Types of opinions in the auditor's report. Examples of audit reports Audit analysis and conclusion using an example

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 N 696. On approval of federal rules (standards) of auditing activities)

If the other auditor disagrees with the restated prior period financial statements or refuses to issue a new auditor's report on the restated prior period financial statements, the auditor may state in the introductory portion of the auditor's report that the other auditor prepared the auditor's report. according to financial (accounting) statements for the previous period before their revision. In addition, if the auditor, during the current period's audit, performs audit procedures sufficient to provide assurance as to the appropriateness of the adjustments to the financial statements, the auditor may include the following in the auditor's report:
"We have also reviewed the adjustments in Notes X that were made in restating the 20(XX) financial statements. In our opinion, such adjustments are necessary and have been made appropriately."
23. If an audit of financial (accounting) statements for the previous period was not carried out, then the auditor indicates in the auditor's report for the current period that comparable financial (accounting) statements for the previous period were not audited. Such a statement does not relieve the auditor from performing appropriate audit procedures in relation to the account balances at the beginning of the current period. The financial statements must clearly state that the comparable financial statements have not been audited.
24. If the auditor, for whom the audit engagement is the primary audit, discovers that the figures for the previous period, which were not verified, are materially distorted, he requires the management of the audited entity to revise them. If the audited entity's management refuses to revise the relevant figures, the auditor should modify the auditor's report as appropriate.

to rule (standard) N 26


Example A: Relevant Indicators: Example
auditor's report drawn up in cases where
given in paragraph one of clause 9
Federal Rule (Standard) No. 26


Name: limited liability company "XXX".

License: number, date, name of the body that granted the audit organization a license to carry out audit activities, validity period.
Is a member of (specify the name of the accredited professional audit association).

Audited entity
Name: open joint stock company "YYY".
Location: zip code, city, street, house number, etc.
State registration: number and date of registration certificate.

We audited the attached financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive. Financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" consist of:
- balance sheet;
- profit and loss statement;
- appendices to the balance sheet and profit and loss account;
- explanatory note.
Responsibility for the preparation and presentation of these financial (accounting) statements lies with the executive body of the YYY organization. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the reliability in all material respects of these statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation based on the audit performed.
We conducted an audit in accordance with:
- Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”;
- federal rules (standards) of auditing activities;
- internal rules (standards) of auditing activities (specify the accredited professional association);
- rules (standards) of the auditor’s audit activities;
- regulations of the body that regulates the activities of the audited entity.
The audit was planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. The audit was carried out on a sample basis and included a testing-based examination of evidence confirming the figures in the financial (accounting) statements and the disclosure of information about financial and economic activities therein, assessment of compliance with the accounting principles and rules applied in the preparation of financial (accounting) statements. reporting, consideration of the main assessment indicators obtained by the management of the audited entity, as well as an assessment of the presentation of financial (accounting) statements. We believe that the audit provided provides sufficient grounds to express our opinion on the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Pages: 84 of 118

Example A: Relevant Indicators: Example

auditor's report drawn up in cases where

given in paragraph one of clause 9

Federal Rule (Standard) No. 26



Name: limited liability company "XXX".

License: number, date, name of the body that granted the audit organization a license to carry out audit activities, validity period.

Is a member of (specify the name of the accredited professional audit association).

Audited entity

Name: open joint stock company "YYY".

Location: zip code, city, street, house number, etc.

State registration: number and date of registration certificate.

We audited the attached financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive. Financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" consist of:

balance sheet;

profit and loss statement;

appendices to the balance sheet and profit and loss account;

explanatory note.

Responsibility for the preparation and presentation of these financial (accounting) statements lies with the executive body of the YYY organization. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the reliability in all material respects of these statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation based on the audit performed.

We conducted an audit in accordance with:

Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”;

federal rules (standards) of auditing activities;

internal rules (standards) of auditing activities (specify the accredited professional association);

rules (standards) of the auditor's audit activities;

regulatory acts of the body that regulates the activities of the audited entity.

The audit was planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. The audit was carried out on a sample basis and included a testing-based examination of evidence confirming the figures in the financial (accounting) statements and the disclosure of information about financial and economic activities therein, assessment of compliance with the accounting principles and rules applied in the preparation of financial (accounting) statements. reporting, consideration of the main assessment indicators obtained by the management of the audited entity, as well as an assessment of the presentation of financial (accounting) statements. We believe that the audit provided provides sufficient grounds to express our opinion on the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As a result of the audit, we identified the following violations of the current procedure for preparing financial (accounting) statements and maintaining accounting records. As indicated in paragraph X of the explanatory note to the financial (accounting) statements, depreciation charges for individual fixed assets were not taken into account in the relevant items. This circumstance is the result of a decision made by the management of the audited entity at the beginning of the previous year, which caused us to express a qualified opinion regarding the financial (accounting) statements for that year. Based on the straight-line depreciation method (with an annual depreciation rate of 5 percent for buildings and 20 percent for equipment), the book value of fixed assets should be reduced by the amount of depreciation charges in the amount of XXX rubles in 20(X1) and XXX rubles in 20(X1). X0) year, and the loss for the year should be increased by XXX rubles in 20(X1) and XXX rubles in 20(X0), the uncovered loss should be increased by XXX rubles in 20(X1) and by XXX rubles in 20 (X0) year.

In our opinion, with the exception of the circumstances set out in the previous part of this opinion, the financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" reflect reliably in all material respects the financial position as of December 31, 20(X1) and the results of its financial and economic activities for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the preparation of financial (accounting) statements (and (or) indicate documents defining the requirements for the procedure for preparing financial (accounting) statements).

Example A: Relevant Indicators: Example

given in paragraph one of clause 9

Auditor's report on financial (accounting) statements

Name: limited liability company "XXX".

License: number, date, name of the body that granted the audit organization a license to carry out audit activities, validity period.

Is a member of (specify the name of the accredited professional audit association).

Audited entity

Name: open joint stock company "YYY".

Location: zip code, city, street, house number, etc.

State registration: number and date of registration certificate.

We audited the attached financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive. Financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" consist of:

balance sheet;

profit and loss statement;

appendices to the balance sheet and profit and loss account;

explanatory note.

Responsibility for the preparation and presentation of these financial (accounting) statements lies with the executive body of the YYY organization. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the reliability in all material respects of these statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation based on the audit performed.

We conducted an audit in accordance with:

Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”;

federal rules (standards) of auditing activities;

internal rules (standards) of auditing activities (specify the accredited professional association);

rules (standards) of the auditor's audit activities;

regulatory acts of the body that regulates the activities of the audited entity.

The audit was planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. The audit was carried out on a sample basis and included a testing-based examination of evidence confirming the figures in the financial (accounting) statements and the disclosure of information about financial and economic activities therein, assessment of compliance with the accounting principles and rules applied in the preparation of financial (accounting) statements. reporting, consideration of the main assessment indicators obtained by the management of the audited entity, as well as an assessment of the presentation of financial (accounting) statements. We believe that the audit provided provides sufficient grounds to express our opinion on the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As a result of the audit, we identified the following violations of the current procedure for preparing financial (accounting) statements and maintaining accounting records. As indicated in paragraph X of the explanatory note to the financial (accounting) statements, depreciation charges for individual fixed assets were not taken into account in the relevant items. This circumstance is the result of a decision made by the management of the audited entity at the beginning of the previous year, which caused us to express a qualified opinion regarding the financial (accounting) statements for that year. Based on the straight-line depreciation method (with an annual depreciation rate of 5 percent for buildings and 20 percent for equipment), the book value of fixed assets should be reduced by the amount of depreciation charges in the amount of XXX rubles in 20(X1) and XXX rubles in 20(X1). X0) year, and the loss for the year should be increased by XXX rubles in 20(X1) and XXX rubles in 20(X0), the uncovered loss should be increased by XXX rubles in 20(X1) and by XXX rubles in 20 (X0) year.

In our opinion, with the exception of the circumstances set out in the previous part of this opinion, the financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" reflect reliably in all material respects the financial position as of December 31, 20(X1) and the results of its financial and economic activities for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the preparation of financial (accounting) statements (and (or) indicate documents defining the requirements for the procedure for preparing financial (accounting) statements).

"XX" month 20(X2)

The head (or other authorized person) of the audit organization or an individual auditor (last name, first name, patronymic, signature and position).

Head of the audit (last name, first name, patronymic, signature, number, type of auditor qualification certificate and its validity period).

Auditor's seal.

Example B: Relevant Indicators: Example

auditor's report drawn up in cases where

given in paragraph two of clause 9

Federal Rule (Standard) No. 26

In accordance with the requirements of federal legislation, after an audit, the person responsible for performing this procedure is required to draw up an audit report. This document indicates the opinion of a specialist about the veracity of the financial statements of the person who ordered the audit, or of another company that acted as the object of analysis.

Inspection report

Federal standard No. 6 establishes main types of audit reports. They can be positive, conditionally positive, negative, and also with a refusal to express opinions. Let's look at each of the documents.

  1. Positive. If the auditor involved in checking the accounting documents does not encounter doubts and discrepancies regarding the usefulness and reliability of the specified data, he draws up an unconditionally positive conclusion on the results.
  2. Conditional positive. Drawed up if the auditors have insufficient grounds for both a negative and a positive opinion. Such situations are usually encountered when auditors have doubts about the data provided for verification, or there are disagreements with the director. Also, the basis is the presence of minor factors that do not allow us to draw 100% positive conclusions.
  3. Negative. It is usually drawn up when, during the audit process, the auditor discovered serious violations or gross deficiencies in the reporting documents compiled by a full-time specialist. This includes situations where accountants did not comply with the form of filling out documents and were convinced of the discrepancy between real financial information and the information provided in the reporting documents.
  4. Refusal to express one's own opinion. This is a separate, very specific type of conclusion when the auditor does not want to leave his own opinion regarding the results of the audit. As a rule, the main reason is the presence of significant audit risks or serious factors, the influence of which can ultimately distort the results obtained. In addition, there are other compelling reasons that do not allow us to fully prepare alternative types of audit reporting documentation.

Sometimes situations occur in which the management of a company undergoing an audit expresses its disagreement with the results obtained. It should be noted that the audit company bears full responsibility for the effectiveness of analytical activities, and in case of serious errors - full responsibility. Challenging the results of the audit analysis is carried out only in the courtroom, on the basis of a pre-drafted statement of claim.

Auditor's Report Form

Federal rule-standard No. 6, in accordance with which audit activities are audited, establishes that the submitted document must have clear, strictly defined structures u. It consists of following points:

  1. Title of the document. Auditor's report on the reliability of accounting reporting documents.
  2. Addressee's name. A person established by current legislation or a pre-drafted contract for conducting audit activities.
  3. Information about the contractor. An organization that has an established organizational and legal form and its own unique name. The document must indicate the registration address of the company or the actual location of the official representative office, information about the certificate allowing this activity to be carried out (date and document number). Information is provided on the name of the licensing authority and the validity period of the license. If the company is a member of an accredited professional body, this fact is also indicated in the appropriate place.
  4. Information about the person being tested. In accordance with the law, here you must indicate the name and legal form, date and number of the state registration certificate. A list of licenses allowing to carry out a certain type of activity is provided.
  5. Introductory part.
  6. Main part with a description of the scope of the audit.
  7. Final part indicating the author's opinion regarding the results of the audit.
  8. Date of preparation auditor's report.
  9. Signature of a specialist.

Any auditor, regardless of which company he works for or how long he has been carrying out his core activities, is obliged to fully comply with the established unity of the logical form of the presented document. It is critical to ensure that the content of the conclusion is clear without jumping between factual findings in different parts of the document.

The introductory part should contain a list of financial reporting documents that were audited in the territory of the audited entity. It is mandatory to provide information on the composition of the reporting documents, as well as the period they cover.

This part should simultaneously consist of a statement that the audited entity is fully responsible for the completeness and correctness of accounting, presentation and preparation of documents. It is also reported that the auditor expresses only my own opinion, based on the list of documents submitted for verification in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The analytical part is basic. Here, experts provide the full scope of the audit, reporting that it was carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulated documentation.

The scope of the audit includes the ability to perform audit procedures that are necessary in a particular case, depending on how appropriate the level of materiality is. In addition, this portion does not dispense with a statement that the audit was planned to provide the fullest possible assurance that the results of the reporting documents are free from misstatement.

In parallel, the document must indicate that the audit is being conducted on a sample basis. The presented document consists of:

  • studying evidence based on testing, thanks to which it is possible to confirm the completeness and significance of information about the organization’s economic and financial activities, as well as its results;
  • assessment of the methodology and principles of accounting, preparation for maintaining financial accounting documents;
  • determination of the main assessment results that the management of the audited organization received as part of the preparation of financial reporting documents;
  • assessing the basic understanding of the quality of the financial statements.

It is also worth noting that the document must necessarily consist of the auditor’s opinion regarding the sufficiency of the grounds for expressing opinions as part of the official audit. In case of a positive result, the compliance of accounting with legislation is indicated.

The final part of the audit report provides in as much detail as possible a list of basic methods and principles (in other words, the procedure applied) for compiling accounting documentation and preparing financial statements of the audited company. The completion of the final part represents the auditor's personal opinion regarding the reliability of the financial accounting documents analyzed as part of the procedure.

As mentioned above, the legislation regulates the types of audit results. For example, when unconditionally positive it is reported that the financial reporting documentation fairly reflects the financial results for the reporting period.

At conditionally positive The conclusion states that management does not agree with the specific results of the audit, or there are insignificant factors that do not make it possible to issue a completely positive conclusion.

IN negative the conclusion indicates that the reporting documents do not accurately reflect the financial position of the company over a certain period of time.

If there is a refusal to express a personal opinion, the auditor indicates that he could not be personally present during the inventory count as a result of restrictions established by the organization. It is mandatory to provide list of circumstances. It is reported that it is not possible to obtain sufficient evidence (reasons are given). At the end of the section it is indicated that due to the current circumstances, expressing one’s own opinion regarding the reliability of the reporting documents is impossible.

The auditor bears full responsibility for the results of the audit. The legislation provides for penalties, the amount of which depends on the number of victims or the amount of losses incurred. It is strictly prohibited to create knowingly false audit reports. A document can be challenged in court on the basis of a statement of claim. You can see a sample document below.

Additional information is in the video.

Appendix to rule (standard) No. 26


Example E. Comparable financial (accounting)

reporting: example of an audit report prepared

in the cases given in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 21

Federal Rule (Standard) No. 26



Name: limited liability company "XXX".

License: number, date, name of the body that granted the audit organization a license to carry out audit activities, validity period.

Is a member of (specify the name of the accredited professional audit association).

Audited entity

Name: open joint stock company "YYY".

Location: zip code, city, street, house number, etc.

State registration: number and date of registration certificate.

We audited the attached financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive. Financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" consist of:

balance sheet;

profit and loss statement;

appendices to the balance sheet and profit and loss account;

explanatory note.

Responsibility for the preparation and presentation of these financial (accounting) statements lies with the executive body of the YYY organization. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the reliability in all material respects of these statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation based on the audit performed.

The financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(X0) inclusive were audited by another auditor, whose audit report is dated March 31, 20(X1) and contains a qualified opinion due to disagreement regarding sufficiency of the reserve for doubtful debts.

We conducted an audit in accordance with:

Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”;

federal rules (standards) of auditing activities;

internal rules (standards) of auditing activities (specify the accredited professional association);

rules (standards) of the auditor's audit activities;

regulatory acts of the body that regulates the activities of the audited entity.

The audit was planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. The audit was carried out on a sample basis and included a testing-based examination of evidence confirming the figures in the financial (accounting) statements and the disclosure of information about financial and economic activities therein, assessment of compliance with the accounting principles and rules applied in the preparation of financial (accounting) statements. reporting, consideration of the main assessment indicators obtained by the management of the audited entity, as well as an assessment of the presentation of financial (accounting) statements. We believe that the audit provided provides sufficient grounds to express our opinion on the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Accounts receivable remain outstanding as at 31 December 20(X1) and no provision is made in the financial statements for potential losses. Consequently, the reserve for doubtful debts as of December 31, 20(X1) and 20(X0) should be increased by XXX rubles, net profit for 20(X0) should be reduced by XXX rubles, and retained earnings as of December 31, 20( X1) and 20(X0) - reduced by XXX rubles.

In our opinion, with the exception of the circumstances set out in the previous part, the financial (accounting) statements of the organization "YYY" reflect reliably in all material respects the financial position as of December 31, 20(X1) and the results of its financial and economic activities for the period from 1 January to December 31, 20(X1) inclusive in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the preparation of financial (accounting) statements (and (or) indicate documents defining the requirements for the procedure for preparation of financial (accounting) statements).

"XX" month 20(X2)

The head (other authorized person) of the audit organization or an individual auditor (last name, first name, patronymic, signature and position).

Head of the audit (last name, first name, patronymic, signature, number, type of auditor qualification certificate and its validity period).

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