Prayer for my husband from other women. Wife's prayers for her husband. Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant for marriage: text of a strong prayer

When creating a family, all people hope for family happiness, comfort and stability in relationships. Joy in marriage does not depend on the amount of money or children.

No matter how a woman’s life develops, evolutionarily, her place is at home, and her main concern is family. Having gotten married, a woman, without having time to wake up, receives as a bonus her first “child” - her own husband. After all, it depends on the wife whether the husband will be successful, how he will be dressed, what his health, mood, and luck will be like. A woman’s territory is inside, a man’s territory is outside. Therefore, the weather in the house depends solely on the wife.

Therefore, a wife’s prayer for her husband is as strong as a mother’s prayer for a child, because both are the most powerful, sincere, sincere appeals to God for help.

With this prayer, the wife asks the Lord to send her husband joy in work, strength and energy, and financial solvency. After all, on whom does well-being, peace and joy in family life depend most of all, if not on a man? And a good wife strives to help her husband in all his endeavors, to make his work easier, to please him with family comfort and delicious food.

This is a special gift of a woman, to help unnoticed, without imposing her opinion, without focusing on her help. The prayer “For the husband” is also aimed at the strength of the union, and therefore, the wife in prayer asks for help in being a worthy companion to her husband.

And these sincere prayer words, spoken from a pure heart, will definitely be heard!

Lord, my heavenly Father, I ask you to help my husband find and fulfill his purpose.

Bless his work, may it bring him success and financial prosperity. Let him get satisfaction while doing his job! Let people respect and appreciate him!

Open his heart, Lord, so that everything he does coincides with Your Divine plan. Give him optimism, Lord, give him energy and strength, so that he can work in joy for the benefit of himself and the whole of society.
Help him enjoy his successes and appreciate what he has achieved. May his every step and breath be directed towards You, Lord! Bless him on his journey! Help him gain confidence and open the doors of the future for him! Protect him, Lord, from all enemies and ill-wishers! Help him grow and improve!

When creating a family, all people hope for family happiness, comfort and stability in relationships. Joy in marriage does not depend on the amount of money or children.

Each of us has a clear idea of ​​a happy family, but the main happiness is to make each other's life carefree and joyful.

A man tries to earn more for his family, and a woman’s task is to protect their hearth and family relationships. But what if conflicts burst into life and destroy the entire family idyll? After all, as you know, the husband must provide for the family, but what if now things are not going very well? You can be helped out by the prayer “to help your husband in business,” which will help your spouse resolve his problems.

Popular prayers for a husband

The power of prayer for your husband

Prayer for your husband is not an instant panacea for troubles, but it will help in the most difficult moments. God will not abandon believers with His mercy, He will support and help. A wife’s prayer cannot be considered as a way of establishing control over her husband, it’s just the opposite. The power of prayer lies in the fact that the wife renounces her claims and anger and completely surrenders into the hands of God, relying on his will. A praying woman must believe not only in God, but also in her husband, because her faith and respect are very important to him.

The power of a wife's petition for her husband is compared to the power of a mother's prayer for her child. The power of a husband and wife in God's eyes exceeds the power of each individual hundreds of thousands of times. The reason for this is the holy spirit, which unites spouses and gives strength to their words and actions. While married, each wife is half of the common union; she is no longer accepted by the Lord as a separate unit.

How to pray for your husband correctly

A wife’s prayer for her husband can be absolutely anything, pronounced in her own words. The main thing is sincerity and love, and details such as regularity are no longer so important, but the Lord loves when he is remembered and addressed not only with problems.

The power of a praying woman has no limits; with her faith she protects her husband, and with her fidelity she gives him strength.

A prayer for the love of a husband is a sincere request to the Lord to preserve the family, to grant mutual respect and understanding. This is not a conspiracy that will suppress the will of another person, having a stupefying effect on him. God's mercy will descend upon the one who prays and sincerely wishes her husband good luck in his affairs.

Types of Prayer

May all your wife’s prayers for your husband help your family find true happiness. There are several types, depending on the purpose. So, for example, you can pray for your husband’s health.

In order to solve health problems, you need to visit the temple and submit a health note. It is also necessary to light a candle for Matrona of Moscow.

If you are depressed by your husband’s health, be sure to read the appeal to Matrona of Moscow on the topic “health of your beloved husband.”

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow “For the health of my beloved husband”

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. I am turning to you for my husband. Help him cope with life's difficulties and protect him from sinful mistakes. Grant your spouse good health and strengthen our marriage for many years to come. Forgive us sinful filth and carnal weakness. Thy will be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If you are afraid of your husband’s betrayal or simply want to protect him from all sorts of magical influences, read this prayer to remove a love spell, which is aimed at sending blessings and returning harmony to the family. This prayer has incredible power, especially if the love spell was cast on a family in which love and mutual understanding reigned. Saying prayer requires purity of thoughts.

Powerful prayer “From husband’s love spell”

“Lord, deliver the servant of God (name) from love spells, lapels and other witchcraft that were done on him! Give him spiritual and physical strength, open your soul and heart. Help, Lord! Amen."

If your husband is a military man, a truck driver, a traveling salesman, or a representative of any other profession that involves business travel, you can read a prayer that protects him on the road.

If your husband is on a trip and your heart is not in the right place, there is a powerful Orthodox prayer “for the health of your husband on the road.”

Prayer “For the health of your husband on the road”

“May it be Your will, Lord my God, to lead us in a peaceful way, to direct our steps along peaceful paths, to pave a prosperous path for us and to lead us to the goal of our journey for life, joy and peace and to return us in peace to our homes and deliver us from the hands of all enemies and from lying in wait for us, from wild animals and from the hands of robbers who may meet us on the way, and from all the misfortunes that befall the world. Send blessings on all the works of our hands and let me find mercy, favor and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. And hear the voice of our prayer, for You are the God who listens to prayers and supplications. Blessed are You, Lord, who hears prayer.”

Orthodox prayers will not bring harm to the one to whom they are directed, but, on the contrary, will protect him from adversity and danger. In addition, the one who prays will not suffer, because the prayer is addressed not to dark forces that will demand payment for their help, but to the Almighty.

A prayer for a husband offered by a loving wife has enormous power. Such an appeal to the Higher Powers is the support of a loved one, because, in most cases, well-being and confidence in the future depend on him. A good wife always strives to become not only a reliable support figure, but also to support her husband on a psychological level. Sincere prayer words spoken from the bottom of your heart will definitely be heard. Prayer for a husband can protect a loved one from the troubles of life and from enemies, as well as minimize the negative consequences of a dark streak in life.

How to offer Orthodox prayers for a wife for her husband

In Orthodoxy there are many prayers for a husband. But you should understand that they cannot act instantly. But at the same time, turning to God will always help in the most difficult moments of life. Prayer for a husband is not intended to be able to control your spouse, supposedly guiding him on the right path. The praying woman relies entirely on the mercy of God and emphasizes that she completely trusts her man and is ready to be with him in joy and sorrow.

You can pray for your husband in your own words. The main thing is that the spoken text is sincere and comes from the depths of the soul. Remember that every prayer for your husband must begin with your own cleansing. You cannot start praying when your soul is filled with negativity. First of all, on the day when you plan to offer a prayer for your husband, in the morning you need to thank God for the fact that you are starting a new day and express hope that it will definitely be successful.

Prayer will be effective only when you are in harmony with yourself. Peace should reign in the soul and it should be filled with love for a loved one. You need to pray for your husband in absolute privacy. Prayer should be done in a special place where icons are installed. It is advisable to do this in the evening with a lit church candle. You need to make sure that nothing and no one distracts you from prayer.

Strong prayer for a sick husband and for his health

It is very difficult when a loved one is sick. And for the husband to recover faster, the wife must pray. This will definitely speed up your recovery and improve your health. A prayer for health said by a spouse has enormous power. You can turn to the Higher powers both in the temple and at home. Prayer for health will have greater power if the spouse is baptized. But, of course, you can pray for a sick, unbaptized husband.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

“O Lord, our Creator, the Most High, Almighty and All-Merciful! I ask for Your help, hear me and do not refuse my request. Grant complete recovery to the Servant of God (name of spouse), wash his blood with your blessed rays. Grant him healing with your power. Touch him and bless all his paths in life. Show him the way to salvation. Make sure that the pain from him disappears forever and his strength returns. Heal all his wounds and help him regain his strength. Lord, help my husband to live in health in the future and give him peace of mind. May Your divine balm fill the heart of my husband. I call upon Your rays from Heaven with my prayer. May they create reliable protection around my husband so that his health will no longer be impaired. Bless, Lord, for the deliverance of my husband from a serious illness. Amen".

In order to strengthen your husband’s health, you need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for this. Such a prayer can be offered in a church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. At the same time, one should not forget to light a candle in church for the health of the spouse. If it is not possible to get to the temple, then you can pray at home, but you need to do this only in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

“Oh, Madam Most Holy Heavenly Lady. I appeal to you with a request to strengthen the health of my husband, the Servant of God (name of spouse). Do not let him sink into the depths of sin, deliver him from unexpected death without repentance. Don't let the dark forces harm him, help him find the true path. Most Holy Theotokos, hear me, grant my husband health, life in peace and harmony. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for her deceased husband

It is imperative to pray for your deceased husband. And this must be done every day for 40 days after the death of a person, because it is during this period that his future spiritual destiny is determined. And the wife’s prayer during this period can determine where the deceased spouse will end up, in Hell or Heaven.

Praying for the newly departed husband, we ask the Lord for mercy towards the deceased spouse, we ask to forgive all his sins committed during life and to reduce the punishment that may close the entrance to Paradise. But this does not mean that after 40 days there is no need to pray. Afterwards, you can also improve the state of the soul of the deceased. And every time a prayer for a deceased spouse is read, it will open up new opportunities for him to advance to Heaven.

Praying for the salvation of the soul of a deceased husband is the sacred duty of a wife. We must remember that only by praying can we help and deliver the good that awaits the soul of the deceased. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for a deceased husband is very often used.

“Oh, Great and Righteous Wonderworker, Saint Nicholas! You are the comfort of all those who suffer and turn to you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You with tears, I ask You to pray before the Lord God for my deceased husband. God gave me his Slave for life and for protection, and when the time came he took him away, leaving me alone on this earth. I bow before His will and ask you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, to ask God for benefits for the soul of my deceased husband. Pleaser of God, turn my gaze to me, quench my spiritual sadness after eternal separation from my husband. Hear my prayer and do not leave it unattended. I bow and accept the will of God. I ask you to forgive my husband all the sins he committed during his lifetime, since he committed them out of ignorance, and not out of malice. I ask you not to destroy him and not to consign his soul to eternal torment. I offer a prayer for God’s mercy, remembering the bounties of the Great Ones. I will pray all my life and give thanks for the blessings for the soul of my deceased husband. I will not sin and will not deviate from the true faith. I believe in the power and justice of God. Only His truth is forever and ever. Hear my requests, Saint Nicholas, do not turn your face away from me as a widow asking for her deceased husband. Amen".

Prayer for an unbelieving drinking husband will heal him from drunkenness

Prayer can help heal a husband from drunkenness, even if he is an unbeliever.

But at the same time, a woman must pray, observing certain rules:

  • The main condition for success is your faith. It is this that will be conveyed through prayer words to a person suffering from alcoholism. Your faith will help him withstand the difficulties that he will definitely have to face when he gives up drinking. Only your faith will help him resist temptations.
  • The prayer request must be sincere. To do this, you must first of all repent of your sins. The prayer will be more powerful if you go through the ritual of purification in the temple, confessing and subsequently receiving communion.

You can pray for an unbelieving drinking husband in order to deliver him from alcoholism at home.

When doing this you need to remember the following:

  • Prayers aimed at getting rid of drunkenness should be offered during the waning moon;
  • During Lent, on major church holidays and on Sundays, prayers against drunkenness are not read;
  • You need to know the text of the prayer by heart, which will allow you to pray for anything without being distracted, which means putting great strength into your prayer appeal;
  • It is important to remember that you cannot pray out of simple interest. With this approach, prayer against drunkenness can aggravate the situation, that is, the person will start drinking even more;
  • It is advisable not to tell anyone that you are praying to help your loved one get rid of drunkenness.

You can pray to help your husband in the fight against alcohol by turning to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In this case, prayer is offered in a secluded place in front of the icon of the Saint with lit church candles.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Oh, Saint, Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to You with a sincere prayer. I ask for your generosity. During your life, you always provided the necessary support to people in need. Have mercy and help my husband get rid of drunkenness. Even against his will, they found him disgusted with alcohol, and remove the craving for drunkenness from his soul. Let him not sip or pour any more harmful drink. Let only clean and healthy drinks give him pleasure. Amen".

To help a husband get rid of cravings for alcohol, they often turn to the Holy Matrona of Moscow. This ritual has its own characteristics. First you need to purchase 9 church candles from the temple and collect some holy water. It is also necessary to buy images of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, the Savior, and St. Nicholas the Pleasant. In a separate room you need to install the prepared icons and light three candles in front of each. Nearby you need to place a container filled with holy water.

After this, first the well-known prayer “Our Father” is said three times. During this process, you need to make the sign of the cross several times. Then a prayer-appeal to the Holy Matrona of Moscow is read.

It sounds like this:

“Blessed Elder, Holy Matrona of Moscow. I ask you to protect my husband from drunkenness. I hope that you will wash his lips with holy water and his craving for alcohol will disappear. I ask you to calm his satanic trembling before alcohol. As soon as he takes a sip of water, sobriety will come; as soon as he takes a second sip, he will completely get rid of drunkenness. Amen".

Prayer for peace in the family with a husband - the birth of boundless love

The following prayers are considered very effective:

  • To the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • To Archangel Barachiel, who is the heavenly protector of the family;
  • To Xenia of Petersburg;
  • To the Apostle John the Theologian.

Saints Peter and Fevronya are among the patrons of the family hearth. They lived a long life together happily in love and harmony, and they died on the same day.

The prayer will allow you to awaken mutual love feelings, after which you will be able to:

  • Successfully overcome difficulties associated with misunderstanding;
  • Strengthen family ties on a basis of trust;
  • Restore harmonious relationships.

Prayer aimed at harmony in the family allows you to realize your own wrongs and mistakes, it eliminates pride. With the help of prayer, you can correct the situation even when divorce seems inevitable.

Before the icon of the Holy Mother of God the following strong prayer is said:

“To the Lady of Heaven, the Most Blessed Most Blessed Virgin Mary, I ask you to take my family under Your protective cover. Instill peace and love in the hearts of all my household, make sure that harmony and kindness reign among us. Do not let us experience difficult trials and separation. Don't let any of us leave this world prematurely and unexpectedly without repentance. Save my home and protect our relationship with my spouse from external evil circumstances and devilish obsession. I will glorify Your name and offer thanks for my life to Your Son, the Savior of all people. Amen".

Such a prayer awakens boundless love in the souls of all household members. If you sincerely believe and periodically offer this prayer in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, then you can build harmonious relationships that will withstand any external threat.

Family is one of the most important values ​​in the life of any Orthodox person. Maintaining peace and understanding is the task of both people who get married. The power of a praying wife is great: prayer for her husband helps save the marriage and prevents many troubles.

The task of preserving a family union cannot be called easy, but at the same time, this goal is not unattainable.

A reliable and faithful assistant in creating peace within the family, without a doubt, is the Orthodox prayer for a husband: it will give strength to both the praying wife and her husband in preserving the marriage.

True love is the strongest and most reliable foundation of an unbreakable family union

Not only happy events happen in our lives. Quarrels, betrayals, misunderstandings in the family - most people face all this. Strong, true love is the strongest and most reliable foundation of an unbreakable family union. And if there is no love between two people in a marriage, then troubles and black streaks in family life are an immediate inevitability.

Prayer to the Lord God for my husband

Feeling and understanding true love is only possible with God. After all, He is love, which means it is only in the power of the Lord to teach us how to love correctly, which is directly related to a strong and indestructible family.

Only prayer can bind us to God. If you resort to her help and pray for peace in your family, then, without any doubt, you will feel the birth within you of true boundless love, which will inevitably lead to a strong family union. And, first of all, you should pray to the Lord God for a strong and peaceful family.

Lord, my heavenly Father, I ask you to help my husband find and fulfill his purpose.

Bless his work, may it bring him success and financial prosperity.

Let him get satisfaction while doing his job!

Let people respect and appreciate him!

Open his heart, Lord, so that everything he does coincides with Your Divine plan.

Give him optimism, Lord, give him energy and strength, so that he can work in joy for the benefit of himself and the whole of society.

Help him enjoy his successes and appreciate what he has achieved.

May his every step and breath be directed towards You, Lord!

Bless him on his journey!

Help him gain confidence and open the doors of the future for him!

Protect him, Lord, from all enemies and ill-wishers!

Protect from any illness!

Help him grow and improve!

I pray, Lord, that I can be a worthy companion to my husband!

So that I can support, delight and inspire him to new achievements!

May our union be strong and pleasing to You!

I thank you, Lord, for everything that you give us and I surrender to your holy will!

Be blessed, Lord, forever and ever!

O. Torsunov, a specialist in the field of family relations, also speaks about the power of a praying wife, suggesting using the following prayer for her husband.

Prayer to protect my husband from infidelity

Cheating on your husband is a difficult situation for every woman. And no one would ever want to be in the place of a woman who was betrayed.

In Orthodox Christianity, betrayal is considered one of the gravest sins. And Satan pushes people to commit any sin. If a person does not live with God, then he is an easy prey for evil spirits.

Such people are easily controlled, and instilling in them the desire and thoughts to satisfy their lust is not a problem for the devil. Therefore, you should not wait for your husband to betray you and live with an unfounded hope for the best. The correct thing to do would be to immediately resort to the protection and patronage of God.

If a person does not live with God, then he is an easy prey for evil spirits

Against betrayal will be the best tool in creating a strong family and will give strength to a praying wife. When one loving person prays for another, it is the same as if a person prayed for himself.

God hears, sees and knows everything about us. Moreover, people who are legally married, both civil and church, are considered in the spiritual sense to be a single whole.

My Lord, I stand before the face of Your majesty. You are the master of my life! I am so grateful to You for the husband You gave me, for the children! I beg You for help and open before You all the secrets of my heart. I wish with all my soul to fulfill Your word in my life.

Help me become a good wife. I understand that I cannot do this without Your help. You see how irritable and impatient I am. Sometimes I think only about myself and feel sorry for myself. Teach me to be sacrificial and patient. Lord, I have so many bad habits! I am intemperate and often say harsh words, I defend myself. Free me from this! Give me a kind, soft, faithful heart. So that there is no enmity between me and my husband. I know that only You are able to help me and send love, peace and joy into my heart. I cannot cope with my weaknesses, with my character. Only You can change me.

Show me the sin in my heart, especially towards my husband. Forgive me, Lord! I didn’t always treat him with love, I didn’t respect him. Sometimes I got angry with him and criticized him. It is so difficult for me to get rid of resentment and disappointment! Help me forgive him as You forgive, and never bring up the past for him. I so want to bring peace to our family so that we are not strangers to each other! And save us from divorce.

Help me become an assistant and friend to my husband. So that our home becomes a peaceful, calm place where he will always return with joy. What should I be like to please my husband? Teach me, Lord, so that he will always feel good with me. Send me Your heavenly wisdom.

Lord, there are desires in my heart that only You can fulfill, and I so often demand this from my husband. Help me trust You more so that I can love and accept my husband for who he is. I often try to change it myself. But only You can create miraculous changes in him. Change it the way you want, as it pleases your holy will. And me, Lord, make me the way You want me to be. Only You, Lord, are perfect. And I hope that You will help us get closer to perfection.

You should not give up if betrayal has already become a fact, because the power of a praying wife doubles, and her prayer for her husband will help return her husband to the family and will become an effective tool in strengthening family ties.

Saints Peter and Fevronia

“Saints Peter and Fevronia, who work miracles on earth and help people, came to you with a bow and ask for help. I pray furiously for your mercy, trusting. Pray to the Lord for mercy on me, the servant of God (Name) and my beloved, the servant of God (Name), do not abandon our love. Amen."

Prayers to the Saints for the health of her husband

The man is considered the main breadwinner in the family. He must earn and provide for all his household members. The wife must bear children and take care of the house. This is exactly what Christianity teaches us. If anything happens to the breadwinner in the family, the whole family is on the verge of collapse. Therefore, the health of her husband is something that any loving wife should take care of.

The best and most effective manifestation of care on the part of the wife is prayer. You can turn to the Saints for help in prayer. They are our helpers and convey to God all our prayers, uttered with a pure soul and a sincere heart.

Thousands of ordinary people who turned to the Saints for help in their prayers repeatedly received it. Below are powerful prayers for her husband to Saint Matrona of Moscow, which can be used by a praying wife seeking to preserve her husband’s health and strengthen her marriage.

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Elder. Grant my husband good health and heal him from sinful thoughts. Thy will be done. Amen.

St. Matrona Moscow

Prayer for the health of the spouse to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The power of prayer offered to the Mother of God for her husband (for health) will help a praying wife strengthen and preserve her marriage. The Mother of God earnestly prays for us, conveying our prayers to her son Jesus Christ, thereby helping us to be heard by the Lord.

Oh, Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always wholeheartedly call on You:

have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and rejoice us, who love your beginningless Son and our God.

How to pray for an Orthodox wife for her husband.

A strong, indestructible family will only exist when, in a union of two, everyone starts with themselves, and does not look at the other, seeing in him all his shortcomings. This also applies to the prayers of an Orthodox wife for her husband. Only by herself and her example can a wife achieve success in prayer for her husband and provide him with concrete help, on her part.

The main female task, as our ancestors believed, is spiritual care for the family nest and all its inhabitants. My husband worked in the field and was worried about his material well-being. And my wife was at home. But she didn't just do housework. With her warmth, she healed wounds and restored strength to all those who overcame the barriers of the outside world and obtained food for the family. This is what prayer for a husband is based on. These are the principles from which it stems. What words are in it, how to read them, why? Let's figure it out.

Modern realities and ancient traditions. Conflict?

Nowadays, women try to find out what prayer for a husband is only when they lose their spouse. We are accustomed to coming to the Almighty with troubles and problems. It seems natural to us. Who else will protect if not the Heavenly Father? But this is not at all what was previously thought. So that the Lord helps you, fulfill his commandments, do not neglect your duty. What's happening now? The beauties have completely plunged into the world of men's problems. Work, property, finances - all this became their sphere of interest. They are proud that they receive a lot of money. They try to do everything themselves. But they somehow forget that you have to work for the race with your soul. They consider it a waste of time. And as the family begins to fall apart, they immediately seek prayers for the family, for the husband. No, to ask such a question: “What do I give to my spouse, what does he lack?” It’s clear that a man won’t run away from the heat. He feels comfortable and calm. Why look for another? Prayer for your husband, if you remember it not only when there are problems, it is precisely this comfort of the soul that creates.

When everything's alright

Previously, the mothers of their daughters, who were of marriageable age, taught this. should always be in your head. When you get up at dawn, remember, when you send your beloved to work - accompany them with these words, when you go to rest - don’t forget about them.

Now they recommend writing them in your own hand on a blank piece of paper and placing them in the bedroom. Let prayer for your husband always be there. And needlewomen try to embroider a beautiful cover with these necessary words (with beads or threads), and there are many other ways to decorate. So, you can hang that prayer on the wall in a frame. It will remind you that in the hustle and bustle you should not forget about the duty of the soul.

Wife's prayer for her husband

“Jesus Christ, son of God, Prisodevo Mary, intercessor! From heaven you look at our family and perceive. Help us in righteous labors, in earthly hardships. We were married in the name of the Lord so that we could live with each other like Holy Angels, be there in times of happiness and misfortune, and help in everything and everywhere! Let husband and wife never quarrel, let them not use abusive words. God! We are comforted by Your grace, we are touched by the angelic singing, we are delighted by the help of the Ever-Virgin Mary. Give us rest and peace forever and ever, so that there will never be any offensive words, shameful deeds, dark spells, or dirty quarrels between us! Let children appear in the family and be touched by the face of the Lord. Give us long summers so that we never forget our vows! Protect from black shadows, from thoughts imposed by the devil, from illnesses and passions, from bad deeds and news! Do not send either fiery hell or heavenly lightning into the house! Bless and save! Amen!".

When my husband left

The prayer given above must not be forgotten from the wedding day. She will not allow the sacred bonds to be broken, the marriage to be destroyed. And when trouble has already happened, then you need to learn a different text. There is an old Slavic prayer for the return of your husband. Here is its text: “Oh God! I address you as the Progenitor of everything heavenly and earthly, the entire Universe! I give you glory and honor! Please save and correct my lot! Guide me and my husband on the true path! So that he gets back together, so that there is love. So that the family does not break up! So that the happy part will be mine again! May my husband be strong as a rock! Let your loyalty be strong! Let him stand firmly on his feet in life! May the God of God thank you with all his soul! Please return my share! I love my husband with all my heart! Amen!". You need to read these words every day at dawn. Position yourself so that the first rays fall on your face. Speak the words, and take in your hands something your spouse has used himself, or a photograph. Don’t forget that you need to put love in the words of your prayer, and not resentment. Then your beloved will return.

Another option for returning a fugitive from a frozen soul

Slavic prayers are very powerful. But not every woman will use them. There are some nuances or prejudices. For those who are inclined to appreciate Orthodox texts, this prayer is recommended. So that your husband returns, forgets the insults, and becomes affectionate and gentle again, go to the monastery. Order a magpie there for your loved one. The monks will read it and ask for health. And light a candle to the Mother of God yourself, and submit to her, the intercessor. Tell everyone what is on your heart. Maybe some grievances remained or they themselves saw mistakes in their behavior. Finally, read the prayers “Our Father” to the Matrona of Moscow - the patroness of family ties. Bring the icon of the holy old woman home from the parish where you prayed. Turn to her for the entire forty days while the monks pray for your beloved. And there, with God’s help, everything will work out!

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Dream interpretation of fresh cucumbersVegetables in a dream hint at improved mood, personal growth, and conquering new heights. Cucumbers, tomatoes...
Of the many love spell rituals, there are those in which they turn to demons, spirits of the dead, and elemental demons. So...