So that your breath doesn't smell like garlic. How to quickly get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth at home. Nuts and apples

Garlic is a wonderful garden crop that has many health benefits. But it also has one drawback - garlic leaves a very unpleasant smell, both on the hands and in the mouth. How to deal with this?

The trick is that garlic produces cysteine ​​sulfoxide, which gives it its unique taste and aroma. These sulfur compounds are similar to those produced by bacteria that cause bad breath. It can last up to 48 hours after consuming the vegetable. But there are several simple ways to get rid of garlic odor on your hands and mouth.

1. Apples

They contain oxidizing enzymes, which is why they change color after being cut. These same enzymes can help neutralize garlic odor. And the phenolic compounds in apples help destroy the volatile compounds in garlic that cause lingering odor. According to a 2016 British study, drinking raw apples or apple juice helps reduce garlic breath. You can rub the peel of a fresh apple on your palms to get rid of the garlic aroma.

2. Milk

Milk is another natural ingredient that can easily neutralize garlic odor. Drinking milk helps reduce the unpleasant aroma not only after garlic, but also after other odorous foods. Whole milk with a high fat content is best suited for these purposes.

3. Mint leaves

Mint leaves have a deodorizing effect and are often included in mouthwashes, toothpastes and chewing gum. The chlorophyll found in mint also helps mask the garlic flavor. In addition, it has mild antiseptic properties that reduce unpleasant odors caused by bacteria. After eating garlic, you just need to chew a few mint leaves to make your breath fresh again. Mint tea (a tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant per glass of boiling water) also helps. It is advisable to infuse the drink for about 10 minutes and drink it with a spoon of honey. You can remove the smell of garlic from your hands by rubbing mint leaves in your palms.

4. Parsley

Parsley has a similar effect to mint. Active chlorophyll in its composition absorbs odors and helps restore freshness to the mouth and skin of the hands. You can eat garlic with a few sprigs of parsley, or prepare a decoction: pour a handful of coarsely chopped parsley with two glasses of water, add 2-3 cloves and boil for five minutes. This drink allows you to quickly get rid of the smell of garlic in your mouth. An unpleasant aroma from your hands can be removed by rubbing a few sprigs of parsley between your palms.

5. Stainless steel

It may seem strange, but using stainless steel is one of the best ways to combat garlic odor on your hands. The iron atoms react with the oil on the skin, which in turn neutralizes the unpleasant odor. You should rub any stainless steel item in your hands for several minutes, and then rinse your hands with water. The garlic flavor should be reduced significantly.

6. Lemon

This fruit itself is very aromatic, so it can easily overcome the strong smell of garlic. In addition, citric acid can neutralize the enzymes produced by garlic, which will help get rid of the garlic smell. Lemon juice helps lower the pH level of the skin. This improves the body's defense against unpleasant odors. It is useful to rinse your mouth with a glass of water with a tablespoon of lemon juice dissolved in it.

7. Cardamom

This spice has a fairly strong aroma that will help mask the smell of garlic and add freshness to your breath. You just need to chew a few cardamom seeds after a meal richly seasoned with garlic. Milk with cardamom powder also helps.

8. Baking soda

When it comes to any bad odor, regular baking soda will be a great help in neutralizing it. It is also good for eliminating garlic odor. You need to rinse your mouth with a glass of water with baking soda and sea salt dissolved in it (a teaspoon each). This rinsing helps maintain the pH balance of the mouth and inhibits the growth of bacteria. To remove odor from your hands, you need to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a small amount of lemon juice (you can do without it) and wipe your hands with this mixture. Leave it on the skin for a couple of minutes and then rinse with water.

9. Vegetable oil

Before processing garlic, it is useful to wipe your hands with vegetable oil. It will act like a shield and prevent unpleasant odors. In addition, vegetable oil softens the skin of the hands well. But do not coat your hands with oil too much, otherwise it will make it difficult to work with the knife.

10. Toothpaste

This is perhaps the most famous and accessible remedy that eliminates various unpleasant odors in the mouth. It is enough to brush your teeth thoroughly after eating garlic. It is advisable to choose mint paste. You can also rub it on your hands to get rid of the strong garlic aroma. And then you need to wash your hands well with soap.

Additional Tips

To get rid of garlic breath, you can drink green tea with cinnamon.
Coffee beans can be used to remove odor from your hands by rubbing them on your skin or simply holding them in your palms for a few minutes.
If there are no cuts on the skin, you can use table salt to remove the smell.
If you do not want to leave the garlic aroma on the skin of your hands, it is better to use household gloves when processing this vegetable.

Garlic is an excellent seasoning for both cold and hot dishes, as well as an effective means of treating and preventing many diseases in folk medicine. However, all lovers of eating a tasty and healthy plant are concerned about the same question: “How to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth?” Especially if it needs to be done quite quickly.

Of course, no sane person would eat fresh garlic before a date, but situations vary. For example, at a party you can eat a salad that turns out to be seasoned with garlic. And I don’t have a toothbrush or chewing gum with me to freshen my breath for further communication with others. What to do in such a case? How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth?

Why does my breath smell bad after eating garlic?

The peculiar smell of the vegetable, as well as the burning taste, is due to the essential oil it contains - allicin. It is formed during the mechanical destruction of garlic cloves. When chewed, microparticles of ether remain in the mouth and sometimes smell for several hours.
But in reality, everything is not so scary, and there are many ways to free your mouth from unnecessary aromas, restoring your breath to its former freshness.

How to eliminate the garlic smell without leaving the table?

Among the food offered, there is always something that can kill the obsessive smell of garlic. The main thing is to know those products that can help with such a sensitive issue.


So, juicy sour fruits, such as kiwi, grapefruit, and green apple, can cope with the problem. It is enough to eat just a few pieces of fruit to drive out the garlic spirit.
But lemon is especially good at combating bad breath. It is best eaten with the skin on, sprinkling the slices with sugar if desired. You can put a lemon slice in a glass of mineral water and drink the acidified drink in small sips as you become thirsty.
The pulp of oranges and tangerines is less effective against garlic odor. But if you chew the skins of these citrus fruits, you won’t have to worry about the consequences of eating a spicy vegetable.


Eating a few sprigs of parsley can eliminate the smell of garlic. Fresh dill, cilantro or basil will also work. Mint leaves are also great. It is important to chew these herbs slowly, as if savoring them. And do not drink them with water.

Nuts and seeds

Many nuts and seeds are a tasty remedy that works well to remove the smell of garlic from the mouth. These include hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, nutmeg, almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Just don’t forget about the high calorie content of these products. After all, before you get the desired effect, you need to eat at least a handful of them.


Oddly enough, you can cope with the garlic smell with the help of carbonated Cola. For the drink to have an effect, you need to hold it in your mouth for a while. However, you should not use this method too often, otherwise you can damage your tooth enamel.
Coffee is a recognized fighter against unpleasant odors. It is not necessary to chew its grains; you can simply enjoy your favorite drink by adding sugar and cream to taste.

Note! The reason for the smell of garlic is allicin, which is destroyed by exposure to high temperature. Therefore, after eating an aromatic vegetable, it’s a good idea to slowly drink a cup of hot tea, no matter whether it’s black or green.

The fight for fresh breath at home and on the street

The easiest way to deal with the smell of garlic from your mouth is at home. To do this, just brush your teeth thoroughly with a refreshing toothpaste. When this seems not enough, you need to take a couple of bay leaves from the shelf and chew them, although they taste somewhat bitter. You can rinse your mouth with a solution by mixing 1.5 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with half a glass of warm boiled water.

Outside the home, as needed, you can always use the following publicly available hygiene products:

  • mint chewing gum or pills;
  • anti-bad breath spray;
  • mouth rinse.

You just need to learn to always keep them with you in your pocket, purse or car glove compartment.

Of course, if you are afraid of an unpleasant smell, you should not completely give up eating your favorite vegetable, which can not only enrich the taste of many dishes, but also improve your health. Using simple means of combating the smell of garlic, you can not change your preferences, not get sick, and at the same time maintain the love and respect of loved ones.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Garlic is a plant that has a large number of healing properties; it is successfully used in cooking, alternative medicine, and goes harmoniously with meat, vegetable, and fish dishes. The vegetable is added to soup, salad, marinade. But garlic has a clear drawback - a specific, persistent aroma that is undesirable when communicating. The plant may contain compounds that, in combination with oral bacteria, cause a similar effect.

After consuming the product, the task arises: how to eliminate the unpleasant aroma? There are known ways to achieve the desired result without outside help. The best thing is to prevent it from happening. Drink milk before eating. Calcium contained in the product interferes with the aroma of the plant. To sharply knock down the existing amber, different methods are used.

If you have eaten garlic and need to remove the aroma in a short time, refreshing preparations will come to the rescue. Found at the pharmacy kiosk. The price is affordable.

Use products based on natural products. They give freshness to your breath. The main thing is not to harm the stomach or oral mucosa. Preparations with the addition of mint, sage, chamomile, calendula, citrus fruits, and berries will have a beneficial effect. Please note that the duration of action is no more than 60 minutes. Then the cavity treatment will have to be repeated.

Products from the Swiss line R.O.C.S, the German line LACALUT, the Italian line PRESIDENT, the American line AMWAY, and the Russian line “Forest Balsam” are often recommended. Dentists offer patients to use solutions for dental pain: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. The main condition is the absence of alcohol in the composition.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules

Hygiene procedures will easily help fight off the smell emitted by garlic and onions.

  • Brush your teeth after eating food directly. The duration of the procedure should exceed 5 minutes.
  • Remove deposits on the tongue with the back of the brush. This helps get rid of the unwanted effect.
  • Dentists recommend using dental floss, freeing the interdental space from trapped pieces.

Eliminate odor with nuts

Nuts are an effective way to cope with difficulties that arise. Generations of experience have proven that eating nuts after dishes cooked with garlic immediately suppresses the flavor. Already in the stomach, the nuts will begin to kill the essential compound, which results in a special smell. If you are going to try garlic dishes, stock up on walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. Muscat should be consumed with caution, adding it to a finished dish, or eating it raw.

In case of repeated consumption of the plant, you will have to use the help of nuts often: immediately after the end of a meal, or at another time. If you do not follow the recommendations, after the body processes the eaten fruits, the essential compounds of garlic will continue to release unpleasant fumes during respiration.

Bay leaf help

If a person wants to hide the use of garlic, a bay leaf will help. Its components are essential oils that can remain in the body for a long time, along with the effect of the garlic compound. To get rid of the unwanted effect, take peeled bay tree leaves and chew for 5 minutes. The taste sensations cannot be called pleasant. During this time, the required amount of oils will enter the gastrointestinal tract, and the odor will be neutralized in the mouth and stomach.

Citruses in the fight against aroma

An effective home method is to eat a slice of orange, tangerine, lemon, pomelo, or grapefruit. Add fruit to salads. The ability to suppress odors is inherent in fresh citrus fruits. If you expose them to heat, it will not be possible to cope with the task.

Do not think that only raw fruits are suitable for consumption. It is possible to create a drink or mouth rinse from them. Take an apple and lemon, chop and pour mineral water. You can use the resulting mixture at your discretion.

The peel is the most effective part of the citrus fruit. It suppresses unwanted odor and makes breathing pleasant for others and the person himself. To achieve the desired result, take the peel of a tangerine or orange and chew it.

Mint and other aromatic herbs eliminate unwanted aroma

Pleasant herbs include essential oils. Within a short period of time, they are able to suppress the resulting odor. If you have freshly picked herbs, just rinse them in clean water and chew them for a few minutes. The dried product requires additional processing. It is supposed to be boiled and used as tea leaves. The resulting drug is recommended for use externally and internally.

Coltsfoot, St. John's wort, mint, yarrow, chamomile, and calendula will successfully help cope with the unpleasant sensation.

Green tea - a way to cope with garlic odor

The way to get rid of the smell of garlic by resorting to green tea is to drink the drink immediately after taking garlic. Remember, if the tea is too hot, the strong aroma will become stronger, wait until the tea is warm and drink. The tea collects essential oils that produce aroma when left in the mouth for a short time. To achieve the optimal effect, drink slowly, in small sips.

Other ways to eliminate repellent odors

It is not difficult to overcome the garlic smell. You will need to eat foods that will successfully cope with the task. The content of essential oils is welcome. Let's turn to folk wisdom:

  • Use fresh coffee beans, fry them in a frying pan, chew them, and at the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water. Then you can calmly communicate with people around you without worrying about anything.
  • If you want the effect to be eliminated in the stomach, slowly chew dill, parsley, and resort to eating wild garlic.
  • Spices and seasoning have an eliminating effect. Cinnamon, cardamom, star anise or cloves will remove garlic from your breath in two minutes. This method is absolutely edible.
  • Take three tablets of activated charcoal.
  • Chew menthol gum.
  • Rinse your mouth with the mixture: add a teaspoon of salt, soda, dry mustard to a glass of warm water. Rinse lasts 3 minutes.

How persistent is the unpleasant odor, and how quickly does it disappear?

It is known that the cause of the phenomenon that bothers a person after eating garlic is ethereal compounds. They are perceived extremely negatively by the body. The smell stays in the stomach for a long time, is transferred to the blood, reaches the lungs and penetrates the subcutaneous tissue. There is no immediate possibility of getting it out. The process takes more than two days. This means that people around are forced to inhale an unpleasant odor. Eliminating it with the help of healthy foods and spices will not give the desired result; essential oils will already be absorbed by the body.

The unwanted odor will not have time to penetrate the body; it must be neutralized in the first two hours after eating garlic. If food was taken in the evening, and the fight against the consequences began in the morning, harmful compounds had time to end up in the body’s blood. Any action will not give the desired effect. It will not be possible to drown out the smell.

How can you tell if a person has a garlic aroma?

The repulsive smell bothers everyone. Imagine: the smell of fresh garlic eaten comes from those nearby. They avoid them, trying not to inhale the fumes. To avoid undesirable situations, you will have to learn to determine how strongly this aroma manifests itself when eating garlic. This is not difficult to achieve.

Take a glass or plastic cup, press it tightly to your mouth, exhale. Quickly bring the contents to your nose and smell the contents. If an unpleasant odor is in the air, eliminate the consequences immediately. The sensation of garlic amber is easily determined by saliva. Lick your wrist, smell the area. The ideal option is to ask loved ones to give their impressions of the quality of their breathing.

Eating garlic is good for human health. The exception is persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people eat garlic both fresh, dried, and pickled, after which the smell is immediately noticeable to others. The persistent odor appears due to the essential oils contained in the plant. The specific aroma sticks firmly to the skin and mucous membranes, and is difficult to remove even by brushing your teeth and washing your hands.

Folk remedies against the smell of garlic in the mouth

Garlic has a specific aroma due to the presence of allicin. One meal consisting of foods that neutralize its effect will help restore fresh breath at home. Before brushing your teeth, you should eat certain fruits, vegetables, herbs or spices. Hygiene procedures are recommended to be carried out after meals.


  • peach;
  • pears;
  • apricot;
  • apple;
  • prunes;
  • plums

The zest of lemon, orange, and tangerine has the same properties.

Vegetables and greens

Potatoes cooked in any way suppresses the pungent odor. Spinach, herbs and parsley roots can cope with the problem. You need to chew them immediately after eating garlic.

Nuts and seasoning

To get rid of garlic smell, chew walnuts, pine nuts or almonds for 2 minutes and then spit them out. Repeat this manipulation 3 times.

If there are no nuts in the kitchen, spices will do: cloves, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom.


Black and green tea freshen your breath after spicy and spicy dishes, including garlic. For a lasting effect, add mint or a slice of lemon to your tea.

REMEMBER! Using mint gum or menthol toothpaste will only make your breath smell worse.


To get rid of garlic odor, brush your teeth using dental floss and mouth freshener. Pay special attention to the tongue and cheeks. Microparticles of plant fibers remain on the mucous membrane.

The best remedies for the smell of garlic on the skin of the hands

The aroma of garlic remains on the hands for a long time and does not disappear after washing the palms with running water.

You can solve the problem if:

  1. Rub your hands thoroughly with soap. Pay special attention to your nails, as essential oils penetrate deeply into the nail plate. Then rinse your hands with lemon juice or rub with lemon peel.
  2. After contact with garlic, treat your palms with sunflower oil.
  3. Rinse with dish soap and apply moisturizer.

For maximum effect, use all methods in turn.

Video tips

The benefits and harms of garlic

Garlic is a valuable low-calorie food product containing a lot of vitamins and microelements. However, it should be used with caution, and not as a panacea for all diseases. After all, garlic also contains toxic substances.


  • The greatest effect is obtained from eating garlic raw.
  • Regular consumption of food reduces the risk of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
  • The plant is effective for the prevention of intestinal infections.
  • Garlic has a beneficial effect on joint cartilage.
  • Fibers cause blood vessels to dilate and reduce blood pressure.
  • Garlic is recommended for men suffering from prostatitis and problems with potency.


  • Persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) should limit the consumption of fresh garlic.
  • Consumption can cause headaches and epilepsy attacks.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to eat garlic.

Excessive consumption of garlic will not improve your well-being, but will cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The permissible amount is 1 – 2 cloves per day.

Before eating garlic, drink a glass of milk or yogurt. The calcium contained in the product neutralizes the aroma.

Add parsley leaves to a salad with fresh garlic, which will reduce the strength of the unpleasant odor.

Eat dishes containing garlic with white or gray bread and bad breath will not appear. This advice only applies when they are used simultaneously.

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell of garlic using the special properties of some products. Fresh fruits, herbs and tea will help remove the persistent and pungent aroma from your mouth and hands. To avoid negative health effects, consume garlic with caution by following our tips and recommendations.

We'll tell you how to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth quickly at home. People often use this product both to prevent colds and viral diseases, and as a tasty aromatic seasoning for dishes. Often, various medicinal products are made on its basis to help cope with many diseases.

But after that the person always smells unpleasant for a very long time. And if there is a business meeting, an important conversation or a romantic dinner, then you often have to refuse a tasty and healthy product. But you don’t need to do this, since there are simple products at hand that can quickly neutralize garlic amber.

Why doesn't whole garlic smell?

You've probably already noticed that a head or even a clove of garlic itself has no smell. Until the process of destruction of cells and membranes begins, a specific aroma is not released. And all because its appearance is promoted by two main substances:

  • alliinase is an enzyme;
  • and alliin is one of the important amino acids.

Nature itself came up with such a unique structure in order to protect garlic from pests and rodents. It is worth noting the fact that the released hydrogen sulfide compounds also have strong bactericidal properties. But they only appear when these two components - alliinase and alliin - interact.

Therefore, a whole head of garlic does not smell, since there is no reason for the appearance of aromatic compounds. But you shouldn’t expect the expected therapeutic effect from such a product either. For example, if you eat it in the form of uncut cloves so that your breath does not smell when talking, then the bactericidal properties of garlic will not appear.

The mechanism of garlic odor formation

The aroma from this product appears only when the so-called allicin is created. This name refers directly to a whole complex of hydrogen sulfide compounds, which are the result of a chemical reaction when alliin and alliinase meet. Scientists counted about 70 such formations, but gave them one common name.

These biologically active substances have bactericidal properties; they can kill pathogens, improve the functioning of the immune system and help a person get rid of colds and other diseases faster. Doctors often say that during the period of viruses, every child and adult should consume this product daily.

But to use the valuable properties of garlic, you need to understand how allicin is formed. Thus, each cell contains both alliinase and alliin. But they are separated from each other by membranes and only when the membrane is destroyed do they begin to actively interact. An unpleasant odor indicates the appearance of hydrogen sulfide compounds. And the smaller you crush, cut or chew the garlic, the stronger the aroma and the higher the bactericidal properties.

Allicin is a very unstable substance. When subjected to heat or any other treatment, it quickly collapses. Therefore, it is better to add garlic to the dish at the very end. If you expose it to marinades or heat treatment, or keep it in the air for too long, then all its healing properties are reduced.

Even with long-term storage in the general state, over time the amount of active substances necessary for the formation of allicin is greatly reduced. Therefore, fresh young garlic has many more beneficial properties than one that has been sitting in a warehouse all winter.

How to quickly remove the smell of garlic at home?

Many people are concerned about how long this taste, bitterness and aroma lasts. The bad news is that this smell is very persistent and bright, it remains in the human body for up to 70 hours and is released not only from the mouth, but also by other systems - the kidneys, lungs, skin. Over the next 2-3 days you will smell garlic from sweat, urine and through your breath.

But it's not that difficult to kill him. To do this, it is enough to use simple products and remedies that you most often have at hand at home.

Hygiene procedures

First of all, after a feast where garlic was found in the dishes, you need to carry out the usual manipulations:

  • toothbrush and toothpaste, preferably the latter has a pronounced mint aroma;
  • it is important to pay attention to the surface of the tongue, which is cleaned using a special scraper;
  • additionally, to get rid of product residues in the interdental space;
  • you can rinse your mouth with special pharmaceutical products that contain cetylpyridinium chloride or have antibacterial properties;
  • if, then it will help to treat all surfaces of the mucous membrane as much as possible and remove any remnants of hydrogen sulfide compounds.


Various foods can also help get rid of the smell of garlic in your mouth. And if, for example, you plan your lunch or dinner in such a way that they are on the table along with garlic, then consuming them after eating a flavorful dish can immediately neutralize the unpleasant consequences for breathing.

Pay attention to these:

  1. Fruits, especially those that can oxidize. If the flesh quickly darkens when biting or peeling, then they are suitable for neutralizing unpleasant odors. This happens because such an oxidative process gives the desired chemical reaction with esters of hydrogen sulfide compounds. These fruits include apples, pears, plums, grapes, cherries, apricots, peaches and prunes.
  2. Some vegetables are often found in dishes together with garlic, which prevents it from spreading its smell after eating them together - potatoes, eggplant, parsley root, salad.
  3. Almost any herbs and spices have a good deodorizing effect - rosemary, basil, parsley, dill, bay leaf, spinach, etc. Just chew a leaf after lunch and you don’t have to worry about the unpleasant odor.
  4. The crust of bread has a similar effect.
  5. Various hard fruits, such as nuts, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, cardamom, etc. For example, nutmeg is a leader in eliminating the smell of garlic and alcohol. But you can choose any others (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts or seeds) to get rid of bad breath in a short time.


You can use another method - wash down the garlic with something:

  • milk - works even if consumed half an hour before a meal, since it contains enough fatty substances that can dissolve and neutralize hydrogen sulfide compounds;
  • green tea – rich in phenols and other healing components, due to which it not only has a positive effect on human health, but also freshens breath;
  • juices from sour berries or fruits (lemon, cranberry, grapefruit, lime) - due to a sharp change in pH in the stomach and the active secretion of bile, they can eliminate garlic amber;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, fenugreek seeds have proven themselves well in this regard, for which they are infused in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then used as rinses.

Video: how to quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth?

What else can help?

To neutralize the unpleasant odor from garlic or any others (onions, alcohol), you can use other methods:

  • activated carbon quickly cleanses the body of any secretions, for which it is enough to drink 2-6 tablets at once (the dosage depends on the person’s weight);
  • chewing gum without sugar with any refreshing flavor (mint, lemon, menthol, cinnamon), however, its effect is limited to a short period of time;
  • if you chew the skin of a lemon or any other citrus fruit, the effect will also be noticeable and quite pleasant;
  • Pharmacies sell special capsules called “Anti-police” and help cope not only with the unpleasant consequences of drinking alcohol, but also with the smell of garlic.

It is worth noting that rinsing with any product containing alcohol does not help get rid of the strong aroma. On the contrary, they significantly enhance it and cause dry mouth.

If immediately after the feast it was not important to you that an unpleasant odor appeared, but the next morning it became a problem because you need to go to work, you should use one of the methods described above. To do this, carry out your usual morning hygiene procedures. For breakfast, it is better to drink a glass of milk, green tea, and eat fruits or vegetables from the specified list. Then the garlic amber will not bother you all day.

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