Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year for wealth. Strong rituals on New Year's Eve Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year

New Year's Eve is the most magical night of the year. At this time, the heavens open, and the requests of people are heard by the universe. At this time, rituals and ceremonies are traditionally performed to attract good luck and wealth. On New Year's Eve you can get rid of obstacles and troubles and make a secret wish. What other rituals can be performed for the New Year? Let's look at several effective magic spells for different occasions.

In order for the year to be successful, it is necessary to install magical protections from the machinations of unclean spirits. These rituals will keep you and your family from misfortune for a year, and the next year you need to repeat everything again. However, before installing protections and amulets, it is necessary to clear the room of energy dirt.

Cleaning the room from negativity

After finishing the usual cleaning of the house, sprinkle the room with holy water. Particular attention should be paid to corners, windows and doors. Then light a church candle and say:

Amulet from trouble

You need to prepare for this ritual in advance. You need to collect the following magic items:

  • pine cones and needles;
  • a thread of pure wool without synthetics 30 cm long;
  • twigs of dry wormwood with flowers;
  • a copper coin or any item made of copper;
  • a white or silver coin;
  • a piece of silk fabric;
  • dried lilac flowers;
  • dry red rose petals;
  • seven oat grains;
  • seashell or stone with a hole;
  • three dry oak leaves;
  • candle wax.

You should have 12 different items representing the 12 months of the year. Now take a piece of red fabric without a pattern and cut a circle out of it. Using a new needle and red thread, go along the edge of the circle with a “gimmick” stitch and secure with a knot at the end.

Place objects on the circle and tighten the threads. Before tying the bag, blow inward on the objects and say:

Scroll of Wishes

What New Year is complete without fortune telling and wish rituals? Those who annually practice rituals to fulfill wishes say that everything comes true literally. Only you need to approach this ritual responsibly and make wishes that can actually be fulfilled. You can’t demand the impossible from the universe; it won’t come true anyway.

So, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a crust of black bread;
  • red rose;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • a red pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a white candle and a scarlet ribbon.

What wishes can you make on New Year's Eve? These may be dreams related to prosperity, love and money. Each person has his own dreams, and the universe responds to the desires of the heart. The ritual should begin a week before New Year's Eve.

Light a candle. Write down three cherished wishes on a piece of paper and put a magical “so be it” under them. Pack all the items into a sheet, hold it in your hands for a few minutes and focus on your desires.

Then tie the bundle with a ribbon and secure it with candle wax - seal it. Place the package under the mattress, you should sleep with the package every night: 7 days before the new year and 7 days after it. Then take the bag out from under the mattress and place it in the highest place in the house in your photo. First, place a photo, and on top of it - a package. Within a year, all dreams will come true!

Desire in champagne

What other New Year rituals and ceremonies are there on request? A cheerful collective ritual with champagne has gained popularity: it can be performed together with guests at the festive table. First you need to prepare napkins, boxes of matches and pens according to the number of people at the table.

When the chimes start chiming, you need to quickly write down your innermost desire on a napkin, set it on fire, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it. All actions must be completed before the last chime. If you succeed, your wish will come true quickly!

Three bags of fate

For this ritual, you need to draw three bags of different colors on three sheets of A4 paper: black, blue and red. Next, do the following:

  1. write a wish list on a piece of paper with a red bag;
  2. on a piece of paper with a black bag, write what you want to get rid of;
  3. On the sheet with the blue bag, list the good events of the past year.

After the chiming clock, you need to burn the sheet with a black bag and scatter the ashes in the wind (blow it off the balcony). This is something that should leave you in the new year. Along with destroying the sheet, you need to get rid of the pen with black paste - break it. The other two sheets need to be hidden and forgotten about until next New Year's Eve. After the holidays, you can re-read the entries and note what came true during the year. This ritual can be performed constantly.

New Year's fortune telling

This fortune telling should be carried out among guests. Prepare walnut shells according to the number of people present and place a wish symbol in each half of the shell:

  • love - heart;
  • money - dollar symbol;
  • car - a wheel from a car;
  • and so on.

Pour water into a bowl and lower the shells. Now you need to stand around the basin and blow: whichever shell lands on “your shore”, your wish will come true!

Conspiracies for the New Year are extremely diverse. The most popular are rituals aimed at attracting prosperity and good luck into one’s life, improving health and attracting love. In order for the rituals to be more effective, it is recommended to get rid of the negativity in the soul and tune in to the positive.

A very powerful ritual is performed on the night of December 31st. In order for the ritual to be successful, you need to try to forgive all your enemies, that is, you need to try to leave all your grievances in the outgoing year. In any form, you need to turn to God with a prayer in which you express gratitude for the past year and ask for support in all future endeavors. Only if you feel that you have succeeded, you can start reading the plot. Magic words should be pronounced with a lit candle in your hand and at the same time you need to look at the flame.

The plot goes like this:

“My merciful God, I ask and pray you, be with me the Servant of God in the coming year. Send prosperity and health to me and all my loved ones. May peace and harmony reign in my family. Send me a lot of gold and silver, and more of all the necessary goods. And I will pray and bless you. I appeal to you, Heavenly Powers, good Angels and Archangels, protect me from the evil of others and protect me from wrong deeds, do not let me suffer in the coming year. Save me and my loved ones from trouble, from illness, from water, from fire. I don’t wish harm on anyone, so let it be so. Amen".

We charm coins into wealth

New Year conspiracies may involve the use of special attributes. So, the ritual in which coins are charmed is very effective.

For the ritual you will need to first prepare:
  • Seven coins of different denominations;
  • A small piece of new natural wool fabric;
  • Church candle.

It is necessary to retire to a separate room, in complete silence and tranquility. Next, you need to light a candle and place coins on a piece of fabric in front of it. For some time you need to sit calmly and relaxed, looking at the flame of a burning candle and dream about where you will spend the money. It goes without saying that these must be good goals.

After this, you need to tie the coins in a knot and in the process say the following words:

“I’ll collect metal coins, tie a tight knot and put my wealth away. Let the magical coins attract their relatives, and at the right time let a hundred be added to each coin. So that my wallet is not empty in the New Year. Let it be so".

Then the candle should be extinguished with your fingers and the cinder should be put away in a secluded place along with the charmed bundle of coins. It is very important that magical attributes do not fall into the hands of a stranger.

Conspiracy to surrender in the new year

To attract wealth in the coming year, you need to save the first change when purchasing any goods and perform a special ritual during the waxing moon. On the first day of the new moon, you need to put money in a ceramic pot and put it in a secluded place. Every evening during the waxing moon, you need to take out a pot of money and pronounce the following words over it.

They sound like this:

“The moon is growing in the night sky, and my money will grow with it. Every night the month arrives, so the money in my wallet will constantly arrive. Amen".

To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, you need to add one coin to the pot every night before reading the plot. At the moment when the full moon comes, you need to hide the pot of money in such a way that no one will ever find it. It would be optimal to bury such a magical attribute next to your own home.

Spells to attract love

New Year's conspiracies to attract love have enormous power. With their help you can get rid of loneliness and build a happy family. Also, it is with the help of magic that you can improve relationships with your lover or spouse if a black cat runs between you.

To fulfill any desire

On New Year's Day, you can use a universal ritual that is aimed at fulfilling a wish. It can be anything, but it must be specific. But remember that vagueness when formulating a desire can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the ritual. On one of the days after the New Year, at any time, but always at night, you need to retire to a separate room and light 12 blue candles.

You should wait until the flames of all the candles are even and say the following words:

“It’s a magical New Year’s time, a magical time, everything you wish will come true. In January the wish will begin to come true, and in February it will continue. It will take hold in March and become a reality in April. Everything desired in the following months of the year will finally come true. My word is strong, and it will be as I wish.”

Attracting love and respect

There is a very strong love spell. With its help, you can not only attract love into your life, but also gain the respect of the people around you and their kind attitude, which will allow you to always count on their help and support. To do this, you need to prepare a large colored scarf that is as bright as possible. Its size should be such that it can easily wrap around your shoulders. Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to throw the scarf over your shoulders and light seven candles. In this case, one that will symbolize you must be installed in the center, and all the others should be placed in a circle.

When lighting candles, you need to designate them for yourself as follows:
  • The first candle, like the love of your chosen one;
  • The second candle is like the love of close relatives;
  • The third candle is like the love of friends;
  • The fourth candle is like respect for employees;
  • The fifth candle, like the kind attitude of strangers around you;
  • The sixth candle, as a sense of self;
  • The seventh candle, as yourself.
After this, you need to read the following plot:

“Great love will envelop me with a bright, large blanket; whoever looked at me fell in love and loved me. Whoever heard me remembered me. The one who took me by the hand followed me. So, in the coming year I will become a clear sun for everyone, I will be a ringing golden stream, I will be transparent water, a sparkling smile. The new year is filled with light for me, it emanates from me, and descends on everyone around me. I will be a joy and reward to everyone, I will be appreciated and loved, and my dear one will not leave me and will not cheat on me. Love will envelop and protect me with a blanket; it will confuse my beloved in its nets and will not let go. There will never be loneliness and sadness again. My word is strong and strong!”

After reading this plot, you need to sit, wrapped in a scarf, for at least a quarter of an hour. After this, the magical item should be hidden and worn only in cases where you are planning a romantic or business meeting.

It should be remembered that all rituals performed on the New Year must, first of all, be designed for one’s personal interests. Only along the way can you, in connection with your own interests, ask for the well-being of your loved ones. If you want to perform a magical ritual aimed solely at the interests of others, it will not be effective. Any New Year's magical ritual gives a person a real chance to improve his own life and change his destiny towards prosperity. The main thing is to sincerely believe in magic and in your own strength.

Don't miss magical days! New Year will come very soon, followed by Christmas. These are dates so full of energy and mysterious power that it is on these days that the strongest New Year’s conspiracies for wealth, health and love are carried out.
It is on these days that secret wishes are made, which then come true. Of course, each of us wants his life to be more abundant, joyful and happier. Therefore, do not miss this opportunity - without delaying things, prepare everything you need to perform the next New Year’s rituals.

New Year's spell for youth and health

To be even healthier in the new year, be sure to perform this short ritual. It is held in the last hour of the outgoing year. Stand in front of a mirror, light three red candles, take a spoonful of honey in your hand. Tell:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night.
Water flows out of the ground.
Flow away, disease, flow away the illness.
Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water.
I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan.
I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Amen."

Eat honey and drink it with warm water. That's it, the ritual is completed and excellent health awaits you in the new year!

Ritual to fulfill a wish

And here is another simple conspiracy for the New Year, this time for the fulfillment of desires. When making a wish during the chiming clock, do not forget to touch the gold ring to your left earlobe - then your wish will surely come true. And don’t forget that it is more effective to formulate a desire in the present tense, as if it has already come true.
New Year's spell for mutual love

If you are celebrating the New Year with your loved one, ask him to give you an apple from the New Year's table. Hide it discreetly under the tree, and in the morning take it out and remove the core from it. Write your loved one's name on a piece of paper and insert it instead of the core. Tie the apple with red thread and hide it in a warm place. While this enchanted apple dries, your loved one will fall in love with you more and more. Of course, everything must be done in complete secrecy. Keep the apple and don’t show it to anyone.

Wealth plot for the New Year

On the new moon (January 11, 2013), put the first change you receive in the new year in a new clay pot and put it in a secluded place. Every evening, take out the pot and put coins there with the words:

“As the month in the sky grows and waxes, so my money grows and waxes.”

On the full moon (December 28), take the pot and hide it so that no one finds it or takes a coin from it. If you carry out this wealth plot correctly, then in the new year your home will not leave material well-being and abundance.

New Year's irredeemable nickel

On January 6, we buy two identical wallets of good quality. You need to pay for them with a large bill so that there is change left over. Ask the seller to put the change in the wallet you decided to keep. Try to get a 5 ruble coin in your change. It is this that will become your “irreplaceable nickel” for the whole year.

On January 7, give a second wallet to a relative or good friend whose material well-being far exceeds yours. Put any money from your change into the donated wallet (just not your irredeemable nickel).

When presenting a gift, mentally say:

“No matter how much I give, I receive more.
How many come to you, the same goes to me!”
Now the most important thing is not to spend an irredeemable nickel. He will be your talisman for the whole year. The remaining change can be disposed of at your own discretion.

To protect yourself and your loved ones in the coming year, perform the following magical manipulations.

On New Year's Eve, read these charming words in front of an open window, window, or balcony, holding a small round mirror in your hands:
In a good hour, in a quick minute, I, the servant of God (name), will stand, blessing myself, praying to the holy images. Angels fly to my call, at their word my eyes see, look and notice everything, they drive me away from evil. The moon rises, the sun rises, the moon goes down. On the sea, on the ocean, on a heavenly platter, and on mother earth people walk. I walk among them, I, the servant of God (name), and the servants of God (names of family members). Most bright angels, most holy angels, I ask you, the whole holy army, to protect and protect me, (name) and my relatives (names) from bad deeds, from evil people, from a heretic, from a heretic, from a sorcerer and from a sorceress, from the serpent - a speed-worker, from a creeping snake, from a seething fire, from a sharp knife, from a toothed sickle, from a bad hour, from a dashing dance, from an empty number, from a zero number. Blessed Angel, help me, with the mirror surface, drive away the dashing number from me and my relatives. Most Pure One, come to the aid of me, the servant of God (name). Angel for joy!

While casting the spell, hold the mirror with its reflective surface away from you, and then hide it until January 19 and only then can you use it.

Old year, goodbye, turn everything bad into dust!

This way you will say goodbye to the past year and consign all your failures to the fire of purification.

On a set New Year's table, read the following plot:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. My merciful Lord, be with me in the new year. Send me and my family a box of goodness, gold and silver. Bless us with peace and tranquility, so that we will never be separated from you. Good angels, holy archangels, all the heavenly hosts, do not let us suffer in the new year from illness, misfortune, fire, or water. Throughout the new year, Lord, save us, preserve and protect us. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen.

On the first day of January, light a church candle in front of the icons and read the charm - amulet:

A storm on the sea raises a wave, the Mother of God shelters her Son Christ, twelve maidens, twelve young women walk past. The Lord asks them:
“Twelve maidens, twelve young women, where are you going past me, what are you carrying in your hands?” - “We carry twelve months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.” God bless me and my family throughout the year too. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen.

For cleansing and protection for the coming year

So, in the last days of December, place 12 candles on the table. They can be gold, yellow or silver. Place your passport and birth certificate in the center of the table. You can also put your favorite photo there (but you must be alone in it). Place the candles in a circle around the documents. Light the candles and say 3 times:

First, second, third,......, twelfth, burn, candles, long, burn clearly, burn red (cross documents and photos). The fiery cross is in front, the fiery cross is behind, from the east and west, from the earth and from the sky. Victorious fire, grateful fire, with the cross you cleanse evil, you will not abandon me, the servant of God (name). Just as these candles melt, burn, the wax on them melts and melts, so would all sorrows, ailments, lessons, ghosts and slander and severe illness, pinches and aches, nauseous illnesses be removed from me, the servant of God (name). Just as candle smoke floats around me, so happiness and good luck stick to me. I will build a fence around me, (name), an iron wall, I will lay the soil, the sky is damask, so that no one can shoot through it, from the east to the west, from the north for the summer, neither heretic nor heretic, neither sorcerer nor sorceress, fit and unfit, who in the world eats bread? My head is a box, my tongue is a lock.

You can extinguish the candles, but they must burn out completely by January 19th. You can light them individually or all together on a festive table, near the Christmas tree, etc.

And of course, having done all these New Year's conspiracies, try to celebrate the New Year at an abundant table, in everything new, with a decorated Christmas tree (preferably in the eastern or southeastern sector of your house) fun and fabulous! And this is exactly how abundant, fabulous and joyful the whole next year will definitely be!

The New Year's bustle is fascinating. We run off our feet looking for gifts, think over the menu for the holiday table, and decorate our home. But you should take care not only of the material side of the celebration. There are many signs that you can follow to change your life in the New Year. If you carry out the rituals correctly and whisper conspiracies for the New Year, then luck will accompany you in everything, and with the help of New Year's fortune-telling you can see the future. Each nation has special rituals and customs for the New Year, but we are all united by one thing - belief in the mystery and witchcraft of New Year's Eve. Therefore, we will tell you about conspiracies, rituals, omens, and fortune telling for the New Year.

We are all a little children at heart. A festive night is an occasion not only to gather with friends at a generous table and have a good time, but also to make a wish, find out the future, and attract good luck into your life. Experienced esotericists say that at this time magic permeates literally everything, so everyone can create their own miracle: an ordinary person becomes a wizard. You should definitely take advantage of this and not waste the holiday night on feasts and libations. The night from December 31st to January 1st is not a simple calendar date.

The forces of the Earth are especially favorable to man, and the day is filled with special energy. One has only to imagine how many people look at their watches, counting minutes and seconds. The world is imbued with a common expectation of happiness, hope for a happy life, joyful prayers, wonderful meetings. It’s simply a sin not to take advantage of this energy. The egregor of happiness is open to everyone - it’s easy to mentally join it, get your share of the joy and positivity that fills the world. An easy-to-use technique will help you tune in to the “general wave of happiness.” Here are the words that you can read to feel a surge of strength, inspiration and vigor:

May the years bring us only joy.

They bring experience, wisdom and happiness.

Let storms and storms pass us by,

And there will be comfort in our homes.

Let our friends share the joy with us,

And they will drink to the bottom for your health.

Let love warm our hearts,

Like a glass of expensive wine.

Health and youth in the New Year

The most important toast at any table, including New Year’s, is “To health.” First of all, we always wish health to our loved ones, because it is our wealth. It is no coincidence that the most popular rituals for the New Year are those that help improve health, preserve youth, strength, and beauty. The main condition for magical actions is complete trust in the Highest and faith in one’s own strength. What will you need?

  • In the pre-New Year bustle, carve out an hour or two of “personal time” for yourself. It is advisable if there is an hour or two left before midnight. It is then that prayer appeals to heaven have special power.
  • Before performing the ceremony, wash completely and stand in the shower. Water will relieve fatigue and help you cheer up. It will help you leave all negative emotions in the past, cleanse yourself and prepare for the ceremony.
  • To carry out the ritual, you will also need a mirror (preferably a large one), three candles painted red, and honey.

Sitting comfortably near the mirror, light the candles and say the following words onto a spoon of honey:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the ground. Flow away, disease, flow away the illness. Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan. I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Let it be so!"

After the spell is cast, eat a spoonful of honey and drink water. Cover the mirror with a clean towel and leave until midnight. The ritual, according to psychics, has the strongest rejuvenating properties. In Russian folk tradition, honey is a remedy for many diseases, and its regular use not only gives rejuvenation, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and internal organs of a person.

Ritual traditions in Rus' are rich in conspiracies to preserve the youth of soul and body. Here is another conspiracy to preserve health, which is easy to do at home. It is good because it does not have to be said the day before, but can be postponed until January 1st or 2nd. What will you need?

  • Candle (church or regular decorative).
  • Clay bowl (the dishes must be made of clay, no other modern materials will work).
  • Holy water (if you don’t have it, you can stock up on water from any running source: spring or river).
“Just as the Lord God strengthened the sky and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and just as on that raw mother earth there is no disease, no blood wound, no pinch, no tumor, so the Lord created me, the servant of God (name), just as the Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, so I, the servant of God (name), would not have had the whole year on my white body, on my zealous heart, or on my bones. no illness, no blood, no wounds, no pinching, no aches, no swelling. One Archangel key: forever and ever, Amen!”

Pronounce the text by dipping your fingertips into the water. After the prayer words are read, you need to take three small sips from the bowl, then wash your face with the same water. It is recommended to pour the remaining moisture into a bottle and use it as needed when you need relief from any ailment.

How to attract good luck in the new year

You can attract good luck and luck in the new year with the help of special spells and rituals. You can resort to fortune-telling and find out when you should expect a lucky break, and from the signs you can find out how productive and successful the coming period will be. For the simplest method you will need:

  • Coin (after the ceremony it cannot be used for its intended purpose).
  • You can take a figurine depicting the symbol of the coming year. According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 will be marked by the Yellow Earth Dog. The figurine should easily fit in the palm of your hand, in a bag or purse.
  • The candle is gold or red.

After the clock strikes midnight, light a candle, hold your palms over its flame, and mentally touch the hot fire. Ask for support and help. Say the following words:

“Let Fortune always walk next to me, I don’t want to be unhappy in anything, let me cry only from happiness, let Fortune be my second mother.

Light fills my palms, the light of Luck fills my talisman, let the coming year drive away all problems (list those problems that need to be gotten rid of).

May Luck always accompany me, may every turn bring happiness, may everything be beautiful - peace and people. This is exactly how it will be. My word is very strong!”

After the spell has been pronounced, there is no need to immediately extinguish the candle. It should burn a little. After the ritual, hide the candle in a safe place. When you need help again, you can light it and mentally turn to the Highest. The magical power of the flame will attract good luck to the house and help get rid of problems.

A coin or figurine will become a kind of talisman that will help in difficult situations. You need to keep the New Year's amulet secret and not tell anyone about its purpose.

Conspiracies to make wishes come true

On the eve of the holiday, everyone, young and old, makes wishes. How to correctly ask Heaven so that their fulfillment does not take long? Desire visualization experts advise: you should not just ask, but imagine very well what you want. For clarity, draw an object that you want to possess. If you don’t have the ability to draw, then resort to “artistic cutting” of pictures. For example, a person dreams of buying an apartment or a country house. He needs to cut out a picture he likes from a magazine and place the image under the Christmas tree during the holidays. Give the Universe the opportunity to manage the request itself. Remember - luck favors those who correctly formulate requests to the Higher Powers and know how to wait. You can reinforce your wishes to heaven with the help of ritual actions, which will require 12 candles (according to the number of months). The color can be any, but since we are turning to the Sky, it is better to choose a blue or blue color.

“Everything I want should come true in January. May all my wishes come true in February. March will also be full of wishes that will definitely come true. And in April I will get everything I want. Let the wish you make in May come true. And in June I will receive everything I want. And in July my life will be worry-free, because all my desires will knock on my doorstep. August will also bring fulfillment of desires. And in September, as if secretly from outside, desires will come to me. And October will bring me happiness - fulfillment of desires will come. In November I will get what I want from other people. And December will sum it up, and all your innermost desires will come true on time.”

It is important to remember that these words are very strong and should be pronounced only in the most “serious” cases. There is no need to bother Heaven over trifles.

We cast a spell on love

A happy destiny is unthinkable without true love. Everyone wants to meet their one and only loved one. Get married and build a lasting relationship. New Year's Eve is a great opportunity to charm your betrothed and strengthen old love connections, to find a response in the heart of the desired person. There is a powerful conspiracy with which you can not only achieve mutual attraction with the opposite sex, but also strengthen your position in society. To carry out this New Year's ritual you will need:

  • Candles (seven pieces)
  • A large scarf that can completely cover your shoulders

Arrange the lit candles in a circle, and place one in the center. It will symbolize the person who performs the ritual.

Cover your head with a headscarf or scarf. Say the following words of the spell:

“Let love cover me with its bright blanket, everyone who looks at me should love me, dove. The one who hears me will not be able to forget, he will take my hand and walk with me. I will be a real sun for them, a sweetheart, pure water, a radiant smile. The New Year is coming, its light fills, the light emanating from me illuminates others.

I want to be loved by everyone, and be a reward for everyone, who will appreciate me and will not want to leave me or cheat on me. Let me be enveloped in love, entangled in its networks forever and never be able to leave. I don’t want to be sad and alone anymore! My word is strong!”

After the ceremony is completed, do not immediately extinguish the candles and do not remove the scarf. Experienced magicians advise staying in it for some time. After this, put the stole or scarf in a secluded place. Now it is not just a wardrobe item, but a talisman. It should be worn only on special occasions: it will not only attract the attention of the opposite sex, but also protect it in difficult times. It is recommended to cast the spell a few minutes after midnight.

If you didn’t manage to do this on the last day of December, no need to be upset. There are many magical and witchcraft nights ahead: you can cast a spell on love during Christmas time. At this time in Rus' it was customary to tell fortunes and bewitch people for marriage.

We are waiting for a new addition to the family: rituals for the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a great joy, but many families wait for it for a very long time. There are many rituals that help people find a long-awaited miracle. The conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova are considered especially powerful. A famous folk healer from Siberia helps everyone who seeks help. In her books, she gives many unique conspiracies, including conspiracies for family well-being and the birth of a baby. If a woman wants to have a child, she must turn with prayer to the righteous Jokim and Anna:

“On the ever-glorifying righteous women of Christ, the holy God-fathers Joachim and Anno, who stand before the Heavenly Throne of the Great King and have great boldness towards Him, as from your Most Blessed Daughter, the Most Pure Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who deigned to be incarnate!

To you, as a powerful intercessor and a zealous prayer book for us, we, sinners and unworthy ones, resort. Pray for His goodness, that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us to the path of repentance and may He establish us on the paths of His commandments. Also, with your prayers, preserve our life in the world, and in all good things, ask for all the good haste and piety that we need from God, granting, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death, through your intercession, delivering us and protecting us from all enemies, visible and invisible, for let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and so in the world this temporary life has passed, we will achieve eternal peace, where, through your holy prayer, may we be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit, belongs all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer does not have to be said directly on New Year's Eve. It is better to choose other days to read it, the healer advises. For example, do it for Christmas. January is a month rich in church holidays: on Christmas or Epiphany Eve you can make your wishes and ask Heaven for help. January days have special power, and the response will not take long to arrive.

In addition to prayer for the birth of a child, there is another old way, proven by healers, to get the desired baby. If a woman really wants a child, then she and her husband are advised to take a puppy or kitten into the house. A prerequisite is to pick up an animal on the street, warm it, and love it with all your heart. If you do everything from the heart, an addition to the family will not take long to arrive.

Everything goes into the house: increasing wealth and saving money

New Year's Eve is a great time to ask Fate for prosperity in financial matters. Spells cast on New Year's Day using money are considered the most effective.

The simplest money plot

Here's a short plot. It must be said over small money received for change on the first day of the new year:

“As the month grows in the night sky, so will my money grow. As the month advances in the night sky, so will the money in my pockets increase. Amen".

The coins should be placed in a clay vessel and the words should be read every night shortly before midnight. It is recommended to repeat the action until the first full moon of the coming year, and then bury the change along with the pot not far from your home.

Attracting money to your wallet

Esotericists say that everyone who wants stable income and a good financial situation should have their own money talisman. It’s simple - this is the so-called “irredeemable ruble”: a coin that should never, under any circumstances, be given into the wrong hands. The coin should be in a secret compartment of the wallet. You need to purchase a new wallet; the more expensive and better the quality of the purchase, the greater the chance of achieving financial well-being. Magicians warn: a stingy person will never receive wealth, and one who knows how to spend money and does not spare it for himself and his loved ones will be rewarded doubly. When making a purchase, you should always wish the seller goodness and wealth, and it will definitely return.

A powerful New Year's spell for money

What you will need for the ceremony:

  • 7 coins of the same denomination
  • Candle (preferably church)
  • A small piece of fabric made from natural materials: silk or cotton. The color of the material is red or golden

Light the candle, place the coins in the center of the cut and carefully tie them into a knot. Say these words:

“I’ll collect the coins in a bundle, let them remain magical until the deadline, let them add a hundred to each one so that the wallet is not empty.”

General rules for attracting wealth to your home

There are many New Year's signs associated with prosperity and well-being in the home.

In the bustle of pre-holiday preparations, a woman should not forget about her appearance. There are special conspiracies for beauty. Here is one of them:

“I am a real Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love, my skin is very smooth and silky, my body is filled with light from within, youth and freshness emanate from me, everyone is surprised at my beauty! Let it be so!”

The words should be pronounced while lying in the bath. To prepare it you will need the following plants:

  • orris root
  • chamomile

In addition to its magical properties, this fragrant mixture also has an excellent tonic effect, which you will need to feel energetic all night. You should take an aroma bath several hours before the celebration.

To keep the work going

Finding a good job and adequate management is the dream of many, so why not make a corresponding wish. There are many special rituals in magical practice. It is important to remember that New Year's celebrations are a time for fun. Therefore, it is better if wishes about work are expressed in a humorous, Simoron form.

“Like on the ocean sea, on the island of Brawl, there lies a white stone, how hard and immovable it is, so my fortune will improve, multiply, money will stick to my hands, and honest merchants will invite me to my house, offer profit, invite me to work. And I, a good fellow, will be like a rich, honest merchant.”

No loneliness: a plot against the groom

On New Year's Eve you really want to hope for a miracle. And if you pray to the Higher powers with all your heart, they will definitely fulfill any desire. Including, about sending down to a person his “other half” (and this could be not only a guy, but also a girl). In Rus' they used to tell fortunes and bewitches about their betrothed at Christmas, but you can do this during New Year’s hours as well. To carry out a ritual to attract a man to your home, it is recommended to get a new broom. Sweep the floors in all rooms, saying the following words:

“I’m driving the red fellows into my house. Good and nice. Not lazy people, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks. Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your own backyards, from strangers, from the unknown. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

That the coming year

2018 will not be a leap year. Astrologers' predictions for the future are very different, but all experts agree on one thing - there will be many events. According to the eastern calendar, the coming year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. Everyone knows that this animal is very devoted to humans. The dog does not tolerate lies, deception and meanness. She knows how to stand up for herself, and if she doesn’t like something, she will show her character.

  • Astrologers predict that the coming year will be productive in areas related to ecology and agriculture, and favorable for business.
  • The Dog sign symbolizes friendship and devotion, we have a chance to restore broken relationships and find friends.
  • At the beginning of the year, astrologers advise moderating spending, and by September think about major purchases.

New Year's signs and traditions

It is generally accepted that the New Year is a family holiday. But if a person is lonely for some reason, this is not a reason to be upset. Don't think about sad things. It’s easy to get a strong charge of joy, just go outside and look at people’s faces glowing with happiness, or plunge into a noisy crowd. Every family has its own rituals that people are used to following. Some people immediately after the chiming clock go outside to set off crackers and fireworks, others stay at home. But there are a few general rules to follow:

  • The New Year's table must be varied. It is not necessary to buy expensive exotic products. It is enough to make a few original dishes. According to Feng Shui, the more abundant the table, the more wealth and money there will be in the house next year. According to tradition, you should always keep a full vase of fruit or sweets in your house, and not just on holidays. They symbolize generosity and wealth.
  • Even if no guests are expected, the apartment needs to be decorated festively. Be sure to treat yourself to something tasty. There is no need to be alone. You can spend New Year's Eve noisily and cheerfully in any public place. City “Christmas trees” for adults and children are open all night. Parks and squares will turn into huge venues for public festivities. Maybe it’s there that a fateful meeting will take place that will change your life.
  • The menu must include citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, grapefruits. In aromatherapy, these aromas symbolize freshness and vitality. They lift your spirits and help you maintain and replenish your strength.
  • The smell of citrus goes well with the aroma of pine. The tradition of placing a living tree in the house dates back to ancient times. Spruce is a symbol of eternal life. A prerequisite for the holiday is the presence of a living symbol in the house.

Spruce accumulates negative energy, as if it takes it out of the room. Therefore, it is better if there is a natural tree in the house, and not an artificial substitute. At the end of the holiday, the ritual tree is thrown away. Together with him, everything bad that interfered with life goes away. If it is not possible to install a full-fledged tree at home, you can limit yourself to spruce branches.

This is interesting:

The custom of putting up an artificial Christmas tree was dictated by the realities of Soviet times, when people did not always have the opportunity to purchase a living green beauty. Every year an artificial Christmas tree was taken from the mezzanine. Along with it, not only the dust from a year ago spread through the apartment, but also the negative energy that remained in the room. Therefore, the main condition for a happy holiday is not to “raise” the dust of past years, but to bring something new into your life every year.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will end on February 5, so don’t rush to part with your friendly and loyal symbol on the night of December 31 to January 1!

The Yellow Earth Pig is a homebody and a neat person; she appreciates the warmth of the hearth and loves to take care of loved ones.

Give souvenirs, cute trinkets, make pleasant surprises for your family and friends, cajole the future owner of the year in advance so that he is successful!

According to the eastern calendar, the New Year in China begins in February. On this day, the symbol changes, and one mascot animal passes the reins of power to another, and so on, every 12 years. The circle of life does not stop: minutes add up to hours, and days intertwine into years. And may we all be lucky, regardless of which animal will patronize the upcoming new stage in life!

New Year conspiracies are a great way to attract prosperity, love and everything you want into your life. New Year's conspiracies involve complete cleansing of the soul from the negativity accumulated over the year. The main thing in performing rituals is complete cleansing; if you cannot forget old grievances, not a single ritual will work, and troubles will only increase. The pre-New Year and New Year period is considered the most successful for performing all kinds of magical actions.

How to preserve youth and beauty

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • three red candles;
  • warm blessed water;
  • a tablespoon of buckwheat honey.

An hour before the chimes strike, stand in front of the mirror, light candles and take a spoonful of honey. Read the plot:

“Life-giving moisture nourishes the earth, washes away all illnesses and sorrows. A drop of sweetness on my lips, my eyelid is sealed in the bins.”

After pronouncing the words, eat honey and drink it with warm water. This simple ritual can significantly improve your health, preserve youth and beauty. Particularly effective if applied annually.

Spells to attract benefits

This ritual should only be performed on the day of December 31st. New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot if the soul is completely cleansed of negative emotions. First you need to carry out a cleansing ritual. To do this, take a shower and wash with your favorite shower gel and sea salt. Standing under streams of water, imagine that it washes away all adversities and they, along with the dirt, go into the drain.

After your shower, pray at the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you are God’s ruler. I submit my will to your judgment. I know that mental torment is the path of purification. So help all my relatives and enemies. Let my soul be cleansed of filth, and my thoughts from bad thoughts, so that in the New Year I, the servant of God (name), will not know grief, and may not suffer from want.”

Spell on the ring

Strong spells for rings on New Year's Eve can attract luck and prosperity into the life of any person and fulfill their most cherished desires. To make a wish come true, you will need a gold ring, maybe even a wedding ring. First you need to hide it in a box with multi-colored threads. The ring should lie in the box with the balls for a day.

Before the chimes strike, 20 minutes before, looking at the night sky, say the words:

“Different threads were intertwined, red and blue, green and white. My wildest wishes come true that night, a miracle begins. The star fell, and I picked it up, brought it into the house, and put it on the window. Now she will shine for me all year and bring happiness to my house.”

After the charm words, quickly find the ring in the box. Put it on your finger and try not to take it off. Then return to the guests, drink champagne and make many wishes, all of which will certainly come true.

Spells for mutual love

If you have the opportunity to celebrate New Year's Eve with a person who has long won your heart, but he himself does not pay attention to you, it’s time to win his favor. You need to ask the guy to pass you an apple from the New Year's table, from hand to hand. Don’t eat the fruit, but hide it so that no one notices. Later put it under the Christmas tree.

When the chimes strike, make a wish that your loved one will always be there. Before leaving, take the apple, and at home wrap it with a red woolen thread and say the following spell:

“Sadness, longing eats me up for my beloved (name). I want him to at least know my name. Just as an apple dries up, so my dear one will dry up to me in thoughts, body and heart.”

Hide the fruit in a warm place and wait for it to dry. You will feel the effect of the ritual as soon as the apple begins to dry out. Already in the first days, your lover will become interested in you, and then it’s up to you.

How to bring wealth into your home

Well, who doesn’t want to attract wealth into their life? Many people, on New Year's Eve, December 30, conduct a special ritual to attract money to their home. They take freshly baked bread, tear off a piece and sprinkle it generously with salt, saying: “Like bread on the threshold, so the misfortunes have fled, the troubles have evaporated. I eat bread and salt, but my wealth increases.” After this, the charmed piece of bread should be eaten with great pleasure, part of it should be divided among your family, and the crumbs should be fed to the sparrows.

After the New Year, the first change you receive for change in the store needs to be hidden in a clay vessel and wait for the new moon. On the first new moon, begin the ritual. The pot of money should be kept in a dark room. During the waxing moon, read the money growth plot every night:

“Just as a little month is small and daring, so my little change will turn into great wealth. Penny by penny, I’ll add them up quietly. As the month grows, so does my profit increase.”

To enhance the effect, each time during a conspiracy, add a little little things to the pot. On the full moon, around midnight, you should bury your wealth so that no one will ever find it.

Protective conspiracies

On New Year's Eve and January 7th, the Nativity of Christ, amulets are often read. which can protect a person from any misfortune along the way, from enemies and damage. On the morning of December 31st, you need to go to church and light candles at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary, stand for a while at her icon and read prayers, ask for the protection of your family and friends.

On New Year's Eve, look at the sky, look for the brightest star and focus all your thoughts on it. Think about the people closest to you, imagine them happy and healthy. When you are ready, say the spell in a half-whisper:

“Guiding star, light the way for everyone who is dear to me. Protect, amulets from misfortunes, from any misfortunes, on land, on water, in the air. Do not burn them in fire, do not drown in water. Let any misfortune bypass their home and never come to visit them. Amen".

Charms and amulets before the New Year have been used by mothers and wives for several centuries to protect children and husbands. A spell for protection when a person has a long journey ahead:

“Most Holy Mother of God, help me protect my beloved son (husband) from bad weather, from wind, from fire. May all doors open before him, may all barriers be dispelled.”

Before reading the conspiracy speeches, pray to the Mother of God. This plot should be read before leaving and during the absence of a loved one.

Drying at a distance

Before the New Year, you can improve your relationship as a couple. This plot will help strengthen the feelings of a couple who, due to circumstances, are constantly separated in different cities. 21 days before Christmas Eve, begin the ritual. It will require:

  • salt;
  • photo of your loved one.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Take a photo of your loved one and concentrate on his image. Pour a little salt and move your index finger over the photo and read the spell text:

“With my hands I will take away trouble from you. I dare all women to see me alone. Just as I miss you, so do you.”

Every time you go to bed, look at the photo and wish your loved one good night. Such a ritual helps strengthen relationships and make feelings stronger. Conspiracies before the New Year can work real miracles. Perhaps on New Year's Eve, your loved one will even propose marriage.


To attract wealth and good luck to your home, you need to appease the owner of the year. For example, in 2015, the author of one of the articles on fashion recommended that women wear green dresses for the New Year. Sheep are herbivores, so clothes of this color can be used to appease the mistress of the year, but it was recommended to put red dresses away in the closet.

In 2017, women and men had complete freedom of choice. The Rooster loves bright, extraordinary people and patronizes those who are creative. To achieve success in business this year, it was recommended to wear the most extravagant outfits and not put chicken on the festive table.

To recharge with energy and feel confident in the new year, astrologers recommend that women give preference to brown and yellow. This choice will help you get rid of stress and, when the time comes to make an important decision, show prudence. Astrologers advise men to dilute dark suits with bright shirts and accessories, in the form of gold or amber cufflinks, as well as interesting belts and ties.

Final part

The most powerful magical rituals are carried out before the New Year, on New Year's Eve and Christmastide. Magic sparkles in the air these days. This is the brightest period of the year. The time has come to leave behind everything that happened and step forward with new strength, as if overcoming another obstacle.

New Year's magic has been used by people for many years. All rituals before the New Year are aimed at cleansing the soul. It is customary to celebrate Christmas Eve in new clothes in order to attract something new into your life and recharge yourself with positivity. Astrologers recommend wearing clothes in yellow and brown shades in 2018. Yellow is the color of the sun, which saturates a person with vital energy and strength for new beginnings.

Before the New Year, it is recommended to completely clean your home of accumulated negative energy and unnecessary things. Throw away all the trash without regret, and boldly step forward. Don’t regret what you’ve done, let go of your worries and grievances on all four sides, this will help make room for new sensations and positivity.

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