powerful angels,
Names: Adonai, Im, Ey, Asim, Hey, Sadai.
I conjure with the star of Saturn.
In the name of all the stars, by their powers,
And with all their mighty power.
By all the names of the angels,
Serving in the second legion.
In the name of the supreme Creator,
In the name of those who are in the mercy of the Savior.
The earth, from the surface of which
Trees and grass grow.
The earth in which the ashes of the first of the first are stored:
Adam and Eve - the ancestors of all,
Who was, is and will be.
I conjure you with moisture and water,
Mother's milk,
The torments of hell and the torments of childbirth,
By the power of Solomon's keys
And finally, in the name of the throne
Six-winged creatures.
Let my dream be true and accurate,
How true are all the words in the book of books - the Bible,
Given to us by Father God.
May my destiny be reflected in a dream
Through Archpriest Morpheus himself.
In the mirror of my mind
I am God's creation, slave (name).
God of Moses
God of Israel!
Great and Eternal God!
Bless my every word
Bless me for my dream, slave (name).
So be it, I said everything. Amen.

3) The dream cannot be told until three years have passed. This spell cannot be used very often, or rather, no more than seven times a year:

Lay me down, Gabriel,
Servant of God (name),
Sleep in the gardens of Gevsemane.
May I be covered with heavenly dew,
And in a dream the Lord Himself will appear to me.
- And you, Gabriel, why aren’t you sleeping?
Why are you vigilant, Gabriel?
- Rods and fires haunt me,
Because I don't sleep at night,
And I can’t wake up in the morning.
Get up, Gabriel, follow me,
Neither the rod nor the fire will reach you.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

4) Conspiracy for a prophetic dream.

This spell can only be used 3 times a year.

On the night of Ivan Kupala.
On the night before Christmas.
On the night of Old New Year.

If in a dream you see something bad, then do so. In the morning, get up on your right foot and at the same time say - “Sleepy trouble, I’m giving it to the enemy.” Amen?. With this action you can reduce the trouble. However, you must understand that a prophetic dream is just that, a prophetic dream!

If the dream is good, then in the morning, getting up on your left leg, say - Everything that you saw in the dream, you took for yourself. Amen.

Before going to bed, light a candle and read the plot 3 times. The candle must be installed very securely!
There is no need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Read the plot in a drawn-out manner (inviting).
After reading it, you can no longer talk to anyone, answer phone calls, read, watch TV...
Ideally, you should be alone in the room and go to bed completely undressed.


“Abu, Lah, Yessa. I call, I call, I call, I call for a prophetic dream for myself.
Take the candle flame for yourself, and give me a prophetic dream.
Enter the last smoke from the candle into consciousness, show me my fate in a dream.
Who loved and who loves now. Who hates and who will destroy the soul.
Who will I leave unharmed and who will I destroy?
Abu, Lah, Yessa."

“Amen” is not said in this conspiracy.
Most often this dream is “as if in reality”, but it can also be more “encrypted”.
Don’t tell anyone a prophetic dream, especially if it’s a good one.

5) Plot for a prophetic dream

Make a wish. Read the plot three times before going to bed or exactly at midnight.

“The servant of God (name) went to bed on the Zion Mountains, three angels in his heads: one sees, the other hears, the third will tell me everything. Amen.”

When reading the plot, mentally imagine what you are saying, how you are lying on some mountain, there are angels around you, etc. If you have a dream, your wish will come true. No, it won’t come true. The interpretation of the dream will talk about HOW your wish will come true.

6) For a prophetic dream

“Damn, damn, come to me at dawn and whisper to me true words, secret words, strong words. Those words are not given to everyone, but whoever happens to hear them will be granted a prophetic dream. If you dream about something, then there will be a sure clue to the matter. Water will flow, fire will burn, and the heavens above the earth will be forever. Key. Lock. Language".

Then you need to wash your face with this water and sleep. The dream must be prophetic. You can't do it often. And you need to dry yourself with a towel after you wash your face.

7) More variations on the same theme:

“I go to sleep on the Siena tars, three vangulya at the galvah: one seeing, another hearing, the third one telling me the truth: if I find something, or buy something, or accept a padarak, then I will sell it, or sell it, or give it to the hellish people , then nya sbuditsa."

Many people dream about this. Especially in moments of uncertainty in life, difficult choices and other circumstances. In fact, this is more difficult to implement than it might seem.

After all, prophetic dreams do not come by order, but can appear on their own if some important event or change is brewing.

However, there are ways that help not only develop your magical abilities, but also see what exactly awaits you in your personal life or how this or that problem that worries you most at this moment will be resolved.

Here are some tips on how to have a prophetic dream, if necessary.

When they come

Every person has seen a dream that literally comes true at least once in their life. The event that appears there usually has already happened during sleep or will happen within a certain time, but nothing can be changed.

Nobody caused such dreams on purpose - they come on their own at key moments in your life. For example, when an important event has already happened or is happening far from you.

Usually such pictures themselves are remembered and remain in memory for a lifetime. And during a person’s stay on earth, they can appear extremely rarely - only at the most significant moments or at the crossroads of events and destinies.

Therefore, it is simply pointless to specifically cause such revelations. Usually prophetic dreams appear unexpectedly, showing what will happen or what has already happened.

But there are several ways to trigger revelation when falling asleep. They may not be as accurate as prophetic dreams that come to you on their own, but they can still provide a lot of valuable information.

And coinciding with various important periods of life, it can even reveal an artificially caused prophetic dream. There are several ways to do this, but before you start practicing, take your time.

Remember that the likelihood of prophetic dreams increases on the eve of a birthday or a few days after it, on New Year and Christmastide, before a wedding or engagement, as well as at a moment of tension of some kind of expectation, when little depends on the dreamer himself.

For example, if the child is in critical condition, before surgery or even on the eve of some important event. For example, weddings, engagements, graduation from school or college. At this time, the likelihood of knowing the future through certain dreams increases.

How to induce and interpret a prophetic dream

To do this, before going to bed, you need to throw away all thoughts about what you are going to do tomorrow and try to focus on the problem that worries you most. It must necessarily contain a question to which the dream will provide an answer.

For example, whether this person loves me or not, whether I will meet him again, what my friend (future wife, son’s fiancée) really is like, and much more. Then you need to ask heaven to give you information.

A simple prayer to the guardian angel or a request can help. After it you need to relax and try to fall asleep.

You should not limit the flow of thoughts, even if it is not related to the main issue - in a dream, your subconscious will work and give the necessary signal.

The next morning after waking up, try to remember what you dreamed. But there are situations when a person is closed to otherworldly information, so a prophetic dream may not come immediately. There is no need to worry about this - this often happens if:

– You are very tired, exhausted, and your body needs strength to recover. Even if you read the prophetic dream spell, you won’t see anything at night;

The problem worries you too much. In such a situation, psychological defense is triggered;

– The time has not come to obtain the necessary information. It is possible that the situation has not yet matured or you can change it for the better.

It happens that a prophetic dream comes not on the night when you were reading a prayer or trying to find out the future, but a few days later. In such a situation, you need to take out a dream book and interpret what you dreamed.

Although for some people, night pictures come so bright and life-like that everything immediately becomes clear. Here are some ways to help you see the future in your dreams.

Choosing a time

Knowing how to induce a prophetic dream, you need to choose the time. Depending on the question you want to ask at night, you need to focus on the next time.

Question about the future:

- On the eve of your birthday or that of the person for whom you wish. The answer may come in a few days;

– In the first days of meeting a young man or girl, as well as on the eve of a wedding or engagement;

– After passing the first entrance exam, on graduation days and admission to various educational institutions;

– After a job interview;

– Before moving to another city.

If you want to find out information about a person, for example, about a new girlfriend or boyfriend, then in order to have a prophetic dream, it is better to choose a time when:

– You just started communicating and don’t know each other yet;

- The guy proposed to you;

– If you first noticed something new, unusual or doubted the honesty of your friend.

The mother of an adult son or daughter can find out the truth about family life by asking a question to heaven after marriage or the moment when a life partner first appeared in the parents' house.

Here are a few ways to order a prophetic dream.

The simplest and most effective way

Then relax and try to fall asleep. This is the simplest and most effective way to induce a prophetic dream at home, without resorting to magic. And if you are ready to accept information, even the most negative, you will see what worries you most.

Another way to order a prophetic dream is to stay overnight in a house where you have lived for less than a year. This could be a rented room or an apartment.

At the same time, you need to sleep alone in bed, without anyone else. Then you are most likely to see the future or find out information about an important person.

How to make a dream for your betrothed? To do this, you can put a mirror or frying pan under the bed at night. If you dream that you are feeding pancakes to a young man, this is your destiny.

But in some situations, you may not see the man who will become your life partner. This happens because there is a crown of celibacy, the girl is not destined to know family happiness, and also in the case when the dreamer is not ready to perceive information.

In this situation, you shouldn’t think about how to make the man of your destiny appear in a dream, but just wait. And fate itself will give you the necessary information when you need it.

One of the most reliable ways to find out your future is a prophetic dream spell. Our great-grandmothers resorted to a similar ritual when they wanted to look a little into their future. Dreams have always been considered the most hidden part of the human subconscious, and often described not the daily experiences of people, but told about imminent events in a person’s life.

Many have heard about the so-called prophetic dreams, but not everyone knows that they do not have to be expected at an indefinite time: it is enough to carry out the appropriate ritual to see your destiny.

Requirements for the ritual

Any magical action is coordinated by certain requirements and rules, on the correct execution of which both the effectiveness of the ritual and its safety depend. Of course, each individual conspiracy will have its own special procedure for its execution, but the general rules in any case do not lose their relevance.

If you want to find out your future in a dream, then be sure to follow the recommendations below:

  • The best time to discover the truth in a dream will be the last few days before the waxing month enters its fullest form. Such a moon can give your dreams not only the ability to show the hidden future, but also help you find ways to solve emerging problems.
  • A conspiracy for a prophetic dream, as well as any other ritual, should be carried out in complete solitude, including the need to sleep yourself.
  • You should not perform the ritual if you are tense or worried about any problem. It is best to postpone the spell to another night, but you can try to relieve tension by taking an aromatic bath or filling the room with herbal smoke.
  • Your thoughts must be clear of any problems and worries. You should also not try to speculate about the upcoming ceremony. The truth will only be revealed to you if your consciousness is ready to accept it.

Whatever type of conspiracy you choose, only strict adherence to all established rules guarantees that the dream will be able to reveal to you the whole truth about the future.

Simple ritual

This simple plot is very easy to implement and will not require any additional preparation from you in order to find out the future in a dream. Just choose the right day and just before going to bed, say the following charming words:

“So that I would dream about something that is destined to come true. That’s how I want it, so be it!”

The phrase should be said at least five times, and these words should be the last thing the person says before falling asleep, that is, you can’t talk anymore.

Upon awakening, if you have discovered the ability to find out the future in a dream, you should, without getting out of bed, form your right palm into a fist and blow into it, saying the following phrase:

“I saw what I wanted!”

If you didn’t see anything, or don’t remember your dream, you can safely perform the ritual again: it can be repeated up to three times in a row in one month.

Ritual on the mirror

A similar conspiracy, with which you can see the future, is carried out using a small mirror. It is believed to help reflect the future within yourself and bring it into your dreams.

The mirror must be round in shape and small in size. It is best if you purchase a completely new mirror, especially for the spell, and do not use it until the ritual itself. If you do not have this opportunity, then take any mirror that meets the requirements and thoroughly wipe it with ordinary alcohol. This procedure will help you remove any extraneous energy from it, freeing up space for the future.

When you are ready to sleep, place the prepared mirror under your pillow. Then immediately go to bed and say the following words:

“As the darkness is reflected now in this mirror, so the light will be reflected in my mind. Let the mirror show me the future. So that I would dream about it on a dark night, a moonlit night. So that my dream is true. Amen!"

The phrase is pronounced at least seven times, after which any extraneous conversations should be excluded. It is best to fall asleep immediately so that the dream will surely come true.

In the morning, you may not remember all the details of the prophetic dream you saw at night, but be sure to remember the details at lunchtime or the next day.

The mirror itself should be carefully hidden so that strangers do not see it, or, especially, do not pick it up. It cannot be used for domestic purposes, but it is definitely possible to perform magical rituals.

You should also remember that the ritual with the mirror should not be repeated too often, especially within one month. Such abuse of magic can be punished by higher powers.

Spell for water and candle

This magical ritual, during which two additional items are used, also gives a very reliable result:

  • Church candle.
  • Holy water.

When you are ready to go to bed, stay alone in the room and light the candle you have prepared. Water should be poured into a regular glass and the following words should be read on it to make the dream come true:

“Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) to see a prophetic dream, so that she dreams of everything that will come true and happen, so that she remembers everything, so that she knows. My word is law, as I said, so it will be. Amen!"

After you say magic words to the water three times, you should wash your face with it and immediately go to bed. As you get ready to fall asleep, say this phrase out loud:

“I made a wish - it will come true!”

Powerful Prayer

With the help of this prayer, you will certainly call upon yourself a prophetic dream that will help you discover the whole truth and find out the future in a dream. In order for the dream to come true, during the ritual you will not need any additional items, you should properly prepare for the magical intervention: you must be full of pure creative energy and not worry about extraneous problems.

The aroma of burning incense or a warm bath with herbs is very suitable for this. Such procedures should be carried out immediately before going to bed.

The prayer itself is said by you when you are almost falling asleep:

“I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light as best I could, when I heard the ringing of heavenly bells for mass. The Lord God himself served that mass, with his angels and archangels. In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the gates of heaven open, and let the door of hell be closed forever, let the door of hell be closed forever. The sacred child goes to his mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the bright light comes, the Divine light. Mother Theotokos answers him that from her son, that he was crucified on a tree, that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed directly into a merciful heart. May I, servant of God (name), see through a dream a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen".

The words of the prayer should be memorized in advance. If this is impossible for some reason, then he advises you to rewrite the text on a blank sheet of paper and read the plot from it. But you should remember that you need to write only in your hand, and all the text must be without blots. For additional lighting, if you are reading a prayer from a sheet, use the flame of a church candle.

Sleep is one of the most mysterious and little-studied human states. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on how dreams arise and why people dream. However, the fact remains that things will happen in the dreamer’s life, and there is a lot of evidence of this in history. Is it possible to make this process manageable, and how to see the future in a dream?

It has been proven that the brain does not rest at all while we sleep. He continues to work hard, and one of the results of his work is dreams. Surely everyone can remember a case when the solution to a problem that was tormenting him in reality unexpectedly came in a dream. An example of this is the discoveries of scientists to which dreams led them. It was dreams that helped Dmitri Mendeleev discover the periodic table of elements, Friedrich August Kekula - the molecular structure of benzene, and Niels Bohr - the planetary model of the atom.

Such dreams are a continuation of daytime thoughts, and the solution comes at night, since at this time the brain stops being distracted by surrounding stimuli and concentrates on the main thing.

Another type of prophetic dreams is associated with the ability of a certain number of people to subtly sense the connection between the past, present and future. In other words, those who have developed intuition can process this information during sleep and draw conclusions about how events will develop.

Often a dream comes true simply because the one who sees it really wants it or, on the contrary, tries with all his might to avoid it. In this case, the brain is so absorbed in desire that it continues to concentrate on it during sleep. This evokes from the subconscious images of a dream come true, if faith in success is stronger than fears, or of the worst fears coming true, if fear prevails.

Thus, a dream is only a reflection of a person’s formed internal intention. Thought is material, and the force of its influence is quite capable of attracting or repelling the desired result.

There is very little mystical in the types of dreams described, and the fact that they come true can be explained. But there are other dreams that cannot be called anything other than clairvoyance. They describe important events from the future so accurately that it defies any logical explanation.

Some people have the invaluable gift of clairvoyance and are able to see prophetic dreams. Meanwhile, seeing dreams that can predict the future is given not only to clairvoyants, but to ordinary people who have sensitivity and are able to trust their intuition. Therefore, every person has a chance to see a prophetic dream. To do this, you need to put aside prejudices and tune in.

  1. Choose the right time. The veil between the past and the future lifts a little in the last days before the full moon. These days, mystical qualities, the gift of foresight and intuitive abilities intensify.
  2. Prepare your body. On the day before the ritual, do not overload yourself with physical activity, sex, heavy food, and especially alcohol. Your dinner should be light and healthy. In the evening before going to bed, try to relax as much as possible - take a warm bath with aromatic oils and sea salt.
  3. Prepare the place. Make sure that no one disturbs you at night or in the morning - warn your family, turn off the phone and alarm clock, remove all irritants. To have a prophetic dream, you must sleep in complete solitude and peace. Turn off the lights and light sandalwood-scented candles.
  4. Prepare your mind. Avoid conflicts on this day, do not watch TV before bed. Think about what is important to you, the question you want answered in your dream.
  5. Before going to bed, relax, banish unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on your question, clearly formulate it. Meditate while looking at a candle flame with your eyes unfocused. Try to fall asleep with this single thought, calmly and focused.
  6. In the morning, do not rush to jump out of bed. Catch your feelings, emotions. Try to first remember as many details from your dreams as possible, write them down on paper.

Sometimes correctly formulating your desire and realizing your emotions about it is the key to solving the problem. Listen not only to the interpretations of your dreams, but also to your intuition.

In all centuries and times, people have made a lot of efforts to unravel dreams. Scientists are exploring the nature and mechanisms of sleep, but it still remains an area of ​​mystical knowledge. Science is not yet able to explain why some dreams are closely related to real-life events and turn out to be prophetic. Therefore, people should listen to what dreams tell them. Knowing how to see the future in a dream, you can receive the necessary information from your subconscious and avoid mistakes, wrong decisions and dangerous situations.

A prophetic dream spell can be a powerful weapon. For those who don’t know: in the astral plane there is all the information about what has already happened and will still happen.

There is a lot of talk about this these days. Unfortunately, even if they give methods on how to get to this magical “treasury of information,” most of them are completely unacceptable for the average person.

All meditations and other techniques require such concentration and such time expenditure that there will be no time left to live.

But the Higher Powers have already given man a mechanism for communicating with the astral plane. It is given to everyone from birth. Some don’t suspect it, others know it, but don’t understand how to use it.

We are talking about prophetic dreams. Often, people only take advantage of "occasional" glimpses in this direction. That is, they learn to decipher those dreams that come by chance, unplanned, so to speak.

But nothing prevents you from receiving information from the magical astral dimension every day, if you want. This is not only extremely interesting, but also useful.

What to expect

And why not use the ability received from birth? It turns out somehow irrationally (well, this is, of course, a joke). But seriously, you can ask your Higher Self about anything.

Believe me, it can answer literally immediately, like an ordinary interlocutor. Just understanding these answers, as they say, “takes twenty years to study.”

Not everyone is able to decipher the “signs of fate.” And anyone can ask the subconscious to show you in a dream the answers to important (and not so important) questions.

Breathe in the aroma that is pleasant to you (the smell is not of fundamental importance). Say these words:

“I, the Lord’s servant (name), hasten to the light and run. The ringing of bells sounds within me, the heavens are calling to the Lord's Mass. I will open my soul, I will let in the Angel’s call. Let (name) open the doors of Heaven to me and leave the gates of Hell closed. Mother Theotokos, like a child, will take me by the hand. He will open and push the gates into the Lord. The secret one will tell me secrets. What lies ahead for me. Gentlemen, a bright light will enter the soul. Will illuminate what is to come. Mother Theotokos will tell you that her child was crucified on the cross. Whoever sees him, the way will be open. Let that Holy Cross enter my dream, so that I may be protected by the wing of an Angel; whatever I see will come true! Amen!"

To have a prophetic dream

When you are comfortably settled in bed and ready to go to bed, say the following spell. Only after that you can’t not communicate with anyone, not get up.

“I’m going to another world, I’m going for knowledge. Let the Angel lead me along the heavenly roads, so that I know all the unknown events. For the future to become a reality, there will be no trouble or grief. To know what fate judges, to expect good, not bad, from it. Amen!"

If you have a very specific question for your subconscious or the Higher Powers (which is the same thing), then it is recommended to carry out such a ritual.

Buy yourself a special mirror. It should be round and attractive (in your opinion). A red mirror is recommended for hot people with an ardent temperament.

The same piece of glass is suitable for those who are interested in matters of the heart. “Business” questions should be asked in a mirror decorated in a simple style. Let its outer surface be of a calm tone, not particularly bright.

Many girls like a “chic” finish, with rhinestones or gold plated. So choose such a magic mirror.

The criterion is this: it should give you a pleasant feeling so that you want to pick it up. “Conversations with the subconscious” must be stored separately.

It is advisable not to show it to anyone on purpose. Make sure that no one else's eye looks into the reflective surface. Otherwise, you will attract their thoughts and events into your dreams. Do you need it?

On the other hand, if you want to find out what a person (for example) is thinking about, then on the contrary, let him look in the mirror, as if by chance.

After this, make a prophetic dream. This way you will get extremely accurate images. All that remains is to solve it correctly.

Before going to bed, look into your magic mirror and say this:

“I’m leaving for other worlds. I wish that the future opens up, it appears to me in a dream. Mirrors are a bright ray, clear my horizons from the confusion of clouds. Let the future appear clearly, without hiding. I go to sleep, I see the road! Amen!"

Place the mirror under the pillow, reflective surface facing up.

To find out who caused the damage

Say before going to bed:

“Lord, forgive, forgive the sins of Your servant (name)! There is no evil in me, only love. Who spoiled my blood? Who dragged fate into the black swamp? Who was lurking nearby like a rat? Who caused the black damage? My angel, make it open in a dream! Amen!"

Conspiracy of 77 Brahmins

“Venus, I conjure God’s servant (name) in the names of the Angels of sleep, the sorcerers of the third legion. Anael, Angel of the sixth day, I conjure you too. The seal of King Solomon that he never bowed to anyone. I turn to King David for advice, he gave wise answers to everyone. I call out the names of the angels: Adonai, Hey, Hey, Asim, Im, Sadai, so that my spell is confirmed. All the stars in the Universe and the imperishable planet itself. With all the powers in the world that created him.

I conjure the angels of the second legion. I call the Creator as a witness. I conjure with the earth, its trees and grasses, high mountains and lavas. With the ashes of my ancestors I conjure the names of those who died and who were born, those who have not yet been born. I conjure mothers’ milk, hell’s torment, women in labor with suffering and aspirations. Solomon's keys by force, the figure of a six-winged Cherub.

Let the dream be true, let what is not seen on earth be revealed. Let true insights come. Let all the spirits arise, imperishable barriers before my eyes, open, help me look into the future. Lord, bless my spell! The power of an Angel was put on me at night! Give me strength to cope with the visions! Amen!"

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