Directions. Light treatment or how a chromotherapy device will help Chromotherapy contraindications

Chromotherapy is a non-contact method of light and color treatment, the effectiveness of which has been scientifically proven. It is based on the fact that light, being electromagnetic radiation, penetrates tissue and carries the necessary energy. All colors have their own radiation, carrying one or another information. The effect of the appropriate color on a specific internal organ can be healing. Chromotherapy is used to treat not only physical, but also mental diseases and disorders. Color therapy can be both physical and suggestive.

Psychologically, different colors affect the state and internal balance of each person at any moment: activity, relaxation, emotional stability, etc. That is, they have a direct effect that can be programmed. Scientific research in recent years shows that they physically affect all people without exception, regardless of the attitude of a particular individual to any of them. The properties of specific colors are well known, and using them separately or together, excellent results can be achieved.

Color concept
Color is a colored light flux of varying intensity, and light is energy. Scientists have found that physiological changes occur in the human body under the influence of certain colors. Colors can stimulate, excite, suppress, calm, increase and suppress appetite, create a feeling of cold or warmth. This phenomenon is called "chromodynamics". Ancient civilizations worshiped the sun, the source of light and color. Color therapy adjusts our biological clock, restores the immune, reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems.

Psychology of color
As already mentioned, different colors have different effects on us. For example, blue and cyan relieve headaches, red causes increased blood pressure, and digestive problems are relieved by yellow, green and blue. Yellow also helps in the treatment of certain mental illnesses and disorders. Violet and purple are commonly associated with the head and intellect; red is with the heart, and yellow, blue and green are with the digestive organs.

Warm colors - yellow, red and orange - are traditionally associated with warmth, sun and fire, while blue, cyan, green and violet are associated with the coolness of foliage, sea and sky. Warm colors evoke more pleasant associations than cool colors. Our subjective psychological reactions play an important role in chromotherapy. Primary colors relate to the body, intellect, emotions and maintaining harmony between them.

The psychological properties of these eleven primary colors are briefly described below. Each of them has both positive and negative properties. Please note that these properties are symbolic only.

Red symbolizes courage, bravery, physical strength, activity, warmth, energy, stimulation, masculinity and excitement. Negative connotations: challenge, aggression, violence.

Blue is the color of intelligence. It symbolizes intelligence, communication, trust, calm, duty, rationalism and logic. Negative connotations: coldness, lack of emotion and closedness.

Yellow is the color of emotions. It is used to signify optimism, self-confidence, respect, emotional strength and creativity. Negative characteristics of yellow: emotional instability, irrationality, fear, vulnerability and anxiety.

Purple is the color of spirituality, symbolizing spiritual development, visionary gift, luxury, truth and authenticity. Negative connotations: withdrawn and suppressed emotions.

The color orange symbolizes warmth, security, sensuality, passion and exuberance, as well as frivolity, frivolity and immaturity.

Pink signifies physical calm, femininity, love and sexual desire. Negative connotations: repressed feelings, emotional claustrophobia and physical weakness.

Gray symbolizes both psychological neutrality and self-doubt, depression and apathy.

Black is a symbol of sophistication, glamour, security, emotional safety and professionalism. It also speaks of depression, coldness, threat and depression.

White symbolizes hygiene, sterility, purity, clarity and simplicity. On the other hand, it denotes snobbery and incapacity for emotional attachment.

Brown is a symbol of seriousness, warmth, nature and materialism. It also denotes a lack of sense of humor and mundaneness.

Color therapy
Color therapy is widely used to solve both physical and emotional problems. Color therapy methods: exposure to color rays, massage using color therapy oils, viewing and visualizing colors, and even choosing clothes of certain colors and eating foods of a specific color. You can find many color therapy products on sale: oils, bath salts, soaps, meditation cards and glasses.

Oils for color therapy
Color therapy oils supposedly help to store “color” energy. They can be added to bathing water along with bath salts, used for massage or even as perfumes. These sun-charged oils contain the natural colors of various parts of fruits and flowers and are based on jojoba, sunflower and safflower oils.

Bath salt for color therapy
Color Therapy Bath Salts contain natural sea salts that are great for opening pores.
Bath salt with a therapeutic effect helps to relax, restores and tones the skin, and also accelerates wound healing.

Color therapy glasses
Color therapy glasses are lightweight and stylish glasses with colored lenses. Under the influence of daylight, color is activated and enters the body directly - through the eyes.

History of color therapy
As history shows, the connection between light (color) and human health was established many centuries ago. Throughout history, color has played a vital role in the treatment of diseases of varying severity. Even in Ancient Egypt, in the temples of Heliopolis (city of the Sun), the power of color was used for healing. These temples were oriented towards the Sun in such a way that the sunlight, penetrating inside, was divided into seven colors of the rainbow spectrum. And the person suffering from the disease “bathed” in exactly the color that could help him. Thousands of people annually make pilgrimages to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the wonders of the world, to benefit from the healing effects of the flowers of the exotic plants that grow there.

Indian doctors practicing Ayurveda taught their followers that each of the seven chakras (energy centers on the human body) corresponds to a specific color. Chakras, in turn, are responsible for certain organs, emotions and spiritual aspects. Color therapy in its modern form, as we know it, originated and took shape in the 17th century, when the famous English philosopher and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton conducted a series of experiments with a prism and demonstrated that light is a combination of colors in the visible spectrum.

For treatment, the therapist selects colors suitable for eliminating the identified pathology after a three-level diagnosis: anatomical, energetic and psychological. There are two types of chromotherapy:

Luminescent chromotherapy (light therapy) is a method of exposure to colored light rays obtained by passing white light through color filters. Luminescent chromotherapy helps reduce traumatic pain, and also improves memory, relieves anxiety, stress and depression.

Molecular chromotherapy uses waves of the same length as fluorescent chromotherapy, but in this case the color filters are represented not by light, but by substance. Molecular chromotherapy is applied at two levels: at the skin level (applying ointments) and at the oral level (taking liquids or homeopathic remedies).

By observing which colors evoke positive emotions in a person and which ones cause rejection, the therapist learns more about the patient’s psychological state. So, if the patient chooses dark colors, he needs rest and stress relief.

* For the treatment of serious diseases, you should use traditional methods of medicine, not color therapy.

* Patients with epilepsy undergoing treatment are advised not to look at flashing lights.

*If you are taking medications as prescribed by your doctor, read all package information carefully to make sure the medication does not cause side effects when your skin is exposed to bright light.

Indications for color therapy

* Insomnia or chronic lack of sleep. Chromotherapy is used to restore normal sleep patterns in people who cannot sleep at night, as well as in those who wake up early in the morning or at night.

* Depression, chronic anxiety or stress

* Premenstrual syndrome

* Panic attacks

* Jet lag due to transatlantic flights

* Eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia

* Psoriasis

* Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), caused by a lack of full spectrum radiation.

*UV light (sun lamps) sometimes helps neutralize toxins in the body.

* Irradiation of blood with UV radiation kills microbes - viruses, bacteria, fungi, and neutralizes toxins in the body.

Chromotherapy and Feng Shui
According to the principles of Feng Shui, color directly affects a person’s well-being. Therefore, the colors used in Feng Shui correspond to the five elements of nature: the earth is symbolized by yellow; fire - red; water - black; tree - green; and metal corresponds to white. These colors are used to bring energies into a state of harmony and stimulate certain reactions in the body. Chromotherapy is a non-contact method of healing with light and color. It is based on the fact that light, being electromagnetic radiation, penetrating through tissues carries the energy and information necessary for the body. It has been established that the mechanism of many diseases is caused by a violation of color harmony, a deficiency of a certain color necessary for normal life.

By replenishing the missing color, you can restore the disturbed balance, improve your physical and mental state, and restore your health.

Contraindications: mental illness.

Since ancient times, people have used the healing properties of color. There is even mention of color treatment in the works of the famous Avicenna. Chromotherapy, as a science, appeared in the 19th century; since then, research has been conducted on the effect of each specific color on a person’s physical and emotional health.

What is chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a treatment technique using light and color. The bottom line is that light, representing electromagnetic waves of different lengths (the color depends on it), penetrates through tissue and carries with it a certain energy. Moreover, each color has its own radiation, as a result of which different colors have different effects on human health.

Chromotherapy methods

There are quite a few ways to use chromotherapy: lighting, meditation, visualization, colors of clothing and interior, colored food, glasses with colored lenses, colored crystals and stones. Let's take a closer look at several popular methods:

  • Lighting. You can simply enjoy the desired color through lighting. This can be various colored lamps, candles in tall glass candlesticks of the desired color, lighting for baths, showers, saunas and swimming pools.
  • Colors in the interior. They should be given special attention because they have a virtually continuous influence on you. The right color will help make the room cozy and harmonious, and will also improve your mood and well-being.
  • Colors in clothes. Clothes can and should be of different colors. You should choose clothes based on your physical and emotional state. For example, if you don’t have enough energy, you can wear something red, but if, on the contrary, you need to calm down, an outfit in blue shades is suitable. However, it should be remembered that colors have quite a strong influence. And if you, for example, suffer from hypertension, you should not wear red clothes, as they can increase your blood pressure, and if you have depression, no gray or blue shades, they will only aggravate this condition.
  • Visualization. They involve looking at an imaginary picture or object of a certain color; it can also be a smooth transition from one color to another. The duration of the process depends on the form and degree of the disease.

The influence of flowers on humans

Red. Stimulates the nervous system, improves blood circulation, releases adrenaline, and is useful for anemia and hypotension. It is not recommended for use in cases of hypertension, bleeding, or inflammatory processes. Red and hot-tempered people are contraindicated.

Orange. Tones, energizes, improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, and is useful for cramps. In fact, it has no contraindications, however, as with other flowers, moderation in application should be observed.

Yellow. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems, helps to concentrate, stimulates brain activity, and improves memory. It is not recommended to use for insomnia and severe stomach diseases.

Green. Calms, relaxes, helps with diseases of the nervous system, improves vision, lowers blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In fact, it has no contraindications, however, due to its strong relaxing effect, it is not recommended to use green color at times when concentration or quick reaction is required from you.

Blue. Calms, lowers blood pressure, helps with insomnia, and has antiseptic properties. Not recommended for use with hypotension.

Blue. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps with bleeding and rheumatism. It is not recommended for use in depression or depressed states. Due to the strong effect of blue light on the endocrine system, it should be used with extreme caution.

Violet. It has a beneficial effect on the mental state, lowers blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the heart and lungs, and stimulates creative thinking. Not recommended for use in cases of alcoholism or severe mental illness.

When using chromotherapy, you should remember that only a doctor can select individual treatment. Indeed, despite the external harmlessness of the method, even with the correct selection of color, its excess can lead to unpleasant consequences. And insufficient exposure to color may not have the desired effect, and will make you disappointed in such a wonderful way to gain physical and emotional health.

The effect of color occurs through the receptor apparatus of the eyes, thereby triggering a complex mechanism consisting of several stages. First, chemical processes are launched that lead to a change in the polarity of cells, which is transmitted in the form of electrical impulses to the nervous system and, like wires, reaches the central nervous system, which gives a humoral response in the form of the release of joy hormones.

The therapeutic effect of color through the skin is easily explained by its physical basis, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The body's nerve cells detect the frequency of color radiation and adjust to their rhythm. The correct frequencies are sent to the body's cells and they are programmed to emit healthy impulses.

Chromotherapy: indications and contraindications

Chromotherapy for children and adults is widely used in restorative and rehabilitation medicine, it is especially relevant for the rehabilitation of patients after injuries and operations accompanied by severe pain.

Other indications for chromotherapy include:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Depressive conditions and chronic stress
  • Panic attacks
  • Long flight syndrome
  • Biorhythm imbalance
  • Functional dissonance in the body

Contraindications include the incompatibility of depressive states with black and dark colors, hypertensive patients with red colors and people suffering from epilepsy should exclude flashing effects of the color spectrum.

Basic methods of chromotherapy

  • Luminescent chromotherapy is based on spectral white light passed through prisms and light filters. Indications for use include injuries with severe pain, stress and depression.
  • Molecular therapy, it is based on the effect of colored light passed through the drug substance
  • Visualization, this method is based on viewing images in a clearly defined color scheme

Selective chromotherapy gives a visible effect after a certain period of time. It is necessary to go through the full cycle, then you should constantly consolidate the result. It should be remembered that too much color can harm you, and too little color will not give the desired result.


Chromotherapy is the effect of the color spectrum on a person’s psycho-emotional state and, indirectly, on the vegetative status. The principle underlying the method is called chromodynamics.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that different colors can stimulate, excite, enhance, calm, suppress appetite, create a feeling of warmth or coolness. Most ancient cultures used various natural crystals to refract the sun's rays and create a certain color scheme for the treatment of internal organs. Mystical significance was attributed to this ability of color.

Today, chromotherapy allows you to realize the “magical” properties of the color spectrum in every home, thanks to the simplicity of the technique and the availability of equipment.

How it works

The beneficial effect of color is especially noticeable in the following diseases:

  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative neuroses;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • other diseases with a pronounced vegetative component.

Color waves (electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum) affect the body in two ways - through the iris of the eyes and through the skin. Perceiving color, eye receptors stimulate certain areas of the central nervous system, which contribute to the release of a number of hormones and biologically active substances. This is the therapeutic effect.

Different parts of the color spectrum create different modulation of the neural signal, as a result of which the corresponding parts and structural units of the brain are activated. This is associated with the purposeful action of one color or another.

Different colors are created by electromagnetic waves of different lengths, which act on skin receptors and cause an effect similar to the effect on the retina of the eyes, but photochemical processes are accelerated. This is why chromotherapy is widely used during SPA treatments.

The effect of color on health

The effect of color on the body is objective, as opposed to subjective aesthetic perception. The same color will have the same effect on patients with different color preferences and genetic backgrounds.

  • red has a stimulating effect: increases blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration;
  • orange creates a feeling of well-being and slightly tones;
  • yellow uplifts the mood and enhances concentration and attention;
  • green brings freshness and calm;
  • blue and blue give deep calm and relaxation, a feeling of coolness;
  • purple, like a deeper blue, brings even deeper and more lasting relaxation.

As a therapeutic method, chromotherapy combines well with other treatment courses. For example, it effectively complements hydromassage and other water treatments. In this case, an organic combination of the therapeutic effect is achieved, since water enhances the effect of the light flux. The color effect in the bathroom is realized using special equipment, and the choice of color is made by software; for the user it will be a click of one button.

The effect of the color spectrum on a person’s psycho-emotional state helps cure various diseases. The patient can only use this procedure correctly to maintain his own health.

The influence of color on human life is already a generally accepted fact. When choosing clothes or wallpaper (curtains) for your room, people prefer certain shades . This happens for a reason - the subconscious chooses comfortable living conditions for itself .

This is only one aspect of the role of colors in the universe. If colors can have a calming or stimulating effect on the psyche, why are they not able to affect the health of every cell in the body? This question has concerned scientists for many millennia.

It turns out that color treatment has been known to medicine for a long time - references to chromotherapy are found in ancient treatises dating back to the period BC . Celsus was a proponent of the use of color, making medicines of different colors for his patients. And Avicenna even compiled a special atlas, where he described in detail the relationship of colors with the character, mood and well-being of the patients he examined.

In the East, the spectral effect on humans is still taken as a basis. So they appeared on the domestic market cosmetic preparations of different colors, taking into account different skin types and their problems. What is chromotherapy in facial cosmetology, and you should understand it.

What is the basis

Methods for facial rejuvenation have been created based on chromotherapy

Everything that exists in the universe (even a person and the objects around him) are clots of energy. As is known from physics, it has its own wave, each of which is determined by individual frequency parameters.

Color is a combination of waves with vibrations of a certain frequency. A light is a combination of colors collected into a single spectrum consisting of seven basic colors(from red to purple). The refraction of light rays makes it possible for certain shades to reveal themselves to the world.

Scientists are studying this physical feature in order to subsequently transform all pharmacology into a “rainbow panacea”. But in facial cosmetology, what chromotherapy is is already understood and is actively used in practice.

You will definitely be interested to know what it is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Mechanisms of action

The condition of the skin depends on the health of its cells, in which unusual fluctuations have begun (i.e., changes in color). If we take physical and mechanical properties as a basis in caring for the dermis, then we can understand the term “chromotherapy”. What is this in facial cosmetology, what does it mean for beauty? Here you should consider healing methods of influence.

  • So, the human eye perceives all the oscillatory processes surrounding it in the form of a color spectrum. That's why, in order to trigger any updates (regeneration) in certain cells, it is necessary to influence the subconscious with a specific color .

This stimulation of the nervous system provokes the brain into action, and it gives the command to produce certain hormones that allow facial cells to recover

  • Skin cells can also be affected by a stream of light rays directed at certain areas. To filter out unnecessary parts of the spectrum, special color filters are used. Only waves of the required frequency enter the facial cells, causing a resonant vibration inside, which stimulates the tissues to renew.

Based on this mechanics, methods for rejuvenating and healing the skin on the face have been created.

Color cosmetics

Color cosmetics

Celsus once used special colored adhesive plasters to heal wounds and treat skin diseases. Now You can influence the skin with multi-colored ointments and creams with a specific selection of healing composition.

Beauty salons have long practiced clay wraps of different colors for the entire body and, in particular, face masks. Thanks to natural pigments, as well as the healing properties of cosmetic products, the desired result is achieved.

Those who understand how useful chromotherapy is and what it is in facial cosmetology will not miss the new skin care products that have already appeared on the shelves of Russian stores.

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